1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16    Contributing author: Pieter J. in 't Veld (SNL)
17    Tabulation for long-range dispersion added by Wayne Mitchell (Loyola
18    University New Orleans)
19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
21 #include "pair_lj_long_coul_long.h"
23 #include "atom.h"
24 #include "comm.h"
25 #include "error.h"
26 #include "force.h"
27 #include "kspace.h"
28 #include "math_extra.h"
29 #include "memory.h"
30 #include "neigh_list.h"
31 #include "neigh_request.h"
32 #include "neighbor.h"
33 #include "respa.h"
34 #include "update.h"
36 #include <cmath>
37 #include <cstring>
39 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
40 using namespace MathExtra;
42 #define EWALD_F   1.12837917
43 #define EWALD_P   0.3275911
44 #define A1        0.254829592
45 #define A2       -0.284496736
46 #define A3        1.421413741
47 #define A4       -1.453152027
48 #define A5        1.061405429
50 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairLJLongCoulLong(LAMMPS * lmp)52 PairLJLongCoulLong::PairLJLongCoulLong(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
53 {
54   dispersionflag = ewaldflag = pppmflag = 1;
55   respa_enable = 1;
56   writedata = 1;
57   ftable = nullptr;
58   fdisptable = nullptr;
59   qdist = 0.0;
60   cut_respa = nullptr;
61 }
63 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
64    global settings
65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
options(char ** arg,int order)67 void PairLJLongCoulLong::options(char **arg, int order)
68 {
69   const char *option[] = {"long", "cut", "off", nullptr};
70   int i;
72   if (!*arg) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style lj/long/coul/long command");
73   for (i=0; option[i]&&strcmp(arg[0], option[i]); ++i);
74   switch (i) {
75     case 0: ewald_order |= 1<<order; break;
76     case 2: ewald_off |= 1<<order; break;
77     case 1: break;
78     default: error->all(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style lj/long/coul/long command");
79   }
80 }
settings(int narg,char ** arg)82 void PairLJLongCoulLong::settings(int narg, char **arg)
83 {
84   if (narg != 3 && narg != 4) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style command");
86   ewald_order = 0;
87   ewald_off = 0;
89   options(arg,6);
90   options(++arg,1);
92   if (!comm->me && ewald_order == ((1<<1) | (1<<6)))
93     error->warning(FLERR,"Using largest cutoff for lj/long/coul/long");
94   if (!*(++arg))
95     error->all(FLERR,"Cutoffs missing in pair_style lj/long/coul/long");
96   if (!((ewald_order^ewald_off) & (1<<6)))
97     dispersionflag = 0;
98   if (!((ewald_order^ewald_off) & (1<<1)))
99     error->all(FLERR,"Coulomb cut not supported in pair_style lj/long/coul/long");
100   cut_lj_global = utils::numeric(FLERR,*(arg++),false,lmp);
101   if (narg == 4 && ((ewald_order & 0x42) == 0x42))
102     error->all(FLERR,"Only one cutoff allowed when requesting all long");
103   if (narg == 4) cut_coul = utils::numeric(FLERR,*arg,false,lmp);
104   else cut_coul = cut_lj_global;
106   if (allocated) {
107     int i,j;
108     for (i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++)
109       for (j = i; j <= atom->ntypes; j++)
110         if (setflag[i][j]) cut_lj[i][j] = cut_lj_global;
111   }
112 }
114 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
115    free all arrays
116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~PairLJLongCoulLong()118 PairLJLongCoulLong::~PairLJLongCoulLong()
119 {
120   if (allocated) {
121     memory->destroy(setflag);
122     memory->destroy(cutsq);
124     memory->destroy(cut_lj_read);
125     memory->destroy(cut_lj);
126     memory->destroy(cut_ljsq);
127     memory->destroy(epsilon_read);
128     memory->destroy(epsilon);
129     memory->destroy(sigma_read);
130     memory->destroy(sigma);
131     memory->destroy(lj1);
132     memory->destroy(lj2);
133     memory->destroy(lj3);
134     memory->destroy(lj4);
135     memory->destroy(offset);
136   }
137   if (ftable) free_tables();
138   if (fdisptable) free_disp_tables();
139 }
141 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
142    allocate all arrays
143 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
allocate()145 void PairLJLongCoulLong::allocate()
146 {
147   allocated = 1;
148   int n = atom->ntypes;
150   memory->create(setflag,n+1,n+1,"pair:setflag");
151   for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
152     for (int j = i; j <= n; j++)
153       setflag[i][j] = 0;
155   memory->create(cutsq,n+1,n+1,"pair:cutsq");
157   memory->create(cut_lj_read,n+1,n+1,"pair:cut_lj_read");
158   memory->create(cut_lj,n+1,n+1,"pair:cut_lj");
159   memory->create(cut_ljsq,n+1,n+1,"pair:cut_ljsq");
160   memory->create(epsilon_read,n+1,n+1,"pair:epsilon_read");
161   memory->create(epsilon,n+1,n+1,"pair:epsilon");
162   memory->create(sigma_read,n+1,n+1,"pair:sigma_read");
163   memory->create(sigma,n+1,n+1,"pair:sigma");
164   memory->create(lj1,n+1,n+1,"pair:lj1");
165   memory->create(lj2,n+1,n+1,"pair:lj2");
166   memory->create(lj3,n+1,n+1,"pair:lj3");
167   memory->create(lj4,n+1,n+1,"pair:lj4");
168   memory->create(offset,n+1,n+1,"pair:offset");
169 }
171 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
