1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /* Frame.cpp
8 	Class to organize data which is specific to one geometry point
10 	BMB 4/1998
11 	Added Bond Order and Hydrogen Bond generation 12/1998
12 	Fixed problem reading incomplete sets of UHF orbitals in ParseEigenVectors - 10/2000 BMB
13 	Moved normal mode parsing to ParseNormalModes - 1/2001 BMB
14 	Updated CI orbital parser for addition of sym - 8/2002 BMB
15 	Adjusted the MP2 orbital dat file parser for reduced variational space - 9/2002 BMB
16 */
18 #include "Globals.h"
19 #include "GlobalExceptions.h"
20 #include "MyTypes.h"
21 #include "myFiles.h"
22 #include "Frame.h"
23 #include "Progress.h"
24 #include "Prefs.h"
25 #include "Gradient.h"
26 #include "AtomTypeList.h"
27 #include "wx/wx.h"
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <new>
30 #include <ctype.h>
31 #include "MolDisplayWin.h"
33 #if defined(WIN32)
34 #undef AddAtom
35 #endif
37 extern WinPrefs *gPreferences;
Frame(MolDisplayWin * myMolWin)39 Frame::Frame(MolDisplayWin * myMolWin) {
40 	MolWin = myMolWin;
41 	Energy = 0.0;
42 	time = 0.0;
43 	IRCPt = 0;
44 	Atoms = NULL;
45 	Bonds = NULL;
46 	NumAtoms = 0;
47 	AtomAllocation = 0;
48 	NumBonds = 0;
49 	BondAllocation = 0;
50 	SpecialAtoms = NULL;
51 	Vibs = NULL;
52 	SurfaceList = NULL;
53 	Gradient = NULL;
55 	NextFrame = NULL;
56 	PreviousFrame = NULL;
58 	natoms_selected = 0;
59 	targeted_atom = -1;
60 }
62 /*
63 Frame& Frame::operator= (const Frame& f)
64 {
65   delete [] Atoms;
66   Atoms = NULL;
67   delete [] Bonds;
68   Bonds = NULL;
70   this->NumAtoms = 0;
71   this->NumBonds = 0;
72   this->AtomAllocation = 0;
73   this->BondAllocation = 0;
75   for ( int i = 0; i < f.NumAtoms; i++)
76     AddAtom(f.Atoms[i].Type, f.Atoms[i].Position);
78   for ( int i = 0; i < f.NumBonds; i++)
79     AddBond(f.Bonds[i].Atom1, f.Bonds[i].Atom2, f.Bonds[i].Order);
81   return *this;
82 }
83 */
84 //not needed currently
~Frame(void)86 Frame::~Frame(void) {
87 	if (Atoms) delete [] Atoms;
88 	if (Bonds) delete [] Bonds;
89 	if (SpecialAtoms) delete [] SpecialAtoms;
90 	if (Vibs) delete Vibs;
91 	if (Orbs.size() > 0) {
92 		std::vector<OrbitalRec *>::const_iterator OrbSet = Orbs.begin();
93 		while (OrbSet != Orbs.end()) {
94 			delete (*OrbSet);
95 			OrbSet++;
96 		}
97 	}
98 	while (SurfaceList) {
99 		Surface * temp = SurfaceList->NextSurface;
100 		delete SurfaceList;
101 		SurfaceList = temp;
102 	}
103 	if (Gradient) delete Gradient;
104 	if (NextFrame) {
105 		if (PreviousFrame) {
106 			PreviousFrame->SetNextFrame(NextFrame);
107 		}
108 		NextFrame->SetPreviousFrame(PreviousFrame);
109 	} else if (PreviousFrame) {
110 		PreviousFrame->SetNextFrame(NULL);
111 	}
112 }
DeleteOrbitals(void)113 void Frame::DeleteOrbitals(void) {
114 	if (Orbs.size() > 0) {
115 		std::vector<OrbitalRec *>::const_iterator OrbSet = Orbs.begin();
116 		while (OrbSet != Orbs.end()) {
117 			delete (*OrbSet);
118 			OrbSet++;
119 		}
120 		Orbs.clear();
121 	}
122 }
SetNextFrame(Frame * next)124 void Frame::SetNextFrame(Frame * next) { NextFrame = next; }
SetPreviousFrame(Frame * previous)126 void Frame::SetPreviousFrame(Frame * previous) { PreviousFrame = previous; }
GetNextFrame(void)128 Frame * Frame::GetNextFrame(void) { return NextFrame; }
GetPreviousFrame(void)130 Frame * Frame::GetPreviousFrame(void) { return PreviousFrame; }
AddAtom(long AtomType,const CPoint3D & AtomPosition,long index)132 mpAtom *Frame::AddAtom(long AtomType, const CPoint3D & AtomPosition,
133 					   long index) {
135 	/* AtomType is the atom's atomic number, starting with hydrogen at 1. It is used to index the
136 	   atom types array elsewhere so must be validated. */
138 	mpAtom * result = NULL;
140 	if (NumAtoms>=AtomAllocation) IncreaseAtomAllocation(MAX(NumAtoms,10));
142 	if (NumAtoms<AtomAllocation) {
143 		if ((index<=-1)||(index>=NumAtoms)) {//Add to the end of the list
144 			index = NumAtoms;
145 		} else {	//insert the atom into the middle of the list
146 			for (int i=NumAtoms; i>index; i--) {
147 				Atoms[i] = Atoms[i-1];
148 			}
150 			// Adjust bonds that connect higher-numbered atoms.
151 			for (int i = 0; i < NumBonds; ++i) {
152 				if (Bonds[i].Atom1 >= index) Bonds[i].Atom1++;
153 				if (Bonds[i].Atom2 >= index) Bonds[i].Atom2++;
154 			}
156 			if (targeted_atom >= index) {
157 				targeted_atom++;
158 			}
159 		}
160 		if ((AtomType>0)&&(AtomType<=kMaxAtomTypes))
161 			Atoms[index].Type = AtomType;
162 		else
163 			Atoms[index].Type = 114; //Convert invalid types to a max type to clearly indicate a problem
164 		Atoms[index].Position = AtomPosition;
165 		Atoms[index].flags = 0;
166 		Atoms[index].SetDefaultCoordinationNumber();
167 		Atoms[index].SetDefaultLonePairCount();
168 		result = &Atoms[index];
169 		NumAtoms++;
170 	}
171 	//Delete any orbitals and normal modes
172 	if (Vibs) {
173 		delete Vibs;
174 		Vibs = NULL;
175 	}
176 	DeleteOrbitals();
177 	while (SurfaceList) DeleteSurface(0);
178 	return result;
180 }
AddAtom(const mpAtom & atm,long index,const CPoint3D * pos)182 mpAtom * Frame::AddAtom(const mpAtom& atm, long index, const CPoint3D *pos) {
184 	mpAtom * result = NULL;
186 	if (NumAtoms>=AtomAllocation) IncreaseAtomAllocation(MAX(NumAtoms,10));
188 	if (NumAtoms<AtomAllocation) {
189 		if ((index<=-1)||(index>=NumAtoms)) {//Add to the end of the list
190 			index = NumAtoms;
191 		} else {	//insert the atom into the middle of the list
192 			for (int i=NumAtoms; i>index; i--) {
193 				Atoms[i] = Atoms[i-1];
194 			}
196 			// Adjust bonds that connect higher-numbered atoms.
197 			for (int i = 0; i < NumBonds; ++i) {
198 				if (Bonds[i].Atom1 >= index) Bonds[i].Atom1++;
199 				if (Bonds[i].Atom2 >= index) Bonds[i].Atom2++;
200 			}
202 			if (targeted_atom >= index) {
203 				targeted_atom++;
204 			}
205 		}
206 		Atoms[index] = atm;
207 		result = &Atoms[index];
208 		if (pos) {
209 			SetAtomPosition(index, *pos);
210 		}
211 		if (atm.GetSelectState()) {
212 			natoms_selected++;
213 		}
214 		NumAtoms++;
215 	}
216 	//Delete any orbitals and normal modes
217 	if (Vibs) {
218 		delete Vibs;
219 		Vibs = NULL;
220 	}
221 	DeleteOrbitals();
222 	while (SurfaceList) DeleteSurface(0);
223 	return result;
224 }
IncreaseAtomAllocation(long NumAdditional)226 bool Frame::IncreaseAtomAllocation(long NumAdditional) {
227 	if (AtomAllocation+NumAdditional < NumAtoms) return false;
228 	mpAtom * temp = new mpAtom[AtomAllocation+NumAdditional];
229 	if (temp) {
230 		if (Atoms != NULL) {
231 			memcpy(temp, Atoms, NumAtoms*sizeof(mpAtom));
232 			delete [] Atoms;
233 		}
234 		Atoms = temp;
235 		AtomAllocation += NumAdditional;
236 	} else return false;
237 	return true;
238 }
ReadGradient(BufferFile * Buffer,wxFileOffset SearchLength)239 void Frame::ReadGradient(BufferFile * Buffer, wxFileOffset SearchLength) {
240 	wxFileOffset SavedPos = Buffer->GetFilePos(), npos;
241 	bool	found=false;
242 	int		Style = 1;
244 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord(" NSERCH", 7, SearchLength)) {	//Search for gradient data at the end of an optimization point
245 		found = true;
246 	} else if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("UNITS ARE HARTREE/BOHR    E'X", 29, SearchLength)) {
247 		Buffer->BackupnLines(6);
248 		Style = 2;
249 		found = true;
250 	}
251 	if (found) {
252 		Gradient = new GradientData;
253 		if (Gradient) {
254 			npos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
255 			if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("COORDINATES (BOHR)                         GRADIENT (HARTREE/BOHR)",
256 					60, SearchLength)) {
257 				Style=0;
258 				Buffer->SetFilePos(npos);
259 			}
260 			if (!Gradient->ParseGAMESSGradient(Buffer, NumAtoms, SearchLength, Style)) {
261 				delete Gradient;
262 				Gradient = NULL;
263 			}
264 		}
265 	}
267 	Buffer->SetFilePos(SavedPos);	//reset position so other code isn't broken
268 }
GradientVectorAvailable(void) const269 bool Frame::GradientVectorAvailable(void) const {
270 	bool result = false;
271 	if (Gradient) {
272 		result = Gradient->GradientVectorAvailable(NumAtoms);
273 	}
274 	return result;
275 }
RetrieveAtomGradient(long theAtom,CPoint3D & gradVector) const276 bool Frame::RetrieveAtomGradient(long theAtom, CPoint3D & gradVector) const {
277 	if (Gradient) return Gradient->RetrieveAtomGradient(theAtom, gradVector);
278 	return false;
279 }
GetRMSGradient(void) const281 float Frame::GetRMSGradient(void) const {
282 	float result=-1.0f;
283 	if (Gradient) {
284 		result = Gradient->GetRMS();
285 	}
286 	return result;
287 }
GetMaxGradient(void) const288 float Frame::GetMaxGradient(void) const {
289 	float result=-1.0;
290 	if (Gradient) {
291 		result = Gradient->GetMaximum();
292 	}
293 	return result;
294 }
SetRMSGradient(float v)295 void Frame::SetRMSGradient(float v) {
296 	if (!Gradient) Gradient = new GradientData;
297 	if (Gradient) Gradient->SetRMS(v);
298 }
SetMaximumGradient(float v)299 void Frame::SetMaximumGradient(float v) {
300 	if (!Gradient) Gradient = new GradientData;
301 	if (Gradient) Gradient->SetMaximum(v);
302 }
AddSpecialAtom(CPoint3D Vector,long AtomNum)303 bool Frame::AddSpecialAtom(CPoint3D Vector, long AtomNum) {
304 	if (!SpecialAtoms) SpecialAtoms = new CPoint3D[AtomAllocation];
305 	if (!SpecialAtoms) return false;
306 	if (AtomNum >= AtomAllocation) return false;
307 	SpecialAtoms[AtomNum] = Vector;
308 	return true;
309 }
AddBond(long Atom1,long Atom2,const BondOrder & b)310 bool Frame::AddBond(long Atom1, long Atom2, const BondOrder & b) {
311 	bool result = false;
312 		//Validate the pair of atom references
313 	if ((Atom1>=0)&&(Atom2>=0)&&(Atom1!=Atom2)&&(Atom1<NumAtoms)&&(Atom2<NumAtoms)) {
314 		if (NumBonds == BondAllocation) IncreaseBondAllocation(MAX(10, NumBonds/10));
315 		if (NumBonds<BondAllocation) {
316 				//To improve scanning speed always place the higher atom # first
317 			if (Atom1 > Atom2) {
318 				Bonds[NumBonds].Atom1 = Atom1;
319 				Bonds[NumBonds].Atom2 = Atom2;
320 			} else {
321 				Bonds[NumBonds].Atom1 = Atom2;
322 				Bonds[NumBonds].Atom2 = Atom1;
323 			}
324 			Bonds[NumBonds].Order = b;
