1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Source code for "Creating Efficient Triangle Strips"
4 // (C) 2000, Pierre Terdiman (p.terdiman@wanadoo.fr)
5 //
6 // Version is 2.0.
7 //
8 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
10 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 // Precompiled Header
12 #include "StripStdafx.h"
14 #include "Striper.h"
16 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 //
18 //																	Striper Class Implementation
19 //
20 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 // Constructor
24 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Striper()25 Striper::Striper() : mAdj(null), mTags(null), mStripLengths(null), mStripRuns(null), mSingleStrip(null)
26 {
27 }
29 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
30 // Destructor
31 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
~Striper()32 Striper::~Striper()
33 {
34 	FreeUsedRam();
35 }
37 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
38 // A method to free possibly used ram
39 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 // Input	:	-
41 // Output	:	-
42 // Return	:	Self-reference
43 // Exception:	-
44 // Remark	:	-
FreeUsedRam()45 Striper& Striper::FreeUsedRam()
46 {
47 	RELEASE(mSingleStrip);
48 	RELEASE(mStripRuns);
49 	RELEASE(mStripLengths);
51 	RELEASE(mAdj);
52 	return *this;
53 }
55 void ZeroMemory(void* addr, udword size);
56 void CopyMemory(void* dest, const void* src, udword size);
57 void FillMemory(void* dest, udword size, ubyte val);
ZeroMemory(void * addr,udword size)59 void ZeroMemory(void* addr, udword size)
60         {
61                 memset(addr, 0, size);
62         }
CopyMemory(void * dest,const void * src,udword size)64 void CopyMemory(void* dest, const void* src, udword size)
65         {
66                 memcpy(dest, src, size);
67         }
FillMemory(void * dest,udword size,ubyte val)69 void FillMemory(void* dest, udword size, ubyte val)
70         {
71                 memset(dest, val, size);
72         }
74 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 // A method to initialize the striper
76 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
77 // Input	:	create,		the creation structure
78 // Output	:	-
79 // Return	:	true if success
80 // Exception:	-
81 // Remark	:	-
Init(STRIPERCREATE & create)82 bool Striper::Init(STRIPERCREATE& create)
83 {
84 	// Release possibly already used ram
85 	FreeUsedRam();
87 	// Create adjacencies
88 	{
89 		mAdj = new Adjacencies;
90 		if(!mAdj)	return false;
93 		ac.NbFaces	= create.NbFaces;
94 		ac.DFaces	= create.DFaces;
95 		ac.WFaces	= create.WFaces;
96 		bool Status = mAdj->Init(ac);
97 		if(!Status)	{ RELEASE(mAdj); return false; }
99 		Status = mAdj->CreateDatabase();
100 		if(!Status)	{ RELEASE(mAdj); return false; }
102 		mAskForWords		= create.AskForWords;
103 		mOneSided			= create.OneSided;
104 		mSGIAlgorithm		= create.SGIAlgorithm;
105 		mConnectAllStrips	= create.ConnectAllStrips;
106 	}
108 	return true;
109 }
111 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112 // A method to create the triangle strips
113 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
114 // Input	:	result,		the result structure
115 // Output	:	-
116 // Return	:	true if success
117 // Exception:	-
118 // Remark	:	-
Compute(STRIPERRESULT & result)119 bool Striper::Compute(STRIPERRESULT& result)
120 {
121 	// You must call Init() first
122 	if(!mAdj)	return false;
124 	// Get some bytes
125 	mStripLengths			= new CustomArray;				if(!mStripLengths)	return false;
126 	mStripRuns				= new CustomArray;				if(!mStripRuns)		return false;
127 	mTags					= new bool[mAdj->mNbFaces];		if(!mTags)			return false;
128 	udword* Connectivity	= new udword[mAdj->mNbFaces];	if(!Connectivity)	return false;
130 	// mTags contains one bool/face. True=>the face has already been included in a strip
131 	ZeroMemory(mTags, mAdj->mNbFaces*sizeof(bool));
133 	// Compute the number of connections for each face. This buffer is further recycled into
