1 /*
2  * Tables.cpp
3  * ----------
4  * Purpose: Effect, interpolation, data and other pre-calculated tables.
5  * Notes  : (currently none)
6  * Authors: Olivier Lapicque
7  *          OpenMPT Devs
8  * The OpenMPT source code is released under the BSD license. Read LICENSE for more details.
9  */
12 #include "stdafx.h"
13 #include "Tables.h"
14 #include "Sndfile.h"
16 #include "Resampler.h"
17 #include "WindowedFIR.h"
18 #include <cmath>
24 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 // Note Name Tables
27 const mpt::uchar NoteNamesSharp[12][4] =
28 {
29 	UL_("C-"), UL_("C#"), UL_("D-"), UL_("D#"), UL_("E-"), UL_("F-"),
30 	UL_("F#"), UL_("G-"), UL_("G#"), UL_("A-"), UL_("A#"), UL_("B-")
31 };
33 const mpt::uchar NoteNamesFlat[12][4] =
34 {
35 	UL_("C-"), UL_("Db"), UL_("D-"), UL_("Eb"), UL_("E-"), UL_("F-"),
36 	UL_("Gb"), UL_("G-"), UL_("Ab"), UL_("A-"), UL_("Bb"), UL_("B-")
37 };
40 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 // File Formats Information (name, extension, etc)
43 struct ModFormatInfo
44 {
45 	MODTYPE format;          // MOD_TYPE_XXXX
46 	const mpt::uchar *name;  // "ProTracker"
47 	const char *extension;   // "mod"
48 };
50 // Note: Formats with identical extensions must be grouped together.
51 static constexpr ModFormatInfo modFormatInfo[] =
52 {
53 	{ MOD_TYPE_MPT,  UL_("OpenMPT"),                            "mptm" },
54 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("ProTracker"),                         "mod" },
55 	{ MOD_TYPE_S3M,  UL_("Scream Tracker 3"),                   "s3m" },
56 	{ MOD_TYPE_XM,   UL_("FastTracker 2"),                      "xm" },
57 	{ MOD_TYPE_IT,   UL_("Impulse Tracker"),                    "it" },
59 	{ MOD_TYPE_669,  UL_("Composer 669 / UNIS 669"),            "669" },
60 	{ MOD_TYPE_AMF0, UL_("ASYLUM Music Format"),                "amf" },
61 	{ MOD_TYPE_AMF,  UL_("DSMI Advanced Music Format"),         "amf" },
62 	{ MOD_TYPE_AMS,  UL_("Extreme's Tracker"),                  "ams" },
63 	{ MOD_TYPE_AMS,  UL_("Velvet Studio"),                      "ams" },
64 	{ MOD_TYPE_S3M,  UL_("CDFM / Composer 670"),                "c67" },
65 	{ MOD_TYPE_DBM,  UL_("DigiBooster Pro"),                    "dbm" },
66 	{ MOD_TYPE_DIGI, UL_("DigiBooster"),                        "digi" },
67 	{ MOD_TYPE_DMF,  UL_("X-Tracker"),                          "dmf" },
68 	{ MOD_TYPE_DSM,  UL_("DSIK Format"),                        "dsm" },
69 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Digital Symphony"),                   "dsym" },
70 	{ MOD_TYPE_DTM,  UL_("Digital Tracker"),                    "dtm" },
71 	{ MOD_TYPE_FAR,  UL_("Farandole Composer"),                 "far" },
72 	{ MOD_TYPE_S3M,  UL_("FM Tracker"),                         "fmt" },
73 	{ MOD_TYPE_IMF,  UL_("Imago Orpheus"),                      "imf" },
74 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Ice Tracker"),                        "ice" },
76 	{ MOD_TYPE_IT,   UL_("Impulse Tracker Project"),            "itp" },
77 #endif
78 	{ MOD_TYPE_J2B,  UL_("Galaxy Sound System"),                "j2b" },
79 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Soundtracker"),                       "m15" },
80 	{ MOD_TYPE_MDL,  UL_("Digitrakker"),                        "mdl" },
81 	{ MOD_TYPE_MED,  UL_("OctaMED"),                            "med" },
82 	{ MOD_TYPE_SFX,  UL_("MultiMedia Sound"),                   "mms" },
83 	{ MOD_TYPE_MT2,  UL_("MadTracker 2"),                       "mt2" },
84 	{ MOD_TYPE_MTM,  UL_("MultiTracker"),                       "mtm" },
85 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Karl Morton Music Format"),           "mus" },
86 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("NoiseTracker"),                       "nst" },
87 	{ MOD_TYPE_OKT,  UL_("Oktalyzer"),                          "okt" },
88 	{ MOD_TYPE_PLM,  UL_("Disorder Tracker 2"),                 "plm" },
89 	{ MOD_TYPE_PSM,  UL_("Epic Megagames MASI"),                "psm" },
90 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("ProTracker"),                         "pt36" },
91 	{ MOD_TYPE_PTM,  UL_("PolyTracker"),                        "ptm" },
92 	{ MOD_TYPE_SFX,  UL_("SoundFX"),                            "sfx" },
93 	{ MOD_TYPE_SFX,  UL_("SoundFX"),                            "sfx2" },
94 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("SoundTracker 2.6"),                   "st26" },
95 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Soundtracker"),                       "stk" },
96 	{ MOD_TYPE_STM,  UL_("Scream Tracker 2"),                   "stm" },
97 	{ MOD_TYPE_STM,  UL_("Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit"), "stx" },
98 	{ MOD_TYPE_STP,  UL_("Soundtracker Pro II"),                "stp" },
99 	{ MOD_TYPE_MPT,  UL_("Symphonie"),                          "symmod"},
100 	{ MOD_TYPE_ULT,  UL_("UltraTracker"),                       "ult" },
101 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Mod's Grave"),                        "wow" },
102 	// converted formats (no MODTYPE)
103 	{ MOD_TYPE_NONE, UL_("General Digital Music"),              "gdm" },
104 	{ MOD_TYPE_NONE, UL_("Un4seen MO3"),                        "mo3" },
105 	{ MOD_TYPE_NONE, UL_("OggMod FastTracker 2"),               "oxm" },
107 	// Compressed modules
108 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Compressed ProTracker"),              "mdz" },