325 			Bonds[NumBonds].Highlite = 0;
326 			NumBonds++;
327 			result = true;
328 		}
329 	}
330 	return result;
331 }
GetBondLength(long atom1,long atom2,float * length)333 bool Frame::GetBondLength(long atom1, long atom2, float * length) {
335 	bool result = false;
337 	if ((atom1 >= 0)&&(atom2>=0)&&(atom1<NumAtoms)&&(atom2<NumAtoms)&&(atom1!=atom2)) {
338 		CPoint3D offset;
339 		offset.x = Atoms[atom1].Position.x - Atoms[atom2].Position.x;
340 		offset.y = Atoms[atom1].Position.y - Atoms[atom2].Position.y;
341 		offset.z = Atoms[atom1].Position.z - Atoms[atom2].Position.z;
342 		*length = offset.Magnitude();
343 		result = true;
344 	}
346 	return result;
347 }
GetBondAngle(long atom1,long atom2,long atom3,float * result)348 bool Frame::GetBondAngle(long atom1, long atom2, long atom3, float * result) {
349 	bool res = false;
351 	if ((atom1 >= 0)&&(atom2>=0)&&(atom3>=0)&&(atom1<NumAtoms)&&(atom2<NumAtoms)&&
352 		(atom3<NumAtoms)&&(atom1!=atom2)&&(atom1!=atom3)&&(atom2!=atom3)) {
354 		CPoint3D offset;
355 		float	length1, length2, length3;
356 		offset.x = Atoms[atom2].Position.x - Atoms[atom1].Position.x;
357 		offset.y = Atoms[atom2].Position.y - Atoms[atom1].Position.y;
358 		offset.z = Atoms[atom2].Position.z - Atoms[atom1].Position.z;
359 		length1 = offset.Magnitude();
360 		offset.x = Atoms[atom1].Position.x - Atoms[atom3].Position.x;
361 		offset.y = Atoms[atom1].Position.y - Atoms[atom3].Position.y;
362 		offset.z = Atoms[atom1].Position.z - Atoms[atom3].Position.z;
363 		length3 = offset.Magnitude();
364 		offset.x = Atoms[atom3].Position.x - Atoms[atom2].Position.x;
365 		offset.y = Atoms[atom3].Position.y - Atoms[atom2].Position.y;
366 		offset.z = Atoms[atom3].Position.z - Atoms[atom2].Position.z;
367 		length2 = offset.Magnitude();
368 		if ((fabs(length1)>0.0001)&&(fabs(length3)>0.0001)&&(fabs(length2)>0.0001)) {
369 			*result = acos(((length1*length1+length2*length2-length3*length3)/
370 								(2*length1*length2)));
371 			*result *= kRadToDegree;
372 		} else *result = 0.0;
373 		res = true;
374 	}
375 	return res;
376 }
GetBondDihedral(long atom1,long bondAtom,long AngleAtom,long DihedralAtom,float * angle)377 bool Frame::GetBondDihedral(long atom1, long bondAtom, long AngleAtom, long DihedralAtom,
378 					 float * angle) {
379 	bool	result = false;
381 	if ((atom1 >= 0)&&(bondAtom>=0)&&(AngleAtom>=0)&&(DihedralAtom>=0)&&(atom1<NumAtoms)&&
382 		(bondAtom<NumAtoms)&&(AngleAtom<NumAtoms)&&(DihedralAtom<NumAtoms)&&
383 		(atom1!=bondAtom)&&(atom1!=AngleAtom)&&(atom1!=DihedralAtom)&&
384 		(bondAtom!=AngleAtom)&&(bondAtom!=DihedralAtom)&&(AngleAtom!=DihedralAtom)) {
386 		CPoint3D BondVector, offset2, offset3;
387 		//Bond Length
388 		BondVector.x = Atoms[bondAtom].Position.x - Atoms[atom1].Position.x;
389 		BondVector.y = Atoms[bondAtom].Position.y - Atoms[atom1].Position.y;
390 		BondVector.z = Atoms[bondAtom].Position.z - Atoms[atom1].Position.z;
391 		//Bond angle
392 		offset2.x = Atoms[atom1].Position.x - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x;
393 		offset2.y = Atoms[atom1].Position.y - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y;
394 		offset2.z = Atoms[atom1].Position.z - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z;
395 		offset2.x = Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x - Atoms[bondAtom].Position.x;
396 		offset2.y = Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y - Atoms[bondAtom].Position.y;
397 		offset2.z = Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z - Atoms[bondAtom].Position.z;
398 		//Dihedral angle
399 		offset3.x = Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.x - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.x;
400 		offset3.y = Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.y - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.y;
401 		offset3.z = Atoms[DihedralAtom].Position.z - Atoms[AngleAtom].Position.z;
402 		//	float length3 = offset3.Magnitude();
403 		CPoint3D UnitIJ = BondVector;
404 		CPoint3D UnitJK = offset2;
405 		CPoint3D UnitKL = offset3;
406 		Normalize3D(&UnitIJ);
407 		Normalize3D(&UnitJK);
408 		Normalize3D(&UnitKL);
409 		CPoint3D Normal1, Normal2;
410 		CrossProduct3D(&UnitIJ, &UnitJK, &Normal1);
411 		CrossProduct3D(&UnitJK, &UnitKL, &Normal2);
412 		float DotPJ = DotProduct3D(&UnitIJ, &UnitJK);
413 		float DotPK = DotProduct3D(&UnitJK, &UnitKL);
414 		DotPJ = 1.0 - DotPJ*DotPJ;
415 		DotPK = 1.0 - DotPK*DotPK;
416 		if ((DotPJ > 0.0)||(DotPK > 0.0)) {	//3 of the atom are linear, Bad!
417 			float SinPJ = sqrt(DotPJ);
418 			float SinPK = sqrt(DotPK);
419 			float Dot = DotProduct3D(&Normal1, &Normal2)/(SinPJ*SinPK);
420 			if (fabs(Dot) <= kCosErrorTolerance) {		//Bad value for a cos
421 				if (Dot > 0.9999) Dot = 1.0;
422 				else if (Dot < -0.9999) Dot = -1.0;
423 				*angle = acos(Dot);
424 				float Pi = acos(-1.0);
425 				if (fabs(*angle) < kZeroTolerance) *angle = 0.0;
426 				else if (fabs((*angle)-Pi) < kZeroTolerance) *angle = Pi;
427 				float Sense = DotProduct3D(&Normal2, &BondVector);
428 				if (Sense < 0.0) *angle = -*angle;
429 				*angle *= 180.0/Pi;
430 				result = true;
431 			}
432 		}
433 	}
434 	return result;
435 }
GetBondLength(long ibond)436 float Frame::GetBondLength(long ibond) {
437 	CPoint3D offset;
438 	long atom1 = Bonds[ibond].Atom1;
439 	long atom2 = Bonds[ibond].Atom2;
441 	offset.x = Atoms[atom1].Position.x - Atoms[atom2].Position.x;
442 	offset.y = Atoms[atom1].Position.y - Atoms[atom2].Position.y;
443 	offset.z = Atoms[atom1].Position.z - Atoms[atom2].Position.z;
445 	return offset.Magnitude();
446 }
ChangeBond(long theBond,short whichPart,long theAtom)447 void Frame::ChangeBond(long theBond, short whichPart, long theAtom) {
448 	if ((theBond >= 0)&&(theBond < NumBonds)&&(theAtom>=0)&&(theAtom<NumAtoms)) {
449 		if (whichPart == 1) Bonds[theBond].Atom1 = theAtom;
450 		else if (whichPart == 2) Bonds[theBond].Atom2 = theAtom;
451 	}
452 }
GetBondAtom(long theBond,short thePart)453 long Frame::GetBondAtom(long theBond, short thePart) {
454 	if ((theBond >= 0)&&(theBond < NumBonds)) {
455 		if (thePart == 1) return Bonds[theBond].Atom1;
456 		else if (thePart == 2) return Bonds[theBond].Atom2;
457 	}
458 	return -1;
459 }
DeleteBond(long BondNum)460 void Frame::DeleteBond(long BondNum) {
461 	if (BondNum < NumBonds) {
462 		NumBonds--;
463 		for (long i=BondNum; i<NumBonds; i++) {
464 			Bonds[i] = Bonds[i+1];
465 		}
466 	}
467 }
IncreaseBondAllocation(long NumAdditional)468 bool Frame::IncreaseBondAllocation(long NumAdditional) {
469 	if (BondAllocation+NumAdditional < NumBonds) return false;
470 	Bond * temp = new Bond[BondAllocation+NumAdditional];
471 	if (temp) {
472 		if (Bonds != NULL) {
473             memcpy(temp, Bonds, NumBonds*sizeof(Bond));
474 			delete [] Bonds;
475 		}
476 		Bonds = temp;
477 		BondAllocation += NumAdditional;
478 	} else return false;
479 	return true;
480 }
DeleteAtom(long AtomNum)481 void Frame::DeleteAtom(long AtomNum) {	//remove the atom and pull down any higher atoms
482 	if ((AtomNum>=0)&&(AtomNum<NumAtoms)) {
483 		if (GetAtomSelection(AtomNum)) {
484 			natoms_selected--;
485 		}
486 		if ((AtomNum<(NumAtoms-1))&&(NumAtoms>1))
487 			memcpy(&(Atoms[AtomNum]), &(Atoms[AtomNum+1]), (NumAtoms-AtomNum - 1)*sizeof(mpAtom));
488 		NumAtoms--;
490 		if (targeted_atom == AtomNum) {
491 			targeted_atom = -1;
492 		} else if (targeted_atom > AtomNum) {
493 			targeted_atom--;
494 		}
496 		//remove this atom from the bond list
497 		/* for (long ii=0; ii<NumBonds; ii++) { */
498 		for (long ii = NumBonds - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
499 			if (Bonds[ii].Atom1 == AtomNum || Bonds[ii].Atom2 == AtomNum) {
500 				DeleteBond(ii);
501 			} else {
502 				if (Bonds[ii].Atom1 > AtomNum) {
503 					Bonds[ii].Atom1--;
504 				}
505 				if (Bonds[ii].Atom2 > AtomNum) {
506 					Bonds[ii].Atom2--;
507 				}
508 			}
509 		}
511 		// Delete any orbitals and normal modes
512 		if (Vibs) {
513 			delete Vibs;
514 			Vibs = NULL;
515 		}
516 		DeleteOrbitals();
517 		while (SurfaceList) DeleteSurface(0);
518 	}
519 }
SetAtomType(long theAtom,short atmType)520 bool Frame::SetAtomType(long theAtom, short atmType) {
521 	bool result = false;
522 	if ((theAtom>=0)&&(theAtom<NumAtoms)) {
523 		result = Atoms[theAtom].SetType(atmType);
524 		Atoms[theAtom].SetDefaultCoordinationNumber();
525 		Atoms[theAtom].SetDefaultLonePairCount();
526 	}
527 	return result;
528 }
GetAtomType(long iatom) const529 short Frame::GetAtomType(long iatom) const {
530 	short	result=0;
531 	if (Atoms&&(iatom>=0)&&(iatom<NumAtoms)) result = Atoms[iatom].GetType();
532 	return result;
533 }
GetAtomPosition(long iatom,CPoint3D & p) const534 bool Frame::GetAtomPosition(long iatom, CPoint3D & p) const {
535 	bool	result=false;
536 	if (Atoms&&(iatom>=0)&&(iatom<NumAtoms)) {
537 		result = true;
538 		p = Atoms[iatom].Position;
539 	}
540 	return result;
541 }
SetAtomPosition(long theAtom,const CPoint3D & pos)542 bool Frame::SetAtomPosition(long theAtom, const CPoint3D & pos) {
543 	bool result = false;
545 	if ((theAtom>=0)&&(theAtom<NumAtoms)) {
546 		Atoms[theAtom].Position = pos;
547 		result = true;
548 	}
549 	return result;
550 }
SetAtomSelection(long atom_id,bool select_it)552 bool Frame::SetAtomSelection(long atom_id, bool select_it) {
554 	// In order to properly maintain the number of atoms that are selected, all
555 	// atom selection should be done by calling this function.  Calculating the
556 	// number of atoms selected on the fly is computationally wasteful and is
557 	// needed frequently, so we want to keep track of the number here.
559 	// If the atom_id is out of bounds, return false.
560 	if (atom_id < 0 || atom_id >= NumAtoms) {
561 		return false;
562 	}
564 	// If this atom is wanting to be selected, but it's also a
565 	// symmetry dependent atom and we're in symmetry edit mode,
566 	// then we do not let it get selected.
567 	if (select_it && MolWin->InSymmetryEditMode() &&
568 		!Atoms[atom_id].IsSymmetryUnique()) {
569 		return false;
570 	}
572 	// Otherwise, select or deselect the atom and return true.
