1import numpy as np
2from scipy.linalg import eigh
4from ase.units import Hartree
5from ase.utils.timing import Timer
7import gpaw.mpi as mpi
8from gpaw.lrtddft.kssingle import KSSingles, KSSRestrictor
9from gpaw.transformers import Transformer
10from gpaw.utilities import pack
11from gpaw.xc import XC
13"""This module defines a Omega Matrix class."""
16class OmegaMatrix:
18    """
19    Omega matrix in Casidas linear response formalism
21    Parameters
22      - calculator: the calculator object the ground state calculation
23      - kss: the Kohn-Sham singles object
24      - xc: the exchange correlation approx. to use
25      - derivativeLevel: which level i of d^i Exc/dn^i to use
26      - numscale: numeric epsilon for derivativeLevel=0,1
27      - filehandle: the oject can be read from a filehandle
28      - txt: output stream or file name
29      - finegrid: level of fine grid to use. 0: nothing, 1 for poisson only,
30        2 everything on the fine grid
31    """
33    def __init__(self,
34                 calculator=None,
35                 kss=None,
36                 xc=None,
37                 derivativeLevel=None,
38                 numscale=0.001,
39                 poisson=None,
40                 filehandle=None,
41                 log=None,
42                 finegrid=2,
43                 eh_comm=None):
44        self.log = log
46        if eh_comm is None:
47            eh_comm = mpi.serial_comm
49        self.eh_comm = eh_comm
50        self.fullkss = kss
52        if filehandle is not None:
53            self.read(fh=filehandle)
54            return None
56        self.finegrid = finegrid
58        if calculator is None:
59            return
61        self.paw = calculator
62        wfs = self.paw.wfs
64        # handle different grid possibilities
65        self.restrict = None
66        # self.poisson = PoissonSolver(nn=self.paw.hamiltonian.poisson.nn)
67        if poisson is None:
68            self.poisson = calculator.hamiltonian.poisson
69        else:
70            self.poisson = poisson
71        if finegrid:
72            self.poisson.set_grid_descriptor(self.paw.density.finegd)
74            self.gd = self.paw.density.finegd
75            if finegrid == 1:
76                self.gd = wfs.gd
77        else:
78            self.poisson.set_grid_descriptor(wfs.gd)
79            self.gd = wfs.gd
80        self.restrict = Transformer(self.paw.density.finegd, wfs.gd,
81                                    self.paw.density.stencil).apply
83        if xc == 'RPA':
84            xc = None  # enable RPA as keyword
85        if xc is not None:
86            if isinstance(xc, str):
87                self.xc = XC(xc)
88            else:
89                self.xc = xc
90            self.xc.initialize(self.paw.density, self.paw.hamiltonian, wfs)
92            # check derivativeLevel
93            if derivativeLevel is None:
94                derivativeLevel = \
95                    self.xc.get_functional().get_max_derivative_level()
96            self.derivativeLevel = derivativeLevel
97        else:
98            self.xc = None
100        self.numscale = numscale
102        self.singletsinglet = False
103        if kss.nvspins < 2 and kss.npspins < 2:
104            # this will be a singlet to singlet calculation only
105            self.singletsinglet = True
107        nij = len(kss)
108        self.Om = np.zeros((nij, nij))
109        self.get_full()
111    def get_full(self):
112        """Evaluate full omega matrix"""
113        self.paw.timer.start('Omega RPA')
114        self.log()
115        self.log('Linear response TDDFT calculation')
116        self.log()
117        self.get_rpa()
118        self.paw.timer.stop()
120        if self.xc is not None:
121            self.paw.timer.start('Omega XC')
122            self.get_xc()
123            self.paw.timer.stop()
125        self.eh_comm.sum(self.Om)
126        self.full = self.Om
128    def get_xc(self):
129        """Add xc part of the coupling matrix"""
131        # shorthands
132        paw = self.paw
133        wfs = paw.wfs
134        gd = paw.density.finegd
135        eh_comm = self.eh_comm
137        fg = self.finegrid == 2
138        kss = self.fullkss
139        nij = len(kss)
141        Om_xc = self.Om
142        # initialize densities
143        # nt_sg is the smooth density on the fine grid with spin index
145        if kss.nvspins == 2:
146            # spin polarised ground state calc.
