1 /*
2  *  MrBayes 3
3  *
4  *  (c) 2002-2013
5  *
6  *  John P. Huelsenbeck
7  *  Dept. Integrative Biology
8  *  University of California, Berkeley
9  *  Berkeley, CA 94720-3140
10  *  johnh@berkeley.edu
11  *
12  *  Fredrik Ronquist
13  *  Swedish Museum of Natural History
14  *  Box 50007
15  *  SE-10405 Stockholm, SWEDEN
16  *  fredrik.ronquist@nrm.se
17  *
18  *  With important contributions by
19  *
20  *  Paul van der Mark (paulvdm@sc.fsu.edu)
21  *  Maxim Teslenko (maxkth@gmail.com)
22  *  Chi Zhang (zhangchicool@gmail.com)
23  *
24  *  and by many users (run 'acknowledgments' to see more info)
25  *
26  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
27  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
28  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
29  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
30  *
31  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
32  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
34  * GNU General Public License for more details (www.gnu.org).
35  *
36  */
38 #include "bayes.h"
39 #include "best.h"
40 #include "command.h"
41 #include "mcmc.h"
42 #include "model.h"
43 #include "utils.h"
45 #define MAX_RATE_CATS                      20
46 #define POINTGAMMA(prob,alpha,beta)         PointChi2(prob,2.0*(alpha))/(2.0*(beta))
47 #define PAI2                                6.283185307
48 #define TINY                                1.0e-20
49 #define EVALUATE_COMPLEX_NUMBERS            2
50 #if !defined(MAX)
51 #define MAX(a,b)                            (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
52 #endif
53 #if !defined(MIN)
54 #define MIN(a,b)                            (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
55 #endif
56 #define SQUARE(a)                           ((a)*(a))
58 /* local global variable */
59 char    noLabel[] = "";
61 /* local prototypes */
62 void    DatedNodeDepths (TreeNode *p, MrBFlt *nodeDepths, int *index);
63 void    DatedNodes (TreeNode *p, TreeNode **datedTips, int *index);
64 int     NConstrainedTips (TreeNode *p);
65 int     NDatedTips (TreeNode *p);
66 void    PrintNode (char **s, int *len, TreeNode *p, int isRooted);
67 void    ResetPolyNode (PolyNode *p);
68 void    ResetTreeNode (TreeNode *p);
69 void    SetNodeDepths (Tree *t);
71 void    AddTwoMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **b, MrBFlt **result);
72 void    BackSubstitutionRow (int dim, MrBFlt **u, MrBFlt *b);
73 void    Balanc (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int *low, int *high, MrBFlt *scale);
74 void    BalBak (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt *scale, int m, MrBFlt **z);
75 MrBFlt  BetaCf (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt x);
76 MrBFlt  BetaQuantile (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x);
77 MrBFlt  CdfBinormal (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt r);
78 MrBFlt  CdfNormal (MrBFlt x);
79 MrBComplex Complex (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b);
80 MrBFlt  ComplexAbsoluteValue (MrBComplex a);
81 MrBComplex ComplexAddition (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b);
82 MrBComplex ComplexConjugate (MrBComplex a);
83 MrBComplex ComplexDivision (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b);
84 void    ComplexDivision2 (MrBFlt ar, MrBFlt ai, MrBFlt br, MrBFlt bi, MrBFlt *cr, MrBFlt *ci);
85 MrBComplex ComplexExponentiation (MrBComplex a);
86 int     ComplexInvertMatrix (int dim, MrBComplex **a, MrBFlt *dwork, int *indx, MrBComplex **aInverse, MrBComplex *col);
87 MrBComplex ComplexLog (MrBComplex a);
88 void    ComplexLUBackSubstitution (int dim, MrBComplex **a, int *indx, MrBComplex *b);
89 int     ComplexLUDecompose (int dim, MrBComplex **a, MrBFlt *vv, int *indx, MrBFlt *pd);
90 MrBComplex ComplexMultiplication (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b);
91 MrBComplex ComplexSquareRoot (MrBComplex a);
92 MrBComplex ComplexSubtraction (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b);
93 int     ComputeEigenSystem (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *v, MrBFlt *vi, MrBFlt **u, int *iwork, MrBFlt *dwork);
94 void    ComputeLandU (int dim, MrBFlt **aMat, MrBFlt **lMat, MrBFlt **uMat);
95 void    ComputeMatrixExponential (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int qValue, MrBFlt **f);
96 void    DivideByTwos (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int power);
97 MrBFlt  D_sign (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b);
98 int     EigensForRealMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt **z, int *iv1, MrBFlt *fv1);
99 void    ElmHes (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **a, int *interchanged);
100 void    ElTran (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **a, int *interchanged, MrBFlt **z);
101 void    Exchange (int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *scale);
102 MrBFlt  Factorial (int x);
103 void    ForwardSubstitutionRow (int dim, MrBFlt **L, MrBFlt *b);
104 MrBFlt  GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, RandLong *seed);
105 void    GaussianElimination (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **bMat, MrBFlt **xMat);
106 int     Hqr2 (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **h, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt **z);
107 MrBFlt  IncompleteBetaFunction (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x);
108 MrBFlt  IncompleteGamma (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt LnGamma_alpha);
109 int     InvertMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *col, int *indx, MrBFlt **aInv);
110 MrBFlt  LBinormal (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt r);
111 int     LogBase2Plus1 (MrBFlt x);
112 void    LUBackSubstitution (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int *indx, MrBFlt *b);
113 int     LUDecompose (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *vv, int *indx, MrBFlt *pd);
114 void    MultiplyMatrixByScalar (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt scalar, MrBFlt **result);
115 MrBFlt  PointChi2 (MrBFlt prob, MrBFlt v);
116 void    PrintComplexVector (int dim, MrBComplex *vec);
117 void    PrintSquareComplexMatrix (int dim, MrBComplex **m);
118 void    PrintSquareDoubleMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix);
119 void    PrintSquareIntegerMatrix (int dim, int **matrix);
120 MrBComplex ProductOfRealAndComplex (MrBFlt a, MrBComplex b);
121 MrBFlt  RndGamma (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed);
122 MrBFlt  RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed);
123 MrBFlt  RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed);
124 int     SetQvalue (MrBFlt tol);
125 void    SetToIdentity (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix);
126 MrBFlt  Tha (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt a1, MrBFlt a2);
127 void    TiProbsUsingEigens (int dim, MrBFlt *cijk, MrBFlt *eigenVals, MrBFlt v, MrBFlt r, MrBFlt **tMat, MrBFlt **fMat, MrBFlt **sMat);
128 void    TiProbsUsingPadeApprox (int dim, MrBFlt **qMat, MrBFlt v, MrBFlt r, MrBFlt **tMat, MrBFlt **fMat, MrBFlt **sMat);
130 MrBFlt  QuantileLogNormal (MrBFlt prob, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt sigma);
131 int     DiscreteLogNormal (MrBFlt *rK, MrBFlt sigma, int K, int median);
132 MrBFlt  LogNormalPoint (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt sigma);
134 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
135 int     Height(TreeNode *p);
136 void    ReverseLevelOrder(Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int *i);
137 void    StoreGivenLevel(Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int level, int *i);
138 #endif
140 /* qsort compare function for MrBFlt */
cmpMrBFlt(const void * a,const void * b)141 int cmpMrBFlt(const void *a, const void *b)
142 {
143     MrBFlt  x = *((MrBFlt *)(a));
144     MrBFlt  y = *((MrBFlt *)(b));
146     if ( x < y )
147         return -1;
148     else if ( x == y )
149         return 0;
150     else
151         return 1;
152 }
155 /* AddBitfield: Add bitfield to list of bitfields. The function uses global variable nLongsNeeded. */
AddBitfield(BitsLong *** list,int listLen,int * set,int setLen)156 int AddBitfield (BitsLong ***list, int listLen, int *set, int setLen)
157 {
158     int     i, nLongsNeeded;
160     nLongsNeeded = (setLen - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
162     (*list) = (BitsLong **) SafeRealloc ((void *)(*list), ((size_t)listLen+1)*sizeof(BitsLong *));
163     if (!(*list))
164         return ERROR;
166     (*list)[listLen] = (BitsLong *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
167     if (!(*list)[listLen])
168         return ERROR;
170     ClearBits ((*list)[listLen], nLongsNeeded);
171     for (i=0; i<setLen; i++)
172         if (set[i] == YES)
173             SetBit(i, (*list)[listLen]);
175     return NO_ERROR;
176 }
179 #if defined (SSE_ENABLED)   /* SSE or more advanced SIMD */
AlignedMalloc(size_t size,size_t alignment)180 void * AlignedMalloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
181 {
182     void *mem;
184     #if defined GCC_SIMD    /* gcc compiler */
185     if (posix_memalign (&mem, alignment, size))
186         return 0;
187     #elif defined ICC_SIMD   /* icc compiler */
188     mem = _mm_malloc (size, alignment);
189     #elif defined MS_VCPP_SIMD  /* ms visual */
190     mem = _aligned_malloc (size, alignment);
191     #else
192     mem = malloc (size);
193     #endif
195     return mem;
196 }
AlignedSafeFree(void * ptr)199 void *AlignedSafeFree (void *ptr)
200 {
202 #if defined ICC_VEC             /* icc compiler */
203     _mm_free (ptr);
204 #elif defined MS_VCPP_VEC       /* ms visual */
205     _aligned_free (ptr);
206 #else
207     free (ptr);
208 #endif
210     ptr = NULL;
212     return ptr;
213 }
214 #endif
AreBitfieldsEqual(BitsLong * p,BitsLong * q,int length)217 int AreBitfieldsEqual (BitsLong *p, BitsLong *q, int length)
218 {
219     int i;
221     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
222         {
223         if (p[i] != q[i])
224             return NO;
225         }
227     return YES;
228 }
231 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
232 |
233 |   Bit: return 1 if bit n is set in BitsLong *p
234 |       else return 0
235 |
236 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
Bit(int n,BitsLong * p)237 int Bit (int n, BitsLong *p)
238 {
239     BitsLong        x, bitsLongOne;
241     bitsLongOne = 1;
243     p += n / nBitsInALong;
244     x = bitsLongOne << (n % nBitsInALong);
246     if ((x & (*p)) == 0)
247         return 0;
248     else
249         return 1;
251 }
254 /* ClearBit: Clear one bit in a bitfield */
ClearBit(int i,BitsLong * bits)255 void ClearBit (int i, BitsLong *bits)
256 {
257     BitsLong        x, bitsLongOne=1;
259     bits += i / nBitsInALong;
261     x = bitsLongOne << (i % nBitsInALong);
262     x ^= bitsLongWithAllBitsSet;
264     (*bits) &= x;
265 }
268 /* ClearBits: Clear all bits in a bitfield */
ClearBits(BitsLong * bits,int nLongs)269 void ClearBits (BitsLong *bits, int nLongs)
270 {
271     int     i;
273     for (i=0; i<nLongs; i++)
274         bits[i] = 0;
275 }
278 /* Copy bitfields */
CopyBits(BitsLong * dest,BitsLong * source,int length)279 void CopyBits (BitsLong *dest, BitsLong *source, int length)
280 {
281     int     i;
283     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
284         dest[i] = source[i];
285 }
288 /* CopyResults: copy results from one file to another up to lastGen*/
CopyResults(FILE * toFile,char * fromFileName,int lastGen)289 int CopyResults (FILE *toFile, char *fromFileName, int lastGen)
290 {
291     int     longestLine;
292     char    *strBuf, *strCpy, *word;
293     FILE    *fromFile;
295     if ((fromFile = OpenBinaryFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
296         return ERROR;
298     longestLine = LongestLine(fromFile)+10;
299     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
300     strBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (2*(longestLine+2),sizeof(char));
301     strCpy = strBuf + longestLine + 2;
303     if ((fromFile = OpenTextFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
304         {
305         free (strBuf);
306         return ERROR;
307         }
309     while (fgets(strBuf,longestLine,fromFile)!=NULL)
310         {
311         strncpy (strCpy,strBuf,longestLine);
312         word = strtok(strCpy," ");
313         /* atoi returns 0 when word is not integer number */
314         if (atoi(word)>lastGen)
315             break;
316         fprintf (toFile,"%s",strBuf);
317         fflush (toFile);
318         }
320     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
321     free(strBuf);
322     return (NO_ERROR);
323 }
326 /* CopyProcessSsFile: copy results from one file to another up to lastStep. Also marginalLnLSS is collected for processed steps*/
CopyProcessSsFile(FILE * toFile,char * fromFileName,int lastStep,MrBFlt * marginalLnLSS,MrBFlt * splitfreqSS)327 int CopyProcessSsFile (FILE *toFile, char *fromFileName, int lastStep, MrBFlt *marginalLnLSS, MrBFlt * splitfreqSS)
328 {
329     int     longestLine, run, curStep, i;
330     double  tmp;
331     char    *strBuf, *strCpy, *word, *tmpcp;
332     FILE    *fromFile;
334     if ((fromFile = OpenBinaryFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
335         return ERROR;
337     longestLine = LongestLine(fromFile)+10;
338     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
339     strBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (2*(longestLine+2),sizeof(char));
340     strCpy = strBuf + longestLine + 2;
342     if ((fromFile = OpenTextFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
343         {
344         free (strBuf);
345         return ERROR;
346         }
348     while (fgets(strBuf,longestLine,fromFile)!=NULL)
349         {
350         strncpy (strCpy,strBuf,longestLine);
351         word = strtok(strCpy," \t\n");
352         /* atoi returns 0 when word is not integer number */
353         if (atoi(word)>lastStep)
354             break;
355         fprintf (toFile,"%s",strBuf);
356         fflush (toFile);
357         curStep = atoi(word);
358         if (curStep > 0)
359             {
360             strtok(NULL,"\t\n"); /*skip power*/
361             for (run=0; run<chainParams.numRuns; run++)
362                 {
363                 tmpcp = strtok(NULL,"\t\n");
364                 if (tmpcp == NULL)
365                     {
366                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: In .ss file not enough ellements on the string :%s        \n", spacer, strBuf);
367                     return ERROR;
368                     }
369                 tmp = atof(tmpcp);
370                 if (tmp == 0.0)
371                     {
372                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Value of some step contribution is 0.0 or not a number in .ss file. Sting:%s        \n", spacer, strBuf);
373                     return ERROR;
374                     }
375                 marginalLnLSS[run]+=tmp;
376                 }
377             for (i=0; i<numTopologies; i++)
378                 {
379                 tmpcp = strtok(NULL,"\t\n");
380                 if (tmpcp == NULL)
381                     {
382                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: In .ss file not enough ellements on the string :%s        \n", spacer, strBuf);
383                     return ERROR;
384                     }
385                 tmp = atof(tmpcp);
386                 splitfreqSS[i*chainParams.numStepsSS + curStep-1] = tmp;
387                 }
388             }
389         }
391     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
392     free(strBuf);
393     return (NO_ERROR);
394 }
397 /* CopyTreeResults: copy tree results upto lastGen from one file to another. numTrees is return containing number of trees that were copied. */
CopyTreeResults(FILE * toFile,char * fromFileName,int lastGen,int * numTrees)398 int CopyTreeResults (FILE *toFile, char *fromFileName, int lastGen, int *numTrees)
399 {
400     int     longestLine;
401     char    *strBuf, *strCpy, *word;
402     FILE    *fromFile;
404     (*numTrees) = 0;
406     if ((fromFile = OpenBinaryFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
407         return ERROR;
409     longestLine = LongestLine(fromFile)+10;
410     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
411     strBuf = (char *) SafeCalloc (2*(longestLine+2),sizeof(char));
412     strCpy = strBuf + longestLine + 2;
414     if ((fromFile = OpenTextFileR(fromFileName)) == NULL)
415         {
416         free (strBuf);
417         return ERROR;
418         }
420     while (fgets(strBuf,longestLine,fromFile)!=NULL)
421         {
422         strncpy (strCpy,strBuf,longestLine);
423         word = strtok(strCpy," ");
424         if (strcmp(word,"tree")==0)
425             {
426             word = strtok(NULL," ");
427             /* atoi returns 0 when word is not integer number,
428                4 is offset to get rid of "rep." in tree name */
429             if (atoi(word+4)>lastGen)
430                 break;
431             (*numTrees)++;
432             fprintf (toFile,"%s",strBuf);
433             }
434         else if (*numTrees == 0)   /* do not print the end statement */
435             fprintf (toFile,"%s",strBuf);
436         fflush (toFile);
437         }
439     SafeFclose(&fromFile);
440     free(strBuf);
441     return (NO_ERROR);
442 }
445 /* FirstTaxonInPartition: Find index of first taxon in partition */
FirstTaxonInPartition(BitsLong * partition,int length)446 int FirstTaxonInPartition (BitsLong *partition, int length)
447 {
448     int         i, j, nBits, taxon;
449     BitsLong    x, bitsLongOne=1;
451     nBits = sizeof(BitsLong) * 8;
453     taxon = 0;
454     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
455         {
456         x = bitsLongOne;
457         for (j=0; j<nBits; j++)
458             {
459             if (partition[i] & x)
460                 return taxon;
461             taxon++;
462             x <<= 1;
463             }
464         }
466     return taxon;
467 }
470 /* FirstTree: Return file position of first tree after current position */
FirstTree(FILE * fp,char * lineBuf,int longestLine)471 long FirstTree (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine)
472 {
473     long    firstTree;
474     char    *word;
476     do {
477         firstTree = ftell(fp);
478         if ((fgets (lineBuf, longestLine, fp)) == NULL)
479             return 0;
480         word = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
481         } while (strcmp(word,"tree")!=0);
483     return (firstTree);
484 }
Flip01(int x)487 int Flip01 (int x)
488 {
489     if (x == 0)
490         return (1);
491     else
492         return (0);
493 }
FlipBits(BitsLong * partition,int length,BitsLong * mask)496 void FlipBits (BitsLong *partition, int length, BitsLong *mask)
497 {
498     int         i;
500     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
501         {
502         partition[i] ^= mask[i];
503         }
504 }
507 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
508 |
509 |   FlipOneBit: flip bit n in BitsLong *p
510 |
511 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FlipOneBit(int n,BitsLong * p)512 void FlipOneBit (int n, BitsLong *p)
513 {
514     BitsLong        x, bitsLongOne=1;
516     p += n/nBitsInALong;
517     x = bitsLongOne << (n % nBitsInALong);
518     (*p) ^= x;
519 }
522 /* Convert from 0-based growth function over six states to model index */
FromGrowthFxnToIndex(int * growthFxn)523 int FromGrowthFxnToIndex(int *growthFxn)
524 {
525     int     i, j, k, max, fxn[6];
527     /* set local growth fxn to lexicographical max */
528     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
529         fxn[i] = i;
531     /* decrease until we reach growthFxn */
532     for (k=202; k>=0; k--)
533         {
534         for (i=0; i<6; i++)
535             {
536             if (fxn[i] != growthFxn[i])
537                 break;
538             }
539         if (i == 6)
540             break;
542         /* get next growth fxn */
543         for (i=5; i>=0; i--)
544             {
545             fxn[i]--;
546             if (fxn[i] >= 0)
547                 break;
548             }
550         if (i < 0)
551             return -1;  /* error */
552         else if (i < 5)
553             {
554             max = 0;
555             for (j=0; j<=i; j++)
556                 {
557                 if (fxn[j] > max)
558                     max = fxn[j];
559                 }
560             fxn[++i] = max + 1;
561             for (++i; i<6; i++)
562                 fxn[i] = fxn[i-1] + 1;
563             }
564         }
566     return k;
567 }
570 /* Convert from model index to 0-based growth function over six states */
FromIndexToGrowthFxn(int index,int * growthFxn)571 void FromIndexToGrowthFxn(int index, int *growthFxn)
572 {
573     int     i, j, max, k;
575     /* set growth fxn to lexicographical max */
576     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
577         growthFxn[i] = i;
579     /* decrease until we reach index */
580     for (k=202; k>index; k--)
581         {
582         for (i=5; i>=0; i--)
583             {
584             growthFxn[i]--;
585             if (growthFxn[i] >= 0)
586                 break;
587             }
589         if (i < 0)
590             return; /* ERROR */
591         else if (i < 5)
592             {
593             max = 0;
594             for (j=0; j<=i; j++)
595                 {
596                 if (growthFxn[j] > max)
597                     max = growthFxn[j];
598                 }
599             growthFxn[++i] = max + 1;
600             for (++i; i<6; i++)
601                 growthFxn[i] = growthFxn[i-1] + 1;
602             }
603         }
604 }
607 /* GetIntSummary: Get summary statistics for a number of runs (int version) */
GetIntSummary(int ** vals,int nRows,int * rowCount,Stat * theStats,int HPD)608 void GetIntSummary (int **vals, int nRows, int *rowCount, Stat *theStats, int HPD)
609 {
610     int     i, j, nVals;
611     MrBFlt  *theValues, *p;
613     nVals = 0;
614     for (i=0; i<nRows; i++)
615         nVals += rowCount[i];
617     theValues = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (nVals, sizeof(MrBFlt));
619     /* extract values */
620     p = theValues;
621     for (i=0; i<nRows; i++)
622         {
623         for (j=0; j<rowCount[i]; j++)
624             {
625             (*p++) = (MrBFlt) (vals[i][j]);
626             }
627         }
629     /* get statistics */
630     MeanVariance (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->mean), &(theStats->var));
631     if (HPD == YES)
632         LowerUpperMedian (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->lower), &(theStats->upper), &(theStats->median));
633     else
634         LowerUpperMedian (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->lower), &(theStats->upper), &(theStats->median));
636     free (theValues);
637 }
640 /* Get k from 0-based growth function */
GetKFromGrowthFxn(int * growthFxn)641 int GetKFromGrowthFxn(int *growthFxn)
642 {
643     int i, k=0;
645     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
646         if (growthFxn[i] > k)
647             k = growthFxn[i];
649     return k+1;
650 }
653 /* GetSummary: Get summary statistics for a number of runs */
GetSummary(MrBFlt ** vals,int nRows,int * rowCount,Stat * theStats,int HPD)654 void GetSummary (MrBFlt **vals, int nRows, int *rowCount, Stat *theStats, int HPD)
655 {
656     int     i, nVals;
657     MrBFlt  *theValues, *p, *ESS;
659     nVals = 0;
660     for (i=0; i<nRows; i++)
661         nVals += rowCount[i];
663     theValues = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)nVals * sizeof(MrBFlt));
665     /* extract values */
666     p = theValues;
667     for (i=0; i<nRows; i++)
668         {
669         memcpy ((void *)(p), (void *)(vals[i]), (size_t)rowCount[i] * sizeof(MrBFlt));
670         p += rowCount[i];
671         }
673     /* get statistics */
674     MeanVariance (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->mean), &(theStats->var));
675     if (HPD == YES)
676         LowerUpperMedianHPD (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->lower), &(theStats->upper), &(theStats->median));
677     else
678         LowerUpperMedian (theValues, nVals, &(theStats->lower), &(theStats->upper), &(theStats->median));
679     if (nRows > 1)
680         theStats->PSRF = PotentialScaleReduction (vals, nRows, rowCount);
682     ESS = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)nRows * sizeof(MrBFlt));
684     EstimatedSampleSize (vals, nRows, rowCount, ESS);
685     theStats->avrESS = theStats->minESS = ESS[0];
686     for (i=1; i<nRows; i++)
687         {
688         theStats->avrESS += ESS[i];
689         if (theStats->minESS > ESS[i])
690             {
691             theStats->minESS = ESS[i];
692             }
693         }
694     theStats->avrESS /=nRows;
696     free (ESS);
697     free (theValues);
698 }
701 /* HarmonicArithmeticMean: Calculate harmonic and arithmetic mean from log values */
HarmonicArithmeticMeanOnLogs(MrBFlt * vals,int nVals,MrBFlt * mean,MrBFlt * harm_mean)702 int HarmonicArithmeticMeanOnLogs (MrBFlt *vals, int nVals, MrBFlt *mean, MrBFlt *harm_mean)
703 {
704     int             i, reliable;
705     MrBFlt          a, x, y, scaler, n;
707     reliable = YES;
709     scaler = vals[nVals-1];
710     a  = n = 0.0;
711     for (i=0; i<nVals; i++)
712         {
713         y = vals[i];
714         y -= scaler;
715         if (y > 400.0)
716             {
717             if (y > 5000.0)
718                 {
719                 reliable = NO;
720                 continue;
721                 }
722             a /= exp(y - 100.0);
723             scaler += y - 100.0;
724             y = 100.0;
725             }
727         x = (MrBFlt) exp(y);
729         if (n < 0.5)
730             a = x;
731         else
732             {
733             a += x;
734             }
735         n += 1.0;
736         }
738     /* arithmetic mean */
739     (*mean) = (MrBFlt) log(a/n) + scaler;
741     scaler = (MrBFlt) (0.0 - vals[nVals-1]);
742     a  = n = 0.0;
743     for (i=0; i<nVals; i++)
744         {
745         y = (MrBFlt) (0.0 - vals[i]);
746         y -= scaler;
747         if (y > 400.0)
748             {
749             if (y > 5000.0)
750                 {
751                 reliable = NO;
752                 continue;
753                 }
754             a /= exp(y - 100.0);
755             scaler += y - 100.0;
756             y = 100.0;
757             }
759         x = (MrBFlt) exp(y);
761         if (n < 0.5)
762             a = x;
763         else
764             {
765             a += x;
766             }
767         n += (MrBFlt) 1.0;
768         }
770     /* harmonic mean */
771     (*harm_mean) = - (MrBFlt) log(a/n) - scaler;
773     if (reliable == YES)
774         return (NO_ERROR);
775     else
776         return (ERROR);
777 }
780 /* IsBitSet: Is bit i set in BitsLong *bits ? */
IsBitSet(int i,BitsLong * bits)781 int IsBitSet (int i, BitsLong *bits)
782 {
783     BitsLong        x, bitsLongOne=1;
785     bits += i / nBitsInALong;
787     x = bitsLongOne << (i % nBitsInALong);
789     if ((*bits) & x)
790         return (YES);
791     else
792         return (NO);
793 }
796 /* IsConsistentWith: Is token consistent with expected word, case insensitive ? */
IsConsistentWith(const char * token,const char * expected)797 int IsConsistentWith (const char *token, const char *expected)
798 {
799     int     i, len;
801     if (strlen(token) > strlen(expected))
802         return NO;
804     len = (int) strlen (token);
806     for (i=0; i<len; i++)
807         {
808         if (tolower(token[i]) != tolower(expected[i]))
809             return NO;
810         }
812     return YES;
813 }
816 /* IsPartCompatible: Determine whether two partitions are nonoverlapping or nested (compatible) or
817         incompatible (partially overlapping) */
IsPartCompatible(BitsLong * smaller,BitsLong * larger,int length)818 int IsPartCompatible (BitsLong *smaller, BitsLong *larger, int length)
819 {
820     int i;
822     /* test first if they overlap */
823     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
824         if ((smaller[i]&larger[i]) != 0)
825             break;
827     /* if they overlap, they must be nested */
828     if (i != length)    /* potentially incompatible */
829         {
830         for (i=0; i<length; i++)
831             if ((smaller[i]|larger[i]) != larger[i])
832                 break;
833         }
835     if (i == length)    /* passed either one of the tests */
836         return YES;
837     else
838         return NO;
839 }
842 /* IsPartNested: Test whether smaller partition is nested in larger partition */
IsPartNested(BitsLong * smaller,BitsLong * larger,int length)843 int IsPartNested (BitsLong *smaller, BitsLong *larger, int length)
844 {
845     int i;
847     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
848         if ((smaller[i] | larger[i]) != larger[i])
849             break;
851     if (i == length)
852         return YES;
853     else
854         return NO;
855 }
858 /* IsSectionEmpty: Test whether section of two bitfields is empty */
IsSectionEmpty(BitsLong * bitField1,BitsLong * bitField2,int length)859 int IsSectionEmpty (BitsLong *bitField1, BitsLong *bitField2, int length)
860 {
861     int i;
863     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
864         if ((bitField1[i] & bitField2[i]) != 0)
865             return NO;
867     return YES;
868 }
871 /* IsSectionEmpty: Test whether union of bitField1 and bitField2 equal to bitField3*/
IsUnionEqThird(BitsLong * bitField1,BitsLong * bitField2,BitsLong * bitField3,int length)872 int IsUnionEqThird (BitsLong *bitField1, BitsLong *bitField2, BitsLong *bitField3, int length)
873 {
874     int i;
876     for (i=0; i<length; i++)
877         if ((bitField1[i] | bitField2[i]) != bitField3[i])
878             return NO;
880     return YES;
881 }
884 /* LastBlock: Return file position of last block in file */
LastBlock(FILE * fp,char * lineBuf,int longestLine)885 long LastBlock (FILE *fp, char *lineBuf, int longestLine)
886 {
887     long    lastBlock;
888     char    *word;
890     lastBlock = 0L;
891     rewind (fp);
893     while ((fgets (lineBuf, longestLine, fp)) != NULL)
894         {
895         word = strtok (lineBuf, " ");
896         if (strcmp (word, "begin") == 0)
897             lastBlock = ftell (fp);
898         }
900     return lastBlock;
901 }
LineTermType(FILE * fp)904 int LineTermType (FILE *fp)
905 {
906     int         ch, nextCh, term;
908     term = LINETERM_UNIX;   /* default if no line endings are found */
909     while ((ch = getc(fp)) != EOF)
910         {
911         if ((ch == '\n') || (ch == '\r'))
912             {
913             if (ch == '\n')
914                 term = LINETERM_UNIX;
915             else /* ch = '\r' */
916                 {
917                 /* First test below handles one-line MAC file */
918                 if (((nextCh = getc(fp)) == EOF) || (nextCh != '\n'))
919                     term = LINETERM_MAC;
920                 else
921                     term = LINETERM_DOS;
922                 }
923             break;
924             }
925         }
926     (void)fseek(fp, 0L, 0);     /* rewind */
928     return (term);
929 }
932 /*The longest line in a file including line terminating characters present in binary mode.*/
LongestLine(FILE * fp)933 int LongestLine (FILE *fp)
934 {
935     int         ch, lineLength, longest;
937     longest = 0;
938     lineLength = 0;
939     ch = fgetc(fp);
940     while (ch != EOF)
941         {
942         if ((ch != '\n') && (ch != '\r'))
943             {
944             ch = fgetc(fp);
945             lineLength++;
946             continue;
947             }
948         if (ch == '\r')
949             {
950             if ((ch = fgetc(fp)) == '\n')
951                 {
952                 /* windows \r\n */
953                 lineLength++;
954                 ch = fgetc(fp);
955                 }
956             else
957                 {
958                 /* old mac \r */
959                 }
960             }
961         else  /*unix, linux,new mac or text mode read \n*/
962             {
963                 ch = fgetc(fp);
964             }
966         if (lineLength > longest)
967                 longest = lineLength;
968             lineLength = 0;
969         /*
970         if ((ch == '\n') || (ch == '\r'))
971             {
972             if (lineLength > longest)
973                 longest = lineLength;
974             lineLength = 0;
975             }
976         else
977             lineLength++;
978             */
979         }
980     rewind (fp);        /* rewind */
982     return (longest+1); /*+1 to accommodate last character*/
983 }
986 /* LowerUpperMedian: Determine median and 95 % credible interval */
LowerUpperMedian(MrBFlt * vals,int nVals,MrBFlt * lower,MrBFlt * upper,MrBFlt * median)987 void LowerUpperMedian (MrBFlt *vals, int nVals, MrBFlt *lower, MrBFlt *upper, MrBFlt *median)
989 {
990     SortMrBFlt (vals, 0, nVals-1);
992     *lower  = vals[(int)(0.025*nVals)];
993     *upper  = vals[(int)(0.975*nVals)];
994     *median = vals[nVals/2];
996 }
999 /* LowerUpperMedianHPD: Use a simple way to determine HPD */
LowerUpperMedianHPD(MrBFlt * vals,int nVals,MrBFlt * lower,MrBFlt * upper,MrBFlt * median)1000 void LowerUpperMedianHPD (MrBFlt *vals, int nVals, MrBFlt *lower, MrBFlt *upper, MrBFlt *median)
1001 {
1002     int     i, width, theStart;
1003     MrBFlt  f, g, interval;
1005     SortMrBFlt (vals, 0, nVals-1);
1007     width = (int)(nVals * 0.95 + 0.5);
1008     theStart = 0;
1009     interval = vals[width-1] - vals[0];
1010     for (i=1; i<nVals-width; i++)
1011     {
1012         f = vals[i];
1013         g = vals[i+width];
1014         if (g - f < interval)
1015         {
1016             interval = g - f;
1017             theStart = i;
1018         }
1019     }
1021     *lower  = vals[theStart];
1022     *upper  = vals[theStart+width-1];
1023     *median = vals[nVals/2];
1024 }
MaximumValue(MrBFlt x,MrBFlt y)1027 MrBFlt MaximumValue (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt y)
1028 {
1029     if (x > y)
1030         return (x);
1031     else
1032         return (y);
1033 }
MinimumValue(MrBFlt x,MrBFlt y)1036 MrBFlt MinimumValue (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt y)
1037 {
1038     if (x < y)
1039         return (x);
1040     else
1041         return (y);
1042 }
1045 /* NOTE!!!! The result of this function should be used before consecutive call to it again.
1046    It means NEVER use it like this:  printf ("%s %s", MbPrintNum (a),MbPrintNum (b)) */
MbPrintNum(MrBFlt num)1047 char *MbPrintNum (MrBFlt num)
1048 {
1049     static char s[40];
1051     if (scientific == YES)
1052         sprintf (s,"%.*le", precision, num);
1053     else
1054         sprintf (s,"%.*lf", precision, num);
1056     return s;
1057 }
MeanVariance(MrBFlt * vals,int nVals,MrBFlt * mean,MrBFlt * var)1060 void MeanVariance (MrBFlt *vals, int nVals, MrBFlt *mean, MrBFlt *var)
1061 {
1062     int             i;
1063     MrBFlt          a, aOld, s, x;
1065     a = s = 0.0;
1066     for (i=0; i<nVals; i++)
1067         {
1068         x = vals[i];
1069         aOld = a;
1070         a += (x - a) / (MrBFlt) (i + 1);
1071         s += (x - a) * (x - aOld);
1072         }
1074     /* mean */
1075     (*mean) = a;
1077     /* variance */
1078     if (nVals <= 1)
1079         (*var) = 0.0;
1080     else
1081         (*var) = s / (nVals - 1);
1082 }
1085 /*  Compute mean and variance of log scaled values.
1086 @param vals    pointer to values in log scale
1087 @param nVals   number of "vals", minimum 1
1088 @param mean    address of variable where computed mean is returned by the function
1089 @param var     address of variable where computed variance is returned by the function. Could be set to NULL if this value need not to be returened.
1090 @param varEst  address of variable where computed estimate of the population variance is returned, could be set to NULL if this value need not to be returened.
1091                Could be set to NULL if this value need not to be returened.
1092 Note: We devide by nVals or by (nVals-1) when var and varEst is calculated from the sum of square differences. */
MeanVarianceLog(MrBFlt * vals,int nVals,MrBFlt * mean,MrBFlt * var,MrBFlt * varEst)1093 void MeanVarianceLog (MrBFlt *vals, int nVals, MrBFlt *mean, MrBFlt *var, MrBFlt *varEst)
1094 {
1095     int             i;
1096     MrBFlt          a, aOld, s, x, y, scaler;
1098     a = s = 0.0;
1099     scaler = vals[nVals-1];
1100     for (i=0; i<nVals; i++)
1101         {
1102         y = vals[i];
1103         y -= scaler;
1104         if (y > 200.0)
1105             {
1106             a /= exp(y - 100.0);
1107             s /= exp(2*(y - 100));
1108             scaler += y - 100.0;
1109             y = 100.0;
1110             }
1112         x=(MrBFlt)exp(y);
1114         aOld = a;
1115         a += (x - a) / (MrBFlt) (i + 1);
1116         s += (x - a) * (x - aOld);
1117         }
1119     /* mean */
1120     (*mean) = log(a) + scaler;
1122     /* variance */
1123     if (var!=NULL)
1124         {
1125         if (nVals <= 1)
1126             (*var) = 0.0;
1127         else
1128             (*var) = log(s / nVals) + 2*scaler;
1129         }
1131     /* variance */
1132     if (varEst!=NULL)
1133         {
1134         if (nVals <= 1)
1135             (*varEst) = 0.0;
1136         else
1137             (*varEst) = log(s / (nVals+1)) + 2*scaler;
1138         }
1139 }
MrBayesPrint(char * format,...)1142 void MrBayesPrint (char *format, ...)
1143 {
1144     va_list ptr;
1146 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
1147     if (proc_id == 0)
1148         {
1149         if (echoMB == YES)
1150             {
1151             va_start (ptr, format);
1152             vprintf (format, ptr);
1153             va_end(ptr);
1154             fflush (stdout);
1155             }
1156         if (logToFile == YES)
1157             {
1158             if (logFileFp == NULL)
1159                 printf ("%s   Could not print log output to file\n", spacer);
1160             else
1161                 {
1162                 va_start (ptr, format);
1163                 vfprintf (logFileFp, format, ptr);
1164                 va_end(ptr);
1165                 fflush (logFileFp);
1166                 }
1167             }
1168         }
1169 #   else
1170     if (chainParams.redirect == NO)
1171         {
1172         if (echoMB == YES)
1173             {
1174             va_start (ptr, format);
1175             vprintf (format, ptr);
1176             va_end(ptr);
1177             fflush (stdout);
1178             }
1179         if (logToFile == YES)
1180             {
1181             if (logFileFp == NULL)
1182                 {
1183                 printf ("%s   Could not print log output to file\n", spacer);
1184                 logToFile = NO;
1185                 }
1186             else
1187                 {
1188                 va_start (ptr, format);
1189                 vfprintf (logFileFp, format, ptr);
1190                 va_end(ptr);
1191                 fflush (logFileFp);
1192                 }
1193             }
1194         }
1195 #   endif
1196 }
MrBayesPrintf(FILE * f,char * format,...)1199 void MrBayesPrintf (FILE *f, char *format, ...)
1200 {
1201     va_list                 ptr;
1203 #   if defined (MPI_ENABLED)
1204     if (proc_id == 0)
1205         {
1206         va_start (ptr, format);
1207         vfprintf (f, format, ptr);
1208         va_end(ptr);
1209         fflush(f);
1210         }
1211 #   else
1212     va_start (ptr, format);
1213     vfprintf (f, format, ptr);
1214     va_end(ptr);
1215     fflush(f);
1216 #   endif
1217 }
1220 /** Next taxon in partition, for cycling over set bits in bit fields */
NextTaxonInPartition(int currentTaxon,BitsLong * partition,int length)1221 int NextTaxonInPartition(int currentTaxon, BitsLong *partition, int length)
1222 {
1223     int         i, j, taxon;
1224     BitsLong    x, bitsLongOne=1;
1226     taxon = currentTaxon + 1;
1227     i = taxon / nBitsInALong;
1228     x = (bitsLongOne << taxon % nBitsInALong);
1229     for (j=taxon%nBitsInALong; j<nBitsInALong; j++)
1230         {
1231         if (partition[i] & x)
1232             return taxon;
1233         taxon++;
1234         x <<= 1;
1235         }
1237     for (i++; i<length; i++)
1238         {
1239         x = 1;
1240         for (j=0; j<nBitsInALong; j++)
1241             {
1242             if (partition[i] & x)
1243                 return taxon;
1244             taxon++;
1245             x <<= 1;
1246             }
1247         }
1249     return taxon;
1250 }
1253 /* NBits: count bits in an int */
NBits(int x)1254 int NBits (int x)
1255 {
1256     int n=0;
1258     for (n=0; x != 0; n++)
1259         x &= (x-1);
1261     return n;
1262 }
1265 /* NumBits: Count bits in a bitfield */
NumBits(BitsLong * x,int len)1266 int NumBits (BitsLong *x, int len)
1267 {
1268     int         i, n=0;
1269     BitsLong    y;
1271     for (i=0; i<len; i++)
1272         {
1273         y = x[i];
1274         while (y != 0)
1275             {
1276             y &= (y-1);
1277             n++;
1278             }
1279         }
1280     return n;
1281 }
OpenBinaryFileR(char * name)1284 FILE *OpenBinaryFileR (char *name)
1285 {
1286     FILE        *fp;
1287     char        fileName[200];
1289     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1290     strncat(fileName, name, 199 - strlen(fileName));
1292     if ((fp = fopen (fileName, "rb")) == NULL)
1293         {
1294         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not open file \"%s\"\n", spacer, name);
1295         return (NULL);
1296         }
1297     else
1298         return (fp);
1299 }
OpenTextFileR(char * name)1302 FILE *OpenTextFileR (char *name)
1303 {
1304     FILE        *fp;
1305     char        fileName[200];
1307     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1308     strncat(fileName, name, 199 - strlen(fileName));
1310     if ((fp = fopen (fileName, "r")) == NULL)
1311         {
1312         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not open file \"%s\"\n", spacer, fileName);
1313         return (NULL);
1314         }
1315     else
1316         return (fp);
1317 }
OpenTextFileRQuait(char * name)1320 FILE *OpenTextFileRQuait (char *name)
1321 {
1322     FILE        *fp;
1323     char        fileName[200];
1325     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1326     strncat(fileName, name, 199 - strlen(fileName));
1328     if ((fp = fopen (fileName, "r")) == NULL)
1329         {
1330         return (NULL);
1331         }
1332     else
1333         return (fp);
1334 }
OpenTextFileA(char * name)1337 FILE *OpenTextFileA (char *name)
1338 {
1339     FILE        *fp;
1340     char        fileName[200];
1342     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1343     strncat(fileName, name, 199 - strlen(fileName));
1345     if ((fp = fopen (fileName, "a+")) == NULL)
1346         {
1347         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not open file \"%s\"\n", spacer, name);
1348         return (NULL);
1349         }
1350     else
1351         return (fp);
1352 }
OpenTextFileW(char * name)1355 FILE *OpenTextFileW (char *name)
1356 {
1357     FILE        *fp;
1358     char        fileName[200];
1360     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1361     strncat(fileName, name, 199 - strlen(fileName));
1363     if ((fp = fopen (fileName, "w+")) == NULL)
1364         {
1365         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not open file \"%s\"\n", spacer, name);
1366         return (NULL);
1367         }
1368     else
1369         return (fp);
1370 }
1373 /*!
1374 \param vals [0..nRuns][count[]]  All records for all runs
1375 \param nRuns                     Number of runs
1376 \param count [0..nRuns]          Number of records in each run
1377 \return PSRF
1378 */
PotentialScaleReduction(MrBFlt ** vals,int nRuns,int * count)1379 MrBFlt PotentialScaleReduction (MrBFlt **vals, int nRuns, int *count)
1380 {
1381     int             i, j, nVals;
1382     MrBFlt          aW, aOldW, sW, sWj, aB, aOldB, sB, x, R2, weight;
1384     aB = sB = sW = sWj = 0.0;
1385     nVals = 0;
1386     for (j=0; j<nRuns; j++)
1387         {
1388         if (count[j]==0)
1389             {
1390             return -1.0;
1391             }
1392         nVals += count[j];
1393         aW = vals[j][0];
1394         for (i=1; i<count[j]; i++)
1395             {
1396             x = vals[j][i];
1397             aOldW = aW;
1398             aW += (x - aW) / (MrBFlt) (i + 1);
1399             sWj += (x - aW) * (x - aOldW);
1400             }
1401         sW += sWj / (MrBFlt)(count[j] - 1);
1402         x = aW;
1403         aOldB = aB;
1404         aB += (x - aB) / (MrBFlt) (j + 1);
1405         if (j!=0)
1406             sB += (x - aB) * (x - aOldB);
1407         }
1409     sB = sB / (MrBFlt) (nRuns - 1);
1410     sW = sW / (MrBFlt) (nRuns);
1412     weight = (MrBFlt) nVals / (MrBFlt) nRuns;
1413     if (sW > 0.0)
1414         {
1415         R2 = ((weight - 1.0) / weight) + ((MrBFlt)(nRuns + 1) / (MrBFlt) (nRuns)) * (sB / sW);
1416         return sqrt(R2);
1417         }
1418     else
1419         return -1.0;
1420 }
1423 /*!
1424 \param vals [0..nRuns][count[]]  All records for all runs
1425 \param nRuns                     Number of runs
1426 \param count [0..nRuns]          Number of records in each run
1427 \param returnESS [0..nRuns]      Is an arry in which the routine returns ESS values for each run.
1428 */
EstimatedSampleSize(MrBFlt ** vals,int nRuns,int * count,MrBFlt * returnESS)1429 void EstimatedSampleSize (MrBFlt **vals, int nRuns, int *count, MrBFlt *returnESS)
1430 {
1431     int         i, j, lag, maxLag, samples;
1432     MrBFlt      *values, mean, del1, del2, varStat=0.0;
1433     MrBFlt      gammaStat[2000];
1435     for (i=0; i<nRuns; i++)
1436         {
1437         samples=count[i];
1438         values=vals[i];
1439         mean=0.0;
1440         for (j=0; j<samples; j++)
1441             {
1442             mean+=values[j];
1443             }
1444         mean /=samples;
1446         maxLag = ((samples - 1) > 2000)?2000:(samples - 1);
1448         for (lag = 0; lag < maxLag; lag++)
1449             {
1450             gammaStat[lag]=0;
1451             for (j = 0; j < samples - lag; j++)
1452                 {
1453                 del1 = values[j] - mean;
1454                 del2 = values[j + lag] - mean;
1455                 gammaStat[lag] += (del1 * del2);
1456                 }
1458             gammaStat[lag] /= ((MrBFlt) (samples - lag));
1460             if (lag == 0)
1461                 {
1462                 varStat = gammaStat[0];
1463                 }
1464             else if (lag % 2 == 0)
1465                 {
1466                 if (gammaStat[lag - 1] + gammaStat[lag] > 0)
1467                     {
1468                     varStat += 2.0 * (gammaStat[lag - 1] + gammaStat[lag]);
1469                     }
1470                 else
1471                     maxLag = lag;
1472                 }
1473             }
1474         returnESS[i] = (gammaStat[0] * samples) / varStat;
1475         }
1476 }
SafeFclose(FILE ** fp)1479 int SafeFclose(FILE **fp) {
1480     int retval=-1;
1481 #   if defined MPI_ENABLED
1482     if (proc_id == 0) {
1483 #   endif
1484     if (fp!=NULL && (*fp)!=NULL)
1485         retval=fclose(*fp);
1486     *fp = NULL;
1487 #   if defined MPI_ENABLED
1488     }
1489 #   endif
1490     return retval;
1491 }
1494 /* SafeFree: Set pointer to freed space to NULL */
1495 /* Calls to be made like this:
1496  *
1497  *   ptr = SafeFree(ptr);
1498  *
1499  * or using the SAFEFREE() macro defined in utils.h:
1500  *
1501  *   SAFEFREE(ptr);
1502  *
1503  * See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38569628/calling-a-free-wrapper-dereferencing-type-punned-pointer-will-break-strict-al
1504  *
1505  */
SafeFree(void * ptr)1506 void *SafeFree (void *ptr)
1507 {
1508     free (ptr);
1509     ptr = NULL;
1511     return ptr;
1512 }
1515 /* SafeMalloc: Print error if out of memory; clear memory */
SafeMalloc(size_t s)1516 void *SafeMalloc (size_t s)
1517 {
1518     void           *ptr;
1520     if (s == 0)
1521         {
1522         MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Allocation of zero size attempted. This is probably a bug. Problems may follow.\n", spacer);
1523         return NULL;
1524         }
1526     ptr = calloc (1, s);
1528     if (ptr == NULL && s > 0)
1529         {
1530         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Out of memory. Most probable cause for the problem is that MrBayes reached \n", spacer);
1531         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the limit of allowed memory for a process in your Operating System. Consult\n", spacer);
1532         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the documentation of your OS on how to extend the limit.                   \n", spacer);
1533         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Segmentation fault may follow.                                             \n", spacer);
1534         }
1536     return ptr;
1537 }
1540 /* SafeCalloc: Print error if out of memory */
SafeCalloc(size_t n,size_t s)1541 void *SafeCalloc (size_t n, size_t s)
1542 {
1543     void           *ptr;
1545     if (s * n == 0)
1546         {
1547         MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Allocation of zero size attempted. This is probably a bug; problems may follow.\n", spacer);
1548         return NULL;
1549         }
1551     ptr = calloc (n, s);
1553     if (ptr == NULL && n * s > 0)
1554         {
1555         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Out of memory. Most probable cause for the problem is that MrBayes reached \n", spacer);
1556         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the limit of allowed memory for a process in your Operating System. Consult\n", spacer);
1557         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the documentation of your OS on how to extend the limit.                   \n", spacer);
1558         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Segmentation fault may follow.                                             \n", spacer);
1559         }
1561     return ptr;
1562 }
1565 /* SafeRealloc: Print error if out of memory */
SafeRealloc(void * ptr,size_t s)1566 void *SafeRealloc (void *ptr, size_t s)
1567 {
1568     void           *tmp;
1570     if (s == 0)
1571         {
1572         MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Reallocation of zero size attempted. This is probably a bug. Problems may follow.\n", spacer);
1573         free (ptr);
1574         return NULL;
1575         }
1577     if (ptr == NULL)
1578         tmp = calloc (1, s);
1579     else
1580         tmp = realloc (ptr, s);
1582     if (tmp == NULL)
1583         {
1584         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Out of memory. Most probable cause for the problem is that MrBayes reached \n", spacer);
1585         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the limit of allowed memory for a process in your Operating System. Consult\n", spacer);
1586         MrBayesPrint ("%s   the documentation of your OS on how to extend the limit.                   \n", spacer);
1587         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Segmentation fault may follow.                                             \n", spacer);
1588         }
1590     return tmp;
1591 }
1594 /* SafeStrcat: Allocate or reallocate target to fit result; assumes ptr is NULL if not allocated */
SafeStrcat(char ** target,const char * source)1595 char           *SafeStrcat (char **target, const char *source)
1596 {
1597     if (*target == NULL)
1598         *target = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen (source) + 1, sizeof (char));
1599     else
1600         *target =
1601             (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *) *target,
1602                                   (strlen (source) + strlen (*target) +
1603                                    1) * sizeof (char));
1605     if (*target)
1606         strcat (*target, source);
1608     return (*target);
1609 }
1612 /* SafeStrcpy: Allocate or reallocate target to fit result; assumes ptr is NULL if not allocated */
SafeStrcpy(char ** target,const char * source)1613 char *SafeStrcpy (char **target, const char *source)
1614 {
1615     if (*target == NULL)
1616         *target = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen (source) + 1, sizeof (char));
1617     else
1618         *target =
1619             (char *) SafeRealloc ((void *) *target,
1620                                   (strlen (source) + 1) * sizeof (char));
1622     if (*target)
1623         strcpy (*target, source);
1625     return (*target);
1626 }
1629 /* SetBit: Set a particular bit in a series of longs */
SetBit(int i,BitsLong * bits)1630 void SetBit (int i, BitsLong *bits)
1631 {
1632     BitsLong        x, bitsLongOne=1;
1634     bits += i / nBitsInALong;
1636     x = bitsLongOne << (i % nBitsInALong);
1638     (*bits) |= x;
1639 }
MrBFlt_cmp(const void * a,const void * b)1642 int MrBFlt_cmp (const void *a, const void *b)
1643 {
1644     MrBFlt          x = * (MrBFlt *) a;
1645     MrBFlt          y = * (MrBFlt *) b;
1647     if (x < y)
1648         return -1;
1649     else if (x > y)
1650         return 1;
1652     return 0;
1653 }
1655 /* SortMrBFlt: Sort in increasing order */
SortMrBFlt(MrBFlt * item,int left,int right)1656 void SortMrBFlt (MrBFlt *item, int left, int right)
1657 {
1658     qsort ((void *) item, right - left + 1, sizeof (MrBFlt),
1659            &MrBFlt_cmp);
1660 }
1663 /* StrCmpCaseInsensitiveLen: Case insensitive string comparison (with maximum
1664  * string length restriction). */
StrCmpCaseInsensitiveLen(const char * s,const char * t,size_t len)1665 int StrCmpCaseInsensitiveLen (const char *s, const char *t, size_t len)
1666 {
1667     char            sc, tc;
1669     if (len == 0)
1670         return 0;
1672     while (len-- > 0)
1673         {
1674         sc = tolower (s[0]);
1675         s++;
1676         tc = tolower (t[0]);
1677         t++;
1679         if (sc > tc)
1680             return 1;
1681         else if (sc < tc)
1682             return -1;
1683         else if (sc == '\0')
1684             break;
1685         }
1687     return 0;
1688 }
1691 /* StrCmpCaseInsensitive: Case insensitive string comparison */
StrCmpCaseInsensitive(char * s,char * t)1692 int StrCmpCaseInsensitive (char *s, char *t)
1693 {
1694     int i, minLen;
1696     if (strlen(s) < strlen(t))
1697         minLen = (int) strlen(s);
1698     else
1699         minLen = (int) strlen(t);
1701     for (i=0; i<minLen; i++)
1702         if (tolower(s[i])!= tolower(t[i]))
1703             break;
1705     if (s[i] == '\0' && t[i] == '\0')
1706         return 0;
1707     else if (tolower(s[i]) > tolower(t[i]))
1708         return 1;
1709     else
1710         return -1;
1711 }
1714 /* StripComments: Strip possibly nested comments from the string s.
1715     Example: s="text1[text2[text3]]"-> s="text1" */
StripComments(char * s)1716 void StripComments (char *s)
1717 {
1718     char    *t;
1719     int     inComment;
1721     inComment = 0;
1722     for (t=s; *s != '\0'; s++)
1723         {
1724         if (inComment == 0)
1725             {
1726             if (*s == '[')
1727                 inComment++;
1728             else
1729                 *t++ = *s;
1730             }
1731         else
1732             {
1733             if (*s == ']')
1734                 inComment--;
1735             else if (*s == '[')
1736                 inComment++;
1737             }
1738         }
1739     *t = '\0';
1740 }
TestOpenTextFileR(char * name)1743 FILE *TestOpenTextFileR (char *name)
1744 {
1745     char        fileName[100];
1747     strcpy(fileName, workingDir);
1748     strncat(fileName, name, 99 - strlen(fileName));
1750     return fopen (fileName, "r");
1751 }
1754 /*---------
1755 |
1756 |   UpdateGrowthFxn: We expect a set of unique indexes from 0 to 5
1757 |      indicating a partition of 6 rates into sets. We make sure
1758 |      the indices correspond to a restricted growth function here.
