1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 // Basic types and classes used by the sat solver.
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <cstdint>
21 #include <deque>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <vector>
26 #include "absl/base/attributes.h"
27 #include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
28 #include "absl/types/span.h"
29 #include "ortools/base/int_type.h"
30 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
31 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
32 #include "ortools/base/macros.h"
33 #include "ortools/base/strong_vector.h"
34 #include "ortools/sat/model.h"
35 #include "ortools/util/bitset.h"
37 namespace operations_research {
38 namespace sat {
40 // Index of a variable (>= 0).
41 DEFINE_INT_TYPE(BooleanVariable, int);
42 const BooleanVariable kNoBooleanVariable(-1);
44 // Index of a literal (>= 0), see Literal below.
45 DEFINE_INT_TYPE(LiteralIndex, int);
46 const LiteralIndex kNoLiteralIndex(-1);
48 // Special values used in some API to indicate a literal that is always true
49 // or always false.
50 const LiteralIndex kTrueLiteralIndex(-2);
51 const LiteralIndex kFalseLiteralIndex(-3);
53 // A literal is used to represent a variable or its negation. If it represents
54 // the variable it is said to be positive. If it represent its negation, it is
55 // said to be negative. We support two representations as an integer.
56 //
57 // The "signed" encoding of a literal is convenient for input/output and is used
58 // in the cnf file format. For a 0-based variable index x, (x + 1) represent the
59 // variable x and -(x + 1) represent its negation. The signed value 0 is an
60 // undefined literal and this class can never contain it.
61 //
62 // The "index" encoding of a literal is convenient as an index to an array
63 // and is the one used internally for efficiency. It is always positive or zero,
64 // and for a 0-based variable index x, (x << 1) encode the variable x and the
65 // same number XOR 1 encode its negation.
66 class Literal {
67  public:
68   // Not explicit for tests so we can write:
69   // vector<literal> literal = {+1, -3, +4, -9};
Literal(int signed_value)70   Literal(int signed_value)  // NOLINT
71       : index_(signed_value > 0 ? ((signed_value - 1) << 1)
72                                 : ((-signed_value - 1) << 1) ^ 1) {
73     CHECK_NE(signed_value, 0);
74   }
Literal()76   Literal() {}
Literal(LiteralIndex index)77   explicit Literal(LiteralIndex index) : index_(index.value()) {}
Literal(BooleanVariable variable,bool is_positive)78   Literal(BooleanVariable variable, bool is_positive)
79       : index_(is_positive ? (variable.value() << 1)
80                            : (variable.value() << 1) ^ 1) {}
Variable()82   BooleanVariable Variable() const { return BooleanVariable(index_ >> 1); }
IsPositive()83   bool IsPositive() const { return !(index_ & 1); }
IsNegative()84   bool IsNegative() const { return (index_ & 1); }
Index()86   LiteralIndex Index() const { return LiteralIndex(index_); }
NegatedIndex()87   LiteralIndex NegatedIndex() const { return LiteralIndex(index_ ^ 1); }
SignedValue()89   int SignedValue() const {
90     return (index_ & 1) ? -((index_ >> 1) + 1) : ((index_ >> 1) + 1);
91   }
Negated()93   Literal Negated() const { return Literal(NegatedIndex()); }
DebugString()95   std::string DebugString() const {
96     return absl::StrFormat("%+d", SignedValue());
97   }
98   bool operator==(Literal other) const { return index_ == other.index_; }
99   bool operator!=(Literal other) const { return index_ != other.index_; }
101   bool operator<(const Literal& literal) const {
102     return Index() < literal.Index();
103   }
105  private:
106   int index_;
107 };
109 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Literal literal) {
110   os << literal.DebugString();
111   return os;
112 }
114 inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
115                                 absl::Span<const Literal> literals) {
116   for (const Literal literal : literals) {
117     os << literal.DebugString() << ",";
118   }
119   return os;
120 }
122 // Holds the current variable assignment of the solver.
123 // Each variable can be unassigned or be assigned to true or false.
