1 /** @file messages.h
2  * Razorback API messages.
3  */
7 #include <razorback/visibility.h>
8 #include <razorback/message_formats.h>
9 #include <razorback/types.h>
10 #include <razorback/api.h>
12 #ifdef __cplusplus
13 extern "C" {
14 #endif
16 #define MESSAGE_MODE_BIN 1
17 #define MESSAGE_MODE_JSON 2
19 /** Message Groups
20  * @{
21  */
22 #define MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C   0x10000000  ///< Command And Control
23 #define MESSAGE_GROUP_CACHE     0x20000000  ///< Global Cache
24 #define MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT    0x40000000  ///< Submission
25 #define MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT    0x80000000  ///< Submission
26 /// @}
27 /** Command And Control Messages
28  * @{
29  */
30 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_HELLO          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 1 )   ///< Hello Message
31 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_REG_REQ        ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 2 )   ///< Registration Request
32 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_REG_RESP       ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 3 )   ///< Registration Response
33 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_REG_ERR        ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 4 )   ///< Registration Error
34 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIG_UPDATE  ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 5 )   ///< Configuration Update Notice
35 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIG_ACK     ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 6 )   ///< Configuration Updated OK
36 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_CONFIG_ERR     ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 7 )   ///< Configuration Update Failed
37 #if 0
38 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_STATS_REQ      ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 8 )   ///< Statistics Request
39 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_STATS_RESP     ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 9 )   ///< Statistics Response (With Data)
40 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_STATS_ERR      ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 10 )  ///< Statistics Error
41 #endif
42 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_PAUSE          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 11 )  ///< Pause Processing
43 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_PAUSED         ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 12 )  ///< Pause Confirmation
44 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_GO             ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 13 )  ///< Unpause Processing
45 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_RUNNING        ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 14 )  ///< Unpuase Confirmation
46 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_TERM           ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 15 )  ///< Terminate Processing
47 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_BYE            ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 16 )  ///< Terminating Processing
48 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_CLEAR          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 17 )  ///< Clear Local Cache
49 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_REREG          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_C_AND_C | 18 )  ///< Reregister
50 /// @}
52 /** Global Cache Messages
53  * @{
54  */
55 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_REQ            ( MESSAGE_GROUP_CACHE | 1 ) ///< Global Cache Request
56 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_RESP           ( MESSAGE_GROUP_CACHE | 2 ) ///< Global Cache Response
57 /// @}
59 /** Submission Messages
60  * @{
61  */
62 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_BLOCK          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT | 1 )    ///< Data Block Submission
63 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_JUDGMENT       ( MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT | 2 )    ///< Judgment Submission
64 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_INSPECTION     ( MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT | 3 )    ///< Inspection Submission
65 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_LOG            ( MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT | 4 )    ///< Log Message
66 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_ALERT          ( MESSAGE_GROUP_SUBMIT | 5 )    ///< Alert Message
67 /// @}
69 /** Output Messages
70  * @{
71  */
72 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_ALERT_PRIMARY      ( MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT | 1 )    ///< Block turns to bad
73 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_ALERT_CHILD        ( MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT | 2 )    ///< Block turns to bad due to child
74 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTPUT_EVENT       ( MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT | 3 )    ///< Event Record
75 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTPUT_LOG         ( MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT | 4 )    ///< Log Record
76 #define MESSAGE_TYPE_OUTPUT_INSPECTION  ( MESSAGE_GROUP_OUTPUT | 5 )    ///< Inspection status
77 /// @}
80 /** Message Versions
81  * @{
82  */
83 #define MESSAGE_VERSION_1 1
84 /// @}
86 #define MSG_CNC_HEADER_SOURCE   "Source_Nugget"
87 #define MSG_CNC_HEADER_DEST     "Dest_Nugget"
89 #define DISP_HELLO_FLAG_LM (1 << 0)
90 #define DISP_HELLO_FLAG_LS (1 << 1)
91 #define DISP_HELLO_FLAG_DD (1 << 2)
92 #define DISP_HELLO_FLAG_LF (1 << 3)
94 /** Message handler structure
95  */
96 struct MessageHandler
97 {
98     uint32_t type;											///< Message type code
99     bool (*serialize)(struct Message *msg, int mode);		///< Serialization function pointer
100     bool (*deserialize)(struct Message *msg, int mode);		///< Deserialization function pointer
101     void (*destroy)(struct Message *msg);					///< Destructor function pointer
102 };
104 /** Create a list for storing message headers
105  * @return A new list on success, NULL on failure.
