1 /* Testing - Include basic tests macros for the GNUstep Testsuite
3    Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5    Written by: Alexander Malmberg <alexander@malmberg.org>
6    Updated by: Richard Frith-Macdonald <rfm@gnu.org>
8    This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
10    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11    version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16    General Public License for more details.
18 */
20 #ifndef Testing_h
21 #define Testing_h
23 #include <stdio.h>
24 #include <stdlib.h>
25 #include <stdarg.h>
26 #include <string.h>
28 #import <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
29 #import <Foundation/NSDate.h>
30 #import <Foundation/NSException.h>
31 #import <Foundation/NSObjCRuntime.h>
32 #import <Foundation/NSObject.h>
33 #import <Foundation/NSRegularExpression.h>
34 #import <Foundation/NSString.h>
36 /* A flag indicating that the testsuite is currently processing tests
37  * which are actually not expected to pass, but where we hope someone
38  * might have committed a bugfix.
39  * You should set this to YES at the start of any set of tests which
40  * are actually unlikely to pass on all systems.
41  * The state of this flag is preserved by sets ... on exit from a set
42  * it is restored to the state it had on entry.
43  * This flag is ignored if the tests are performed in 'developer' mode
44  * (ie run with the gnustep-tests --developer option and therefore
45  * compiled with the TESTDEV preprocessor macro defined).
46  */
47 static BOOL testHopeful __attribute__((unused)) = NO;
49 /* A flag indicating whether the most recently executed test passed.
50  * This is set by the pass() function (and therefore by any test macro).
51  * Do not modify this directly.
52  */
53 static BOOL testPassed __attribute__((unused)) = NO;
55 /* A variable storing the line number of the test currently being run.
56  * Do not modify this directly.
57  */
58 static unsigned testLineNumber __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
60 /* A variable storing the indentation of the set currently being run.
61  * Do not modify this directly.
62  */
63 static unsigned testIndentation __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
64 static inline void testIndent(void) __attribute__((unused));
testIndent(void)65 static inline void testIndent(void)
66 {
67   unsigned	i = testIndentation;
68   while (i-- > 0)
69     {
70       fprintf(stderr, "  ");
71     }
72 }
74 /* A variable set whenever a test macro is executed.  This contains
75  * the exception which terminated the test macro, or nil if no exception
76  * was raised.
77  */
78 static NSException *testRaised __attribute__((unused)) = nil;
80 /* The setEnded function pointer may be set to a function which is to be
81  * executed when the set ends, with its three parameters being the name
82  * of the set, a flag to say whether the set completed successfully, and
83  * the duration of the set.
84  * The SET_TIMER() macro turns on/off timing and, if timeing was
85  * already on, adds the time of the current period to the duration.
86  */
87 static void (*setEnded)(const char *name, BOOL completed, double duration)
88   __attribute__((unused)) = 0;
89 #define SET_TIMER(active) \
90 ({ \
91   double        started = _setTiming; \
92   _setTiming = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; \
93   if (started > 0.0) setDuration += _setTiming - started; \
94   if (NO == active) _setTiming = 0.0; \
95 })\
98 /* The pass() function is the low-level core of the testsuite.
99  *
100  * You call this with two arguments ... an integer expression indicating the
101  * success or failure of the testcase (0 is a failure) and a string which
102  * describes the testcase.
103  *
104  * The global variable 'testHopeful' can be set to a non-zero value before
105  * calling this function in order to specify that if the condition is
106  * not true it should be treated as a dashed hope rather than a failure
107  * (unless the tests are bing performed in 'developer' mode).
108  *
109  * If there is a better higher-level test macro available, please use
110  * that instead.  In particular, please use the PASS_EQUAL() macro wherever
111  * you wish to test the equality of a pair of objective-c objects.
112  *
113  * If you are calling the function directly, please use a format string
114  * beginning "%s:%d" and pass __FILE__ and __LINE__ as the first two arguments
115  * so that this function will print out the location it was called from.