134 	// the insertion order, ie contains face indices in the order we should treat them
135 	ZeroMemory(Connectivity, mAdj->mNbFaces*sizeof(udword));
136 	if(mSGIAlgorithm)
137 	{
138 		// Compute number of adjacent triangles for each face
139 		for(udword i=0;i<mAdj->mNbFaces;i++)
140 		{
141 			AdjTriangle* Tri = &mAdj->mFaces[i];
142 			if(!IS_BOUNDARY(Tri->ATri[0]))	Connectivity[i]++;
143 			if(!IS_BOUNDARY(Tri->ATri[1]))	Connectivity[i]++;
144 			if(!IS_BOUNDARY(Tri->ATri[2]))	Connectivity[i]++;
145 		}
147 		// Sort by number of neighbors
148 		RadixSorter RS;
149 		udword* Sorted = RS.Sort(Connectivity, mAdj->mNbFaces).GetIndices();
151 		// The sorted indices become the order of insertion in the strips
152 		CopyMemory(Connectivity, Sorted, mAdj->mNbFaces*sizeof(udword));
153 	}
154 	else
155 	{
156 		// Default order
157 		for(udword i=0;i<mAdj->mNbFaces;i++)	Connectivity[i] = i;
158 	}
160 	mNbStrips			= 0;	// #strips created
161 	udword TotalNbFaces	= 0;	// #faces already transformed into strips
162 	udword Index		= 0;	// Index of first face
164 	while(TotalNbFaces!=mAdj->mNbFaces)
165 	{
166 		// Look for the first face [could be optimized]
167 		while(mTags[Connectivity[Index]])	Index++;
168 		udword FirstFace = Connectivity[Index];
170 		// Compute the three possible strips from this face and take the best
171 		TotalNbFaces += ComputeBestStrip(FirstFace);
173 		// Let's wrap
174 		mNbStrips++;
175 	}
177 	// Free now useless ram
178 	RELEASEARRAY(Connectivity);
181 	// Fill result structure and exit
182 	result.NbStrips		= mNbStrips;
183 	result.StripLengths	= (udword*)	mStripLengths	->Collapse();
184 	result.StripRuns	=			mStripRuns		->Collapse();
186 	if(mConnectAllStrips)	ConnectAllStrips(result);
188 	return true;
189 }
191 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192 // A method to compute the three possible strips starting from a given face
193 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
194 // Input	:	face,		the first face
195 // Output	:	-
196 // Return	:	udword,		the #faces included in the strip
197 // Exception:	-
198 // Remark	:	mStripLengths and mStripRuns are filled with strip data
ComputeBestStrip(udword face)199 udword Striper::ComputeBestStrip(udword face)
200 {
201 	udword* Strip[3];		// Strips computed in the 3 possible directions
202 	udword* Faces[3];		// Faces involved in the 3 previous strips
203 	udword Length[3] = {0,0,0};		// Lengths of the 3 previous strips
205 	udword FirstLength[3];	// Lengths of the first parts of the strips are saved for culling
206         udword jLook = 1;
208 	// Starting references
209 	udword Refs0[3];
210 	udword Refs1[3];
211 	Refs0[0] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[0];
212 	Refs1[0] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[1];
214 	// Bugfix by Eric Malafeew!
215 	Refs0[1] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[2];
216 	Refs1[1] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[0];
218 	Refs0[2] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[1];
219 	Refs1[2] = mAdj->mFaces[face].VRef[2];
221 	// Compute jLook strips
222 	for(udword j=0;j<jLook;j++)
223 	{
224 		// Get some bytes for the strip and its faces
225 		Strip[j] = new udword[mAdj->mNbFaces+2+1+2];	// max possible length is NbFaces+2, 1 more if the first index gets replicated
226 		Faces[j] = new udword[mAdj->mNbFaces+2];
227 		FillMemory(Strip[j], (mAdj->mNbFaces+2+1+2)*sizeof(udword), 0xff);
228 		FillMemory(Faces[j], (mAdj->mNbFaces+2)*sizeof(udword), 0xff);
230 		// Create a local copy of the tags
231 		bool* Tags	= new bool[mAdj->mNbFaces];
232 		CopyMemory(Tags, mTags, mAdj->mNbFaces*sizeof(bool));
234 		// Track first part of the strip
235 		Length[j] = TrackStrip(face, Refs0[j], Refs1[j], &Strip[j][0], &Faces[j][0], Tags);
237 		// Save first length for culling
238 		FirstLength[j] = Length[j];
239 //		if(j==1)	FirstLength[j]++;	// ...because the first face is written in reverse order for j==1