573 	if (select_it != Atoms[atom_id].GetSelectState()) {
574 		if (select_it) {
575 			natoms_selected++;
576 		} else {
577 			natoms_selected--;
578 		}
579 	}
580 	Atoms[atom_id].SetSelectState(select_it);
581 	return true;
583 }
GetAtomSelection(long atom_id) const585 bool Frame::GetAtomSelection(long atom_id) const {
586 	return atom_id >= 0 && atom_id < NumAtoms &&
587 		Atoms[atom_id].GetSelectState();
588 }
GetNumAtomsSelected(void) const590 int Frame::GetNumAtomsSelected(void) const {
591 	return natoms_selected;
592 }
GetNumElectrons(void) const594 long Frame::GetNumElectrons(void) const {
595 	long	result=0;
596 	for (long i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) result += Atoms[i].Type;
597 	return result;
598 };
600 /**
601  * Reevaluates the atom's bonds in this frame.  If KeepOldBonds is true and
602  * selectedOnly is true, then all bonds between selected atoms are retained and
603  * so are all bonds between unselected atoms; the only bonds that change are
604  * those between an unselected atom and a selected one.  If KeepOldBonds is
605  * true and selectedOnly is false, all incoming bonds are retained and new ones
606  * can be added anywhere.  If KeepOldBonds is false, all incoming bonds are
607  * deleted.  In this case, selectedOnly being true will add new bonds only if
608  * they involve at least one selected atom, or if true, they may be added
609  * anywhere.
610  * @param Prefs Preferences used to determining bonding sensitivity.
611  * @param KeepOldBonds Flag indicating which bonds to leave alone.
612  * @param ProgressInd A progress window to indicate long operational status
613  * @param selectedOnly Flag indicating which atoms' bonds to consider.
614 */
SetBonds(WinPrefs * Prefs,bool KeepOldBonds,Progress * ProgressInd,bool selectedOnly)615 void Frame::SetBonds(WinPrefs *Prefs, bool KeepOldBonds, Progress * ProgressInd, bool selectedOnly) {
617 	long		iatm, jatm, maxbonds;
618 	CPoint3D	offset;
619 	float		distance, AutoDist=-1.0;
620 	bool		newBond=true;
622 	if (ProgressInd) ProgressInd->ChangeText("Determining bonding...");
623 	maxbonds = NumAtoms*8;
624 	Bond * OldBonds = Bonds;
625 	long NumOldBonds = NumBonds;
626 	long OldBondAllocation = BondAllocation;
627 	Bonds = new Bond[maxbonds];
628 	if (Bonds == NULL) {
629 		MessageAlert("Insufficient Memory for Set Bond\nLength operation. Old Bonds left untouched.");
630 		Bonds = OldBonds;
631 		return;
632 	}
633 	NumBonds = 0;
634 	BondAllocation = maxbonds;
635 	if (KeepOldBonds) {
636 		//Here we copy the old bond array over preserving the existing bonds
637 		NumBonds = 0;
638 		for (long ibond=0; ibond<NumOldBonds; ibond++) {
639 			// In selectedOnly mode we only copy bonds that connect atoms
640 			// in the same selection state.  In this way, we reevaluate bonds
641 			// between the interface between selected and unselected.
642 			if (selectedOnly) {
643 				if (Atoms[OldBonds[ibond].Atom1].GetSelectState() ==
644 					Atoms[OldBonds[ibond].Atom2].GetSelectState()) {
645 					Bonds[NumBonds] = OldBonds[ibond];
646 					NumBonds++;
647 				}
648 			} else {
649 				Bonds[NumBonds] = OldBonds[ibond];
650 				NumBonds++;
651 			}
652 		}
653 	}
654 	float AutoScale = Prefs->GetAutoBondScale();
655 	bool AutoBond = Prefs->GetAutoBond();
656 	bool HHBondFlag = Prefs->GetHHBondFlag();
657 	bool GuessBondOrder = Prefs->DetermineBondOrder();
658 	float MaxBondLength = Prefs->GetMaxBondLength();
659 	MaxBondLength *= MaxBondLength;
660 	BondOrder lOrder;
661 	long iType, jType;
662 	float workTotal = 100.0f/NumAtoms;
663 	if (AutoBond && Prefs->AllowHydrogenBonds()) workTotal /= 3.0f;
664 	for (iatm=0; iatm<NumAtoms; iatm++) {
665 		if (ProgressInd) {
666 			if (!ProgressInd->UpdateProgress((float) iatm*workTotal)) {
667 				delete [] Bonds;
668 				Bonds = OldBonds;
669 				NumBonds = NumOldBonds;
670 				BondAllocation = OldBondAllocation;
671 				return;
672 			}
673 		}
674 		iType = Atoms[iatm].GetType();
675 		if (iType > 115) continue;
676 		long iSize = Prefs->GetAtomSize(iType-1);
677 		CPoint3D iPos = Atoms[iatm].Position;
678 		bool iSelectState = !Atoms[iatm].GetSelectState();
679 		for (jatm=iatm+1; jatm<NumAtoms; jatm++) {
680 			if (selectedOnly && iSelectState && !Atoms[jatm].GetSelectState())
681 				continue;
682 			jType = Atoms[jatm].GetType();
683 			if (HHBondFlag)	/*if both atoms are H's don't allow bonds if HHBondFlag is set*/
684 				if ((iType == 1)&&(jType == 1)) continue;
685 			if (jType > 115) continue;
686 			offset = iPos - Atoms[jatm].Position;
687 			distance = offset.x * offset.x + offset.y * offset.y + offset.z * offset.z;
688 			//We'll compare the squares of the distances to avoid the sqrt
689 	//		distance = offset.Magnitude();
690 			newBond = false;
691 			if (distance <= MaxBondLength) {
692 				newBond = true;
693 				lOrder = kSingleBond;
694 			} else if (AutoBond && !newBond) {
695 				AutoDist = AutoScale*((float) (iSize + Prefs->GetAtomSize(jType-1)));
696 				AutoDist *= AutoDist;
697 				if (distance <= AutoDist) {
698 					newBond = true;
699 					lOrder = kSingleBond;
700 				}
701 				if (newBond && GuessBondOrder) {//See if this might qualify as a multiple bond
702 					if ((iType != 1) && (jType != 1)) {
703 						if (distance <= (.725 * .725 * AutoDist))
704 							lOrder = kTripleBond;
705 						else if (distance <= (0.80 * 0.80 * AutoDist))
706 							lOrder = kDoubleBond;
707 					}
708 				}
709 			}
710 			if (newBond) {
711 				if (KeepOldBonds) {
712 					if (BondExists(iatm, jatm) >= 0) newBond = false;
713 				}
714 				if (newBond) {
715 					if (Atoms[iatm].IsSIMOMMAtom() != Atoms[jatm].IsSIMOMMAtom())
716 						continue;	//bonds are not allowed between SIMOMM and ab intio atoms
717 					if (! AddBond(iatm, jatm, lOrder)) {
718 						MessageAlert("Insufficient Memory for Set Bond\nLength operation. Old Bonds left untouched.");
719 						delete [] Bonds;
720 						Bonds = OldBonds;
721 						NumBonds = NumOldBonds;
722 						BondAllocation = OldBondAllocation;
723 						return;
724 					}
725 				}
726 			}
727 		}
728 	}
729 	if (AutoBond && Prefs->AllowHydrogenBonds()) {
730 		//Searching the bond list for existing bonds is killing this algorithm when there are large numbers
731 		//of atoms. Try creating a vector of the existing bonds to iatm and jatm early then search that short
732 		//list later.
733 		std::vector<long> bondsToI, bondsToJ;
734 		for (iatm=0; iatm<NumAtoms; iatm++) {
735 			if (ProgressInd) {
736 				if (!ProgressInd->UpdateProgress((float) (2*iatm+NumAtoms)*workTotal)) {
737 					delete [] Bonds;
738 					Bonds = OldBonds;
739 					NumBonds = NumOldBonds;
740 					BondAllocation = OldBondAllocation;
741 					return;
742 				}
743 			}
744 			iType = Atoms[iatm].GetType();
745 			//only consider H bonds with N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Se, and Br
746 			if (iType != 1) continue;	//Loop over hydrogens
747 			if (selectedOnly && !Atoms[iatm].GetSelectState()) continue;
748 			float iSize = AutoScale * ((float) (Prefs->GetAtomSize(iType-1)));
749 			CPoint3D iPos = Atoms[iatm].Position;
750 			bondsToI.clear();
751 			for (long i=0; i<NumBonds; i++) {
752 				if ((Bonds[i].Atom1 == iatm)||(Bonds[i].Atom2 == iatm)) bondsToI.push_back(i);
753 			}
754 			for (jatm=0; jatm<NumAtoms; jatm++) {
755 				if (selectedOnly && !Atoms[jatm].GetSelectState()) continue;
756 				jType = Atoms[jatm].GetType();
757 				if (!(((jType>=7)&&(jType<=9))||((jType>=15)&&(jType<=17))||
758 					  (jType==34)||(jType==35))) continue;
760 				//At this point iatm is a Hydrogen and jatm is a N, O, F, P, S, Cl, Se, or Br
761 				std::vector<long>::const_iterator it_i;
762 				bool ijbond=false;
763 				for (it_i = bondsToI.begin(); it_i < bondsToI.end(); it_i++) {
764 					if (*it_i == jatm) {
765 						ijbond = true;
766 						break;
767 					}
768 				}
769 				if (!ijbond) {	//can't be an existing bond
770 					newBond = false;
771 					offset = iPos - Atoms[jatm].Position;
772 					distance = offset.x*offset.x + offset.y*offset.y + offset.z*offset.z;
773 			//		distance = offset.Magnitude();
774 	//				AutoDist = AutoScale*((float) (Prefs->GetAtomSize(iType-1) +
775 	//											   Prefs->GetAtomSize(jType-1)));
776 					AutoDist = iSize + AutoScale*((float) (Prefs->GetAtomSize(jType-1)));
777 					float testDistance = 1.6*1.6*AutoDist*AutoDist;
778 					if (distance <= testDistance) newBond = true;
780 					if (newBond) {
781 						bondsToJ.clear();
782 						for (long i=0; i<NumBonds; i++) {
783 							if ((Bonds[i].Atom1 == jatm)||(Bonds[i].Atom2 == jatm)) bondsToJ.push_back(i);
784 						}
785 						//scan the bond list, prevent h-bonds between any pair of
786 						//atoms which are bonded to the same atom
787 						for (long i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
788 							long ib = -1;
789 							std::vector<long>::const_iterator it_iBond;
790 							for (it_iBond = bondsToI.begin(); it_iBond < bondsToI.end(); it_iBond++) {
791 								if (*it_iBond == i) {
792 									ib = *it_iBond;
793 									break;
794 								}
795 							}
796 							//Don't filter on preexisting hydrogen bonds
797 							if (ib >= 0)
798 								if (Bonds[ib].Order == kHydrogenBond) {
799 									//already a H-bond to this H. This is ok if the H
800 									//is between the heavy atoms. However, if one distance
801 									//is much bigger than the other the longer one should
802 									//be dropped.
803 									float angle;
804 									GetBondAngle(i, iatm, jatm, &angle);
805 									if (angle < 70.0) {
806 										GetBondLength(i, iatm, &testDistance);
807 										float angle2;
808 										GetBondAngle(i, jatm, iatm, &angle2);
809 										if (angle2 > 95.0) {
810 											if (distance > (testDistance*testDistance)) {
811 												newBond = false;
812 												break;
813 											} else {	//delete the other bond
814 												DeleteBond(ib);
815 											}
816 										}
817 									}
818 									ib = -1;
819 								}
820 							long jb = -1;
821 							for (it_i = bondsToJ.begin(); it_i < bondsToJ.end(); it_i++) {
822 								if (*it_i == i) {
823 									jb = *it_i;
824 									break;
825 								}
826 							}
827 							if (jb >= 0)
828 								if (Bonds[jb].Order == kHydrogenBond) jb = -1;
829 							if ((ib>=0) && (jb>=0)) {
830 								//Both atoms have an existing single (or higher) bond
831 								//and it thus doesn't make sense for them to have an H bond
832 								newBond = false;
833 								break;
834 							}
835 							if (!newBond) break;
836 						}
837 						if (newBond) {
838 							if (! AddBond(iatm, jatm, kHydrogenBond)) {
839 								MessageAlert("Insufficient Memory for Set Bond\nLength operation. Old Bonds left untouched.");
840 								delete [] Bonds;
841 								Bonds = OldBonds;
842 								NumBonds = NumOldBonds;
843 								BondAllocation = OldBondAllocation;
844 								return;
845 							}
846 							bondsToI.push_back(NumBonds);
847 						}
848 					}
849 				}
850 			}
851 		}
852 	}
853 	if (OldBonds) delete [] OldBonds;
854 	if (BondAllocation > NumBonds+50) {
855 		Bond * temp = new Bond[NumBonds+5];
856 		maxbonds = NumBonds+5;
857 		if (temp) {
858             memcpy(temp, Bonds, NumBonds*sizeof(Bond));
859 			delete [] Bonds;
860 			Bonds = temp;
861 			BondAllocation = maxbonds;
862 		}
863 	}
864 } /* SetBonds */
GetMP2Energy(void) const866 double Frame::GetMP2Energy(void) const {
867 	return GetEnergy(PT2Energy);
868 }
GetKineticEnergy(void) const869 double Frame::GetKineticEnergy(void) const {
870 	return GetEnergy(KineticEnergy);
871 }
GetEnergy(TypeOfEnergy t) const872 double Frame::GetEnergy(TypeOfEnergy t) const {
873 	double result = 0.0;
874 	std::vector<EnergyValue>::const_iterator it = Energies.begin();
875 	while (it < Energies.end()) {
876 		if ((*it).type == t) {
877 			result = (*it).value;
878 			break;
879 		}
880 		++it;
881 	}
883 	return result;
884 }
SetEnergy(const double & val,TypeOfEnergy t)885 void Frame::SetEnergy(const double & val, TypeOfEnergy t) {
886 	bool found = false;
888 	std::vector<EnergyValue>::iterator it = Energies.begin();
889 	while (it < Energies.end()) {
890 		if ((*it).type == t) {
891 			(*it).value = val;
892 			found = true;
893 			break;
894 		}
895 		++it;
896 	}
897 	if (!found) Energies.push_back(EnergyValue(val, t));
898 }
BondExists(long a1,long a2) const900 long Frame::BondExists(long a1, long a2) const {
901 	long result = -1;
902 	long higherAtom;
903 	long lowerAtom;
904 	if (a1 > a2) {
905 		higherAtom = a1;
906 		lowerAtom = a2;
907 	} else {
908 		higherAtom = a2;
909 		lowerAtom = a1;
910 	}
912 		//We assume that the atom pair is always listed with the higher atom in the Atom1 spot
913 	for (long i=0; i<NumBonds; i++) {
914 		if (Bonds[i].Atom1 == higherAtom) {
915 			if (Bonds[i].Atom2 == lowerAtom) {
916 //		if ((Bonds[i].Atom1 == a1 && Bonds[i].Atom2 == a2) ||
917 //			(Bonds[i].Atom1 == a2 && Bonds[i].Atom2 == a1)) {
918 				result = i;
919 				break;
920 			}
921 		}
922 	}
923 	return result;
924 }
926 void ReadGAMESSlogVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, float *Vectors, long MaxFuncs, long NumFuncs);
ParseGAMESSGuessVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,TypeOfWavefunction t,Progress * lProgress)928 void Frame::ParseGAMESSGuessVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, TypeOfWavefunction t,
929 									Progress * lProgress) {
930 	//first we need to parse off the separate list of occupancies, then try
931 	//using the normal eigenvector routine to parse the rest.
