1 /*  $Id: vibmouse.h,v 6.2 2004/04/01 13:43:09 lavr Exp $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * Author:  Denis Vakatov
27 *
28 * File Description:
29 *   menu-driven interface to manage mouse-event callbacks
30 *   program interface to describe groups of mouse-event callbacks
31 *
32 * ==========================================================================
33 * $Log: vibmouse.h,v $
34 * Revision 6.2  2004/04/01 13:43:09  lavr
35 * Spell "occurred", "occurrence", and "occurring"
36 *
37 * Revision 6.1  1999/04/06 14:23:26  lewisg
38 * add opengl replacement for viewer3d
39 *
40 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:57:23  madden
41 * Revision changed to 6.0
42 *
43 * Revision 1.1  1997/03/20 16:23:48  vakatov
44 * Initial revision
45 *
46 *
47 * ==========================================================================
48 */
50 #ifndef VIBMOUSE_H
51 #define VIBMOUSE_H
53 /* #include <vibrant.h> lyg */
54 #include <vibtypes.h>
55 #include <vibprocs.h>
58 #ifdef __cplusplus
59 extern "C" {
60 #endif
63 /* The mouse action callback types and modifiers(enumerated)
64  */
65 typedef enum
66 {
67   MK_Normal = 0,
68   MK_Shift,
69   MK_Ctrl,
71   /* this one must not be used by the user -- for internal affairs only!     */
72   /* (in internals, it means that presently there is no action "in progress" */
73   MK_Default
74 }
75 enumMKey;
78 typedef enum
79 {
80   MA_Click = 0,
81   MA_Press,
82   MA_DClick,
83   MA_Hold,
84   MA_Drag,
85   MA_Release,
86   MA_Cancel,
88   /* insensitive to the modifier keys */
89   MA_Init,
90   MA_Done,
92   /* this one must not be used by the user -- for internal affairs only! */
93   MA_Default
94 }  enumMAction;
97 /*---[ MA_Create ]----------------------------------------
98  * Create new set of the MA(Mouse-Action) controls;
99  *  settle these as a system of pulldown menus attached
100  *  to the menu(s) "group_menu" and/or "action_menu";
101  *  the latter two can be NULL and can be the same menu or submenu.
102  * (If "menu" == NULL then just do not create an interface.)
103  * Return handler of the created MA.
104  */
105 struct _MA;
106 typedef struct _MA PNTR MAPtr;
108 extern MAPtr MA_Create(Nlm_MenU group_menu, Nlm_MenU action_menu);
111 /*---[ MA_AddAction ]----------------------------------------------------
112  * For MA controls "ma": register new mouse action of type "type",
113  * having the callback function "func", user data "data"(may be NULL)
114  * and name "name"(may be NULL).
115  */
116 struct _MAction;
117 typedef struct _MAction PNTR MActionPtr;
119 typedef struct
120 {
121   Nlm_PoinT start;
122   Nlm_PoinT end;
123 }
124 MA_Trace, PNTR MA_TracePtr;
126 /* Type of the user-defined callback function
127  */
128 typedef void (*MA_Func)  PROTO (
129 (
130  MAPtr       ma,     /* handle of the MA controls */
131  MA_TracePtr trace,  /* aux. memory area(unique for each MA) */
132  Nlm_PoinT       point,  /* present coordinates of the mouse */
133  VoidPtr     extra   /* extra data(specified by user in MA_AddAction()) */
134  )
135 );
137 extern MActionPtr MA_AddAction(MAPtr            ma,
138                                enumMKey         mod_key,
139                                enumMAction      type,
140                                MA_Func          func,
141                                VoidPtr          data,
142                                const Char PNTR  name);
144 /* Dummy callback to use in MA_AddAction() -- just for user's convenience */
145 extern void DoNothingMA(MAPtr ma, MA_TracePtr trace, Nlm_PoinT point,
146                         VoidPtr extra);
149 /*---[ MA_SetAction ]----------------------------------------------------
150  * Set the "action".
151  * If the action of this type is marked as "only" then:
152  *   if "can_unset_group" is TRUE then the relevant group will be unset,
153  *   else do nothing and return FALSE.