109 	{ MOD_TYPE_MOD,  UL_("Compressed Module"),                  "mdr" },
110 	{ MOD_TYPE_S3M,  UL_("Compressed Scream Tracker 3"),        "s3z" },
111 	{ MOD_TYPE_XM,   UL_("Compressed FastTracker 2"),           "xmz" },
112 	{ MOD_TYPE_IT,   UL_("Compressed Impulse Tracker"),         "itz" },
113 	{ MOD_TYPE_MPT,  UL_("Compressed OpenMPT"),                 "mptmz" },
114 #endif
115 };
118 struct ModContainerInfo
119 {
121 	const mpt::uchar *name;   // "Unreal Music"
122 	const char *extension;    // "umx"
123 };
125 static constexpr ModContainerInfo modContainerInfo[] =
126 {
127 	// Container formats
128 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_UMX,   UL_("Unreal Music"),             "umx"   },
129 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_XPK,   UL_("XPK packed"),               "xpk"   },
130 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_PP20,  UL_("PowerPack PP20"),           "ppm"   },
131 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_MMCMP, UL_("Music Module Compressor"),  "mmcmp" },
133 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_WAV,   UL_("Wave"),                     "wav"   },
134 	{ MOD_CONTAINERTYPE_UAX,   UL_("Unreal Sounds"),            "uax"   },
135 #endif
136 };
140 static constexpr ModFormatInfo otherFormatInfo[] =
141 {
142 	{ MOD_TYPE_MID,  UL_("MIDI"), "mid" },
143 	{ MOD_TYPE_MID,  UL_("MIDI"), "rmi" },
144 	{ MOD_TYPE_MID,  UL_("MIDI"), "smf" }
145 };
146 #endif
GetSupportedExtensions(bool otherFormats)149 std::vector<const char *> CSoundFile::GetSupportedExtensions(bool otherFormats)
150 {
151 	std::vector<const char *> exts;
152 	for(const auto &formatInfo : modFormatInfo)
153 	{
154 		// Avoid dupes in list
155 		if(exts.empty() || strcmp(formatInfo.extension, exts.back()))
156 		{
157 			exts.push_back(formatInfo.extension);
158 		}
159 	}
160 	for(const auto &containerInfo : modContainerInfo)
161 	{
162 		// Avoid dupes in list
163 		if(exts.empty() || strcmp(containerInfo.extension, exts.back()))
164 		{
165 			exts.push_back(containerInfo.extension);
166 		}
167 	}
169 	if(otherFormats)
170 	{
171 		for(const auto &formatInfo : otherFormatInfo)
172 		{
173 			exts.push_back(formatInfo.extension);
174 		}
175 	}
176 #else
178 #endif
179 	return exts;
180 }
IsEqualExtension(std::string_view a,std::string_view b)183 static bool IsEqualExtension(std::string_view a, std::string_view b)
184 {
185 	if(a.length() != b.length())
186 	{
187 		return false;
188 	}
189 	return mpt::CompareNoCaseAscii(a, b) == 0;
190 }
IsExtensionSupported(std::string_view ext)193 bool CSoundFile::IsExtensionSupported(std::string_view ext)
194 {
195 	if(ext.length() == 0)
196 	{
197 		return false;
198 	}
199 	for(const auto &formatInfo : modFormatInfo)
200 	{
201 		if(IsEqualExtension(ext, formatInfo.extension))
202 		{
203 			return true;
204 		}
205 	}
206 	for(const auto &containerInfo : modContainerInfo)
207 	{
208 		if(IsEqualExtension(ext, containerInfo.extension))
209 		{
210 			return true;
211 		}
212 	}
213 	return false;
214 }
ModContainerTypeToString(MODCONTAINERTYPE containertype)217 mpt::ustring CSoundFile::ModContainerTypeToString(MODCONTAINERTYPE containertype)
218 {
219 	for(const auto &containerInfo : modContainerInfo)
220 	{
221 		if(containerInfo.format == containertype)
222 		{
223 			return mpt::ToUnicode(mpt::Charset::UTF8, containerInfo.extension);
224 		}
225 	}
226 	return mpt::ustring();
227 }
ModContainerTypeToTracker(MODCONTAINERTYPE containertype)230 mpt::ustring CSoundFile::ModContainerTypeToTracker(MODCONTAINERTYPE containertype)
231 {
232 	std::set<mpt::ustring> retvals;
233 	mpt::ustring retval;
234 	for(const auto &containerInfo : modContainerInfo)
235 	{
236 		if(containerInfo.format == containertype)
237 		{
238 			mpt::ustring name = containerInfo.name;
239 			if(retvals.insert(name).second)
240 			{
241 				if(!retval.empty())
242 				{
243 					retval += U_(" / ");
244 				}
245 				retval += name;
246 			}
247 		}
248 	}
249 	return retval;
250 }
254 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
256 const uint8 ImpulseTrackerPortaVolCmd[16] =
257 {
258 	0x00, 0x01, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x60,
259 	0x80, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
260 };
262 // Period table for ProTracker octaves (1-7 in FastTracker 2, also used for file I/O):
263 const uint16 ProTrackerPeriodTable[7*12] =
264 {
265 	2*1712,2*1616,2*1524,2*1440,2*1356,2*1280,2*1208,2*1140,2*1076,2*1016,2*960,2*906,
266 	1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016,960,907,
267 	856,808,762,720,678,640,604,570,538,508,480,453,
268 	428,404,381,360,339,320,302,285,269,254,240,226,
269 	214,202,190,180,170,160,151,143,135,127,120,113,
270 	107,101,95,90,85,80,75,71,67,63,60,56,
271 	53,50,47,45,42,40,37,35,33,31,30,28
272 };
275 const uint16 ProTrackerTunedPeriods[16*12] =
276 {
277 	1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016,960,907,
278 	1700,1604,1514,1430,1348,1274,1202,1134,1070,1010,954,900,
279 	1688,1592,1504,1418,1340,1264,1194,1126,1064,1004,948,894,
280 	1676,1582,1492,1408,1330,1256,1184,1118,1056,996,940,888,
281 	1664,1570,1482,1398,1320,1246,1176,1110,1048,990,934,882,
282 	1652,1558,1472,1388,1310,1238,1168,1102,1040,982,926,874,
283 	1640,1548,1460,1378,1302,1228,1160,1094,1032,974,920,868,
284 	1628,1536,1450,1368,1292,1220,1150,1086,1026,968,914,862,