932 	//What is the UHF behavior? There are a couple of problems. First UHF needs to be handled
933 	//also ROHF printout seems broke since it prints alpha and beta orbitals separately
934 	//finally the MCSCF guess appears to have all zero occupation #'s.
935 	float * Occupancies=NULL;
936 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
937 	int NumOrbs = NumFuncs;
938 	//occupancies are printed out when using HCORE or Huekel guess types
939 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("ASSIGNED OCCUPANCIES", 20)) {
940 		Buffer->SkipnLines(2);
941 		Occupancies = new float[NumFuncs];
942 		for (int i=0; i<NumFuncs; i++) Occupancies[i] = 0.0;
943 		int iorb = 0;
944 		while (iorb < NumOrbs) {
945 			int imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
946 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
947 			int LinePos = 0;
948 			for (int jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
949 				int nChar;
950 				int ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(Occupancies[iorb]), &nChar);
951 				if (ScanErr==1) LinePos += nChar;
952 				else {
953 					imaxorb = jorb;
954 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
955 						imaxorb = 0;
956 						NumOrbs = iorb;
957 					}
958 					break;
959 				}
960 				iorb++;
961 			}
962 			if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
963 		}
964 		NumOrbs = iorb;
965 	}
966 	Buffer->BackupnLines(1);
967 	Buffer->SetFilePos(Buffer->FindBlankLine());
968 	Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
969 	if (NumOrbs > 0) {
970 		OrbitalRec * orbs = ParseGAMESSEigenVectors(Buffer, NumFuncs, NumOrbs,
971 								/*long NumBetaOrbs*/ 0, NumOrbs, 0,
972 								t, lProgress);
973 		if (orbs) {
974 			if (Occupancies) orbs->SetOccupancy(Occupancies, NumFuncs);
975 			orbs->setOrbitalType(GuessOrbital);
976 		} else if (Occupancies) {
977 			delete [] Occupancies;
978 			Occupancies = NULL;
979 		}
980 	}
981 }
982 //Handle MCSCF vectors (Natural and Optimized)
ParseGAMESSMCSCFVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,long NumOrbs,Progress * lProgress)983 void Frame::ParseGAMESSMCSCFVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs,
984 		long NumOrbs, Progress * lProgress) {
985 	long	iorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, NumOptOrbs=0, TestOrb,
986 			ScanErr, LinePos, jorb;
987 	int		nChar;
988 	float	*Vectors, *lEnergy, *OccNums;
989 	char	*SymType, Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
991 	long StartPos = Buffer->GetFilePos(), NOrbPos, OptOrbPos;
992 		//Look for the MCSCF Natural Orbitals, really should only read them in
993 		//for FORS type MCSCF functions
994 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("MCSCF NATURAL ORBITALS", 22)) {
995 		NOrbPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
996 		imaxorb =1;
997 		NumNOrbs = NumOrbs;
998 	} else if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("-MCHF- NATURAL ORBITALS", 23)) {
999 		NOrbPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
1000 		imaxorb =1;
1001 		NumNOrbs = NumOrbs;
1002 	}
1003 	Buffer->SetFilePos(StartPos);
1004 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("MCSCF OPTIMIZED ORBITALS", 24)) {
1005 		OptOrbPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
1006 		imaxorb++;
1007 		NumOptOrbs = NumFuncs;	//GAMESS now seems to print all optimized orbs
1008 	} else if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("-MCHF- OPTIMIZED ORBITALS", 25)) {
1009 		OptOrbPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
1010 		imaxorb++;
1011 		NumOptOrbs = NumFuncs;	//GAMESS now seems to print all optimized orbs
1012 	}
1013 	Buffer->SetFilePos(StartPos);
1014 	if (imaxorb==0) return;	//No MC orbital vectors found
1016 	long maxfuncs = NumFuncs;	//Always true
1017 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1019 	try {
1020 		if (NumNOrbs) {	//read in the Natural Orbitals
1021 			OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumNOrbs, 0, maxfuncs);
1022 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(MCSCF);
1023 			OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
1024 			Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1025 			lEnergy = OrbSet->Energy;
1026 			SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1027 			bool SymmetriesFound = true;
1028 			OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumNOrbs];
1029 			if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1030 				//Clear the occupation numbers just in case a full set is not read in
1031 			for (iorb=0; iorb<NumNOrbs; iorb++) OccNums[iorb] = 0.0;
1033 			Buffer->SetFilePos(NOrbPos);
1034 			Buffer->SkipnLines(3);
1035 			iorb=0;
1036 			while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1037 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1038 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1039 					delete OrbSet;
1040 					return;
1041 				}
1042 				imaxorb = ((10) > (NumNOrbs-iorb)) ? (NumNOrbs-iorb) : (10);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1043 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1044 				LinePos = 0;
1045 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1046 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1047 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1048 					else {
1049 						imaxorb = jorb;
1050 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1051 							imaxorb = 0;
1052 							NumNOrbs = iorb;
1053 						}
1054 						break;
1055 					}
1056 				}
1057 				if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1058 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1059 					//Older versions had a blank line, skip it if present
1060 				if (IsBlank(Line)) Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1061 					//first read in the orbital energy/occupation number of each orbital
1062 				LinePos = 0;
1063 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital energies
1064 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(lEnergy[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1065 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1066 					if (lEnergy[iorb+jorb] >= 0.0) {	//Only core orbital energies are printed
1067 						if (OccNums) OccNums[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb];
1068 						lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = 0.0;
1069 					} else if (OccNums) OccNums[iorb+jorb] = 2.0;
1070 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1071 				}
1072 				//In old versions orbital symetries are not printed for Natural orbitals, but new versions have them
1073 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1074 				if (!IsBlank(Line)) {
1075 					LinePos = 0;
1076 					for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1077 						ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1078 						if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1079 						LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1080 					}
1081 				} else SymmetriesFound = false;
1082 					//read in the vector block
1083 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
1084 				iorb += imaxorb;
1085 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1086 			}
1087 			if (!SymmetriesFound && (OrbSet->SymType!=NULL)) {
1088 				delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
1089 				OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
1090 			}
1091 			OrbSet->ReSize(NumNOrbs, 0);
1092 		}
1093 	}
1094 	catch (...) {
1095 		if (OrbSet != NULL) {
1096 			delete OrbSet;
1097 			OrbSet = NULL;
1098 		}
1099 	}
1100 	if (OrbSet) {
1101 		OrbSet->SetOrbitalOccupancy(NumNOrbs, 0);	//We should know the occupation # for all natural orbs.
1102 		Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1103 		OrbSet = NULL;
1104 	}
1105 	try {
1106 		if (NumOptOrbs) {
1107 			OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumOptOrbs, 0, maxfuncs);
1108 			Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1109 			lEnergy = OrbSet->Energy;
1110 			SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1111 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(MCSCF);
1112 			OrbSet->setOrbitalType(OptimizedOrbital);
1114 			Buffer->SetFilePos(OptOrbPos);	//move to the pre-determined start of the optimized orbitals
1115 			Buffer->SkipnLines(3);
1116 			iorb=0;
1117 			while (iorb<NumOptOrbs) {
1118 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1119 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1120 					delete OrbSet;
1121 					return;
1122 				}
1123 	//			imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOptOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1124 				imaxorb = ((10) > (NumOptOrbs-iorb)) ? (NumOptOrbs-iorb) : (10);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1125 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1126 				LinePos = 0;
1127 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1128 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1129 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1130 					else {
1131 						imaxorb = jorb;
1132 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1133 							imaxorb = 0;
1134 							NumOptOrbs = iorb;
1135 						}
1136 						break;
1137 					}
1138 				}
1139 				if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1140 					//first read in the orbital energy/occupation number of each orbital
1141 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1142 				LinePos = 0;
1143 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital energies
1144 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(lEnergy[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1145 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1146 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1147 				}
1148 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1149 				LinePos = 0;
1150 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1151 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1152 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1153 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1154 				}
1155 					//read in the vector block
1156 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
1157 				iorb += imaxorb;
1158 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1159 			}
1160 			OrbSet->ReSize(NumOptOrbs, 0);
1161 		}
1162 	}
1163 	catch (...) {
1164 		if (OrbSet != NULL) {
1165 			delete OrbSet;
1166 			OrbSet = NULL;
1167 		}
1168 	}
1169 	if (OrbSet) {
1170 		Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1171 	}
1172 }
1173 //There is a relatively rare runtype based on MCSCF that produces diabatic orbitals
1174 //Mike describes these as neither the final MOs or Naturals orbitals (though there are occupancies)
ParseGAMESSMCSCFDiabaticVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,long NumOrbs,Progress * lProgress)1175 void Frame::ParseGAMESSMCSCFDiabaticVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs,
1176 									long NumOrbs, Progress * lProgress) {
1177 	long	iorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, TestOrb,
1178 	ScanErr, LinePos, jorb;
1179 	int		nChar;
1180 	float	*Vectors, *lEnergy, *OccNums;
1181 	char	*SymType, Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
1183 	long maxfuncs = NumFuncs;	//Always true
1184 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1185 	NumNOrbs = NumOrbs;
1187 	try {
1188 		OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumNOrbs, 0, maxfuncs);
1189 		OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(MCSCF);
1190 		OrbSet->setOrbitalType(DiabaticMolecularOrbital);
1191 		Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1192 		lEnergy = OrbSet->Energy;
1193 		SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1194 		bool SymmetriesFound = true;
1195 		OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumNOrbs];
1196 		if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1197 		//Clear the occupation numbers just in case a full set is not read in
1198 		for (iorb=0; iorb<NumNOrbs; iorb++) OccNums[iorb] = 0.0;
1200 		Buffer->SetFilePos(Buffer->FindBlankLine());
1201 		Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1202 		iorb=0;
1203 		while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1204 			// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1205 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1206 				delete OrbSet;
1207 				return;
1208 			}
1209 			imaxorb = ((10) > (NumNOrbs-iorb)) ? (NumNOrbs-iorb) : (10);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1210 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1211 			LinePos = 0;
1212 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1213 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1214 				if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1215 				else {
1216 					imaxorb = jorb;
1217 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1218 						imaxorb = 0;
1219 						NumNOrbs = iorb;
1220 					}
1221 					break;
1222 				}
1223 			}
1224 			if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1225 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1226 			//Older versions had a blank line, skip it if present
1227 			if (IsBlank(Line)) Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1228 			//first read in the orbital energy/occupation number of each orbital
1229 			LinePos = 0;
1230 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital energies
1231 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(lEnergy[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1232 				if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1233 				if (lEnergy[iorb+jorb] >= 0.0) {	//Only core orbital energies are printed
1234 					if (OccNums) OccNums[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb];
1235 					lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = 0.0;
1236 				} else if (OccNums) OccNums[iorb+jorb] = 2.0;
1237 				LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1238 			}
1239 			//In old versions orbital symetries are not printed for Natural orbitals, but new versions have them
1240 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1241 			if (!IsBlank(Line)) {
1242 				LinePos = 0;
1243 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1244 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1245 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1246 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1247 				}
1248 			} else SymmetriesFound = false;
1249 			//read in the vector block
1250 			ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
1251 			iorb += imaxorb;
1252 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1253 		}
1254 		if (!SymmetriesFound && (OrbSet->SymType!=NULL)) {
1255 			delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
1256 			OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
1257 		}
1258 		OrbSet->ReSize(NumNOrbs, 0);
1259 	}
1260 	catch (...) {
1261 		if (OrbSet != NULL) {
1262 			delete OrbSet;
1263 			OrbSet = NULL;
1264 		}
1265 	}
1266 	if (OrbSet) {
1267 		OrbSet->SetOrbitalOccupancy(NumNOrbs, 0);	//We should know the occupation # for all natural orbs.
1268 		Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1269 	}
1270 }
1272 //Reads in a general set of eigenvectors from a GAMESS log file. The number of beta
1273 //orbitals is used only to indicate the need to read in both alpha and beta sets.
