1 /* $RCSfile$
2  * $Author: hansonr $
3  * $Date: 2006-05-13 19:17:06 -0500 (Sat, 13 May 2006) $
4  * $Revision: 5114 $
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2003-2005  Miguel, Jmol Development, www.jmol.org
7  *
8  * Contact: jmol-developers@lists.sf.net
9  *
10  *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11  *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
12  *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
13  *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
21  *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
22  *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
23  */
24 package org.jmol.quantum;
26 import java.io.BufferedReader;
27 import java.util.Hashtable;
28 import java.util.Map;
29 import java.util.Map.Entry;
31 import javajs.util.BS;
32 import javajs.util.Lst;
33 import javajs.util.Measure;
34 import javajs.util.PT;
35 import javajs.util.SB;
36 import javajs.util.V3;
38 import org.jmol.api.JmolNMRInterface;
39 import org.jmol.modelset.Atom;
40 import org.jmol.modelset.Bond;
41 import org.jmol.modelset.MeasurementData;
42 import org.jmol.modelset.Model;
43 import org.jmol.quantum.NMRNoeMatrix.NOEParams;
44 import org.jmol.util.Edge;
45 import org.jmol.util.Escape;
46 import org.jmol.util.Logger;
47 import org.jmol.util.Tensor;
48 import org.jmol.viewer.FileManager;
49 import org.jmol.viewer.Viewer;
51 /*
52  *
53  * Bob Hanson hansonr@stolaf.edu 7/4/2013
54  *
55  * Added NOE and solution-phase J calcs 11/2019
56  *
57  */
59 /*
60  * NOTE -- THIS CLASS IS INSTANTIATED USING Interface.getOptionInterface
62  *
63  */
65 public class NMRCalculation implements JmolNMRInterface {
67   private static final int MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO = 1;
68   private static final int QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT = 2;
69   private static final double e_charge = 1.60217646e-19; //C
70   private static final double h_planck = 6.62606957e-34; //J*s
71   private static final double h_bar_planck = h_planck / (2 * Math.PI);
72   private static final double DIPOLAR_FACTOR = h_bar_planck * 1E37; // 1e37 = (1/1e-10)^3 * 1e7 * 1e7 / 1e-7
73   private static final double J_FACTOR = h_bar_planck / (2 * Math.PI) * 1E33;
74   private static final double Q_FACTOR = e_charge * (9.71736e-7) / h_planck;
76   public static final int MODE_CALC_INVALID = 0;
77   public final static int MODE_CALC_2JHH = 1;
78   public final static int MODE_CALC_3JHH = 2;
79   public final static int MODE_CALC_JHH  = 3;
80   public final static int MODE_CALC_3JCH = 4;
81   public final static int MODE_CALC_J    = 7;
82   public final static int MODE_CALC_NOE  = 8;
83   public static final int MODE_CALC_ALL  = 0xF;
87   private Viewer vwr;
NMRCalculation()89   public NMRCalculation() {
90   }
92   @Override
setViewer(Viewer vwr)93   public JmolNMRInterface setViewer(Viewer vwr) {
94     this.vwr = vwr;
95     getData();
96     return this;
97   }
99   @Override
getQuadrupolarConstant(Tensor efg)100   public float getQuadrupolarConstant(Tensor efg) {
101     if (efg == null)
102       return 0;
103     Atom a = vwr.ms.at[efg.atomIndex1];
104     return (float) (getIsotopeData(a, QUADRUPOLE_MOMENT) * efg.eigenValues[2] * Q_FACTOR);
105   }
107   /**
108    * Returns a list of tensors that are of the specified type and have both
109    * atomIndex1 and atomIndex2 in bsA. If there is just one atom specified, then
110    * the list is "all tensors involving this atom".
111    *
112    * We have to use atom sites, because interaction tensors are not duplicated.