285 	1814,1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016,960,
286 	1800,1700,1604,1514,1430,1350,1272,1202,1134,1070,1010,954,
287 	1788,1688,1592,1504,1418,1340,1264,1194,1126,1064,1004,948,
288 	1774,1676,1582,1492,1408,1330,1256,1184,1118,1056,996,940,
289 	1762,1664,1570,1482,1398,1320,1246,1176,1110,1048,988,934,
290 	1750,1652,1558,1472,1388,1310,1238,1168,1102,1040,982,926,
291 	1736,1640,1548,1460,1378,1302,1228,1160,1094,1032,974,920,
292 	1724,1628,1536,1450,1368,1292,1220,1150,1086,1026,968,914
293 };
295 // Table for Invert Loop and Funk Repeat effects (EFx, .MOD only)
296 const uint8 ModEFxTable[16] =
297 {
298 	 0,  5,  6,  7,  8, 10, 11, 13,
299 	16, 19, 22, 26, 32, 43, 64, 128
300 };
302 // S3M C-4 periods
303 const uint16 FreqS3MTable[12] =
304 {
305 	1712,1616,1524,1440,1356,1280,1208,1140,1076,1016,960,907
306 };
308 // S3M FineTune frequencies
309 const uint16 S3MFineTuneTable[16] =
310 {
311 	7895,7941,7985,8046,8107,8169,8232,8280,
312 	8363,8413,8463,8529,8581,8651,8723,8757,	// 8363*2^((i-8)/(12*8))
313 };
316 // Sinus table
317 const int8 ModSinusTable[64] =
318 {
319 	0,12,25,37,49,60,71,81,90,98,106,112,117,122,125,126,
320 	127,126,125,122,117,112,106,98,90,81,71,60,49,37,25,12,
321 	0,-12,-25,-37,-49,-60,-71,-81,-90,-98,-106,-112,-117,-122,-125,-126,
322 	-127,-126,-125,-122,-117,-112,-106,-98,-90,-81,-71,-60,-49,-37,-25,-12
323 };
325 // Random wave table
326 const int8 ModRandomTable[64] =
327 {
328 	98,-127,-43,88,102,41,-65,-94,125,20,-71,-86,-70,-32,-16,-96,
329 	17,72,107,-5,116,-69,-62,-40,10,-61,65,109,-18,-38,-13,-76,
330 	-23,88,21,-94,8,106,21,-112,6,109,20,-88,-30,9,-127,118,
331 	42,-34,89,-4,-51,-72,21,-29,112,123,84,-101,-92,98,-54,-95
332 };
334 // Impulse Tracker sinus table (ITTECH.TXT)
335 const int8 ITSinusTable[256] =
336 {
337 	  0,  2,  3,  5,  6,  8,  9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23,
338 	 24, 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44,
339 	 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 56, 57, 58, 59,
340 	 59, 60, 60, 61, 61, 62, 62, 62, 63, 63, 63, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,
341 	 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 63, 63, 63, 62, 62, 62, 61, 61, 60, 60,
342 	 59, 59, 58, 57, 56, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46,
343 	 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 39, 38, 37, 36, 34, 33, 32, 30, 29, 27, 26,
344  	 24, 23, 22, 20, 19, 17, 16, 14, 12, 11,  9,  8,  6,  5,  3,  2,
345  	  0, -2, -3, -5, -6, -8, -9,-11,-12,-14,-16,-17,-19,-20,-22,-23,
346 	-24,-26,-27,-29,-30,-32,-33,-34,-36,-37,-38,-39,-41,-42,-43,-44,
347 	-45,-46,-47,-48,-49,-50,-51,-52,-53,-54,-55,-56,-56,-57,-58,-59,
348 	-59,-60,-60,-61,-61,-62,-62,-62,-63,-63,-63,-64,-64,-64,-64,-64,
349 	-64,-64,-64,-64,-64,-64,-63,-63,-63,-62,-62,-62,-61,-61,-60,-60,
350 	-59,-59,-58,-57,-56,-56,-55,-54,-53,-52,-51,-50,-49,-48,-47,-46,
351 	-45,-44,-43,-42,-41,-39,-38,-37,-36,-34,-33,-32,-30,-29,-27,-26,
352 	-24,-23,-22,-20,-19,-17,-16,-14,-12,-11, -9, -8, -6, -5, -3, -2,
353 };
356 // volume fade tables for Retrig Note:
357 const int8 retrigTable1[16] =
358 { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 24, 32 };
360 const int8 retrigTable2[16] =
361 { 0, -1, -2, -4, -8, -16, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 0, 0 };
366 const uint16 XMPeriodTable[104] =
367 {
368 	907,900,894,887,881,875,868,862,856,850,844,838,832,826,820,814,
369 	808,802,796,791,785,779,774,768,762,757,752,746,741,736,730,725,
370 	720,715,709,704,699,694,689,684,678,675,670,665,660,655,651,646,
371 	640,636,632,628,623,619,614,610,604,601,597,592,588,584,580,575,
372 	570,567,563,559,555,551,547,543,538,535,532,528,524,520,516,513,
373 	508,505,502,498,494,491,487,484,480,477,474,470,467,463,460,457,
374 	453,450,447,443,440,437,434,431
375 };
378 // floor(8363 * 64 * 2**(-n/768))
379 // 768 = 64 period steps for 12 notes
380 // Table is for highest possible octave
381 const uint32 XMLinearTable[768] =
382 {
383 	535232,534749,534266,533784,533303,532822,532341,531861,
384 	531381,530902,530423,529944,529466,528988,528511,528034,
385 	527558,527082,526607,526131,525657,525183,524709,524236,
386 	523763,523290,522818,522346,521875,521404,520934,520464,
387 	519994,519525,519057,518588,518121,517653,517186,516720,
388 	516253,515788,515322,514858,514393,513929,513465,513002,
389 	512539,512077,511615,511154,510692,510232,509771,509312,
390 	508852,508393,507934,507476,507018,506561,506104,505647,
391 	505191,504735,504280,503825,503371,502917,502463,502010,
392 	501557,501104,500652,500201,499749,499298,498848,498398,
393 	497948,497499,497050,496602,496154,495706,495259,494812,
394 	494366,493920,493474,493029,492585,492140,491696,491253,
395 	490809,490367,489924,489482,489041,488600,488159,487718,
396 	487278,486839,486400,485961,485522,485084,484647,484210,
397 	483773,483336,482900,482465,482029,481595,481160,480726,
398 	480292,479859,479426,478994,478562,478130,477699,477268,
399 	476837,476407,475977,475548,475119,474690,474262,473834,
400 	473407,472979,472553,472126,471701,471275,470850,470425,
401 	470001,469577,469153,468730,468307,467884,467462,467041,
402 	466619,466198,465778,465358,464938,464518,464099,463681,
403 	463262,462844,462427,462010,461593,461177,460760,460345,
404 	459930,459515,459100,458686,458272,457859,457446,457033,
