1 /*   ncbimath.c
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  ncbimath.c
27 *
28 * Author:  Gish, Kans, Ostell, Schuler
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date:   10/23/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.3 $
33 *
34 * File Description:
35 *   	portable math functions
36 *
37 * Modifications:
38 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 * Date     Name        Description of modification
40 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
41 * 04-15-93 Schuler     Changed _cdecl to LIBCALL
42 * 12-22-93 Schuler     Converted ERRPOST((...)) to ErrPostEx(...)
43 *
44 * $Log: ncbimath.c,v $
45 * Revision 6.3  1999/11/24 17:29:16  sicotte
46 * Added LnFactorial function
47 *
48 * Revision 6.2  1997/11/26 21:26:18  vakatov
49 * Fixed errors and warnings issued by C and C++ (GNU and Sun) compilers
50 *
51 * Revision 6.1  1997/10/31 16:22:49  madden
52 * Limited the loop in Nlm_Log1p to 500 iterations
53 *
54 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:16:35  madden
55 * Revision changed to 6.0
56 *
57 * Revision 5.4  1997/01/31 22:21:40  kans
58 * had to remove <fp.h> and define HUGE_VAL inline, because of a conflict
59 * with <math.h> in 68K CodeWarrior 11
60 *
61  * Revision 5.3  1997/01/28  22:57:57  kans
62  * include <fp.h> for CodeWarrior to get HUGE_VAL
63  *
64  * Revision 5.2  1996/12/03  21:48:33  vakatov
65  * Adopted for 32-bit MS-Windows DLLs
66  *
67  * Revision 5.1  1996/06/20  14:08:00  madden
68  * Changed int to Int4, double to Nlm_FloatHi
69  *
70  * Revision 5.0  1996/05/28  13:18:57  ostell
71  * Set to revision 5.0
72  *
73  * Revision 4.1  1996/03/06  19:47:15  epstein
74  * fix problem observed by Epstein & fixed by Spouge in log calculation
75  *
76  * Revision 4.0  1995/07/26  13:46:50  ostell
77  * force revision to 4.0
78  *
79  * Revision 2.11  1995/05/15  18:45:58  ostell
80  * added Log line
81  *
82 *
83 *
84 * ==========================================================================
85 */
87 #define THIS_MODULE g_corelib
88 #define THIS_FILE _this_file
90 #include <ncbimath.h>
92 #ifdef OS_MAC
93 #ifdef COMP_METRO
94 /*#include <fp.h>*/
95 #ifndef HUGE_VAL
96 #define HUGE_VAL __inf()
97 double_t __inf ( void );
98 #endif
99 #endif
100 #endif
102 extern char * g_corelib;
103 static char * _this_file = __FILE__;
105 /*
106     Nlm_Expm1(x)
107     Return values accurate to approx. 16 digits for the quantity exp(x)-1
108     for all x.
109 */
Nlm_Expm1(register Nlm_FloatHi x)110 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_Expm1(register Nlm_FloatHi	x)
111 {
112   register Nlm_FloatHi	absx;
114   if ((absx = ABS(x)) > .33)
115     return exp(x) - 1.;
117   if (absx < 1.e-16)
118     return x;
120   return x * (1. + x *
121               (0.5 + x * (1./6. + x *
122                           (1./24. + x * (1./120. + x *
123                                          (1./720. + x * (1./5040. + x *
124                                                          (1./40320. + x * (1./362880. + x *
125                                                                            (1./3628800. + x * (1./39916800. + x *
126                                                                                                (1./479001600. + x/6227020800.)
