1 /*   vibprmpt.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *            National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government do not place any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *  We would, however, appreciate having the NCBI and the author cited in
14 *  any work or product based on this material
15 *
16 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
17 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
19 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
20 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
21 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
22 *  purpose.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  vibprmpt.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Jonathan Kans
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   7/1/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.3 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *       Vibrant prompt functions
36 *
37 * Modifications:
38 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 * Date     Name        Description of modification
40 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
41 *
42 *
43 * $Log: vibprmpt.c,v $
44 * Revision 6.3  2008/04/29 13:43:50  kans
45 * fixes for warnings caught by mingw cross-compiler
46 *
47 * Revision 6.2  2004/07/19 13:36:43  bollin
48 * replaced obsolete XmFontListCreate function to get rid of run-time warnings
49 *
50 * Revision 6.1  1997/11/26 21:30:33  vakatov
51 * Fixed errors and warnings issued by C and C++ (GNU and Sun) compilers
52 *
53 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:57:25  madden
54 * Revision changed to 6.0
55 *
56 * Revision 5.1  1997/01/29 16:41:22  kans
57 * using StringNCpy_0
58 *
59  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  13:45:08  ostell
60  * Set to revision 5.0
61  *
62  * Revision 4.2  1996/03/02  22:36:38  kans
63  * reduction of X traffic (DV)
64  *
65  * Revision 4.1  1996/02/13  17:24:07  kans
66  * accelerated set position prior to realization (Denis Vakatov)
67  *
68  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:51:04  ostell
69  * force revision to 4.0
70  *
71  * Revision 2.12  1995/05/17  15:15:14  kans
72  * added Log line
73  *
74 *
75 * ==========================================================================
76 */
78 #include <vibtypes.h>
79 #include <vibprocs.h>
80 #include <vibincld.h>
82 #ifdef WIN_MAC
83 #define Nlm_PromptTool Nlm_Handle
84 #endif
86 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
87 #define Nlm_PromptTool HWND
88 #endif
90 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
91 #define Nlm_PromptTool Widget
92 #endif
94 typedef  struct  Nlm_promptdata {
95   Nlm_PromptTool  handle;
96   Nlm_FonT        font;
97   Nlm_Int2        height;
98   Nlm_Char        just;
99 } Nlm_PromptData;
101 typedef  struct  Nlm_promptrec {
102   Nlm_GraphicRec  graphicR;
103   Nlm_PromptData  prompt;
104 } Nlm_PromptRec, PNTR Nlm_PptPtr;
106 static Nlm_GphPrcsPtr  gphprcsptr = NULL;
108 static Nlm_GphPrcsPtr  promptProcs;
109 static Nlm_GphPrcsPtr  staticPromptProcs;
111 static Nlm_PrompT      recentPrompt = NULL;
112 static Nlm_PromptData  recentPromptData;
Nlm_LoadPromptData(Nlm_PrompT p,Nlm_PromptTool hdl,Nlm_FonT fnt,Nlm_Int2 hgt,Nlm_Char jst)114 static void Nlm_LoadPromptData (Nlm_PrompT p, Nlm_PromptTool hdl,
115                                 Nlm_FonT fnt, Nlm_Int2 hgt,
116                                 Nlm_Char jst)
118 {
119   Nlm_PptPtr      pp;
120   Nlm_PromptData  PNTR pptr;
122   if (p != NULL) {
123     pp = (Nlm_PptPtr) Nlm_HandLock (p);
124     pptr = &(pp->prompt);
125     pptr->handle = hdl;
126     pptr->font = fnt;
127     pptr->height = hgt;
128     pptr->just = jst;
129     Nlm_HandUnlock (p);
130     recentPrompt = NULL;
131   }
132 }
Nlm_GetPromptData(Nlm_PrompT p,Nlm_PromptData * pdata)134 static void Nlm_GetPromptData (Nlm_PrompT p, Nlm_PromptData * pdata)
136 {
137   Nlm_PptPtr  pp;
139   if (p != NULL && pdata != NULL) {
140     if (p == recentPrompt && NLM_RISKY) {
141       *pdata = recentPromptData;
142     } else {
143       pp = (Nlm_PptPtr) Nlm_HandLock (p);
144       *pdata = pp->prompt;
145       Nlm_HandUnlock (p);
146       recentPrompt = p;
147       recentPromptData = *pdata;
148     }
149   }
150 }
152 #ifdef WIN_MAC
Nlm_SetPromptData(Nlm_PrompT p,Nlm_PromptData * pdata)153 static void Nlm_SetPromptData (Nlm_PrompT p, Nlm_PromptData * pdata)
154 {
155   Nlm_PptPtr  pp;
