1 /*  tofasta.h
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  tofasta.h
27 *
28 * Author:  James Ostell
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 7/12/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.48 $
33 *
34 * File Description:  various sequence objects to fasta output
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date	   Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 *
41 * ==========================================================================
42 */
44 #ifndef _NCBI_Tofasta_
45 #define _NCBI_Tofasta_
47 #include <seqport.h>
49 #undef NLM_EXTERN
50 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
52 #else
53 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
54 #endif
56 #ifdef __cplusplus
57 extern "C" {
58 #endif
60 	                            /* keys returned by FastaWriteFunc */
62 #define FASTA_ID ((Int2)1)       /* the SeqId string */
63 #define FASTA_DEFLINE ((Int2)2)	 /* the definition line */
64 #define FASTA_SEQLINE ((Int2)3)	 /* a line of sequence */
65 #define FASTA_EOS ((Int2)4)		 /* all the sequence has been printed */
66 #define FASTA_FORMATDB_AMB ((Int2)5) /* make conversion to standard form for nucleotides */
68 typedef Boolean (* FastaWriteFunc) PROTO ((BioseqPtr bsp, Int2 key,
69                                            CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Pointer data));
71 typedef struct iteminfo {   /* struct used for defline */
72 	Uint2	entityID,
73 			itemtype;
74     Uint4   itemID;
75 } ItemInfo, PNTR ItemInfoPtr;
77 typedef struct descrinfo {   /* struct used for defline */
78 	BioseqPtr bsp;
79 	ValNodePtr vnp;
80 	ItemInfoPtr iip;
81 	Uint1 choice;
82 } DescrInfo, PNTR DescrInfoPtr;
84 typedef struct myfsa {   /* struct used for fasta searches */
85     CharPtr buf;         /* buffer for strings (suggest 255 minimum) */
86     Uint4 buflen,         /* length of buf */
87           seqlen;          /* length of sequence lines (must be buflen-1 or less) */
88     Pointer mydata;      /* pointer to your own data */
89     FastaWriteFunc myfunc;  /* callback to process parts of fasta file */
90     BioseqPtr bsp;       /* Bioseq being processed */
91     Boolean bad_asn1; /* set if error in input object like mol not set */
92     CharPtr accession;   /* used internally for GenPept def lines */
93     CharPtr organism;    /* used internally for GenPept/PRF def lines */
94     Uint1 order;          /* used to order def lines for BLAST */
95     Boolean do_virtual;   /* if TRUE, instantiate virtual sequences */
96     Uint1 tech;           /* for MolInfo.tech */
97     Boolean no_sequence;  /* used to disable sequence printing */
98     Uint1	code;	/* coding of sequence */
99     Boolean	formatdb; /* TRUE, if is used in formatdb */
100     Boolean printid_general; /* show gi and gnl for SeqId */
101     SeqLocPtr seqloc;  /* sub-sequence of interest */
102 } MyFsa, PNTR MyFsaPtr;
104 typedef struct tofasta {
105     Boolean is_na;
106     Boolean got_one;
107     MyFsaPtr mfp;
108 	Uint1 group_segs;
109 	Int2 last_indent,
110 		parts, seg;
111 } FastaDat, PNTR FastaPtr;
114 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqRawToFastaExtra PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, FILE *fp, Int2 line_length));
115 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqRawToFastaExtraEx PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, FILE *fp, Int2 line_length, SeqLocPtr slp));
116 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqRawToFasta PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, FILE * fp, Boolean is_na));
117 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEntryToFasta PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, FILE * fp, Boolean is_na));
118 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEntryToFastaEx PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, FILE * fp, Boolean is_na, Boolean printid_general));
119 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqToFasta PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, FILE *fp, Boolean is_na));
120 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqToFastaDump PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, FILE *fp, Boolean is_na));
124 NLM_EXTERN void	SeqEntryFasta PROTO ((SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data,
125                                      Int4 index, Int2 indent));
128 /*****************************************************************************
129 *
130 *   SeqEntrysToFasta(sep, fp, is_na, group_segs)
131 *
132 *   	group_segs = 0 ... take only raw Bioseqs
133 *       group_segs = 1 ... group segmented seqs into single entry.. no parts
