1 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 *
3 *  -- PBLAS auxiliary routine (version 2.0) --
4 *     University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
5 *     and University of California, Berkeley.
6 *     April 1, 1998
7 *
8 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
9 */
10 /*
11 *  Include files
12 */
13 #include "../pblas.h"
14 #include "../PBpblas.h"
15 #include "../PBtools.h"
16 #include "../PBblacs.h"
17 #include "../PBblas.h"
19 #ifdef __STDC__
PB_Cchkmat(int ICTXT,char * ROUT,char * MNAME,int M,int MPOS0,int N,int NPOS0,int IA,int JA,int * DESCA,int DPOS0,int * INFO)20 void PB_Cchkmat( int ICTXT, char * ROUT, char * MNAME, int M, int MPOS0,
21                  int N, int NPOS0, int IA, int JA, int * DESCA, int DPOS0,
22                  int * INFO )
23 #else
24 void PB_Cchkmat( ICTXT, ROUT, MNAME, M, MPOS0, N, NPOS0, IA, JA, DESCA,
25                  DPOS0, INFO )
26 /*
27 *  .. Scalar Arguments ..
28 */
29    int            DPOS0, IA, ICTXT, * INFO, JA, M, MPOS0, N, NPOS0;
30 /*
31 *  .. Array Arguments ..
32 */
33    char           * MNAME, * ROUT;
34    int            * DESCA;
35 #endif
36 {
37 /*
38 *  Purpose
39 *  =======
40 *
41 *  PB_Cchkmat  checks the  validity of a  descriptor vector  DESCA,  the
42 *  related global indexes  IA, JA  from a local view point. If an incon-
43 *  sistency is found among its parameters IA, JA and DESCA, the  routine
44 *  returns an error code in INFO.
45 *
46 *  Arguments
47 *  =========
48 *
49 *  ICTXT   (local input) INTEGER
50 *          On entry,  ICTXT  specifies the BLACS context handle, indica-
51 *          ting the global  context of the operation. The context itself
52 *          is global, but the value of ICTXT is local.
53 *
54 *  ROUT    (global input) pointer to CHAR
55 *          On entry, ROUT specifies the name of the routine calling this
56 *          input error checking routine.
57 *
58 *  MNAME   (global input) pointer to CHAR
59 *          On entry,  MNAME specifies the name of the formal array argu-
60 *          ment in the calling routine.
61 *
62 *  M       (global input) INTEGER
63 *          On entry,  M  specifies  the  number  of  rows  the submatrix
64 *          sub( A ).
65 *
66 *  MPOS0   (global input) INTEGER
67 *          On entry,  MPOS0  specifies the  position in the calling rou-
68 *          tine's parameter list where the formal parameter M appears.
69 *
70 *  N       (global input) INTEGER
71 *          On entry,  N  specifies  the  number of columns the submatrix
72 *          sub( A ).
73 *
74 *  NPOS0   (global input) INTEGER
75 *          On entry,  NPOS0  specifies the  position in the calling rou-
76 *          tine's parameter list where the formal parameter N appears.
77 *
78 *  IA      (global input) INTEGER
79 *          On entry, IA  specifies A's global row index, which points to
80 *          the beginning of the submatrix sub( A ).
81 *
82 *  JA      (global input) INTEGER
83 *          On entry, JA  specifies A's global column index, which points
84 *          to the beginning of the submatrix sub( A ).
85 *
86 *  DESCA   (global and local input) INTEGER array
87 *          On entry, DESCA  is an integer array of dimension DLEN_. This
88 *          is the array descriptor for the matrix A.
89 *
90 *  DPOS0   (global input) INTEGER
91 *          On entry,  DPOS0  specifies the  position in the calling rou-
92 *          tine's parameter list where the formal  parameter  DESCA  ap-
93 *          pears.  Note that it is assumed that  IA and JA are respecti-
94 *          vely 2 and 1 entries behind DESCA.
95 *
96 *  INFO    (local input/local output) INTEGER
97 *          = 0:  successful exit
98 *          < 0:  If the i-th argument is an array and the j-entry had an
99 *                illegal  value,  then  INFO = -(i*100+j),  if  the i-th
100 *                argument is a  scalar  and had an  illegal  value, then
101 *                INFO = -i.
102 *
103 *  -- Written on April 1, 1998 by
104 *     R. Clint Whaley, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 37996, USA.
105 *
106 *  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
107 */
108 /*
109 *  .. Local Scalars ..
110 */
111    int            dpos, iapos, japos, mpos, mycol, myrow, np, npcol, nprow,
112                   npos, nq;
113 /* ..
114 *  .. Executable Statements ..
115 *
116 */
117 /*
118 *  Want to find errors with MIN( ), so if no error, set it to a big number. If
119 *  there already is an error, multiply by the the descriptor multiplier.
