1 /*
2  * Copyright 2006-2008 The FLWOR Foundation.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
19 #include <zorba/static_context_consts.h>
21 class ZorbaConstants
22 {
23 public:
24   typedef enum {
25     PRESERVE,
27   } PreserveMode;
29   typedef enum {
30     INHERIT,
32   } InheritMode;
34   typedef enum {
37   } BoundarySpaceMode;
39   typedef enum {
42   } ConstructionMode;
44   typedef enum {
47   } OrderEmptyMode;
49   typedef enum {
50     ORDERED,
52   } OrderingMode;
54   typedef enum {
58   } RevalidationMode;
60   typedef enum {
61     XPATH2_0,
62     XPATH1_0
63   } XPath1_0CompatibleMode;
65 }; // ZorbaConstants
67   /** \brief Instances of the class StaticContext contain the information that is available
68    *         at the time the query is compiled.
69    *
70    * This class contains the information that is defined in the %XQuery specification
71    * (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context).
72    *
73    * A StaticContext can be created by calling Zorba::createStaticContext and then be passed
74    * to the Zorba::compileQuery or XQuery::compile functions.
75    * If no static context has been passed to any of these functions, a default static context
76    * is used. It can be accessed by calling XQuery::getStaticContext on a compiled XQuery object.
77    *
78    */
79 class StaticContext
80 {
81 friend class Zorba;
82 friend class XQuery;
84 private:
85   zorba::StaticContext_t theStaticContext;
86 public:
88   StaticContext(const StaticContext& aStaticContext);
89   StaticContext(zorba::StaticContext_t aStaticContext);
91   /** \brief Adds a collation URI.
92    *
93    * The URI specifies the locale and collation strength of the collation that is added.
94    * A valid collation URI must begin with %http://www.zorba-xquery.com/collations/.
95    * This prefix is followed by a collation strength (i.e. PRIMARY, SECONDARY, TERTIARY,
96    * QUATTERNARY, or IDENTICAL) followed by a '/'.
97    * After the strength a lower-case two- or three-letter ISO-639 language code must follow.
98    * The URI may end with an upper-case two-letter ISO-3166.
99    * For example, %http://www.zorba-xquery.com/collations/PRIMARY/en/US
100    * specifies an english language with US begin the country..
101    *
102    * Internally, ICU is used for comparing strings. For detailed description see
103    * http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classCollator.html
104    * and http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/classLocale.html
105    *
106    * @param aURI the URI of the collation.
107    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured (e.g. the URI was not a valid
108    *        collation URI).
109    */
110   void addColation(const std::string& aURI);
112   /** \brief Add a pair (prefix, URI) to the statically known namespaces that
113    *         are available during query compilation.
114    *
115    *  See http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context.
116    *
117    *  @param aPrefix the prefix String.
118    *  @param aURI the URI String.
119    *  @return true if the pair was added to the set of statically known namespaces,
120    *          false otherwise.
121    *  @throw ZorbaException if an error occures.
122    */
123   bool addNamespace(const std::string& aPrefix,
124                             const std::string& aURI);
126   /** \brief Check if a function with the given name and arity are registered in the context.
127    */
128   bool containsFunction(const std::string &aFnNameUri,
129                                 const std::string &aFnNameLocal,
130                                 int arity) const;
132   /** \brief Create a child static context, i.e. a context with the same information,
133    *         of the given static context.
134    *
135    * A child static context carries the same context as it's parent but
136    * can override any information.
137    */
138   StaticContext createChildContext() const;
140   /** \brief Declare an option (same as using declare option in XQuery)
141    *
142    * @param aQName The QName of the option to declare.
143    * @param aOptionVal The value of the option to declare.
144    */
145   void declareOption(const Item &aQName,
146                              const std::string &aOptionVal);
148   void disableFunction(const Item &aQName, int arity);
150   /** \brief Get the base URI.
151    *
152    * @return String the base URI.
153    */
154   std::string getBaseURI () const;
156   /** \brief Get the boundary space policy.
157    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
158    *
159    * @return boundary_space_mode_t the boundary space policy.
160    */
161   ZorbaConstants::BoundarySpaceMode getBoundarySpacePolicy ();
163   /** \brief Get the construction mode.
164    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
165    *
166    * @return construction_mode_t the construction mode.
