1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //                                                                           //
3 // The Template Matrix/Vector Library for C++ was created by Mike Jarvis     //
4 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2016                                                 //
5 // All rights reserved                                                       //
6 //                                                                           //
7 // The project is hosted at https://code.google.com/p/tmv-cpp/               //
8 // where you can find the current version and current documention.           //
9 //                                                                           //
10 // For concerns or problems with the software, Mike may be contacted at      //
11 // mike_jarvis17 [at] gmail.                                                 //
12 //                                                                           //
13 // This software is licensed under a FreeBSD license.  The file              //
14 // TMV_LICENSE should have bee included with this distribution.              //
15 // It not, you can get a copy from https://code.google.com/p/tmv-cpp/.       //
16 //                                                                           //
17 // Essentially, you can use this software however you want provided that     //
18 // you include the TMV_LICENSE file in any distribution that uses it.        //
19 //                                                                           //
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 #ifndef TMV_VectorArithFunc_H
24 #define TMV_VectorArithFunc_H
26 #include "tmv/TMV_BaseVector.h"
27 #include "tmv/TMV_Array.h"
29 #define CT std::complex<T>
31 namespace tmv {
33     // v *= x
34     template <typename T>
35     void MultXV(const T x, VectorView<T> v2);
36     // v2 = x * v1
37     template <typename T, typename T1>
38     void MultXV(const T x, const GenVector<T1>& v1, VectorView<T> v2);
40     // v2 += x * v1
41     template <typename T, typename T1>
42     void AddVV(const T x, const GenVector<T1>& v1, VectorView<T> v2);
43     // v3 = x1 * v1 + x2 * v2
44     template <typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
45     void AddVV(
46         const T x1, const GenVector<T1>& v1,
47         const T x2, const GenVector<T2>& v2, VectorView<T> v3);
49     // v1 * v2 (dot product)
50     // Note: the return type is the type of the first vector
51     // This is important for mixing complex and real vectors
52     template <typename T, typename T2>
53     T MultVV(const GenVector<T>& v1, const GenVector<T2>& v2);
55     template <bool add, typename T, typename Tx, typename Ty>
56     void ElemMultVV(
57         const T alpha, const GenVector<Tx>& x,
58         const GenVector<Ty>& y, VectorView<T> z);
60     template <typename T>
61     class VectorComposite : public GenVector<T>
62     {
63     public:
VectorComposite()65         inline VectorComposite() {}
VectorComposite(const VectorComposite<T> &)66         inline VectorComposite(const VectorComposite<T>&) {}
~VectorComposite()67         virtual inline ~VectorComposite() {}
69         const T* cptr() const;
step()70         inline ptrdiff_t step() const { return 1; }
ct()71         inline ConjType ct() const { return NonConj; }
isconj()72         inline bool isconj() const { return false; }
74     private:
75         mutable AlignedArray<T> _v;
76     };
78     // Specialize allowed complex combinations:
79     template <typename T>
MultXV(const T x,VectorView<CT> v2)80     inline void MultXV(const T x, VectorView<CT> v2)
81     { MultXV(CT(x),v2); }
82     template <typename T, typename T1>
MultXV(const T x,const GenVector<T1> & v1,VectorView<CT> v2)83     inline void MultXV(
84         const T x, const GenVector<T1>& v1, VectorView<CT> v2)
85     { MultXV(CT(x),v1,v2); }
87     template <typename T, typename T1>
AddVV(const T x,const GenVector<T1> & v1,VectorView<CT> v2)88     inline void AddVV(
89         const T x, const GenVector<T1>& v1, VectorView<CT> v2)
90     { AddVV(CT(x),v1,v2); }
91     template <typename T, typename T1, typename T2>
AddVV(const T x1,const GenVector<T1> & v1,const T x2,const GenVector<T2> & v2,VectorView<CT> v3)92     inline void AddVV(
93         const T x1, const GenVector<T1>& v1,
94         const T x2, const GenVector<T2>& v2, VectorView<CT> v3)
95     { AddVV(CT(x1),v1,CT(x2),v2,v3); }
96     template <typename T>
AddVV(const CT x1,const GenVector<CT> & v1,const CT x2,const GenVector<T> & v2,VectorView<CT> v3)97     inline void AddVV(
98         const CT x1, const GenVector<CT>& v1,
99         const CT x2, const GenVector<T>& v2, VectorView<CT> v3)
100     { AddVV(x2,v2,x1,v1,v3); }
102     template <typename T>
MultVV(const GenVector<T> & v1,const GenVector<CT> & v2)103     inline CT MultVV(const GenVector<T>& v1, const GenVector<CT>& v2)
104     { return MultVV(v2,v1); }
106     template <bool add, typename T, typename Tx, typename Ty>
ElemMultVV(const T alpha,const GenVector<Tx> & x,const GenVector<Ty> & y,VectorView<CT> z)107     inline void ElemMultVV(
108         const T alpha, const GenVector<Tx>& x,
109         const GenVector<Ty>& y, VectorView<CT> z)
110     { ElemMultVV<add>(CT(alpha),x,y,z); }
112     // Specialize disallowed complex combinations:
113     template <typename T>
MultXV(const CT,VectorView<T>)114     inline void MultXV(const CT , VectorView<T> )
115     { TMVAssert(TMV_FALSE); }
116     template <typename T, typename Ta>
MultXV(const CT,const GenVector<Ta> &,VectorView<T>)117     inline void MultXV(
118         const CT , const GenVector<Ta>& , VectorView<T> )
119     { TMVAssert(TMV_FALSE); }
121     template <typename T, typename T1>
AddVV(const CT,const GenVector<T1> &,VectorView<T>)122     inline void AddVV(
123         const CT , const GenVector<T1>& , VectorView<T> )
124     { TMVAssert(TMV_FALSE); }
125     template <typename T, typename Ta, typename Tb>
AddVV(const CT,const GenVector<Ta> &,const CT,const GenVector<Tb> &,VectorView<T>)126     inline void AddVV(
127         const CT , const GenVector<Ta>& ,
128         const CT , const GenVector<Tb>& , VectorView<T> )
129     { TMVAssert(TMV_FALSE); }
131     template <bool add, typename T, typename Ta, typename Tb>
ElemMultVV(const CT,const GenVector<Ta> &,const GenVector<Tb> &,VectorView<T>)132     inline void ElemMultVV(
133         const CT , const GenVector<Ta>& , const GenVector<Tb>& ,
134         VectorView<T> )
135     { TMVAssert(TMV_FALSE); }
137 } // namespace tmv
139 #undef CT
141 #endif