120 */
121    if( *INFO >= 0 )             *INFO = BIGNUM;
122    else if( *INFO < -DESCMULT ) *INFO = -(*INFO);
123    else                         *INFO = -(*INFO) * DESCMULT;
124 /*
125 *  Figure where in parameter list each parameter was, factoring in descriptor
126 *  multiplier
127 */
128    mpos  = MPOS0 * DESCMULT;
129    npos  = NPOS0 * DESCMULT;
130    iapos = ( DPOS0 - 2 ) * DESCMULT;
131    japos = ( DPOS0 - 1 ) * DESCMULT;
132    dpos  = DPOS0 * DESCMULT + 1;
133 /*
134 *  Get process grid information
135 */
136    Cblacs_gridinfo( ICTXT, &nprow, &npcol, &myrow, &mycol );
137 /*
138 *  Are M, N, IA, JA and DESCA legal inputs ?
139 */
140    if( M < 0 )
141    {
142 /*
143 *  M must be at least zero
144 */
145       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, mpos );
146       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "%s sub( %s ) = %d, it must be at least 0",
147                 "Illegal number of rows of", MNAME, M );
148    }
149    if( N < 0 )
150    {
151 /*
152 *  N must be at least zero
153 */
154       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, npos );
155       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "%s sub( %s ) = %d, it must be at least 0",
156                 "Illegal number of columns of", MNAME, N );
157    }
159    if( IA < 0 )
160    {
161 /*
162 *  IA must be at least zero
163 */
164       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, iapos );
165       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal I%s = %d, I%s must be at least 1",
166                 MNAME, IA+1, MNAME );
167    }
168    if( JA < 0 )
169    {
170 /*
171 *  JA must be at least zero
172 */
173       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, japos );
174       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal J%s = %d, I%s must be at least 1",
175                 MNAME, IA+1, MNAME );
176    }
179    {
180 /*
181 *  Internally, only the descriptor type BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D_INB is supported
182 */
183       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + DTYPE_ );
184       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "%s %d for matrix %s. PBLAS accepts: %d or %d",
185                 "Illegal descriptor type", DESCA[DTYPE_], MNAME,
186                 BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D, BLOCK_CYCLIC_2D_INB );
187       if( *INFO % DESCMULT == 0 ) *INFO = -( (*INFO) / DESCMULT );
188       else                        *INFO = -(*INFO);
189 /*
190 *  No need to go any further ...
191 */
192       return;
193    }
195    if( DESCA[CTXT_] != ICTXT )
196    {
197 /*
198 *  Check if the context of X match the other contexts. Only intra-context
199 *  operations are supported.
200 */
201       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + CTXT_ );
202       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "DESC%s[CTXT_] = %d %s= %d", MNAME,
203                 DESCA[CTXT_], "does not match other operand's context ",
204                 ICTXT );
205       if( *INFO % DESCMULT == 0 ) *INFO = -( (*INFO) / DESCMULT );
206       else                        *INFO = -(*INFO);
207 /*
208 *  No need to go any further ...
209 */
210       return;
211    }
213    if( DESCA[IMB_] < 1 )
214    {
215 /*
216 *  DESCA[IMB_] must be at least one
217 */
218       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + IMB_ );
219       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal DESC%s[IMB_] = %d, DESC%s[IMB_] %s",
220                 MNAME, DESCA[IMB_], MNAME, "must be at least 1" );
221    }
222    if( DESCA[INB_] < 1 )
223    {
224 /*
225 *  DESCA[INB_] must be at least one
226 */
227       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + INB_ );
228       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal DESC%s[INB_] = %d, DESC%s[INB_] %s",
229                 MNAME, DESCA[INB_], MNAME, "must be at least 1" );
230    }
231    if( DESCA[MB_] < 1 )
232    {
233 /*
234 *  DESCA[MB_] must be at least one
235 */
236       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + MB_ );
237       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal DESC%s[MB_] = %d, DESC%s[MB_] %s",
238                 MNAME, DESCA[MB_], MNAME, "must be at least 1" );
239    }
240    if( DESCA[NB_] < 1 )
241    {
242 /*
243 *  DESCA[NB_] must be at least one
244 */
245       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + NB_ );
246       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "Illegal DESC%s[NB_] = %d, DESC%s[NB_] %s",
247                 MNAME, DESCA[NB_], MNAME, "must be at least 1" );
248    }
250    if( ( DESCA[RSRC_] < -1 ) || ( DESCA[RSRC_] >= nprow ) )
251    {
252 /*
253 *  DESCA[RSRC_] must be either -1 (replication) or in the interval [0 .. nprow)
254 */
255       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + RSRC_ );
256       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
257                 "Illegal DESC%s[RSRC_] = %d, DESC%s[RSRC_] %s%d", MNAME,
258                 DESCA[RSRC_], MNAME, "must be either -1, or >= 0 and < ",