241 		// Reverse first part of the strip
242 		for(udword i=0;i<Length[j]/2;i++)
243 		{
244 			Strip[j][i]				^= Strip[j][Length[j]-i-1];
245 			Strip[j][Length[j]-i-1]	^= Strip[j][i];
246 			Strip[j][i]				^= Strip[j][Length[j]-i-1];
247 		}
248 		for(udword i=0;i<(Length[j]-2)/2;i++)
249 		{
250 			Faces[j][i]				^= Faces[j][Length[j]-i-3];
251 			Faces[j][Length[j]-i-3]	^= Faces[j][i];
252 			Faces[j][i]				^= Faces[j][Length[j]-i-3];
253 		}
255 		// Track second part of the strip
256 		udword NewRef0 = Strip[j][Length[j]-3];
257 		udword NewRef1 = Strip[j][Length[j]-2];
258 		udword ExtraLength = TrackStrip(face, NewRef0, NewRef1, &Strip[j][Length[j]-3], &Faces[j][Length[j]-3], Tags);
259 		Length[j]+=ExtraLength-3;
261 		// Free temp ram
263 	}
265 	// Look for the best strip among the three
266 	udword Longest	= Length[0];
267 	udword Best		= 0;
268 	if(Length[1] > Longest)	{	Longest = Length[1];	Best = 1;	}
269 	if(Length[2] > Longest)	{	Longest = Length[2];	Best = 2;	}
271 	udword NbFaces = Longest-2;
273 	// Update global tags
274 	for(udword j=0;j<Longest-2;j++)	mTags[Faces[Best][j]] = true;
276 	// Flip strip if needed ("if the length of the first part of the strip is odd, the strip must be reversed")
277 	if(mOneSided && FirstLength[Best]&1)
278 	{
279 		// Here the strip must be flipped. I hardcoded a special case for triangles and quads.
280 		if(Longest==3 || Longest==4)
281 		{
282 			// Flip isolated triangle or quad
283 			Strip[Best][1] ^= Strip[Best][2];
284 			Strip[Best][2] ^= Strip[Best][1];
285 			Strip[Best][1] ^= Strip[Best][2];
286 		}
287 		else
288 		{
289 			// "to reverse the strip, write it in reverse order"
290 			for(udword j=0;j<Longest/2;j++)
291 			{
292 				Strip[Best][j]				^= Strip[Best][Longest-j-1];
293 				Strip[Best][Longest-j-1]	^= Strip[Best][j];
294 				Strip[Best][j]				^= Strip[Best][Longest-j-1];
295 			}
297 			// "If the position of the original face in this new reversed strip is odd, you're done"
298 			udword NewPos = Longest-FirstLength[Best];
299 			if(NewPos&1)
300 			{
301 				// "Else replicate the first index"
302 				for(udword j=0;j<Longest;j++)	Strip[Best][Longest-j] = Strip[Best][Longest-j-1];
303 				Longest++;
304 			}
305 		}
306 	}
308 	// Copy best strip in the strip buffers
309 	for(udword j=0;j<Longest;j++)
310 	{
311 		udword Ref = Strip[Best][j];
312 		if(mAskForWords)	mStripRuns->Store((uword)Ref);	// Saves word reference
313 		else				mStripRuns->Store(Ref);			// Saves dword reference
314 	}
315 	mStripLengths->Store(Longest);
317 	// Free local ram
318 	for(udword j=0;j<jLook;j++)
319 	{
320 		RELEASEARRAY(Faces[j]);
321 		RELEASEARRAY(Strip[j]);
322 	}
324 	// Returns #faces involved in the strip
325 	return NbFaces;
326 }
328 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
329 // A method to extend a strip in a given direction, starting from a given face
330 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
331 // Input	:	face,				the starting face
332 //				oldest, middle,		the two first indices of the strip == a starting edge == a direction
333 // Output	:	strip,				a buffer to store the strip
334 //				faces,				a buffer to store the faces of the strip
335 //				tags,				a buffer to mark the visited faces
336 // Return	:	udword,				the strip length
337 // Exception:	-
338 // Remark	:	-
TrackStrip(udword face,udword oldest,udword middle,udword * strip,udword * faces,bool * tags)339 udword Striper::TrackStrip(udword face, udword oldest, udword middle, udword* strip, udword* faces, bool* tags)
340 {
341 	udword Length = 2;														// Initial length is 2 since we have 2 indices in input
342 	strip[0] = oldest;														// First index of the strip
343 	strip[1] = middle;														// Second index of the strip
345 	bool DoTheStrip = true;
346 	while(DoTheStrip)
347 	{
348 		udword Newest = mAdj->mFaces[face].OppositeVertex(oldest, middle);	// Get the third index of a face given two of them
349 		strip[Length++] = Newest;											// Extend the strip,...
