1 /******************************************************************************
2 *
3 *  NSSDC/CDF                                    Header file for `widgets'.
4 *
5 *  Version 1.3a, 30-Mar-97, Hughes STX.
6 *
7 *  Modification history:
8 *
9 *   V1.0  26-Nov-93, J Love     Original version.
10 *   V1.0a  4-Feb-94, J Love     DEC Alpha/OpenVMS port.
11 *   V1.0b  6-Apr-94, J Love     Solaris using GNU C compiler.
12 *   V1.1  13-Dec-94, J Love     CDF V2.5.
13 *   V1.1a 23-Jan-95, J Love     Primary/alternate "current" item movement keys
14 *                               for ItemWindow.
15 *   V1.1b  7-Mar-95, J Love     Added FieldWindow.
16 *   V1.2  30-Mar-95, J Love     POSIX.
17 *   V1.2a  6-Sep-95, J Love     CDFexport-related changes.
18 *   V1.3  18-Jul-96, J Love     CDF V2.6.
19 *   V1.3a 30-Mar-97, J Love     Allow FieldWindow fields to grow larger than
20 *                               their on-screen width.
21 *
22 ******************************************************************************/
24 #if !defined(WIDGETSh_INCLUDEd__)
25 #define WIDGETSh_INCLUDEd__
27 /******************************************************************************
28 * Include files.
29 ******************************************************************************/
31 #include "windoz.h"
33 /******************************************************************************
34 * Constants.
35 ******************************************************************************/
37 #define MAX_INFO_WINDOW_eLINES  3
38 #define INFOtextMAX             (MAX_INFO_WINDOW_eLINES*(SCREEN_WIDTH-2+1))
40 /******************************************************************************
41 * ItemWindow operations.
42 *
43 *  ItemWindow (NEWiw, &IWstruct, ItemNumber);
44 *  ItemWindow (UPDATEiw, &IWstruct, ItemNumber);
45 *  ItemWindow (READiw, &IWstruct);
46 *  ItemWindow (DELETEiw, &IWstruct);
47 *  ItemWindow (UNDISPLAYiw, &IWstruct);
48 *  ItemWindow (REDISPLAYiw, &IWstruct);
49 *  ItemWindow (BEEPiw, &IWstruct);
50 *
51 *  where,
52 *
53 *    <op>iw......................the operation to perform.
54 *    IWstruct....................a pointer to an `ItemWindowStruct' structure.
55 *    ItemNumber(int).............the initial current item number.
56 *
57 ******************************************************************************/
59 #define NEWiw           1       /* Create new menu. */
60 #define UPDATEiw        2       /* Update sections. */
61 #define READiw          3       /* Read keystrokes until `exit' key entered. */
62 #define DELETEiw        4       /* Delete menu. */
63 #define UNDISPLAYiw     5       /* Erase menu (it still exists though). */
64 #define REDISPLAYiw     6       /* Redisplay menu. */
65 #define BEEPiw          7       /* Beep. */
67 /******************************************************************************
68 * ItemWindow structure.
69 ******************************************************************************/
71 struct ItemWindowStruct {
72   /***************************************************************************
73   * These must be initialized before calling `ItemWindow' the first time.
74   ***************************************************************************/
75   int ULrow;
76   int ULcol;
77   int nColsTotal;               /* Includes left and right borders. */
78   char *label;
79   int NhLines;
80   char **hLines;
81   int NiLines;
82   char **iLines;
83   int nItems;
84   int *iLineNs;
85   int *iCols;
86   int *iLens;
87   int NiRows;
88   int NtLines;
89   char **tLines;
90   int *exitChars;               /* The characters which cause an exit from
91 				   the prompt window.  Terminated by NUL. */
92   int refreshChar;              /* Causes entire screen to be refreshed. */
93   Logical iPct;                 /* TRUE if a percentage indicator should be
94 				   displayed in the item section. */
95   int NSkey;                    /* Next-screen key. */
96   int PSkey;                    /* Prev-screen key. */
97   /***************************************************************************
98   * These are initialized/calculated/returned by `ItemWindow'.
99   ***************************************************************************/
100   int itemN;                    /* Current item number. */
101   int key;                      /* Key entered causing exit from menu. */
102   /***************************************************************************
103   * These are for internal use by `ItemWindow'.
