1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2005 Enrico Ros <eros.kde@email.it>
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2004-2008 Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org>
5     Work sponsored by the LiMux project of the city of Munich:
6     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB a KDAB Group company <info@kdab.com>
8     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 */
11 #ifndef _OKULAR_DOCUMENT_H_
12 #define _OKULAR_DOCUMENT_H_
14 #include "area.h"
15 #include "global.h"
16 #include "okularcore_export.h"
17 #include "pagesize.h"
19 #include <QDomDocument>
20 #include <QObject>
21 #include <QPrinter>
22 #include <QStringList>
23 #include <QVector>
25 #include <QMimeType>
26 #include <QUrl>
28 class KConfigDialog;
29 class KPluginMetaData;
30 class KXMLGUIClient;
31 class DocumentItem;
32 class QAbstractItemModel;
34 namespace Okular
35 {
36 class Annotation;
37 class BookmarkManager;
38 class CertificateStore;
39 class DocumentInfoPrivate;
40 class DocumentObserver;
41 class DocumentPrivate;
42 class DocumentSynopsis;
43 class DocumentViewport;
44 class EmbeddedFile;
45 class ExportFormat;
46 class FontInfo;
47 class FormField;
48 class FormFieldText;
49 class FormFieldButton;
50 class FormFieldChoice;
51 class Generator;
52 class Action;
53 class MovieAction;
54 class Page;
55 class PixmapRequest;
56 class RenditionAction;
57 class NewSignatureData;
58 struct NewSignatureDataPrivate;
59 class SourceReference;
60 class View;
61 class VisiblePageRect;
62 class SignatureInfo;
64 /** IDs for seaches. Globally defined here. **/
65 #define PART_SEARCH_ID 1
67 #define SW_SEARCH_ID 3
70 /**
71  * The DocumentInfo structure can be filled in by generators to display
72  * metadata about the currently opened file.
73  */
74 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT DocumentInfo
75 {
76     friend class Document;
78 public:
79     /**
80      * The list of predefined keys.
81      */
82     enum Key {
83         Title,            ///< The title of the document
84         Subject,          ///< The subject of the document
85         Description,      ///< The description of the document
86         Author,           ///< The author of the document
87         Creator,          ///< The creator of the document (this can be different from the author)
88         Producer,         ///< The producer of the document (e.g. some software)
89         Copyright,        ///< The copyright of the document
90         Pages,            ///< The number of pages of the document
91         CreationDate,     ///< The date of creation of the document
92         ModificationDate, ///< The date of last modification of the document
93         MimeType,         ///< The mime type of the document
94         Category,         ///< The category of the document
95         Keywords,         ///< The keywords which describe the content of the document
96         FilePath,         ///< The path of the file @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
97         DocumentSize,     ///< The size of the document @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
98         PagesSize,        ///< The size of the pages (if all pages have the same size) @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
99         CustomKeys,       ///< All the custom keys the generator supports @since 0.21
100         Invalid           ///< An invalid key @since 0.21. It will always be the last element in the enum
101     };
103     /**
104      * Creates a new document info.
105      */
106     DocumentInfo();
107     DocumentInfo(const DocumentInfo &info);
108     DocumentInfo &operator=(const DocumentInfo &);
110     ~DocumentInfo();
112     /**
113      * Returns all the keys present in this DocumentInfo
114      *
115      * @since 0.21
116      */
117     QStringList keys() const;
119     /**
120      * Returns the value for a given key or an null string when the
121      * key doesn't exist.
122      */
123     QString get(Key key) const;
125     /**
126      * Returns the value for a given key or an null string when the
127      * key doesn't exist.
128      */
129     QString get(const QString &key) const;
131     /**
132      * Sets a value for a custom key. The title should be an i18n'ed
133      * string, since it's used in the document information dialog.
134      */
135     void set(const QString &key, const QString &value, const QString &title = QString());
137     /**
138      * Sets a value for a special key. The title should be an i18n'ed
139      * string, since it's used in the document information dialog.
140      */
141     void set(Key key, const QString &value);
143     /**
144      * Returns the user visible string for the given key
145      * Takes into account keys added by the set() that takes a QString
146      *
147      * @since 0.21
148      */
149     QString getKeyTitle(const QString &key) const;
151     /**
152      * Returns the internal string for the given key
153      * @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
154      */
155     static QString getKeyString(Key key);
157     /**
158      * Returns the user visible string for the given key
159      * @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
160      */
161     static QString getKeyTitle(Key key);
163     /**
164      * Returns the Key from a string key
165      * @since 0.21
166      */
167     static Key getKeyFromString(const QString &key);
169 private:
170     DocumentInfoPrivate *d;
171 };
173 /**
174  * @short The Document. Heart of everything. Actions take place here.
175  *
176  * The Document is the main object in Okular. All views query the Document to
177  * get data/properties or even for accessing pages (in a 'const' way).
178  *
179  * It is designed to keep it detached from the document type (pdf, ps, you
180  * name it..) so whenever you want to get some data, it asks its internal
181  * generators to do the job and return results in a format-independent way.
182  *
183  * Apart from the generator (the currently running one) the document stores
184  * all the Pages ('Page' class) of the current document in a vector and
185  * notifies all the registered DocumentObservers when some content changes.
186  *
187  * For a better understanding of hierarchies @see README.internals.png
188  * @see DocumentObserver, Page
189  */
190 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT Document : public QObject
191 {
192     Q_OBJECT
194 public:
195     /**
196      * Creates a new document with the given @p widget as widget to relay GUI things (messageboxes, ...).
