1{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass             #-}
2{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
3{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric              #-}
4{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift                 #-}
5{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
6{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
7{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
8{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
9{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists            #-}
10{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
11{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
12{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
13{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
14{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax              #-}
16{-| This module contains the core syntax types and optics for them.
18'reservedIdentifiers', 'denote' and friends are included because they are
19involved in a dependency circle with "Dhall.Pretty.Internal".
22module Dhall.Syntax (
23    -- * 'Expr'
24      Const(..)
25    , Var(..)
26    , Binding(..)
27    , makeBinding
28    , CharacterSet(..)
29    , Chunks(..)
30    , DhallDouble(..)
31    , PreferAnnotation(..)
32    , Expr(..)
33    , RecordField(..)
34    , makeRecordField
35    , FunctionBinding(..)
36    , makeFunctionBinding
37    , FieldSelection(..)
38    , makeFieldSelection
40    -- ** 'Let'-blocks
41    , MultiLet(..)
42    , multiLet
43    , wrapInLets
45    -- ** Optics
46    , subExpressions
47    , unsafeSubExpressions
48    , chunkExprs
49    , bindingExprs
50    , recordFieldExprs
51    , functionBindingExprs
53    -- ** Handling 'Note's
54    , denote
55    , renote
56    , shallowDenote
58    -- * 'Import'
59    , Directory(..)
60    , File(..)
61    , FilePrefix(..)
62    , Import(..)
63    , ImportHashed(..)
64    , ImportMode(..)
65    , ImportType(..)
66    , URL(..)
67    , Scheme(..)
68    , pathCharacter
70    -- * Reserved identifiers
71    , reservedIdentifiers
72    , reservedKeywords
74    -- * `Data.Text.Text` manipulation
75    , toDoubleQuoted
76    , longestSharedWhitespacePrefix
77    , linesLiteral
78    , unlinesLiteral
80    -- * Desugaring
81    , desugarWith
83    -- * Utilities
84    , internalError
85    -- `shift` should really be in `Dhall.Normalize`, but it's here to avoid a
86    -- module cycle
87    , shift
88    ) where
90import Control.DeepSeq            (NFData)
91import Data.Bifunctor             (Bifunctor (..))
92import Data.Bits                  (xor)
93import Data.Data                  (Data)
94import Data.Foldable
95import Data.HashSet               (HashSet)
96import Data.List.NonEmpty         (NonEmpty (..))
97import Data.Sequence              (Seq)
98import Data.String                (IsString (..))
99import Data.Text                  (Text)
100import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc  (Doc, Pretty)
101import Data.Traversable           ()
102import Data.Void                  (Void)
103import Dhall.Map                  (Map)
104import {-# SOURCE #-} Dhall.Pretty.Internal
105import Dhall.Src                  (Src (..))
106import GHC.Generics               (Generic)
107import Instances.TH.Lift          ()
108import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift)
109import Numeric.Natural            (Natural)
110import Unsafe.Coerce              (unsafeCoerce)
112import qualified Control.Monad
113import qualified Data.HashSet
114import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty        as NonEmpty
115import qualified Data.Text
116import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
117import qualified Dhall.Crypto
118import qualified Dhall.Optics              as Optics
119import qualified Lens.Family               as Lens
120import qualified Network.URI               as URI
122-- $setup
123-- >>> import Dhall.Binary () -- For the orphan instance for `Serialise (Expr Void Import)`
125{-| Constants for a pure type system
127    The axioms are:
129> ⊦ Type : Kind
130> ⊦ Kind : Sort
132    ... and the valid rule pairs are:
134> ⊦ Type ↝ Type : Type  -- Functions from terms to terms (ordinary functions)
135> ⊦ Kind ↝ Type : Type  -- Functions from types to terms (type-polymorphic functions)
136> ⊦ Sort ↝ Type : Type  -- Functions from kinds to terms
137> ⊦ Kind ↝ Kind : Kind  -- Functions from types to types (type-level functions)
138> ⊦ Sort ↝ Kind : Sort  -- Functions from kinds to types (kind-polymorphic functions)
139> ⊦ Sort ↝ Sort : Sort  -- Functions from kinds to kinds (kind-level functions)
141    Note that Dhall does not support functions from terms to types and therefore
142    Dhall is not a dependently typed language
144data Const = Type | Kind | Sort
145    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Bounded, Enum, Generic, Lift, NFData)
147instance Pretty Const where
148    pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyConst
150{-| Label for a bound variable
152    The `Data.Text.Text` field is the variable's name (i.e. \"@x@\").
154    The `Int` field disambiguates variables with the same name if there are
155    multiple bound variables of the same name in scope.  Zero refers to the
156    nearest bound variable and the index increases by one for each bound
157    variable of the same name going outward.  The following diagram may help:
159>                               ┌──refers to──┐
160>                               │             │
161>                               v             │
162> λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x@0
164> ┌─────────────────refers to─────────────────┐
165> │                                           │
166> v                                           │
167> λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x@1
169    This `Int` behaves like a De Bruijn index in the special case where all
170    variables have the same name.
172    You can optionally omit the index if it is @0@:
174>                               ┌─refers to─┐
175>                               │           │
176>                               v           │
177> λ(x : Type) → λ(y : Type) → λ(x : Type) → x
179    Zero indices are omitted when pretty-printing @Var@s and non-zero indices
180    appear as a numeric suffix.
182data Var = V Text !Int
183    deriving (Data, Generic, Eq, Ord, Show, Lift, NFData)
185instance IsString Var where
186    fromString str = V (fromString str) 0
188instance Pretty Var where
189    pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyVar
191-- | Record the binding part of a @let@ expression.
193-- For example,
195-- > let {- A -} x {- B -} : {- C -} Bool = {- D -} True in x
197-- … will be instantiated as follows:
199-- * @bindingSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment.
200-- * @variable@ is @"x"@
201-- * @bindingSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment.
202-- * @annotation@ is 'Just' a pair, corresponding to the @C@ comment and @Bool@.
203-- * @bindingSrc2@ corresponds to the @D@ comment.
204-- * @value@ corresponds to @True@.
205data Binding s a = Binding
206    { bindingSrc0 :: Maybe s
207    , variable    :: Text
208    , bindingSrc1 :: Maybe s
209    , annotation  :: Maybe (Maybe s, Expr s a)
210    , bindingSrc2 :: Maybe s
211    , value       :: Expr s a
212    } deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Lift, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
214instance Bifunctor Binding where
215    first k (Binding src0 a src1 b src2 c) =
216        Binding (fmap k src0) a (fmap k src1) (fmap adapt0 b) (fmap k src2) (first k c)
217      where
218        adapt0 (src3, d) = (fmap k src3, first k d)
220    second = fmap
222{-| Construct a 'Binding' with no source information and no type annotation.
224makeBinding :: Text -> Expr s a -> Binding s a
225makeBinding name = Binding Nothing name Nothing Nothing Nothing
227-- | This wrapper around 'Prelude.Double' exists for its 'Eq' instance which is
228-- defined via the binary encoding of Dhall @Double@s.
229newtype DhallDouble = DhallDouble { getDhallDouble :: Double }
230    deriving stock (Show, Data, Lift, Generic)
231    deriving anyclass NFData
233-- | This instance satisfies all the customary 'Eq' laws except substitutivity.