1759 |
1760 -----------------------*/
UpdateGrowthFxn(int * growthFxn)1761 void UpdateGrowthFxn(int *growthFxn)
1762 {
1763     int     i, j, max, fxn[6];
1765     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
1766         fxn[i] = -1;
1768     max = 0;
1769     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
1770         {
1771         if (fxn[i] != -1)
1772             continue;
1773         for (j=i; j<6; j++)
1774             {
1775             if (growthFxn[j] == growthFxn[i])
1776                 fxn[j] = max;
1777             }
1778         max++;
1779         }
1781     for (i=0; i<6; i++)
1782         growthFxn[i] = fxn[i];
1783 }
UpperTriangIndex(int i,int j,int size)1786 int UpperTriangIndex(int i, int j, int size)
1787 {
1788     if (i < j)
1789         return (2*size - i - 3) * i / 2 + j - 1;
1790     else
1791         return (2*size - j - 3) * j / 2 + i - 1;
1792 }
WantTo(const char * msg)1795 int WantTo (const char *msg)
1796 {
1797     char    s[100];
1798     int     i;
1800     MrBayesPrint ("%s   %s? (yes/no): ", spacer, msg);
1802     for (i=0; i<10; i++)
1803         {
1804         if (fgets (s, 98, stdin) == NULL)
1805             {
1806             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Failed to retrieve answer; will take that as a no\n", spacer);
1807             return NO;
1808             }
1810         /* Strip away the newline */
1811         s[strlen(s)-1] = '\0';
1813         /* Check answer */
1814         if (IsConsistentWith (s, "yes") == YES)
1815             return YES;
1816         else if (IsConsistentWith (s, "no") == YES)
1817             return NO;
1819         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Enter yes or no: ", spacer);
1820         }
1822     MrBayesPrint ("%s   MrBayes does not understand; will take that as a no\n", spacer);
1824     return NO;
1825 }
1828 /* the following are moved from tree.c */
1829 /* AddToTreeList: Add tree at end of tree list */
AddToTreeList(TreeList * treeList,Tree * tree)1830 int AddToTreeList (TreeList *treeList, Tree *tree)
1831 {
1832     TreeListElement     *listElement = (TreeListElement *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof(TreeListElement));
1833     if (!listElement)
1834         return (ERROR);
1836     listElement->order = (int *) SafeCalloc (tree->nIntNodes-1, sizeof(int));
1837     if (!listElement->order)
1838         return (ERROR);
1839     listElement->next = NULL;
1841     if (treeList->last == NULL)
1842         treeList->last = treeList->first = listElement;
1843     else
1844         {
1845         treeList->last->next = listElement;
1846         treeList->last = listElement;
1847         }
1849     if (tree->isRooted)
1850         StoreRTopology (tree, listElement->order);
1851     else
1852         StoreUTopology (tree, listElement->order);
1854     return (NO_ERROR);
1855 }
1858 /* AllocatePolyTree: Allocate memory space for a polytomous tree */
AllocatePolyTree(int numTaxa)1859 PolyTree *AllocatePolyTree (int numTaxa)
1860 {
1861     int         i;
1862     PolyTree    *pt;
1864     pt = (PolyTree *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (PolyTree));
1865     if (!pt)
1866         return (NULL);
1868     pt->memNodes = 2*numTaxa;
1869     pt->nodes = (PolyNode *) SafeCalloc (2*numTaxa, sizeof(PolyNode));
1870     pt->allDownPass = (PolyNode **) SafeCalloc (3*numTaxa, sizeof (PolyNode *));
1871     pt->intDownPass = pt->allDownPass + 2*numTaxa;
1872     if (pt->nodes == NULL || pt->allDownPass == NULL)
1873         {
1874         free (pt->nodes);
1875         free (pt->allDownPass);
1876         free (pt);
1877         return (NULL);
1878         }
1880     /* initialize nodes and set index and memoryIndex */
1881     for (i=0; i<2*numTaxa; i++)
1882         {
1883         ResetPolyNode(&pt->nodes[i]);
1884         pt->nodes[i].memoryIndex = i;
1885         pt->nodes[i].index = i;
1886         }
1888     /* initialize tree properties */
1889     pt->nNodes = pt->nIntNodes = 0;
1890     pt->root = NULL;
1891     pt->brlensDef = NO;
1892     pt->isRooted = NO;
1893     pt->isClock = NO;
1894     pt->isCalibrated = NO;
1895     pt->isRelaxed = NO;
1896     pt->clockRate = 0.0;
1897     strcpy(pt->name,"");
1899     /* initialize bitsets */
1900     pt->bitsets = NULL;
1902     /* initialize relaxed clock parameters */
1903     pt->nESets = 0;
1904     pt->nEvents = NULL;
1905     pt->position = NULL;
1906     pt->rateMult = NULL;
1907     pt->eSetName = NULL;
1909     pt->nBSets = 0;
1910     pt->effectiveBrLen = NULL;
1911     pt->bSetName = NULL;
1913     /* initialize population size set parameters */
1914     pt->popSizeSet = NO;
1915     pt->popSize = NULL;
1916     pt->popSizeSetName = NULL;
1918     return (pt);
1919 }
1922 /* AllocatePolyTreeRelClockParams: Allocate space for relaxed clock parameters */
AllocatePolyTreeRelClockParams(PolyTree * pt,int nBSets,int nESets)1923 int AllocatePolyTreeRelClockParams (PolyTree *pt, int nBSets, int nESets)
1924 {
1925     int     i;
1927     /* free previous clock params if any */
1928     FreePolyTreeRelClockParams (pt);
1930     /* set number of sets */
1931     pt->nBSets = nBSets;
1932     pt->nESets = nESets;
1934     /* we do not allocate space for the actual names here; these will be NULL pointers */
1936     /* take care of branch params */
1937     if (pt->nBSets > 0)
1938         {
1939         pt->bSetName = (char **) SafeCalloc (pt->nBSets, sizeof (char *));
1940         pt->effectiveBrLen = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc (pt->nBSets, sizeof (MrBFlt *));
1941         for (i=0; i<pt->nBSets; i++)
1942             pt->effectiveBrLen[i] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (pt->memNodes, sizeof(MrBFlt));
1943         }
1945     /* take care of breakpoint params */
1946     if (pt->nESets > 0)
1947         {
1948         pt->eSetName = (char **) SafeCalloc (pt->nESets, sizeof(char *));
1949         pt->nEvents = (int **) SafeCalloc (pt->nESets, sizeof(int *));
1950         pt->position = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc (pt->nESets, sizeof(MrBFlt **));
1951         pt->rateMult = (MrBFlt ***) SafeCalloc (pt->nESets, sizeof(MrBFlt **));
1952         for (i=0; i<pt->nESets; i++)
1953             {
1954             pt->nEvents[i] = (int *) SafeCalloc (pt->memNodes, sizeof(int));
1955             pt->position[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc (pt->memNodes, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
1956             pt->rateMult[i] = (MrBFlt **) SafeCalloc (pt->memNodes, sizeof(MrBFlt *));
1957             }
1958         }
1960     return (NO_ERROR);
1961 }
1964 /* AllocatePolyTreePartitions: Allocate space for and set partitions for polytomous tree */
AllocatePolyTreePartitions(PolyTree * pt)1965 int AllocatePolyTreePartitions (PolyTree *pt)
1966 {
1967     int         i, nLongsNeeded, numTaxa;
1969     /* get some handy numbers */
1970     numTaxa = pt->memNodes/2;
1971     nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa -1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
1973     /* allocate space */
1974     pt->bitsets = (BitsLong *) SafeRealloc ((void *)pt->bitsets, pt->memNodes*nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
1975     if (pt->bitsets == NULL)
1976         return (ERROR);
1977     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes*nLongsNeeded; i++)
1978         pt->bitsets[i] = 0;
1980     /* set node partition pointers */
1981     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
1982         pt->nodes[i].partition = pt->bitsets + i*nLongsNeeded;
1984     /* clear and set partitions; if the tree is empty, nothing is set */
1985     ResetPolyTreePartitions(pt);
1987     return (NO_ERROR);
1988 }
1991 /* AllocateTree: Allocate memory space for a tree (unrooted or rooted) */
AllocateTree(int numTaxa)1992 Tree *AllocateTree (int numTaxa)
1993 {
1994     int             i;
1995     Tree           *t;
1997     t = (Tree *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (Tree));
1999     if (t == NULL)
2000         return NULL;
2002     /* initialize basic tree properties */
2003     t->memNodes = 2 * numTaxa;
2004     strcpy (t->name, "");
2006     t->isRooted = NO;
2007     t->isClock = NO;
2009     t->checkConstraints = NO;
2010     t->nConstraints = 0;
2011     t->nLocks = 0;
2012     t->isCalibrated = NO;
2013     t->nNodes = t->nIntNodes = 0;
2014     t->nRelParts = 0;
2015     t->relParts = NULL;
2017     /* initialize pointers */
2018     t->bitsets = NULL;
2019     t->flags = NULL;
2020     t->constraints = NULL;
2022     /* allocate and initialize nodes and node arrays (enough for both rooted and unrooted trees) */
2023     t->nNodes = 0;
2024     t->nIntNodes = 0;
2026     if ((t->nodes =
2027                 (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (2 * numTaxa, sizeof (TreeNode))) == NULL)
2028         {
2029         free (t);
2030         return NULL;
2031         }
2033     if ((t->allDownPass =
2034                 (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (3 * numTaxa, sizeof (TreeNode *))) == NULL)
2035         {
2036         free (t->nodes);
2037         free (t);
2038         return NULL;
2039         }
2041     t->intDownPass = t->allDownPass + t->memNodes;
2043 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
2044     t->levelPassEnabled = 0;
2045 #endif
2047     /* initialize nodes and set index and memoryIndex */
2048     for (i = 0; i < t->memNodes; i++)
2049         {
2050         ResetTreeNode (&t->nodes[i]);
2051         t->nodes[i].memoryIndex = i;
2052         t->nodes[i].index = i;
2053         }
2055     return t;
2056 }
2059 /* AllocateFixedTree: Allocate memory space for a fixed unrooted or rooted tree */
AllocateFixedTree(int numTaxa,int isRooted)2060 Tree *AllocateFixedTree (int numTaxa, int isRooted)
2061 {
2062     int     i;
2063     Tree    *t;
2065     t = (Tree *) SafeCalloc (1, sizeof (Tree));
2066     if (t == NULL)
2067         return NULL;
2069     /* initialize basic tree properties */
2070     if (isRooted == YES)
2071         t->memNodes = 2*numTaxa;
2072     else
2073         t->memNodes = 2*numTaxa - 2;
2074     strcpy (t->name, "");
2076     t->isRooted = isRooted;
2077     t->isClock = NO;
2079     t->checkConstraints = NO;
2080     t->nConstraints = 0;
2081     t->nLocks = 0;
2082     t->isCalibrated = NO;
2083     t->nNodes = t->nIntNodes = 0;
2084     t->nRelParts = 0;
2085     t->relParts = NULL;
2087     /* initialize pointers */
2088     t->bitsets = NULL;
2089     t->flags = NULL;
2090     t->constraints = NULL;
2092     /* allocate and initialize nodes and node arrays (enough for both rooted and unrooted trees) */
2093     if (t->isRooted)
2094         {
2095         t->nNodes = 2*numTaxa;
2096         t->nIntNodes = numTaxa - 1;
2097         }
2098     else
2099         {
2100         t->nNodes = 2*numTaxa - 2;
2101         t->nIntNodes = numTaxa - 2;
2102         }
2103     if ((t->nodes = (TreeNode *) SafeCalloc (t->nNodes, sizeof (TreeNode))) == NULL)
2104         {
2105         free (t);
2106         return NULL;
2107         }
2108     if ((t->allDownPass = (TreeNode **) SafeCalloc (t->nNodes + t->nIntNodes, sizeof (TreeNode *))) == NULL)
2109         {
2110         free (t->nodes);
2111         free (t);
2112         return NULL;
2113         }
2114     t->intDownPass = t->allDownPass + t->nNodes;
2116 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
2117     t->levelPassEnabled = 0;
2118 #endif
2120     /* initialize nodes and set index and memoryIndex */
2121     for (i=0; i<t->memNodes; i++)
2122         {
2123         ResetTreeNode(&t->nodes[i]);
2124         t->nodes[i].memoryIndex = i;
2125         t->nodes[i].index = i;
2126         }
2128     return t;
2129 }
2132 /* AllocateTreePartitions: Allocate space for and set partitions for tree */
AllocateTreePartitions(Tree * t)2133 int AllocateTreePartitions (Tree *t)
2134 {
2135     int         i, nLongsNeeded, numTaxa;
2136     TreeNode    *p;
2138     /* get some handy numbers */
2139     if (t->isRooted == YES)
2140         numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
2141     else
2142         numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
2143     nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
2145     /* reallocate space */
2146     t->bitsets = (BitsLong *) SafeRealloc ((void *)(t->bitsets), (size_t)(t->nNodes) * (size_t)nLongsNeeded * sizeof(BitsLong));
2147     if (!t->bitsets)
2148         return (ERROR);
2150     /* clear bit fields */
2151     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes*nLongsNeeded; i++)
2152         t->bitsets[i] = 0;
2154     /* set node pointers to bit fields */
2155     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
2156         {
2157         p = t->allDownPass[i];
2158         p->partition = t->bitsets + i*nLongsNeeded;
2159         }
2161     /* set partition specifiers for terminals */
2162     ResetTreePartitions(t);
2164     return (NO_ERROR);
2165 }
AreTopologiesSame(Tree * t1,Tree * t2)2168 int AreTopologiesSame (Tree *t1, Tree *t2)
2169 {
2170     int         i, j, k, nLongsNeeded, nTaxa;
2171     BitsLong    *mask;
2172     TreeNode    *p, *q;
2174     if (t1->nNodes != t2->nNodes)
2175         return (NO);
2176     if (t1->nIntNodes != t2->nIntNodes)
2177         return (NO);
2179     if (t1->isRooted == YES)
2180         nTaxa = t1->nNodes - t1->nIntNodes - 1;
2181     else
2182         nTaxa = t1->nNodes - t1->nIntNodes;
2184     /* allocate space for mask */
2185     nLongsNeeded = (nTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
2186     mask = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
2188     /* set mask */
2189     for (i=0; i<nTaxa; i++)
2190         SetBit(i, mask);
2192     /* allocate and set partition pointers */
2193     AllocateTreePartitions (t1);
2194     AllocateTreePartitions (t2);
2196     /* check for congruence */
2197     for (i=0; i<t1->nIntNodes; i++)
2198         {
2199         p = t1->intDownPass[i];
2200         if (t1->isRooted == NO && IsBitSet(t2->root->index,p->partition))
2201                     FlipBits(p->partition,nLongsNeeded, mask);
2202         for (j=0; j<t2->nIntNodes; j++)
2203             {
2204             q = t2->intDownPass[j];
2205             for (k=0; k<nLongsNeeded; k++)
2206                 {
2207                 if (p->partition[k] != q->partition[k])
2208                     break;
2209                 }
2210             if (k == nLongsNeeded)
2211                 break;
2212             }
2213         if (j == t2->nIntNodes)
2214             {
2215             FreeTreePartitions (t1);
2216             FreeTreePartitions (t2);
2217             free (mask);
2218             return (NO);
2219             }
2220         }
2222     FreeTreePartitions (t1);
2223     FreeTreePartitions (t2);
2224     free (mask);
2225     return (YES);
2226 }
AreTreesSame(Tree * t1,Tree * t2)2229 int AreTreesSame (Tree *t1, Tree *t2)
2230 {
2231     int         i, j, k, nLongsNeeded, nTaxa;
2232     BitsLong    *mask;
2233     TreeNode    *p, *q;
2235     extern void ShowNodes(TreeNode*, int, int);
2237     if (t1->nNodes != t2->nNodes)
2238         return (NO);
2239     if (t1->nIntNodes != t2->nIntNodes)
2240         return (NO);
2242     if (t1->isRooted == YES)
2243         nTaxa = t1->nNodes - t1->nIntNodes - 1;
2244     else
2245         nTaxa = t1->nNodes - t1->nIntNodes;
2247     /* allocate space for mask */
2248     nLongsNeeded = (nTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
2249     mask = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
2251     /* set mask */
2252     for (i=0; i<nTaxa; i++)
2253         SetBit(i, mask);
2255     /* allocate and set partition pointers */
2256     AllocateTreePartitions (t1);
2257     AllocateTreePartitions (t2);
2259     /* check for congruence */
2260     for (i=0; i<t1->nNodes; i++)
2261         {
2262         p = t1->allDownPass[i];
2263         if (p->anc == NULL && t1->isRooted == YES)
2264             continue;
2265         if (t1->isRooted == NO && IsBitSet(t2->root->index,p->partition))
2266             FlipBits(p->partition,nLongsNeeded, mask);
2267         for (j=0; j<t2->nNodes; j++)
2268             {
2269             q = t2->allDownPass[j];
2270             for (k=0; k<nLongsNeeded; k++)
2271                 {
2272                 if (p->partition[k] != q->partition[k])
2273                     break;
2274                 }
2275             if (k == nLongsNeeded && AreDoublesEqual (p->length, q->length, 0.000001) == YES)
2276                 break;
2277             else if (k == nLongsNeeded)
2278                 {
2279                 FreeTreePartitions (t1);
2280                 FreeTreePartitions (t2);
2281                 free (mask);
2282                 return (NO);
2283                 }
2284             }
2285         if (j == t2->nNodes)
2286             {
2287             FreeTreePartitions (t1);
2288             FreeTreePartitions (t2);
2289             free (mask);
2290             return (NO);
2291             }
2292         }
2294     FreeTreePartitions (t1);
2295     FreeTreePartitions (t2);
2296     free (mask);
2297     return (YES);
2298 }
2301 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2302 |
2303 |   BuildConstraintTree: Build constraint tree. The tree t is
2304 |      needed only to hold information about constraints and
2305 |      included taxa.
2306 |
2307 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
BuildConstraintTree(Tree * t,PolyTree * pt,char ** localTaxonNames)2308 int BuildConstraintTree (Tree *t, PolyTree *pt, char **localTaxonNames)
2309 {
2310     int             i, j, k, constraintId, nLongsNeeded, nextNode;
2311     BitsLong        *constraintPartition, *mask;
2312     PolyNode        *pp, *qq, *rr, *ss, *tt;
2314     pt->isRooted = t->isRooted;
2316     nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
2317     constraintPartition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (2*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
2318     if (!constraintPartition)
2319         {
2320         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating constraintPartition in BuildConstraintTree", spacer);
2321         return (ERROR);
2322         }
2323     mask = constraintPartition + nLongsNeeded;
2325     /* calculate mask (needed to take care of unused bits when flipping partitions) */
2326     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
2327         SetBit (i, mask);
2329     /* reset all nodes */
2330     for (i=0; i<2*numLocalTaxa; i++)
2331         {
2332         pp = &pt->nodes[i];
2333         pp->isDated = NO;
2334         pp->calibration = NULL;
2335         pp->age = -1.0;
2336         pp->isLocked = NO;
2337         pp->lockID = -1;
2338         pp->index = i;
2339         }
2341     /* build a bush */
2342     pt->root = &pt->nodes[numLocalTaxa];
2343     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
2344         {
2345         pp = &pt->nodes[i];
2346         pp->index = i;
2347         pp->left = NULL;
2348         if (i == numLocalTaxa - 1)
2349             pp->sib = NULL;
2350         else
2351             pp->sib = &pt->nodes[i+1];
2352         pp->anc = pt->root;
2353         }
2354     pp = pt->root;
2355     pp->left = &pt->nodes[0];
2356     pp->anc = pp->sib = NULL;
2357     pt->nNodes = numLocalTaxa + 1;
2358     pt->nIntNodes = 1;
2360     /* make sure the outgroup is the right-most node */
2361     pt->nodes[localOutGroup].index = numLocalTaxa - 1;
2362     pt->nodes[numLocalTaxa - 1].index = localOutGroup;
2364     /* allocate and set partition specifiers in bush */
2365     GetPolyDownPass(pt);
2366     AllocatePolyTreePartitions(pt);
2368     /* set terminal taxon labels */
2369     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
2370         {
2371         pp = pt->allDownPass[i];
2372         if (pp->index < numLocalTaxa)
2373             strcpy (pp->label, localTaxonNames[pp->index]);
2374         }
2376     /* resolve the bush according to constraints */
2377     /* for now, satisfy all constraints */
2378     /* for now, bail out if constraints are not compatible */
2379     /* Eventually, we might want to be build a parsimony (WAB) or compatibility (WIB) matrix and
2380        draw a starting tree from the universe according to the score of the tree. A simple way of accomplishing
2381        approximately this is to use sequential addition, with probabilities in each step determined
2382        by the parsimony or compatibility score of the different possibilities. */
2383     nextNode = numLocalTaxa + 1;
2384     t->nLocks=0;
2385     for (constraintId=0; constraintId<numDefinedConstraints; constraintId++)
2386         {
2387         if (t->constraints[constraintId] == NO || definedConstraintsType[constraintId] != HARD)
2388             continue;
2390         /* initialize bits in partition to add; get rid of deleted taxa in the process */
2391         ClearBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2392         for (i=j=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
2393             {
2394             if (taxaInfo[i].isDeleted == YES)
2395                 continue;
2396             if (IsBitSet(i, definedConstraint[constraintId]) == YES)
2397                 SetBit(j, constraintPartition);
2398             j++;
2399             }
2400         assert (j == numLocalTaxa);
2402         /* make sure outgroup is outside constrained partition if the tree is unrooted */
2403         if (t->isRooted == NO && IsBitSet(localOutGroup, constraintPartition))
2404             FlipBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded, mask);
2406         /* check that partition should be included */
2407         k = NumBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2408         if (k == 0)
2409             {
2410             MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Constraint '%s' refers only to deleted taxa\n", spacer, constraintNames[constraintId]);
2411             MrBayesPrint ("%s            and will be disregarded\n", spacer);
2412             t->constraints[constraintId] = NO;
2413             continue;
2414             }
2415         if (k == 1)
2416             {
2417             MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Constraint '%s' refers to a single tip and\n", spacer, constraintNames[constraintId]);
2418             MrBayesPrint ("%s            will be disregarded\n", spacer);
2419             t->constraints[constraintId] = NO;
2420             continue;
2421             }
2423         /* check if root in rooted tree (we allow this to enable inference of ancestral states) */
2424         if (k == numLocalTaxa && t->isRooted == YES)
2425             {
2426             if (pt->root->isLocked == YES) {
2427                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Constraint '%s' is a duplicate of another constraint\n", spacer, constraintNames[constraintId]);
2428                 MrBayesPrint ("%s            and will be ignored\n", spacer);
2429                 t->constraints[constraintId] = NO;
2430                 continue;
2431                 }
2432             pt->root->isLocked = YES;
2433             pt->root->lockID = constraintId;
2434             t->nLocks++;
2435             continue;
2436             }
2438         /* check if interior root in unrooted tree (we allow this to enable inference of ancestral states) */
2439         if ((k == numLocalTaxa - 1 || k == numLocalTaxa) && t->isRooted == NO)
2440             {
2441             if (pt->root->isLocked == YES) {
2442                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Constraint '%s' is a duplicate of another constraint\n", spacer, constraintNames[constraintId]);
2443                 MrBayesPrint ("%s            and will be ignored\n", spacer);
2444                 t->constraints[constraintId] = NO;
2445                 continue;
2446                 }
2447             pt->root->isLocked = YES;
2448             pt->root->lockID = constraintId;
2449             t->nLocks++;
2450             continue;
2451             }
2453         /* find first included terminal */
2454         k = FirstTaxonInPartition (constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2455         for (i=0; pt->nodes[i].index != k; i++)
2456             ;
2457         pp = &pt->nodes[i];
2459         /* go down until node is not included in constraint */
2460         do {
2461             qq = pp;
2462             pp = pp->anc;
2463         } while (IsPartNested(pp->partition, constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded));
2465         /* check that the node has not yet been included */
2466         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
2467             {
2468             if (qq->partition[i] != constraintPartition[i])
2469                 break;
2470             }
2471         if (i==nLongsNeeded)
2472             {
2473             MrBayesPrint ("%s   WARNING: Constraint '%s' is a duplicate of another constraint\n", spacer, constraintNames[constraintId]);
2474             MrBayesPrint ("%s            and will be ignored\n", spacer);
2475             t->constraints[constraintId] = NO;
2476             continue;
2477             }
2479         /* create a new node */
2480         tt = &pt->nodes[nextNode++];
2481         tt->anc = pp;
2482         tt->isLocked = YES;
2483         tt->lockID = constraintId;
2484         t->nLocks++;
2485         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
2486             tt->partition[i] = constraintPartition[i];
2487         pt->nIntNodes++;
2488         pt->nNodes++;
2490         /* sort descendant nodes in two connected groups: included and excluded */
2491         /* if there is a descendant that overlaps (incompatible) then return error */
2492         rr = ss = NULL;
2493         qq = pp->left;
2494         do {
2495             if (IsPartNested(qq->partition, constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded))
2496                 {
2497                 if (ss != NULL)
2498                     ss->sib = qq;
2499                 else
2500                     tt->left = qq;
2501                 ss = qq;
2502                 qq->anc = tt;
2503                 }
2504             else if (IsPartCompatible(qq->partition, constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded))
2505                 {
2506                 if (rr != NULL)
2507                     rr->sib = qq;
2508                 else
2509                     tt->sib = qq;
2510                 rr = qq;
2511                 }
2512             else
2513                 {
2514                 free (constraintPartition);
2515                 return (ERROR);
2516                 }
2517             qq = qq->sib;
2518             } while (qq != NULL);
2519         pp->left = tt;
2520         rr->sib = ss->sib = NULL;
2521         }
2523     /* relabel interior nodes */
2524     GetPolyDownPass(pt);
2525     for (i=0; i<pt->nIntNodes; i++)
2526         pt->intDownPass[i]->index = i + numLocalTaxa;
2528     /* exit */
2529     free (constraintPartition);
2530     FreePolyTreePartitions(pt);
2531     return (NO_ERROR);
2532 }
2535 /*----------------------------------------------
2536 |
2537 |   BuildRandomRTopology: Builds a random rooted
2538 |      topology. Will set indices in t->nodes
2539 |      such that they are from 0 to n-1 for the n tips
2540 |      and from n to 2n-2 for the n-1 interior
2541 |      nodes. Last is root. Does not touch labels
2542 |      of tips.
2543 |
2544 ----------------------------------------------*/
BuildRandomRTopology(Tree * t,RandLong * seed)2545 int BuildRandomRTopology (Tree *t, RandLong *seed)
2546 {
2547     int         i, j, nTips;
2548     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
2550     nTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
2552     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
2553         {
2554         p = &t->nodes[i];
2555         p->index = i;
2556         p->left = p->right = p->anc = NULL;
2557         }
2559     /* connect the first two tip nodes */
2560     q = &t->nodes[0];
2561     r = &t->nodes[1];
2562     p = &t->nodes[nTips];
2563     q->anc = r->anc = p;
2564     p->left = q;
2565     p->right = r;
2566     q = &t->nodes[2*nTips-1];
2567     p->anc = q;
2568     q->left = p;
2570     for (i=2; i<nTips; i++)
2571         {
2572         q = &t->nodes[i];
2573         r = &t->nodes[i-2+nTips+1];
2574         q->anc = r;
2575         r->left = q;
2576         j = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * (2 * i - 1));
2577         if (j < i)
2578             p = &t->nodes[j];
2579         else
2580             p = &t->nodes[j-i + nTips];
2581         r->right = p;
2582         r->anc = p->anc;
2583         if (p->anc != NULL)
2584             {
2585             if (p->anc->left == p)
2586                 p->anc->left = r;
2587             else
2588                 p->anc->right = r;
2589             }
2590         p->anc = r;
2591         }
2593     /* set root and get downpass */
2594     t->root = &t->nodes[2*nTips-1];
2595     GetDownPass (t);
2597     /* relabel interior nodes */
2598     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
2599         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+nTips;
2601     return (NO_ERROR);
2602 }
2605 /*----------------------------------------------
2606 |
2607 |   BuildRandomUTopology: Builds a random unrooted
2608 |      topology. Assumes that indices are set
2609 |      in t->nodes from 0 to n-1 for the n tips
2610 |      and from n to 2n-3 for the n-2 interior
2611 |      nodes. Move the calculation root after
2612 |      this routine to get the right root.
2613 |
2614 ----------------------------------------------*/
BuildRandomUTopology(Tree * t,RandLong * seed)2615 int BuildRandomUTopology (Tree *t, RandLong *seed)
2616 {
2617     int         i, j, nTips;
2618     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
2620     nTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
2622     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
2623         {
2624         p = &t->nodes[i];
2625         p->index = i;
2626         p->left = p->right = p->anc = NULL;
2627         }
2629     /* connect the first three nodes, assuming 0 is calc root */
2630     q = &t->nodes[1];
2631     r = &t->nodes[2];
2632     p = &t->nodes[nTips];
2633     q->anc = r->anc = p;
2634     p->left = q;
2635     p->right = r;
2636     q = &t->nodes[0];
2637     p->anc = q;
2638     q->left = p;
2640     for (i=3; i<nTips; i++)
2641         {
2642         q = &t->nodes[i];
2643         r = &t->nodes[i - 3 + nTips + 1];
2644         q->anc = r;
2645         r->left = q;
2646         j = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * (2 * i - 3));
2647         if (j < i - 1)
2648             p = &t->nodes[j+1];
2649         else
2650             p = &t->nodes[j+1-i + nTips];
2651         r->right = p;
2652         r->anc = p->anc;
2653         if (p->anc->left == p)
2654             p->anc->left = r;
2655         else
2656             p->anc->right = r;
2657         p->anc = r;
2658         }
2660     t->root = &t->nodes[0];
2662     /* get downpass */
2663     GetDownPass (t);
2665     /* relabel interior nodes */
2666     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
2667         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+nTips;
2669     return (NO_ERROR);
2670 }
2673 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2674 |
2675 |   CheckConstraints: Check that tree complies with constraints
2676 |
2677 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CheckConstraints(Tree * t)2678 int CheckConstraints (Tree *t)
2679 {
2680     int             a, i, j, k, nLongsNeeded;
2681     BitsLong        *constraintPartition, *mask;
2682     TreeNode        *p=NULL;
2684     if (t->checkConstraints == NO)
2685         return (NO_ERROR);
2687     /* allocate space */
2688     nLongsNeeded = (numLocalTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
2689     constraintPartition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (2*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
2690     if (!constraintPartition)
2691         {
2692         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating constraintPartition in CheckConstraints", spacer);
2693         return (ERROR);
2694         }
2695     mask = constraintPartition + nLongsNeeded;
2697     /* set mask (needed to reset unused bits when flipping partitions) */
2698     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
2699       SetBit (i, mask);
2701     if (AllocateTreePartitions(t) == ERROR)
2702         {
2703         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating tree partitions in CheckConstraints", spacer);
2704         return (ERROR);
2705         }
2707     for (a=0; a<numDefinedConstraints; a++)
2708         {
2709         if (t->constraints[a] == NO  || definedConstraintsType[a] != HARD)
2710             continue;
2712         /* set bits in partition to check */
2713         ClearBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2714         for (j=k=0; j<numTaxa; j++)
2715             {
2716             if (taxaInfo[j].isDeleted == YES)
2717                 continue;
2718             if (IsBitSet(j, definedConstraint[a]) == YES)
2719                 SetBit(k, constraintPartition);
2720             k++;
2721             }
2723         /* make sure outgroup is outside constrained partition if unrooted tree */
2724         if (t->isRooted == NO && IsBitSet(localOutGroup, constraintPartition))
2725             FlipBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded, mask);
2727         /* find the locked node */
2728         for (i=j=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
2729             {
2730             if (t->allDownPass[i]->isLocked == YES && t->allDownPass[i]->lockID == a)
2731                 {
2732                 p = t->allDownPass[i];
2733                 j++;
2734                 }
2735             }
2737         if (j != 1)
2738             {
2739             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree has %d locks with id %d identifying constraint '%s'\n", spacer, j, a, constraintNames[a]);
2740             free (constraintPartition);
2741             FreeTreePartitions(t);
2742             return (ERROR);
2743             }
2745         /* check that locked node is correct */
2746         for (i=0; i<nLongsNeeded; i++)
2747             {
2748             if (p->partition[i] != constraintPartition[i])
2749                 {
2750                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Lock %d is set for the wrong node [this is a bug]\n", spacer, a);
2751                 free (constraintPartition);
2752                 FreeTreePartitions(t);
2753                 return (ERROR);
2754                 }
2755             }
2756         }
2758     FreeTreePartitions (t);
2759     free (constraintPartition);
2760     return (NO_ERROR);
2761 }
2764 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
2765 |
2766 |   CheckSetConstraints: Check and set tree constraints
2767 |
2768 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CheckSetConstraints(Tree * t)2769 int CheckSetConstraints (Tree *t)
2770 {
2771     int             a, i, j, k, nLongsNeeded, foundIt, numLocks;
2772     BitsLong        *constraintPartition, *mask;
2773     TreeNode        *p;
2775     if (t->checkConstraints == NO)
2776         return (NO_ERROR);
2778     /* reset all existing locks, if any */
2779     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
2780         {
2781         p = t->allDownPass[i];
2782         p->isLocked = NO;
2783         p->lockID = -1;
2784         if (p->left != NULL)
2785             {
2786             p->calibration = NULL;
2787             p->isDated = NO;
2788             p->age = -1.0;
2789             }
2790         }
2792     /* allocate space */
2793     if (AllocateTreePartitions (t) == ERROR)
2794         {
2795         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating tree bitsets", spacer);
2796         return ERROR;
2797         }
2799     nLongsNeeded = ((numLocalTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong) + 1;
2800     constraintPartition = (BitsLong *) SafeCalloc (2*nLongsNeeded, sizeof(BitsLong));
2801     if (!constraintPartition)
2802         {
2803         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problems allocating constraintPartition", spacer);
2804         FreeTreePartitions(t);
2805         return ERROR;
2806         }
2807     mask = constraintPartition + nLongsNeeded;
2809     /* set mask (needed to take care of unused bits when flipping partitions) */
2810     for (i=0; i<numLocalTaxa; i++)
2811         SetBit (i, mask);
2813     numLocks = 0;
2814     for (a=0; a<numDefinedConstraints; a++)
2815         {
2816         if (modelParams[t->relParts[0]].activeConstraints[a] == NO || definedConstraintsType[a] != HARD)
2817             continue;
2819         /* set bits in partition to add */
2820         ClearBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2821         for (i=j=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
2822             {
2823             if (taxaInfo[i].isDeleted == YES)
2824                 continue;
2825             if (IsBitSet(i, definedConstraint[a]) == YES)
2826                 SetBit(j, constraintPartition);
2827             j++;
2828             }
2830         /* make sure outgroup is outside constrained partition (marked 0) */
2831         if (t->isRooted == NO && IsBitSet(localOutGroup, constraintPartition) == YES)
2832             FlipBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded, mask);
2834         /* skip partition if uninformative */
2835         k = NumBits(constraintPartition, nLongsNeeded);
2836         if (k == 0 || k == 1)
2837             continue;
2839         /* find the node that should be locked */
2840         foundIt = NO;
2841         for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
2842             {
2843             p = t->intDownPass[i];
2844             for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
2845                 {
2846                 if (p->partition[j] != constraintPartition[j])
2847                     break;
2848                 }
2850             if (j == nLongsNeeded)
2851                 {
2852                 foundIt = YES;
2853                 p->isLocked = YES;
2854                 p->lockID = a;
2855                 if (nodeCalibration[a].prior != unconstrained)
2856                     {
2857                     p->isDated = YES;
2858                     p->calibration = &nodeCalibration[a];
2859                     }
2860                 numLocks++;
2861                 break;
2862                 }
2863             }
2865         if (foundIt == NO)
2866             {
2867             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree breaks constraint '%s'\n", spacer, constraintNames[a]);
2868             FreeTreePartitions (t);
2869             free (constraintPartition);
2870             return (ERROR);
2871             }
2872         }
2874     if (numLocks != t->nLocks)
2875         {
2876         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Inconsistent lock settings. This is a bug, please report it.\n", spacer);
2877         FreeTreePartitions (t);
2878         free (constraintPartition);
2879         return (ERROR);
2880         }
2882     /* exit */
2883     FreeTreePartitions(t);
2884     free (constraintPartition);
2885     return (NO_ERROR);
2886 }
2889 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
2890 |
2891 |   ColorClusters: Recursive function to color the clusters in a tree by
2892 |      assigning numbers to them in their variable x
2893 |
2894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ColorClusters(TreeNode * p,int * index)2895 void ColorClusters (TreeNode *p, int *index)
2896 {
2897     if (p!=NULL)
2898         {
2899         if (p->isLocked == YES || p->anc == NULL || p->anc->anc == NULL)
2900             p->x = (++(*index));
2901         else
2902             p->x = p->anc->x;
2903         ColorClusters(p->left, index);
2904         ColorClusters(p->right, index);
2905         }
2906 }
2909 /* CopyPolyNodes: Copies everything except pointers and memoryIndex */
CopyPolyNodes(PolyNode * p,PolyNode * q,int nLongsNeeded)2910 void CopyPolyNodes (PolyNode *p, PolyNode *q, int nLongsNeeded)
2911 {
2912     p->index                  = q->index;
2913     p->mark                   = q->mark;
2914     p->length                 = q->length;
2915     p->x                      = q->x;
2916     p->y                      = q->y;
2917     p->isDated                = q->isDated;
2918     p->calibration            = q->calibration;
2919     p->age                    = q->age;
2920     p->isLocked               = q->isLocked;
2921     p->lockID                 = q->lockID;
2922     strcpy (p->label, q->label);
2923     if (nLongsNeeded!=0)
2924         {
2925         assert (p->partition);
2926         assert (q->partition);
2927         memcpy (p->partition,q->partition, nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
2928         }
2929     p->support                = q->support;
2930     p->f                      = q->f;
2931 }
CopySubtreeToTree(Tree * subtree,Tree * t)2934 void CopySubtreeToTree (Tree *subtree, Tree *t)
2935 {
2936     int         i, /*j,*/ k;
2937     TreeNode    *p, *q=NULL, *r;
2939     for (i=/*j=*/0; i<subtree->nNodes - 1; i++)
2940         {
2941         p = subtree->allDownPass[i];
2943         for (k=0; k<t->nNodes; k++)
2944             {
2945             q = t->allDownPass[k];
2946             if (q->index == p->index)
2947                 break;
2948             }
2949         q->length = p->length;
2950         q->marked = YES;
2951         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)
2952             {
2953             for (k=0; k<t->nNodes; k++)
2954                 {
2955                 r = t->allDownPass[k];
2956                 if (r->index == p->left->index)
2957                     {
2958                     q->left = r;
2959                     r->anc = q;
2960                     }
2961                 else if (r->index == p->right->index)
2962                     {
2963                     q->right = r;
2964                     r->anc = q;
2965                     }
2966                 }
2967             }
2968         }
2970     p = subtree->root;
2972     for (k=0; k<t->nNodes; k++)
2973         {
2974         q = t->allDownPass[k];
2975         if (q->index == p->index)
2976             break;
2977         }
2979     if (q->left->marked == YES)
2980         {
2981         for (k=0; k<t->nIntNodes; k++)
2982             {
2983             r = t->intDownPass[k];
2984             if (r->index == p->left->index)
2985                 {
2986                 q->left = r;
2987                 r->anc = q;
2988                 }
2989             }
2990         }
2991     else if (q->right->marked == YES)
2992         {
2993         for (k=0; k<t->nIntNodes; k++)
2994             {
2995             r = t->intDownPass[k];
2996             if (r->index == p->left->index)
2997                 {
2998                 q->right = r;
2999                 r->anc = q;
3000                 }
3001             }
3002         }
3003 }
3006 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
3007 |
3008 |   CopyToPolyTreeFromPolyTree: copies second tree to first tree
3009 |
3010 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyToPolyTreeFromPolyTree(PolyTree * to,PolyTree * from)3011 int CopyToPolyTreeFromPolyTree (PolyTree *to, PolyTree *from)
3012 {
3013     int         i, j, k, nLongsNeeded;
3014     PolyNode    *p, *q;
3016     /* check we have enough memory */
3017     assert (to->memNodes >= from->nNodes);
3018     if (from->bitsets==NULL || to->bitsets==NULL)
3019         {
3020         nLongsNeeded=0;
3021         }
3022     else
3023         {
3024         assert (to->memNodes >= from->memNodes);/*Otherwise partition length woould not be long enough for nodes in "to" */
3025         nLongsNeeded = (from->memNodes/2 - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
3026         }
3028     /* copy nodes */
3029     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3030         {
3031         /* copy pointers */
3032         p  = from->nodes + i;
3033         q  = to->nodes + i;
3035         if (p->anc != NULL)
3036             q->anc = to->nodes + p->anc->memoryIndex;
3037         else
3038             {
3039             q->anc = NULL;
3040             to->root = q;
3041             }
3043         if (p->left != NULL)
3044             q->left = to->nodes + p->left->memoryIndex;
3045         else
3046             q->left = NULL;
3048         if (p->sib != NULL)
3049             q->sib = to->nodes + p->sib->memoryIndex;
3050         else
3051             q->sib = NULL;
3053         /* Copy everything else except memoryIndex */
3054         CopyPolyNodes (q, p, nLongsNeeded);
3055         }
3057     /* fill node arrays */
3058     /* copy tree properties */
3059     to->nNodes = from->nNodes;
3060     to->nIntNodes = from->nIntNodes;
3061     to->isRooted = from->isRooted;
3062     to->isClock = from->isClock;
3063     to->isRelaxed = from->isRelaxed;
3064     to->clockRate = from->clockRate;
3065     strcpy (to->name, from->name);
3067     GetPolyDownPass (to);
3069     /* copy partitions */
3070     if (from->bitsets)
3071         {
3072         if (!to->bitsets)
3073             AllocatePolyTreePartitions(to);
3074         else
3075             ResetPolyTreePartitions(to);
3076         }
3078     /* copy relaxed clock parameters */
3079     FreePolyTreeRelClockParams (to);
3081     if (from->nBSets + from->nESets > 0)
3082         AllocatePolyTreeRelClockParams (to, from->nBSets, from->nESets);
3084     for (i=0; i<to->nBSets; i++)
3085         {
3086         to->bSetName[i] = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(from->bSetName[i])+2, sizeof(char));
3087         strcpy (to->bSetName[i], from->bSetName[i]);
3088         for (j=0; j<from->nNodes; j++)
3089             to->effectiveBrLen[i][j] = from->effectiveBrLen[i][j];
3090         }
3092     for (i=0; i<to->nESets; i++)
3093         {
3094         to->eSetName[i] = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(from->eSetName[i])+2, sizeof(char));
3095         strcpy (to->eSetName[i], from->eSetName[i]);
3096         for (j=0; j<from->nNodes; j++)
3097             {
3098             to->nEvents[i][j] = from->nEvents[i][j];
3099             if (to->nEvents[i][j] > 0)
3100                 {
3101                 to->position[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (to->nEvents[i][j], sizeof (MrBFlt));
3102                 to->rateMult[i][j] = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (to->nEvents[i][j], sizeof (MrBFlt));
3103                 for (k=0; k<to->nEvents[i][j]; k++)
3104                     {
3105                     to->position[i][j][k] = from->position[i][j][k];
3106                     to->rateMult[i][j][k] = from->rateMult[i][j][k];
3107                     }
3108                 }
3109             }
3110         }
3112     /* copy population size parameters */
3113     FreePolyTreePopSizeParams(to);
3114     to->popSizeSet = from->popSizeSet;
3115     if (to->popSizeSet == YES)
3116         {
3117         to->popSize = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (to->nNodes, sizeof(MrBFlt));
3118         for (i=0; i<to->nNodes; i++)
3119             to->popSize[i] = from->popSize[i];
3120         to->popSizeSetName = (char *) SafeCalloc (strlen(from->popSizeSetName) + 1, sizeof(char));
3121         strcpy (to->popSizeSetName, from->popSizeSetName);
3122         }
3124     return (NO_ERROR);
3125 }
3128 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
3129 |
3130 |   CopyToSpeciesTreeFromPolyTree: copies second tree (polytomous) to
3131 |       first tree, which is a species tree. The species tree needs to
3132 |       be allocated enough space first to hold the resulting tree.
3133 |
3134 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyToSpeciesTreeFromPolyTree(Tree * to,PolyTree * from)3135 int CopyToSpeciesTreeFromPolyTree (Tree *to, PolyTree *from)
3136 {
3137     int         i;
3138     PolyNode    *p;
3139     TreeNode    *q, *q1;
3140 #   if defined (DEBUG_SPECIESTREE)
3141     int         j;
3142 #   endif
3144     /* make sure assumptions are correct */
3145     assert (from->isRooted == YES);
3146     assert (from->isClock == YES);
3147     assert (from->nNodes - from->nIntNodes == numSpecies);
3148     assert (to->memNodes == 2*numSpecies);
3149     assert (to->nIntNodes == from->nIntNodes);
3150     assert (to->nNodes == from->nNodes + 1);
3152     /* make sure indices are set correctly for from nodes */
3153 #   if defined (DEBUG_SPECIESTREE)
3154     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3155         {
3156         for (j=0; j<from->nNodes; j++)
3157             {
3158             p = from->allDownPass[j];
3159             if (p->index == i)
3160                 break;
3161             }
3162         assert (j != from->nNodes);
3163         assert (!(p->left == NULL && p->index >= numSpecies));
3164         }
3165 #   endif
3167     /* copy nodes */
3168     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3169         {
3170         /* copy pointers */
3171         p  = from->allDownPass[i];
3172         q  = to->nodes + p->index;
3174         if (p->anc != NULL)
3175             q->anc = to->nodes + p->anc->index;
3176         else
3177             q->anc = NULL;
3179         if (p->left != NULL)
3180             q->left = to->nodes + p->left->index;
3181         else
3182             q->left = NULL;
3184         if (p->left != NULL)
3185             q->right = to->nodes + p->left->sib->index;
3186         else
3187             q->right = NULL;
3189         q->nodeDepth              = p->depth;
3190         q->age                    = p->age;
3191         q->length                 = p->length;
3192         q->index                  = p->index;
3193         if (q->index < numSpecies)
3194             q->label = speciesNameSets[speciespartitionNum].names[q->index];
3195         else
3196             q->label = noLabel;
3197         }
3199     /* fix root */
3200     p = from->root;
3201     q = to->nodes + p->index;
3202     q1 = to->nodes + from->nNodes;      /* get the 'extra' root node that polytomous trees do not use */
3203     q->anc = q1;
3204     q1->index = from->nNodes;
3205     q1->left = q;
3206     q1->right = q1->anc = NULL;
3207     q1->isLocked = NO;
3208     q1->lockID = -1;
3209     q1->isDated = NO;
3210     q1->calibration = NULL;
3211     q1->age = -1.0;
3212     to->root = q1;
3214     /* get downpass */
3215     GetDownPass (to);
3217     /* a user tree might not come with node depths set */
3218     if (to->root->left->nodeDepth == 0.0)
3219         SetNodeDepths(to);
3221     /* set partitions */
3222     if (to->bitsets)
3223         ResetTreePartitions(to);
3225     return (NO_ERROR);
3226 }
3229 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
3230 |
3231 |   CopyToTreeFromPolyTree: copies second tree (polytomous) to first
3232 |       tree (used to initialize constrained starting trees, e.g.).
3233 |       An unrooted source tree will be rooted on outgroup
3234 |       An unrooted source tree that needs to be copied to
3235 |       a rooted target tree will be randomly rooted on a node below
3236 |       all defined constraints. The to tree needs to be allocated
3237 |       enough space first to hold the resulting tree.
3238 |
3239 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyToTreeFromPolyTree(Tree * to,PolyTree * from)3240 int CopyToTreeFromPolyTree (Tree *to, PolyTree *from)
3241 {
3242     int         i, j;
3243     PolyNode    *p=NULL;
3244     TreeNode    *q, *q1;
3246     /* refuse to arbitrarily root an input tree */
3247     assert (!(from->isRooted == NO && to->isRooted == YES));
3248     if ((from->isRooted == NO) && (to->isRooted == YES))
3249         {
3250         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Failed to copy trees due to difference in rootedness of source and destination. \n", spacer);
3251         return (ERROR);
3252         }
3254     /* make sure assumptions are in order */
3255     assert (to->memNodes >= from->nNodes + (to->isRooted == NO ? 0 : 1));
3256     assert (localOutGroup >= 0 && localOutGroup < numLocalTaxa);
3257     assert (numLocalTaxa == from->nNodes - from->nIntNodes);
3258     assert (!(from->isRooted == YES && from->nNodes != 2*from->nIntNodes + 1));
3259     assert (!(from->isRooted == NO  && from->nNodes != 2*from->nIntNodes + 2));
3261     /* make sure indices are set correctly for from nodes */
3262     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3263         {
3264         for (j=0; j<from->nNodes; j++)
3265             {
3266             p = from->allDownPass[j];
3267             if (p->index == i)
3268                 break;
3269             }
3270         assert (j != from->nNodes);
3271         assert (!(p->left == NULL && p->index >= numLocalTaxa));
3272         }
3274     /* deal with root */
3275     if (to->isRooted == NO && from->isRooted == YES)
3276         Deroot(from);
3278     /* make sure calculation root is set correctly */
3279     if (to->isRooted == NO && MovePolyCalculationRoot (from, localOutGroup) == ERROR)
3280         return ERROR;
3282     /* copy nodes */
3283     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3284         {
3285         /* copy pointers */
3286         p  = from->allDownPass[i];
3287         q  = to->nodes + p->index;
3289         if (p->anc != NULL)
3290             q->anc = to->nodes + p->anc->index;
3291         else
3292             q->anc = NULL;
3294         if (p->left != NULL)
3295             q->left = to->nodes + p->left->index;
3296         else
3297             q->left = NULL;
3299         if (p->left != NULL)
3300             q->right = to->nodes + p->left->sib->index;
3301         else
3302             q->right = NULL;
3304         q->isLocked               = p->isLocked;
3305         q->lockID                 = p->lockID;
3306         q->isDated                = p->isDated;
3307         q->calibration            = p->calibration;
3308         q->age                    = p->age;
3309         q->nodeDepth              = p->depth;
3310         q->length                 = p->length;
3311         q->index                  = p->index;
3312         if (q->index < numLocalTaxa)
3313             q->label = localTaxonNames[q->index];
3314         else
3315             q->label = noLabel;
3316         }
3318     /* fix root */
3319     if (to->isRooted == NO)
3320         {
3321         p = from->root;
3322         q = to->nodes + p->index;
3323         q->anc = to->root = to->nodes + p->left->sib->sib->index;
3324         q->length = to->root->length;
3325         to->root->length = 0.0;
3326         to->root->left = q;
3327         to->root->right = to->root->anc = NULL;
3328         }
3329     else
3330         {
3331         p = from->root;
3332         q = to->nodes + p->index;
3333         q1 = to->nodes + from->nNodes;      /* get the 'extra' root node that polytomous trees do not use */
3334         q->anc = q1;
3335         q1->index = from->nNodes;
3336         q1->left = q;
3337         q1->right = q1->anc = NULL;
3338         q1->isLocked = NO;
3339         q1->lockID = -1;
3340         q1->isDated = NO;
3341         q1->calibration = NULL;
3342         q1->age = -1.0;
3343         to->root = q1;
3344         }
3346     /* get downpass */
3347     GetDownPass (to);
3349     /* set node depths */
3350     if (to->isRooted == YES && to->root->left->nodeDepth == 0.0)
3351         SetNodeDepths(to);
3353     /* set partitions */
3354     if (to->bitsets)
3355         ResetTreePartitions(to);
3357     /* relaxed clock parameters are not stored in binary trees but in separate parameters */
3359     return (NO_ERROR);
3360 }
3363 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
3364 |
3365 |   CopyToTreeFromTree: copies second tree to first tree
3366 |       (used to initialize brlen sets for same topology)
3367 |       Note: partition information of nodes are not copied if
3368 |       either "from" or "to" tree does not have bitsets allocated
3369 |
3370 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyToTreeFromTree(Tree * to,Tree * from)3371 int CopyToTreeFromTree (Tree *to, Tree *from)
3372 {
3373     int         i, numTaxa, nLongsNeeded;
3374     TreeNode    *p, *q;
3376     numTaxa = from->nNodes - from->nIntNodes - (from->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0);
3377     nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
3378     if (from->bitsets==NULL || to->bitsets==NULL)
3379         nLongsNeeded=0;
3381     /* check that there is enough memory */
3382     assert (to->memNodes >= from->nNodes);
3384     /* copy nodes (use index of p as memoryIndex for q) */
3385     for (i=0; i<from->nNodes; i++)
3386         {
3387         /* copy pointers */
3388         p  = from->nodes + i;
3389         q  = to->nodes + p->index;
3391         if (p->anc != NULL)
3392             q->anc = to->nodes + p->anc->index;
3393         else
3394             {
3395             q->anc = NULL;
3396             to->root = q;
3397             }
3399         if (p->left != NULL)
3400             q->left = to->nodes + p->left->index;
3401         else
3402             q->left = NULL;
3404         if (p->right != NULL)
3405             q->right = to->nodes + p->right->index;
3406         else
3407             q->right = NULL;
3409         CopyTreeNodes (q, p, nLongsNeeded);
3410         }
3412     /* create new node arrays */
3413     to->nNodes = from->nNodes;
3414     to->nIntNodes = from->nIntNodes;
3415     GetDownPass (to);
3417     /* copy tree properties (these should be constant most of them) */
3418     strcpy (to->name, from->name);
3419     to->isRooted = from->isRooted;
3420     to->isClock = from->isClock;
3421     to->isCalibrated = from->isCalibrated;
3422     to->checkConstraints = from->checkConstraints;
3423     to->nConstraints = from->nConstraints;
3424     to->constraints = from->constraints;
3425     to->nLocks = from->nLocks;
3426     to->nRelParts = from->nRelParts;
3427     to->relParts = from->relParts;
3429     /* copy partitions */
3430     if (from->bitsets)
3431         {
3432         if (!to->bitsets)
3433             AllocateTreePartitions(to);
3434         else
3435             ResetTreePartitions(to);
3436         }
3438     return (NO_ERROR);
3439 }
3442 /* Copy node q to node p */
CopyTreeNodes(TreeNode * p,TreeNode * q,int nLongsNeeded)3443 void CopyTreeNodes (TreeNode *p, TreeNode *q, int nLongsNeeded)
3444 {
3445     /* copies everything except pointers and memoryIndex */
3446     p->label                  = q->label;
3447     p->index                  = q->index;
3448     p->upDateCl               = q->upDateCl;
3449     p->upDateTi               = q->upDateTi;
3450     p->isLocked               = q->isLocked;
3451     p->lockID                 = q->lockID;
3452     p->isDated                = q->isDated;
3453     p->marked                 = q->marked;
3454     p->x                      = q->x;
3455     p->y                      = q->y;
3456     p->d                      = q->d;
3457     p->length                 = q->length;
3458     p->nodeDepth              = q->nodeDepth;
3459     p->calibration            = q->calibration;
3460     p->age                    = q->age;
3461     if (nLongsNeeded != 0)
3462         {
3463         assert (p->partition);
3464         assert (q->partition);
3465         memcpy (p->partition, q->partition, nLongsNeeded*sizeof(BitsLong));
3466         }
3467 }
CopyTreeToSubtree(Tree * t,Tree * subtree)3470 void CopyTreeToSubtree (Tree *t, Tree *subtree)
3471 {
3472     int         i, j, k;
3473     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
3475     for (i=j=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
3476         {
3477         p = t->allDownPass[i];
3478         if (p->marked == NO)
3479             continue;
3481         q = &subtree->nodes[j++];
3482         q->index = p->index;
3483         q->length = p->length;
3484         if (p->left == NULL || p->left->marked == NO)
3485             q->left = q->right = NULL;
3486         else
3487             {
3488             for (k=0; k<j-1; k++)
3489                 {
3490                 r = &subtree->nodes[k];
3491                 if (r->index == p->left->index)
3492                     {
3493                     q->left = r;
3494                     r->anc = q;
3495                     }
3496                 else if (r->index == p->right->index)
3497                     {
3498                     q->right = r;
3499                     r->anc = q;
3500                     }
3501                 }
3502             }
3504         if (p->anc->marked == NO)
3505             {
3506             r = &subtree->nodes[j++];
3507             subtree->root = r;
3508             r->anc = r->right = NULL;
3509             r->left = q;
3510             q->anc = r;
3511             r->length = 0.0;
3512             r->index = p->anc->index;
3513             }
3515         }
3517     GetDownPass (subtree);
3519     subtree->isRooted = t->isRooted;
3520     subtree->nRelParts = t->nRelParts;
3521     subtree->relParts = t->relParts;
3522 }
3525 /* DatedNodeDepths: Recursive function to get node depths */
DatedNodeDepths(TreeNode * p,MrBFlt * nodeDepths,int * index)3526 void DatedNodeDepths (TreeNode *p, MrBFlt *nodeDepths, int *index)
3527 {
3528     if (p != NULL)
3529         {
3530         if (p->left == NULL || p->isDated == YES)
3531             nodeDepths[(*index)++] = p->nodeDepth;
3532         else
3533             {
3534             DatedNodeDepths (p->left,  nodeDepths, index);
3535             DatedNodeDepths (p->right, nodeDepths, index);
3536             }
3537         }
3538 }
3541 /* DatedNodes: Recursive function to get dated tips or interior nodes */
DatedNodes(TreeNode * p,TreeNode ** datedNodes,int * index)3542 void DatedNodes (TreeNode *p, TreeNode **datedNodes, int *index)
3543 {
3544     if (p != NULL)
3545         {
3546         if (p->left != NULL && p->isDated == NO)
3547             {
3548             DatedNodes (p->left,  datedNodes, index);
3549             DatedNodes (p->right, datedNodes, index);
3550             }
3551         datedNodes[(*index)++] = p;
3552         }
3553 }
3556 /* Deroot: Deroot a rooted polytomous tree with branch lengths */
Deroot(PolyTree * pt)3557 int Deroot (PolyTree *pt)
3558 {
3559     PolyNode    *p, *q, *r, tempNode;
3560     int         i;
3562     p = pt->root;
3564     if (p->left->sib->sib != NULL)
3565         return (ERROR);      /* tree is not rooted or it is polytomous */
3567     if (p != &pt->nodes[pt->nNodes-1])
3568         {
3569         q = &pt->nodes[pt->nNodes-1];
3570         /* now swap content of p and q including pointers */
3571         tempNode = *q;
3572         *q = *p;
3573         *p = tempNode;
3574         /* swap back memoryindex */
3575         p->memoryIndex = q->memoryIndex;
3576         q->memoryIndex = tempNode.memoryIndex;
3577         /* all pointers to q should be pointers to p */
3578         for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
3579             {
3580             r = &pt->nodes[i];
3581             if (r->left == q)
3582                 r->left = p;
3583             if (r->anc == q)
3584                 r->anc = p;
3585             if (r->sib == q)
3586                 r->sib = p;
3587             }
3588         /* all pointers to p should be pointers to q; all these are anc pointers from the descendants of the root */
3589         pt->root = q;
3590         for (r=q->left; r!=NULL; r=r->sib)
3591             r->anc = q;
3592         /* finally set p to the new root */
3593         p = pt->root;
3594         }
3596     /* make sure the left of the old root is interior and can be used as new root */
3597     if (p->left->left == NULL)
3598         {
3599         q = p->left;
3600         r = q->sib;
3601         p->left = r;
3602         r->sib = q;
3603         q->sib = NULL;
3604         }
3606     pt->root = p->left;
3607     pt->root->left->sib->sib = p->left->sib;
3608     p->left->sib->length += pt->root->length;
3609     pt->root->length = 0.0;
3610     pt->root->sib = NULL;
3611     pt->root->anc = NULL;
3613     pt->nNodes--;
3614     pt->nIntNodes--;
3616     GetPolyDownPass(pt);
3618     return (NO_ERROR);
3619 }
3622 /* EraseTreeList: Erase all trees in treeList */
EraseTreeList(TreeList * treeList)3623 void EraseTreeList (TreeList *treeList)
3624 {
3625     TreeListElement *listElement;
3626     TreeListElement *previous;
3628     listElement = treeList->first;
3629     if (listElement != NULL)
3630         do
3631             {
3632             free (listElement->order);
3633             previous = listElement;
3634             listElement = listElement->next;
3635             free (previous);
3636             }
3637         while (listElement != NULL);
3639     treeList->first = treeList->last = NULL;
3640 }
UpdateTreeWithClockrate(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate)3643 void UpdateTreeWithClockrate (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate)
3644 {
3645     int i;
3646     TreeNode *p;
3648     if (t->fromUserTree == NO)
3649         {
3650         /*Set nodeDepth*/
3651         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
3652             {
3653             p = t->allDownPass[i];
3654             p->nodeDepth = p->age * clockRate;
3655             }
3657         /* calculate branch lengths */
3658         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
3659             {
3660             p = t->allDownPass[i];
3661             if (p->anc != NULL)
3662                 {
3663                 if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
3664                     {
3665                     p->length = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->nodeDepth;
3666                     }
3667                 else
3668                     p->length = 0.0; //not a problem for root node.