116  *
117  * This function is the most efficient option for general use, but
118  * please don't use it if there is any change that the evaluation of
119  * the expression used as its first argument might cause an exception
120  * in any context where that might be a problem.
121  */
122 static void pass(int passed, const char *format, ...)  __attribute__((unused)) __attribute__ ((format(printf, 2, 3)));
pass(int passed,const char * format,...)123 static void pass(int passed, const char *format, ...)
124 {
125   va_list args;
126   va_start(args, format);
128   if (passed)
129     {
130       fprintf(stderr, "Passed test:     ");
131       testPassed = YES;
132     }
133 #if	!defined(TESTDEV)
134   else if (YES == testHopeful)
135     {
136       fprintf(stderr, "Dashed hope:     ");
137       testPassed = NO;
138     }
139 #endif
140   else
141     {
142       fprintf(stderr, "Failed test:     ");
143       testPassed = NO;
144     }
145   testIndent();
146   vfprintf(stderr, format, args);
147   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
148   va_end(args);
149 #if	defined(FAILFAST)
150   if (NO == testPassed && NO == testHopeful)
151     {
152       exit(1);	// Abandon testing now.
153     }
154 #endif
155 }
157 /* The testStart() function is used by the PASS macros to provide a break
158  * point in the source code after the current test line has been stored in
159  * testLineNumber.
160  * This is provided for when debugging ... you can set a breakpoint in the
161  * testStart() function for the line number reported in a test failure and
162  * have the debugger stop in just the right place.
163  */
164 static void testStart()  __attribute__((unused));
testStart()165 static void testStart()
166 {
167   return;
168 }
170 /* Tests a code expression which evaluates to an integer value.
171  * The expression may not contain commas unless it is bracketed.
172  * The format must be a literal string printf style format.
173  * If the expression evaluates to zero the test does not pass.
174  * If the expression causes an exception to be raised, the exception
175  * is caught and logged but the test does not pass.
176  * Otherwise, the test passes.
177  * Basically equivalent to pass() but with exception handling.
178  */
179 #define PASS(testExpression__, testFormat__, ...) \
180   NS_DURING \
181     { \
182       int _cond; \
183       id _tmp = testRaised; testRaised = nil; [_tmp release]; \
184       testLineNumber = __LINE__; \
185       testStart(); \
186       _cond = (int)(testExpression__); \
187       pass(_cond, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, \
188 	__LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
189     } \
190   NS_HANDLER \
191     testRaised = [localException retain]; \
192     pass(0, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
193     printf("%s: %s", [[testRaised name] UTF8String], \
194       [[testRaised description] UTF8String]); \
197 /* This category declaration should keep the compiler happy ...
198  * it defines an informal protocol specifying methods your test
199  * classes may implement to aid with testing.
200  */
201 @interface      NSObject(TestFramework)
202 /* The -isEqualForTestcase: method may be implemented in order to have
203  * the PASS_EQUAL macro perform special equality testing rather than
204  * using the normal equality test method (-isEqual).
205  */
206 - (BOOL) isEqualForTestcase: (id)otherObject;
207 @end
209 /* Tests a code expression which evaluates to an object value.
210  * The expression may not contain commas unless it is bracketed.
211  * The expected value may not contain commas unless it is bracketed.
212  * The format must be a literal string printf style format.
213  *
214  * Where the expression evaluates to an object which is identical to
215  * the expect value, or where the expect value responds to -isEqualForTestcase:
216  * and calling [expact -isEqualForTestcase: object] return YES,
217  * or where the expect value does not respond to -isEqualForTestcase: and
218  * calling [expect isEqual: object] returns YES, then the test has passed.
219  *
220  * The particularly useful thing about this macro is that, if the
221  * results of the expression and the expected object are not equal,
222  * the string representation of both values is logged so that you
223  * can get a better idea of what went wrong.