104   ***************************************************************************/
105   int nRowsTotal;               /* Total number of rows (including top and
106 				   bottom border rows). */
107   int nColS;                    /* Doesn't include left and right borders. */
108   int *iUpTo;
109   int *iDownTo;
110   int *iLeftTo;
111   int *iRightTo;
112   int hRowT, iRowT, tRowT;      /* Top row for section. */
113   int hRowB, iRowB, tRowB;      /* Bottom row for section.  For the item
114 				   section, it is the last row actually
115 				   used. */
116   Logical iScroll;              /* TRUE if item section needs to be scrolled
117 				   (more lines than rows). */
118   int iRowN;                    /* Row number in item section containing
119 				   current item. */
120   int iPctRowN;                 /* Row number of item section percentage
121 				   indicator. */
122   int iPctColN;                 /* Column number of item section percentage
123 				   indicator. */
124   WINDOWid wid;                 /* Window identifier. */
125 };
127 /******************************************************************************
128 * ItemWindow "current" item primary/alternate movement keys.
129 ******************************************************************************/
131 #define IW_DOWN         KB_DOWNARROW
132 #define IW_UP           KB_UPARROW
133 #define IW_LEFT         KB_LEFTARROW
134 #define IW_RIGHT        KB_RIGHTARROW
136 #define IW_DOWNx        KB_d
137 #define IW_UPx          KB_u
138 #define IW_LEFTx        KB_l
139 #define IW_RIGHTx       KB_r
141 /******************************************************************************
142 * PromptWindow operations.
143 *
144 *  PromptWindow (NEWpw, &PWstruct, CursorAtThisChar, InsertMode);
145 *  PromptWindow (RESETpw, &PWstruct, CursorAtThisChar, InsertMode);
146 *  PromptWindow (READpw, &PWstruct);
147 *  PromptWindow (UNDISPLAYpw, &PWstruct);
148 *  PromptWindow (REDISPLAYpw, &PWstruct);
149 *  PromptWindow (DELETEpw, &PWstruct);
150 *  PromptWindow (BEEPpw, &PWstruct);
151 *
152 *  where,
153 *    <op>pw...................the operation to perform.
154 *    PWstruct.................a pointer to a `PromptWindowStruct' structure.
155 *    CursorAtThisChar(int)....character position at which to start the cursor.
156 *    InsertMode(Logical)......initial insert mode.  TRUE means insert, FALSE
157 *                             means overstrike.  `TOGGLEchar' toggles this
158 *                             mode after it is initially set.
159 *
160 ******************************************************************************/
162 #define NEWpw           1       /* Create new window. */
163 #define RESETpw         2       /* Reset window. */
164 #define READpw          3       /* Read keystrokes until `exit' key entered. */
165 #define DELETEpw        4       /* Delete window. */
166 #define BEEPpw          5       /* Beep. */
167 #define UNDISPLAYpw     6       /* Erase window (it still exists though). */
168 #define REDISPLAYpw     7       /* Redisplay window. */
170 /******************************************************************************
171 * PromptWindow structure.
172 ******************************************************************************/
174 struct PromptWindowStruct {
175   /***************************************************************************
176   * These must be initialized before calling `PromptWindow' the first time.
177   ***************************************************************************/
178   char *label;
179   int ULrow;
180   int ULcol;
181   int nColsTotal;               /* Includes left and right borders. */
182   int NhLines;
183   char **hLines;
184   int maxChars;
185   char *value;
186   int NtLines;
187   char **tLines;
188   int *exitChars;               /* The characters which cause an exit from
189 				   the prompt window.  Terminated by NUL. */
190   int refreshChar;              /* Causes entire screen to be refreshed. */
191   int SOLchar;                  /* Moves cursor to start-of-line. */
192   int EOLchar;                  /* Moves cursor to end-of-line. */
193   int TOGGLEchar;               /* Toggles between insert mode and overstrike
194 				   mode. */
195   /***************************************************************************
196   * These are initialized/calculated/returned by `PromptWindow'.
197   ***************************************************************************/
198   int key;                      /* Key entered causing exit from menu. */
199   /***************************************************************************
200   * These are for internal use by `PromptWindow'.