172    extract protected data from object
173 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
extract(const char * id,int & dim)175 void *PairLJLongCoulLong::extract(const char *id, int &dim)
176 {
177   const char *ids[] = {
178     "B", "sigma", "epsilon", "ewald_order", "ewald_cut", "ewald_mix",
179     "cut_coul", "cut_LJ", nullptr};
180   void *ptrs[] = {
181     lj4, sigma, epsilon, &ewald_order, &cut_coul, &mix_flag,
182     &cut_coul, &cut_lj_global, nullptr};
183   int i;
185   for (i=0; ids[i]&&strcmp(ids[i], id); ++i);
186   if (i <= 2) dim = 2;
187   else dim = 0;
188   return ptrs[i];
189 }
191 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
192    set coeffs for one or more type pairs
193 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
coeff(int narg,char ** arg)195 void PairLJLongCoulLong::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
196 {
197   if (narg < 4 || narg > 5) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
198   if (!allocated) allocate();
200   int ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi;
201   utils::bounds(FLERR,arg[0],1,atom->ntypes,ilo,ihi,error);
202   utils::bounds(FLERR,arg[1],1,atom->ntypes,jlo,jhi,error);
204   double epsilon_one = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[2],false,lmp);
205   double sigma_one = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[3],false,lmp);
207   double cut_lj_one = cut_lj_global;
208   if (narg == 5) cut_lj_one = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[4],false,lmp);
210   int count = 0;
211   for (int i = ilo; i <= ihi; i++) {
212     for (int j = MAX(jlo,i); j <= jhi; j++) {
213       epsilon_read[i][j] = epsilon_one;
214       sigma_read[i][j] = sigma_one;
215       cut_lj_read[i][j] = cut_lj_one;
216       setflag[i][j] = 1;
217       count++;
218     }
219   }
221   if (count == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
222 }
224 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
225    init specific to this pair style
226 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_style()228 void PairLJLongCoulLong::init_style()
229 {
230   // require an atom style with charge defined
232   if (!atom->q_flag && (ewald_order&(1<<1)))
233     error->all(FLERR,
234         "Invoking coulombic in pair style lj/long/coul/long requires atom attribute q");
236   // ensure use of KSpace long-range solver, set two g_ewalds
238   if (force->kspace == nullptr)
239     error->all(FLERR,"Pair style requires a KSpace style");
240   if (ewald_order&(1<<1)) g_ewald = force->kspace->g_ewald;
241   if (ewald_order&(1<<6)) g_ewald_6 = force->kspace->g_ewald_6;
243   // set rRESPA cutoffs
245   if (utils::strmatch(update->integrate_style,"^respa") &&
246       ((Respa *) update->integrate)->level_inner >= 0)
247     cut_respa = ((Respa *) update->integrate)->cutoff;
248   else cut_respa = nullptr;
250   // setup force tables
252   if (ncoultablebits && (ewald_order&(1<<1))) init_tables(cut_coul,cut_respa);
253   if (ndisptablebits && (ewald_order&(1<<6))) init_tables_disp(cut_lj_global);
255   // request regular or rRESPA neighbor lists if neighrequest_flag != 0
257   if (force->kspace->neighrequest_flag) {
258     int irequest;
259     int respa = 0;
261     if (update->whichflag == 1 && utils::strmatch(update->integrate_style,"^respa")) {
262       if (((Respa *) update->integrate)->level_inner >= 0) respa = 1;
263       if (((Respa *) update->integrate)->level_middle >= 0) respa = 2;
264     }
266     irequest = neighbor->request(this,instance_me);
268     if (respa >= 1) {
269       neighbor->requests[irequest]->respaouter = 1;
270       neighbor->requests[irequest]->respainner = 1;
271     }
272     if (respa == 2) neighbor->requests[irequest]->respamiddle = 1;
273   }
275   cut_coulsq = cut_coul * cut_coul;
276 }
278 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
279    init for one type pair i,j and corresponding j,i
280 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_one(int i,int j)282 double PairLJLongCoulLong::init_one(int i, int j)
283 {
284   if (setflag[i][j] == 0) {
285     epsilon[i][j] = mix_energy(epsilon_read[i][i],epsilon_read[j][j],
286                                sigma_read[i][i],sigma_read[j][j]);
287     sigma[i][j] = mix_distance(sigma_read[i][i],sigma_read[j][j]);
288     if (ewald_order&(1<<6))
289       cut_lj[i][j] = cut_lj_global;
290     else
291       cut_lj[i][j] = mix_distance(cut_lj_read[i][i],cut_lj_read[j][j]);
292   }
293   else {
294     sigma[i][j] = sigma_read[i][j];
295     epsilon[i][j] = epsilon_read[i][j];
296     cut_lj[i][j] = cut_lj_read[i][j];
297   }
299   double cut = MAX(cut_lj[i][j], cut_coul + 2.0*qdist);
300   cutsq[i][j] = cut*cut;
301   cut_ljsq[i][j] = cut_lj[i][j] * cut_lj[i][j];
303   lj1[i][j] = 48.0 * epsilon[i][j] * pow(sigma[i][j],12.0);
304   lj2[i][j] = 24.0 * epsilon[i][j] * pow(sigma[i][j],6.0);
305   lj3[i][j] = 4.0 * epsilon[i][j] * pow(sigma[i][j],12.0);
306   lj4[i][j] = 4.0 * epsilon[i][j] * pow(sigma[i][j],6.0);
308   // check interior rRESPA cutoff
310   if (cut_respa && MIN(cut_lj[i][j],cut_coul) < cut_respa[3])
311     error->all(FLERR,"Pair cutoff < Respa interior cutoff");
