1 /* Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 Jan Kundrát <jkt@flaska.net>
3    This file is part of the Trojita Qt IMAP e-mail client,
4    http://trojita.flaska.net/
6    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
8    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
9    the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
10    accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
11    by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
12    defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 */
26 #include <Qt>
28 namespace Imap {
29 namespace Mailbox {
31 /** @short Custom item data roles for IMAP */
32 enum {
33     /** @short A "random" offset */
34     RoleBase = Qt::UserRole + 666,
36     /** @short Is the item already fetched? */
37     RoleIsFetched,
38     /** @short The item is not available -- perhaps we're offline and it isn't cached */
39     RoleIsUnavailable,
41     /** @short Name of the mailbox */
42     RoleMailboxName,
43     /** @short Short name of the mailbox */
44     RoleShortMailboxName,
45     /** @short Separator for mailboxes at the current level */
46     RoleMailboxSeparator,
47     /** @short Total number of messages in a mailbox */
48     RoleTotalMessageCount,
49     /** @short Number of unread messages in a mailbox */
50     RoleUnreadMessageCount,
51     /** @short Number of recent messages in a mailbox */
52     RoleRecentMessageCount,
53     /** @short The mailbox in question is the INBOX */
54     RoleMailboxIsINBOX,
55     /** @short The mailbox can be selected */
56     RoleMailboxIsSelectable,
57     /** @short The mailbox has child mailboxes */
58     RoleMailboxHasChildMailboxes,
59     /** @short Information about whether the number of messages in the mailbox has already been loaded */
60     RoleMailboxNumbersFetched,
61     /** @short Is anything still loading for this mailbox? */
62     RoleMailboxItemsAreLoading,
63     /** @short Current UIDVALIDITY of a mailbox */
64     RoleMailboxUidValidity,
65     /** @short Is the mailbox subscribed?
67     If the server doesn't support RFC5258, this can return wrong answer.
68     */
69     RoleMailboxIsSubscribed,
71     /** @short UID of the message */
72     RoleMessageUid,
73     /** @short Subject of the message */
74     RoleMessageSubject,
75     /** @short The From addresses */
76     RoleMessageFrom,
77     /** @short The To addresses */
78     RoleMessageTo,
79     /** @short The Cc addresses */
80     RoleMessageCc,
81     /** @short The Bcc: addresses */
82     RoleMessageBcc,
83     /** @short The Sender: header */
84     RoleMessageSender,
85     /** @short The Reply-To: header */
86     RoleMessageReplyTo,
87     /** @short The Message-Id: header */
88     RoleMessageMessageId,
89     /** @short The In-Reply-To: header */
90     RoleMessageInReplyTo,
91     /** @short The message timestamp as determined from IMAP's ENVELOPE, ie. from the RFC2822 headers */
92     RoleMessageDate,
93     /** @short Timestamp of when the message was delivered to the mailbox (ie. IMAP's INTERNALDATE) */
94     RoleMessageInternalDate,
95     /** @short Size of the message */
96     RoleMessageSize,
97     /** @short Status of the \\Seen flag */
98     RoleMessageIsMarkedRead,
99     /** @short Was unread when mailbox opened, or has been marked unread. This flag is transient and is recalculated
100      *         when switching mailboxes. */
101     RoleMessageWasUnread,
102     /** @short Status of the \\Deleted flag */
103     RoleMessageIsMarkedDeleted,
104     /** @short Was the message forwarded? */
105     RoleMessageIsMarkedForwarded,
106     /** @short Was the message replied to? */
107     RoleMessageIsMarkedReplied,
108     /** @short Is the message marked as a recent one? */
109     RoleMessageIsMarkedRecent,
110     /** @short Is the message markes as flagged? */
111     RoleMessageIsMarkedFlagged,
112     /** @short Is the message markes as junk? */
113     RoleMessageIsMarkedJunk,
114     /** @short Is the message markes as notjunk? */
115     RoleMessageIsMarkedNotJunk,
116     /** @short IMAP flags of a message */
117     RoleMessageFlags,
118     /** @short Is the current item a root of thread with unread messages */
119     RoleThreadRootWithUnreadMessages,
120     /** @short Fuzzy date of a particular message; useful for rough navigation */
121     RoleMessageFuzzyDate,
122     /** @short List of message IDs from the message's References header */
123     RoleMessageHeaderReferences,
124     /** @short The List-Post header from RFC 2369 */
125     RoleMessageHeaderListPost,
126     /** @short Is the List-Post set to a special value of "NO"? */
127     RoleMessageHeaderListPostNo,
128     /** @short A full message envelope */
129     RoleMessageEnvelope,
130     /** @short Is this a mail with at least one attachment?
