1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Copyright 2015 Spotify AB. All rights reserved.
4# The contents of this file are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
5# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
6# License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
8# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
14# the License.
16# import stdlib
17from builtins import super
18import os
19import re
20import time
21import tempfile
22import uuid
23from collections import defaultdict
25# import third party lib
26from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
27from netaddr import IPAddress
28from netaddr.core import AddrFormatError
29from netmiko import file_transfer
30from napalm.nxapi_plumbing import Device as NXOSDevice
31from napalm.nxapi_plumbing import (
32    NXAPIAuthError,
33    NXAPIConnectionError,
34    NXAPICommandError,
36import json
38# import NAPALM Base
39import napalm.base.helpers
40from napalm.base import NetworkDriver
41from napalm.base.exceptions import ConnectionException
42from napalm.base.exceptions import MergeConfigException
43from napalm.base.exceptions import CommandErrorException
44from napalm.base.exceptions import ReplaceConfigException
45from napalm.base.helpers import generate_regex_or
46from napalm.base.helpers import as_number
47from napalm.base.netmiko_helpers import netmiko_args
48import napalm.base.constants as c
51def ensure_netmiko_conn(func):
52    """Decorator that ensures Netmiko connection exists."""
54    def wrap_function(self, filename=None, config=None):
55        try:
56            netmiko_object = self._netmiko_device
57            if netmiko_object is None:
58                raise AttributeError()
59        except AttributeError:
60            device_type = c.NETMIKO_MAP[self.platform]
61            netmiko_optional_args = self.netmiko_optional_args
62            if "port" in netmiko_optional_args:
63                netmiko_optional_args["port"] = 22
64            self._netmiko_open(
65                device_type=device_type, netmiko_optional_args=netmiko_optional_args
66            )
67        func(self, filename=filename, config=config)
69    return wrap_function
72class NXOSDriverBase(NetworkDriver):
73    """Common code shared between nx-api and nxos_ssh."""
75    def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, timeout=60, optional_args=None):
76        if optional_args is None:
77            optional_args = {}
78        self.hostname = hostname
79        self.username = username
80        self.password = password
81        self.timeout = timeout
82        self.replace = True
83        self.loaded = False
84        self.changed = False
85        self.merge_candidate = ""
86        self.candidate_cfg = "candidate_config.txt"
87        self.rollback_cfg = "rollback_config.txt"
88        self._dest_file_system = optional_args.pop("dest_file_system", "bootflash:")
89        self.force_no_enable = optional_args.get("force_no_enable", False)
90        self.netmiko_optional_args = netmiko_args(optional_args)
91        self.device = None
93    @ensure_netmiko_conn
94    def load_replace_candidate(self, filename=None, config=None):
96        if not filename and not config:
97            raise ReplaceConfigException(
98                "filename or config parameter must be provided."
99            )
101        if not filename:
102            tmp_file = self._create_tmp_file(config)
103            filename = tmp_file
104        else:
105            if not os.path.isfile(filename):
106                raise ReplaceConfigException("File {} not found".format(filename))
108        try:
109            transfer_result = file_transfer(
110                self._netmiko_device,
111                source_file=filename,
112                dest_file=self.candidate_cfg,
113                file_system=self._dest_file_system,
114                direction="put",
115                overwrite_file=True,
116            )
117            if not transfer_result["file_exists"]:
118                raise ValueError()
119        except Exception:
120            msg = (
121                "Could not transfer file. There was an error "
122                "during transfer. Please make sure remote "
123                "permissions are set."
124            )
125            raise ReplaceConfigException(msg)
127        self.replace = True
128        self.loaded = True
129        if config and os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
130            os.remove(tmp_file)
132    def load_merge_candidate(self, filename=None, config=None):
133        if not filename and not config:
134            raise MergeConfigException("filename or config param must be provided.")
136        self.merge_candidate += "\n"  # insert one extra line
137        if filename is not None:
138            with open(filename, "r") as f:
139                self.merge_candidate += f.read()
140        else:
141            self.merge_candidate += config
142        self.replace = False
143        self.loaded = True
145    def _send_command(self, command, raw_text=False):
146        raise NotImplementedError
148    def _commit_merge(self):
149        try:
150            output = self._send_config(self.merge_candidate)
151            if output and "Invalid command" in output:
152                raise MergeConfigException("Error while applying config!")
153        except Exception as e:
154            self.changed = True
155            self.rollback()
156            err_header = "Configuration merge failed; automatic rollback attempted"
157            merge_error = "{0}:\n{1}".format(err_header, repr(str(e)))
158            raise MergeConfigException(merge_error)
160        self.changed = True
161        # clear the merge buffer
162        self.merge_candidate = ""
164    def _get_merge_diff(self):
165        """
166        The merge diff is not necessarily what needs to be loaded
167        for example under NTP, even though the 'ntp commit' command might be
168        alread configured, it is mandatory to be sent
169        otherwise it won't take the new configuration - see:
170        https://github.com/napalm-automation/napalm-nxos/issues/59
171        therefore this method will return the real diff (but not necessarily what is
172        being sent by the merge_load_config()
173        """
174        diff = []
175        running_config = self.get_config(retrieve="running")["running"]
176        running_lines = running_config.splitlines()
177        for line in self.merge_candidate.splitlines():
178            if line not in running_lines and line:
179                if line[0].strip() != "!":
180                    diff.append(line)
181        return "\n".join(diff)
183    def _get_diff(self):
184        """Get a diff between running config and a proposed file."""
185        diff = []
186        self._create_sot_file()
187        diff_out = self._send_command(
188            "show diff rollback-patch file {} file {}".format(
189                "sot_file", self.candidate_cfg
190            ),
191            raw_text=True,
192        )
193        try:
194            diff_out = (
195                diff_out.split("Generating Rollback Patch")[1]
196                .replace("Rollback Patch is Empty", "")
197                .strip()
198            )
199            for line in diff_out.splitlines():
200                if line:
201                    if line[0].strip() != "!" and line[0].strip() != ".":
202                        diff.append(line.rstrip(" "))
203        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
204            raise ReplaceConfigException(
205                "Could not calculate diff. It's possible the given file doesn't exist."
206            )
207        return "\n".join(diff)
209    def compare_config(self):
210        if self.loaded:
211            if not self.replace:
212                return self._get_merge_diff()
213            diff = self._get_diff()
214            return diff
215        return ""
217    def commit_config(self, message="", revert_in=None):
218        if revert_in is not None:
219            raise NotImplementedError(
220                "Commit confirm has not been implemented on this platform."
221            )
222        if message:
223            raise NotImplementedError(
224                "Commit message not implemented for this platform"
225            )
226        if self.loaded:
227            # Create checkpoint from current running-config
228            self._save_to_checkpoint(self.rollback_cfg)
230            if self.replace:
231                self._load_cfg_from_checkpoint()
232            else:
233                self._commit_merge()
235            try:
236                # If hostname changes ensure Netmiko state is updated properly
237                self._netmiko_device.set_base_prompt()
238            except AttributeError:
239                pass
241            self._copy_run_start()
242            self.loaded = False
243        else:
244            raise ReplaceConfigException("No config loaded.")