106  */
107 SO_PUBLIC extern struct List * Message_Header_List_Create(void);
109 /** Add a header to a header list structure.
110  * @param headers The header list.
111  * @param name The header name.
112  * @param value The header value.
113  * @return true on success false on failure
114  */
115 SO_PUBLIC extern bool Message_Add_Header(struct List *headers, const char *name, const char *value);
117 /** Register a message handler
118  * @param handler The handler structure.
119  * @return true on success, false on error.
120  */
121 SO_PUBLIC extern bool Message_Register_Handler(struct MessageHandler *handler);
123 /** Get nugget ID headers from a message
124  * @param message The message
125  * @param source The UUID to store the source nugget id in.
126  * @param dest The UUID to store the destination nugget in.
127  * @return true on success, false on error.
128  */
129 SO_PUBLIC extern bool Message_Get_Nuggets(struct Message *message, uuid_t source, uuid_t dest);
131 /** Deserialize an empty message
132  * @param message The message
133  * @param mode Messaging mode.
134  * @return true on success, false on failure.
135  */
136 SO_PUBLIC extern bool Message_Deserialize_Empty(struct Message *message, int mode);
138 /** Deserialize an empty message
139  * @param message The message
140  * @param mode Messaging mode.
141  * @return true on success, false on failure.
142  */
143 SO_PUBLIC extern bool Message_Serialize_Empty(struct Message *message, int mode);
145 /** Create a message with directed message headers on a topic.
146  * @param type Message type.
147  * @param version Message version
148  * @param msgSize Message size
149  * @param source Source nugget UUID
150  * @param dest Destination nugget UUID
151  * @return A new message on success, NULL on failure.
152  */
153 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * Message_Create_Directed(uint32_t type, uint32_t version, size_t msgSize, const uuid_t source, const uuid_t dest);
155 /** Create a message with broadcast message headers on a topic.
156  * @param type Message type.
157  * @param version Message version
158  * @param msgSize Message size
159  * @param source Source nugget UUID
160  * @return A new message on success, NULL on failure.
161  */
162 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * Message_Create_Broadcast(uint32_t type, uint32_t version, size_t msgSize, const uuid_t source);
164 /** Destroy a message.
165  * @param message The message to destroy.
166  */
167 SO_PUBLIC extern void Message_Destroy(struct Message *message);
170 /** Initializes message cache request
171  * @param requestorUUID the requester
172  * @param blockId the block id
173  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
174  */
175 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message*  MessageCacheReq_Initialize (
176                                         const uuid_t requestorUUID,
177                                         const struct BlockId *blockId);
180 /** Initializes message cache response
181  * @param iblockId the block id
182  * @param sfFlags  the code
183  * @param entFlags the code
184  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
185  */
186 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageCacheResp_Initialize (
187                                          const struct BlockId *blockId,
188                                          uint32_t sfFlags, uint32_t entFlags);
191 /** Initializes message block submission
192  * @param event The event
193  * @param reason The submission reason
194  * @param locality The locality the block was stored in.
195  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
196  */
197 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message*  MessageBlockSubmission_Initialize (
198                                                struct Event *event,
199                                                uint32_t reason, uint8_t locality);
202 /** Initializes message block submission
203  * @param reason The judgment type.
204  * @param judgment The judgment data.