201   ***************************************************************************/
202   Logical insertMode;           /* If TRUE, insert mode.  If FALSE, overstrike
203 				   mode. */
204   int nRowsTotal;               /* Total number of rows (including top and
205 				   bottom border rows). */
206   int nColS;                    /* Doesn't include left and right borders. */
207   int curCol;                   /* Current column cursor is on (numbered from
208 				   zero (0). */
209   int curChar;                  /* Current character cursor is on (numbered
210 				   from zero (0). */
211   int curLen;                   /* Current length of value. */
212   int NvCols;                   /* Number of columns in value section. */
213   int vRow;                     /* Row number value is on. */
214   int vLcol;                    /* Left-most column of value. */
215   int vRcol;                    /* Right-most column of value. */
216   int mLcol;                    /* Column left `more' indicator is in. */
217   int mRcol;                    /* Column right `more' indicator is in. */
218   int hRowT, tRowT;             /* Top row for section. */
219   int hRowB, tRowB;             /* Bottom row for section.  */
220   WINDOWid wid;                 /* Window id. */
221 };
223 /******************************************************************************
224 * EditWindow operations.
225 *
226 *  EditWindow (NEWew, &EWstruct, InsertMode);
227 *  EditWindow (UPDATEew, &EWstruct, InsertMode);
228 *  EditWindow (READew, &EWstruct);
229 *  EditWindow (DELETEew, &EWstruct);
230 *  EditWindow (BEEPew, &EWstruct);
231 *
232 *  where,
233 *    <op>ew...................the operation to perform.
234 *    EWstruct.................a pointer to a `EditWindowStruct' structure.
235 *    InsertMode(Logical)......initial insert mode.  TRUE means insert, FALSE
236 *                             means overstrike.  Ctrl-A toggles this mode after
237 *                             it is initially set.
238 *
239 ******************************************************************************/
241 #define NEWew           1       /* Create edit window. */
242 #define UPDATEew        2       /* Update edit window. */
243 #define READew          3       /* Read keystrokes until `exit' key entered. */
244 #define DELETEew        4       /* Delete window. */
245 #define BEEPew          5       /* Beep. */
247 /******************************************************************************
248 * EditWindow structure.
249 ******************************************************************************/
251 struct EditWindowStruct {
252   /***************************************************************************
253   * These must be initialized before calling `EditWindow' the first time.
254   ***************************************************************************/
255   char *label;                  /* Label for top of window (on border). */
256   int ULrow;                    /* Row on the screen at which top line of
257 				   window should be placed. */
258   int ULcol;                    /* Column on the screen at which the left-most
259 				   column of the window should be placed. */
260   int nColsTotal;               /* Number of columns that window should have
261 				   (this includes the left and right border
262 				   columns). */
263   int NhLines;                  /* Number of header lines. */
264   char **hLines;                /* Header lines. */
265   char *eText;                  /* Text to be edited. */
266   int NeRows;                   /* Number of rows in the edit section.  This
267 				   can be less than the number of lines. */
268   int NtLines;                  /* Number of trailer lines. */
269   char **tLines;                /* Trailer lines. */
270   Logical ePct;                 /* TRUE if a percentage indicator should be
271 				   displayed in the edit section. */
272   Logical readOnly;             /* TRUE if the edit section may not be
273 				   modified. */
274   int *exitChars;               /* The characters which cause an exit from
275 				   the edit window.  Terminated by NUL. */
276   int REFRESHkey;               /* Causes entire screen to be refreshed. */
277   int SOLkey;                   /* Moves cursor to start-of-line. */
278   int EOLkey;                   /* Moves cursor to end-of-line. */
279   int SOTkey;                   /* Moves cursor to start-of-text. */
280   int EOTkey;                   /* Moves cursor to end-of-text. */
281   int NSkey;                    /* Moves cursor to next-screen. */
282   int PSkey;                    /* Moves cursor to prev-screen. */
283   int DLkey;                    /* Delete line that cursor is on. */
284   int NWkey;                    /* Moves cursor to end of current/next word. */
285   int TOGGLEkey;                /* Toggles between insert mode and overstrike
286 				   mode. */
287   /***************************************************************************
288   * These are initialized/calculated/returned by `EditWindow'.