246    def discard_config(self):
247        if self.loaded:
248            # clear the buffer
249            self.merge_candidate = ""
250        if self.loaded and self.replace:
251            self._delete_file(self.candidate_cfg)
252        self.loaded = False
254    def _create_sot_file(self):
255        """Create Source of Truth file to compare."""
257        # Bug on on NX-OS 6.2.16 where overwriting sot_file would take exceptionally long time
258        # (over 12 minutes); so just delete the sot_file
259        try:
260            self._delete_file(filename="sot_file")
261        except Exception:
262            pass
263        commands = [
264            "terminal dont-ask",
265            "checkpoint file sot_file",
266            "no terminal dont-ask",
267        ]
268        self._send_command_list(commands)
270    def ping(
271        self,
272        destination,
273        source=c.PING_SOURCE,
274        ttl=c.PING_TTL,
275        timeout=c.PING_TIMEOUT,
276        size=c.PING_SIZE,
277        count=c.PING_COUNT,
278        vrf=c.PING_VRF,
279        source_interface=c.PING_SOURCE_INTERFACE,
280    ):
281        """
282        Execute ping on the device and returns a dictionary with the result.
283        Output dictionary has one of following keys:
284            * success
285            * error
286        In case of success, inner dictionary will have the followin keys:
287            * probes_sent (int)
288            * packet_loss (int)
289            * rtt_min (float)
290            * rtt_max (float)
291            * rtt_avg (float)
292            * rtt_stddev (float)
293            * results (list)
294        'results' is a list of dictionaries with the following keys:
295            * ip_address (str)
296            * rtt (float)
297        """
298        ping_dict = {}
300        version = ""
301        try:
302            version = "6" if IPAddress(destination).version == 6 else ""
303        except AddrFormatError:
304            # Allow use of DNS names
305            pass
307        command = "ping{version} {destination}".format(
308            version=version, destination=destination
309        )
310        command += " timeout {}".format(timeout)
311        command += " packet-size {}".format(size)
312        command += " count {}".format(count)
313        if source != "":
314            command += " source {}".format(source)
315        elif source_interface != "":
316            command += " source {}".format(source_interface)
318        if vrf != "":
319            command += " vrf {}".format(vrf)
320        output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
322        if "connect:" in output:
323            ping_dict["error"] = output
324        elif "PING" in output:
325            ping_dict["success"] = {
326                "probes_sent": 0,
327                "packet_loss": 0,
328                "rtt_min": 0.0,
329                "rtt_max": 0.0,
330                "rtt_avg": 0.0,
331                "rtt_stddev": 0.0,
332                "results": [],
333            }
334            results_array = []
335            for line in output.splitlines():
336                fields = line.split()
337                if "icmp" in line:
338                    if "Unreachable" in line:
339                        if "(" in fields[2]:
340                            results_array.append(
341                                {"ip_address": str(fields[2][1:-1]), "rtt": 0.0}
342                            )
343                        else:
344                            results_array.append(
345                                {"ip_address": str(fields[1]), "rtt": 0.0}
346                            )
347                    elif "truncated" in line:
348                        if "(" in fields[4]:
349                            results_array.append(
350                                {"ip_address": str(fields[4][1:-2]), "rtt": 0.0}
351                            )
352                        else:
353                            results_array.append(
354                                {"ip_address": str(fields[3][:-1]), "rtt": 0.0}
355                            )
356                    elif fields[1] == "bytes":
357                        if version == "6":
358                            m = fields[5][5:]
359                        else:
360                            m = fields[6][5:]
361                        results_array.append(
362                            {"ip_address": str(fields[3][:-1]), "rtt": float(m)}
363                        )
364                elif "packets transmitted" in line:
365                    ping_dict["success"]["probes_sent"] = int(fields[0])
366                    ping_dict["success"]["packet_loss"] = int(fields[0]) - int(
367                        fields[3]
368                    )
369                elif "min/avg/max" in line:
370                    m = fields[3].split("/")
371                    ping_dict["success"].update(
372                        {
373                            "rtt_min": float(m[0]),
374                            "rtt_avg": float(m[1]),
375                            "rtt_max": float(m[2]),
376                        }
377                    )
378            ping_dict["success"].update({"results": results_array})
379        return ping_dict
381    def traceroute(
382        self,
383        destination,
384        source=c.TRACEROUTE_SOURCE,
385        ttl=c.TRACEROUTE_TTL,
386        timeout=c.TRACEROUTE_TIMEOUT,
387        vrf=c.TRACEROUTE_VRF,
388    ):
390        _HOP_ENTRY_PROBE = [
391            r"\s+",
392            r"(",  # beginning of host_name (ip_address) RTT group
393            r"(",  # beginning of host_name (ip_address) group only
394            r"([a-zA-Z0-9\.:-]*)",  # hostname
395            r"\s+",
396            r"\(?([a-fA-F0-9\.:][^\)]*)\)?",  # IP Address between brackets
397            r"(?:\s+\(AS\s+[0-9]+\))?",  # AS number -- may or may not be present
398            r")?",  # end of host_name (ip_address) group only
399            # also hostname/ip are optional -- they can or cannot be specified
400            # if not specified, means the current probe followed the same path as the previous
401            r"\s+",
402            r"(\d+\.\d+)\s+ms",  # RTT
403            r"|\*",  # OR *, when non responsive hop
404            r")",  # end of host_name (ip_address) RTT group
405        ]
407        _HOP_ENTRY = [r"\s?", r"(\d+)"]  # space before hop index?  # hop index
409        traceroute_result = {}
410        timeout = 5  # seconds
411        probes = 3  # 3 probes/jop and this cannot be changed on NXOS!
