1 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // The text-based browser window, used to view the structure of the model by
3 // groups and for other similar purposes.
4 //
5 // Copyright 2008-2013 Jonathan Westhues.
6 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 #include "solvespace.h"
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // A navigation bar that always appears at the top of the window, with a
11 // link to bring us back home.
12 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenHome(int link,uint32_t v)13 void TextWindow::ScreenHome(int link, uint32_t v) {
15 }
ShowHeader(bool withNav)16 void TextWindow::ShowHeader(bool withNav) {
17     ClearScreen();
19     const char *header;
20     std::string desc;
21     if(SS.GW.LockedInWorkplane()) {
22         header = "in plane: ";
23         desc = SK.GetEntity(SS.GW.ActiveWorkplane())->DescriptionString();
24     } else {
25         header = "drawing / constraining in 3d";
26         desc = "";
27     }
29     // Navigation buttons
30     if(withNav) {
31         Printf(false, " %Fl%Lh%fhome%E   %Ft%s%E%s",
32             (&TextWindow::ScreenHome), header, desc.c_str());
33     } else {
34         Printf(false, "        %Ft%s%E%s", header, desc.c_str());
35     }
37     // Leave space for the icons that are painted here.
38     Printf(false, "");
39     Printf(false, "");
40 }
42 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 // The screen that shows a list of every group in the sketch, with options
44 // to hide or show them, and to view them in detail. This is our home page.
45 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenSelectGroup(int link,uint32_t v)46 void TextWindow::ScreenSelectGroup(int link, uint32_t v) {
48     SS.TW.shown.group.v = v;
49 }
ScreenToggleGroupShown(int link,uint32_t v)50 void TextWindow::ScreenToggleGroupShown(int link, uint32_t v) {
51     hGroup hg = { v };
52     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(hg);
53     g->visible = !(g->visible);
54     // If a group was just shown, then it might not have been generated
55     // previously, so regenerate.
56     SS.GenerateAll();
57 }
ScreenShowGroupsSpecial(int link,uint32_t v)58 void TextWindow::ScreenShowGroupsSpecial(int link, uint32_t v) {
59     bool state = link == 's';
60     for(int i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) {
61         Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i]);
62         g->visible = state;
63     }
64 }
ScreenActivateGroup(int link,uint32_t v)65 void TextWindow::ScreenActivateGroup(int link, uint32_t v) {
66     SS.GW.activeGroup.v = v;
67     SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->Activate();
68     SS.GW.ClearSuper();
69 }
ReportHowGroupSolved(hGroup hg)70 void TextWindow::ReportHowGroupSolved(hGroup hg) {
71     SS.GW.ClearSuper();
73     SS.TW.shown.group.v = hg.v;
74     SS.ScheduleShowTW();
75 }
ScreenHowGroupSolved(int link,uint32_t v)76 void TextWindow::ScreenHowGroupSolved(int link, uint32_t v) {
77     if(SS.GW.activeGroup.v != v) {
78         ScreenActivateGroup(link, v);
79     }
81     SS.TW.shown.group.v = v;
82 }
ScreenShowConfiguration(int link,uint32_t v)83 void TextWindow::ScreenShowConfiguration(int link, uint32_t v) {
85 }
ScreenShowEditView(int link,uint32_t v)86 void TextWindow::ScreenShowEditView(int link, uint32_t v) {
87     SS.TW.GoToScreen(SCREEN_EDIT_VIEW);
88 }
ScreenGoToWebsite(int link,uint32_t v)89 void TextWindow::ScreenGoToWebsite(int link, uint32_t v) {
90     OpenWebsite("http://solvespace.com/txtlink");
91 }
ShowListOfGroups(void)92 void TextWindow::ShowListOfGroups(void) {
93     const char *radioTrue  = " " RADIO_TRUE  " ",
94                *radioFalse = " " RADIO_FALSE " ",
95                *checkTrue  = " " CHECK_TRUE  " ",
96                *checkFalse = " " CHECK_FALSE " ";
98     Printf(true, "%Ft active");
99     Printf(false, "%Ft    shown ok  group-name%E");
100     int i;
101     bool afterActive = false;
102     for(i = 0; i < SK.groupOrder.n; i++) {
103         Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SK.groupOrder.elem[i]);
104         std::string s = g->DescriptionString();
105         bool active = (g->h.v == SS.GW.activeGroup.v);