157   if (p != NULL && pdata != NULL) {
158     pp = (Nlm_PptPtr) Nlm_HandLock (p);
159     pp->prompt = *pdata;
160     Nlm_HandUnlock (p);
161     recentPrompt = p;
162     recentPromptData = *pdata;
163   }
164 }
Nlm_SetPromptHandle(Nlm_PrompT p,Nlm_PromptTool hdl)166 static void Nlm_SetPromptHandle (Nlm_PrompT p, Nlm_PromptTool hdl)
167 {
168   Nlm_PromptData  pdata;
170   Nlm_GetPromptData (p, &pdata);
171   pdata.handle = hdl;
172   Nlm_SetPromptData (p, &pdata);
173 }
174 #endif
Nlm_GetPromptHandle(Nlm_PrompT p)176 static Nlm_PromptTool Nlm_GetPromptHandle (Nlm_PrompT p)
178 {
179   Nlm_PromptData  pdata;
181   Nlm_GetPromptData (p, &pdata);
182   return pdata.handle;
183 }
185 #ifdef WIN_MAC
Nlm_DrawPrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p)186 static void Nlm_DrawPrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p)
188 {
189   Nlm_Boolean     gray;
190   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
191   Nlm_PromptData  pd;
192   Nlm_RecT        r;
193   Nlm_Char        str [256];
195   if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
196     Nlm_GetPromptData ((Nlm_PrompT) p, &pd);
197     h = pd.handle;
198     if (h != NULL) {
199       if (pd.font != NULL) {
200         Nlm_SelectFont (pd.font);
201       }
202       Nlm_GetString (h, str, sizeof (str));
203       if (Nlm_StringLen (str) > 0) {
204         if (Nlm_Enabled (p) && Nlm_AllParentsEnabled (p)) {
205           gray = FALSE;
206         } else {
207           gray = TRUE;
208         }
209         Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
210         Nlm_DrawString (&r, str, pd.just, gray);
211       }
212       Nlm_SelectFont (Nlm_systemFont);
213     }
214   }
215 }
216 #endif
Nlm_ShowPrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean setFlag,Nlm_Boolean savePort)218 static void Nlm_ShowPrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean setFlag, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
220 {
221   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
222   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
224   if (setFlag) {
225     Nlm_SetVisible (p, TRUE);
226   }
227   if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_AllParentsButWindowVisible (p)) {
228     tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
229     h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
230 #ifdef WIN_MAC
231     Nlm_DoDraw (p);
232 #endif
233 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
234     ShowWindow (h, SW_SHOW);
235     UpdateWindow (h);
236 #endif
237 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
238     XtManageChild (h);
239 #endif
240     Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
241   }
242 }
Nlm_HidePrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean setFlag,Nlm_Boolean savePort)244 static void Nlm_HidePrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean setFlag, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
246 {
247   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
248   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
249 #ifdef WIN_MAC
250   Nlm_RecT        r;
251 #endif
253   if (setFlag) {
254     Nlm_SetVisible (p, FALSE);
255   }
256   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
257   h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
258 #ifdef WIN_MAC
259   if (Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
260     Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
261     Nlm_InsetRect (&r, -1, -1);
262     Nlm_EraseRect (&r);
263     Nlm_ValidRect (&r);
264   }
265 #endif
266 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
267   ShowWindow (h, SW_HIDE);
268   UpdateWindow (h);
269 #endif
270 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
271   XtUnmanageChild (h);
272 #endif
273   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
274 }
Nlm_EnablePrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean setFlag,Nlm_Boolean savePort)276 static void Nlm_EnablePrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean setFlag, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
278 {
279   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
280   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
281 #ifdef WIN_MAC
282   Nlm_RecT        r;
283 #endif
285   if (setFlag) {
286     Nlm_SetEnabled (p, TRUE);
287   }
288   if (Nlm_GetEnabled (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsEnabled (p)) {