124 class VariablesAssignment {
125  public:
VariablesAssignment()126   VariablesAssignment() {}
VariablesAssignment(int num_variables)127   explicit VariablesAssignment(int num_variables) { Resize(num_variables); }
Resize(int num_variables)128   void Resize(int num_variables) {
129     assignment_.Resize(LiteralIndex(num_variables << 1));
130   }
132   // Makes the given literal true by assigning its underlying variable to either
133   // true or false depending on the literal sign. This can only be called on an
134   // unassigned variable.
AssignFromTrueLiteral(Literal literal)135   void AssignFromTrueLiteral(Literal literal) {
136     DCHECK(!VariableIsAssigned(literal.Variable()));
137     assignment_.Set(literal.Index());
138   }
140   // Unassign the variable corresponding to the given literal.
141   // This can only be called on an assigned variable.
UnassignLiteral(Literal literal)142   void UnassignLiteral(Literal literal) {
143     DCHECK(VariableIsAssigned(literal.Variable()));
144     assignment_.ClearTwoBits(literal.Index());
145   }
147   // Literal getters. Note that both can be false, in which case the
148   // corresponding variable is not assigned.
LiteralIsFalse(Literal literal)149   bool LiteralIsFalse(Literal literal) const {
150     return assignment_.IsSet(literal.NegatedIndex());
151   }
LiteralIsTrue(Literal literal)152   bool LiteralIsTrue(Literal literal) const {
153     return assignment_.IsSet(literal.Index());
154   }
LiteralIsAssigned(Literal literal)155   bool LiteralIsAssigned(Literal literal) const {
156     return assignment_.AreOneOfTwoBitsSet(literal.Index());
157   }
159   // Returns true iff the given variable is assigned.
VariableIsAssigned(BooleanVariable var)160   bool VariableIsAssigned(BooleanVariable var) const {
161     return assignment_.AreOneOfTwoBitsSet(LiteralIndex(var.value() << 1));
162   }
164   // Returns the literal of the given variable that is assigned to true.
165   // That is, depending on the variable, it can be the positive literal or the
166   // negative one. Only call this on an assigned variable.
GetTrueLiteralForAssignedVariable(BooleanVariable var)167   Literal GetTrueLiteralForAssignedVariable(BooleanVariable var) const {
168     DCHECK(VariableIsAssigned(var));
169     return Literal(var, assignment_.IsSet(LiteralIndex(var.value() << 1)));
170   }
NumberOfVariables()172   int NumberOfVariables() const { return assignment_.size().value() / 2; }
174  private:
175   // The encoding is as follows:
176   // - assignment_.IsSet(literal.Index()) means literal is true.
177   // - assignment_.IsSet(literal.Index() ^ 1]) means literal is false.
178   // - If both are false, then the variable (and the literal) is unassigned.
179   Bitset64<LiteralIndex> assignment_;
181   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(VariablesAssignment);
182 };
184 // Forward declaration.
185 class SatClause;
186 class SatPropagator;
188 // Information about a variable assignment.
189 struct AssignmentInfo {
190   // The decision level at which this assignment was made. This starts at 0 and
191   // increases each time the solver takes a search decision.
192   //
193   // TODO(user): We may be able to get rid of that for faster enqueues. Most of
194   // the code only need to know if this is 0 or the highest level, and for the
195   // LBD computation, the literal of the conflict are already ordered by level,
196   // so we could do it fairly efficiently.
197   //
198   // TODO(user): We currently don't support more than 2^28 decision levels. That
199   // should be enough for most practical problem, but we should fail properly if
200   // this limit is reached.
201   uint32_t level : 28;
203   // The type of assignment (see AssignmentType below).
204   //
205   // Note(user): We currently don't support more than 16 types of assignment.
206   // This is checked in RegisterPropagator().
207   mutable uint32_t type : 4;
209   // The index of this assignment in the trail.
210   int32_t trail_index;
DebugStringAssignmentInfo212   std::string DebugString() const {
213     return absl::StrFormat("level:%d type:%d trail_index:%d", level, type,
214                            trail_index);
215   }
216 };
217 static_assert(sizeof(AssignmentInfo) == 8,
218               "ERROR_AssignmentInfo_is_not_well_compacted");
220 // Each literal on the trail will have an associated propagation "type" which is
221 // either one of these special types or the id of a propagator.