1274 //It is possible that there will be fewer orbitals than NumOrbs. If so then this
1275 //routine will (hopefully) recognize that and truncate the read.
ParseGAMESSEigenVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,long NumOrbs,long NumBetaOrbs,const long & NumOccAlpha,const long & NumOccBeta,const TypeOfWavefunction & method,Progress * lProgress)1276 OrbitalRec * Frame::ParseGAMESSEigenVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumOrbs,
1277 		long NumBetaOrbs, const long & NumOccAlpha, const long & NumOccBeta,
1278 		const TypeOfWavefunction & method, Progress * lProgress) {
1279 	long	iorb=0, imaxorb, maxfuncs, TestOrb, LinePos, ScanErr, jorb, OrbitalOffset=0;
1280 	int		nChar;
1281 	float	*Vectors, *lEnergy;
1282 	char	*SymType, Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
1283 	bool	energyError=false;
1285 	maxfuncs = NumFuncs;	//Always true
1286 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1287 	try {
1288 		OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumOrbs, (NumBetaOrbs?NumOrbs:0), NumFuncs);
1289 		Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1290 		lEnergy = OrbSet->Energy;
1291 		SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1292 		OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(RHF);
1293 		OrbSet->setOrbitalType(OptimizedOrbital);
1295 			//UHF orbs are not always organized in the same format
1296 			//To simplify just search for the 1 denoting the first vector
1297 		if (NumBetaOrbs) Buffer->LocateKeyWord("1", 1, -1);
1298 		while (iorb<NumOrbs) {
1299 				// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1300 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1301 				delete OrbSet;
1302 				return NULL;
1303 			}
1304 			imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1305 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1306 			LinePos = 0;
1307 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1308 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1309 				//Dmitri's npreo option skips printing of the first n orbitals. Need to handle a case
1310 				//where the orbital printout doesn't start at 1.
1311 				if ((iorb+jorb+1)==1) {
1312 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb > 1)) {
1313 						OrbitalOffset = TestOrb - 1;
1314 						OrbSet->setStartingOrbitalOffset(OrbitalOffset);
1315 					}
1316 				}
1317 				if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+OrbitalOffset+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1318 				else {
1319 					imaxorb = jorb;
1320 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1321 						imaxorb = 0;
1322 						NumOrbs = iorb;
1323 					}
1324 					break;
1325 				}
1326 			}
1327 			if (imaxorb > 0) {
1328 					//read in energy and the symmetry of each orbital (ie. A1 A2 B1�)
1329 				//First comes the orbital energy. Unfortunately for very large system the numbers
1330 				//can run together (no space in the output format) or exceed the field width (***'s)
1331 				//Since that will probably only happen for very high energy orbitals (that don't
1332 				//matter chemically) just use the last "good" value and echo a warning.
1333 				//This will flag the case with *'s , but not when the values run together.
1334 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1335 				if (strlen(Line) <= 0) Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1336 				LinePos = 0;
1337 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital energies
1338 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(lEnergy[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1339 					if (ScanErr <= 0) {
1340 						wxLogWarning(_("Error parsing the energy for orbital %ld. Using last energy and continuing."), iorb+jorb);
1341 						if ((iorb+jorb)>0) lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb-1];
1342 						jorb++;
1343 						while (jorb <imaxorb) {
1344 							lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb-1];
1345 							jorb++;
1346 						}
1347 						energyError = true;
1348 					}
1349 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1350 				}
1351 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1352 				if ((strlen(Line) > 0)&&SymType) {
1353 					LinePos = 0;
1354 					for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1355 						ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1356 						if (ScanErr <= 0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1357 						LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1358 					}
1359 				} else if (SymType) {
1360 					delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
1361 					SymType = OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
1362 				}
1363 					//read in the vector block
1364 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
1365 				iorb += imaxorb;
1366 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1367 			}
1368 		}
1369 		OrbSet->ReSize(NumOrbs, (NumBetaOrbs?NumOrbs:0));
1370 		if (NumBetaOrbs) {
1371 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(UHF);
1372 			Vectors = OrbSet->VectorsB;
1373 			lEnergy = OrbSet->EnergyB;
1374 			SymType = OrbSet->SymTypeB;
1375 			Buffer->BackupnLines(2);
1376 			if (!Buffer->LocateKeyWord("BETA SET",8)) throw DataError();
1377 				//UHF orbs are not always organized in the same format
1378 				//To simplify just search for the 1 denoting the first vector
1379 			Buffer->LocateKeyWord("1", 1, -1);
1380 	//		Buffer->SkipnLines(6);
1381 			iorb=0;
1383 			while (iorb<NumOrbs) {
1384 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1385 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1386 					delete OrbSet;
1387 					return NULL;
1388 				}
1389 				imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1390 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1391 				LinePos = 0;
1392 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1393 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1394 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1395 					else {
1396 						imaxorb = jorb;
1397 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1398 							imaxorb = 0;
1399 							NumOrbs = iorb;
1400 						}
1401 						break;
1402 					}
1403 				}
1404 				if (imaxorb > 0) {
1405 						//First comes the orbital energy. Unfortunately for very large system the numbers
1406 						//can run together (no space in the output format) or exceed the field width (***'s)
1407 						//Since that will probably only happen for very high energy orbitals (that don't
1408 						//matter chemically) just use the last "good" value and echo a warning.
1409 					Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1410 					if (strlen(Line) <= 0) Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1411 					LinePos = 0;
1412 					for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital energies
1413 						ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(lEnergy[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1414 						if (ScanErr <= 0) {
1415 							wxLogWarning(_("Error parsing the energy for orbital %d. Using last energy and continuing."), iorb+jorb);
1416 							if ((iorb+jorb)>0) lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb-1];
1417 							jorb++;
1418 							while (jorb <imaxorb) {
1419 								lEnergy[iorb+jorb] = lEnergy[iorb+jorb-1];
1420 								jorb++;
1421 							}
1422 						}
1423 						LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1424 					}
1425 					Buffer->GetLine(Line); // Read in the symmetry of each orbital (ie. A1 A2 B1�)
1426 					if ((strlen(Line) > 0)&&SymType) {
1427 						LinePos = 0;
1428 						for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1429 							ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1430 							if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1431 							LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1432 						}
1433 					} else if (SymType) {
1434 						delete [] OrbSet->SymTypeB;
1435 						SymType = OrbSet->SymTypeB = NULL;
1436 					}
1437 						//read in the vector block
1438 					ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
1439 					iorb += imaxorb;
1440 					Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1441 				}
1442 			}
1443 		}
1444 	}
1445 	catch (...) {
1446 		if (OrbSet) {
1447 			delete OrbSet;
1448 			OrbSet = NULL;
1449 		}
1450 	}
1451 	if (OrbSet != NULL) {
1452 		if ((OrbSet->getNumAlphaOrbitals() + OrbSet->getNumBetaOrbitals())<=0) {
1453 			delete OrbSet;
1454 			OrbSet = NULL;
1455 		} else {
1456 			OrbSet->SetOrbitalOccupancy(NumOccAlpha, NumOccBeta);
1457 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(method);
1458 			Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1459 		}
1460 	}
1461 	return OrbSet;
1462 }
ReadMolDenOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs)1463 void Frame::ReadMolDenOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs) {
1464 	//We don't have a lot of information about the orbitals so assume the largest case
1466 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1467 	try {
1468 		//There doesn't seem to be a good way to predetermine the number of orbitals so dimension a
1469 		//worse case
1470 		OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, NumFuncs, NumFuncs);
1471 		char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
1472 		bool	done=false;
1473 		long alphaCount=0, betaCount=0;
1475 		while (!done && (Buffer->GetFilePos()<Buffer->GetFileSize())) {
1476 			float * vector = NULL, energy=0.0, occ=-1;
1477 			bool header=true, good=true, alphaSpin=true;
1478 			char symLabel[5]="";
1479 			while (header) {
1480 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1481 				if (FindKeyWord(Line,"[",1)>=0) {
1482 					good = false;
1483 					done = true;
1484 					break;
1485 				}
1486 				int p;
1487 				if ((p=FindKeyWord(Line, "ENE=", 4))>=0) {
1488 					ConvertExponentStyle(Line);
1489 					sscanf(&(Line[p+4]),"%f", &energy);
1490 				} else if (FindKeyWord(Line, "SPIN=", 5)>=0) {
1491 					if (FindKeyWord(Line, "BETA", 4)>=0) alphaSpin = false;
1492 				} else if ((p=FindKeyWord(Line, "OCCUP=", 6))>=0) {
1493 					ConvertExponentStyle(Line);
1494 					sscanf(&(Line[p+6]),"%f", &occ);
1495 				} else if ((p=FindKeyWord(Line, "SYM=", 4))>=0) {
1496 					sscanf(&(Line[p+4]),"%4s", symLabel);
1497 				} else {
1498 					int test;
1499 					float junk;
1500 					ConvertExponentStyle(Line);
1501 					if (sscanf(Line, "%d %f", &test, &junk) == 2 ) {//start of the vector
1502 						Buffer->BackupnLines(1);
1503 						header = false;
1504 						break;
1505 					}
1506 				}
1507 			}
1508 			if (!good) break;
1509 			if (alphaSpin) {
1510 				vector = &(OrbSet->Vectors[alphaCount*NumFuncs]);
1511 				OrbSet->Energy[alphaCount] = energy;
1512 				if (occ > -1.0) {
1513 					if (!(OrbSet->OrbOccupation)) {
1514 						OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float[NumFuncs];
1515 					}
1516 					OrbSet->OrbOccupation[alphaCount] = occ;
1517 				}
1518 				strncpy(&(OrbSet->SymType[alphaCount*5]), symLabel, 4);
1519 			} else {
1520 				vector = &(OrbSet->VectorsB[betaCount*NumFuncs]);
1521 				OrbSet->EnergyB[betaCount] = energy;
1522 				if (occ > -1.0) {
1523 					if (!(OrbSet->OrbOccupationB)) {
1524 						OrbSet->OrbOccupationB = new float[NumFuncs];
1525 					}
1526 					OrbSet->OrbOccupationB[betaCount] = occ;
1527 				}
1528 				strncpy(&(OrbSet->SymTypeB[betaCount*5]), symLabel, 4);
1529 			}
1531 			for (int i=0; i<NumFuncs; i++) {	//loop over the vector itself
1532 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1533 				ConvertExponentStyle(Line);
1534 				int iline;
1535 				float vec;
1536 				if (sscanf(Line, "%d %f", &iline, &vec) == 2) {
1537 					if (iline != (i+1)) throw DataError();
1538 					vector[i] = vec;
1539 				} else throw DataError();
1540 			}
1541 			if (alphaSpin) alphaCount++;
1542 			else betaCount++;
1543 		}
1545 		OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs = alphaCount;
1546 		if (OrbSet->OrbOccupation) OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = alphaCount;
1547 		OrbSet->NumBetaOrbs = betaCount;
1548 		if (OrbSet->OrbOccupationB) OrbSet->NumOccupiedBetaOrbs = betaCount;
1549 	}
1550 	catch (...) {
1551 		if (OrbSet) {
1552 			delete OrbSet;
1553 			OrbSet=NULL;
1554 		}
1555 	}
1556 	if (OrbSet) Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1557 }
1558 //Handle CI vectors
ParseGAMESSCIVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,Progress * lProgress)1559 void Frame::ParseGAMESSCIVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress) {
1560 	long	iorb, jorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, TestOrb,
1561 			ScanErr, LinePos;
1562 	int		nChar;
1563 	float	*Vectors, *OccNums;
1564 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1], *SymType=NULL;
1565 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1567 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("NATURAL ORBITALS", 16)) {
1568 		try {
1569 			Buffer->SkipnLines(3); //setup to beginning of the first block
1570 			bool	Style = false;
1571 			long begPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
1572 				//Determine the style of the orbital output
1573 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1574 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1575 			int t = strlen(Line);
1576 			if (t > 5) Style=true;
1577 			Buffer->SetFilePos(begPos);
1579 			OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
1580 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(CI);
1581 			OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
1583 			Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1584 			if (OrbSet->Energy) {
1585 				delete [] OrbSet->Energy;
1586 				OrbSet->Energy = NULL;
1587 			}
1588 			if (Style) {
1589 				if (OrbSet->SymType == NULL) {
1590 					OrbSet->SymType = new char [NumFuncs*5];
1591 					if (!OrbSet->SymType) throw MemoryError();
1592 				}
1593 				SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1594 			} else {
1595 				if (OrbSet->SymType) {	//symmetry labels are not printed for NO's
1596 					delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
1597 					OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
1598 				}
1599 			}