197      */
198     explicit Document(QWidget *widget);
200     /**
201      * Destroys the document.
202      */
203     ~Document() override;
205     /**
206      * Describes the result of an open document operation.
207      * @since 0.20 (KDE 4.14)
208      */
209     enum OpenResult {
210         OpenSuccess,      //< The document was opened successfully
211         OpenError,        //< The document failed to open
212         OpenNeedsPassword //< The document needs a password to be opened or the one provided is not the correct
213     };
215     /**
216      * Opens the document.
217      * @since 0.20 (KDE 4.14)
218      */
219     OpenResult openDocument(const QString &docFile, const QUrl &url, const QMimeType &mime, const QString &password = QString());
221     /**
222      * Closes the document.
223      */
224     void closeDocument();
226     /**
227      * Registers a new @p observer for the document.
228      */
229     void addObserver(DocumentObserver *observer);
231     /**
232      * Unregisters the given @p observer for the document.
233      */
234     void removeObserver(DocumentObserver *observer);
236     /**
237      * Reparses and applies the configuration.
238      */
239     void reparseConfig();
241     /**
242      * Returns whether the document is currently opened.
243      */
244     bool isOpened() const;
246     /**
247      * Returns the meta data of the document.
248      */
249     DocumentInfo documentInfo() const;
251     /**
252      * Returns the asked set of meta data of the document. The result may contain more
253      * metadata than the one asked for.
254      */
255     DocumentInfo documentInfo(const QSet<DocumentInfo::Key> &keys) const;
257     /**
258      * Returns the table of content of the document or 0 if no
259      * table of content is available.
260      */
261     const DocumentSynopsis *documentSynopsis() const;
263     /**
264      * Starts the reading of the information about the fonts in the
265      * document, if available.
266      *
267      * The results as well the end of the reading is notified using the
268      * signals gotFont(), fontReadingProgress() and fontReadingEnded()
269      */
270     void startFontReading();
272     /**
273      * Force the termination of the reading of the information about the
274      * fonts in the document, if running.
275      */
276     void stopFontReading();
278     /**
279      * Whether the current document can provide information about the
280      * fonts used in it.
281      */
282     bool canProvideFontInformation() const;
284     /**
285      * Whether the current document can perform digital signing.
286      */
287     bool canSign() const;
289     /**
290      * Returns the list of embedded files or 0 if no embedded files
291      * are available.
292      */
293     const QList<EmbeddedFile *> *embeddedFiles() const;
295     /**
296      * Returns the page object for the given page @p number or 0
297      * if the number is out of range.
298      */
299     const Page *page(int number) const;
301     /**
302      * Returns the current viewport of the document.
303      */
304     const DocumentViewport &viewport() const;
306     /**
307      * Sets the list of visible page rectangles.
308      * @see VisiblePageRect
309      */
310     void setVisiblePageRects(const QVector<VisiblePageRect *> &visiblePageRects, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver = nullptr);
312     /**
313      * Returns the list of visible page rectangles.
314      */
315     const QVector<VisiblePageRect *> &visiblePageRects() const;
317     /**
318      * Returns the number of the current page.
319      */
320     uint currentPage() const;
322     /**
323      * Returns the number of pages of the document.
324      */
325     uint pages() const;
327     /**
328      * Returns the url of the currently opened document.
329      */
330     QUrl currentDocument() const;
332     /**
333      * Returns whether the given @p action is allowed in the document.
334      * @see @ref Permission
335      */
336     bool isAllowed(Permission action) const;
338     /**
339      * Returns whether the document supports searching.
340      */
341     bool supportsSearching() const;
343     /**
344      * Returns whether the document supports the listing of page sizes.
345      */
346     bool supportsPageSizes() const;
348     /**
349      * Returns whether the current document supports tiles
350      *
351      * @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
352      */
353     bool supportsTiles() const;
355     /**
356      * Returns the list of supported page sizes or an empty list if this
357      * feature is not available.
358      * @see supportsPageSizes()
359      */
360     PageSize::List pageSizes() const;
362     /**
363      * Returns whether the document supports the export to ASCII text.
364      */
365     bool canExportToText() const;
367     /**
368      * Exports the document as ASCII text and saves it under @p fileName.
369      */
370     bool exportToText(const QString &fileName) const;
372     /**
373      * Returns the list of supported export formats.
374      * @see ExportFormat
375      */
376     QList<ExportFormat> exportFormats() const;
378     /**
379      * Exports the document in the given @p format and saves it under @p fileName.
380      */
381     bool exportTo(const QString &fileName, const ExportFormat &format) const;
383     /**
384      * Returns whether the document history is at the begin.
385      */
386     bool historyAtBegin() const;
388     /**
389      * Returns whether the document history is at the end.
390      */
391     bool historyAtEnd() const;
393     /**
394      * Returns the meta data for the given @p key and @p option or an empty variant
395      * if the key doesn't exists.
396      */
397     QVariant metaData(const QString &key, const QVariant &option = QVariant()) const;
399     /**
400      * Returns the current rotation of the document.
401      */
402     Rotation rotation() const;
404     /**
405      * If all pages have the same size this method returns it, if the page sizes
406      * differ an empty size object is returned.
407      */
408     QSizeF allPagesSize() const;
410     /**
411      * Returns the size string for the given @p page or an empty string
412      * if the page is out of range.