313   if (offset_flag && (cut_lj[i][j] > 0.0)) {
314     double ratio = sigma[i][j] / cut_lj[i][j];
315     offset[i][j] = 4.0 * epsilon[i][j] * (pow(ratio,12.0) - pow(ratio,6.0));
316   } else offset[i][j] = 0.0;
318   cutsq[j][i] = cutsq[i][j];
319   cut_ljsq[j][i] = cut_ljsq[i][j];
320   lj1[j][i] = lj1[i][j];
321   lj2[j][i] = lj2[i][j];
322   lj3[j][i] = lj3[i][j];
323   lj4[j][i] = lj4[i][j];
324   offset[j][i] = offset[i][j];
326   return cut;
327 }
329 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
330   proc 0 writes to restart file
331 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_restart(FILE * fp)333 void PairLJLongCoulLong::write_restart(FILE *fp)
334 {
335   write_restart_settings(fp);
337   int i,j;
338   for (i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++)
339     for (j = i; j <= atom->ntypes; j++) {
340       fwrite(&setflag[i][j],sizeof(int),1,fp);
341       if (setflag[i][j]) {
342         fwrite(&epsilon_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp);
343         fwrite(&sigma_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp);
344         fwrite(&cut_lj_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp);
345       }
346     }
347 }
349 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
350   proc 0 reads from restart file, bcasts
351 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
read_restart(FILE * fp)353 void PairLJLongCoulLong::read_restart(FILE *fp)
354 {
355   read_restart_settings(fp);
357   allocate();
359   int i,j;
360   int me = comm->me;
361   for (i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++)
362     for (j = i; j <= atom->ntypes; j++) {
363       if (me == 0) utils::sfread(FLERR,&setflag[i][j],sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
364       MPI_Bcast(&setflag[i][j],1,MPI_INT,0,world);
365       if (setflag[i][j]) {
366         if (me == 0) {
367           utils::sfread(FLERR,&epsilon_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
368           utils::sfread(FLERR,&sigma_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
369           utils::sfread(FLERR,&cut_lj_read[i][j],sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
370         }
371         MPI_Bcast(&epsilon_read[i][j],1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
372         MPI_Bcast(&sigma_read[i][j],1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
373         MPI_Bcast(&cut_lj_read[i][j],1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
374       }
375     }
376 }
378 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
379   proc 0 writes to restart file
380 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_restart_settings(FILE * fp)382 void PairLJLongCoulLong::write_restart_settings(FILE *fp)
383 {
384   fwrite(&cut_lj_global,sizeof(double),1,fp);
385   fwrite(&cut_coul,sizeof(double),1,fp);
386   fwrite(&offset_flag,sizeof(int),1,fp);
387   fwrite(&mix_flag,sizeof(int),1,fp);
388   fwrite(&ncoultablebits,sizeof(int),1,fp);
389   fwrite(&tabinner,sizeof(double),1,fp);
390   fwrite(&ewald_order,sizeof(int),1,fp);
391   fwrite(&dispersionflag,sizeof(int),1,fp);
392 }
394 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
395   proc 0 reads from restart file, bcasts
396 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
read_restart_settings(FILE * fp)398 void PairLJLongCoulLong::read_restart_settings(FILE *fp)
399 {
400   if (comm->me == 0) {
401     utils::sfread(FLERR,&cut_lj_global,sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
402     utils::sfread(FLERR,&cut_coul,sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
403     utils::sfread(FLERR,&offset_flag,sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
404     utils::sfread(FLERR,&mix_flag,sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
405     utils::sfread(FLERR,&ncoultablebits,sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
406     utils::sfread(FLERR,&tabinner,sizeof(double),1,fp,nullptr,error);
407     utils::sfread(FLERR,&ewald_order,sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
408     utils::sfread(FLERR,&dispersionflag,sizeof(int),1,fp,nullptr,error);
409   }
410   MPI_Bcast(&cut_lj_global,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
411   MPI_Bcast(&cut_coul,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
412   MPI_Bcast(&offset_flag,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
413   MPI_Bcast(&mix_flag,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
414   MPI_Bcast(&ncoultablebits,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
415   MPI_Bcast(&tabinner,1,MPI_DOUBLE,0,world);
416   MPI_Bcast(&ewald_order,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
417   MPI_Bcast(&dispersionflag,1,MPI_INT,0,world);
418 }
420 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
421    proc 0 writes to data file
422 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_data(FILE * fp)424 void PairLJLongCoulLong::write_data(FILE *fp)
425 {
426   for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++)
427     fmt::print(fp,"{} {} {}\n",i,epsilon_read[i][i],sigma_read[i][i]);
428 }
430 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
431    proc 0 writes all pairs to data file. must use the "mixed" parameters.