147            nt_sg = paw.density.nt_sg
148        else:
149            # spin unpolarised ground state calc.
150            if kss.npspins == 2:
151                # construct spin polarised densities
152                nt_sg = np.array([.5 * paw.density.nt_sg[0],
153                                  .5 * paw.density.nt_sg[0]])
154            else:
155                nt_sg = paw.density.nt_sg
156        # check if D_sp have been changed before
157        D_asp = {}
158        for a, D_sp in self.paw.density.D_asp.items():
159            if len(D_sp) != kss.npspins:
160                if len(D_sp) == 1:
161                    D_asp[a] = np.array([0.5 * D_sp[0], 0.5 * D_sp[0]])
162                else:
163                    D_asp[a] = np.array([D_sp[0] + D_sp[1]])
164            else:
165                D_asp[a] = D_sp.copy()
167        # restrict the density if needed
168        if fg:
169            nt_s = nt_sg
170        else:
171            nt_s = self.gd.zeros(nt_sg.shape[0])
172            for s in range(nt_sg.shape[0]):
173                self.restrict(nt_sg[s], nt_s[s])
174            gd = paw.density.gd
176        # initialize vxc or fxc
178        if self.derivativeLevel == 0:
179            raise NotImplementedError
180            if kss.npspins == 2:
181                v_g = nt_sg[0].copy()
182            else:
183                v_g = nt_sg.copy()
184        elif self.derivativeLevel == 1:
185            pass
186        elif self.derivativeLevel == 2:
187            fxc_sg = np.zeros(nt_sg.shape)
188            self.xc.calculate_fxc(gd, nt_sg, fxc_sg)
189        else:
190            raise ValueError('derivativeLevel can only be 0,1,2')
192        ns = self.numscale
193        xc = self.xc
194        self.log('XC', nij, 'transitions')
195        for ij in range(eh_comm.rank, nij, eh_comm.size):
196            self.log('XC kss[' + '%d' % ij + ']')
198            timer = Timer()
199            timer.start('init')
200            timer2 = Timer()
202            if self.derivativeLevel >= 1:
203                # vxc is available
204                # We use the numerical two point formula for calculating
205                # the integral over fxc*n_ij. The results are
206                # vvt_s        smooth integral
207                # nucleus.I_sp atom based correction matrices (pack2)
208                #              stored on each nucleus
209                timer2.start('init v grids')
210                vp_s = np.zeros(nt_s.shape, nt_s.dtype.char)
211                vm_s = np.zeros(nt_s.shape, nt_s.dtype.char)
212                if kss.npspins == 2:  # spin polarised
213                    nv_s = nt_s.copy()
214                    nv_s[kss[ij].pspin] += ns * kss[ij].get(fg)
215                    xc.calculate(gd, nv_s, vp_s)
216                    nv_s = nt_s.copy()
217                    nv_s[kss[ij].pspin] -= ns * kss[ij].get(fg)
218                    xc.calculate(gd, nv_s, vm_s)
219                else:  # spin unpolarised
220                    nv = nt_s + ns * kss[ij].get(fg)
221                    xc.calculate(gd, nv, vp_s)
222                    nv = nt_s - ns * kss[ij].get(fg)
223                    xc.calculate(gd, nv, vm_s)
224                vvt_s = (0.5 / ns) * (vp_s - vm_s)
225                timer2.stop()
227                # initialize the correction matrices
228                timer2.start('init v corrections')
229                I_asp = {}
230                for a, P_ni in wfs.kpt_u[kss[ij].spin].P_ani.items():
231                    # create the modified density matrix
232                    Pi_i = P_ni[kss[ij].i]
233                    Pj_i = P_ni[kss[ij].j]
234                    P_ii = np.outer(Pi_i, Pj_i)
235                    # we need the symmetric form, hence we can pack
