1 //! Checks for needless boolean results of if-else expressions
2 //!
3 //! This lint is **warn** by default
5 use clippy_utils::diagnostics::{span_lint, span_lint_and_sugg};
6 use clippy_utils::higher;
7 use clippy_utils::source::snippet_with_applicability;
8 use clippy_utils::sugg::Sugg;
9 use clippy_utils::{is_else_clause, is_expn_of};
10 use rustc_ast::ast::LitKind;
11 use rustc_errors::Applicability;
12 use rustc_hir::{BinOpKind, Block, Expr, ExprKind, StmtKind, UnOp};
13 use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass};
14 use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint};
15 use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
16 use rustc_span::Span;
18 declare_clippy_lint! {
19     /// ### What it does
20     /// Checks for expressions of the form `if c { true } else {
21     /// false }` (or vice versa) and suggests using the condition directly.
22     ///
23     /// ### Why is this bad?
24     /// Redundant code.
25     ///
26     /// ### Known problems
27     /// Maybe false positives: Sometimes, the two branches are
28     /// painstakingly documented (which we, of course, do not detect), so they *may*
29     /// have some value. Even then, the documentation can be rewritten to match the
30     /// shorter code.
31     ///
32     /// ### Example
33     /// ```rust,ignore
34     /// if x {
35     ///     false
36     /// } else {
37     ///     true
38     /// }
39     /// ```
40     /// Could be written as
41     /// ```rust,ignore
42     /// !x
43     /// ```
44     pub NEEDLESS_BOOL,
45     complexity,
46     "if-statements with plain booleans in the then- and else-clause, e.g., `if p { true } else { false }`"
47 }
49 declare_clippy_lint! {
50     /// ### What it does
51     /// Checks for expressions of the form `x == true`,
52     /// `x != true` and order comparisons such as `x < true` (or vice versa) and
53     /// suggest using the variable directly.
54     ///
55     /// ### Why is this bad?
56     /// Unnecessary code.
57     ///
58     /// ### Example
59     /// ```rust,ignore
60     /// if x == true {}
61     /// if y == false {}
62     /// ```
63     /// use `x` directly:
64     /// ```rust,ignore
65     /// if x {}
66     /// if !y {}
67     /// ```
69     complexity,
70     "comparing a variable to a boolean, e.g., `if x == true` or `if x != true`"
71 }
73 declare_lint_pass!(NeedlessBool => [NEEDLESS_BOOL]);
75 impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for NeedlessBool {
check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>)76     fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
77         use self::Expression::{Bool, RetBool};
78         if e.span.from_expansion() {
79             return;
80         }
81         if let Some(higher::If {
82             cond,
83             then,
84             r#else: Some(r#else),
85         }) = higher::If::hir(e)
86         {
87             let reduce = |ret, not| {
88                 let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
89                 let snip = Sugg::hir_with_applicability(cx, cond, "<predicate>", &mut applicability);
90                 let mut snip = if not { !snip } else { snip };
92                 if ret {
93                     snip = snip.make_return();
94                 }
96                 if is_else_clause(cx.tcx, e) {
97                     snip = snip.blockify();
98                 }
100                 span_lint_and_sugg(
101                     cx,
102                     NEEDLESS_BOOL,
103                     e.span,
104                     "this if-then-else expression returns a bool literal",
105                     "you can reduce it to",
106                     snip.to_string(),
107                     applicability,
108                 );
109             };
110             if let ExprKind::Block(then, _) = then.kind {
111                 match (fetch_bool_block(then), fetch_bool_expr(r#else)) {
112                     (RetBool(true), RetBool(true)) | (Bool(true), Bool(true)) => {
113                         span_lint(
114                             cx,
115                             NEEDLESS_BOOL,
116                             e.span,
117                             "this if-then-else expression will always return true",
118                         );
119                     },
120                     (RetBool(false), RetBool(false)) | (Bool(false), Bool(false)) => {
121                         span_lint(
122                             cx,
123                             NEEDLESS_BOOL,
124                             e.span,
125                             "this if-then-else expression will always return false",
126                         );
127                     },
128                     (RetBool(true), RetBool(false)) => reduce(true, false),
129                     (Bool(true), Bool(false)) => reduce(false, false),
130                     (RetBool(false), RetBool(true)) => reduce(true, true),
131                     (Bool(false), Bool(true)) => reduce(false, true),
132                     _ => (),
133                 }
134             } else {
135                 panic!("IfExpr `then` node is not an `ExprKind::Block`");
136             }
137         }
138     }
139 }
141 declare_lint_pass!(BoolComparison => [BOOL_COMPARISON]);
