1 /* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 #pragma once
9 //#include <assert.h>
11 #include <exception>
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <sstream>
14 #include <string>
15 #include <utility>
16 #include <vector>
18 /*  A NL File is composed of a header and several segments.
19 Adding items in the nl file is done through adding segment (or adding item in a segment).
20 As for the header, segment are printable.
21 Segment are identified by a prefix, which should be one of (taken from table 13 in 'writing nl
22 files'): F   imported function description S   suffix values V   defined variable definition (must
23 precede V,C,L,O segments where used) (yes, I know, "V must preceed V"...) C   algebraic constraint
24 body L   logical constraint expression O   objective function d   dual initial guess x   primal
25 initial guess r   bounds on algebraic constraint bodies (“ranges”), can only appears once b   bounds
26 on variable, can only appears once k   Jacobian column counts (must precede all J segments) J
27 Jacobian sparsity, linear terms G   Gradient sparsity, linear terms
28 */
30 namespace MiniZinc {
32 // --- --- --- Tooling
34 /** Exception when translating
35  *  Code mostly taken from https://www.softwariness.com/articles/assertions-in-cpp/
36  */
37 class NLException : public std::exception {
38 public:
39   // --- --- --- Fields
40   const char* expression;
41   const char* file;
42   int line;
43   std::string message;
44   std::string report;
46   /** Exception constructor. Use with the macro assert/should_not_happen.
47    * If not, WARNING: stream must be a std::ostringstream&
48    * We only use a ostreamé so we can use the standard "<<" operator, which is returning a ostream&
49    */
NLException(const char * expression,const char * file,int line,std::ostream & stream)50   NLException(const char* expression, const char* file, int line, std::ostream& stream)
51       : expression(expression), file(file), line(line) {
52     message = static_cast<std::ostringstream&>(stream).str();
53     std::ostringstream outputStream;
55     if (expression == nullptr) {
56       outputStream << "Something should not have happen in file '" << file << "' line " << line
57                    << ". Message:" << std::endl;
58       if (!message.empty()) {
59         outputStream << message << std::endl;
60       } else {
61         outputStream << "No message provided..." << std::endl;
62       }
63     } else {
64       std::string expressionString = expression;
65       if (expressionString == "false" || expressionString == "0" || expressionString == "FALSE") {
66         outputStream << "Unreachable code assertion";
67       } else {
68         outputStream << "Assertion '" << expression << "'";
69       }
70       outputStream << " failed in file '" << file << "' line " << line << std::endl;
71     }
72     outputStream << "Note: the NL component is still in development!" << std::endl;
73     report = outputStream.str();
74   }
76   /** Exception interface */
what() const77   const char* what() const noexcept override { return report.c_str(); }
79   ~NLException() noexcept override = default;
80 };
82 #ifdef assert
83 #undef assert
84 #endif
86 /** Should not happen macro */
87 #define should_not_happen(MESSAGE)                           \
88   do {                                                       \
89     ostringstream oss;                                       \
90     oss << MESSAGE; /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ \
91     throw NLException(NULL, __FILE__, __LINE__, oss);        \
92   } while (false)
94 /* CMake febug build flag: double negation... because... ? */
95 #ifndef NDEBUG
96 #define DEBUG_MSG(STR)                                                                   \
97   do {                                                                                   \
98     std::cerr << "%[NL DEBUG] " << STR << endl; /* NOLINT(bugprone-macro-parentheses) */ \
99   } while (false)
100 #define assert(EXPRESSION)                                     \
101   do {                                                         \
102     if (!(EXPRESSION)) {                                       \
103       ostringstream oss;                                       \
104       throw NLException(#EXPRESSION, __FILE__, __LINE__, oss); \
105     }                                                          \
106   } while (false)
107 #else
108 #define DEBUG_MSG(STR) \
109   do {                 \
110   } while (false)
111 #define assert(EXPRESSION) \
112   do {                     \
113   } while (false)
114 #endif
116 // --- --- --- Components
118 // Declaration
119 class NLFile;
121 /** A Bound.
122  *  A bound can represent various constraint on a variable or a constraint.
123  *  Because it apply to both variables and constraints, we keep it general enough.