235-- In particular:
237-- >>> nan = DhallDouble (0/0)
238-- >>> nan == nan
239-- True
241-- This instance is also consistent with with the binary encoding of Dhall @Double@s:
243-- >>> toBytes n = Dhall.Binary.encodeExpression (DoubleLit n :: Expr Void Import)
245-- prop> \a b -> (a == b) == (toBytes a == toBytes b)
246instance Eq DhallDouble where
247    DhallDouble a == DhallDouble b
248        | isNaN a && isNaN b                      = True
249        | isNegativeZero a `xor` isNegativeZero b = False
250        | otherwise                               = a == b
252-- | This instance relies on the 'Eq' instance for 'DhallDouble' but cannot
253-- satisfy the customary 'Ord' laws when @NaN@ is involved.
254instance Ord DhallDouble where
255    compare a@(DhallDouble a') b@(DhallDouble b') =
256        if a == b
257            then EQ
258            else compare a' b'
260-- | The body of an interpolated @Text@ literal
261data Chunks s a = Chunks [(Text, Expr s a)] Text
262    deriving (Functor, Foldable, Generic, Traversable, Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Lift, NFData)
264instance Semigroup (Chunks s a) where
265    Chunks xysL zL <> Chunks         []    zR =
266        Chunks xysL (zL <> zR)
267    Chunks xysL zL <> Chunks ((x, y):xysR) zR =
268        Chunks (xysL ++ (zL <> x, y):xysR) zR
270instance Monoid (Chunks s a) where
271    mempty = Chunks [] mempty
273instance IsString (Chunks s a) where
274    fromString str = Chunks [] (fromString str)
276-- | Used to record the origin of a @//@ operator (i.e. from source code or a
277-- product of desugaring)
278data PreferAnnotation s a
279    = PreferFromSource
280    | PreferFromWith (Expr s a)
281      -- ^ Stores the original @with@ expression
282    | PreferFromCompletion
283    deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Lift, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
285instance Bifunctor PreferAnnotation where
286    first _  PreferFromSource      = PreferFromSource
287    first f (PreferFromWith e    ) = PreferFromWith (first f e)
288    first _  PreferFromCompletion  = PreferFromCompletion
290    second = fmap
292-- | Record the field of a record-type and record-literal expression.
293-- The reason why we use the same ADT for both of them is because they store
294-- the same information.
296-- For example,
298-- > { {- A -} x {- B -} : {- C -} T }
300-- ... or
302-- > { {- A -} x {- B -} = {- C -} T }
304-- will be instantiated as follows:
306-- * @recordFieldSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment.
307-- * @recordFieldValue@ is @"T"@
308-- * @recordFieldSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment.
309-- * @recordFieldSrc2@ corresponds to the @C@ comment.
311-- Although the @A@ comment isn't annotating the @"T"@ Record Field,
312-- this is the best place to keep these comments.
314-- Note that @recordFieldSrc2@ is always 'Nothing' when the 'RecordField' is for
315-- a punned entry, because there is no @=@ sign. For example,
317-- > { {- A -} x {- B -} }
319-- will be instantiated as follows:
321-- * @recordFieldSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment.
322-- * @recordFieldValue@ corresponds to @(Var "x")@
323-- * @recordFieldSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment.
324-- * @recordFieldSrc2@ will be 'Nothing'
326-- The labels involved in a record using dot-syntax like in this example:
328-- > { {- A -} a {- B -} . {- C -} b {- D -} . {- E -} c {- F -} = {- G -} e }
330-- will be instantiated as follows:
332-- * For both the @a@ and @b@ field, @recordfieldSrc2@ is 'Nothing'
333-- * For the @a@ field:
334--   * @recordFieldSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment
335--   * @recordFieldSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment
336-- * For the @b@ field:
337--   * @recordFieldSrc0@ corresponds to the @C@ comment
338--   * @recordFieldSrc1@ corresponds to the @D@ comment
339-- * For the @c@ field:
340--   * @recordFieldSrc0@ corresponds to the @E@ comment
341--   * @recordFieldSrc1@ corresponds to the @F@ comment
342--   * @recordFieldSrc2@ corresponds to the @G@ comment
344-- That is, for every label except the last one the semantics of
345-- @recordFieldSrc0@ and @recordFieldSrc1@ are the same from a regular record
346-- label but @recordFieldSrc2@ is always 'Nothing'. For the last keyword, all
347-- srcs are 'Just'
348data RecordField s a = RecordField
349    { recordFieldSrc0  :: Maybe s
350    , recordFieldValue :: Expr s a
351    , recordFieldSrc1  :: Maybe s
352    , recordFieldSrc2  :: Maybe s
353    } deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Lift, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
355-- | Construct a 'RecordField' with no src information
356makeRecordField :: Expr s a -> RecordField s a
357makeRecordField e = RecordField Nothing e Nothing Nothing
360instance Bifunctor RecordField where
361    first k (RecordField s0 value s1 s2) =
362        RecordField (k <$> s0) (first k value) (k <$> s1) (k <$> s2)
363    second = fmap
365{-| Record the label of a function or a function-type expression
367For example,
369> λ({- A -} a {- B -} : {- C -} T) -> e
371will be instantiated as follows:
372* @functionBindingSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment
373* @functionBindingVariable@ is @a@
374* @functionBindingSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment
375* @functionBindingSrc2@ corresponds to the @C@ comment
376* @functionBindingAnnotation@ is @T@
378data FunctionBinding s a = FunctionBinding
379    { functionBindingSrc0 :: Maybe s
380    , functionBindingVariable :: Text
381    , functionBindingSrc1 :: Maybe s
382    , functionBindingSrc2 :: Maybe s
383    , functionBindingAnnotation :: Expr s a
384    } deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Lift, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
386-- | Smart constructor for 'FunctionBinding' with no src information
387makeFunctionBinding :: Text -> Expr s a -> FunctionBinding s a
388makeFunctionBinding l t = FunctionBinding Nothing l Nothing Nothing t
390instance Bifunctor FunctionBinding where
391    first k (FunctionBinding src0 label src1 src2 type_) =
392        FunctionBinding (k <$> src0) label (k <$> src1) (k <$> src2) (first k type_)
394    second = fmap
396-- | Record the field on a selector-expression
398-- For example,
400-- > e . {- A -} x {- B -}
402-- … will be instantiated as follows:
404-- * @fieldSelectionSrc0@ corresponds to the @A@ comment
405-- * @fieldSelectionLabel@ corresponds to @x@
406-- * @fieldSelectionSrc1@ corresponds to the @B@ comment
408-- Given our limitation that not all expressions recover their whitespaces, the
409-- purpose of @fieldSelectionSrc1@ is to save the 'Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos'
410-- where the @fieldSelectionLabel@ ends, but we /still/ use a 'Maybe Src'
411-- (@s = 'Src'@) to be consistent with similar data types such as 'Binding', for
412-- example.