113    *
114    * @param type
115    * @param bsA
116    * @return list of Tensors
117    */
118   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
getInteractionTensorList(String type, BS bsA)119   private Lst<Tensor> getInteractionTensorList(String type, BS bsA) {
120     if (type != null)
121       type = type.toLowerCase();
122     BS bsModels = vwr.ms.getModelBS(bsA, false);
123     BS bs1 = getAtomSiteBS(bsA);
124     int iAtom = (bs1.cardinality() == 1 ? bs1.nextSetBit(0) : -1);
125     Lst<Tensor> list = new Lst<Tensor>();
126     for (int i = bsModels.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsModels.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
127       Lst<Tensor> tensors = (Lst<Tensor>) vwr.ms.getInfo(i,
128           "interactionTensors");
129       if (tensors == null)
130         continue;
131       int n = tensors.size();
132       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
133         Tensor t = tensors.get(j);
134         if (type == null || t.type.equals(type) && t.isSelected(bs1, iAtom))
135           list.addLast(t);
136       }
137     }
138     return list;
139   }
141   /**
142    * Interaction tensors are not repeated for every possible combination. They
143    * are just for the base atom set. These are identified as a.atomIndex ==
144    * models[b.modelIndex].firstAtomIndex + b.atomSite - 1
145    *
146    * @param bsA
147    * @return new bs in terms of atom sites
148    */
getAtomSiteBS(BS bsA)149   private BS getAtomSiteBS(BS bsA) {
150     if (bsA == null)
151       return null;
152     BS bs = new BS();
153     Atom[] atoms = vwr.ms.at;
154     Model[] models = vwr.ms.am;
156     for (int i = bsA.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsA.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
157       if (!bsA.get(i))
158         continue;
159       Atom a = atoms[i];
160       bs.set(models[a.mi].firstAtomIndex - 1 + a.atomSite);
161     }
162     return bs;
163   }
165   //  private int getOtherAtom(Tensor t, int iAtom) {
166   //      return (t.atomIndex1 == iAtom ? t.atomIndex2 : t.atomIndex1);
167   //  }
169   @Override
getUniqueTensorSet(BS bsAtoms)170   public BS getUniqueTensorSet(BS bsAtoms) {
171     BS bs = new BS();
172     Atom[] atoms = vwr.ms.at;
173     for (int i = vwr.ms.mc; --i >= 0;) {
174       BS bsModelAtoms = vwr.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(i);
175       bsModelAtoms.and(bsAtoms);
176       // exclude any models without symmetry
177       if (vwr.ms.getUnitCell(i) == null)
178         continue;
179       // exclude any symmetry-
180       for (int j = bsModelAtoms.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = bsModelAtoms
181           .nextSetBit(j + 1))
182         if (atoms[j].atomSite != atoms[j].i + 1)
183           bsModelAtoms.clear(j);
184       bs.or(bsModelAtoms);
185       // march through all the atoms in the model...
186       for (int j = bsModelAtoms.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = bsModelAtoms
187           .nextSetBit(j + 1)) {
188         Object[] ta = atoms[j].getTensors();
189         if (ta == null)
190           continue;
191         // go through all this atom's tensors...
192         for (int jj = ta.length; --jj >= 0;) {
193           Tensor t = (Tensor) ta[jj];
194           if (t == null)
195             continue;
196           // for each tensor in A, go through all atoms after the first-selected one...
197           for (int k = bsModelAtoms.nextSetBit(j + 1); k >= 0; k = bsModelAtoms
198               .nextSetBit(k + 1)) {
199             Object[] tb = atoms[k].getTensors();
200             if (tb == null)
201               continue;
202             // for each tensor in B, go through all this atom's tensors...
203             for (int kk = tb.length; --kk >= 0;) {
204               // if equivalent, reject it.
205               if (t.isEquiv((Tensor) tb[kk])) {
206                 bsModelAtoms.clear(k);
207                 bs.clear(k);
208                 break;
209               }
210             }
211           }
212         }
213       }
214     }
215     return bs;
216   }
getJCouplingHz(Atom a1, Atom a2, String type, Tensor isc)218   public float getJCouplingHz(Atom a1, Atom a2, String type, Tensor isc) {
219     return getIsoOrAnisoHz(true, a1, a2, type, isc);
220   }
222   @Override
getIsoOrAnisoHz(boolean isIso, Atom a1, Atom a2, String units, Tensor isc)223   public float getIsoOrAnisoHz(boolean isIso, Atom a1, Atom a2, String units,
224                                Tensor isc) {
225     if (isc == null) {
226       String type = getISCtype(a1, units);
227       if (type == null || a1.mi != a2.mi) {
228         if (!units.equals("hz"))
229           return 0;
230         double[] data = calc2or3JorNOE(vwr, new Atom[]{a1, null, null, a2}, null, MODE_CALC_JHH); // H-H only here; no NOE, no JCH
231         return (data == null ? Float.NaN : (float) data[1]);
232       }
233       BS bs = new BS();
234       bs.set(a1.i);
235       bs.set(a2.i);
236       Lst<Tensor> list = getInteractionTensorList(type, bs);
237       if (list.size() == 0)
238         return Float.NaN;
239       isc = list.get(0);
240     } else {
241       a1 = vwr.ms.at[isc.atomIndex1];
242       a2 = vwr.ms.at[isc.atomIndex2];
243     }
244     return (float) (getIsotopeData(a1, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO)
245         * getIsotopeData(a2, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO)
246         * (isIso ? isc.isotropy() : isc.anisotropy()) * J_FACTOR);
247   }
249   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