124  *  Note that the targeted variable or constraint is implicitely represented by its position in the
125  final NL File.
126  *  As a result, this information does not appear here.
127  *  Bounds are used in the 'b' and 'r' segments.
129    # Text       # Starting the segment  # Variable          # Tag in enum NLS_Bounditem::Bound
130    0 1.1 3.4    # 1.1 =< V =< 3.4       First variable      LB_UB
131    1 2.5        # V =< 2.5              Second variable     UB
132    2 7          # 7 =< V                etc...              LB
133    3            # no constraint                             NONE
134    4 9.4        # V = 9.4                                   EQ
136  * Notes:   - bound values are stored as 'double', even for integer variables.
137  *          - we do not make that class Printable as it is better "printed" with a name for the
138  targeted variable/constraint
139  */
140 class NLBound {
141 public:
142   /** Bound kind. Declaration matches specification above. */
143   enum Bound { LB_UB = 0, UB = 1, LB = 2, NONE = 3, EQ = 4 };
145   /** *** *** *** Fields *** *** *** **/
146   Bound tag = NONE;
147   double lb = 0;
148   double ub = 0;
150   /** *** *** *** Constructors & helpers *** *** *** **/
151   NLBound() = default;
152   NLBound(Bound tag, double lb, double ub);
154   static NLBound makeBounded(double lb, double ub);
155   static NLBound makeUBBounded(double ub);
156   static NLBound makeLBBounded(double lb);
157   static NLBound makeNoBound();
158   static NLBound makeEqual(double val);
160   /** *** *** *** Update the lower or upper bound *** *** *** **/
161   // Note: this method are "additive only": we cannot use them to remove a a bound.
162   void updateLB(double new_lb);
163   void updateUB(double new_ub);
164   void updateEq(double new_eq);
166   /** *** *** *** Printing Methods *** *** *** **/
168   /** Print the bound with a comment containing the name of the variable/constraint. */
169   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const std::string& vname) const;
171   /** Printing with 'body' as the name of the variable/constraint. */
172   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o) const;
173 };
175 /** A Declared variable.
176  *  A variable is identified by its name, which is supposed to be unique in the MZN representation.
177  *  In an NL file, variables are identified by their index. However, those index are dependent on
178  * the variable ordering, which can only be known once all variables are known. Hence, the
179  * computation of the index can only be achieved at a later stage. A variable is always associated
180  * to a bound, even if none are specified (See LNBound above)/
181  */
182 class NLVar {
183 public:
184   /** Variable name. */
185   std::string name;
187   /** Is the variable an integer variable? Else is a floating point variable. */
188   bool isInteger = false;
190   /** Is this variable flagged to be reported? */
191   bool toReport = false;
193   /** Is the variable appearing in a nonlinear constraint (including logical constraint, L segment).
194    */
195   bool isInNLConstraint = false;
197   /** Is the variable appearing non linearly in the objective? */
198   bool isInNLObjective = false;
200   /** Number of occurrences in Jacobian. */
201   unsigned int jacobianCount = 0;
203   /** The bound over this variable.
204    *  Used when producing the unique 'b' segment of the NL file.
205    */
206   NLBound bound;
208   /* *** *** *** Constructors *** *** *** */
209   NLVar() = default;
211   /** Constructor with declare time information */
NLVar(std::string name,bool isInteger,bool to_report,NLBound bound)212   NLVar(std::string name, bool isInteger, bool to_report, NLBound bound)
213       : name(std::move(name)), isInteger(isInteger), toReport(to_report), bound(bound) {}
215   /** Copy constructor, with update on bound */
216   NLVar copyWithBound(NLBound bound) const;
217 };
219 /** A NLArray:
220  * We do not use "real" array.
221  * This type only serves when sending the result back to minizinc
222  */
223 class NLArray {
224 public:
225   /** Array item; if the string is empty, use the value. */
226   class Item {
227   public:
228     std::string variable;
229     double value;
230   };
232   /** Array name */
233   std::string name;
235   /** Dimensions part, e.g. array2d( '0..4', '0..5' [ .... ]) */
236   std::vector<std::string> dimensions;
238   /** Related variables */
239   std::vector<Item> items;
241   /** Is this an array or integers or floats? */
242   bool isInteger = false;
243 };
245 /** A token from an 'expression graph'.
