1{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
9-- | Build-specific types.
11module Stack.Types.Build
12    (StackBuildException(..)
13    ,FlagSource(..)
14    ,UnusedFlags(..)
15    ,InstallLocation(..)
16    ,Installed(..)
17    ,psVersion
18    ,Task(..)
19    ,taskIsTarget
20    ,taskLocation
21    ,taskTargetIsMutable
22    ,LocalPackage(..)
23    ,BaseConfigOpts(..)
24    ,Plan(..)
25    ,TestOpts(..)
26    ,BenchmarkOpts(..)
27    ,FileWatchOpts(..)
28    ,BuildOpts(..)
29    ,BuildSubset(..)
30    ,defaultBuildOpts
31    ,TaskType(..)
32    ,IsMutable(..)
33    ,installLocationIsMutable
34    ,TaskConfigOpts(..)
35    ,BuildCache(..)
36    ,ConfigCache(..)
37    ,configureOpts
38    ,CachePkgSrc (..)
39    ,toCachePkgSrc
40    ,isStackOpt
41    ,wantedLocalPackages
42    ,FileCacheInfo (..)
43    ,ConfigureOpts (..)
44    ,PrecompiledCache (..)
45    )
46    where
48import           Stack.Prelude
49import           Data.Aeson                      (ToJSON, FromJSON)
50import qualified Data.ByteString                 as S
51import           Data.Char                       (isSpace)
52import           Data.List.Extra
53import qualified Data.Map                        as Map
54import qualified Data.Set                        as Set
55import qualified Data.Text                       as T
56import           Database.Persist.Sql            (PersistField(..)
57                                                 ,PersistFieldSql(..)
58                                                 ,PersistValue(PersistText)
59                                                 ,SqlType(SqlString))
60import           Distribution.PackageDescription (TestSuiteInterface)
61import           Distribution.System             (Arch)
62import qualified Distribution.Text               as C
63import           Distribution.Version            (mkVersion)
64import           Path                            (parseRelDir, (</>), parent)
65import           Path.Extra                      (toFilePathNoTrailingSep)
66import           Stack.Constants
67import           Stack.Types.Compiler
68import           Stack.Types.CompilerBuild
69import           Stack.Types.Config
70import           Stack.Types.GhcPkgId
71import           Stack.Types.NamedComponent
72import           Stack.Types.Package
73import           Stack.Types.Version
74import           System.FilePath                 (pathSeparator)
75import           RIO.Process                     (showProcessArgDebug)
78-- Exceptions
79data StackBuildException
80  = Couldn'tFindPkgId PackageName
81  | CompilerVersionMismatch
82        (Maybe (ActualCompiler, Arch)) -- found
83        (WantedCompiler, Arch) -- expected
84        GHCVariant -- expected
85        CompilerBuild -- expected
86        VersionCheck
87        (Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- Path to the stack.yaml file
88        Text -- recommended resolution
89  | Couldn'tParseTargets [Text]
90  | UnknownTargets
91    (Set PackageName) -- no known version
92    (Map PackageName Version) -- not in snapshot, here's the most recent version in the index
93    (Path Abs File) -- stack.yaml
94  | TestSuiteFailure PackageIdentifier (Map Text (Maybe ExitCode)) (Maybe (Path Abs File)) S.ByteString
95  | TestSuiteTypeUnsupported TestSuiteInterface
96  | ConstructPlanFailed String
97  | CabalExitedUnsuccessfully
98        ExitCode
99        PackageIdentifier
100        (Path Abs File)  -- cabal Executable
101        [String]         -- cabal arguments
102        (Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- logfiles location
103        [Text]     -- log contents
104  | SetupHsBuildFailure
105        ExitCode
106        (Maybe PackageIdentifier) -- which package's custom setup, is simple setup if Nothing
107        (Path Abs File)  -- ghc Executable
108        [String]         -- ghc arguments
109        (Maybe (Path Abs File)) -- logfiles location
110        [Text]     -- log contents
111  | ExecutionFailure [SomeException]
112  | LocalPackageDoesn'tMatchTarget
113        PackageName
114        Version -- local version
115        Version -- version specified on command line
116  | NoSetupHsFound (Path Abs Dir)
117  | InvalidFlagSpecification (Set UnusedFlags)
118  | InvalidGhcOptionsSpecification [PackageName]
119  | TargetParseException [Text]
120  | SomeTargetsNotBuildable [(PackageName, NamedComponent)]
121  | TestSuiteExeMissing Bool String String String