289     tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
290     h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
291 #ifdef WIN_MAC
292     if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
293       if (h != NULL) {
294         Nlm_DrawPrompt (p);
295       } else {
296         Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
297         Nlm_InvalRect (&r);
298       }
299     }
300 #endif
301 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
302     EnableWindow (h, TRUE);
303 #endif
304 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
305     XtVaSetValues (h, XmNsensitive, TRUE, NULL);
306 #endif
307     Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
308   }
309 }
Nlm_DisablePrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean setFlag,Nlm_Boolean savePort)311 static void Nlm_DisablePrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean setFlag, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
313 {
314   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
315   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
316 #ifdef WIN_MAC
317   Nlm_RecT        r;
318 #endif
320   if (setFlag) {
321     Nlm_SetEnabled (p, FALSE);
322   }
323   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
324   h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
325 #ifdef WIN_MAC
326   if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
327     if (h != NULL) {
328       Nlm_DrawPrompt (p);
329     } else {
330       Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
331       Nlm_InvalRect (&r);
332     }
333   }
334 #endif
335 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
336   EnableWindow (h, FALSE);
337 #endif
338 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
339   XtVaSetValues (h, XmNsensitive, FALSE, NULL);
340 #endif
341   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
342 }
Nlm_RemovePrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean savePort)344 static void Nlm_RemovePrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
346 {
347   Nlm_GraphicData  gdata;
348   Nlm_PromptTool   h;
349   Nlm_WindoW       tempPort;
351   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
352   h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
353   if (h != NULL) {
354 #ifdef WIN_MAC
355     Nlm_HandFree (h);
356 #endif
357 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
358     DestroyWindow (h);
359 #endif
360 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
361     XtDestroyWidget (h);
362 #endif
363   }
364   Nlm_GetGraphicData (p, &gdata);
365   if (gdata.data != NULL && gdata.cleanup != NULL) {
366     gdata.cleanup ((Nlm_GraphiC) p, gdata.data);
367   }
368   Nlm_HandFree (p);
369   recentPrompt = NULL;
370   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
371 }
Nlm_RemoveLinkedInPrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Boolean savePort)373 static void Nlm_RemoveLinkedInPrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
375 {
376   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
377   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
379   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
380   h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
381   if (h != NULL) {
382 #ifdef WIN_MAC
383     Nlm_HandFree (h);
384 #endif
385 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
386     DestroyWindow (h);
387 #endif
388 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
389     XtDestroyWidget (h);
390 #endif
391   }
392   Nlm_RemoveLink (p);
393   recentPrompt = NULL;
394   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
395 }
Nlm_SetPromptTitle(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Int2 item,Nlm_CharPtr title,Nlm_Boolean savePort)397 static void Nlm_SetPromptTitle (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 item,
398                                 Nlm_CharPtr title, Nlm_Boolean savePort)
400 {
401   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
402   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
403 #ifdef WIN_MAC
404   Nlm_RecT        r;
405 #endif
406 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
407   XmString        label;
408 #endif
410   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
411   h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
412 #ifdef WIN_MAC
413   h = Nlm_SetString (h, title);
414   Nlm_SetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p, h);
415   if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