127                                                                                                ))
128                                                                            ))
129                                                          ))
130                                          ))
131                           )));
132 }
134 /*
135     Nlm_Log1p(x)
136     Return accurate values for the quantity log(x+1) for all x > -1.
137 */
Nlm_Log1p(register Nlm_FloatHi x)138 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_Log1p(register Nlm_FloatHi x)
139 {
140 	register Int4	i;
141 	register Nlm_FloatHi	sum, y;
143 	if (ABS(x) >= 0.2)
144 		return log(x+1.);
146 	/* Limit the loop to 500 terms. */
147 	for (i=0, sum=0., y=x; i<500 ; ) {
148 		sum += y/++i;
149 		if (ABS(y) < DBL_EPSILON)
150 			break;
151 		y *= x;
152 		sum -= y/++i;
153 		if (y < DBL_EPSILON)
154 			break;
155 		y *= x;
156 	}
157 	return sum;
158 }
161 /*
162 ** Special thanks to Dr. John ``Gammas Galore'' Spouge for deriving the
163 ** method for calculating the gamma coefficients and their use.
164 ** (See the #ifdef-ed program included at the end of this file).
165 **/
167 /*
168     For discussion of the Gamma function, see "Numerical Recipes in C",
169     Press et al. (1988) pages 167-169.
170 */
172 static Nlm_FloatHi NEAR general_lngamma PROTO((Nlm_FloatHi x,Int4 n));
174 static Nlm_FloatHi _default_gamma_coef [] = {
175 	 4.694580336184385e+04,
176 	-1.560605207784446e+05,
177 	 2.065049568014106e+05,
178 	-1.388934775095388e+05,
179 	 5.031796415085709e+04,
180 	-9.601592329182778e+03,
181 	 8.785855930895250e+02,
182 	-3.155153906098611e+01,
183 	 2.908143421162229e-01,
184 	-2.319827630494973e-04,
185 	 1.251639670050933e-10
186 	 };
187 static Nlm_FloatHi	PNTR gamma_coef = _default_gamma_coef;
188 static unsigned	gamma_dim = DIM(_default_gamma_coef);
189 static Nlm_FloatHi	xgamma_dim = DIM(_default_gamma_coef);
191 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL Nlm_GammaCoeffSet(Nlm_FloatHi PNTR cof, unsigned dim) /* changes gamma coeffs */
192 {
193 	if (dim < 3 || dim > 100) /* sanity check */
194 		return;
195 	gamma_coef = cof;
196 	xgamma_dim = gamma_dim = dim;
197 }
200 static Nlm_FloatHi NEAR
201 general_lngamma(Nlm_FloatHi x, Int4 order)	/* nth derivative of ln[gamma(x)] */
202 	/* x is 10-digit accuracy achieved only for 1 <= x */
203 	/* order is order of the derivative, 0..POLYGAMMA_ORDER_MAX */
204 {
205 	Int4		i;
206 	Nlm_FloatHi	xx, tx;
207 	Nlm_FloatHi	y[POLYGAMMA_ORDER_MAX+1];
208 	register Nlm_FloatHi	tmp, value, PNTR coef;
210 	xx = x - 1.;  /* normalize from gamma(x + 1) to xx! */
211 	tx = xx + xgamma_dim;
212 	for (i = 0; i <= order; ++i) {
213 		tmp = tx;
214 		/* sum the least significant terms first */
215 		coef = &gamma_coef[gamma_dim];
216 		if (i == 0) {
217 			value = *--coef / tmp;
218 			while (coef > gamma_coef)
219 				value += *--coef / --tmp;
220 		}
221 		else {
222 			value = *--coef / Nlm_Powi(tmp, i + 1);
223 			while (coef > gamma_coef)
224 				value += *--coef / Nlm_Powi(--tmp, i + 1);
225 			tmp = Nlm_Factorial(i);
226 			value *= (i%2 == 0 ? tmp : -tmp);
227 		}
228 		y[i] = value;
229 	}
230 	++y[0];
231 	value = Nlm_LogDerivative(order, y);
232 	tmp = tx + 0.5;
233 	switch (order) {
234 	case 0:
235 		value += ((NCBIMATH_LNPI+NCBIMATH_LN2) / 2.)