122  | CabalCopyFailed Bool String
123  | LocalPackagesPresent [PackageIdentifier]
124  | CouldNotLockDistDir !(Path Abs File)
125  deriving Typeable
127data FlagSource = FSCommandLine | FSStackYaml
128    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
130data UnusedFlags = UFNoPackage FlagSource PackageName
131                 | UFFlagsNotDefined
132                       FlagSource
133                       PackageName
134                       (Set FlagName) -- defined in package
135                       (Set FlagName) -- not defined
136                 | UFSnapshot PackageName
137    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
139instance Show StackBuildException where
140    show (Couldn'tFindPkgId name) =
141              "After installing " <> packageNameString name <>
142               ", the package id couldn't be found " <> "(via ghc-pkg describe " <>
143               packageNameString name <> "). This shouldn't happen, " <>
144               "please report as a bug"
145    show (CompilerVersionMismatch mactual (expected, earch) ghcVariant ghcBuild check mstack resolution) = concat
146                [ case mactual of
147                    Nothing -> "No compiler found, expected "
148                    Just (actual, arch) -> concat
149                        [ "Compiler version mismatched, found "
150                        , compilerVersionString actual
151                        , " ("
152                        , C.display arch
153                        , ")"
154                        , ", but expected "
155                        ]
156                , case check of
157                    MatchMinor -> "minor version match with "
158                    MatchExact -> "exact version "
159                    NewerMinor -> "minor version match or newer with "
160                , T.unpack $ utf8BuilderToText $ display expected
161                , " ("
162                , C.display earch
163                , ghcVariantSuffix ghcVariant
164                , compilerBuildSuffix ghcBuild
165                , ") (based on "
166                , case mstack of
167                    Nothing -> "command line arguments"
168                    Just stack -> "resolver setting in " ++ toFilePath stack
169                , ").\n"
170                , T.unpack resolution
171                ]
172    show (Couldn'tParseTargets targets) = unlines
173                $ "The following targets could not be parsed as package names or directories:"
174                : map T.unpack targets
175    show (UnknownTargets noKnown notInSnapshot stackYaml) =
176        unlines $ noKnown' ++ notInSnapshot'
177      where
178        noKnown'
179            | Set.null noKnown = []
180            | otherwise = return $
181                "The following target packages were not found: " ++
182                intercalate ", " (map packageNameString $ Set.toList noKnown) ++
183                "\nSee https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/build_command/#target-syntax for details."
184        notInSnapshot'
185            | Map.null notInSnapshot = []
186            | otherwise =
187                  "The following packages are not in your snapshot, but exist"
188                : "in your package index. Recommended action: add them to your"
189                : ("extra-deps in " ++ toFilePath stackYaml)
190                : "(Note: these are the most recent versions,"
191                : "but there's no guarantee that they'll build together)."
192                : ""
193                : map
194                    (\(name, version') -> "- " ++ packageIdentifierString
195                        (PackageIdentifier name version'))
196                    (Map.toList notInSnapshot)
197    show (TestSuiteFailure ident codes mlogFile bs) = unlines $ concat
198        [ ["Test suite failure for package " ++ packageIdentifierString ident]
199        , flip map (Map.toList codes) $ \(name, mcode) -> concat
200            [ "    "
201            , T.unpack name
202            , ": "
203            , case mcode of
204                Nothing -> " executable not found"
205                Just ec -> " exited with: " ++ show ec
206            ]
207        , return $ case mlogFile of
208            Nothing -> "Logs printed to console"
209            -- TODO Should we load up the full error output and print it here?
