1 /******************************************************************************
2 *
3 *  NSSDC/CDF                          CDF software distribution configuration.
4 *
5 *  Version 1.5f, 14-Dec-97, Hughes STX.
6 *
7 *  Modification history:
8 *
9 *   V1.0  25-Jan-94, J Love     Original version.
10 *   V1.0a  4-Feb-94, J Love     DEC Alpha/OpenVMS port.
11 *   V1.1   9-Dec-94, J Love     CDF V2.5.
12 *   V1.1a 27-Feb-95, J Love     Added `value' qualifier to CDFcompare.
13 *   V1.2  28-Mar-95, J Love     POSIX.
14 *   V1.2a 18-Apr-95, J Love     More POSIX.
15 *   V1.3  25-May-95, J Love     Setting for virtual memory usage under
16 *                               Microsoft C 7.00.  SOLARISbsdDIRUTILSbug.
17 *   V1.4  13-Sep-95, J Love     Added CDFexport.  More virtual memory under
18 *                               Microsoft C 7.00.  Reorganized control keys
19 *                               for FSI toolkit programs.
20 *   V1.5   9-Sep-96, J Love     CDF V2.6.
21 *   V1.5a 20-Dec-96, J Love	Added `simple' and `batch' modes to CDFexport.
22 *				Turned off support for RICE compression until
23 *				permission to distribute the source code is
24 *				received.
25 *   V1.5b 15-Jan-97, J Love	More changes for simple and batch modes in
26 *				CDFexport.
27 *   V1.5c 21-Feb-97, J Love	Removed RICE.
28 *   V1.5d 28-Feb-97, J Love	Windows NT for MS Visual C/C++ on an IBM PC.
29 *   V1.5e  2-Sep-97, J Love	Changed DEFAULTsimpleEXPORT to 1/0.
30 *   V1.5f 14-Dec-97, J Love	Added ALPHAVMSi encoding.
31 *   V1.6  11-Jul-05, M Liu      Added MingW port for PC.
32 *   V3.2  26-Apr-07, D Berger   Increased number of cache buffer definitions for
33 *                               WIN32 to duplicate those defined for UNIX.
34 *
35 ******************************************************************************/
37 #if !defined(CONFIGh_INCLUDEd__)
38 #define CONFIGh_INCLUDEd__
40 /******************************************************************************
41 * This file contains the configurable parameters of the CDF distribution.
42 * Any modifications must be made before the CDF distribution is built.  This
43 * file is `included' by the CDF library and toolkit when they are compiled
44 * and linked.  If you are unsure of how to change one of these defaults
45 * contact CDFsupport.
46 ******************************************************************************/
48 /******************************************************************************
49 * Supported compressions.  1 = yes, 0 = no.
50 ******************************************************************************/
52 #define SUPPORT_RLE		1
53 #define SUPPORT_HUFF		1
54 #define SUPPORT_AHUFF		1
56 #if defined(dos)
57 #  define SUPPORT_GZIP		0
58 #else
59 #  define SUPPORT_GZIP		1
60 #endif
62 #define SUPPORT_RLE64           1
63 #define SUPPORT_HUFF64          1
64 #define SUPPORT_AHUFF64         1
65 #define SUPPORT_GZIP64          1
66 /*
67 #if defined(dos)
68 #  define SUPPORT_ZLIB64        0
69 #else
70 #  define SUPPORT_ZLIB64        1
71 #endif
72 */
73 /******************************************************************************
74 * Supported checksums.  1 = yes, 0 = no.
75 ******************************************************************************/
77 #define SUPPORT_MD5             1
79 /*****************************************************************************
80 * Default number of cache buffers for the various file types.  These default
81 * sizes are generally optimized for physically sequential access of variable
82 * data values (whether using single, hyper, or sequential reads/writes).  Use
83 * caution when raising these values on IBM PC and Macintosh systems where
84 * memory is limited.
85 *
86 * Each value is defined as follows...