413data FieldSelection s = FieldSelection
414    { fieldSelectionSrc0 :: Maybe s
415    , fieldSelectionLabel :: !Text
416    , fieldSelectionSrc1 :: Maybe s
417    } deriving (Data, Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Lift, NFData, Ord, Show, Traversable)
419-- | Smart constructor for 'FieldSelection' with no src information
420makeFieldSelection :: Text -> FieldSelection s
421makeFieldSelection t = FieldSelection Nothing t Nothing
423{-| Syntax tree for expressions
425    The @s@ type parameter is used to track the presence or absence of `Src`
426    spans:
428    * If @s = `Src`@ then the code may contains `Src` spans (either in a `Note`
429      constructor or inline within another constructor, like `Let`)
430    * If @s = `Void`@ then the code has no `Src` spans
432    The @a@ type parameter is used to track the presence or absence of imports
434    * If @a = `Import`@ then the code may contain unresolved `Import`s
435    * If @a = `Void`@ then the code has no `Import`s
437data Expr s a
438    -- | > Const c                                  ~  c
439    = Const Const
440    -- | > Var (V x 0)                              ~  x
441    --   > Var (V x n)                              ~  x@n
442    | Var Var
443    -- | > Lam (FunctionBinding _ "x" _ _ A) b      ~  λ(x : A) -> b
444    | Lam (Maybe CharacterSet) (FunctionBinding s a) (Expr s a)
445    -- | > Pi "_" A B                               ~        A  -> B
446    --   > Pi x   A B                               ~  ∀(x : A) -> B
447    | Pi  (Maybe CharacterSet) Text (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
448    -- | > App f a                                  ~  f a
449    | App (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
450    -- | > Let (Binding _ x _  Nothing  _ r) e      ~  let x     = r in e
451    --   > Let (Binding _ x _ (Just t ) _ r) e      ~  let x : t = r in e
452    --
453    -- The difference between
454    --
455    -- > let x = a    let y = b in e
456    --
457    -- and
458    --
459    -- > let x = a in let y = b in e
460    --
461    -- is only an additional 'Note' around @'Let' "y" …@ in the second
462    -- example.
463    --
464    -- See 'MultiLet' for a representation of let-blocks that mirrors the
465    -- source code more closely.
466    | Let (Binding s a) (Expr s a)
467    -- | > Annot x t                                ~  x : t
468    | Annot (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
469    -- | > Bool                                     ~  Bool
470    | Bool
471    -- | > BoolLit b                                ~  b
472    | BoolLit Bool
473    -- | > BoolAnd x y                              ~  x && y
474    | BoolAnd (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
475    -- | > BoolOr  x y                              ~  x || y
476    | BoolOr  (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
477    -- | > BoolEQ  x y                              ~  x == y
478    | BoolEQ  (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
479    -- | > BoolNE  x y                              ~  x != y
480    | BoolNE  (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
481    -- | > BoolIf x y z                             ~  if x then y else z
482    | BoolIf (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
483    -- | > Natural                                  ~  Natural
484    | Natural
485    -- | > NaturalLit n                             ~  n
486    | NaturalLit Natural
487    -- | > NaturalFold                              ~  Natural/fold
488    | NaturalFold
489    -- | > NaturalBuild                             ~  Natural/build
490    | NaturalBuild
491    -- | > NaturalIsZero                            ~  Natural/isZero
492    | NaturalIsZero
493    -- | > NaturalEven                              ~  Natural/even
494    | NaturalEven
495    -- | > NaturalOdd                               ~  Natural/odd
496    | NaturalOdd
497    -- | > NaturalToInteger                         ~  Natural/toInteger
498    | NaturalToInteger
499    -- | > NaturalShow                              ~  Natural/show
500    | NaturalShow
501    -- | > NaturalSubtract                          ~  Natural/subtract
502    | NaturalSubtract
503    -- | > NaturalPlus x y                          ~  x + y
504    | NaturalPlus (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
505    -- | > NaturalTimes x y                         ~  x * y
506    | NaturalTimes (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
507    -- | > Integer                                  ~  Integer
508    | Integer
509    -- | > IntegerLit n                             ~  ±n
510    | IntegerLit Integer
511    -- | > IntegerClamp                             ~  Integer/clamp
512    | IntegerClamp
513    -- | > IntegerNegate                            ~  Integer/negate
514    | IntegerNegate
515    -- | > IntegerShow                              ~  Integer/show
516    | IntegerShow
517    -- | > IntegerToDouble                          ~  Integer/toDouble
518    | IntegerToDouble
519    -- | > Double                                   ~  Double
520    | Double
521    -- | > DoubleLit n                              ~  n
522    | DoubleLit DhallDouble
523    -- | > DoubleShow                               ~  Double/show
524    | DoubleShow
525    -- | > Text                                     ~  Text
526    | Text
527    -- | > TextLit (Chunks [(t1, e1), (t2, e2)] t3) ~  "t1${e1}t2${e2}t3"
528    | TextLit (Chunks s a)
529    -- | > TextAppend x y                           ~  x ++ y
530    | TextAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
531    -- | > TextReplace                              ~ Text/replace
532    | TextReplace
533    -- | > TextShow                                 ~  Text/show
534    | TextShow
535    -- | > List                                     ~  List
536    | List
537    -- | > ListLit (Just t ) []                     ~  [] : t
538    --   > ListLit  Nothing  [x, y, z]              ~  [x, y, z]
539    --
540    --   Invariant: A non-empty list literal is always represented as
541    --   @ListLit Nothing xs@.
542    --
543    --   When an annotated, non-empty list literal is parsed, it is represented
544    --   as
545    --
546    --   > Annot (ListLit Nothing [x, y, z]) t      ~ [x, y, z] : t
548    -- Eventually we should have separate constructors for empty and non-empty
549    -- list literals. For now it's easier to check the invariant in @infer@.
550    -- See https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/1359#issuecomment-537087234.