413      */
414     QString pageSizeString(int page) const;
416     /**
417      * Returns the gui client of the generator, if it provides one.
418      */
419     KXMLGUIClient *guiClient();
421     /**
422      * Sets the current document viewport to the given @p page.
423      *
424      * @param page The number of the page.
425      * @param excludeObserver The observer ids which shouldn't be effected by this change.
426      * @param smoothMove Whether the move shall be animated smoothly.
427      */
428     void setViewportPage(int page, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver = nullptr, bool smoothMove = false);
430     /**
431      * Sets the current document viewport to the given @p viewport.
432      *
433      * @param viewport The document viewport.
434      * @param excludeObserver The observer which shouldn't be effected by this change.
435      * @param smoothMove Whether the move shall be animated smoothly.
436      */
437     void setViewport(const DocumentViewport &viewport, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver = nullptr, bool smoothMove = false);
439     /**
440      * Sets the current document viewport to the given @p viewport.
441      * BCI TODO: merge with setViewport, adding a parameter "bool updateHistory = true"
442      *
443      * @param viewport The document viewport.
444      * @param excludeObserver The observer which shouldn't be effected by this change.
445      * @param smoothMove Whether the move shall be animated smoothly.
446      * @param updateHistory Whether to consider the change of viewport for the history navigation
447      */
448     void setViewportWithHistory(const DocumentViewport &viewport, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver = nullptr, bool smoothMove = false, bool updateHistory = true);
450     /**
451      * Sets the current document viewport to the next viewport in the
452      * viewport history.
453      */
454     void setPrevViewport();
456     /**
457      * Sets the current document viewport to the previous viewport in the
458      * viewport history.
459      */
460     void setNextViewport();
462     /**
463      * Sets the next @p viewport in the viewport history.
464      */
465     void setNextDocumentViewport(const DocumentViewport &viewport);
467     /**
468      * Sets the next @p namedDestination in the viewport history.
469      *
470      * @since 0.9 (KDE 4.3)
471      */
472     void setNextDocumentDestination(const QString &namedDestination);
474     /**
475      * Sets the zoom for the current document.
476      */
477     void setZoom(int factor, DocumentObserver *excludeObserver = nullptr);
479     /**
480      * Describes the possible options for the pixmap requests.
481      */
482     enum PixmapRequestFlag {
483         NoOption = 0,         ///< No options
484         RemoveAllPrevious = 1 ///< Remove all the previous requests, even for non requested page pixmaps
485     };
486     Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(PixmapRequestFlags, PixmapRequestFlag)
488     /**
489      * Sends @p requests for pixmap generation.
490      *
491      * The same as requestPixmaps( requests, RemoveAllPrevious );
492      */
493     void requestPixmaps(const QLinkedList<PixmapRequest *> &requests);
495     /**
496      * Sends @p requests for pixmap generation.
497      *
498      * @param requests the linked list of requests
499      * @param reqOptions the options for the request
500      *
501      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
502      */
503     void requestPixmaps(const QLinkedList<PixmapRequest *> &requests, PixmapRequestFlags reqOptions);
505     /**
506      * Sends a request for text page generation for the given page @p pageNumber.
507      */
508     void requestTextPage(uint pageNumber);
510     /**
511      * Adds a new @p annotation to the given @p page.
512      */
513     void addPageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation);
515     /**
516      * Tests if the @p annotation can be modified
517      *
518      * @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
519      */
520     bool canModifyPageAnnotation(const Annotation *annotation) const;
522     /**
523      *  Prepares to modify the properties of the given @p annotation.
524      *  Must be called before the annotation's properties are modified
525      *
526      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
527      */
528     void prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties(Annotation *annotation);
530     /**
531      * Modifies the given @p annotation on the given @p page.
532      * Must be preceded by a call to prepareToModifyAnnotationProperties before
533      * the annotation's properties are modified
534      *
535      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
536      */
537     void modifyPageAnnotationProperties(int page, Annotation *annotation);
539     /**
540      * Translates the position of the given @p annotation on the given @p page by a distance @p delta in normalized coordinates.
541      *
542      * Consecutive translations applied to the same @p annotation are merged together on the undo stack if the
543      * BeingMoved flag is set on the @p annotation.
544      *
545      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
546      */
547     void translatePageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta);
549     /**
550      * Adjusts the position of the top-left and bottom-right corners of given @p annotation on the given @p page.
551      *
552      * Can be used to implement resize functionality.
553      * @p delta1 in normalized coordinates is added to top-left.
554      * @p delta2 in normalized coordinates is added to bottom-right.
555      *
556      * Consecutive adjustments applied to the same @p annotation are merged together on the undo stack if the
557      * BeingResized flag is set on the @p annotation.
558      *
559      * @since 1.1.0
560      */
561     void adjustPageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta1, const Okular::NormalizedPoint &delta2);
563     /**
564      * Edits the plain text contents of the given @p annotation on the given @p page.
565      *
566      * The contents are set to @p newContents with cursor position @p newCursorPos.
567      * The previous cursor position @p prevCursorPos and previous anchor position @p prevAnchorPos
568      * must also be supplied so that they can be restored if the edit action is undone.
569      *
570      * The Annotation's internal contents should not be modified prior to calling this method.
571      *
572      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
573      */
574     void editPageAnnotationContents(int page, Annotation *annotation, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos);
576     /**
577      * Tests if the @p annotation can be removed
578      *
579      * @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
580      */
581     bool canRemovePageAnnotation(const Annotation *annotation) const;
583     /**
584      * Removes the given @p annotation from the given @p page.