87 *
88 *   NUMcacheSINGLE
89 *       The minimum number of cache buffers for the dotCDF file of an
90 *	uncompressed single-file CDF or for the "working" dotCDF file
91 *	of a compressed single-file CDF.
92 *
93 *   NUMcacheMULTI
94 *       The number of cache buffers for the dotCDF file in a multi-file CDF.
95 *
96 *   NUMcacheVAR
97 *       The number of cache buffers for each variable file in a multi-file CDF.
98 *
99 *   NUMcacheSTAGE
100 *	The number of cache buffers for the variable staging file.
101 *
102 *   NUMcacheCOMPRESS
103 *	The number of cache buffers for the compression scratch file.
104 *
105 * Note that these are only defaults - an application should set the number
106 * of cache buffers for a file with the Internal Interface to fully optimize
107 * access to that file.
108 *
109 *****************************************************************************/
111 #if defined(vms) || defined(unix) || defined(posixSHELL)
112 #  define NUMcacheSINGLE	300
113 #  define NUMcacheMULTI		40
114 #  define NUMcacheVAR		1
115 #  define NUMcacheSTAGE		125
116 #  define NUMcacheCOMPRESS	80
117 #endif
119 #if defined(win32)
120 #  define NUMcacheSINGLE	300
121 #  define NUMcacheMULTI		40
122 #  define NUMcacheVAR		1
123 #  define NUMcacheSTAGE		125
124 #  define NUMcacheCOMPRESS	80
125 #endif
127 #if defined(mac)
128 #  define NUMcacheSINGLE	32
129 #  define NUMcacheMULTI		12
130 #  define NUMcacheVAR		1
131 #  define NUMcacheSTAGE		32
132 #  define NUMcacheCOMPRESS	20
133 #endif
135 #if defined(dos)
136 #  define NUMcacheSINGLE	16
137 #  define NUMcacheMULTI		8
138 #  define NUMcacheVAR		1
139 #  define NUMcacheSTAGE		16
140 #  define NUMcacheCOMPRESS	10
141 #endif
143 /*****************************************************************************
144 * Blocking factors.
145 *****************************************************************************/
146 #if defined(win32) && (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64)
148 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_standard     512
149 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_standard      1
151 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_sparse       2048
152 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_sparse        1
154 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_compressed   5120
155 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_compressed    1
156 #else
157 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_standard     512
158 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_standard      1
160 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_sparse       2048
161 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_sparse        1
163 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_BYTES_compressed   5120
164 #  define MIN_BLOCKING_RECS_compressed    1
165 #endif
166 /*****************************************************************************
167 * Should trailing blanks be automatically stripped from CDF pathnames when
168 * creating or opening a CDF?  1 = yes, 0 = no.
169 *****************************************************************************/
171 #define STRIP_TRAILING_BLANKS_FROM_CDFPATH      1       /* 1 = yes, 0 = no. */
173 /*****************************************************************************
174 * Should a read-only distribution be built with which CDFs can only be read,
175 * not created or modified.
176 *****************************************************************************/
178 #define BUILD_READ_ONLY_DISTRIBUTION    0               /* 1 = yes, 0 = no. */
180 /*****************************************************************************
181 * Should the explanation text for CDF status codes be built into the CDF
182 * library (which increases its size).
183 *****************************************************************************/
185 #define INCLUDE_STATUS_TEXT             1               /* 1 = yes, 0 = no. */
187 /*****************************************************************************
188 * Should the default encoding for CDFs created with the Internal Interface be
189 * HOST_ENCODING (the alternative is NETWORK_ENCODING)?
190 *****************************************************************************/
192 #define DEFAULT_TO_HOST_ENCODING        TRUE    /* TRUE = yes, FALSE = no. */
194 /*****************************************************************************
195 * Should the default majority for CDFs created with the Internal Interface be
196 * ROW_MAJOR (the alternate is COLUMN_MAJOR)?
197 *****************************************************************************/
199 #define DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR            TRUE    /* TRUE = yes, FALSE = no. */
201 /*****************************************************************************
202 * Should the default format for CDFs created with either the Internal or
203 * Standard Interface be SINGLE_FILE (the alternative is MULTI_FILE)?