167    */
168   ZorbaConstants::ConstructionMode  getConstructionMode();
170   /** \brief Get the copy namespace mode for Preserve.
171    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
172    *
173    * @return aPreserve the preserve mode.
174    */
175   ZorbaConstants::PreserveMode getCopyNamespacesModePreserve();
177   /** \brief Get the copy namespace mode for Preserve.
178    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
179    *
180    * @return aInherit the inherit mode.
181    */
182   ZorbaConstants::InheritMode  getCopyNamespacesModeInherit();
184   /** \brief Get the default order for the empty sequence.
185    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
186    *
187    * @return order_empty_mode_t the ordering mode.
188    */
189   ZorbaConstants::OrderEmptyMode getDefaultOrderForEmptySequences();
191   /** \brief Get the ordering mode.
192    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
193    *
194    * @return ordering_mode_t the ordering mode.
195    */
196   ZorbaConstants::OrderingMode getOrderingMode();
198   /** \brief Get the revalidation mode.
199    *
200    * @return the revalidation mode.
201    */
202   ZorbaConstants::RevalidationMode getRevalidationMode();
204   /** \brief Get the XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
205    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
206    *
207    * @return xpath1_0compatib_mode_t the XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
208    */
209   ZorbaConstants::XPath1_0CompatibleMode getXPath1_0CompatibMode();
211   /** \brief Get the URI of the default collation
212    *
213    * @return String the URI of the default collation.
214    */
215   std::string getDefaultCollation () const;
217   /** \brief Get the default element and type namespace URI.
218    *
219    * @return String the URI for the default element and type namespace.
220    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured.
221    */
222   std::string getDefaultElementAndTypeNamespace () const;
224   /** \brief Get the default function namespace.
225    *
226    * @return String the URI of the default function namespace.
227    *         DiagnosticHandler has been registered.
228    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured.
229    */
230   std::string getDefaultFunctionNamespace () const;
232   /**
233    * \brief Get the list of all namespace bindings (prefix, uri)
234    *   declared in this and its parent static contexts.
235    */
236   std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > getNamespaceBindings ();
238   /** \brief Get the namespace URI for a given prefix.
239    *
240    * @param aPrefix the prefix for which to retrieve the namespace URI.
241    * @return String the URI for the given prefix or an empty String if no URI
242    *         could be found for the given prefix and an DiagnosticHandler has been
243    *         registered.
244    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured (e.g. no URI could be found for the given prefix).
245    *
246    * @deprecated This function is deprecated. Use getNamespaceBindings instead.
247    */
248   std::string getNamespaceURIByPrefix(const std::string &aPrefix) const;
250   /** \brief Get an option that was declared using the declare option syntax
251    *
252    * @param aQName The QName of the option to get.
253    * @param aOptionValue The value of the option if found.
254    * @return true if the option was found, false otherwise.
255    */
256   bool getOption(const Item &aQName, std::string &aOptionValue) const;
258   /** \brief Loads the declarations and definitions of a given XQuery prolog into
259    *         this static context.
260    *
261    * This function compiles the prolog passed as first parameter and loads
262    * all declarations and definitions into this static context.
263    *
264    * The static context extended by this prolog can then be used for creating
265    * a compiling a new query.
266    *
267    * A StaticException is raised if the prolog could not be compiled or
268    * if the prolog does not contain valid declarations (e.g. duplicate declarations).
269    */
270   void loadProlog (const std::string & aProlog, const CompilerHints &hints);
272   /** \brief Returns a CollectionManager responsible for all collections
273    * which are statically declared in this static context.
274    *
275    * The collection manager provides a set of functions for managing
276    * collections and their contents.
277    *
278    * @return The collection manager responsible for managing
279    *   collections of this context.
280    *
281    */
282   StaticCollectionManager getStaticCollectionManager();
284   /** \brief Returns the QName of all external variables within the
285    *        static context
286    *
287    * @param vars iterator to store the results.
288    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured.
289    */
290   void getExternalVariables(Iterator& vars) const;
292   /** \brief Get the type of a statically known collection
293    */
294   TypeIdentifier getCollectionType(const std::string &aCollectionUri);
296   /** \brief Get the type of a statically known document
297    */
298   TypeIdentifier getDocumentType(const std::string &aDocUri);
300   /** \brief Fetch the type of the context item.
301    */
302   TypeIdentifier getContextItemStaticType();
304   /** \brief Set the type of the context item.