585      */
586     void removePageAnnotation(int page, Annotation *annotation);
588     /**
589      * Removes the given @p annotations from the given @p page.
590      */
591     void removePageAnnotations(int page, const QList<Annotation *> &annotations);
593     /**
594      * Clears the text selection highlights for the given @p page,
595      * creates new ones if @p rect is not nullptr,
596      * and deletes @p rect.
597      *
598      * @param page The number of the page.
599      * @param rect The rectangle of the selection.
600      * @param color The color of the selection.
601      */
602     void setPageTextSelection(int page, RegularAreaRect *rect, const QColor &color);
604     /**
605      * Returns true if there is an undo command available; otherwise returns false.
606      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
607      */
608     bool canUndo() const;
610     /**
611      * Returns true if there is a redo command available; otherwise returns false.
612      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
613      */
614     bool canRedo() const;
616     /**
617      * Describes the possible search types.
618      */
619     enum SearchType {
620         NextMatch,     ///< Search next match
621         PreviousMatch, ///< Search previous match
622         AllDocument,   ///< Search complete document
623         GoogleAll,     ///< Search complete document (all words in google style)
624         GoogleAny      ///< Search complete document (any words in google style)
625     };
627     /**
628      * Describes how search ended
629      */
630     // TODO remove EndOfDocumentReached when we break API
631     enum SearchStatus {
632         MatchFound,          ///< Any match was found
633         NoMatchFound,        ///< No match was found
634         SearchCancelled,     ///< The search was cancelled
635         EndOfDocumentReached ///< This is not ever emitted since 1.3. The end of document was reached without any match @since 0.20 (KDE 4.14)
636     };
638     /**
639      * Searches the given @p text in the document.
640      *
641      * @param searchID The unique id for this search request.
642      * @param text The text to be searched.
643      * @param fromStart Whether the search should be started at begin of the document.
644      * @param caseSensitivity Whether the search is case sensitive.
645      * @param type The type of the search. @ref SearchType
646      * @param moveViewport Whether the viewport shall be moved to the position of the matches.
647      * @param color The highlighting color of the matches.
648      */
649     void searchText(int searchID, const QString &text, bool fromStart, Qt::CaseSensitivity caseSensitivity, SearchType type, bool moveViewport, const QColor &color);
651     /**
652      * Continues the search for the given @p searchID.
653      */
654     void continueSearch(int searchID);
656     /**
657      * Continues the search for the given @p searchID, optionally specifying
658      * a new type for the search.
659      *
660      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
661      */
662     void continueSearch(int searchID, SearchType type);
664     /**
665      * Resets the search for the given @p searchID.
666      */
667     void resetSearch(int searchID);
669     /**
670      * Returns the bookmark manager of the document.
671      */
672     BookmarkManager *bookmarkManager() const;
674     /**
675      * Processes the given @p action.
676      */
677     void processAction(const Action *action);
679     /**
680      * Processes the given format @p action on @p fft.
681      *
682      * @since 1.9
683      */
684     void processFormatAction(const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft);
686     /**
687      * Processes the given keystroke @p action on @p fft.
688      *
689      * @since 1.9
690      */
691     void processKeystrokeAction(const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft, bool &returnCode);
693     /**
694      * Processes the given focus action on the field.
695      *
696      * @since 1.9
697      */
698     void processFocusAction(const Action *action, Okular::FormField *field);
700     /**
701      * Processes the given keystroke @p action on @p fft.
702      *
703      * @since 1.9
704      */
705     void processValidateAction(const Action *action, Okular::FormFieldText *fft, bool &returnCode);
707     /**
708      * Returns a list of the bookmarked.pages
709      */
710     QList<int> bookmarkedPageList() const;
712     /**
713      * Returns the range of the bookmarked.pages
714      */
715     QString bookmarkedPageRange() const;
717     /**
718      * Processes/Executes the given source @p reference.
719      */
720     void processSourceReference(const SourceReference *reference);
722     /**
723      * Returns whether the document can configure the printer itself.
724      */
725     bool canConfigurePrinter() const;
727     /**
728      * What type of printing a document supports
729      */
730     enum PrintingType {
731         NoPrinting,        ///< Printing Not Supported
732         NativePrinting,    ///< Native Cross-Platform Printing
733         PostscriptPrinting ///< Postscript file printing
734     };
736     /**
737      * Returns what sort of printing the document supports:
738      *   Native, Postscript, None
739      */
740     PrintingType printingSupport() const;
742     /**
743      * Returns whether the document supports printing to both PDF and PS files.
744      */
745     bool supportsPrintToFile() const;
747     /**
748      * Prints the document to the given @p printer.
749      */
750     bool print(QPrinter &printer);
752     /**
753      * Returns the last print error in case print() failed
754      * @since 0.11 (KDE 4.5)
755      */
756     QString printError() const;
758     /**
759      * Returns a custom printer configuration page or 0 if no
760      * custom printer configuration page is available.
761      *
762      * The returned object should be of a PrintOptionsWidget subclass
763      * (which is not officially enforced by the signature for binary
764      * compatibility reasons).
765      */
766     QWidget *printConfigurationWidget() const;
768     /**
769      * Fill the KConfigDialog @p dialog with the setting pages of the
770      * generators.
