1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //                    2d geometry classes - implements 2d kurve offset for use in dll
3 //
4 //                    g.j.hawkesford August 2003
5 //
6 // This program is released under the BSD license. See the file COPYING for details.
7 //
8 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
9 #include "geometry.h"
10 using namespace geoff_geometry;
12 namespace geoff_geometry {
13 	static Kurve eliminateLoops(const Kurve& k , const Kurve& originalk, double offset, int& ret);
14 	static bool DoesIntersInterfere(const Point& pInt, const Kurve& k, double offset);
Offset(vector<Kurve * > & OffsetKurves,double offset,int direction,int method,int & ret) const16 	int Kurve::Offset(vector<Kurve*>&OffsetKurves, double offset, int direction, int method, int& ret)const {
18 		switch(method) {
20 	case BASIC_OFFSET:
21 		{
22 			Kurve* ko = new Kurve;
23 			int n = OffsetMethod1(*ko, offset, direction, method, ret);
24 			OffsetKurves.push_back(ko);
25 			return n;
26 		}
28 	default:
29 		FAILURE(L"Requested Offsetting Method not available");
30 		}
31 		return 0;
32 	}
OffsetMethod1(Kurve & kOffset,double off,int direction,int method,int & ret) const34 	int Kurve::OffsetMethod1(Kurve& kOffset, double off, int direction,  int method, int& ret)const
35 	{
36 		// offset kurve with simple span elimination
37 		// direction 1 = left,  -1 = right
39 		// ret  = 0		- kurve offset ok
40 		//		= 1		- kurve has differential scale (not allowed)
41 		//		= 2		- offset failed
42 		//      = 3		- offset too large
43 		if(this == &kOffset) FAILURE(L"Illegal Call - 'this' must not be kOffset");
44 		double offset = (direction == GEOFF_LEFT)?off : -off;
46 		if(fabs(offset) < geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE || m_nVertices < 2) {
47 			kOffset = *this;
48 			ret = 0;
49 			return 1;
50 		}
52 		Span curSpan, curSpanOff;	// current & offset spans
53 		Span prevSpanOff;			// previous offset span
54 		Point p0, p1;				// Offset span intersections
56 		// offset Kurve
57 		kOffset = Matrix(*this);
59 		if(m_mirrored) offset = -offset;
60 		int RollDir = ( off < 0 ) ? direction : - direction;				// Roll arc direction
62 		double scalex;
63 		if(!GetScale(scalex)) {
64 			ret = 1;
65 			return 0;	// differential scale
66 		}
67 		offset /= scalex;
69 		bool bClosed = Closed();
70 		int nspans = nSpans();
71 		if(bClosed) {
72 			Get(nspans, curSpan, true);						// assign previus span for closed
74 			prevSpanOff = curSpan.Offset(offset);
75 			nspans++; // read first again
76 		}
78 		for(int spannumber = 1; spannumber <= nspans; spannumber++) {
79 			if(spannumber > nSpans())
80 				Get(1, curSpan, true);						// closed kurve - read first span again
81 			else
82 				Get(spannumber, curSpan, true);
84 			if(!curSpan.NullSpan) {
85 				int numint = 0;
86 				curSpanOff = curSpan.Offset(offset);
87 				curSpanOff.ID = 0;
88 				if(!kOffset.m_started) {
89 					kOffset.Start(curSpanOff.p0);
90 					kOffset.AddSpanID(0);
91 				}
93 				if(spannumber > 1) {
94 					// see if tangent
95 					double d = curSpanOff.p0.Dist(prevSpanOff.p1);
96 					if((d > geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE) && (curSpanOff.NullSpan == false && prevSpanOff.NullSpan == false)) {