222 struct AssignmentType {
223   static constexpr int kCachedReason = 0;
224   static constexpr int kUnitReason = 1;
225   static constexpr int kSearchDecision = 2;
226   static constexpr int kSameReasonAs = 3;
228   // Propagator ids starts from there and are created dynamically.
229   static constexpr int kFirstFreePropagationId = 4;
230 };
232 // The solver trail stores the assignment made by the solver in order.
233 // This class is responsible for maintaining the assignment of each variable
234 // and the information of each assignment.
235 class Trail {
236  public:
Trail(Model * model)237   explicit Trail(Model* model) : Trail() {}
Trail()239   Trail() {
240     current_info_.trail_index = 0;
241     current_info_.level = 0;
242   }
244   void Resize(int num_variables);
246   // Registers a propagator. This assigns a unique id to this propagator and
247   // calls SetPropagatorId() on it.
248   void RegisterPropagator(SatPropagator* propagator);
250   // Enqueues the assignment that make the given literal true on the trail. This
251   // should only be called on unassigned variables.
Enqueue(Literal true_literal,int propagator_id)252   void Enqueue(Literal true_literal, int propagator_id) {
253     DCHECK(!assignment_.VariableIsAssigned(true_literal.Variable()));
254     trail_[current_info_.trail_index] = true_literal;
255     current_info_.type = propagator_id;
256     info_[true_literal.Variable()] = current_info_;
257     assignment_.AssignFromTrueLiteral(true_literal);
258     ++current_info_.trail_index;
259   }
261   // Specific Enqueue() version for the search decision.
EnqueueSearchDecision(Literal true_literal)262   void EnqueueSearchDecision(Literal true_literal) {
263     Enqueue(true_literal, AssignmentType::kSearchDecision);
264   }
266   // Specific Enqueue() version for a fixed variable.
EnqueueWithUnitReason(Literal true_literal)267   void EnqueueWithUnitReason(Literal true_literal) {
268     Enqueue(true_literal, AssignmentType::kUnitReason);
269   }
271   // Some constraints propagate a lot of literals at once. In these cases, it is
272   // more efficient to have all the propagated literals except the first one
273   // referring to the reason of the first of them.
EnqueueWithSameReasonAs(Literal true_literal,BooleanVariable reference_var)274   void EnqueueWithSameReasonAs(Literal true_literal,
275                                BooleanVariable reference_var) {
276     reference_var_with_same_reason_as_[true_literal.Variable()] = reference_var;
277     Enqueue(true_literal, AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs);
278   }
280   // Enqueues the given literal using the current content of
281   // GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason() as the reason. This API is a bit more
282   // leanient and does not require the literal to be unassigned. If it is
283   // already assigned to false, then MutableConflict() will be set appropriately
284   // and this will return false otherwise this will enqueue the literal and
285   // returns true.
EnqueueWithStoredReason(Literal true_literal)286   ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool EnqueueWithStoredReason(Literal true_literal) {
287     if (assignment_.LiteralIsTrue(true_literal)) return true;
288     if (assignment_.LiteralIsFalse(true_literal)) {
289       *MutableConflict() = reasons_repository_[Index()];
290       MutableConflict()->push_back(true_literal);
291       return false;
292     }
294     Enqueue(true_literal, AssignmentType::kCachedReason);
295     const BooleanVariable var = true_literal.Variable();
296     reasons_[var] = reasons_repository_[info_[var].trail_index];
297     old_type_[var] = info_[var].type;
298     info_[var].type = AssignmentType::kCachedReason;
299     return true;
300   }
302   // Returns the reason why this variable was assigned.
303   //
304   // Note that this shouldn't be called on a variable at level zero, because we
305   // don't cleanup the reason data for these variables but the underlying
306   // clauses may have been deleted.
307   absl::Span<const Literal> Reason(BooleanVariable var) const;
309   // Returns the "type" of an assignment (see AssignmentType). Note that this
310   // function never returns kSameReasonAs or kCachedReason, it instead returns
311   // the initial type that caused this assignment. As such, it is different
312   // from Info(var).type and the latter should not be used outside this class.
313   int AssignmentType(BooleanVariable var) const;
315   // If a variable was propagated with EnqueueWithSameReasonAs(), returns its
316   // reference variable. Otherwise return the given variable.