3669                 }
3670             }
3671         }
3672     else
3673         {
3674         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
3675             {
3676             p = t->allDownPass[i];
3677             p->age = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
3678             }
3679         }
3680 }
3683 /*----------------------------------------------------------------
3684 |
3685 |   findAllowedClockrate: Finds the range of clock rates allowed for the tree.
3686 |
3687 |   @param t        - tree to check (IN)
3688 |   @minClockRate   - address where minimum allowed clock rate is stored (OUT)
3689 |   @maxClockRate   - address where maximum allowed clock rate is stored (OUT)
3690 |
3691 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
findAllowedClockrate(Tree * t,MrBFlt * minClockRate,MrBFlt * maxClockRate)3692 void findAllowedClockrate (Tree *t, MrBFlt *minClockRate, MrBFlt *maxClockRate)
3693 {
3694     int i;
3695     TreeNode *p;
3696     MrBFlt min, max, tmp;
3698     min=0.0;
3699     max=MRBFLT_MAX;
3701     *minClockRate = 2.0;
3702     *maxClockRate = 1.0;
3704     if (t->fromUserTree == NO)
3705         {
3706         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
3707             {
3708             p = t->allDownPass[i];
3709             if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
3710                 {
3711                 tmp = BRLENS_MIN/(p->anc->age - p->age);
3712                 assert (tmp > 0);
3713                 if (tmp > min)
3714                     min = tmp;
3716                 tmp = BRLENS_MAX/(p->anc->age - p->age);
3717                 assert (tmp > 0);
3718                 if (tmp > max)
3719                     max = tmp;
3720                 }
3721             }
3722         *minClockRate= min;
3723         *maxClockRate= max;
3724         }
3725     else
3726         {
3727         IsCalibratedClockSatisfied (t,minClockRate,maxClockRate, 0.001);
3728         }
3729 }
3732 /* FreePolyTree: Free memory space for a polytomous tree (unrooted or rooted) */
FreePolyTree(PolyTree * pt)3733 void FreePolyTree (PolyTree *pt)
3734 {
3735     if (pt != NULL)
3736         {
3737         FreePolyTreePartitions(pt);
3738         FreePolyTreeRelClockParams(pt);
3739         FreePolyTreePopSizeParams(pt);
3740         free (pt->allDownPass);
3741         free (pt->nodes);
3742         free (pt);
3743         }
3744 }
3747 /* FreePolyTreePartitions: Free memory space for polytomous tree partitions */
FreePolyTreePartitions(PolyTree * pt)3748 void FreePolyTreePartitions (PolyTree *pt)
3749 {
3750     int i;
3751     if (pt != NULL && pt->bitsets != NULL)
3752         {
3753         for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
3754             pt->nodes[i].partition = NULL;
3755         free (pt->bitsets);
3756         pt->bitsets = NULL;
3757         }
3758 }
3761 /* FreePolyTreePopSizeParams: Free population size set parameters of polytree */
FreePolyTreePopSizeParams(PolyTree * pt)3762 void FreePolyTreePopSizeParams (PolyTree *pt)
3763 {
3764     if (pt->popSizeSet == YES)
3765         {
3766         free (pt->popSize);
3767         free (pt->popSizeSetName);
3768         }
3769     pt->popSizeSet = NO;
3770     pt->popSize = NULL;
3771     pt->popSizeSetName = NULL;
3772 }
3775 /* FreePolyTreeRelClockParams: Free relaxed clock parameters of polytree */
FreePolyTreeRelClockParams(PolyTree * pt)3776 void FreePolyTreeRelClockParams (PolyTree *pt)
3777 {
3778     int i, j;
3780     /* free breakpoint clock parameters */
3781     for (i=0; i<pt->nESets; i++)
3782         {
3783         for (j=0; j<pt->memNodes; j++)
3784             {
3785             if (pt->nEvents[i][j] > 0)
3786                 {
3787                 free (pt->position[i][j]);
3788                 free (pt->rateMult[i][j]);
3789                 }
3790             }
3791         free (pt->eSetName[i]);
3792         free (pt->nEvents[i]);
3793         free (pt->position[i]);
3794         free (pt->rateMult[i]);
3795         }
3796     free (pt->nEvents);
3797     free (pt->position);
3798     free (pt->rateMult);
3799     free (pt->eSetName);
3800     pt->nESets = 0;
3801     pt->nEvents = NULL;
3802     pt->position = NULL;
3803     pt->rateMult = NULL;
3804     pt->eSetName = NULL;
3806     /* free branch clock parameters */
3807     for (i=0; i<pt->nBSets; i++)
3808         {
3809         free (pt->bSetName[i]);
3810         free (pt->effectiveBrLen[i]);
3811         }
3812     free (pt->effectiveBrLen);
3813     free (pt->bSetName);
3814     pt->nBSets = 0;
3815     pt->effectiveBrLen = NULL;
3816     pt->bSetName = NULL;
3817 }
3820 /* FreeTree: Free memory space for a tree (unrooted or rooted) */
FreeTree(Tree * t)3821 void FreeTree (Tree *t)
3822 {
3823     if (t != NULL)
3824         {
3825         free (t->bitsets);
3826         free (t->flags);
3827         free (t->allDownPass);
3828 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
3829         free (t->intDownPassLevel);
3830 #endif
3831         free (t->nodes);
3832         free (t);
3833         }
3834 }
3837 /* FreeTreePartitions: Free memory space for tree partitions */
FreeTreePartitions(Tree * t)3838 void FreeTreePartitions (Tree *t)
3839 {
3840     int     i;
3842     if (t != NULL && t->bitsets != NULL)
3843         {
3844         free (t->bitsets);
3845         t->bitsets = NULL;
3846         for (i=0; i<t->memNodes; i++)
3847             t->nodes[i].partition = NULL;
3848         }
3849 }
3852 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3853 |
3854 |   GetDatedNodeDepths: Get an array containing the node depths of the dated tips,
3855 |       internal or external, plus dated root
3856 |
3857 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetDatedNodeDepths(TreeNode * p,MrBFlt * nodeDepths)3858 void GetDatedNodeDepths (TreeNode *p, MrBFlt *nodeDepths)
3859 {
3860     int index = 0;
3862     assert (p != NULL);
3864     nodeDepths[index++] = p->nodeDepth;     /* include root node depth */
3865     if (p->left != NULL)
3866         {
3867         DatedNodeDepths (p->left, nodeDepths, &index);
3868         DatedNodeDepths (p->right, nodeDepths, &index);
3869         }
3870 }
3873 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3874 |
3875 |   GetDatedNodes: Get an array containing the dated tips,
3876 |       internal or external, and all interior nodes in the same subtree
3877 |
3878 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetDatedNodes(TreeNode * p,TreeNode ** datedNodes)3879 void GetDatedNodes (TreeNode *p, TreeNode **datedNodes)
3880 {
3881     int     index = 0;
3883     assert (p != NULL);
3885     if (p->left!= NULL)
3886         {
3887         DatedNodes (p->left,  datedNodes, &index);
3888         DatedNodes (p->right, datedNodes, &index);
3889         }
3890 }
3893 /* get down pass for tree t (wrapper function) */
GetDownPass(Tree * t)3894 void GetDownPass (Tree *t)
3895 {
3896     int i, j;
3898     i = j = 0;
3899     GetNodeDownPass (t, t->root, &i, &j);
3900 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
3901     if (t->levelPassEnabled)
3902         {
3903         i = 0;
3904         ReverseLevelOrder (t, t->root, &i);
3905         }
3906 #endif
3907 }
3910 /* get the actual down pass sequences */
GetNodeDownPass(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int * i,int * j)3911 void GetNodeDownPass (Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int *i, int *j)
3912 {
3913     if (p != NULL)
3914         {
3915         GetNodeDownPass (t, p->left,  i, j);
3916         GetNodeDownPass (t, p->right, i, j);
3917         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL && p->anc != NULL)
3918             {
3919             t->intDownPass[(*i)++] = p;
3920             t->allDownPass[(*j)++] = p;
3921             }
3922         else if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL && p->anc != NULL)
3923             {
3924             t->allDownPass[(*j)++] = p;
3925             }
3926         else if (p->left != NULL && p->right == NULL && p->anc == NULL)
3927             {
3928             t->allDownPass[(*j)++] = p;
3929             }
3930         }
3931 }
3933 #if defined (BEAGLE_V3_ENABLED)
3934  /* Compute the "height" of a tree -- the number of
3935     nodes along the longest path from the root node
3936     down to the farthest leaf node.*/
Height(TreeNode * p)3937 int Height(TreeNode *p)
3938 {
3939     if (p==NULL)
3940         return 0;
3941     else
3942         {
3943         /* compute the height of each subtree */
3944         int lheight = Height(p->left);
3945         int rheight = Height(p->right);
3947         /* use the larger one */
3948         if (lheight > rheight)
3949             return(lheight+1);
3950         else
3951             return(rheight+1);
3952         }
3953 }
3954  /* Function to perform reverse level order traversal a tree*/
ReverseLevelOrder(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int * i)3955 void ReverseLevelOrder(Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int *i)
3956 {
3957     int h = Height(p);
3958     int l;
3959     for (l=h; l>=1; l--)
3960         StoreGivenLevel(t, p, l, i);
3961 }
3962  /* Store nodes at a given level */
StoreGivenLevel(Tree * t,TreeNode * p,int level,int * i)3963 void StoreGivenLevel(Tree *t, TreeNode *p, int level, int *i)
3964 {
3965     if (p == NULL)
3966         return;
3967     if (level == 1)
3968         {
3969         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL && p->anc != NULL)
3970             {
3971             t->intDownPassLevel[(*i)++] = p;
3972             }
3973         }
3974     else if (level > 1)
3975         {
3976         StoreGivenLevel(t, p->left, level-1, i);
3977         StoreGivenLevel(t, p->right, level-1, i);
3978         }
3979 }
3980 #endif
3982 /* GetPolyAges: Get PolyTree node ages */
GetPolyAges(PolyTree * t)3983 void GetPolyAges (PolyTree *t)
3984 {
3985     int         i;
3986     PolyNode    *p;
3988     GetPolyDepths (t); /* just to make sure... */
3990     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
3991         {
3992         p = t->allDownPass[i];
3993         p->age = p->depth / t->clockRate;
3994         }
3995 }
3998 /* GetPolyDepths: Get PolyTree node depths */
GetPolyDepths(PolyTree * t)3999 void GetPolyDepths (PolyTree *t)
4000 {
4001     int         i;
4002     MrBFlt      maxDepth;
4003     PolyNode    *p;
4005     maxDepth = t->root->depth = 0.0;
4007     for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
4008         {
4009         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4010         p->depth = p->anc->depth + p->length;
4011         if (p->depth > maxDepth)
4012             maxDepth = p->depth;
4013         }
4015     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4016         {
4017         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4018         p->depth = maxDepth - p->depth;
4019         }
4020 }
4023 /* get down pass for polytomous tree t (wrapper function) */
GetPolyDownPass(PolyTree * t)4024 void GetPolyDownPass (PolyTree *t)
4025 {
4026     int i, j;
4028     i = j = 0;
4029     GetPolyNodeDownPass (t, t->root, &i, &j);
4030     assert (t->nIntNodes==j);
4031 }
4034 /* get the actual down pass sequences for a polytomous tree */
GetPolyNodeDownPass(PolyTree * t,PolyNode * p,int * i,int * j)4035 void GetPolyNodeDownPass (PolyTree *t, PolyNode *p, int *i, int *j)
4036 {
4037     PolyNode    *q;
4039     if (p->left != NULL)
4040         {
4041         for (q=p->left; q!=NULL; q=q->sib)
4042             GetPolyNodeDownPass(t, q, i, j);
4043         }
4045     t->allDownPass[(*i)++] = p;
4046     if (p->left != NULL)
4047         t->intDownPass[(*j)++] = p;
4048 }
4051 /* GetFromTreeList: Get first tree from a tree list and remove it from the list*/
GetFromTreeList(TreeList * treeList,Tree * tree)4052 int GetFromTreeList (TreeList *treeList, Tree *tree)
4053 {
4054     TreeListElement *listElement;
4056     if (treeList->first == NULL)
4057         {
4058         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree list empty\n", spacer);
4059         return (ERROR);
4060         }
4061     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
4062         RetrieveRTopology (tree, treeList->first->order);
4063     else
4064         {
4065         RetrieveUTopology (tree, treeList->first->order);
4066         if (localOutGroup != 0)
4067             MoveCalculationRoot (tree, localOutGroup);
4068         }
4070     listElement = treeList->first;
4071     treeList->first = listElement->next;
4073     free (listElement->order);
4074     free (listElement);
4076     return (NO_ERROR);
4077 }
4080 /*------------------------------------------------------------------
4081 |
4082 |   InitBrlens: This routine will set all branch lengths of a
4083 |      nonclock tree to the value given by 'v'.
4084 |
4085 ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitBrlens(Tree * t,MrBFlt v)4086 int InitBrlens (Tree *t, MrBFlt v)
4087 {
4088     int         i;
4089     TreeNode    *p;
4091     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4092         {
4093         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4094         if (p->anc != NULL && !(t->isRooted == YES && p->anc->anc == NULL))
4095             p->length = v;
4096         else
4097             p->length = 0.0;
4098         }
4100     return (NO_ERROR);
4101 }
4104 /*
4105 @param levUp        is the number of edges between the "node" and the most resent calibrated predecessor +1,
4106                     for the calibrated nodes it should be 1
4107 @param calibrUp     is the age of the most resent calibrated predecessor
4108 @return             age of the node
4109 */
SetNodeCalibratedAge(TreeNode * node,unsigned levUp,MrBFlt calibrUp)4110 MrBFlt SetNodeCalibratedAge(TreeNode *node, unsigned levUp, MrBFlt calibrUp)
4111 {
4112     MrBFlt r,l;
4114     if (node->age != -1.0)
4115         {
4116         if (node->right != NULL)
4117             SetNodeCalibratedAge (node->right, 2, node->age);
4118         if (node->left != NULL)
4119             SetNodeCalibratedAge (node->left,  2, node->age);
4120         return node->age;
4121         }
4123     r = SetNodeCalibratedAge (node->right, levUp+1, calibrUp);
4124     l = SetNodeCalibratedAge (node->left,  levUp+1, calibrUp);
4126     if (r > l)
4127         {
4128         assert (calibrUp - r > 0.0);
4129         return node->age = r + (calibrUp - r)/levUp;
4130         }
4131     else
4132         {
4133         assert (calibrUp - l > 0.0);
4134         return node->age = l + (calibrUp - l)/levUp;
4135         }
4136 }
4139 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------
4140 |
4141 |   InitCalibratedBrlens: This routine will build a clock tree
4142 |       consistent with calibration constraints on terminal
4143 |       taxa and/or constrained interior nodes. At least one
4144 |       node should be calibrated.
4145 |       If not possible to build such a tree, ERROR
4146 |       is returned.
4147 |
4148 --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InitCalibratedBrlens(Tree * t,MrBFlt clockRate,RandLong * seed)4149 int InitCalibratedBrlens (Tree *t, MrBFlt clockRate, RandLong *seed)
4150 {
4151     int             i;
4152     TreeNode        *p;
4153     Model           *mp;
4154     MrBFlt          treeAgeMin, treeAgeMax;
4155     Calibration     *calibrationPtr;
4157 #   ifdef DEBUG_CALIBRATION
4158     printf ("Before initializing calibrated brlens\n");
4159     ShowNodes(t->root, 0, YES);
4160 #   endif
4162     if (t->isRooted == NO)
4163         {
4164         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree is unrooted\n", spacer);
4165         return (ERROR);
4166         }
4168     /* Check whether root has age constraints */
4169     mp = &modelParams[t->relParts[0]];
4170     treeAgeMin = 0.0;
4171     treeAgeMax = POS_INFINITY;
4172     if (t->root->left->isDated == YES)
4173         {
4174         treeAgeMin = t->root->left->calibration->min;   /* FIXME: Not used (from clang static analyzer) */
4175         treeAgeMax = t->root->left->calibration->max;
4176         }
4177     else if (!strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Uniform") ||
4178              !strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Birthdeath") ||
4179              !strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Fossilization"))
4180         {
4181         if (mp->treeAgePr.min > treeAgeMin)
4182             treeAgeMin = mp->treeAgePr.min; /* FIXME: Not used (from clang static analyzer) */
4183         if (mp->treeAgePr.max < treeAgeMax)
4184             treeAgeMax = mp->treeAgePr.max;
4185         }
4187     /* date all nodes from top to bottom with min. age as nodeDepth*/
4188     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4189         {
4190         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4191         if (p->anc != NULL)
4192             {
4193             if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
4194                 {
4195                 if (p->isDated == NO)
4196                     {
4197                     p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
4198                     p->age = 0.0;
4199                     }
4200                 else
4201                     {
4202                     if (p->calibration->prior == fixed)
4203                         p->nodeDepth = p->age = p->calibration->priorParams[0];
4204                     else
4205                         p->nodeDepth = p->age = p->calibration->min;
4206                     }
4207                 }
4208             else
4209                 {
4210                 if (p->left->nodeDepth > p->right->nodeDepth)
4211                     p->nodeDepth = p->left->nodeDepth;
4212                 else
4213                     p->nodeDepth = p->right->nodeDepth;
4214                 if (p->isDated == YES || (p->anc->anc == NULL && (!strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Uniform") ||
4215                                                                   !strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Birthdeath") ||
4216                                                                   !strcmp(mp->clockPr, "Fossilization"))))
4217                     {
4218                     if (p->isDated == NO)
4219                         calibrationPtr = &mp->treeAgePr;
4220                     else
4221                         calibrationPtr = p->calibration;
4223                     if (calibrationPtr->max <= p->nodeDepth)
4224                         {
4225                         if (p->isDated == NO)
4226                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Calibration inconsistency for root node\n", spacer);
4227                         else
4228                             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Calibration inconsistency for node '%s'\n", spacer, constraintNames[p->lockID]);
4229                         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Cannot make a tree where the node is %s\n", spacer, calibrationPtr->name);
4230                         return (ERROR);
4231                         }
4232                     else
4233                         {
4234                         if (calibrationPtr->min < p->nodeDepth)
4235                             p->age = p->nodeDepth;
4236                         else
4237                             p->age = p->nodeDepth = calibrationPtr->min;
4238                         }
4239                     }
4240                 else
4241                     p->age = -1.0;
4242                 }
4243             }
4244         }
4246     /* try to make root node deeper than minimum age */
4247     p = t->root->left;
4248     if (p->nodeDepth==0.0)  p->nodeDepth = 1.0;
4249     if (p->nodeDepth * 1.5 < treeAgeMax)
4250         p->nodeDepth = p->age = 1.5 * p->nodeDepth;
4251     else
4252         p->nodeDepth = p->age = treeAgeMax;
4254     SetNodeCalibratedAge (p, 1, p->age);
4256     /* Setup node depths */
4257     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4258         {
4259         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4260         p->nodeDepth = p->age * clockRate;
4261         assert (!(p->left == NULL && p->calibration == NULL && p->nodeDepth != 0.0));
4262         }
4264     /* calculate branch lengths */
4265     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4266         {
4267         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4268         if (p->anc != NULL)
4269             {
4270             if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
4271                 {
4272                 p->length = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->nodeDepth;
4273                 if (p->length < BRLENS_MIN)
4274                     {
4275                     //MrBayesPrint ("%s   Restrictions of node calibration and clockrate makes some branch lengths too small.\n", spacer);
4276                     //return (ERROR);
4277                     }
4278                 if (p->length > BRLENS_MAX)
4279                     {
4280                     //MrBayesPrint ("%s   Restrictions of node calibration and clockrate makes some branch lengths too long.\n", spacer);
4281                     //return (ERROR);
4282                     }
4283                 }
4284             else
4285                 p->length = 0.0; //not a problem for root node.
4286             }
4287         }
4289 #   ifdef DEBUG_CALIBRATION
4290     printf ("after\n");
4291     ShowNodes (t->root, 0, YES);
4292     getchar();
4293 #   endif
4295     return (NO_ERROR);
4296 }
4299 /*-------------------------------------------------------
4300 |
4301 |   InitClockBrlens: This routine will initialize
4302 |      a clock tree by setting the root to depth 1.0
4303 |      and then assigning node depths according to
4304 |      the relative node depth measured in terms of the
4305 |      maximum number of branches to the tip from each
4306 |      node.
4307 |
4308 --------------------------------------------------------*/
InitClockBrlens(Tree * t)4309 int InitClockBrlens (Tree *t)
4310 {
4311     int             i, maxBrSegments=0;
4312     TreeNode        *p;
4314     if (t->isRooted == NO)
4315         {
4316         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree is unrooted\n", spacer);
4317         return (ERROR);
4318         }
4320     /* calculate maximum number of branch segments above root */
4321     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4322         {
4323         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4324         if (p->anc != NULL)
4325             {
4326             if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
4327                 {
4328                 p->x = 0;
4329                 }
4330             else
4331                 {
4332                 if (p->left->x > p->right->x)
4333                     p->x = p->left->x + 1;
4334                 else
4335                     p->x = p->right->x + 1;
4336                 }
4337             if (p->anc->anc == NULL)
4338                 maxBrSegments = p->x;
4339             }
4340         }
4342     /* assign node depths */
4343     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4344         {
4345         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4346         if (p->anc != NULL)
4347             p->nodeDepth = (MrBFlt) (p->x) / (MrBFlt) maxBrSegments;
4348         else
4349             p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
4350         }
4352     /* calculate branch lengths */
4353     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4354         {
4355         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4356         if (p->anc != NULL)
4357             {
4358             if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
4359                 p->length = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->nodeDepth;
4360             else
4361                 p->length = 0.0;
4362             }
4363         }
4365     return (NO_ERROR);
4366 }
GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree(Tree * t,int nTerminals,RandLong * seed,int * nEmbeddedTrees)4369 int GetRandomEmbeddedSubtree (Tree *t, int nTerminals, RandLong *seed, int *nEmbeddedTrees)
4370 {
4371     int         i, j, k, n, ran, *pP, *pL, *pR, nLeaves, *nSubTrees;
4372     TreeNode    *p=NULL, **leaf;
4374     /* Calculate number of leaves in subtree (number of terminals minus the root) */
4375     nLeaves = nTerminals - 1;
4377     /* Initialize all flags */
4378     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4379         {
4380         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4381         p->marked = NO;
4382         p->x = 0;
4383         p->y = 0;
4384         }
4386     /* Allocate memory */
4387     nSubTrees = (int *) SafeCalloc (nTerminals * t->nNodes, sizeof(int));
4388     if (!nSubTrees)
4389         return (ERROR);
4390     leaf = (TreeNode **) SafeMalloc (nLeaves * sizeof (TreeNode *));
4391     if (!leaf)
4392         {
4393         free (nSubTrees);
4394         return (ERROR);
4395         }
4397     /* Calculate how many embedded trees rooted at each node */
4398     (*nEmbeddedTrees) = 0;
4399     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4400         {
4401         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4402         if (p->left == NULL)
4403             {
4404             p->x = 0;
4405             nSubTrees[p->index*nTerminals + 1] = 1;
4406             }
4407         else
4408             {
4409             pL = nSubTrees + p->left->index*nTerminals;
4410             pR = nSubTrees + p->right->index*nTerminals;
4411             pP = nSubTrees + p->index*nTerminals;
4412             pP[1] = 1;
4413             for (j=2; j<=nLeaves; j++)
4414                 {
4415                 for (k=1; k<j; k++)
4416                     {
4417                     pP[j] += pL[k] * pR[j-k];
4418                     }
4419                 }
4420             p->x = pP[nLeaves];
4421             (*nEmbeddedTrees) += p->x;
4422             }
4423         }
4425     /* Randomly select one embedded tree of the right size */
4426     ran = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * (*nEmbeddedTrees));
4428     /* Find the interior root corresponding to this tree */
4429     for (i=j=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
4430         {
4431         p = t->intDownPass[i];
4432         j += p->x;
4433         if (j>ran)
4434             break;
4435         }
4437     /* Find one random embedded tree with this root */
4438     p->y = nLeaves;
4439     p->marked = YES;
4440     leaf[0] = p;
4441     n = 1;
4442     while (n < nLeaves)
4443         {
4444         /* select a node with more than one descendant */
4445         for (i=0; i<n; i++)
4446             {
4447             p = leaf[i];
4448             if (p->y > 1)
4449                 break;
4450             }
4452         /* break it into descendants */
4453         pL = nSubTrees + p->left->index*nTerminals;
4454         pR = nSubTrees + p->right->index*nTerminals;
4455         pP = nSubTrees + p->index*nTerminals;
4456         ran = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * pP[p->y]);
4457         k = 0;
4458         for (j=1; j<p->y; j++)
4459             {
4460             k += pL[j] * pR[p->y-j];
4461             if (k > ran)
4462                 break;
4463             }
4465             p->left->y = j;
4466         p->right->y = p->y - j;
4467         p->left->marked = YES;
4468         p->right->marked = YES;
4469         leaf[i] = p->left;
4470         leaf[n++] = p->right;
4471         }
4473     free (nSubTrees);
4474     free (leaf);
4476     return (NO_ERROR);
4477 }
4480 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4481 |
4482 | IsCalibratedClockSatisfied: This routine SETS (not just checks as name suggested) calibrated clock tree nodes age, depth. based on branch lengths
4483 |     and checks that user defined brlens satisfy the specified calibration(s) up to tolerance tol
4484 | TODO: clock rate is devived here and used to set ages but clockrate parameter is not updated here (make sure that it does not produce inconsistancy)
4485 |
4486 |------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
IsCalibratedClockSatisfied(Tree * t,MrBFlt * minClockRate,MrBFlt * maxClockRate,MrBFlt tol)4487 int IsCalibratedClockSatisfied (Tree *t,MrBFlt *minClockRate,MrBFlt *maxClockRate , MrBFlt tol)
4488 {
4489     int             i, j, maxRateConstrained, minRateConstrained, isViolated;
4490     MrBFlt          f, maxHeight, minRate=0, maxRate=0, ageToAdd, *x, *y, clockRate;
4491     TreeNode        *p, *q, *r, *s;
4493     /* By defauult assume the tree does not have allowed range of clockrate */
4494     *minClockRate = 2.0;
4495     *maxClockRate = 1.0;
4497     if (t->isRooted == NO)
4498         return (NO);
4500     x = (MrBFlt *) SafeCalloc (2*t->nNodes, sizeof (MrBFlt));
4501     if (x == NULL)
4502         {
4503         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Out of memory in IsCalibratedClockSatisfied\n", spacer);
4504         free (x);
4505         return (NO);
4506         }
4507     y = x + t->nNodes;
4509     /* reset node depth and age, and set minimum (x) and maximum (y) age of each node */
4510     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4511         {
4512         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4513         p->age = -1.0;
4514         p->nodeDepth = -1.0;
4515         if (p->isDated == YES)
4516             {
4517             assert (p->calibration->prior != unconstrained);
4518             x[p->index] = p->calibration->min;
4519             y[p->index] = p->calibration->max;
4520             }
4521         else if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
4522             x[p->index] = y[p->index] = 0.0;
4523         else
4524             {
4525             x[p->index] = y[p->index] = -1.0;
4526             }
4527         }
4529     /* calculate node heights in branch length units */
4530     /* node depth will be set from the root for now  */
4531     p = t->root->left;
4532     p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
4533     for (i=t->nNodes-3; i>=0; i--)
4534         {
4535         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4536         p->nodeDepth = p->anc->nodeDepth + p->length;
4537         }
4539     /* find maximum height of tree */
4540     maxHeight = -1.0;
4541     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4542         {
4543         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4544         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
4545             {
4546             if (p->nodeDepth > maxHeight)
4547                 {
4548                 maxHeight = p->nodeDepth;
4549                 }
4550             }
4551         }
4553     /* calculate node depth from tip of tree */
4554     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4555         {
4556         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4557         p->nodeDepth = maxHeight - p->nodeDepth;
4558         }
4560     /* check potentially constraining calibrations */
4561     /* and find minimum and maximum possible rate */
4562     maxRateConstrained = NO;
4563     minRateConstrained = NO;
4564     isViolated = NO;
4565     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4566         {
4567         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4568         if (x[p->index] < 0.0 && y[p->index] < 0.0)
4569             continue;
4570         for (j=i+1; j<t->nNodes-1; j++)
4571             {
4572             q = t->allDownPass[j];
4573             if (x[q->index] < 0.0 && y[q->index] < 0.0)
4574                 continue;
4575             if (p->nodeDepth == q->nodeDepth) // becouse clock rate could be as low as possible we can not take approximate equality.
4576                 {
4577                 /* same depth so they must share a possible age */
4578                 if ((x[p->index] != -1.0 && y[q->index] !=-1.0 && AreDoublesEqual (x[p->index], y[q->index], tol) == NO && x[p->index] > y[q->index]) ||
4579                     (y[p->index] != -1.0 && x[q->index] !=-1.0 && AreDoublesEqual (y[p->index], x[q->index], tol) == NO && y[p->index] < x[q->index]))
4580                     {
4581                     isViolated = YES;
4582                     break;
4583                     }
4584                 }
4585             else
4586                 {
4587                 if (p->nodeDepth > q->nodeDepth)
4588                     {
4589                     r = p;
4590                     s = q;
4591                     }
4592                 else
4593                     {
4594                     r = q;
4595                     s = p;
4596                     }
4597                 if (x[r->index] >= 0.0 && y[s->index] >= 0.0)
4598                     {
4599                     f = (r->nodeDepth - s->nodeDepth) / (x[r->index] - y[s->index]);
4600                     if (f <= 0.0 || x[r->index] == y[s->index])
4601                         {
4602                         if (AreDoublesEqual (r->nodeDepth, s->nodeDepth, tol*0.1) == YES)
4603                             continue;
4604                         if ((r->calibration != NULL && r->calibration->prior != fixed) || (s->calibration != NULL && s->calibration->prior != fixed))
4605                             continue;
4606                         isViolated = YES;
4607                         break;
4608                         }
4609                     if (maxRateConstrained == NO)
4610                         {
4611                         maxRateConstrained = YES;
4612                         maxRate = f;
4613                         }
4614                     else if (f < maxRate)
4615                         maxRate = f;
4616                     }
4617                 if (y[r->index] >= 0.0 && x[s->index] >= 0.0)
4618                     {
4619                     f = (r->nodeDepth - s->nodeDepth) / (y[r->index] - x[s->index]);
4620                     if (f <= 0.0 || y[r->index] == x[s->index])
4621                         {
4622                         if (AreDoublesEqual (r->nodeDepth, s->nodeDepth, tol*0.1) == YES)
4623                             continue;
4624                         isViolated = YES;
4625                         break;
4626                         }
4627                     if (minRateConstrained == NO)
4628                         {
4629                         minRateConstrained = YES;
4630                         minRate = f;
4631                         }
4632                     else if (f > minRate)
4633                         minRate = f;
4634                     }
4635                 }
4636             }
4637         if (isViolated == YES)
4638             break;
4639         }
4641     /* check if outright violation */
4642     if (isViolated == YES)
4643         {
4644         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Branch lengths do not satisfy the calibration(s)\n", spacer);
4645         free (x);
4646         return (NO);
4647         }
4649     /* Allow tollerance */
4650     if (minRateConstrained == YES && maxRateConstrained == YES && AreDoublesEqual (minRate, maxRate, tol) == YES && minRate > maxRate)
4651         {
4652         maxRate = minRate;
4653         }
4655     if (minRateConstrained == YES)
4656         *minClockRate = minRate;
4657     else
4658         *minClockRate = 0.0;
4660     if (maxRateConstrained == YES)
4661         *maxClockRate = maxRate;
4662     else
4663         *maxClockRate = MRBFLT_MAX;
4665     /* check that minimum and maximum rates are consistent */
4666     if (minRateConstrained == YES && maxRateConstrained == YES && minRate > maxRate)
4667         {
4668         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Branch lengths do not satisfy the calibration(s)\n", spacer);
4669         free (x);
4670         return (NO);
4671         }
4673     /* date all nodes based on a suitable rate */
4674     if (minRateConstrained == YES)
4675         clockRate = minRate;
4676     else if (maxRateConstrained == YES)
4677         clockRate = 0.5 * maxRate;
4678     else
4679         clockRate = 1.0;
4680     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4681         {
4682         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4683         p->age = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
4684         }
4686     /* check if there is an age to add (I guess this is here because when max rate is close to minrate and we have numerical precision inacuracy) */
4687     ageToAdd = 0.0;
4688     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4689         {
4690         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4691         if (x[p->index] > 0.0 && x[p->index] > p->age)
4692             {
4693             f = x[p->index] - p->age;
4694             if (f > ageToAdd)
4695                 ageToAdd = f;
4696             }
4697         }
4699     /* add extra length if any */
4700     if (AreDoublesEqual (ageToAdd, 0.0, 0.00000001) == NO)
4701         {
4702         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
4703             {
4704             p = t->allDownPass[i];
4705             p->age += ageToAdd;
4706             }
4707         }
4709     free (x);
4711     /* reset node depths to ensure that non-dated tips have node depth 0.0 */
4712     SetNodeDepths(t);
4714     return (YES);
4715 }
IsClockSatisfied(Tree * t,MrBFlt tol)4718 int IsClockSatisfied (Tree *t, MrBFlt tol)
4719 {
4720     int             i, foundFirstLength, isClockLike;
4721     MrBFlt          firstLength=0.0, length;
4722     TreeNode        *p, *q;
4724     if (t->isRooted == NO)
4725         return (NO);
4727     foundFirstLength = NO;
4728     isClockLike = YES;
4729     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4730         {
4731         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4732         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
4733             {
4734             if (p->isDated == YES)
4735                 {
4736                 //continue;
4737                 length = p->nodeDepth;
4738                 }
4739             else
4740                 length = 0.0;
4741             q = p;
4742             while (q->anc != NULL)
4743                 {
4744                 if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
4745                     length += q->length;
4746                 q = q->anc;
4747                 }
4748             if (foundFirstLength == NO)
4749                 {
4750                 firstLength = length;
4751                 foundFirstLength = YES;
4752                 }
4753             else
4754                 {
4755                 if (AreDoublesEqual (firstLength, length, tol) == NO)
4756                     {
4757                     MrBayesPrint ("%s   Node (%s) is not at the same depth as some other tip taking colibration into account. \n", spacer, p->label);
4758                     isClockLike = NO;
4759                     }
4760                 }
4761             }
4762         }
4763     if (firstLength < BRLENS_MIN)
4764         isClockLike = NO;
4766     return (isClockLike);
4767 }
4770 /* Check that tree obeys topology constraints and that node depths and ages are consistent */
IsTreeConsistent(Param * param,int chain,int state)4771 int IsTreeConsistent (Param *param, int chain, int state)
4772 {
4773     Tree        *tree;
4774     TreeNode    *p;
4775     int         i, j;
4776     MrBFlt      b, r, rAnc, clockRate;
4777     Param       *subParm;
4779     if (param->paramType != P_TOPOLOGY && param->paramType != P_BRLENS && param->paramType != P_SPECIESTREE)
4780         return YES;
4782     tree      = GetTree(param, chain, state);
4783     if (modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].clockRate != NULL)
4784         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].clockRate, chain, state);
4785     else
4786         clockRate = 1.0;
4788     if (CheckConstraints(tree)==ERROR) {
4789         printf ("Tree does not obey constraints\n");
4790         return NO;
4791     }
4793     /* check that the last few indices are not taken in a rooted tree */
4794     if (tree->isRooted == YES && tree->root->index != tree->nNodes - 1)
4795         {
4796         printf ("Problem with root index\n");
4797         return NO;
4798         }
4799     if (tree->isRooted == YES && tree->root->left->index != tree->nNodes - 2)
4800         {
4801         printf ("Problem with interior root index\n");
4802         return NO;
4803         }
4805     if (tree->isClock == NO)
4806         {
4807         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++)
4808             {
4809             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
4810             if (p->length <= 0.0)
4811                 {
4812                 if (p->length == 0.0)
4813                     printf ("Node %d has zero branch length %f\n", p->index, p->length);
4814                 else
4815                     printf ("Node %d has negative branch length %f\n", p->index, p->length);
4816                 return NO;
4817                 }
4818             }
4819         return YES;
4820         }
4822     /* Clock trees */
4824     /* Check that lengths and depths are consistent */
4825     for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-2; i++) {
4826         p = tree->allDownPass[i];
4827         if (p->length < 0.0) {
4828             printf ("Node %d has negative branch length %f\n", p->index, p->length);
4829             return NO;
4830         }
4831         if (fabs(p->anc->nodeDepth - p->nodeDepth - p->length) > 0.000001) {
4832             printf ("Node %d has length %f but nodeDepth %f and ancNodeDepth %f\n",
4833                 p->index, p->length, p->nodeDepth, p->anc->nodeDepth);
4834             return NO;
4835         }
4836         if (p->left == NULL && p->isDated == NO && p->nodeDepth != 0.0) {
4837                 printf ("Node %d is an autodated tip (0.0) but has node depth %lf\n",
4838                     p->index, p->nodeDepth);
4839                 return NO;
4840         }
4841     }
4843     /* Check that ages and calibrations are consistent */
4844     if (tree->isCalibrated == YES)
4845         {
4846         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++)
4847             {
4848             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
4849             if (p->isDated == YES) {
4850                 if (fabs((p->age - p->nodeDepth/clockRate)/p->age) > 0.000001)
4851                     {
4852                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but nodeDepth %f when clock rate is %f\n",
4853                         p->index, p->age, p->nodeDepth, clockRate);
4854                     return NO;
4855                     }
4856                 if (p->calibration->prior == fixed && fabs((p->age - p->calibration->priorParams[0])/p->age) > 0.000001)
4857                     {
4858                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be fixed to age %f\n",
4859                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->priorParams[0]);
4860                     return NO;
4861                     }
4862                 else if (p->calibration->prior == uniform &&
4863                         ((p->age - p->calibration->min)/p->age < -0.000001 || (p->age - p->calibration->max)/p->age > 0.000001))
4864                     {
4865                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be in the interval [%f,%f]\n",
4866                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->min, p->calibration->max);
4867                     return NO;
4868                     }
4869                 else if ((p->age - p->calibration->min)/p->age < -0.000001)
4870                     {
4871                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be at least of age %f\n",
4872                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->min);
4873                     return NO;
4874                     }
4875                 else if ((p->age - p->calibration->max)/p->age > 0.000001)
4876                     {
4877                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be no older than %f\n",
4878                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->max);
4879                     return NO;
4880                     }
4881                 }
4882             }
4883         }
4885     for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
4886         {
4887         subParm = param->subParams[i];
4888         if (subParm->paramId == TK02BRANCHRATES || (subParm->paramId == MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state) == RCL_TK02))
4889             {
4890             rAnc = GetParamVals(subParm, chain, state)[tree->root->left->index];
4891             if (fabs(rAnc - 1.0) > 1E-6)
4892                 {
4893                 printf ("%s   TK02 relaxed clock mismatch in root rate, which is %e\n", spacer, rAnc);
4894                 return NO;
4895                 }
4896             for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes-2; j++)
4897                 {
4898                 p = tree->allDownPass[j];
4899                 b = GetParamSubVals(subParm, chain, state)[p->index];
4900                 r = GetParamVals(subParm, chain, state)[p->index];
4901                 rAnc = GetParamVals(subParm, chain, state)[p->anc->index];
4902                 if (fabs(p->length * (r + rAnc) / 2.0 - b) > 0.000001)
4903                     {
4904                     printf ("%s   TK02 relaxed clock mismatch in branch %d\n", spacer, p->index);
4905                     return NO;
4906                     }
4907                 }
4908             }
4909         else if (subParm->paramId == IGRBRANCHRATES || (subParm->paramId == MIXEDBRCHRATES && *GetParamIntVals(subParm, chain, state) == RCL_IGR))
4910             {
4911             for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes-2; j++)
4912                 {
4913                 p = tree->allDownPass[j];
4914                 b = GetParamSubVals(subParm, chain, state)[p->index];
4915                 r = GetParamVals(subParm, chain, state)[p->index];
4916                 if (fabs(p->length * r - b) > 0.000001)
4917                     {
4918                     printf ("%s   Igr relaxed clock mismatch in branch %d\n", spacer, p->index);
4919                     return NO;
4920                     }
4921                 }
4922             }
4923         }
4925     if (param->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE)
4926         return (IsSpeciesTreeConsistent(GetTree(param, chain, state), chain));
4928     return YES;
4929 }
4932 /* LabelTree: Label tree; remove previous labels if any */
LabelTree(Tree * t,char ** taxonNames)4933 int LabelTree (Tree *t, char **taxonNames)
4934 {
4935     int         i, nTaxa;
4936     TreeNode    *p = NULL;
4938     nTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
4939     if (t->isRooted == YES)
4940         nTaxa--;
4942     /* erase previous labels, if any */
4943     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4944         {
4945         p = t->allDownPass[i];
4946         p->marked = NO;
4947         t->nodes[i].label = noLabel;
4948         }
4950     /* add labels */
4951     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
4952         {
4953         p = &t->nodes[i];
4954         if (p->left == NULL || (t->isRooted == NO && p->anc == NULL))
4955             {
4956             if (p->marked == YES || p->index < 0 || p->index >= nTaxa)
4957                 {
4958                 MrBayesPrint ("%s   Taxon node index repeated or out of range\n", spacer);
4959                 return (ERROR);
4960                 }
4961             else
4962                 p->label = taxonNames[p->index];
4963             p->marked = YES;
4964             }
4965         else if (p->index > 0 && p->index < nTaxa)
4966             {
4967             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Terminal taxon index set for interior node\n", spacer);
4968             return (ERROR);
4969             }
4970         }
4972     return (NO_ERROR);
4973 }
4976 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4977 |
4978 |   Mark: This routine will mark up a subtree rooted at p
4979 |
4980 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Mark(TreeNode * p)4981 void Mark (TreeNode *p)
4982 {
4983     if (p != NULL)
4984         {
4985         p->marked = YES;
4986         Mark (p->left);
4987         Mark (p->right);
4988         }
4989 }
4992 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4993  |
4994  |   MarkDistance: This routine will mark up an unconstrained subtree rooted at p within dist
4995  |      The distance will be positive in the crown part and negative in the root part.
4996  |
4997  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MarkDistance(TreeNode * p,int YESorNO,int dist,int * n)4998 void MarkDistance (TreeNode *p, int YESorNO, int dist, int *n)
4999 {
5000     if (p == NULL || p->anc == NULL)
5001         return;
5003     p->marked = YES;
5004     if (YESorNO == YES) // in root part
5005         p->x = p->anc->x -1;
5006     else               // in crown part
5007         p->x = p->anc->x +1;
5008     (*n)++;
5010     if (p->isLocked == NO && abs(p->x) < dist)
5011         {
5012         MarkDistance (p->left, YESorNO, dist, n);
5013         MarkDistance (p->right,YESorNO, dist, n);
5014         }
5015 }
5018 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5019  |
5020  |   MarkUnconstrained: This routine will mark up an unconstrained subtree rooted at p
5021  |
5022  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MarkUnconstrained(TreeNode * p)5023 void MarkUnconstrained (TreeNode *p)
5024 {
5025     if (p != NULL)
5026         {
5027         p->marked = YES;
5028         if (p->isLocked == NO)
5029             {
5030             MarkUnconstrained (p->left);
5031             MarkUnconstrained (p->right);
5032             }
5033         }
5034 }
5037 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5038 |
5039 |   MoveCalculationRoot: This routine will move the calculation root to the terminal with
5040 |      index outgroup
5041 |
5042 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MoveCalculationRoot(Tree * t,int outgroup)5043 int MoveCalculationRoot (Tree *t, int outgroup)
5044 {
5045     int             i;
5046     TreeNode        *p, *q, *r;
5048     if (t->isRooted == YES || outgroup < 0 || outgroup > t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - (t->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0))
5049         {
5050         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem moving calculation root\n", spacer);
5051         return (ERROR);
5052         }
5054     if (t->root->index == outgroup)
5055         return (NO_ERROR);    /* nothing to do */
5057     /* mark the path to the new calculation root */
5058     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5059         {
5060         p = t->allDownPass[i];
5061         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
5062             {
5063             if (p->index == outgroup)
5064                 p->marked = YES;
5065             else
5066                 p->marked = NO;
5067             }
5068         else
5069             {
5070             if (p->left->marked == YES || p->right->marked == YES)
5071                 p->marked = YES;
5072             else
5073                 p->marked = NO;
5074             }
5075         }
5077     /* rotate the tree to use the specified calculation root */
5078     p = t->root->left;
5079     q = t->root;
5080     q->anc = p;
5081     q->left = q->right = NULL;
5082     q->length = p->length;
5083     while (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)
5084         {
5085         if (p->left->marked == YES)
5086             {
5087             r = p->left;
5088             p->anc = r;
5089             p->left = q;
5090             p->length = r->length;
5091             q = p;
5092             p = r;
5093             }
5094         else /* if (p->right->marked == YES) */
5095             {
5096             r = p->right;
5097             p->anc = r;
5098             p->right = q;
5099             p->length = r->length;
5100             q = p;
5101             p = r;
5102             }
5103         }
5104     p->left = p->anc;
5105     p->right = p->anc = NULL;
5106     t->root = p;
5107     p->length = 0.0;
5109     GetDownPass (t);
5111     return (NO_ERROR);
5112 }
5115 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5116 |
5117 |   MovePolyCalculationRoot: This routine will move the calculation root to the terminal with
5118 |      index outgroup and place it as the right-most descendant of the root node
5119 |
5120 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MovePolyCalculationRoot(PolyTree * t,int outgroup)5121 int MovePolyCalculationRoot (PolyTree *t, int outgroup)
5122 {
5123     int             i;
5124     PolyNode        *p = NULL, *q, *r;
5126     /* check if tree is rooted, in which case calculation root is irrelevant */
5127     if (t->root->left->sib->sib == NULL)
5128         return (NO_ERROR);
5130     if (outgroup < 0 || outgroup > t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes)
5131         {
5132         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Outgroup index is out of range\n", spacer);
5133         return (ERROR);
5134         }
5136     if (t->root->left->sib->sib->sib != NULL)
5137         {
5138         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Root has more than three descendants\n", spacer);
5139         return (ERROR);
5140         }
5142     /* check if rerooting actually necessary */
5143     if (t->root->left->sib->sib->index == outgroup)
5144         return (NO_ERROR);
5146     /* mark the path to the new calculation root */
5147     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5148         {
5149         p = t->allDownPass[i];
5150         if (p->index == outgroup)
5151             break;
5152         }
5153     if (p->left != NULL)
5154         {
5155         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Outgroup index set for internal node\n", spacer);
5156         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5157             printf ("%d -- %d\n", i, t->allDownPass[i]->index);
5158         getchar();
5159         return (ERROR);
5160         }
5162     /* mark path to current root */
5163     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5164         t->allDownPass[i]->mark = NO;
5165     q = p;
5166     while (q != NULL)
5167         {
5168         q->mark = YES;
5169         q = q->anc;
5170         }
5172     /* rotate the tree to use the specified calculation root */
5173     p = t->root;
5174     for (;;)
5175         {
5176         /* find marked descendant */
5177         for (q=p->left; q->mark == NO; q=q->sib)
5178             ;
5179         if (q->index == outgroup)
5180             break;
5181         /* add old root to descendants of that node */
5182         for (r=q->left; r->sib!=NULL; r=r->sib)
5183             ;
5184         r->sib = p;
5185         p->sib = NULL;   /* should not be needed */
5186         p->anc = q;
5187         p->length = q->length;
5188         /* remove that node from descendants of old root node */
5189         if (p->left == q)
5190             p->left = q->sib;
5191         else
5192             {
5193             for (r=p->left; r->sib!=q; r=r->sib)
5194                 ;
5195             r->sib = r->sib->sib;
5196             }
5197         /* make new node root */
5198         q->sib = NULL;
5199         q->anc = NULL;
5200         q->length = 0.0;
5201         p = q;
5202         }
5204     /* p is now the new root */
5205     t->root = p;
5207     /* finally make sure calculation root is last node among root's descendants */
5208     for (q=p->left; q->sib!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5209         ;
5210     if (q->index != outgroup)
5211         {
5212         if (p->left->index == outgroup)
5213             {
5214             q->sib = p->left;
5215             p->left = p->left->sib;
5216             q->sib->sib = NULL;
5217             }
5218         else
5219             {
5220             for (r=p->left; r->sib->index!=outgroup; r=r->sib)
5221                 ;
5222             q->sib = r->sib;
5223             r->sib = r->sib->sib;
5224             q->sib->sib = NULL;
5225             }
5226         }
5228     GetPolyDownPass (t);
5230     return (NO_ERROR);
5231 }
5234 /*
5235 @return the number of levels for the tree rooted at the "node"
5236 */
NrSubTreeLevels(TreeNode * node)5237 int NrSubTreeLevels(TreeNode *node)
5238 {
5239     int r,l;
5241     if (node == NULL)
5242         {
5243         return -1;
5244         }
5246     r = NrSubTreeLevels (node->right);
5247     l = NrSubTreeLevels (node->left);
5249     return ((r>l)?(r):(l))+1;
5250 }
5253 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5254 |
5255 |   NumConstrainedTips: This routine will return the number of constrained tips, internal or external
5256 |
5257 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NumConstrainedTips(TreeNode * p)5258 int NumConstrainedTips (TreeNode *p)
5259 {
5260     int     i = 0;
5262     if (p == NULL)
5263         return i;
5264     if (p->left == NULL)
5265         return 1;
5267     i += NConstrainedTips (p->left);
5268     i += NConstrainedTips (p->right);
5270     return i;
5271 }
5274 /* NConstrainedTips: Recursive function to get the number of constrained tips */
NConstrainedTips(TreeNode * p)5275 int NConstrainedTips (TreeNode *p)
5276 {
5277     int     i=0;
5279     if (p!=NULL)
5280         {
5281         if (p->left == NULL || p->isLocked == YES)
5282             return 1;
5283         else
5284             {
5285             i += NConstrainedTips (p->left);
5286             i += NConstrainedTips (p->right);
5287             }
5288         }
5289     return i;
5290 }
5293 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5294 |
5295 |   NumDatedTips: This routine will return the number of dated tips, internal or external
5296 |
5297 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
NumDatedTips(TreeNode * p)5298 int NumDatedTips (TreeNode *p)
5299 {
5300     int     i = 0;
5302     assert (p != NULL && p->left != NULL);
5304     i += NDatedTips (p->left);
5305     i += NDatedTips (p->right);
5307     return i;
5308 }
5311 /* NDatedTips: recursive function to get the number of dated tips */
NDatedTips(TreeNode * p)5312 int NDatedTips (TreeNode *p)
5313 {
5314     int     i=0;
5316     assert (p!=NULL);
5318     if (p->left == NULL || p->isDated == YES)
5319         return 1;
5320     else
5321         {
5322         i += NDatedTips (p->left);
5323         i += NDatedTips (p->right);
5324         return i;
5325         }
5326 }
5329 /* OrderTips: Order tips in a polytomous tree */
OrderTips(PolyTree * t)5330 void OrderTips (PolyTree *t)
5331 {
5332     int         i, j;
5333     PolyNode    *p, *q, *r, *pl, *ql, *rl;
5335     /* label by minimum index */
5336     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5337         {
5338         p = t->allDownPass[i];
5339         if (p->left == NULL)
5340             {
5341             if (t->isRooted == NO && p->index == localOutGroup)
5342                 p->x = -1;
5343             else
5344                 p->x = p->index;
5345             }
5346         else
5347             {
5348             j = t->nNodes;
5349             for (q=p->left; q!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5350                 {
5351                 if (q->x < j)
5352                     j = q->x;
5353                 }
5354             p->x = j;
5355             }
5356         }
5358     /* and rearrange */
5359     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5360         {
5361         p = t->allDownPass[i];
5362         if (p->left == NULL || p->anc == NULL)
5363             continue;
5364         for (ql=NULL, q=p->left; q->sib!=NULL; ql=q, q=q->sib)
5365             {
5366             for (rl=q, r=q->sib; r!=NULL; rl=r, r=r->sib)
5367                 {
5368                 if (r->x < q->x)
5369                     {
5370                     if (ql == NULL)
5371                         p->left = r;
5372                     if (r == q->sib) /* swap adjacent q and r */
5373                         {
5374                         if (ql != NULL)
5375                             ql->sib = r;
5376                         pl = r->sib;
5377                         r->sib = q;
5378                         q->sib = pl;
5379                         }
5380                     else    /* swap separated q and r */
5381                         {
5382                         if (ql != NULL)
5383                             ql->sib = r;
5384                         pl = r->sib;
5385                         r->sib = q->sib;
5386                         rl->sib = q;
5387                         q->sib = pl;
5388                         }
5389                     pl = q;
5390                     q = r;
5391                     r = pl;
5392                     }
5393                 }
5394             }
5395         }
5396     GetPolyDownPass(t);
5397 }
5400 /* PrintNodes: Print a list of tree nodes, pointers and length */
PrintNodes(Tree * t)5401 void PrintNodes (Tree *t)
5402 {
5403     int         i;
5404     TreeNode    *p;
5406     printf ("Node\tleft\tright\tanc\tlength\n");
5407     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5408         {
5409         p = &t->nodes[i];
5410         printf ("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%f\n",
5411             p->index,
5412             p->left == NULL ? -1 : p->left->index,
5413             p->right == NULL ? -1 : p->right->index,
5414             p->anc == NULL ? -1 : p->anc->index,
5415             p->length,
5416             p->nodeDepth);
5417         }
5419     if (t->root == NULL)
5420         printf ("root: NULL\n");
5421     else
5422         printf ("root: %d\n", t->root->index);
5424     printf ("allDownPass:");
5425     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
5426         {
5427         p = t->allDownPass[i];
5428         if (p!=NULL)
5429             printf ("  %d", p->index);
5430         else
5431             printf ("  NULL");
5432         }
5433     printf ("\nintDownPass:  ");
5434     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
5435         {
5436         p = t->intDownPass[i];
5437         if (p!=NULL)
5438             printf ("  %d\t", p->index);
5439         else
5440             printf ("  NULL\t");
5441         }
5442     printf ("\n");
5443 }
5446 /* PrintPolyNodes: Print a list of polytomous tree nodes, pointers and length */
PrintPolyNodes(PolyTree * pt)5447 void PrintPolyNodes (PolyTree *pt)
5448 {
5449     int         i, j, k;
5450     PolyNode    *p;
5452     printf ("Node\tleft\tsib\tanc\tlength\tlabel\n");
5453     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
5454         {
5455         p = &pt->nodes[i];
5456         printf ("%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%f\t%s\n",
5457             p->index,
5458             p->left == NULL ? -1 : p->left->index,
5459             p->sib == NULL ? -1 : p->sib->index,
5460             p->anc == NULL ? -1 : p->anc->index,
5461             p->length,
5462             p->label);
5463         }
5464     printf ("root: %d\n", pt->root->index);
5465     fflush(stdout);
5467     if (pt->nBSets > 0)
5468         {
5469         for (i=0; i<pt->nBSets; i++)
5470             {
5471             printf ("Effective branch length set '%s'\n", pt->bSetName[i]);
5472             for (j=0; j<pt->nNodes; j++)
5473                 {
5474                 printf ("%d:%f", j, pt->effectiveBrLen[pt->nBSets][j]);
5475                 if (j != pt->nNodes-1)
5476                     printf (", ");
5477                 }
5478             printf ("\n");
5479             }
5480         }
5482     if (pt->nESets > 0)
5483         {
5484         for (i=0; i<pt->nESets; i++)
5485             {
5486             printf ("Cpp event set '%s'\n", pt->eSetName[i]);
5487             for (j=0; j<pt->nNodes; j++)
5488                 {
5489                 if (pt->nEvents[i][j] > 0)
5490                     {
5491                     printf ("\tNode %d -- %d:(", j, pt->nEvents[i][j]);
5492                     for (k=0; k<pt->nEvents[i][j]; k++)
5493                         {
5494                         printf ("%f %f", pt->position[i][j][k], pt->rateMult[i][j][k]);
5495                         if (k != pt->nEvents[i][j]-1)
5496                             printf (", ");
5497                         }
5498                     printf (")\n");
5499                     }
5500                 }
5501             printf ("\n");
5502             }
5503         }
5505     fflush(stdout);
5506 }
5509 /* PrintTranslateBlock: Print a translate block to file fp for tree t */
PrintTranslateBlock(FILE * fp,Tree * t)5510 void PrintTranslateBlock (FILE *fp, Tree *t)
5511 {
5512     int     i, j, nTaxa;
5514     if (t->isRooted == NO)
5515         nTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
5516     else
5517         nTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
5519     fprintf (fp, "\ttranslate\n");
5521     for (i=0; i<nTaxa; i++)
5522         {
5523         for (j=0; j<t->nNodes; j++)
5524             if (t->allDownPass[j]->index == i)
5525                 break;
5526         if (i == nTaxa-1)
5527             fprintf (fp, "\t\t%d\t%s;\n", i+1, t->allDownPass[j]->label);
5528         else
5529             fprintf (fp, "\t\t%d\t%s,\n", i+1, t->allDownPass[j]->label);
