1 // =============================================================================
2 // PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
3 //
4 // Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
5 // All rights reserved.
6 //
7 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
8 // in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
9 // http://projectchrono.org/license-chrono.txt.
10 //
11 // =============================================================================
12 // Authors: Alessandro Tasora, Radu Serban
13 // =============================================================================
18 #include "chrono/physics/ChBody.h"
19 #include "chrono/physics/ChLink.h"
20 #include "chrono/physics/ChMarker.h"
22 namespace chrono {
24 /// Class for links which connect two 'markers'. The markers are two ChMarker objects each belonging to the two linked
25 /// ChBody parts. Many specialized classes are based on this ChLinkMarkers class, for example the family of ChLinkLock
26 /// classes. ChLinkMarkers class allows an optional force vector and torque vector to be set between the two connected
27 /// markers.
28 class ChApi ChLinkMarkers : public ChLink {
29   protected:
30     // Protected constructors.
31     ChLinkMarkers();
32     ChLinkMarkers(const ChLinkMarkers& other);
34     ChMarker* marker1;  ///< slave coordsys
35     ChMarker* marker2;  ///< master coordsys, =0 if liked to ground
37     int markID1;  ///< unique identifier for markers 1 & 2,
38     int markID2;  ///< when using plugin dynamic hierarchies
40     Coordsys relM;       ///< relative marker position 2-1
41     Coordsys relM_dt;    ///< relative marker speed
42     Coordsys relM_dtdt;  ///< relative marker acceleration
44     double relAngle;        ///< relative angle of rotation
45     ChVector<> relAxis;     ///< relative axis of rotation
46     ChVector<> relRotaxis;  ///< relative rotaion vector =angle*axis
47     ChVector<> relWvel;     ///< relative angular speed
48     ChVector<> relWacc;     ///< relative angular acceleration
49     double dist;            ///< the distance between the two origins of markers,
50     double dist_dt;         ///< the speed between the two  origins of markers
52     ChVector<> C_force;     ///< internal force  applied by springs/dampers/actuators
53     ChVector<> C_torque;    ///< internal torque applied by springs/dampers/actuators
55     // Cached intermediate variables.
56     // These are calculated in UpdateRelMarkerCoords and may be reused in UpdateState.
57     ChVector<> PQw;
58     ChVector<> PQw_dt;
59     ChVector<> PQw_dtdt;
60     ChQuaternion<> q_AD;
61     ChQuaternion<> q_BC;
62     ChQuaternion<> q_8;
63     ChVector<> q_4;
65   public:
~ChLinkMarkers()66     virtual ~ChLinkMarkers() {}
68     /// "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
Clone()69     virtual ChLinkMarkers* Clone() const override { return new ChLinkMarkers(*this); }
71     /// Return the 1st referenced marker (the 'slave' marker, owned by 1st body)
GetMarker1()72     ChMarker* GetMarker1() { return marker1; }
73     /// Return the 2nd referenced marker (the 'master' marker, owned by 2nd body)
GetMarker2()74     ChMarker* GetMarker2() { return marker2; }
75     /// set the two markers associated with this link
76     virtual void SetUpMarkers(ChMarker* mark1, ChMarker* mark2);
SetMarkID1(int mid)77     void SetMarkID1(int mid) { markID1 = mid; }
SetMarkID2(int mid)78     void SetMarkID2(int mid) { markID2 = mid; }
GetMarkID1()79     int GetMarkID1() { return markID1; }
GetMarkID2()80     int GetMarkID2() { return markID2; }
82     /// Shortcut: set markers and marker IDs at once.
83     bool ReferenceMarkers(ChMarker* mark1, ChMarker* mark2);
85     /// Use this function after link creation, to initialize the link from
86     /// two markers to join.
87     /// Each marker must belong to a rigid body, and both rigid bodies
88     /// must belong to the same ChSystem.
89     /// The position of mark2 is used as link's position and main reference.
90     virtual void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChMarker> mark1,  ///< first  marker to join
91                             std::shared_ptr<ChMarker> mark2   ///< second marker to join (master)
92     );
94     /// Use this function after link creation, to initialize the link from
95     /// two joined rigid bodies.
96     /// Both rigid bodies must belong to the same ChSystem.
97     /// Two markers will be created and added to the rigid bodies (later,
98     /// you can use GetMarker1() and GetMarker2() to access them.
99     /// To specify the (absolute) position of link and markers, use 'mpos'.
100     virtual void Initialize(std::shared_ptr<ChBody> mbody1,  ///< first  body to join
101                             std::shared_ptr<ChBody> mbody2,  ///< second body to join
102                             const ChCoordsys<>& mpos         ///< the current absolute pos.& alignment.
103     );
105     /// Use this function after link creation, to initialize the link from
106     /// two joined rigid bodies.
107     /// Both rigid bodies must belong to the same ChSystem.
108     /// Two markers will be created and added to the rigid bodies (later,
109     /// you can use GetMarker1() and GetMarker2() to access them.