106         bool shown = g->visible;
107         bool ok = g->IsSolvedOkay();
108         bool ref = (g->h.v == Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v);
109         Printf(false, "%Bp%Fd "
110                "%Ft%s%Fb%D%f%Ll%s%E "
111                "%Fb%s%D%f%Ll%s%E  "
112                "%Fp%D%f%s%Ll%s%E  "
113                "%Fl%Ll%D%f%s",
114             // Alternate between light and dark backgrounds, for readability
115                 (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
116             // Link that activates the group
117                 ref ? "   " : "",
118                 g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenActivateGroup),
119                 ref ? "" : (active ? radioTrue : radioFalse),
120             // Link that hides or shows the group
121                 afterActive ? " - " : "",
122                 g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenToggleGroupShown),
123                 afterActive ? "" : (shown ? checkTrue : checkFalse),
124             // Link to the errors, if a problem occured while solving
125             ok ? 's' : 'x', g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenHowGroupSolved),
126                 ok ? "ok" : "",
127                 ok ? "" : "NO",
128             // Link to a screen that gives more details on the group
129             g->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectGroup), s.c_str());
131         if(active) afterActive = true;
132     }
134     Printf(true,  "  %Fl%Ls%fshow all%E / %Fl%Lh%fhide all%E",
135         &(TextWindow::ScreenShowGroupsSpecial),
136         &(TextWindow::ScreenShowGroupsSpecial));
137     Printf(true,  "  %Fl%Ls%fline styles%E /"
138                    " %Fl%Ls%fview%E /"
139                    " %Fl%Ls%fconfiguration%E",
140         &(TextWindow::ScreenShowListOfStyles),
141         &(TextWindow::ScreenShowEditView),
142         &(TextWindow::ScreenShowConfiguration));
143 }
146 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 // The screen that shows information about a specific group, and allows the
148 // user to edit various things about it.
149 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenHoverConstraint(int link,uint32_t v)150 void TextWindow::ScreenHoverConstraint(int link, uint32_t v) {
151     if(!SS.GW.showConstraints) return;
153     hConstraint hc = { v };
154     Constraint *c = SK.GetConstraint(hc);
155     if(c->group.v != SS.GW.activeGroup.v) {
156         // Only constraints in the active group are visible
157         return;
158     }
159     SS.GW.hover.Clear();
160     SS.GW.hover.constraint = hc;
161     SS.GW.hover.emphasized = true;
162 }
ScreenHoverRequest(int link,uint32_t v)163 void TextWindow::ScreenHoverRequest(int link, uint32_t v) {
164     SS.GW.hover.Clear();
165     hRequest hr = { v };
166     SS.GW.hover.entity = hr.entity(0);
167     SS.GW.hover.emphasized = true;
168 }
ScreenSelectConstraint(int link,uint32_t v)169 void TextWindow::ScreenSelectConstraint(int link, uint32_t v) {
170     SS.GW.ClearSelection();
171     GraphicsWindow::Selection sel = {};
172     sel.constraint.v = v;
173     SS.GW.selection.Add(&sel);
174 }
ScreenSelectRequest(int link,uint32_t v)175 void TextWindow::ScreenSelectRequest(int link, uint32_t v) {
176     SS.GW.ClearSelection();
177     GraphicsWindow::Selection sel = {};
178     hRequest hr = { v };
179     sel.entity = hr.entity(0);
180     SS.GW.selection.Add(&sel);
181 }
ScreenChangeGroupOption(int link,uint32_t v)183 void TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption(int link, uint32_t v) {
184     SS.UndoRemember();
185     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
187     switch(link) {
188         case 's': g->subtype = Group::ONE_SIDED; break;
189         case 'S': g->subtype = Group::TWO_SIDED; break;
191         case 'k': g->skipFirst = true; break;
192         case 'K': g->skipFirst = false; break;
194         case 'c':
195             // When an extrude group is first created, it's positioned for a union
196             // extrusion. If no constraints were added, flip it when we switch between
197             // union and difference modes to avoid manual work doing the smae.