getISCtype(Atom a1, String type)250   private String getISCtype(Atom a1, String type) {
251     Lst<Tensor> tensors = (Lst<Tensor>) vwr.ms.getInfo(a1.mi,
252         "interactionTensors");
253     if (tensors == null)
254       return null;
255     type = (type == null ? "" : type.toLowerCase());
256     int pt = -1;
257     if ((pt = type.indexOf("_hz")) >= 0 || (pt = type.indexOf("_khz")) >= 0
258         || (pt = type.indexOf("hz")) >= 0 || (pt = type.indexOf("khz")) >= 0)
259       type = type.substring(0, pt);
260     if (type.length() == 0)
261       type = "isc";
262     return type;
263   }
265   @Override
getDipolarConstantHz(Atom a1, Atom a2)266   public float getDipolarConstantHz(Atom a1, Atom a2) {
267     if (Logger.debugging)
268       Logger.debug(a1 + " g=" + getIsotopeData(a1, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO) + "; "
269           + a2 + " g=" + getIsotopeData(a2, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO));
270     float v = (float) (-getIsotopeData(a1, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO)
271         * getIsotopeData(a2, MAGNETOGYRIC_RATIO) / Math.pow(a1.distance(a2), 3) * DIPOLAR_FACTOR);
272     return (v == 0 || a1 == a2 ? Float.NaN : v);
273   }
275   @Override
getDipolarCouplingHz(Atom a1, Atom a2, V3 vField)276   public float getDipolarCouplingHz(Atom a1, Atom a2, V3 vField) {
277     V3 v12 = V3.newVsub(a2, a1);
278     double r = v12.length();
279     double costheta = v12.dot(vField) / r / vField.length();
280     return (float) (getDipolarConstantHz(a1, a2) * (3 * costheta - 1) / 2);
281   }
283   /**
284    * isotopeData keyed by nnnSym, for example: 1H, 19F, etc.; and also by
285    * element name itself: H, F, etc., for default
286    */
287   private Map<String, double[]> isotopeData;
289   /**
290    * NOTE! Do not change this txt file! Instead, edit
291    * trunk/Jmol/_documents/nmr_data.xls and then clip its contents to
292    * org/jmol/quantum/nmr_data.txt.
293    *
294    */
295   private final static String resource = "nmr_data.txt";
297   /**
298    * Get magnetogyricRatio (gamma/10^7 rad s^-1 T^-1) and quadrupoleMoment
299    * (Q/10^-2 fm^2) for a given isotope or for the default isotope of an
300    * element.
301    *
302    * @param a
303    *
304    * @param iType
305    * @return g or Q
306    */
getIsotopeData(Atom a, int iType)307   private double getIsotopeData(Atom a, int iType) {
308     int iso = a.getIsotopeNumber();
309     String sym = a.getElementSymbolIso(false);
310     double[] d = isotopeData.get(iso == 0 ? sym : "" + iso + sym);
311     return (d == null ? 0 : d[iType]);
312   }
314   /**
315    * Creates the data set necessary for doing NMR calculations. Values are
316    * retrievable using getProperty "nmrInfo" "Xx"; each entry is
317    * float[+/-isotopeNumber, g, Q], where [0] < 0 for the default value.
318    *
319    */
320   @SuppressWarnings("resource")
321   // Resource leak: 'br' is not closed at this location -- Nonsense -- there's a finally{} block
getData()322   private void getData() {
323     BufferedReader br = null;
324     try {
325       boolean debugging = Logger.debugging;
326       br = FileManager.getBufferedReaderForResource(vwr, this,
327           "org/jmol/quantum/", resource);
329       // #element atomNo  isotopeDef  isotope1  G1  Q1  isotope2  G2  Q2  isotope3  G3  Q3
330       // H 1 1 1 26.7522128  0 2 4.10662791  0.00286 3 28.5349779  0
331       isotopeData = new Hashtable<String, double[]>();
332       String line;
333       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
334         if (debugging)
335           Logger.info(line);
336         if (line.indexOf("#") >= 0)
337           continue;
338         String[] tokens = PT.getTokens(line);
339         String name = tokens[0];
340         String defaultIso = tokens[2] + name;
341         if (debugging)
342           Logger.info(name + " default isotope " + defaultIso);
343         for (int i = 3; i < tokens.length; i += 3) {
344           int n = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i]);
345           String isoname = n + name;
346           double[] dataGQ = new double[] { n,
347               Double.parseDouble(tokens[i + 1]),
348               Double.parseDouble(tokens[i + 2]) };
349           if (debugging)
350             Logger.info(isoname + "  " + Escape.eAD(dataGQ));
351           isotopeData.put(isoname, dataGQ);
352         }
353         double[] defdata = isotopeData.get(defaultIso);
354         if (defdata == null) {
355           Logger.error("Cannot find default NMR data in nmr_data.txt for "
356               + defaultIso);
357           throw new NullPointerException();
358         }
359         defdata[0] = -defdata[0];
360         isotopeData.put(name, defdata);
361       }
362     } catch (Exception e) {
363       Logger.error("Exception " + e.toString() + " reading " + resource);
364     } finally {
365       try {
366         br.close();
367       } catch (Exception ee) {
368         // ignore
369       }
370     }
371   }
373   @Override
getInfo(String what)374   public Object getInfo(String what) {
375     if (what.equals("all")) {
376       Map<String, Object> map = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
377       map.put("isotopes", isotopeData);
378       map.put("shiftRefsPPM", shiftRefsPPM);
379       return map;
380     }
381     if (PT.isDigit(what.charAt(0)))
382       return isotopeData.get(what);
383     Lst<Object> info = new Lst<Object>();
384     for (Entry<String, double[]> e : isotopeData.entrySet()) {
385       String key = e.getKey();
386       if (PT.isDigit(key.charAt(0)) && key.endsWith(what))
