1 /* $Header: d:/cvsroot/tads/tads3/vmop.h,v 1.4 1999/07/11 00:46:59 MJRoberts Exp $ */
3 /*
4  *   Copyright (c) 1998, 2002 Michael J. Roberts.  All Rights Reserved.
5  *
6  *   Please see the accompanying license file, LICENSE.TXT, for information
7  *   on using and copying this software.
8  */
9 /*
10 Name
11   vmop.h - T3 VM Opcodes
12 Function
14 Notes
16 Modified
17   11/14/98 MJRoberts  - Creation
18 */
20 #ifndef VMOP_H
21 #define VMOP_H
23 #define OPC_PUSH_0       0x01                    /* push constant integer 0 */
24 #define OPC_PUSH_1       0x02                    /* push constant integer 1 */
25 #define OPC_PUSHINT8     0x03              /* push SBYTE operand as integer */
26 #define OPC_PUSHINT      0x04               /* push INT4 operand as integer */
27 #define OPC_PUSHSTR      0x05      /* push UINT4 operand as string constant */
28 #define OPC_PUSHLST      0x06        /* push UINT4 operand as list constant */
29 #define OPC_PUSHOBJ      0x07            /* push UINT4 operand as object ID */
30 #define OPC_PUSHNIL      0x08                                   /* push nil */
31 #define OPC_PUSHTRUE     0x09                                  /* push true */
32 #define OPC_PUSHPROPID   0x0A          /* push UINT2 operand as property ID */
33 #define OPC_PUSHFNPTR    0x0B                     /* push UINT4 code offset */
34 #define OPC_PUSHSTRI     0x0C                /* push inline string constant */
35 #define OPC_PUSHPARLST   0x0D                /* push varargs parameter list */
36 #define OPC_MAKELSTPAR   0x0E           /* push varargs parameter from list */
37 #define OPC_PUSHENUM     0x0F                         /* push an enum value */
39 #define OPC_NEG          0x20                                     /* negate */
40 #define OPC_BNOT         0x21                                /* bitwise NOT */
41 #define OPC_ADD          0x22                                        /* add */
42 #define OPC_SUB          0x23                                   /* subtract */
43 #define OPC_MUL          0x24                                   /* multiply */
44 #define OPC_BAND         0x25                                /* bitwise AND */
45 #define OPC_BOR          0x26                                 /* bitwise OR */
46 #define OPC_SHL          0x27                                 /* shift left */
47 #define OPC_SHR          0x28                                /* shift right */
48 #define OPC_XOR          0x29                        /* bitwise/logical XOR */
49 #define OPC_DIV          0x2A                                     /* divide */
50 #define OPC_MOD          0x2B                            /* MOD (remainder) */
51 #define OPC_NOT          0x2C                                /* logical NOT */
52 #define OPC_BOOLIZE      0x2D           /* convert top of stack to true/nil */
53 #define OPC_INC          0x2E            /* increment value at top of stack */
54 #define OPC_DEC          0x2F            /* decrement value at top of stack */
56 #define OPC_EQ           0x40                                     /* equals */
57 #define OPC_NE           0x41                                 /* not equals */
58 #define OPC_LT           0x42                                  /* less than */
59 #define OPC_LE           0x43                      /* less than or equal to */
60 #define OPC_GT           0x44                               /* greater than */
61 #define OPC_GE           0x45                   /* greater than or equal to */
63 #define OPC_RETVAL       0x50          /* return with value at top of stack */
64 #define OPC_RETNIL       0x51                                 /* return nil */
65 #define OPC_RETTRUE      0x52                                /* return true */
66 #define OPC_RET          0x54                       /* return with no value */
68 #define OPC_CALL         0x58                              /* function call */
69 #define OPC_PTRCALL      0x59              /* function call through pointer */
71 #define OPC_GETPROP      0x60                               /* get property */
72 #define OPC_CALLPROP     0x61               /* call property with arguments */
73 #define OPC_PTRCALLPROP  0x62    /* call property through pointer with args */