5530         }
5531 }
5534 /**
5535 Update relaxed clock parameter of the branch of a node with index "b" after node with index "a" is removed.
5536 i.e. make branch of node with index "b" be a concatenation of its original branch and the branch of node with index "a"
5537 Relaxed clock parameter of node with index "a" become invalid in the process.
5538 Note: For Non-clock models the routine has no effect.
5540 |       |
5541 |       |
5542 a       |
5543 |   ->  |
5544 |       |
5545 |       b
5546 b                */
AppendRelaxedBranch(int a,int b,PolyTree * t)5547 void AppendRelaxedBranch (int a,int b,PolyTree *t)
5548 {
5549     int i,len;
5551     for (i=0; i<t->nBSets; i++)
5552         {
5553         t->effectiveBrLen[i][b] += t->effectiveBrLen[i][a];
5554         }
5556     for (i=0; i<t->nESets; i++)
5557         {
5558         len=t->nEvents[i][a]+t->nEvents[i][b];
5559         t->position[i][a] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->position[i][a], len*sizeof(MrBFlt));
5560         t->rateMult[i][a] = (MrBFlt *) SafeRealloc ((void *)t->rateMult[i][a], len*sizeof(MrBFlt));
5561         memcpy (t->position[i][a]+t->nEvents[i][a], t->position[i][b], t->nEvents[i][b]*sizeof(MrBFlt));
5562         memcpy (t->rateMult[i][a]+t->nEvents[i][a], t->rateMult[i][b], t->nEvents[i][b]*sizeof(MrBFlt));
5563         free(t->position[i][b]);
5564         free(t->rateMult[i][b]);
5565         t->position[i][b] = t->position[i][a];
5566         t->rateMult[i][b] = t->rateMult[i][a];
5567         t->position[i][a] = NULL;
5568         t->rateMult[i][a] = NULL;
5569         t->nEvents[i][a] = 0;
5570         t->nEvents[i][b] = len;
5571         }
5573 }
5576 /**
5577 Swap relaxed clock paramiters of the branch of nodes with index "a" and "b".
5578 */
SwapRelaxedBranchInfo(int a,int b,PolyTree * t)5579 void SwapRelaxedBranchInfo (int a,int b,PolyTree *t)
5580 {
5581     int i,j;
5582     MrBFlt tmp, *tmpp;
5584     for (i=0; i<t->nBSets; i++)
5585         {
5586         tmp = t->effectiveBrLen[i][a];
5587         t->effectiveBrLen[i][a] = t->effectiveBrLen[i][b];
5588         t->effectiveBrLen[i][b] = tmp;
5589         }
5590     if (t->popSizeSet == YES)
5591         {
5592         tmp = t->popSize[a];
5593         t->popSize[a]=t->popSize[b];
5594         t->popSize[b] = tmp;
5595         }
5597     for (i=0; i<t->nESets; i++)
5598         {
5599         tmpp = t->position[i][a];
5600         t->position[i][a] = t->position[i][b];
5601         t->position[i][b] = tmpp;
5602         tmpp = t->rateMult[i][a];
5603         t->rateMult[i][a] = t->rateMult[i][b];
5604         t->rateMult[i][b] = tmpp;
5605         j = t->nEvents[i][a];
5606         t->nEvents[i][a] = t->nEvents[i][b];
5607         t->nEvents[i][b] = j;
5608         }
5609 }
5612 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5613 |
5614 |   PrunePolyTree: This routine will prune a polytomous tree according to the currently
5615 |      included taxa.  NB! All tree nodes cannot be accessed by cycling over the
5616 |      pt->nodes array after the deletion, because some spaces will be occupied by deleted
5617 |      nodes and pt->nNodes is no longer the length of this array
5618 |      (if proper re-arangment of pt->nodes needed then remove "#if 0" and make changes to p->x, see below).
5619 |
5620 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrunePolyTree(PolyTree * pt)5621 int PrunePolyTree (PolyTree *pt)
5622 {
5623     int             i, j, numDeleted, numTermPruned, numIntPruned, index;
5624     PolyNode        *p = NULL, *q=NULL, *r=NULL, *qa;
5626     numDeleted = 0;
5627     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
5628         {
5629         p = pt->allDownPass[i];
5630         CheckString (taxaNames, numTaxa, p->label, &index);
5631         if (p->left == NULL && taxaInfo[index].isDeleted == YES)
5632             numDeleted++;
5633         }
5635     if (numDeleted == 0)
5636         {
5637         /* nothing to do */
5638         return (NO_ERROR);
5639         }
5640     if (pt->nNodes - pt->nIntNodes - numDeleted < 3)
5641         {
5642         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Pruned tree has less than three taxa in it\n", spacer);
5643         return (ERROR);
5644         }
5645     if (pt->nNodes - pt->nIntNodes < numLocalTaxa)
5646         {
5647         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Tree to be pruned does not include all taxa\n", spacer);
5648         return (ERROR);
5649         }
5651     /* prune away one node at a time */
5652     numIntPruned = 0;
5653     numTermPruned = 0;
5654     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
5655         {
5656         p = pt->allDownPass[i];
5657         if (p->left != NULL)
5658             continue;
5659         CheckString (taxaNames, numTaxa, p->label, &index);
5660         if (taxaInfo[index].isDeleted == YES)
5661             {
5662             numTermPruned++;
5663             for (q=p->anc->left; q!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5664                 {
5665                 if (q->sib == p)
5666                     break;
5667                 }
5668             if (q == NULL)
5669                 {
5670                 /* p is the left of its ancestor */
5671                 assert (p->anc->left == p);
5672                 p->anc->left = p->sib;
5673                 }
5674             else
5675                 {
5676                 /* p is q->sib; this also works if p->sib is NULL */
5677                 q->sib = p->sib;
5678                 }
5679             /* if only one child left, delete ancestral node */
5680             j = 0;
5681             for (q=p->anc->left; q!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5682                 j++;
5683             if (j == 1)
5684                 {
5685                 /* p->anc->left is only child left; make p->anc be p->anc->left and accommodate its length */
5686                 numIntPruned++;
5687                 qa= p->anc;
5688                 q = qa->left;
5689                 if (q->left == NULL)
5690                     {
5691                     AppendRelaxedBranch (qa->index, q->index, pt);
5692                     qa->index = q->index;
5693                     qa->length += q->length;
5694                     strcpy(qa->label, q->label);
5695                     qa->left = NULL;
5696                     /* To make sure that q is not treated as the representer of the tip it represented before. i.e. make  condition if (p->left != NULL) true */
5697                     q->left = (struct pNode*)1;
5698                     }
5699                 else
5700                     {
5701                     if (qa->anc != NULL)
5702                         {
5703                         AppendRelaxedBranch (qa->index, q->index, pt);
5704                         qa->length += q->length;
5705                         }
5706                     qa->index   = q->index;
5707                     qa->left = q->left;
5708                     for (r=q->left; r!= NULL; r=r->sib)
5709                         r->anc = qa;
5710                     }
5711                 }
5712             /* if unrooted, then root node has to have more then 2 children, thus the following check */
5713             if (j == 2 && pt->isRooted == NO && p->anc->anc == NULL)
5714                 {
5715                 numIntPruned++;
5716                 r=p->anc; /*r is the root with only 2 children*/
5717                 if (r->left->left != NULL)
5718                     {/* Make r->left new root by attaching "right" child of r to children of r->left */
5719                     for (q=r->left->left; q->sib!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5720                         ;
5721                     q->sib = r->left->sib;
5722                     r->left->sib->anc = q->anc;
5723                     r->left->sib->length += q->anc->length;
5724                     r->left->sib = NULL;
5725                     r->left->anc = NULL;
5726                     pt->root = r->left;
5727                     }
5728                 else
5729                     {/* Make "right" child of r (r->left->sib) the new root by attaching r->left to children of r->"right" */
5730                     for (q=r->left->sib->left; q->sib!=NULL; q=q->sib)
5731                         ;
5732                     q->sib = r->left;
5733                     r->left->anc = q->anc;
5734                     r->left->length += q->anc->length;
5735                     r->left->sib = NULL;
5736                     q->anc->anc = NULL;
5737                     pt->root = q->anc;
5738                     }
5739                 }
5740             }
5741         }
5743 #if 0
5744     /* place unused space at the end of pt->nodes array. If activated this code p->x has to be set to non 0 value for all p that are deleted. */
5745     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
5746         {
5747         p = &pt->nodes[i];
5748         if (p->x != 0)
5749             {
5750             for (j=i+1; j<pt->nNodes; j++)
5751                 {
5752                 q = &pt->nodes[j];
5753                 if (q->x == 0)
5754                     break;
5755                 }
5756             if (j != pt->nNodes)
5757                 {
5758                 /* swap nodes; quite difficult! */
5759                 CopyPolyNodes (p, q, nLongsNeeded);
5760                 p->left = q->left;
5761                 p->sib = q->sib;
5762                 p->anc = q->anc;
5763                 for (k=0; k<pt->nNodes; k++)
5764                     {
5765                     r = &pt->nodes[k];
5766                     if (r->left == q)
5767                         r->left = p;
5768                     if (r->sib == q)
5769                         r->sib = p;
5770                     if (r->anc == q)
5771                         r->anc = p;
5772                     }
5773                 }
5774             }
5775         }
5776 #endif
5778     /* correct number of nodes */
5779     pt->nNodes -= (numTermPruned + numIntPruned);
5780     pt->nIntNodes -= numIntPruned;
5782     /* get downpass; note that the deletion procedure does not change the root in rooted case */
5783     i=j=0;
5784     GetPolyNodeDownPass (pt, pt->root, &i, &j);
5785     assert (i==pt->nNodes);
5786     assert (j==pt->nIntNodes);
5788     return (NO_ERROR);
5789 }
5792 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
5793 |
5794 |       RandPerturb: Randomly perturb a tree by nPert NNIs
5795 |
5796 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RandPerturb(Tree * t,int nPert,RandLong * seed)5797 int RandPerturb (Tree *t, int nPert, RandLong *seed)
5798 {
5799     int         i, whichNode;
5800     TreeNode    *p, *q, *a, *b, *c;
5802     if (t->nConstraints >= t->nIntNodes)
5803         {
5804         MrBayesPrint ("%s   User tree cannot be perturbed because all nodes are locked\n", spacer);
5805         return (ERROR);
5806         }
5808     for (i=0; i<nPert; i++)
5809         {
5810         do
5811             {
5812             whichNode = (int)(RandomNumber(seed) * (t->nIntNodes - 1));
5813             p = t->intDownPass[whichNode];
5814             } while (p->isLocked == YES);
5816         q = p->anc;
5817         a  = p->left;
5818         b  = p->right;
5819         if (q->left == p)
5820             c  = q->right;
5821         else
5822             c  = q->left;
5824         if (RandomNumber(seed) < 0.5)
5825             {
5826             /* swap b and c */
5827             p->right = c;
5828             c->anc  = p;
5830             if (q->left == c)
5831                 q->left = b;
5832             else
5833                 q->right = b;
5834             b->anc = q;
5835             }
5836         else
5837             {
5838             /* swap a and c */
5839             p->left = c;
5840             c->anc  = p;
5842             if (q->left == c)
5843                 q->left = a;
5844             else
5845                 q->right = a;
5846             a->anc = q;
5847             }
5849         if (t->isCalibrated == YES)
5850             InitCalibratedBrlens (t, 0.0001, seed);
5851         else if (t->isClock == YES)
5852             InitClockBrlens (t);
5853         }
5855     GetDownPass (t);
5857     if (t->checkConstraints == YES && CheckConstraints (t) == NO_ERROR)
5858         {
5859         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Broke constraints when perturbing tree\n", spacer);
5860         return (ERROR);
5861         }
5863     return (NO_ERROR);
5864 }
5867 /*
5868 |       Reorder array of nodes "nodeArray" such that first nodes in it could be paired with "w" to create imediat common ancestor and this ancesor node would not vialate any constraint.
5869 |
5870 | @param w                      Reference node as described
5871 | @param nodeArray              A set of node to order as described
5872 | @param activeConstraints      Array containing indeces of active constraints in the set of defined constraints
5873 | @param nLongsNeeded           Length of partition information (in BitsLong) in a node and constraint deffinition.
5874 | @param isRooted               Do constraints apply to rootet tree YES or NO
5875 |
5876 | @return                       Number of nodes in "nodeArray" that could be paired  with "w" to create imediat common ancestor and this ancesor node would not vialate any constraint
5877 */
ConstraintAllowedSet(PolyNode * w,PolyNode ** nodeArray,int nodeArraySize,int * activeConstraints,int activeConstraintsSize,int nLongsNeeded,int isRooted)5878 int ConstraintAllowedSet(PolyNode *w, PolyNode **nodeArray, int nodeArraySize, int *activeConstraints, int activeConstraintsSize, int nLongsNeeded, int isRooted)
5879 {
5880     int             i, j,  k, FirstEmpty;
5881     BitsLong        **constraintPartition;
5882     PolyNode        *tmp;
5884     for (j=0; j<activeConstraintsSize; j++)
5885         {
5886         k=activeConstraints[j];
5888         if (definedConstraintsType[k] == PARTIAL)
5889             {
5890             if ((IsPartNested(definedConstraintPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES) ||
5891                 (isRooted == NO && IsPartNested(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES))
5892                 continue;/* all nodes are compartable because condition of the constraint has to be sutsfied in the subtree rooted at w*/
5894             FirstEmpty = IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded);
5895             if (FirstEmpty == YES &&  IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES)
5896                 continue; /* all nodes are compartable becouse w does not contain any constraint taxa*/
5898             assert (FirstEmpty^IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded));
5900             if (FirstEmpty == YES)
5901                 {/*w->partition has intersection with definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], thus remove all nodes from nodeArray that intersect with definedConstraintPruned[k]*/
5902                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintPruned;
5903                 }
5904             else
5905                 {/*w->partition has intersection with definedConstraintPruned[k], thus remove all nodes from nodeArray that intersect with definedConstraintTwoPruned[k]*/
5906                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintTwoPruned;
5907                 }
5909             for (i=0;i<nodeArraySize;i++)
5910                 {
5911                 if (IsSectionEmpty(constraintPartition[k], nodeArray[i]->partition, nLongsNeeded) == NO &&
5912                     ((FirstEmpty == NO && isRooted== YES) ||  IsPartNested(constraintPartition[k], nodeArray[i]->partition, nLongsNeeded) == NO))
5913                   /*second part of if statment is to bail out "nodeArray[i]" when "w" contains nodes for example from definedConstraintPruned and "nodeArray[i]" have definedConstraintTwoPruned fully nested in it
5914                   This bail out not applicable if t->isRooted== YES Since we should create a rooting node for the first set of taxa in the constraint.
5915                   Note that such case possible because we may have hard constraint node that fully nest definedConstraintTwoPruned but also having taxa from definedConstraintPruned keeping constraint active.*/
5916                     {
5917                     tmp = nodeArray[i];
5918                     nodeArray[i]=nodeArray[--nodeArraySize];
5919                     nodeArray[nodeArraySize]=tmp;
5920                     i--;
5921                     }
5922                 }
5923             }/*end if PARTIAL*/
5924         else
5925             {
5926             assert (definedConstraintsType[k] == NEGATIVE);
5927             if (isRooted == YES || IsBitSet(localOutGroup, definedConstraintPruned[k])==NO)
5928                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintPruned;
5929             else
5930                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintTwoPruned;
5932             if (IsSectionEmpty(constraintPartition[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded)==YES)
5933                 continue;
5935             for (i=0;i<nodeArraySize;i++)
5936                 {
5937                 if (IsUnionEqThird (w->partition, nodeArray[i]->partition, constraintPartition[k], nLongsNeeded) == YES)
5938                     {
5939                     tmp = nodeArray[i];
5940                     nodeArray[i]=nodeArray[--nodeArraySize];
5941                     nodeArray[nodeArraySize]=tmp;
5942                     i--;
5943                     }
5944                 }
5946             }/*end if NEGATIVE*/
5947         }
5949    return nodeArraySize;
5950 }
5953 /*
5954 |               Check if "partition" violate any constraint.
5955 |
5956 | @param partiton               Partition to check
5957 | @param activeConstraints      Array containing indeces of active constraints in the set of defined constraints
5958 | @param nLongsNeeded           Length of partition information (in BitsLong) in a node and constraint deffinition
5959 | @param isRooted               Do constraints apply to rootet tree YES or NO
5960 |
5961 | @return                       Index of first violated constraint in activeConstraints array, -1 if no constraint is violated.
5962 */
ViolatedConstraint(BitsLong * partition,int * activeConstraints,int activeConstraintsSize,int nLongsNeeded,int isRooted)5963 int ViolatedConstraint(BitsLong *partition, int *activeConstraints, int activeConstraintsSize, int nLongsNeeded, int isRooted)
5964 {
5965     int             j, k;
5966     BitsLong        **constraintPartition;
5968     for (j=0; j<activeConstraintsSize; j++)
5969         {
5970         k=activeConstraints[j];
5971         assert (definedConstraintsType[k] != HARD);
5973         if (definedConstraintsType[k] == PARTIAL)
5974             {
5975             if ((IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintPruned[k], partition, nLongsNeeded) == NO) &&
5976                 (IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], partition, nLongsNeeded) == NO) &&
5977                 (IsPartNested(definedConstraintPruned[k], partition, nLongsNeeded) == NO) &&
5978                 !(isRooted == NO && IsPartNested(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES))
5979                 return j;
5980             }/*end if PARTIAL*/
5981         else
5982             {
5983             assert (definedConstraintsType[k] == NEGATIVE);
5984             if (isRooted == YES || IsBitSet(localOutGroup, definedConstraintPruned[k])==NO)
5985                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintPruned;
5986             else
5987                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintTwoPruned;
5989             if (IsUnionEqThird (partition, partition, constraintPartition[k], nLongsNeeded) == YES)
5990                 return j;
5991             }/*end if NEGATIVE*/
5992         }
5994    return -1;
5995 }
5998 /*
5999 |         Remove from activeConstraints references to constraints that become satisfied if PolyNode "w" exist, i.e. they do not need to be checked furter thus become not active
6000 |
6001 | @param activeConstraints      Array containing indeces of active constraints in the set of defined constraints
6002 | @param nLongsNeeded           Length of partition information (in BitsLong) in a node and constraint deffinition.
6003 | @param isRooted               Do constraints apply to rootet tree YES or NO
6004 |
6005 | @return                       Size of pruned "activeConstraints" array
6006 */
PruneActiveConstraints(PolyNode * w,int * activeConstraints,int activeConstraintsSize,int nLongsNeeded,int isRooted)6007 int PruneActiveConstraints (PolyNode *w, int *activeConstraints, int activeConstraintsSize, int nLongsNeeded, int isRooted)
6008 {
6009     int             j,  k;
6010     BitsLong        **constraintPartition;
6011     //PolyNode        *tmp;
6013     for (j=0; j<activeConstraintsSize; j++)
6014         {
6015         k=activeConstraints[j];
6017         if (definedConstraintsType[k] == PARTIAL)
6018             {
6019             if ((IsPartNested(definedConstraintPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES && IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded)) ||
6020                (isRooted == NO && IsPartNested(definedConstraintTwoPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded) == YES && IsSectionEmpty(definedConstraintPruned[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded)))
6021                 {
6022                 //tmp = activeConstraints[j];
6023                 activeConstraints[j]=activeConstraints[--activeConstraintsSize];
6024                 //activeConstraints[activeConstraintsSize]=tmp;
6025                 j--;
6026                 }
6027             }/*end if PARTIAL*/
6028         else
6029             {
6030             assert (definedConstraintsType[k] == NEGATIVE);
6031             if (isRooted == YES || IsBitSet(localOutGroup, definedConstraintPruned[k])==NO)
6032                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintPruned;
6033             else
6034                 constraintPartition=definedConstraintTwoPruned;
6036             if (IsPartNested(constraintPartition[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded)==NO && IsSectionEmpty(constraintPartition[k], w->partition, nLongsNeeded)==NO)
6037                 {
6038                 //tmp = activeConstraints[j];
6039                 activeConstraints[j]=activeConstraints[--activeConstraintsSize];
6040                 //activeConstraints[activeConstraintsSize]=tmp;
6041                 j--;
6042                 }
6043             }/*end if NEGATIVE*/
6044         }
6046    return activeConstraintsSize;
6047 }
6050 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
6051 |
6052 |           RandResolve: Randomly resolve a polytomous tree
6053 |
6054 | @param    tt is a tree which contains information about applicable constraints. If it is set to NULL then no constraints will be used.
6055 |           If t!=NULL then partitions of nodes of polytree should be allocated for example by AllocatePolyTreePartitions (t);
6056 | @return   NO_ERROR on succes, ABORT if could not resolve a tree without vialating some consraint, ERROR if any other error occur
6057 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RandResolve(Tree * tt,PolyTree * t,RandLong * seed,int destinationIsRooted)6058 int RandResolve (Tree *tt, PolyTree *t, RandLong *seed, int destinationIsRooted)
6059 {
6060     int         i, j, k, nextNode, stopNode, rand1, rand2, nTaxa, nLongsNeeded, tmp;
6061     PolyNode    *p=NULL, *q, *r, *u, *w1, *w2;
6062     int         nodeArrayAllowedSize, nodeArraySize, activeConstraintsSize;
6063     PolyNode    **nodeArray;
6064     int         *activeConstraints;
6066     assert (tt==NULL || t->bitsets!=NULL); /* partition fields of t nodes need to be allocated if constraints are used*/
6067     nTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;     /* different from numLocalTaxa potentially if a species tree */
6068     assert (nTaxa <= t->memNodes/2); /* allocated tree has to be big enough*/
6069     nLongsNeeded = (nTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1; /* allocated length of partitions is t->memNodes/2 bits but only first nTaxa bits are used */
6071     nodeArray = t->allDownPass; /*temporary use t->allDownPass for different purpose. It get properly reset at the end. */
6072     activeConstraints = tempActiveConstraints;
6073     activeConstraintsSize = 0;
6075     /* collect constraints to consider if applicable*/
6076     if (tt!=NULL && tt->constraints!=NULL)
6077         {
6078         for (k=0; k<numDefinedConstraints; k++)
6079             {
6080             if (tt->constraints[k] == YES && definedConstraintsType[k] != HARD)
6081                 activeConstraints[activeConstraintsSize++]=k;
6082             }
6083         }
6085     /* count immediate descendants */
6086     GetPolyDownPass(t);
6087     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6088         {
6089         p = t->intDownPass[i];
6090         tmp=ViolatedConstraint(p->partition, activeConstraints, activeConstraintsSize, nLongsNeeded, t->isRooted);
6091         if (tmp != -1)
6092             {
6093             assert (p->isLocked == YES);
6094             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Could not build a constraint tree since hard constraint \"%s\" and constraint \"%s\" are incompatible\n", spacer, constraintNames[p->lockID], constraintNames[activeConstraints[tmp]]);
6095             return (ERROR);
6096             }
6097         activeConstraintsSize = PruneActiveConstraints (p, activeConstraints, activeConstraintsSize, nLongsNeeded, t->isRooted);
6098         j = 0;
6099         for (q=p->left; q!=NULL; q=q->sib)
6100             j++;
6101         p->x = j;
6102         }
6104     /* add one node at a time */
6105     if (destinationIsRooted == NO)
6106         stopNode = 2*nTaxa - 2;
6107     else
6108         stopNode = 2*nTaxa - 1;
6109     for (nextNode=t->nNodes; nextNode < stopNode; nextNode++)
6110         {
6111         /* find a polytomy to break */
6112         for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6113             {
6114             p = t->intDownPass[i];
6115             if (destinationIsRooted == YES && p->x > 2)
6116                 break;
6117             if (destinationIsRooted == NO && ((p->anc != NULL && p->x > 2) || (p->anc == NULL && p->x > 3)))
6118                 break;
6119             }
6121         /* if we can't find one, there's an error */
6122         if (i == t->nIntNodes)
6123             {
6124             return  ERROR;
6125             }
6127         nodeArraySize=0;
6128         /*Collect initial list of candidate nodes to join*/
6129         for (q = p->left; q!= NULL; q = q->sib)
6130             {
6131             nodeArray[nodeArraySize++]=q;
6132             }
6133         assert (nodeArraySize==p->x);
6135         /* identify two descendants randomly */
6136         /* make sure we do not select outgroup if it is an unrooted tree */
6137         if (p->anc == NULL && destinationIsRooted == NO)
6138             nodeArraySize--;
6140         do
6141             {
6142             /* Pick first node */
6143             rand1 = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) * nodeArraySize);
6144             w1 = nodeArray[rand1];
6145             nodeArray[rand1] = nodeArray[--nodeArraySize];
6147             if (nodeArraySize==0)
6148                 return ABORT; /* Potentaily here we could instead revert by removing last added node and try again. */
6150             /* Move all nodes in nodeArray which can be paired with w to the beginning of array */
6151             nodeArrayAllowedSize=ConstraintAllowedSet(w1, nodeArray, nodeArraySize, activeConstraints, activeConstraintsSize, nLongsNeeded, t->isRooted);
6152             /* TODO optimization for Maxim (if not Maxim remove it if you still see it): if nodeArrayAllowedSize==0 then set w1->y */
6153             } while (nodeArrayAllowedSize == 0);
6155         rand2 = (int) (RandomNumber(seed) *nodeArrayAllowedSize);
6156         w2 = nodeArray[rand2];
6158         /* create a new node */
6159         u = &t->nodes[nextNode];
6160         u->anc = p;
6161         u->x = 2;
6162         p->x--;
6164         if (tt != NULL) {
6165             for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
6166                 u->partition[j] = w1->partition[j] | w2->partition[j] ;
6167             activeConstraintsSize = PruneActiveConstraints (u, activeConstraints, activeConstraintsSize, nLongsNeeded, t->isRooted);
6168         }
6170         u->left = w1;
6171         t->nNodes++;
6172         t->nIntNodes++;
6174         /* connect tree together */
6175         r = u;
6176         for (q = p->left; q!= NULL; q = q->sib)
6177             {
6178             if (q != w1 && q != w2)
6179                 {
6180                 r->sib=q;
6181                 r = q;
6182                 }
6183             }
6184         r->sib = NULL;
6185         w1->sib = w2;
6186         w2->sib = NULL;
6187         w1->anc = u;
6188         w2->anc = u;
6189         p->left = u;
6191         /* update tree */
6192         GetPolyDownPass (t);
6193         }
6195     /* relabel interior nodes (important that last indices are at the bottom!) */
6196     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6197         {
6198         p = t->intDownPass[i];
6199         p->index = nTaxa + i;
6200         }
6201     return NO_ERROR;
6202 }
6205 /* ResetTreeNode: Reset tree node except for memory index */
ResetTreeNode(TreeNode * p)6206 void ResetTreeNode (TreeNode *p)
6207 {
6208     /* do not change memoryIndex; that is set once and for all when tree is allocated */
6209     p->index                  = 0;
6210     p->upDateCl               = NO;
6211     p->upDateTi               = NO;
6212     p->marked                 = NO;
6213     p->length                 = 0.0;
6214     p->nodeDepth              = 0.0;
6215     p->x                      = 0;
6216     p->y                      = 0;
6217     p->index                  = 0;
6218     p->isDated                = NO;
6219     p->calibration            = NULL;
6220     p->age                    = -1.0;
6221     p->isLocked               = NO;
6222     p->lockID                 = -1;
6223     p->label                  = noLabel;
6224     p->d                      = 0.0;
6225     p->partition              = NULL;
6226 }
6229 /* ResetPolyNode: Reset all values of one node in a polytree */
ResetPolyNode(PolyNode * p)6230 void ResetPolyNode (PolyNode *p)
6231 {
6232     /* we reset everything here except memoryIndex, which should be immutable */
6233     p->length = 0.0;
6234     p->depth = 0.0;
6235     p->age = 0.0;
6236     p->anc = p->left = p->sib = NULL;
6237     p->calibration = NULL;
6238     p->f = 0.0;
6239     p->index = 0;
6240     p->isDated = NO;
6241     p->isLocked = NO;
6242     strcpy (p->label,"");
6243     p->lockID = 0;
6244     p->partition = NULL;
6245     p->partitionIndex = 0;
6246     p->support = 0.0;
6247     p->x = p->y = 0;
6248 }
6251 /* ResetPolyTree: Reset polytomous tree to pristine state but keep relevant memory. */
ResetPolyTree(PolyTree * pt)6252 void ResetPolyTree (PolyTree *pt)
6253 {
6254     int     i, maxTaxa, nLongsNeeded;
6256     /* clear nodes */
6257     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
6258         ResetPolyNode (&pt->nodes[i]);
6260     /* empty node arrays and tree properties but keep space */
6261     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
6262         pt->allDownPass[i] = NULL;
6263     for (i=0; i<pt->nIntNodes; i++)
6264         pt->intDownPass[i] = NULL;
6265     pt->nNodes = 0;
6266     pt->nIntNodes = 0;
6267     pt->root = NULL;
6268     pt->brlensDef = NO;
6269     pt->isRooted = NO;
6270     pt->isClock = NO;
6271     pt->isRelaxed = NO;
6272     pt->clockRate = 0.0;
6274     /* empty bitsets but keep space and pointers */
6275     if (pt->bitsets)
6276         {
6277         maxTaxa = pt->memNodes / 2;
6278         nLongsNeeded = (maxTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
6279         for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes*nLongsNeeded; i++)
6280             pt->bitsets[i] = 0;
6281         for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
6282             pt->nodes[i].partition = pt->bitsets + i*nLongsNeeded;
6283         }
6285     /* empty relaxed clock parameters */
6286     FreePolyTreeRelClockParams (pt);
6288     /* empty population size set parameters */
6289     FreePolyTreePopSizeParams (pt);
6290 }
6293 /* ResetPolyTreePartitions: Reset and set bit patterns describing partitions */
ResetPolyTreePartitions(PolyTree * pt)6294 void ResetPolyTreePartitions (PolyTree *pt)
6295 {
6296     int         i, j, numTaxa, nLongsNeeded;
6297     PolyNode    *pp;
6299     /* get some handy numbers */
6300     numTaxa = pt->memNodes/2;
6301     nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
6303     /* reset bits describing partitions */
6304     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes*nLongsNeeded; i++)
6305         {
6306         pt->bitsets[i] = 0;
6307         }
6309     /* set bits describing partitions */
6310     for (i=0; i<pt->nNodes; i++)
6311         {
6312         assert (pt->allDownPass != NULL && pt->allDownPass[i] != NULL);
6313         assert (pt->allDownPass[i]->partition != NULL);
6315         pp = pt->allDownPass[i];
6316         if (pp->left == NULL)
6317             {
6318             SetBit (pp->index, pp->partition);
6319             }
6320         if (pp->anc != NULL)
6321             {
6322             for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
6323                 pp->anc->partition[j] |= pp->partition[j];
6324             }
6325         }
6326 }
6329 /*----------------------------------------------
6330 |
6331 |   ResetRootHeight: Reset node heights in a clock
6332 |      tree to fit a new root height. Assumes
6333 |      node depths and lengths set correctly.
6334 |
6335 -----------------------------------------------*/
ResetRootHeight(Tree * t,MrBFlt rootHeight)6336 int ResetRootHeight (Tree *t, MrBFlt rootHeight)
6337 {
6338     int         i;
6339     TreeNode    *p;
6340     MrBFlt      factor, x, y;
6342     if (t->isClock == NO)
6343         return ERROR;
6345     /* make sure node depths are set */
6346     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
6347         {
6348         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6349         if (p->left == NULL)
6350             p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
6351         else
6352             {
6353             x = p->left->nodeDepth + p->left->length;
6354             y = p->right->nodeDepth + p->right->length;
6355             if (x > y)
6356                 p->nodeDepth = x;
6357             else
6358                 p->nodeDepth = y;
6359             }
6360         }
6361     for (i=t->nNodes-3; i>=0; i--)
6362         {
6363         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6364         p->nodeDepth = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->length;
6365         }
6367     /* now reset node depths and branch lengths */
6368     factor = rootHeight / t->root->left->nodeDepth;
6369     t->root->left->nodeDepth = rootHeight;
6370     for (i=t->nNodes-2; i>=0; i--)
6371         {
6372         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6373         p->nodeDepth *= factor;
6374         p->length *= factor;
6375         }
6377     return NO_ERROR;
6378 }
6381 /*----------------------------------------------
6382 |
6383 |   ResetTipIndices: reset tip indices to be from
6384 |      0 to number of included taxa, in same order
6385 |      as in the original taxon set.
6386 |
6387 -----------------------------------------------*/
ResetTipIndices(PolyTree * pt)6388 void ResetTipIndices(PolyTree *pt)
6389 {
6390     int         i, j, k, m;
6391     PolyNode    *p = NULL;
6393     for (i=j=0; i<numTaxa; i++)
6394         {
6395         for (k=0; k<pt->nNodes; k++)
6396             {
6397             p = pt->allDownPass[k];
6398             if (StrCmpCaseInsensitive(p->label,taxaNames[i]) == 0)
6399                 break;
6400             }
6401         if (k < pt->nNodes)
6402             {
6403             assert (p->left == NULL);
6404             if (p->index!=j) {
6405                 SwapRelaxedBranchInfo (p->index, j, pt);
6406                 for (m=0; m<pt->nNodes; m++)
6407                     {
6408                     if (pt->allDownPass[m]->index==j)
6409                         {
6410                         pt->allDownPass[m]->index=p->index;
6411                         break;
6412                         }
6413                     }
6414                 p->index = j;
6415                 }
6416             j++;
6417             }
6418         }
6419 }
6422 /*----------------------------------------------
6423 |
6424 |   ResetTopology: rebuild the tree t to fit the
6425 |      Newick string s. Everyting except topology
6426 |      is left in the same state in t.
6427 |
6428 -----------------------------------------------*/
ResetTopology(Tree * t,char * s)6429 int ResetTopology (Tree *t, char *s)
6430 {
6431     TreeNode    *p, *q;
6432     int         i, j, k, inLength;
6433     char        temp[30];
6435     /* set all pointers to NULL */
6436     for (i=0; i<t->memNodes; i++)
6437         {
6438         p = &t->nodes[i];
6439         p->anc = p->right = p->left = NULL;
6440         p->index = -1;
6441         }
6442     p = &t->nodes[0];
6444     /* start out assuming that the tree is rooted; we will detect below if it is not */
6445     t->isRooted = YES;
6446     inLength = NO;
6447     for (i=0, j=1; *s!='\0'; s++)
6448         {
6449         if (*s == ',' || *s == ')' || *s == ':')
6450             {
6451             if (p->right == NULL && inLength == NO)
6452                 {
6453                 temp[i] = '\0';
6454                 k = atoi (temp);
6455                 p->index = k-1;
6456                 i = 0;
6457                 }
6458             else
6459                 inLength = NO;
6460             }
6461         if (*s == '(')
6462             {
6463             q = p;
6464             p = &t->nodes[j++];
6465             q->left = p;
6466             p->anc = q;
6467             }
6468         else if (*s == ',')
6469             {
6470             if (p->anc->right == NULL)
6471                 {
6472                 q = p->anc;
6473                 p = &t->nodes[j++];
6474                 p->anc = q;
6475                 q->right = p;
6476                 }
6477             else /* if p->anc->right == p (near 'root' of unrooted trees) */
6478                 {
6479                 q = p->anc;
6480                 p = &t->nodes[j++];
6481                 q->anc = p;
6482                 p->left = q;
6483                 t->isRooted = NO;
6484                 }
6485             }
6486         else if (*s == ')')
6487             {
6488             p = p->anc;
6489             }
6490         else if (*s == ':')
6491             {
6492             inLength = YES;
6493             }
6494         else if (inLength == NO)
6495             {
6496             temp[i++] = *s;
6497             }
6498         }
6500     /* attach root to rooted tree */
6501     if (t->isRooted == YES)
6502         {
6503         p = &t->nodes[0];
6504         q = &t->nodes[j++];
6505         q->left = p;
6506         p->anc = q;
6507         }
6509     /* relabel interior nodes, find number of nodes and root */
6510     t->nNodes = j;
6511     t->nIntNodes = t->nNodes/2 - 1;
6513     if (t->isRooted == NO)
6514         j = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
6515     else
6516         j = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
6518     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
6519         {
6520         p = &t->nodes[i];
6521         if (p->index == -1)
6522             p->index = j++;
6523         if (p->anc == NULL)
6524             t->root = p;
6525         }
6527     GetDownPass (t);
6529     return NO_ERROR;
6530 }
6533 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
6534 |
6535 |   ResetBrlensFromTree: copies brlens and depths from second tree (vTree) to
6536 |       first tree (used to initialize brlen sets for same topology)
6537 |
6538 -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
ResetBrlensFromTree(Tree * tree,Tree * vTree)6539 int ResetBrlensFromTree (Tree *tree, Tree *vTree)
6540 {
6541     int         i, j, k, nLongsNeeded, numTips;
6542     MrBFlt      d1, d2;
6543     TreeNode    *p, *q;
6545     if (tree->isRooted != vTree->isRooted)
6546         return (ERROR);
6548     if (AreTopologiesSame (tree, vTree) == NO)
6549         return (ERROR);
6551     /* allocate and set up partitions */
6552     AllocateTreePartitions (vTree);
6553     AllocateTreePartitions (tree);
6554     numTips = tree->nNodes - tree->nIntNodes - (tree->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0);
6555     nLongsNeeded = (int) ((numTips - 1) / nBitsInALong) + 1;
6557     /*copy lengths and nodeDepthes*/
6558     for (i=0; i<vTree->nNodes; i++)
6559         {
6560         p  = vTree->allDownPass[i];
6561         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6562             {
6563             q  = tree->allDownPass[j];
6564             for (k=0; k<nLongsNeeded; k++)
6565                 if (p->partition[k] != q->partition[k])
6566                     break;
6567             if (k==nLongsNeeded)
6568                 {
6569                 q->length = p->length;
6570                 if (tree->isRooted == YES)
6571                     q->nodeDepth = p->nodeDepth;
6572                 }
6573             }
6574         }
6576     if (tree->isRooted == YES)
6577         {
6578         /*Next compute height for the root. */
6579         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++)
6580             {
6581             p  = tree->allDownPass[i];
6582             if (p->left == NULL)
6583                 p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
6584             else
6585                 {
6586                 d1 = p->left->nodeDepth + p->left->length;
6587                 d2 = p->right->nodeDepth + p->right->length;
6588                 if (d1 > d2)
6589                     p->nodeDepth = d1;
6590                 else
6591                     p->nodeDepth = d2;
6592                 }
6593             }
6594         for (i=tree->nNodes-3; i>=0; i--)
6595             {
6596             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
6597             if (p->left==NULL && p->calibration==NULL)
6598                 continue;    /* leave at 0.0 */
6599             p->nodeDepth = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->length;
6600             }
6601         }
6603     FreeTreePartitions(tree);
6604     FreeTreePartitions(vTree);
6606     return (NO_ERROR);
6607 }
6610 /* ResetIntNodeIndices: Set int node indices in downpass order from numTaxa to 2*numTaxa-2 */
ResetIntNodeIndices(PolyTree * t)6611 void ResetIntNodeIndices (PolyTree *t)
6612 {
6613     int i, m, index;
6615     index = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
6617     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6618         {
6619         if (t->intDownPass[i]->index != index)
6620             {
6621             SwapRelaxedBranchInfo (t->intDownPass[i]->index, index, t);
6622             for (m=0; m<t->nIntNodes; m++)
6623                 {
6624                 if (t->intDownPass[m]->index==index)
6625                     {
6626                     t->intDownPass[m]->index=t->intDownPass[i]->index;
6627                     break;
6628                     }
6629                 }
6630             t->intDownPass[i]->index = index;
6631             }
6632         index++;
6633         }
6634 }
6637 /* ResetTopologyFromTree: use top to set topology in tree */
ResetTopologyFromTree(Tree * tree,Tree * top)6638 int ResetTopologyFromTree (Tree *tree, Tree *top)
6639 {
6640     int         i, j, k;
6641     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r, *p1;
6643     /* adopt rooting */
6644     tree->isRooted = top->isRooted;
6645     tree->nNodes = top->nNodes;
6646     tree->nIntNodes = top->nIntNodes;
6648     /* set all pointers to NULL */
6649     for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes; i++)
6650         {
6651         p = &tree->nodes[i];
6652         p->anc = p->right = p->left = NULL;
6653         }
6655     /* now copy topology */
6656     for (i=0; i<top->nIntNodes; i++)
6657         {
6658         p1 = top->intDownPass[i];
6660         k = p1->index;
6661         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6662             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6663                 break;
6664         p = &tree->nodes[j];
6666         k = p1->left->index;
6667         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6668             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6669                 break;
6670         q = &tree->nodes[j];
6672         k = p1->right->index;
6673         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6674             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6675                 break;
6676         r = &tree->nodes[j];
6678         p->left = q;
6679         p->right= r;
6680         q->anc = r->anc = p;
6681         }
6683     /* arrange the root */
6684     k = top->root->index;
6685     for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6686         if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6687             break;
6688     p = &tree->nodes[j];
6690     k = top->root->left->index;
6691     for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6692         if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6693             break;
6694     q = &tree->nodes[j];
6695     p->left = q;
6696     q->anc = p;
6697     p->right = p->anc = NULL;
6698     tree->root = p;
6700     GetDownPass (tree);
6702     return (NO_ERROR);
6703 }
6706 /* ResetTopologyFromPolyTree: use polytree top to set topology in tree */
ResetTopologyFromPolyTree(Tree * tree,PolyTree * top)6707 int ResetTopologyFromPolyTree (Tree *tree, PolyTree *top)
6708 {
6709     int         i, j, k;
6710     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
6711     PolyNode    *p1;
6713     if (tree->isRooted != top->isRooted)
6714         return (ERROR);
6716     /* set all pointers to NULL */
6717     for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes; i++)
6718         {
6719         p = &tree->nodes[i];
6720         p->anc = p->right = p->left = NULL;
6721         }
6723     /* now copy topology */
6724     for (i=0; i<top->nIntNodes; i++)
6725         {
6726         p1 = top->intDownPass[i];
6728         k = p1->index;
6729         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6730             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6731                 break;
6732         p = &tree->nodes[j];
6734         k = p1->left->index;
6735         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6736             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6737                 break;
6738         q = &tree->nodes[j];
6740         k = p1->left->sib->index;
6741         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6742             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6743                 break;
6744         r = &tree->nodes[j];
6746         p->left = q;
6747         p->right= r;
6748         q->anc = r->anc = p;
6749         }
6751     /* arrange the root */
6752     if (top->isRooted == YES)
6753         {
6754         k = top->root->index;
6755         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6756             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6757                 break;
6758         p = &tree->nodes[j];
6760         k = top->nNodes;
6761         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6762             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6763                 break;
6764         q = &tree->nodes[j];
6766         q->left = p;
6767         q->anc = NULL;
6768         q->right = NULL;
6769         tree->root = q;
6770         }
6771     else /* if (top->isRooted == NO) */
6772     {
6773         k = top->root->index;
6774         for (j=0; j<tree->nNodes; j++)
6775             if (tree->nodes[j].index == k)
6776                 break;
6777         p = &tree->nodes[j];
6779         k = localOutGroup;
6780         for (p1=top->root->left; p1!=NULL; p1=p1->sib)
6781             if (p1->index == k)
6782                 break;
6784         assert (p1 != NULL);
6785         if (p1 == NULL)
6786             return (ERROR);
6788         q = &tree->nodes[p1->index];
6789         k = p1->anc->left->sib->sib->index;     /* index of missing child */
6790         if (p->left == q)
6791             p->left = &tree->nodes[k];
6792         else if (p->right == q)
6793             p->right = &tree->nodes[k];
6795         q->anc = q->right = NULL;
6796         p->anc = q;
6797         q->left = p;
6798     }
6800     GetDownPass (tree);
6802     return (NO_ERROR);
6803 }
6806 /* ResetTreePartitions: Reset bitsets describing tree partitions */
ResetTreePartitions(Tree * t)6807 void ResetTreePartitions (Tree *t)
6808 {
6809     int         i, j, numTaxa, nLongsNeeded;
6810     TreeNode    *p;
6812     /* get some handy numbers */
6813     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - (t->isRooted == YES ? 1 : 0);
6814     nLongsNeeded = (numTaxa - 1) / nBitsInALong + 1;
6816     /* reset bits describing partitions */
6817     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
6818         {
6819         assert (t->allDownPass != NULL && t->allDownPass[i] != NULL);
6820         assert (t->allDownPass[i]->partition != NULL);
6822         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6823         for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
6824             p->partition[j] = 0;
6825         }
6827     /* set bits describing partitions */
6828     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
6829         {
6830         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6831         if (p->left == NULL || (p->anc == NULL && t->isRooted == NO))
6832             SetBit (p->index, p->partition);
6833         else if (p->anc != NULL)
6834             {
6835             for (j=0; j<nLongsNeeded; j++)
6836                 p->partition[j] = p->left->partition[j] | p->right->partition[j];
6837             }
6838         }
6839 }
6842 /*-------------------------------------------------------
6843 |
6844 |   RetrieveRTopology: This routine will rebuild a rooted
6845 |      tree from the order array created by StoreRTopology.
6846 |      All tree information except the structure will
6847 |      remain unaltered.
6848 |
6849 --------------------------------------------------------*/
RetrieveRTopology(Tree * t,int * order)6850 int RetrieveRTopology (Tree *t, int *order)
6851 {
6852     int         i, numTaxa;
6853     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
6855     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
6857     /* sort the tips in the t->allDownPass array */
6858     p = t->nodes;
6859     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++, p++)
6860         t->allDownPass[p->index] = p;
6862     /* make sure the root has index 2*numTaxa-1 */
6863     q = t->allDownPass[t->nNodes-1];
6864     q->anc = q->right = NULL;
6865     t->root = q;
6867     /* connect the first two tips */
6868     p = t->allDownPass[numTaxa];
6869     p->anc = q;
6870     q->left = p;
6871     p->length = 0.0;
6872     q = t->allDownPass[0];
6873     r = t->allDownPass[1];
6874     p->left = q;
6875     p->right = r;
6876     q->anc = r->anc = p;
6878     /* add one tip at a time */
6879     for (i=2; i<numTaxa; i++)
6880         {
6881         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6882         q = t->allDownPass[numTaxa-1+i];
6883         r = t->allDownPass[*(order++)];
6884         p->anc = q;
6885         q->left = p;
6886         q->right = r;
6887         q->anc = r->anc;
6888         if (r->anc->left == r)
6889             r->anc->left = q;
6890         else
6891             r->anc->right = q;
6892         r->anc = q;
6893         }
6895     /* get downpass */
6896     GetDownPass (t);
6898     /* relabel interior nodes (root is correctly labeled already) */
6899     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6900         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+numTaxa;
6902     return (NO_ERROR);
6903 }
6906 /*-------------------------------------------------------
6907 |
6908 |   RetrieveRTree: This routine will rebuild a rooted
6909 |      tree from the arrays created by StoreRTree.
6910 |      All tree information except the structure and
6911 |      branch lengths will remain unaltered.
6912 |
6913 --------------------------------------------------------*/
RetrieveRTree(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)6914 int RetrieveRTree (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
6915 {
6916     int         i, numTaxa;
6917     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
6919     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
6921     /* sort the tips in the t->allDownPass array */
6922     p = t->nodes;
6923     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++, p++)
6924         t->allDownPass[p->index] = p;
6926     /* make sure that root has index 2*numTaxa-1 */
6927     q = t->allDownPass[t->nNodes-1];
6928     q->anc = q->right = NULL;
6929     q->length = 0.0;
6930     t->root = q;
6932     /* connect the first three tips */
6933     p = t->allDownPass[numTaxa];
6934     p->anc = q;
6935     q->left = p;
6936     p->length = 0.0;
6937     q = t->allDownPass[0];
6938     r = t->allDownPass[1];
6939     p->left = q;
6940     p->right = r;
6941     q->anc = r->anc = p;
6942     q->length = *(brlens++);
6943     r->length = *(brlens++);
6945     /* add one tip at a time */
6946     for (i=2; i<numTaxa; i++)
6947         {
6948         p = t->allDownPass[i];
6949         q = t->allDownPass[numTaxa-1+i];
6950         r = t->allDownPass[*(order++)];
6951         p->anc = q;
6952         q->left = p;
6953         q->right = r;
6954         q->anc = r->anc;
6955         if (r->anc->left == r)
6956             r->anc->left = q;
6957         else
6958             r->anc->right = q;
6959         r->anc = q;
6960         if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
6961             q->length = *(brlens++);
6962         else
6963             {
6964             r->length = *(brlens++);
6965             q->length = 0.0;
6966             }
6967         p->length = *(brlens++);
6968         }
6970     /* get downpass */
6971     GetDownPass (t);
6973     /* relabel interior nodes (root is correctly labeled already) */
6974     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
6975         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+numTaxa;
6977     /* set the node depths */
6978     SetNodeDepths (t);
6980     return (NO_ERROR);
6981 }
6984 /*-------------------------------------------------------
6985 |
6986 |   RetrieveRTreeWithIndices: This routine will rebuild a rooted
6987 |      tree from the arrays created by StoreRTreeWithIndices.
6988 |      All tree information except the structure, branch lengths
6989 |      and node indices will remain unaltered.