289   ***************************************************************************/
290   int key;                      /* Key entered causing exit from menu. */
291   /***************************************************************************
292   * These are for internal use by `EditWindow'.
293   ***************************************************************************/
294   int nRowsTotal;               /* Total number of rows (including top and
295 				   bottom border rows). */
296   int nColS;                    /* Doesn't include left and right borders. */
297   int hRowT, eRowT, tRowT;      /* Top row for section. */
298   int hRowB, eRowB, tRowB;      /* Bottom row for section. */
299   int nChars;                   /* Number of characters currently in `text'. */
300   int xChars;                   /* Maximum number of characters that `text'
301 				   can currently contain. */
302   int cursorRow;                /* Row containing cursor. */
303   int cursorCol;                /* Column containing cursor. */
304   int firstChar;                /* Character in text at the upper-left
305 				   position of the EditSection. */
306   int cursorChar;               /* Character in text on which the cursor is
307 				   sitting. */
308   Logical insertMode;           /* If TRUE, insert mode.  If FALSE, overstrike
309 				   mode. */
310   int ePctRowN;                 /* Row number of edit section percentage
311 				   indicator. */
312   int ePctColN;                 /* Column number of edit section percentage
313 				   indicator. */
314   WINDOWid wid;                 /* Window id. */
315 };
317 /******************************************************************************
318 * FieldWindow operations.
319 *
320 *  FieldWindow (NEWfw, &FWstruct, fieldNumber, insertMode);
321 *  FieldWindow (UPDATEfw, &FWstruct, fieldNumber, insertMode);
322 *  FieldWindow (READfw, &FWstruct);
323 *  FieldWindow (DELETEfw, &FWstruct);
324 *  FieldWindow (UNDISPLAYfw, &FWstruct);
325 *  FieldWindow (REDISPLAYfw, &FWstruct);
326 *  FieldWindow (BEEPfw, &FWstruct);
327 *
328 *  where,
329 *
330 *    <op>fw..................is the operation to perform.
331 *    FWstruct................is a pointer to an `FieldWindowStruct' structure.
332 *    fieldNumber(int)........is the initial current field number.
333 *    insertMode(Logical).....is the initial insert mode.  TRUE means insert,
334 *                            FALSE means overstrike.  This mode is toggled by
335 *                            TOGGLEkey.
336 *
337 ******************************************************************************/
339 #define NEWfw           1       /* Create new menu. */
340 #define UPDATEfw        2       /* Update sections. */
341 #define READfw          3       /* Read keystrokes until `exit' key entered. */
342 #define DELETEfw        4       /* Delete menu. */
343 #define UNDISPLAYfw     5       /* Erase menu (it still exists though). */
344 #define REDISPLAYfw     6       /* Redisplay menu. */
345 #define BEEPfw          7       /* Beep. */
347 /******************************************************************************
348 * FieldWindow structure.
349 ******************************************************************************/
351 struct FieldWindowStruct {
352   /***************************************************************************
353   * These must be initialized before calling `FieldWindow' the first time.
354   ***************************************************************************/
355   int ULrow;                    /* Upper-left row number. */
356   int ULcol;                    /* Upper-left column number. */
357   int nColsTotal;               /* Includes left and right borders. */
358   char *label;                  /* Label for window. */
359   int NhLines;                  /* Number of header lines (zero or more). */
360   char **hLines;                /* Header lines. */
361   int NfLines;                  /* Number of field lines (one or more). */
362   char **fLines;                /* Field lines. */
363   char **fields;                /* Fields. */
364   int nFields;                  /* Number of fields (one or more). */
365   int *fLineNs;                 /* Line number for each field. */
366   int *fCols;                   /* Starting column number for each field. */
367   int *fLens;                   /* Length (width) of each field. */
368   int *fMaxs;                   /* Maximum length of a field.  This can be
369 				   greater than the on-screen width. */
370   int NfRows;                   /* Number of rows in fields section. */
371   int NtLines;                  /* Number of trailer lines (zero or more). */
372   char **tLines;                /* Trailer lines. */
373   int *exitChars;               /* The characters which cause an exit from
374 				   the prompt window.  Terminated by NUL. */
375   int refreshChar;              /* Causes entire screen to be refreshed. */
376   Logical fPct;                 /* TRUE if a percentage indicator should be
377 				   displayed in the fields section. */
378   int NSkey;                    /* Next-screen key. */
379   int PSkey;                    /* Prev-screen key. */
380   int toggleKey;                /* Toggles between insert and overstrike. */
381   /***************************************************************************
382   * These are initialized/calculated/returned by `FieldWindow'.