317   BooleanVariable ReferenceVarWithSameReason(BooleanVariable var) const;
319   // This can be used to get a location at which the reason for the literal
320   // at trail_index on the trail can be stored. This clears the vector before
321   // returning it.
GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason(int trail_index)322   std::vector<Literal>* GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason(int trail_index) const {
323     if (trail_index >= reasons_repository_.size()) {
324       reasons_repository_.resize(trail_index + 1);
325     }
326     reasons_repository_[trail_index].clear();
327     return &reasons_repository_[trail_index];
328   }
330   // Shortcut for GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason(Index()).
GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason()331   std::vector<Literal>* GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason() const {
332     return GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason(Index());
333   }
335   // Explicitly overwrite the reason so that the given propagator will be
336   // asked for it. This is currently only used by the BinaryImplicationGraph.
ChangeReason(int trail_index,int propagator_id)337   void ChangeReason(int trail_index, int propagator_id) {
338     const BooleanVariable var = trail_[trail_index].Variable();
339     info_[var].type = propagator_id;
340     old_type_[var] = propagator_id;
341   }
343   // Reverts the trail and underlying assignment to the given target trail
344   // index. Note that we do not touch the assignment info.
Untrail(int target_trail_index)345   void Untrail(int target_trail_index) {
346     const int index = Index();
347     num_untrailed_enqueues_ += index - target_trail_index;
348     for (int i = target_trail_index; i < index; ++i) {
349       assignment_.UnassignLiteral(trail_[i]);
350     }
351     current_info_.trail_index = target_trail_index;
352   }
Dequeue()353   void Dequeue() { Untrail(Index() - 1); }
355   // Changes the decision level used by the next Enqueue().
SetDecisionLevel(int level)356   void SetDecisionLevel(int level) { current_info_.level = level; }
CurrentDecisionLevel()357   int CurrentDecisionLevel() const { return current_info_.level; }
359   // Generic interface to set the current failing clause.
360   //
361   // Returns the address of a vector where a client can store the current
362   // conflict. This vector will be returned by the FailingClause() call.
MutableConflict()363   std::vector<Literal>* MutableConflict() {
364     failing_sat_clause_ = nullptr;
365     return &conflict_;
366   }
368   // Returns the last conflict.
FailingClause()369   absl::Span<const Literal> FailingClause() const { return conflict_; }
371   // Specific SatClause interface so we can update the conflict clause activity.
372   // Note that MutableConflict() automatically sets this to nullptr, so we can
373   // know whether or not the last conflict was caused by a clause.
SetFailingSatClause(SatClause * clause)374   void SetFailingSatClause(SatClause* clause) { failing_sat_clause_ = clause; }
FailingSatClause()375   SatClause* FailingSatClause() const { return failing_sat_clause_; }
377   // Getters.
NumVariables()378   int NumVariables() const { return trail_.size(); }
NumberOfEnqueues()379   int64_t NumberOfEnqueues() const { return num_untrailed_enqueues_ + Index(); }
Index()380   int Index() const { return current_info_.trail_index; }
381   const Literal& operator[](int index) const { return trail_[index]; }
Assignment()382   const VariablesAssignment& Assignment() const { return assignment_; }
Info(BooleanVariable var)383   const AssignmentInfo& Info(BooleanVariable var) const {
384     DCHECK_GE(var, 0);
385     DCHECK_LT(var, info_.size());
386     return info_[var];
387   }
389   // Print the current literals on the trail.
DebugString()390   std::string DebugString() {
391     std::string result;
392     for (int i = 0; i < current_info_.trail_index; ++i) {
393       if (!result.empty()) result += " ";
394       result += trail_[i].DebugString();
395     }
396     return result;
397   }
399  private:
400   int64_t num_untrailed_enqueues_ = 0;
401   AssignmentInfo current_info_;
402   VariablesAssignment assignment_;
403   std::vector<Literal> trail_;
404   std::vector<Literal> conflict_;
405   absl::StrongVector<BooleanVariable, AssignmentInfo> info_;
406   SatClause* failing_sat_clause_;
408   // Data used by EnqueueWithSameReasonAs().
409   absl::StrongVector<BooleanVariable, BooleanVariable>
410       reference_var_with_same_reason_as_;
412   // Reason cache. Mutable since we want the API to be the same whether the
413   // reason are cached or not.