204 *****************************************************************************/
206 #define DEFAULT_TO_SINGLE_FILE          TRUE    /* TRUE = yes, FALSE = no. */
208 /*****************************************************************************
209 * Virtual memory defaults under Microsoft 7.00.
210 *****************************************************************************/
212 #if defined(MICROSOFTC_700)
213 #  define INCLUDEvMEMORY          1
215 #    define DEFAULT_USEvMEM         FALSE
216 #    define DEFAULT_vMEMSIZE        2048
217 #    define DEFAULT_vMEMMASK        (_VM_EMS | _VM_XMS)
218 #  endif
219 #endif
221 /*****************************************************************************
222 * Does a bug exist in the BSD system library involving the directory
223 * utilities on a Solaris system?  This bug existed in Solaris 2.2 and 2.3
224 * but has apparently been fixed in Solaris 2.4.  If the first two characters
225 * of file names are absent, then this bug exists on your system.
226 *****************************************************************************/
228 #define SOLARISbsdDIRUTILSbug           0               /* 1 = yes, 0 = no. */
230 /*****************************************************************************
231 * The default pad values for each data type.
232 *****************************************************************************/
234 #define DEFAULT_BYTE_PADVALUE           0
235 #define DEFAULT_INT1_PADVALUE           0
236 #define DEFAULT_UINT1_PADVALUE          0
237 #define DEFAULT_INT2_PADVALUE           0
238 #define DEFAULT_UINT2_PADVALUE          0
239 #define DEFAULT_INT4_PADVALUE           0
240 #define DEFAULT_UINT4_PADVALUE          0
241 #define DEFAULT_REAL4_PADVALUE          0.0
242 #define DEFAULT_FLOAT_PADVALUE          0.0
243 #define DEFAULT_REAL8_PADVALUE          0.0
244 #define DEFAULT_DOUBLE_PADVALUE         0.0
245 #define DEFAULT_CHAR_PADVALUE           ' '
246 #define DEFAULT_UCHAR_PADVALUE          ' '
247 #define DEFAULT_EPOCH_PADVALUE          0.0
249 /*****************************************************************************
250 * By default, convert -0.0 to 0.0 when read from or written to a CDF by the
251 * CDF library?  (Values already existing in the CDF are not modified.)  TRUE
252 * = yes, FALSE = no.  This default can be overridden on the applicable toolkit
253 * command lines.  -0.0 is an illegal floating-point value on VAXes and DEC
254 * Alphas running OpenVMS (with the exception of IEEE_FLOAT).  Programs will
255 * crash on those machines if -0.0 is used in arithmetic operations or is
256 * encoded for display.  -0.0 is legal on UNIX machines, the IBM PC, and the
257 * Macintosh.
258 *****************************************************************************/
260 #if defined(vax) || defined(alphavmsD) || defined(alphavmsG)
261 #  define DEFAULT_NEGtoPOSfp0             TRUE
262 #else
263 #  define DEFAULT_NEGtoPOSfp0             FALSE
264 #endif
266 /******************************************************************************
267 * Status reporting defaults for toolkit programs.  These defaults can be
268 * overridden on the command line when a toolkit program is executed.  TRUE
269 * means report, FALSE means do not report.
270 ******************************************************************************/
272 #define REPORTerrorsDEFAULT     TRUE
273 #define REPORTwarningsDEFAULT   TRUE
274 #define REPORTinfosDEFAULT      FALSE
276 /******************************************************************************
277 * Command line and menu defaults for CDFexport.
278 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFexport is
279 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
280 * means `noxxxxx'.