134 *       group_segs = 2 ... show only parts of segmented seqs
135 *       group_segs = 3 ... like 1, but also instantiate virtual sequences
136 *
137 *****************************************************************************/
138 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEntrysToFasta PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, FILE *fp, Boolean is_na, Uint1 group_segs));
140 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEntrysToFastaX PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, MyFsaPtr mfp, Boolean is_na, Uint1 group_segs));
141 NLM_EXTERN Boolean SeqEntrysToDefline PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep,
142                                   FILE *fp, Boolean is_na, Uint1 group_segs));
143 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqRawToFastaX PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, MyFsaPtr mfp, Boolean is_na));
144 NLM_EXTERN Boolean BioseqToFastaX PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, MyFsaPtr mfp, Boolean is_na));
146 /*****************************************************************************
147 *
148 *   BioseqFastaStream (bsp, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen, do_defline)
149 *   BioseqFastaMemStream (bsp, bs, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen, do_defline)
150 *   SeqLocFastaStream (slp, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen)
151 *   SeqLitFastaStream (lit, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen)
152 *   CdRegionFastaStream (sfp, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen)
153 *   TranslationFastaStream (sfp, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen)
154 *   GeneFastaStream (sfp, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen)
155 *   SeqEntryFastaStream (sep, fp, flags, linelen, blocklen, grouplen,
156 *                        do_na, do_aa, master_style)
157 *
158 *   	Rapid FASTA generators using SeqPortStream
159 *
160 *****************************************************************************/
161 NLM_EXTERN Int4 BioseqFastaStream (
162   BioseqPtr bsp,
163   FILE *fp,
164   StreamFlgType flags,
165   Int2 linelen,
166   Int2 blocklen,
167   Int2 grouplen,
168   Boolean do_defline
169 );
171 NLM_EXTERN Int4 BioseqFastaStreamEx (
172   BioseqPtr bsp,
173   FILE *fp,
174   StreamFlgType flags,
175   Int2 linelen,
176   Int2 blocklen,
177   Int2 grouplen,
178   Boolean do_defline,
179   Boolean substitute_ids,
180   Boolean sorted_protein
181 );
183 NLM_EXTERN Int4 BioseqFastaMemStream (
184   BioseqPtr bsp,
185   ByteStorePtr bs,
186   StreamFlgType flags,
187   Int2 linelen,
188   Int2 blocklen,
189   Int2 grouplen,
190   Boolean do_defline
191 );
193 NLM_EXTERN Int4 SeqLocFastaStream (
194   SeqLocPtr slp,
195   FILE *fp,
196   StreamFlgType flags,
197   Int2 linelen,
198   Int2 blocklen,
199   Int2 grouplen
200 );
202 NLM_EXTERN Int4 SeqLitFastaStream (
203   SeqLitPtr lit,
204   FILE *fp,
205   StreamFlgType flags,
206   Int2 linelen,
207   Int2 blocklen,
208   Int2 grouplen
209 );
211 NLM_EXTERN Int4 CdRegionFastaStream (
212   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
213   FILE *fp,
214   StreamFlgType flags,
215   Int2 linelen,
216   Int2 blocklen,
217   Int2 grouplen,
218   Boolean do_defline,
219   CharPtr idSuffix
220 );
222 NLM_EXTERN Int4 CdRegionFastaStreamEx (
223   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
224   FILE *fp,
225   StreamFlgType flags,
226   Int2 linelen,
227   Int2 blocklen,
228   Int2 grouplen,
229   Boolean do_defline,
230   CharPtr idSuffix,
231   SeqLocPtr mappedloc,
232   BioseqPtr parentbsp
233 );
235 NLM_EXTERN Int4 TranslationFastaStream (
236   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
237   FILE *fp,
238   StreamFlgType flags,
239   Int2 linelen,
240   Int2 blocklen,
241   Int2 grouplen,
242   Boolean do_defline,
243   CharPtr idSuffix
244 );
246 NLM_EXTERN Int4 TranslationFastaStreamEx (
247   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
248   FILE *fp,
249   StreamFlgType flags,
250   Int2 linelen,
251   Int2 blocklen,
252   Int2 grouplen,
253   Boolean do_defline,
254   CharPtr idSuffix,
255   SeqLocPtr mappedloc,
256   BioseqPtr parentbsp
257 );
259 NLM_EXTERN Int4 GeneFastaStream (
260   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
261   FILE *fp,
262   StreamFlgType flags,
263   Int2 linelen,
264   Int2 blocklen,
265   Int2 grouplen,
266   Boolean do_defline,
267   CharPtr idSuffix
268 );
270 NLM_EXTERN Int4 GeneFastaStreamEx (
271   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
272   FILE *fp,
273   StreamFlgType flags,