771      */
772     void fillConfigDialog(KConfigDialog *dialog);
774     /**
775      * Returns the number of generators that have a configuration widget.
776      */
777     int configurableGenerators() const;
779     /**
780      * Returns the list with the supported MIME types.
781      */
782     QStringList supportedMimeTypes() const;
784     /**
785      * Returns the metadata associated with the generator. May be invalid.
786      */
787     KPluginMetaData generatorInfo() const;
789     /**
790      * Returns whether the generator supports hot-swapping the current file
791      * with another identical file
792      *
793      * @since 1.3
794      */
795     bool canSwapBackingFile() const;
797     /**
798      * Reload the document from a new location, without any visible effect
799      * to the user.
800      *
801      * The new file must be identical to the current one or, if the document
802      * has been modified (eg the user edited forms and annotations), the new
803      * document must have these changes too. For example, you can call
804      * saveChanges first to write changes to a file and then swapBackingFile
805      * to switch to the new location.
806      *
807      * @since 1.3
808      */
809     bool swapBackingFile(const QString &newFileName, const QUrl &url);
811     /**
812      * Same as swapBackingFile, but newFileName must be a .okular file.
813      *
814      * The new file must be identical to the current one or, if the document
815      * has been modified (eg the user edited forms and annotations), the new
816      * document must have these changes too. For example, you can call
817      * saveDocumentArchive first to write changes to a file and then
818      * swapBackingFileArchive to switch to the new location.
819      *
820      * @since 1.3
821      */
822     bool swapBackingFileArchive(const QString &newFileName, const QUrl &url);
824     /**
825      * Sets the history to be clean
826      *
827      * @since 1.3
828      */
829     void setHistoryClean(bool clean);
831     bool isHistoryClean() const;
833     /**
834      * Saving capabilities. Their availability varies according to the
835      * underlying generator and/or the document type.
836      *
837      * @see canSaveChanges (SaveCapability)
838      * @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
839      */
840     enum SaveCapability {
841         SaveFormsCapability = 1,      ///< Can save form changes
842         SaveAnnotationsCapability = 2 ///< Can save annotation changes
843     };
845     /**
846      * Returns whether it's possible to save a given category of changes to
847      * another document.
848      *
849      * @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
850      */
851     bool canSaveChanges(SaveCapability cap) const;
853     /**
854      * Returns whether the changes to the document (modified annotations,
855      * values in form fields, etc) can be saved to another document.
856      *
857      * Equivalent to the logical OR of canSaveChanges(SaveCapability) for
858      * each capability.
859      *
860      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
861      */
862     bool canSaveChanges() const;
864     /**
865      * Save the document and the optional changes to it to the specified
866      * @p fileName.
867      *
868      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
869      */
870     bool saveChanges(const QString &fileName);
872     /**
873      * Save the document and the optional changes to it to the specified
874      * @p fileName and returns a @p errorText if fails.
875      *
876      * @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
877      */
878     bool saveChanges(const QString &fileName, QString *errorText);
880     /**
881      * Register the specified @p view for the current document.
882      *
883      * It is unregistered from the previous document, if any.
884      *
885      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
886      */
887     void registerView(View *view);
889     /**
890      * Unregister the specified @p view from the current document.
891      *
892      * @since 0.7 (KDE 4.1)
893      */
894     void unregisterView(View *view);
896     /**
897      * Gets the font data for the given font
898      *
899      * @since 0.8 (KDE 4.2)
900      */
901     QByteArray fontData(const FontInfo &font) const;
903     /**
904      * Opens a document archive.
905      *
906      * @since 0.20 (KDE 4.14)
907      */
908     OpenResult openDocumentArchive(const QString &docFile, const QUrl &url, const QString &password = QString());
910     /**
911      * Saves a document archive.
912      *
913      * @since 0.8 (KDE 4.2)
914      */
915     bool saveDocumentArchive(const QString &fileName);
917     /**
918      * Extract the document file from the current archive.
919      *
920      * @warning This function only works if the current file is a document archive
921      *
922      * @since 1.3
923      */
924     bool extractArchivedFile(const QString &destFileName);
926     /**
927      * Asks the generator to dynamically generate a SourceReference for a given
928      * page number and absolute X and Y position on this page.
929      *
930      * @attention Ownership of the returned SourceReference is transferred to the caller.
931      * @note This method does not call processSourceReference( const SourceReference * )
932      *
933      * @since 0.10 (KDE 4.4)
934      */
935     const SourceReference *dynamicSourceReference(int pageNr, double absX, double absY);
937     /**
938      * Returns the orientation of the document (for printing purposes). This
939      * is used in the KPart to initialize the print dialog and in the
940      * generators to check whether the document needs to be rotated or not.
941      *
942      * @since 0.14 (KDE 4.8)
943      */
944     QPrinter::Orientation orientation() const;
946     /**
947      * Control annotation editing (creation, modification and removal),
948      * which is enabled by default.
949      *
950      * @since 0.15 (KDE 4.9)
951      */
952     void setAnnotationEditingEnabled(bool enable);
954     /**
955      * Returns which wallet data to use to read/write the password for the given fileName
956      *
957      * @since 0.20 (KDE 4.14)
958      */
959     void walletDataForFile(const QString &fileName, QString *walletName, QString *walletFolder, QString *walletKey) const;
961     /**
962      * Since version 0.21, okular does not allow editing annotations and
963      * form data if they are stored in the docdata directory (like older
964      * okular versions did by default).