281 ******************************************************************************/
283 #define DEFAULTsimpleEXPORT		0	/* 1 = yes, 0 = no. */
285 #define DEFAULTpromptEXPORT             FALSE   /* [no]prompt */
286 #define DEFAULTstatsEXPORT              FALSE   /* [no]statistics */
287 #define DEFAULTzModeEXPORT              zMODEoff  /* zMODEoff = zMode/off,
288 						     zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
289 						     zMODEon2 = zMode/2. */
290 #define DEFAULTeachFilterEXPORT         FALSE   /* [no]filter */
291 #define DEFAULTfillsEXPORT              TRUE    /* [no]fills */
292 #define DEFAULTformatEXPORT             TRUE    /* [no]format */
293 #define DEFAULTfillvalEXPORT            TRUE    /* [no]fillval */
294 #define DEFAULTvalidminEXPORT           TRUE    /* [no]validmin */
295 #define DEFAULTvalidmaxEXPORT           TRUE    /* [no]validmax */
296 #define DEFAULTmonotonEXPORT            TRUE    /* [no]monoton */
297 #define DEFAULTrecordEXPORT             TRUE    /* [no]record */
298 #define DEFAULTindicesEXPORT            TRUE    /* [no]indices */
299 #define DEFAULTexclusiveEXPORT          FALSE   /* [no]exclusive */
300 #define DEFAULToutputEXPORT             TRUE    /* [no]output */
301 #define DEFAULTdeleteEXPORT             FALSE   /* [no]delete */
302 #define DEFAULTpreAllocateEXPORT        TRUE    /* [no]preallocate */
303 #define DEFAULTheadingEXPORT		TRUE	/* [no]heading */
304 #define DEFAULTsingleEXPORT             TRUE    /* TRUE = "single",
305 						   FALSE = "multi". */
306 #define DEFAULTnetworkEXPORT            TRUE    /* TRUE = "network",
307 						   FALSE = "host". */
308 #define DEFAULTepochEXPORT              0       /* 0 (standard), 1, 2, 3, 4
309 						   (C/Fortran format), or 5
310 						   (custom format). */
311 #define DEFAULThorizontalEXPORT         FALSE   /* TRUE = "horizontal",
312 						   FALSE = "vertical". */
313 #define DEFAULTmajorityEXPORT           0       /* ROW_MAJOR, COLUMN_MAJOR, or
314 						   0 (same as input CDF). */
316 #define DEFAULTshowEXPORT               FALSE   /* Initially show filtered
317 						   listing lines? */
318 #define DEFAULTspacingEXPORT            1       /* Spacing between items in a
319 						   listing. */
320 #define DEFAULToverallFilterEXPORT      TRUE    /* Overall filtering initially
321 						   enabled? */
323 #define DEFAULTpromptSIMPLE		TRUE	/* Don't change these... */
324 #define DEFAULTformatSIMPLE		TRUE
325 #define DEFAULThorizontalSIMPLE		TRUE
326 #define DEFAULTrecordSIMPLE		FALSE
327 #define DEFAULTindicesSIMPLE		FALSE
328 #define DEFAULToutputSIMPLE		FALSE
329 #define DEFAULTepochSIMPLE		0
330 #define DEFAULTmajoritySIMPLE		0
331 #define DEFAULTspacingSIMPLE		1
332 #define DEFAULTheadingSIMPLE		TRUE
333 #define DEFAULTzModeSIMPLE		zMODEon2
335 /******************************************************************************
336 * Command line defaults for CDFedit.
337 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFedit is
338 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
339 * means `noxxxxx'.
340 ******************************************************************************/
342 #define DEFAULTbrowseEDIT       FALSE           /* [no]browse */
343 #define DEFAULTformatEDIT       TRUE            /* [no]format */
344 #define DEFAULTpromptEDIT       FALSE           /* [no]prompt */
345 #define DEFAULTstatsEDIT        FALSE           /* [no]statistics */
346 #define DEFAULTzModeEDIT        zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
347 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
348 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2 */
349 #define DEFAULTgWithEDIT        FALSE           /* [no]gwithentries */
350 #define DEFAULTvWithEDIT        FALSE           /* [no]vwithentries */
352 /******************************************************************************
353 * Command line defaults for CDFconvert.
354 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFconvert is
355 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
356 * means `noxxxxx'.