154  * NOTE: The "action" must not be NULL
155  */
156 extern Boolean MA_SetAction(MActionPtr action, Boolean can_unset_group);
159 /*---[ MA_UnsetAll ]----------------------------------------------------
160  * Disable all currently set mouse actions.
161  */
162 extern Boolean MA_UnsetAll(MAPtr ma);
165 /*---[ MA_AddGroup ]-----------------------------------------------------
166  * Register new mouse action group.
167  * The "name" must not be NULL and different groups must have different names;
168  * all enlisted mouse actions must be registered by the moment by the means of
169  * "Nlm_AddAction()" and must have different types(in the sense of the
170  * ("enumMKey", "enumMAction") unique pair).
171  * "only" == MA_ONLY means that the relevant "action" cannot be later changed
172  * without unsetting the whole group.
173  * NOTE: The last argument *must* be NULL!
174  */
175 struct _MA_Group;
176 typedef struct _MA_Group PNTR MA_GroupPtr;
179 #define MA_SHARED ((long)0)
180 #define MA_ONLY   ((long)1)
181 extern MA_GroupPtr MA_AddGroup(MAPtr ma,  const Char PNTR name,
182                                MActionPtr action, long only,
183                                /* and more pairs: <action>, <only>; */
184                                /* then, the last arg. must be NULL! */
185                                ...);
188 /*---[ MA_SetGroup ]-----------------------------------------------------
189  * Set the "group"'s mouse actions.
190  * The "only"-actions of this group will replace any currently active
191  * actions;  if one of these replaces an "only" action of another
192  * (presently active) group then the whole latter group will be unset.
193  * The non-"only"-actions will replace any presently active non-"only"
194  * actions.
195  * NOTE: The "group" must not be NULL
196  */
197 extern Boolean MA_SetGroup(MA_GroupPtr group);
200 /*---[ MA_SetGroup ]-----------------------------------------------------
201  * Unset the group of mouse actions.
202  * Only "only" actions of the group will be disabled.
203  * NOTE:  "group" must not be NULL
204  */
205 extern Boolean MA_UnsetGroup(MA_GroupPtr group);
208 /*---[ MA_LinkPanel ]----------------------------------------------------
209  * Wrap the control over the "panel"' mouse events into the "ma";
210  * NOTE: Previously specified mouse-event handlers and first
211  *       sizeof(MAPtr) bytes of 'extra' data of the "panel" will be
212  *       overwritten and then used by the MA internals! (Thus, the
213  *       panel's extra data must have size at least sizeof(MAPtr).)
214  */
215 extern Boolean MA_LinkPanel(MAPtr ma, Nlm_PaneL panel);
218 /*---[ MA_GetPanel ]-----------------------------------------------------
219  * Get handle of the panel presently linked to the "ma"
220  */
221 extern Nlm_PaneL MA_GetPanel(MAPtr ma);
224 /*---[ MA_UnlinkPanel ]--------------------------------------------------
225  * Give away the control over the mouse events occurred in the
226  * panel(if any) presently wrapped by "ma";  disable all mouse handlers
227  * previously set for this panel
228  */
229 extern void MA_UnlinkPanel(MAPtr ma);
232 /*---[ MA_[Set/Get]Visible ]---------------------------------------------
233  * Set/Get visibility of the MA controls referenced by "ma"
234  */
235 extern Boolean MA_SetVisible(MAPtr ma, Boolean visibility);
236 extern Boolean MA_GetVisible(MAPtr ma);
239 /*---[ MA_[Set/Get]Extra ]-----------------------------------------------
240  * Set/Get extra data pointer of the MA controls referenced by "ma"
241  */
242 extern void    MA_SetExtra(MAPtr ma, VoidPtr extra);
243 extern VoidPtr MA_GetExtra(MAPtr ma);
246 /*---[ MA_Reset ]--------------------------------------------------------
247  * Reset the MA internals and interface to the "just born" state -- i.e.
248  * as if it was just created by the MA_Create() function
249  * (extra & panel will be reset as well!)
250  */
251 extern void MA_Reset(MAPtr ma);
254 /*---[ MA_Destroy ]------------------------------------------------------
255  * Destroy the MA internal structures and user interface controls
256  */
257 extern void MA_Destroy(MAPtr ma);
260 #ifdef __cplusplus
261 }
262 #endif
264 #endif  /* VIBMOUSE_H */