416     if (h != NULL) {
417       Nlm_DrawPrompt (p);
418     } else {
419       Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
420       Nlm_InvalRect (&r);
421     }
422   }
423 #endif
424 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
425   if (h != NULL) {
426     SetWindowText (h, title);
427     if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
428       UpdateWindow (h);
429     }
430   }
431 #endif
432 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
433   if (h != NULL) {
434     label = XmStringCreateSimple (title);
435     XtVaSetValues (h, XmNlabelString, label, NULL);
436     XmStringFree (label);
437   }
438 #endif
439   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
440 }
Nlm_GetPromptTitle(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_Int2 item,Nlm_CharPtr title,size_t maxsize)442 static void Nlm_GetPromptTitle (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_Int2 item,
443                                 Nlm_CharPtr title, size_t maxsize)
445 {
446   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
447 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
448   Nlm_Char        temp [256];
449 #endif
450 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
451   XmString        label;
452   char            *text;
453 #endif
455   if (title != NULL) {
456     h = Nlm_GetPromptHandle ((Nlm_PrompT) p);
457     if (h != NULL) {
458 #ifdef WIN_MAC
459       Nlm_GetString (h, title, maxsize);
460 #endif
461 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
462       GetWindowText (h, temp, sizeof (temp));
463       Nlm_StringNCpy_0 (title, temp, maxsize);
464 #endif
465 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
466       XtVaGetValues (h, XmNlabelString, &label, NULL);
467       title [0] = '\0';
468       if (XmStringGetLtoR (label, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &text)) {
469         Nlm_StringNCpy_0 (title, text, maxsize);
470         XtFree (text);
471       }
472 #endif
473     } else {
474       Nlm_StringNCpy_0 (title, "", maxsize);
475     }
476   }
477 }
479 #ifdef WIN_MAC
Nlm_InvalPrompt(Nlm_GraphiC p)480 static void Nlm_InvalPrompt (Nlm_GraphiC p)
481 {
482   Nlm_RecT        r;
483 /*
484 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
485   Nlm_RectTool    rtool;
486   Nlm_WindowTool  wptr;
487 #endif
488 */
490   if (Nlm_GetVisible (p) && Nlm_GetAllParentsVisible (p)) {
491 #ifdef WIN_MAC
492     Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
493     Nlm_InsetRect (&r, -1, -1);
494     Nlm_InvalRect (&r);
495 #endif
496 /*
497 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
498     wptr = Nlm_ParentWindowPtr (p);
499     Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
500     r.top = r.bottom - 1;
501     r.bottom++;
502     Nlm_RecTToRectTool (&r, &rtool);
503     InvalidateRect (wptr, &rtool, TRUE);
504     Nlm_GetRect (p, &r);
505     r.left = r.right - 1;
506     r.right++;
507     Nlm_RecTToRectTool (&r, &rtool);
508     InvalidateRect (wptr, &rtool, TRUE);
509 #endif
510 */
511   }
512 }
513 #endif /* ndef WIN_MOTIF */
Nlm_SetPromptPosition(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_RectPtr r,Nlm_Boolean savePort,Nlm_Boolean force)515 static void Nlm_SetPromptPosition (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_RectPtr r,
516 				   Nlm_Boolean savePort, Nlm_Boolean force)
517 {
518   Nlm_Int2        delta;
519   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
520   Nlm_Int2        height;
521   Nlm_Int2        limit;
522   Nlm_RecT        oldRect;
523   Nlm_PromptData  pdata;
524   Nlm_RecT        rct;
525   Nlm_WindoW      tempPort;
527   if (r == NULL)  return;
529   if ( !Nlm_GetRealized( p ) )
530     {
531       Nlm_SetRect (p, r);
532       return;
533     }
535   Nlm_DoGetPosition (p, &oldRect);
536   if (!force  &&  Nlm_EqualRect (r, &oldRect))  return;
538   tempPort = Nlm_SavePortIfNeeded (p, savePort);
539   Nlm_GetPromptData ((Nlm_PrompT) p, &pdata);
540   h = pdata.handle;
541   rct = *r;
542   limit = ABS (rct.bottom - rct.top);
543   height = pdata.height;
544   delta = limit - height;
545   if (delta > 0) {
546     rct.top += delta / 2;
547     rct.bottom = rct.top + height;
548   }
550 #ifdef WIN_MAC
551   Nlm_InvalPrompt (p);
552   Nlm_SetRect (p, r);
553   Nlm_InvalPrompt (p);
554 #endif
555 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
556   Nlm_SetRect (p, r);
557   if (h != NULL) {