387         info.addLast(e.getValue());
388     }
389     return info;
390   }
392   @Override
getChemicalShift(Atom atom)393   public float getChemicalShift(Atom atom) {
394     float v = getMagneticShielding(atom);
395     if (Float.isNaN(v))
396       return v;
397     Float ref = shiftRefsPPM.get(atom.getElementSymbol());
398     return (ref == null ? 0 : ref.floatValue()) - v;
399   }
401   @Override
getMagneticShielding(Atom atom)402   public float getMagneticShielding(Atom atom) {
403     Tensor t = vwr.ms.getAtomTensor(atom.i, "ms");
404     return (t == null ? Float.NaN : t.isotropy());
405   }
407   private Map<String, Float> shiftRefsPPM = new Hashtable<String, Float>();
409   @Override
getState(SB sb)410   public boolean getState(SB sb) {
411     if (shiftRefsPPM.isEmpty())
412       return false;
413     for (Entry<String, Float> nuc : shiftRefsPPM.entrySet())
414       sb.append("  set shift_").append(nuc.getKey()).append(" ")
415           .appendO(nuc.getValue()).append("\n");
416     return true;
417   }
419   @Override
setChemicalShiftReference(String element, float value)420   public boolean setChemicalShiftReference(String element, float value) {
421     if (element == null) {
422       shiftRefsPPM.clear();
423       return false;
424     }
425     element = element.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + element.substring(1);
426     shiftRefsPPM.put(element, Float.valueOf(value));
427     return true;
428   }
430   @Override
getTensorInfo(String tensorType, String infoType, BS bs)431   public Lst<Object> getTensorInfo(String tensorType, String infoType, BS bs) {
432     if ("".equals(tensorType))
433       tensorType = null;
434     infoType = (infoType == null ? ";all." : ";" + infoType + ".");
435     Lst<Object> data = new Lst<Object>();
436     Lst<Object> list1;
437     if (";dc.".equals(infoType)) {
438       // tensorType is irrelevant for dipolar coupling constant
439       Atom[] atoms = vwr.ms.at;
440       for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1))
441         for (int j = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1); j >= 0; j = bs.nextSetBit(j + 1)) {
442           list1 = new Lst<Object>();
443           list1.addLast(Integer.valueOf(atoms[i].i));
444           list1.addLast(Integer.valueOf(atoms[j].i));
445           list1
446               .addLast(Float.valueOf(getDipolarConstantHz(atoms[i], atoms[j])));
447           data.addLast(list1);
448         }
449       return data;
450     }
451     if (tensorType == null || tensorType.startsWith("isc")) {
452       boolean isJ = infoType.equals(";j.");
453       boolean isEta = infoType.equals(";eta.");
454       Lst<Tensor> list = getInteractionTensorList(tensorType, bs);
455       int n = (list == null ? 0 : list.size());
456       for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
457         Tensor t = list.get(i);
458         list1 = new Lst<Object>();
459         list1.addLast(Integer.valueOf(t.atomIndex1));
460         list1.addLast(Integer.valueOf(t.atomIndex2));
461         list1.addLast(isEta || isJ ? Float.valueOf(getIsoOrAnisoHz(isJ, null,
462             null, null, t)) : t.getInfo(infoType));
463         data.addLast(list1);
464       }
465       if (tensorType != null)
466         return data;
467     }
468     boolean isChi = tensorType != null && tensorType.startsWith("efg")
469         && infoType.equals(";chi.");
470     boolean isFloat = (isChi || Tensor.isFloatInfo(infoType));
471     for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
472       if (tensorType == null) {
473         Object[] a = vwr.ms.getAtomTensorList(i);
474         if (a != null)
475           for (int j = 0; j < a.length; j++)
476             data.addLast(((Tensor) a[j]).getInfo(infoType));
477       } else {
478         Tensor t = vwr.ms.getAtomTensor(i, tensorType);
479         data.addLast(t == null ? (isFloat ? Float.valueOf(0) : "")
480             : isChi ? Float.valueOf(getQuadrupolarConstant(t)) : t
481                 .getInfo(infoType));
482       }
483     }
484     return data;
485   }
487   @Override
getMinDistances(MeasurementData md)488   public Map<String, Integer> getMinDistances(MeasurementData md) {
489     BS bsPoints1 = (BS) md.points.get(0);
490     int n1 = bsPoints1.cardinality();
491     if (n1 == 0 || !(md.points.get(1) instanceof BS))
492       return null;
493     BS bsPoints2 = (BS) md.points.get(1);
494     int n2 = bsPoints2.cardinality();
495     if (n1 < 2 && n2 < 2)
496       return null;
497     Map<String, Integer> htMin = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
498     Atom[] atoms = vwr.ms.at;
499     for (int i = bsPoints1.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bsPoints1
500         .nextSetBit(i + 1)) {
501       Atom a1 = atoms[i];
502       String name = a1.getAtomName();
503       for (int j = bsPoints2.nextSetBit(0); j >= 0; j = bsPoints2
504           .nextSetBit(j + 1)) {
505         Atom a2 = atoms[j];
506         int d = (int) (a2.distanceSquared(a1) * 100);
507         if (d == 0)
508           continue;
509         String name1 = a2.getAtomName();
510         String key = (name.compareTo(name1) < 0 ? name + name1 : name1 + name);
511         Integer min = htMin.get(key);
512         if (min == null) {
513           min = Integer.valueOf(d);
514           htMin.put(key, min);
515           continue;
516         }
517         if (d < min.intValue())
518           htMin.put(key, Integer.valueOf(d));
519       }
520     }
521     return htMin;
522   }
524   //// non-quantum calcs
526   /**
527    * Calculate an H-X-X-H or C-X-X-H coupling constant.