357 ******************************************************************************/
359 #define DEFAULTlogCVT           FALSE           /* [no]log */
360 #define DEFAULTpctCVT           FALSE           /* [no]percent */
361 #define DEFAULTdelCVT           FALSE           /* [no]delete */
362 #define DEFAULTpageCVT          FALSE           /* [no]page */
363 #define DEFAULTstatsCVT         FALSE           /* [no]statistics */
364 #define DEFAULTzModeCVT         zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
365 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
366 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2 */
367 #define DEFAULTchecksumCVT          0           /* no checksum */
369 /******************************************************************************
370 * Command line defaults for CDFinquire.
371 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFinquire is
372 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
373 * means `noxxxxx'.
374 ******************************************************************************/
376 #define DEFAULTpageINQ          FALSE           /* [no]page */
377 #define DEFAULTidINQ            TRUE            /* TRUE if /ID,-id specified.*/
379 /******************************************************************************
380 * Command line defaults for CDFirsdump.
381 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFirsdump is
382 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
383 * means `noxxxxx'.
384 ******************************************************************************/
386 #define DEFAULTpageIRsDUMP         FALSE        /* [no]page */
387 #define DEFAULTsizesIRsDUMP        FALSE        /* [no]sizes */
388 #define DEFAULTindexingIRsDUMP     FALSE        /* [no]indexing */
389 #define DEFAULTsummaryIRsDUMP      TRUE         /* [no]summary */
390 #define DEFAULTradixIRsDUMP	   10		/* 10 = decimal (file offsets),
391 						   16 = hexadecimal. */
392 #define DEFAULTlevelIRsDUMP        1            /* 1 == "brief",
393 						   2 == "most",
394 						   3 == "full" */
396 /******************************************************************************
397 * Command line defaults for CDFcompare.
398 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFcompare is
399 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
400 * means `noxxxxx'.
401 ******************************************************************************/
403 #define DEFAULTpageCMP          FALSE           /* [no]page */
404 #define DEFAULTlogCMP           FALSE           /* [no]log */
405 #define DEFAULTattrCMP          TRUE            /* [no]attr */
406 #define DEFAULTvarCMP           TRUE            /* [no]var */
407 #define DEFAULTnumberCMP        TRUE            /* [no]number */
408 #define DEFAULTpctCMP           FALSE           /* [no]percent */
409 #define DEFAULTetcCMP           TRUE            /* [no]etc */
410 #define DEFAULTlocationCMP      FALSE           /* [no]location */
411 #define DEFAULTvalueCMP         FALSE           /* [no]value */
412 #define DEFAULTstatsCMP         FALSE           /* [no]statistics */
413 #define DEFAULTzModeCMP         zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
414 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
415 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2.
416 						   This default applies to
417 						   both CDFs being compared. */
419 /******************************************************************************
420 * Command line defaults for CDFstats.
421 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFstats is
422 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
423 * means `noxxxxx'.
424 ******************************************************************************/
426 #define DEFAULTrangeSTATS       TRUE            /* [no]range */
427 #define DEFAULTfillSTATS        TRUE            /* [no]fill */
428 #define DEFAULTupValidsSTATS    FALSE           /* [no]update_valids */
429 #define DEFAULTupScalesSTATS    FALSE           /* [no]update_scales */
430 #define DEFAULTupMonoSTATS      FALSE           /* [no]update_monotonic */
431 #define DEFAULTpageSTATS        FALSE           /* [no]page */
432 #define DEFAULTformatSTATS      TRUE            /* [no]format */
433 #define DEFAULTstatsSTATS	FALSE		/* [no]statistics */
434 #define DEFAULTzModeSTATS       zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
435 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
436 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2 */
438 /******************************************************************************
439 * Command line defaults for SkeletonTable.
440 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when SkeletonTable
441 * is executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
442 * means `noxxxxx'.