405 	456621,456209,455797,455386,454975,454565,454155,453745,
406 	453336,452927,452518,452110,451702,451294,450887,450481,
407 	450074,449668,449262,448857,448452,448048,447644,447240,
408 	446836,446433,446030,445628,445226,444824,444423,444022,
409 	443622,443221,442821,442422,442023,441624,441226,440828,
410 	440430,440033,439636,439239,438843,438447,438051,437656,
411 	437261,436867,436473,436079,435686,435293,434900,434508,
412 	434116,433724,433333,432942,432551,432161,431771,431382,
413 	430992,430604,430215,429827,429439,429052,428665,428278,
414 	427892,427506,427120,426735,426350,425965,425581,425197,
415 	424813,424430,424047,423665,423283,422901,422519,422138,
416 	421757,421377,420997,420617,420237,419858,419479,419101,
417 	418723,418345,417968,417591,417214,416838,416462,416086,
418 	415711,415336,414961,414586,414212,413839,413465,413092,
419 	412720,412347,411975,411604,411232,410862,410491,410121,
420 	409751,409381,409012,408643,408274,407906,407538,407170,
421 	406803,406436,406069,405703,405337,404971,404606,404241,
422 	403876,403512,403148,402784,402421,402058,401695,401333,
423 	400970,400609,400247,399886,399525,399165,398805,398445,
424 	398086,397727,397368,397009,396651,396293,395936,395579,
425 	395222,394865,394509,394153,393798,393442,393087,392733,
426 	392378,392024,391671,391317,390964,390612,390259,389907,
427 	389556,389204,388853,388502,388152,387802,387452,387102,
428 	386753,386404,386056,385707,385359,385012,384664,384317,
429 	383971,383624,383278,382932,382587,382242,381897,381552,
430 	381208,380864,380521,380177,379834,379492,379149,378807,
431 	378466,378124,377783,377442,377102,376762,376422,376082,
432 	375743,375404,375065,374727,374389,374051,373714,373377,
433 	373040,372703,372367,372031,371695,371360,371025,370690,
434 	370356,370022,369688,369355,369021,368688,368356,368023,
435 	367691,367360,367028,366697,366366,366036,365706,365376,
436 	365046,364717,364388,364059,363731,363403,363075,362747,
437 	362420,362093,361766,361440,361114,360788,360463,360137,
438 	359813,359488,359164,358840,358516,358193,357869,357547,
439 	357224,356902,356580,356258,355937,355616,355295,354974,
440 	354654,354334,354014,353695,353376,353057,352739,352420,
441 	352103,351785,351468,351150,350834,350517,350201,349885,
442 	349569,349254,348939,348624,348310,347995,347682,347368,
443 	347055,346741,346429,346116,345804,345492,345180,344869,
444 	344558,344247,343936,343626,343316,343006,342697,342388,
445 	342079,341770,341462,341154,340846,340539,340231,339924,
446 	339618,339311,339005,338700,338394,338089,337784,337479,
447 	337175,336870,336566,336263,335959,335656,335354,335051,
448 	334749,334447,334145,333844,333542,333242,332941,332641,
449 	332341,332041,331741,331442,331143,330844,330546,330247,
450 	329950,329652,329355,329057,328761,328464,328168,327872,
451 	327576,327280,326985,326690,326395,326101,325807,325513,
452 	325219,324926,324633,324340,324047,323755,323463,323171,
453 	322879,322588,322297,322006,321716,321426,321136,320846,
454 	320557,320267,319978,319690,319401,319113,318825,318538,
455 	318250,317963,317676,317390,317103,316817,316532,316246,
456 	315961,315676,315391,315106,314822,314538,314254,313971,
457 	313688,313405,313122,312839,312557,312275,311994,311712,
458 	311431,311150,310869,310589,310309,310029,309749,309470,
459 	309190,308911,308633,308354,308076,307798,307521,307243,
460 	306966,306689,306412,306136,305860,305584,305308,305033,
461 	304758,304483,304208,303934,303659,303385,303112,302838,
462 	302565,302292,302019,301747,301475,301203,300931,300660,
463 	300388,300117,299847,299576,299306,299036,298766,298497,
464 	298227,297958,297689,297421,297153,296884,296617,296349,
465 	296082,295815,295548,295281,295015,294749,294483,294217,
466 	293952,293686,293421,293157,292892,292628,292364,292100,
467 	291837,291574,291311,291048,290785,290523,290261,289999,
468 	289737,289476,289215,288954,288693,288433,288173,287913,
469 	287653,287393,287134,286875,286616,286358,286099,285841,
470 	285583,285326,285068,284811,284554,284298,284041,283785,
471 	283529,283273,283017,282762,282507,282252,281998,281743,
472 	281489,281235,280981,280728,280475,280222,279969,279716,
473 	279464,279212,278960,278708,278457,278206,277955,277704,
474 	277453,277203,276953,276703,276453,276204,275955,275706,
475 	275457,275209,274960,274712,274465,274217,273970,273722,
476 	273476,273229,272982,272736,272490,272244,271999,271753,
477 	271508,271263,271018,270774,270530,270286,270042,269798,
478 	269555,269312,269069,268826,268583,268341,268099,267857
479 };
482 // round(65536 * 2**(n/768))
483 // 768 = 64 extra-fine finetune steps for 12 notes
484 // Table content is in 16.16 format
485 const uint32 FineLinearSlideUpTable[16] =
486 {
487 	65536, 65595, 65654, 65714,	65773, 65832, 65892, 65951,
488 	66011, 66071, 66130, 66190, 66250, 66309, 66369, 66429
489 };
492 // round(65536 * 2**(-n/768))
493 // 768 = 64 extra-fine finetune steps for 12 notes
494 // Table content is in 16.16 format
495 // Note that there are a few errors in this table (typos?), but well, this table comes straight from Impulse Tracker's source...
496 // Entry 0 (65535) should be 65536 (this value is unused and most likely stored this way so that it fits in a 16-bit integer)
497 // Entry 11 (64888) should be 64889 - rounding error?
498 // Entry 15 (64645) should be 64655 - typo?