414   //
415   // When a reason is computed for the first time, we change the type of the
416   // variable assignment to kCachedReason so that we know that if it is needed
417   // again the reason can just be retrieved by a direct access to reasons_. The
418   // old type is saved in old_type_ and can be retrieved by
419   // AssignmentType().
420   //
421   // Note(user): Changing the type is not "clean" but it is efficient. The idea
422   // is that it is important to do as little as possible when pushing/popping
423   // literals on the trail. Computing the reason happens a lot less often, so it
424   // is okay to do slightly more work then. Note also, that we don't need to
425   // do anything on "untrail", the kCachedReason type will be overwritten when
426   // the same variable is assigned again.
427   //
428   // TODO(user): An alternative would be to change the sign of the type. This
429   // would remove the need for a separate old_type_ vector, but it requires
430   // more bits for the type filed in AssignmentInfo.
431   //
432   // Note that we use a deque for the reason repository so that if we add
433   // variables, the memory address of the vectors (kept in reasons_) are still
434   // valid.
435   mutable std::deque<std::vector<Literal>> reasons_repository_;
436   mutable absl::StrongVector<BooleanVariable, absl::Span<const Literal>>
437       reasons_;
438   mutable absl::StrongVector<BooleanVariable, int> old_type_;
440   // This is used by RegisterPropagator() and Reason().
441   std::vector<SatPropagator*> propagators_;
444 };
446 // Base class for all the SAT constraints.
447 class SatPropagator {
448  public:
SatPropagator(const std::string & name)449   explicit SatPropagator(const std::string& name)
450       : name_(name), propagator_id_(-1), propagation_trail_index_(0) {}
~SatPropagator()451   virtual ~SatPropagator() {}
453   // Sets/Gets this propagator unique id.
SetPropagatorId(int id)454   void SetPropagatorId(int id) { propagator_id_ = id; }
PropagatorId()455   int PropagatorId() const { return propagator_id_; }
457   // Inspects the trail from propagation_trail_index_ until at least one literal
458   // is propagated. Returns false iff a conflict is detected (in which case
459   // trail->SetFailingClause() must be called).
460   //
461   // This must update propagation_trail_index_ so that all the literals before
462   // it have been propagated. In particular, if nothing was propagated, then
463   // PropagationIsDone() must return true.
464   virtual bool Propagate(Trail* trail) = 0;
466   // Reverts the state so that all the literals with a trail index greater or
467   // equal to the given one are not processed for propagation. Note that the
468   // trail current decision level is already reverted before this is called.
469   //
470   // TODO(user): Currently this is called at each Backtrack(), but we could
471   // bundle the calls in case multiple conflict one after the other are detected
472   // even before the Propagate() call of a SatPropagator is called.
473   //
474   // TODO(user): It is not yet 100% the case, but this can be guaranteed to be
475   // called with a trail index that will always be the start of a new decision
476   // level.
Untrail(const Trail & trail,int trail_index)477   virtual void Untrail(const Trail& trail, int trail_index) {
478     propagation_trail_index_ = std::min(propagation_trail_index_, trail_index);
479   }
481   // Explains why the literal at given trail_index was propagated by returning a
482   // reason for this propagation. This will only be called for literals that are
483   // on the trail and were propagated by this class.
484   //
485   // The interpretation is that because all the literals of a reason were
486   // assigned to false, we could deduce the assignement of the given variable.
487   //
488   // The returned Span has to be valid until the literal is untrailed. A client
489   // can use trail_.GetEmptyVectorToStoreReason() if it doesn't have a memory
490   // location that already contains the reason.
Reason(const Trail & trail,int trail_index)491   virtual absl::Span<const Literal> Reason(const Trail& trail,
492                                            int trail_index) const {
493     LOG(FATAL) << "Not implemented.";
494     return {};
495   }
497   // Returns true if all the preconditions for Propagate() are satisfied.
498   // This is just meant to be used in a DCHECK.
499   bool PropagatePreconditionsAreSatisfied(const Trail& trail) const;
501   // Returns true iff all the trail was inspected by this propagator.