236                    P_p = pack(P_ii)
237                    D_sp = D_asp[a].copy()
238                    D_sp[kss[ij].pspin] -= ns * P_p
239                    setup = wfs.setups[a]
240                    I_sp = np.zeros_like(D_sp)
241                    self.xc.calculate_paw_correction(setup, D_sp, I_sp)
242                    I_sp *= -1.0
243                    D_sp = D_asp[a].copy()
244                    D_sp[kss[ij].pspin] += ns * P_p
245                    self.xc.calculate_paw_correction(setup, D_sp, I_sp)
246                    I_sp /= 2.0 * ns
247                    I_asp[a] = I_sp
248                timer2.stop()
250            timer.stop()
251            t0 = timer.get_time('init')
252            timer.start(ij)
254            for kq in range(ij, nij):
255                weight = self.weight_Kijkq(ij, kq)
257                if self.derivativeLevel == 0:
258                    # only Exc is available
260                    if kss.npspins == 2:  # spin polarised
261                        nv_g = nt_sg.copy()
262                        nv_g[kss[ij].pspin] += kss[ij].get(fg)
263                        nv_g[kss[kq].pspin] += kss[kq].get(fg)
264                        Excpp = xc.get_energy_and_potential(
265                            nv_g[0], v_g, nv_g[1], v_g)
266                        nv_g = nt_sg.copy()
267                        nv_g[kss[ij].pspin] += kss[ij].get(fg)
268                        nv_g[kss[kq].pspin] -= kss[kq].get(fg)
269                        Excpm = xc.get_energy_and_potential(
270                            nv_g[0], v_g, nv_g[1], v_g)
271                        nv_g = nt_sg.copy()
272                        nv_g[kss[ij].pspin] -=\
273                            kss[ij].get(fg)
274                        nv_g[kss[kq].pspin] +=\
275                            kss[kq].get(fg)
276                        Excmp = xc.get_energy_and_potential(
277                            nv_g[0], v_g, nv_g[1], v_g)
278                        nv_g = nt_sg.copy()
279                        nv_g[kss[ij].pspin] -= \
280                            kss[ij].get(fg)
281                        nv_g[kss[kq].pspin] -=\
282                            kss[kq].get(fg)
283                        Excpp = xc.get_energy_and_potential(
284                            nv_g[0], v_g, nv_g[1], v_g)
285                    else:  # spin unpolarised
286                        nv_g = nt_sg + ns * kss[ij].get(fg)\
287                            + ns * kss[kq].get(fg)
288                        Excpp = xc.get_energy_and_potential(nv_g, v_g)
289                        nv_g = nt_sg + ns * kss[ij].get(fg)\
290                            - ns * kss[kq].get(fg)
291                        Excpm = xc.get_energy_and_potential(nv_g, v_g)
292                        nv_g = nt_sg - ns * kss[ij].get(fg)\
293                            + ns * kss[kq].get(fg)
294                        Excmp = xc.get_energy_and_potential(nv_g, v_g)
295                        nv_g = nt_sg - ns * kss[ij].get(fg)\
296                            - ns * kss[kq].get(fg)
297                        Excmm = xc.get_energy_and_potential(nv_g, v_g)
299                    Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight *\
300                        0.25 * \
301                        (Excpp - Excmp - Excpm + Excmm) / (ns * ns)
303                elif self.derivativeLevel == 1:
304                    # vxc is available
306                    timer2.start('integrate')
307                    Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight *\
308                        self.gd.integrate(kss[kq].get(fg) *
309                                          vvt_s[kss[kq].pspin])
310                    timer2.stop()
312                    timer2.start('integrate corrections')