224  */
225 #define PASS_EQUAL(testExpression__, testExpect__, testFormat__, ...) \
226   NS_DURING \
227     { \
228       int _cond; \
229       id _obj; \
230       id _exp; \
231       id _tmp = testRaised; testRaised = nil; [_tmp release]; \
232       testLineNumber = __LINE__; \
233       testStart(); \
234       _obj = (id)(testExpression__);\
235       _exp = (id)(testExpect__);\
236       if (_obj == _exp) \
237         { \
238           _cond = YES; \
239         } \
240       else if ([_obj respondsToSelector: @selector(isEqualForTestcase:)]) \
241         { \
242           _cond = (BOOL)[(id)_exp isEqualForTestcase: _obj]; \
243         } \
244       else \
245         { \
246           _cond = [_exp isEqual: _obj]; \
247         } \
248       pass(_cond, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, \
249         __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
250       if (0 == _cond) \
251 	{ \
252           NSString  *s = [_obj description]; \
253           if ([s length] == 1) \
254             { \
255               fprintf(stderr, \
256 		"Expected '%s' and got '%s' (unicode codepoint %d)\n", \
257                 [[_exp description] UTF8String], [s UTF8String], \
258 		[s characterAtIndex: 0]); \
259             } \
260 	  else if (nil == s) \
261 	    { \
262 	      fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' and got (nil)\n", \
263                 [[_exp description] UTF8String]); \
264 	    } \
265 	  else \
266 	    { \
267 	      fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' and got '%s'\n", \
268                 [[_exp description] UTF8String], [s UTF8String]); \
269 	    } \
270 	} \
271     } \
272   NS_HANDLER \
273     testRaised = [localException retain]; \
274     pass(0, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
275     printf("%s: %s", [[testRaised name] UTF8String], \
276       [[testRaised description] UTF8String]); \
279 /* Tests a code expression which evaluates to an object value.
280  * The expression may not contain commas unless it is bracketed.
281  * The expected pattern may not contain commas unless it is bracketed.
282  * The format must be a literal string printf style format.
283  *
284  * Where the expression evaluates to an object whose description matches
285  * the expect value reguilar expression, the test has passed.
286  *
287  * If the results of the expression and the expected pattern o not match,
288  * the string representation of both values is logged so that you
289  * can get a better idea of what went wrong.
290  */
291 #define PASS_MATCH(testExpression__, testExpect__, testFormat__, ...) \
292   NS_DURING \
293     { \
294       int _cond; \
295       id _obj; \
296       id _dsc; \
297       id _exp; \
298       id _pat; \
299       id _tmp = testRaised; testRaised = nil; [_tmp release]; \
300       testLineNumber = __LINE__; \
301       testStart(); \
302       _obj = (id)(testExpression__);\
303       _dsc = [_obj description];\
304       _pat = (id)(testExpect__);\
305       _exp = [[[NSRegularExpression alloc] initWithPattern: _pat \
306         options: 0 error: 0] autorelease];\
307       if (nil != _dsc && nil != _exp) \
308         { \
309           NSRange       r = NSMakeRange(0, [_dsc length]);\
310           r = [_exp rangeOfFirstMatchInString: _dsc options: 0 range: r];\
311           if (r.length > 0)\
312             { \
313               _cond = YES; \
314             } \
315         } \
316       else \
317         { \
318           _cond = NO; \
319         } \
320       pass(_cond, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, \
321         __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
322       if (0 == _cond) \
323 	{ \
324           if ([_dsc length] == 1) \
325             { \
326               fprintf(stderr, \
327 		"Expected '%s' and got '%s' (unicode codepoint %d)\n", \
328                 [[_pat description] UTF8String], [_dsc UTF8String], \
329 		[_dsc characterAtIndex: 0]); \
330             } \
331 	  else if (nil == _dsc) \
332 	    { \
333 	      fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' and got (nil)\n", \
334                 [[_pat description] UTF8String]); \
335 	    } \
336 	  else \
337 	    { \
338 	      fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' and got '%s'\n", \
339                 [[_pat description] UTF8String], [_dsc UTF8String]); \
340 	    } \
341 	} \
342     } \
343   NS_HANDLER \
344     testRaised = [localException retain]; \
345     pass(0, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
346     printf("%s: %s", [[testRaised name] UTF8String], \
347       [[testRaised description] UTF8String]); \
350 /* Please use the PASS_EXCEPTION() macro to handle any code where you
351  * want an exception to be thrown.  The macro checks that the supplied
352  * code throws  an expection with the specified name.  If the code fails
353  * to throw, or throws the wrong exception, then the code does not pass.