210            Just logFile -> "Full log available at " ++ toFilePath logFile
211        , if S.null bs
212            then []
213            else ["", "", doubleIndent $ T.unpack $ decodeUtf8With lenientDecode bs]
214        ]
215         where
216          indent = dropWhileEnd isSpace . unlines . fmap (\line -> "  " ++ line) . lines
217          doubleIndent = indent . indent
218    show (TestSuiteTypeUnsupported interface) =
219              "Unsupported test suite type: " <> show interface
220     -- Supressing duplicate output
221    show (CabalExitedUnsuccessfully exitCode taskProvides' execName fullArgs logFiles bss) =
222      showBuildError False exitCode (Just taskProvides') execName fullArgs logFiles bss
223    show (SetupHsBuildFailure exitCode mtaskProvides execName fullArgs logFiles bss) =
224      showBuildError True exitCode mtaskProvides execName fullArgs logFiles bss
225    show (ExecutionFailure es) = intercalate "\n\n" $ map show es
226    show (LocalPackageDoesn'tMatchTarget name localV requestedV) = concat
227        [ "Version for local package "
228        , packageNameString name
229        , " is "
230        , versionString localV
231        , ", but you asked for "
232        , versionString requestedV
233        , " on the command line"
234        ]
235    show (NoSetupHsFound dir) =
236        "No Setup.hs or Setup.lhs file found in " ++ toFilePath dir
237    show (InvalidFlagSpecification unused) = unlines
238        $ "Invalid flag specification:"
239        : map go (Set.toList unused)
240      where
241        showFlagSrc :: FlagSource -> String
242        showFlagSrc FSCommandLine = " (specified on command line)"
243        showFlagSrc FSStackYaml = " (specified in stack.yaml)"
245        go :: UnusedFlags -> String
246        go (UFNoPackage src name) = concat
247            [ "- Package '"
248            , packageNameString name
249            , "' not found"
250            , showFlagSrc src
251            ]
252        go (UFFlagsNotDefined src pname pkgFlags flags) = concat
253            [ "- Package '"
254            , name
255            , "' does not define the following flags"
256            , showFlagSrc src
257            , ":\n"
258            , intercalate "\n"
259                          (map (\flag -> "  " ++ flagNameString flag)
260                               (Set.toList flags))
261            , "\n- Flags defined by package '" ++ name ++ "':\n"
262            , intercalate "\n"
263                          (map (\flag -> "  " ++ name ++ ":" ++ flagNameString flag)
264                               (Set.toList pkgFlags))
265            ]
266          where name = packageNameString pname
267        go (UFSnapshot name) = concat
268            [ "- Attempted to set flag on snapshot package "
269            , packageNameString name
270            , ", please add to extra-deps"
271            ]
272    show (InvalidGhcOptionsSpecification unused) = unlines
273        $ "Invalid GHC options specification:"
274        : map showGhcOptionSrc unused
275      where
276        showGhcOptionSrc name = concat
277            [ "- Package '"
278            , packageNameString name
279            , "' not found"
280            ]
281    show (TargetParseException [err]) = "Error parsing targets: " ++ T.unpack err
282    show (TargetParseException errs) = unlines
283        $ "The following errors occurred while parsing the build targets:"
284        : map (("- " ++) . T.unpack) errs
286    show (SomeTargetsNotBuildable xs) =
287        "The following components have 'buildable: False' set in the cabal configuration, and so cannot be targets:\n    " ++
288        T.unpack (renderPkgComponents xs) ++
289        "\nTo resolve this, either provide flags such that these components are buildable, or only specify buildable targets."
