1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <cstdint>
19 #include <functional>
20 #include <limits>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_set.h"
25 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
26 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
27 #include "ortools/sat/cp_model.pb.h"
28 #include "ortools/util/sorted_interval_list.h"
30 namespace operations_research {
31 namespace sat {
33 // Small utility functions to deal with negative variable/literal references.
NegatedRef(int ref)34 inline int NegatedRef(int ref) { return -ref - 1; }
PositiveRef(int ref)35 inline int PositiveRef(int ref) { return std::max(ref, NegatedRef(ref)); }
RefIsPositive(int ref)36 inline bool RefIsPositive(int ref) { return ref >= 0; }
38 // Small utility functions to deal with half-reified constraints.
HasEnforcementLiteral(const ConstraintProto & ct)39 inline bool HasEnforcementLiteral(const ConstraintProto& ct) {
40   return !ct.enforcement_literal().empty();
41 }
EnforcementLiteral(const ConstraintProto & ct)42 inline int EnforcementLiteral(const ConstraintProto& ct) {
43   return ct.enforcement_literal(0);
44 }
46 // Fills the target as negated ref.
47 void SetToNegatedLinearExpression(const LinearExpressionProto& input_expr,
48                                   LinearExpressionProto* output_negated_expr);
50 // Collects all the references used by a constraint. This function is used in a
51 // few places to have a "generic" code dealing with constraints. Note that the
52 // enforcement_literal is NOT counted here and that the vectors can have
53 // duplicates.
54 struct IndexReferences {
55   std::vector<int> variables;
56   std::vector<int> literals;
57 };
58 IndexReferences GetReferencesUsedByConstraint(const ConstraintProto& ct);
60 // Applies the given function to all variables/literals/intervals indices of the
61 // constraint. This function is used in a few places to have a "generic" code
62 // dealing with constraints.
63 void ApplyToAllVariableIndices(const std::function<void(int*)>& function,
64                                ConstraintProto* ct);
65 void ApplyToAllLiteralIndices(const std::function<void(int*)>& function,
66                               ConstraintProto* ct);
67 void ApplyToAllIntervalIndices(const std::function<void(int*)>& function,
68                                ConstraintProto* ct);
70 // Returns the name of the ConstraintProto::ConstraintCase oneof enum.
71 // Note(user): There is no such function in the proto API as of 16/01/2017.
72 std::string ConstraintCaseName(ConstraintProto::ConstraintCase constraint_case);
74 // Returns the sorted list of variables used by a constraint.
75 // Note that this include variable used as a literal.
76 std::vector<int> UsedVariables(const ConstraintProto& ct);
78 // Returns the sorted list of interval used by a constraint.
79 std::vector<int> UsedIntervals(const ConstraintProto& ct);
81 // Returns true if a proto.domain() contain the given value.
82 // The domain is expected to be encoded as a sorted disjoint interval list.
83 template <typename ProtoWithDomain>
DomainInProtoContains(const ProtoWithDomain & proto,int64_t value)84 bool DomainInProtoContains(const ProtoWithDomain& proto, int64_t value) {
85   for (int i = 0; i < proto.domain_size(); i += 2) {
86     if (value >= proto.domain(i) && value <= proto.domain(i + 1)) return true;
87   }
88   return false;
89 }
91 // Serializes a Domain into the domain field of a proto.
92 template <typename ProtoWithDomain>
FillDomainInProto(const Domain & domain,ProtoWithDomain * proto)93 void FillDomainInProto(const Domain& domain, ProtoWithDomain* proto) {
94   proto->clear_domain();
95   proto->mutable_domain()->Reserve(domain.NumIntervals());
96   for (const ClosedInterval& interval : domain) {
97     proto->add_domain(interval.start);
98     proto->add_domain(interval.end);
99   }
100 }
102 // Reads a Domain from the domain field of a proto.
103 template <typename ProtoWithDomain>
ReadDomainFromProto(const ProtoWithDomain & proto)104 Domain ReadDomainFromProto(const ProtoWithDomain& proto) {
105 #if defined(__PORTABLE_PLATFORM__)
106   return Domain::FromFlatIntervals(
107       {proto.domain().begin(), proto.domain().end()});
108 #else
109   return Domain::FromFlatSpanOfIntervals(proto.domain());
110 #endif
111 }
113 // Returns the list of values in a given domain.
114 // This will fail if the domain contains more than one millions values.
115 //
116 // TODO(user): work directly on the Domain class instead.
117 template <typename ProtoWithDomain>
AllValuesInDomain(const ProtoWithDomain & proto)118 std::vector<int64_t> AllValuesInDomain(const ProtoWithDomain& proto) {
119   std::vector<int64_t> result;
120   for (int i = 0; i < proto.domain_size(); i += 2) {
121     for (int64_t v = proto.domain(i); v <= proto.domain(i + 1); ++v) {
122       CHECK_LE(result.size(), 1e6);
123       result.push_back(v);
124     }
125   }
126   return result;
127 }
129 // Scales back a objective value to a double value from the original model.
ScaleObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto & proto,int64_t value)130 inline double ScaleObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto& proto,
131                                   int64_t value) {
132   double result = static_cast<double>(value);
133   if (value == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::min())
134     result = -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
135   if (value == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
136     result = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
137   result += proto.offset();
138   if (proto.scaling_factor() == 0) return result;
139   return proto.scaling_factor() * result;
140 }
142 // Similar to ScaleObjectiveValue() but uses the integer version.
ScaleInnerObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto & proto,int64_t value)143 inline int64_t ScaleInnerObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto& proto,
144                                         int64_t value) {
145   if (proto.integer_scaling_factor() == 0) {
146     return value + proto.integer_offset();
147   }
148   return value * proto.integer_scaling_factor() + proto.integer_offset();
149 }
151 // Removes the objective scaling and offset from the given value.
UnscaleObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto & proto,double value)152 inline double UnscaleObjectiveValue(const CpObjectiveProto& proto,
153                                     double value) {
154   double result = value;
155   if (proto.scaling_factor() != 0) {
156     result /= proto.scaling_factor();
157   }
158   return result - proto.offset();
159 }
161 // Computes the "inner" objective of a response that contains a solution.
162 // This is the objective without offset and scaling. Call ScaleObjectiveValue()
163 // to get the user facing objective.
164 int64_t ComputeInnerObjective(const CpObjectiveProto& objective,
165                               const CpSolverResponse& response);
167 // Returns true if a linear expression can be reduced to a single ref.
168 bool ExpressionContainsSingleRef(const LinearExpressionProto& expr);
170 // Checks if the expression is affine or constant.
171 bool ExpressionIsAffine(const LinearExpressionProto& expr);
173 // Returns the reference the expression can be reduced to. It will DCHECK that
174 // ExpressionContainsSingleRef(expr) is true.
175 int GetSingleRefFromExpression(const LinearExpressionProto& expr);
177 // Adds a linear expression proto to a linear constraint in place.
178 //
179 // Important: The domain must already be set, otherwise the offset will be lost.
180 // We also do not do any duplicate detection, so the constraint might need
181 // presolving afterwards.
182 void AddLinearExpressionToLinearConstraint(const LinearExpressionProto& expr,
183                                            int64_t coefficient,
184                                            LinearConstraintProto* linear);
186 // Returns true iff a == b * b_scaling.
187 bool LinearExpressionProtosAreEqual(const LinearExpressionProto& a,
188                                     const LinearExpressionProto& b,
189                                     int64_t b_scaling = 1);
191 }  // namespace sat
192 }  // namespace operations_research