236 					+ (xx + 0.5) * log(tmp) - tmp;
237 		break;
238 	case 1:
239 		value += log(tmp) - xgamma_dim / tmp;
240 		break;
241 	case 2:
242 		value += (tmp + xgamma_dim) / (tmp * tmp);
243 		break;
244 	case 3:
245 		value -= (1. + 2.*xgamma_dim / tmp) / (tmp * tmp);
246 		break;
247 	case 4:
248 		value += 2. * (1. + 3.*xgamma_dim / tmp) / (tmp * tmp * tmp);
249 		break;
250 	default:
251 		tmp = Nlm_Factorial(order - 2) * Nlm_Powi(tmp, 1 - order)
252 				* (1. + (order - 1) * xgamma_dim / tmp);
253 		if (order % 2 == 0)
254 			value += tmp;
255 		else
256 			value -= tmp;
257 		break;
258 	}
259 	return value;
260 }
263 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_PolyGamma(Nlm_FloatHi x, Int4 order) /* ln(ABS[gamma(x)]) - 10 digits of accuracy */
264 	/* x is and derivatives */
265 	/* order is order of the derivative */
266 /* order = 0, 1, 2, ...  ln(gamma), digamma, trigamma, ... */
267 /* CAUTION:  the value of order is one less than the suggested "di" and
268 "tri" prefixes of digamma, trigamma, etc.  In other words, the value
269 of order is truly the order of the derivative.  */
270 {
271 	Int4		k;
272 	register Nlm_FloatHi	value, tmp;
273 	Nlm_FloatHi	y[POLYGAMMA_ORDER_MAX+1], sx;
275 	if (order < 0 || order > POLYGAMMA_ORDER_MAX) {
276 		ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"PolyGamma: unsupported derivative order");
277 		/**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN, "unsupported derivative order"));**/
278 		return HUGE_VAL;
279 	}
281 	if (x >= 1.)
282 		return general_lngamma(x, order);
284 	if (x < 0.) {
285 		value = general_lngamma(1. - x, order);
286 		value = ((order - 1) % 2 == 0 ? value : -value);
287 		if (order == 0) {
288 			sx = sin(NCBIMATH_PI * x);
289 			sx = ABS(sx);
290 			if ( (x < -0.1 && (ceil(x) == x || sx < 2.*DBL_EPSILON))
291 					|| sx == 0.) {
292 				ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"PolyGamma: log(0)");
294 				return HUGE_VAL;
295 			}
296 			value += NCBIMATH_LNPI - log(sx);
297 		}
298 		else {
299 			y[0] = sin(x *= NCBIMATH_PI);
300 			tmp = 1.;
301 			for (k = 1; k <= order; k++) {
302 				tmp *= NCBIMATH_PI;
303 				y[k] = tmp * sin(x += (NCBIMATH_PI/2.));
304 			}
305 			value -= Nlm_LogDerivative(order, y);
306 		}
307 	}
308 	else {
309 		value = general_lngamma(1. + x, order);
310 		if (order == 0) {
311 			if (x == 0.) {
312 				ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"PolyGamma: log(0)");
314 				return HUGE_VAL;
315 			}
316 			value -= log(x);
317 		}
318 		else {
319 			tmp = Nlm_Factorial(order - 1) * Nlm_Powi(x,  -order);
320 			value += (order % 2 == 0 ? tmp : - tmp);
321 		}
322 	}
323 	return value;
324 }
326 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_LogDerivative(Int4 order, Nlm_FloatHi PNTR u) /* nth derivative of ln(u) */
327 	/* order is order of the derivative */
328 	/* u is values of u, u', u", etc. */
329 {
330   Int4		i;
331   Nlm_FloatHi	y[LOGDERIV_ORDER_MAX+1];
332   register Nlm_FloatHi	value, tmp;
334   if (order < 0 || order > LOGDERIV_ORDER_MAX) {
335 InvalidOrder:
336     ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"LogDerivative: unsupported derivative order");
337     /**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN, "unsupported derivative order"));**/
338     return HUGE_VAL;
339   }
341   if (order > 0 && u[0] == 0.) {
342     ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"LogDerivative: divide by 0");
343     /**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN, "divide by 0"));**/
344     return HUGE_VAL;
345   }
346   for (i = 1; i <= order; i++)
347     y[i] = u[i] / u[0];
349   switch (order) {
350   case 0:
351     if (u[0] > 0.)