132     The returned value might be a bit fuzzy.
133     */
134     RoleMessageHasAttachments,
136     /** @short Contents of a message part */
137     RolePartData,
138     /** @short Unicode text, i.e. RolePartData already decoded */
139     RolePartUnicodeText,
140     /** @short MIME type of a message part */
141     RolePartMimeType,
142     /** @short Charset of a message part */
143     RolePartCharset,
144     /** @short The format= parameter of the message part's Content-Type */
145     RolePartContentFormat,
146     /** @short The delsp= parameter of the message part's Content-Type */
147     RolePartContentDelSp,
148     /** @short Encoding of a message part */
149     RolePartEncoding,
150     /** @short The body-fld-id field from BODYSTRUCTURE */
151     RolePartBodyFldId,
152     /** @short The Content-Disposition of a message part */
153     RolePartBodyDisposition,
154     /** @short The file name for a message part */
155     RolePartFileName,
156     /** @short The size of this part, as determined from BODYSTRUCTURE */
157     RolePartOctets,
158     /** @short Access to the partId() function */
159     RolePartId,
160     /** @short Access to the partToPath() function */
161     RolePartPathToPart,
162     /** @short CID of the main part of a multipart/related message */
163     RolePartMultipartRelatedMainCid,
164     /** @short Is this a top-level multipart, i.e. a multipart/... and a child of a message/rfc822? See isTopLevelMultipart. */
165     RolePartIsTopLevelMultipart,
166     /** @short Return the body-fld-param from BODUSTRUCTURE, which usually contains some optional MIME parameters about this part */
167     RolePartBodyFldParam,
169     /** @short Fetch a part from the cache if it's available, but do not request it from the server */
170     RolePartForceFetchFromCache,
171     /** @short Pointer to the internal buffer */
172     RolePartBufferPtr,
174     /** @short QModelIndex of the message a part is associated to */
175     RolePartMessageIndex,
178     /** @short Is the format of this particular multipart/signed supported for signature verification?
180     A multipart/signed could use some unrecognized or unsupported algorithm, in which case we won't even try
181     to verify the signature. If this is role returns true, it means that there will be just one child item
182     and that that child's validity will be checked by the crypto operation. This role does not imply anything
183     about the validity of the actual signature, though.
184     */
185     RolePartSignatureVerifySupported,
186     /** @short Is the format of this particular multipart/encrypted supported and recognized?
188     See RolePartSignatureVerifySupported, this is an equivalent.
189     */
190     RolePartDecryptionSupported,
191     /** @short Is there any point in waiting longer?
193     If true, this means that the crypto code is either waiting for data from the network, or that there is
194     a crypto operation in progress.
195     */
196     RolePartCryptoNotFinishedYet,
197     /** @short Was there a failure in some cryptography operation which affected the ability to show the message?
199     "Failure" means that something went wrong. Maybe some system component failed, or the message arrived too damaged to
200     be decrypted. This state has nothing to do with, say, a message whose signature failed to verify.
201     */
202     RolePartCryptoDecryptionFailed,
203     /** @short Short message about the status/result of a crypto operation
205     This is suitable for an immediate presentation to the user. The text should be short enough to not distract
206     the user too much, but also descriptive enough to make sense on its own, without having to consult the longer,
207     more detailed status message.
208     */
209     RolePartCryptoTLDR,
210     /** @short Longer information about the status/result of a crypto operation
212     This can be shown to the user when they ask for more details. It could possibly be a very long text, including some cryptic
213     output from gpg's stderr, for example.
214     */
215     RolePartCryptoDetailedMessage,
216     /** @short Icon name for showing the result of a crypto operation */
217     RolePartCryptoStatusIconName,
218     /** @short Is this a valid signature subject to all checks, whatever they are? */
219     RolePartSignatureValidTrusted,
220     /** @short Is this a technically valid signature without taking the trust level and other policies into account? */
221     RolePartSignatureValidDisregardingTrust,
222     /** @short Who made the signature */
223     RolePartSignatureSignerName,
224     /** @short When was the signature made */
225     RolePartSignatureSignDate,
228     /** @short True if the item in the tasks list is actually a ParserState
230     This role is *not* used or implemented by the IMAP models, but only by the TaskPresentationModel.
231     */
232     RoleTaskIsParserState,
233     /** @short True if the task shall be visible in the user-facing list of current activities
235     This role is *not* used or implemented by the IMAP models, but only by the TaskPresentationModel and VisibleTasksModel.
236     */
237     RoleTaskIsVisible,
238     /** @short A short explanaiton of the task -- what is it doing? */
239     RoleTaskCompactName,
241     /** @short Content-Disposition (inline or attachment) of an attachment within MessageComposer
243     The enum value is converted to int.
244     */
245     RoleAttachmentContentDispositionMode,
247     /** @short The very last role */
248     RoleInvalidLastOne
249 };
251 }
252 }