246  *  An expression graph is express in Polish Prefix Notation: operator followed by operand.
247  *  A token represent an operator or an operand.
248  *  See the definition of the various enum.
249  */
250 class NLToken {
251 public:
252   /** Kind of token. */
253   enum Kind {
254     NUMERIC,   // "n42.42"     a numeric constant, double
255     VARIABLE,  // "v4"         reference to a decision variable 0<= i < nb_vars (see header) or a
256                // defined variable for i>=nb_vars
257     STRING,    // "h11:some string"    Probably unused in our case.
258     FUNCALL,   // "f0 3"               Call a defined function (index 0, 3 args). Probably unused in
259                // our case.
260     OP,        // "o5"                 An operation defined by its operation code
261     MOP  // "o7\n3"              Operator with multiple operand. The number of operands (3) is on
262          // the next line ("\n")?
263   };
265   /** Opcode for operator with a fixed number of operands. */
266   enum OpCode {
267     OPPLUS = 0,
268     OPMINUS = 1,
269     OPMULT = 2,
270     OPDIV = 3,
271     OPREM = 4,
272     OPPOW = 5,
273     OPLESS = 6,
274     FLOOR = 13,
275     CEIL = 14,
276     ABS = 15,
277     OPUMINUS = 16,
278     OPOR = 20,
279     OPAND = 21,
280     LT = 22,
281     LE = 23,
282     EQ = 24,
283     GE = 28,
284     GT = 29,
285     NE = 30,
286     OPNOT = 34,
287     OPIFnl = 35,
288     OP_tanh = 37,
289     OP_tan = 38,
290     OP_sqrt = 39,
291     OP_sinh = 40,
292     OP_sin = 41,
293     OP_log10 = 42,
294     OP_log = 43,
295     OP_exp = 44,
296     OP_cosh = 45,
297     OP_cos = 46,
298     OP_atanh = 47,
299     OP_atan2 = 48,
300     OP_atan = 49,
301     OP_asinh = 50,
302     OP_asin = 51,
303     OP_acosh = 52,
304     OP_acos = 53,
305     OPintDIV = 55,
306     OPprecision = 56,
307     OPround = 57,
308     OPtrunc = 58,
309     OPATLEAST = 62,
310     OPATMOST = 63,
311     OPPLTERM = 64,
312     OPIFSYM = 65,
313     OPEXACTLY = 66,
314     OPNOTATLEAST = 67,
315     OPNOTATMOST = 68,
316     OPNOTEXACTLY = 69,
317     OPIMPELSE = 72,
318     OP_IFF = 73,
319     OPSOMESAME = 75,
320     OP1POW = 76,
321     OP2POW = 77,
322     OPCPOW = 78,
323     OPFUNCALL = 79,
324     OPNUM = 80,
325     OPHOL = 81,
326     OPVARVAL = 82,
327     N_OPS = 83,
328   };
330   /** Opcodes for operand taking multiple arguments. */
331   enum MOpCode {
332     MINLIST = 11,
333     MAXLIST = 12,
334     OPSUMLIST = 54,
335     OPCOUNT = 59,
336     OPNUMBEROF = 60,
337     OPNUMBEROFs = 61,
338     ANDLIST = 70,
339     ORLIST = 71,
340     OPALLDIFF = 74,
341   };
343   /** Obtain the name of an operator from its opcode. */
344   static const char* getName(OpCode oc);
346   /** Obtain the name of an operator (with multiple operands) from its opcode. */
347   static const char* getName(MOpCode moc);
349   /* *** *** *** Fields *** *** *** */
351   Kind kind;
352   double numericValue;  // if kind==NUMERIC
353   int argCount;         // if kind==FUNCALL or kind==MOP
354   std::string
355       str;      // if kind==STRING or kind=VARIABLE (variable name) or kind=FUNCALL (function name)
356   OpCode oc;    // if kind==OP
357   MOpCode moc;  // if kind==MOP
359   /* *** *** *** Constructor and helpers *** *** *** */
361   NLToken() = default;
363   static NLToken n(double value);
365   static NLToken v(std::string vname);
367   static NLToken o(OpCode opc);
369   static NLToken mo(MOpCode mopc, int nb);
371   /* *** *** *** Query *** *** *** */
372   bool isVariable() const;
374   bool isConstant() const;
376   /* *** *** *** Printable *** *** *** */
378   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const NLFile& nl_file) const;
379 };
381 /** A algebraic constraint.