143 impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for BoolComparison {
check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>)144     fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) {
145         if e.span.from_expansion() {
146             return;
147         }
149         if let ExprKind::Binary(Spanned { node, .. }, ..) = e.kind {
150             let ignore_case = None::<(fn(_) -> _, &str)>;
151             let ignore_no_literal = None::<(fn(_, _) -> _, &str)>;
152             match node {
153                 BinOpKind::Eq => {
154                     let true_case = Some((|h| h, "equality checks against true are unnecessary"));
155                     let false_case = Some((
156                         |h: Sugg<'_>| !h,
157                         "equality checks against false can be replaced by a negation",
158                     ));
159                     check_comparison(cx, e, true_case, false_case, true_case, false_case, ignore_no_literal);
160                 },
161                 BinOpKind::Ne => {
162                     let true_case = Some((
163                         |h: Sugg<'_>| !h,
164                         "inequality checks against true can be replaced by a negation",
165                     ));
166                     let false_case = Some((|h| h, "inequality checks against false are unnecessary"));
167                     check_comparison(cx, e, true_case, false_case, true_case, false_case, ignore_no_literal);
168                 },
169                 BinOpKind::Lt => check_comparison(
170                     cx,
171                     e,
172                     ignore_case,
173                     Some((|h| h, "greater than checks against false are unnecessary")),
174                     Some((
175                         |h: Sugg<'_>| !h,
176                         "less than comparison against true can be replaced by a negation",
177                     )),
178                     ignore_case,
179                     Some((
180                         |l: Sugg<'_>, r: Sugg<'_>| (!l).bit_and(&r),
181                         "order comparisons between booleans can be simplified",
182                     )),
183                 ),
184                 BinOpKind::Gt => check_comparison(
185                     cx,
186                     e,
187                     Some((
188                         |h: Sugg<'_>| !h,
189                         "less than comparison against true can be replaced by a negation",
190                     )),
191                     ignore_case,
192                     ignore_case,
193                     Some((|h| h, "greater than checks against false are unnecessary")),
194                     Some((
195                         |l: Sugg<'_>, r: Sugg<'_>| l.bit_and(&(!r)),
196                         "order comparisons between booleans can be simplified",
197                     )),
198                 ),
199                 _ => (),
200             }
201         }
202     }
203 }
205 struct ExpressionInfoWithSpan {
206     one_side_is_unary_not: bool,
207     left_span: Span,
208     right_span: Span,
209 }
is_unary_not(e: &Expr<'_>) -> (bool, Span)211 fn is_unary_not(e: &Expr<'_>) -> (bool, Span) {
212     if let ExprKind::Unary(UnOp::Not, operand) = e.kind {
213         return (true, operand.span);
214     }
215     (false, e.span)
216 }
one_side_is_unary_not<'tcx>(left_side: &'tcx Expr<'_>, right_side: &'tcx Expr<'_>) -> ExpressionInfoWithSpan218 fn one_side_is_unary_not<'tcx>(left_side: &'tcx Expr<'_>, right_side: &'tcx Expr<'_>) -> ExpressionInfoWithSpan {
219     let left = is_unary_not(left_side);
220     let right = is_unary_not(right_side);
222     ExpressionInfoWithSpan {
223         one_side_is_unary_not: left.0 != right.0,
224         left_span: left.1,
225         right_span: right.1,
226     }
227 }
check_comparison<'a, 'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>, left_true: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>, left_false: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>, right_true: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>, right_false: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>, no_literal: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>, Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>, )229 fn check_comparison<'a, 'tcx>(
230     cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
231     e: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
232     left_true: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>,
233     left_false: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>,
234     right_true: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>,
235     right_false: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>,
236     no_literal: Option<(impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>, Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, &str)>,
237 ) {
238     use self::Expression::{Bool, Other};
240     if let ExprKind::Binary(op, left_side, right_side) = e.kind {
241         let (l_ty, r_ty) = (
242             cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(left_side),
243             cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(right_side),
244         );