354  * You can supply nil for expected exception name if you don't care about
355  * the exact type of exception thrown.
356  * The code fragment may not contain commas unless it is surrounded by
357  * brackets. eg. PASS_EXCEPTION(({code here}), name, "hello")
358  * The format must be a literal string printf style format.
359  */
360 #define PASS_EXCEPTION(testCode__, testExpect__, testFormat__, ...) \
361   NS_DURING \
362     id _tmp = testRaised; testRaised = nil; [_tmp release]; \
363     { \
364       testLineNumber = __LINE__; \
365       testStart(); \
366       testCode__; \
367     } \
368     pass(0, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
369   NS_HANDLER \
370     testRaised = [localException retain]; \
371     pass((nil == (testExpect__) \
372       || [[testRaised name] isEqual: (testExpect__)]), \
373       "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
374     if (nil != (testExpect__) \
375       && NO == [(testExpect__) isEqual: [testRaised name]]) \
376       fprintf(stderr, "Expected '%s' and got '%s'\n", \
377         [(testExpect__) UTF8String], \
378         [[testRaised name] UTF8String]); \
381 /* Please use the PASS_RUNS() macro to handle any code where you want the
382  * code to run to completion without an exception being thrown, but you don't
383  * have a particular expression to be checked.
384  * The code fragment may not contain commas unless it is surrounded by
385  * brackets. eg. PASS_EXCEPTION(({code here}), name, "hello")
386  * The format must be a literal string printf style format.
387  */
388 #define PASS_RUNS(testCode__, testFormat__, ...) \
389   NS_DURING \
390     id _tmp = testRaised; testRaised = nil; [_tmp release]; \
391     { \
392       testLineNumber = __LINE__; \
393       testStart(); \
394       testCode__; \
395     } \
396     pass(1, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
397   NS_HANDLER \
398     testRaised = [localException retain]; \
399     pass(0, "%s:%d ... " testFormat__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__); \
400     printf("%s: %s", [[testRaised name] UTF8String], \
401       [[testRaised description] UTF8String]); \
405 /* SETs are used to group multiple testcases or code which is outside of
406  * the scope of the current test but could raise exceptions that should
407  * be caught to allow further tests to run.
408  *
409  * You must pass a short description to identify the set at both its
410  * start and its end.  This allows the seat to be easily identified in the
411  * log, and also allows for checking to be sure that each start if a set
412  * is matched by a corresponding end.
413  *
414  * The state of the 'testHopeful' flag is saved at the start of the set and
415  * restored at the end of the set, so you can start your code by setting
416  * 'testHopeful=YES;' to mark any tests within the set as being part of a
417  * group of tests we don't expect to pass.
418  *
419  * Importantly, you may skip some or all of the tests in a set if those
420  * tests are not supported in the package being tested (eg. testing of
421  * functionality which depends on some external library which was not
422  * available when the package being tested was buit).
423  *
424  * Any uncaught exception occurring inside a set will abort the entire set
425  * so that remaining tests in the set will not be executed, but you may
426  * also abandon remaining tests upon any test failure.
