1 /*
2  * This software is Copyright (c) 2013 Jim Fougeron jfoug AT cox dot net,
3  * Copyright (c) 2013 Dhiru Kholia <dhiru.kholia at gmail.com>
4  * and Copyright (c) 2014-2018 magnum, and it is hereby released
5  * to the general public under the following terms:  Redistribution and use in
6  * source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted.
7  *
8  * Structs and data (some from wireshark, airodump-ng and hcxtool suite)
9  */
11 #ifdef _MSC_VER
12 #define inline _inline
13 #endif
15 #include <stdint.h>
17 #include "arch.h"
18 #include "johnswap.h"
19 #include "hccap.h"
21 /*
22  * Most data structures must be byte aligned, since we work on 'raw' data in
23  * structures and do not load structures record by record.
24  */
25 #pragma pack(1)
27 #define TCPDUMP_MAGIC           0xa1b2c3d4
28 #define TCPDUMP_CIGAM           0xd4c3b2a1
30 #define PCAPNGBLOCKTYPE         0x0a0d0d0a
31 #define PCAPNGMAGICNUMBER       0x1a2b3c4d
32 #define PCAPNGMAGICNUMBERBE     0x4d3c2b1a
34 #define LINKTYPE_ETHERNET       1
35 #define LINKTYPE_IEEE802_11     105
36 #define LINKTYPE_PRISM_HEADER   119
37 #define LINKTYPE_RADIOTAP_HDR   127
38 #define LINKTYPE_PPI_HDR        192
40 /* PCAP main file header */
41 typedef struct pcap_hdr_s {
42 	uint32_t magic_number;   /* magic number 0xA1B2C3D4 (or 0xD4C3B2A1 BE) */
43 	uint16_t version_major;  /* major version number 0x0200 */
44 	uint16_t version_minor;  /* minor version number 0x0400 */
45 	int32_t  thiszone;       /* GMT to local correction */
46 	uint32_t sigfigs;        /* accuracy of timestamps */
47 	uint32_t snaplen;        /* max length of captured packets, in octets */
48 	uint32_t network;        /* data link type */
49 } pcap_hdr_t;
51 /* PCAP packet header */
52 typedef struct pcaprec_hdr_s {
53 	uint32_t ts_sec;         /* timestamp seconds */
54 	uint32_t ts_usec;        /* timestamp microseconds */
55 	uint32_t snap_len;       /* number of octets of packet saved in file */
56 	uint32_t orig_len;       /* actual length of packet */
57 } pcaprec_hdr_t;
59 /* Header of all pcapng blocks */
60 typedef struct block_header_s {
61 	uint32_t	block_type;	/* block type */
62 	uint32_t	total_length;	/* block length */
63 } block_header_t;
64 #define	BH_SIZE (sizeof(block_header_t))
66 /* Header of all pcapng options */
67 typedef struct option_header_s {
68 	uint16_t		option_code;	/* option code - depending of block (0 - end of opts, 1 - comment are in common) */
69 	uint16_t		option_length;	/* option length - length of option in bytes (will be padded to 32bit) */
70 } option_header_t;
71 #define	OH_SIZE (sizeof(option_header_t))
73 /* Section Header Block (SHB) - ID 0x0A0D0D0A */
74 typedef struct section_header_block_s {
75 	uint32_t	byte_order_magic;	/* byte order magic - indicates swapped data */
76 	uint16_t	major_version;		/* major version of pcapng (1 atm) */
77 	uint16_t	minor_version;		/* minor version of pcapng (0 atm) */
78 	int64_t	section_length;		/* length of section - can be -1 (parsing necessary) */
79 } section_header_block_t;
80 #define	SHB_SIZE (sizeof(section_header_block_t))
82 /* Interface Description Block (IDB) - ID 0x00000001 */
83 typedef struct interface_description_block_s {
84 	uint16_t	linktype;	/* the link layer type (was -network- in classic pcap global header) */
85 	uint16_t	reserved;	/* 2 bytes of reserved data */
86 	uint32_t	snaplen;	/* maximum number of bytes dumped from each packet (was -snaplen- in classic pcap global header */
87 } interface_description_block_t;
88 #define	IDB_SIZE (sizeof(interface_description_block_t))
90 /* Packet Block (PB) - ID 0x00000002 (OBSOLETE - EPB should be used instead) */