558     MoveWindow (h, rct.left, rct.top, rct.right - rct.left,
559 		rct.bottom - rct.top, TRUE);
560     UpdateWindow (h);
561   }
562 #endif
563 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
564   XtVaSetValues (h,
565 		 XmNx, (Position) rct.left,
566 		 XmNy, (Position) rct.top,
567 		 XmNwidth, (Dimension) (rct.right - rct.left),
568 		 XmNheight, (Dimension) (rct.bottom - rct.top),
569 		 NULL);
570   Nlm_SetRect (p, r);
571 #endif
573   Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
574 }
Nlm_GetPromptPosition(Nlm_GraphiC p,Nlm_RectPtr r)577 static void Nlm_GetPromptPosition (Nlm_GraphiC p, Nlm_RectPtr r)
579 {
580   if (r != NULL) {
581     Nlm_GetRect (p, r);
582   }
583 }
Nlm_NewPrompt(Nlm_PrompT p,Nlm_CharPtr title,Nlm_FonT font,Nlm_Char just)586 static void Nlm_NewPrompt (Nlm_PrompT p, Nlm_CharPtr title, Nlm_FonT font, Nlm_Char just)
588 {
589   Nlm_Int2        delta;
590   Nlm_PromptTool  h;
591   Nlm_Int2        height;
592   Nlm_Int2        limit;
593   Nlm_Char        local [128];
594   Nlm_RecT        r;
595   Nlm_WindowTool  wptr;
596 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
597   Nlm_FntPtr      fntptr;
598   Nlm_Int4        style;
599 #endif
600 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
601   Nlm_FntPtr      fntptr;
602   XmFontList      fontlist;
603   XmString        label;
604   Cardinal        n;
605   Arg             wargs [15];
606   XmFontListEntry font_entry;
607 #endif
609   local [0] = '\0';
610   Nlm_StringNCpy_0 (local, title, sizeof (local) - 1);
611   Nlm_GetRect ((Nlm_GraphiC) p, &r);
612   limit = ABS (r.bottom - r.top);
613   height = Nlm_LineHeight ();
614   delta = limit - height;
615   if (delta > 0) {
616     r.top += delta / 2;
617     r.bottom = r.top + height;
618   }
619   wptr = Nlm_ParentWindowPtr ((Nlm_GraphiC) p);
621 #ifdef WIN_MAC
622   h = Nlm_SetString (NULL, local);
623 #endif
625 #ifdef WIN_MSWIN
626   switch (just) {
627     case 'r':
628       style = SS_RIGHT;
629       break;
630     case 'l':
631       style = SS_LEFT;
632       break;
633     case 'c':
634       style = SS_CENTER;
635       break;
636     default:
637       style = SS_LEFT;
638       break;
639   }
640   h = CreateWindow ("Static", local, WS_CHILD | SS_NOPREFIX | style,
641                     r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left,
642                     r.bottom - r.top, wptr, 0,
643                     Nlm_currentHInst, NULL);
644   if (font != NULL) {
645     fntptr = (Nlm_FntPtr) Nlm_HandLock (font);
646     if (fntptr != NULL && fntptr->handle != NULL) {
647       SetWindowFont (h, fntptr->handle, FALSE);
648     }
649     Nlm_HandUnlock (font);
650   }
651 #endif
653 #ifdef WIN_MOTIF
654   fontlist = NULL;
655   if (font != NULL) {
656     fntptr = (Nlm_FntPtr) Nlm_HandLock (font);
657     if (fntptr != NULL && fntptr->handle != NULL) {
658       font_entry = XmFontListEntryCreate (XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG,
659                                          XmFONT_IS_FONT,
660                                          fntptr->handle);
661       fontlist = XmFontListAppendEntry (fontlist, font_entry);
662     }
663     Nlm_HandUnlock (font);
664   }
666   n = 0;
667   label = XmStringCreateSimple (local[0] ? local : " ");
668   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNlabelString, label); n++;
669   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNx, (Position) r.left); n++;
670   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNy, (Position) r.top); n++;
671   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNwidth, (Dimension) (r.right - r.left)); n++;
672   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNheight, (Dimension) (r.bottom - r.top)); n++;
673   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNmarginHeight, 0); n++;
674   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNmarginWidth, 0); n++;
675   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNborderWidth, (Dimension) 0); n++;
676   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNrecomputeSize, FALSE); n++;
677   XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNfontList, fontlist); n++;
678   switch (just) {
679     case 'r':
680       XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_END); n++;
681       break;
682     case 'l':
683       XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING); n++;
684       break;
685     case 'c':