74 #define OPC_GETPROPSELF  0x63                     /* get property of 'self' */
75 #define OPC_CALLPROPSELF 0x64                      /* call method of 'self' */
76 #define OPC_PTRCALLPROPSELF 0x65   /* call method of 'self' through pointer */
77 #define OPC_OBJGETPROP   0x66            /* get property of specific object */
78 #define OPC_OBJCALLPROP  0x67             /* call method of specific object */
79 #define OPC_GETPROPDATA  0x68     /* get property, disallowing side effects */
80 #define OPC_PTRGETPROPDATA 0x69      /* get prop through pointer, data only */
81 #define OPC_GETPROPLCL1  0x6A             /* get property of local variable */
82 #define OPC_CALLPROPLCL1 0x6B            /* call property of local variable */
83 #define OPC_GETPROPR0    0x6C                         /* get property of R0 */
84 #define OPC_CALLPROPR0   0x6D                        /* call property of R0 */
86 #define OPC_INHERIT      0x72                    /* inherit from superclass */
87 #define OPC_PTRINHERIT   0x73           /* inherit through property pointer */
88 #define OPC_EXPINHERIT   0x74        /* inherit from an explicit superclass */
89 #define OPC_PTREXPINHERIT 0x75 /* inherit from explicit sc through prop ptr */
90 #define OPC_VARARGC      0x76       /* modifier: next call is var arg count */
91 #define OPC_DELEGATE     0x77                /* delegate to object on stack */
92 #define OPC_PTRDELEGATE  0x78          /* delegate through property pointer */
94 #define OPC_GETLCL1      0x80                      /* push a local variable */
95 #define OPC_GETLCL2      0x81                /* push a local (2-byte index) */
96 #define OPC_GETARG1      0x82                           /* push an argument */
97 #define OPC_GETARG2      0x83            /* push an argument (2-byte index) */
98 #define OPC_PUSHSELF     0x84                                /* push 'self' */
99 #define OPC_GETDBLCL     0x85                     /* push debug frame local */
100 #define OPC_GETDBARG     0x86                  /* push debug frame argument */
101 #define OPC_GETARGC      0x87                 /* get current argument count */
102 #define OPC_DUP          0x88                     /* duplicate top of stack */
103 #define OPC_DISC         0x89                       /* discard top of stack */
104 #define OPC_DISC1        0x8A                 /* discard n items from stack */
105 #define OPC_GETR0        0x8B        /* push the R0 register onto the stack */
106 #define OPC_GETDBARGC    0x8C            /* push debug frame argument count */
107 #define OPC_SWAP         0x8D                /* swap top two stack elements */
109 #define OPC_PUSHCTXELE   0x8E                /* push a method context value */
110 #define PUSHCTXELE_TARGPROP 0x01                    /* push target property */
111 #define PUSHCTXELE_TARGOBJ  0x02                      /* push target object */
112 #define PUSHCTXELE_DEFOBJ   0x03                    /* push defining object */
114 #define OPC_SWITCH       0x90                    /* jump through case table */
115 #define OPC_JMP          0x91                       /* unconditional branch */
116 #define OPC_JT           0x92                               /* jump if true */
117 #define OPC_JF           0x93                              /* jump if false */
118 #define OPC_JE           0x94                              /* jump if equal */
119 #define OPC_JNE          0x95                          /* jump if not equal */
120 #define OPC_JGT          0x96                       /* jump if greater than */
121 #define OPC_JGE          0x97
122 #define OPC_JLT          0x98                          /* jump if less than */
123 #define OPC_JLE          0x99                 /* jump if less than or equal */
124 #define OPC_JST          0x9A                      /* jump and save if true */
125 #define OPC_JSF          0x9B                     /* jump and save if false */
126 #define OPC_LJSR         0x9C                   /* local jump to subroutine */
127 #define OPC_LRET         0x9D               /* local return from subroutine */
128 #define OPC_JNIL         0x9E                                /* jump if nil */