432    also must not write out cutoff for lj = long
433 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_data_all(FILE * fp)435 void PairLJLongCoulLong::write_data_all(FILE *fp)
436 {
437   for (int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++) {
438     for (int j = i; j <= atom->ntypes; j++) {
439       if (ewald_order & (1<<6)) {
440         fmt::print(fp,"{} {} {} {}\n",i,j,
441                    epsilon[i][j],sigma[i][j]);
442       } else {
443         fmt::print(fp,"{} {} {} {} {}\n",i,j,
444                    epsilon[i][j],sigma[i][j],cut_lj[i][j]);
445       }
446     }
447   }
448 }
450 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
451    compute pair interactions
452 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute(int eflag,int vflag)454 void PairLJLongCoulLong::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
455 {
456   double evdwl,ecoul,fpair;
457   evdwl = ecoul = 0.0;
458   ev_init(eflag,vflag);
460   double **x = atom->x, *x0 = x[0];
461   double **f = atom->f, *f0 = f[0], *fi = f0;
462   double *q = atom->q;
463   int *type = atom->type;
464   int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
465   double *special_coul = force->special_coul;
466   double *special_lj = force->special_lj;
467   int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
468   double qqrd2e = force->qqrd2e;
470   int i, j, order1 = ewald_order&(1<<1), order6 = ewald_order&(1<<6);
471   int *ineigh, *ineighn, *jneigh, *jneighn, typei, typej, ni;
472   double qi = 0.0, qri = 0.0;
473   double *cutsqi, *cut_ljsqi, *lj1i, *lj2i, *lj3i, *lj4i, *offseti;
474   double rsq, r2inv, force_coul, force_lj;
475   double g2 = g_ewald_6*g_ewald_6, g6 = g2*g2*g2, g8 = g6*g2;
476   double xi[3], d[3];
478   ineighn = (ineigh = list->ilist)+list->inum;
480   for (; ineigh<ineighn; ++ineigh) {                        // loop over my atoms
481     i = *ineigh; fi = f0+3*i;
482     if (order1) qri = (qi = q[i])*qqrd2e;                // initialize constants
483     offseti = offset[typei = type[i]];
484     lj1i = lj1[typei]; lj2i = lj2[typei]; lj3i = lj3[typei]; lj4i = lj4[typei];
485     cutsqi = cutsq[typei]; cut_ljsqi = cut_ljsq[typei];
486     memcpy(xi, x0+(i+(i<<1)), 3*sizeof(double));
487     jneighn = (jneigh = list->firstneigh[i])+list->numneigh[i];
489     for (; jneigh<jneighn; ++jneigh) {                       // loop over neighbors
490       j = *jneigh;
491       ni = sbmask(j);
492       j &= NEIGHMASK;
494       { double *xj = x0+(j+(j<<1));
495         d[0] = xi[0] - xj[0];                               // pair vector
496         d[1] = xi[1] - xj[1];
497         d[2] = xi[2] - xj[2]; }
499       if ((rsq = dot3(d, d)) >= cutsqi[typej = type[j]]) continue;
500       r2inv = 1.0/rsq;
502       if (order1 && (rsq < cut_coulsq)) {                   // coulombic
503         if (!ncoultablebits || rsq <= tabinnersq) {         // series real space
504           double r = sqrt(rsq), x = g_ewald*r;
505           double s = qri*q[j], t = 1.0/(1.0+EWALD_P*x);
506           if (ni == 0) {
507             s *= g_ewald*exp(-x*x);
508             force_coul = (t *= ((((t*A5+A4)*t+A3)*t+A2)*t+A1)*s/x)+EWALD_F*s;
509             if (eflag) ecoul = t;
510           } else {                                          // special case
511             r = s*(1.0-special_coul[ni])/r; s *= g_ewald*exp(-x*x);
512             force_coul = (t *= ((((t*A5+A4)*t+A3)*t+A2)*t+A1)*s/x)+EWALD_F*s-r;
513             if (eflag) ecoul = t-r;
514           }
515         } else {                                            // table real space
516           union_int_float_t t;
517           t.f = rsq;
518           const int k = (t.i & ncoulmask)>>ncoulshiftbits;
519           double f = (rsq-rtable[k])*drtable[k], qiqj = qi*q[j];
520           if (ni == 0) {
521             force_coul = qiqj*(ftable[k]+f*dftable[k]);
522             if (eflag) ecoul = qiqj*(etable[k]+f*detable[k]);
523           } else {                                          // special case
524             t.f = (1.0-special_coul[ni])*(ctable[k]+f*dctable[k]);
525             force_coul = qiqj*(ftable[k]+f*dftable[k]-t.f);
526             if (eflag) ecoul = qiqj*(etable[k]+f*detable[k]-t.f);
527           }
528         }
529       } else force_coul = ecoul = 0.0;
531       if (rsq < cut_ljsqi[typej]) {                         // lj
532         if (order6) {                                       // long-range lj
533           if (!ndisptablebits || rsq <= tabinnerdispsq) {    // series real space
534             double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
535             double x2 = g2*rsq, a2 = 1.0/x2;
536             x2 = a2*exp(-x2)*lj4i[typej];
537             if (ni == 0) {
538               force_lj =
539               (rn*=rn)*lj1i[typej]-g8*(((6.0*a2+6.0)*a2+3.0)*a2+1.0)*x2*rsq;
540               if (eflag)
541                 evdwl = rn*lj3i[typej]-g6*((a2+1.0)*a2+0.5)*x2;
542             } else {                                        // special case
543               double f = special_lj[ni], t = rn*(1.0-f);
544               force_lj = f*(rn *= rn)*lj1i[typej]-
