1 /*
2 * OpenClonk, http://www.openclonk.org
3 *
4 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009, RedWolf Design GmbH, http://www.clonk.de/
5 * Copyright (c) 2009-2016, The OpenClonk Team and contributors
6 *
7 * Distributed under the terms of the ISC license; see accompanying file
8 * "COPYING" for details.
9 *
10 * "Clonk" is a registered trademark of Matthes Bender, used with permission.
11 * See accompanying file "TRADEMARK" for details.
12 *
13 * To redistribute this file separately, substitute the full license texts
14 * for the above references.
15 */
17 #ifndef INC_C4AulParse
18 #define INC_C4AulParse
20 #include "script/C4Aul.h"
21 #include "script/C4AulAST.h"
22 #include "script/C4AulCompiler.h"
23 #include "script/C4AulScriptFunc.h"
25 #include <stack>
27 enum C4AulBCCType : int;
28 enum C4AulTokenType : int;
30 struct C4ScriptOpDef
31 {
32 	unsigned short Priority;
33 	const char* Identifier;
34 	C4AulBCCType Code;
35 	bool Postfix;
36 	bool Changer; // changes first operand to result, rewrite to "a = a (op) b"
37 	bool NoSecondStatement; // no second statement expected (++/-- postfix)
38 	C4V_Type RetType; // type returned. ignored by C4V
39 	C4V_Type Type1;
40 	C4V_Type Type2;
41 };
43 extern const C4ScriptOpDef C4ScriptOpMap[];
45 class C4AulParse
46 {
47 public:
48 	C4AulParse(class C4ScriptHost *host);
49 	C4AulParse(C4AulScriptFunc * Fn, C4AulScriptContext* context, C4AulScriptEngine *Engine);
50 	~C4AulParse();
51 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::FunctionDecl> Parse_DirectExec(const char *code, bool whole_function);
52 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::Script> Parse_Script(C4ScriptHost *);
54 private:
55 	C4AulScriptFunc *Fn; C4ScriptHost * Host; C4ScriptHost * pOrgScript;
56 	C4AulScriptEngine *Engine;
57 	const char *SPos; // current position in the script
58 	const char *TokenSPos; // start of the current token in the script
59 	char Idtf[C4AUL_MAX_Identifier]; // current identifier
60 	C4AulTokenType TokenType; // current token type
61 	int32_t cInt; // current int constant
62 	C4String * cStr; // current string constant
63 	C4AulScriptContext* ContextToExecIn;
64 	void Parse_Function(bool parse_for_direct_exec);
65 	void Parse_WarningPragma();
67 protected:
68 	// All of the Parse_* functions need to be protected (not private!) so
69 	// we can make them public in a derived class for unit testing purposes
70 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::FunctionDecl> Parse_ToplevelFunctionDecl();
71 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::Stmt> Parse_Statement();
72 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::Block> Parse_Block();
73 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::ArrayLit> Parse_Array();
74 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::ProplistLit> Parse_PropList();
75 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::DoLoop> Parse_DoWhile();
76 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::WhileLoop> Parse_While();
77 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::If> Parse_If();
78 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::ForLoop> Parse_For();
79 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::RangeLoop> Parse_ForEach();
80 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::Expr> Parse_Expression(int iParentPrio = -1);
81 	std::unique_ptr<::aul::ast::VarDecl> Parse_Var();
82 	void Shift();
84 private:
85 	void Parse_Function(::aul::ast::Function *func);
86 	void Parse_CallParams(::aul::ast::CallExpr *call);
88 	bool AdvanceSpaces(); // skip whitespaces; return whether script ended
89 	int GetOperator(const char* pScript);
90 	void ClearToken(); // clear any data held with the current token
91 	C4AulTokenType GetNextToken(); // get next token of SPos
93 	void Match(C4AulTokenType TokenType, const char * Expected = nullptr);
94 	void Check(C4AulTokenType TokenType, const char * Expected = nullptr);
95 	NORETURN void UnexpectedToken(const char * Expected);
97 	void Warn(C4AulWarningId warning, ...);
98 	bool IsWarningEnabled(const char *pos, C4AulWarningId warning) const;
99 	void Error(const char *pMsg, ...) GNUC_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_O;
100 	void AppendPosition(StdStrBuf & Buf);
102 	friend class C4AulParseError;
103 	std::stack<const char *> parse_pos_stack;
104 	void PushParsePos();
105 	void PopParsePos();
106 	void DiscardParsePos();
107 };
109 #endif