1// Copyright (C) 2019 Storj Labs, Inc.
2// See LICENSE for copying information.
4package paymentsconfig
6import (
7	"storj.io/storj/satellite/payments/stripecoinpayments"
10// Config defines global payments config.
11type Config struct {
12	Provider                 string `help:"payments provider to use" default:""`
13	StripeCoinPayments       stripecoinpayments.Config
14	StorageTBPrice           string `help:"price user should pay for storing TB per month" default:"4" testDefault:"10"`
15	EgressTBPrice            string `help:"price user should pay for each TB of egress" default:"7" testDefault:"45"`
16	SegmentPrice             string `help:"price user should pay for each segment stored in network per month" default:"0" testDefault:"0.0000022"`
17	BonusRate                int64  `help:"amount of percents that user will earn as bonus credits by depositing in STORJ tokens" default:"10"`
18	NodeEgressBandwidthPrice int64  `help:"price node receive for storing TB of egress in cents" default:"2000"`
19	NodeRepairBandwidthPrice int64  `help:"price node receive for storing TB of repair in cents" default:"1000"`
20	NodeAuditBandwidthPrice  int64  `help:"price node receive for storing TB of audit in cents" default:"1000"`
21	NodeDiskSpacePrice       int64  `help:"price node receive for storing disk space in cents/TB" default:"150"`
24// PricingValues holds pricing model for satellite.
25type PricingValues struct {
26	StorageTBPrice string
27	EgressTBPrice  string
28	SegmentPrice   string