290    show (TestSuiteExeMissing isSimpleBuildType exeName pkgName' testName) =
291        missingExeError isSimpleBuildType $ concat
292            [ "Test suite executable \""
293            , exeName
294            , " not found for "
295            , pkgName'
296            , ":test:"
297            , testName
298            ]
299    show (CabalCopyFailed isSimpleBuildType innerMsg) =
300        missingExeError isSimpleBuildType $ concat
301            [ "'cabal copy' failed.  Error message:\n"
302            , innerMsg
303            , "\n"
304            ]
305    show (ConstructPlanFailed msg) = msg
306    show (LocalPackagesPresent locals) = unlines
307      $ "Local packages are not allowed when using the script command. Packages found:"
308      : map (\ident -> "- " ++ packageIdentifierString ident) locals
309    show (CouldNotLockDistDir lockFile) = unlines
310      [ "Locking the dist directory failed, try to lock file:"
311      , "  " ++ toFilePath lockFile
312      , "Maybe you're running another copy of Stack?"
313      ]
315missingExeError :: Bool -> String -> String
316missingExeError isSimpleBuildType msg =
317    unlines $ msg :
318        case possibleCauses of
319            [] -> []
320            [cause] -> ["One possible cause of this issue is:\n* " <> cause]
321            _ -> "Possible causes of this issue:" : map ("* " <>) possibleCauses
322  where
323    possibleCauses =
324        "No module named \"Main\". The 'main-is' source file should usually have a header indicating that it's a 'Main' module." :
325        "A cabal file that refers to nonexistent other files (e.g. a license-file that doesn't exist). Running 'cabal check' may point out these issues." :
326        if isSimpleBuildType
327            then []
328            else ["The Setup.hs file is changing the installation target dir."]
331  :: Bool
332  -> ExitCode
333  -> Maybe PackageIdentifier
334  -> Path Abs File
335  -> [String]
336  -> Maybe (Path Abs File)
337  -> [Text]
338  -> String
339showBuildError isBuildingSetup exitCode mtaskProvides execName fullArgs logFiles bss =
340  let fullCmd = unwords
341              $ dropQuotes (toFilePath execName)
342              : map (T.unpack . showProcessArgDebug) fullArgs
343      logLocations = maybe "" (\fp -> "\n    Logs have been written to: " ++ toFilePath fp) logFiles
344  in "\n--  While building " ++
345     (case (isBuildingSetup, mtaskProvides) of
346       (False, Nothing) -> error "Invariant violated: unexpected case in showBuildError"
347       (False, Just taskProvides') -> "package " ++ dropQuotes (packageIdentifierString taskProvides')
348       (True, Nothing) -> "simple Setup.hs"
349       (True, Just taskProvides') -> "custom Setup.hs for package " ++ dropQuotes (packageIdentifierString taskProvides')
350     ) ++
351     " (scroll up to its section to see the error) using:\n      " ++ fullCmd ++ "\n" ++
352     "    Process exited with code: " ++ show exitCode ++
353     (if exitCode == ExitFailure (-9)
354          then " (THIS MAY INDICATE OUT OF MEMORY)"
355          else "") ++
356     logLocations ++
357     (if null bss
358          then ""
359          else "\n\n" ++ removeTrailingSpaces (map T.unpack bss))
360   where
361    removeTrailingSpaces = dropWhileEnd isSpace . unlines
362    dropQuotes = filter ('\"' /=)
364instance Exception StackBuildException
368-- | Package dependency oracle.
369newtype PkgDepsOracle =
370    PkgDeps PackageName
371    deriving (Show,Typeable,Eq,NFData)
373-- | Stored on disk to know whether the files have changed.
374newtype BuildCache = BuildCache
375    { buildCacheTimes :: Map FilePath FileCacheInfo
376      -- ^ Modification times of files.
377    }
378    deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Typeable, ToJSON, FromJSON)
379instance NFData BuildCache
381-- | Stored on disk to know whether the flags have changed.