686       XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER); n++;
687       break;
688     default:
689       XtSetArg (wargs [n], XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_BEGINNING); n++;
690       break;
691   }
692   h = XmCreateLabel (wptr, (String) "", wargs, n);
693   XmStringFree (label);
694   XtManageChild( h );
696   if (fontlist != NULL) {
697     XmFontListFree (fontlist);
698   }
699 #endif
701   Nlm_LoadPromptData (p, h, font, height, just);
702 }
Nlm_DependentPrompt(Nlm_GraphiC prnt,Nlm_RectPtr r,Nlm_CharPtr title,Nlm_FonT font,Nlm_Char just)705 extern Nlm_PrompT Nlm_DependentPrompt (Nlm_GraphiC prnt, Nlm_RectPtr r,
706                                        Nlm_CharPtr title, Nlm_FonT font,
707                                        Nlm_Char just)
709 {
710   Nlm_PrompT  p;
711   Nlm_WindoW  tempPort;
713   p = NULL;
714   if (prnt != NULL && r != NULL) {
715     tempPort = Nlm_SavePort (prnt);
716     if (font != NULL) {
717       Nlm_SelectFont (font);
718     } else {
719       Nlm_SelectFont (Nlm_systemFont);
720     }
721     p = (Nlm_PrompT) Nlm_HandNew (sizeof (Nlm_PromptRec));
722     if (p != NULL) {
723       Nlm_LoadGraphicData ((Nlm_GraphiC) p, NULL, (Nlm_GraphiC) prnt,
724                            NULL, NULL, promptProcs, NULL, r, TRUE, FALSE, NULL, NULL);
725       if (Nlm_nextIdNumber < 32767) {
726         Nlm_nextIdNumber++;
727       }
728       Nlm_NewPrompt (p, title, font, just);
729     }
730     Nlm_SelectFont (Nlm_systemFont);
731     Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
732   }
733   return p;
734 }
Nlm_StaticPrompt(Nlm_GrouP prnt,Nlm_CharPtr title,Nlm_Int2 pixwidth,Nlm_Int2 pixheight,Nlm_FonT font,Nlm_Char just)736 extern Nlm_PrompT Nlm_StaticPrompt  (Nlm_GrouP prnt, Nlm_CharPtr title,
737                                      Nlm_Int2 pixwidth, Nlm_Int2 pixheight,
738                                      Nlm_FonT font, Nlm_Char just)
740 {
741   Nlm_PoinT   npt;
742   Nlm_PrompT  p;
743   Nlm_RecT    r;
744   Nlm_WindoW  tempPort;
746   p = NULL;
747   if (prnt != NULL) {
748     tempPort = Nlm_SavePort ((Nlm_GraphiC) prnt);
749     Nlm_GetNextPosition ((Nlm_GraphiC) prnt, &npt);
750     if (font != NULL) {
751       Nlm_SelectFont (font);
752     } else {
753       Nlm_SelectFont (Nlm_systemFont);
754     }
755     if (pixwidth == 0) {
756       pixwidth = Nlm_StringWidth (title) + 2;
757     }
758     if (pixheight == 0) {
759       pixheight = Nlm_LineHeight ();
760     }
761     Nlm_LoadRect(&r, npt.x, npt.y,
762                  (Nlm_Int2)(npt.x+pixwidth), (Nlm_Int2)(npt.y+pixheight));
763     p = (Nlm_PrompT) Nlm_CreateLink ((Nlm_GraphiC) prnt, &r, sizeof (Nlm_PromptRec),
764                                      staticPromptProcs);
765     if (p != NULL) {
766       Nlm_NewPrompt (p, title, font, just);
767       Nlm_DoAdjustPrnt ((Nlm_GraphiC) p, &r, TRUE, FALSE);
768       Nlm_DoShow ((Nlm_GraphiC) p, TRUE, FALSE);
769     }
770     Nlm_SelectFont (Nlm_systemFont);
771     Nlm_RestorePort (tempPort);
772   }
773   return p;
774 }
Nlm_FreePrompt(void)776 extern void Nlm_FreePrompt (void)
778 {
779   gphprcsptr = (Nlm_GphPrcsPtr) Nlm_MemFree (gphprcsptr);
780 }
Nlm_InitPrompt(void)782 extern void Nlm_InitPrompt (void)
784 {
785   gphprcsptr = (Nlm_GphPrcsPtr) Nlm_MemNew (sizeof (Nlm_GphPrcs) * 2);
787   promptProcs = &(gphprcsptr [0]);
788 #ifdef WIN_MAC
789   promptProcs->draw = Nlm_DrawPrompt;
790 #endif
791   promptProcs->show = Nlm_ShowPrompt;
792   promptProcs->hide = Nlm_HidePrompt;
793   promptProcs->enable = Nlm_EnablePrompt;
794   promptProcs->disable = Nlm_DisablePrompt;
795   promptProcs->remove = Nlm_RemovePrompt;
796   promptProcs->setTitle = Nlm_SetPromptTitle;
797   promptProcs->getTitle = Nlm_GetPromptTitle;
798   promptProcs->setPosition = Nlm_SetPromptPosition;
799   promptProcs->getPosition = Nlm_GetPromptPosition;
801   staticPromptProcs = &(gphprcsptr [1]);
802 #ifdef WIN_MAC
803   staticPromptProcs->draw = Nlm_DrawPrompt;
804 #endif
805   staticPromptProcs->show = Nlm_ShowPrompt;
806   staticPromptProcs->hide = Nlm_HidePrompt;
807   staticPromptProcs->enable = Nlm_EnablePrompt;
808   staticPromptProcs->disable = Nlm_DisablePrompt;
809   staticPromptProcs->remove = Nlm_RemoveLinkedInPrompt;
810   staticPromptProcs->setTitle = Nlm_SetPromptTitle;
811   staticPromptProcs->getTitle = Nlm_GetPromptTitle;
812   staticPromptProcs->setPosition = Nlm_SetPromptPosition;
813   staticPromptProcs->getPosition = Nlm_GetPromptPosition;
814 }