91 typedef struct packet_block_s {
92 	uint16_t	interface_id;	/* the interface the packet was captured from - identified by interface description block in current section */
93 	uint16_t	drops_count;	/* packet dropped by IF and OS since prior packet */
94 	uint32_t	timestamp_high;	/* high bytes of timestamp */
95 	uint32_t	timestamp_low;	/* low bytes of timestamp */
96 	uint32_t	caplen;	/* length of packet in the capture file (was -incl_len- in classic pcap packet header) */
97 	uint32_t	len;	/* length of packet when transmitted (was -orig_len- in classic pcap packet header) */
98 } packet_block_t;
99 #define	PB_SIZE (sizeof(packet_block_t))
101 /* Simple Packet Block (SPB) - ID 0x00000003 */
102 typedef struct simple_packet_block_s {
103 	uint32_t	len;  /* length of packet when transmitted (was -orig_len- in classic pcap packet header) */
104 } simple_packet_block_t;
105 #define	SPB_SIZE (sizeof(simple_packet_block_t))
107 /* Name Resolution Block (NRB) - ID 0x00000004 */
108 typedef struct name_resolution_block_s {
109 	uint16_t	record_type;    /* type of record (ipv4 / ipv6) */
110 	uint16_t	record_length;  /* length of record value */
111 } name_resolution_block_t;
112 #define	NRB_SIZE (sizeof(name_resolution_block_t))
114 /* Interface Statistics Block - ID 0x00000005 */
115 typedef struct interface_statistics_block_s {
116 	uint32_t	interface_id;     /* the interface the stats refer to - identified by interface description block in current section */
117 	uint32_t	timestamp_high;   /* high bytes of timestamp */
118 	uint32_t	timestamp_low;    /* low bytes of timestamp */
119 } interface_statistics_block_t;
120 #define	ISB_SIZE (sizeof(interface_statistics_block_t))
122 /* Enhanced Packet Block (EPB) - ID 0x00000006 */
123 typedef struct enhanced_packet_block_s {
124 	uint32_t	interface_id;     /* the interface the packet was captured from - identified by interface description block in current section */
125 	uint32_t	timestamp_high;   /* high bytes of timestamp */
126 	uint32_t	timestamp_low;    /* low bytes of timestamp */
127 	uint32_t	caplen;           /* length of packet in the capture file (was -incl_len- in classic pcap packet header) */
128 	uint32_t	len;              /* length of packet when transmitted (was -orig_len- in classic pcap packet header) */
129 } enhanced_packet_block_t;
130 #define	EPB_SIZE (sizeof(enhanced_packet_block_t))
132 /* Ok, here are the struct we need to decode 802.11 for JtR */
133 typedef struct ieee802_1x_frame_hdr_s {
134 	uint16_t frame_ctl;
135 	uint16_t duration;
136 	uint8_t  addr1[6]; // RA (receiver)
137 	uint8_t  addr2[6]; // TA (transmitter)
138 	uint8_t  addr3[6]; // SA (original sender)
139 	uint16_t seq;
140 //	int8_t   addr4[6]; // optional DA (final destination) (if toDS && fromDS)
141 //	uint16_t qos_ctl; // optional (if X then it is set)
142 //	uint16_t ht_ctl;  // optional (if X then it is set)
143 //	int8_t   body[1];
144 } ieee802_1x_frame_hdr_t;
146 /* bitmap of the ieee802_1x_frame_hdr_s.frame_ctl */
147 typedef struct ieee802_1x_frame_ctl_s {
148 	uint16_t version  : 2;
149 	uint16_t type     : 2;
150 	uint16_t subtype  : 4;
151 	uint16_t toDS     : 1;
152 	uint16_t fromDS   : 1;
153 	uint16_t morefrag : 1;
154 	uint16_t retry    : 1;
155 	uint16_t powman   : 1;
156 	uint16_t moredata : 1;
157 	uint16_t protfram : 1;
158 	uint16_t order    : 1;
159 } ieee802_1x_frame_ctl_t;
161 /* This is the structure for the EAPOL data within the packet. */
162 typedef struct ieee802_1x_eapol_s {
163 	uint8_t ver; // 1, 2 ?
164 	uint8_t type; // key == 3
165 	uint16_t length;  // in BE format
166 	uint8_t key_descr; // should be 2 for EAPOL RSN KEY ?