274   Int2 linelen,
275   Int2 blocklen,
276   Int2 grouplen,
277   Boolean do_defline,
278   CharPtr idSuffix,
279   SeqLocPtr mappedloc,
280   BioseqPtr parentbsp
281 );
283 NLM_EXTERN Int4 SeqEntryFastaStream (
284   SeqEntryPtr sep,
285   FILE *fp,
286   StreamFlgType flags,
287   Int2 linelen,
288   Int2 blocklen,
289   Int2 grouplen,
290   Boolean do_na,
291   Boolean do_aa,
292   Boolean master_style
293 );
295 NLM_EXTERN Int4 SeqEntryFastaStreamEx (
296   SeqEntryPtr sep,
297   FILE *fp,
298   StreamFlgType flags,
299   Int2 linelen,
300   Int2 blocklen,
301   Int2 grouplen,
302   Boolean do_na,
303   Boolean do_aa,
304   Boolean master_style,
305   Boolean substitute_ids,
306   Boolean sorted_prot
307 );
309 NLM_EXTERN void MakeFastaStreamIdSuffix (
310   SeqFeatPtr sfp,
311   Uint4 idx,
312   CharPtr prefix,
313   CharPtr buf,
314   Boolean do_product,
315   Boolean do_feat_id
316 );
318 /*****************************************************************************
319 *
320 *   FastaFileFunc(key, buf, data)
321 *   	standard "write to file" callback
322 *
323 *****************************************************************************/
324 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaFileFunc PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, Int2 key,
325                                         CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Pointer data));
328 /*****************************************************************************
329 *
330 *   FastaDumpFileFunc(key, buf, data)
331 *       standard "write to file" callback
332 *
333 *       Used for BLAST (FASTA) databases.  If the defline is
334 *       longer than buflen, then check that an ID is not
335 *       truncated in the middle.
336 *
337 *****************************************************************************/
338 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaDumpFileFunc PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, Int2 key, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Pointer data));
340 /*****************************************************************************
341 *
342 *   Reads a Fasta File into a SeqEntry structure
343 *   Conventions:
344 *   >name def
345 *   agaggagagagagag
346 *   agagagagagagagag
347 *
348 *   "name" = string is considered SEQID_LOCAL until first white space
349 *   "def"  = after first white space, and before first newline will be "title"
350 *   "agaga.." = sequence follows until EOF. can be upper or lower case IUPAC
351 *
352 *****************************************************************************/
353 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqEntry PROTO((FILE *fp, Boolean is_na));
355 /*****************************************************************************
356 *
357 *   Reads a Fasta Buffer into a SeqEntry structure
358 *   Conventions:
359 *   >name def
360 *   agaggagagagagag
361 *   agagagagagagagag
362 *
363 *   "name" = string is considered SEQID_LOCAL until first white space
364 *   "def"  = after first white space, and before first newline will be "title"
365 *   "agaga.." = sequence follows until EOF. can be upper or lower case IUPAC
366 *
367 *****************************************************************************/
368 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqBuff PROTO((CharPtr buffer,
369                                   CharPtr PNTR last_char,Boolean is_na));
371 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqBuffEx(CharPtr buffer, CharPtr PNTR last_char,
372                              Boolean is_na, CharPtr PNTR errormsg,
373                              Boolean parseSeqId);
374 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqBuffForDb(CharPtr buffer, CharPtr PNTR last_char,
375                              Boolean is_na, CharPtr PNTR errormsg,
376                              Boolean parseSeqId, CharPtr prefix, Int2Ptr ctrptr,
377 			     SeqLocPtr PNTR mask_ptr);
378 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqEntryEx (FILE *fp, Boolean is_na,
379                                CharPtr PNTR errormsg,
380                                Boolean parseSeqId);
381 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqEntryForDb ( FILE *fp, Boolean is_na,
382                                CharPtr PNTR errormsg,
383                                Boolean parseSeqId,
384                                CharPtr prefix, Int2Ptr ctrptr,
385                                SeqLocPtr PNTR mask_ptr);
387 /********* DEFINES for input type *********/
389 #define FASTA_MEM_IO  1   /* type of reading from buffer in memory */