97 						// see if offset spans intersect
99 						double cp = prevSpanOff.ve ^ curSpanOff.vs;
100 						bool inters = (cp > 0 && direction == GEOFF_LEFT) || (cp < 0 && direction == GEOFF_RIGHT);
102 						if(inters) {
103 							double t[4];
104 							numint = prevSpanOff.Intof(curSpanOff, p0, p1, t);
105 						}
107 						if(numint == 1) {
108 							// intersection - modify previous endpoint
109 							kOffset.Replace(kOffset.m_nVertices-1, prevSpanOff.dir, p0, prevSpanOff.pc, prevSpanOff.ID);
110 						}
111 						else {
112 							// 0 or 2 intersections, add roll around (remove -ve loops in elimination function)
113 							if(kOffset.Add(RollDir, curSpanOff.p0, curSpan.p0, false))	kOffset.AddSpanID(ROLL_AROUND);
114 						}
115 					}
116 				}
118 				// add span
119 				if(spannumber < m_nVertices) {
120 					curSpanOff.ID = spannumber;
121 					kOffset.Add(curSpanOff, false);
122 				}
123 				else if(numint == 1)		// or replace the closed first span
124 					kOffset.Replace(0, 0, p0, Point(0, 0), 0);
126 			}
127 			if(!curSpanOff.NullSpan)prevSpanOff = curSpanOff;
128 		}		// end of main pre-offsetting loop
131 #ifdef _DEBUG
132 //testDraw->AddKurve("", &kOffset, 0, GREEN);
133 //		outXML oxml(L"c:\\temp\\eliminateLoops.xml");
134 //		oxml.startElement(L"eliminateLoops");
135 //		oxml.Write(kOffset, L"kOffset");
136 //		oxml.endElement();
137 #endif
138 		// eliminate loops
139 		if(method == NO_ELIMINATION) {
140 			ret = 0;
141 			return 1;
142 		}
143 		kOffset = eliminateLoops(kOffset, *this, offset, ret);
145 		if(ret == 0 && bClosed) {
146 			// check for inverted offsets of closed kurves
147 			if(kOffset.Closed()) {
148 				double a = Area();
149 				int dir = (a < 0);
150 				double ao = kOffset.Area();
151 				int dirOffset = ao < 0;
153 				if(dir != dirOffset)
154 					ret = 3;
155 				else {
156 					// check area change compatible with offset direction - catastrophic failure
157 					bool bigger = (a > 0 && offset > 0) || (a < 0 && offset < 0);
158 					if(bigger && fabs(ao) < fabs(a)) ret = 2;
159 				}
160 			}
161 			else
162 				ret = 2;			// started closed but now open??
163 		}
164 		return (ret == 0)?1 : 0;
165 	}
eliminateLoops(const Kurve & k,const Kurve & originalk,double offset,int & ret)168 	static Kurve eliminateLoops(const Kurve& k , const Kurve& originalk, double offset, int& ret) {
169 		// a simple loop elimination routine based on first offset ideas in Peps
170 		// this needs extensive work for future
171 		// start point musn't disappear & only one valid offset is determined
172 		//
173 		// ret = 0 for ok
174 		// ret = 2 for impossible geometry
176 		Span sp0, sp1;
177 		Point pInt, pIntOther;
179 		Kurve ko;											// eliminated output
180 		ko = Matrix(k);
181 		int kinVertex = 0;
183 		while(kinVertex <= k.nSpans()) {
184 			bool clipped = false ;                                       // not in a clipped section (assumption with this simple method)
186 			sp0.dir = k.Get(kinVertex, sp0.p0, sp0.pc);
187 			sp0.ID = k.GetSpanID(kinVertex++);
188 			if (kinVertex == 1)	{
189 				ko.Start(sp0.p0);							// start point mustn't dissappear for this simple method
190 				ko.AddSpanID(sp0.ID);
191 			}
192 			if (kinVertex <= k.nSpans()) {   // any more?