167 	union {
168 		struct {
169 			uint16_t KeyDescr	: 3; //
170 			uint16_t KeyType	: 1; // 1 is pairwise key
171 			uint16_t KeyIdx	: 2; // should be 0
172 			uint16_t Install	: 1; // should be 0
173 			uint16_t KeyACK	: 1; // 1=set 0=nope
174 			uint16_t KeyMIC	: 1; // 1 set, 0 nope
175 			uint16_t Secure	: 1;
176 			uint16_t Error	: 1;
177 			uint16_t Reqst	: 1;
178 			uint16_t EncKeyDat: 1;
179 		} key_info;
180 		uint16_t key_info_u16;	// union used for swapping
181 	};
182 	uint16_t key_len;
183 	uint64_t replay_cnt;
184 	uint8_t wpa_nonce[32];
185 	uint8_t wpa_keyiv[16];
186 	uint8_t wpa_keyrsc[8];
187 	uint8_t wpa_keyid[8];
188 	uint8_t wpa_keymic[16];
189 	uint16_t wpa_keydatlen;
190 } ieee802_1x_eapol_t;
192 typedef struct keydata_s {
193 	uint8_t tagtype;
194 	uint8_t taglen;
195 	uint8_t oui[3];
196 	uint8_t oui_type;
197 	uint8_t data[1];
198 } keydata_t;
200 typedef struct eapol_keydata_s {
201 	ieee802_1x_eapol_t auth;
202 	keydata_t tag[1];
203 } eapol_keydata_t;
205 typedef struct ieee802_1x_auth_s {
206 	uint16_t algo;
207 	uint16_t seq;
208 	uint16_t status;
209 } ieee802_1x_auth_t;
211 typedef struct ieee802_1x_beacon_tag_s {
212 	uint8_t  tagtype;
213 	uint8_t  taglen;
214 	uint8_t  tag[1];
215 /* we have to 'walk' from 1 tag to next, since the tag itself is var length. */
216 } ieee802_1x_beacon_tag_t;
218 /*
219  * This is the structure for a 802.11 control 'beacon' packet.
220  * A probe response packet looks the same.
221  * We only use this packet to get the ESSID.
222  */
223 typedef struct ieee802_1x_beacon_data_s {
224 	uint32_t time1;
225 	uint32_t time2;
226 	uint16_t interval;
227 	uint16_t caps;
228 	ieee802_1x_beacon_tag_t tags[1];
229 } ieee802_1x_beacon_data_t;
231 typedef struct ieee802_1x_assocreq_s {
232 	uint16_t capa;
233 	uint16_t interval;
234 	ieee802_1x_beacon_tag_t tags[1];
235 } ieee802_1x_assocreq_t;
237 typedef struct ieee802_1x_reassocreq_s {
238 	uint16_t capa;
239 	uint16_t interval;
240 	uint8_t  addr3[6];
241 	ieee802_1x_beacon_tag_t tags[1];
242 } ieee802_1x_reassocreq_t;
244 typedef struct eapext_s {
245 	uint8_t  version;
246 	uint8_t  type;
247 	uint16_t len;
248 	uint8_t  eapcode;
249 	uint8_t  eapid;
250 	uint16_t eaplen;
251 	uint8_t  eaptype;
252 } eapext_t;
253 #define EAP_CODE_RESP       2
254 #define EAP_TYPE_ID         1
swap16u(uint16_t v)256 inline static uint16_t swap16u(uint16_t v) {
257 	return ((v>>8)|((v&0xFF)<<8));
258 }
swap32u(uint32_t v)259 inline static uint32_t swap32u(uint32_t v) {
260 	return JOHNSWAP(v);
261 }
swap64u(uint64_t v)262 inline static uint64_t swap64u(uint64_t v) {
263 	return JOHNSWAP64(v);
264 }
266 typedef struct essid_s {
267 	int prio; /* On name conflict, prio <= old_prio will overwrite */
268 	int essid_len;
269 	char essid[32 + 1];
270 	uint8_t bssid[6];
271 } essid_t;
273 /*
274  * This type structure is used to keep track of EAPOL packets, as they are read
275  * from a PCAP file.  we need to get certain 'paired' packets, to be able to
276  * create the input file for JtR (i.e. the 4-way to make the hash input for
277  * JtR). The packets that are needed are:  M1/M2 or M2/M3.  These MUST be
278  * paired, and matched to each other.  The match 'rules' are:
279  *
280  * - The packets MUST be sequential (sequential EAPOL's, per AP/STA pair)
281  * - If a M1/M2 pair, they BOTH must have the exact same replay_cnt
282  * - If the match is a M2/M3, then the M2 replay_cnt must be exactly one less
283  *   than the replay_cnt in the M3.
284  *
285  * If any of the above 3 rules (actually only 2 of the 3, since the M1/M2 and
286  * M2/M3 rules are only used in proper context), then we do NOT have a valid
287  * 4-way.
