4by SaltStack
7.. rubric:: Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport Protocol
11.. toctree::
12    :maxdepth: 1
14    topics/introduction
15    topics/installation
20Modern large scale distributed application architectures where components are
21distributed across the internet on multiple hosts and multiple CPU cores are
22often based on a messaging or event bus that allows the various distributed
23components to communicate asynchronously with each other. Typically the
24messaging bus is some form of messaging queue service such as AMQP or ZeroMQ.
25The message bus supports what is commonly referred to as a publish/subscribe
26methodology for information exchange.
28While there are many advantages to a full featured message queuing service, one
29of the disadvantagesis the inability to manage performance at scale.
31A message queuing service performs two distinct but complementary functions.
33- The first is asynchronous transport of messages over the internet.
35- The second is message queue management, that is, the identification,
36  tracking, storage, and distribution of messages between publishers and
37  subscribers via queues.
39One of the advantages of a message queuing service for many applications is
40that the service hides the complexities of queue management from the clients
41behind an API. The disadvantage is that at scale where the volume of messages,
42the timing of messages, and the associated demands on  memory, network, and cpu
43capacity become critical, the client has little ability to tune the service for
44performance. Often MQ services become bottlenecks for the distributed
45application. The more complicated MQ services like AMQP tend to be unreliable
46under load.
48Separating the asynchrounous event over network transport function from the
49message queue management allows independant tuning at scale of each function.
51Moreover, most if not all of the MQ services that we are familiar with are
52based on TCP/IP which due to the way it handles connection setup and teardown
53as well as failed connections in order to support streams tends to add high
54latency to the network communications and is not therefore not well suited for
55the asynchronous nature of distibuted event driven application communications.
57Because UDP/IP has lower latency and is connectionless, it scales better, but
58it has the serious drawback that it is not reliable. What it needed is a tuned
59transport protocol adds reliability to UDP/IP without sacrificing latency and
60scalability. A transactioned protocol, is much more appropriate for providing
61reliablity to asynchronous event transport than a streaming protocol.
63In addition, because most MQ services are based on TCP/IP they tend to also use
64HTTP and therefore TLS/SSL for secure communications. While using HTTP provides
65easy integration with web based systems, it is problematic for high performant
66systems and TLS is also problematic as a security system both from performance
67and vulnerabilty aspects. Elliptic Curve Cryptography provides increases in
68security with lower performance requires over other approaches. LibSodium
69provides an open source Elliptic Curve Cryptographic library with support for
70both authentication and encryption. The CurveCP protocol is based on LibSodium
71and provides a handshake protocol for bootstrapping secure network exchanges of
74Finally, one of the best ways to manage and fine tune processor resources (cpu,
75memory, network) in distrubted concurrent event driven applications is to use
76something called micro-threads. A microthread is typically and in-language
77feature that allows logical concurrency with no more overhead than a function
78call. Micro threading uses cooperative multi-tasking instead of threads and/or
79processes and avoids many of the complexities of resource contention, context
80switching, and interprocess communications while providing much higher total
83The main limitation of a micro-threaded application is that it is constrained
84to one CPU core because it runs in one process. To enable full utilization of
85all CPU cores, the application needs to be able to run at least one process per
86CPU core. This requires on host inter-process communications. But instead of
87one process per logical concurrent function which is the conventional approach
88to multi-processing, A micro-threaded multi-process application has one
89micro-thread per logical concurrent function and the total number of
90micro-threads is distributed amoungst the minimum number of processes, no more
91than the number of cpu cores. This optimizes the use of the cpu power while
92minimizes the overhead of process context switching.
94An example of a framework that uses this type of micro-threaded but
95multi-process architecture is Erlang. Indeed, Erlang provided confirmation that
96the approach to RAET could be viable. Unfortunately, the Erlang ecosystem is
97somewhat limited and the language itself uses what one might describe as a very
98unfortunate syntax. Since we have extensive background in Python we wanted to
99leverage the richness of the Python ecosystem but still be able to develop
100distributed applications on a micro-threaded multi-process capable framework.
103RAET is designed to provide secure reliable scalable asynchronous message/event
104transport over the internet in a micro-threaded multi-process application
105framework that uses UDP for interhost communication and LibSodium for
106authentication, encryption and the CurveCP handshake for secure bootstrap.
108The queue management and micro-threaded application support is provided by
109Ioflo. RAET is a complementary project to Ioflo in that RAET enables multiple
110Ioflo applications to work together over a network as part of a distributed
113The primary use case and motivating problem that resulted in the development of
114RAET was the need to enable SaltStack to scale better. SaltStack is a remote
115execution and configuration management platform written in Python. SaltStack
116uses ZeroMQ (0MQ) as is message bug or message queuing service. ZeroMQ is based
119Indices and tables
122* :ref:`genindex`
123* :ref:`modindex`
124* :ref:`search`