205  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
206  */
207 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageJudgmentSubmission_Initialize (
208                                                   uint8_t reason,
209                                                   struct Judgment* judgment);
211 /** Initializes message inspection submission
212  * @param event The event
213  * @param reason the reason
214  * @param localityCount The number of localities the block is stored in
215  * @param locality Array of localities the block is stored in
216  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
217  */
218 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageInspectionSubmission_Initialize (
219                                                     const struct Event *event,
220                                                     uint32_t reason,
221                                                     uint32_t localityCount,
222                                                     uint8_t *localities
223                                                     );
225 /** Initializes a hello message
226  * @param context The context of this message.
227  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
228  */
229 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageHello_Initialize (struct RazorbackContext *context);
232 /** Initializes a registration request message
233  * @param disptacherId Dispatcher to send the request to.
234  * @param sourceNugget the source
235  * @param nuggetTye the nugget type
236  * @param applicationType the application type
237  * @param dataTypeCount the number of data types
238  * @param dataTypeList the data types
239  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
240  */
241 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageRegistrationRequest_Initialize (
242                                                    const uuid_t dispatcherId,
243                                                    const uuid_t sourceNugget,
244                                                    const uuid_t nuggetType,
245                                                    const uuid_t applicationType,
246                                                    uint32_t dataTypeCount,
247                                                    uuid_t * dataTypeList);
250 /** Initializes a registration response message
251  * @param sourceNugget the source
252  * @param destNugget the destination
253  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
254  */
255 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageRegistrationResponse_Initialize (
256                                                     const uuid_t sourceNugget,
257                                                     const uuid_t destNugget);
259 /** Initializes a configuration update message
260  * @param sourceNugget the source
261  * @param destNugget the destination
262  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
263  */
264 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageConfigurationUpdate_Initialize (
265                                                    const uuid_t sourceNugget,
266                                                    const uuid_t destNugget);
269 /** Initializes a configuration acknowledgment message
270  * @param sourceNugget the source
271  * @param destNugget the destination
272  * @param nuggetType the type of nugget
273  * @param applicationType the application type
274  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
275  */
276 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessageConfigurationAck_Initialize (
277                                                 const uuid_t sourceNugget,
278                                                 const uuid_t sestNugget,
279                                                 const uuid_t nuggetType,
280                                                 const uuid_t applicationType);
283 /** Initializes a pause message
284  * @param sourceNugget the source
285  * @param destNugget the destination
286  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
287  */
288 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessagePause_Initialize (
289                                      const uuid_t sourceNugget,
290                                      const uuid_t destNugget);
293 /** Initializes a paused message
294  * @param sourceNugget the source
295  * @param destNugget the destination
296  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
297  */
298 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message* MessagePaused_Initialize (
299                                       const uuid_t sourceNugget,
300                                       const uuid_t destNugget);
303 /** Initializes a go message
304  * @param sourceNugget the source
305  * @param destNugget the destination
306  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
307  */
308 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageGo_Initialize (
309                                   const uuid_t sourceNugget,
310                                   const uuid_t destNugget);
314 /** Initializes a running message
315  * @param sourceNugget the source
316  * @param destNugget the destination
317  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
318  */
319 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageRunning_Initialize (
320                                        const uuid_t sourceNugget,
321                                        const uuid_t destNugget);
324 /** Initializes a terminate message
325  * @param sourceNugget the source
326  * @param destNugget the destination
327  * @param reason the reason
328  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
329  */
330 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageTerminate_Initialize (
331                                          const uuid_t sourceNugget,
332                                          const uuid_t destNugget,
333                                          const uint8_t * reason);
336 /** Initializes a bye message
337  * @param sourceNugget the source
338  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
339  */
340 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageBye_Initialize (
341                                    const uuid_t sourceNugget);
344 /** Initialize a cache clear message
345  * @param sourceNugget the source
346  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
347  */
348 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageCacheClear_Initialize (
349                                    const uuid_t sourceNugget);
351 /** Initialize an error message
352  * @param errorCode The error code
353  * @param message The message text
354  * @param sourceNugget The source
355  * @param destNugget The destination
356  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
357  */
358 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message * MessageError_Initialize (
359                                     uint32_t errorCode,
360                                     const char *message,
361                                     const uuid_t sourceNugget,
362                                     const uuid_t destNugget);
364 /** Initialize a log message
365  * @param nuggetId The source nugget.