382  *  Contains both a linear and a non linear part.
383  *  We do not handle network constraints.
384  */
385 class NLAlgCons {
386 public:
387   /** Constraint name, also acts as identifier. */
388   std::string name;
390   /** Bound on the algebraic constraint.
391    *  Used when producing the unique r of the NL file.
392    */
393   NLBound range;
395   /** Expression graph, used for the non linear part.
396    *  Used to produce a new, standalone, C segment.
397    *  If the expression graph is empty (linear constraint), produce the expression graph 'n0'
398    */
399   std::vector<NLToken> expressionGraph = {};
401   /** Jacobian, used for the linear part. Identify a variable by its name and associate a
402    * coefficent. Used to produce a new, standalone, J segment.
403    */
404   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> jacobian = {};
406   /** Method to build the var_coeff vector.
407    *  The NLFile is used to access the variables through their name in order to increase their
408    * jacobian count.
409    */
410   void setJacobian(const std::vector<std::string>& vnames, const std::vector<double>& coeffs,
411                    NLFile* nl_file);
413   /* *** *** *** Helpers *** *** *** */
415   /** A constraint is considered linear if the expressionGraph is empty. */
416   bool isLinear() const;
418   /* *** *** *** Printable *** *** *** */
420   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const NLFile& nl_file) const;
421 };
423 /** A logical constraint.
424  *  Contains only a non linear part.
425  *  We do not handle network constraints.
426  *  Logical constraint stands on their own and do not need any identifier.
427  *  However, for consistency sake, we still keep their name.
428  */
429 class NLLogicalCons {
430 public:
431   /** Constraint name, also acts as identifier. */
432   std::string name;
434   /** Index */
435   int index = -1;
437   /** Expression graph, used for the non linear part.
438    *  Used to produce a new, standalone, L segment.
439    *  If the expression graph is empty (linear constraint), produce the expression graph 'n0'
440    */
441   std::vector<NLToken> expressionGraph = {};
443   /* *** *** *** Constructor *** *** *** */
NLLogicalCons(int idx)444   NLLogicalCons(int idx) : index(idx) {}
446   /* *** *** *** Printable *** *** *** */
448   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const NLFile& nl_file) const;
449 };
451 /** The header. */
452 class NLHeader {
453 public:
454   /* *** *** *** Printable *** *** *** */
456   static std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const NLFile& nl_file);
457 };
459 /** An Objective
460  * In an NL file, we can have several of those.
461  * However, in flatzinc, only one is allowed, so we only have one.
462  * Note that in NL, we do not have a "satisfy" objective, only a minimize or maximize one.
463  * We translate the "satisfy" with "minimize n0".
464  */
465 class NLObjective {
466 public:
467   enum MinMax {
468     UNDEF = -2,
469     SATISFY = -1,
470     MINIMIZE = 0,
471     MAXIMIZE = 1,
472   };
474   /* *** *** *** Fields *** *** *** */
475   MinMax minmax = UNDEF;
476   std::vector<NLToken> expressionGraph = {};  // If empty, produce a 'n0' when printing
478   /* *** *** *** Gradient *** *** *** */
480   /** Gradient, used for the linear part. Identify a variable by its name and associate a
481    * coefficent. Used to produce a new, standalone, G segment.
482    */
483   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> gradient = {};
485   /** Method to build the var_coeff vector. */
486   void setGradient(const std::vector<std::string>& vnames, const std::vector<double>& coeffs);
488   int gradientCount() const;
490   /* *** *** *** Helpers *** *** *** */
491   bool isDefined() const;
493   bool isLinear() const;
495   bool isOptimisation() const;
497   /* *** *** *** Constructor *** *** *** */
498   NLObjective() = default;
500   /* *** *** *** Printable *** *** *** */
501   std::ostream& printToStream(std::ostream& o, const NLFile& nl_file) const;
502 };
504 }  // namespace MiniZinc