245         if is_expn_of(left_side.span, "cfg").is_some() || is_expn_of(right_side.span, "cfg").is_some() {
246             return;
247         }
248         if l_ty.is_bool() && r_ty.is_bool() {
249             let mut applicability = Applicability::MachineApplicable;
251             if op.node == BinOpKind::Eq {
252                 let expression_info = one_side_is_unary_not(left_side, right_side);
253                 if expression_info.one_side_is_unary_not {
254                     span_lint_and_sugg(
255                         cx,
256                         BOOL_COMPARISON,
257                         e.span,
258                         "this comparison might be written more concisely",
259                         "try simplifying it as shown",
260                         format!(
261                             "{} != {}",
262                             snippet_with_applicability(cx, expression_info.left_span, "..", &mut applicability),
263                             snippet_with_applicability(cx, expression_info.right_span, "..", &mut applicability)
264                         ),
265                         applicability,
266                     );
267                 }
268             }
270             match (fetch_bool_expr(left_side), fetch_bool_expr(right_side)) {
271                 (Bool(true), Other) => left_true.map_or((), |(h, m)| {
272                     suggest_bool_comparison(cx, e, right_side, applicability, m, h);
273                 }),
274                 (Other, Bool(true)) => right_true.map_or((), |(h, m)| {
275                     suggest_bool_comparison(cx, e, left_side, applicability, m, h);
276                 }),
277                 (Bool(false), Other) => left_false.map_or((), |(h, m)| {
278                     suggest_bool_comparison(cx, e, right_side, applicability, m, h);
279                 }),
280                 (Other, Bool(false)) => right_false.map_or((), |(h, m)| {
281                     suggest_bool_comparison(cx, e, left_side, applicability, m, h);
282                 }),
283                 (Other, Other) => no_literal.map_or((), |(h, m)| {
284                     let left_side = Sugg::hir_with_applicability(cx, left_side, "..", &mut applicability);
285                     let right_side = Sugg::hir_with_applicability(cx, right_side, "..", &mut applicability);
286                     span_lint_and_sugg(
287                         cx,
288                         BOOL_COMPARISON,
289                         e.span,
290                         m,
291                         "try simplifying it as shown",
292                         h(left_side, right_side).to_string(),
293                         applicability,
294                     );
295                 }),
296                 _ => (),
297             }
298         }
299     }
300 }
suggest_bool_comparison<'a, 'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>, mut applicability: Applicability, message: &str, conv_hint: impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>, )302 fn suggest_bool_comparison<'a, 'tcx>(
303     cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
304     e: &'tcx Expr<'_>,
305     expr: &Expr<'_>,
306     mut applicability: Applicability,
307     message: &str,
308     conv_hint: impl FnOnce(Sugg<'a>) -> Sugg<'a>,
309 ) {
310     let hint = if expr.span.from_expansion() {
311         if applicability != Applicability::Unspecified {
312             applicability = Applicability::MaybeIncorrect;
313         }
314         Sugg::hir_with_macro_callsite(cx, expr, "..")
315     } else {
316         Sugg::hir_with_applicability(cx, expr, "..", &mut applicability)
317     };
318     span_lint_and_sugg(
319         cx,
320         BOOL_COMPARISON,
321         e.span,
322         message,
323         "try simplifying it as shown",
324         conv_hint(hint).to_string(),
325         applicability,
326     );
327 }
329 enum Expression {
330     Bool(bool),
331     RetBool(bool),
332     Other,
333 }
fetch_bool_block(block: &Block<'_>) -> Expression335 fn fetch_bool_block(block: &Block<'_>) -> Expression {
336     match (&*block.stmts, block.expr.as_ref()) {
337         (&[], Some(e)) => fetch_bool_expr(&**e),
338         (&[ref e], None) => {
339             if let StmtKind::Semi(e) = e.kind {
340                 if let ExprKind::Ret(_) = e.kind {
341                     fetch_bool_expr(e)
342                 } else {
343                     Expression::Other
344                 }
345             } else {
346                 Expression::Other
347             }
348         },
349         _ => Expression::Other,
350     }
351 }
fetch_bool_expr(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Expression353 fn fetch_bool_expr(expr: &Expr<'_>) -> Expression {
354     match expr.kind {
355         ExprKind::Block(block, _) => fetch_bool_block(block),
356         ExprKind::Lit(ref lit_ptr) => {
357             if let LitKind::Bool(value) = lit_ptr.node {
358                 Expression::Bool(value)
359             } else {
360                 Expression::Other
361             }
362         },
363         ExprKind::Ret(Some(expr)) => match fetch_bool_expr(expr) {
364             Expression::Bool(value) => Expression::RetBool(value),
365             _ => Expression::Other,
366         },
367         _ => Expression::Other,
368     }
369 }