545               g8*(((6.0*a2+6.0)*a2+3.0)*a2+1.0)*x2*rsq+t*lj2i[typej];
546               if (eflag)
547                 evdwl = f*rn*lj3i[typej]-g6*((a2+1.0)*a2+0.5)*x2+t*lj4i[typej];
548             }
549           } else {                                          // table real space
550             union_int_float_t disp_t;
551             disp_t.f = rsq;
552             const int disp_k = (disp_t.i & ndispmask)>>ndispshiftbits;
553             double f_disp = (rsq-rdisptable[disp_k])*drdisptable[disp_k];
554             double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
555             if (ni == 0) {
556               force_lj = (rn*=rn)*lj1i[typej]-(fdisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dfdisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej];
557               if (eflag) evdwl = rn*lj3i[typej]-(edisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dedisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej];
558             } else {                                        // special case
559               double f = special_lj[ni], t = rn*(1.0-f);
560               force_lj = f*(rn *= rn)*lj1i[typej]-(fdisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dfdisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej]+t*lj2i[typej];
561               if (eflag) evdwl = f*rn*lj3i[typej]-(edisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dedisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej]+t*lj4i[typej];
562             }
563           }
564         }
565         else {                                                // cut lj
566           double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
567           if (ni == 0) {
568             force_lj = rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej]);
569             if (eflag) evdwl = rn*(rn*lj3i[typej]-lj4i[typej])-offseti[typej];
570           }
571           else {                                        // special case
572             double f = special_lj[ni];
573             force_lj = f*rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej]);
574             if (eflag)
575               evdwl = f * (rn*(rn*lj3i[typej]-lj4i[typej])-offseti[typej]);
576           }
577         }
578       }
580       else force_lj = evdwl = 0.0;
582       fpair = (force_coul+force_lj)*r2inv;
584       if (newton_pair || j < nlocal) {
585         double *fj = f0+(j+(j<<1)), f;
586         fi[0] += f = d[0]*fpair; fj[0] -= f;
587         fi[1] += f = d[1]*fpair; fj[1] -= f;
588         fi[2] += f = d[2]*fpair; fj[2] -= f;
589       }
590       else {
591         fi[0] += d[0]*fpair;
592         fi[1] += d[1]*fpair;
593         fi[2] += d[2]*fpair;
594       }
596       if (evflag) ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair,
597                            evdwl,ecoul,fpair,d[0],d[1],d[2]);
598     }
599   }
601   if (vflag_fdotr) virial_fdotr_compute();
602 }
604 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute_inner()606 void PairLJLongCoulLong::compute_inner()
607 {
608   double rsq, r2inv, force_coul = 0.0, force_lj, fpair;
610   int *type = atom->type;
611   int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
612   double *x0 = atom->x[0], *f0 = atom->f[0], *fi = f0, *q = atom->q;
613   double *special_coul = force->special_coul;
614   double *special_lj = force->special_lj;
615   int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
616   double qqrd2e = force->qqrd2e;
619   double cut_out_on = cut_respa[0];
620   double cut_out_off = cut_respa[1];
623   double cut_out_diff = cut_out_off - cut_out_on;
624   double cut_out_on_sq = cut_out_on*cut_out_on;
625   double cut_out_off_sq = cut_out_off*cut_out_off;
627   int *ineigh, *ineighn, *jneigh, *jneighn, typei, typej, ni;
628   int i, j, order1 = (ewald_order|(ewald_off^-1))&(1<<1);
629   double qri, *cut_ljsqi, *lj1i, *lj2i;
630   double xi[3], d[3];
632   ineighn = (ineigh = list->ilist_inner)+list->inum_inner;
633   for (; ineigh<ineighn; ++ineigh) {                        // loop over my atoms
634     i = *ineigh; fi = f0+3*i;
635     memcpy(xi, x0+(i+(i<<1)), 3*sizeof(double));
636     cut_ljsqi = cut_ljsq[typei = type[i]];
637     lj1i = lj1[typei]; lj2i = lj2[typei];
638     jneighn = (jneigh = list->firstneigh_inner[i])+list->numneigh_inner[i];
639     for (; jneigh<jneighn; ++jneigh) {                        // loop over neighbors
640       j = *jneigh;
641       ni = sbmask(j);
642       j &= NEIGHMASK;
644       { double *xj = x0+(j+(j<<1));
645         d[0] = xi[0] - xj[0];                                // pair vector
646         d[1] = xi[1] - xj[1];
647         d[2] = xi[2] - xj[2]; }
649       if ((rsq = dot3(d, d)) >= cut_out_off_sq) continue;
650       r2inv = 1.0/rsq;
652       if (order1 && (rsq < cut_coulsq)) {                       // coulombic
653         qri = qqrd2e*q[i];
654         force_coul = ni == 0 ?
655           qri*q[j]*sqrt(r2inv) : qri*q[j]*sqrt(r2inv)*special_coul[ni];
656       }
658       if (rsq < cut_ljsqi[typej = type[j]]) {                // lennard-jones
659         double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
660         force_lj = ni == 0 ?