427  *
428  * The tests within the set are enclosed in an autorelease pool, and any
429  * temporary objects are cleaned up at the end of the set.
430  */
432 /* The START_SET() macro starts a set of grouped tests. It must be matched
433  * by a corresponding END_SET() with the same string as an argument.
434  * The argument is a short description to be printed in the log on entry.
435  * The duration of each set is automatically timed (you can suspend/resume
436  * timing using the SET_TIMER macro).  Each timed period is added to the
437  * setDuration local variable while a set is executing (you can of course
438  * modify this variable using code inside the set).
439  */
440 #define START_SET(setName) \
441   { \
442     double setDuration = 0.0; \
443     BOOL _setSuccess = YES; \
444     double _setTiming = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]; \
445     BOOL _save_hopeful = testHopeful; \
446     unsigned _save_indentation = testIndentation; \
447     int	_save_line = __LINE__; \
448     char *_save_set = (char*)malloc(strlen(setName) + 1); \
449     strncpy(_save_set, setName, strlen(setName) + 1); \
450     fprintf(stderr, "Start set:       "); \
451     testIndent(); \
452     fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d ... %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, _save_set); \
453     testIndentation++; \
454     NS_DURING \
455       NSAutoreleasePool *_setPool = [NSAutoreleasePool new]; \
456       {
458 /* Helper macro for END_SET() ... do not use directly.
459  */
460 #if	defined(TESTDEV)
461 # define	OMITTED \
462 	{ \
463 	  fprintf(stderr, "Skipped set:     "); \
464           testIndent(); \
465 	  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [[localException reason] UTF8String]); \
466 	}
467 #else
468 # define	OMITTED ;
469 #endif
471 /* The END_SET() macro terminates a set of grouped tests.  It must be matched
472  * by a corresponding START_SET() with the same string as an argument.
473  * The argument is a short description to be printed in the log on entry.
474  * When a set ends, the function pointed to by the setEnded function is
475  * called with three arguments which allow you to perform extra reporting
476  * or cleanup etc.  The three arguments are the set name, a flag to say
477  * whether the set completed successfully, and the duration of the set.
478  */
479 #define END_SET(setName) \
480       } \
481     [_setPool release]; \
482     NS_HANDLER \
483       _setSuccess = NO; \
484       if (YES == [[localException name] isEqualToString: @"SkipSet"]) \
485 	{ \
486 	  fprintf(stderr, "Skipped set:     "); \
487           testIndent(); \
488 	  fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", [[localException reason] UTF8String]); \
489 	} \
490       else if (YES == [[localException name] isEqualToString: @"OmitSet"]) \
491 	OMITTED \
492       else \
493 	{ \
494 	  if (YES == [[localException name] isEqualToString: @"FailSet"]) \
495 	    { \
496 	      fprintf(stderr, "Failed set:      "); \
497               testIndent(); \
498 	      fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d ... need not met in %s.\n", \
499 	        __FILE__, _save_line, _save_set); \
500 	    } \
501 	  else \
502 	    { \
503 	      fprintf(stderr, "EXCEPTION: %s %s %s\n", \
504 		[[localException name] UTF8String], \
505 		[[localException reason] UTF8String], \
506 		[[[localException userInfo] description] UTF8String]); \
507 	      fprintf(stderr, "Failed set:      "); \
508               testIndent(); \
509 	      fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d ... problem in %s.\n", \
510 	        __FILE__, _save_line, _save_set); \
511 	    } \
512 	} \
514     SET_TIMER(NO); \
515     if (0 != setEnded) (*setEnded)(setName, _setSuccess, setDuration); \
516     if (strcmp(_save_set, setName) != 0) \
517       fprintf(stderr, "Error:      %s:%d ... END(%s) with START(%s).\n", \
518         __FILE__, __LINE__, setName, _save_set); \
519     testIndentation = _save_indentation; \
520     fprintf(stderr, "End set:         "); \
521     testIndent(); \
522     fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d ... %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, _save_set); \
523     free(_save_set); \
524     testHopeful = _save_hopeful; \
525   }
527 /* The NEED macro takes a test macro as an argument and breaks out of a set
528  * and reports it as failed if the test does not pass.