965      * If this flag is set, then annotations and forms cannot be edited.
966      *
967      * @since 1.3
968      */
969     bool isDocdataMigrationNeeded() const;
971     /**
972      * Delete annotations and form data from the docdata folder. Call it if
973      * isDocdataMigrationNeeded() was true and you've just saved them to an
974      * external file.
975      *
976      * @since 1.3
977      */
978     void docdataMigrationDone();
980     /**
981      * Returns the model for rendering layers (NULL if the document has no layers)
982      *
983      * @since 0.24
984      */
985     QAbstractItemModel *layersModel() const;
987     /**
988      *  Returns the reason why the file opening failed, if any.
989      *
990      * @since 1.10
991      */
992     QString openError() const;
994     /**
995      * Digitally sign document
996      *
997      * @since 21.04
998      */
999     bool sign(const NewSignatureData &data, const QString &newPath);
1001     /**
1002      * Returns the generator's certificate store (if any)
1003      *
1004      * @since 21.04
1005      */
1006     CertificateStore *certificateStore() const;
1008 public Q_SLOTS:
1009     /**
1010      * This slot is called whenever the user changes the @p rotation of
1011      * the document.
1012      */
1013     void setRotation(int rotation);
1015     /**
1016      * This slot is called whenever the user changes the page @p size
1017      * of the document.
1018      */
1019     void setPageSize(const Okular::PageSize &size);
1021     /**
1022      * Cancels the current search
1023      */
1024     void cancelSearch();
1026     /**
1027      * Undo last edit command
1028      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1029      */
1030     void undo();
1032     /**
1033      * Redo last undone edit command
1034      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1035      */
1036     void redo();
1038     /**
1039      * Edit the text contents of the specified @p form on page @p page to be @p newContents.
1040      * The new text cursor position (@p newCursorPos), previous text cursor position (@p prevCursorPos),
1041      * and previous cursor anchor position will be restored by the undo / redo commands.
1042      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1043      */
1044     void editFormText(int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &newContents, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos);
1046     /**
1047      * Edit the selected list entries in @p form on page @p page to be @p newChoices.
1048      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1049      */
1050     void editFormList(int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QList<int> &newChoices);
1052     /**
1053      * Set the active choice in the combo box @p form on page @p page to @p newText
1054      * The new cursor position (@p newCursorPos), previous cursor position
1055      * (@p prevCursorPos), and previous anchor position (@p prevAnchorPos)
1056      * will be restored by the undo / redo commands.
1057      *
1058      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1059      */
1060     void editFormCombo(int pageNumber, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QString &newText, int newCursorPos, int prevCursorPos, int prevAnchorPos);
1062     /**
1063      * Set the states of the group of form buttons @p formButtons on page @p page to @p newButtonStates.
1064      * The lists @p formButtons and @p newButtonStates should be the same length and true values
1065      * in @p newButtonStates indicate that the corresponding entry in @p formButtons should be enabled.
1066      */
1067     void editFormButtons(int pageNumber, const QList<Okular::FormFieldButton *> &formButtons, const QList<bool> &newButtonStates);
1069     /**
1070      * Reloads the pixmaps for whole document
1071      *
1072      * @since 0.24
1073      */
1074     void reloadDocument() const;
1076     /**
1077      * Returns the part of document covered by the given signature @p info.
1078      *
1079      * @since 1.7
1080      */
1081     QByteArray requestSignedRevisionData(const Okular::SignatureInfo &info);
1083     /**
1084      * Refresh the pixmaps for the given @p pageNumber.
1085      *
1086      * @since 1.10
1087      */
1088     void refreshPixmaps(int pageNumber);
1091     /**
1092      * This signal is emitted whenever the document is about to close.
1093      * @since 1.5.3
1094      */
1095     void aboutToClose();
1097     /**
1098      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a
1099      * document close operation.
1100      */
1101     void close();
1103     /**
1104      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an
1105      * application quit operation.
1106      */
1107     void quit();
1109     /**
1110      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a
1111      * find operation.
1112      */
1113     void linkFind();
1115     /**
1116      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a
1117      * goto operation.
1118      */
1119     void linkGoToPage();
1121     /**
1122      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests a
1123      * start presentation operation.
1124      */
1125     void linkPresentation();
1127     /**
1128      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an
1129      * end presentation operation.
1130      */
1131     void linkEndPresentation();
1133     /**
1134      * This signal is emitted whenever an action requests an
1135      * open url operation for the given document @p url.
1136      */
1137     void openUrl(const QUrl &url);
1139     /**
1140      * This signal is emitted whenever an error occurred.
1141      *
1142      * @param text The description of the error.
1143      * @param duration The time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.
1144      */
1145     void error(const QString &text, int duration);
1147     /**
1148      * This signal is emitted to signal a warning.
1149      *
1150      * @param text The description of the warning.
1151      * @param duration The time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.
1152      */
1153     void warning(const QString &text, int duration);
1155     /**
1156      * This signal is emitted to signal a notice.
1157      *
1158      * @param text The description of the notice.
1159      * @param duration The time in milliseconds the message should be shown to the user.
1160      */
1161     void notice(const QString &text, int duration);
1163     /**
1164      * Emitted when a new font is found during the reading of the fonts of
1165      * the document.
1166      */
1167     void gotFont(const Okular::FontInfo &font);
1169     /**
1170      * Reports the progress when reading the fonts in the document.