551    | ListLit (Maybe (Expr s a)) (Seq (Expr s a))
552    -- | > ListAppend x y                           ~  x # y
553    | ListAppend (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
554    -- | > ListBuild                                ~  List/build
555    | ListBuild
556    -- | > ListFold                                 ~  List/fold
557    | ListFold
558    -- | > ListLength                               ~  List/length
559    | ListLength
560    -- | > ListHead                                 ~  List/head
561    | ListHead
562    -- | > ListLast                                 ~  List/last
563    | ListLast
564    -- | > ListIndexed                              ~  List/indexed
565    | ListIndexed
566    -- | > ListReverse                              ~  List/reverse
567    | ListReverse
568    -- | > Optional                                 ~  Optional
569    | Optional
570    -- | > Some e                                   ~  Some e
571    | Some (Expr s a)
572    -- | > None                                     ~  None
573    | None
574    -- | > Record [ (k1, RecordField _ t1)          ~  { k1 : t1, k2 : t1 }
575    --   >        , (k2, RecordField _ t2)
576    --   >        ]
577    | Record    (Map Text (RecordField s a))
578    -- | > RecordLit [ (k1, RecordField _ v1)       ~  { k1 = v1, k2 = v2 }
579    --   >           , (k2, RecordField _ v2)
580    --   >           ]
581    | RecordLit (Map Text (RecordField s a))
582    -- | > Union        [(k1, Just t1), (k2, Nothing)] ~  < k1 : t1 | k2 >
583    | Union     (Map Text (Maybe (Expr s a)))
584    -- | > Combine Nothing x y                      ~  x ∧ y
585    --
586    -- The first field is a `Just` when the `Combine` operator is introduced
587    -- as a result of desugaring duplicate record fields:
588    --
589    --   > RecordLit [ ( k                          ~ { k = x, k = y }
590    --   >           , RecordField
591    --   >              _
592    --   >              (Combine (Just k) x y)
593    --   >            )]
594    | Combine (Maybe CharacterSet) (Maybe Text) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
595    -- | > CombineTypes x y                         ~  x ⩓ y
596    | CombineTypes (Maybe CharacterSet) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
597    -- | > Prefer False x y                         ~  x ⫽ y
598    --
599    -- The first field is a `True` when the `Prefer` operator is introduced as a
600    -- result of desugaring a @with@ expression
601    | Prefer (Maybe CharacterSet) (PreferAnnotation s a) (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
602    -- | > RecordCompletion x y                     ~  x::y
603    | RecordCompletion (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
604    -- | > Merge x y (Just t )                      ~  merge x y : t
605    --   > Merge x y  Nothing                       ~  merge x y
606    | Merge (Expr s a) (Expr s a) (Maybe (Expr s a))
607    -- | > ToMap x (Just t)                         ~  toMap x : t
608    --   > ToMap x  Nothing                         ~  toMap x
609    | ToMap (Expr s a) (Maybe (Expr s a))
610    -- | > Field e (FieldSelection _ x _)              ~  e.x
611    | Field (Expr s a) (FieldSelection s)
612    -- | > Project e (Left xs)                      ~  e.{ xs }
613    --   > Project e (Right t)                      ~  e.(t)
614    | Project (Expr s a) (Either [Text] (Expr s a))
615    -- | > Assert e                                 ~  assert : e
616    | Assert (Expr s a)
617    -- | > Equivalent x y                           ~  x ≡ y
618    | Equivalent (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
619    -- | > With x y e                               ~  x with y = e
620    | With (Expr s a) (NonEmpty Text) (Expr s a)
621    -- | > Note s x                                 ~  e
622    | Note s (Expr s a)
623    -- | > ImportAlt                                ~  e1 ? e2
624    | ImportAlt (Expr s a) (Expr s a)
625    -- | > Embed import                             ~  import
626    | Embed a
627    deriving (Foldable, Generic, Traversable, Show, Data, Lift, NFData)
628-- NB: If you add a constructor to Expr, please also update the Arbitrary
629-- instance in Dhall.Test.QuickCheck.
631-- | This instance encodes what the Dhall standard calls an \"exact match\"
632-- between two expressions.
634-- Note that
636-- >>> nan = DhallDouble (0/0)
637-- >>> DoubleLit nan == DoubleLit nan
638-- True
639deriving instance (Eq s, Eq a) => Eq (Expr s a)
641-- | Note that this 'Ord' instance inherits `DhallDouble`'s defects.
642deriving instance (Ord s, Ord a) => Ord (Expr s a)
644-- This instance is hand-written due to the fact that deriving
645-- it does not give us an INLINABLE pragma. We annotate this fmap
646-- implementation with this pragma below to allow GHC to, possibly,
647-- inline the implementation for performance improvements.
648instance Functor (Expr s) where
649  fmap f (Embed a) = Embed (f a)
650  fmap f (Let b e2) = Let (fmap f b) (fmap f e2)
651  fmap f (Note s e1) = Note s (fmap f e1)
652  fmap f (Record a) = Record $ fmap f <$> a
653  fmap f (RecordLit a) = RecordLit $ fmap f <$> a
654  fmap f (Lam cs fb e) = Lam cs (f <$> fb) (f <$> e)
655  fmap f (Field a b) = Field (f <$> a) b
656  fmap f expression = Lens.over unsafeSubExpressions (fmap f) expression
657  {-# INLINABLE fmap #-}
659instance Applicative (Expr s) where
660    pure = Embed
662    (<*>) = Control.Monad.ap
664instance Monad (Expr s) where
665    return = pure
667    expression >>= k = case expression of
668        Embed a     -> k a
669        Let a b     -> Let (adaptBinding a) (b >>= k)
670        Note a b    -> Note a (b >>= k)
671        Record a    -> Record $ bindRecordKeyValues <$> a
672        RecordLit a -> RecordLit $ bindRecordKeyValues <$> a
673        Lam cs a b  -> Lam cs (adaptFunctionBinding a) (b >>= k)
674        Field a b   -> Field (a >>= k) b
675        _ -> Lens.over unsafeSubExpressions (>>= k) expression
676      where
677        bindRecordKeyValues (RecordField s0 e s1 s2) =
678            RecordField s0 (e >>= k) s1 s2
680        adaptBinding (Binding src0 c src1 d src2 e) =
681            Binding src0 c src1 (fmap adaptBindingAnnotation d) src2 (e >>= k)
683        adaptFunctionBinding (FunctionBinding src0 label src1 src2 type_) =
684            FunctionBinding src0 label src1 src2 (type_ >>= k)
686        adaptBindingAnnotation (src3, f) = (src3, f >>= k)
688instance Bifunctor Expr where
689    first k (Note a b   ) = Note (k a) (first k b)
690    first _ (Embed a    ) = Embed a
691    first k (Let a b    ) = Let (first k a) (first k b)
692    first k (Record a   ) = Record $ first k <$> a
693    first k (RecordLit a) = RecordLit $ first k <$> a
694    first k (Lam cs a b ) = Lam cs (first k a) (first k b)
695    first k (Field a b  ) = Field (first k a) (k <$> b)
696    first k  expression  = Lens.over unsafeSubExpressions (first k) expression
698    second = fmap
700instance IsString (Expr s a) where
701    fromString str = Var (fromString str)
703-- | Generates a syntactically valid Dhall program
704instance Pretty a => Pretty (Expr s a) where
705    pretty = Pretty.unAnnotate . prettyExpr
708Instead of converting explicitly between 'Expr's and 'MultiLet', it might
709be nicer to use a pattern synonym:
711> pattern MultiLet' :: NonEmpty (Binding s a) -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
712> pattern MultiLet' as b <- (multiLetFromExpr -> Just (MultiLet as b)) where
713>   MultiLet' as b = wrapInLets as b
715> multiLetFromExpr :: Expr s a -> Maybe (MultiLet s a)
716> multiLetFromExpr = \case
717>     Let x mA a b -> Just (multiLet x mA a b)
718>     _ -> Nothing
720This works in principle, but GHC as of v8.8.1 doesn't handle it well:
723This should be fixed by GHC-8.10, so it might be worth revisiting then.
726{-| Generate a 'MultiLet' from the contents of a 'Let'.
728    In the resulting @'MultiLet' bs e@, @e@ is guaranteed not to be a 'Let',
729    but it might be a @('Note' … ('Let' …))@.
731    Given parser output, 'multiLet' consolidates @let@s that formed a
732    let-block in the original source.
734multiLet :: Binding s a -> Expr s a -> MultiLet s a
735multiLet b0 = \case
736    Let b1 e1 ->
737        let MultiLet bs e = multiLet b1 e1
738        in  MultiLet (NonEmpty.cons b0 bs) e
739    e -> MultiLet (b0 :| []) e
741{-| Wrap let-'Binding's around an 'Expr'.