413        version = ""
414        try:
415            version = "6" if IPAddress(destination).version == 6 else ""
416        except AddrFormatError:
417            # Allow use of DNS names
418            pass
420        if source:
421            source_opt = "source {source}".format(source=source)
422            command = "traceroute{version} {destination} {source_opt}".format(
423                version=version, destination=destination, source_opt=source_opt
424            )
425        else:
426            command = "traceroute{version} {destination}".format(
427                version=version, destination=destination
428            )
430        if vrf != "":
431            command += " vrf {vrf}".format(vrf=vrf)
433        try:
434            traceroute_raw_output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
435        except CommandErrorException:
436            return {
437                "error": "Cannot execute traceroute on the device: {}".format(command)
438            }
440        hop_regex = "".join(_HOP_ENTRY + _HOP_ENTRY_PROBE * probes)
441        traceroute_result["success"] = {}
442        if traceroute_raw_output:
443            for line in traceroute_raw_output.splitlines():
444                hop_search = re.search(hop_regex, line)
445                if not hop_search:
446                    continue
447                hop_details = hop_search.groups()
448                hop_index = int(hop_details[0])
449                previous_probe_host_name = "*"
450                previous_probe_ip_address = "*"
451                traceroute_result["success"][hop_index] = {"probes": {}}
452                for probe_index in range(probes):
453                    host_name = hop_details[3 + probe_index * 5]
454                    ip_address_raw = hop_details[4 + probe_index * 5]
455                    ip_address = napalm.base.helpers.convert(
456                        napalm.base.helpers.ip, ip_address_raw, ip_address_raw
457                    )
458                    rtt = hop_details[5 + probe_index * 5]
459                    if rtt:
460                        rtt = float(rtt)
461                    else:
462                        rtt = timeout * 1000.0
463                    if not host_name:
464                        host_name = previous_probe_host_name
465                    if not ip_address:
466                        ip_address = previous_probe_ip_address
467                    if hop_details[1 + probe_index * 5] == "*":
468                        host_name = "*"
469                        ip_address = "*"
470                    traceroute_result["success"][hop_index]["probes"][
471                        probe_index + 1
472                    ] = {
473                        "host_name": str(host_name),
474                        "ip_address": str(ip_address),
475                        "rtt": rtt,
476                    }
477                    previous_probe_host_name = host_name
478                    previous_probe_ip_address = ip_address
479        return traceroute_result
481    def _get_checkpoint_file(self):
482        filename = "temp_cp_file_from_napalm"
483        self._set_checkpoint(filename)
484        command = "show file {}".format(filename)
485        output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
486        self._delete_file(filename)
487        return output
489    def _set_checkpoint(self, filename):
490        commands = [
491            "terminal dont-ask",
492            "checkpoint file {}".format(filename),
493            "no terminal dont-ask",
494        ]
495        self._send_command_list(commands)
497    def _save_to_checkpoint(self, filename):
498        """Save the current running config to the given file."""
499        commands = [
500            "terminal dont-ask",
501            "checkpoint file {}".format(filename),
502            "no terminal dont-ask",
503        ]
504        self._send_command_list(commands)
506    def _delete_file(self, filename):
507        commands = [
508            "terminal dont-ask",
509            "delete {}".format(filename),
510            "no terminal dont-ask",
511        ]
512        self._send_command_list(commands)
514    @staticmethod
515    def _create_tmp_file(config):
516        tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
517        rand_fname = str(uuid.uuid4())
518        filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, rand_fname)
519        with open(filename, "wt") as fobj:
520            fobj.write(config)
521        return filename
523    def _disable_confirmation(self):
524        self._send_command_list(["terminal dont-ask"])
526    def get_config(self, retrieve="all", full=False, sanitized=False):
528        # NX-OS adds some extra, unneeded lines that should be filtered.
529        filter_strings = [
530            r"!Command: show .*$",
531            r"!Time:.*\d{4}\s*$",
532            r"Startup config saved at:.*$",
533        ]
534        filter_pattern = generate_regex_or(filter_strings)
536        config = {"startup": "", "running": "", "candidate": ""}  # default values
537        # NX-OS only supports "all" on "show run"
538        run_full = " all" if full else ""
540        if retrieve.lower() in ("running", "all"):
541            command = f"show running-config{run_full}"
542            output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
543            output = re.sub(filter_pattern, "", output, flags=re.M)
544            config["running"] = output.strip()
545        if retrieve.lower() in ("startup", "all"):
546            command = "show startup-config"
547            output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
548            output = re.sub(filter_pattern, "", output, flags=re.M)
549            config["startup"] = output.strip()
551        if sanitized:
552            return napalm.base.helpers.sanitize_configs(
553                config, c.CISCO_SANITIZE_FILTERS
554            )
556        return config
558    def get_lldp_neighbors(self):
559        """IOS implementation of get_lldp_neighbors."""
560        lldp = {}
561        neighbors_detail = self.get_lldp_neighbors_detail()
562        for intf_name, entries in neighbors_detail.items():
563            lldp[intf_name] = []
564            for lldp_entry in entries:
565                hostname = lldp_entry["remote_system_name"]
566                # Match IOS behaviour of taking remote chassis ID
567                # When lacking a system name (in show lldp neighbors)
568                if hostname == "N/A":
569                    hostname = lldp_entry["remote_chassis_id"]
570                lldp_dict = {"port": lldp_entry["remote_port"], "hostname": hostname}
571                lldp[intf_name].append(lldp_dict)
573        return lldp
575    def get_lldp_neighbors_detail(self, interface=""):
576        lldp = {}
577        lldp_interfaces = []
579        if interface:
580            command = "show lldp neighbors interface {} detail".format(interface)
581        else:
582            command = "show lldp neighbors detail"
583        lldp_entries = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
584        lldp_entries = str(lldp_entries)
585        lldp_entries = napalm.base.helpers.textfsm_extractor(
586            self, "show_lldp_neighbors_detail", lldp_entries
587        )
589        if len(lldp_entries) == 0:
590            return {}
592        for idx, lldp_entry in enumerate(lldp_entries):
593            local_intf = lldp_entry.pop("local_interface") or lldp_interfaces[idx]
594            # Convert any 'not advertised' to an empty string
595            for field in lldp_entry:
596                if "not advertised" in lldp_entry[field]:
597                    lldp_entry[field] = ""
598            # Add field missing on IOS