193 				int ksaveVertex = kinVertex ;
194 				sp0.dir = k.Get(kinVertex, sp0.p1, sp0.pc);	// first span
195 				sp0.ID = k.GetSpanID(kinVertex++);
197 				sp0.SetProperties(true);
199 				int ksaveVertex1 = kinVertex;									// mark position AA
200 				if (kinVertex <= k.nSpans()) {	// get the next but one span
201 					sp1.dir = k.Get(kinVertex, sp1.p0, sp1.pc);
202 					sp1.ID = k.GetSpanID(kinVertex++);
203 					int ksaveVertex2 = kinVertex;								// mark position BB
205 					int fwdCount = 0;
206 					while(kinVertex <= k.nSpans()) {
207 						sp1.dir = k.Get(kinVertex, sp1.p1, sp1.pc);			// check span
208 						sp1.ID = k.GetSpanID(kinVertex++);
209 						sp1.SetProperties(true);
211 						double t[4];
212 						int numint = sp0.Intof(sp1, pInt, pIntOther, t);			// find span intersections
213 						if(numint && sp0.p0.Dist(pInt) < geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE ) numint=0;	// check that intersection is not at the start of the check span
214 						if(numint ) {
216 							if(numint == 2) {
217 								// choose first intercept on sp0
218 								Span spd = sp0;
219 								spd.p1 = pInt;
220 								spd.SetProperties(true);
221 								double dd = spd.length;
223 								spd.p1 = pIntOther;
224 								spd.SetProperties(true);
225 								if(dd > spd.length) pInt = pIntOther;
226 								numint = 1;
228 							}
229 							ksaveVertex = ksaveVertex1 ;
231 							clipped = true ;			// in a clipped section
232 							if(DoesIntersInterfere(pInt, originalk, offset) == false) {
233 								sp0.p1 = pInt;			// ok so truncate this span to the intersection
234 								clipped = false;		// end of clipped section
235 								break;
236 							}
237 							// no valid intersection found so carry on
238 						}
239 						sp1.p0 = sp1.p1 ;		// next
240 						ksaveVertex1 = ksaveVertex2 ;							// pos AA = BB
241 						ksaveVertex2 = kinVertex;								// mark
243 						if((kinVertex > k.nSpans() || fwdCount++ > 25) && clipped == false) break;
244 					}
245 				}
247 				if(clipped) {
248 					ret = 2;	// still in a clipped section - error
250 					return ko;
251 				}
253 				ko.Add(sp0, false);
255 				kinVertex = ksaveVertex;
256 			}
257 		}
258 		ret = 0;
260 		return ko; // no more spans - seems ok
261 	}
DoesIntersInterfere(const Point & pInt,const Kurve & k,double offset)264 	static bool DoesIntersInterfere(const Point& pInt, const Kurve& k, double offset)  {
265 		// check that intersections don't interfere with the original kurve
266 		Span sp;
267 		Point dummy;
268 		int kCheckVertex = 0;
269 		k.Get(kCheckVertex++, sp.p0, sp.pc);
271 		offset = fabs(offset) - geoff_geometry::TOLERANCE;
272 		while(kCheckVertex <= k.nSpans()) {
273 			sp.dir = k.Get(kCheckVertex++, sp.p1, sp.pc);
274 			sp.SetProperties(true);
275 			// check for interference
276 			if(Dist(sp, pInt, dummy) < offset) return true;
277 			sp.p0 = sp.p1;
278 		}
279 		return false;	// intersection is ok
280 	}
281 }
284 static struct iso {
285 		 Span sp;
286 		 Span off;
287 	} isodata;
288 static void isoRadius(Span& before, Span& blend, Span& after, double radius);
OffsetISOMethod(Kurve & kOut,double off,int direction,bool BlendAll) const290 int Kurve::OffsetISOMethod(Kurve& kOut, double off, int direction, bool BlendAll)const {
291 		// produces a special offset Kurve - observing so-called ISO radii
292 		// eg line/arc/line tangent - keep arc radius constant
293 		// this method also considers arc/arc/arc etc.
294 		// interior radius must be smallest of triplet for above.