198             if(g->meshCombine != (int)v && g->GetNumConstraints() == 0 &&
199                (v == Group::COMBINE_AS_DIFFERENCE ||
200                 g->meshCombine == Group::COMBINE_AS_DIFFERENCE)) {
201                 g->ExtrusionForceVectorTo(g->ExtrusionGetVector().Negated());
202             }
203             g->meshCombine = v;
204             break;
206         case 'P': g->suppress = !(g->suppress); break;
208         case 'r': g->relaxConstraints = !(g->relaxConstraints); break;
210         case 'e': g->allowRedundant = !(g->allowRedundant); break;
212         case 'v': g->visible = !(g->visible); break;
214         case 'd': g->allDimsReference = !(g->allDimsReference); break;
216         case 'f': g->forceToMesh = !(g->forceToMesh); break;
217     }
219     SS.MarkGroupDirty(g->h);
220     SS.GenerateAll();
221     SS.GW.ClearSuper();
222 }
ScreenColor(int link,uint32_t v)224 void TextWindow::ScreenColor(int link, uint32_t v) {
225     SS.UndoRemember();
227     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
228     SS.TW.ShowEditControlWithColorPicker(3, g->color);
229     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_GROUP_COLOR;
230 }
ScreenOpacity(int link,uint32_t v)231 void TextWindow::ScreenOpacity(int link, uint32_t v) {
232     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
234     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(11, ssprintf("%.2f", g->color.alphaF()));
235     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_GROUP_OPACITY;
236     SS.TW.edit.group.v = g->h.v;
237 }
ScreenChangeExprA(int link,uint32_t v)238 void TextWindow::ScreenChangeExprA(int link, uint32_t v) {
239     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
241     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(10, ssprintf("%d", (int)g->valA));
242     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_TIMES_REPEATED;
243     SS.TW.edit.group.v = v;
244 }
ScreenChangeGroupName(int link,uint32_t v)245 void TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupName(int link, uint32_t v) {
246     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
247     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(12, g->DescriptionString().substr(5));
248     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_GROUP_NAME;
249     SS.TW.edit.group.v = v;
250 }
ScreenChangeGroupScale(int link,uint32_t v)251 void TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupScale(int link, uint32_t v) {
252     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
254     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(13, ssprintf("%.3f", g->scale));
255     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_GROUP_SCALE;
256     SS.TW.edit.group.v = v;
257 }
ScreenDeleteGroup(int link,uint32_t v)258 void TextWindow::ScreenDeleteGroup(int link, uint32_t v) {
259     SS.UndoRemember();
261     hGroup hg = SS.TW.shown.group;
262     if(hg.v == SS.GW.activeGroup.v) {
263         SS.GW.activeGroup = SK.GetGroup(SS.GW.activeGroup)->PreviousGroup()->h;
264     }
266     // Reset the text window, since we're displaying information about
267     // the group that's about to get deleted.
268     SS.TW.ClearSuper();
270     // This is a major change, so let's re-solve everything.
271     SK.group.RemoveById(hg);
272     SS.GenerateAll(SolveSpaceUI::GENERATE_ALL);
274     // Reset the graphics window. This will also recreate the default
275     // group if it was removed.