528    *
529    * Use Altoona equation (Tetrahedron 36, 2783-2792)
530    *
531    * If there are fewer than three substituents on each central atom, or if
532    * either central atom is not carbon, defaults to general Karplus equation.
533    *
534    *
535    */
537   static Hashtable<String, Double> deltaElectro = new Hashtable<String, Double>();
539   static {
540     // Values taken from www.spectroscopynow.com/Spy/tools/proton-proton.html website. Need to find original source
541     // 2.20 is eneg of H
542     double enegH = 2.20;
543     deltaElectro.put("C", new Double(2.60 - enegH));
544     deltaElectro.put("O", new Double(3.50 - enegH));
545     deltaElectro.put("N", new Double(3.05 - enegH));
546     deltaElectro.put("F", new Double(3.90 - enegH));
547     deltaElectro.put("Cl", new Double(3.15 - enegH));
548     deltaElectro.put("Br", new Double(2.95 - enegH));
549     deltaElectro.put("I", new Double(2.65 - enegH));
550     deltaElectro.put("S", new Double(2.58 - enegH));// Pauling
551     deltaElectro.put("Si", new Double(1.90 - enegH));// Pauling
552   }
554   static double[][] pAltona = new double[5][8];
555   static {
556     for (int nNonH = 0; nNonH < 5; nNonH++) {
557       double[] p = pAltona[nNonH];
558       switch (nNonH) {
559       case 0:
560       case 1:
561       case 2:
562 // Janocchio - original
563 //        p[1] = 13.89;
564 //        p[2] = -0.98;
565 //        p[3] = 0;
566 //        p[4] = 1.02;
567 //        p[5] = -3.40;
568 //        p[6] = 14.9;
569 //        p[7] = 0.24;
570         // but
571         // Haasnoot and Altona 1981 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/230009488_The_relationship_between_proton-proton_NMR_coupling_constants_and_substituent_electronegativities_II-conformational_analysis_of_the_sugar_ring_in_nucleosides_and_nucleotides_in_solution_using_a_genera
572         //     April 1981Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 15(1):43 - 52
573         // see also http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/NMR/scripts/altona/altonaref.html
574         // and https://www.spectroscopynow.com/userfiles/sepspec/file/specNOW/HTML%20files/proton-proton2.htm
575         p[1] = 13.7;
576         p[2] = -0.73;
577         p[3] = 0;
578         p[4] = 0.56;
579         p[5] = -2.47;
580         p[6] = 16.9;
581         p[7] = 0.14;
582         break;
583       case 3:
584         p[1] = 13.22;
585         p[2] = -0.99;
586         p[3] = 0;
587         p[4] = 0.87;
588         p[5] = -2.46;
589         p[6] = 19.9;
590         p[7] = 0;
591         break;
592       case 4:
593         p[1] = 13.24;
594         p[2] = -0.91;
595         p[3] = 0;
596         p[4] = 0.53;
597         p[5] = -2.41;
598         p[6] = 15.5;
599         p[7] = 0.19;
600         break;
601       }
602       p[6] = p[6] * Math.PI / 180.0;
604     }
605   }
calcJKarplus(double theta)607   public static double calcJKarplus(double theta) {
608     // Simple Karplus equation for 3JHH, ignoring differences in C-substituents
609     double j0 = 8.5;
610     double j180 = 9.5;
611     double jconst = 0.28;
612     double cos = Math.cos(theta);
613     double jab = 0;
614     if (theta >= -90.0 && theta < 90.0) {
615       jab = j0 * cos * cos - jconst;
616     } else {
617       jab = j180 * cos * cos - jconst;
618     }
620     return jab;
621   }
getInitialJValue(int nNonH, double theta)623   private static double getInitialJValue(int nNonH, double theta) {
624     double[] p = pAltona[nNonH];
625     double cos = Math.cos(theta);
626     return p[1] * cos * cos + p[2] * cos + p[3];
627   }
getIncrementalJValue(int nNonH, String element, V3 sA_cA, V3 v21, V3 v23, double theta, int f)629   private static double getIncrementalJValue(int nNonH, String element,
630                                              V3 sA_cA, V3 v21, V3 v23,
631                                              double theta, int f) {
632     if (nNonH < 0 || nNonH > 5)
633       return 0;
634     Double de = deltaElectro.get(element);
635     if (de == null)
636       return 0;
637     double e = de.doubleValue();
638     // f here accounts for still using v23 instead of v32 for cB.