499 const uint32 FineLinearSlideDownTable[16] =
500 {
501 	65535, 65477, 65418, 65359, 65300, 65241, 65182, 65123,
502 	65065, 65006, 64947, 64888, 64830, 64772, 64713, 64645
503 };
506 // round(65536 * 2**(n/192))
507 // 192 = 16 finetune steps for 12 notes
508 // Table content is in 16.16 format
509 const uint32 LinearSlideUpTable[256] =
510 {
511 	65536, 65773, 66011, 66250, 66489, 66730, 66971, 67213,
512 	67456, 67700, 67945, 68191, 68438, 68685, 68933, 69183,
513 	69433, 69684, 69936, 70189, 70443, 70698, 70953, 71210,
514 	71468, 71726, 71985, 72246, 72507, 72769, 73032, 73297,
515 	73562, 73828, 74095, 74363, 74632, 74902, 75172, 75444,
516 	75717, 75991, 76266, 76542, 76819, 77096, 77375, 77655,
517 	77936, 78218, 78501, 78785, 79069, 79355, 79642, 79930,
518 	80220, 80510, 80801, 81093, 81386, 81681, 81976, 82273,
519 	82570, 82869, 83169, 83469, 83771, 84074, 84378, 84683,
520 	84990, 85297, 85606, 85915, 86226, 86538, 86851, 87165,
521 	87480, 87796, 88114, 88433, 88752, 89073, 89396, 89719,
522 	90043, 90369, 90696, 91024, 91353, 91684, 92015, 92348,
523 	92682, 93017, 93354, 93691, 94030, 94370, 94711, 95054,
524 	95398, 95743, 96089, 96436, 96785, 97135, 97487, 97839,
525 	98193, 98548, 98905, 99262, 99621, 99982, 100343, 100706,
526 	101070, 101436, 101803, 102171, 102540, 102911, 103283, 103657,
527 	104032, 104408, 104786, 105165, 105545, 105927, 106310, 106694,
528 	107080, 107468, 107856, 108246, 108638, 109031, 109425, 109821,
529 	110218, 110617, 111017, 111418, 111821, 112226, 112631, 113039,
530 	113448, 113858, 114270, 114683, 115098, 115514, 115932, 116351,
531 	116772, 117194, 117618, 118043, 118470, 118899, 119329, 119760,
532 	120194, 120628, 121065, 121502, 121942, 122383, 122825, 123270,
533 	123715, 124163, 124612, 125063, 125515, 125969, 126425, 126882,
534 	127341, 127801, 128263, 128727, 129193, 129660, 130129, 130600,
535 	131072, 131546, 132022, 132499, 132978, 133459, 133942, 134427,
536 	134913, 135401, 135890, 136382, 136875, 137370, 137867, 138366,
537 	138866, 139368, 139872, 140378, 140886, 141395, 141907, 142420,
538 	142935, 143452, 143971, 144491, 145014, 145539, 146065, 146593,
539 	147123, 147655, 148189, 148725, 149263, 149803, 150345, 150889,
540 	151434, 151982, 152532, 153083, 153637, 154193, 154750, 155310,
541 	155872, 156435, 157001, 157569, 158139, 158711, 159285, 159861,
542 	160439, 161019, 161602, 162186, 162773, 163361, 163952, 164545
543 };
546 // round(65536 * 2**(-n/192))
547 // 192 = 16 finetune steps for 12 notes
548 // Table content is in 16.16 format
549 const uint32 LinearSlideDownTable[256] =
550 {
551 	65536, 65300, 65065, 64830, 64596, 64364, 64132, 63901,
552 	63670, 63441, 63212, 62984, 62757, 62531, 62306, 62081,
553 	61858, 61635, 61413, 61191, 60971, 60751, 60532, 60314,
554 	60097, 59880, 59664, 59449, 59235, 59022, 58809, 58597,
555 	58386, 58176, 57966, 57757, 57549, 57341, 57135, 56929,
556 	56724, 56519, 56316, 56113, 55911, 55709, 55508, 55308,
557 	55109, 54910, 54713, 54515, 54319, 54123, 53928, 53734,
558 	53540, 53347, 53155, 52963, 52773, 52582, 52393, 52204,
559 	52016, 51829, 51642, 51456, 51270, 51085, 50901, 50718,
560 	50535, 50353, 50172, 49991, 49811, 49631, 49452, 49274,
561 	49097, 48920, 48743, 48568, 48393, 48218, 48044, 47871,
562 	47699, 47527, 47356, 47185, 47015, 46846, 46677, 46509,
563 	46341, 46174, 46008, 45842, 45677, 45512, 45348, 45185,
564 	45022, 44859, 44698, 44537, 44376, 44216, 44057, 43898,
565 	43740, 43582, 43425, 43269, 43113, 42958, 42803, 42649,
566 	42495, 42342, 42189, 42037, 41886, 41735, 41584, 41434,
567 	41285, 41136, 40988, 40840, 40693, 40547, 40400, 40255,
568 	40110, 39965, 39821, 39678, 39535, 39392, 39250, 39109,
569 	38968, 38828, 38688, 38548, 38409, 38271, 38133, 37996,
570 	37859, 37722, 37586, 37451, 37316, 37181, 37047, 36914,
571 	36781, 36648, 36516, 36385, 36254, 36123, 35993, 35863,
572 	35734, 35605, 35477, 35349, 35221, 35095, 34968, 34842,
573 	34716, 34591, 34467, 34343, 34219, 34095, 33973, 33850,
574 	33728, 33607, 33486, 33365, 33245, 33125, 33005, 32887,
575 	32768, 32650, 32532, 32415, 32298, 32182, 32066, 31950,
576 	31835, 31720, 31606, 31492, 31379, 31266, 31153, 31041,
577 	30929, 30817, 30706, 30596, 30485, 30376, 30266, 30157,
578 	30048, 29940, 29832, 29725, 29618, 29511, 29405, 29299,
579 	29193, 29088, 28983, 28879, 28774, 28671, 28567, 28464,
580 	28362, 28260, 28158, 28056, 27955, 27855, 27754, 27654,
581 	27554, 27455, 27356, 27258, 27159, 27062, 26964, 26867,
582 	26770, 26674, 26577, 26482, 26386, 26291, 26196, 26102
583 };
586 // FT2's square root panning law LUT.