296 		// parameters:-
297 		// Output	kOut		resulting kurve
298 		// Input	off			offset amount
299 		// Input	direction	offset direction (LEFT or RIGHT)
300 		// Input	BlendAall	if false only consider ISO radius for LINE/ARC/LINE
301 		//						if true consider all blended radii (ARC/ARC/ARC etc.)
302 		double offset = (direction == GEOFF_LEFT)?off : -off;
303 		if(FEQZ(off) || nSpans() < 1) {
304 			kOut = *this;
305 			return 1;
306 		}
307 		double cptol = 1.0e-05;
308 		std::vector<iso> spans;
309 		for(int i = 0; i < nSpans(); i++) {	// store all spans and offsets
310 			Get(i+1, isodata.sp, true, true);
311 			isodata.off = isodata.sp.Offset(offset);
312 			spans.push_back(isodata);
313 		}
315 		for(int i = 0; i < nSpans() - 1; i++)		// calculate intersections for none tangent spans
316 			if(fabs(spans[i].off.ve ^ spans[i+1].off.vs) > cptol)	spans[i].off.JoinSeparateSpans(spans[i+1].off);
318 		for(int i = 1; i < nSpans() - 1; i++) {			// deal with isoradii
319 			if(spans[i].off.dir) {
320 				if(BlendAll) {						// interior radius should be smaller than neighbours
321 					if(spans[i-1].sp.dir)
322 						if(spans[i-1].sp.radius < spans[i].sp.radius) continue;
323 					if(spans[i+1].sp.dir)
324 						if(spans[i+1].sp.radius < spans[i].sp.radius) continue;
325 				}
326 				else {
327 					if((spans[i-1].off.dir || spans[i+1].off.dir)) continue;		// linear neighbours only
328 				}
330 				if((fabs(spans[i-1].sp.ve ^ spans[i].sp.vs) < cptol) && (fabs(spans[i].sp.ve ^ spans[i+1].sp.vs) < cptol)) {
331 					// isoradius - calculate the new offset radius and modify neighbouring spans
332 					isoRadius(spans[i-1].off, spans[i].off, spans[i+1].off, spans[i].sp.radius);
333 				}
334 			}
335 		}
337 		kOut.Start(spans[0].off.p0);										// start point
338 		for(int i = 0; i < nSpans(); i++)
339 			kOut.Add(spans[i].off.dir, spans[i].off.p1, spans[i].off.pc);	// output all spans
340 		return 1;
341 	}
isoRadius(Span & before,Span & blend,Span & after,double radius)343 static void isoRadius(Span& before, Span& blend, Span& after, double radius) {
344 	// calculate the new offset radius and modify neighbouring spans
345 	int direction = ((before.ve ^ after.vs) > 0)? 1 : -1;				// offset direction
346 	Span beforeOff = before.Offset(direction * radius);
347 	Span afterOff = after.Offset(direction * radius);
348 	int turnLeft = ((before.ve ^ after.vs) > 0)? 1 : -1;
349 	if(before.dir == LINEAR) {
350 		CLine b(beforeOff);
351 		if(after.dir == LINEAR) {
352 			CLine a(afterOff);
353 			blend.pc = b.Intof(a);
354 		}
355 		else {
356 			Circle a(afterOff);
357 			b.Intof(turnLeft * after.dir, a, blend.pc);
358 		}
359 	}
360 	else {
361 		Circle b(beforeOff);
363 		if(after.dir == LINEAR) {
364 			CLine a(afterOff);
365 			a.Intof(-turnLeft * before.dir, b, blend.pc);
366 		}
367 		else {
368 			// arc arc
369 			Circle a(afterOff);
370 			int leftright = ((Vector2d(b.pc, blend.pc) ^ Vector2d(b.pc, a.pc)) < 0)? 1 : -1;
371 			b.Intof(leftright, a, blend.pc);
372 		}
373 	}
374 	before.p1 = blend.p0 = before.Near(blend.pc);
375 	after.p0 = blend.p1 = after.Near(blend.pc);
376 }