6990 |
6991 --------------------------------------------------------*/
RetrieveRTreeWithIndices(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)6992 int RetrieveRTreeWithIndices (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
6993 {
6994     int         i, numTaxa;
6995     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
6997     extern void ShowNodes (TreeNode *, int, int);
6999     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
7001     /* sort the tips in the t->allDownPass array */
7002     p = t->nodes;
7003     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++, p++)
7004         t->allDownPass[p->index] = p;
7006     /* make sure that root has index 2*numTaxa-1 */
7007     q = t->allDownPass[t->nNodes-1];
7008     q->anc = q->right = NULL;
7009     q->length = 0.0;
7010     t->root = q;
7012     /* connect the first three 'tips' with interior node, index from order array */
7013     p = t->allDownPass[numTaxa];
7014     p->x = *(order++);
7015     p->anc = q;
7016     q->left = p;
7017     p->length = 0.0;
7018     q = t->allDownPass[0];
7019     r = t->allDownPass[1];
7020     p->left = q;
7021     p->right = r;
7022     q->anc = r->anc = p;
7023     q->length = *(brlens++);
7024     r->length = *(brlens++);
7026     /* add one tip at a time */
7027     for (i=2; i<numTaxa; i++)
7028         {
7029         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7030         assert (*order >= numTaxa && *order < 2*numTaxa - 1);
7031         q = t->allDownPass[numTaxa-1+i];
7032         q->x = *(order++);
7033         r = t->allDownPass[*(order++)];
7034         p->anc = q;
7035         q->left = p;
7036         q->right = r;
7037         q->anc = r->anc;
7038         if (r->anc->left == r)
7039             r->anc->left = q;
7040         else
7041             r->anc->right = q;
7042         r->anc = q;
7043         if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
7044             q->length = *(brlens++);
7045         else
7046             {
7047             r->length = *(brlens++);
7048             q->length = 0.0;
7049             }
7050         p->length = *(brlens++);
7051         }
7053     /* get downpass */
7054     GetDownPass (t);
7056     /* relabel interior nodes using labels in scratch variable x */
7057     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
7058         {
7059         p = t->intDownPass[i];
7060         p->index = p->x;
7061         }
7063     /* set the node depths */
7064     SetNodeDepths (t);
7066     return (NO_ERROR);
7067 }
7070 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7071 |
7072 |   RetrieveUTopology: This routine will rebuild an unrooted
7073 |      tree from the order array created by StoreUTopology.
7074 |      All tree information except the structure
7075 |      will remain unaltered.
7076 |
7077 --------------------------------------------------------*/
RetrieveUTopology(Tree * t,int * order)7078 int RetrieveUTopology (Tree *t, int *order)
7079 {
7080     int         i, numTips;
7081     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
7083     /* preliminaries */
7084     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
7085     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7086         t->nodes[i].left = t->nodes[i].right = t->nodes[i].anc = NULL;
7088     /* sort the tips in the t->allDownPass array */
7089     p = t->nodes;
7090     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++, p++)
7091         t->allDownPass[p->index] = p;
7093     /* make sure root has index 0 */
7094     q = t->allDownPass[0];
7095     q->anc = q->right = NULL;
7096     t->root = q;
7098     /* connect the first three tips */
7099     p = t->allDownPass[numTips];
7100     p->anc = q;
7101     q->left = p;
7102     q = t->allDownPass[1];
7103     r = t->allDownPass[2];
7104     p->left = q;
7105     p->right = r;
7106     q->anc = r->anc = p;
7108     /* add one tip at a time */
7109     for (i=3; i<numTips; i++)
7110         {
7111         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7112         q = t->allDownPass[numTips-2+i];
7113         r = t->allDownPass[order[i-3]];
7114         p->anc = q;
7115         q->left = p;
7116         q->right = r;
7117         q->anc = r->anc;
7118         if (r->anc->left == r)
7119             r->anc->left = q;
7120         else
7121             r->anc->right = q;
7122         r->anc = q;
7123         }
7125     /* get downpass */
7126     GetDownPass (t);
7128     /* relabel interior nodes (root is correctly labeled already) */
7129     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
7130         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+numTips;
7132     return (NO_ERROR);
7133 }
7136 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7137 |
7138 |   RetrieveUTree: This routine will rebuild an unrooted
7139 |      tree from the arrays created by StoreUTree.
7140 |      All tree information except the structure and
7141 |      branch lengths will remain unaltered.
7142 |
7143 --------------------------------------------------------*/
RetrieveUTree(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)7144 int RetrieveUTree (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
7145 {
7146     int         i, numTips;
7147     TreeNode    *p, *q, *r;
7149     /* preliminaries */
7150     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
7151     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7152         t->nodes[i].left = t->nodes[i].right = t->nodes[i].anc = NULL;
7154     /* sort the tips in the t->allDownPass array */
7155     p = t->nodes;
7156     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++, p++)
7157         t->allDownPass[p->index] = p;
7159     /* make sure that root has index 0 */
7160     q = t->allDownPass[0];
7161     q->anc = q->right = NULL;
7162     t->root = q;
7164     /* connect the first three tips */
7165     p = t->allDownPass[numTips];
7166     p->anc = q;
7167     q->left = p;
7168     p->length = *(brlens++);
7169     q = t->allDownPass[1];
7170     r = t->allDownPass[2];
7171     p->left = q;
7172     p->right = r;
7173     q->anc = r->anc = p;
7174     q->length = *(brlens++);
7175     r->length = *(brlens++);
7177     /* add one tip at a time */
7178     for (i=3; i<numTips; i++)
7179         {
7180         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7181         q = t->allDownPass[numTips-2+i];
7182         r = t->allDownPass[order[i-3]];
7183         p->anc = q;
7184         q->left = p;
7185         q->right = r;
7186         q->anc = r->anc;
7187         if (r->anc->left == r)
7188             r->anc->left = q;
7189         else
7190             r->anc->right = q;
7191         r->anc = q;
7192         q->length = *(brlens++);
7193         p->length = *(brlens++);
7194         }
7196     /* get downpass */
7197     GetDownPass (t);
7199     /* relabel interior nodes (root is correctly labeled already) */
7200     for (i=0; i<t->nIntNodes; i++)
7201         t->intDownPass[i]->index = i+numTips;
7203     return (NO_ERROR);
7204 }
SetDatedNodeAges(Param * param,int chain,int state)7207 void SetDatedNodeAges (Param *param, int chain, int state)
7208 {
7209     int         i;
7210     MrBFlt      clockRate;
7211     ModelInfo   *m;
7212     TreeNode    *p;
7213     Tree        *t;
7215     extern void ShowNodes(TreeNode *,int,int);
7217     t = GetTree (param, chain, state);
7218     m = &modelSettings[t->relParts[0]];
7220     if (m->clockRate == NULL)
7221         clockRate = 1.0;
7222     else
7223         clockRate = *GetParamVals(m->clockRate, chain, state);
7225     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
7226         {
7227         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7228         if (p->isDated == YES)
7229             p->age = p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
7230         else
7231             p->age = -1.0;
7232         }
7233 }
SetNodeDepths(Tree * t)7236 void SetNodeDepths (Tree *t)
7237 {
7238     int     i;
7239     MrBFlt      d1, d2;
7240     TreeNode    *p;
7242     extern void ShowNodes(TreeNode *,int,int);
7244     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes-1; i++)
7245         {
7246         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7247         if (p->left == NULL)
7248             p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
7249         else
7250             {
7251             d1 = p->left->nodeDepth  + p->left->length;
7252             d2 = p->right->nodeDepth + p->right->length;
7253             //assert (!(t->isCalibrated == NO && AreDoublesEqual(d1,d2,0.00001)==NO)); // may not work if we set startval topology of strict clock tree by non clock tree.
7254             if (d1 > d2)
7255                 p->nodeDepth = d1;
7256             else
7257                 p->nodeDepth = d2;
7258             }
7259         }
7261     for (i=t->nNodes-3; i>=0; i--)
7262         {
7263         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7264         if (p->left == NULL && p->calibration == NULL)
7265             p->nodeDepth = 0.0;
7266         else
7267             p->nodeDepth = p->anc->nodeDepth - p->length;
7268         }
7269 }
7272 /* Set ages of a clock tree according to depth and clockrate. Check that resulting ages are consistant with calibration.
7273 |  return YES if tree is age consistent, No otherwise.
7274 */
SetTreeNodeAges(Param * param,int chain,int state)7275 int SetTreeNodeAges (Param *param, int chain, int state)
7276 {
7277     Tree        *tree;
7278     TreeNode    *p;
7279     int         i;
7280     MrBFlt      clockRate;
7282     if (param->paramType != P_TOPOLOGY && param->paramType != P_BRLENS && param->paramType != P_SPECIESTREE)
7283         return YES;
7285     tree = GetTree(param, chain, state);
7286     if (modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].clockRate != NULL)
7287         clockRate = *GetParamVals(modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].clockRate, chain, state);
7288     else
7289         return YES;
7291     /* Clock trees */
7293     /* Check that lengths and depths are consistant. That would work for the case when we set up branch length from starting tree  */
7294     for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++) {
7295         p = tree->allDownPass[i];
7296         p->age =  p->nodeDepth / clockRate;
7297     }
7299     /* Check that ages and calibrations are consistent */
7300     if (tree->isCalibrated == YES)
7301         {
7302         for (i=0; i<tree->nNodes-1; i++)
7303             {
7304             p = tree->allDownPass[i];
7305             if (p->isDated == YES) {
7306                 if (p->calibration->prior == fixed && fabs((p->age - p->calibration->priorParams[0])/p->age) > 0.000001)
7307                     {
7308                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be fixed to age %f\n",
7309                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->priorParams[0]);
7310                     return NO;
7311                     }
7312                 else if (p->calibration->prior == uniform && (p->age < p->calibration->min || p->age > p->calibration->max))
7313                     {
7314                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be in the interval [%f,%f]\n",
7315                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->min, p->calibration->max);
7316                     return NO;
7317                     }
7318                 else if (p->age < p->calibration->min)
7319                     {
7320                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be minimally of age %f\n",
7321                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->min);
7322                     return NO;
7323                     }
7324                 else if (p->age > p->calibration->max)
7325                     {
7326                     printf ("Node %d has age %f but should be maximally of age %f\n",
7327                         p->index, p->age, p->calibration->max);
7328                     return NO;
7329                     }
7330                 }
7331             }
7332         }
7334     return YES;
7335 }
ShowPolyNodes(PolyTree * pt)7338 int ShowPolyNodes (PolyTree *pt)
7339 {
7340     int             i;
7341     PolyNode        *p;
7343     /* this is the tree, on a node-by-node basis */
7344     printf ("   memnodes = %d  nNodes = %d  nIntNodes = %d  root = %d\n", pt->memNodes, pt->nNodes, pt->nIntNodes, pt->root->index);
7345     printf ("   isRooted = %d\n", pt->isRooted);
7346     printf ("   no. index (left sib anc) -- locked/free -- label (p->x)\n");
7347     for (i=0; i<pt->memNodes; i++)
7348         {
7349         p = &pt->nodes[i];
7350         if (!(p->left == NULL && p->sib == NULL && p->anc == NULL))
7351             {
7352             printf ("%4d -- %4d ", i, p->index);
7353             if (p->left != NULL)
7354                 printf ("(%4d ", p->left->index);
7355             else
7356                 printf ("(null ");
7358             if (p->sib != NULL)
7359                 printf ("%4d ", p->sib->index);
7360             else
7361                 printf ("null ");
7363             if (p->anc != NULL)
7364                 printf ("%4d)", p->anc->index);
7365             else
7366                 printf ("null)");
7368             if (p->isLocked == YES)
7369                 printf ("-- locked -- ");
7370             else
7371                 printf ("-- free --");
7373             if (p->left == NULL && p->anc != NULL)
7374                 printf ("  \"%s\" (%d)\n", p->label, p->x);
7375             else
7376                 printf (" \"\" (%d)\n", p->x);
7377             }
7378         }
7380     return NO_ERROR;
7381 }
7384 /* ShowTree: Show tree on screen */
ShowTree(Tree * t)7385 int ShowTree (Tree *t)
7386 {
7387     int             i, j, k, x, nLines, nLevels, levelDepth, from, to;
7388     char            treeLine[SCREENWIDTH2], labelLine[100];
7389     TreeNode        *p;
7391     /* get coordinates */
7392     x = 0;
7393     nLines = 0;
7394     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7395         {
7396         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7397         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
7398             {
7399             p->x = x;
7400             x += 2;
7401             p->y = 0;
7402             nLines += 2;
7403             }
7404         else if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL && p->anc != NULL)
7405             {
7406             p->x = p->left->x + (p->right->x - p->left->x) / 2;
7407             if (p->left->y > p->right->y)
7408                 p->y = p->left->y + 1;
7409             else
7410                 p->y = p->right->y + 1;
7411             }
7412         else
7413             {
7414             p->x = x;
7415             x += 2;
7416             p->y = 0;
7417             }
7418         }
7420     /* print tree out, line-by-line */
7421     levelDepth = SCREENWIDTH / t->root->left->y;
7422     nLevels = t->root->left->y;
7423     for (j=0; j<=nLines-2; j++)
7424         {
7425         for (i=0; i<SCREENWIDTH2-2; i++)
7426             treeLine[i] = ' ';
7427         treeLine[SCREENWIDTH-1] = '\n';
7428         if (j % 2 == 0)
7429             {
7430             for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7431                 {
7432                 p = t->allDownPass[i];
7433                 if (p->left == NULL && p->x == j)
7434                     {
7435                     strcpy (labelLine, p->label);
7436                     }
7437                 }
7438             }
7439         for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7440             {
7441             p = t->allDownPass[i];
7442             if (p->anc != NULL)
7443                 {
7444                 if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
7445                     {
7446                     if (p->x == j)
7447                         {
7448                         from = (nLevels - p->anc->y) * levelDepth;
7449                         to   = (nLevels - p->y) * levelDepth;
7450                         if (p->y == 0)
7451                             to = SCREENWIDTH-1;
7452                         if (to >= SCREENWIDTH)
7453                             to = SCREENWIDTH-1;
7455                         for (k=from; k<to; k++)
7456                             treeLine[k] = '-';
7457                         if (p->anc->left == p)
7458                             treeLine[from] = '/';
7459                         else
7460                             treeLine[from] = '\\';
7461                         if (p->left != NULL)
7462                             {
7463                             treeLine[to] = '+';
7464                             }
7465                         if (p->anc->anc == t->root && p->anc->right == p)
7466                             {
7467                             if (t->isRooted == NO)
7468                                 treeLine[to] = '+';
7469                             else
7470                                 treeLine[from] = '\\';
7471                             }
7472                         }
7473                     else
7474                         {
7475                         if (p->left != NULL && p->right != NULL)
7476                             {
7477                             if (j < p->x && j > p->left->x)
7478                                 {
7479                                 from = (nLevels - p->y) * levelDepth;
7480                                 treeLine[from] = '|';
7481                                 }
7482                             else if (j > p->x && j < p->right->x && p->left != NULL)
7483                                 {
7484                                 from = (nLevels - p->y) * levelDepth;
7485                                 treeLine[from] = '|';
7486                                 }
7487                             }
7488                         }
7489                     }
7490                 else
7491                     {
7492                     if (p->x == j)
7493                         {
7494                         treeLine[0] = '|'; /* temp */
7495                         }
7496                     else if (j < p->x && j > p->left->x)
7497                         {
7498                         treeLine[0] = '|';
7499                         }
7500                     else if (j > p->x && j < p->right->x)
7501                         {
7502                         treeLine[0] = '|';
7503                         }
7504                     if (t->isRooted == NO)
7505                         {
7506                         if (j > p->x && j <= nLines-2)
7507                             treeLine[0] = '|';
7508                         if (j == p->right->x)
7509                             treeLine[0] = '+';
7510                         }
7511                     else
7512                         {
7513                         if (j == p->x)
7514                             treeLine[0] = '+';
7515                         }
7516                     }
7517                 }
7518             }
7519         treeLine[SCREENWIDTH-1] = '\0';
7520         if (j % 2 == 0)
7521             MrBayesPrint ("   %s %s\n", treeLine, labelLine);
7522         else
7523             MrBayesPrint ("   %s \n", treeLine);
7524         }
7526     if (t->isRooted == NO)
7527         {
7528         for (i=0; i<SCREENWIDTH; i++)
7529             treeLine[i] = ' ';
7530         treeLine[SCREENWIDTH-1] = '\0';
7531         MrBayesPrint ("   |\n");
7532         for (k=0; k<SCREENWIDTH; k++)
7533             treeLine[k] = '-';
7534         treeLine[SCREENWIDTH-1] = '\0';
7535         treeLine[0] = '\\';
7536         strcpy (labelLine, t->root->label);
7537         labelLine[19] = '\0';
7538         MrBayesPrint ("   %s %s\n", treeLine, labelLine);
7539         }
7541 #   if defined (DEBUG_CONSTRAINTS)
7542     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7543         printf ("%d -- %s\n", t->allDownPass[i]->index + 1, t->allDownPass[i]->isLocked == YES ? "locked" : "free");
7544 #   endif
7546     return (NO_ERROR);
7547 }
7550 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7551 |
7552 |   StoreRPolyTopology: Same as StoreRTopology but for
7553 |   binary polytree source trees.
7554 |
7555 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreRPolyTopology(PolyTree * t,int * order)7556 int StoreRPolyTopology (PolyTree *t, int *order)
7557 {
7558     int         i, numTaxa;
7559     PolyNode    *p, *q;
7561     /* find number of taxa */
7562     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
7564     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
7565        them in the order array. */
7566     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7567         {
7568         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7569         /* we do not need to worry about the first two taxa */
7570         if (p->index > 1 && p->index < numTaxa)
7571             order[p->index-2] = i;
7572         }
7574     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
7575     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7576         {
7577         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7578         if (p->left == NULL)
7579             p->x = p->y = p->index;
7580         else
7581             {
7582             if (p->left->y < p->left->sib->y)
7583                 {
7584                 p->y = p->left->y;
7585                 p->x = p->left->sib->y + numTaxa - 1;
7586                 }
7587             else
7588                 {
7589                 p->y = p->left->sib->y;
7590                 p->x = p->left->y + numTaxa - 1;
7591                 }
7592             }
7593         }
7595     /* break the tree into pieces */
7596     for (i=0; i<numTaxa-2; i++)
7597         {
7598         /* find the next node to remove */
7599         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTaxa-3-i]];
7600         q = p->anc;
7601         if (q->left == p)
7602             {
7603             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->sib->x;
7604             p->sib->anc = q->anc;
7605             if (q->anc == NULL)
7606                 {
7607                 p->sib->left->sib->sib = p->sib->sib;
7608                 p->sib->sib = NULL;
7609                 }
7610             else if (q->anc->left == q)
7611                 {
7612                 q->anc->left = q->left->sib;
7613                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
7614                 }
7615             else
7616                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left->sib;
7617             }
7618         else
7619             {
7620             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->x;
7621             q->left->anc = q->anc;
7622             if (q->anc == NULL)
7623                 {
7624                 q->left->left->sib->sib = p->sib;
7625                 q->left->sib = NULL;
7626                 }
7627             else if (q->anc->left == q)
7628                 {
7629                 q->anc->left = q->left;
7630                 q->anc->left->sib = q->sib;
7631                 }
7632             else
7633                 {
7634                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left;
7635                 q->left->sib = NULL;
7636                 }
7637             }
7638         }
7640     return (NO_ERROR);
7641 }
7644 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7645 |
7646 |   StoreRPolyTree: Same as StoreRTree but for
7647 |      binary rooted polytree source trees.
7648 |
7649 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreRPolyTree(PolyTree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)7650 int StoreRPolyTree (PolyTree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
7651 {
7652     int         i, j, numTaxa;
7653     PolyNode    *p, *q;
7655     /* find number of taxa */
7656     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
7658     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
7659        them in the order array. */
7660     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7661         {
7662         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7663         /* we do not need to worry about the first two taxa */
7664         if (p->index > 1 && p->index < numTaxa)
7665             order[p->index-2] = i;
7666         }
7668     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
7669     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7670         {
7671         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7672         if (p->left == NULL)
7673             p->x = p->y = p->index;
7674         else
7675             {
7676             if (p->left->y < p->left->sib->y)
7677                 {
7678                 p->y = p->left->y;
7679                 p->x = p->left->sib->y + numTaxa - 1;
7680                 }
7681             else
7682                 {
7683                 p->y = p->left->sib->y;
7684                 p->x = p->left->y + numTaxa - 1;
7685                 }
7686             }
7687         }
7689     /* break the tree into pieces */
7690     j = t->nNodes - 2;     /* index of first branch length */
7691     for (i=0; i<numTaxa-2; i++)
7692         {
7693         /* find the next node to remove */
7694         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTaxa-3-i]];
7695         q = p->anc;
7696         brlens[j--] = p->length;
7697         brlens[j--] = q->length;
7698         if (q->left == p)
7699             {
7700             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->sib->x;
7701             p->sib->anc = q->anc;
7702             if (q->anc == NULL)
7703                 {
7704                 p->sib->left->sib->sib = p->sib->sib;
7705                 p->sib->sib = NULL;
7706                 }
7707             else if (q->anc->left == q)
7708                 {
7709                 q->anc->left = q->left->sib;
7710                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
7711                 }
7712             else
7713                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left->sib;
7714             }
7715         else
7716             {
7717             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->x;
7718             q->left->anc = q->anc;
7719             if (q->anc == NULL)
7720                 {
7721                 q->left->left->sib->sib = p->sib;
7722                 q->left->sib = NULL;
7723                 }
7724             else if (q->anc->left == q)
7725                 {
7726                 q->anc->left = q->left;
7727                 q->anc->left->sib = q->sib;
7728                 }
7729             else
7730                 {
7731                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left;
7732                 q->left->sib = NULL;
7733                 }
7734             }
7735         }
7737     /* store the last two lengths; index 0 and 1 */
7738     p = t->root;
7739     brlens[p->left->index] = p->left->length;
7740     brlens[p->left->sib->index] = p->left->sib->length;
7742     return (NO_ERROR);
7743 }
7746 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7747 |
7748 |   StoreRTopology: This routine will break a rooted tree
7749 |      into an array of ints describing the structure
7750 |      of the tree. The tree will be destroyed
7751 |      in the process (the node pointers, that is).
7752 |      However, the tree is not deleted.
7753 |
7754 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreRTopology(Tree * t,int * order)7755 int StoreRTopology (Tree *t, int *order)
7756 {
7757     int         i, numTaxa;
7758     TreeNode    *p, *q;
7760     /* find number of taxa */
7761     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
7763     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
7764        them in the order array. */
7765     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7766         {
7767         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7768         /* we do not need to worry about the first two taxa */
7769         if (p->index > 1 && p->index < numTaxa)
7770             order[p->index-2] = i;
7771         }
7773     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
7774     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7775         {
7776         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7777         if (p->left == NULL)
7778             p->x = p->y = p->index;
7779         else if (p->right != NULL)
7780             {
7781             if (p->left->y < p->right->y)
7782                 {
7783                 p->y = p->left->y;
7784                 p->x = p->right->y + numTaxa - 1;
7785                 }
7786             else
7787                 {
7788                 p->y = p->right->y;
7789                 p->x = p->left->y + numTaxa - 1;
7790                 }
7791             }
7792         }
7794     /* break the tree into pieces */
7795     for (i=0; i<numTaxa-2; i++)
7796         {
7797         /* find the next node to remove */
7798         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTaxa-3-i]];
7799         q = p->anc;
7800         if (q->left == p)
7801             {
7802             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->right->x;
7803             q->right->anc = q->anc;
7804             if (q->anc->left == q)
7805                 q->anc->left = q->right;
7806             else
7807                 q->anc->right = q->right;
7808             }
7809         else
7810             {
7811             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->x;
7812             q->left->anc = q->anc;
7813             if (q->anc->left == q)
7814                 q->anc->left = q->left;
7815             else
7816                 q->anc->right = q->left;
7817             }
7818         }
7820     return (NO_ERROR);
7821 }
7824 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7825 |
7826 |   StoreRTree: This routine will break a rooted tree
7827 |      into an array of ints describing the structure
7828 |      of the tree and an array of doubles storing
7829 |      the branch lengths. The tree will be
7830 |      destroyed in the process (the node pointers,
7831 |      that is). However, the tree is not deleted.
7832 |
7833 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreRTree(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)7834 int StoreRTree (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
7835 {
7836     int         i, j, numTaxa;
7837     TreeNode    *p, *q;
7839     extern void ShowNodes (TreeNode *p, int indent, int isRooted);
7841     /* find number of taxa */
7842     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
7844     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
7845        them in the order array. */
7846     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7847         {
7848         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7849         /* we do not need to worry about the first two taxa */
7850         if (p->index > 1 && p->index < numTaxa)
7851             order[p->index-2] = i;
7852         }
7854     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
7855     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7856         {
7857         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7858         if (p->left == NULL)
7859             p->x = p->y = p->index;
7860         else if (p->right != NULL)
7861             {
7862             if (p->left->y < p->right->y)
7863                 {
7864                 p->y = p->left->y;
7865                 p->x = p->right->y + numTaxa - 1;
7866                 }
7867             else
7868                 {
7869                 p->y = p->right->y;
7870                 p->x = p->left->y + numTaxa - 1;
7871                 }
7872             }
7873         }
7875     /* break the tree into pieces */
7876     j = 2 * numTaxa - 3;
7877     for (i=0; i<numTaxa-2; i++)
7878         {
7879         /* find the next node to remove */
7880         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTaxa-3-i]];
7881         q = p->anc;
7882         brlens[j--] = p->length;
7883         if (q->left == p)
7884             {
7885             if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
7886                 brlens[j--] = q->length;
7887             else
7888                 brlens[j--] = q->right->length;
7889             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->right->x;
7890             q->right->anc = q->anc;
7891             if (q->anc->left == q)
7892                 q->anc->left = q->right;
7893             else
7894                 q->anc->right = q->right;
7895             }
7896         else
7897             {
7898             if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
7899                 brlens[j--] = q->length;
7900             else
7901                 brlens[j--] = q->left->length;
7902             order[numTaxa-3-i] = q->left->x;
7903             q->left->anc = q->anc;
7904             if (q->anc->left == q)
7905                 q->anc->left = q->left;
7906             else
7907                 q->anc->right = q->left;
7908             }
7909         }
7911     /* store the final two branch lengths in the right order; they have indices 0 and 1 */
7912     p = t->root->left;
7913     brlens[p->left->index] = p->left->length;
7914     brlens[p->right->index] = p->right->length;
7916     return (NO_ERROR);
7917 }
7920 /*-------------------------------------------------------
7921 |
7922 |   StoreRTreeWithIndices: This routine will break a rooted
7923 |      tree into an array of ints describing the structure
7924 |      of the tree and the interior node indices, and an array
7925 |      of doubles storing the branch lengths. The tree will be
7926 |      destroyed in the process (the node pointers,
7927 |      that is). However, the tree is not deleted.
7928 |
7929 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreRTreeWithIndices(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)7930 int StoreRTreeWithIndices (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
7931 {
7932     int         i, j, k, numTaxa;
7933     TreeNode    *p, *q;
7935     extern void ShowNodes (TreeNode *p, int indent, int isRooted);
7937     /* find number of taxa */
7938     numTaxa = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes - 1;
7940     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
7941        them in the order array. */
7942     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7943         {
7944         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7945         /* we do not need to worry about the first two taxa */
7946         if (p->index > 1 && p->index < numTaxa)
7947             order[p->index-2] = i;
7948         }
7950     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
7951     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
7952         {
7953         p = t->allDownPass[i];
7954         if (p->left == NULL)
7955             p->x = p->y = p->index;
7956         else if (p->right != NULL)
7957             {
7958             if (p->left->y < p->right->y)
7959                 {
7960                 p->y = p->left->y;
7961                 p->x = p->right->y + numTaxa - 1;
7962                 }
7963             else
7964                 {
7965                 p->y = p->right->y;
7966                 p->x = p->left->y + numTaxa - 1;
7967                 }
7968             }
7969         }
7971     /* break the tree into pieces */
7972     j = 2 * numTaxa - 3;
7973     k = 2*(numTaxa - 2);
7974     for (i=0; i<numTaxa-2; i++)
7975         {
7976         /* find the next node to remove */
7977         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTaxa-3-i]];
7978         q = p->anc;
7979         brlens[j--] = p->length;
7980         if (q->left == p)
7981             {
7982             if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
7983                 brlens[j--] = q->length;
7984             else
7985                 brlens[j--] = q->right->length;
7986             order[k--] = q->right->x;
7987             order[k--] = q->index;
7988             q->right->anc = q->anc;
7989             if (q->anc->left == q)
7990                 q->anc->left = q->right;
7991             else
7992                 q->anc->right = q->right;
7993             }
7994         else
7995             {
7996             if (q->anc->anc != NULL)
7997                 brlens[j--] = q->length;
7998             else
7999                 brlens[j--] = q->left->length;
8000             order[k--] = q->left->x;
8001             order[k--] = q->index;
8002             q->left->anc = q->anc;
8003             if (q->anc->left == q)
8004                 q->anc->left = q->left;
8005             else
8006                 q->anc->right = q->left;
8007             }
8008         }
8010     /* store the final two branch lengths in the right order; they have indices 0 and 1 */
8011     p = t->root->left;
8012     order[k] = p->index;
8013     brlens[p->left->index] = p->left->length;
8014     brlens[p->right->index] = p->right->length;
8016     return (NO_ERROR);
8017 }
8020 /*-------------------------------------------------------
8021 |
8022 |   StoreUPolyTopology: Same as StoreUTopology but for
8023 |      binary polytree source.
8024 |
8025 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreUPolyTopology(PolyTree * t,int * order)8026 int StoreUPolyTopology (PolyTree *t, int *order)
8027 {
8028     int         i, numTips;
8029     PolyNode    *p, *q;
8031     /* check if the tree is rooted on taxon 0 */
8032     if (t->root->left->sib->sib->index != 0)
8033         MovePolyCalculationRoot (t, 0);
8035     /* rearrange the root */
8036     t->root->anc = t->root->left->sib->sib;
8037     t->root->left->sib->sib = NULL;
8038     t->root->anc->left = t->root;
8039     t->root->anc->sib = NULL;
8040     t->root->anc->anc = NULL;
8041     t->root = t->root->anc;
8043     /* find number of tips */
8044     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
8046     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
8047        them in the order array. */
8048     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8049         {
8050         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8051         /* we do not need to worry about the first three taxa */
8052         if (p->index > 2 && p->index < numTips)
8053             order[p->index-3] = i;
8054         }
8056     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
8057     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8058         {
8059         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8060         if (p->left == NULL || p->anc == NULL)
8061             p->x = p->y = p->index;
8062         else
8063             {
8064             if (p->left->y < p->left->sib->y)
8065                 {
8066                 p->y = p->left->y;
8067                 p->x = p->left->sib->y + numTips - 2;
8068                 }
8069             else
8070                 {
8071                 p->y = p->left->sib->y;
8072                 p->x = p->left->y + numTips - 2;
8073                 }
8074             }
8075         }
8077     /* break the tree into pieces */
8078     for (i=0; i<numTips-3; i++)
8079         {
8080         /* find the next node to remove */
8081         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTips-4-i]];
8082         q = p->anc;
8083         if (q->left == p)
8084             {
8085             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->sib->x;
8086             p->sib->anc = q->anc;
8087             if (q->anc->left == q)
8088                 {
8089                 q->anc->left = p->sib;
8090                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
8091                 }
8092             else
8093                 {
8094                 q->anc->left->sib = p->sib;
8095                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
8096                 }
8097             }
8098         else
8099             {
8100             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->x;
8101             q->left->anc = q->anc;
8102             if (q->anc->left == q)
8103                 {
8104                 q->anc->left = q->left;
8105                 q->left->sib = q->sib;
8106                 }
8107             else
8108                 {
8109                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left;
8110                 q->left->sib = q->sib;
8111                 }
8112             }
8113         }
8115     return (NO_ERROR);
8116 }
8119 /*-------------------------------------------------------
8120 |
8121 |   StoreUPolyTree: Same as StoreUTopology but for
8122 |      binary polytree source.
8123 |
8124 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreUPolyTree(PolyTree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)8125 int StoreUPolyTree (PolyTree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
8126 {
8127     int         i, j, numTips;
8128     PolyNode    *p, *q;
8130     /* check if the tree is rooted on taxon 0 */
8131     if (t->root->left->sib->sib->index != 0)
8132         MovePolyCalculationRoot (t, 0);
8134     /* rearrange the root */
8135     t->root->anc = t->root->left->sib->sib;
8136     t->root->left->sib->sib = NULL;
8137     t->root->anc->left = t->root;
8138     t->root->anc->sib = NULL;
8139     t->root->anc->anc = NULL;
8140     t->root = t->root->anc;
8142     /* find number of tips */
8143     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
8145     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
8146        them in the order array. */
8147     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8148         {
8149         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8150         /* we do not need to worry about the first three taxa */
8151         if (p->index > 2 && p->index < numTips)
8152             order[p->index-3] = i;
8153         }
8155     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
8156     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8157         {
8158         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8159         if (p->left == NULL || p->anc == NULL)
8160             p->x = p->y = p->index;
8161         else
8162             {
8163             if (p->left->y < p->left->sib->y)
8164                 {
8165                 p->y = p->left->y;
8166                 p->x = p->left->sib->y + numTips - 2;
8167                 }
8168             else
8169                 {
8170                 p->y = p->left->sib->y;
8171                 p->x = p->left->y + numTips - 2;
8172                 }
8173             }
8174         }
8176     /* break the tree into pieces */
8177     j = 2*numTips - 4;
8178     for (i=0; i<numTips-3; i++)
8179         {
8180         /* find the next node to remove */
8181         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTips-4-i]];
8182         assert (p->index > 2 && p->index < numTips);
8183         assert (p->anc->anc != NULL);
8184         q = p->anc;
8185         brlens[j--] = p->length;
8186         brlens[j--] = q->length;
8187         if (q->left == p)
8188             {
8189             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->sib->x;
8190             p->sib->anc = q->anc;
8191             if (q->anc->left == q)
8192                 {
8193                 q->anc->left = p->sib;
8194                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
8195                 }
8196             else
8197                 {
8198                 q->anc->left->sib = p->sib;
8199                 p->sib->sib = q->sib;
8200                 }
8201             }
8202         else
8203             {
8204             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->x;
8205             q->left->anc = q->anc;
8206             if (q->anc->left == q)
8207                 {
8208                 q->anc->left = q->left;
8209                 q->left->sib = q->sib;
8210                 }
8211             else
8212                 {
8213                 q->anc->left->sib = q->left;
8214                 q->left->sib = q->sib;
8215                 }
8216             }
8217         }
8219     /* store last three branch lengths, index 0, 1, 2 */
8220     q = t->root;
8221     assert (q->index == 0);
8222     brlens[q->index] = q->length;
8223     q = q->left->left;
8224     assert (q->index == 1 || q->index == 2);
8225     brlens[q->index] = q->length;
8226     q = q->sib;
8227     assert (q->index == 1 || q->index == 2);
8228     brlens[q->index] = q->length;
8230     return (NO_ERROR);
8231 }
8234 /*-------------------------------------------------------
8235 |
8236 |   StoreUTopology: This routine will break an unrooted tree
8237 |      into an array of ints describing the structure
8238 |      of the tree. The tree will be destroyed
8239 |      in the process (the node pointers, that is).
8240 |      However, the tree is not deleted.
8241 |
8242 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreUTopology(Tree * t,int * order)8243 int StoreUTopology (Tree *t, int *order)
8244 {
8245     int         i, numTips;
8246     TreeNode    *p, *q;
8248     /* check if the tree is rooted on taxon 0 */
8249     if (t->root->index != 0)
8250         MoveCalculationRoot (t, 0);
8252     /* find number of tips */
8253     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
8255     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
8256        them in the order array. */
8257     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8258         {
8259         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8260         /* we do not need to worry about the first three taxa */
8261         if (p->index > 2 && p->index < numTips)
8262             order[p->index-3] = i;
8263         }
8265     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
8266     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8267         {
8268         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8269         if (p->left == NULL)
8270             p->x = p->y = p->index;
8271         else if (p->right != NULL)
8272             {
8273             if (p->left->y < p->right->y)
8274                 {
8275                 p->y = p->left->y;
8276                 p->x = p->right->y + numTips - 2;
8277                 }
8278             else
8279                 {
8280                 p->y = p->right->y;
8281                 p->x = p->left->y + numTips - 2;
8282                 }
8283             }
8284         }
8286     /* break the tree into pieces */
8287     for (i=0; i<numTips-3; i++)
8288         {
8289         /* find the next node to remove */
8290         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTips-4-i]];
8291         q = p->anc;
8292         if (q->left == p)
8293             {
8294             order[numTips-4-i] = q->right->x;
8295             q->right->anc = q->anc;
8296             if (q->anc->left == q)
8297                 q->anc->left = q->right;
8298             else
8299                 q->anc->right = q->right;
8300             }
8301         else
8302             {
8303             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->x;
8304             q->left->anc = q->anc;
8305             if (q->anc->left == q)
8306                 q->anc->left = q->left;
8307             else
8308                 q->anc->right = q->left;
8309             }
8310         }
8312     return (NO_ERROR);
8313 }
8316 /*-------------------------------------------------------
8317 |
8318 |   StoreUTree: This routine will break an unrooted tree
8319 |      into an array of ints describing the structure
8320 |      of the tree and an array of doubles storing
8321 |      the branch lengths. The tree will be
8322 |      destroyed in the process (the node pointers,
8323 |      that is). However, the tree is not deleted.
8324 |
8325 --------------------------------------------------------*/
StoreUTree(Tree * t,int * order,MrBFlt * brlens)8326 int StoreUTree (Tree *t, int *order, MrBFlt *brlens)
8327 {
8328     int         i, j, numTips;
8329     TreeNode    *p, *q;
8331     /* check if the tree is rooted on taxon 0 */
8332     if (t->root->index != 0)
8333         MoveCalculationRoot(t, 0);
8335     /* find number of tips */
8336     numTips = t->nNodes - t->nIntNodes;
8338     /* first get the terminal taxon positions and store
8339        them in the order array. */
8340     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8341         {
8342         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8343         /* we do not need to worry about the first three taxa */
8344         if (p->index > 2 && p->index < numTips)
8345             order[p->index-3] = i;
8346         }
8348     /* label the interior nodes with the correct index */
8349     for (i=0; i<t->nNodes; i++)
8350         {
8351         p = t->allDownPass[i];
8352         if (p->left == NULL)
8353             p->x = p->y = p->index;
8354         else if (p->right != NULL)
8355             {
8356             if (p->left->y < p->right->y)
8357                 {
8358                 p->y = p->left->y;
8359                 p->x = p->right->y + numTips - 2;
8360                 }
8361             else
8362                 {
8363                 p->y = p->right->y;
8364                 p->x = p->left->y + numTips - 2;
8365                 }
8366             }
8367         }
8369     /* break the tree into pieces */
8370     j = 2 * numTips - 4;
8371     for (i=0; i<numTips-3; i++)
8372         {
8373         /* find the next node to remove */
8374         p = t->allDownPass[order[numTips-4-i]];
8375         q = p->anc;
8376         brlens[j--] = p->length;
8377         brlens[j--] = q->length;
8378         if (q->left == p)
8379             {
8380             order[numTips-4-i] = q->right->x;
8381             q->right->anc = q->anc;
8382             if (q->anc->left == q)
8383                 q->anc->left = q->right;
8384             else
8385                 q->anc->right = q->right;
8386             }
8387         else
8388             {
8389             order[numTips-4-i] = q->left->x;
8390             q->left->anc = q->anc;
8391             if (q->anc->left == q)
8392                 q->anc->left = q->left;
8393             else
8394                 q->anc->right = q->left;
8395             }
8396         }
8398     /* store the final three branch lengths */
8399     /* we need to check the rotation of the tree to
8400            store the brlens in the right order (after node index) */
8401     p = t->root->left;
8402     if (p->right->index == 2)
8403             {
8404             brlens[j--] = p->right->length;
8405         brlens[j--] = p->left->length;
8406             }
8407     else
8408             {
8409             brlens[j--] = p->left->length;
8410             brlens[j--] = p->right->length;
8411             }
8412     brlens[j--] = p->length;
8414     return (NO_ERROR);
8415 }
8418 /* TreeLength: Calculate tree length */
TreeLen(Tree * t)8419 MrBFlt TreeLen (Tree *t)
8420 {
8421     int     i, numLenNodes;
8422     MrBFlt  len = 0.0;
8424     if (t->isRooted == NO)
8425         numLenNodes = t->nNodes - 1;
8426     else
8427         numLenNodes = t->nNodes - 2;
8429     for (i=0; i<numLenNodes; i++)
8430         len += t->allDownPass[i]->length;
8432     return len;
8433 }
8436 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8437 |
8438 |   Unmark: This routine will unmark a subtree rooted at p
8439 |
8440 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Unmark(TreeNode * p)8441 void Unmark (TreeNode *p)
8442 {
8443     if (p != NULL)
8444         {
8445         p->marked = NO;
8446         Unmark (p->left);
8447         Unmark (p->right);
8448         }
8449 }
WriteEventTree(TreeNode * p,int chain,Param * param)8452 void WriteEventTree (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param)
8453 {
8454     int             j, nEvents;
8455     MrBFlt          brlen, *position, *rateMult;
8457     if (p != NULL)
8458         {
8459         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
8460             {
8461             printf ("%d:%s", p->index + 1, MbPrintNum(p->length));
8462             if (param->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8463                 {
8464                 nEvents = param->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8465                 if (nEvents > 0)
8466                     {
8467                     printf ("[&E %s %d: (", param->name, nEvents);
8468                     position = param->position[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8469                     rateMult = param->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8470                     for (j=0; j<nEvents; j++)
8471                         {
8472                         printf ("%s ", MbPrintNum(position[j]));
8473                         printf ("%s", MbPrintNum(rateMult[j]));
8474                         if (j != nEvents-1)
8475                             printf (", ");
8476                         }
8477                     printf (")]");
8478                     }
8479                 else
8480                     printf ("[&E %s 0]", param->name);
8481                 }
8482             brlen = GetParamSubVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8483             // brlen = (GetParamSubVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->index] + GetParamVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->anc->index]) / 2.0;
8484             printf ("[&B %s %s]", param->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8485             }
8486         else
8487             {
8488             if (p->anc != NULL)
8489                 printf ("(");
8490             WriteEventTree(p->left, chain, param);
8491             printf (",");
8492             WriteEventTree(p->right, chain, param);
8493             if (p->anc != NULL)
8494                 {
8495                 if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
8496                     {
8497                     printf ("):%s", MbPrintNum(p->length));
8498                     if (param->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8499                         {
8500                         nEvents = param->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8501                         if (nEvents > 0)
8502                             {
8503                             printf ("[&E %s %d: (", param->name, nEvents);
8504                             position = param->position[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8505                             rateMult = param->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8506                             for (j=0; j<nEvents; j++)
8507                                 {
8508                                 printf ("%s %s", MbPrintNum(position[j]), MbPrintNum(rateMult[j]));
8509                                 if (j != nEvents-1)
8510                                     printf (", ");
8511                                 }
8512                             printf (")]");
8513                             }
8514                         else
8515                             printf ("[&E %s 0]", param->name);
8516                         }
8517                     brlen = GetParamSubVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8518                     // brlen = (GetParamSubVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->index] + GetParamVals (param, chain, state[chain])[p->anc->index]) / 2.0;
8519                     printf ("[&B %s %s]", param->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8520                     }
8521                 else
8522                     printf (")");
8523                 }
8524             }
8525         }
8526 }
WriteEventTreeToPrintString(TreeNode * p,int chain,Param * param,int printAll)8529 void WriteEventTreeToPrintString (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param, int printAll)
8530 {
8531     char            *tempStr;
8532     int             i, j, nEvents, tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE;
8533     MrBFlt          brlen, *position, *rateMult;
8535     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
8536     if (!tempStr)
8537         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
8539     if (p != NULL)
8540         {
8541         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
8542             {
8543             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d:%s", p->index + 1, MbPrintNum(p->length));
8544             AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8545             for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
8546                 {
8547                 if (param->subParams[i]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8548                     {
8549                     nEvents = param->subParams[i]->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8550                     if (nEvents > 0)
8551                         {
8552                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s %d", param->subParams[i]->name, nEvents);
8553                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8554                         position = param->subParams[i]->position[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8555                         rateMult = param->subParams[i]->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8556                         if (printAll == YES)
8557                             {
8558                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ": (");
8559                             AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8560                             for (j=0; j<nEvents; j++)
8561                                 {
8562                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s", MbPrintNum(position[j]));
8563                                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8564                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " %s",  MbPrintNum(rateMult[j]));
8565                                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8566                                 if (j != nEvents-1)
8567                                     AddToPrintString (",");
8568                                 else
8569                                     AddToPrintString (")");
8570                                 }
8571                             }
8572                         AddToPrintString ("]");
8573                         }
8574                     else
8575                         {
8576                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s 0]", param->subParams[i]->name);
8577                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8578                         }
8579                     }
8580                 else if (param->subParams[i]->paramType != P_CPPEVENTS)
8581                     {
8582                     /* other relaxed clock models */
8583                     brlen = GetParamSubVals (param->subParams[i], chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8584                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&B %s %s]", param->subParams[i]->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8585                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8586                     }
8587                 }
8588             }
8589         else
8590             {
8591             if (p->anc != NULL)
8592                 AddToPrintString ("(");
8593             WriteEventTreeToPrintString (p->left, chain, param, printAll);
8594             AddToPrintString (",");
8595             WriteEventTreeToPrintString (p->right, chain, param, printAll);
8596             if (p->anc != NULL)
8597                 {
8598                 if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
8599                     {
8600                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "):%s", MbPrintNum(p->length));
8601                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8602                     for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
8603                         {
8604                         if (param->subParams[i]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8605                             {
8606                             nEvents = param->subParams[i]->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8607                             if (nEvents > 0)
8608                                 {
8609                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s %d", param->subParams[i]->name, nEvents);
8610                                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8611                                 position = param->subParams[i]->position[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8612                                 rateMult = param->subParams[i]->rateMult[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8613                                 if (printAll == YES)
8614                                     {
8615                                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ": (");
8616                                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8617                                     for (j=0; j<nEvents; j++)
8618                                         {
8619                                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%s", MbPrintNum(position[j]));
8620                                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8621                                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, " %s",  MbPrintNum(rateMult[j]));
8622                                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8623                                         if (j != nEvents-1)
8624                                             AddToPrintString (",");
8625                                         else
8626                                             AddToPrintString (")");
8627                                         }
8628                                     }
8629                                 AddToPrintString ("]");
8630                                 }
8631                             else
8632                                 {
8633                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s 0]", param->subParams[i]->name);
8634                                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8635                                 }
8636                             }
8637                         else if (param->subParams[i]->paramType != P_CPPEVENTS)
8638                             {
8639                             /* other relaxed clock models */
8640                             brlen = GetParamSubVals (param->subParams[i], chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8641                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&B %s %s]", param->subParams[i]->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8642                             AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8643                             }
8644                         }
8645                     }
8646                 else
8647                     AddToPrintString(")");
8648                 }
8649             }
8650         }
8651     free (tempStr);
8652 }
WriteEvolTree(TreeNode * p,int chain,Param * param)8655 void WriteEvolTree (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param)
8656 {
8657     MrBFlt          *length;
8659     if (p != NULL)
8660         {
8661         length = GetParamSubVals(param, chain, state[chain]);
8662         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
8663             {
8664             printf ("%d:%s", p->index + 1, MbPrintNum(length[p->index]));
8665             }
8666         else
8667             {
8668             if (p->anc != NULL)
8669                 printf ("(");
8670             WriteEvolTree(p->left, chain, param);
8671             printf (",");
8672             WriteEvolTree(p->right, chain, param);
8673             if (p->anc != NULL)
8674                 {
8675                 if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
8676                     printf ("):%s", MbPrintNum(length[p->index]));
8677                 else
8678                     printf (")");
8679                 }
8680             }
8681         }
8682 }
WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString(TreeNode * p,int chain,Param * param,int showBrlens,int isRooted)8685 void WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (TreeNode *p, int chain, Param *param, int showBrlens, int isRooted)
8686 {
8687     char            *tempStr;
8688     int             i, tempStrSize = TEMPSTRSIZE, nEvents;
8689     MrBFlt          brlen, N;
8691     tempStr = (char *) SafeMalloc((size_t)tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
8692     if (!tempStr)
8693         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Problem allocating tempString (%d)\n", spacer, tempStrSize * sizeof(char));
8695     if (p != NULL)
8696         {
8697         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
8698             {
8699             if (showBrlens == YES)
8700                 {
8701                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d:%s", p->index + 1, MbPrintNum(p->length));
8702                 }
8703             else
8704                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "%d", p->index + 1);
8705             AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8706             if (param->paramType == P_BRLENS)
8707                 {
8708                 for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
8709                     {
8710                     if (param->subParams[i]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8711                         {
8712                         nEvents = param->subParams[i]->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8713                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s %d]", param->subParams[i]->name, nEvents);
8714                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8715                         }
8716                     brlen = GetParamSubVals (param->subParams[i], chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8717                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&B %s %s]", param->subParams[i]->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8718                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8719                     }
8720                 }
8721             else if (param->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE && modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->nValues > 1)
8722                 {
8723                 N = GetParamVals (modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize, chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8724                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&N %s %s]", modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->name, MbPrintNum(N));
8725                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8726                 }
8727             }
8728         else
8729             {
8730             if (p->anc != NULL)
8731                 AddToPrintString ("(");
8732             WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (p->left,  chain, param, showBrlens, isRooted);
8733             if (p->anc != NULL)
8734                 AddToPrintString (",");
8735             WriteNoEvtTreeToPrintString (p->right, chain, param, showBrlens, isRooted);
8736             if (p->anc != NULL)
8737                 {
8738                 if (p->anc->anc == NULL && isRooted == NO)
8739                     {
8740                     if (showBrlens == YES)
8741                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ",%d:%s)", p->anc->index + 1, MbPrintNum(p->length));
8742                     else
8743                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ",%d)", p->anc->index + 1);
8744                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8745                     }
8746                 else if (p->anc->anc != NULL)
8747                     {
8748                     if (showBrlens == YES)
8749                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "):%s", MbPrintNum(p->length));
8750                     else
8751                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ")");
8752                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8753                     if (param->paramType == P_BRLENS)
8754                         {
8755                         for (i=0; i<param->nSubParams; i++)
8756                             {
8757                             if (param->subParams[i]->paramType == P_CPPEVENTS)
8758                                 {
8759                                 nEvents = param->subParams[i]->nEvents[2*chain+state[chain]][p->index];
8760                                 SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&E %s %d]", param->subParams[i]->name, nEvents);
8761                                 AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8762                                 }
8763                             brlen = GetParamSubVals (param->subParams[i], chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8764                             SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&B %s %s]", param->subParams[i]->name, MbPrintNum(brlen));
8765                             AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8766                             }
8767                         }
8768                     else if (param->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE && modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->nValues > 1)
8769                         {
8770                         N = GetParamVals (modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize, chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8771                         SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, "[&N %s %s]", modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->name, MbPrintNum(N));
8772                         AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8773                         }
8774                     }
8775                 else if (param->paramType == P_SPECIESTREE && modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->nValues > 1)
8776                     {
8777                     N = GetParamVals (modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize, chain, state[chain])[p->index];
8778                     SafeSprintf (&tempStr, &tempStrSize, ")[&N %s %s]", modelSettings[param->relParts[0]].popSize->name, MbPrintNum(N));
8779                     AddToPrintString (tempStr);
8780                     }
8781                 else
8782                     AddToPrintString(")");
8783                 }
8784             }
8785         }
8786     free (tempStr);
8787 }
8790 /* WriteTopologyToFile: Simply write topology to file */
WriteTopologyToFile(FILE * fp,TreeNode * p,int isRooted)8791 void WriteTopologyToFile (FILE *fp, TreeNode *p, int isRooted)
8792 {
8793     if (p != NULL)
8794         {
8795         if (p->left == NULL && p->right == NULL)
8796             fprintf (fp, "%d", p->index + 1);
8797         else
8798             {
8799             if (p->anc != NULL)
8800                 fprintf (fp, "(");
8801             WriteTopologyToFile (fp, p->left, isRooted);
8802             if (p->anc != NULL)
8803                 fprintf (fp, ",");
8804             WriteTopologyToFile (fp, p->right, isRooted);
8805             if (p->anc != NULL)
8806                 {
8807                 if (p->anc->anc == NULL && isRooted == NO)
8808                     fprintf (fp, ",%d", p->anc->index + 1);
8809                 fprintf (fp, ")");
8810                 }
8811             }
8812         }
8813 }
8816 /* the following are moved from mbmath.c */
8817 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8818 |
8819 |   AddTwoMatrices
8820 |
8821 |   Takes the sum of two matrices, "a" and "b", and puts the results in a matrix
8822 |   called "result".
8823 |
8824 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AddTwoMatrices(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt ** b,MrBFlt ** result)8825 void AddTwoMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **b, MrBFlt **result)
8826 {
8827     int         row, col;
8829     for (row=0; row<dim; row++)
8830         {
8831         for (col=0; col<dim; col++)
8832             {
8833             result[row][col] = a[row][col] + b[row][col];
8834             }
8835         }
8836 }
8839 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8840 |
8841 |   AllocateSquareComplexMatrix
8842 |
8843 |   Allocate memory for a square (dim X dim) complex matrix.
8844 |
8845 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AllocateSquareComplexMatrix(int dim)8846 MrBComplex **AllocateSquareComplexMatrix (int dim)
8847 {
8848     int         i;
8849     MrBComplex     **m;
8851     m = (MrBComplex **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBComplex*));
8852     if (!m)
8853         {
8854         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square complex matrix.\n", spacer);
8855         exit (0);
8856         }
8857     m[0]=(MrBComplex *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim *sizeof(MrBComplex));
8858     if (!m[0])
8859         {
8860         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square complex matrix.\n", spacer);
8861         exit (0);
8862         }
8863     for (i=1;i<dim;i++)
8864         {
8865         m[i] = m[i-1] + dim;
8866         }
8868     return (m);
8869 }
8872 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8873 |
8874 |   AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix
8875 |
8876 |   Allocate memory for a square (dim X dim) matrix of doubles.
8877 |
8878 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix(int dim)8879 MrBFlt **AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (int dim)
8880 {
8881     int         i;
8882     MrBFlt      **m;
8884     m = (MrBFlt **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt*));
8885     if (!m)
8886         {
8887         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of doubles.\n", spacer);
8888         exit(1);
8889         }
8890     m[0] = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
8891     if (!m[0])
8892         {
8893         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of doubles.\n", spacer);
8894         exit(1);
8895         }
8896     for (i=1; i<dim; i++)
8897         {
8898         m[i] = m[i-1] + dim;
8899         }
8901     return (m);
8902 }
8905 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8906 |
8907 |   AllocateSquareIntegerMatrix
8908 |
8909 |   Allocate memory for a square (dim X dim) matrix of integers.
8910 |
8911 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AllocateSquareIntegerMatrix(int dim)8912 int **AllocateSquareIntegerMatrix (int dim)
8913 {
8914     int     i, **m;
8916     m = (int **) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(int*));
8917     if (!m)
8918         {
8919         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of integers.\n", spacer);
8920         exit(1);
8921         }
8922     m[0] = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * (size_t)dim * sizeof(int));
8923     if (!m[0])
8924         {
8925         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating a square matrix of integers.\n", spacer);
8926         exit(1);
8927         }
8928     for (i=1; i<dim; i++)
8929         {
8930         m[i] = m[i-1] + dim;
8931         }
8933     return (m);
8934 }
8937 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8938 |
8939 |   AutodGamma
8940 |
8941 |   Auto-discrete-gamma distribution of rates over sites, K equal-probable
8942 |   categories, with the mean for each category used.