352       value = log(u[0]);
353     else {
354       ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"LogDerivative: log(x<=0)");
355       /**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN, "log(x<=0)"));**/
356       return HUGE_VAL;
357     }
358     break;
359   case 1:
360     value = y[1];
361     break;
362   case 2:
363     value = y[2] - y[1] * y[1];
364     break;
365   case 3:
366     value = y[3] - 3. * y[2] * y[1] + 2. * y[1] * y[1] * y[1];
367     break;
368   case 4:
369     value = y[4] - 4. * y[3] * y[1] - 3. * y[2] * y[2]
370       + 12. * y[2] * (tmp = y[1] * y[1]);
371     value -= 6. * tmp * tmp;
372     break;
373   default:
374     goto InvalidOrder;
375   }
376   return value;
377 }
380 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_Gamma(Nlm_FloatHi x)		/* ABS[gamma(x)] - 10 digits of accuracy */
381 {
382 	return exp(Nlm_PolyGamma(x, 0));
383 }
385 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_LnGamma(Nlm_FloatHi x)		/* ln(ABS[gamma(x)]) - 10 digits of accuracy */
386 {
387 	return Nlm_PolyGamma(x, 0);
388 }
390 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_DiGamma(Nlm_FloatHi x)	/* digamma, 1st order derivative of log(gamma) */
391 {
392 	return Nlm_PolyGamma(x, 1);
393 }
395 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_TriGamma(Nlm_FloatHi x)	/* trigamma, 2nd order derivative of log(gamma) */
396 {
397 	return Nlm_PolyGamma(x, 2);
398 }
401 #ifdef foo
402 /* A program to calculate the gamma coefficients based on a method
403    by John Spouge.
404    Cut this program out, save it in a separate file, and compile.
405    Be sure to link with a math library.
406 */
407 /*
408 	a[n] = ((gamma+0.5-n)^(n-0.5)) * exp(gamma+0.5-n) *
409 		((-1)^(n-1) / (n-1)!) * (1/sqrt(2*Pi))
410 */
411 #include <stdio.h>
412 #include <math.h>
414 main(ac, av)
415 	int ac;
416 	char **av;
418 {
419 	int	i, j, cnt;
420 	double	a, x, y, z, ifact = 1.;
422 	if (ac != 2 || sscanf(av[1], "%d", &cnt) != 1)
423 		exit(1);
425 	for (i=0; i<cnt; ++i) {
426 		x = cnt - (i + 0.5);
427 		y = log(x) * (i + 0.5) + x;
428 		y = exp(y);
429 		if (i > 1)
430 			ifact *= i;
431 		y /= ifact;
432 		if (i%2 == 1)
433 			y = -y;
434 		printf("\t\t\t%.17lg", y);
435 		if (i < cnt-1)
436 			putchar(',');
437 		putchar('\n');
438 	}
439 }
440 #endif /* foo */
445 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_Factorial(Int4 n)
446 {
447 	static Nlm_FloatHi	precomputed[FACTORIAL_PRECOMPUTED]
448 		= { 1., 1., 2., 6., 24., 120., 720., 5040., 40320., 362880., 3628800.};
449 	static Int4	nlim = 10;
450 	register Int4	m;
451 	register Nlm_FloatHi	x;
453 	if (n >= 0) {
454 		if (n <= nlim)
455 			return precomputed[n];
456 		if (n < DIM(precomputed)) {
457 			for (x = precomputed[m = nlim]; m < n; ) {
458 				++m;
459 				precomputed[m] = (x *= m);
460 			}
461 			nlim = m;
462 			return x;
463 		}