1600 			OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumFuncs];
1601 			if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1603 			iorb=0;
1604 			NumNOrbs = NumFuncs;
1605 			while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1606 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1607 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1608 					delete OrbSet;
1609 					return;
1610 				}
1611 				imaxorb = MIN(10, NumNOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1612 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1613 				LinePos = 0;
1614 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1615 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1616 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1617 					else {
1618 						imaxorb = jorb;
1619 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1620 							imaxorb = 0;
1621 							NumNOrbs = iorb;
1622 						}
1623 						break;
1624 					}
1625 				}
1626 				if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1627 				if (!Style) Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line
1628 					//first read in the orbital occupation number of each orbital
1629 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1630 				LinePos = 0;
1631 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital occupations
1632 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(OccNums[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1633 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1634 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1635 				}
1636 				if (Style) {	//New style has orbital symmetries
1637 					Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1638 					if (strlen(Line) > 0) {
1639 						LinePos = 0;
1640 						for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1641 							ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1642 							if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1643 							LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1644 						}
1645 					}
1646 				} else	//old style has blank line
1647 					Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//skip blank line
1648 					//orbital symetries are not printed for Natural orbitals
1649 					//read in the vector block
1650 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*NumFuncs]), NumFuncs, imaxorb);
1651 				iorb += imaxorb;
1652 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1653 			}
1654 		}
1655 		catch (...) {
1656 			if (OrbSet) {
1657 				delete OrbSet;
1658 				OrbSet=NULL;
1659 			}
1660 		}
1661 		OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1662 		OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1663 		if (OrbSet) Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1664 	}
1665 }
1666 //Handle EOM-CC natural orbitals
ParseGAMESSEOM_CC_Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,Progress * lProgress)1667 void Frame::ParseGAMESSEOM_CC_Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress) {
1668 	long	iorb, jorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, TestOrb,
1669 	ScanErr, LinePos;
1670 	int		nChar;
1671 	float	*Vectors, *OccNums;
1672 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1], *SymType=NULL;
1673 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1675 	if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("NATURAL ORBITALS", 16)) {
1676 		try {
1677 			Buffer->SetFilePos(Buffer->FindBlankLine());
1678 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1679 			lProgress->ChangeText("Reading EOM-CC Natural Orbitals");
1681 			bool	Style = false;
1682 			long begPos = Buffer->GetFilePos();
1683 			//Determine the style of the orbital output
1684 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1685 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1686 			int t = strlen(Line);
1687 			if (t > 5) Style=true;
1688 			Buffer->SetFilePos(begPos);
1690 			OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
1691 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(EOM_CC);
1692 			OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
1694 			Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1695 			if (OrbSet->Energy) {
1696 				delete [] OrbSet->Energy;
1697 				OrbSet->Energy = NULL;
1698 			}
1699 			if (OrbSet->SymType == NULL) {
1700 				OrbSet->SymType = new char [NumFuncs*5];
1701 				if (!OrbSet->SymType) throw MemoryError();
1702 			}
1703 			SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1704 			OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumFuncs];
1705 			if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1707 			iorb=0;
1708 			NumNOrbs = NumFuncs;
1709 			while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1710 				// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1711 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1712 					delete OrbSet;
1713 					return;
1714 				}
1715 				imaxorb = MIN(10, NumNOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1716 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1717 				LinePos = 0;
1718 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1719 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1720 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1721 					else {
1722 						imaxorb = jorb;
1723 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1724 							imaxorb = 0;
1725 							NumNOrbs = iorb;
1726 						}
1727 						break;
1728 					}
1729 				}
1730 				if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1731 				//first read in the orbital occupation number of each orbital
1732 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1733 				LinePos = 0;
1734 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital occupations
1735 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(OccNums[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1736 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1737 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1738 				}
1739 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1740 				if (strlen(Line) > 0) {
1741 					LinePos = 0;
1742 					for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1743 						ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1744 						if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1745 						LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1746 					}
1747 				}
1748 				//read in the vector block
1749 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*NumFuncs]), NumFuncs, imaxorb);
1750 				iorb += imaxorb;
1751 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1752 			}
1753 		}
1754 		catch (...) {
1755 			if (OrbSet) {
1756 				delete OrbSet;
1757 				OrbSet=NULL;
1758 			}
1759 		}
1760 		OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1761 		OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1762 		if (OrbSet) Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1763 	}
1764 }
1765 //Parse UHF Natural Orbitals
1766 //
ParseUHFNOs(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,Progress * lProgress)1767 void Frame::ParseUHFNOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress) {
1768 	long	iorb, jorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, TestOrb,
1769 	ScanErr, LinePos;
1770 	int		nChar;
1771 	float	*Vectors, *OccNums;
1772 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1], *SymType=NULL;
1773 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1775 	try {
1776 		Buffer->SetFilePos(Buffer->FindBlankLine());
1777 		Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1779 		OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
1780 		OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(UHF);
1781 		OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
1783 		Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1784 		if (OrbSet->Energy) {
1785 			delete [] OrbSet->Energy;
1786 			OrbSet->Energy = NULL;
1787 		}
1788 		if (OrbSet->SymType == NULL) {
1789 			OrbSet->SymType = new char [NumFuncs*5];
1790 			if (!OrbSet->SymType) throw MemoryError();
1791 		}
1792 		SymType = OrbSet->SymType;
1793 		OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumFuncs];
1794 		if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1796 		iorb=0;
1797 		NumNOrbs = NumFuncs;
1798 		while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1799 			// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1800 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1801 				delete OrbSet;
1802 				return;
1803 			}
1804 			imaxorb = MIN(10, NumNOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1805 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1806 			LinePos = 0;
1807 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1808 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1809 				if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1810 				else {
1811 					imaxorb = jorb;
1812 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1813 						imaxorb = 0;
1814 						NumNOrbs = iorb;
1815 					}
1816 					break;
1817 				}
1818 			}
1819 			if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1820 			//first read in the orbital occupation number of each orbital
1821 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1822 			LinePos = 0;
1823 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital occupations
1824 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(OccNums[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1825 				if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1826 				LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1827 			}
1828 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1829 			if (strlen(Line) > 0) {
1830 				LinePos = 0;
1831 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {	//Get the orbital symmetries
1832 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%4s%n", &(SymType[(iorb+jorb)*5]),&nChar);
1833 					if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1834 					LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1835 				}
1836 			}
1837 			//read in the vector block
1838 			ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*NumFuncs]), NumFuncs, imaxorb);
1839 			iorb += imaxorb;
1840 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1841 		}
1842 	}
1843 	catch (...) {
1844 		if (OrbSet) {
1845 			delete OrbSet;
1846 			OrbSet=NULL;
1847 		}
1848 	}
1849 	if (OrbSet) {
1850 		OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1851 		OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1852 		if ((OrbSet->getNumAlphaOrbitals() + OrbSet->getNumBetaOrbitals())<=0) {
1853 			delete OrbSet;
1854 			OrbSet = NULL;
1855 		} else {
1856 			Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1857 		}
1858 	}
1859 }
1860 //Parse TD-DFT Natural Orbitals
1861 //
ParseTDDFTNOs(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,Progress * lProgress)1862 void Frame::ParseTDDFTNOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * lProgress) {
1863 	long	iorb, jorb, imaxorb=0, NumNOrbs=0, TestOrb,
1864 	ScanErr, LinePos;
1865 	int		nChar;
1866 	float	*Vectors, *OccNums;
1867 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
1868 	OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
1870 	try {
1871 		Buffer->SetFilePos(Buffer->FindBlankLine());
1872 		Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
1874 		OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
1875 		OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(TDDFT);
1876 		OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
1878 		Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
1879 		if (OrbSet->Energy) {
1880 			delete [] OrbSet->Energy;
1881 			OrbSet->Energy = NULL;
1882 		}
1883 		if (OrbSet->SymType) {
1884 			delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
1885 			OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
1886 		}
1887 		OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [NumFuncs];
1888 		if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
1890 		iorb=0;
1891 		NumNOrbs = NumFuncs;
1892 		while (iorb<NumNOrbs) {
1893 			// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1894 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1895 				delete OrbSet;
1896 				return;
1897 			}
1898 			imaxorb = MIN(10, NumNOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1899 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1900 			LinePos = 0;
1901 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1902 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1903 				if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1904 				else {
1905 					imaxorb = jorb;
1906 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1907 						imaxorb = 0;
1908 						NumNOrbs = iorb;
1909 					}
1910 					break;
1911 				}
1912 			}
1913 			if (imaxorb <= 0) break;
1914 			//first read in the orbital occupation number of each orbital
1915 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);	//blank
1916 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1917 			LinePos = 0;
1918 			for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {//Grab the orbital occupations
1919 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(OccNums[iorb+jorb]),&nChar);
1920 				if (ScanErr<=0) throw DataError();	//Looks like the MO's are not complete
1921 				LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
1922 			}
1923 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1924 			//read in the vector block
1925 			ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*NumFuncs]), NumFuncs, imaxorb);
1926 			iorb += imaxorb;
1927 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
1928 		}
1929 	}
1930 	catch (...) {
1931 		if (OrbSet) {
1932 			delete OrbSet;
1933 			OrbSet=NULL;
1934 		}
1935 	}
1936 	if (OrbSet) {
1937 		OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1938 		OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = NumNOrbs;
1939 		if ((OrbSet->getNumAlphaOrbitals() + OrbSet->getNumBetaOrbitals())<=0) {
1940 			delete OrbSet;
1941 			OrbSet = NULL;
1942 		} else {
1943 			Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
1944 		}
1945 	}
1946 }
1947 //Parse a set of Localized MOs from a GAMESS log file. Note that
1948 //there is no symmetry or orbital energy information available.