599            lldp_entry["parent_interface"] = ""
600            # Translate the capability fields
601            lldp_entry[
602                "remote_system_capab"
603            ] = napalm.base.helpers.transform_lldp_capab(
604                lldp_entry["remote_system_capab"]
605            )
606            lldp_entry[
607                "remote_system_enable_capab"
608            ] = napalm.base.helpers.transform_lldp_capab(
609                lldp_entry["remote_system_enable_capab"]
610            )
611            # Turn the interfaces into their long version
612            local_intf = napalm.base.helpers.canonical_interface_name(local_intf)
613            lldp.setdefault(local_intf, [])
614            lldp[local_intf].append(lldp_entry)
616        return lldp
618    @staticmethod
619    def _get_table_rows(parent_table, table_name, row_name):
620        """
621        Inconsistent behavior:
622        {'TABLE_intf': [{'ROW_intf': {
623        vs
624        {'TABLE_mac_address': {'ROW_mac_address': [{
625        vs
626        {'TABLE_vrf': {'ROW_vrf': {'TABLE_adj': {'ROW_adj': {
627        """
628        if parent_table is None:
629            return []
630        _table = parent_table.get(table_name)
631        _table_rows = []
632        if isinstance(_table, list):
633            _table_rows = [_table_row.get(row_name) for _table_row in _table]
634        elif isinstance(_table, dict):
635            _table_rows = _table.get(row_name)
636        if not isinstance(_table_rows, list):
637            _table_rows = [_table_rows]
638        return _table_rows
640    def _get_reply_table(self, result, table_name, row_name):
641        return self._get_table_rows(result, table_name, row_name)
643    def _get_command_table(self, command, table_name, row_name):
644        json_output = self._send_command(command)
645        if type(json_output) is not dict and json_output:
646            json_output = json.loads(json_output)
647        return self._get_reply_table(json_output, table_name, row_name)
649    def _parse_vlan_ports(self, vlan_s):
650        vlans = []
651        find_regexp = r"^([A-Za-z\/-]+|.*\/)(\d+)-(\d+)$"
652        vlan_str = ""
654        if isinstance(vlan_s, list):
655            vlan_str = ",".join(vlan_s)
656        else:
657            vlan_str = vlan_s
659        for vls in vlan_str.split(","):
660            find = re.findall(find_regexp, vls.strip())
661            if find:
662                for i in range(int(find[0][1]), int(find[0][2]) + 1):
663                    vlans.append(
664                        napalm.base.helpers.canonical_interface_name(
665                            find[0][0] + str(i)
666                        )
667                    )
668            else:
669                vlans.append(napalm.base.helpers.canonical_interface_name(vls.strip()))
670        return vlans
673class NXOSDriver(NXOSDriverBase):
674    def __init__(self, hostname, username, password, timeout=60, optional_args=None):
675        super().__init__(
676            hostname, username, password, timeout=timeout, optional_args=optional_args
677        )
678        if optional_args is None:
679            optional_args = {}
681        # nxos_protocol is there for backwards compatibility, transport is the preferred method
682        self.transport = optional_args.get(
683            "transport", optional_args.get("nxos_protocol", "https")
684        )
685        if self.transport == "https":
686            self.port = optional_args.get("port", 443)
687        elif self.transport == "http":
688            self.port = optional_args.get("port", 80)
690        self.ssl_verify = optional_args.get("ssl_verify", False)
691        self.platform = "nxos"
693    def open(self):
694        try:
695            self.device = NXOSDevice(
696                host=self.hostname,
697                username=self.username,
698                password=self.password,
699                timeout=self.timeout,
700                port=self.port,
701                transport=self.transport,
702                verify=self.ssl_verify,
703                api_format="jsonrpc",
704            )
705            self._send_command("show hostname")
706        except (NXAPIConnectionError, NXAPIAuthError):
707            # unable to open connection
708            raise ConnectionException("Cannot connect to {}".format(self.hostname))
710    def close(self):
711        self.device = None
713    def _send_command(self, command, raw_text=False):
714        """
715        Wrapper for NX-API show method.
717        Allows more code sharing between NX-API and SSH.
718        """
719        return self.device.show(command, raw_text=raw_text)
721    def _send_command_list(self, commands):
722        return self.device.config_list(commands)
724    def _send_config(self, commands):
725        if isinstance(commands, str):
726            # Has to be a list generator and not generator expression (not JSON serializable)
727            commands = [command for command in commands.splitlines() if command]
728        return self.device.config_list(commands)
730    @staticmethod
731    def _compute_timestamp(stupid_cisco_output):
732        """
733        Some fields such `uptime` are returned as: 23week(s) 3day(s)
734        This method will determine the epoch of the event.
735        e.g.: 23week(s) 3day(s) -> 1462248287
736        """
737        if not stupid_cisco_output or stupid_cisco_output == "never":
738            return -1.0
740        if "(s)" in stupid_cisco_output:
741            pass
742        elif ":" in stupid_cisco_output:
743            stupid_cisco_output = stupid_cisco_output.replace(":", "hour(s) ", 1)
744            stupid_cisco_output = stupid_cisco_output.replace(":", "minute(s) ", 1)
745            stupid_cisco_output += "second(s)"
746        else:
747            stupid_cisco_output = stupid_cisco_output.replace("d", "day(s) ")
748            stupid_cisco_output = stupid_cisco_output.replace("h", "hour(s)")
750        things = {
751            "second(s)": {"weight": 1},
752            "minute(s)": {"weight": 60},
753            "hour(s)": {"weight": 3600},
754            "day(s)": {"weight": 24 * 3600},
755            "week(s)": {"weight": 7 * 24 * 3600},
756            "year(s)": {"weight": 365.25 * 24 * 3600},
757        }
759        things_keys = things.keys()
760        for part in stupid_cisco_output.split():
761            for key in things_keys:
762                if key in part:
763                    things[key]["count"] = napalm.base.helpers.convert(
764                        int, part.replace(key, ""), 0
765                    )
767        delta = sum(
768            [det.get("count", 0) * det.get("weight") for det in things.values()]
769        )
770        return time.time() - delta
772    def is_alive(self):
773        if self.device:
774            return {"is_alive": True}
775        else:
776            return {"is_alive": False}
778    def _copy_run_start(self):
779        results = self.device.save(filename="startup-config")
780        if not results:
781            msg = "Unable to save running-config to startup-config!"
782            raise CommandErrorException(msg)
784    def _load_cfg_from_checkpoint(self):
785        commands = [
786            "terminal dont-ask",
787            "rollback running-config file {}".format(self.candidate_cfg),
788            "no terminal dont-ask",
789        ]
790        try:
791            rollback_result = self._send_command_list(commands)
792        except ConnectionError:
793            # requests will raise an error with verbose warning output (don't fail on this).
794            return
795        finally:
796            self.changed = True
798        # For nx-api a list is returned so extract the result associated with the
799        # 'rollback' command.