639     int sign = getSubSign(sA_cA, v21, v23, f);
640     double[] p = pAltona[nNonH];
641     double cos = Math.cos(sign * theta + p[6] * Math.abs(e));
642     return e * (p[4] + p[5] * cos * cos);
644     // but see also http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/NMR/scripts/altona/altonaref.html
646     // note that Dave Evans did not add p7.
648   }
650   /**
651    * Look for sign of (v23 x v21).dot.(sA_cA).
652    *
653    * But note that for the second
654    * carbon, we must reverse this.
655    *
656    * @param sA_cA    C to sub
657    * @param v21      C to H
658    * @param v23      C to other C
659    * @param f 1 for carbon A; -1 for carbon B
660    * @return f or -f (+1 or -1)
661    */
getSubSign(V3 sA_cA, V3 v21, V3 v23, int f)662   private static int getSubSign(V3 sA_cA, V3 v21, V3 v23, int f) {
663     V3 cross = new V3();
664     cross.cross(v23, v21);
665     return (cross.dot(sA_cA) > 0 ? f : -f);
666   }
668   /**
669    *
670    *
671    * @param subElements
672    *        int[2][3] with element names
673    * @param subVectors
674    *        V3[2][4] with vectors TO these substituents from their respective
675    *        centers
676    * @param v21
677    *        vector from cA to hA
678    * @param v34
679    *        vector from cB to hB
680    * @param v23
681    *        vector from cA to cB
682    * @param theta
683    *        dihedral angle hA-cA-cB-hB
684    * @param is23Double
685    * @return estimated coupling constant
686    */
calc3JHHOnly(String[][] subElements, V3[][] subVectors, V3 v21, V3 v34, V3 v23, double theta, boolean is23Double)687   private static double calc3JHHOnly(String[][] subElements, V3[][] subVectors,
688                                      V3 v21, V3 v34, V3 v23, double theta,
689                                      boolean is23Double) {
691     // Substituents on atoms A and B
692     // Check number of substituents
694     int nNonH = 0;
696     // Count substituents of carbons A and B
697     for (int i = 0, n = (is23Double ? 2 : 3); i < n; i++) {
698       if (!subElements[0][i].equals("H")) {
699         nNonH++;
700       }
701       if (!subElements[1][i].equals("H")) {
702         nNonH++;
703       }
704     }
706     double jvalue = getInitialJValue(nNonH, theta);
708     for (int i = 0, n = (is23Double ? 2 : 3); i < n; i++) {
709       String element = subElements[0][i];
710       if (!element.equals("H")) {
711         jvalue += getIncrementalJValue(nNonH, element, subVectors[0][i], v21,
712             v23, theta, 1);
713       }
714       element = subElements[1][i];
715       if (!element.equals("H")) {
716         jvalue += getIncrementalJValue(nNonH, element, subVectors[1][i], v34,
717             v23, theta, -1);
718       }
719     }
720     if (is23Double) {
721       if (Math.abs(theta) < Math.PI/2)
722         jvalue *= 0.75; // BH my simple approximation; just a guess to get us in the ballpark
723       else
724         jvalue *= 1.33; // just a guess
725     }
726     return jvalue;
727   }
729   //  static {
730   //    for (int n = 0; n < 360; n+= 10)
731   //    System.out.println(n + "\t" + getInitialJValue(2, n*Math.PI/180));
732   //    System.out.println("NMRCalc???");
733   //  }
734   final public static String JCH3_NONE = "none";
735   final public static String JCH3_WASYLISHEN_SCHAEFER = "was";
736   final public static String JCH3_TVAROSKA_TARAVEL = "tva";
737   final public static String JCH3_AYDIN_GUETHER = "ayd";
739   /**
740    *
741    * @param CHequation
742    *
743    *        'was' Simple equation for 3JCH, from Wasylishen and Schaefer Can J
744    *        Chem (1973) 51 961 used in Kozerski et al. J Chem Soc Perkin 2,
745    *        (1997) 1811
746    *
747    *        'tva' Tvaroska and Taravel Adv. Carbohydrate Chem. Biochem. (1995)
748    *        51, 15-61
749    *
750    *        'ayd' Aydin and Guether Mag. Res. Chem. (1990) 28, 448-457
751    *
752    * @param theta
753    *        dihedral
754    * @param is23Double
755    *
756    * @return 3JCH prediction
757    */
calc3JCH(String CHequation, double theta, boolean is23Double)758   public static double calc3JCH(String CHequation, double theta,
759                                 boolean is23Double) {