313                    Exc = 0.
314                    for a, P_ni in wfs.kpt_u[kss[kq].spin].P_ani.items():
315                        # create the modified density matrix
316                        Pk_i = P_ni[kss[kq].i]
317                        Pq_i = P_ni[kss[kq].j]
318                        P_ii = np.outer(Pk_i, Pq_i)
319                        # we need the symmetric form, hence we can pack
320                        # use pack as I_sp used pack2
321                        P_p = pack(P_ii)
322                        Exc += np.dot(I_asp[a][kss[kq].pspin], P_p)
323                    Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight * self.gd.comm.sum(Exc)
324                    timer2.stop()
326                elif self.derivativeLevel == 2:
327                    # fxc is available
328                    if kss.npspins == 2:  # spin polarised
329                        Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight *\
330                            gd.integrate(kss[ij].get(fg) *
331                                         kss[kq].get(fg) *
332                                         fxc_sg[kss[ij].pspin, kss[kq].pspin])
333                    else:  # spin unpolarised
334                        Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight *\
335                            gd.integrate(kss[ij].get(fg) *
336                                         kss[kq].get(fg) *
337                                         fxc_sg)
339                    # XXX still numeric derivatives for local terms
340                    timer2.start('integrate corrections')
341                    Exc = 0.
342                    for a, P_ni in wfs.kpt_u[kss[kq].spin].P_ani.items():
343                        # create the modified density matrix
344                        Pk_i = P_ni[kss[kq].i]
345                        Pq_i = P_ni[kss[kq].j]
346                        P_ii = np.outer(Pk_i, Pq_i)
347                        # we need the symmetric form, hence we can pack
348                        # use pack as I_sp used pack2
349                        P_p = pack(P_ii)
350                        Exc += np.dot(I_asp[a][kss[kq].pspin], P_p)
351                    Om_xc[ij, kq] += weight * self.gd.comm.sum(Exc)
352                    timer2.stop()
354                if ij != kq:
355                    Om_xc[kq, ij] = Om_xc[ij, kq]
357            timer.stop()
358# timer2.write()
359            if ij < (nij - 1):
360                self.log('XC estimated time left',
361                         self.time_left(timer, t0, ij, nij))
363    def Coulomb_integral_kss(self, kss_ij, kss_kq, phit, rhot,
364                             timer=None, yukawa=False):
365        # smooth part
366        if timer:
367            timer.start('integrate')
368        I = self.gd.integrate(rhot * phit)
369        if timer:
370            timer.stop()
371            timer.start('integrate corrections 2')
373        wfs = self.paw.wfs
374        Pij_ani = wfs.kpt_u[kss_ij.spin].P_ani
375        Pkq_ani = wfs.kpt_u[kss_kq.spin].P_ani
377        # Add atomic corrections
378        Ia = 0.0
379        for a, Pij_ni in Pij_ani.items():
380            Pi_i = Pij_ni[kss_ij.i]
381            Pj_i = Pij_ni[kss_ij.j]
382            Dij_ii = np.outer(Pi_i, Pj_i)
383            Dij_p = pack(Dij_ii)
384            Pk_i = Pkq_ani[a][kss_kq.i]
385            Pq_i = Pkq_ani[a][kss_kq.j]
386            Dkq_ii = np.outer(Pk_i, Pq_i)
387            Dkq_p = pack(Dkq_ii)
388            if yukawa and hasattr(self.xc, 'omega') and self.xc.omega > 0:
389                C_pp = wfs.setups[a].calculate_yukawa_interaction(
390                    self.xc.omega)
391            else:
392                C_pp = wfs.setups[a].M_pp
393            #   ----
394            # 2 >      P   P  C    P  P
395            #   ----    ip  jr prst ks qt
396            #   prst
397            Ia += 2.0 * np.dot(Dkq_p, np.dot(C_pp, Dij_p))
398        I += self.gd.comm.sum(Ia)
399        if timer:
400            timer.stop()
402        return I
404    def get_rpa(self):
405        """calculate RPA part of the omega matrix"""
407        # shorthands
408        kss = self.fullkss
409        finegrid = self.finegrid
410        eh_comm = self.eh_comm
412        # calculate omega matrix
413        nij = len(kss)
414        self.log('RPA', nij, 'transitions')