305    */
306   void setContextItemStaticType(const TypeIdentifier &aType);
308   /** \brief Resets the output stream that is used by the fn:trace function to std::cerr
309    */
310   void resetTraceStream ();
312   /** \brief Set the base URI.
313    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
314    *
315    * @param aBaseURI the base URI as String.
316    * @return true if the base URI has been set, false otherwise.
317    */
318   bool setBaseURI (const std::string &aBaseURI);
320   /** \brief Set the boundary space policy.
321    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
322    *
323    * @param aMode the boundary space policy.
324    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
325    */
326   bool setBoundarySpacePolicy (ZorbaConstants::BoundarySpaceMode aMode);
328   /** \brief Set the construction mode.
329    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
330    *
331    * @param aMode the construction mode.
332    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
333    */
334   bool setConstructionMode (ZorbaConstants::ConstructionMode aMode);
336   /** \brief Set the copy namespace mode.
337    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
338    *
339    * @param aPreserve the preserve mode.
340    * @param aInherit the inherit mode.
341    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
342    */
343   bool setCopyNamespacesMode (ZorbaConstants::PreserveMode aPreserve, ZorbaConstants::InheritMode aInherit);
345   /** \brief Set the default order for the empty sequence.
346    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
347    *
348    * @param aMode the default order for the empty sequence.
349    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
350    */
351   bool setDefaultOrderForEmptySequences (ZorbaConstants::OrderEmptyMode aMode);
353   /** \brief Set the ordering mode.
354    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
355    *
356    * @param aMode the ordering mode.
357    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
358    */
359   bool setOrderingMode (ZorbaConstants::OrderingMode aMode);
361   /** \brief Set the revalidation mode.
362    *
363    * @param aMode the revalidation mode.
364    */
365   void setRevalidationMode (ZorbaConstants::RevalidationMode aMode);
367   /**
368    * @brief Set the URI lookup path (list of filesystem directories) for this
369    * static context.
370    *
371    * Queries which resolve URIs (for instance, importing modules or schemas)
372    * will look in these directories.
373    */
374   void setURIPath(std::vector< std::string > &aURIPath );
376   /**
377    * @brief Set the library lookup path (list of filesystem directories) for
378    * this static context.
379    *
380    * Queries which import modules that have external function
381    * implementations will look for the implementation of those functions
382    * (shared libraries) in these directories.
383    */
384   void setLIBPath(std::vector< std::string > &aLIBPath );
386   /**
387    * @brief Set the URI and library lookup paths (lists of filesystem
388    * directories) for this static context. Note that calling this method
389    * will override any values previously passed to StaticContext::setURIPath()
390    * and StaticContext::setLibPath().
391    * @deprecated Use StaticContext::setURIPath() and StaticContext::setLibPath().
392    *
393    * Convenience method which adds the listed directories to both the
394    * URI path and Library path for this static context.
395    */
396   void setModulePath(std::vector< std::string > &aModulePath );
398   /** \brief Set the XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
399    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
400    *
401    * @param aMode the XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
402    * @return true if the mode was set, false otherwise.
403    */
404   bool setXPath1_0CompatibMode (ZorbaConstants::XPath1_0CompatibleMode aMode);
406   /** \brief Set the URI of the default collation.
407    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
408    *
409    * @param aURI URI of the default collation.
410    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured (e.g., the URI does not
411    *        identify a collation among the statically known collations.
412    */
413   void setDefaultCollation (const std::string &aURI);
415   /** \brief Set the default element and type namespace
416    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
417    *
418    * @param aURI of the default element and type namespace URI.
419    * @return true if the default element and type namespace URI has been set, false otherwise
420    *         if an DiagnosticHandler has been registered.
421    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured.
422    */
423   bool setDefaultElementAndTypeNamespace (const std::string &aURI);
425   /** \brief Set the default functionnamespace
426    *         (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/#static_context)
427    *
428    * @param aURI of the default function namespace.
429    * @return true if the default function namespace URI has been set, false otherwise
430    *         if an DiagnosticHandler has been registered.
431    * @throw ZorbaException if an error occured.
432    */
433   bool setDefaultFunctionNamespace (const std::string &aURI);
435   /** \brief Destroy this object from memory
436    */
437   void destroy();
438 }; // class StaticContext
440 #endif