464 		return exp(Nlm_LnGamma((Nlm_FloatHi)(n+1)));
465 	}
466 	return 0.0; /* Undefined! */
467 }
469 /* Nlm_LnGammaInt(n) -- return log(Gamma(n)) for integral n */
470 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_LnGammaInt(Int4 n)
471 {
472 	static Nlm_FloatHi	precomputed[FACTORIAL_PRECOMPUTED];
473 	static Int4	nlim = 1; /* first two entries are 0 */
474 	register Int4 m;
476 	if (n >= 0) {
477 		if (n <= nlim)
478 			return precomputed[n];
479 		if (n < DIM(precomputed)) {
480 			for (m = nlim; m < n; ++m) {
481 				precomputed[m+1] = log(Nlm_Factorial(m));
482 			}
483 			return precomputed[nlim = m];
484 		}
485 	}
486 	return Nlm_LnGamma((Nlm_FloatHi)n);
487 }
491 /*
492 	Combined Newton-Raphson and Bisection root-finder
494 	Original Function Name:  Inv_Xnrbis()
495 	Author:  Dr. John Spouge
496 	Location:  NCBI
497 	Received:  July 16, 1991
498 */
499 #define F(x)  ((*f)(x)-y)
500 #define DF(x) ((*df)(x))
501 #define NRBIS_ITMAX 100
503 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_NRBis(Nlm_FloatHi y, Nlm_FloatHi (LIBCALL *f )PROTO ((Nlm_FloatHi )), Nlm_FloatHi (LIBCALL *df )PROTO ((Nlm_FloatHi )), Nlm_FloatHi p, Nlm_FloatHi x, Nlm_FloatHi q, Nlm_FloatHi tol)		/* tolerance */
505 {
506 	Nlm_FloatHi	temp;	/* for swapping end-points if necessary */
507 	Nlm_FloatHi	dx;		/* present interval length */
508 	Nlm_FloatHi	dxold;	/* old interval length */
509 	Nlm_FloatHi	fx;		/* f(x)-y */
510 	Nlm_FloatHi	dfx;	/* Df(x) */
511 	Int4	j;                       /* loop index */
512 	Nlm_FloatHi	fp, fq;
514 /* Preliminary checks for improper bracketing and end-point root. */
515 	if ((fp = F(p)) == 0.)
516 		return p;
517 	if ((fq = F(q)) == 0.)
518 		return q;
519 	if ((fp > 0. && fq > 0.) || (fp < 0. && fq < 0.)) {
520 		ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_INVAL,"NRBis: root not bracketed");
521 		/**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_INVAL, "root not bracketed"));**/
522 		return HUGE_VAL;
523 	}
524 /* Swaps end-points if necessary to make F(p)<0.<F(q) */
525 	if (fp > 0.) {
526 		temp = p;
527 		p = q;
528 		q = temp;
529 	}
530 /* Set up the Bisection & Newton-Raphson iteration. */
531 	if ((x-p) * (x-q) > 0.)
532 		x = 0.5*(p+q);
533 	dxold = dx = p-q;
534 	for (j = 1; j <= NRBIS_ITMAX; ++j) {
535 		fx = F(x);
536 		if (fx == 0.) /* Check for termination. */
537 			return x;
538 		if (fx < 0.)
539 			p = x;
540 		else
541 			q = x;
542 		dfx = DF(x);
543 /* Check: root out of bounds or bisection faster than Newton-Raphson? */
544 		if ((dfx*(x-p)-fx)*(dfx*(x-q)-fx) >= 0. || 2.*ABS(fx) > ABS(dfx*dx)) {
545 			dx = dxold;               /* Bisect */
546 			dxold = 0.5*(p-q);
547 			x = 0.5*(p+q);
548 			if (ABS(dxold) <= tol)
549 				return x;
550 		} else {
551 			dx = dxold;               /* Newton-Raphson */
552 			dxold = fx/dfx;
553 			x -= dxold;
554 			if (ABS(dxold) < tol && F(x-SIGN(dxold)*tol)*fx < 0.)