382data ConfigCache = ConfigCache
383    { configCacheOpts :: !ConfigureOpts
384      -- ^ All options used for this package.
385    , configCacheDeps :: !(Set GhcPkgId)
386      -- ^ The GhcPkgIds of all of the dependencies. Since Cabal doesn't take
387      -- the complete GhcPkgId (only a PackageIdentifier) in the configure
388      -- options, just using the previous value is insufficient to know if
389      -- dependencies have changed.
390    , configCacheComponents :: !(Set S.ByteString)
391      -- ^ The components to be built. It's a bit of a hack to include this in
392      -- here, as it's not a configure option (just a build option), but this
393      -- is a convenient way to force compilation when the components change.
394    , configCacheHaddock :: !Bool
395      -- ^ Are haddocks to be built?
396    , configCachePkgSrc :: !CachePkgSrc
397    , configCachePathEnvVar :: !Text
398    -- ^ Value of the PATH env var, see <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/3138>
399    }
400    deriving (Generic, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable)
401instance NFData ConfigCache
403data CachePkgSrc = CacheSrcUpstream | CacheSrcLocal FilePath
404    deriving (Generic, Eq, Read, Show, Data, Typeable)
405instance NFData CachePkgSrc
407instance PersistField CachePkgSrc where
408    toPersistValue CacheSrcUpstream = PersistText "upstream"
409    toPersistValue (CacheSrcLocal fp) = PersistText ("local:" <> T.pack fp)
410    fromPersistValue (PersistText t) = do
411        if t == "upstream"
412            then Right CacheSrcUpstream
413            else case T.stripPrefix "local:" t of
414                Just fp -> Right $ CacheSrcLocal (T.unpack fp)
415                Nothing -> Left $ "Unexpected CachePkgSrc value: " <> t
416    fromPersistValue _ = Left "Unexpected CachePkgSrc type"
418instance PersistFieldSql CachePkgSrc where
419    sqlType _ = SqlString
421toCachePkgSrc :: PackageSource -> CachePkgSrc
422toCachePkgSrc (PSFilePath lp) = CacheSrcLocal (toFilePath (parent (lpCabalFile lp)))
423toCachePkgSrc PSRemote{} = CacheSrcUpstream
425-- | A task to perform when building
426data Task = Task
427    { taskProvides        :: !PackageIdentifier -- FIXME turn this into a function on taskType?
428    -- ^ the package/version to be built
429    , taskType            :: !TaskType
430    -- ^ the task type, telling us how to build this
431    , taskConfigOpts      :: !TaskConfigOpts
432    , taskBuildHaddock    :: !Bool
433    , taskPresent         :: !(Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId)
434    -- ^ GhcPkgIds of already-installed dependencies
435    , taskAllInOne        :: !Bool
436    -- ^ indicates that the package can be built in one step
437    , taskCachePkgSrc     :: !CachePkgSrc
438    , taskAnyMissing      :: !Bool
439    -- ^ Were any of the dependencies missing? The reason this is
440    -- necessary is... hairy. And as you may expect, a bug in
441    -- Cabal. See:
442    -- <https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/4728#issuecomment-337937673>. The
443    -- problem is that Cabal may end up generating the same package ID
444    -- for a dependency, even if the ABI has changed. As a result,
445    -- without this field, Stack would think that a reconfigure is
446    -- unnecessary, when in fact we _do_ need to reconfigure. The
447    -- details here suck. We really need proper hashes for package
448    -- identifiers.