587 // Formula to generate this table: round(65536 * sqrt(n / 256))
588 const uint16 XMPanningTable[256] =
589 {
590 	0,     4096,  5793,  7094,  8192,  9159,  10033, 10837, 11585, 12288, 12953, 13585, 14189, 14768, 15326, 15864,
591 	16384, 16888, 17378, 17854, 18318, 18770, 19212, 19644, 20066, 20480, 20886, 21283, 21674, 22058, 22435, 22806,
592 	23170, 23530, 23884, 24232, 24576, 24915, 25249, 25580, 25905, 26227, 26545, 26859, 27170, 27477, 27780, 28081,
593 	28378, 28672, 28963, 29251, 29537, 29819, 30099, 30377, 30652, 30924, 31194, 31462, 31727, 31991, 32252, 32511,
594 	32768, 33023, 33276, 33527, 33776, 34024, 34270, 34514, 34756, 34996, 35235, 35472, 35708, 35942, 36175, 36406,
595 	36636, 36864, 37091, 37316, 37540, 37763, 37985, 38205, 38424, 38642, 38858, 39073, 39287, 39500, 39712, 39923,
596 	40132, 40341, 40548, 40755, 40960, 41164, 41368, 41570, 41771, 41972, 42171, 42369, 42567, 42763, 42959, 43154,
597 	43348, 43541, 43733, 43925, 44115, 44305, 44494, 44682, 44869, 45056, 45242, 45427, 45611, 45795, 45977, 46160,
598 	46341, 46522, 46702, 46881, 47059, 47237, 47415, 47591, 47767, 47942, 48117, 48291, 48465, 48637, 48809, 48981,
599 	49152, 49322, 49492, 49661, 49830, 49998, 50166, 50332, 50499, 50665, 50830, 50995, 51159, 51323, 51486, 51649,
600 	51811, 51972, 52134, 52294, 52454, 52614, 52773, 52932, 53090, 53248, 53405, 53562, 53719, 53874, 54030, 54185,
601 	54340, 54494, 54647, 54801, 54954, 55106, 55258, 55410, 55561, 55712, 55862, 56012, 56162, 56311, 56459, 56608,
602 	56756, 56903, 57051, 57198, 57344, 57490, 57636, 57781, 57926, 58071, 58215, 58359, 58503, 58646, 58789, 58931,
603 	59073, 59215, 59357, 59498, 59639, 59779, 59919, 60059, 60199, 60338, 60477, 60615, 60753, 60891, 61029, 61166,
604 	61303, 61440, 61576, 61712, 61848, 61984, 62119, 62254, 62388, 62523, 62657, 62790, 62924, 63057, 63190, 63323,
605 	63455, 63587, 63719, 63850, 63982, 64113, 64243, 64374, 64504, 64634, 64763, 64893, 65022, 65151, 65279, 65408,
606 };
609 // IT Vibrato -> OpenMPT/XM VibratoType
610 const uint8 AutoVibratoIT2XM[8] = { VIB_SINE, VIB_RAMP_DOWN, VIB_SQUARE, VIB_RANDOM, VIB_RAMP_UP, 0, 0, 0 };
611 // OpenMPT/XM VibratoType -> IT Vibrato
612 const uint8 AutoVibratoXM2IT[8] = { 0, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0 };
614 // Reversed sinc coefficients for 4x256 taps polyphase FIR resampling filter (SchismTracker's lutgen.c should generate a very similar table, but it's more precise)
615 const int16 CResampler::FastSincTable[256*4] =
616 { // Cubic Spline
617     0, 16384,     0,     0,   -31, 16383,    32,     0,   -63, 16381,    65,     0,   -93, 16378,   100,    -1,
618  -124, 16374,   135,    -1,  -153, 16368,   172,    -3,  -183, 16361,   209,    -4,  -211, 16353,   247,    -5,
619  -240, 16344,   287,    -7,  -268, 16334,   327,    -9,  -295, 16322,   368,   -12,  -322, 16310,   410,   -14,
620  -348, 16296,   453,   -17,  -374, 16281,   497,   -20,  -400, 16265,   541,   -23,  -425, 16248,   587,   -26,
621  -450, 16230,   634,   -30,  -474, 16210,   681,   -33,  -497, 16190,   729,   -37,  -521, 16168,   778,   -41,
622  -543, 16145,   828,   -46,  -566, 16121,   878,   -50,  -588, 16097,   930,   -55,  -609, 16071,   982,   -60,
623  -630, 16044,  1035,   -65,  -651, 16016,  1089,   -70,  -671, 15987,  1144,   -75,  -691, 15957,  1199,   -81,
624  -710, 15926,  1255,   -87,  -729, 15894,  1312,   -93,  -748, 15861,  1370,   -99,  -766, 15827,  1428,  -105,
625  -784, 15792,  1488,  -112,  -801, 15756,  1547,  -118,  -818, 15719,  1608,  -125,  -834, 15681,  1669,  -132,
626  -850, 15642,  1731,  -139,  -866, 15602,  1794,  -146,  -881, 15561,  1857,  -153,  -896, 15520,  1921,  -161,
627  -911, 15477,  1986,  -168,  -925, 15434,  2051,  -176,  -939, 15390,  2117,  -184,  -952, 15344,  2184,  -192,
628  -965, 15298,  2251,  -200,  -978, 15251,  2319,  -208,  -990, 15204,  2387,  -216, -1002, 15155,  2456,  -225,
629 -1014, 15106,  2526,  -234, -1025, 15055,  2596,  -242, -1036, 15004,  2666,  -251, -1046, 14952,  2738,  -260,
630 -1056, 14899,  2810,  -269, -1066, 14846,  2882,  -278, -1075, 14792,  2955,  -287, -1084, 14737,  3028,  -296,
631 -1093, 14681,  3102,  -306, -1102, 14624,  3177,  -315, -1110, 14567,  3252,  -325, -1118, 14509,  3327,  -334,
632 -1125, 14450,  3403,  -344, -1132, 14390,  3480,  -354, -1139, 14330,  3556,  -364, -1145, 14269,  3634,  -374,
633 -1152, 14208,  3712,  -384, -1157, 14145,  3790,  -394, -1163, 14082,  3868,  -404, -1168, 14018,  3947,  -414,
634 -1173, 13954,  4027,  -424, -1178, 13889,  4107,  -434, -1182, 13823,  4187,  -445, -1186, 13757,  4268,  -455,
635 -1190, 13690,  4349,  -465, -1193, 13623,  4430,  -476, -1196, 13555,  4512,  -486, -1199, 13486,  4594,  -497,
636 -1202, 13417,  4676,  -507, -1204, 13347,  4759,  -518, -1206, 13276,  4842,  -528, -1208, 13205,  4926,  -539,
637 -1210, 13134,  5010,  -550, -1211, 13061,  5094,  -560, -1212, 12989,  5178,  -571, -1212, 12915,  5262,  -581,
638 -1213, 12842,  5347,  -592, -1213, 12767,  5432,  -603, -1213, 12693,  5518,  -613, -1213, 12617,  5603,  -624,
639 -1212, 12542,  5689,  -635, -1211, 12466,  5775,  -645, -1210, 12389,  5862,  -656, -1209, 12312,  5948,  -667,
