1 /* Copyright (c) 2015  Gerald Knizia
2  *
3  * This file is part of the IboView program (see: http://www.iboview.org)
4  *
5  * IboView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
8  *
9  * IboView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with bfint (LICENSE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
16  *
17  * Please see IboView documentation in README.txt for:
18  * -- A list of included external software and their licenses. The included
19  *    external software's copyright is not touched by this agreement.
20  * -- Notes on re-distribution and contributions to/further development of
21  *    the IboView software
22  */
24 #include <algorithm> // for std::min
25 #include <stdexcept>
26 #include <stdlib.h>
28 #include "CxAlgebra.h"
29 #include "CxDefs.h" // for assert.
31 namespace ct {
33 // Out = f * A * B
Mxm(double * pOut,ptrdiff_t iRowStO,ptrdiff_t iColStO,double const * pA,ptrdiff_t iRowStA,ptrdiff_t iColStA,double const * pB,ptrdiff_t iRowStB,ptrdiff_t iColStB,size_t nRows,size_t nLink,size_t nCols,bool AddToDest,double fFactor)34 void Mxm(double *pOut, ptrdiff_t iRowStO, ptrdiff_t iColStO,
35          double const *pA, ptrdiff_t iRowStA, ptrdiff_t iColStA,
36          double const *pB, ptrdiff_t iRowStB, ptrdiff_t iColStB,
37          size_t nRows, size_t nLink, size_t nCols, bool AddToDest, double fFactor )
38 {
39     assert( iRowStO == 1 || iColStO == 1 );
40     assert( iRowStA == 1 || iColStA == 1 );
41     assert( iRowStB == 1 || iColStB == 1 );
42     // ^- otherwise dgemm directly not applicable. Would need local copy
43     // of matrix/matrices with compressed strides.
45 //     if ( nRows == 1 || nLink == 1 || nCols == 1 ) {
46 //         if ( !AddToDest )
47 //             for ( uint ic = 0; ic < nCols; ++ ic )
48 //                 for ( uint ir = 0; ir < nRows; ++ ir )
49 //                     pOut[ir*iRowStO + ic*iColStO] = 0;
50 //
51 //         for ( uint ic = 0; ic < nCols; ++ ic )
52 //             for ( uint ir = 0; ir < nRows; ++ ir )
53 //                 for ( uint il = 0; il < nLink; ++ il )
54 //                     pOut[ir*iRowStO + ic*iColStO] += fFactor * pA[ir*iRowStA + il*iColStA] * pB[il*iRowStB + ic*iColStB];
55 //         return;
56 //     }
58     double
59         Beta = AddToDest? 1.0 : 0.0;
60     char
61         TransA, TransB;
62     FORTINT
63         lda, ldb,
64         ldc = (iRowStO == 1)? iColStO : iRowStO;
66     if ( iRowStA == 1 ) {
67         TransA = 'N'; lda = iColStA;
68     } else {
69         TransA = 'T'; lda = iRowStA;
70     }
71     if ( iRowStB == 1 ) {
72         TransB = 'N'; ldb = iColStB;
73     } else {
74         TransB = 'T'; ldb = iRowStB;
75     }
77     DGEMM( TransA, TransB, nRows, nCols, nLink,
78         fFactor, pA, lda, pB, ldb, Beta, pOut, ldc );
79 }
81 //// this one is used if neither the column nor the row stride in pMat is unity.
82 //void MxvLame(double *RESTRICT pOut, ptrdiff_t iStO, double const *RESTRICT pMat, ptrdiff_t iRowStM, ptrdiff_t iColStM,
83 //    double const *RESTRICT pIn, ptrdiff_t iStI, size_t nRows, size_t nLink, bool AddToDest, double fFactor)
84 //{
85 //    for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; ++ iRow) {
86 //        double
87 //            d = 0;
88 //        double const
89 //            *RESTRICT pM = &pMat[iRowStM * iRow];
90 //        for (size_t iLink = 0; iLink < nLink; ++ iLink) {
91 //            d += pIn[iStI * iLink] * pM[iColStM * iLink];
92 //        }
93 //        d *= fFactor;
94 //
95 //        double *RESTRICT r = &pOut[iStO * iRow];
96 //        if (AddToDest)
97 //            *r += d;
98 //        else
99 //            *r = d;
100 //    }
101 //}
103 // this one is used if neither the column nor the row stride in pMat is unity.
MxvLameG(double * RESTRICT pOut,ptrdiff_t iStO,double const * RESTRICT pMat,ptrdiff_t iRowStM,ptrdiff_t iColStM,double const * RESTRICT pIn,ptrdiff_t iStI,size_t nRows,size_t nLink,bool AddToDest,double fFactor)104 void MxvLameG(double *RESTRICT pOut, ptrdiff_t iStO, double const *RESTRICT pMat, ptrdiff_t iRowStM, ptrdiff_t iColStM,
105    double const *RESTRICT pIn, ptrdiff_t iStI, size_t nRows, size_t nLink, bool AddToDest, double fFactor)
106 {
107    for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; ++iRow) {
108       double
109          d = 0;
110       double const
111          *RESTRICT pM = &pMat[iRowStM * iRow];
112       for (size_t iLink = 0; iLink < nLink; ++iLink) {
113          d += pIn[iStI * iLink] * pM[iColStM * iLink];
114       }
115       d *= fFactor;
117       double *RESTRICT r = &pOut[iStO * iRow];
118       if (AddToDest)
119          *r += d;
120       else
121          *r = d;
122    }
123 }
125 // this one is used if neither the column nor the row stride in pMat is unity.