743'wrapInLets' can be understood as an inverse for 'multiLet':
745> let MultiLet bs e1 = multiLet b e0
747> wrapInLets bs e1 == Let b e0
749wrapInLets :: Foldable f => f (Binding s a) -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
750wrapInLets bs e = foldr Let e bs
752{-| This type represents 1 or more nested `Let` bindings that have been
753    coalesced together for ease of manipulation
755data MultiLet s a = MultiLet (NonEmpty (Binding s a)) (Expr s a)
757-- | A traversal over the immediate sub-expressions of an expression.
759    :: Applicative f => (Expr s a -> f (Expr s a)) -> Expr s a -> f (Expr s a)
760subExpressions _ (Embed a) = pure (Embed a)
761subExpressions f (Note a b) = Note a <$> f b
762subExpressions f (Let a b) = Let <$> bindingExprs f a <*> f b
763subExpressions f (Record a) = Record <$> traverse (recordFieldExprs f) a
764subExpressions f (RecordLit a) = RecordLit <$> traverse (recordFieldExprs f) a
765subExpressions f (Lam cs fb e) = Lam cs <$> functionBindingExprs f fb <*> f e
766subExpressions f (Field a b) = Field <$> f a <*> pure b
767subExpressions f expression = unsafeSubExpressions f expression
768{-# INLINABLE subExpressions #-}
770{-| An internal utility used to implement transformations that require changing
771    one of the type variables of the `Expr` type
773    This utility only works because the implementation is partial, not
774    handling the `Let`, `Note`, or `Embed` cases, which need to be handled by
775    the caller.
778    :: Applicative f => (Expr s a -> f (Expr t b)) -> Expr s a -> f (Expr t b)
779unsafeSubExpressions _ (Const c) = pure (Const c)
780unsafeSubExpressions _ (Var v) = pure (Var v)
781unsafeSubExpressions f (Pi cs a b c) = Pi cs a <$> f b <*> f c
782unsafeSubExpressions f (App a b) = App <$> f a <*> f b
783unsafeSubExpressions f (Annot a b) = Annot <$> f a <*> f b
784unsafeSubExpressions _ Bool = pure Bool
785unsafeSubExpressions _ (BoolLit b) = pure (BoolLit b)
786unsafeSubExpressions f (BoolAnd a b) = BoolAnd <$> f a <*> f b
787unsafeSubExpressions f (BoolOr a b) = BoolOr <$> f a <*> f b
788unsafeSubExpressions f (BoolEQ a b) = BoolEQ <$> f a <*> f b
789unsafeSubExpressions f (BoolNE a b) = BoolNE <$> f a <*> f b
790unsafeSubExpressions f (BoolIf a b c) = BoolIf <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c
791unsafeSubExpressions _ Natural = pure Natural
792unsafeSubExpressions _ (NaturalLit n) = pure (NaturalLit n)
793unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalFold = pure NaturalFold
794unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalBuild = pure NaturalBuild
795unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalIsZero = pure NaturalIsZero
796unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalEven = pure NaturalEven
797unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalOdd = pure NaturalOdd
798unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalToInteger = pure NaturalToInteger
799unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalShow = pure NaturalShow
800unsafeSubExpressions _ NaturalSubtract = pure NaturalSubtract
801unsafeSubExpressions f (NaturalPlus a b) = NaturalPlus <$> f a <*> f b
802unsafeSubExpressions f (NaturalTimes a b) = NaturalTimes <$> f a <*> f b
803unsafeSubExpressions _ Integer = pure Integer
804unsafeSubExpressions _ (IntegerLit n) = pure (IntegerLit n)
805unsafeSubExpressions _ IntegerClamp = pure IntegerClamp
806unsafeSubExpressions _ IntegerNegate = pure IntegerNegate
807unsafeSubExpressions _ IntegerShow = pure IntegerShow
808unsafeSubExpressions _ IntegerToDouble = pure IntegerToDouble
809unsafeSubExpressions _ Double = pure Double
810unsafeSubExpressions _ (DoubleLit n) = pure (DoubleLit n)
811unsafeSubExpressions _ DoubleShow = pure DoubleShow
812unsafeSubExpressions _ Text = pure Text
813unsafeSubExpressions f (TextLit chunks) =
814    TextLit <$> chunkExprs f chunks
815unsafeSubExpressions f (TextAppend a b) = TextAppend <$> f a <*> f b
816unsafeSubExpressions _ TextReplace = pure TextReplace
817unsafeSubExpressions _ TextShow = pure TextShow
818unsafeSubExpressions _ List = pure List
819unsafeSubExpressions f (ListLit a b) = ListLit <$> traverse f a <*> traverse f b
820unsafeSubExpressions f (ListAppend a b) = ListAppend <$> f a <*> f b
821unsafeSubExpressions _ ListBuild = pure ListBuild
822unsafeSubExpressions _ ListFold = pure ListFold
823unsafeSubExpressions _ ListLength = pure ListLength
824unsafeSubExpressions _ ListHead = pure ListHead
825unsafeSubExpressions _ ListLast = pure ListLast
826unsafeSubExpressions _ ListIndexed = pure ListIndexed
827unsafeSubExpressions _ ListReverse = pure ListReverse
828unsafeSubExpressions _ Optional = pure Optional
829unsafeSubExpressions f (Some a) = Some <$> f a
830unsafeSubExpressions _ None = pure None
831unsafeSubExpressions f (Union a) = Union <$> traverse (traverse f) a
832unsafeSubExpressions f (Combine cs a b c) = Combine cs a <$> f b <*> f c
833unsafeSubExpressions f (CombineTypes cs a b) = CombineTypes cs <$> f a <*> f b
834unsafeSubExpressions f (Prefer cs a b c) = Prefer cs <$> a' <*> f b <*> f c
835  where
836    a' = case a of
837        PreferFromSource     -> pure PreferFromSource
838        PreferFromWith d     -> PreferFromWith <$> f d
839        PreferFromCompletion -> pure PreferFromCompletion
840unsafeSubExpressions f (RecordCompletion a b) = RecordCompletion <$> f a <*> f b
841unsafeSubExpressions f (Merge a b t) = Merge <$> f a <*> f b <*> traverse f t
842unsafeSubExpressions f (ToMap a t) = ToMap <$> f a <*> traverse f t
843unsafeSubExpressions f (Project a b) = Project <$> f a <*> traverse f b
844unsafeSubExpressions f (Assert a) = Assert <$> f a
845unsafeSubExpressions f (Equivalent a b) = Equivalent <$> f a <*> f b
846unsafeSubExpressions f (With a b c) = With <$> f a <*> pure b <*> f c
847unsafeSubExpressions f (ImportAlt l r) = ImportAlt <$> f l <*> f r
848unsafeSubExpressions _ (Let {}) = unhandledConstructor "Let"
849unsafeSubExpressions _ (Note {}) = unhandledConstructor "Note"
850unsafeSubExpressions _ (Embed {}) = unhandledConstructor "Embed"
851unsafeSubExpressions _ (Record {}) = unhandledConstructor "Record"
852unsafeSubExpressions _ (RecordLit {}) = unhandledConstructor "RecordLit"
853unsafeSubExpressions _ (Lam {}) = unhandledConstructor "Lam"
854unsafeSubExpressions _ (Field {}) = unhandledConstructor "Field"
855{-# INLINABLE unsafeSubExpressions #-}
857unhandledConstructor :: Text -> a
858unhandledConstructor constructor =
859    internalError
860        (   "Dhall.Syntax.unsafeSubExpressions: Unhandled "
861        <>  constructor
862        <>  " construtor"
863        )
865{-| Traverse over the immediate 'Expr' children in a 'Binding'.