276     SS.GW.ClearSuper();
277 }
ShowGroupInfo(void)278 void TextWindow::ShowGroupInfo(void) {
279     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(shown.group);
280     const char *s = "???";
282     if(shown.group.v == Group::HGROUP_REFERENCES.v) {
283         Printf(true, "%FtGROUP  %E%s", g->DescriptionString().c_str());
284         goto list_items;
285     } else {
286         Printf(true, "%FtGROUP  %E%s [%Fl%Ll%D%frename%E/%Fl%Ll%D%fdel%E]",
287             g->DescriptionString().c_str(),
288             g->h.v, &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupName,
289             g->h.v, &TextWindow::ScreenDeleteGroup);
290     }
292     if(g->type == Group::LATHE) {
293         Printf(true, " %Ftlathe plane sketch");
294     } else if(g->type == Group::EXTRUDE || g->type == Group::ROTATE ||
295               g->type == Group::TRANSLATE)
296     {
297         if(g->type == Group::EXTRUDE) {
298             s = "extrude plane sketch";
299         } else if(g->type == Group::TRANSLATE) {
300             s = "translate original sketch";
301         } else if(g->type == Group::ROTATE) {
302             s = "rotate original sketch";
303         }
304         Printf(true, " %Ft%s%E", s);
306         bool one = (g->subtype == Group::ONE_SIDED);
307         Printf(false,
308             "%Ba   %f%Ls%Fd%s one-sided%E  "
309                   "%f%LS%Fd%s two-sided%E",
310             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
311             one ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
312             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
313             !one ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE);
315         if(g->type == Group::ROTATE || g->type == Group::TRANSLATE) {
316             if(g->subtype == Group::ONE_SIDED) {
317                 bool skip = g->skipFirst;
318                 Printf(false,
319                    "%Bd   %Ftstart  %f%LK%Fd%s with original%E  "
320                          "%f%Lk%Fd%s with copy #1%E",
321                     &ScreenChangeGroupOption,
322                     !skip ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
323                     &ScreenChangeGroupOption,
324                     skip ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE);
325             }
327             int times = (int)(g->valA);
328             Printf(false, "%Bp   %Ftrepeat%E %d time%s %Fl%Ll%D%f[change]%E",
329                 (g->subtype == Group::ONE_SIDED) ? 'a' : 'd',
330                 times, times == 1 ? "" : "s",
331                 g->h.v, &TextWindow::ScreenChangeExprA);
332         }
333     } else if(g->type == Group::LINKED) {
334         Printf(true, " %Ftlink geometry from file%E");
335         Printf(false, "%Ba   '%s'", g->linkFileRel.c_str());
336         Printf(false, "%Bd   %Ftscaled by%E %# %Fl%Ll%f%D[change]%E",
337             g->scale,
338             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupScale, g->h.v);
339     } else if(g->type == Group::DRAWING_3D) {
340         Printf(true, " %Ftsketch in 3d%E");
341     } else if(g->type == Group::DRAWING_WORKPLANE) {
342         Printf(true, " %Ftsketch in new workplane%E");
343     } else {
344         Printf(true, "???");
345     }
346     Printf(false, "");
348     if(g->type == Group::EXTRUDE ||
349        g->type == Group::LATHE ||
350        g->type == Group::LINKED)
351     {
352         bool un   = (g->meshCombine == Group::COMBINE_AS_UNION);
353         bool diff = (g->meshCombine == Group::COMBINE_AS_DIFFERENCE);
354         bool asy  = (g->meshCombine == Group::COMBINE_AS_ASSEMBLE);
355         bool asa  = (g->type == Group::LINKED);
357         Printf(false, " %Ftsolid model as");
358         Printf(false, "%Ba   %f%D%Lc%Fd%s union%E  "
359                              "%f%D%Lc%Fd%s difference%E  "
360                              "%f%D%Lc%Fd%s%s%E  ",
361             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
362             Group::COMBINE_AS_UNION,
363             un ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
364             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
365             Group::COMBINE_AS_DIFFERENCE,
366             diff ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE,
367             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