640 -1208, 12234,  6035,  -677, -1206, 12156,  6122,  -688, -1204, 12078,  6209,  -698, -1202, 11999,  6296,  -709,
641 -1200, 11920,  6384,  -720, -1197, 11840,  6471,  -730, -1194, 11760,  6559,  -740, -1191, 11679,  6647,  -751,
642 -1188, 11598,  6735,  -761, -1184, 11517,  6823,  -772, -1181, 11436,  6911,  -782, -1177, 11354,  6999,  -792,
643 -1173, 11271,  7088,  -802, -1168, 11189,  7176,  -812, -1164, 11106,  7265,  -822, -1159, 11022,  7354,  -832,
644 -1155, 10939,  7442,  -842, -1150, 10855,  7531,  -852, -1144, 10771,  7620,  -862, -1139, 10686,  7709,  -872,
645 -1134, 10602,  7798,  -882, -1128, 10516,  7886,  -891, -1122, 10431,  7975,  -901, -1116, 10346,  8064,  -910,
646 -1110, 10260,  8153,  -919, -1103, 10174,  8242,  -929, -1097, 10088,  8331,  -938, -1090, 10001,  8420,  -947,
647 -1083,  9915,  8508,  -956, -1076,  9828,  8597,  -965, -1069,  9741,  8686,  -973, -1062,  9654,  8774,  -982,
648 -1054,  9566,  8863,  -991, -1047,  9479,  8951,  -999, -1039,  9391,  9039, -1007, -1031,  9303,  9127, -1015,
649 -1024,  9216,  9216, -1024, -1015,  9127,  9303, -1031, -1007,  9039,  9391, -1039,  -999,  8951,  9479, -1047,
650  -991,  8863,  9566, -1054,  -982,  8774,  9654, -1062,  -973,  8686,  9741, -1069,  -965,  8597,  9828, -1076,
651  -956,  8508,  9915, -1083,  -947,  8420, 10001, -1090,  -938,  8331, 10088, -1097,  -929,  8242, 10174, -1103,
652  -919,  8153, 10260, -1110,  -910,  8064, 10346, -1116,  -901,  7975, 10431, -1122,  -891,  7886, 10516, -1128,
653  -882,  7798, 10602, -1134,  -872,  7709, 10686, -1139,  -862,  7620, 10771, -1144,  -852,  7531, 10855, -1150,
654  -842,  7442, 10939, -1155,  -832,  7354, 11022, -1159,  -822,  7265, 11106, -1164,  -812,  7176, 11189, -1168,
655  -802,  7088, 11271, -1173,  -792,  6999, 11354, -1177,  -782,  6911, 11436, -1181,  -772,  6823, 11517, -1184,
656  -761,  6735, 11598, -1188,  -751,  6647, 11679, -1191,  -740,  6559, 11760, -1194,  -730,  6471, 11840, -1197,
657  -720,  6384, 11920, -1200,  -709,  6296, 11999, -1202,  -698,  6209, 12078, -1204,  -688,  6122, 12156, -1206,
658  -677,  6035, 12234, -1208,  -667,  5948, 12312, -1209,  -656,  5862, 12389, -1210,  -645,  5775, 12466, -1211,
659  -635,  5689, 12542, -1212,  -624,  5603, 12617, -1213,  -613,  5518, 12693, -1213,  -603,  5432, 12767, -1213,
660  -592,  5347, 12842, -1213,  -581,  5262, 12915, -1212,  -571,  5178, 12989, -1212,  -560,  5094, 13061, -1211,
661  -550,  5010, 13134, -1210,  -539,  4926, 13205, -1208,  -528,  4842, 13276, -1206,  -518,  4759, 13347, -1204,
662  -507,  4676, 13417, -1202,  -497,  4594, 13486, -1199,  -486,  4512, 13555, -1196,  -476,  4430, 13623, -1193,
663  -465,  4349, 13690, -1190,  -455,  4268, 13757, -1186,  -445,  4187, 13823, -1182,  -434,  4107, 13889, -1178,
664  -424,  4027, 13954, -1173,  -414,  3947, 14018, -1168,  -404,  3868, 14082, -1163,  -394,  3790, 14145, -1157,
665  -384,  3712, 14208, -1152,  -374,  3634, 14269, -1145,  -364,  3556, 14330, -1139,  -354,  3480, 14390, -1132,
666  -344,  3403, 14450, -1125,  -334,  3327, 14509, -1118,  -325,  3252, 14567, -1110,  -315,  3177, 14624, -1102,
667  -306,  3102, 14681, -1093,  -296,  3028, 14737, -1084,  -287,  2955, 14792, -1075,  -278,  2882, 14846, -1066,
668  -269,  2810, 14899, -1056,  -260,  2738, 14952, -1046,  -251,  2666, 15004, -1036,  -242,  2596, 15055, -1025,
669  -234,  2526, 15106, -1014,  -225,  2456, 15155, -1002,  -216,  2387, 15204,  -990,  -208,  2319, 15251,  -978,
670  -200,  2251, 15298,  -965,  -192,  2184, 15344,  -952,  -184,  2117, 15390,  -939,  -176,  2051, 15434,  -925,
671  -168,  1986, 15477,  -911,  -161,  1921, 15520,  -896,  -153,  1857, 15561,  -881,  -146,  1794, 15602,  -866,
672  -139,  1731, 15642,  -850,  -132,  1669, 15681,  -834,  -125,  1608, 15719,  -818,  -118,  1547, 15756,  -801,
673  -112,  1488, 15792,  -784,  -105,  1428, 15827,  -766,   -99,  1370, 15861,  -748,   -93,  1312, 15894,  -729,
674   -87,  1255, 15926,  -710,   -81,  1199, 15957,  -691,   -75,  1144, 15987,  -671,   -70,  1089, 16016,  -651,
675   -65,  1035, 16044,  -630,   -60,   982, 16071,  -609,   -55,   930, 16097,  -588,   -50,   878, 16121,  -566,
676   -46,   828, 16145,  -543,   -41,   778, 16168,  -521,   -37,   729, 16190,  -497,   -33,   681, 16210,  -474,
677   -30,   634, 16230,  -450,   -26,   587, 16248,  -425,   -23,   541, 16265,  -400,   -20,   497, 16281,  -374,
678   -17,   453, 16296,  -348,   -14,   410, 16310,  -322,   -12,   368, 16322,  -295,    -9,   327, 16334,  -268,
679    -7,   287, 16344,  -240,    -5,   247, 16353,  -211,    -4,   209, 16361,  -183,    -3,   172, 16368,  -153,
680    -1,   135, 16374,  -124,    -1,   100, 16378,   -93,     0,    65, 16381,   -63,     0,    32, 16383,   -31,
681 };
684 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
687 // Compute Bessel function Izero(y) using a series approximation
Izero(double y)688 double Izero(double y)
689 {
690 	double s = 1, ds = 1, d = 0;
691 	do
692 	{
693 		d = d + 2;
694 		ds = ds * (y * y) / (d * d);
695 		s = s + ds;
696 	} while(ds > 1E-7 * s);
697 	return s;
698 }
getsinc(SINC_TYPE * psinc,double beta,double cutoff)701 static void getsinc(SINC_TYPE *psinc, double beta, double cutoff)
702 {
703 	if(cutoff >= 0.999)
704 	{
705 		// Avoid mixer overflows.