416        Om = self.Om
418        for ij in range(eh_comm.rank, nij, eh_comm.size):
419            self.log('RPA kss[' + '%d' % ij + ']=', kss[ij])
421            timer = Timer()
422            timer.start('init')
423            timer2 = Timer()
425            # smooth density including compensation charges
426            timer2.start('with_compensation_charges 0')
427            rhot_p = kss[ij].with_compensation_charges(
428                finegrid != 0)
429            timer2.stop()
431            # integrate with 1/|r_1-r_2|
432            timer2.start('poisson')
433            phit_p = np.zeros(rhot_p.shape, rhot_p.dtype.char)
434            self.poisson.solve(phit_p, rhot_p, charge=None)
435            timer2.stop()
437            timer.stop()
438            t0 = timer.get_time('init')
439            timer.start(ij)
441            if finegrid == 1:
442                rhot = kss[ij].with_compensation_charges()
443                phit = self.gd.zeros()
444                self.restrict(phit_p, phit)
445            else:
446                phit = phit_p
447                rhot = rhot_p
449            for kq in range(ij, nij):
450                if kq != ij:
451                    # smooth density including compensation charges
452                    timer2.start('kq with_compensation_charges')
453                    rhot = kss[kq].with_compensation_charges(
454                        finegrid == 2)
455                    timer2.stop()
457                pre = 2 * np.sqrt(kss[ij].get_energy() *
458                                  kss[kq].get_energy() *
459                                  kss[ij].get_weight() *
460                                  kss[kq].get_weight())
461                I = self.Coulomb_integral_kss(kss[ij], kss[kq],
462                                              rhot, phit, timer2)
463                Om[ij, kq] = pre * I
465                if ij == kq:
466                    Om[ij, kq] += kss[ij].get_energy() ** 2
467                else:
468                    Om[kq, ij] = Om[ij, kq]
470            timer.stop()
471# timer2.write()
472            if ij < (nij - 1):
473                t = timer.get_time(ij)  # time for nij-ij calculations
474                t = .5 * t * \
475                    (nij - ij)  # estimated time for n*(n+1)/2, n=nij-(ij+1)
476                self.log('RPA estimated time left',
477                         self.timestring(t0 * (nij - ij - 1) + t))
479    def singlets_triplets(self):
480        """Split yourself into singlet and triplet transitions"""
482        assert(self.fullkss.npspins == 2)
483        assert(self.fullkss.nvspins == 1)
485        # strip kss from down spins
486        skss = KSSingles()
487        skss.dtype = self.fullkss.dtype
488        tkss = KSSingles()
489        tkss.dtype = self.fullkss.dtype
490        map = []
491        for ij, ks in enumerate(self.fullkss):
492            if ks.pspin == ks.spin:
493                skss.append((ks + ks) / np.sqrt(2))
494                tkss.append((ks - ks) / np.sqrt(2))
495                map.append(ij)
496        skss.istart = tkss.istart = self.fullkss.restrict['istart']
497        skss.jend = tkss.jend = self.fullkss.restrict['jend']
498        nkss = len(skss)
500        # define the singlet and the triplet omega-matrices
501        sOm = OmegaMatrix(kss=skss, log=self.log)
502        sOm.full = np.empty((nkss, nkss))
503        tOm = OmegaMatrix(kss=tkss, log=self.log)
504        tOm.full = np.empty((nkss, nkss))
505        for ij in range(nkss):
506            for kl in range(nkss):
507                sOm.full[ij, kl] = (self.full[map[ij], map[kl]] +
508                                    self.full[map[ij], nkss + map[kl]])
509                tOm.full[ij, kl] = (self.full[map[ij], map[kl]] -
510                                    self.full[map[ij], nkss + map[kl]])
511        return sOm, tOm
513    def timestring(self, t):
514        ti = int(t + 0.5)
515        td = ti // 86400
516        st = ''
517        if td > 0:
518            st += '%d' % td + 'd'
519            ti -= td * 86400
520        th = ti // 3600
521        if th > 0:
522            st += '%d' % th + 'h'
523            ti -= th * 3600
524        tm = ti // 60
525        if tm > 0:
526            st += '%d' % tm + 'm'
527            ti -= tm * 60
528        st += '%d' % ti + 's'