368             Group::COMBINE_AS_ASSEMBLE,
369             asa ? (asy ? RADIO_TRUE : RADIO_FALSE) : " ",
370             asa ? " assemble" : "");
372         if(g->type == Group::EXTRUDE ||
373            g->type == Group::LATHE)
374         {
375             Printf(false,
376                 "%Bd   %Ftcolor   %E%Bz  %Bd (%@, %@, %@) %f%D%Lf%Fl[change]%E",
377                 &g->color,
378                 g->color.redF(), g->color.greenF(), g->color.blueF(),
379                 ScreenColor, top[rows-1] + 2);
380             Printf(false, "%Bd   %Ftopacity%E %@ %f%Lf%Fl[change]%E",
381                 g->color.alphaF(),
382                 &TextWindow::ScreenOpacity);
383         } else if(g->type == Group::LINKED) {
384             Printf(false, "   %Fd%f%LP%s  suppress this group's solid model",
385                 &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
386                 g->suppress ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
387         }
389         Printf(false, "");
390     }
392     Printf(false, " %f%Lv%Fd%s  show entities from this group",
393         &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
394         g->visible ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
396     Group *pg; pg = g->PreviousGroup();
397     if(pg && pg->runningMesh.IsEmpty() && g->thisMesh.IsEmpty()) {
398         Printf(false, " %f%Lf%Fd%s  force NURBS surfaces to triangle mesh",
399             &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
400             g->forceToMesh ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
401     } else {
402         Printf(false, " (model already forced to triangle mesh)");
403     }
405     Printf(true, " %f%Lr%Fd%s  relax constraints and dimensions",
406         &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
407         g->relaxConstraints ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
409     Printf(false, " %f%Le%Fd%s  allow redundant constraints",
410         &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
411         g->allowRedundant ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
413     Printf(false, " %f%Ld%Fd%s  treat all dimensions as reference",
414         &TextWindow::ScreenChangeGroupOption,
415         g->allDimsReference ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
417     if(g->booleanFailed) {
418         Printf(false, "");
419         Printf(false, "The Boolean operation failed. It may be ");
420         Printf(false, "possible to fix the problem by choosing ");
421         Printf(false, "'force NURBS surfaces to triangle mesh'.");
422     }
424 list_items:
425     Printf(false, "");
426     Printf(false, "%Ft requests in group");
428     int i, a = 0;
429     for(i = 0; i < SK.request.n; i++) {
430         Request *r = &(SK.request.elem[i]);
432         if(r->group.v == shown.group.v) {
433             std::string s = r->DescriptionString();
434             Printf(false, "%Bp   %Fl%Ll%D%f%h%s%E",
435                 (a & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
436                 r->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectRequest),
437                 &(TextWindow::ScreenHoverRequest), s.c_str());
438             a++;
439         }
440     }
441     if(a == 0) Printf(false, "%Ba   (none)");
443     a = 0;
444     Printf(false, "");
445     Printf(false, "%Ft constraints in group (%d DOF)", g->solved.dof);
446     for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) {
447         Constraint *c = &(SK.constraint.elem[i]);
449         if(c->group.v == shown.group.v) {
450             std::string s = c->DescriptionString();
451             Printf(false, "%Bp   %Fl%Ll%D%f%h%s%E %s",
452                 (a & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
453                 c->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectConstraint),
454                 (&TextWindow::ScreenHoverConstraint), s.c_str(),
455                 c->reference ? "(ref)" : "");
456             a++;
457         }
458     }
459     if(a == 0) Printf(false, "%Ba   (none)");
460 }
462 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
463 // The screen that's displayed when the sketch fails to solve. A report of
464 // what failed, and (if the problem is a singular Jacobian) a list of
465 // constraints that could be removed to fix it.