800        rollback_result = rollback_result[1]
801        msg = (
802            rollback_result.get("msg")
803            if rollback_result.get("msg")
804            else rollback_result
805        )
806        error_msg = True if rollback_result.get("error") else False
808        if "Rollback failed." in msg or error_msg:
809            raise ReplaceConfigException(msg)
810        elif rollback_result == []:
811            raise ReplaceConfigException
813    def rollback(self):
814        if self.changed:
815            self.device.rollback(self.rollback_cfg)
816            self._copy_run_start()
817            self.changed = False
819    def get_facts(self):
820        facts = {}
821        facts["vendor"] = "Cisco"
823        show_inventory_table = self._get_command_table(
824            "show inventory", "TABLE_inv", "ROW_inv"
825        )
826        if isinstance(show_inventory_table, dict):
827            show_inventory_table = [show_inventory_table]
829        facts["serial_number"] = None
831        for row in show_inventory_table:
832            if row["name"] == '"Chassis"' or row["name"] == "Chassis":
833                facts["serial_number"] = row.get("serialnum", "")
834                break
836        show_version = self._send_command("show version")
837        facts["model"] = show_version.get("chassis_id", "")
838        facts["hostname"] = show_version.get("host_name", "")
839        facts["os_version"] = show_version.get(
840            "sys_ver_str", show_version.get("kickstart_ver_str", "")
841        )
843        uptime_days = int(show_version.get("kern_uptm_days", 0))
844        uptime_hours = int(show_version.get("kern_uptm_hrs", 0))
845        uptime_mins = int(show_version.get("kern_uptm_mins", 0))
846        uptime_secs = int(show_version.get("kern_uptm_secs", 0))
848        uptime = 0
849        uptime += uptime_days * 24 * 60 * 60
850        uptime += uptime_hours * 60 * 60
851        uptime += uptime_mins * 60
852        uptime += uptime_secs
854        facts["uptime"] = uptime
856        iface_cmd = "show interface"
857        interfaces_out = self._send_command(iface_cmd)
858        interfaces_body = interfaces_out["TABLE_interface"]["ROW_interface"]
859        interface_list = [intf_data["interface"] for intf_data in interfaces_body]
860        facts["interface_list"] = interface_list
862        hostname_cmd = "show hostname"
863        hostname = self._send_command(hostname_cmd).get("hostname")
864        if hostname:
865            facts["fqdn"] = hostname
867        return facts
869    def get_interfaces(self):
870        interfaces = {}
871        iface_cmd = "show interface"
872        interfaces_out = self._send_command(iface_cmd)
873        interfaces_body = interfaces_out["TABLE_interface"]["ROW_interface"]
875        for interface_details in interfaces_body:
876            interface_name = interface_details.get("interface")
878            if interface_details.get("eth_mtu"):
879                interface_mtu = int(interface_details["eth_mtu"])
880            elif interface_details.get("svi_mtu"):
881                interface_mtu = int(interface_details["svi_mtu"])
882            else:
883                interface_mtu = 0
885            # Earlier version of Nexus returned a list for 'eth_bw' (observed on 7.1(0)N1(1a))
886            if interface_details.get("eth_bw"):
887                interface_speed = interface_details["eth_bw"]
888            elif interface_details.get("svi_bw"):
889                interface_speed = interface_details["svi_bw"]
890            else:
891                interface_speed = 0
892            if isinstance(interface_speed, list):
893                interface_speed = interface_speed[0]
894            interface_speed = int(int(interface_speed) / 1000)
896            if "admin_state" in interface_details:
897                is_up = interface_details.get("admin_state", "") == "up"
898            elif "svi_admin_state" in interface_details:
899                is_up = interface_details.get("svi_admin_state", "") == "up"
900            else:
901                is_up = interface_details.get("state", "") == "up"
902            if interface_details.get("eth_hw_addr"):
903                mac_address = interface_details["eth_hw_addr"]
904            elif interface_details.get("svi_mac"):
905                mac_address = interface_details["svi_mac"].strip()
906            else:
907                mac_address = None
908            interfaces[interface_name] = {
909                "is_up": is_up,
910                "is_enabled": (
911                    interface_details.get("state") == "up"
912                    or interface_details.get("svi_admin_state") == "up"
913                ),
914                "description": str(interface_details.get("desc", "").strip('"')),
915                "last_flapped": self._compute_timestamp(
916                    interface_details.get("eth_link_flapped", "")
917                ),
918                "speed": interface_speed,
919                "mtu": interface_mtu,
920                "mac_address": napalm.base.helpers.convert(
921                    napalm.base.helpers.mac, mac_address
922                ),
923            }
924        return interfaces
926    def get_bgp_neighbors(self):
927        results = {}
928        bgp_state_dict = {
929            "Idle": {"is_up": False, "is_enabled": True},
930            "Active": {"is_up": False, "is_enabled": True},
931            "Open": {"is_up": False, "is_enabled": True},
932            "Established": {"is_up": True, "is_enabled": True},
933            "Closing": {"is_up": True, "is_enabled": True},
934            "Shutdown": {"is_up": False, "is_enabled": False},
935        }
936        """
937        af_name_dict = {
938            'af-id': {'safi': "af-name"},
939            'af-id': {'safi': "af-name"},
940            'af-id': {'safi': "af-name"}
941        }
942        """
943        af_name_dict = {
944            1: {1: "ipv4", 128: "vpnv4"},
945            2: {1: "ipv6", 128: "vpnv6"},
946            25: {70: "l2vpn"},
947        }
949        try:
950            cmd = "show bgp all summary vrf all"
951            vrf_list = self._get_command_table(cmd, "TABLE_vrf", "ROW_vrf")
952        except NXAPICommandError:
953            vrf_list = []
955        for vrf_dict in vrf_list:
956            result_vrf_dict = {"router_id": str(vrf_dict["vrf-router-id"]), "peers": {}}
958            af_list = vrf_dict.get("TABLE_af", {}).get("ROW_af", [])
959            if isinstance(af_list, dict):
960                af_list = [af_list]
962            for af_dict in af_list:
963                saf_dict = af_dict.get("TABLE_saf", {}).get("ROW_saf", {})
964                neighbors_list = saf_dict.get("TABLE_neighbor", {}).get(
965                    "ROW_neighbor", []
966                )
968                if isinstance(neighbors_list, dict):
969                    neighbors_list = [neighbors_list]
971                for neighbor_dict in neighbors_list:
972                    neighborid = napalm.base.helpers.ip(neighbor_dict["neighborid"])
973                    remoteas = as_number(neighbor_dict["neighboras"])
974                    state = str(neighbor_dict["state"])
976                    bgp_state = bgp_state_dict[state]
977                    afid_dict = af_name_dict[int(af_dict["af-id"])]
978                    safi_name = afid_dict[int(saf_dict["safi"])]
980                    result_peer_dict = {
981                        "local_as": as_number(vrf_dict["vrf-local-as"]),
982                        "remote_as": remoteas,
983                        "remote_id": neighborid,
984                        "is_enabled": bgp_state["is_enabled"],
985                        "uptime": -1,
986                        "description": "",
987                        "is_up": bgp_state["is_up"],
988                        "address_family": {
989                            safi_name: {
990                                "sent_prefixes": -1,
991                                "accepted_prefixes": -1,
992                                "received_prefixes": int(
993                                    neighbor_dict["prefixreceived"]
994                                ),
995                            }
996                        },
997                    }
998                    result_vrf_dict["peers"][neighborid] = result_peer_dict
1000            vrf_name = vrf_dict["vrf-name-out"]
1001            if vrf_name == "default":
1002                vrf_name = "global"
1003            results[vrf_name] = result_vrf_dict
1004        return results
1006    def cli(self, commands):
1007        cli_output = {}
1008        if type(commands) is not list:
1009            raise TypeError("Please enter a valid list of commands!")
1011        for command in commands:
1012            command_output = self._send_command(command, raw_text=True)
1013            cli_output[str(command)] = command_output
1014        return cli_output
1016    def get_arp_table(self, vrf=""):
1017        if vrf:
1018            msg = "VRF support has not been added for this getter on this platform."