529  */
530 #define	NEED(testToTry) \
531   {testToTry;} \
532   if (NO == testPassed) \
533     { \
534       if (nil != testRaised) \
535 	{ \
536 	  [testRaised raise]; \
537 	} \
538       else \
539 	{ \
540 	  [NSException raise: @"FailSet" format: @"Test did not pass"]; \
541 	} \
542     }
544 /* The SKIP() macro skips the remainder of a set of grouped tests.
545  * Its argument is a literal printf style format string and variable
546  * arguments to print a message giving the reason for skipping the set.
547  * This should be a short one line message (for immediate display),
548  * preferably with a more detailed explanation on subsequent lines.
549  */
550 #define	SKIP(testFormat__, ...) \
551   [NSException raise: @"SkipSet" format: @"%s %d ... " testFormat__, \
552   __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__];
554 /* The OMIT() macro acts just like SKIP() except that it only reports the
555  * set if running in developer mode.  The idea is that it should be used for
556  * groups of tests which are not expected to be available on most platforms
557  * yet, so only developers should see them reported.
558  */
559 #define	OMIT(testFormat__, ...) \
560   [NSException raise: @"OmitSet" format: @"%s %d ... " testFormat__, \
561   __FILE__, __LINE__, ## __VA_ARGS__];
564 /* some good macros to compare floating point numbers */
565 #import <math.h>
566 #import <float.h>
567 #define EQ(x, y) (fabs((x) - (y)) <= fabs((x) + (y)) * (FLT_EPSILON * 100))
568 #define LE(x, y) ((x)<(y) || EQ(x, y))
569 #define GE(x, y) ((y)<(x) || EQ(x, y))
570 #define LT(x, y) (!GE(x, y))
571 #define GT(x, y) (!LE(x, y))
573 /* A convenience macro to pass an object as a string to a print function.
574  */
575 #define POBJECT(obj)      [[(obj) description] UTF8String]
577 #endif
580 #define	RETAIN(object)		[object retain]
581 #define	RELEASE(object)		[object release]
582 #define	AUTORELEASE(object)	[object autorelease]
583 #define	TEST_RETAIN(object)	({\
584 id __object = (id)(object); (__object != nil) ? [__object retain] : nil; })
585 #define	TEST_RELEASE(object)	({\
586 id __object = (id)(object); if (__object != nil) [__object release]; })
587 #define	TEST_AUTORELEASE(object)	({\
588 id __object = (id)(object); (__object != nil) ? [__object autorelease] : nil; })
589 #define	ASSIGN(object,value)	({\
590 id __value = (id)(value); \
591 id __object = (id)(object); \
592 if (__value != __object) \
593   { \
594     if (__value != nil) \
595       { \
596 	[__value retain]; \
597       } \
598     object = __value; \
599     if (__object != nil) \
600       { \
601 	[__object release]; \
602       } \
603   } \
604 })
605 #define	ASSIGNCOPY(object,value)	({\
606 id __value = (id)(value); \
607 id __object = (id)(object); \
608 if (__value != __object) \
609   { \
610     if (__value != nil) \
611       { \
612 	__value = [__value copy]; \
613       } \
614     object = __value; \
615     if (__object != nil) \
616       { \
617 	[__object release]; \
618       } \
619   } \
620 })
621 #define	DESTROY(object) 	({ \
622   if (object) \
623     { \
624       id __o = object; \
625       object = nil; \
626       [__o release]; \
627     } \
628 })
630   NSAutoreleasePool *(X) = [NSAutoreleasePool new]
632   if (X == nil) \
633     (X) = [NSAutoreleasePool new]
634 #endif