466 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenAllowRedundant(int link,uint32_t v)467 void TextWindow::ScreenAllowRedundant(int link, uint32_t v) {
468     SS.UndoRemember();
470     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(SS.TW.shown.group);
471     g->allowRedundant = true;
472     SS.GenerateAll();
474     SS.TW.shown.screen = SCREEN_GROUP_INFO;
475     SS.TW.Show();
476 }
ShowGroupSolveInfo(void)477 void TextWindow::ShowGroupSolveInfo(void) {
478     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(shown.group);
479     if(g->IsSolvedOkay()) {
480         // Go back to the default group info screen
481         shown.screen = SCREEN_GROUP_INFO;
482         Show();
483         return;
484     }
486     Printf(true, "%FtGROUP   %E%s", g->DescriptionString().c_str());
487     switch(g->solved.how) {
488         case System::DIDNT_CONVERGE:
489             Printf(true, "%FxSOLVE FAILED!%Fd unsolvable constraints");
490             Printf(true, "the following constraints are incompatible");
491             break;
493         case System::REDUNDANT_DIDNT_CONVERGE:
494             Printf(true, "%FxSOLVE FAILED!%Fd unsolvable constraints");
495             Printf(true, "the following constraints are unsatisfied");
496             break;
498         case System::REDUNDANT_OKAY:
499             Printf(true, "%FxSOLVE FAILED!%Fd redundant constraints");
500             Printf(true, "remove any one of these to fix it");
501             break;
503         case System::TOO_MANY_UNKNOWNS:
504             Printf(true, "Too many unknowns in a single group!");
505             return;
506     }
508     for(int i = 0; i < g->solved.remove.n; i++) {
509         hConstraint hc = g->solved.remove.elem[i];
510         Constraint *c = SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(hc);
511         if(!c) continue;
513         Printf(false, "%Bp   %Fl%Ll%D%f%h%s%E",
514             (i & 1) ? 'd' : 'a',
515             c->h.v, (&TextWindow::ScreenSelectConstraint),
516             (&TextWindow::ScreenHoverConstraint),
517             c->DescriptionString().c_str());
518     }
520     Printf(true,  "It may be possible to fix the problem ");
521     Printf(false, "by selecting Edit -> Undo.");
523     if(g->solved.how == System::REDUNDANT_OKAY) {
524         Printf(true,  "It is possible to suppress this error ");
525         Printf(false, "by %Fl%f%Llallowing redundant constraints%E in ",
526                       &TextWindow::ScreenAllowRedundant);
527         Printf(false, "this group.");
528     }
529 }
531 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
532 // When we're stepping a dimension. User specifies the finish value, and
533 // how many steps to take in between current and finish, re-solving each
534 // time.
535 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenStepDimFinish(int link,uint32_t v)536 void TextWindow::ScreenStepDimFinish(int link, uint32_t v) {
537     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_STEP_DIM_FINISH;
538     std::string edit_value;
539     if(SS.TW.shown.dimIsDistance) {
540         edit_value = SS.MmToString(SS.TW.shown.dimFinish);
541     } else {
542         edit_value = ssprintf("%.3f", SS.TW.shown.dimFinish);
543     }
544     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(12, edit_value);
545 }
ScreenStepDimSteps(int link,uint32_t v)546 void TextWindow::ScreenStepDimSteps(int link, uint32_t v) {
547     SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_STEP_DIM_STEPS;
548     SS.TW.ShowEditControl(12, ssprintf("%d", SS.TW.shown.dimSteps));
549 }
ScreenStepDimGo(int link,uint32_t v)550 void TextWindow::ScreenStepDimGo(int link, uint32_t v) {
551     hConstraint hc = SS.TW.shown.constraint;
552     Constraint *c = SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(hc);
553     if(c) {
554         SS.UndoRemember();
555         double start = c->valA, finish = SS.TW.shown.dimFinish;
556         int i, n = SS.TW.shown.dimSteps;
557         for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
558             c = SK.GetConstraint(hc);
559             c->valA = start + ((finish - start)*i)/n;
560             SS.MarkGroupDirty(c->group);
561             SS.GenerateAll();
562             if(!SS.ActiveGroupsOkay()) {
563                 // Failed to solve, so quit
564                 break;
565             }
566             PaintGraphics();
567         }
568     }
569     InvalidateGraphics();
571 }
ShowStepDimension(void)572 void TextWindow::ShowStepDimension(void) {
573     Constraint *c = SK.constraint.FindByIdNoOops(shown.constraint);
574     if(!c) {
575         shown.screen = SCREEN_LIST_OF_GROUPS;
576         Show();
577         return;
578     }
580     Printf(true, "%FtSTEP DIMENSION%E %s", c->DescriptionString().c_str());
582     if(shown.dimIsDistance) {
583         Printf(true,  "%Ba   %Ftstart%E    %s", SS.MmToString(c->valA).c_str());
584         Printf(false, "%Bd   %Ftfinish%E   %s %Fl%Ll%f[change]%E",
585             SS.MmToString(shown.dimFinish).c_str(), &ScreenStepDimFinish);
586     } else {
587         Printf(true,  "%Ba   %Ftstart%E    %@", c->valA);
588         Printf(false, "%Bd   %Ftfinish%E   %@ %Fl%Ll%f[change]%E",
589             shown.dimFinish, &ScreenStepDimFinish);
590     }
591     Printf(false, "%Ba   %Ftsteps%E    %d %Fl%Ll%f%D[change]%E",
592         shown.dimSteps, &ScreenStepDimSteps);
594     Printf(true, " %Fl%Ll%fstep dimension now%E", &ScreenStepDimGo);
596     Printf(true, "(or %Fl%Ll%fcancel operation%E)", &ScreenHome);
597 }
599 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
600 // When we're creating tangent arcs (as requests, not as some parametric
601 // thing). User gets to specify the radius, and whether the old untrimmed
602 // curves are kept or deleted.