443 ******************************************************************************/
445 #define DEFAULTvaluesCDF2SKT    NRVvalues       /* NOvalues = no variables,
446 						   NRVvalues = NRV variables,
447 						   RVvalues = RV variables,
448 						   ALLvalues = all variables,
449 						   NAMEDvalues = named
450 								 variables. */
451 #define DEFAULTlogCDF2SKT       FALSE           /* [no]log */
452 #define DEFAULTformatCDF2SKT    TRUE            /* [no]format */
453 #define DEFAULTzModeCDF2SKT     zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
454 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
455 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2 */
456 #define DEFAULTscreenCDF2SKT    FALSE           /* TRUE = to screen, FALSE =
457 						   to skeleton table file. */
458 #define DEFAULTpageCDF2SKT      FALSE           /* [no]page */
459 #define DEFAULTstatsCDF2SKT	FALSE		/* [no]statistics */
461 /******************************************************************************
462 * Command line defaults for SkeletonCDF.
463 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when SkeletonCDF is
464 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
465 * means `noxxxxx'.
466 ******************************************************************************/
468 #define DEFAULTlogSKT2CDF       FALSE           /* [no]log */
469 #define DEFAULTdeleteSKT2CDF    FALSE           /* [no]delete */
470 #define DEFAULTfillvalSKT2CDF   FALSE           /* [no]fillval */
471 #define DEFAULTstatsSKT2CDF	FALSE		/* [no]statistics */
472 #define DEFAULTzModeSKT2CDF     zMODEoff        /* zMODEoff = zMode/0,
473 						   zMODEon1 = zMode/1,
474 						   zMODEon2 = zMode/2 */
476 /******************************************************************************
477 * Command line defaults for CDFdump.
478 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFdump is
479 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
480 * means `noxxxxx'.
481 ******************************************************************************/
483 #define DEFAULTshortDUMP        FALSE           /* [no]short */
484 #define DEFAULTformatDUMP       TRUE            /* [no]format */
485 #define DEFAULTnoheaderDUMP     FALSE           /* noheader */
487 /******************************************************************************
488 * Command line defaults for CDFmerge.
489 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFmerge is
490 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
491 * means `noxxxxx'.
492 ******************************************************************************/
494 #define DEFAULTlogMERGE         FALSE           /* [no]log */
495 #define DEFAULTdataonlyMERGE    FALSE           /* [no]dataonly */
496 #define DEFAULTcdawebMERGE      FALSE           /* [no]cdaweb */
497 #define DEFAULTaugmentlabelMERGE   FALSE        /* [no]augment_label */
499 /******************************************************************************
500 * `Setup' menu defaults for CDFlist.
501 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFlist is
502 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
503 * means `noxxxxx'.
504 ******************************************************************************/
506 #define DEFAULTformatLIST       TRUE            /* [no]format */
507 #define DEFAULTfilterLIST       TRUE            /* [no]filter */
508 #define DEFAULTfillLIST         TRUE            /* [no]fill */
509 #define DEFAULTeraseLIST        TRUE            /* [no]erase */
510 #define DEFAULTsingleLIST       TRUE            /* TRUE == "single",
511 						   FALSE == "multi". */
512 #define DEFAULTnetworkLIST      TRUE            /* TRUE == "network",
513 						   FALSE == "host". */
514 #define DEFAULTepochLIST        TRUE            /* TRUE == "epoch",
515 						   FALSE == "epoch1". */
516 #define DEFAULThorizontalLIST   TRUE            /* TRUE == "horizontal",
517 						   FALSE == "vertical". */
518 #define DEFAULTzModeLIST        FALSE           /* TRUE == "zmode" present,
519 						   FALSE == "zmode" absent. */
521 /******************************************************************************
522 * `Setup' menu defaults for CDFwalk.
523 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFwalk is
524 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
525 * means `noxxxxx'.
526 ******************************************************************************/
528 #define DEFAULTformatWALK       TRUE            /* [no]format */
530 /******************************************************************************
531 * `Setup' menu defaults for CDFvalidate.