529        return st
531    def time_left(self, timer, t0, ij, nij):
532        t = timer.get_time(ij)  # time for nij-ij calculations
533        t = .5 * t * (nij - ij)  # estimated time for n*(n+1)/2, n=nij-(ij+1)
534        return self.timestring(t0 * (nij - ij - 1) + t)
536    def get_map(self, restrict={}):
537        """Return the reduction map for the given requirements
539        Returns
540        -------
541        map - list of original indices
542        kss - reduced KSSingles object
543        """
544        rst = KSSRestrictor(restrict)
545        if rst >= self.fullkss.restrict:
546            return None, self.fullkss
548        self.log('# diagonalize: %d transitions original'
549                 % len(self.fullkss))
551        map = []
552        kss = KSSingles()
553        kss.dtype = self.fullkss.dtype
554        energy_range = rst['energy_range']
555        emin, emax = rst.emin_emax()
556        istart = rst['istart']
557        jend = rst['jend']
558        eps = rst['eps']
559        for ij, k in zip(range(len(self.fullkss)), self.fullkss):
560            if energy_range is None:
561                if k.i >= istart and k.j <= jend and k.fij >= eps:
562                    kss.append(k)
563                    map.append(ij)
564            else:
565                if k.energy >= emin and k.energy < emax and k.fij >= eps:
566                    kss.append(k)
567                    map.append(ij)
568        kss.update()
569        self.log('# diagonalize: %d transitions now' % len(kss))
571        return map, kss
573    def diagonalize(self, restrict={}):
574        """Evaluate Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues:"""
576        map, kss = self.get_map(restrict)
578        nij = len(kss)
579        if map is None:
580            evec = self.full.copy()
581        else:
582            evec = np.zeros((nij, nij))
583            for ij in range(nij):
584                for kq in range(nij):
585                    evec[ij, kq] = self.full[map[ij], map[kq]]
586        assert(len(evec) > 0)
588        self.eigenvalues, v = eigh(evec)
589        self.eigenvectors = v.T
590        self.kss = kss
592    @property
593    def kss(self):
594        if hasattr(self, '_kss'):
595            return self._kss
596        return self.fullkss
598    @kss.setter
599    def kss(self, kss):
600        """Set current (restricted) KSSingles object"""
601        self._kss = kss
603    def read(self, filename=None, fh=None):
604        """Read myself from a file"""
605        if fh is None:
606            f = open(filename, 'r')
607        else:
608            f = fh
610        f.readline()
611        nij = int(f.readline())
612        full = np.zeros((nij, nij))
613        for ij in range(nij):
614            l = [float(x) for x in f.readline().split()]
615            full[ij, ij:] = l
616            full[ij:, ij] = l
617        self.full = full
619        if fh is None:
620            f.close()
622    def write(self, filename=None, fh=None):
623        """Write current state to a file."""
625        try:
626            rank = self.paw.wfs.world.rank
627        except AttributeError:
628            rank = mpi.world.rank
629        if rank == 0:
630            if fh is None:
631                f = open(filename, 'w')
632            else:
633                f = fh
635            f.write('# OmegaMatrix\n')
636            nij = len(self.fullkss)
637            f.write('%d\n' % nij)
638            for ij in range(nij):
639                for kq in range(ij, nij):
640                    f.write(' %g' % self.full[ij, kq])
641                f.write('\n')
643            if fh is None:
644                f.close()
646    def weight_Kijkq(self, ij, kq):
647        """weight for the coupling matrix terms"""
648        kss = self.fullkss
649        return 2. * np.sqrt(kss[ij].get_energy() *
650                            kss[kq].get_energy() *
651                            kss[ij].get_weight() *
652                            kss[kq].get_weight())
654    def __str__(self):
655        str = '<OmegaMatrix> '
656        if hasattr(self, 'eigenvalues'):
657            str += 'dimension ' + ('%d' % len(self.eigenvalues))
658            str += '\neigenvalues: '
659            for ev in self.eigenvalues:
660                str += ' ' + ('%f' % (np.sqrt(ev) * Hartree))
661        return str