366  * @param priority The message level
367  * @param message The message text.
368  * @param eventId The optional event id, use NULL if no event is linked to this log message.
369  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
370  */
371 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message *
372 MessageLog_Initialize (
373                          const uuid_t nuggetId,
374                          uint8_t priority,
375                          char *message,
376                          struct EventId *eventId);
378 /** Initialize a primary alert message
379  * @param event The event that triggered inspection
380  * @param block The block that triggered the alert.
381  * @param metadata The alert metadata.
382  * @param nugget The inspector that triggered the alert.
383  * @param judgment The judgment data from the inspector.
384  * @param new_SF_Flags Post alert block SF Flags
385  * @param new Ent_Flags Post alert block Enterprise flags.
386  * @param old_SF_Flags Pre alert block SF Flags
387  * @param old_Ent_Flags Pre alert block Enterprise flags.
388  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
389  */
390 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message *
391 MessageAlertPrimary_Initialize (
392                                    struct Event *event,
393                                    struct Block *block,
394                                    struct List *metadata,
395                                    struct Nugget *nugget,
396                                    struct Judgment *judgment,
397                                    uint32_t new_SF_Flags, uint32_t new_Ent_Flags,
398                                    uint32_t old_SF_Flags, uint32_t old_Ent_Flags);
400 /** Initialize a child alert message
401  * @param block The block that has changed state.
402  * @param child The child block that triggered the state change.
403  * @param nugget The nugget that sent the alert.
404  * @param parentCount The number of blocks that have this block as a parent.
405  * @param eventCount The number of events associated with this block.
406  * @param new_SF_Flags Post alert block SF Flags
407  * @param new Ent_Flags Post alert block Enterprise flags.
408  * @param old_SF_Flags Pre alert block SF Flags
409  * @param old_Ent_Flags Pre alert block Enterprise flags.
410  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
411  */
412 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message *
413 MessageAlertChild_Initialize (
414                                    struct Block *block,
415                                    struct Block *child,
416                                    struct Nugget *nugget,
417                                    uint64_t parentCount, uint64_t eventCount,
418                                    uint32_t new_SF_Flags, uint32_t new_Ent_Flags,
419                                    uint32_t old_SF_Flags, uint32_t old_Ent_Flags);
421 /** Initialize an event output message
422  * @param event The event that has occurred.
423  * @param nugget The nugget that created the event.
424  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
425  */
426 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message *
427 MessageOutputEvent_Initialize (
428                                    struct Event *event,
429                                    struct Nugget *nugget);
431 /** Initialize a log output message
432  * @param log The log message received to be output
433  * @param nugget The nugget that sent the log message.
434  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
435  */
436 SO_PUBLIC extern struct Message *
437 MessageOutputLog_Initialize (
438                                    struct MessageLogSubmission *log,
439                                    struct Nugget *nugget);
441 /** Initialize an inspection status output message.
442  * @param nugget The nugget that is inspecting the block
443  * @param blockId The block ID of the block being inspected.
444  * @param reason The reason for this output.
445  * @param final Is this the last inspection to complete.
446  * @return A new message on success,  NULL On failure.
447  */
448 SO_PUBLIC struct Message *
449 MessageOutputInspection_Initialize (
450                                    struct Nugget *nugget,
451                                    struct BlockId *blockId,
452                                    uint8_t reason,
453                                    bool final);
455 #ifdef __cplusplus
456 }
457 #endif