532 * These defaults can be overridden on the command line when CDFvalidate is
533 * executed.  For the [no]xxxxx-style qualifiers TRUE means `xxxxx' and FALSE
534 * means `noxxxxx'.
535 ******************************************************************************/
537 #define DEFAULTvalidate         TRUE            /* [no]validate */
539 /******************************************************************************
540 * Key definitions for the toolkit program using a full-screen interface.
541 * These are currently CDFedit, CDFexport, CDFlist, and CDFwalk.  The key
542 * definitions are appended in such a way as to identify the program(s) to
543 * which they apply...
544 *
545 *       _FSI            Applies to all of the programs.
546 *       _EDIT           Applies to CDFedit.
547 *       _EXPORT         Applies to CDFexport.
548 *       _LIST           Applies to CDFlist.
549 *       _WALK           Applies to CDFwalk.
550 *
551 * These values would be changed, for instance, if problems were encountered
552 * with a terminal server intercepting (and interpreting) control characters.
553 * These values can be found in the include file `windoz.h'.
554 *
555 * The following keys should not be used because of various systems interpreting
556 * them in special ways (VMS being the most guilty).
557 *
558 *   Ctrl-C, Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Z      Interrupt/abort/exit on various systems.
559 *   Ctrl-O                      Discards output on VMS systems.
560 *   Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-S              XON/XOFF protocol on some systems.
561 *   Ctrl-T                      Displays time/status on VMS systems.
562 *   Ctrl-X                      Discards input on VMS systems.
563 *   Ctrl-H                      `Delete' on some systems.
564 *
565 ******************************************************************************/
567 #define ENTERkey_FSI                    KB_RETURN
568 #define EXITkey_FSI                     KB_CTRL_E
569 #define NSkey_FSI                       KB_CTRL_N
570 #define PSkey_FSI                       KB_CTRL_P
571 #define REFRESHkey_FSI                  KB_CTRL_W
572 #define HELPkey_FSI                     KB_CTRL_K
573 #define DELETEkey_FSI                   KB_CTRL_D
574 #define INSERTorOVERkey_FSI             KB_CTRL_A
575 #define SOLkey_FSI                      KB_CTRL_F
576 #define EOLkey_FSI                      KB_CTRL_L
578 #define DELETECDFkey_EDIT               DELETEkey_FSI
579 #define DELETEATTRorENTRYkey_EDIT       DELETEkey_FSI
580 #define DELETEVARkey_EDIT               DELETEkey_FSI
581 #define CREATECDFkey_EDIT               KB_CTRL_A
582 #define CREATEVARkey_EDIT               KB_CTRL_A
583 #define CREATEATTRkey_EDIT              KB_CTRL_A
584 #define CREATEENTRYkey_EDIT             KB_CTRL_B
585 #define NEXTFIELDkey_EDIT               KB_RIGHTARROW
586 #define PREVFIELDkey_EDIT               KB_LEFTARROW
587 #define INCREMENTkey_EDIT               KB_UPARROW
588 #define DECREMENTkey_EDIT               KB_DOWNARROW
589 #define TOGGLESCOPEkey_EDIT             KB_CTRL_G
590 #define rENTRYbyNUMBERkey_EDIT          KB_CTRL_A
591 #define zENTRYbyNUMBERkey_EDIT          KB_CTRL_B
592 #define zMODE0key_EDIT                  KB_0
593 #define zMODE1key_EDIT                  KB_1
594 #define zMODE2key_EDIT                  KB_2
595 #define INFOkey_EDIT                    KB_CTRL_F
596 #define NEXTVARkey_EDIT                 KB_CTRL_J
597 #define NEXTATTRkey_EDIT                KB_CTRL_J