350 		*faces++ = face;													// ...keep track of the face,...
351 		tags[face] = true;													// ...and mark it as "done".
353 		ubyte CurEdge = mAdj->mFaces[face].FindEdge(middle, Newest);		// Get the edge ID...
355 		udword Link = mAdj->mFaces[face].ATri[CurEdge];						// ...and use it to catch the link to adjacent face.
356 		if(IS_BOUNDARY(Link))	DoTheStrip = false;							// If the face is no more connected, we're done...
357 		else
358 		{
359 			face = MAKE_ADJ_TRI(Link);										// ...else the link gives us the new face index.
360 			if(tags[face])	DoTheStrip=false;								// Is the new face already done?
361 		}
362 		oldest = middle;													// Shift the indices and wrap
363 		middle = Newest;
364 	}
365 	return Length;
366 }
368 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
369 // A method to link all strips in a single one.
370 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
371 // Input	:	result,		the result structure
372 // Output	:	the result structure is updated
373 // Return	:	true if success
374 // Exception:	-
375 // Remark	:	-
ConnectAllStrips(STRIPERRESULT & result)376 bool Striper::ConnectAllStrips(STRIPERRESULT& result)
377 {
378 	mSingleStrip = new CustomArray;
379 	if(!mSingleStrip) return false;
381 	mTotalLength	= 0;
382 	uword* wrefs	= mAskForWords ? (uword*)result.StripRuns : null;
383 	udword* drefs	= mAskForWords ? null : (udword*)result.StripRuns;
385 	// Loop over strips and link them together
386 	for(udword k=0;k<result.NbStrips;k++)
387 	{
388 		// Nothing to do for the first strip, we just copy it
389 		if(k)
390 		{
391 			// This is not the first strip, so we must copy two void vertices between the linked strips
392 			udword LastRef	= drefs ? drefs[-1] : (udword)wrefs[-1];
393 			udword FirstRef	= drefs ? drefs[0] : (udword)wrefs[0];
394 			if(mAskForWords)	mSingleStrip->Store((uword)LastRef).Store((uword)FirstRef);
395 			else				mSingleStrip->Store(LastRef).Store(FirstRef);
396 			mTotalLength += 2;
398 			// Linking two strips may flip their culling. If the user asked for single-sided strips we must fix that
399 			if(mOneSided)
400 			{
401 				// Culling has been inverted only if mTotalLength is odd
402 				if(mTotalLength&1)
403 				{
404 					// We can fix culling by replicating the first vertex once again...
405 					udword SecondRef = drefs ? drefs[1] : (udword)wrefs[1];
406 					if(FirstRef!=SecondRef)
407 					{
408 						if(mAskForWords)	mSingleStrip->Store((uword)FirstRef);
409 						else				mSingleStrip->Store(FirstRef);
410 						mTotalLength++;
411 					}
412 					else
413 					{
414 						// ...but if flipped strip already begin with a replicated vertex, we just can skip it.
415 						result.StripLengths[k]--;
416 						if(wrefs)	wrefs++;
417 						if(drefs)	drefs++;
418 					}
419 				}
420 			}
421 		}
423 		// Copy strip
424 		for(udword j=0;j<result.StripLengths[k];j++)
425 		{
426 			udword Ref = drefs ? drefs[j] : (udword)wrefs[j];
427 			if(mAskForWords)	mSingleStrip->Store((uword)Ref);
428 			else				mSingleStrip->Store(Ref);
429 		}
430 		if(wrefs)	wrefs += result.StripLengths[k];
431 		if(drefs)	drefs += result.StripLengths[k];
432 		mTotalLength += result.StripLengths[k];
433 	}
435 	// Update result
436 	result.NbStrips		= 1;
437 	result.StripRuns	= mSingleStrip->Collapse();
438 	result.StripLengths	= &mTotalLength;
440 	return true;
441 }