8943 |   This routine calculates M[], using rho and K (numGammaCats)
8944 |
8945 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
AutodGamma(MrBFlt * M,MrBFlt rho,int K)8946 int AutodGamma (MrBFlt *M, MrBFlt rho, int K)
8947 {
8948     int         i, j, i1, i2;
8949     MrBFlt      point[MAX_RATE_CATS], x, y, large = 20.0, sum;
8951     for (i=0; i<K-1; i++)
8952         point[i] = PointNormal ((i + 1.0) / K);
8953     for (i=0; i<K; i++)
8954         {
8955         for (j=0; j<K; j++)
8956             {
8957             x = (i < K-1 ? point[i]:large);
8958             y = (j < K-1 ? point[j]:large);
8959             M[i * K + j] = CdfBinormal (x, y, rho);
8960             }
8961         }
8962     for (i1=0; i1<2*K-1; i1++)
8963         {
8964         for (i2=0; i2<K*K; i2++)
8965             {
8966             i = i2 / K;
8967             j = i2 % K;
8968             if (AreDoublesEqual(i+j, 2*(K-1.0)-i1, ETA)==NO)
8969                 continue;
8970             y = 0;
8971             if (i > 0)
8972                 y -= M[(i-1)*K+j];
8973             if (j > 0)
8974                 y -= M[i*K+(j-1)];
8975             if (i > 0 && j > 0)
8976                 y += M[(i-1)*K+(j-1)];
8977             M[i*K+j] = (M[i*K+j] + y) * K;
8978             }
8979         }
8980     for (i=0; i<K; i++)
8981         {
8982         sum = 0.0;
8983         for (j=0; j<K; j++)
8984             {
8985             if (M[i*K+j] < 0.0)
8986                 M[i*K+j] = 0.0;
8987             sum += M[i*K+j];
8988             }
8989         for (j=0; j<K; j++)
8990             M[i*K+j] /= sum;
8991         }
8993 //    MrBayesPrint ("rho = %lf\n", rho);
8994 //    for (i=0; i<K; i++)
8995 //        {
8996 //        for (j=0; j<K; j++)
8997 //            MrBayesPrint ("%lf ", M[i*K + j]);
8998 //        MrBayesPrint ("\n");
8999 //        }
9001     return (NO_ERROR);
9002 }
9005 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9006 |
9007 |   BackSubstitutionRow
9008 |
9009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BackSubstitutionRow(int dim,MrBFlt ** u,MrBFlt * b)9010 void BackSubstitutionRow (int dim, MrBFlt **u, MrBFlt *b)
9011 {
9012     int             i, j;
9013     MrBFlt          dotProduct;
9015     b[dim-1] /= u[dim-1][dim-1];
9016     for (i=dim-2; i>=0; i--)
9017         {
9018         dotProduct = 0.0;
9019         for (j=i+1; j<dim; j++)
9020             dotProduct += u[i][j] * b[j];
9021         b[i] = (b[i] - dotProduct) / u[i][i];
9022         }
9023 }
9026 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9027 |
9028 |   Balanc
9029 |
9030 |   This subroutine balances a real matrix and isolates
9031 |   eigenvalues whenever possible.
9032 |
9033 |   On input:
9034 |
9035 |    * dim is the order of the matrix
9036 |
9037 |    * a contains the input matrix to be balanced
9038 |
9039 |   On output:
9040 |
9041 |    * a contains the balanced matrix.
9042 |
9043 |    * low and high are two integers such that a(i,j)
9044 |      is equal to zero if
9045 |         (1) i is greater than j and
9046 |         (2) j=1,...,low-1 or i=igh+1,...,n.
9047 |
9048 |    * scale contains information determining the
9049 |      permutations and scaling factors used.
9050 |
9051 |   Suppose that the principal submatrix in rows pLow through pHigh
9052 |   has been balanced, that p(j) denotes the index interchanged
9053 |   with j during the permutation step, and that the elements
9054 |   of the diagonal matrix used are denoted by d(i,j). Then
9055 |      scale(j) = p(j),    for j = 1,...,pLow-1
9056 |               = d(j,j),      j = pLow,...,pHigh
9057 |               = p(j)         j = pHigh+1,...,dim.
9058 |   The order in which the interchanges are made is dim to pHigh+1,
9059 |   then 1 to pLow-1.
9060 |
9061 |   Note that 1 is returned for pHigh if pHigh is zero formally.
9062 |
9063 |   The algol procedure exc contained in balance appears in
9064 |   balanc in line.  (Note that the algol roles of identifiers
9065 |   k,l have been reversed.)
9066 |
9067 |   This routine is a translation of the Algol procedure from
9068 |   Handbook for Automatic Computation, vol. II, Linear Algebra,
9069 |   by Wilkinson and Reinsch, Springer-Verlag.
9070 |
9071 |   This function was converted from FORTRAN by D. L. Swofford.
9072 |
9073 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Balanc(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,int * low,int * high,MrBFlt * scale)9074 void Balanc (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int *low, int *high, MrBFlt *scale)
9075 {
9076     int         i, j, k, l, m, noconv;
9077     MrBFlt      c, f, g, r, s, b2;
9079     b2 = FLT_RADIX * FLT_RADIX;
9080     k = 0;
9081     l = dim - 1;
9083     for (j=l; j>=0; j--)
9084         {
9085         for (i=0; i<=l; i++)
9086             {
9087             if (i != j)
9088                 {
9089                   if (AreDoublesEqual(a[j][i],0.0, ETA)==NO)
9090                     goto next_j1;
9091                 }
9092             }
9094         /* bug that DLS caught */
9095         /*m = l;
9096         Exchange(j, k, l, m, dim, a, scale);
9097         if (l < 0)
9098             goto leave;
9099         else
9100             j = --l;*/
9101         m = l;
9102         Exchange(j, k, l, m, dim, a, scale);
9103         if (--l < 0)
9104             goto leave;
9105         next_j1:
9106             ;
9107         }
9109     for (j=k; j<=l; j++)
9110         {
9111         for (i=k; i<=l; i++)
9112             {
9113             if (i != j)
9114                 {
9115                 if (AreDoublesEqual(a[i][j], 0.0, ETA)==NO)
9116                     goto next_j;
9117                 }
9118             }
9119         m = k;
9120         Exchange(j, k, l, m, dim, a, scale);
9121         k++;
9122         next_j:
9123             ;
9124         }
9126     for (i=k; i<=l; i++)
9127         scale[i] = 1.0;
9129     do  {
9130         noconv = FALSE;
9131         for (i=k; i<=l; i++)
9132             {
9133             c = 0.0;
9134             r = 0.0;
9135             for (j=k; j<=l; j++)
9136                 {
9137                 if (j != i)
9138                     {
9139                     c += fabs(a[j][i]);
9140                     r += fabs(a[i][j]);
9141                     }
9142                 }
9143             if (AreDoublesEqual(c,0.0,ETA)==NO && AreDoublesEqual(r,0.0,ETA)==NO)
9144                 {
9145                 g = r / FLT_RADIX;
9146                 f = 1.0;
9147                 s = c + r;
9148                 while (c < g)
9149                     {
9150                     f *= FLT_RADIX;
9151                     c *= b2;
9152                     }
9153                 g = r * FLT_RADIX;
9154                 while (c >= g)
9155                     {
9156                     f /= FLT_RADIX;
9157                     c /= b2;
9158                     }
9159                 if ((c + r) / f < s * .95)
9160                     {
9161                     g = 1.0 / f;
9162                     scale[i] *= f;
9163                     noconv = TRUE;
9164                     for (j=k; j<dim; j++)
9165                         a[i][j] *= g;
9166                     for (j=0; j<=l; j++)
9167                         a[j][i] *= f;
9168                     }
9169                 }
9170             }
9171         }
9172         while (noconv);
9173     leave:
9174         *low = k;
9175         *high = l;
9177 #   if 0
9178 /* begin f2c version of code:
9179    balanc.f -- translated by f2c (version 19971204) */
9180 int balanc (int *nm, int *n, MrBFlt *a, int *low, int *igh, MrBFlt *scale)
9182 {
9184     /* System generated locals */
9185     int a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2;
9186     MrBFlt d__1;
9188     /* Local variables */
9189     static MrBFlt iexc;
9190     static MrBFlt c__, f, g;
9191     static MrBFlt i__, j, k, l, m;
9192     static MrBFlt r__, s, radix, b2;
9193     static MrBFlt jj;
9194     static logical noconv;
9196     /* parameter adjustments */
9197     --scale;
9198     a_dim1 = *nm;
9199     a_offset = a_dim1 + 1;
9200     a -= a_offset;
9202     /* function Body */
9203     radix = 16.0;
9205     b2 = radix * radix;
9206     k = 1;
9207     l = *n;
9208     goto L100;
9210     /* .......... in-line procedure for row and column exchange .......... */
9211     L20:
9212     scale[m] = (MrBFlt) j;
9213     if (j == m)
9214         goto L50;
9216     i__1 = l;
9217     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
9218         {
9219         f = a[i__ + j * a_dim1];
9220         a[i__ + j * a_dim1] = a[i__ + m * a_dim1];
9221         a[i__ + m * a_dim1] = f;
9222         /* L30: */
9223         }
9225     i__1 = *n;
9226     for (i__ = k; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
9227         {
9228         f = a[j + i__ * a_dim1];
9229         a[j + i__ * a_dim1] = a[m + i__ * a_dim1];
9230         a[m + i__ * a_dim1] = f;
9231         /* L40: */
9232         }
9234     L50:
9235     switch (iexc)
9236         {
9237         case 1:
9238             goto L80;
9239         case 2:
9240             goto L130;
9241         }
9243     /* .......... search for rows isolating an eigenvalue and push them down .......... */
9244     L80:
9245     if (l == 1)
9246         goto L280;
9247     --l;
9249     /* .......... for j=l step -1 until 1 do -- .......... */
9250     L100:
9251     i__1 = l;
9252     for (jj = 1; jj <= i__1; ++jj)
9253         {
9254         j = l + 1 - jj;
9255         i__2 = l;
9256         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
9257             {
9258             if (i__ == j)
9259                 goto L110;
9260             if (a[j + i__ * a_dim1] != 0.)
9261                 goto L120;
9262             L110:
9263             ;
9264             }
9265         m = l;
9266         iexc = 1;
9267         goto L20;
9268         L120:
9269         ;
9270         }
9272     goto L140;
9273     /* .......... search for columns isolating an eigenvalue and push them left .......... */
9274     L130:
9275     ++k;
9277     L140:
9278     i__1 = l;
9279     for (j = k; j <= i__1; ++j)
9280         {
9281         i__2 = l;
9282         for (i__ = k; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
9283             {
9284             if (i__ == j)
9285                 goto L150;
9286             if (a[i__ + j * a_dim1] != 0.)
9287                 goto L170;
9288             L150:
9289             ;
9290             }
9291         m = k;
9292         iexc = 2;
9293         goto L20;
9294         L170:
9295         ;
9296         }
9298     /* .......... now balance the submatrix in rows k to l .......... */
9299     i__1 = l;
9300     for (i__ = k; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
9301         {
9302         /* L180: */
9303         scale[i__] = 1.0;
9304         }
9305     /* .......... iterative loop for norm reduction .......... */
9306     L190:
9307     noconv = FALSE;
9309     i__1 = l;
9310     for (i__ = k; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
9311         {
9312         c__ = 0.0;
9313         r__ = 0.0;
9314         i__2 = l;
9315         for (j = k; j <= i__2; ++j)
9316             {
9317             if (j == i__)
9318                 goto L200;
9319             c__ += (d__1 = a[j + i__ * a_dim1], abs(d__1));
9320             r__ += (d__1 = a[i__ + j * a_dim1], abs(d__1));
9321             L200:
9322             ;
9323             }
9325         /* .......... guard against zero c or r due to underflow .......... */
9326         if (c__ == 0. || r__ == 0.)
9327             goto L270;
9328         g = r__ / radix;
9329         f = 1.0;
9330         s = c__ + r__;
9331         L210:
9332         if (c__ >= g)
9333             goto L220;
9334         f *= radix;
9335         c__ *= b2;
9336         goto L210;
9337         L220:
9338         g = r__ * radix;
9339         L230:
9340         if (c__ < g)
9341             goto L240;
9342         f /= radix;
9343         c__ /= b2;
9344         goto L230;
9346         /*     .......... now balance .......... */
9347         L240:
9348         if ((c__ + r__) / f >= s * .95)
9349             goto L270;
9350         g = 1.0 / f;
9351         scale[i__] *= f;
9352         noconv = TRUE;
9354         i__2 = *n;
9355         for (j = k; j <= i__2; ++j)
9356             {
9357             /* L250: */
9358             a[i__ + j * a_dim1] *= g;
9359             }
9361         i__2 = l;
9362         for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j)
9363             {
9364             /* L260: */
9365             a[j + i__ * a_dim1] *= f;
9366             }
9368         L270:
9369         ;
9370         }
9372     if (noconv)
9373         goto L190;
9375     L280:
9376     *low = k;
9377     *igh = l;
9378     return 0;
9380 }
9381 /* end f2c version of code */
9382 #   endif
9384 }
9387 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9388 |
9389 |   BalBak
9390 |
9391 |   This subroutine forms the eigenvectors of a real general
9392 |   matrix by back transforming those of the corresponding
9393 |   balanced matrix determined by  balance.
9394 |
9395 |   On input:
9396 |
9397 |    * dim is the order of the matrix
9398 |
9399 |    * low and high are integers determined by  balance
9400 |
9401 |    * scale contains information determining the permutations
9402 |      and scaling factors used by balance
9403 |
9404 |    * m is the number of columns of z to be back transformed
9405 |
9406 |    * z contains the real and imaginary parts of the eigen-
9407 |      vectors to be back transformed in its first m columns
9408 |
9409 |   On output:
9410 |
9411 |    * z contains the real and imaginary parts of the
9412 |      transformed eigenvectors in its first m columns
9413 |
9414 |   This routine is a translation of the Algol procedure from
9415 |   Handbook for Automatic Computation, vol. II, Linear Algebra,
9416 |   by Wilkinson and Reinsch, Springer-Verlag.
9417 |
9418 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
BalBak(int dim,int low,int high,MrBFlt * scale,int m,MrBFlt ** z)9419 void BalBak (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt *scale, int m, MrBFlt **z)
9420 {
9421     int         i, j, k, ii;
9422     MrBFlt      s;
9424     if (m != 0) /* change "==" to "!=" to eliminate a goto statement */
9425         {
9426         if (high != low) /* change "==" to "!=" to eliminate a goto statement */
9427             {
9428             for (i=low; i<=high; i++)
9429                 {
9430                 s = scale[i];
9431                 for (j=0; j<m; j++)
9432                     z[i][j] *= s;
9433                 }
9434             }
9435         for (ii=0; ii<dim; ii++)
9436             {
9437             i = ii;
9438             if ((i < low) || (i > high)) /* was (i >= lo) && (i<= hi) but this */
9439                 {                        /* eliminates a goto statement        */
9440                 if (i < low)
9441                     i = low - ii;
9442                 k = (int)scale[i];
9443                 if (k != i) /* change "==" to "!=" to eliminate a goto statement */
9444                     {
9445                     for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
9446                         {
9447                         s = z[i][j];
9448                         z[i][j] = z[k][j];
9449                         z[k][j] = s;
9450                         }
9451                     }
9452                 }
9453             }
9454         }
9456 #if 0
9457 /* begin f2c version of code:
9458    balbak.f -- translated by f2c (version 19971204) */
9459 int balbak (int *nm, int *n, int *low, int *igh, MrBFlt *scale, int *m, MrBFlt *z__)
9461 {
9463     /* system generated locals */
9464     int z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2;
9466     /* Local variables */
9467     static int i__, j, k;
9468     static MrBFlt s;
9469     static int ii;
9471     /* parameter adjustments */
9472     --scale;
9473     z_dim1 = *nm;
9474     z_offset = z_dim1 + 1;
9475     z__ -= z_offset;
9477     /* function Body */
9478     if (*m == 0)
9479         goto L200;
9480     if (*igh == *low)
9481         goto L120;
9483     i__1 = *igh;
9484     for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
9485         {
9486         s = scale[i__];
9487         /* .......... left hand eigenvectors are back transformed */
9488         /*            if the foregoing statement is replaced by */
9489         /*            s=1.0d0/scale(i) ........... */
9490         i__2 = *m;
9491         for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j)
9492             {
9493             /* L100: */
9494             z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] *= s;
9495             }
9497         /* L110: */
9498         }
9500     /* .........for i=low-1 step -1 until 1, igh+1 step 1 until n do -- .......... */
9501     L120:
9502     i__1 = *n;
9503     for (ii = 1; ii <= i__1; ++ii)
9504         {
9505         i__ = ii;
9506         if (i__ >= *low && i__ <= *igh)
9507             goto L140;
9508     if (i__ < *low)
9509         i__ = *low - ii;
9510     k = (integer) scale[i__];
9511     if (k == i__)
9512         goto L140;
9514     i__2 = *m;
9515     for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j)
9516         {
9517         s = z__[i__ + j * z_dim1];
9518         z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = z__[k + j * z_dim1];
9519         z__[k + j * z_dim1] = s;
9520         /* L130: */
9521         }
9522     L140:
9523     ;
9524     }
9526     L200:
9527     return 0;
9529 }
9530 /* end f2c version of code */
9531 #endif
9533 }
BetaBreaks(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt beta,MrBFlt * values,int K)9536 void BetaBreaks (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt *values, int K)
9537 {
9538     int             i;
9539     MrBFlt          r, quantile, lower, upper;
9541     lower = 0.0;
9542     upper = (1.0 / K);
9543     r = (upper - lower) * 0.5 + lower;
9544     for (i=0; i<K; i++)
9545         {
9546         quantile = BetaQuantile (alpha, beta, r);
9547         values[i] = quantile;
9548         lower += (1.0/K);
9549         upper += (1.0/K);
9550         r += (1.0/K);
9551         }
9553 #   if 0
9554     for (i=0; i<K; i++)
9555         {
9556         MrBayesPrint ("%4d %lf %lf\n", i, values[i]);
9557         }
9558 #   endif
9559 }
BetaCf(MrBFlt a,MrBFlt b,MrBFlt x)9562 MrBFlt BetaCf (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, MrBFlt x)
9563 {
9564     int         m, m2;
9565     MrBFlt      aa, c, d, del, h, qab, qam, qap;
9567     qab = a + b;
9568     qap = a + 1.0;
9569     qam = a - 1.0;
9570     c = 1.0;
9571     d = 1.0 - qab * x / qap;
9572     if (fabs(d) < (1.0e-30))
9573         d = (1.0e-30);
9574     d = 1.0 / d;
9575     h = d;
9576     for (m=1; m<=100; m++)
9577         {
9578         m2 = 2 * m;
9579         aa = m * (b-m) * x / ((qam+m2) * (a+m2));
9580         d = 1.0 + aa * d;
9581         if (fabs(d) < (1.0e-30))
9582             d = (1.0e-30);
9583         c = 1.0 + aa / c;
9584         if (fabs(c) < (1.0e-30))
9585             c = (1.0e-30);
9586         d = 1.0 / d;
9587         h *= d * c;
9588         aa = -(a+m) * (qab+m) * x / ((a+m2) * (qap+m2));
9589         d = 1.0 + aa * d;
9590         if (fabs(d) < (1.0e-30))
9591             d = (1.0e-30);
9592         c = 1.0 + aa / c;
9593         if (fabs(c) < (1.0e-30))
9594             c = (1.0e-30);
9595         d = 1.0 / d;
9596         del = d * c;
9597         h *= del;
9598         if (fabs(del - 1.0) < (3.0e-7))
9599             break;
9600         }
9601     if (m > 100)
9602         {
9603         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error in BetaCf.\n", spacer);
9604         exit(0);
9605         }
9606     return (h);
9607 }
BetaQuantile(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt beta,MrBFlt x)9610 MrBFlt BetaQuantile (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x)
9611 {
9612     int     i, stopIter, direction, nswitches;
9613     MrBFlt  curPos, curFraction, increment;
9615     i = nswitches = 0;
9616     curPos = 0.5;
9617     stopIter = NO;
9618     increment = 0.25;
9619     curFraction = IncompleteBetaFunction (alpha, beta, curPos);
9620     if (curFraction > x)
9621         direction = DOWN;
9622     else
9623         direction = UP;
9625     while (stopIter == NO)
9626         {
9627         curFraction = IncompleteBetaFunction (alpha, beta, curPos);
9628         if (curFraction > x && direction == DOWN)
9629             {
9630             /* continue going down */
9631             while (curPos - increment <= 0.0)
9632                 {
9633                 increment /= 2.0;
9634                 }
9635             curPos -= increment;
9636             }
9637         else if (curFraction > x && direction == UP)
9638             {
9639             /* switch directions, and go down */
9640             nswitches++;
9641             direction = DOWN;
9642             while (curPos - increment <= 0.0)
9643                 {
9644                 increment /= 2.0;
9645                 }
9646             increment /= 2.0;
9647             curPos -= increment;
9648             }
9649         else if (curFraction < x && direction == UP)
9650             {
9651             /* continue going up */
9652             while (curPos + increment >= 1.0)
9653                 {
9654                 increment /= 2.0;
9655                 }
9656             curPos += increment;
9657             }
9658         else if (curFraction < x && direction == DOWN)
9659             {
9660             /* switch directions, and go up */
9661             nswitches++;
9662             direction = UP;
9663             while (curPos + increment >= 1.0)
9664                 {
9665                 increment /= 2.0;
9666                 }
9667             increment /= 2.0;
9668             curPos += increment;
9669             }
9670         else
9671             {
9672             stopIter = YES;
9673             }
9674         if (i > 1000 || nswitches > 20)
9675             stopIter = YES;
9676         i++;
9677         }
9679     return (curPos);
9680 }
9683 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9684 |
9685 |   CalcCijk
9686 |
9687 |   This function precalculates the product of the eigenvectors and their
9688 |   inverse for faster calculation of transition probabilities. The output
9689 |   is a vector of precalculated values. The input is the eigenvectors (u) and
9690 |   the inverse of the eigenvector matrix (v).
9691 |
9692 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CalcCijk(int dim,MrBFlt * c_ijk,MrBFlt ** u,MrBFlt ** v)9693 void CalcCijk (int dim, MrBFlt *c_ijk, MrBFlt **u, MrBFlt **v)
9694 {
9695     register int    i, j, k;
9696     MrBFlt          *pc;
9698     pc = c_ijk;
9699     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
9700         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
9701             for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
9702                 *pc++ = u[i][k] * v[k][j];
9703 }
9706 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9707 |
9708 |   CdfBinormal
9709 |
9710 |   F(h1,h2,r) = prob(x<h1, y<h2), where x and y are standard binormal.
9711 |
9712 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CdfBinormal(MrBFlt h1,MrBFlt h2,MrBFlt r)9713 MrBFlt CdfBinormal (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt r)
9714 {
9715     return (LBinormal(h1, h2, r) + CdfNormal(h1) + CdfNormal(h2) - 1.0);
9716 }
9719 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9720 |
9721 |   CdfNormal
9722 |
9723 |   Calculates the cumulative density distribution (CDF) for the normal using:
9724 |
9725 |   Hill, I. D.  1973.  The normal integral.  Applied Statistics, 22:424-427.
9726 |      (AS66)
9727 |
9728 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CdfNormal(MrBFlt x)9729 MrBFlt CdfNormal (MrBFlt x)
9730 {
9731     int             invers = 0;
9732     MrBFlt          p, limit = 10.0, t = 1.28, y = x*x/2.0;
9734     if (x < 0.0)
9735         {
9736         invers = 1;
9737         x  *= -1.0;
9738         }
9739     if (x > limit)
9740         return (invers ? 0 : 1);
9741     if (x < t)
9742         p = 0.5 - x * (0.398942280444 - 0.399903438504 * y /
9743             (y + 5.75885480458 - 29.8213557808 /
9744             (y + 2.62433121679 + 48.6959930692 /
9745             (y + 5.92885724438))));
9746     else
9747         p = 0.398942280385 * exp(-y) /
9748             (x - 3.8052e-8 + 1.00000615302 /
9749             (x + 3.98064794e-4 + 1.98615381364 /
9750             (x - 0.151679116635 + 5.29330324926 /
9751             (x + 4.8385912808 - 15.1508972451 /
9752             (x + 0.742380924027 + 30.789933034 /
9753             (x + 3.99019417011))))));
9755     return (invers ? p : 1-p);
9756 }
9759 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9760 |
9761 |   Complex
9762 |
9763 |   Returns a complex number with specified real and imaginary parts.
9764 |
9765 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Complex(MrBFlt a,MrBFlt b)9766 MrBComplex Complex (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b)
9767 {
9768     MrBComplex c;
9770     c.re = a;
9771     c.im = b;
9773     return (c);
9774 }
9777 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9778 |
9779 |   ComplexAbsoluteValue
9780 |
9781 |   Returns the complex absolute value (modulus) of a complex number.
9782 |
9783 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexAbsoluteValue(MrBComplex a)9784 MrBFlt ComplexAbsoluteValue (MrBComplex a)
9785 {
9786     MrBFlt      x, y, answer, temp;
9788     x = fabs(a.re);
9789     y = fabs(a.im);
9790     if (AreDoublesEqual(x, 0.0, ETA)==YES)  /* x == 0.0 */
9791         answer = y;
9792     else if (AreDoublesEqual(y, 0.0, ETA)==YES) /* y == 0.0 */
9793         answer = x;
9794     else if (x > y)
9795         {
9796         temp = y / x;
9797         answer = x * sqrt(1.0 + temp * temp);
9798         }
9799     else
9800         {
9801         temp = x / y;
9802         answer = y * sqrt(1.0 + temp * temp);
9803         }
9805     return (answer);
9806 }
9809 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9810 |
9811 |   ComplexAddition
9812 |
9813 |   Returns the complex sum of two complex numbers.
9814 |
9815 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexAddition(MrBComplex a,MrBComplex b)9816 MrBComplex ComplexAddition (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b)
9817 {
9818     MrBComplex     c;
9820     c.re = a.re + b.re;
9821     c.im = a.im + b.im;
9823     return (c);
9824 }
9827 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9828 |
9829 |   ComplexConjugate
9830 |
9831 |   Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number.
9832 |
9833 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexConjugate(MrBComplex a)9834 MrBComplex ComplexConjugate (MrBComplex a)
9835 {
9836     MrBComplex     c;
9838     c.re = a.re;
9839     c.im = -a.im;
9841     return (c);
9842 }
9845 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9846 |
9847 |   ComplexDivision
9848 |
9849 |   Returns the complex quotient of two complex numbers.
9850 |
9851 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexDivision(MrBComplex a,MrBComplex b)9852 MrBComplex ComplexDivision (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b)
9853 {
9854     MrBComplex     c;
9855     MrBFlt      r, den;
9857     if (fabs(b.re) >= fabs(b.im))
9858         {
9859         r = b.im / b.re;
9860         den = b.re + r * b.im;
9861         c.re = (a.re + r * a.im) / den;
9862         c.im = (a.im - r * a.re) / den;
9863         }
9864     else
9865         {
9866         r = b.re / b.im;
9867         den = b.im + r * b.re;
9868         c.re = (a.re * r + a.im) / den;
9869         c.im = (a.im * r - a.re) / den;
9870         }
9872     return (c);
9873 }
9876 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9877 |
9878 |   ComplexDivision2
9879 |
9880 |   Returns the complex quotient of two complex numbers. It does not require that
9881 |   the numbers be in a complex structure.
9882 |
9883 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexDivision2(MrBFlt ar,MrBFlt ai,MrBFlt br,MrBFlt bi,MrBFlt * cr,MrBFlt * ci)9884 void ComplexDivision2 (MrBFlt ar, MrBFlt ai, MrBFlt br, MrBFlt bi, MrBFlt *cr, MrBFlt *ci)
9885 {
9886     MrBFlt      s, ais, bis, ars, brs;
9888     s = fabs(br) + fabs(bi);
9889     ars = ar / s;
9890     ais = ai / s;
9891     brs = br / s;
9892     bis = bi / s;
9893     s = brs*brs + bis*bis;
9894     *cr = (ars*brs + ais*bis) / s;
9895     *ci = (ais*brs - ars*bis) / s;
9896 }
9899 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9900 |
9901 |   ComplexExponentiation
9902 |
9903 |   Returns the complex exponential of a complex number.
9904 |
9905 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexExponentiation(MrBComplex a)9906 MrBComplex ComplexExponentiation (MrBComplex a)
9907 {
9908     MrBComplex     c;
9910     c.re = exp(a.re);
9911     if (AreDoublesEqual(a.im,0.0, ETA)==YES) /* == 0 */
9912         c.im = 0;
9913     else
9914         {
9915         c.im = c.re*sin(a.im);
9916         c.re *= cos(a.im);
9917         }
9919     return (c);
9920 }
9923 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9924 |
9925 |   ComplexInvertMatrix
9926 |
9927 |   Inverts a matrix of complex numbers using the LU-decomposition method.
9928 |   The program has the following variables:
9929 |
9930 |      a        -- the matrix to be inverted
9931 |      aInverse -- the results of the matrix inversion
9932 |      dim      -- the dimension of the square matrix a and its inverse
9933 |      dwork    -- a work vector of doubles
9934 |      indx     -- a work vector of integers
9935 |      col      -- carries the results of the back substitution
9936 |
9937 |   The function returns YES (1) or NO (0) if the results are singular.
9938 |
9939 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexInvertMatrix(int dim,MrBComplex ** a,MrBFlt * dwork,int * indx,MrBComplex ** aInverse,MrBComplex * col)9940 int ComplexInvertMatrix (int dim, MrBComplex **a, MrBFlt *dwork, int *indx, MrBComplex **aInverse, MrBComplex *col)
9941 {
9942     int             isSingular, i, j;
9944     isSingular = ComplexLUDecompose (dim, a, dwork, indx, (MrBFlt *)NULL);
9946     if (isSingular == 0)
9947         {
9948         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
9949             {
9950             for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
9951                 col[i] = Complex (0.0, 0.0);
9952             col[j] = Complex (1.0, 0.0);
9953             ComplexLUBackSubstitution (dim, a, indx, col);
9954             for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
9955                 aInverse[i][j] = col[i];
9956             }
9957         }
9959     return (isSingular);
9960 }
9963 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9964 |
9965 |   ComplexExponentiation
9966 |
9967 |   Returns the complex exponential of a complex number.
9968 |
9969 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexLog(MrBComplex a)9970 MrBComplex ComplexLog (MrBComplex a)
9971 {
9972     MrBComplex     c;
9974     c.re = log(ComplexAbsoluteValue(a));
9975     if (AreDoublesEqual(a.re,0.0,ETA)==YES) /* == 0.0 */
9976         {
9977         c.im = M_PI_2;
9978         }
9979     else
9980         {
9981         c.im = atan2(a.im, a.re);
9982         }
9984     return (c);
9985 }
9988 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9989 |
9990 |   ComplexLUBackSubstitution
9991 |
9992 |   Perform back-substitution into a LU-decomposed matrix to obtain
9993 |   the inverse.
9994 |
9995 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexLUBackSubstitution(int dim,MrBComplex ** a,int * indx,MrBComplex * b)9996 void ComplexLUBackSubstitution (int dim, MrBComplex **a, int *indx, MrBComplex *b)
9997 {
9998     int             i, ip, j, ii = -1;
9999     MrBComplex         sum;
10001     for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
10002         {
10003         ip = indx[i];
10004         sum = b[ip];
10005         b[ip] = b[i];
10006         if (ii >= 0)
10007             {
10008             for (j = ii; j <= i - 1; j++)
10009                 sum = ComplexSubtraction (sum, ComplexMultiplication (a[i][j], b[j]));
10010             }
10011         else if (AreDoublesEqual(sum.re,0.0,ETA)==NO || AreDoublesEqual(sum.im, 0.0, ETA)==NO) /* 2x != 0.0 */
10012             ii = i;
10013         b[i] = sum;
10014         }
10015     for (i = dim - 1; i >= 0; i--)
10016         {
10017         sum = b[i];
10018         for (j = i + 1; j < dim; j++)
10019             sum = ComplexSubtraction (sum, ComplexMultiplication (a[i][j], b[j]));
10020         b[i] = ComplexDivision (sum, a[i][i]);
10021         }
10022 }
10025 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10026 |
10027 |   ComplexLUDecompose
10028 |
10029 |   Replaces the matrix a with its LU-decomposition.
10030 |   The program has the following variables:
10031 |
10032 |      a        -- the matrix
10033 |      dim      -- the dimension of the square matrix a and its inverse
10034 |      vv       -- a work vector of doubles
10035 |      indx     -- row permutation according to partitial pivoting sequence
10036 |      pd       -- 1 if number of row interchanges was even, -1 if number of
10037 |                  row interchanges was odd. Can be NULL.
10038 |
10039 |   The function returns YES (1) or NO (0) if the results are singular.
10040 |
10041 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexLUDecompose(int dim,MrBComplex ** a,MrBFlt * vv,int * indx,MrBFlt * pd)10042 int ComplexLUDecompose (int dim, MrBComplex **a, MrBFlt *vv, int *indx, MrBFlt *pd)
10043 {
10044     int             i, imax, j, k;
10045     MrBFlt          big, dum, temp, d;
10046     MrBComplex         sum, cdum;
10048     d = 1.0;
10049     imax = 0;
10051     for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
10052         {
10053         big = 0.0;
10054         for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
10055             {
10056             if ((temp = ComplexAbsoluteValue (a[i][j])) > big)
10057                 big = temp;
10058             }
10059         if (AreDoublesEqual(big, 0.0, ETA)==YES) /* == 0.0 */
10060             {
10061             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in ComplexLUDecompose\n", spacer);
10062             return (1);
10063             }
10064         vv[i] = 1.0 / big;
10065         }
10067     for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
10068         {
10069         for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
10070             {
10071             sum = a[i][j];
10072             for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
10073                 sum = ComplexSubtraction (sum, ComplexMultiplication (a[i][k], a[k][j]));
10074             a[i][j] = sum;
10075             }
10076         big = 0.0;
10077         for (i = j; i < dim; i++)
10078             {
10079             sum = a[i][j];
10080             for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
10081             sum = ComplexSubtraction (sum, ComplexMultiplication (a[i][k], a[k][j]));
10082             a[i][j] = sum;
10083             dum = vv[i] * ComplexAbsoluteValue (sum);
10084             if (dum >= big)
10085                 {
10086                 big = dum;
10087                 imax = i;
10088                 }
10089             }
10090         if (j != imax)
10091             {
10092             for (k = 0; k < dim; k++)
10093                 {
10094                 cdum = a[imax][k];
10095                 a[imax][k] = a[j][k];
10096                 a[j][k] = cdum;
10097                 }
10098             d = -d;
10099             vv[imax] = vv[j];
10100             }
10101         indx[j] = imax;
10102         if (AreDoublesEqual(a[j][j].re, 0.0, ETA)==YES && AreDoublesEqual(a[j][j].im, 0.0, ETA)==YES) /* 2x == 0.0 */
10103             a[j][j] = Complex (1.0e-20, 1.0e-20);
10104         if (j != dim - 1)
10105             {
10106             cdum = ComplexDivision (Complex(1.0, 0.0), a[j][j]);
10107             for (i = j + 1; i < dim; i++)
10108             a[i][j] = ComplexMultiplication (a[i][j], cdum);
10109             }
10110         }
10112     if (pd != NULL)
10113         *pd = d;
10115     return (0);
10116 }
10119 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10120 |
10121 |   ComplexMultiplication
10122 |
10123 |   Returns the complex product of two complex numbers.
10124 |
10125 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexMultiplication(MrBComplex a,MrBComplex b)10126 MrBComplex ComplexMultiplication (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b)
10127 {
10128     MrBComplex     c;
10130     c.re = a.re * b.re - a.im * b.im;
10131     c.im = a.im * b.re + a.re * b.im;
10133     return (c);
10134 }
10137 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10138 |
10139 |   ComplexSquareRoot
10140 |
10141 |   Returns the complex square root of a complex number.
10142 |
10143 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexSquareRoot(MrBComplex a)10144 MrBComplex ComplexSquareRoot (MrBComplex a)
10145 {
10146     MrBComplex         c;
10147     MrBFlt          x, y, w, r;
10149     if (AreDoublesEqual(a.re, 0.0, ETA)==YES && AreDoublesEqual(a.im, 0.0, ETA)==YES) /* 2x == 0.0 */
10150         {
10151         c.re = 0.0;
10152         c.im = 0.0;
10153         return (c);
10154         }
10155     else
10156         {
10157         x = fabs(a.re);
10158         y = fabs(a.im);
10159         if (x >= y)
10160             {
10161             r = y / x;
10162             w = sqrt(x) * sqrt(0.5 * (1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + r * r)));
10163             }
10164         else
10165             {
10166             r = x / y;
10167             w = sqrt(y) * sqrt(0.5 * (r + sqrt(1.0 + r * r)));
10168             }
10169         if (a.re >= 0.0)
10170             {
10171             c.re = w;
10172             c.im = a.im / (2.0 * w);
10173             }
10174         else
10175             {
10176             c.im = (a.im >= 0.0) ? w : -w;
10177             c.re = a.im / (2.0 * c.im);
10178             }
10179         return (c);
10180         }
10181 }
10184 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10185 |
10186 |   ComplexSubtraction
10187 |
10188 |   Returns the complex difference of two complex numbers.
10189 |
10190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComplexSubtraction(MrBComplex a,MrBComplex b)10191 MrBComplex ComplexSubtraction (MrBComplex a, MrBComplex b)
10192 {
10193     MrBComplex     c;
10195     c.re = a.re - b.re;
10196     c.im = a.im - b.im;
10198     return (c);
10199 }
10202 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10203 |
10204 |   ComputeEigenSystem
10205 |
10206 |   Calculates the eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and the inverse of the eigenvectors
10207 |   for a matrix of real numbers.
10208 |
10209 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComputeEigenSystem(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt * v,MrBFlt * vi,MrBFlt ** u,int * iwork,MrBFlt * dwork)10210 int ComputeEigenSystem (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *v, MrBFlt *vi, MrBFlt **u, int *iwork, MrBFlt *dwork)
10211 {
10212     int         i, rc;
10214     rc = EigensForRealMatrix (dim, a, v, vi, u, iwork, dwork);
10215     if (rc != NO_ERROR)
10216         {
10217         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error in ComputeEigenSystem.\n", spacer);
10218         return (ERROR);
10219         }
10220     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10221         {
10222         if (AreDoublesEqual(vi[i], 0.0, ETA)==NO) /* != 0.0 */
10223             return (EVALUATE_COMPLEX_NUMBERS);
10224         }
10226     return (NO_ERROR);
10227 }
10230 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10231 |
10232 |   ComputeLandU
10233 |
10234 |   This function computes the L and U decomposition of a matrix. Basically,
10235 |   we find matrices lMat and uMat such that
10236 |
10237 |      lMat * uMat = aMat
10238 |
10239 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComputeLandU(int dim,MrBFlt ** aMat,MrBFlt ** lMat,MrBFlt ** uMat)10240 void ComputeLandU (int dim, MrBFlt **aMat, MrBFlt **lMat, MrBFlt **uMat)
10241 {
10242     int         i, j, k, m, row, col;
10244     for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
10245         {
10246         for (k=0; k<j; k++)
10247             for (i=k+1; i<j; i++)
10248                 aMat[i][j] = aMat[i][j] - aMat[i][k] * aMat[k][j];
10250         for (k=0; k<j; k++)
10251             for (i=j; i<dim; i++)
10252                 aMat[i][j] = aMat[i][j] - aMat[i][k]*aMat[k][j];
10254         for (m=j+1; m<dim; m++)
10255             aMat[m][j] /= aMat[j][j];
10256         }
10258     for (row=0; row<dim; row++)
10259         {
10260         for (col=0; col<dim; col++)
10261             {
10262             if (row <= col)
10263                 {
10264                 uMat[row][col] = aMat[row][col];
10265                 lMat[row][col] = (row == col ? 1.0 : 0.0);
10266                 }
10267             else
10268                 {
10269                 lMat[row][col] = aMat[row][col];
10270                 uMat[row][col] = 0.0;
10271                 }
10272             }
10273         }
10274 }
10277 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10278 |
10279 |   ComputeMatrixExponential
10280 |
10281 |   The method approximates the matrix exponential, f = e^a, using
10282 |   the algorithm 11.3.1, described in:
10283 |
10284 |   Golub, G. H., and C. F. Van Loan. 1996. Matrix Computations, Third Edition.
10285 |      The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
10286 |
10287 |   The method has the advantage of error control. The error is controlled by
10288 |   setting qValue appropriately (using the function SetQValue).
10289 |
10290 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ComputeMatrixExponential(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,int qValue,MrBFlt ** f)10291 void ComputeMatrixExponential (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int qValue, MrBFlt **f)
10292 {
10293     int         i, j, k, negativeFactor;
10294     MrBFlt      maxAValue, c, **d, **n, **x, **cX;
10296     d  = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
10297     n  = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
10298     x  = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
10299     cX = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
10301     SetToIdentity (dim, d);
10302     SetToIdentity (dim, n);
10303     SetToIdentity (dim, x);
10305     maxAValue = 0;
10306     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10307         maxAValue = MAX (maxAValue, a[i][i]);
10309     j = MAX (0, LogBase2Plus1 (maxAValue));
10311     DivideByTwos (dim, a, j);
10313     c = 1;
10314     for (k=1; k<=qValue; k++)
10315         {
10316         c = c * (qValue - k + 1.0) / ((2.0 * qValue - k + 1.0) * k);
10318         /* X = AX */
10319         MultiplyMatrices (dim, a, x, x);
10321         /* N = N + cX */
10322         MultiplyMatrixByScalar (dim, x, c, cX);
10323         AddTwoMatrices (dim, n, cX, n);
10325         /* D = D + (-1)^k*cX */
10326         negativeFactor = (k % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1);
10327         if (negativeFactor == -1)
10328             MultiplyMatrixByScalar (dim, cX, negativeFactor, cX);
10329         AddTwoMatrices (dim, d, cX, d);
10330         }
10332     GaussianElimination (dim, d, n, f);
10334     for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
10335         MultiplyMatrices (dim, f, f, f);
10337     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10338         {
10339         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
10340             {
10341             if (f[i][j] < 0.0)
10342                 f[i][j] = fabs(f[i][j]);
10343             }
10344         }
10346     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (d);
10347     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (n);
10348     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (x);
10349     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (cX);
10350 }
10353 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10354 |
10355 |   CopyComplexMatrices
10356 |
10357 |   Copies the contents of one matrix of complex numbers to another matrix.
10358 |
10359 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyComplexMatrices(int dim,MrBComplex ** from,MrBComplex ** to)10360 void CopyComplexMatrices (int dim, MrBComplex **from, MrBComplex **to)
10361 {
10362     int         i, j;
10364     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10365         {
10366         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
10367             {
10368             to[i][j].re = from[i][j].re;
10369             to[i][j].im = from[i][j].im;
10370             }
10371         }
10372 }
10375 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10376 |
10377 |   CopyDoubleMatrices
10378 |
10379 |   Copies the contents of one matrix of doubles to another matrix.
10380 |
10381 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
CopyDoubleMatrices(int dim,MrBFlt ** from,MrBFlt ** to)10382 void CopyDoubleMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **from, MrBFlt **to)
10383 {
10384     int         i, j;
10386     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10387         {
10388         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
10389             {
10390             to[i][j] = from[i][j];
10391             }
10392         }
10393 }
10396 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10397 |
10398 |   DirichletRandomVariable
10399 |
10400 |   Generate a Dirichlet-distributed random variable. The parameter of the
10401 |   Dirichlet is contained in the vector alp. The random variable is contained
10402 |   in the vector z.
10403 |
10404 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DirichletRandomVariable(MrBFlt * alp,MrBFlt * z,int n,RandLong * seed)10405 void DirichletRandomVariable (MrBFlt *alp, MrBFlt *z, int n, RandLong *seed)
10406 {
10407     int     i;
10408     MrBFlt  sum;
10410     sum = 0.0;
10411     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
10412         {
10413         z[i] = RndGamma (alp[i], seed) / 1.0;
10414         sum += z[i];
10415         }
10416     for (i=0; i<n; i++)
10417         z[i] /= sum;
10418 }
10421 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10422 |
10423 |   DiscreteGamma
10424 |
10425 |   Discretization of gamma distribution with equal proportions in each
10426 |   category.
10427 |
10428 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DiscreteGamma(MrBFlt * rK,MrBFlt alfa,MrBFlt beta,int K,int median)10429 int DiscreteGamma (MrBFlt *rK, MrBFlt alfa, MrBFlt beta, int K, int median)
10430 {
10431     int             i;
10432     MrBFlt          gap05 = 1.0/(2.0*K), t, factor = alfa/beta*K, lnga1;
10434     if (median)
10435         {
10436         for (i=0; i<K; i++)
10437             rK[i] = POINTGAMMA((i*2.0+1.0)*gap05, alfa, beta);
10438         for (i=0,t=0; i<K; i++)
10439             t += rK[i];
10440         for (i=0; i<K; i++)
10441             rK[i] *= factor / t;
10442         }
10443     else
10444         {
10445         lnga1 = LnGamma(alfa+1);
10446         /* calculate the points in the gamma distribution */
10447         for (i=0; i<K-1; i++)
10448             rK[i] = POINTGAMMA((i+1.0)/K, alfa, beta);
10449         /* calculate the cumulative values */
10450         for (i=0; i<K-1; i++)
10451             rK[i] = IncompleteGamma(rK[i] * beta, alfa + 1.0, lnga1);
10452         rK[K-1] = 1.0;
10453         /* calculate the relative values and rescale */
10454         for (i=K-1; i>0; i--)
10455             {
10456             rK[i] -= rK[i-1];
10457             rK[i] *= factor;
10458             }
10459         rK[0] *= factor;
10460         }
10462     return (NO_ERROR);
10463 }
10466 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10467  |
10468  |   DiscreteLogNormal
10469  |
10470  |   Discretization of lognormal distribution with equal proportions in each
10471  |   category.
10472  |
10473  |   LBH Notes:     K = # of rate classes
10474  |                *rK = pointer to output rate class matrix
10475  |               alfa = alpha param
10476  |               beta = beta param
10477  |             median = flag to use media or not (1 = use median, 0 = mean?)
10478  |
10479  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DiscreteLogNormal(MrBFlt * rK,MrBFlt sigma,int K,int median)10480 int DiscreteLogNormal (MrBFlt *rK, MrBFlt sigma, int K, int median)
10481 {
10482     int i;
10483     MrBFlt t, factor;
10484     MrBFlt sigmaL = sqrt(sigma);
10485     MrBFlt mu = -0.5*sigmaL*sigmaL;
10486     if (median)
10487         {
10488         for (i=0; i<K; i++) {
10489             rK[i] = QuantileLogNormal( ((2.0*i + 1) / (2.0 * K)), mu, sigmaL);
10490             }
10491         for (i=0,t=0.0; i<K; i++) {
10492             t = t+rK[i];
10493             }
10494         t /= K;
10495         for (i=0; i<K; i++)
10496             rK[i] /= t;
10497         }
10498     else
10499         {
10500         mu = -0.5*sigmaL*sigmaL;
10501         /* Mean set to 1.0 so factor = K */
10502         factor = 1.0*K;
10503         for (i=0; i<K-1; i++) {
10504             rK[i] = QuantileLogNormal(((i + 1.0) / (K)), mu, sigmaL);
10505             }
10506         for (i=0; i<K-1; i++) {
10507             //rK[i] = LogNormalPoint(rK[i], mu, sigma);
10508             //rK[i] = QuantileLogNormal(rK[i], mu, sigma);
10509             //rK[i] = CdfNormal((log(rK[i])-mu)/sigma);
10510             rK[i] = 1 - (1.0 * CdfNormal((mu + sigmaL*sigmaL - log(rK[i]))/sigmaL));
10511             }
10512         rK[K-1] = 1.0;
10513         for (i=K-1; i>0; i--) {
10514             rK[i] -= rK[i-1];
10515             rK[i] *= factor;
10516             }
10517         rK[0] *= factor;
10518         }
10520     return (NO_ERROR);
10521 }
10524 /* LogNormal Quantile Function */
QuantileLogNormal(MrBFlt prob,MrBFlt mu,MrBFlt sigma)10525 MrBFlt QuantileLogNormal (MrBFlt prob, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt sigma)
10526 {
10527     MrBFlt a = 0.0, b = 0.0;
10528     a = PointNormal((0.5*(2.0*prob-1.0))+0.5) / sqrt(2.0);
10529     b = mu+(sqrt(2.0)* sigma * a);
10530     return exp(b);
10531 }
10534 /* LogNormal Point Function */
LogNormalPoint(MrBFlt x,MrBFlt mu,MrBFlt sigma)10535 MrBFlt LogNormalPoint (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt mu, MrBFlt sigma)
10536 {
10537     if(x <= 0.0) return(0.0);
10538     MrBFlt a = LnProbLogNormal(mu, sigma, x);
10539     return exp(a);
10540 }
10543 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10544 |
10545 |   DivideByTwos
10546 |
10547 |   Divides all of the elements of the matrix a by 2^power.
10548 |
10549 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
DivideByTwos(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,int power)10550 void DivideByTwos (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int power)
10551 {
10552     int         divisor = 1, i, row, col;
10554     for (i=0; i<power; i++)
10555         divisor = divisor * 2;
10557     for (row=0; row<dim; row++)
10558         for (col=0; col<dim; col++)
10559             a[row][col] /= divisor;
10560 }
10563 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10564 |
10565 |   D_sign
10566 |
10567 |   This function is called from "Hqr2".
10568 |
10569 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
D_sign(MrBFlt a,MrBFlt b)10570 MrBFlt D_sign (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b)
10571 {
10572     MrBFlt      x;
10574     x = (a >= 0 ? a : -a);
10576     return (b >= 0 ? x : -x);
10577 }
10580 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10581 |
10582 |   Eigens
10583 |
10584 |   The matrix of interest is a. The ouptut is the real and imaginary parts of the
10585 |   eigenvalues (wr and wi). z contains the real and imaginary parts of the
10586 |   eigenvectors. iv2 and fv1 are working vectors.
10587 |
10588 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
EigensForRealMatrix(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt * wr,MrBFlt * wi,MrBFlt ** z,int * iv1,MrBFlt * fv1)10589 int EigensForRealMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt **z, int *iv1, MrBFlt *fv1)
10590 {
10591     static int  is1, is2;
10592     int         ierr;
10594     Balanc (dim, a, &is1, &is2, fv1);
10595     ElmHes (dim, is1, is2, a, iv1);
10596     ElTran (dim, is1, is2, a, iv1, z);
10597     ierr = Hqr2 (dim, is1, is2, a, wr, wi, z);
10598     if (ierr == 0)
10599         BalBak (dim, is1, is2, fv1, dim, z);
10601     return (ierr);
10602 }
10605 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10606 |
10607 |   ElmHes
10608 |
10609 |   Given a real general matrix, this subroutine
10610 |   reduces a submatrix situated in rows and columns
10611 |   low through high to upper Hessenberg form by
10612 |   stabilized elementary similarity transformations.
10613 |
10614 |   On input:
10615 |
10616 |    * dim is the order of the matrix
10617 |
10618 |    * low and high are integers determined by the balancing
10619 |      subroutine  balanc.  if  balanc  has not been used,
10620 |      set low=1, high=dim.
10621 |
10622 |    * a contains the input matrix.
10623 |
10624 |   On output:
10625 |
10626 |    * a contains the hessenberg matrix.  The multipliers
10627 |      which were used in the reduction are stored in the
10628 |      remaining triangle under the hessenberg matrix.
10629 |
10630 |    * interchanged contains information on the rows and columns
10631 |      interchanged in the reduction.
10632 |
10633 |   Only elements low through high are used.
10634 |
10635 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ElmHes(int dim,int low,int high,MrBFlt ** a,int * interchanged)10636 void ElmHes (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **a, int *interchanged)
10637 {
10638     int         i, j, m, la, mm1, kp1, mp1;
10639     MrBFlt      x, y;
10641     la = high - 1;
10642     kp1 = low + 1;
10643     if (la < kp1)
10644         return; /* remove goto statement, which exits at bottom of function */
10646     for (m=kp1; m<=la; m++)
10647         {
10648         mm1 = m - 1;
10649         x = 0.0;
10650         i = m;
10652         for (j=m; j<=high; j++)
10653             {
10654             if (fabs(a[j][mm1]) > fabs(x)) /* change direction of inequality */
10655                 {                          /* remove goto statement          */
10656                 x = a[j][mm1];
10657                 i = j;
10658                 }
10659             }
10661         interchanged[m] = i;
10662         if (i != m) /* change "==" to "!=", eliminating goto statement */
10663             {
10664             /* interchange rows and columns of a */
10665             for (j=mm1; j<dim; j++)
10666                 {
10667                 y = a[i][j];
10668                 a[i][j] = a[m][j];
10669                 a[m][j] = y;
10670                 }
10671             for (j=0; j<=high; j++)
10672                 {
10673                 y = a[j][i];
10674                 a[j][i] = a[j][m];
10675                 a[j][m] = y;
10676                 }
10677             }
10679         if (AreDoublesEqual(x, 0.0, ETA)==NO) /* change "==" to "!=", eliminating goto statement */
10680             {
10681             mp1 = m + 1;
10683             for (i=mp1; i<=high; i++)
10684                 {
10685                 y = a[i][mm1];
10686                 if (AreDoublesEqual(y, 0.0, ETA)==NO) /* != 0.0 */
10687                     {
10688                     y /= x;
10689                     a[i][mm1] = y;
10690                     for (j = m; j < dim; j++)
10691                         a[i][j] -= y * a[m][j];
10692                     for (j = 0; j <= high; j++)
10693                         a[j][m] += y * a[j][i];
10694                     }
10695                 }
10696             }
10697         }
10699 #if 0
10700 /* begin f2c version of code:
10701    elmhes.f -- translated by f2c (version 19971204) */
10702 int elmhes (int *nm, int *n, int *low, int *igh, MrBFlt *a, int *int__)
10704 {
10706     /*system generated locals */
10707     int a_dim1, a_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
10708     MrBFlt d__1;
10710     /* local variables */
10711     static int i__, j, m;
10712     static MrBFlt x, y;
10713     static int la, mm1, kp1, mp1;
10715     /* parameter adjustments */
10716     a_dim1 = *nm;
10717     a_offset = a_dim1 + 1;
10718     a -= a_offset;
10719     --int__;
10721     /* function body */
10722     la = *igh - 1;
10723     kp1 = *low + 1;
10724     if (la < kp1)
10725         goto L200;
10727     i__1 = la;
10728     for (m = kp1; m <= i__1; ++m)
10729         {
10730         mm1 = m - 1;
10731         x = 0.;
10732         i__ = m;
10733         i__2 = *igh;
10734         for (j = m; j <= i__2; ++j)
10735             {
10736             if ((d__1 = a[j + mm1 * a_dim1], abs(d__1)) <= abs(x))
10737                 goto L100;
10738             x = a[j + mm1 * a_dim1];
10739             i__ = j;
10740             L100:
10741             ;
10742         }
10744     int__[m] = i__;
10745     if (i__ == m)
10746         goto L130;
10748     /* .......... interchange rows and columns of a.......... */
10749     i__2 = *n;
10750     for (j = mm1; j <= i__2; ++j)
10751         {
10752         y = a[i__ + j * a_dim1];
10753         a[i__ + j * a_dim1] = a[m + j * a_dim1];
10754         a[m + j * a_dim1] = y;
10755         /* L110: */
10756         }
10758     i__2 = *igh;
10759     for (j = 1; j <= i__2; ++j)
10760         {
10761         y = a[j + i__ * a_dim1];
10762         a[j + i__ * a_dim1] = a[j + m * a_dim1];
10763         a[j + m * a_dim1] = y;
10764         /* L120: */
10765         }
10767     /* .......... end interchange .......... */
10768     L130:
10769     if (x == 0.)
10770         goto L180;
10771     mp1 = m + 1;
10773     i__2 = *igh;
10774     for (i__ = mp1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
10775         {
10776         y = a[i__ + mm1 * a_dim1];
10777         if (y == 0.)