868  :: (Applicative f)
869  => (Expr s a -> f (Expr s b))
870  -> Binding s a -> f (Binding s b)
871bindingExprs f (Binding s0 n s1 t s2 v) =
872  Binding
873    <$> pure s0
874    <*> pure n
875    <*> pure s1
876    <*> traverse (traverse f) t
877    <*> pure s2
878    <*> f v
879{-# INLINABLE bindingExprs #-}
881{-| Traverse over the immediate 'Expr' children in a 'RecordField'.
884    :: Applicative f
885    => (Expr s a -> f (Expr s b))
886    -> RecordField s a -> f (RecordField s b)
887recordFieldExprs f (RecordField s0 e s1 s2) =
888    RecordField
889        <$> pure s0
890        <*> f e
891        <*> pure s1
892        <*> pure s2
893{-# INLINABLE recordFieldExprs #-}
895{-| Traverse over the immediate 'Expr' children in a 'FunctionBinding'.
898    :: Applicative f
899    => (Expr s a -> f (Expr s b))
900    -> FunctionBinding s a -> f (FunctionBinding s b)
901functionBindingExprs f (FunctionBinding s0 label s1 s2 type_) =
902    FunctionBinding
903        <$> pure s0
904        <*> pure label
905        <*> pure s1
906        <*> pure s2
907        <*> f type_
908{-# INLINABLE functionBindingExprs #-}
910-- | A traversal over the immediate sub-expressions in 'Chunks'.
912  :: Applicative f
913  => (Expr s a -> f (Expr t b))
914  -> Chunks s a -> f (Chunks t b)
915chunkExprs f (Chunks chunks final) =
916  flip Chunks final <$> traverse (traverse f) chunks
917{-# INLINABLE chunkExprs #-}
919{-| Internal representation of a directory that stores the path components in
920    reverse order
922    In other words, the directory @\/foo\/bar\/baz@ is encoded as
923    @Directory { components = [ "baz", "bar", "foo" ] }@
925newtype Directory = Directory { components :: [Text] }
926    deriving stock (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show)
927    deriving anyclass NFData
929instance Semigroup Directory where
930    Directory components₀ <> Directory components₁ =
931        Directory (components₁ <> components₀)
933instance Pretty Directory where
934    pretty (Directory {..}) = foldMap prettyPathComponent (reverse components)
936prettyPathComponent :: Text -> Doc ann
937prettyPathComponent text
938    | Data.Text.all pathCharacter text =
939        "/" <> Pretty.pretty text
940    | otherwise =
941        "/\"" <> Pretty.pretty text <> "\""
943{-| A `File` is a `directory` followed by one additional path component
944    representing the `file` name
946data File = File
947    { directory :: Directory
948    , file      :: Text
949    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
951instance Pretty File where
952    pretty (File {..}) =
953            Pretty.pretty directory
954        <>  prettyPathComponent file
956instance Semigroup File where
957    File directory_ <> File directoryfile =
958        File (directory₀ <> directory₁) file
960-- | The beginning of a file path which anchors subsequent path components
961data FilePrefix
962    = Absolute
963    -- ^ Absolute path
964    | Here
965    -- ^ Path relative to @.@
966    | Parent
967    -- ^ Path relative to @..@
968    | Home
969    -- ^ Path relative to @~@
970    deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
972instance Pretty FilePrefix where
973    pretty Absolute = ""
974    pretty Here     = "."
975    pretty Parent   = ".."
976    pretty Home     = "~"
978-- | The URI scheme
979data Scheme = HTTP | HTTPS deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
981-- | This type stores all of the components of a remote import
982data URL = URL
983    { scheme    :: Scheme
984    , authority :: Text
985    , path      :: File
986    , query     :: Maybe Text
987    , headers   :: Maybe (Expr Src Import)
988    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
990instance Pretty URL where
991    pretty (URL {..}) =
992            schemeDoc
993        <>  "://"
994        <>  Pretty.pretty authority
995        <>  pathDoc
996        <>  queryDoc
997        <>  foldMap prettyHeaders headers
998      where
999        prettyHeaders h =
1000          " using " <> Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyImportExpression h)
1002        File {..} = path
1004        Directory {..} = directory
1006        pathDoc =
1007                foldMap prettyURIComponent (reverse components)
1008            <>  prettyURIComponent file
1010        schemeDoc = case scheme of
1011            HTTP  -> "http"
1012            HTTPS -> "https"
1014        queryDoc = case query of
1015            Nothing -> ""
1016            Just q  -> "?" <> Pretty.pretty q
1018prettyURIComponent :: Text -> Doc ann
1019prettyURIComponent text =
1020        Pretty.pretty $ URI.normalizeCase $ URI.normalizeEscape $ "/" <> Data.Text.unpack text
1022-- | The type of import (i.e. local vs. remote vs. environment)
1023data ImportType
1024    = Local FilePrefix File
1025    -- ^ Local path
1026    | Remote URL
1027    -- ^ URL of remote resource and optional headers stored in an import
1028    | Env  Text
1029    -- ^ Environment variable
1030    | Missing
1031    deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
1033parent :: File
1034parent = File { directory = Directory { components = [ ".." ] }, file = "" }
1036instance Semigroup ImportType where
1037    Local prefix file₀ <> Local Here file₁ = Local prefix (file₀ <> file₁)
1039    Remote (URL { path = path₀, ..}) <> Local Here path₁ =
1040        Remote (URL { path = path₀ <> path₁, ..})
1042    Local prefix file₀ <> Local Parent file₁ =
1043        Local prefix (file₀ <> parent <> file₁)
1045    Remote (URL { path = path₀, .. }) <> Local Parent path₁ =
1046        Remote (URL { path = path₀ <> parent <> path₁, .. })
1048    import₀ <> Remote (URL { headers = headers₀, .. }) =
1049        Remote (URL { headers = headers₁, .. })
1050      where
1051        importHashed₀ = Import (ImportHashed Nothing import₀) Code
1053        headers₁ = fmap (fmap (importHashed₀ <>)) headers1054
1055    _ <> import₁ =
1056        import1057
1058instance Pretty ImportType where
1059    pretty (Local prefix file) =
1060        Pretty.pretty prefix <> Pretty.pretty file
1062    pretty (Remote url) = Pretty.pretty url
1064    pretty (Env env) = "env:" <> prettyEnvironmentVariable env
1066    pretty Missing = "missing"
1068-- | How to interpret the import's contents (i.e. as Dhall code or raw text)
1069data ImportMode = Code | RawText | Location
1070  deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
1072-- | A `ImportType` extended with an optional hash for semantic integrity checks
1073data ImportHashed = ImportHashed
1074    { hash       :: Maybe Dhall.Crypto.SHA256Digest
1075    , importType :: ImportType
1076    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
1078instance Semigroup ImportHashed where
1079    ImportHashed _ importType₀ <> ImportHashed hash importType₁ =
1080        ImportHashed hash (importType₀ <> importType₁)
1082instance Pretty ImportHashed where
1083    pretty (ImportHashed  Nothing p) =
1084      Pretty.pretty p
1085    pretty (ImportHashed (Just h) p) =
1086      Pretty.pretty p <> " sha256:" <> Pretty.pretty (show h)
1088-- | Reference to an external resource
1089data Import = Import
1090    { importHashed :: ImportHashed
1091    , importMode   :: ImportMode
1092    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show, NFData)
1094instance Semigroup Import where
1095    Import importHashed_ <> Import importHashedcode =
1096        Import (importHashed₀ <> importHashed₁) code
1098instance Pretty Import where
1099    pretty (Import {..}) = Pretty.pretty importHashed <> Pretty.pretty suffix
1100      where
1101        suffix :: Text
1102        suffix = case importMode of
1103            RawText  -> " as Text"
1104            Location -> " as Location"
1105            Code     -> ""
1107{-| Returns `True` if the given `Char` is valid within an unquoted path
1108    component
1110    This is exported for reuse within the @"Dhall.Parser.Token"@ module
1112pathCharacter :: Char -> Bool
1113pathCharacter c =
1114         '\x21' == c
1115    ||  ('\x24' <= c && c <= '\x27')
1116    ||  ('\x2A' <= c && c <= '\x2B')
1117    ||  ('\x2D' <= c && c <= '\x2E')
1118    ||  ('\x30' <= c && c <= '\x3B')
1119    ||  c == '\x3D'
1120    ||  ('\x40' <= c && c <= '\x5A')
1121    ||  ('\x5E' <= c && c <= '\x7A')
1122    ||  c == '\x7C'
1123    ||  c == '\x7E'
1125-- | Remove all `Note` constructors from an `Expr` (i.e. de-`Note`)
1127-- This also remove CharacterSet annotations.