129 #define OPC_JNOTNIL      0x9F                            /* jump if not nil */
130 #define OPC_JR0T         0xA0                         /* jump if R0 is true */
131 #define OPC_JR0F         0xA1                        /* jump if R0 is false */
133 #define OPC_SAY          0xB0                  /* display a constant string */
134 #define OPC_BUILTIN_A    0xB1              /* call built-in func from set 0 */
135 #define OPC_BUILTIN_B    0xB2                   /* call built-in from set 1 */
136 #define OPC_BUILTIN_C    0xB3                   /* call built-in from set 2 */
137 #define OPC_BUILTIN_D    0xB4                   /* call built-in from set 3 */
138 #define OPC_BUILTIN1     0xB5    /* call built-in from any set, 8-bit index */
139 #define OPC_BUILTIN2     0xB6   /* call built-in from any set, 16-bit index */
140 #define OPC_CALLEXT      0xB7                     /* call external function */
141 #define OPC_THROW        0xB8                         /* throw an exception */
142 #define OPC_SAYVAL       0xB9          /* display the value at top of stack */
144 #define OPC_INDEX        0xBA                               /* index a list */
145 #define OPC_IDXLCL1INT8  0xBB    /* index a local variable by an int8 value */
146 #define OPC_IDXINT8      0xBC                     /* index by an int8 value */
148 #define OPC_NEW1         0xC0                 /* create new object instance */
149 #define OPC_NEW2         0xC1        /* create new object (2-byte operands) */
150 #define OPC_TRNEW1       0xC2              /* create new transient instance */
151 #define OPC_TRNEW2       0xC3  /* create transient object (2-byte operands) */
153 #define OPC_INCLCL       0xD0              /* increment local variable by 1 */
154 #define OPC_DECLCL       0xD1              /* decrement local variable by 1 */
155 #define OPC_ADDILCL1     0xD2          /* add immediate 1-byte int to local */
156 #define OPC_ADDILCL4     0xD3          /* add immediate 4-byte int to local */
157 #define OPC_ADDTOLCL     0xD4                /* add value to local variable */
158 #define OPC_SUBFROMLCL   0xD5         /* subtract value from local variable */
159 #define OPC_ZEROLCL1     0xD6                          /* set local to zero */
160 #define OPC_ZEROLCL2     0xD7                          /* set local to zero */
161 #define OPC_NILLCL1      0xD8                           /* set local to nil */
162 #define OPC_NILLCL2      0xD9                           /* set local to nil */
163 #define OPC_ONELCL1      0xDA               /* set local to numeric value 1 */
164 #define OPC_ONELCL2      0xDB               /* set local to numeric value 1 */
166 #define OPC_SETLCL1      0xE0            /* set local (1-byte local number) */
167 #define OPC_SETLCL2      0xE1            /* set local (2-byte local number) */
168 #define OPC_SETARG1      0xE2        /* set parameter (1-byte param number) */
169 #define OPC_SETARG2      0xE3        /* set parameter (2-byte param number) */
170 #define OPC_SETIND       0xE4                         /* set value at index */
171 #define OPC_SETPROP      0xE5                     /* set property in object */
172 #define OPC_PTRSETPROP   0xE6          /* set property through prop pointer */
173 #define OPC_SETPROPSELF  0xE7                       /* set property in self */
174 #define OPC_OBJSETPROP   0xE8           /* set property in immediate object */
175 #define OPC_SETDBLCL     0xE9                /* set debugger local variable */
176 #define OPC_SETDBARG     0xEA            /* set debugger parameter variable */
178 #define OPC_SETSELF      0xEB                                 /* set 'self' */
179 #define OPC_LOADCTX      0xEC             /* load method context from stack */
180 #define OPC_STORECTX     0xED     /* store method context and push on stack */
181 #define OPC_SETLCL1R0    0xEE    /* set local (1-byte local number) from R0 */
182 #define OPC_SETINDLCL1I8 0xEF                          /* set indexed local */
184 #define OPC_BP           0xF1                        /* debugger breakpoint */
185 #define OPC_NOP          0xF2                               /* no operation */
188 #endif /* VMOP_H */