10778             goto L160;
10779         y /= x;
10780         a[i__ + mm1 * a_dim1] = y;
10782         i__3 = *n;
10783         for (j = m; j <= i__3; ++j)
10784             {
10785             /* L140: */
10786             a[i__ + j * a_dim1] -= y * a[m + j * a_dim1];
10787             }
10789         i__3 = *igh;
10790         for (j = 1; j <= i__3; ++j)
10791             {
10792             /* L150: */
10793             a[j + m * a_dim1] += y * a[j + i__ * a_dim1];
10794             }
10796         L160:
10797             ;
10798         }
10800     L180:
10801         ;
10802     }
10804     L200:
10805     return 0;
10807 }
10808 /* end f2c version of code */
10809 #endif
10811 }
10814 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10815 |
10816 |   ElTran
10817 |
10818 |   This subroutine accumulates the stabilized elementary
10819 |   similarity transformations used in the reduction of a
10820 |   real general matrix to upper Hessenberg form by ElmHes.
10821 |
10822 |   On input:
10823 |
10824 |    * dim is the order of the matrix.
10825 |
10826 |    * low and high are integers determined by the balancing
10827 |      subroutine  balanc. If Balanc has not been used,
10828 |      set low=0, high=dim-1.
10829 |
10830 |    * a contains the multipliers which were used in the
10831 |      reduction by  ElmHes in its lower triangle
10832 |      below the subdiagonal.
10833 |
10834 |    * interchanged contains information on the rows and columns
10835 |      interchanged in the reduction by ElmHes.
10836 |      only elements low through high are used.
10837 |
10838 |   On output:
10839 |
10840 |    * z contains the transformation matrix produced in the
10841 |      reduction by ElmHes.
10842 |
10843 |   This routine is a translation of the Algol procedure from
10844 |   Handbook for Automatic Computation, vol. II, Linear Algebra,
10845 |   by Wilkinson and Reinsch, Springer-Verlag.
10846 |
10847 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ElTran(int dim,int low,int high,MrBFlt ** a,int * interchanged,MrBFlt ** z)10848 void ElTran (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **a, int *interchanged, MrBFlt **z)
10849 {
10850     int         i, j, mp;
10852     /* initialize z to identity matrix */
10853     for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
10854         {
10855         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
10856             z[i][j] = 0.0;
10857         z[j][j] = 1.0;
10858         }
10859     for (mp=high-1; mp>=low+1; mp--) /* there were a number of additional    */
10860         {                            /* variables (kl, la, m, mm, mp1) that  */
10861         for (i=mp+1; i<=high; i++)   /* have been eliminated here simply by  */
10862             z[i][mp] = a[i][mp-1];   /* initializing variables appropriately */
10863         i = interchanged[mp];        /* in the loops                         */
10864         if (i != mp) /* change "==" to "!=" to eliminate a goto statement */
10865             {
10866             for (j=mp; j<=high; j++)
10867                 {
10868                 z[mp][j] = z[i][j];
10869                 z[i][j] = 0.0;
10870                 }
10871             z[i][mp] = 1.0;
10872             }
10873         }
10875 #if 0
10876 /* begin f2c version of code:
10877    eltran.f -- translated by f2c (version 19971204) */
10878 int eltran (int *nm, int *n, int *low, int *igh, MrBFlt *a, int *int__, MrBFlt *z__)
10880 {
10882     /* system generated locals */
10883     int a_dim1, a_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2;
10885     /* local variables */
10886     static int i__, j, kl, mm, mp, mp1;
10888     /*     .......... initialize z to identity matrix .......... */
10890     /* parameter adjustments */
10891     z_dim1 = *nm;
10892     z_offset = z_dim1 + 1;
10893     z__ -= z_offset;
10894     --int__;
10895     a_dim1 = *nm;
10896     a_offset = a_dim1 + 1;
10897     a -= a_offset;
10899     /* function Body */
10900     i__1 = *n;
10901     for (j = 1; j <= i__1; ++j)
10902         {
10903         i__2 = *n;
10904         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
10905             {
10906             /* L60: */
10907             z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = 0.0;
10908             }
10909         z__[j + j * z_dim1] = 1.0;
10910         /* L80: */
10911         }
10913     kl = *igh - *low - 1;
10914     if (kl < 1)
10915         goto L200;
10917     /* .......... for mp=igh-1 step -1 until low+1 do -- .......... */
10918     i__1 = kl;
10919     for (mm = 1; mm <= i__1; ++mm)
10920         {
10921         mp = *igh - mm;
10922         mp1 = mp + 1;
10923         i__2 = *igh;
10924         for (i__ = mp1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
10925             {
10926             /* L100: */
10927             z__[i__ + mp * z_dim1] = a[i__ + (mp - 1) * a_dim1];
10928             }
10929         i__ = int__[mp];
10930         if (i__ == mp)
10931             goto L140;
10932         i__2 = *igh;
10933         for (j = mp; j <= i__2; ++j)
10934             {
10935             z__[mp + j * z_dim1] = z__[i__ + j * z_dim1];
10936             z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = 0.;
10937             /* L130: */
10938             }
10939         z__[i__ + mp * z_dim1] = 1.;
10940         L140:
10941             ;
10942         }
10944     L200:
10945     return 0;
10947 }
10948 /* end f2c version of code */
10949 #endif
10951 }
10954 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10955 |
10956 |   Exchange
10957 |
10958 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Exchange(int j,int k,int l,int m,int n,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt * scale)10959 void Exchange (int j, int k, int l, int m, int n, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *scale)
10960 {
10961     int         i;
10962     MrBFlt      f;
10964     scale[m] = (MrBFlt)j;
10965     if (j != m)
10966         {
10967         for (i = 0; i <= l; i++)
10968             {
10969             f = a[i][j];
10970             a[i][j] = a[i][m];
10971             a[i][m] = f;
10972             }
10973         for (i = k; i < n; i++)
10974             {
10975             f = a[j][i];
10976             a[j][i] = a[m][i];
10977             a[m][i] = f;
10978             }
10979         }
10980 }
10983 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10984 |
10985 |   Factorial
10986 |
10987 |   Returns x!
10988 |
10989 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Factorial(int x)10990 MrBFlt Factorial (int x)
10991 {
10992     int         i;
10993     MrBFlt      fac;
10995     fac = 1.0;
10996     for (i=0; i<x; i++)
10997         {
10998         fac *= (i+1);
10999         }
11001     return (fac);
11002 }
11005 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11006 |
11007 |   ForwardSubstitutionRow
11008 |
11009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ForwardSubstitutionRow(int dim,MrBFlt ** L,MrBFlt * b)11010 void ForwardSubstitutionRow (int dim, MrBFlt **L, MrBFlt *b)
11011 {
11012     int         i, j;
11013     MrBFlt      dotProduct;
11015     b[0] = b[0] / L[0][0];
11016     for (i=1; i<dim; i++)
11017         {
11018         dotProduct = 0.0;
11019         for (j=0; j<i; j++)
11020             dotProduct += L[i][j] * b[j];
11021         b[i] = (b[i] - dotProduct) / L[i][i];
11022         }
11023 }
11026 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11027 |
11028 |   FreeSquareComplexMatrix
11029 |
11030 |   Frees a matrix of complex numbers.
11031 |
11032 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FreeSquareComplexMatrix(MrBComplex ** m)11033 void FreeSquareComplexMatrix (MrBComplex **m)
11034 {
11035     free((char *) (m[0]));
11036     free((char *) (m));
11037 }
11040 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11041 |
11042 |   FreeSquareDoubleMatrix
11043 |
11044 |   Frees a matrix of doubles.
11045 |
11046 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FreeSquareDoubleMatrix(MrBFlt ** m)11047 void FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (MrBFlt **m)
11048 {
11049     free((char *) (m[0]));
11050     free((char *) (m));
11051 }
11054 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11055 |
11056 |   FreeSquareIntegerMatrix
11057 |
11058 |   Frees a matrix of integers.
11059 |
11060 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
FreeSquareIntegerMatrix(int ** m)11061 void FreeSquareIntegerMatrix (int **m)
11062 {
11063     free((char *) (m[0]));
11064     free((char *) (m));
11065 }
11068 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11069 |
11070 |   GammaRandomVariable
11071 |
11072 |   This function generates a gamma-distributed random variable with parameters
11073 |   a and b. The mean is E(X) = a / b and the variance is Var(X) = a / b^2.
11074 |
11075 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GammaRandomVariable(MrBFlt a,MrBFlt b,RandLong * seed)11076 MrBFlt GammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt a, MrBFlt b, RandLong *seed)
11077 {
11078     return (RndGamma (a, seed) / b);
11079 }
11082 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11083 |
11084 |   GaussianElimination
11085 |
11086 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GaussianElimination(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt ** bMat,MrBFlt ** xMat)11087 void GaussianElimination (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **bMat, MrBFlt **xMat)
11088 {
11089     int         i, k;
11090     MrBFlt      *bVec, **lMat, **uMat;
11092     lMat = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
11093     uMat = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
11094     bVec = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
11095     if (!bVec)
11096         {
11097         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem allocating bVec\n", spacer);
11098         exit (0);
11099         }
11101     ComputeLandU (dim, a, lMat, uMat);
11103     for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
11104         {
11106         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
11107             bVec[i] = bMat[i][k];
11109         /* Answer of Ly = b (which is solving for y) is copied into b. */
11110         ForwardSubstitutionRow (dim, lMat, bVec);
11112         /* Answer of Ux = y (solving for x and the y was copied into b above)
11113            is also copied into b. */
11114         BackSubstitutionRow (dim, uMat, bVec);
11116         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
11117             xMat[i][k] = bVec[i];
11119         }
11121     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (lMat);
11122     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (uMat);
11123     free (bVec);
11124 }
11127 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11128 |
11129 |   GetEigens
11130 |
11131 |   returns NO if non complex eigendecomposition, YES if complex eigendecomposition,  ABORT if an error has occured
11132 |
11133 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
GetEigens(int dim,MrBFlt ** q,MrBFlt * eigenValues,MrBFlt * eigvalsImag,MrBFlt ** eigvecs,MrBFlt ** inverseEigvecs,MrBComplex ** Ceigvecs,MrBComplex ** CinverseEigvecs)11134 int GetEigens (int dim, MrBFlt **q, MrBFlt *eigenValues, MrBFlt *eigvalsImag, MrBFlt **eigvecs, MrBFlt **inverseEigvecs, MrBComplex **Ceigvecs, MrBComplex **CinverseEigvecs)
11135 {
11136     int         i, j, rc, *iWork, isComplex;
11137     MrBFlt      **tempWork, *dWork;
11138     MrBComplex     **cWork, *Ccol;
11140     /* allocate memory */
11141     dWork = (MrBFlt *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBFlt));
11142     iWork = (int *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(int));
11143     if (!dWork || !iWork)
11144         {
11145         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in GetEigens\n", spacer);
11146         exit (0);
11147         }
11149     /* calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors */
11150     isComplex = NO;
11151     rc = ComputeEigenSystem (dim, q, eigenValues, eigvalsImag, eigvecs, iWork, dWork);
11152     if (rc != NO_ERROR)
11153         {
11154         if (rc == EVALUATE_COMPLEX_NUMBERS)
11155             isComplex = YES;
11156         else
11157             isComplex = ABORT;
11158         }
11160     /* invert eigenvectors */
11161     if (isComplex == NO)
11162         {
11163         tempWork = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
11164         CopyDoubleMatrices (dim, eigvecs, tempWork);
11165         InvertMatrix (dim, tempWork, dWork, iWork, inverseEigvecs);
11166         FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (tempWork);
11167         }
11168     else if (isComplex == YES)
11169         {
11170         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
11171             {
11172               if (fabs(eigvalsImag[i])<1E-20) /* == 0.0 */
11173                 {
11174                 for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
11175                     {
11176                     Ceigvecs[j][i].re = eigvecs[j][i];
11177                     Ceigvecs[j][i].im = 0.0;
11178                     }
11179                 }
11180             else if (eigvalsImag[i] > 0)
11181                 {
11182                 for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
11183                     {
11184                     Ceigvecs[j][i].re = eigvecs[j][i];
11185                     Ceigvecs[j][i].im = eigvecs[j][i + 1];
11186                     }
11187                 }
11188             else if (eigvalsImag[i] < 0)
11189                 {
11190                 for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
11191                     {
11192                     Ceigvecs[j][i].re =  eigvecs[j][i-1];
11193                     Ceigvecs[j][i].im = -eigvecs[j][i];
11194                     }
11195                 }
11196             }
11197         Ccol = (MrBComplex *) SafeMalloc ((size_t)dim * sizeof(MrBComplex));
11198         if (!Ccol)
11199             {
11200             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in GetEigens\n", spacer);
11201             exit (0);
11202             }
11203         cWork = AllocateSquareComplexMatrix (dim);
11204         CopyComplexMatrices (dim, Ceigvecs, cWork);
11205         ComplexInvertMatrix (dim, cWork, dWork, iWork, CinverseEigvecs, Ccol);
11206         free (Ccol);
11207         FreeSquareComplexMatrix (cWork);
11208         }
11210     free (dWork);
11211     free (iWork);
11213     return (isComplex);
11214 }
11217 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11218 |
11219 |   Hqr2
11220 |
11221 |   This subroutine finds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
11222 |   of a real upper Hessenberg matrix by the QR method. The
11223 |   eigenvectors of a real general matrix can also be found
11224 |   if ElmHes  and ElTran or OrtHes and OrTran have
11225 |   been used to reduce this general matrix to Hessenberg form
11226 |   and to accumulate the similarity transformations.
11227 |
11228 |   On input:
11229 |
11230 |    * dim is the order of the matrix.
11231 |
11232 |    * low and high are integers determined by the balancing
11233 |      subroutine  balanc. If  balanc has not been used,
11234 |      set low=0, high=dim-1.
11235 |
11236 |    * h contains the upper hessenberg matrix. Information about
11237 |      the transformations used in the reduction to Hessenberg
11238 |      form by  ElmHes  or OrtHes, if performed, is stored
11239 |      in the remaining triangle under the Hessenberg matrix.
11240 |
11241 |   On output:
11242 |
11243 |    * h has been destroyed.
11244 |
11245 |    * wr and wi contain the real and imaginary parts,
11246 |      respectively, of the eigenvalues. The eigenvalues
11247 |      are unordered except that complex conjugate pairs
11248 |      of values appear consecutively with the eigenvalue
11249 |      having the positive imaginary part first. If an
11250 |      error exit is made, the eigenvalues should be correct
11251 |      for indices j,...,dim-1.
11252 |
11253 |    * z contains the transformation matrix produced by ElTran
11254 |      after the reduction by ElmHes, or by OrTran after the
11255 |      reduction by OrtHes, if performed. If the eigenvectors
11256 |      of the Hessenberg matrix are desired, z must contain the
11257 |      identity matrix.
11258 |
11259 |   Calls ComplexDivision2 for complex division.
11260 |
11261 |   This function returns:
11262 |      zero       for normal return,
11263 |      j          if the limit of 30*n iterations is exhausted
11264 |                 while the j-th eigenvalue is being sought.
11265 |
11266 |   This subroutine is a translation of the ALGOL procedure HQR2,
11267 |   Num. Math. 14, 219,231(1970) by Martin, Peters, and Wilkinson.
11268 |   Handbook for Automatic Computation, vol. II - Linear Algebra,
11269 |   pp. 357-391 (1971).
11270 |
11271 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Hqr2(int dim,int low,int high,MrBFlt ** h,MrBFlt * wr,MrBFlt * wi,MrBFlt ** z)11272 int Hqr2 (int dim, int low, int high, MrBFlt **h, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt **z)
11273 {
11274     int         i, j, k, l, m, na, en, notlas, mp2, itn, its, enm2, twoRoots;
11275     MrBFlt      norm, p=0.0, q=0.0, r=0.0, s=0.0, t, w=0.0, x, y=0.0, ra, sa, vi, vr, zz=0.0, tst1, tst2;
11277     norm = 0.0;
11278     k = 0;  /* used for array indexing. FORTRAN version: k = 1 */
11280     /* store roots isolated by balance, and compute matrix norm */
11281     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
11282         {
11283         for (j=k; j<dim; j++)
11284             norm += fabs(h[i][j]);
11286         k = i;
11287         if ((i < low) || (i > high))
11288             {
11289             wr[i] = h[i][i];
11290             wi[i] = 0.0;
11291             }
11292         }
11293     en = high;
11294     t = 0.0;
11295     itn = dim * 30;
11297     /* search for next eigenvalues */
11298     while (en >= low) /* changed from an "if (en < lo)" to eliminate a goto statement */
11299         {
11300         its = 0;
11301         na = en - 1;
11302         enm2 = na - 1;
11303         twoRoots = FALSE;
11305         for (;;)
11306             {
11307             for (l=en; l>low; l--) /* changed indexing, got rid of lo, ll */
11308                 {
11309                 s = fabs(h[l-1][l-1]) + fabs(h[l][l]);
11310                 if (AreDoublesEqual(s, 0.0, ETA)==YES) /* == 0.0 */
11311                     s = norm;
11312                 tst1 = s;
11313                 tst2 = tst1 + fabs(h[l][l-1]);
11314                 if (fabs(tst2 - tst1) < ETA) /* tst2 == tst1 */
11315                     break; /* changed to break to remove a goto statement */
11316                 }
11318             /* form shift */
11319             x = h[en][en];
11320             if (l == en) /* changed to break to remove a goto statement */
11321                 break;
11322             y = h[na][na];
11323             w = h[en][na] * h[na][en];
11324             if (l == na)         /* used to return to other parts of the code */
11325                 {
11326                 twoRoots = TRUE;
11327                 break;
11328                 }
11329             if (itn == 0)
11330                 return (en);
11332             /* form exceptional shift */
11333             if ((its == 10) || (its == 20)) /* changed to remove a goto statement */
11334                 {
11335                 t += x;
11336                 for (i = low; i <= en; i++)
11337                     h[i][i] -= x;
11338                 s = fabs(h[en][na]) + fabs(h[na][enm2]);
11339                 x = 0.75 * s;
11340                 y = x;
11341                 w = -0.4375 * s * s;
11342                 }
11343             its++;
11344             itn--;
11346             /* look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements */
11347             for (m=enm2; m>=l; m--)
11348                 {
11349                 /* removed m = enm2 + l - mm and above loop to remove variables */
11350                 zz = h[m][m];
11351                 r = x - zz;
11352                 s = y - zz;
11353                 p = (r * s - w) / h[m+1][m] + h[m][m+1];
11354                 q = h[m+1][m+1] - zz - r - s;
11355                 r = h[m+2][m+1];
11356                 s = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r);
11357                 p /= s;
11358                 q /= s;
11359                 r /= s;
11360                 if (m == l)
11361                     break; /* changed to break to remove a goto statement */
11362                 tst1 = fabs(p) * (fabs(h[m-1][m-1]) + fabs(zz) + fabs(h[m+1][m+1]));
11363                 tst2 = tst1 + fabs(h[m][m-1]) * (fabs(q) + fabs(r));
11364                 if (fabs(tst2 - tst1) < ETA) /* tst2 == tst1 */
11365                     break; /* changed to break to remove a goto statement */
11366                 }
11368             mp2 = m + 2;
11369             for (i = mp2; i <= en; i++)
11370                 {
11371                 h[i][i-2] = 0.0;
11372                 if (i != mp2) /* changed "==" to "!=" to remove a goto statement */
11373                     h[i][i-3] = 0.0;
11374                 }
11376             /* MrBFlt QR step involving rows l to en and columns m to en */
11377             for (k=m; k<=na; k++)
11378                 {
11379                 notlas = (k != na);
11380                 if (k != m) /* changed "==" to "!=" to remove a goto statement */
11381                     {
11382                     p = h[k][k-1];
11383                     q = h[k+1][k-1];
11384                     r = 0.0;
11385                     if (notlas)
11386                         r = h[k+2][k-1];
11387                     x = fabs(p) + fabs(q) + fabs(r);
11388                     if (x < ETA) /* == 0.0 */
11389                         continue; /* changed to continue remove a goto statement */
11390                     p /= x;
11391                     q /= x;
11392                     r /= x;
11393                     }
11395                 /*s = sqrt(p*p+q*q+r*r);
11396                 sgn = (p<0)?-1:(p>0);
11397                 s = sgn*sqrt(p*p+q*q+r*r);*/
11398                 s = D_sign(sqrt(p*p + q*q + r*r), p);
11399                 if (k != m) /* changed "==" to "!=" to remove a goto statement */
11400                     h[k][k-1] = -s * x;
11401                 else if (l != m) /* else if gets rid of another goto statement */
11402                     h[k][k-1] = -h[k][k-1];
11403                 p += s;
11404                 x = p / s;
11405                 y = q / s;
11406                 zz = r / s;
11407                 q /= p;
11408                 r /= p;
11409                 if (!notlas) /* changed to !notlas to remove goto statement (see **) */
11410                     {
11411                     /* row modification */
11412                     for (j=k; j<dim; j++)
11413                         {
11414                         p = h[k][j] + q * h[k+1][j];
11415                         h[k][j] -= p * x;
11416                         h[k+1][j] -= p * y;
11417                         }
11418                     j = MIN(en, k + 3);
11420                     /* column modification */
11421                     for (i=0; i<=j; i++)
11422                         {
11423                         p = x * h[i][k] + y * h[i][k+1];
11424                         h[i][k] -= p;
11425                         h[i][k+1] -= p * q;
11426                         }
11428                     /* accumulate transformations */
11429                     for (i=low; i<=high; i++)
11430                         {
11431                         p = x * z[i][k] + y * z[i][k+1];
11432                         z[i][k] -= p;
11433                         z[i][k+1] -= p * q;
11434                         }
11435                     }
11436                 else /* (**) also put in else */
11437                     {
11438                     /* row modification */
11439                     for (j=k; j<dim; j++)
11440                         {
11441                         p = h[k][j] + q * h[k+1][j] + r * h[k+2][j];
11442                         h[k][j] -= p * x;
11443                         h[k+1][j] -= p * y;
11444                         h[k+2][j] -= p * zz;
11445                         }
11446                     j = MIN(en, k + 3);
11448                     /* column modification */
11449                     for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
11450                         {
11451                         p = x * h[i][k] + y * h[i][k+1] + zz * h[i][k+2];
11452                         h[i][k] -= p;
11453                         h[i][k+1] -= p * q;
11454                         h[i][k+2] -= p * r;
11455                         }
11457                     /* accumulate transformations */
11458                     for (i = low; i <= high; i++)
11459                         {
11460                         p = x * z[i][k] + y * z[i][k+1] + zz * z[i][k+2];
11461                         z[i][k] -= p;
11462                         z[i][k+1] -= p * q;
11463                         z[i][k+2] -= p * r;
11464                         }
11465                     }
11466                 }
11467             }
11469         if (twoRoots)
11470             {
11471             /* two roots found */
11472             p = (y - x) / 2.0;
11473             q = p * p + w;
11474             zz = sqrt(fabs(q));
11475             h[en][en] = x + t;
11476             x = h[en][en];
11477             h[na][na] = y + t;
11478             if (q >= -1e-12) /* change "<" to ">=", and also change "0.0" to */
11479                 {            /* a small number (Swofford's change)           */
11480                 /* real pair */
11481                 zz = p + D_sign(zz, p);
11482                 wr[na] = x + zz;
11483                 wr[en] = wr[na];
11484                 if (fabs(zz) > ETA) /* != 0.0 */
11485                     wr[en] = x - w/zz;
11486                 wi[na] = 0.0;
11487                 wi[en] = 0.0;
11488                 x = h[en][na];
11489                 s = fabs(x) + fabs(zz);
11490                 p = x / s;
11491                 q = zz / s;
11492                 r = sqrt(p*p + q*q);
11493                 p /= r;
11494                 q /= r;
11496                 /* row modification */
11497                 for (j=na; j<dim; j++)
11498                     {
11499                     zz = h[na][j];
11500                     h[na][j] = q * zz + p * h[en][j];
11501                     h[en][j] = q * h[en][j] - p * zz;
11502                     }
11504                 /* column modification */
11505                 for (i = 0; i <= en; i++)
11506                     {
11507                     zz = h[i][na];
11508                     h[i][na] = q * zz + p * h[i][en];
11509                     h[i][en] = q * h[i][en] - p * zz;
11510                     }
11512                 /* accumulate transformations */
11513                 for (i = low; i <= high; i++)
11514                     {
11515                     zz = z[i][na];
11516                     z[i][na] = q * zz + p * z[i][en];
11517                     z[i][en] = q * z[i][en] - p * zz;
11518                     }
11519                 }
11520             else
11521                 {
11522                 /* complex pair */
11523                 wr[na] = x + p;
11524                 wr[en] = x + p;
11525                 wi[na] = zz;
11526                 wi[en] = -zz;
11527                 }
11528             en = enm2;
11529             }
11530         else
11531             {
11532             /* one root found */
11533             h[en][en] = x + t;
11534             wr[en] = h[en][en];
11535             wi[en] = 0.0;
11536             en = na;
11537             }
11538         }
11540     if (fabs(norm) < ETA) /* == 0.0 */
11541         return (0); /* was a goto end of function */
11543     for (en=dim-1; en>=0; en--)
11544         {
11545         /*en = n - nn - 1; and change for loop */
11546         p = wr[en];
11547         q = wi[en];
11548         na = en - 1;
11550         if (q < -1e-12)
11551             {
11552             /* last vector component chosen imaginary so that eigenvector
11553                matrix is triangular */
11554             m = na;
11555             if (fabs(h[en][na]) > fabs(h[na][en]))
11556                 {
11557                 h[na][na] = q / h[en][na];
11558                 h[na][en] = -(h[en][en] - p) / h[en][na];
11559                 }
11560             else
11561                 ComplexDivision2 (0.0, -h[na][en], h[na][na] - p, q, &h[na][na], &h[na][en]);
11563             h[en][na] = 0.0;
11564             h[en][en] = 1.0;
11565             enm2 = na - 1;
11566             if (enm2 >= 0) /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11567                 {
11568                 for (i=enm2; i>=0; i--)
11569                     {
11570                     w = h[i][i] - p;
11571                     ra = 0.0;
11572                     sa = 0.0;
11574                     for (j=m; j<=en; j++)
11575                         {
11576                         ra += h[i][j] * h[j][na];
11577                         sa += h[i][j] * h[j][en];
11578                         }
11580                     if (wi[i] < 0.0) /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11581                         {
11582                         zz = w;
11583                         r = ra;
11584                         s = sa;
11585                         }
11586                     else
11587                         {
11588                         m = i;
11589                         if (fabs(wi[i])<ETA) /* == 0.0 */ /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11590                             ComplexDivision2 (-ra, -sa, w, q, &h[i][na], &h[i][en]);
11591                         else
11592                             {
11593                             /* solve complex equations */
11594                             x = h[i][i+1];
11595                             y = h[i+1][i];
11596                             vr = (wr[i] - p) * (wr[i] - p) + wi[i] * wi[i] - q * q;
11597                             vi = (wr[i] - p) * 2.0 * q;
11598                             if ((fabs(vr)<ETA) && (fabs(vi)<ETA))
11599                                 {
11600                                 tst1 = norm * (fabs(w) + fabs(q) + fabs(x) + fabs(y) + fabs(zz));
11601                                 vr = tst1;
11602                                 do  {
11603                                     vr *= .01;
11604                                     tst2 = tst1 + vr;
11605                                     }
11606                                     while (tst2 > tst1); /* made into a do/while loop */
11607                                 }
11608                             ComplexDivision2 (x * r - zz * ra + q * sa, x * s - zz * sa - q * ra, vr, vi, &h[i][na], &h[i][en]);
11609                             if (fabs(x) > fabs(zz) + fabs(q)) /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11610                                 {
11611                                 h[i+1][na] = (-ra - w * h[i][na] + q * h[i][en]) / x;
11612                                 h[i+1][en] = (-sa - w * h[i][en] - q * h[i][na]) / x;
11613                                 }
11614                             else
11615                                 ComplexDivision2 (-r - y * h[i][na], -s - y * h[i][en], zz, q, &h[i+1][na], &h[i+1][en]);
11616                             }
11618                         /* overflow control */
11619                         tst1 = fabs(h[i][na]);
11620                         tst2 = fabs(h[i][en]);
11621                         t = MAX(tst1, tst2);
11622                         if (t > ETA) /* t != 0.0 */
11623                             {
11624                             tst1 = t;
11625                             tst2 = tst1 + 1.0 / tst1;
11626                             if (tst2 <= tst1)
11627                                 {
11628                                 for (j = i; j <= en; j++)
11629                                     {
11630                                     h[j][na] /= t;
11631                                     h[j][en] /= t;
11632                                     }
11633                                 }
11634                             }
11635                         }
11636                     }
11637                 }
11638             }
11639         else if (fabs(q)<ETA)
11640             {
11641             /* real vector */
11642             m = en;
11643             h[en][en] = 1.0;
11644             if (na >= 0)
11645                 {
11646                 for (i=na; i>=0; i--)
11647                     {
11648                     w = h[i][i] - p;
11649                     r = 0.0;
11650                     for (j = m; j <= en; j++)
11651                         r += h[i][j] * h[j][en];
11652                     if (wi[i] < 0.0) /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11653                         {
11654                         zz = w;
11655                         s = r;
11656                         continue;  /* changed to continue to remove goto statement */
11657                         }
11658                     else
11659                         {
11660                         m = i;
11661                         if (fabs(wi[i])<ETA) /* changed to remove goto statement */
11662                             {
11663                             t = w;
11664                             if (fabs(t)<ETA)  /* changed to remove goto statement */
11665                                 {
11666                                 tst1 = norm;
11667                                 t = tst1;
11668                                 do  {
11669                                     t *= .01;
11670                                     tst2 = norm + t;
11671                                     }
11672                                     while (tst2 > tst1);
11673                                 }
11674                             h[i][en] = -r / t;
11675                             }
11676                         else
11677                             {
11678                             /* solve real equations */
11679                             x = h[i][i+1];
11680                             y = h[i+1][i];
11681                             q = (wr[i] - p) * (wr[i] - p) + wi[i] * wi[i];
11682                             t = (x * s - zz * r) / q;
11683                             h[i][en] = t;
11684                             if (fabs(x) > fabs(zz))  /* changed direction to remove goto statement */
11685                                 h[i+1][en] = (-r - w * t) / x;
11686                             else
11687                                 h[i+1][en] = (-s - y * t) / zz;
11688                             }
11690                         /* overflow control */
11691                         t = fabs(h[i][en]);
11692                         if (t > ETA)
11693                             {
11694                             tst1 = t;
11695                             tst2 = tst1 + 1. / tst1;
11696                             if (tst2 <= tst1)
11697                                 {
11698                                 for (j = i; j <= en; j++)
11699                                     h[j][en] /= t;
11700                                 }
11701                             }
11702                         }
11703                     }
11704                 }
11705             }
11706         }
11708     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
11709         {
11710         if ((i < low) || (i > high)) /* changed to rid goto statement */
11711             {
11712             for (j=i; j<dim; j++)
11713                 z[i][j] = h[i][j];
11714             }
11715         }
11717     /* multiply by transformation matrix to give vectors of original
11718        full matrix */
11719     for (j=dim-1; j>=low; j--)
11720         {
11721         m = MIN(j, high);
11722         for (i=low; i<=high; i++)
11723             {
11724             zz = 0.0;
11725             for (k = low; k <= m; k++)
11726                 zz += z[i][k] * h[k][j];
11727             z[i][j] = zz;
11728             }
11729         }
11731     return (0);
11733 #if 0
11734 int hqr2 (int *nm, int *n, int *low, int *igh, MrBFlt *h__, MrBFlt *wr, MrBFlt *wi, MrBFlt *z__, int *ierr)
11736 {
11738     /* system generated locals */
11739     int h_dim1, h_offset, z_dim1, z_offset, i__1, i__2, i__3;
11740     MrBFlt d__1, d__2, d__3, d__4;
11742     /* builtin functions */
11743     MrBFlt sqrt(doublereal), d_sign(doublereal *, doublereal *);
11745     /* Local variables */
11746     static MrBFlt norm;
11747     static int i__, j, k, l, m;
11748     static MrBFlt p, q, r__, s, t, w, x, y;
11749     static int na, ii, en, jj;
11750     static MrBFlt ra, sa;
11751     static int ll, mm, nn;
11752     static MrBFlt vi, vr, zz;
11753     static logical notlas;
11754     static int mp2, itn, its, enm2;
11755     static MrBFlt tst1, tst2;
11757     /* parameter adjustments */
11758     z_dim1 = *nm;
11759     z_offset = z_dim1 + 1;
11760     z__ -= z_offset;
11761     --wi;
11762     --wr;
11763     h_dim1 = *nm;
11764     h_offset = h_dim1 + 1;
11765     h__ -= h_offset;
11767     /* function Body */
11768     *ierr = 0;
11769     norm = 0.;
11770     k = 1;
11772     /* .......... store roots isolated by balanc and compute matrix norm .......... */
11773     i__1 = *n;
11774     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
11775         {
11776         i__2 = *n;
11777         for (j = k; j <= i__2; ++j)
11778             {
11779             /* L40: */
11780             norm += (d__1 = h__[i__ + j * h_dim1], abs(d__1));
11781             }
11782         k = i__;
11783         if (i__ >= *low && i__ <= *igh)
11784             goto L50;
11785         wr[i__] = h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1];
11786         wi[i__] = 0.;
11787         L50:
11788             ;
11789         }
11791     en = *igh;
11792     t = 0.;
11793     itn = *n * 30;
11795     /* ..........search for next eigenvalues.......... */
11796     L60:
11797     if (en < *low)
11798         goto L340;
11799     its = 0;
11800     na = en - 1;
11801     enm2 = na - 1;
11803     /* ..........look for single small sub-diagonal element for l=en step -1 until low do -- .......... */
11804     L70:
11805     i__1 = en;
11806     for (ll = *low; ll <= i__1; ++ll)
11807         {
11808         l = en + *low - ll;
11809         if (l == *low)
11810             goto L100;
11811         s = (d__1 = h__[l - 1 + (l - 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = h__[l + l * h_dim1], abs(d__2));
11812         if (s == 0.0)
11813             s = norm;
11814         tst1 = s;
11815         tst2 = tst1 + (d__1 = h__[l + (l - 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__1));
11816         if (tst2 == tst1)
11817             goto L100;
11818         /* L80: */
11819         }
11821     /* .......... form shift .......... */
11822     L100:
11823     x = h__[en + en * h_dim1];
11824     if (l == en)
11825         goto L270;
11826     y = h__[na + na * h_dim1];
11827     w = h__[en + na * h_dim1] * h__[na + en * h_dim1];
11828     if (l == na)
11829         goto L280;
11830     if (itn == 0)
11831         goto L1000;
11832     if (its != 10 && its != 20)
11833         goto L130;
11835     /* .......... form exceptional shift .......... */
11836     t += x;
11838     i__1 = en;
11839     for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
11840         {
11841         /* L120: */
11842         h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1] -= x;
11843         }
11845     s = (d__1 = h__[en + na * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) + (d__2 = h__[na + enm2 * h_dim1], abs(d__2));
11846     x = s * 0.75;
11847     y = x;
11848     w = s * -0.4375 * s;
11849     L130:
11850     ++its;
11851     --itn;
11853     /* .......... look for two consecutive small sub-diagonal elements for m=en-2 step -1 until l do -- .......... */
11854     i__1 = enm2;
11855     for (mm = l; mm <= i__1; ++mm)
11856         {
11857         m = enm2 + l - mm;
11858         zz = h__[m + m * h_dim1];
11859         r__ = x - zz;
11860         s = y - zz;
11861         p = (r__ * s - w) / h__[m + 1 + m * h_dim1] + h__[m + (m + 1) * h_dim1];
11862         q = h__[m + 1 + (m + 1) * h_dim1] - zz - r__ - s;
11863         r__ = h__[m + 2 + (m + 1) * h_dim1];
11864         s = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r__);
11865         p /= s;
11866         q /= s;
11867         r__ /= s;
11868         if (m == l)
11869             goto L150;
11870         tst1 = abs(p) * ((d__1 = h__[m - 1 + (m - 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) +
11871         abs(zz) + (d__2 = h__[m + 1 + (m + 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__2)));
11872         tst2 = tst1 + (d__1 = h__[m + (m - 1) * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) * (abs(q) + abs(r__));
11873         if (tst2 == tst1)
11874             goto L150;
11875         /* L140: */
11876         }
11877     L150:
11878     mp2 = m + 2;
11880     i__1 = en;
11881     for (i__ = mp2; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
11882         {
11883         h__[i__ + (i__ - 2) * h_dim1] = 0.0;
11884         if (i__ == mp2)
11885             goto L160;
11886         h__[i__ + (i__ - 3) * h_dim1] = 0.;
11887         L160:
11888             ;
11889         }
11891     /*     .......... MrBFlt qr step involving rows l to en and columns m to en .......... */
11892     i__1 = na;
11893     for (k = m; k <= i__1; ++k)
11894         {
11895         notlas = k != na;
11896         if (k == m)
11897             goto L170;
11898         p = h__[k + (k - 1) * h_dim1];
11899         q = h__[k + 1 + (k - 1) * h_dim1];
11900         r__ = 0.;
11901         if (notlas)
11902             r__ = h__[k + 2 + (k - 1) * h_dim1];
11903         x = abs(p) + abs(q) + abs(r__);
11904         if (x == 0.)
11905             goto L260;
11906         p /= x;
11907         q /= x;
11908         r__ /= x;
11909         L170:
11910         d__1 = sqrt(p * p + q * q + r__ * r__);
11911         s = d_sign(&d__1, &p);
11912         if (k == m)
11913             goto L180;
11914         h__[k + (k - 1) * h_dim1] = -s * x;
11915         goto L190;
11916         L180:
11917         if (l != m)
11918             {
11919             h__[k + (k - 1) * h_dim1] = -h__[k + (k - 1) * h_dim1];
11920             }
11921         L190:
11922         p += s;
11923         x = p / s;
11924         y = q / s;
11925         zz = r__ / s;
11926         q /= p;
11927         r__ /= p;
11928         if (notlas)
11929             goto L225;
11931         /* .......... row modification .......... */
11932         i__2 = *n;
11933         for (j = k; j <= i__2; ++j)
11934             {
11935             p = h__[k + j * h_dim1] + q * h__[k + 1 + j * h_dim1];
11936             h__[k + j * h_dim1] -= p * x;
11937             h__[k + 1 + j * h_dim1] -= p * y;
11938             /* L200: */
11939             }
11941         /* computing MIN */
11942         i__2 = en, i__3 = k + 3;
11943         j = min(i__2,i__3);
11945         /* .......... column modification .......... */
11946         i__2 = j;
11947         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
11948             {
11949             p = x * h__[i__ + k * h_dim1] + y * h__[i__ + (k + 1) * h_dim1];
11950             h__[i__ + k * h_dim1] -= p;
11951             h__[i__ + (k + 1) * h_dim1] -= p * q;
11952             /* L210: */
11953             }
11955         /* .......... accumulate transformations .......... */
11956         i__2 = *igh;
11957         for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
11958             {
11959             p = x * z__[i__ + k * z_dim1] + y * z__[i__ + (k + 1) * z_dim1];
11960             z__[i__ + k * z_dim1] -= p;
11961             z__[i__ + (k + 1) * z_dim1] -= p * q;
11962             /* L220: */
11963             }
11964         goto L255;
11965         L225:
11967         /* .......... row modification .......... */
11968         i__2 = *n;
11969         for (j = k; j <= i__2; ++j)
11970             {
11971             p = h__[k + j * h_dim1] + q * h__[k + 1 + j * h_dim1] + r__ * h__[k + 2 + j * h_dim1];
11972             h__[k + j * h_dim1] -= p * x;
11973             h__[k + 1 + j * h_dim1] -= p * y;
11974             h__[k + 2 + j * h_dim1] -= p * zz;
11975             /* L230: */
11976             }
11978         /* computing MIN */
11979         i__2 = en, i__3 = k + 3;
11980         j = min(i__2,i__3);
11982         /* .......... column modification .......... */
11983         i__2 = j;
11984         for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
11985             {
11986             p = x * h__[i__ + k * h_dim1] + y * h__[i__ + (k + 1) * h_dim1] +
11987             zz * h__[i__ + (k + 2) * h_dim1];
11988             h__[i__ + k * h_dim1] -= p;
11989             h__[i__ + (k + 1) * h_dim1] -= p * q;
11990             h__[i__ + (k + 2) * h_dim1] -= p * r__;
11991             /* L240: */
11992             }
11994         /* .......... accumulate transformations .......... */
11995         i__2 = *igh;
11996         for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
11997             {
11998             p = x * z__[i__ + k * z_dim1] + y * z__[i__ + (k + 1) * z_dim1] + zz * z__[i__ + (k + 2) * z_dim1];
11999             z__[i__ + k * z_dim1] -= p;
12000             z__[i__ + (k + 1) * z_dim1] -= p * q;
12001             z__[i__ + (k + 2) * z_dim1] -= p * r__;
12002             /* L250: */
12003             }
12004         L255:
12005         L260:
12006             ;
12007         }
12008     goto L70;
12010     /* .......... one root found .......... */
12011     L270:
12012     h__[en + en * h_dim1] = x + t;
12013     wr[en] = h__[en + en * h_dim1];
12014     wi[en] = 0.;
12015     en = na;
12016     goto L60;
12018     /* .......... two roots found .......... */
12019     L280:
12020     p = (y - x) / 2.;
12021     q = p * p + w;
12022     zz = sqrt((abs(q)));
12023     h__[en + en * h_dim1] = x + t;
12024     x = h__[en + en * h_dim1];
12025     h__[na + na * h_dim1] = y + t;
12026     if (q < 0.)
12027         goto L320;
12029     /* .......... real pair .......... */
12030     zz = p + d_sign(&zz, &p);
12031     wr[na] = x + zz;
12032     wr[en] = wr[na];
12033     if (zz != 0.)
12034         {
12035         wr[en] = x - w / zz;
12036         }
12037     wi[na] = 0.0;
12038     wi[en] = 0.0;
12039     x = h__[en + na * h_dim1];
12040     s = abs(x) + abs(zz);
12041     p = x / s;
12042     q = zz / s;
12043     r__ = sqrt(p * p + q * q);
12044     p /= r__;
12045     q /= r__;
12047     /* .......... row modification .......... */
12048     i__1 = *n;
12049     for (j = na; j <= i__1; ++j)
12050         {
12051         zz = h__[na + j * h_dim1];
12052         h__[na + j * h_dim1] = q * zz + p * h__[en + j * h_dim1];
12053         h__[en + j * h_dim1] = q * h__[en + j * h_dim1] - p * zz;
12054         /* L290: */
12055         }
12057     /* .......... column modification .......... */
12058     i__1 = en;
12059     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
12060         {
12061         zz = h__[i__ + na * h_dim1];
12062         h__[i__ + na * h_dim1] = q * zz + p * h__[i__ + en * h_dim1];
12063         h__[i__ + en * h_dim1] = q * h__[i__ + en * h_dim1] - p * zz;
12064         /* L300: */
12065         }
12067     /* .......... accumulate transformations .......... */
12068     i__1 = *igh;
12069     for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
12070         {
12071         zz = z__[i__ + na * z_dim1];
12072         z__[i__ + na * z_dim1] = q * zz + p * z__[i__ + en * z_dim1];
12073         z__[i__ + en * z_dim1] = q * z__[i__ + en * z_dim1] - p * zz;
12074         /* L310: */
12075         }
12076     goto L330;
12078     /* .......... complex pair .......... */
12079     L320:
12080     wr[na] = x + p;
12081     wr[en] = x + p;
12082     wi[na] = zz;
12083     wi[en] = -zz;
12084     L330:
12085     en = enm2;
12086     goto L60;
12088     /* .......... all roots found.  backsubstitute to find vectors of upper triangular form .......... */
12089     L340:
12090     if (norm == 0.0)
12091         goto L1001;
12093     /* .......... for en=n step -1 until 1 do -- .......... */
12094     i__1 = *n;
12095     for (nn = 1; nn <= i__1; ++nn)
12096         {
12097         en = *n + 1 - nn;
12098         p = wr[en];
12099         q = wi[en];
12100         na = en - 1;
12101         if (q < 0.)
12102             goto L710;
12103         else if (q == 0)
12104             goto L600;
12105         else
12106             goto L800;
12108         /* .......... real vector .......... */
12109         L600:
12110         m = en;
12111         h__[en + en * h_dim1] = 1.0;
12112         if (na == 0)
12113             goto L800;
12115         /*     .......... for i=en-1 step -1 until 1 do -- .......... */
12116         i__2 = na;
12117         for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii)
12118             {
12119             i__ = en - ii;
12120             w = h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1] - p;
12121             r__ = 0.0;
12123             i__3 = en;
12124             for (j = m; j <= i__3; ++j)
12125                 {
12126                 /* L610: */
12127                 r__ += h__[i__ + j * h_dim1] * h__[j + en * h_dim1];
12128                 }
12130             if (wi[i__] >= 0.0)
12131                 goto L630;
12132             zz = w;
12133             s = r__;
12134             goto L700;
12135             L630:
12136             m = i__;
12137             if (wi[i__] != 0.0)
12138                 goto L640;
12139             t = w;
12140             if (t != 0.0)
12141                 goto L635;
12142             tst1 = norm;
12143             t = tst1;
12144             L632:
12145             t *= 0.01;
12146             tst2 = norm + t;
12147             if (tst2 > tst1)
12148                 goto L632;
12149             L635:
12150             h__[i__ + en * h_dim1] = -r__ / t;
12151             goto L680;
12153             /* .......... solve real equations .......... */
12154             L640:
12155             x = h__[i__ + (i__ + 1) * h_dim1];
12156             y = h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1];
12157             q = (wr[i__] - p) * (wr[i__] - p) + wi[i__] * wi[i__];
12158             t = (x * s - zz * r__) / q;
12159             h__[i__ + en * h_dim1] = t;
12160             if (abs(x) <= abs(zz))
12161                 goto L650;
12162             h__[i__ + 1 + en * h_dim1] = (-r__ - w * t) / x;
12163             goto L680;
12164             L650:
12165             h__[i__ + 1 + en * h_dim1] = (-s - y * t) / zz;
12167             /*     .......... overflow control .......... */
12168             L680:
12169             t = (d__1 = h__[i__ + en * h_dim1], abs(d__1));
12170             if (t == 0.0)
12171                 goto L700;
12172             tst1 = t;
12173             tst2 = tst1 + 1.0 / tst1;
12174             if (tst2 > tst1)
12175                 goto L700;
12176             i__3 = en;
12177             for (j = i__; j <= i__3; ++j)
12178                 {
12179                 h__[j + en * h_dim1] /= t;
12180                 /* L690: */
12181                 }
12183             L700:
12184                 ;
12185             }
12187         /* .......... end real vector .......... */
12188         goto L800;
12190         /* .......... complex vector .......... */
12191         L710:
12192         m = na;
12194         /* .......... last vector component chosen imaginary so that eigenvector matrix is triangular .......... */
12195         if ((d__1 = h__[en + na * h_dim1], abs(d__1)) <= (d__2 = h__[na + en *
12196         h_dim1], abs(d__2)))
12197             goto L720;
12198         h__[na + na * h_dim1] = q / h__[en + na * h_dim1];
12199         h__[na + en * h_dim1] = -(h__[en + en * h_dim1] - p) / h__[en + na * h_dim1];
12200         goto L730;
12201         L720:
12202         d__1 = -h__[na + en * h_dim1];
12203         d__2 = h__[na + na * h_dim1] - p;
12204         cdiv_(&c_b49, &d__1, &d__2, &q, &h__[na + na * h_dim1], &h__[na + en *
12205         h_dim1]);
12206         L730:
12207         h__[en + na * h_dim1] = 0.0;
12208         h__[en + en * h_dim1] = 1.0;
12209         enm2 = na - 1;
12210         if (enm2 == 0)
12211             goto L800;
12213         /*     .......... for i=en-2 step -1 until 1 do -- .......... */
12214         i__2 = enm2;
12215         for (ii = 1; ii <= i__2; ++ii)
12216             {
12217             i__ = na - ii;
12218             w = h__[i__ + i__ * h_dim1] - p;
12219             ra = 0.0;
12220             sa = 0.0;
12222             i__3 = en;
12223             for (j = m; j <= i__3; ++j)
12224                 {
12225                 ra += h__[i__ + j * h_dim1] * h__[j + na * h_dim1];
12226                 sa += h__[i__ + j * h_dim1] * h__[j + en * h_dim1];
12227                 /* L760: */
12228                 }
12230             if (wi[i__] >= 0.0)
12231                 goto L770;
12232             zz = w;
12233             r__ = ra;
12234             s = sa;
12235             goto L795;
12236             L770:
12237             m = i__;
12238             if (wi[i__] != 0.0)
12239                 goto L780;
12240             d__1 = -ra;
12241             d__2 = -sa;
12242             cdiv_(&d__1, &d__2, &w, &q, &h__[i__ + na * h_dim1], &h__[i__ + en * h_dim1]);
12243             goto L790;
12245             /*     .......... solve complex equations .......... */
12246             L780:
12247             x = h__[i__ + (i__ + 1) * h_dim1];
12248             y = h__[i__ + 1 + i__ * h_dim1];
12249             vr = (wr[i__] - p) * (wr[i__] - p) + wi[i__] * wi[i__] - q * q;
12250             vi = (wr[i__] - p) * 2.0 * q;
12251             if (vr != 0.0 || vi != 0.0)
12252                 goto L784;
12253             tst1 = norm * (abs(w) + abs(q) + abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(zz));
12254             vr = tst1;
12255             L783:
12256             vr *= 0.01;
12257             tst2 = tst1 + vr;
12258             if (tst2 > tst1)
12259                 goto L783;
12260             L784:
12261             d__1 = x * r__ - zz * ra + q * sa;
12262             d__2 = x * s - zz * sa - q * ra;
12263             cdiv_(&d__1, &d__2, &vr, &vi, &h__[i__ + na * h_dim1], &h__[i__ + en * h_dim1]);
12264             if (abs(x) <= abs(zz) + abs(q))
12265                 goto L785;
12266             h__[i__ + 1 + na * h_dim1] = (-ra - w * h__[i__ + na * h_dim1] + q * h__[i__ + en * h_dim1]) / x;
12267             h__[i__ + 1 + en * h_dim1] = (-sa - w * h__[i__ + en * h_dim1] - q * h__[i__ + na * h_dim1]) / x;
12268             goto L790;
12269             L785:
12270             d__1 = -r__ - y * h__[i__ + na * h_dim1];
12271             d__2 = -s - y * h__[i__ + en * h_dim1];
12272             cdiv_(&d__1, &d__2, &zz, &q, &h__[i__ + 1 + na * h_dim1], &h__[i__ + 1 + en * h_dim1]);
12274             /*     .......... overflow control .......... */
12275             L790:
12276             /* Computing MAX */
12277             d__3 = (d__1 = h__[i__ + na * h_dim1], abs(d__1)), d__4 = (d__2 = h__[i__ + en * h_dim1], abs(d__2));
12278             t = max(d__3,d__4);
12279             if (t == 0.0)
12280                 goto L795;
12281             tst1 = t;
12282             tst2 = tst1 + 1.0 / tst1;
12283             if (tst2 > tst1)
12284                 goto L795;
12285             i__3 = en;
12286             for (j = i__; j <= i__3; ++j)
12287                 {
12288                 h__[j + na * h_dim1] /= t;
12289                 h__[j + en * h_dim1] /= t;
12290                 /* L792: */
12291                 }
12292             L795:
12293                 ;
12294             }
12295         /*     .......... end complex vector .......... */
12296         L800:
12297             ;
12298         }
12299     /*     .......... end back substitution vectors of isolated roots .......... */
12300     i__1 = *n;
12301     for (i__ = 1; i__ <= i__1; ++i__)
12302         {
12303         if (i__ >= *low && i__ <= *igh)
12304             goto L840;
12305         i__2 = *n;
12306         for (j = i__; j <= i__2; ++j)
12307             {
12308             /* L820: */
12309             z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = h__[i__ + j * h_dim1];
12310             }
12311         L840:
12312         ;
12313         }
12315     /* .......... multiply by transformation matrix to give vectors of original full matrix. */
12316     /*            for j=n step -1 until low do -- .......... */
12317     i__1 = *n;
12318     for (jj = *low; jj <= i__1; ++jj)
12319         {
12320         j = *n + *low - jj;
12321         m = min(j,*igh);
12323         i__2 = *igh;
12324         for (i__ = *low; i__ <= i__2; ++i__)
12325             {
12326             zz = 0.0;
12327             i__3 = m;
12328             for (k = *low; k <= i__3; ++k)
12329                 {
12330                 /* L860: */
12331                 zz += z__[i__ + k * z_dim1] * h__[k + j * h_dim1];
12332                 }
12334             z__[i__ + j * z_dim1] = zz;
12335             /* L880: */
12336             }
12337         }
12339     goto L1001;
12340     /* .......... set error -- all eigenvalues have not converged after 30*n iterations .......... */
12341     L1000:
12342     *ierr = en;
12343     L1001:
12344     return 0;
12346 }
12347 /* end f2c version of code */
12348 #endif
12350 }
IncompleteBetaFunction(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt beta,MrBFlt x)12353 MrBFlt IncompleteBetaFunction (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x)
12354 {
12355     MrBFlt      bt, gm1, gm2, gm3, temp;
12357     if (x < 0.0 || x > 1.0)
12358         {
12359         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in IncompleteBetaFunction.\n", spacer);
12360         exit (0);
12361         }
12362     if (fabs(x) < ETA || fabs(x-1.0)<ETA) /* x == 0.0 || x == 1.0 */
12363         {
12364         bt = 0.0;
12365         }
12366     else
12367         {
12368         gm1 = LnGamma (alpha + beta);
12369         gm2 = LnGamma (alpha);
12370         gm3 = LnGamma (beta);
12371         temp = gm1 - gm2 - gm3 + (alpha) * log(x) + (beta) * log(1.0 - x);
12372         bt = exp(temp);
12373         }
12374     if (x < (alpha + 1.0)/(alpha + beta + 2.0))
12375         return (bt * BetaCf(alpha, beta, x) / alpha);
12376     else
12377         return (1.0 - bt * BetaCf(beta, alpha, 1.0-x) / beta);
12378 }
12381 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12382 |
12383 |   IncompleteGamma
12384 |
12385 |   Returns the incomplete gamma ratio I(x,alpha) where x is the upper
12386 |   limit of the integration and alpha is the shape parameter.  Returns (-1)
12387 |   if in error.