390 #define FASTA_FILE_IO 2   /* type of reading from file */
392 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr FastaToSeqEntryInternalEx ( VoidPtr input,
393                                Int4 type, CharPtr PNTR next_char,
394                                Boolean is_na, CharPtr PNTR errormsg,
395                                Boolean parseSeqId, CharPtr special_symbol,
396                                CharPtr prefix, Int2Ptr ctrptr,
397                                SeqLocPtr PNTR mask_ptr);
399 /*****************************************************************************
400 *
401 *   Boolean FastaReadSequence() - read sequence from file
402 *
403 *****************************************************************************/
405 Boolean FastaReadSequence
406 (
407  FILE *fd,                 /* input file pointer) */
408  Boolean is_na,            /* type of sequence */
409  Int4Ptr seq_length,       /* Returned length of sequence in residues */
410  ByteStorePtr PNTR bs_out, /* Returned pointer to sequence ByteStore */
411  CharPtr PNTR errormsg     /* error message for debugging */
412  );
414 /*****************************************************************************
415 *
416 *   Boolean FastaReadSequenceMem() - read sequence from buffer
417 *
418 *****************************************************************************/
420 Boolean FastaReadSequenceMem
421 (
422  CharPtr buffer,           /* input buffer with sequence */
423  CharPtr PNTR next_char,   /* returned pointer to next FASTA sequence */
424  Boolean is_na,            /* type of sequence */
425  Int4Ptr seq_length,       /* Returned length of sequence in residues */
426  ByteStorePtr PNTR bs_out, /* Returned pointer to sequence ByteStore */
427  CharPtr PNTR errormsg     /* error message for debugging */
428 );
430 /*****************************************************************************
431 *
432 *   This routines get parts needed to make FASTA format from ASN.1
433 *
434 *****************************************************************************/
435 /*****************************************************************************
436 *
437 *   FastaId(bsp, buf, buflen)
438 *      Makes the string for the id part of fasta format.
439 *      buf should be at least 40 bytes
440 *
441 *****************************************************************************/
442 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaId PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen));
444 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr FastaGetOriginalId PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
445 NLM_EXTERN Boolean ShouldUseOriginalID PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp));
446 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaIdEx PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Boolean prefer_original_ID));
448 /*****************************************************************************
449 *
450 *   FastaDefLine(bsp, buf, buflen, accession, organism)
451 *   	Finds or makes a FASTA format defline (just locates the string)
452 *       buf should be very long if possible
453 *       function truncates if buf not long enough
454 *       a few deflines are longer than 255
455 *       if (accession != NULL) prefixes defline with (accession)
456 *          used for translated GenBank records
457 *       if (organism != NULL) adds [organism] to end
458 *       if (tech == MI_TECH_phase1 or phase2, adds order comment to defline)
459 *
460 *****************************************************************************/
461 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaDefLine PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, CharPtr accession, CharPtr organism, Uint1 tech));
463 NLM_EXTERN Boolean CreateDefLine PROTO((ItemInfoPtr dip, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen,
464                                         Uint1 tech, CharPtr accession, CharPtr organism));
465 NLM_EXTERN Boolean CreateDefLineEx (ItemInfoPtr iip, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Uint1 tech,
466                                     CharPtr accession, CharPtr organism, Boolean ignoreTitle);
467 NLM_EXTERN Boolean CreateDefLineExEx (ItemInfoPtr iip, BioseqPtr bsp, CharPtr buf, Uint4 buflen, Uint1 tech,
468                                       CharPtr accession, CharPtr organism, Boolean ignoreTitle, Boolean extProtTitle);
470 /*****************************************************************************
471 *
472 *   NewCreateDefLine and NewCreateDefLineBuf replace the CreateDefLine family
473 *
474 *****************************************************************************/