661           rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej]) :
662           rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej])*special_lj[ni];
663       }
664       else force_lj = 0.0;
666       fpair = (force_coul + force_lj) * r2inv;
668       if (rsq > cut_out_on_sq) {                        // switching
669         double rsw = (sqrt(rsq) - cut_out_on)/cut_out_diff;
670         fpair  *= 1.0 + rsw*rsw*(2.0*rsw-3.0);
671       }
673       if (newton_pair || j < nlocal) {                        // force update
674         double *fj = f0+(j+(j<<1)), f;
675         fi[0] += f = d[0]*fpair; fj[0] -= f;
676         fi[1] += f = d[1]*fpair; fj[1] -= f;
677         fi[2] += f = d[2]*fpair; fj[2] -= f;
678       }
679       else {
680         fi[0] += d[0]*fpair;
681         fi[1] += d[1]*fpair;
682         fi[2] += d[2]*fpair;
683       }
684     }
685   }
686 }
688 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute_middle()690 void PairLJLongCoulLong::compute_middle()
691 {
692   double rsq, r2inv, force_coul = 0.0, force_lj, fpair;
694   int *type = atom->type;
695   int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
696   double *x0 = atom->x[0], *f0 = atom->f[0], *fi = f0, *q = atom->q;
697   double *special_coul = force->special_coul;
698   double *special_lj = force->special_lj;
699   int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
700   double qqrd2e = force->qqrd2e;
702   double cut_in_off = cut_respa[0];
703   double cut_in_on = cut_respa[1];
704   double cut_out_on = cut_respa[2];
705   double cut_out_off = cut_respa[3];
707   double cut_in_diff = cut_in_on - cut_in_off;
708   double cut_out_diff = cut_out_off - cut_out_on;
709   double cut_in_off_sq = cut_in_off*cut_in_off;
710   double cut_in_on_sq = cut_in_on*cut_in_on;
711   double cut_out_on_sq = cut_out_on*cut_out_on;
712   double cut_out_off_sq = cut_out_off*cut_out_off;
714   int *ineigh, *ineighn, *jneigh, *jneighn, typei, typej, ni;
715   int i, j, order1 = (ewald_order|(ewald_off^-1))&(1<<1);
716   double qri, *cut_ljsqi, *lj1i, *lj2i;
717   double xi[3], d[3];
719   ineighn = (ineigh = list->ilist_middle)+list->inum_middle;
721   for (; ineigh<ineighn; ++ineigh) {                        // loop over my atoms
722     i = *ineigh; fi = f0+3*i;
723     if (order1) qri = qqrd2e*q[i];
724     memcpy(xi, x0+(i+(i<<1)), 3*sizeof(double));
725     cut_ljsqi = cut_ljsq[typei = type[i]];
726     lj1i = lj1[typei]; lj2i = lj2[typei];
727     jneighn = (jneigh = list->firstneigh_middle[i])+list->numneigh_middle[i];
729     for (; jneigh<jneighn; ++jneigh) {
730       j = *jneigh;
731       ni = sbmask(j);
732       j &= NEIGHMASK;
734       { double *xj = x0+(j+(j<<1));
735         d[0] = xi[0] - xj[0];                                // pair vector
736         d[1] = xi[1] - xj[1];
737         d[2] = xi[2] - xj[2]; }
739       if ((rsq = dot3(d, d)) >= cut_out_off_sq) continue;
740       if (rsq <= cut_in_off_sq) continue;
741       r2inv = 1.0/rsq;
743       if (order1 && (rsq < cut_coulsq))                        // coulombic
744         force_coul = ni == 0 ?
745           qri*q[j]*sqrt(r2inv) : qri*q[j]*sqrt(r2inv)*special_coul[ni];
747       if (rsq < cut_ljsqi[typej = type[j]]) {                // lennard-jones
748         double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
749         force_lj = ni == 0 ?
750           rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej]) :
751           rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej])*special_lj[ni];
752       }
753       else force_lj = 0.0;
755       fpair = (force_coul + force_lj) * r2inv;
757       if (rsq < cut_in_on_sq) {                                // switching
758         double rsw = (sqrt(rsq) - cut_in_off)/cut_in_diff;
759         fpair  *= rsw*rsw*(3.0 - 2.0*rsw);
760       }
761       if (rsq > cut_out_on_sq) {
762         double rsw = (sqrt(rsq) - cut_out_on)/cut_out_diff;
763         fpair  *= 1.0 + rsw*rsw*(2.0*rsw-3.0);
764       }
766       if (newton_pair || j < nlocal) {                        // force update
767         double *fj = f0+(j+(j<<1)), f;
768         fi[0] += f = d[0]*fpair; fj[0] -= f;
769         fi[1] += f = d[1]*fpair; fj[1] -= f;
770         fi[2] += f = d[2]*fpair; fj[2] -= f;
771       }
772       else {
773         fi[0] += d[0]*fpair;
774         fi[1] += d[1]*fpair;
775         fi[2] += d[2]*fpair;
776       }
777     }
778   }
779 }
781 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
compute_outer(int eflag,int vflag)783 void PairLJLongCoulLong::compute_outer(int eflag, int vflag)
784 {
785   double evdwl,ecoul,fvirial,fpair;
786   evdwl = ecoul = 0.0;
787   ev_init(eflag,vflag);
789   double **x = atom->x, *x0 = x[0];
790   double **f = atom->f, *f0 = f[0], *fi = f0;
791   double *q = atom->q;
792   int *type = atom->type;
793   int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
794   double *special_coul = force->special_coul;
795   double *special_lj = force->special_lj;
796   int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
797   double qqrd2e = force->qqrd2e;
799   int i, j, order1 = ewald_order&(1<<1), order6 = ewald_order&(1<<6);
800   int *ineigh, *ineighn, *jneigh, *jneighn, typei, typej, ni, respa_flag;