761     if (CHequation == null)
762       CHequation = "was";
763     if (!PT.isOneOf(CHequation, ";was;tva;ayd;"))
764       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
765           "Equation must be one of was, tva, or ayd");
767     if (CHequation.equals("was")) {
769       final double A = 3.56;
770       final double C = 4.26;
772       double j = A * Math.cos(2 * theta) - Math.cos(theta) + C;
773       return j;
775     } else if (CHequation.equals("tva")) {
776       double j = 4.5 - 0.87 * Math.cos(theta) + Math.cos(2.0 * theta);
777       return j;
778     } else if (CHequation.equals("ayd")) {
779       double j = 5.8 * Math.pow(Math.cos(theta), 2) - 1.6 * Math.cos(theta)
780           + 0.28 * Math.sin(2.0 * theta) - 0.02 * Math.sin(theta) + 0.52;
781       return j;
782     } else {
783       return 0.0;
784     }
785   }
calcNOE(Viewer viewer, Atom atom1, Atom atom2)787   public static double[] calcNOE(Viewer viewer, Atom atom1, Atom atom2) {
788     return calc2or3JorNOE(viewer, new Atom[] {atom1, null, null, atom2}, null, MODE_CALC_J);
789   }
792   /**
793    * Calculate a 2-bond (geminal) or 3-bond (vicinal) coupling constant or an
794    * NOE;
795    * @param viewer
796    *
797    * @param atoms
798    *        required Atom[4]; can be just two atoms, then in atom[0] and atom[4]
799    * @param CHEquation
800    *        'none' or 'was' or 'tva' or 'ayd'
801    * @param mode
802    *
803    * @return [theta, jvalue, atom2.i, atom3.i] for 3JHH; [theta, jvalue,
804    *         center.i] for 2JHH; [distance, noe] for NOE
805    */
calc2or3JorNOE(Viewer viewer, Atom[] atoms, String CHEquation, int mode)806   public static double[] calc2or3JorNOE(Viewer viewer, Atom[] atoms, String CHEquation,
807                                         int mode) {
809     if (CHEquation == null || CHEquation.equals("none"))
810       mode &= ~MODE_CALC_3JCH;
811     String[] elements = new String[4];
812     mode = getCalcType(atoms, elements, mode);
813     switch (mode) {
814     default:
815     case MODE_CALC_INVALID:
816       return null;
817     case MODE_CALC_NOE:
818       return calcNOEImpl(viewer, atoms[0], atoms[3]);
819     case MODE_CALC_2JHH:
820       return calc2JHH(atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[3]);
821     case MODE_CALC_3JCH:
822     case MODE_CALC_3JHH:
823       break;
824     }
825     String[][] subElements = new String[2][3];
826     V3[][] subVectors = new V3[2][3];
828     V3 v23 = V3.newVsub(atoms[2], atoms[1]);
829     V3 v21 = V3.newVsub(atoms[0], atoms[1]);
830     V3 v34 = V3.newVsub(atoms[3], atoms[2]);
832     Lst<Atom> subs = new Lst<Atom>();
834     Bond[] bonds = atoms[1].bonds;
835     boolean is23Double = false;
836     for (int pt = 0, i = Math.min(bonds.length, 4); --i >= 0;) {
837       Atom sub = bonds[i].getOtherAtom(atoms[1]);
838       if (sub == atoms[2]) {
839         is23Double = (bonds[i].order == Edge.BOND_COVALENT_DOUBLE);
840         continue;
841       }
842       subElements[0][pt] = sub.getElementSymbol();
843       subVectors[0][pt] = V3.newVsub(sub, atoms[1]);
844       pt++;
845     }
846     subs.clear();
847     bonds = atoms[2].bonds;
848     for (int pt = 0, i = Math.min(bonds.length, 4); --i >= 0;) {
849       Atom sub = bonds[i].getOtherAtom(atoms[2]);
850       if (sub == atoms[1])
851         continue;
852       subElements[1][pt] = sub.getElementSymbol();
853       subVectors[1][pt] = V3.newVsub(sub, atoms[2]);
854       pt++;
855     }
857     double theta = Measure.computeTorsion(atoms[0], atoms[1], atoms[2],
858         atoms[3], false);
859     double jvalue = Double.NaN;
860     if (is23Double || subElements[0][2] != null && subElements[1][2] != null) {
861       switch (mode) {
862       case MODE_CALC_3JHH:
863         jvalue = calc3JHHOnly(subElements, subVectors, v21, v34, v23, theta,
864             is23Double);
865         break;
866       case MODE_CALC_3JCH:
867         if (is23Double)
868           return null;
869         jvalue = calc3JCH(CHEquation, theta, is23Double);
870         break;
871       }
872     } else {
873       jvalue = calcJKarplus(theta);
874     }
875     return new double[] { theta, jvalue, atoms[1].i, atoms[2].i };