449    , taskBuildTypeConfig :: !Bool
450    -- ^ Is the build type of this package Configure. Check out
451    -- ensureConfigureScript in Stack.Build.Execute for the motivation
452    }
453    deriving Show
455-- | Given the IDs of any missing packages, produce the configure options
456data TaskConfigOpts = TaskConfigOpts
457    { tcoMissing :: !(Set PackageIdentifier)
458      -- ^ Dependencies for which we don't yet have an GhcPkgId
459    , tcoOpts    :: !(Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -> ConfigureOpts)
460      -- ^ Produce the list of options given the missing @GhcPkgId@s
461    }
462instance Show TaskConfigOpts where
463    show (TaskConfigOpts missing f) = concat
464        [ "Missing: "
465        , show missing
466        , ". Without those: "
467        , show $ f Map.empty
468        ]
470-- | The type of a task, either building local code or something from the
471-- package index (upstream)
472data TaskType
473  = TTLocalMutable LocalPackage
474  | TTRemotePackage IsMutable Package PackageLocationImmutable
475    deriving Show
477data IsMutable
478    = Mutable
479    | Immutable
480    deriving (Eq, Show)
482instance Semigroup IsMutable where
483    Mutable <> _ = Mutable
484    _ <> Mutable = Mutable
485    Immutable <> Immutable = Immutable
487instance Monoid IsMutable where
488    mempty = Immutable
489    mappend = (<>)
491taskIsTarget :: Task -> Bool
492taskIsTarget t =
493    case taskType t of
494        TTLocalMutable lp -> lpWanted lp
495        _ -> False
497taskLocation :: Task -> InstallLocation
498taskLocation task =
499    case taskType task of
500        TTLocalMutable _ -> Local
501        TTRemotePackage Mutable _ _ -> Local
502        TTRemotePackage Immutable _ _ -> Snap
504taskTargetIsMutable :: Task -> IsMutable
505taskTargetIsMutable task =
506    case taskType task of
507        TTLocalMutable _ -> Mutable
508        TTRemotePackage mutable _ _ -> mutable
510installLocationIsMutable :: InstallLocation -> IsMutable
511installLocationIsMutable Snap = Immutable
512installLocationIsMutable Local = Mutable
514-- | A complete plan of what needs to be built and how to do it
515data Plan = Plan
516    { planTasks :: !(Map PackageName Task)
517    , planFinals :: !(Map PackageName Task)
518    -- ^ Final actions to be taken (test, benchmark, etc)
519    , planUnregisterLocal :: !(Map GhcPkgId (PackageIdentifier, Text))
520    -- ^ Text is reason we're unregistering, for display only
521    , planInstallExes :: !(Map Text InstallLocation)
522    -- ^ Executables that should be installed after successful building
523    }
524    deriving Show
526-- | Basic information used to calculate what the configure options are
527data BaseConfigOpts = BaseConfigOpts
528    { bcoSnapDB :: !(Path Abs Dir)
529    , bcoLocalDB :: !(Path Abs Dir)
530    , bcoSnapInstallRoot :: !(Path Abs Dir)
531    , bcoLocalInstallRoot :: !(Path Abs Dir)
532    , bcoBuildOpts :: !BuildOpts
533    , bcoBuildOptsCLI :: !BuildOptsCLI
534    , bcoExtraDBs :: ![Path Abs Dir]
535    }
536    deriving Show
538-- | Render a @BaseConfigOpts@ to an actual list of options
539configureOpts :: EnvConfig
540              -> BaseConfigOpts
541              -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -- ^ dependencies
542              -> Bool -- ^ local non-extra-dep?