555 				return x;
556 		}
557 	}
559 	ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_ITER,"NRBis: iterations > NRBIS_ITMAX");
561 	return HUGE_VAL;
562 }
563 #undef F /* clean-up */
564 #undef DF /* clean-up */
568 /*
569 	Romberg numerical integrator
571 	Author:  Dr. John Spouge, NCBI
572 	Received:  July 17, 1992
573 	Reference:
574 		Francis Scheid (1968)
575 		Schaum's Outline Series
576 		Numerical Analysis, p. 115
577 		McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
578 */
579 #define F(x)  ((*f)((x), fargs))
580 #define ROMBERG_ITMAX 20
582 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_RombergIntegrate(Nlm_FloatHi (LIBCALL *f) (Nlm_FloatHi,Nlm_VoidPtr), Nlm_VoidPtr fargs, Nlm_FloatHi p, Nlm_FloatHi q, Nlm_FloatHi eps, Int4 epsit, Int4 itmin)
584 {
585 	Nlm_FloatHi	romb[ROMBERG_ITMAX];	/* present list of Romberg values */
586 	Nlm_FloatHi	h;	/* mesh-size */
587 	Int4		i, j, k, npts;
588 	long	n;	/* 4^(error order in romb[i]) */
589 	Int4		epsit_cnt = 0, epsck;
590 	register Nlm_FloatHi	y;
591 	register Nlm_FloatHi	x;
592 	register Nlm_FloatHi	sum;
594 	/* itmin = min. no. of iterations to perform */
595 	itmin = MAX(1, itmin);
596 	itmin = MIN(itmin, ROMBERG_ITMAX-1);
598 	/* epsit = min. no. of consecutive iterations that must satisfy epsilon */
599 	epsit = MAX(epsit, 1); /* default = 1 */
600 	epsit = MIN(epsit, 3); /* if > 3, the problem needs more prior analysis */
602 	epsck = itmin - epsit;
604 	npts = 1;
605 	h = q - p;
606 	x = F(p);
607 	if (ABS(x) == HUGE_VAL)
608 		return x;
609 	y = F(q);
610 	if (ABS(y) == HUGE_VAL)
611 		return y;
612 	romb[0] = 0.5 * h * (x + y);	/* trapezoidal rule */
613 	for (i = 1; i < ROMBERG_ITMAX; ++i, npts *= 2, h *= 0.5) {
614 		sum = 0.;	/* sum of ordinates for */
615 		/* x = p+0.5*h, p+1.5*h, ..., q-0.5*h */
616 		for (k = 0, x = p+0.5*h; k < npts; k++, x += h) {
617 			y = F(x);
618 			if (ABS(y) == HUGE_VAL)
619 				return y;
620 			sum += y;
621 		}
622 		romb[i] = 0.5 * (romb[i-1] + h*sum); /* new trapezoidal estimate */
624 		/* Update Romberg array with new column */
625 		for (n = 4, j = i-1; j >= 0; n *= 4, --j)
626 			romb[j] = (n*romb[j+1] - romb[j]) / (n-1);
628 		if (i > epsck) {
629 			if (ABS(romb[1] - romb[0]) > eps * ABS(romb[0])) {
630 				epsit_cnt = 0;
631 				continue;
632 			}
633 			++epsit_cnt;
634 			if (i >= itmin && epsit_cnt >= epsit)
635 				return romb[0];
636 		}
637 	}
638 	ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_ITER,"RombergIntegrate: iterations > ROMBERG_ITMAX");
640 	return HUGE_VAL;