603 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ScreenChangeTangentArc(int link,uint32_t v)604 void TextWindow::ScreenChangeTangentArc(int link, uint32_t v) {
605     switch(link) {
606         case 'r': {
607             SS.TW.edit.meaning = EDIT_TANGENT_ARC_RADIUS;
608             SS.TW.ShowEditControl(3, SS.MmToString(SS.tangentArcRadius));
609             break;
610         }
612         case 'a': SS.tangentArcManual = !SS.tangentArcManual; break;
613         case 'd': SS.tangentArcDeleteOld = !SS.tangentArcDeleteOld; break;
614     }
615 }
ShowTangentArc(void)616 void TextWindow::ShowTangentArc(void) {
617     Printf(true, "%FtTANGENT ARC PARAMETERS%E");
619     Printf(true,  "%Ft radius of created arc%E");
620     if(SS.tangentArcManual) {
621         Printf(false, "%Ba   %s %Fl%Lr%f[change]%E",
622             SS.MmToString(SS.tangentArcRadius).c_str(),
623             &(TextWindow::ScreenChangeTangentArc));
624     } else {
625         Printf(false, "%Ba   automatic");
626     }
628     Printf(false, "");
629     Printf(false, "  %Fd%f%La%s  choose radius automatically%E",
630         &ScreenChangeTangentArc,
631         !SS.tangentArcManual ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
632     Printf(false, "  %Fd%f%Ld%s  delete original entities afterward%E",
633         &ScreenChangeTangentArc,
634         SS.tangentArcDeleteOld ? CHECK_TRUE : CHECK_FALSE);
636     Printf(false, "");
637     Printf(false, "To create a tangent arc at a point,");
638     Printf(false, "select that point and then choose");
639     Printf(false, "Sketch -> Tangent Arc at Point.");
640     Printf(true, "(or %Fl%Ll%fback to home screen%E)", &ScreenHome);
641 }
643 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
644 // The edit control is visible, and the user just pressed enter.
645 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
EditControlDone(const char * s)646 void TextWindow::EditControlDone(const char *s) {
647     edit.showAgain = false;
649     switch(edit.meaning) {
650         case EDIT_TIMES_REPEATED: {
651             Expr *e = Expr::From(s, true);
652             if(e) {
653                 SS.UndoRemember();
655                 double ev = e->Eval();
656                 if((int)ev < 1) {
657                     Error("Can't repeat fewer than 1 time.");
658                     break;
659                 }
660                 if((int)ev > 999) {
661                     Error("Can't repeat more than 999 times.");
662                     break;
663                 }
665                 Group *g = SK.GetGroup(edit.group);
666                 g->valA = ev;
668                 if(g->type == Group::ROTATE) {
669                     int i, c = 0;
670                     for(i = 0; i < SK.constraint.n; i++) {
671                         if(SK.constraint.elem[i].group.v == g->h.v) c++;
672                     }
673                     // If the group does not contain any constraints, then
674                     // set the numerical guess to space the copies uniformly
675                     // over one rotation. Don't touch the guess if we're
676                     // already constrained, because that would break
677                     // convergence.