1019            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
1021        arp_table = []
1022        command = "show ip arp"
1023        arp_table_vrf = self._get_command_table(command, "TABLE_vrf", "ROW_vrf")
1024        arp_table_raw = self._get_table_rows(arp_table_vrf[0], "TABLE_adj", "ROW_adj")
1026        for arp_table_entry in arp_table_raw:
1027            raw_ip = arp_table_entry.get("ip-addr-out")
1028            raw_mac = arp_table_entry.get("mac")
1029            age = arp_table_entry.get("time-stamp")
1030            if age == "-":
1031                age_sec = -1.0
1032            elif ":" not in age:
1033                # Cisco sometimes returns a sub second arp time 0.411797
1034                try:
1035                    age_sec = float(age)
1036                except ValueError:
1037                    age_sec = -1.0
1038            else:
1039                fields = age.split(":")
1040                if len(fields) == 3:
1041                    try:
1042                        fields = [float(x) for x in fields]
1043                        hours, minutes, seconds = fields
1044                        age_sec = 3600 * hours + 60 * minutes + seconds
1045                    except ValueError:
1046                        age_sec = -1.0
1047            age_sec = round(age_sec, 1)
1049            interface = str(arp_table_entry.get("intf-out"))
1050            arp_table.append(
1051                {
1052                    "interface": interface,
1053                    "mac": napalm.base.helpers.convert(
1054                        napalm.base.helpers.mac, raw_mac, raw_mac
1055                    ),
1056                    "ip": napalm.base.helpers.ip(raw_ip),
1057                    "age": age_sec,
1058                }
1059            )
1060        return arp_table
1062    def _get_ntp_entity(self, peer_type):
1063        ntp_entities = {}
1064        command = "show ntp peers"
1065        ntp_peers_table = self._get_command_table(command, "TABLE_peers", "ROW_peers")
1067        for ntp_peer in ntp_peers_table:
1068            if ntp_peer.get("serv_peer", "").strip() != peer_type:
1069                continue
1070            peer_addr = napalm.base.helpers.ip(ntp_peer.get("PeerIPAddress").strip())
1071            ntp_entities[peer_addr] = {}
1073        return ntp_entities
1075    def get_ntp_peers(self):
1076        return self._get_ntp_entity("Peer")
1078    def get_ntp_servers(self):
1079        return self._get_ntp_entity("Server")
1081    def get_ntp_stats(self):
1082        ntp_stats = []
1083        command = "show ntp peer-status"
1084        ntp_stats_table = self._get_command_table(
1085            command, "TABLE_peersstatus", "ROW_peersstatus"
1086        )
1088        for ntp_peer in ntp_stats_table:
1089            peer_address = napalm.base.helpers.ip(ntp_peer.get("remote").strip())
1090            syncmode = ntp_peer.get("syncmode")
1091            stratum = int(ntp_peer.get("st"))
1092            hostpoll = int(ntp_peer.get("poll"))
1093            reachability = int(ntp_peer.get("reach"))
1094            delay = float(ntp_peer.get("delay"))
1095            ntp_stats.append(
1096                {
1097                    "remote": peer_address,
1098                    "synchronized": (syncmode == "*"),
1099                    "referenceid": peer_address,
1100                    "stratum": stratum,
1101                    "type": "",
1102                    "when": "",
1103                    "hostpoll": hostpoll,
1104                    "reachability": reachability,
1105                    "delay": delay,
1106                    "offset": 0.0,
1107                    "jitter": 0.0,
1108                }
1109            )
1110        return ntp_stats
1112    def get_interfaces_ip(self):
1113        interfaces_ip = {}
1114        ipv4_command = "show ip interface"
1115        ipv4_interf_table_vrf = self._get_command_table(
1116            ipv4_command, "TABLE_intf", "ROW_intf"
1117        )
1119        for interface in ipv4_interf_table_vrf:
1120            interface_name = str(interface.get("intf-name", ""))
1121            addr_str = interface.get("prefix")
1122            unnumbered = str(interface.get("unnum-intf", ""))
1123            if addr_str:
1124                address = napalm.base.helpers.ip(addr_str)
1125                prefix = int(interface.get("masklen", ""))
1126                if interface_name not in interfaces_ip.keys():
1127                    interfaces_ip[interface_name] = {}
1128                if "ipv4" not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].keys():
1129                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"] = {}
1130                if address not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].get("ipv4"):
1131                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][address] = {}
1132                interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][address].update(
1133                    {"prefix_length": prefix}
1134                )
1135            elif unnumbered:
1136                for interf in ipv4_interf_table_vrf:
1137                    interf_name = str(interf.get("intf-name", ""))
1138                    if interf_name == unnumbered:
1139                        address = napalm.base.helpers.ip(interf.get("prefix"))
1140                        prefix = int(interf.get("masklen", ""))
1141                        if interface_name not in interfaces_ip.keys():
1142                            interfaces_ip[interface_name] = {}
1143                        if "ipv4" not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].keys():
1144                            interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"] = {}
1145                        if address not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].get("ipv4"):
1146                            interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][address] = {}
1147                        interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][address].update(
1148                            {"prefix_length": prefix}
1149                        )
1151            secondary_addresses = interface.get("TABLE_secondary_address", {}).get(
1152                "ROW_secondary_address", []
1153            )
1154            if type(secondary_addresses) is dict:
1155                secondary_addresses = [secondary_addresses]
1156            for secondary_address in secondary_addresses:
1157                secondary_address_ip = napalm.base.helpers.ip(
1158                    secondary_address.get("prefix1")
1159                )
1160                secondary_address_prefix = int(secondary_address.get("masklen1", ""))
1161                if "ipv4" not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].keys():
1162                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"] = {}
1163                if secondary_address_ip not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].get(
1164                    "ipv4"
1165                ):
1166                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][secondary_address_ip] = {}
1167                interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv4"][secondary_address_ip].update(
1168                    {"prefix_length": secondary_address_prefix}
1169                )
1171        ipv6_command = "show ipv6 interface"
1172        # If the switch doesn't run IPv6 or support it the show ipv6 interface
1173        # command will throw an error so catch it and return the ipv4 addresses
1174        try:
1175            ipv6_interf_table_vrf = self._get_command_table(
1176                ipv6_command, "TABLE_intf", "ROW_intf"
1177            )
1178        except napalm.nxapi_plumbing.errors.NXAPIPostError:
1179            return interfaces_ip
1181        for interface in ipv6_interf_table_vrf:
1182            interface_name = str(interface.get("intf-name", ""))
1184            if interface_name not in interfaces_ip.keys():
1185                interfaces_ip[interface_name] = {}
1186            if "ipv6" not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].keys():
1187                interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv6"] = {}
1188            if "addr" not in interface.keys():
1189                # Handle nexus 9000 ipv6 interface output
1190                if isinstance(interface["TABLE_addr"]["ROW_addr"], list):
1191                    addrs = [
1192                        addr["addr"] for addr in interface["TABLE_addr"]["ROW_addr"]
1193                    ]
1194                elif isinstance(interface["TABLE_addr"]["ROW_addr"], dict):
1195                    addrs = interface["TABLE_addr"]["ROW_addr"]["addr"]
1196                interface["addr"] = addrs
1198            if type(interface.get("addr", "")) is list:
1199                for ipv6_address in interface.get("addr", ""):