1171      *
1172      * \param page is the page that was just finished to scan for fonts
1173      */
1174     void fontReadingProgress(int page);
1176     /**
1177      * Reports that the reading of the fonts in the document is finished.
1178      */
1179     void fontReadingEnded();
1181     /**
1182      * Reports that the current search finished
1183      */
1184     void searchFinished(int searchID, Okular::Document::SearchStatus endStatus);
1186     /**
1187      * This signal is emitted whenever a source reference with the given parameters has been
1188      * activated.
1189      *
1190      * \param absFileName absolute name of the file.
1191      * \param line line number.
1192      * \param col column number.
1193      * \param handled should be set to 'true' if a slot handles this source reference; the
1194      *                default action to launch the configured editor will then not be performed
1195      *                by the document
1196      *
1197      * @since 0.14 (KDE 4.8)
1198      */
1199     void sourceReferenceActivated(const QString &absFileName, int line, int col, bool *handled);
1201     /**
1202      * This signal is emitted whenever an movie action is triggered and the UI should process it.
1203      */
1204     void processMovieAction(const Okular::MovieAction *action);
1206     /**
1207      * This signal is emitted whenever the availability of the undo function changes
1208      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1209      */
1210     void canUndoChanged(bool undoAvailable);
1212     /**
1213      * This signal is emitted whenever the availability of the redo function changes
1214      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1215      */
1216     void canRedoChanged(bool redoAvailable);
1218     /**
1219      * This signal is emitted whenever the undo history is clean (i.e. the same status the last time it was saved)
1220      * @since 1.3
1221      */
1222     void undoHistoryCleanChanged(bool clean);
1224     /**
1225      * This signal is emitted whenever an rendition action is triggered and the UI should process it.
1226      *
1227      * @since 0.16 (KDE 4.10)
1228      */
1229     void processRenditionAction(const Okular::RenditionAction *action);
1231     /**
1232      * This signal is emitted whenever the contents of the given @p annotation are changed by an undo
1233      * or redo action.
1234      *
1235      * The new contents (@p contents), cursor position (@p cursorPos), and anchor position (@p anchorPos) are
1236      * included
1237      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1238      */
1239     void annotationContentsChangedByUndoRedo(Okular::Annotation *annotation, const QString &contents, int cursorPos, int anchorPos);
1241     /**
1242      * This signal is emitted whenever the text contents of the given text @p form on the given @p page
1243      * are changed by an undo or redo action.
1244      *
1245      * The new text contents (@p contents), cursor position (@p cursorPos), and anchor position (@p anchorPos) are
1246      * included
1247      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1248      */
1249     void formTextChangedByUndoRedo(int page, Okular::FormFieldText *form, const QString &contents, int cursorPos, int anchorPos);
1251     /**
1252      * This signal is emitted whenever the selected @p choices for the given list @p form on the
1253      * given @p page are changed by an undo or redo action.
1254      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1255      */
1256     void formListChangedByUndoRedo(int page, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QList<int> &choices);
1258     /**
1259      * This signal is emitted whenever the active @p text for the given combo @p form on the
1260      * given @p page is changed by an undo or redo action.
1261      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1262      */
1263     void formComboChangedByUndoRedo(int page, Okular::FormFieldChoice *form, const QString &text, int cursorPos, int anchorPos);
1265     /**
1266      * This signal is emitted whenever the state of the specified group of form buttons (@p formButtons) on the
1267      * given @p page is changed by an undo or redo action.
1268      * @since 0.17 (KDE 4.11)
1269      */
1270     void formButtonsChangedByUndoRedo(int page, const QList<Okular::FormFieldButton *> &formButtons);
1272     /**
1273      * This signal is emitted whenever a FormField was changed programmatically and the
1274      * according widget should be updated.
1275      * @since 1.4
1276      */
1277     void refreshFormWidget(Okular::FormField *field);
1279 private:
1280     /// @cond PRIVATE
1281     friend class DocumentPrivate;
1282     friend class ::DocumentItem;
1283     friend class EditAnnotationContentsCommand;
1284     friend class EditFormTextCommand;
1285     friend class EditFormListCommand;
1286     friend class EditFormComboCommand;
1287     friend class EditFormButtonsCommand;
1288     /// @endcond
1289     DocumentPrivate *const d;
1291     Q_DISABLE_COPY(Document)
1292 };
1294 /**
1295  * @short A view on the document.
1296  *
1297  * The Viewport structure is the 'current view' over the document. Contained
1298  * data is broadcasted between observers to synchronize their viewports to get
1299  * the 'I scroll one view and others scroll too' views.
1300  */
1301 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT DocumentViewport
1302 {
1303 public:
1304     /**
1305      * Creates a new viewport for the given page @p number.
1306      */
1307     explicit DocumentViewport(int number = -1);
1309     /**
1310      * Creates a new viewport from the given @p xmlDesc.
1311      */
1312     explicit DocumentViewport(const QString &xmlDesc);
1314     /**
1315      * Returns the viewport as xml description.
1316      */
1317     QString toString() const;
1319     /**
1320      * Returns whether the viewport is valid.
1321      */
1322     bool isValid() const;
1324     /**
1325      * @internal
1326      */
1327     bool operator==(const DocumentViewport &other) const;
1328     bool operator<(const DocumentViewport &other) const;
1330     /**
1331      * The number of the page nearest the center of the viewport.
1332      */
1333     int pageNumber;
1335     /**
1336      * Describes the relative position of the viewport.