543              -> IsMutable
544              -> Package
545              -> ConfigureOpts
546configureOpts econfig bco deps isLocal isMutable package = ConfigureOpts
547    { coDirs = configureOptsDirs bco isMutable package
548    , coNoDirs = configureOptsNoDir econfig bco deps isLocal package
549    }
551-- options set by stack
552isStackOpt :: Text -> Bool
553isStackOpt t = any (`T.isPrefixOf` t)
554    [ "--dependency="
555    , "--constraint="
556    , "--package-db="
557    , "--libdir="
558    , "--bindir="
559    , "--datadir="
560    , "--libexecdir="
561    , "--sysconfdir"
562    , "--docdir="
563    , "--htmldir="
564    , "--haddockdir="
565    , "--enable-tests"
566    , "--enable-benchmarks"
567    , "--exact-configuration"
568    -- Treat these as causing dirtiness, to resolve
569    -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2984
570    --
571    -- , "--enable-library-profiling"
572    -- , "--enable-executable-profiling"
573    -- , "--enable-profiling"
574    ] || t == "--user"
576configureOptsDirs :: BaseConfigOpts
577                  -> IsMutable
578                  -> Package
579                  -> [String]
580configureOptsDirs bco isMutable package = concat
581    [ ["--user", "--package-db=clear", "--package-db=global"]
582    , map (("--package-db=" ++) . toFilePathNoTrailingSep) $ case isMutable of
583        Immutable -> bcoExtraDBs bco ++ [bcoSnapDB bco]
584        Mutable -> bcoExtraDBs bco ++ [bcoSnapDB bco] ++ [bcoLocalDB bco]
585    , [ "--libdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (installRoot </> relDirLib)
586      , "--bindir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (installRoot </> bindirSuffix)
587      , "--datadir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (installRoot </> relDirShare)
588      , "--libexecdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (installRoot </> relDirLibexec)
589      , "--sysconfdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep (installRoot </> relDirEtc)
590      , "--docdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep docDir
591      , "--htmldir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep docDir
592      , "--haddockdir=" ++ toFilePathNoTrailingSep docDir]
593    ]
594  where
595    installRoot =
596        case isMutable of
597            Immutable -> bcoSnapInstallRoot bco
598            Mutable -> bcoLocalInstallRoot bco
599    docDir =
600        case pkgVerDir of
601            Nothing -> installRoot </> docDirSuffix
602            Just dir -> installRoot </> docDirSuffix </> dir
603    pkgVerDir =
604        parseRelDir (packageIdentifierString (PackageIdentifier (packageName package)
605                                                                (packageVersion package)) ++
606                     [pathSeparator])
608-- | Same as 'configureOpts', but does not include directory path options
609configureOptsNoDir :: EnvConfig
610                   -> BaseConfigOpts
611                   -> Map PackageIdentifier GhcPkgId -- ^ dependencies
612                   -> Bool -- ^ is this a local, non-extra-dep?
613                   -> Package
614                   -> [String]
615configureOptsNoDir econfig bco deps isLocal package = concat
616    [ depOptions
617    , ["--enable-library-profiling" | boptsLibProfile bopts || boptsExeProfile bopts]
618    -- Cabal < 1.21.1 does not support --enable-profiling, use --enable-executable-profiling instead
619    , let profFlag = "--enable-" <> concat ["executable-" | not newerCabal] <> "profiling"
620      in [ profFlag | boptsExeProfile bopts && isLocal]
621    , ["--enable-split-objs" | boptsSplitObjs bopts]
622    , ["--disable-library-stripping" | not $ boptsLibStrip bopts || boptsExeStrip bopts]
623    , ["--disable-executable-stripping" | not (boptsExeStrip bopts) && isLocal]
624    , map (\(name,enabled) ->
625                       "-f" <>
626                       (if enabled
627                           then ""
628                           else "-") <>
629                       flagNameString name)
630                    (Map.toList flags)
631    , map T.unpack $ packageCabalConfigOpts package
632    , processGhcOptions (packageGhcOptions package)
633    , map ("--extra-include-dirs=" ++) (configExtraIncludeDirs config)
634    , map ("--extra-lib-dirs=" ++) (configExtraLibDirs config)
635    , maybe [] (\customGcc -> ["--with-gcc=" ++ toFilePath customGcc]) (configOverrideGccPath config)
636    , ["--exact-configuration"]
637    , ["--ghc-option=-fhide-source-paths" | hideSourcePaths cv]
638    ]
639  where
640    -- This function parses the GHC options that are providing in the
641    -- stack.yaml file. In order to handle RTS arguments correctly, we need
642    -- to provide the RTS arguments as a single argument.