MxvLame(double * RESTRICT pOut,ptrdiff_t iStO,double const * RESTRICT pMat,ptrdiff_t iRowStM,ptrdiff_t iColStM,double const * RESTRICT pIn,ptrdiff_t iStI,size_t nRows,size_t nLink,bool AddToDest,double fFactor)126 void MxvLame(double *RESTRICT pOut, ptrdiff_t iStO, double const *RESTRICT pMat, ptrdiff_t iRowStM, ptrdiff_t iColStM,
127    double const *RESTRICT pIn, ptrdiff_t iStI, size_t nRows, size_t nLink, bool AddToDest, double fFactor)
128 {
129    if (iStO != 1 || iStI != 1)
130       return MxvLameG(pOut, iStO, pMat, iRowStM, iColStM, pIn, iStI, nRows, nLink, AddToDest, fFactor);
131    for (size_t iRow = 0; iRow < nRows; ++iRow) {
132       double
133          d = 0;
134       double const
135          *RESTRICT pM = &pMat[iRowStM * iRow];
136       if (iColStM == 1) {
137          for (size_t iLink = 0; iLink < nLink; ++iLink) {
138             d += pIn[iLink] * pM[iLink];
139          }
140       } else {
141          for (size_t iLink = 0; iLink < nLink; ++iLink) {
142             d += pIn[iLink] * pM[iColStM * iLink];
143          }
144       }
145       d *= fFactor;
147       double *RESTRICT r = &pOut[iRow];
148       if (AddToDest)
149          *r += d;
150       else
151          *r = d;
152    }
153 }
157 // note: both H and S are overwritten. Eigenvectors go into H.
DiagonalizeGen(double * pEw,double * pH,uint ldH,double * pS,uint ldS,uint N)158 void DiagonalizeGen(double *pEw, double *pH, uint ldH, double *pS, uint ldS, uint N)
159 {
160     FORTINT info = 0, nWork = 128*N;
161     double *pWork = (double*)::malloc(sizeof(double)*nWork);
162     DSYGV(1, 'V', 'L', N, pH, ldH, pS, ldS, pEw, pWork, nWork, info );
163     ::free(pWork);
164     if ( info != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error("dsygv failed.");
165 }
167 // void Diagonalize(double *pEw, double *pH, uint ldH, uint N)
168 // {
169 //     FORTINT info = 0, nWork = 128*N;
170 //     double *pWork = (double*)::malloc(sizeof(double)*nWork);
171 //     DSYEV('V', 'L', N, pH, ldH, pEw, pWork, nWork, info );
172 //     ::free(pWork);
173 //     if ( info != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error("dsyev failed.");
174 // }
Diagonalize(double * pEw,double * pH,uint ldH,uint N)176 void Diagonalize(double *pEw, double *pH, uint ldH, uint N)
177 {
178     if (N == 0)
179         return;
180     FORTINT info = 0;
181     // workspace query.
182     double fWork = 0;
183     FORTINT nWork, niWork[2] = {0};
184     DSYEVD('V', 'L', N, pH, ldH, pEw, &fWork, -1, &niWork[0], -1, info);
185     if ( info != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error("dsyevd workspace query failed.");
186     nWork = FORTINT(fWork);
188     double *pWork = (double*)::malloc(sizeof(double)*nWork);
189     FORTINT *piWork = (FORTINT*)::malloc(sizeof(FORTINT)*niWork[0]);
190     DSYEVD('V', 'L', N, pH, ldH, pEw, pWork, nWork, piWork, niWork[0], info);
191     ::free(piWork);
192     ::free(pWork);
193     if ( info != 0 ) throw std::runtime_error("dsyevd failed.");
195 //     if ( info != 0 ) {
196 //         std::stringstream str;
197 //         str << "Something went wrong when trying to diagonalize a " << InOut.nRows << "x" << InOut.nCols << " matrix. "
198 //             << "DSYEVD returned error code " << info << ".";
199 //         throw std::runtime_error(str.str());
200 //     }
201 }
204 // U: nRows x nSig, Vt: nCols x nSig,
205 // where nSig = min(nRows, nCols)
ComputeSvd(double * pU,size_t ldU,double * pSigma,double * pVt,size_t ldVt,double * pInAndTmp,size_t ldIn,size_t nRows,size_t nCols)206 void ComputeSvd(double *pU, size_t ldU, double *pSigma, double *pVt, size_t ldVt, double *pInAndTmp, size_t ldIn, size_t nRows, size_t nCols)
207 {
208     size_t
209         nSig = std::min(nRows, nCols);
210     assert(ldU >= nRows && ldVt >= nSig && ldIn >= nRows);
211     FORTINT
212         lWork = 0,
213         info = 0;
214     FORTINT
215         *piWork = (FORTINT*)::malloc(sizeof(FORTINT)*8*nSig);
216     // workspace query.
217     double
218         flWork = 0;
219     DGESDD('S', nRows, nCols, pInAndTmp, ldIn, pSigma, pU, ldU, pVt, ldVt, &flWork, -1, piWork, &info);
220     if ( info != 0 ) {
221         ::free(piWork); // my understanding of the docs is that piWork needs to be valid for the workspace query...
222         throw std::runtime_error("dgesdd workspace query failed.");
223     }
224     lWork = FORTINT(flWork);
225     double
226         *pWork = (double*)::malloc(sizeof(double)*lWork);
227     DGESDD('S', nRows, nCols, pInAndTmp, ldIn, pSigma, pU, ldU, pVt, ldVt, pWork, lWork, piWork, &info);
228     ::free(pWork);
229     ::free(piWork);
230     if ( info != 0 )
231         throw std::runtime_error("dgesdd failed.");
232 }
236 }
238 // kate: indent-width 4