1 #ifndef R_GRAPH_H
2 #define R_GRAPH_H
4 #include <r_list.h>
6 #ifdef __cplusplus
7 extern "C" {
8 #endif
10 typedef struct r_graph_node_t {
11 	unsigned int idx;
12 	void *data;
13 	RList *out_nodes;
14 	RList *in_nodes;
15 	RList *all_neighbours;
16 	RListFree free;
17 } RGraphNode;
19 typedef struct r_graph_edge_t {
20 	RGraphNode *from;
21 	RGraphNode *to;
22 	int nth;
23 } RGraphEdge;
25 typedef struct r_graph_t {
26 	unsigned int n_nodes;
27 	unsigned int n_edges;
28 	int last_index;
29 	RList *nodes; /* RGraphNode */
30 } RGraph;
32 typedef struct r_graph_visitor_t {
33 	void (*discover_node)(RGraphNode *n, struct r_graph_visitor_t *vis);
34 	void (*finish_node)(RGraphNode *n, struct r_graph_visitor_t *vis);
35 	void (*tree_edge)(const RGraphEdge *e, struct r_graph_visitor_t *vis);
36 	void (*back_edge)(const RGraphEdge *e, struct r_graph_visitor_t *vis);
37 	void (*fcross_edge)(const RGraphEdge *e, struct r_graph_visitor_t *vis);
38 	void *data;
39 } RGraphVisitor;
40 typedef void (*RGraphNodeCallback)(RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis);
41 typedef void (*RGraphEdgeCallback)(const RGraphEdge *e, RGraphVisitor *vis);
43 // Contrructs a new RGraph, returns heap-allocated graph.
44 R_API RGraph *r_graph_new(void);
45 // Destroys the graph and all nodes.
46 R_API void r_graph_free(RGraph* g);
47 // Gets the data of a node by index.
48 R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_get_node(const RGraph *g, unsigned int idx);
49 R_API RListIter *r_graph_node_iter(const RGraph *g, unsigned int idx);
50 R_API void r_graph_reset(RGraph *g);
51 R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_add_node(RGraph *g, void *data);
52 R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_add_nodef(RGraph *g, void *data, RListFree user_free);
53 // XXX 'n' is destroyed after calling this function.
54 R_API void r_graph_del_node(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *n);
55 R_API void r_graph_add_edge(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to);
56 R_API void r_graph_add_edge_at(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to, int nth);
57 R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_node_split_forward(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *split_me, void *data);
58 R_API void r_graph_del_edge(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to);
59 R_API const RList *r_graph_get_neighbours(const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n);
60 R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_nth_neighbour(const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n, int nth);
61 R_API const RList *r_graph_innodes(const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n);
62 R_API const RList *r_graph_all_neighbours(const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n);
63 R_API const RList *r_graph_get_nodes(const RGraph *g);
64 R_API bool r_graph_adjacent(const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *from, const RGraphNode *to);
65 R_API void r_graph_dfs_node(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis);
66 R_API void r_graph_dfs_node_reverse(RGraph *g, RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis);
67 R_API void r_graph_dfs(RGraph *g, RGraphVisitor *vis);
69 #ifdef __cplusplus
70 }
71 #endif
73 #endif //  R_GRAPH_H