ParseGAMESSLMOs(BufferFile * Buffer,long NumFuncs,long NumAlphaOrbs,long NumOccBeta,Progress * lProgress,bool OrientedSet)1949 OrbitalRec * Frame::ParseGAMESSLMOs(BufferFile * Buffer, long NumFuncs, long NumAlphaOrbs,
1950 		long NumOccBeta, Progress * lProgress, bool OrientedSet) {
1951 	long	iorb=0, imaxorb, maxfuncs, TestOrb, LinePos, ScanErr;
1952 	int		nChar;
1953 	float	*Vectors;
1954 	char	Line[150];
1956 	maxfuncs = NumFuncs;	//Always true
1957 	if (NumAlphaOrbs <= 0) throw DataError();
1958 	OrbitalRec * TargetSet = NULL;
1959 	try {
1960 		TargetSet = new OrbitalRec(NumAlphaOrbs, NumOccBeta, NumFuncs);
1961 		if (!OrientedSet) {
1962 			TargetSet->setOrbitalType(LocalizedOrbital);
1963 		} else {
1964 			TargetSet->setOrbitalType(OrientedLocalizedOrbital);
1965 		}
1966 	//	TargetSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(RHF);
1967 		Vectors = TargetSet->Vectors;
1968 		if (TargetSet->Energy) delete [] TargetSet->Energy;
1969 		TargetSet->Energy = NULL;
1970 		if (TargetSet->SymType) delete [] TargetSet->SymType;
1971 		TargetSet->SymType = NULL;
1972 		if (NumOccBeta) {
1973 			if (TargetSet->EnergyB) delete [] TargetSet->EnergyB;
1974 			TargetSet->EnergyB = NULL;
1975 			if (TargetSet->SymTypeB) delete [] TargetSet->SymTypeB;
1976 			TargetSet->SymTypeB = NULL;
1977 		}
1979 		while (iorb<NumAlphaOrbs) {
1980 				// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
1981 			if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
1982 				delete TargetSet;
1983 				return NULL;
1984 			}
1985 			imaxorb = MIN(10, NumAlphaOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
1986 			Buffer->GetLine(Line);
1987 			LinePos = 0;
1988 			for (long jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
1989 				ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
1990 				if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
1991 				else {
1992 					imaxorb = jorb;
1993 					if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
1994 						imaxorb = 0;
1995 						NumAlphaOrbs = iorb;
1996 					}
1997 					break;
1998 				}
1999 			}
2000 			if (imaxorb > 0) {
2001 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line
2002 					//read in the vector block
2003 				ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
2004 				iorb += imaxorb;
2005 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
2006 			}
2007 		}
2008 		if (NumOccBeta) {
2009 			TargetSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(UHF);
2010 			Vectors = TargetSet->VectorsB;
2011 				//GAMESS now punchs out the Fock operator for ruedenburg type localization
2012 				//which I need to skip if it is present
2013 			if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("FOCK OPERATOR FOR THE LOCALIZED ORBITALS",40))
2014 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2015 			if (!Buffer->LocateKeyWord("LOCALIZED ORBITALS",18)) throw DataError();
2016 			Buffer->SkipnLines(2);
2017 			iorb=0;
2019 			while (iorb<NumOccBeta) {
2020 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
2021 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
2022 					delete TargetSet;
2023 					return NULL;
2024 				}
2025 				imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOccBeta-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
2026 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
2027 				LinePos = 0;
2028 				for (long jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
2029 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
2030 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
2031 					else {
2032 						imaxorb = jorb;
2033 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
2034 							imaxorb = 0;
2035 							NumOccBeta = iorb;
2036 						}
2037 						break;
2038 					}
2039 				}
2040 				if (imaxorb > 0) {
2041 					Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line
2042 						//read in the vector block
2043 					ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*maxfuncs]), maxfuncs, imaxorb);
2044 					iorb += imaxorb;
2045 					Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
2046 				}
2047 			}
2048 		}
2049 		TargetSet->ReSize(NumAlphaOrbs, NumOccBeta);
2050 	}
2051 	catch (...) {
2052 		if (TargetSet) {
2053 			delete TargetSet;
2054 			TargetSet = NULL;
2055 		}
2056 	}
2057 	if (TargetSet) Orbs.push_back(TargetSet);
2058 		//Kludge for Jan
2059 //	if (!Orbs->EigenVectors && NumAlphaOrbs == 1) {
2060 //		Orbs->EigenVectors = Orbs->LocalOrbitals;
2061 //		Orbs->LocalOrbitals = NULL;
2062 //		Orbs->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = 1;
2063 //		if (NumOccBeta == 1) Orbs->NumOccupiedBetaOrbs = 1;
2064 //	}
2065 	return TargetSet;
2066 }
ParseGVBGIOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer,const long & NumFuncs,const long & NumGVBPairs,Progress * lProgress)2067 void Frame::ParseGVBGIOrbitals(BufferFile * Buffer, const long & NumFuncs, const long & NumGVBPairs, Progress * lProgress) {
2068 	long	iorb, imaxorb, TestOrb, LinePos, ScanErr, jorb, NumOrbs;
2069 	int		nChar;
2070 	char	Line[kMaxLineLength+1];
2071 	NumOrbs = NumFuncs;
2073 	for (long iPair=0; iPair<NumGVBPairs; iPair++) {
2074 		// the next non-blank line should be "PAIR n"
2075 		if (!Buffer->LocateKeyWord("PAIR", 4, Buffer->GetFilePos() + 250)) {
2076 			wxLogMessage(_("Unable to locate an expected set of GVB pair orbitals. Skipped."));
2077 			break;	//If PAIR does not appear in the next few lines something is incorrect
2078 		}
2079 		Buffer->SkipnLines(2);
2081 		OrbitalRec * OrbSet = NULL;
2082 		iorb=0;
2084 		try {
2085 			OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
2086 			OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(GVB);
2087 			OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
2089 			float * Vectors = OrbSet->Vectors;
2090 			if (OrbSet->Energy) {
2091 				delete [] OrbSet->Energy;
2092 				OrbSet->Energy = NULL;
2093 			}
2094 			if (OrbSet->SymType) {	//symmetry labels are not printed for NO's
2095 				delete [] OrbSet->SymType;
2096 				OrbSet->SymType = NULL;
2097 			}
2099 			while (iorb<NumOrbs) {
2100 					// Allow a little backgrounding and user cancels
2101 				if (!lProgress->UpdateProgress(Buffer->GetPercentRead())) {
2102 					delete OrbSet;
2103 					return;
2104 				}
2105 				imaxorb = MIN(10, NumOrbs-iorb);	//Max of 10 orbitals per line
2106 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
2107 				LinePos = 0;
2108 				for (jorb=0; jorb<imaxorb; jorb++) {
2109 					ScanErr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%ld%n", &TestOrb, &nChar);
2110 					if (ScanErr && (TestOrb==jorb+iorb+1)) LinePos += nChar;
2111 					else {
2112 						imaxorb = jorb;
2113 						if (jorb==0) {	//No more orbitals found
2114 							imaxorb = 0;
2115 							NumOrbs = iorb;
2116 						}
2117 						break;
2118 					}
2119 				}
2120 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2121 				if (imaxorb > 0) {
2122 						//read in the vector block
2123 					ReadGAMESSlogVectors(Buffer, &(Vectors[iorb*NumFuncs]), NumFuncs, imaxorb);
2124 					iorb += imaxorb;
2125 					Buffer->SkipnLines(1);	//Skip blank line between blocks
2126 				}
2127 			}
2128 		}
2129 		catch (...) {
2130 			if (OrbSet) {
2131 				delete OrbSet;
2132 				OrbSet = NULL;
2133 			}
2134 		}
2135 		if (OrbSet != NULL) {
2136 			OrbSet->ReSize(NumOrbs, 0);
2137 			Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
2138 		}
2139 		Buffer->BackupnLines(2);
2140 	}
2141 }
ReadMP2Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer,BufferFile * DatBuffer,long NumFuncs,Progress *,long * readflag)2143 void Frame::ReadMP2Vectors(BufferFile * Buffer, BufferFile * DatBuffer, long NumFuncs, Progress * /*lProgress*/,
2144 	long * readflag) {
2146 	if (*readflag == 1) {	//If first pass query the user about reading vectors
2147         // 1 = Yes
2148         // 0 = No
2149 #ifdef __wxBuild__
2150         int result = wxMessageBox(wxT("Do you wish to read the MP2 natural orbitals from the .dat file\?"),
2151 								  wxT(""), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION);
2152         if(result == wxYES)
2153             *readflag = 1;
2154         else
2155             *readflag = 0;
2156 #else
2157 		*readflag = YesOrNoDialog(131, 2);
2158 #endif
2159 	}
2160 	if (!*readflag) return;
2162 	if (!DatBuffer)
2163 		DatBuffer = OpenDatFile();
2164 	if (DatBuffer) {
2165 		DatBuffer->SetFilePos(0);
2166 		*readflag = 2;
2167 			bool found = false;
2168 			char	Line[kMaxLineLength];
2169 			double	testEnergy;
2170 		while (!found && DatBuffer->LocateKeyWord("MP2 NATURAL ORBITALS, E(MP2)=", 29,-1)) {
2171 			DatBuffer->GetLine(Line);
2172 			sscanf(&(Line[30]), "%lf", &testEnergy);
2173 			if (fabs(testEnergy - GetMP2Energy()) < 1.0e-8) found = true;
2174 		}
2175 		if (found) {	//Found the correct MP2 vectors
2176 			OrbitalRec * OrbSet=NULL;
2177 			try {
2178 				OrbSet = new OrbitalRec(NumFuncs, 0, NumFuncs);
2180 //				OrbSet->ReadVecGroup(DatBuffer, NumFuncs, 0);
2181 				OrbSet->ReadVecGroup(DatBuffer, NumFuncs, RHFMP2);
2183 				long lNumOrbs = OrbSet->NumAlphaOrbs;
2184 				float * OccNums = OrbSet->OrbOccupation = new float [lNumOrbs];
2185 				if (!OccNums) throw MemoryError();
2186 				Buffer->GetLine(Line);
2187 					long scanerr, LinePos;
2188 					int nchar;
2189 				LinePos = 0;
2190 				for (long ifunc=0; ifunc<lNumOrbs; ifunc++) {
2191 					scanerr = sscanf(&(Line[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(OccNums[ifunc]), &nchar);
2192 					if (scanerr != 1) {
2193 						Buffer->GetLine(Line);
2194 						LinePos = 0;
2195 						scanerr = sscanf(Line, "%f%n", &(OccNums[ifunc]), &nchar);
2196 						if (scanerr != 1) throw DataError();
2197 					}
2198 					LinePos += nchar;
2199 				}
2200 				OrbSet->NumOccupiedAlphaOrbs = lNumOrbs;
2201 			}
2202 			catch (...) {
2203 				if (OrbSet) {
2204 					delete OrbSet;
2205 					OrbSet = NULL;
2206 				}
2207 			}
2208 			if (OrbSet) {
2209 				OrbSet->setOrbitalWavefunctionType(RHFMP2);
2210 				OrbSet->setOrbitalType(NaturalOrbital);
2211 				Orbs.push_back(OrbSet);
2212 			}
2213 		}
2214 	}
2215 }
GetNumMMAtoms(void)2217 long Frame::GetNumMMAtoms(void) {
2218 	long result = 0;
2219 	for (int i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++)
2220 		if (Atoms[i].IsSIMOMMAtom()) result++;
2221 	return result;
2222 }
2224 //call to read in the coefficient vectors for orbitals. This routine reads one block
2225 //of vectors which is in the same format for all wavefunction types. You should call
2226 //with the Buffer positioned at the beginning of the line containing the first
2227 //coef. and the Vectors positioned to accept it.
ReadGAMESSlogVectors(BufferFile * Buffer,float * Vectors,long MaxFuncs,long NumFuncs)2228 void ReadGAMESSlogVectors(BufferFile * Buffer, float *Vectors, long MaxFuncs, long NumFuncs) {
2229 	long	LinePos, iorb;
2230 	int		nChar;
2231 	char	LineText[kMaxLineLength+1];
2233 	for (long ifunc=0; ifunc<MaxFuncs; ifunc++) {
2234 		Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2235 		LinePos = 15;	//skip past the junk at the beginning of each line
2236 		if (isalpha(LineText[LinePos])) LinePos++;
2237 		for (iorb=0; iorb<NumFuncs; iorb++) {	//get the coef for each orbital/function
2238 			sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%f%n", &(Vectors[ifunc+iorb*MaxFuncs]),&nChar);
2239 			LinePos+=nChar;		//nChar contains the number of char's read by sscanf including spaces
2240 		}
2241 	}
2242 }
GetAtomTypes(void)2243 AtomTypeList * Frame::GetAtomTypes(void) {
2244 	AtomTypeList * list = new AtomTypeList;
2245 	if (list) {
2246 		for (long i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
2247 			list->AddAtomType(Atoms[i].Type);
2248 		}
2249 	}
2250 	return list;
2251 }
2252 //Read in the full set of normal modes, if present from a GAMESS log file
ParseNormalModes(BufferFile * Buffer,Progress * ProgressInd,WinPrefs * Prefs)2253 void Frame::ParseNormalModes(BufferFile * Buffer, Progress * ProgressInd, WinPrefs * Prefs) {
2255 	try {//catch errors locally
2256 		if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("NORMAL COORDINATE ANALYSIS", 25)) {
2257 			//If there are no normal modes we just fall out the bottom and return
2258 			ProgressInd->ChangeText("Reading Normal Modes");
2259 			if (!ProgressInd->UpdateProgress((100*Buffer->GetFilePos())/Buffer->GetFileLength()))
2260 				{throw UserCancel();}
2262 				//If this is a SIMOMM run then only the MM atoms have modes and are assumed
2263 				//to be first in the atom list.
2264 				//Update! Apparently the current code does print out any vibration information
2265 				//for any MM atoms.
2266 			long NumSIMOMMAtoms = GetNumMMAtoms();
2267 			long NumModes = 3*NumAtoms;
2268 			long NumActiveAtoms = NumAtoms;
2269 			if (NumSIMOMMAtoms > 0) {
2270 				NumActiveAtoms = NumAtoms - NumSIMOMMAtoms;
2271 				NumModes = (NumActiveAtoms)*3;
2272 			}
2273 			VibRec * lVibs = Vibs = new VibRec(NumModes, NumAtoms);
2275 	//insufficient memory available to store the normal modes, so abort reading them in...
2276 	// should alert the user to the reason he didn't get normal modes...