801   double qi = 0.0, qri = 0.0;
802   double *cutsqi, *cut_ljsqi, *lj1i, *lj2i, *lj3i, *lj4i, *offseti;
803   double rsq, r2inv, force_coul, force_lj;
804   double g2 = g_ewald_6*g_ewald_6, g6 = g2*g2*g2, g8 = g6*g2;
805   double respa_lj = 0.0, respa_coul = 0.0, frespa = 0.0;
806   double xi[3], d[3];
808   double cut_in_off = cut_respa[2];
809   double cut_in_on = cut_respa[3];
811   double cut_in_diff = cut_in_on - cut_in_off;
812   double cut_in_off_sq = cut_in_off*cut_in_off;
813   double cut_in_on_sq = cut_in_on*cut_in_on;
815   ineighn = (ineigh = list->ilist)+list->inum;
817   for (; ineigh<ineighn; ++ineigh) {                        // loop over my atoms
818     i = *ineigh; fi = f0+3*i;
819     if (order1) qri = (qi = q[i])*qqrd2e;                // initialize constants
820     offseti = offset[typei = type[i]];
821     lj1i = lj1[typei]; lj2i = lj2[typei]; lj3i = lj3[typei]; lj4i = lj4[typei];
822     cutsqi = cutsq[typei]; cut_ljsqi = cut_ljsq[typei];
823     memcpy(xi, x0+(i+(i<<1)), 3*sizeof(double));
824     jneighn = (jneigh = list->firstneigh[i])+list->numneigh[i];
826     for (; jneigh<jneighn; ++jneigh) {                        // loop over neighbors
827       j = *jneigh;
828       ni = sbmask(j);
829       j &= NEIGHMASK;
831       { double *xj = x0+(j+(j<<1));
832         d[0] = xi[0] - xj[0];                                // pair vector
833         d[1] = xi[1] - xj[1];
834         d[2] = xi[2] - xj[2]; }
836       if ((rsq = dot3(d, d)) >= cutsqi[typej = type[j]]) continue;
837       r2inv = 1.0/rsq;
839       frespa = 1.0;                                       // check whether and how to compute respa corrections
840       respa_coul = 0;
841       respa_lj = 0;
842       respa_flag = rsq < cut_in_on_sq ? 1 : 0;
843       if (respa_flag && (rsq > cut_in_off_sq)) {
844         double rsw = (sqrt(rsq)-cut_in_off)/cut_in_diff;
845         frespa = 1-rsw*rsw*(3.0-2.0*rsw);
846       }
848       if (order1 && (rsq < cut_coulsq)) {                // coulombic
849         if (!ncoultablebits || rsq <= tabinnersq) {        // series real space
850           double r = sqrt(rsq), s = qri*q[j];
851           if (respa_flag)                                // correct for respa
852             respa_coul = ni == 0 ? frespa*s/r : frespa*s/r*special_coul[ni];
853           double x = g_ewald*r, t = 1.0/(1.0+EWALD_P*x);
854           if (ni == 0) {
855             s *= g_ewald*exp(-x*x);
856             force_coul = (t *= ((((t*A5+A4)*t+A3)*t+A2)*t+A1)*s/x)+EWALD_F*s-respa_coul;
857             if (eflag) ecoul = t;
858           }
859           else {                                        // correct for special
860             r = s*(1.0-special_coul[ni])/r; s *= g_ewald*exp(-x*x);
861             force_coul = (t *= ((((t*A5+A4)*t+A3)*t+A2)*t+A1)*s/x)+EWALD_F*s-r-respa_coul;
862             if (eflag) ecoul = t-r;
863           }
864         }                                                // table real space
865         else {
866           if (respa_flag) {
867             double r = sqrt(rsq), s = qri*q[j];
868             respa_coul = ni == 0 ? frespa*s/r : frespa*s/r*special_coul[ni];
869           }
870           union_int_float_t t;
871           t.f = rsq;
872           const int k = (t.i & ncoulmask) >> ncoulshiftbits;
873           double f = (rsq-rtable[k])*drtable[k], qiqj = qi*q[j];
874           if (ni == 0) {
875             force_coul = qiqj*(ftable[k]+f*dftable[k]);
876             if (eflag) ecoul = qiqj*(etable[k]+f*detable[k]);
877           }
878           else {                                        // correct for special
879             t.f = (1.0-special_coul[ni])*(ctable[k]+f*dctable[k]);
880             force_coul = qiqj*(ftable[k]+f*dftable[k]-t.f);
881             if (eflag) {
882               t.f = (1.0-special_coul[ni])*(ptable[k]+f*dptable[k]);
883               ecoul = qiqj*(etable[k]+f*detable[k]-t.f);
884             }
885           }
886         }
887       }
889       else force_coul = respa_coul = ecoul = 0.0;
891       if (rsq < cut_ljsqi[typej]) {                        // lennard-jones
892         double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
893         if (respa_flag) respa_lj = ni == 0 ?                 // correct for respa
894             frespa*rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej]) :
895             frespa*rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej])*special_lj[ni];
896         if (order6) {                                        // long-range form
897           if (!ndisptablebits || rsq <= tabinnerdispsq) {
898             double x2 = g2*rsq, a2 = 1.0/x2;
899             x2 = a2*exp(-x2)*lj4i[typej];
900             if (ni == 0) {
901               force_lj =
902                 (rn*=rn)*lj1i[typej]-g8*(((6.0*a2+6.0)*a2+3.0)*a2+1.0)*x2*rsq-respa_lj;
903               if (eflag) evdwl = rn*lj3i[typej]-g6*((a2+1.0)*a2+0.5)*x2;
904             }
905             else {                                        // correct for special
906               double f = special_lj[ni], t = rn*(1.0-f);
907               force_lj = f*(rn *= rn)*lj1i[typej]-
908                 g8*(((6.0*a2+6.0)*a2+3.0)*a2+1.0)*x2*rsq+t*lj2i[typej]-respa_lj;