1337      */
1338     enum Position {
1339         Center = 1, ///< Relative to the center of the page.
1340         TopLeft = 2 ///< Relative to the top left corner of the page.
1341     };
1343     /**
1344      * If 'rePos.enabled == true' then this structure contains the
1345      * viewport center or top left depending on the value of pos.
1346      */
1347     struct {
1348         bool enabled;
1349         double normalizedX;
1350         double normalizedY;
1351         Position pos;
1352     } rePos;
1354     /**
1355      * If 'autoFit.enabled == true' then the page must be autofit in the viewport.
1356      */
1357     struct {
1358         bool enabled;
1359         bool width;
1360         bool height;
1361     } autoFit;
1362 };
1364 /**
1365  * @short A DOM tree that describes the Table of Contents.
1366  *
1367  * The Synopsis (TOC or Table Of Contents for friends) is represented via
1368  * a dom tree where each node has an internal name (displayed in the TOC)
1369  * and one or more attributes.
1370  *
1371  * In the tree the tag name is the 'screen' name of the entry. A tag can have
1372  * attributes. Here follows the list of tag attributes with meaning:
1373  * - Destination: A string description of the referred viewport
1374  * - DestinationName: A 'named reference' to the viewport that must be converted
1375  *      using metaData( "NamedViewport", viewport_name )
1376  * - ExternalFileName: A document to be opened, whose destination is specified
1377  *      with Destination or DestinationName
1378  * - Open: a boolean saying whether its TOC branch is open or not (default: false)
1379  * - URL: a URL to be open as destination; if set, no other Destination* or
1380  *      ExternalFileName entry is used
1381  */
1382 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT DocumentSynopsis : public QDomDocument
1383 {
1384 public:
1385     /**
1386      * Creates a new document synopsis object.
1387      */
1388     DocumentSynopsis();
1390     /**
1391      * Creates a new document synopsis object with the given
1392      * @p document as parent node.
1393      */
1394     explicit DocumentSynopsis(const QDomDocument &document);
1395 };
1397 /**
1398  * @short An embedded file into the document.
1399  *
1400  * This class represents a sort of interface of an embedded file in a document.
1401  *
1402  * Generators \b must re-implement its members to give the all the information
1403  * about an embedded file, like its name, its description, the date of creation
1404  * and modification, and the real data of the file.
1405  */
1406 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT EmbeddedFile
1407 {
1408 public:
1409     /**
1410      * Creates a new embedded file.
1411      */
1412     EmbeddedFile();
1414     /**
1415      * Destroys the embedded file.
1416      */
1417     virtual ~EmbeddedFile();
1419     EmbeddedFile(const EmbeddedFile &) = delete;
1420     EmbeddedFile &operator=(const EmbeddedFile &) = delete;
1422     /**
1423      * Returns the name of the file
1424      */
1425     virtual QString name() const = 0;
1427     /**
1428      * Returns the description of the file, or an empty string if not
1429      * available
1430      */
1431     virtual QString description() const = 0;
1433     /**
1434      * Returns the real data representing the file contents
1435      */
1436     virtual QByteArray data() const = 0;
1438     /**
1439      * Returns the size (in bytes) of the file, if available, or -1 otherwise.
1440      *
1441      * @note this method should be a fast way to know the size of the file
1442      * with no need to extract all the data from it
1443      */
1444     virtual int size() const = 0;
1446     /**
1447      * Returns the modification date of the file, or an invalid date
1448      * if not available
1449      */
1450     virtual QDateTime modificationDate() const = 0;
1452     /**
1453      * Returns the creation date of the file, or an invalid date
1454      * if not available
1455      */
1456     virtual QDateTime creationDate() const = 0;
1457 };
1459 /**
1460  * @short An area of a specified page
1461  */
1462 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT VisiblePageRect
1463 {
1464 public:
1465     /**
1466      * Creates a new visible page rectangle.
1467      *
1468      * @param pageNumber The page number where the rectangle is located.
1469      * @param rectangle The rectangle in normalized coordinates.
1470      */
1471     explicit VisiblePageRect(int pageNumber = -1, const NormalizedRect &rectangle = NormalizedRect());
1473     /**
1474      * The page number where the rectangle is located.
1475      */
1476     int pageNumber;
1478     /**
1479      * The rectangle in normalized coordinates.
1480      */
1481     NormalizedRect rect;
1482 };
1484 /**
1485  * @short Data needed to create a new signature
1486  *
1487  * @since 21.04
1488  */
1489 class OKULARCORE_EXPORT NewSignatureData
1490 {
1491 public:
1492     NewSignatureData();
1493     ~NewSignatureData();
1494     NewSignatureData(const NewSignatureData &) = delete;
1495     NewSignatureData &operator=(const NewSignatureData &) = delete;
1497     QString certNickname() const;
1498     void setCertNickname(const QString &certNickname);
1500     QString certSubjectCommonName() const;
1501     void setCertSubjectCommonName(const QString &certSubjectCommonName);
1503     QString password() const;
1504     void setPassword(const QString &password);
1506     int page() const;
1507     void setPage(int page);
1509     NormalizedRect boundingRectangle() const;
1510     void setBoundingRectangle(const NormalizedRect &rect);
1512 private:
1513     NewSignatureDataPrivate *const d;
1514 };
1516 }
1518 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Okular::DocumentInfo::Key)
1519 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(Okular::Document::PixmapRequestFlags)
1521 #endif
1523 /* kate: replace-tabs on; indent-width 4; */