1128denote :: Expr s a -> Expr t a
1129denote = \case
1130    Note _ b -> denote b
1131    Let a b -> Let (denoteBinding a) (denote b)
1132    Embed a -> Embed a
1133    Combine _ _ b c -> Combine Nothing Nothing (denote b) (denote c)
1134    CombineTypes _ b c -> CombineTypes Nothing (denote b) (denote c)
1135    Prefer _ a b c -> Lens.over unsafeSubExpressions denote $ Prefer Nothing a b c
1136    Record a -> Record $ denoteRecordField <$> a
1137    RecordLit a -> RecordLit $ denoteRecordField <$> a
1138    Lam _ a b -> Lam Nothing (denoteFunctionBinding a) (denote b)
1139    Pi _ t a b -> Pi Nothing t (denote a) (denote b)
1140    Field a (FieldSelection _ b _) -> Field (denote a) (FieldSelection Nothing b Nothing)
1141    expression -> Lens.over unsafeSubExpressions denote expression
1142  where
1143    denoteRecordField (RecordField _ e _ _) = RecordField Nothing (denote e) Nothing Nothing
1144    denoteBinding (Binding _ c _ d _ e) =
1145        Binding Nothing c Nothing (fmap denoteBindingAnnotation d) Nothing (denote e)
1147    denoteBindingAnnotation (_, f) = (Nothing, denote f)
1149    denoteFunctionBinding (FunctionBinding _ l _ _ t) =
1150        FunctionBinding Nothing l Nothing Nothing (denote t)
1152-- | The \"opposite\" of `denote`, like @first absurd@ but faster
1153renote :: Expr Void a -> Expr s a
1154renote = unsafeCoerce
1155{-# INLINE renote #-}
1157{-| Remove any outermost `Note` constructors
1159    This is typically used when you want to get the outermost non-`Note`
1160    constructor without removing internal `Note` constructors
1162shallowDenote :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
1163shallowDenote (Note _ e) = shallowDenote e
1164shallowDenote         e  = e
1166-- | The set of reserved keywords according to the @keyword@ rule in the grammar
1167reservedKeywords :: HashSet Text
1168reservedKeywords =
1169    Data.HashSet.fromList
1170        [
1171          "if"
1172        , "then"
1173        , "else"
1174        , "let"
1175        , "in"
1176        , "using"
1177        , "missing"
1178        , "as"
1179        , "Infinity"
1180        , "NaN"
1181        , "merge"
1182        , "Some"
1183        , "toMap"
1184        , "assert"
1185        , "forall"
1186        , "with"
1187        ]
1189-- | The set of reserved identifiers for the Dhall language
1190-- | Contains also all keywords from "reservedKeywords"
1191reservedIdentifiers :: HashSet Text
1192reservedIdentifiers = reservedKeywords <>
1193    Data.HashSet.fromList
1194        [ -- Builtins according to the `builtin` rule in the grammar
1195          "Natural/fold"
1196        , "Natural/build"
1197        , "Natural/isZero"
1198        , "Natural/even"
1199        , "Natural/odd"
1200        , "Natural/toInteger"
1201        , "Natural/show"
1202        , "Natural/subtract"
1203        , "Integer"
1204        , "Integer/clamp"
1205        , "Integer/negate"
1206        , "Integer/show"
1207        , "Integer/toDouble"
1208        , "Integer/show"
1209        , "Natural/subtract"
1210        , "Double/show"
1211        , "List/build"
1212        , "List/fold"
1213        , "List/length"
1214        , "List/head"
1215        , "List/last"
1216        , "List/indexed"
1217        , "List/reverse"
1218        , "Text/replace"
1219        , "Text/show"
1220        , "Bool"
1221        , "True"
1222        , "False"
1223        , "Optional"
1224        , "None"
1225        , "Natural"
1226        , "Integer"
1227        , "Double"
1228        , "Text"
1229        , "List"
1230        , "Type"
1231        , "Kind"
1232        , "Sort"
1233        ]
1235-- | Same as @Data.Text.splitOn@, except always returning a `NonEmpty` result
1236splitOn :: Text -> Text -> NonEmpty Text
1237splitOn needle haystack =
1238    case Data.Text.splitOn needle haystack of
1239        []     -> "" :| []
1240        t : ts -> t  :| ts
1242-- | Split `Chunks` by lines
1243linesLiteral :: Chunks s a -> NonEmpty (Chunks s a)
1244linesLiteral (Chunks [] suffix) =
1245    fmap (Chunks []) (splitOn "\n" suffix)
1246linesLiteral (Chunks ((prefix, interpolation) : pairs₀) suffix₀) =
1247    foldr
1248        NonEmpty.cons
1249        (Chunks ((lastLine, interpolation) : pairs₁) suffix₁ :| chunks)
1250        (fmap (Chunks []) initLines)
1251  where
1252    splitLines = splitOn "\n" prefix
1254    initLines = NonEmpty.init splitLines
1255    lastLine  = NonEmpty.last splitLines
1257    Chunks pairssuffix₁ :| chunks = linesLiteral (Chunks pairssuffix₀)
1259-- | Flatten several `Chunks` back into a single `Chunks` by inserting newlines
1260unlinesLiteral :: NonEmpty (Chunks s a) -> Chunks s a
1261unlinesLiteral chunks =
1262    Data.Foldable.fold (NonEmpty.intersperse "\n" chunks)
1264-- | Returns `True` if the `Chunks` represents a blank line
1265emptyLine :: Chunks s a -> Bool
1266emptyLine (Chunks [] ""  ) = True
1267emptyLine (Chunks [] "\r") = True  -- So that `\r\n` is treated as a blank line
1268emptyLine  _               = False
1270-- | Return the leading whitespace for a `Chunks` literal
1271leadingSpaces :: Chunks s a -> Text
1272leadingSpaces chunks = Data.Text.takeWhile isSpace firstText
1273  where
1274    isSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
1276    firstText =
1277        case chunks of
1278            Chunks                []  suffix -> suffix
1279            Chunks ((prefix, _) : _ ) _      -> prefix
1281{-| Compute the longest shared whitespace prefix for the purposes of stripping
1282    leading indentation
1284longestSharedWhitespacePrefix :: NonEmpty (Chunks s a) -> Text
1285longestSharedWhitespacePrefix literals =
1286    case fmap leadingSpaces filteredLines of
1287        l : ls -> Data.Foldable.foldl' sharedPrefix l ls
1288        []     -> ""
1289  where
1290    sharedPrefix ab ac =
1291        case Data.Text.commonPrefixes ab ac of
1292            Just (a, _b, _c) -> a
1293            Nothing          -> ""
1295    -- The standard specifies to filter out blank lines for all lines *except*
1296    -- for the last line
1297    filteredLines = newInit <> pure oldLast
1298      where
1299        oldInit = NonEmpty.init literals
1301        oldLast = NonEmpty.last literals
1303        newInit = filter (not . emptyLine) oldInit
1305-- | Drop the first @n@ characters for a `Chunks` literal
1306dropLiteral :: Int -> Chunks s a -> Chunks s a
1307dropLiteral n (Chunks [] suffix) =
1308    Chunks [] (Data.Text.drop n suffix)
1309dropLiteral n (Chunks ((prefix, interpolation) : rest) suffix) =
1310    Chunks ((Data.Text.drop n prefix, interpolation) : rest) suffix