598 #define UPDATEkey_EDIT                  KB_CTRL_U
599 #define MOREHELPkey_EDIT                KB_CTRL_L
601 #define ABORTkey_EXPORT                 KB_CTRL_E
602 #define ACTIONSkey_EXPORT               KB_CTRL_A
603 #define OPTIONSkey_EXPORT               KB_CTRL_B
604 #define CRUISEkey_EXPORT                KB_CTRL_G
605 #define FLIPkey_EXPORT                  KB_CTRL_R
606 #define PART1key_EXPORT                 KB_TAB
607 #define PART2key_EXPORT                 KB_TAB
608 #define PART3key_EXPORT                 KB_TAB
609 #define PART4key_EXPORT                 KB_TAB
610 #define NEXTFIELDkey_EXPORT             KB_RIGHTARROW
611 #define PREVFIELDkey_EXPORT             KB_LEFTARROW
612 #define INCREMENTkey_EXPORT             KB_UPARROW
613 #define DECREMENTkey_EXPORT             KB_DOWNARROW
614 #define SWITCHkey_EXPORT		KB_TAB
616 #define SELECTkey_LIST                  KB_RETURN
617 #define NEXTFIELDkey_LIST               KB_RETURN
618 #define PREVFIELDkey_LIST               KB_CTRL_B
619 #define CONTINUEkey_LIST                KB_RETURN
620 #define HELPDONEkey_LIST                KB_RETURN
621 #define ACTIONkey_LIST                  KB_CTRL_F
622 #define INSERTTOGGLEkey_LIST            KB_CTRL_A
623 #define SOLkey_LIST                     KB_CTRL_H
624 #define EOLkey_LIST                     KB_CTRL_E
625 #define DELENDkey_LIST                  KB_CTRL_D
626 #define NEXTITEMkey_LIST                KB_DOWNARROW
627 #define PREVITEMkey_LIST                KB_UPARROW
628 #define NEXTVARkey_LIST                 KB_DOWNARROW
629 #define PREVVARkey_LIST                 KB_UPARROW
630 #define DELETEVARkey_LIST               KB_DELETE
631 #define POPUPkey_LIST                   KB_CTRL_P
632 #define QUITkey_LIST                    KB_q
633 #define PAGEDOWNkey_LIST                KB_d
634 #define PAGEUPkey_LIST                  KB_u
635 #define FILTERTOGGLEkey_LIST            KB_f
636 #define OUTPUTkey_LIST                  KB_y
637 #define NOOUTPUTkey_LIST                KB_n
638 #define MONOTONINCkey_LIST              KB_PLUS
639 #define MONOTONDECkey_LIST              KB_MINUS
640 #define MONOTONFALSEkey_LIST            KB_f
642 #define SELECTkey_WALK                  KB_RETURN
643 #define NEXTFIELDkey_WALK               KB_RETURN
644 #define PREVFIELDkey_WALK               KB_CTRL_B
645 #define CONTINUEkey_WALK                KB_RETURN
646 #define HELPDONEkey_WALK                KB_RETURN
647 #define ACTIONkey_WALK                  KB_CTRL_F
648 #define INSERTTOGGLEkey_WALK            KB_CTRL_A
649 #define MOVEtoBEGINkey_WALK             KB_CTRL_H
650 #define MOVEtoENDkey_WALK               KB_CTRL_E
651 #define DELETEtoENDkey_WALK             KB_CTRL_D
652 #define NEXTITEMkey_WALK                KB_DOWNARROW
653 #define PREVITEMkey_WALK                KB_UPARROW
654 #define NEXTRECDIMkey_WALK              KB_DOWNARROW
655 #define PREVRECDIMkey_WALK              KB_UPARROW
656 #define NEXTVARkey_WALK                 KB_DOWNARROW
657 #define PREVVARkey_WALK                 KB_UPARROW
658 #define NEXTRECORDkey_WALK              KB_RIGHTARROW
659 #define PREVRECORDkey_WALK              KB_LEFTARROW
660 #define POPUPkey_WALK                   KB_CTRL_P
661 #define QUITkey_WALK                    KB_q
662 #define PAGEDOWNkey_WALK                KB_d
663 #define PAGEUPkey_WALK                  KB_u
664 #define NEWVARkey_WALK                  KB_v
665 #define INPUTkey_WALK                   KB_i
667 /*****************************************************************************/
669 #endif