678                     if(c == 0) {
679                         double copies = (g->skipFirst) ? (ev + 1) : ev;
680                         SK.GetParam(g->h.param(3))->val = PI/(2*copies);
681                     }
682                 }
684                 SS.MarkGroupDirty(g->h);
685                 SS.ScheduleGenerateAll();
686             }
687             break;
688         }
689         case EDIT_GROUP_NAME: {
690             if(!*s) {
691                 Error("Group name cannot be empty");
692             } else {
693                 SS.UndoRemember();
695                 Group *g = SK.GetGroup(edit.group);
696                 g->name = s;
697             }
698             break;
699         }
700         case EDIT_GROUP_SCALE: {
701             Expr *e = Expr::From(s, true);
702             if(e) {
703                 double ev = e->Eval();
704                 if(fabs(ev) < 1e-6) {
705                     Error("Scale cannot be zero.");
706                 } else {
707                     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(edit.group);
708                     g->scale = ev;
709                     SS.MarkGroupDirty(g->h);
710                     SS.ScheduleGenerateAll();
711                 }
712             }
713             break;
714         }
715         case EDIT_GROUP_COLOR: {
716             Vector rgb;
717             if(sscanf(s, "%lf, %lf, %lf", &rgb.x, &rgb.y, &rgb.z)==3) {
718                 rgb = rgb.ClampWithin(0, 1);
720                 Group *g = SK.group.FindByIdNoOops(SS.TW.shown.group);
721                 if(!g) break;
722                 g->color = RGBf(rgb.x, rgb.y, rgb.z);
724                 SS.MarkGroupDirty(g->h);
725                 SS.ScheduleGenerateAll();
726                 SS.GW.ClearSuper();
727             } else {
728                 Error("Bad format: specify color as r, g, b");
729             }
730             break;
731         }
732         case EDIT_GROUP_OPACITY: {
733             Expr *e = Expr::From(s, true);
734             if(e) {
735                 double alpha = e->Eval();
736                 if(alpha < 0 || alpha > 1) {
737                     Error("Opacity must be between zero and one.");
738                 } else {
739                     Group *g = SK.GetGroup(edit.group);
740                     g->color.alpha = (int)(255.1f * alpha);
741                     SS.MarkGroupDirty(g->h);
742                     SS.ScheduleGenerateAll();
743                     SS.GW.ClearSuper();
744                 }
745             }
746             break;
747         }
748         case EDIT_TTF_TEXT: {
749             SS.UndoRemember();
750             Request *r = SK.request.FindByIdNoOops(edit.request);
751             if(r) {
752                 r->str = s;
753                 SS.MarkGroupDirty(r->group);
754                 SS.ScheduleGenerateAll();
755             }
756             break;
757         }
758         case EDIT_STEP_DIM_FINISH: {
759             Expr *e = Expr::From(s, true);
760             if(!e) {
761                 break;
762             }
763             if(shown.dimIsDistance) {
764                 shown.dimFinish = SS.ExprToMm(e);
765             } else {
766                 shown.dimFinish = e->Eval();
767             }
768             break;
769         }
770         case EDIT_STEP_DIM_STEPS:
771             shown.dimSteps = min(300, max(1, atoi(s)));
772             break;
774         case EDIT_TANGENT_ARC_RADIUS: {
775             Expr *e = Expr::From(s, true);
776             if(!e) break;
777             if(e->Eval() < LENGTH_EPS) {
778                 Error("Radius cannot be zero or negative.");
779                 break;
780             }
781             SS.tangentArcRadius = SS.ExprToMm(e);
782             break;
783         }
785         default: {
786             int cnt = 0;
787             if(EditControlDoneForStyles(s))         cnt++;
788             if(EditControlDoneForConfiguration(s))  cnt++;
789             if(EditControlDoneForPaste(s))          cnt++;
790             if(EditControlDoneForView(s))           cnt++;
791             if(cnt > 1) {
792                 // The identifiers were somehow assigned not uniquely?
793                 oops();
794             }
795             break;
796         }
797     }
798     InvalidateGraphics();
799     SS.ScheduleShowTW();
801     if(!edit.showAgain) {
802         HideEditControl();
803         edit.meaning = EDIT_NOTHING;
804     }
805 }