1312{-| Convert a single-quoted `Chunks` literal to the equivalent double-quoted
1313    `Chunks` literal
1315toDoubleQuoted :: Chunks Src a -> Chunks Src a
1316toDoubleQuoted literal =
1317    unlinesLiteral (fmap (dropLiteral indent) literals)
1318  where
1319    literals = linesLiteral literal
1321    longestSharedPrefix = longestSharedWhitespacePrefix literals
1323    indent = Data.Text.length longestSharedPrefix
1325{-| `shift` is used by both normalization and type-checking to avoid variable
1326    capture by shifting variable indices
1328    For example, suppose that you were to normalize the following expression:
1330> λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → (λ(y : a) → λ(x : a) → y) x
1332    If you were to substitute @y@ with @x@ without shifting any variable
1333    indices, then you would get the following incorrect result:
1335> λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → λ(x : a) → x  -- Incorrect normalized form
1337    In order to substitute @x@ in place of @y@ we need to `shift` @x@ by @1@ in
1338    order to avoid being misinterpreted as the @x@ bound by the innermost
1339    lambda.  If we perform that `shift` then we get the correct result:
1341> λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → λ(x : a) → x@1
1343    As a more worked example, suppose that you were to normalize the following
1344    expression:
1346>     λ(a : Type)
1347> →   λ(f : a → a → a)
1348> →   λ(x : a)
1349> →   λ(x : a)
1350> →   (λ(x : a) → f x x@1) x@1
1352    The correct normalized result would be:
1354>     λ(a : Type)
1355> →   λ(f : a → a → a)
1356> →   λ(x : a)
1357> →   λ(x : a)
1358> →   f x@1 x
1360    The above example illustrates how we need to both increase and decrease
1361    variable indices as part of substitution:
1363    * We need to increase the index of the outer @x\@1@ to @x\@2@ before we
1364      substitute it into the body of the innermost lambda expression in order
1365      to avoid variable capture.  This substitution changes the body of the
1366      lambda expression to @(f x\@2 x\@1)@
1368    * We then remove the innermost lambda and therefore decrease the indices of
1369      both @x@s in @(f x\@2 x\@1)@ to @(f x\@1 x)@ in order to reflect that one
1370      less @x@ variable is now bound within that scope
1372    Formally, @(shift d (V x n) e)@ modifies the expression @e@ by adding @d@ to
1373    the indices of all variables named @x@ whose indices are greater than
1374    @(n + m)@, where @m@ is the number of bound variables of the same name
1375    within that scope
1377    In practice, @d@ is always @1@ or @-1@ because we either:
1379    * increment variables by @1@ to avoid variable capture during substitution
1380    * decrement variables by @1@ when deleting lambdas after substitution
1382    @n@ starts off at @0@ when substitution begins and increments every time we
1383    descend into a lambda or let expression that binds a variable of the same
1384    name in order to avoid shifting the bound variables by mistake.
1386shift :: Int -> Var -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
1387shift d (V x n) (Var (V x' n')) = Var (V x' n'')
1388  where
1389    n'' = if x == x' && n <= n' then n' + d else n'
1390shift d (V x n) (Lam cs (FunctionBinding src0 x' src1 src2 _A) b) =
1391    Lam cs (FunctionBinding src0 x' src1 src2 _A') b'
1392  where
1393    _A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
1394    b'  = shift d (V x n') b
1395      where
1396        n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
1397shift d (V x n) (Pi cs x' _A _B) = Pi cs x' _A' _B'
1398  where
1399    _A' = shift d (V x n ) _A
1400    _B' = shift d (V x n') _B
1401      where
1402        n' = if x == x' then n + 1 else n
1403shift d (V x n) (Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt src2 r) e) =
1404    Let (Binding src0 f src1 mt' src2 r') e'
1405  where
1406    e' = shift d (V x n') e
1407      where
1408        n' = if x == f then n + 1 else n
1410    mt' = fmap (fmap (shift d (V x n))) mt
1411    r'  =             shift d (V x n)  r
1412shift d v expression = Lens.over subExpressions (shift d v) expression
1414-- | Desugar all @with@ expressions
1415desugarWith :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
1416desugarWith = Optics.rewriteOf subExpressions rewrite
1417  where
1418    rewrite e@(With record (key :| []) value) =
1419        Just
1420            (Prefer
1421                mempty
1422                (PreferFromWith e)
1423                record
1424                (RecordLit [ (key, makeRecordField value) ])
1425            )
1426    rewrite e@(With record (key0 :| key1 : keys) value) =
1427        Just
1428            (Let
1429                (makeBinding "_" record)
1430                (Prefer mempty (PreferFromWith e) "_"
1431                    (RecordLit
1432                        [ (key0, makeRecordField $ With (Field "_" (FieldSelection Nothing key0 Nothing)) (key1 :| keys) (shift 1 "_" value)) ]
1433                    )
1434                )
1435            )
1436    rewrite _ = Nothing
1438_ERROR :: String
1439_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
1441{-| Utility function used to throw internal errors that should never happen
1442    (in theory) but that are not enforced by the type system
1444internalError :: Data.Text.Text -> forall b . b
1445internalError text = error (unlines
1446    [ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug                                                        "
1447    , "                                                                                "
1448    , "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
1449    , "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed   "
1450    , "then you should report the bug at:                                              "
1451    , "                                                                                "
1452    , "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues                              "
1453    , "                                                                                "
1454    , "Please include the following text in your bug report:                           "
1455    , "                                                                                "
1456    , "```                                                                             "
1457    , Data.Text.unpack text <> "                                                       "
1458    , "```                                                                             "
1459    ] )