1200                    address = napalm.base.helpers.ip(ipv6_address.split("/")[0])
1201                    prefix = int(ipv6_address.split("/")[-1])
1202                    if address not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].get("ipv6"):
1203                        interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv6"][address] = {}
1204                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv6"][address].update(
1205                        {"prefix_length": prefix}
1206                    )
1207            else:
1208                address = napalm.base.helpers.ip(
1209                    interface.get("addr", "").split("/")[0]
1210                )
1211                prefix = interface.get("prefix", "").split("/")[-1]
1212                if prefix:
1213                    prefix = int(interface.get("prefix", "").split("/")[-1])
1214                else:
1215                    prefix = 128
1217                if address not in interfaces_ip[interface_name].get("ipv6"):
1218                    interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv6"][address] = {}
1219                interfaces_ip[interface_name]["ipv6"][address].update(
1220                    {"prefix_length": prefix}
1221                )
1222        return interfaces_ip
1224    def get_mac_address_table(self):
1225        mac_table = []
1226        command = "show mac address-table"
1227        mac_table_raw = self._get_command_table(
1228            command, "TABLE_mac_address", "ROW_mac_address"
1229        )
1231        for mac_entry in mac_table_raw:
1232            raw_mac = mac_entry.get("disp_mac_addr")
1233            interface = str(mac_entry.get("disp_port"))
1234            try:
1235                vlan = int(mac_entry.get("disp_vlan"))
1236            except ValueError:
1237                vlan = 0
1238            active = True
1239            static = mac_entry.get("disp_is_static") != "0"
1240            moves = 0
1241            last_move = 0.0
1242            mac_table.append(
1243                {
1244                    "mac": napalm.base.helpers.mac(raw_mac),
1245                    "interface": interface,
1246                    "vlan": vlan,
1247                    "active": active,
1248                    "static": static,
1249                    "moves": moves,
1250                    "last_move": last_move,
1251                }
1252            )
1253        return mac_table
1255    def get_snmp_information(self):
1256        snmp_information = {}
1257        snmp_command = "show running-config"
1258        snmp_raw_output = self.cli([snmp_command]).get(snmp_command, "")
1259        snmp_config = napalm.base.helpers.textfsm_extractor(
1260            self, "snmp_config", snmp_raw_output
1261        )
1263        if not snmp_config:
1264            return snmp_information
1266        snmp_information = {
1267            "contact": str(""),
1268            "location": str(""),
1269            "community": {},
1270            "chassis_id": str(""),
1271        }
1273        for snmp_entry in snmp_config:
1274            contact = str(snmp_entry.get("contact", ""))
1275            if contact:
1276                snmp_information["contact"] = contact
1277            location = str(snmp_entry.get("location", ""))
1278            if location:
1279                snmp_information["location"] = location
1281            community_name = str(snmp_entry.get("community", ""))
1282            if not community_name:
1283                continue
1285            if community_name not in snmp_information["community"].keys():
1286                snmp_information["community"][community_name] = {
1287                    "acl": str(snmp_entry.get("acl", "")),
1288                    "mode": str(snmp_entry.get("mode", "").lower()),
1289                }
1290            else:
1291                acl = str(snmp_entry.get("acl", ""))
1292                if acl:
1293                    snmp_information["community"][community_name]["acl"] = acl
1294                mode = str(snmp_entry.get("mode", "").lower())
1295                if mode:
1296                    snmp_information["community"][community_name]["mode"] = mode
1297        return snmp_information
1299    def get_users(self):
1300        _CISCO_TO_CISCO_MAP = {"network-admin": 15, "network-operator": 5}
1302        _DEFAULT_USER_DICT = {"password": "", "level": 0, "sshkeys": []}
1304        users = {}
1305        command = "show running-config"
1306        section_username_raw_output = self.cli([command]).get(command, "")
1307        section_username_tabled_output = napalm.base.helpers.textfsm_extractor(
1308            self, "users", section_username_raw_output
1309        )
1311        for user in section_username_tabled_output:
1312            username = user.get("username", "")
1313            if not username:
1314                continue
1315            if username not in users:
1316                users[username] = _DEFAULT_USER_DICT.copy()
1318            password = user.get("password", "")
1319            if password:
1320                users[username]["password"] = str(password.strip())
1322            level = 0
1323            role = user.get("role", "")
1324            if role.startswith("priv"):
1325                level = int(role.split("-")[-1])
1326            else:
1327                level = _CISCO_TO_CISCO_MAP.get(role, 0)
1328            if level > users.get(username).get("level"):
1329                # unfortunately on Cisco you can set different priv levels for the same user
1330                # Good news though: the device will consider the highest level
1331                users[username]["level"] = level
1333            sshkeytype = user.get("sshkeytype", "")
1334            sshkeyvalue = user.get("sshkeyvalue", "")
1335            if sshkeytype and sshkeyvalue:
1336                if sshkeytype not in ["ssh-rsa", "ssh-dsa"]:
1337                    continue
1338                users[username]["sshkeys"].append(str(sshkeyvalue))
1339        return users
1341    def get_network_instances(self, name=""):
1342        """get_network_instances implementation for NX-OS"""
1344        # command 'show vrf detail' returns all VRFs with detailed information
1345        # format: list of dictionaries with keys such as 'vrf_name' and 'rd'
1346        command = "show vrf detail"
1347        vrf_table_raw = self._get_command_table(command, "TABLE_vrf", "ROW_vrf")
1349        # command 'show vrf interface' returns all interfaces including their assigned VRF
1350        # format: list of dictionaries with keys 'if_name', 'vrf_name', 'vrf_id' and 'soo'
1351        command = "show vrf interface"
1352        intf_table_raw = self._get_command_table(command, "TABLE_if", "ROW_if")
1354        # create a dictionary with key = 'vrf_name' and value = list of interfaces
1355        vrf_intfs = defaultdict(list)
1356        for intf in intf_table_raw:
1357            vrf_intfs[intf["vrf_name"]].append(str(intf["if_name"]))
1359        vrfs = {}
1360        for vrf in vrf_table_raw:
1361            vrf_name = str(vrf.get("vrf_name"))
1362            vrfs[vrf_name] = {}
1363            vrfs[vrf_name]["name"] = vrf_name
1365            # differentiate between VRF type 'DEFAULT_INSTANCE' and 'L3VRF'
1366            if vrf_name == "default":
1367                vrfs[vrf_name]["type"] = "DEFAULT_INSTANCE"
1368            else:
1369                vrfs[vrf_name]["type"] = "L3VRF"
1371            vrfs[vrf_name]["state"] = {"route_distinguisher": str(vrf.get("rd"))}
1373            # convert list of interfaces (vrf_intfs[vrf_name]) to expected format
1374            # format = dict with key = interface name and empty values
1375            vrfs[vrf_name]["interfaces"] = {}
1376            vrfs[vrf_name]["interfaces"]["interface"] = dict.fromkeys(
1377                vrf_intfs[vrf_name], {}
1378            )
1380        # if name of a specific VRF was passed as an argument
1381        # only return results for this particular VRF
1382        if name:
1383            if name in vrfs.keys():
1384                return {str(name): vrfs[name]}
1385            else:
1386                return {}
1387        # else return results for all VRFs
1388        else:
1389            return vrfs
1391    def get_environment(self):
1392        def _process_pdus(power_data):
1393            normalized = defaultdict(dict)
1394            # some nexus devices have keys postfixed with the shorthand device series name (ie n3k)
1395            # ex. on a 9k, the key is TABLE_psinfo, but on a 3k it is TABLE_psinfo_n3k
1396            ps_info_key = [
1397                i for i in power_data.keys() if i.startswith("TABLE_psinfo")
1398            ][0]
1399            ps_info_table = power_data[ps_info_key]
1400            # Later version of nxos will have a list under TABLE_psinfo like
1401            # TABLE_psinfo : [{'ROW_psinfo': {...