876   }
getCalcType(Atom[] atoms, String[] elementsToFill, int mode)878   public static int getCalcType(Atom[] atoms, String[] elementsToFill, int mode) {
879     Atom atom1 = atoms[0];
880     Atom atom4 = atoms[3];
881     Bond[] bonds1 = atom1.bonds;
882     Bond[] bonds4 = atom4.bonds;
883     if (bonds1 == null || bonds4 == null || atom1.isCovalentlyBonded(atom4))
884       return MODE_CALC_INVALID;
885     boolean allowNOE = ((mode & MODE_CALC_NOE) == MODE_CALC_NOE);
886     boolean allow3JHH = ((mode & MODE_CALC_3JHH) == MODE_CALC_3JHH);
887     boolean allow2JHH = ((mode & MODE_CALC_2JHH) == MODE_CALC_2JHH);
888     boolean allow3JCH = ((mode & MODE_CALC_3JCH) == MODE_CALC_3JCH);
889     boolean isGeminal = false;
890     Atom atom2 = atoms[1];
891     Atom atom3 = atoms[2];
892     if (atom2 == null) {
893       for (int i = 0; i < bonds1.length; i++) {
894         atom2 = bonds1[i].getOtherAtom(atom1);
895         if (atom2.isCovalentlyBonded(atom4)) {
896           isGeminal = true;
897           break;
898         }
899         for (int j = 0; j < bonds4.length; j++) {
900           atom3 = bonds4[j].getOtherAtom(atom4);
901           if (atom2.isCovalentlyBonded(atom3))
902             break;
903           atom3 = null;
904         }
905       }
906       atoms[1] = atom2;
907       atoms[2] = atom3;
908     } else if (atom2.isCovalentlyBonded(atom4)) {
909       isGeminal = true;
910     }
911     String e1 = atom4.getElementSymbol();
912     String e2 = (atom2 == null ? null : atom2.getElementSymbol());
913     String e3 = (atom3 == null ? null : atom3.getElementSymbol());
914     String e4 = atom1.getElementSymbol();
916     boolean isHH = e1.equals("H") && e4.equals("H");
917     if (isGeminal) {
918       mode = (allow2JHH && isHH && e2.equals("C") ? MODE_CALC_2JHH
919           : MODE_CALC_INVALID);
920     } else if (atom3 == null) {
921       mode = (allowNOE && isHH ? MODE_CALC_NOE : MODE_CALC_INVALID);
922     } else if (allow3JHH && isHH) {
923       mode = MODE_CALC_3JHH;
924     } else if (allow3JCH
925         && e2.equals("C")
926         && e3.equals("C")
927         && (e1.equals("H") && e4.equals("C") || e1.equals("C")
928             && e4.equals("H"))) {
929       mode = MODE_CALC_3JCH;
930     } else {
931       mode = MODE_CALC_INVALID;
932     }
933     if (mode != MODE_CALC_INVALID && elementsToFill != null) {
934       elementsToFill[0] = e1;
935       elementsToFill[1] = e2;
936       elementsToFill[2] = e3;
937       elementsToFill[3] = e4;
938     }
939     return mode;
940   }
calc2JHH(Atom h1, Atom c, Atom h2)942   private static double[] calc2JHH(Atom h1, Atom c, Atom h2) {
943     // I don't actually have an algorithm for this. Just getting a rough idea here.
944     double val = Double.NaN;
945     switch (c.getCovalentBondCount()) {
946     case 3:
947       // alkene
948       val = 1.5;
949       break;
950     case 4:
951       val = 12.0;
952       break;
953     default:
954       return null;
955     }
956     float angle = Measure.computeAngle(h1, c, h2, new V3(), new V3(), false);
957     return new double[] { angle, val, c.i };
958   }
calcNOEImpl(Viewer viewer, Atom atom1, Atom atom2)960   private static double[] calcNOEImpl(Viewer viewer, Atom atom1, Atom atom2) {
961     try {
962       NMRNoeMatrix noeMatrix = (NMRNoeMatrix) viewer.ms.getInfo(atom1.mi,
963           "noeMatrix");
964       double dist = 0, noe = Double.NaN;
965       if (noeMatrix == null) {
966         noeMatrix = NMRNoeMatrix.createMatrix(viewer,
967             viewer.getModelUndeletedAtomsBitSet(atom1.mi),
968             (String[]) viewer.ms.getInfo(atom1.mi, "noeLabels"),
969             (NOEParams) viewer.ms.getInfo(atom1.mi, "noeParams"));
970       }
971       dist = noeMatrix.getJmolDistance(atom1.i, atom2.i);
972       noe = noeMatrix.getJmolNoe(atom1.i, atom2.i);
973       return (Double.isNaN(noe) ? null : new double[] { dist, noe });
974     } catch (Exception e) {
975       e.printStackTrace();
976       return null;
977     }
978   }
980   @Override
getNOEorJHH(Atom[] atoms, int mode)981   public double[] getNOEorJHH(Atom[] atoms, int mode) {
982     return calc2or3JorNOE(vwr, atoms, null, mode);
983   }
985 }