476 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr NewCreateDefLineExEx (
477   ItemInfoPtr iip,
478   BioseqPtr bsp,
479   Boolean ignoreTitle,
480   Boolean extProtTitle,
481   Boolean gpipeMode,
482   Boolean devMode
483 );
485 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr NewCreateDefLineEx (
486   ItemInfoPtr iip,
487   BioseqPtr bsp,
488   Boolean ignoreTitle,
489   Boolean extProtTitle,
490   Boolean gpipeMode
491 );
493 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr NewCreateDefLine (
494   ItemInfoPtr iip,
495   BioseqPtr bsp,
496   Boolean ignoreTitle,
497   Boolean extProtTitle
498 );
500 NLM_EXTERN Boolean NewCreateDefLineBuf (
501   ItemInfoPtr iip,
502   BioseqPtr bsp,
503   CharPtr buf,
504   Uint4 buflen,
505   Boolean ignoreTitle,
506   Boolean extProtTitle
507 );
509 /*****************************************************************************
510 *
511 *   FastaSeqPort(bsp, is_na, do_virtual)
512 *   	opens a SeqPort for a fasta output of bsp
513 *
514 *****************************************************************************/
515 NLM_EXTERN SeqPortPtr FastaSeqPort PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, Boolean is_na,
516                                           Boolean do_virtual, Uint1 code));
517 NLM_EXTERN SeqPortPtr FastaSeqPortEx PROTO((BioseqPtr bsp, Boolean is_na,
518         Boolean do_virtual, Uint1 code, SeqLocPtr slp));
520 /*****************************************************************************
521 *
522 *   FastaSeqLine(spp, buf, linelen)
523 *     an open seqport is passed in.
524 *     fills buf with linelen bases
525 *     assumes buf[linelen] = '\0'
526 *     returns FALSE when no more residues to print
527 *     here for backward compatibility. Is the same as calling
528 *      FastaSeqLineEx() with do_virtual = FALSE;
529 *
530 *****************************************************************************/
531 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaSeqLine PROTO((SeqPortPtr spp, CharPtr buf, Int2 linelen, Boolean is_na));
533 /****************************************************************************
534 *
535 *  FastaSeqLineEx(spp, buf, linelen, is_na, do_virtual)
536 *
537 *    adds a parameter to indicate if virtual sequences should be shown
538 *     this is necessary in order to avoid showing SEQPORT_VIRT return
539 *     (gap of 0 length) as '-', when do_virtual is TRUE.
540 *
541 *****************************************************************************/
542 NLM_EXTERN Boolean FastaSeqLineEx(SeqPortPtr spp, CharPtr buf, Int2 linelen, Boolean is_na, Boolean
543 do_virtual);
545 Int4 GetOrderBySeqId(Int4 choice, Boolean is_prot);
547 /*****************************************************************************
548 *
549 *   NC_Cleanup (entityID, ptr) and ClearGenBankKeywords (entityID, ptr)
550 *     internal functions for genome RefSeq processing
551 *
552 *****************************************************************************/
553 NLM_EXTERN void NC_Cleanup (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
554 NLM_EXTERN void ClearGenBankKeywords (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
556 /*****************************************************************************
557 *
558 *   InstantiateNCTitle (entityID, ptr) and InstantiateNMTitles (entityID, ptr)
559 *     allows NC and NM titles to be kept as Seq_descr_title rather than always
560 *     being generated on the fly
561 *
562 *****************************************************************************/
563 NLM_EXTERN void InstantiateNCTitle (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
564 NLM_EXTERN void InstantiateNMTitles (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
566 /*****************************************************************************
567 *
568 *   InstantiateProteinTitles (entityID, ptr) and ClearProteinTitles (entityID, ptr)
569 *     allows proteins titles to be kept as Seq_descr_title rather than always
570 *     being generated on the fly
571 *
572 *****************************************************************************/
573 NLM_EXTERN void InstantiateProteinTitles (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
574 NLM_EXTERN void UpdateProteinTitle (BioseqPtr bsp);
575 NLM_EXTERN void ClearProteinTitlesInNucProts (Uint2 entityID, Pointer ptr);
577 NLM_EXTERN CharPtr MakeCompleteChromTitle (BioseqPtr bsp, Uint1 biomol, Uint1 completeness);
580 #ifdef __cplusplus
581 }
582 #endif
584 #undef NLM_EXTERN
585 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
587 #else
588 #define NLM_EXTERN
589 #endif
591 #endif