259                 nprow );
260    }
261    if( ( DESCA[CSRC_] < -1 ) || ( DESCA[CSRC_] >= npcol ) )
262    {
263 /*
264 *  DESCX[CSRC_] must be either -1 (replication) or in the interval [0 .. npcol)
265 */
266       *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + CSRC_ );
267       PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
268                 "Illegal DESC%s[CSRC_] = %d, DESC%s[CSRC_] %s%d", MNAME,
269                 DESCA[CSRC_], MNAME, "must be either -1, or >= 0 and < ",
270                 npcol );
271    }
273    if( M == 0 || N == 0 )
274    {
275 /*
276 *  NULL matrix, relax some checks
277 */
278       if( DESCA[M_] < 0 )
279       {
280 /*
281 *  DESCX[M_] must be at least 0
282 */
283          *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + M_ );
284          PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "DESC%s[M_] = %d, it must be at least 0",
285                    MNAME, DESCA[M_] );
286       }
287       if( DESCA[N_] < 0 )
288       {
289 /*
290 *  DESCX[N_] must be at least 0
291 */
292          *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + N_ );
293          PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "DESC%s[N_] = %d, it must be at least 0",
294                    MNAME, DESCA[N_] );
295       }
297       if( DESCA[LLD_] < 1 )
298       {
299 /*
300 *  DESCA[LLD_] must be at least 1
301 */
302          *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + LLD_ );
303          PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "DESC%s[LLD_] = %d, it must be at least 1",
304                    MNAME, DESCA[LLD_] );
305       }
306    }
307    else
308    {
309 /*
310 *  more rigorous checks for non-degenerate matrix
311 */
312       if( DESCA[M_] < 1 )
313       {
314 /*
315 *  DESCA[M_] must be at least 1
316 */
317          *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + M_ );
318          PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
319                    "Illegal DESC%s[M_] = %d, it must be at least 1", MNAME,
320                    DESCA[M_]);
321       }
322       if( DESCA[N_] < 1 )
323       {
324 /*
325 *  DESCA[N_] must be at least 1
326 */
327          *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + N_ );
328          PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
329                    "Illegal DESC%s[N_] = %d, it must be at least 1", MNAME,
330                    DESCA[N_]);
331       }
333       if( ( DESCA[M_] >= 1 ) && ( DESCA[N_] >= 1 ) )
334       {
335          if( IA+M > DESCA[M_] )
336          {
337 /*
338 *  IA + M must be in [ 0 ... DESCA[M_] ]
339 */
340             *INFO = MIN( *INFO, iapos );
341             PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "%s M = %d, I%s = %d, DESC%s[M_] = %d",
342                       "Operation out of bounds:", M, MNAME, IA+1, MNAME,
343                       DESCA[M_]);
344          }
345          if( JA+N > DESCA[N_] )
346          {
347 /*
348 *  JA + N must be in [ 0 ... DESCA[N_] ]
349 */
350             *INFO = MIN( *INFO, japos );
351             PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT, "%s N = %d, J%s = %d, DESC%s[N_] = %d",
352                       "Operation out of bounds:", N, MNAME, JA+1, MNAME,
353                       DESCA[N_]);
354          }
355       }
356 /*
357 *  *INFO == BIGNUM => No errors have been found so far
358 */
359       if( *INFO == BIGNUM )
360       {
361          Mnumroc( np, DESCA[M_], 0, DESCA[IMB_], DESCA[MB_], myrow,
362                   DESCA[RSRC_], nprow );
363          if( DESCA[LLD_] < MAX( 1, np ) )
364          {
365             Mnumroc( nq, DESCA[N_], 0, DESCA[INB_], DESCA[NB_], mycol,
366                      DESCA[CSRC_], npcol );
367 /*
368 *  DESCA[LLD_] must be at least 1 in order to be legal and this is enough if no
369 *  columns of A reside in this process.
370 */
371             if( DESCA[LLD_] < 1 )
372             {
373                *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + LLD_ );
374                PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
375                          "DESC%s[LLD_] = %d, it must be at least 1", MNAME,
376                          DESCA[LLD_] );
377             }
378             else if( nq > 0 )
379             {
380 /*
381 *  Some columns of A reside in this process, DESCA[LLD_] must be at least
382 *  MAX( 1, np ).
383 */
384                *INFO = MIN( *INFO, dpos + LLD_ );
385                PB_Cwarn( ICTXT, -1, ROUT,
386                          "DESC%s[LLD_] = %d, it must be at least %d", MNAME,
387                          DESCA[LLD_], MAX( 1, np ) );
388             }
389          }
390       }
391    }
392 /*
393 *  Prepare output: set info = 0 if no error, and divide by DESCMULT if error is
394 *  not in a descriptor entry.
395 */
396    if( *INFO == BIGNUM )            *INFO = 0;
397    else if( *INFO % DESCMULT == 0 ) *INFO = -( (*INFO) / DESCMULT );
398    else                             *INFO = -(*INFO);
399 /*
400 *  End of PB_Cchkmat
401 */
402 }