12388 |
12389 |   Bhattacharjee, G. P.  1970.  The incomplete gamma integral.  Applied
12390 |      Statistics, 19:285-287 (AS32)
12391 |
12392 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
IncompleteGamma(MrBFlt x,MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt LnGamma_alpha)12393 MrBFlt IncompleteGamma (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt LnGamma_alpha)
12394 {
12395     int             i;
12396     MrBFlt      p = alpha, g = LnGamma_alpha,
12397                     accurate = 1e-8, overflow = 1e30,
12398                     factor, gin = 0.0, rn = 0.0, a = 0.0, b = 0.0, an = 0.0,
12399                     dif = 0.0, term = 0.0, pn[6];
12401     if (fabs(x) < ETA)
12402         return (0.0);
12403     if (x < 0 || p <= 0)
12404         return (-1.0);
12406     factor = exp(p*log(x)-x-g);
12407     if (x>1 && x>=p)
12408         goto l30;
12409     gin = 1.0;
12410     term = 1.0;
12411     rn = p;
12412     l20:
12413         rn++;
12414         term *= x/rn;
12415         gin += term;
12416         if (term > accurate)
12417             goto l20;
12418         gin *= factor/p;
12419         goto l50;
12420     l30:
12421         a = 1.0-p;
12422         b = a+x+1.0;
12423         term = 0.0;
12424         pn[0] = 1.0;
12425         pn[1] = x;
12426         pn[2] = x+1;
12427         pn[3] = x*b;
12428         gin = pn[2]/pn[3];
12429     l32:
12430         a++;
12431         b += 2.0;
12432         term++;
12433         an = a*term;
12434         for (i=0; i<2; i++)
12435             pn[i+4] = b*pn[i+2]-an*pn[i];
12436         if (fabs(pn[5]) < ETA)
12437             goto l35;
12438         rn = pn[4]/pn[5];
12439         dif = fabs(gin-rn);
12440         if (dif>accurate)
12441             goto l34;
12442         if (dif<=accurate*rn)
12443             goto l42;
12444     l34:
12445         gin = rn;
12446     l35:
12447         for (i=0; i<4; i++)
12448             pn[i] = pn[i+2];
12449         if (fabs(pn[4]) < overflow)
12450             goto l32;
12451         for (i=0; i<4; i++)
12452             pn[i] /= overflow;
12453         goto l32;
12454     l42:
12455         gin = 1.0-factor*gin;
12456     l50:
12457         return (gin);
12458 }
12461 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12462 |
12463 |   InvertMatrix
12464 |
12465 |   Calculates aInv = a^{-1} using LU-decomposition. The input matrix a is
12466 |   destroyed in the process. The program returns an error if the matrix is
12467 |   singular. col and indx are work vectors.
12468 |
12469 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
InvertMatrix(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt * col,int * indx,MrBFlt ** aInv)12470 int InvertMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *col, int *indx, MrBFlt **aInv)
12471 {
12472     int         rc, i, j;
12474     rc = LUDecompose (dim, a, col, indx, (MrBFlt *)NULL);
12475     if (rc == FALSE)
12476         {
12477         for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
12478             {
12479             for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
12480                 col[i] = 0.0;
12481             col[j] = 1.0;
12482             LUBackSubstitution (dim, a, indx, col);
12483             for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
12484                 aInv[i][j] = col[i];
12485             }
12486         }
12488     return (rc);
12489 }
12492 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12493 |
12494 |   LBinormal
12495 |
12496 |   L(h1,h2,r) = prob(x>h1, y>h2), where x and y are standard binormal,
12497 |   with r=corr(x,y),  error < 2e-7.
12498 |
12499 |   Drezner Z., and G.O. Wesolowsky (1990) On the computation of the
12500 |      bivariate normal integral.  J. Statist. Comput. Simul. 35:101-107.
12501 |
12502 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LBinormal(MrBFlt h1,MrBFlt h2,MrBFlt r)12503 MrBFlt LBinormal (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt r)
12504 {
12505     int i;
12506     MrBFlt      x[]={0.04691008, 0.23076534, 0.5, 0.76923466, 0.95308992};
12507     MrBFlt      w[]={0.018854042, 0.038088059, 0.0452707394,0.038088059,0.018854042};
12508     MrBFlt      Lh=0.0, r1, r2, r3, rr, aa, ab, h3, h5, h6, h7, h12, temp1, temp2, exp1, exp2;
12510     h12 = (h1 * h1 + h2 * h2) / 2.0;
12511     if (fabs(r) >= 0.7)
12512         {
12513         r2 = 1.0 - r * r;
12514         r3 = sqrt(r2);
12515         if (r < 0)
12516             h2 *= -1;
12517         h3 = h1 * h2;
12518         h7 = exp(-h3 / 2.0);
12519         if (fabs(r-1.0)>ETA)  /* fabs(r) != 1.0 */
12520             {
12521             h6 = fabs(h1-h2);
12522             h5 = h6 * h6 / 2.0;
12523             h6 /= r3;
12524             aa = 0.5 - h3 / 8;
12525             ab = 3.0 - 2.0 * aa * h5;
12526             temp1 = -h5 / r2;
12527             if (temp1 < -100.0)
12528                 exp1 = 0.0;
12529             else
12530                 exp1 = exp(temp1);
12531             Lh = 0.13298076 * h6 * ab * (1.0 - CdfNormal(h6)) - exp1 * (ab + aa * r2) * 0.053051647;
12532             for (i=0; i<5; i++)
12533                 {
12534                 r1 = r3 * x[i];
12535                 rr = r1 * r1;
12536                 r2 = sqrt(1.0 - rr);
12537                 temp1 = -h5 / rr;
12538                 if (temp1 < -100.0)
12539                     exp1 = 0.0;
12540                 else
12541                     exp1 = exp(temp1);
12542                 temp2 = -h3 / (1.0 + r2);
12543                 if (temp2 < -100.0)
12544                     exp2 = 0.0;
12545                 else
12546                     exp2 = exp(temp2);
12547                 Lh -= w[i] * exp1 * (exp2 / r2 / h7 - 1.0 - aa * rr);
12548                 }
12549             }
12550         if (r > 0)
12551             Lh = Lh * r3 * h7 + (1.0 - CdfNormal(MAX(h1, h2)));
12552         else if (r<0)
12553             Lh = (h1 < h2 ? CdfNormal(h2) - CdfNormal(h1) : 0) - Lh * r3 * h7;
12554         }
12555     else
12556         {
12557         h3 = h1 * h2;
12558         if (fabs(r)>ETA)
12559             {
12560             for (i=0; i<5; i++)
12561                 {
12562                 r1 = r * x[i];
12563                 r2 = 1.0 - r1 * r1;
12564                 temp1 = (r1 * h3 - h12) / r2;
12565                 if (temp1 < -100.0)
12566                     exp1 = 0.0;
12567                 else
12568                     exp1 = exp(temp1);
12569                 Lh += w[i] * exp1 / sqrt(r2);
12570                 }
12571             }
12572         Lh = (1.0 - CdfNormal(h1)) * (1.0 - CdfNormal(h2)) + r * Lh;
12573         }
12574     return (Lh);
12575 }
12578 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12579 |
12580 |   LnFactorial: Calculates the log of the factorial for an integer
12581 |
12582 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnFactorial(int value)12583 MrBFlt  LnFactorial (int value)
12584 {
12585     int     i;
12586     MrBFlt  result;
12588     result = 0.0;
12590     for (i = 2; i<=value; i++)
12591         result += log(i);
12593     return result;
12594 }
12597 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
12598 |
12599 |   LnGamma
12600 |
12601 |   Calculates the log of the gamma function. The Gamma function is equal
12602 |   to:
12603 |
12604 |      Gamma(alp) = {integral from 0 to infinity} t^{alp-1} e^-t dt
12605 |
12606 |   The result is accurate to 10 decimal places. Stirling's formula is used
12607 |   for the central polynomial part of the procedure.
12608 |
12609 |   Pike, M. C. and I. D. Hill.  1966.  Algorithm 291: Logarithm of the gamma
12610 |      function.  Communications of the Association for Computing
12611 |      Machinery, 9:684.
12612 |
12613 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LnGamma(MrBFlt alp)12614 MrBFlt LnGamma (MrBFlt alp)
12615 {
12616     MrBFlt      x = alp, f = 0.0, z;
12618     if (x < 7)
12619         {
12620         f = 1.0;
12621         z = x-1.0;
12622         while (++z < 7.0)
12623             f *= z;
12624         x = z;
12625         f = -log(f);
12626         }
12627     z = 1.0 / (x*x);
12628     return  (f + (x-0.5)*log(x) - x + 0.918938533204673 +
12629             (((-0.000595238095238*z+0.000793650793651)*z-0.002777777777778)*z +0.083333333333333)/x);
12630 }
12633 /* Calculate probability of a realization for exponential random variable */
LnPriorProbExponential(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12634 MrBFlt LnPriorProbExponential (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12635 {
12636     return log(params[0]) - params[0] * val;
12637 }
12640 /* Calculate probability of a realization for exponential random variable; parameter mean and not rate */
LnPriorProbExponential_Param_Mean(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12641 MrBFlt LnPriorProbExponential_Param_Mean (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12642 {
12643     return - log(params[0]) - val / params[0];
12644 }
12647 /* Calculate probability of a realization for a fixed variable */
LnPriorProbFix(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12648 MrBFlt LnPriorProbFix (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12649 {
12650     if (fabs((val - params[0])/val) < 1E-5)
12651         return 0.0;
12652     else
12653         return NEG_INFINITY;
12654 }
12657 /* Calculate probability of a realization for gamma random variable */
LnPriorProbGamma(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12658 MrBFlt LnPriorProbGamma (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12659 {
12660     return (params[0] - 1) * log(val) + params[0] * log(params[1]) - params[1] * val - LnGamma(params[0]);
12661 }
12664 /* Calculate probability of a realization for gamma random variable; parameters mean and sd */
LnPriorProbGamma_Param_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12665 MrBFlt LnPriorProbGamma_Param_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12666 {
12667     MrBFlt  alpha, beta;
12669     beta  = params[0] / (params[1]*params[1]);
12670     alpha = params[0] * beta;
12672     return (alpha - 1) * log(val) + alpha * log(beta) - beta * val - LnGamma(alpha);
12673 }
12676 /* Calculate probability of a realization for lognormal random variable */
LnPriorProbLognormal(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12677 MrBFlt LnPriorProbLognormal (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12678 {
12679     MrBFlt z;
12681     z = (log(val) - params[0]) / params[1];
12683     return - log(params[1] * val * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0;
12684 }
12687 /* Calculate probability of a realization for lognormal random variable; parameters mean and sd on linear scale */
LnPriorProbLognormal_Param_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12688 MrBFlt LnPriorProbLognormal_Param_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12689 {
12690     MrBFlt z, mean_log, sd_log;
12692     sd_log      = sqrt (log((params[1]*params[1])/(params[0]*params[0]) + 1));
12693     mean_log    = log(params[0]) - sd_log * sd_log / 2.0;
12695     z= (log(val) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12697     return - log(sd_log * val * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0;
12698 }
12701 /* Calculate probability of a realization for normal random variable */
LnPriorProbNormal(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12702 MrBFlt LnPriorProbNormal (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12703 {
12704     MrBFlt z;
12706     z = (val - params[0]) / params[1];
12708     return - log(params[1] * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0;
12709 }
12712 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset exponential random variable */
LnPriorProbOffsetExponential(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12713 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetExponential (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12714 {
12715     return log(params[1]) - params[1] * (val - params[0]);
12716 }
12719 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset exponential random variable; parameters offset and mean */
LnPriorProbOffsetExponential_Param_Offset_Mean(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12720 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetExponential_Param_Offset_Mean (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12721 {
12722     MrBFlt  x, rate;
12724     x    = val - params[0];
12725     rate = 1.0 / (params[1] - params[0]);
12727     return log(rate) - rate * x;
12728 }
12731 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset gamma random variable */
LnPriorProbOffsetGamma(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12732 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetGamma (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12733 {
12734     MrBFlt x, alpha, beta;
12736     x     = val - params[0];
12737     alpha = params[1];
12738     beta  = params[2];
12740     return (alpha - 1) * log(x) + alpha * log(beta) - beta * x - LnGamma(alpha);
12741 }
12744 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset gamma random variable; parameters offset, mean and sd */
LnPriorProbOffsetGamma_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12745 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetGamma_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12746 {
12747     MrBFlt  x, mean, sd, alpha, beta;
12749     x     = val - params[0];
12750     mean  = params[1] - params[0];
12751     sd    = params[2];
12753     beta  = mean / (sd*sd);
12754     alpha = mean * beta;
12756     return (alpha - 1) * log(x) + alpha * log(beta) - beta * x - LnGamma(alpha);
12757 }
12760 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset lognormal random variable */
LnPriorProbOffsetLognormal(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12761 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetLognormal (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12762 {
12763     MrBFlt x, mean_log, sd_log, z;
12765     x        = val - params[0];
12766     mean_log = params[1] - params[0];
12767     sd_log   = params[2];
12769     z = (log(x) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12771     return - log(sd_log * x * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0;
12772 }
12775 /* Calculate probability of a realization for an offset lognormal random variable; parameters offset, mean and sd */
LnPriorProbOffsetLognormal_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12776 MrBFlt LnPriorProbOffsetLognormal_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12777 {
12778     MrBFlt x, mean, sd, mean_log, sd_log, z;
12780     x        = val - params[0];
12781     mean     = params[1] - params[0];
12782     sd       = params[2];
12783     sd_log   = sqrt (log((sd*sd)/(mean*mean) + 1));
12784     mean_log = log(mean) - sd_log * sd_log / 2.0;
12786     z = (log(x) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12788     return - log(sd_log * x * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0;
12789 }
12792 /* Calculate probability of a realization for truncated (only positive values) normal random variable */
LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12793 MrBFlt LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12794 {
12795     MrBFlt z, z_0, normConst;
12797     z = (val - params[0]) / params[1];
12798     z_0 = (0.0 - params[0]) / params[1];
12799     normConst = CdfNormal(z_0);
12801     return - log(params[1] * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(1.0 - normConst);
12802 }
12805 /* Calculate probability of a realization for arbitrarily truncated normal random variable; parameters truncation point, mean and sd */
LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal_Param_Trunc_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12806 MrBFlt LnPriorProbTruncatedNormal_Param_Trunc_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12807 {
12808     MrBFlt z, z_trunc, normConst;
12810     z = (val - params[1]) / params[2];
12811     z_trunc = (params[0] - params[1]) / params[2];
12812     normConst = CdfNormal(z_trunc);
12814     return - log(params[2] * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) - z * z / 2.0 - log(1.0 - normConst);
12815 }
12818 /* Calculate probability of a realization for uniform random variable */
LnPriorProbUniform(MrBFlt val,MrBFlt * params)12819 MrBFlt LnPriorProbUniform (MrBFlt val, MrBFlt *params)
12820 {
12821     return - log(params[1] - params[0]);
12822 }
12825 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for exponential random variable */
LnProbRatioExponential(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12826 MrBFlt LnProbRatioExponential (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12827 {
12828     return params[0] * (oldX - newX);
12829 }
12832 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for exponential random variable; parameter mean and not rate */
LnProbRatioExponential_Param_Mean(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12833 MrBFlt LnProbRatioExponential_Param_Mean (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12834 {
12835     return (oldX - newX) / params[0];
12836 }
12839 /* Calculate probability of a realization for a fixed variable */
LnProbRatioFix(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12840 MrBFlt LnProbRatioFix (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12841 {
12842     if (fabs((newX - params[0])/newX) < 1E-5 && fabs((oldX - params[0])/oldX) < 1E-5)
12843         return 0.0;
12844     else
12845         return NEG_INFINITY;
12846 }
12849 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for gamma random variable */
LnProbRatioGamma(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12850 MrBFlt LnProbRatioGamma (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12851 {
12852     MrBFlt  alpha, beta;
12854     alpha   = params[0];
12855     beta    = params[1];
12857     return (alpha - 1.0) * (log(newX) - log(oldX)) - beta * (newX - oldX);
12858 }
12861 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for gamma random variable; parameters mean and sd */
LnProbRatioGamma_Param_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12862 MrBFlt LnProbRatioGamma_Param_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12863 {
12864     MrBFlt  alpha, beta;
12866     beta  = params[0] / (params[1]*params[1]);
12867     alpha = params[0] * beta;
12869     return (alpha - 1.0) * (log(newX) - log(oldX)) - beta * (newX - oldX);
12870 }
12873 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for log normal random variable */
LnProbRatioLognormal(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12874 MrBFlt LnProbRatioLognormal (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12875 {
12876     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ;
12878     newZ = (log(newX) - params[0]) / params[1];
12879     oldZ = (log(oldX) - params[0]) / params[1];
12881     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 + log(oldX) - log(newX);
12882 }
12885 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for log normal random variable; parameters mean and sd */
LnProbRatioLognormal_Param_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12886 MrBFlt LnProbRatioLognormal_Param_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12887 {
12888     MrBFlt newZ, oldZ, mean_log, sd_log;
12890     sd_log      = sqrt (log((params[1]*params[1])/(params[0]*params[0]) + 1));
12891     mean_log    = log(params[0]) - sd_log * sd_log / 2.0;
12893     newZ = (log(newX) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12894     oldZ = (log(oldX) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12896     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 + log(oldX) - log(newX);
12897 }
12900 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for normal random variable */
LnProbRatioNormal(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12901 MrBFlt LnProbRatioNormal (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12902 {
12903     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ;
12905     newZ = (newX - params[0]) / params[1];
12906     oldZ = (oldX - params[0]) / params[1];
12908     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0;
12909 }
12912 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset exponential random variable */
LnProbRatioOffsetExponential(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12913 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetExponential (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12914 {
12915     return params[1] * (oldX - newX);
12916 }
12919 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset exponential random variable; parameters offset and mean */
LnProbRatioOffsetExponential_Param_Offset_Mean(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12920 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetExponential_Param_Offset_Mean (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12921 {
12922     return (oldX - newX) / (params[1] - params[0]);
12923 }
12926 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset gamma random variable */
LnProbRatioOffsetGamma(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12927 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetGamma (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12928 {
12929     MrBFlt  alpha, beta, newZ, oldZ;
12931     alpha = params[1];
12932     beta  = params[2];
12933     newZ  = newX - params[0];
12934     oldZ  = oldX - params[0];
12936     return (alpha - 1.0) * (log(newZ) - log(oldZ)) - beta * (newZ - oldZ);
12937 }
12940 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset gamma random variable; parameters offset, mean and sd */
LnProbRatioOffsetGamma_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12941 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetGamma_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12942 {
12943     MrBFlt  mean, sd, alpha, beta;
12945     mean  = params[1] - params[0];
12946     sd    = params[2];
12948     beta  = mean / (sd*sd);
12949     alpha = mean * beta;
12951     newX  -= params[0];
12952     oldX  -= params[0];
12954     return (alpha - 1.0) * (log(newX) - log(oldX)) - beta * (newX - oldX);
12955 }
12958 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset lognormal random variable */
LnProbRatioOffsetLognormal(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12959 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetLognormal (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12960 {
12961     MrBFlt newZ, oldZ, mean_log, sd_log;
12963     sd_log      = params[2];
12964     mean_log    = params[1];
12966     newZ = (log(newX-params[0]) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12967     oldZ = (log(oldX-params[0]) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12969     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 + log(oldX-params[0]) - log(newX-params[0]);
12970 }
12973 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for offset lognormal random variable; parameters offset, mean and sd */
LnProbRatioOffsetLognormal_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12974 MrBFlt LnProbRatioOffsetLognormal_Param_Offset_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12975 {
12976     MrBFlt newZ, oldZ, mean, sd, mean_log, sd_log;
12978     mean        = params[1] - params[0];
12979     sd          = params[2];
12980     sd_log      = sqrt (log((sd*sd)/(mean*mean) + 1));
12981     mean_log    = log(mean) - sd_log * sd_log / 2.0;
12983     newX -= params[0];
12984     oldX -= params[0];
12985     newZ = (log(newX) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12986     oldZ = (log(oldX) - mean_log) / sd_log;
12988     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 - log(newX / oldX);
12989 }
12992 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for truncated normal random variable */
LnProbRatioTruncatedNormal(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)12993 MrBFlt LnProbRatioTruncatedNormal (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
12994 {
12995     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ;
12997     newZ = (newX - params[0]) / params[1];
12998     oldZ = (oldX - params[0]) / params[1];
13000     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0;
13001 }
13004 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for arbitrarily truncated normal random variable; parameters truncation point, mean and sd */
LnProbRatioTruncatedNormal_Param_Trunc_Mean_Sd(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)13005 MrBFlt LnProbRatioTruncatedNormal_Param_Trunc_Mean_Sd (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
13006 {
13007     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ;
13009     newZ = (newX - params[1]) / params[2];
13010     oldZ = (oldX - params[1]) / params[2];
13012     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0;
13013 }
13016 /* Calculate probability ratio of realizations for uniform random variable */
LnProbRatioUniform(MrBFlt newX,MrBFlt oldX,MrBFlt * params)13017 MrBFlt LnProbRatioUniform (MrBFlt newX, MrBFlt oldX, MrBFlt *params)
13018 {
13019     return 0.0;
13020 }
13023 /* Log probability for a value drawn from a gamma distribution */
LnProbGamma(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt beta,MrBFlt x)13024 MrBFlt LnProbGamma (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x)
13025 {
13026     MrBFlt lnProb;
13028     lnProb = (alpha-1.0)*log(x) + alpha*log(beta) - x*beta - LnGamma(alpha);
13030     return lnProb;
13031 }
13034 /* Log probability for a value drawn from a truncated gamma distribution */
LnProbTruncGamma(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt beta,MrBFlt x,MrBFlt min,MrBFlt max)13035 MrBFlt LnProbTruncGamma (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt beta, MrBFlt x, MrBFlt min, MrBFlt max)
13036 {
13037     MrBFlt lnProb;
13039     lnProb = (alpha-1.0)*log(x) + alpha*log(beta) - x*beta - LnGamma(alpha);
13041     lnProb -= log (IncompleteGamma (max*beta, alpha, LnGamma(alpha)) - IncompleteGamma (min*beta, alpha, LnGamma(alpha)));
13043     return lnProb;
13044 }
13047 /* Log probability for a value drawn from a lognormal distribution */
LnProbLogNormal(MrBFlt exp,MrBFlt sd,MrBFlt x)13048 MrBFlt LnProbLogNormal (MrBFlt exp, MrBFlt sd, MrBFlt x)
13049 {
13050     MrBFlt lnProb, z;
13052     z = (log(x) - exp) / sd;
13054     lnProb = - log (x * sd * sqrt (2.0 * M_PI)) - (z * z / 2.0);
13056     return lnProb;
13057 }
13060 /* Log ratio for two values drawn from a lognormal distribution */
LnRatioLogNormal(MrBFlt exp,MrBFlt sd,MrBFlt xNew,MrBFlt xOld)13061 MrBFlt LnRatioLogNormal (MrBFlt exp, MrBFlt sd, MrBFlt xNew, MrBFlt xOld)
13062 {
13063     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ;
13065     newZ = (log(xNew) - exp) / sd;
13066     oldZ = (log(xOld) - exp) / sd;
13068     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 + log(xOld) - log(xNew);
13069 }
13072 /* Log probability for a value drawn from a lognormal distribution;
13073    parameters are mean and variance of value (not of log value) */
LnProbTK02LogNormal(MrBFlt mean,MrBFlt var,MrBFlt x)13074 MrBFlt LnProbTK02LogNormal (MrBFlt mean, MrBFlt var, MrBFlt x)
13075 {
13076     MrBFlt  z, lnProb, mu, sigma;
13078     sigma = sqrt(log(1.0 + (var / (mean*mean))));
13079     mu    = log(mean) - sigma * sigma / 2.0;
13081     z = (log(x) - mu) / sigma;
13083     lnProb = - log (x * sigma * sqrt (2.0 * M_PI)) - (z * z / 2.0);
13085     return lnProb;
13086 }
13089 /* Log ratio for two values drawn from a lognormal distribution */
LnRatioTK02LogNormal(MrBFlt mean,MrBFlt var,MrBFlt xNew,MrBFlt xOld)13090 MrBFlt LnRatioTK02LogNormal (MrBFlt mean, MrBFlt var, MrBFlt xNew, MrBFlt xOld)
13091 {
13092     MrBFlt  newZ, oldZ, mu, sigma;
13094     sigma = sqrt(log(1.0 + (var / (mean*mean))));
13095     mu    = log(mean) - sigma * sigma / 2.0;
13097     newZ = (log(xNew) - mu) / sigma;
13098     oldZ = (log(xOld) - mu) / sigma;
13100     return (oldZ * oldZ - newZ * newZ) / 2.0 + log(xOld) - log(xNew);
13101 }
13104 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13105 |
13106 |   LogBase2Plus1
13107 |
13108 |   This function is called from ComputeMatrixExponential.
13109 |
13110 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LogBase2Plus1(MrBFlt x)13111 int LogBase2Plus1 (MrBFlt x)
13112 {
13113     int     j = 0;
13115     while (x > 1.0 - 1.0e-07)
13116         {
13117         x /= 2.0;
13118         j++;
13119         }
13121     return (j);
13122 }
13125 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13126 |
13127 |   LogNormalRandomVariable
13128 |
13129 |   Draw a random variable from a lognormal distribution.
13130 |
13131 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LogNormalRandomVariable(MrBFlt mean,MrBFlt sd,RandLong * seed)13132 MrBFlt LogNormalRandomVariable (MrBFlt mean, MrBFlt sd, RandLong *seed)
13133 {
13134     MrBFlt      x;
13136     x = PointNormal(RandomNumber(seed));
13138     x*= sd;
13139     x += mean;
13141     return exp(x);
13142 }
13145 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13146 |
13147 |   LUBackSubstitution
13148 |
13149 |   Back substitute into an LU-decomposed matrix.
13150 |
13151 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LUBackSubstitution(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,int * indx,MrBFlt * b)13152 void LUBackSubstitution (int dim, MrBFlt **a, int *indx, MrBFlt *b)
13153 {
13154     int         i, ip, j, ii = -1;
13155     MrBFlt      sum;
13157     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13158         {
13159         ip = indx[i];
13160         sum = b[ip];
13161         b[ip] = b[i];
13162         if (ii >= 0)
13163             {
13164             for (j=ii; j<=i-1; j++)
13165                 sum -= a[i][j] * b[j];
13166             }
13167         else if (fabs(sum)>ETA)
13168             ii = i;
13169         b[i] = sum;
13170         }
13171     for (i=dim-1; i>=0; i--)
13172         {
13173         sum = b[i];
13174         for (j=i+1; j<dim; j++)
13175             sum -= a[i][j] * b[j];
13176         b[i] = sum / a[i][i];
13177         }
13178 }
13181 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13182 |
13183 |   LUDecompose
13184 |
13185 |   Calculate the LU-decomposition of the matrix a. The matrix a is replaced.
13186 |
13187 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
LUDecompose(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt * vv,int * indx,MrBFlt * pd)13188 int LUDecompose (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt *vv, int *indx, MrBFlt *pd)
13189 {
13190     int         i, imax=0, j, k;
13191     MrBFlt      big, dum, sum, temp, d;
13193     d = 1.0;
13194     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13195         {
13196         big = 0.0;
13197         for (j = 0; j < dim; j++)
13198             {
13199             if ((temp = fabs(a[i][j])) > big)
13200                 big = temp;
13201             }
13202         if (fabs(big)<ETA)
13203             {
13204             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in LUDecompose\n", spacer);
13205             return (ERROR);
13206             }
13207         vv[i] = 1.0 / big;
13208         }
13209     for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13210         {
13211         for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
13212             {
13213             sum = a[i][j];
13214             for (k = 0; k < i; k++)
13215                 sum -= a[i][k] * a[k][j];
13216             a[i][j] = sum;
13217             }
13218         big = 0.0;
13219         for (i=j; i<dim; i++)
13220             {
13221             sum = a[i][j];
13222             for (k = 0; k < j; k++)
13223                 sum -= a[i][k] * a[k][j];
13224             a[i][j] = sum;
13225             dum = vv[i] * fabs(sum);
13226             if (dum >= big)
13227                 {
13228                 big = dum;
13229                 imax = i;
13230                 }
13231             }
13232         if (j != imax)
13233             {
13234             for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
13235                 {
13236                 dum = a[imax][k];
13237                 a[imax][k] = a[j][k];
13238                 a[j][k] = dum;
13239                 }
13240             d = -d;
13241             vv[imax] = vv[j];
13242             }
13243         indx[j] = imax;
13244         if (fabs(a[j][j])<ETA)
13245             a[j][j] = TINY;
13246         if (j != dim - 1)
13247             {
13248             dum = 1.0 / (a[j][j]);
13249             for (i=j+1; i<dim; i++)
13250                 a[i][j] *= dum;
13251             }
13252         }
13253     if (pd != NULL)
13254         *pd = d;
13256     return (NO_ERROR);
13257 }
13260 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13261 |
13262 |   MultiplyMatrices
13263 |
13264 |   Multiply matrix a by matrix b and put the results in matrix result.
13265 |
13266 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MultiplyMatrices(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt ** b,MrBFlt ** result)13267 void MultiplyMatrices (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt **b, MrBFlt **result)
13268 {
13269     register int    i, j, k;
13270     MrBFlt          **temp;
13272     temp = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
13274     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13275         {
13276         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13277             {
13278             temp[i][j] = 0.0;
13279             for (k=0; k<dim; k++)
13280                 {
13281                 temp[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j];
13282                 }
13283             }
13284         }
13285     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13286         {
13287         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13288             {
13289             result[i][j] = temp[i][j];
13290             }
13291         }
13293     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (temp);
13294 }
13297 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13298 |
13299 |   MultiplyMatrixByScalar
13300 |
13301 |   Multiply the elements of matrix a by a scalar.
13302 |
13303 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MultiplyMatrixByScalar(int dim,MrBFlt ** a,MrBFlt scalar,MrBFlt ** result)13304 void MultiplyMatrixByScalar (int dim, MrBFlt **a, MrBFlt scalar, MrBFlt **result)
13305 {
13306     int         row, col;
13308     for (row=0; row<dim; row++)
13309         for (col=0; col<dim; col++)
13310              result[row][col] = a[row][col] * scalar;
13311 }
13314 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13315 |
13316 |   MultiplyMatrixNTimes
13317 |
13318 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
MultiplyMatrixNTimes(int dim,MrBFlt ** Mat,int power,MrBFlt ** Result)13319 int MultiplyMatrixNTimes (int dim, MrBFlt **Mat, int power, MrBFlt **Result)
13320 {
13321     register int    i, j;
13322     int             k, numSquares, numRemaining;
13323     MrBFlt          **TempIn, **TempOut;
13325     if (power < 0)
13326         {
13327         MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Power cannot be a negative number.\n", spacer);
13328         return (ERROR);
13329         }
13330     else if (power == 0)
13331         {
13332         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13333             for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13334                 Result[i][j] = 1.0;
13335         }
13336     else
13337         {
13338         TempIn  = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
13339         TempOut = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
13341         /* how many times can I multiply the matrices together */
13342         numSquares = 0;
13343         while ((1 << numSquares) < power)
13344             numSquares++;
13345         numRemaining = power - (1 << numSquares);
13347         /* now, multiply matrix by power of 2's */
13348         CopyDoubleMatrices (dim, Mat, TempIn);
13349         for (k=0; k<numSquares; k++)
13350             {
13351             MultiplyMatrices (dim, TempIn, TempIn, TempOut);
13352             CopyDoubleMatrices (dim, TempOut, TempIn);
13353             }
13355         /* TempIn is Mat^numSquares. Now, multiply it by Mat numRemaining times */
13356         for (k=0; k<numRemaining; k++)
13357             {
13358             MultiplyMatrices (dim, TempIn, Mat, TempOut);
13359             CopyDoubleMatrices (dim, TempOut, TempIn);
13360             }
13362         /* copy result */
13363         CopyDoubleMatrices (dim, TempIn, Result);
13365         FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (TempIn);
13366         FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (TempOut);
13367         }
13369     return (NO_ERROR);
13370 }
13373 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13374 |
13375 |   PointChi2
13376 |
13377 |   Returns z so that Prob(x < z) = prob where x is Chi2 distributed with df=v.
13378 |   Returns -1 if in error.   0.000002 < prob < 0.999998.
13379 |
13380 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PointChi2(MrBFlt prob,MrBFlt v)13381 MrBFlt PointChi2 (MrBFlt prob, MrBFlt v)
13382 {
13383     MrBFlt      e = 0.5e-6, aa = 0.6931471805, p = prob, g,
13384                     xx, c, ch, a = 0.0, q = 0.0, p1 = 0.0, p2 = 0.0, t = 0.0,
13385                     x = 0.0, b = 0.0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6,
13386                     tmp;
13388     if (p < 0.000002 || p > 0.999998 || v <= 0.0)
13389         return (-1.0);
13390     g = LnGamma (v/2.0);
13391     xx = v/2.0;
13392     c = xx - 1.0;
13393     if (v >= -1.24*log(p))
13394         goto l1;
13395     ch = pow((p*xx*exp(g+xx*aa)), 1.0/xx);
13396     if (ch-e<0)
13397         return (ch);
13398     goto l4;
13399     l1:
13400         if (v > 0.32)
13401             goto l3;
13402         ch = 0.4;
13403         a = log(1.0-p);
13404     l2:
13405         q = ch;
13406         p1 = 1.0+ch*(4.67+ch);
13407         p2 = ch*(6.73+ch*(6.66+ch));
13408         t = -0.5+(4.67+2.0*ch)/p1 - (6.73+ch*(13.32+3.0*ch))/p2;
13409         ch -= (1.0-exp(a+g+0.5*ch+c*aa)*p2/p1)/t;
13410         if (fabs(q/ch-1.0)-0.01 <= 0.0)
13411             goto l4;
13412         else
13413             goto l2;
13414     l3:
13415         x = PointNormal (p);
13416         p1 = 0.222222/v;
13417         tmp = (x*sqrt(p1)+1.0-p1);
13418         ch = v*tmp*tmp*tmp;
13419         if (ch > 2.2*v+6.0)
13420             ch = -2.0*(log(1.0-p)-c*log(0.5*ch)+g);
13421     l4:
13422         q = ch;
13423         p1 = 0.5*ch;
13424         if ((t = IncompleteGamma (p1, xx, g)) < 0.0)
13425             {
13426             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Error: Problem in PointChi2", spacer);
13427             return (-1.0);
13428             }
13429         p2 = p-t;
13430         t = p2*exp(xx*aa+g+p1-c*log(ch));
13431         b = t/ch;
13432         a = 0.5*t-b*c;
13433         s1 = (210.0+a*(140.0+a*(105.0+a*(84.0+a*(70.0+60.0*a))))) / 420.0;
13434         s2 = (420.0+a*(735.0+a*(966.0+a*(1141.0+1278.0*a))))/2520.0;
13435         s3 = (210.0+a*(462.0+a*(707.0+932.0*a)))/2520.0;
13436         s4 = (252.0+a*(672.0+1182.0*a)+c*(294.0+a*(889.0+1740.0*a)))/5040.0;
13437         s5 = (84.0+264.0*a+c*(175.0+606.0*a)) / 2520.0;
13438         s6 = (120.0+c*(346.0+127.0*c)) / 5040.0;
13439         ch += t*(1+0.5*t*s1-b*c*(s1-b*(s2-b*(s3-b*(s4-b*(s5-b*s6))))));
13440         if (fabs(q/ch-1.0) > e)
13441             goto l4;
13442         return (ch);
13443 }
13446 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13447 |
13448 |   PointNormal
13449 |
13450 |   Returns z so That Prob{x<z} = prob where x ~ N(0,1) and
13451 |   (1e-12) < prob < 1-(1e-12).  Returns (-9999) if in error.
13452 |
13453 |   Odeh, R. E. and J. O. Evans.  1974.  The percentage points of the normal
13454 |     distribution.  Applied Statistics, 22:96-97 (AS70).
13455 |
13456 |   Newer methods:
13457 |
13458 |   Wichura, M. J.  1988.  Algorithm AS 241: The percentage points of the
13459 |      normal distribution.  37:477-484.
13460 |   Beasley, JD & S. G. Springer.  1977.  Algorithm AS 111: The percentage
13461 |      points of the normal distribution.  26:118-121.
13462 |
13463 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PointNormal(MrBFlt prob)13464 MrBFlt PointNormal (MrBFlt prob)
13465 {
13466     MrBFlt      a0 = -0.322232431088, a1 = -1.0, a2 = -0.342242088547, a3 = -0.0204231210245,
13467                     a4 = -0.453642210148e-4, b0 = 0.0993484626060, b1 = 0.588581570495,
13468                     b2 = 0.531103462366, b3 = 0.103537752850, b4 = 0.0038560700634,
13469                     y, z = 0, p = prob, p1;
13471     p1 = (p<0.5 ? p : 1-p);
13472     if (p1<1e-20)
13473        return (-9999);
13474     y = sqrt (log(1/(p1*p1)));
13475     z = y + ((((y*a4+a3)*y+a2)*y+a1)*y+a0) / ((((y*b4+b3)*y+b2)*y+b1)*y+b0);
13477     return (p<0.5 ? -z : z);
13478 }
13481 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13482 |
13483 |   PrintComplexVector
13484 |
13485 |   Prints a vector of dim complex numbers.
13486 |
13487 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintComplexVector(int dim,MrBComplex * vec)13488 void PrintComplexVector (int dim, MrBComplex *vec)
13489 {
13490     int     i;
13492     MrBayesPrint ("{");
13493     for (i = 0; i < (dim - 1); i++)
13494         {
13495         MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi, ", vec[i].re, vec[i].im);
13496         if (i == 1)
13497             MrBayesPrint("\n    ");
13498         }
13499     MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi}\n", vec[dim - 1].re, vec[dim - 1].im);
13500 }
13503 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13504 |
13505 |   PrintSquareComplexMatrix
13506 |
13507 |   Prints a square matrix of complex numbers.
13508 |
13509 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintSquareComplexMatrix(int dim,MrBComplex ** m)13510 void PrintSquareComplexMatrix (int dim, MrBComplex **m)
13511 {
13512     int     row, col;
13514     MrBayesPrint ("{");
13515     for (row = 0; row < (dim - 1); row++)
13516         {
13517         MrBayesPrint ("{");
13518         for (col = 0; col < (dim - 1); col++)
13519             {
13520             MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi, ", m[row][col].re, m[row][col].im);
13521             if (col == 1)
13522                 MrBayesPrint ("\n    ");
13523             }
13524         MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi},\n",
13525         m[row][dim - 1].re, m[row][dim - 1].im);
13526         }
13527     MrBayesPrint ("{");
13528     for (col = 0; col < (dim - 1); col++)
13529         {
13530         MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi, ", m[dim - 1][col].re, m[dim - 1][col].im);
13531         if (col == 1)
13532             MrBayesPrint ("\n    ");
13533         }
13534     MrBayesPrint ("%lf + %lfi}}", m[dim - 1][dim - 1].re, m[dim - 1][dim - 1].im);
13535     MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13536 }
13539 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13540 |
13541 |   PrintSquareDoubleMatrix
13542 |
13543 |   Prints a square matrix of doubles.
13544 |
13545 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintSquareDoubleMatrix(int dim,MrBFlt ** matrix)13546 void PrintSquareDoubleMatrix (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix)
13547 {
13548     int         i, j;
13550     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13551         {
13552         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13553             MrBayesPrint ("%1.6lf ", matrix[i][j]);
13554         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13555         }
13556 }
13559 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13560 |
13561 |   PrintSquareIntegerMatrix
13562 |
13563 |   Prints a square matrix of integers.
13564 |
13565 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PrintSquareIntegerMatrix(int dim,int ** matrix)13566 void PrintSquareIntegerMatrix (int dim, int **matrix)
13567 {
13568     int         i, j;
13570     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13571         {
13572         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13573             MrBayesPrint ("%d ", matrix[i][j]);
13574         MrBayesPrint ("\n");
13575         }
13576 }
13579 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13580 |
13581 |   ProductOfRealAndComplex
13582 |
13583 |   Returns the complex product of a real and complex number.
13584 |
13585 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
ProductOfRealAndComplex(MrBFlt a,MrBComplex b)13586 MrBComplex ProductOfRealAndComplex (MrBFlt a, MrBComplex b)
13587 {
13588     MrBComplex     c;
13590     c.re = a * b.re;
13591     c.im = a * b.im;
13593     return (c);
13594 }
13597 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13598 |
13599 |   PsiExp: Returns psi (also called digamma) exponentiated
13600 |       Algorithm from http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/apstat/103
13601 |
13602 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PsiExp(MrBFlt alpha)13603 MrBFlt  PsiExp (MrBFlt alpha)
13604 {
13605     MrBFlt      digamma, y, r, s, c, s3, s4, s5, d1;
13607     s = 1.0e-05;
13608     c = 8.5;
13609     s3 = 8.333333333333333333333333e-02;
13610     s4 = 8.333333333333333333333333e-03;
13611     s5 = 3.968253968e-03;
13612     d1 = -0.577215664901532860606512;   /* negative of Euler's constant */
13614     digamma = 0.0;
13615     y = alpha;
13616     if (y <= 0.0)
13617         return (0.0);
13619     if (y <= s)
13620         {
13621         digamma = d1 - 1.0 / y;
13622         return (exp (digamma));
13623         }
13625     while (y < c)
13626         {
13627         digamma -= 1.0 / y;
13628         y += 1.0;
13629         }
13631     r = 1.0 / y;
13632     digamma += (log (y) - 0.5 * r);
13633     r *= r;
13634     digamma -= r * (s3 - r * (s4 - r * s5));
13636     return (exp (digamma));
13637 }
13640 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13641 |
13642 |   PsiGammaLnProb: Calculates the log probability of a PsiGamma distributed
13643 |      variable
13644 |
13645 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PsiGammaLnProb(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt value)13646 MrBFlt  PsiGammaLnProb (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt value)
13647 {
13648     MrBFlt  beta, lnProb;
13650     beta = PsiExp (alpha);
13652     lnProb = alpha * log (beta) - LnGamma (alpha) + (alpha - 1.0) * log (value) - beta * value;
13654     return lnProb;
13655 }
13658 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13659 |
13660 |   PsiGammaLnRatio: Calculates the log prob ratio of two PsiGamma distributed
13661 |      variables
13662 |
13663 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PsiGammaLnRatio(MrBFlt alpha,MrBFlt numerator,MrBFlt denominator)13664 MrBFlt  PsiGammaLnRatio (MrBFlt alpha, MrBFlt numerator, MrBFlt denominator)
13665 {
13666     MrBFlt beta, lnRatio;
13668     beta = PsiExp (alpha);
13670     lnRatio = (alpha - 1.0) * (log (numerator) - log (denominator)) - beta * (numerator - denominator);
13672     return (lnRatio);
13673 }
13676 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13677 |
13678 |   PsiGammaRandomVariable: Returns a random draw from the PsiGamma
13679 |
13680 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
PsiGammaRandomVariable(MrBFlt alpha,RandLong * seed)13681 MrBFlt  PsiGammaRandomVariable (MrBFlt alpha, RandLong *seed)
13682 {
13683     return GammaRandomVariable (alpha, PsiExp(alpha), seed);
13684 }
13687 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13688 |
13689 |   QuantileGamma
13690 |
13691 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
QuantileGamma(MrBFlt x,MrBFlt alfa,MrBFlt beta)13692 MrBFlt QuantileGamma (MrBFlt x, MrBFlt alfa, MrBFlt beta)
13693 {
13694     MrBFlt      quantile;
13696     quantile = POINTGAMMA(x, alfa, beta);
13698     return (quantile);
13699 }
13702 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13703 |
13704 |   RandomNumber
13705 |
13706 |   This pseudorandom number generator is described in:
13707 |   Park, S. K. and K. W. Miller.  1988.  Random number generators: good
13708 |      ones are hard to find.  Communications of the ACM, 31(10):1192-1201.
13709 |
13710 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RandomNumber(RandLong * seed)13711 MrBFlt RandomNumber (RandLong *seed)
13712 {
13713     RandLong    lo, hi, test;
13715     hi = (*seed) / 127773;
13716     lo = (*seed) % 127773;
13717     test = 16807 * lo - 2836 * hi;
13718     if (test > 0)
13719         *seed = test;
13720     else
13721         *seed = test + 2147483647;
13722     return ((MrBFlt)(*seed) / (MrBFlt)2147483647);
13723 }
13726 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13727 |
13728 |   RndGamma
13729 |
13730 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RndGamma(MrBFlt s,RandLong * seed)13731 MrBFlt RndGamma (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed)
13732 {
13733     MrBFlt  r=0.0;
13735     if (s <= 0.0)
13736         puts ("Gamma parameter less than zero\n");
13738     else if (s < 1.0)
13739         r = RndGamma1 (s, seed);
13740     else if (s > 1.0)
13741         r = RndGamma2 (s, seed);
13742     else    /* 0-log() == -1 * log(), but =- looks confusing */
13743         r -= log(RandomNumber(seed));
13745     return (r);
13746 }
13749 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13750 |
13751 |   RndGamma1
13752 |
13753 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RndGamma1(MrBFlt s,RandLong * seed)13754 MrBFlt RndGamma1 (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed)
13755 {
13756     MrBFlt          r, x=0.0, tiny=1e-37, w;
13757     static MrBFlt   a, p, uf, ss=10.0, d;
13759     if (fabs(s-ss)>ETA) /* s != ss */
13760         {
13761         a  = 1.0 - s;
13762         p  = a / (a + s * exp(-a));
13763         uf = p * pow(tiny / a, s);
13764         d  = a * log(a);
13765         ss = s;
13766         }
13767     for (;;)
13768         {
13769         r = RandomNumber(seed);
13770         if (r > p)
13771             {
13772             x = a - log((1.0 - r) / (1.0 - p));
13773             w = a * log(x) - d;
13774             }
13775         else if (r > uf)
13776             {
13777             x = a * pow(r / p, 1.0 / s);
13778             w = x;
13779             }
13780         else
13781             return (0.0);
13782         r = RandomNumber(seed);
13783         if (1.0 - r <= w && r > 0.0)
13784         if (r*(w + 1.0) >= 1.0 || -log(r) <= w)
13785             continue;
13786         break;
13787         }
13789     return (x);
13790 }
13793 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13794 |
13795 |   RndGamma2
13796 |
13797 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
RndGamma2(MrBFlt s,RandLong * seed)13798 MrBFlt RndGamma2 (MrBFlt s, RandLong *seed)
13799 {
13800     MrBFlt          r , d, f, g, x;
13801     static MrBFlt   b, h, ss=0.0;
13803     if (fabs(s-ss)>ETA) /* s != ss */
13804         {
13805         b  = s - 1.0;
13806         h  = sqrt(3.0 * s - 0.75);
13807         ss = s;
13808         }
13809     for (;;)
13810         {
13811         r = RandomNumber(seed);
13812         g = r - r * r;
13813         f = (r - 0.5) * h / sqrt(g);
13814         x = b + f;
13815         if (x <= 0.0)
13816             continue;
13817         r = RandomNumber(seed);
13818         d = 64 * r * r * g * g * g;
13819         if (d * x < x - 2.0 * f * f || log(d) < 2.0 * (b * log(x / b) - f))
13820             break;
13821         }
13823     return (x);
13824 }
13827 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13828 |
13829 |   SetQvalue
13830 |
13831 |   The Pade method for calculating the matrix exponential, tMat = e^{qMat * v},
13832 |   has an error, e(p,q), that can be controlled by setting p and q to appropriate
13833 |   values. The error is:
13834 |
13835 |      e(p,q) = 2^(3-(p+q)) * ((p!*q!) / (p+q)! * (p+q+1)!)
13836 |
13837 |   Setting p = q will minimize the error for a given amount of work. This function
13838 |   assumes that p = q. The function takes in as a parameter the desired tolerance
13839 |   for the accuracy of the matrix exponentiation, and returns qV = p = q, that
13840 |   will achieve the tolerance. The Pade approximation method is described in:
13841 |
13842 |   Golub, G. H., and C. F. Van Loan. 1996. Matrix Computations, Third Edition.
13843 |      The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
13844 |
13845 |   The function is called from TiProbsUsingPadeApprox.
13846 |
13847 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetQvalue(MrBFlt tol)13848 int SetQvalue (MrBFlt tol)
13849 {
13850     int         qV;
13851     MrBFlt      x;
13853     /*
13854     x = pow(2.0, 3.0 - (0 + 0)) * Factorial(0) * Factorial (0) / (Factorial(0+0) * Factorial (0+0+1));
13855     */
13856     x = 8.0;
13857     qV = 0;
13858     while (x > tol)
13859         {
13860         qV++;
13861         x = pow(2.0, 3.0 - (qV + qV)) * Factorial(qV) * Factorial (qV) / (Factorial(qV+qV) * Factorial (qV+qV+1));
13862         }
13864     return (qV);
13865 }
13868 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13869 |
13870 |   SetToIdentity
13871 |
13872 |   Make a dim X dim identity matrix.
13873 |
13874 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
SetToIdentity(int dim,MrBFlt ** matrix)13875 void SetToIdentity (int dim, MrBFlt **matrix)
13876 {
13877     int         row, col;
13879     for (row=0; row<dim; row++)
13880         for (col=0; col<dim; col++)
13881             matrix[row][col] = (row == col ? 1.0 : 0.0);
13882 }
13885 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13886 |
13887 |   Tha
13888 |
13889 |   Calculate Owen's (1956) T(h,a) function, -inf <= h, a <= inf,
13890 |   where h = h1/h2, a = a1/a2, from the program of:
13891 |
13892 |   Young, J. C. and C. E. Minder.  1974.  Algorithm AS 76.  An integral
13893 |      useful in calculating non-central t and bivariate normal
13894 |      probabilities.  Appl. Statist., 23:455-457.  [Correction: Appl.
13895 |      Statist., 28:113 (1979).  Remarks: Appl. Statist. 27:379 (1978),
13896 |      28: 113 (1979), 34:100-101 (1985), 38:580-582 (1988)]
13897 |
13898 |   See also:
13899 |
13900 |   Johnson, N. L.  and S. Kotz.  1972.  Distributions in statistics:
13901 |      multivariate distributions.  Wiley and Sons.  New York.  pp. 93-100.
13902 |
13903 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
Tha(MrBFlt h1,MrBFlt h2,MrBFlt a1,MrBFlt a2)13904 MrBFlt Tha (MrBFlt h1, MrBFlt h2, MrBFlt a1, MrBFlt a2)
13905 {
13906     int             ng = 5, i;
13907     MrBFlt          U[] = {0.0744372, 0.2166977, 0.3397048, 0.4325317, 0.4869533},
13908                     R[] = {0.1477621, 0.1346334, 0.1095432, 0.0747257, 0.0333357},
13909                     pai2 = 6.283185307, tv1 = 1e-35, tv2 = 15.0, tv3 = 15.0, tv4 = 1e-5,
13910                     a, h, rt, t, x1, x2, r1, r2, s, k, sign = 1.0;
13912     if (fabs(h2) < tv1)
13913         return (0.0);
13914     h = h1 / h2;
13915     if (fabs(a2) < tv1)
13916         {
13917         t = CdfNormal(h);
13918         if (h >= 0.0)
13919             t = (1.0 - t) / 2.0;
13920         else
13921             t /= 2.0;
13922         return (t*(a1 >= 0.0 ? 1.0 : -1.0));
13923         }
13924     a = a1 / a2;
13925     if (a < 0.0)
13926         sign = -1.0;
13927     a = fabs(a);
13928     h = fabs(h);
13929     k = h*a;
13930     if (h > tv2 || a < tv1)
13931         return (0.0);
13932     if (h < tv1)
13933         return (atan(a)/pai2*sign);
13934     if (h < 0.3 && a > 7.0) /* (Boys RJ, 1989) */
13935         {
13936         x1 = exp(-k*k/2.0)/k;
13937         x2 = (CdfNormal(k)-0.5)*sqrt(pai2);
13938         t = 0.25 - (x1+x2)/pai2*h + ((1.0+2.0/(k*k))*x1+x2)/(6.0*pai2)*h*h*h;
13939         return (MAX(t,0)*sign);
13940         }
13941     t = -h*h / 2.0;
13942     x2 = a;
13943     s = a*a;
13944     if (log(1.0+s)-t*s >= tv3)
13945         {
13946         x1 = a/2;
13947         s /= 4.0;
13948     for (;;) /* truncation point by Newton iteration */
13949         {
13950         x2 = x1 + (t*s+tv3-log(s+1.0)) / (2.0*x1*(1.0/(s+1.0)-t));
13951         s = x2*x2;
13952         if (fabs(x2-x1) < tv4)
13953             break;
13954         x1 = x2;
13955         }
13956     }
13957     for (i=0,rt=0; i<ng; i++) /* Gauss quadrature */
13958         {
13959         r1 = 1.0+s*SQUARE(0.5+U[i]);
13960         r2 = 1.0+s*SQUARE(0.5-U[i]);
13961         rt+= R[i]*(exp(t*r1)/r1 + exp(t*r2)/r2);
13962         }
13964     return (MAX(rt*x2/pai2,0)*sign);
13965 }
13968 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13969 |
13970 |   TiProbsUsingEigens
13971 |
13972 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TiProbsUsingEigens(int dim,MrBFlt * cijk,MrBFlt * eigenVals,MrBFlt v,MrBFlt r,MrBFlt ** tMat,MrBFlt ** fMat,MrBFlt ** sMat)13973 void TiProbsUsingEigens (int dim, MrBFlt *cijk, MrBFlt *eigenVals, MrBFlt v, MrBFlt r, MrBFlt **tMat, MrBFlt **fMat, MrBFlt **sMat)
13974 {
13975     int             i, j, s;
13976     MrBFlt          sum, sumF, sumS, *ptr, EigValexp[192];
13978     for (s=0; s<dim; s++)
13979         EigValexp[s] = exp(eigenVals[s] * v * r);
13981     ptr = cijk;
13982     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13983         {
13984         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13985             {
13986             sum = 0.0;
13987             for (s=0; s<dim; s++)
13988                 sum += (*ptr++) * EigValexp[s];
13989             tMat[i][j] = (sum < 0.0) ? 0.0 : sum;
13990             }
13991         }
13993 #   if 0
13994     for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
13995         {
13996         sum = 0.0;
13997         for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
13998             {
13999             sum += tMat[i][j];
14000             }
14001         if (sum > 1.0001 || sum < 0.9999)
14002             {
14003             MrBayesPrint ("%s   Warning: Transition probabilities do not sum to 1.0 (%lf)\n", spacer, sum);
14004             }
14005         }
14006 #   endif
14008     if (fMat != NULL && sMat != NULL)
14009         {
14010         ptr = cijk;
14011         for (i=0; i<dim; i++)
14012             {
14013             for (j=0; j<dim; j++)
14014                 {
14015                 sumF = sumS = 0.0;
14016                 for (s=0; s<dim; s++)
14017                     {
14018                     sumF += (*ptr) * eigenVals[s] * r * EigValexp[s];
14019                     sumS += (*ptr++) * eigenVals[s] * eigenVals[s] * r * r * EigValexp[s];
14020                     }
14021                 fMat[i][j] = sumF;
14022                 sMat[i][j] = sumS;
14023                 }
14024             }
14025         }
14026 }
14029 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14030 |
14031 |   TiProbsUsingPadeApprox
14032 |
14033 |   The method approximates the matrix exponential, tMat = e^{qMat * v}, using
14034 |   the Pade approximation method, described in:
14035 |
14036 |   Golub, G. H., and C. F. Van Loan. 1996. Matrix Computations, Third Edition.
14037 |      The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
14038 |
14039 |   The method approximates the matrix exponential with accuracy tol.
14040 |
14041 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TiProbsUsingPadeApprox(int dim,MrBFlt ** qMat,MrBFlt v,MrBFlt r,MrBFlt ** tMat,MrBFlt ** fMat,MrBFlt ** sMat)14042 void TiProbsUsingPadeApprox (int dim, MrBFlt **qMat, MrBFlt v, MrBFlt r, MrBFlt **tMat, MrBFlt **fMat, MrBFlt **sMat)
14043 {
14044     int         qValue;
14045     MrBFlt      **a, tol;
14047     tol = 0.0000001;
14049     a = AllocateSquareDoubleMatrix (dim);
14051     MultiplyMatrixByScalar (dim, qMat, v * r, a);
14053     qValue = SetQvalue (tol);
14055     ComputeMatrixExponential (dim, a, qValue, tMat);
14057     FreeSquareDoubleMatrix (a);
14059     if (fMat != NULL && sMat != NULL)
14060         {
14061         MultiplyMatrices (dim, qMat, tMat, fMat);
14062         MultiplyMatrices (dim, qMat, fMat, sMat);
14063         }
14064 }