110     /// To specify the (absolute) position of link and markers, use 'mpos'.
111     virtual void Initialize(
112         std::shared_ptr<ChBody> mbody1,  ///< first  body to join
113         std::shared_ptr<ChBody> mbody2,  ///< second body to join
114         bool pos_are_relative,  ///< if =true, following two positions are relative to bodies. If false, are absolute.
115         const ChCoordsys<>& mpos1,  ///< the position & alignment of 1st marker (relative to body1 cords, or absolute)
116         const ChCoordsys<>& mpos2   ///< the position & alignment of 2nd marker (relative to body2 cords, or absolute)
117     );
119     /// Get the link coordinate system, expressed relative to Body2 (the 'master'
120     /// body). This represents the 'main' reference of the link: reaction forces
121     /// and torques are expressed in this coordinate system.
122     /// (It is the coordinate system of the 'master' marker2 relative to Body2)
GetLinkRelativeCoords()123     virtual ChCoordsys<> GetLinkRelativeCoords() override { return marker2->GetCoord(); }
125     /// Get the master coordinate system for the assets (this will return the
126     /// absolute coordinate system of the 'master' marker2)
127     virtual ChFrame<> GetAssetsFrame(unsigned int nclone = 0) override { return marker2->GetAbsFrame(); }
129     //
131     //
133     /// Updates auxiliary quantities for all relative degrees of freedom of the two markers.
134     virtual void UpdateRelMarkerCoords();
136     /// Updates auxiliary forces caused by springs/dampers/etc. which may
137     /// be connected between the two bodies of the link.
138     /// By default, it adds the forces which might have been added by the
139     /// user using Set_Scr_force() and Set_Scr_torque(). Note, these forces
140     /// are considered in the reference coordsystem of marker2 (the MAIN marker),
141     /// and their application point is the origin of marker1 (the SLAVE marker).
142     virtual void UpdateForces(double mytime);
144     /// Complete link update: UpdateTime -> UpdateRelMarkerCoords -> UpdateForces.
145     virtual void Update(double mytime, bool update_assets = true) override;
147     //
149     //
151     /// Adds force to residual R, as R*= F*c
152     /// NOTE: here the off offset in R is NOT used because add F at the TWO offsets of the two connected bodies,
153     /// so it is assumed that offsets for Body1 and Body2 variables have been already set properly!
154     virtual void IntLoadResidual_F(const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<>& R, const double c) override;
156     //
158     //
160     /// Overrides the empty behaviour of the parent ChLink implementation, which
161     /// does not consider any user-imposed force between the two bodies.
162     /// It adds the current link-forces, if any, (caused by springs, etc.) to the 'fb' vectors
163     /// of the ChVariables referenced by encapsulated ChConstraints.
164     /// In details, it adds the effect caused by C_force and C_torque.
165     /// Both C_force and C_torque these forces are considered expressed in the
166     /// reference coordsystem of marker2 (the MAIN marker),
167     /// and their application point is the origin of marker1 (the SLAVE marker).
168     virtual void ConstraintsFbLoadForces(double factor = 1) override;
170     //
171     // LINK COORDINATES and other functions:
172     //
174     /// Relative position of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelM()175     const Coordsys& GetRelM() const { return relM; }
176     /// Relative speed of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelM_dt()177     const Coordsys& GetRelM_dt() const { return relM_dt; }
178     /// Relative acceleration of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelM_dtdt()179     const Coordsys& GetRelM_dtdt() const { return relM_dtdt; }
180     /// Relative rotation angle of marker 1 respect to marker 2 (best with revolute joints..).
GetRelAngle()181     double GetRelAngle() const { return relAngle; }
182     /// Relative finite rotation axis of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelAxis()183     const ChVector<>& GetRelAxis() const { return relAxis; }
GetRelRotaxis()184     const ChVector<>& GetRelRotaxis() const { return relRotaxis; }
185     /// Relative angular speed of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelWvel()186     const ChVector<>& GetRelWvel() const { return relWvel; }
187     /// Relative angular acceleration of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetRelWacc()188     const ChVector<>& GetRelWacc() const { return relWacc; }
189     /// Relative 'polar' distance of marker 1 respect to marker 2.
GetDist()190     double GetDist() const { return dist; }
191     /// Relative speed of marker 1 respect to marker 2, along the polar distance vector.
GetDist_dt()192     double GetDist_dt() const { return dist_dt; }
194     /// Get the total applied force accumulators (force, momentum) in link coords.
195     /// These forces might be affected by additional springs, dampers, etc. but they do not
196     /// include the reaction forces.
GetC_force()197     const ChVector<>& GetC_force() const { return C_force; }
GetC_torque()198     const ChVector<>& GetC_torque() const { return C_torque; }
200     //
202     //
204     /// Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
205     virtual void ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) override;
207     /// Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.
208     virtual void ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) override;
209 };
211 CH_CLASS_VERSION(ChLinkMarkers, 0)
213 }  // end namespace chrono
215 #endif