288  *
289  * During run, every time we see a M1 for a given AP/STA pair, we 'forget' all
290  * other packets for it.  When we see a M2, we forget all M3 and M4's.  Also,
291  * for a M2, we see if we have a M1.  If so, we see if that M1 satisfies the
292  * replay_cnt rule.  If that is the case, then we have a 'possible' valid
293  * 4-way.  We do write the results.  However, at this time, we are not 100%
294  * 'sure' we have a valid 4-way.  We CAN get a M1/M2 pair, even if the STA
295  * trying to validate used the wrong password.  If all we see is the M1/M2,
296  * then we do not KNOW for sure, if that STA was able to validate itself.  If
297  * there was a M1 but it did not match, we simply drop it.
298  *
299  * Finally, when we get a M3, we dump the M1 and M4's.  We check for a M2 that
300  * is valid.  If the M2 is valid, then we are SURE that we have a valid 4-way.
301  * The M3 would not be sent, unless the router was happy that the connecting
302  * AP knows the PW.
303  */
304 typedef struct handshake_s {
305 	uint64_t ts64;
306 	int eapol_size;
307 	ieee802_1x_eapol_t *eapol;
308 } handshake_t;
310 typedef struct WPA4way_s {
311 	uint64_t rc;
312 	uint32_t anonce_msb;
313 	uint32_t anonce_lsb;
314 	int8_t fuzz;
315 	uint8_t endian; /* 0 == unknown, 1 == BE, 2 == LE */
316 	int handshake_done;
317 	int pmkid_done;
318 	handshake_t M[5];
319 	uint8_t bssid[6];
320 	uint8_t staid[6];
321 } WPA4way_t;
323 /* Support for loading airodump-ng ivs2 files. */
324 #define IVSONLY_MAGIC           "\xBF\xCA\x84\xD4"
325 #define IVS2_MAGIC              "\xAE\x78\xD1\xFF"
326 #define IVS2_EXTENSION          "ivs"
327 #define IVS2_VERSION             1
329 /* BSSID const. length of 6 bytes; can be together with all the other types */
330 #define IVS2_BSSID      0x0001
332 /* ESSID var. length; alone, or with BSSID */
333 #define IVS2_ESSID      0x0002
335 /* WPA structure, const. length; alone, or with BSSID */
336 #define IVS2_WPA        0x0004
338 /* IV+IDX+KEYSTREAM, var. length; alone or with BSSID */
339 #define IVS2_XOR        0x0008
341 /*
342  * [IV+IDX][i][l][XOR_1]..[XOR_i][weight]
343  * holds i possible keystreams for the same IV with a length of l for each
344  * keystream (l max 32) and an array "int weight[16]" at the end
345  */
346 #define IVS2_PTW        0x0010
348 // unencrypted packet
349 #define IVS2_CLR        0x0020
351 struct ivs2_filehdr
352 {
353     uint16_t version;
354 };
356 struct ivs2_pkthdr
357 {
358     uint16_t  flags;
359     uint16_t  len;
360 };
362 /*
363  * WPA handshake in ivs2 format. From airodump-ng src/include/eapol.h
364  */
365 #pragma pack() /* NOTE, THIS IS NOT PACKED! */
366 struct ivs2_WPA_hdsk
367 {
368     uint8_t stmac[6];     /* supplicant MAC           */
369     uint8_t snonce[32];   /* supplicant nonce         */
370     uint8_t anonce[32];   /* authenticator nonce      */
371     uint8_t keymic[16];   /* eapol frame MIC          */
372     uint8_t eapol[256];   /* eapol frame contents     */
373     uint32_t eapol_size;  /* eapol frame size         */
374     uint8_t keyver;       /* key version (TKIP / AES) */
375     uint8_t state;        /* handshake completion     */
376 };
dump_hex(char * msg,void * x,unsigned int size)378 static void dump_hex(char *msg, void *x, unsigned int size)
379 {
380 	unsigned int i;
382 	fprintf(stderr, "%s : ", msg);
384 	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
385 		fprintf(stderr, "%.2x", ((uint8_t*)x)[i]);
386 		if ((i % 4) == 3)
387 			fprintf(stderr, " ");
388 	}
389 	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
390 }
392 #define safe_realloc(p, len) do {	  \
393 		if (!(p = realloc(p, len))) { \
394 			fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: realloc of "Zu" bytes failed\n", \
395 			        __FILE__, __LINE__, (size_t)len); \
396 			exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
397 		} \
398 	} while (0)
400 #define safe_malloc(p, len) do {	  \
401 		if (!(p = malloc(len))) { \
402 			fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: malloc of "Zu" bytes failed\n", \
403 			        __FILE__, __LINE__, (size_t)len); \
404 			exit(EXIT_FAILURE); \
405 		} \
406 	} while (0)