706 		// 1.0 itself does not make much sense.
707 		cutoff = 0.999;
708 	}
709 	const double izeroBeta = Izero(beta);
710 	const double kPi = 4.0 * std::atan(1.0) * cutoff;
711 	for(int isrc = 0; isrc < 8 * SINC_PHASES; isrc++)
712 	{
713 		double fsinc;
714 		int ix = 7 - (isrc & 7);
715 		ix = (ix * SINC_PHASES) + (isrc >> 3);
716 		if(ix == (4 * SINC_PHASES))
717 		{
718 			fsinc = 1.0;
719 		} else
720 		{
721 			const double x = (double)(ix - (4 * SINC_PHASES)) * (double)(1.0 / SINC_PHASES);
722 			const double xPi = x * kPi;
723 			fsinc = std::sin(xPi) * Izero(beta * std::sqrt(1 - x * x * (1.0 / 16.0))) / (izeroBeta * xPi); // Kaiser window
724 		}
725 		double coeff = fsinc * cutoff;
726 #ifdef MPT_INTMIXER
727 		*psinc++ = mpt::saturate_round<SINC_TYPE>(coeff * (1 << SINC_QUANTSHIFT));
728 #else
729 		*psinc++ = static_cast<SINC_TYPE>(coeff);
730 #endif
731 	}
732 }
736 bool CResampler::StaticTablesInitialized = false;
737 SINC_TYPE CResampler::gKaiserSinc[SINC_PHASES * 8];     // Upsampling
738 SINC_TYPE CResampler::gDownsample13x[SINC_PHASES * 8];  // Downsample 1.333x
739 SINC_TYPE CResampler::gDownsample2x[SINC_PHASES * 8];   // Downsample 2x
740 Paula::BlepTables CResampler::blepTables;               // Amiga BLEP resampler
741 #ifndef MPT_INTMIXER
742 mixsample_t CResampler::FastSincTablef[256 * 4];        // Cubic spline LUT
743 #endif // !defined(MPT_INTMIXER)
744 #endif // MODPLUG_TRACKER
InitFloatmixerTables()747 void CResampler::InitFloatmixerTables()
748 {
750 	// Creating resampling tables can take a little while which we really should not spend
751 	// when fuzzing OpenMPT for crashes and hangs. This content of the tables is not really
752 	// relevant for any kind of possible crashes or hangs.
753 	return;
754 #endif // MPT_BUILD_FUZZER
755 #ifndef MPT_INTMIXER
756 	// Prepare fast sinc coefficients for floating point mixer
757 	for(std::size_t i = 0; i < std::size(FastSincTable); i++)
758 	{
759 		FastSincTablef[i] = static_cast<mixsample_t>(FastSincTable[i] * mixsample_t(1.0f / 16384.0f));
760 	}
761 #endif // !defined(MPT_INTMIXER)
762 }
InitializeTablesFromScratch(bool force)765 void CResampler::InitializeTablesFromScratch(bool force)
766 {
767 	bool initParameterIndependentTables = false;
768 	if(force)
769 	{
770 		initParameterIndependentTables = true;
771 	}
773 	initParameterIndependentTables = !StaticTablesInitialized;
774 #endif  // MODPLUG_TRACKER
776 	MPT_MAYBE_CONSTANT_IF(initParameterIndependentTables)
777 	{
778 		InitFloatmixerTables();
780 		blepTables.InitTables();
782 		getsinc(gKaiserSinc, 9.6377, 0.97);
783 		getsinc(gDownsample13x, 8.5, 0.5);
784 		getsinc(gDownsample2x, 2.7625, 0.425);
787 		StaticTablesInitialized = true;
788 #endif  // MODPLUG_TRACKER
789 	}
791 	if((m_OldSettings == m_Settings) && !force)
792 	{
793 		return;
794 	}
796 	m_WindowedFIR.InitTable(m_Settings.gdWFIRCutoff, m_Settings.gbWFIRType);
798 	m_OldSettings = m_Settings;
799 }
GetCachedResampler()804 static const CResampler & GetCachedResampler()
805 {
806 	static CResampler s_CachedResampler(true);
807 	return s_CachedResampler;
808 }
InitializeTablesFromCache()811 void CResampler::InitializeTablesFromCache()
812 {
813 	const CResampler & s_CachedResampler = GetCachedResampler();
814 	InitFloatmixerTables();
815 	std::copy(s_CachedResampler.gKaiserSinc, s_CachedResampler.gKaiserSinc + SINC_PHASES*8, gKaiserSinc);
816 	std::copy(s_CachedResampler.gDownsample13x, s_CachedResampler.gDownsample13x + SINC_PHASES*8, gDownsample13x);
817 	std::copy(s_CachedResampler.gDownsample2x, s_CachedResampler.gDownsample2x + SINC_PHASES*8, gDownsample2x);
818 	std::copy(s_CachedResampler.m_WindowedFIR.lut, s_CachedResampler.m_WindowedFIR.lut + WFIR_LUTLEN*WFIR_WIDTH, m_WindowedFIR.lut);
819 	blepTables = s_CachedResampler.blepTables;
820 }
827 struct ResampleCacheInitializer
828 {
ResampleCacheInitializerResampleCacheInitializer829 	ResampleCacheInitializer()
830 	{
831 		GetCachedResampler();
832 	}
833 };
835 #pragma clang diagnostic push
836 #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wglobal-constructors"
837 #endif // MPT_COMPILER_CLANG
838 static ResampleCacheInitializer g_ResamplerCachePrimer;
840 #pragma clang diagnostic pop
841 #endif // MPT_COMPILER_CLANG