383   ***************************************************************************/
384   int fieldN;                   /* Current field number. */
385   int key;                      /* Key entered causing exit from menu. */
386   /***************************************************************************
387   * These are for internal use by `FieldWindow'.
388   ***************************************************************************/
389   int charN;                    /* Cursor position within current field. */
390   int leftCharN;                /* Character within current field that is at
391 				   the left (first) on-screen position. */
392   int nRowsTotal;               /* Total number of rows (including top and
393 				   bottom border rows). */
394   int nColS;                    /* Doesn't include left and right borders. */
395   int *fUpTo;                   /* Field number above. */
396   int *fDownTo;                 /* Field number below. */
397   int *fLeftTo;                 /* Field number to the left. */
398   int *fRightTo;                /* Field number to the right. */
399   int hRowT, fRowT, tRowT;      /* Top row for header, fields, and trailer
400 				   sections. */
401   int hRowB, fRowB, tRowB;      /* Bottom row for each section.  For the fields
402 				   section, it is the last row actually used.*/
403   Logical fScroll;              /* TRUE if fields section needs to be scrolled
404 				   (more lines than rows). */
405   int fRowN;                    /* Row number in fields section containing
406 				   current field. */
407   int fPctRowN;                 /* Row number of fields section percentage
408 				   indicator. */
409   int fPctColN;                 /* Column number of fields section percentage
410 				   indicator. */
411   Logical insert;               /* If TRUE, insert.  If FALSE, overstrike. */
412   WINDOWid wid;                 /* Window identifier. */
413 };
415 /******************************************************************************
416 * FieldWindow "current" field primary/alternate movement keys.
417 ******************************************************************************/
420 #define FW_UP_FIELD     KB_UPARROW
421 #define FW_LEFT_FIELD   NUL
422 #define FW_RIGHT_FIELD  KB_TAB
426 #define FW_DOWN_FIELDx  NUL
427 #define FW_UP_FIELDx    NUL
428 #define FW_LEFT_FIELDx  NUL
429 #define FW_RIGHT_FIELDx NUL
430 #define FW_LEFT_CHARx   NUL
431 #define FW_RIGHT_CHARx  NUL
433 /******************************************************************************
434 * Function prototypes.
435 ******************************************************************************/
437 int ItemWindow VARPROTOARGs((int, ...));
438 int PromptWindow VARPROTOARGs((int, ...));
439 int EditWindow VARPROTOARGs((int, ...));
440 int FieldWindow VARPROTOARGs((int, ...));
441 void AllocIW PROTOARGs((
442   struct ItemWindowStruct *IW, int nItems, int NiLines, int iLineNchars,
443   void (*fatalFnc) PROTOARGs((char *msg))
444 ));
445 void FreeIW PROTOARGs((
446   struct ItemWindowStruct *IW, void (*fatalFnc) PROTOARGs((char *msg))
447 ));
448 void AllocFW PROTOARGs((
449   struct FieldWindowStruct *FW, int nFields, int NfLines, int fLineNchars,
450   void (*fatalFnc) PROTOARGs((char *msg))
451 ));
452 void FreeFW PROTOARGs((
453   struct FieldWindowStruct *FW, void (*fatalFnc) PROTOARGs((char *msg))
454 ));
455 Logical OnlineHelpWindow PROTOARGs((char *ilhFile, int helpId));
456 Logical LoadOnlineHelp PROTOARGs((
457   char *ilhFile, int helpId, char *header, char **eText
458 ));
459 void InfoWindow PROTOARGs((
460   char *line1, char *line2, char *line3, Logical center, Logical beep, int wait
461 ));
463 /*****************************************************************************/
465 #endif