909               if (eflag)
910                 evdwl = f*rn*lj3i[typej]-g6*((a2+1.0)*a2+0.5)*x2+t*lj4i[typej];
911             }
912           }
913           else {                        // table real space
914             union_int_float_t disp_t;
915             disp_t.f = rsq;
916             const int disp_k = (disp_t.i & ndispmask)>>ndispshiftbits;
917             double f_disp = (rsq-rdisptable[disp_k])*drdisptable[disp_k];
918             double rn = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
919             if (ni == 0) {
920               force_lj = (rn*=rn)*lj1i[typej]-(fdisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dfdisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej]-respa_lj;
921               if (eflag) evdwl = rn*lj3i[typej]-(edisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dedisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej];
922             }
923             else {                  // special case
924               double f = special_lj[ni], t = rn*(1.0-f);
925               force_lj = f*(rn *= rn)*lj1i[typej]-(fdisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dfdisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej]+t*lj2i[typej]-respa_lj;
926               if (eflag) evdwl = f*rn*lj3i[typej]-(edisptable[disp_k]+f_disp*dedisptable[disp_k])*lj4i[typej]+t*lj4i[typej];
927             }
928           }
929         }
930         else {                                                // cut form
931           if (ni == 0) {
932             force_lj = rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej])-respa_lj;
933             if (eflag) evdwl = rn*(rn*lj3i[typej]-lj4i[typej])-offseti[typej];
934           }
935           else {                                        // correct for special
936             double f = special_lj[ni];
937             force_lj = f*rn*(rn*lj1i[typej]-lj2i[typej])-respa_lj;
938             if (eflag)
939               evdwl = f*(rn*(rn*lj3i[typej]-lj4i[typej])-offseti[typej]);
940           }
941         }
942       }
943       else force_lj = respa_lj = evdwl = 0.0;
945       fpair = (force_coul+force_lj)*r2inv;
947       if (newton_pair || j < nlocal) {
948         double *fj = f0+(j+(j<<1)), f;
949         fi[0] += f = d[0]*fpair; fj[0] -= f;
950         fi[1] += f = d[1]*fpair; fj[1] -= f;
951         fi[2] += f = d[2]*fpair; fj[2] -= f;
952       }
953       else {
954         fi[0] += d[0]*fpair;
955         fi[1] += d[1]*fpair;
956         fi[2] += d[2]*fpair;
957       }
959       if (evflag) {
960         fvirial = (force_coul + force_lj + respa_coul + respa_lj)*r2inv;
961         ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair,
962                  evdwl,ecoul,fvirial,d[0],d[1],d[2]);
963       }
964     }
965   }
966 }
968 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
single(int i,int j,int itype,int jtype,double rsq,double factor_coul,double factor_lj,double & fforce)970 double PairLJLongCoulLong::single(int i, int j, int itype, int jtype,
971                           double rsq, double factor_coul, double factor_lj,
972                           double &fforce)
973 {
974   double r2inv, r6inv, force_coul, force_lj;
975   double g2 = g_ewald_6*g_ewald_6, g6 = g2*g2*g2, g8 = g6*g2, *q = atom->q;
977   double eng = 0.0;
979   r2inv = 1.0/rsq;
980   if ((ewald_order&2) && (rsq < cut_coulsq)) {                // coulombic
981     if (!ncoultablebits || rsq <= tabinnersq) {                // series real space
982       double r = sqrt(rsq), x = g_ewald*r;
983       double s = force->qqrd2e*q[i]*q[j], t = 1.0/(1.0+EWALD_P*x);
984       r = s*(1.0-factor_coul)/r; s *= g_ewald*exp(-x*x);
985       force_coul = (t *= ((((t*A5+A4)*t+A3)*t+A2)*t+A1)*s/x)+EWALD_F*s-r;
986       eng += t-r;
987     } else {                                                // table real space
988       union_int_float_t t;
989       t.f = rsq;
990       const int k = (t.i & ncoulmask) >> ncoulshiftbits;
991       double f = (rsq-rtable[k])*drtable[k], qiqj = q[i]*q[j];
992       t.f = (1.0-factor_coul)*(ctable[k]+f*dctable[k]);
993       force_coul = qiqj*(ftable[k]+f*dftable[k]-t.f);
994       eng += qiqj*(etable[k]+f*detable[k]-t.f);
995     }
996   } else force_coul = 0.0;
998   if (rsq < cut_ljsq[itype][jtype]) {                       // lennard-jones
999     r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
1000     if (ewald_order&64) {                                   // long-range
1001       double x2 = g2*rsq, a2 = 1.0/x2, t = r6inv*(1.0-factor_lj);
1002       x2 = a2*exp(-x2)*lj4[itype][jtype];
1003       force_lj = factor_lj*(r6inv *= r6inv)*lj1[itype][jtype]-
1004                g8*(((6.0*a2+6.0)*a2+3.0)*a2+1.0)*x2*rsq+t*lj2[itype][jtype];
1005       eng += factor_lj*r6inv*lj3[itype][jtype]-
1006         g6*((a2+1.0)*a2+0.5)*x2+t*lj4[itype][jtype];
1007     } else {                                                // cut
1008       force_lj = factor_lj*r6inv*(lj1[itype][jtype]*r6inv-lj2[itype][jtype]);
1009       eng += factor_lj*(r6inv*(r6inv*lj3[itype][jtype]-
1010                                lj4[itype][jtype])-offset[itype][jtype]);
1011     }
1012   } else force_lj = 0.0;
1014   fforce = (force_coul+force_lj)*r2inv;
1015   return eng;
1016 }