PropagationIsDone(const Trail & trail)502   bool PropagationIsDone(const Trail& trail) const {
503     return propagation_trail_index_ == trail.Index();
504   }
506  protected:
507   const std::string name_;
508   int propagator_id_;
509   int propagation_trail_index_;
511  private:
512   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(SatPropagator);
513 };
515 // ########################  Implementations below  ########################
517 // TODO(user): A few of these method should be moved in a .cc
PropagatePreconditionsAreSatisfied(const Trail & trail)519 inline bool SatPropagator::PropagatePreconditionsAreSatisfied(
520     const Trail& trail) const {
521   if (propagation_trail_index_ > trail.Index()) {
522     LOG(INFO) << "Issue in '" << name_ << ":"
523               << " propagation_trail_index_=" << propagation_trail_index_
524               << " trail_.Index()=" << trail.Index();
525     return false;
526   }
527   if (propagation_trail_index_ < trail.Index() &&
528       trail.Info(trail[propagation_trail_index_].Variable()).level !=
529           trail.CurrentDecisionLevel()) {
530     LOG(INFO) << "Issue in '" << name_ << "':"
531               << " propagation_trail_index_=" << propagation_trail_index_
532               << " trail_.Index()=" << trail.Index()
533               << " level_at_propagation_index="
534               << trail.Info(trail[propagation_trail_index_].Variable()).level
535               << " current_decision_level=" << trail.CurrentDecisionLevel();
536     return false;
537   }
538   return true;
539 }
Resize(int num_variables)541 inline void Trail::Resize(int num_variables) {
542   assignment_.Resize(num_variables);
543   info_.resize(num_variables);
544   trail_.resize(num_variables);
545   reasons_.resize(num_variables);
547   // TODO(user): these vectors are not always used. Initialize them
548   // dynamically.
549   old_type_.resize(num_variables);
550   reference_var_with_same_reason_as_.resize(num_variables);
551 }
RegisterPropagator(SatPropagator * propagator)553 inline void Trail::RegisterPropagator(SatPropagator* propagator) {
554   if (propagators_.empty()) {
555     propagators_.resize(AssignmentType::kFirstFreePropagationId);
556   }
557   CHECK_LT(propagators_.size(), 16);
558   propagator->SetPropagatorId(propagators_.size());
559   propagators_.push_back(propagator);
560 }
ReferenceVarWithSameReason(BooleanVariable var)562 inline BooleanVariable Trail::ReferenceVarWithSameReason(
563     BooleanVariable var) const {
564   DCHECK(Assignment().VariableIsAssigned(var));
565   // Note that we don't use AssignmentType() here.
566   if (info_[var].type == AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs) {
567     var = reference_var_with_same_reason_as_[var];
568     DCHECK(Assignment().VariableIsAssigned(var));
569     DCHECK_NE(info_[var].type, AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs);
570   }
571   return var;
572 }
AssignmentType(BooleanVariable var)574 inline int Trail::AssignmentType(BooleanVariable var) const {
575   if (info_[var].type == AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs) {
576     var = reference_var_with_same_reason_as_[var];
577     DCHECK_NE(info_[var].type, AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs);
578   }
579   const int type = info_[var].type;
580   return type != AssignmentType::kCachedReason ? type : old_type_[var];
581 }
Reason(BooleanVariable var)583 inline absl::Span<const Literal> Trail::Reason(BooleanVariable var) const {
584   // Special case for AssignmentType::kSameReasonAs to avoid a recursive call.
585   var = ReferenceVarWithSameReason(var);
587   // Fast-track for cached reason.
588   if (info_[var].type == AssignmentType::kCachedReason) return reasons_[var];
590   const AssignmentInfo& info = info_[var];
591   if (info.type == AssignmentType::kUnitReason ||
592       info.type == AssignmentType::kSearchDecision) {
593     reasons_[var] = {};
594   } else {
595     DCHECK_LT(info.type, propagators_.size());
596     DCHECK(propagators_[info.type] != nullptr) << info.type;
597     reasons_[var] = propagators_[info.type]->Reason(*this, info.trail_index);
598   }
599   old_type_[var] = info.type;
600   info_[var].type = AssignmentType::kCachedReason;
601   return reasons_[var];
602 }
604 }  // namespace sat
605 }  // namespace operations_research
607 #endif  // OR_TOOLS_SAT_SAT_BASE_H_