1402            # and not have the psnum under the row
1403            if isinstance(ps_info_table, list):
1404                # if this is one of those later versions, make the data look like
1405                # the older way
1406                count = 1
1407                tmp_table = []
1408                for entry in ps_info_table:
1409                    tmp = entry.get("ROW_psinfo")
1410                    tmp["psnum"] = count
1411                    # to access the power supply status, the key looks like it is device dependent
1412                    # on a 3k device it is ps_status_3k
1413                    status_key = [
1414                        i
1415                        for i in entry["ROW_psinfo"].keys()
1416                        if i.startswith("ps_status")
1417                    ][0]
1418                    tmp["ps_status"] = entry["ROW_psinfo"][status_key]
1419                    count += 1
1420                    tmp_table.append(tmp)
1421                ps_info_table = {"ROW_psinfo": tmp_table}
1422            # some nexus devices have keys postfixed with the shorthand device series name (ie n3k)
1423            # ex. on a 9k the key is ROW_psinfo, but on a 3k it is ROW_psinfo_n3k
1424            ps_info_row_key = [
1425                i for i in ps_info_table.keys() if i.startswith("ROW_psinfo")
1426            ][0]
1427            for psinfo in ps_info_table[ps_info_row_key]:
1428                normalized[psinfo["psnum"]]["status"] = (
1429                    psinfo.get("ps_status", "ok") == "ok"
1430                )
1431                normalized[psinfo["psnum"]]["output"] = float(psinfo.get("watts", -1.0))
1432                # Newer nxos versions provide the total capacity in the `tot_capa` key
1433                if "tot_capa" in psinfo:
1434                    normalized[psinfo["psnum"]]["capacity"] = float(
1435                        psinfo["tot_capa"].split()[0]
1436                    )
1437                # The capacity of the power supply can be determined by the model
1438                # ie N2200-PAC-400W = 400 watts
1439                else:
1440                    ps_model = psinfo.get("psmodel", "-1")
1441                    normalized[psinfo["psnum"]]["capacity"] = float(
1442                        ps_model.split("-")[-1][:-1]
1443                    )
1444            return json.loads(json.dumps(normalized))
1446        def _process_fans(fan_data):
1447            normalized = {}
1448            for entry in fan_data["TABLE_faninfo"]["ROW_faninfo"]:
1449                if "PS" in entry["fanname"]:
1450                    # Skip fans in power supplies
1451                    continue
1452                normalized[entry["fanname"]] = {
1453                    # Copying the behavior of eos.py where if the fanstatus key is not found
1454                    # we default the status to True
1455                    "status": entry.get("fanstatus", "Ok")
1456                    == "Ok"
1457                }
1458            return normalized
1460        def _process_temperature(temperature_data):
1461            normalized = {}
1462            # The modname and sensor type are not unique enough keys, so adding a count
1463            count = 1
1464            past_tempmod = "1"
1465            for entry in temperature_data["ROW_tempinfo"]:
1466                mod_name = entry.get("tempmod").rstrip()
1467                # if the mod name has change reset the count to 1
1468                if past_tempmod != mod_name:
1469                    count = 1
1470                name = "{}-{} {}".format(mod_name, count, entry.get("sensor").rstrip())
1471                normalized[name] = {
1472                    "temperature": float(entry.get("curtemp", -1)),
1473                    "is_alert": entry.get("alarmstatus", "Ok").rstrip() != "Ok",
1474                    "is_critical": float(entry.get("curtemp"))
1475                    > float(entry.get("majthres")),
1476                }
1477                count += 1
1478            return normalized
1480        def _process_cpu(cpu_data):
1481            idle = (
1482                cpu_data.get("idle_percent")
1483                if cpu_data.get("idle_percent")
1484                else cpu_data["TABLE_cpu_util"]["ROW_cpu_util"]["idle_percent"]
1485            )
1486            return {0: {"%usage": round(100 - float(idle), 2)}}
1488        def _process_memory(memory_data):
1489            avail = memory_data["TABLE_process_tag"]["ROW_process_tag"][
1490                "process-memory-share-total-shm-avail"
1491            ]
1492            used = memory_data["TABLE_process_tag"]["ROW_process_tag"][
1493                "process-memory-share-total-shm-used"
1494            ]
1495            return {"available_ram": int(avail) * 1000, "used_ram": int(used) * 1000}
1497        environment_raw = self._send_command("show environment")
1498        cpu_raw = self._send_command("show processes cpu")
1499        memory_raw = self._send_command("show processes memory shared")
1500        fan_key = [i for i in environment_raw.keys() if i.startswith("fandetails")][0]
1501        return {
1502            "power": _process_pdus(environment_raw["powersup"]),
1503            "fans": _process_fans(environment_raw[fan_key]),
1504            "temperature": _process_temperature(environment_raw["TABLE_tempinfo"]),
1505            "cpu": _process_cpu(cpu_raw),
1506            "memory": _process_memory(memory_raw),
1507        }
1509    def get_vlans(self):
1510        vlans = {}
1511        command = "show vlan brief"
1512        vlan_table_raw = self._get_command_table(
1513            command, "TABLE_vlanbriefxbrief", "ROW_vlanbriefxbrief"
1514        )
1515        if isinstance(vlan_table_raw, dict):
1516            vlan_table_raw = [vlan_table_raw]
1518        for vlan in vlan_table_raw:
1519            if "vlanshowplist-ifidx" not in vlan.keys():
1520                vlan["vlanshowplist-ifidx"] = []
1521            vlans[vlan["vlanshowbr-vlanid"]] = {
1522                "name": vlan["vlanshowbr-vlanname"],
1523                "interfaces": self._parse_vlan_ports(vlan["vlanshowplist-ifidx"]),
1524            }
1525        return vlans