2277 	//		if (!lVibs) {
2278 	//			break;
2279 	//		}
2280 			long	imode=0, ifreq, LastPass=0, test, cmode;
2281 			int		nchar;
2282 			char	LineText[kMaxLineLength], token[kMaxLineLength];
2283 			while (imode<NumModes) {
2284 				if (!Buffer->LocateKeyWord("FREQUENCY:", 10)) break;
2285 				long NumVibs = MIN(9, NumModes-imode);
2286 		//		long NumVibs = ((9) > (NumModes-imode)) ? (NumModes-imode) : (9);
2287 				Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2288 				long LinePos = 11;
2289 				long LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2290 				for (unsigned long icol=0; icol<NumVibs; icol++) {
2291 					if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2292 						token[0]='\0';
2293 						int iscan = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%s%n", token, &nchar);
2294 						LinePos += nchar;
2295 						long tokenlength = strlen(token);
2296 						if ((iscan>0)&&(nchar>0)&&(tokenlength>0)) {
2297 							if (LineText[LinePos+1] == 'I') {
2298 								token[tokenlength] = 'i';
2299 								tokenlength++;
2300 								token[tokenlength]=0;
2301 							}
2302 							lVibs->Frequencies.push_back(std::string(token));
2303 							LinePos+=2;
2304 						} else NumVibs = icol;
2305 					} else NumVibs = icol;
2306 				}
2307 				imode += NumVibs;
2308 				//RAMAN type of runs now allow a symmetry
2309 				if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("SYMMETRY:", 9, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132)) {
2310 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2311 					LinePos = 10;
2312 					if ((imode == NumVibs)&&(lVibs->Symmetry.empty())) {
2313 						lVibs->Symmetry.reserve(NumModes);
2314 					}
2315 					long LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2316 					for (unsigned long icol=0; icol<NumVibs; icol++) {
2317 						if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2318 							token[0]='\0';
2319 							int iscan = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%s%n", token, &nchar);
2320 							LinePos += nchar;
2321 							long test = strlen(token);
2322 							if ((iscan>0)&&(nchar>0)&&(test>0)) {
2323 								lVibs->Symmetry.push_back(std::string(token));
2324 							} else NumVibs = icol;
2325 						} else NumVibs = icol;
2326 					}
2327 				}
2328 				if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("REDUCED MASS:", 13, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132)) {
2329 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2330 					LinePos = 14;
2331 					if ((imode == NumVibs)&&(lVibs->ReducedMass.empty())) {
2332 						lVibs->ReducedMass.reserve(NumModes);
2333 					}
2334 					LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2335 					long	tVib = NumVibs;
2336 					float	rmass;
2337 					for (long icol=0; icol<tVib; icol++) {
2338 						if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2339 							test = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%255s%n", token, &nchar);
2340 							LinePos += nchar;
2341 							if (test) {
2342 								if (token[0] != '*') {
2343 									test = sscanf(token, "%f", &rmass);
2344 									if (test)
2345 										lVibs->ReducedMass.push_back(rmass);
2346 								} else lVibs->ReducedMass.push_back(10000.0);
2347 							} else tVib = icol;
2348 						} else tVib = icol;
2349 					}
2350 				}
2351 				if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("INTENSITY:", 10, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132)) {
2352 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2353 					LinePos = 11;
2354 					LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2355 					long	tVib = NumVibs;
2356 					float	Inten;
2357 					for (long icol=0; icol<tVib; icol++) {
2358 						if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2359 							test = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%255s%n", token, &nchar);
2360 							LinePos += nchar;
2361 							if (test) {
2362 								if (token[0] != '*') {
2363 									test = sscanf(token, "%f", &Inten);
2364 									if (test)
2365 										lVibs->Intensities[icol+LastPass] = Inten;
2366 								} else lVibs->Intensities[icol+LastPass] = 10000.0;
2367 							} else tVib = icol;
2368 						} else tVib = icol;
2369 					}
2370 				}
2371 				//In the 2010 version Mike is changing Raman intensity to Raman Activity
2372 				if ((Buffer->LocateKeyWord("RAMAN INTENSITY:", 16, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132))||
2373 					(Buffer->LocateKeyWord("RAMAN ACTIVITY:", 15, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132))) {
2374 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2375 					LinePos = 17;
2376 					if ((imode == NumVibs)&&(lVibs->RamanIntensity.empty())) {
2377 						lVibs->RamanIntensity.reserve(NumModes);
2378 					}
2379 					LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2380 					long	tVib = NumVibs;
2381 					float	raman;
2382 					for (long icol=0; icol<tVib; icol++) {
2383 						if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2384 							test = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%255s%n", token, &nchar);
2385 							LinePos += nchar;
2386 							if (test) {
2387 								if (token[0] != '*') {
2388 									test = sscanf(token, "%f", &raman);
2389 									if (test)
2390 										lVibs->RamanIntensity.push_back(raman);
2391 								} else lVibs->RamanIntensity.push_back(10000.0);
2392 							} else tVib = icol;
2393 						} else tVib = icol;
2394 					}
2395 				}
2396 				if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("DEPOLARIZATION:", 15, Buffer->GetFilePos()+132)) {
2397 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2398 					LinePos = 16;
2399 					if ((imode == NumVibs)&&(lVibs->Depolarization.empty())) {
2400 						lVibs->Depolarization.reserve(NumModes);
2401 					}
2402 					LineLength = strlen(LineText);
2403 					long	tVib = NumVibs;
2404 					float	depol;
2405 					for (long icol=0; icol<tVib; icol++) {
2406 						if (LinePos<LineLength) {
2407 							test = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%255s%n", token, &nchar);
2408 							LinePos += nchar;
2409 							if (test) {
2410 								if (token[0] != '*') {
2411 									test = sscanf(token, "%f", &depol);
2412 									if (test)
2413 										lVibs->Depolarization.push_back(depol);
2414 								} else lVibs->Depolarization.push_back(10000.0);
2415 							} else tVib = icol;
2416 						} else tVib = icol;
2417 					}
2418 				}
2419 				test = Buffer->FindBlankLine();
2420 				Buffer->SetFilePos(test);
2421 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2423 				for (test=NumSIMOMMAtoms; test<NumAtoms; test++) {
2424 					if (!ProgressInd->UpdateProgress((100*Buffer->GetFilePos())/Buffer->GetFileLength()))
2425 						{throw UserCancel();}
2427 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2428 					LinePos = 20;
2429 					float lmass = Prefs->GetSqrtAtomMass(Atoms[test].GetType()-1);
2430 					for (ifreq=LastPass; ifreq<imode; ifreq++) {
2431 						cmode = test + ifreq*NumAtoms;
2432 						int iscan = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%f%n", &((lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).x), &nchar);
2433 						if (iscan <= 0) throw DataError();
2434 						LinePos += nchar;
2435 						(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).x *= lmass;
2436 					}
2437 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2438 					LinePos = 20;
2439 					for (ifreq=LastPass; ifreq<imode; ifreq++) {
2440 						cmode = test + ifreq*NumAtoms;
2441 						int iscan = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%f%n", &((lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).y), &nchar);
2442 						if (iscan <= 0) throw DataError();
2443 						LinePos += nchar;
2444 						(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).y *= lmass;
2445 					}
2446 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2447 					LinePos = 20;
2448 					for (ifreq=LastPass; ifreq<imode; ifreq++) {
2449 						cmode = test + ifreq*NumAtoms;
2450 						int iscan = sscanf(&(LineText[LinePos]), "%f%n", &((lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).z), &nchar);
2451 						if (iscan <= 0) throw DataError();
2452 						LinePos += nchar;
2453 						(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).z *= lmass;
2454 					}
2455 				}
2456 			//ok apparently its the simomm atoms that are missing...
2457 		//		if (NumSIMOMMAtoms > 0) { //zero out remaining atoms for SIMOMM runs
2458 		//			for (int i=NumSIMOMMAtoms; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
2459 		//				cmode = i+ifreq*NumAtoms;
2460 		//				(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).x = 0.0;
2461 		//				(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).y = 0.0;
2462 		//				(lVibs->NormMode[cmode]).z = 0.0;
2463 		//			}
2464 		//		}
2465 				LastPass = imode;
2466 				sprintf(LineText, "Read in %ld normal modes", LastPass);
2467 				ProgressInd->ChangeText(LineText);
2468 				if (!ProgressInd->UpdateProgress((100*Buffer->GetFilePos())/Buffer->GetFileLength()))
2469 					{throw UserCancel();}
2470 			}
2471 			lVibs->NumModes = LastPass;
2472 		}
2473 	}	//trap errors here and delete the VibRec
2474 	catch (std::bad_alloc) {//Memory error, cleanup and return.
2475 		if (Vibs) { delete Vibs; Vibs = NULL; }
2476 		MessageAlert("Insufficient memory to read normal modes. Normal Modes will be skipped!");
2477 	}
2478 	catch (UserCancel) {//We need to rethrow this one since the whole operation should be aborted
2479 		if (Vibs) { delete Vibs; Vibs = NULL; }
2480 		throw;
2481 	}
2482 	catch (...) {//File and data errors. Either way delete the vectors and return.
2483 		if (Vibs) { delete Vibs; Vibs = NULL; }
2484 		MessageAlert("Error parsing normal modes. Normal modes will be skipped.");
2485 	}
2486 }
ParseMolDenFrequencies(BufferFile * Buffer,WinPrefs * Prefs)2487 void Frame::ParseMolDenFrequencies(BufferFile * Buffer, WinPrefs * Prefs) {
2488 	try {//catch errors locally
2489 		if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("[FREQ]", 6)) {
2490 			Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2491 			long NumModes = 3*NumAtoms;
2492 			VibRec * lVibs = Vibs = new VibRec(NumModes, NumAtoms);
2494 			char	LineText[kMaxLineLength], token[kMaxLineLength];
2495 			for (int i=0; i<NumModes; i++) {
2496 				Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2497 				if (LineText[0] == '[') {
2498 					NumModes = i;
2499 					break;
2500 				}
2501 				int c =	sscanf(LineText, "%s", token);
2502 				if (c == 1) {
2503 					lVibs->Frequencies.push_back(std::string(token));
2504 				} else {
2505 					NumModes = i;
2506 					break;
2507 				}
2508 				if (Buffer->GetFilePos() >= Buffer->GetFileSize()) {
2509 					NumModes = i;
2510 					break;
2511 				}
2512 			}
2513 			Buffer->SetFilePos(0);
2514 			if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("[INT]", 5)) {
2515 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2516 				char token2[kMaxLineLength];
2517 				for (int i=0; i<NumModes; i++) {
2518 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2519 					if (LineText[0] == '[') break;
2520 					int c =	sscanf(LineText, "%s %s", token, token2);
2521 					float inten;
2522 					if (c >= 1) {
2523 						int check = sscanf(token, "%f", &inten);
2524 						if (check != 1) inten = 10000.0;
2525 						lVibs->Intensities[i] = inten;
2526 						if (c == 2) {
2527 							check = sscanf(token, "%f", &inten);
2528 							if (check != 1) inten = 10000.0;
2529 							lVibs->RamanIntensity.push_back(inten);
2530 						}
2531 					} else break;
2532 					if (Buffer->GetFilePos() >= Buffer->GetFileSize()) break;
2533 				}
2534 			}
2535 			Buffer->SetFilePos(0);
2536 			if (Buffer->LocateKeyWord("[FR-NORM-COORD]", 14)) {
2537 				Buffer->SkipnLines(1);
2538 				for (int i=0; i<NumModes; i++) {
2539 					Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2540 					int check;
2541 					sscanf(LineText, "%s %d", token, &check);
2542 					if (check != (i+1)) {
2543 						NumModes = i;
2544 						break;
2545 					}
2546 					for (int j=0; j<NumAtoms; j++) {
2547 						Buffer->GetLine(LineText);
2548 						int imode = j + i*NumAtoms;
2549 						check = sscanf(LineText, "%f %f %f", &(lVibs->NormMode[imode].x), &(lVibs->NormMode[imode].y),
2550 									   &(lVibs->NormMode[imode].z));
2551 						float lmass = Prefs->GetSqrtAtomMass(Atoms[j].GetType()-1);
2552 						lVibs->NormMode[imode] *= lmass;
2553 					}
2554 				}
2555 			}
2556 			lVibs->NumModes = NumModes;
2557 		}
2558 	}	//trap errors here and delete the VibRec
2559 	catch (std::bad_alloc) {//Memory error, cleanup and return.
2560 		if (Vibs) { delete Vibs; Vibs = NULL; }
2561 		MessageAlert("Insufficient memory to read normal modes. Normal Modes will be skipped!");
2562 	}
2563 	catch (...) {//File and data errors. Either way delete the vectors and return.
2564 		if (Vibs) { delete Vibs; Vibs = NULL; }
2565 		MessageAlert("Error parsing normal modes. Normal modes will be skipped.");
2566 	}
2567 }
toggleMMAtomVisibility(void)2569 void Frame::toggleMMAtomVisibility(void) {
2570 	for (int i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
2571 		if (Atoms[i].IsSIMOMMAtom())
2572 			Atoms[i].SetInvisibility(true-Atoms[i].GetInvisibility());
2573 	}
2574 }
toggleAbInitioVisibility(void)2576 void Frame::toggleAbInitioVisibility(void) {
2577 	for (int i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
2578 		if (! (Atoms[i].IsSIMOMMAtom()))
2579 			Atoms[i].SetInvisibility(true-Atoms[i].GetInvisibility());
2580 	}
2581 }
toggleEFPVisibility(void)2583 void Frame::toggleEFPVisibility(void) {
2584 	for (int i=0; i<NumAtoms; i++) {
2585 		if (Atoms[i].IsEffectiveFragment())
2586 			Atoms[i].SetInvisibility(true-Atoms[i].GetInvisibility());
2587 	}
2588 }
resetAllSelectState()2590 void Frame::resetAllSelectState() {
2592 	// Typically, atom selection should be done through SetAtomSelection, but
2593 	// we can simulate the effect here.
2594 	for (int i = 0; i < NumAtoms; i++)
2595 		Atoms[i].SetSelectState(false);
2596 	natoms_selected = 0;
2598 	for (int i = 0; i < NumBonds; i++)
2599 		Bonds[i].SetSelectState(false);
2600 }
GetAtomNumBonds(int atom_id) const2602 int Frame::GetAtomNumBonds(int atom_id) const {
2604 	int num_bonds = 0;
2606 	for (int i = 0; i < NumBonds; i++) {
2607 		if (Bonds[i].Atom1 == atom_id || Bonds[i].Atom2 == atom_id) {
2608 			if (Bonds[i].Order > kHydrogenBond) num_bonds++;
2609 		}
2610 	}
2612 	return num_bonds;
2614 }