643    processGhcOptions :: [Text] -> [String]
644    processGhcOptions args =
645        let
646            (preRtsArgs, mid) =
647                break ("+RTS" ==) args
648            (rtsArgs, end) =
649                break ("-RTS" ==) mid
650            fullRtsArgs =
651                case rtsArgs of
652                    [] ->
653                        -- This means that we didn't have any RTS args - no
654                        -- `+RTS` - and therefore no need for a `-RTS`.
655                        []
656                    _ ->
657                        -- In this case, we have some RTS args. `break`
658                        -- puts the `"-RTS"` string in the `snd` list, so
659                        -- we want to append it on the end of `rtsArgs`
660                        -- here.
661                        --
662                        -- We're not checking that `-RTS` is the first
663                        -- element of `end`. This is because the GHC RTS
664                        -- allows you to omit a trailing -RTS if that's the
665                        -- last of the arguments. This permits a GHC
666                        -- options in stack.yaml that matches what you
667                        -- might pass directly to GHC.
668                        [T.unwords $ rtsArgs ++ ["-RTS"]]
669            -- We drop the first element from `end`, because it is always
670            -- either `"-RTS"` (and we don't want that as a separate
671            -- argument) or the list is empty (and `drop _ [] = []`).
672            postRtsArgs =
673                drop 1 end
674            newArgs =
675                concat [preRtsArgs, fullRtsArgs, postRtsArgs]
676        in
677            concatMap (\x -> [compilerOptionsCabalFlag wc, T.unpack x]) newArgs
679    wc = view (actualCompilerVersionL.to whichCompiler) econfig
680    cv = view (actualCompilerVersionL.to getGhcVersion) econfig
682    hideSourcePaths ghcVersion = ghcVersion >= mkVersion [8, 2] && configHideSourcePaths config
684    config = view configL econfig
685    bopts = bcoBuildOpts bco
687    newerCabal = view cabalVersionL econfig >= mkVersion [1, 22]
689    -- Unioning atop defaults is needed so that all flags are specified
690    -- with --exact-configuration.
691    flags = packageFlags package `Map.union` packageDefaultFlags package
693    depOptions = map (uncurry toDepOption) $ Map.toList deps
694      where
695        toDepOption = if newerCabal then toDepOption1_22 else toDepOption1_18
697    toDepOption1_22 (PackageIdentifier name _) gid = concat
698        [ "--dependency="
699        , packageNameString name
700        , "="
701        , ghcPkgIdString gid
702        ]
704    toDepOption1_18 ident _gid = concat
705        [ "--constraint="
706        , packageNameString name
707        , "=="
708        , versionString version'
709        ]
710      where
711        PackageIdentifier name version' = ident
713-- | Get set of wanted package names from locals.
714wantedLocalPackages :: [LocalPackage] -> Set PackageName
715wantedLocalPackages = Set.fromList . map (packageName . lpPackage) . filter lpWanted
717-- | Configure options to be sent to Setup.hs configure
718data ConfigureOpts = ConfigureOpts
719    { coDirs :: ![String]
720    -- ^ Options related to various paths. We separate these out since they do
721    -- not have an impact on the contents of the compiled binary for checking
722    -- if we can use an existing precompiled cache.
723    , coNoDirs :: ![String]
724    }
725    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Data, Typeable)
726instance NFData ConfigureOpts
728-- | Information on a compiled package: the library conf file (if relevant),
729-- the sublibraries (if present) and all of the executable paths.
730data PrecompiledCache base = PrecompiledCache
731    { pcLibrary :: !(Maybe (Path base File))
732    -- ^ .conf file inside the package database
733    , pcSubLibs :: ![Path base File]
734    -- ^ .conf file inside the package database, for each of the sublibraries
735    , pcExes    :: ![Path base File]
736    -- ^ Full paths to executables
737    }
738    deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Typeable)
739instance NFData (PrecompiledCache Abs)
740instance NFData (PrecompiledCache Rel)