641 }
643 /*
644 	Nlm_Gcd(a, b)
646 	Return the greatest common divisor of a and b.
648 	Adapted 8-15-90 by WRG from code by S. Altschul.
649 */
650 NLM_EXTERN long LIBCALL Nlm_Gcd(register long a, register long b)
651 {
652 	register long	c;
654 	b = ABS(b);
655 	if (b > a)
656 		c=a, a=b, b=c;
658 	while (b != 0) {
659 		c = a%b;
660 		a = b;
661 		b = c;
662 	}
663 	return a;
664 }
666 /* Round a floating point number to the nearest integer */
667 NLM_EXTERN long LIBCALL Nlm_Nint(register Nlm_FloatHi x)	/* argument */
668 {
669 	x += (x >= 0. ? 0.5 : -0.5);
670 	return (long)x;
671 }
673 /*
674 integer power function
676 Original submission by John Spouge, 6/25/90
677 Added to shared library by WRG
678 */
679 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_Powi(Nlm_FloatHi x, Int4 n)	/* power */
680 {
681 	Nlm_FloatHi	y;
683 	if (n == 0)
684 		return 1.;
686 	if (x == 0.) {
687 		if (n < 0) {
688 			ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,E_Math,ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN,"Powi: divide by 0");
689 			/**ERRPOST((CTX_NCBIMATH, ERR_NCBIMATH_DOMAIN, "divide by 0"));**/
690 			return HUGE_VAL;
691 		}
692 		return 0.;
693 	}
695 	if (n < 0) {
696 		x = 1./x;
697 		n = -n;
698 	}
700 	while (n > 1) {
701 		if (n&1) {
702 			y = x;
703 			goto Loop2;
704 		}
705 		n /= 2;
706 		x *= x;
707 	}
708 	return x;
710 Loop2:
711 	n /= 2;
712 	x *= x;
713 	while (n > 1) {
714 		if (n&1)
715 			y *= x;
716 		n /= 2;
717 		x *= x;
718 	}
719 	return y * x;
720 }
722 /*
723 	Additive random number generator
725 	Modelled after "Algorithm A" in
726 	Knuth, D. E. (1981). The art of computer programming, volume 2, page 27.
728 	7/26/90 WRG
729 */
731 static long	state[33] = {
732 	(long)0xd53f1852,  (long)0xdfc78b83,  (long)0x4f256096,  (long)0xe643df7,
733 	(long)0x82c359bf,  (long)0xc7794dfa,  (long)0xd5e9ffaa,  (long)0x2c8cb64a,
734 	(long)0x2f07b334,  (long)0xad5a7eb5,  (long)0x96dc0cde,  (long)0x6fc24589,
735 	(long)0xa5853646,  (long)0xe71576e2,  (long)0xdae30df,  (long)0xb09ce711,
736 	(long)0x5e56ef87,  (long)0x4b4b0082,  (long)0x6f4f340e,  (long)0xc5bb17e8,
737 	(long)0xd788d765,  (long)0x67498087,  (long)0x9d7aba26,  (long)0x261351d4,
738 	(long)0x411ee7ea,  (long)0x393a263,  (long)0x2c5a5835,  (long)0xc115fcd8,
739 	(long)0x25e9132c,  (long)0xd0c6e906,  (long)0xc2bc5b2d,  (long)0x6c065c98,
740 	(long)0x6e37bd55 };
742 #define r_off	12
744 static long	*rJ = &state[r_off],
745 			*rK = &state[DIM(state)-1];
747 NLM_EXTERN void LIBCALL Nlm_RandomSeed(long x)
748 {
749 	register size_t i;
751 	state[0] = x;
752 	/* linear congruential initializer */
753 	for (i=1; i<DIM(state); ++i) {
754 		state[i] = 1103515245*state[i-1] + 12345;
755 	}
757 	rJ = &state[r_off];
758 	rK = &state[DIM(state)-1];
760 	for (i=0; i<10*DIM(state); ++i)
761 		(void) Nlm_RandomNum();
762 }
765 /*
766 	Nlm_RandomNum --  return value in the range 0 <= x <= 2**31 - 1
767 */
768 NLM_EXTERN long LIBCALL Nlm_RandomNum(void)
769 {
770 	register long	r;
772 	r = *rK;
773 	r += *rJ--;
774 	*rK-- = r;
776 	if (rK < state)
777 		rK = &state[DIM(state)-1];
778 	else
779 		if (rJ < state)
780 			rJ = &state[DIM(state)-1];
781 	return (r>>1)&0x7fffffff; /* discard the least-random bit */
782 }
784 NLM_EXTERN Nlm_FloatHi LIBCALL Nlm_LnFactorial (Nlm_FloatHi x) {
785     if(x<0.0)
786         ErrPostEx(SEV_WARNING,0,0,"LogFact: Negative Argument to Factorial function!\n");
787     if(x<=0.0)
788         return 0.0;
789     else
790         return Nlm_LnGamma(x+1.0);
792 }