1 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  * -- Integer Matrix Library (IML)
4  *    (C) Copyright 2004, 2006 All Rights Reserved
5  *
6  * -- IML routines -- Version 1.0.1 -- November, 2006
7  *
8  * Author         : Zhuliang Chen
9  * Contributor(s) : Arne Storjohann
10  * University of Waterloo -- School of Computer Science
11  * Waterloo, Ontario, N2L3G1 Canada
12  *
13  * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
14  *
15  * -- Copyright notice and Licensing terms:
16  *
17  *  Redistribution  and  use in  source and binary forms, with or without
18  *  modification, are  permitted provided  that the following  conditions
19  *  are met:
20  *
21  * 1. Redistributions  of  source  code  must retain the above copyright
22  *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
23  * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce  the above copyright
24  *    notice,  this list of conditions, and the  following disclaimer in
25  *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distri-
26  *    bution.
27  * 3. The name of the University,  the IML group,  or the names of its
28  *    contributors  may not be used to endorse or promote products deri-
29  *    ved from this software without specific written permission.
30  *
31  * -- Disclaimer:
32  *
44  *
45  */
49 #include "mtrans.h"
51 /*
52  * Calling Sequence:
53  *   RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, m, frows, lrows, redflag, eterm, Q, rp, d)
54  *
55  * Summary:
56  *   Compute a mod p row-echelon transform of a mod p input matrix
57  *
58  * Description:
59  *   Given a n x m mod p matrix A, a row-echelon transform of A is a 4-tuple
60  *   (U,P,rp,d) with rp the rank profile of A (the unique and strictly
61  *   increasing list [j1,j2,...jr] of column indices of the row-echelon form
62  *   which contain the pivots), P a permutation matrix such that all r leading
63  *   submatrices of (PA)[0..r-1,rp] are nonsingular, U a nonsingular matrix
64  *   such that UPA is in row-echelon form, and d the determinant of
65  *   (PA)[0..r-1,rp].
66  *
67  *   Generally, it is required that p be a prime, as inverses are needed, but
68  *   in some cases it is possible to obtain an echelon transform when p is
69  *   composite. For the cases where the echelon transform cannot be obtained
70  *   for p composite, the function returns an error indicating that p is
71  *   composite.
72  *
73  *   The matrix U is structured, and has last n-r columns equal to the last n-r
74  *   columns of the identity matrix, n the row dimension of A.
75  *
76  *   The first r rows of UPA comprise a basis in echelon form for the row
77  *   space of A, while the last n-r rows of U comprise a basis for the left
78  *   nullspace of PA.
79  *
80  *   For efficiency, this function does not output an echelon transform
81  *   (U,P,rp,d) directly, but rather the expression sequence (Q,rp,d).
82  *   Q, rp, d are the form of arrays and pointers in order to operate inplace,
83  *   which require to preallocate spaces and initialize them. Initially,
84  *   Q[i] = i (i=0..n), rp[i] = 0 (i=0..n), and *d = 1. Upon completion, rp[0]
85  *   stores the rank r, rp[1..r] stores the rank profile. i<=Q[i]<=n for
86  *   i=1..r. The input Matrix A is modified inplace and used to store U.
87  *   Let A' denote the state of A on completion. Then U is obtained from the
88  *   identity matrix by replacing the first r columns with those of A', and P
89  *   is obtained from the identity matrix by swapping row i with row Q[i], for
90  *   i=1..r in succession.
91  *
92  *   Parameters flrows, lrows, redflag, eterm control the specific operations
93  *   this function will perform. Let (U,P,rp,d) be as constructed above. If
94  *   frows=0, the first r rows of U will not be correct. If lrows=0, the last
95  *   n-r rows of U will not be correct. The computation can be up to four
96  *   times faster if these flags are set to 0.
97  *
98  *   If redflag=1, the row-echelon form is reduced, that is (UPA)[0..r-1,rp]
99  *   will be the identity matrix. If redflag=0, the row-echelon form will not
100  *   be reduced, that is (UPA)[1..r,rp] will be upper triangular and U is unit
101  *   lower triangular. If frows=0 then redflag has no effect.
102  *
103  *   If eterm=1, then early termination is triggered if a column of the
104  *   input matrix is discovered that is linearly dependant on the previous
105  *   columns. In case of early termination, the third return value d will be 0
106  *   and the remaining components of the echelon transform will not be correct.
107  *
108  * Input:
109  *         p: FiniteField, modulus
110  *         A: 1-dim Double array length n*m, representation of a n x m input
111  *            matrix
112  *         n: long, row dimension of A
113  *         m: long, column dimension of A
114  *     frows: 1/0,
115  *          - if frows = 1, the first r rows of U will be correct
116  *          - if frows = 0, the first r rows of U will not be correct
117  *     lrows: 1/0,
118  *          - if lrows = 1, the last n-r rows of U will be correct
119  *          - if lrows = 0, the last n-r rows of U will not be correct
120  *   redflag: 1/0,
121  *          - if redflag = 1, compute row-echelon form
122  *          - if redflag = 0, not compute reow-echelon form
123  *     eterm: 1/0,
124  *          - if eterm = 1, terminate early if not in full rank
125  *          - if eterm = 0, not terminate early
126  *         Q: 1-dim long array length n+1, compact representation of
127  *            permutation vector, initially Q[i] = i, 0 <= i <= n
128  *        rp: 1-dim long array length n+1, representation of rank profile,
129  *            initially rp[i] = 0, 0 <= i <= n
130  *         d: pointer to FiniteField, storing determinant of the matrix,
131  *            initially *d = 1
132  *
133  * Precondition:
134  *   ceil(n/2)*(p-1)^2+(p-1) <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991 (n >= 2)
135  *
136  */
138 void
RowEchelonTransform(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n,const long m,const long frows,const long lrows,const long redflag,const long eterm,long * Q,long * rp,FiniteField * d)139 RowEchelonTransform (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n, \
140 		     const long m, const long frows, const long lrows, \
141 		     const long redflag, const long eterm, long *Q, \
142 		     long *rp, FiniteField *d)
143 {
144   mpz_t mp_a, mp_p; /* preallocated temporary storage */
146   { mpz_init(mp_a); mpz_init_set_ui(mp_p, p); }
148   RowEchelonTransform_rec(p, A, n, m, 1, m, 0, 0, frows, lrows, redflag, \
149 			  eterm, Q, rp, d, mp_a, mp_p);
151   { mpz_clear(mp_a); mpz_clear(mp_p); }
152 }
155 long
RowEchelonTransform_rec(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n,const long m,long m1,long m2,long k,const long ks,long frows,long lrows,long redflag,long eterm,long * P,long * rp,FiniteField * d,mpz_t mp_a,mpz_t mp_p)156 RowEchelonTransform_rec (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n, \
157 			 const long m, long m1, long m2, long k, \
158 			 const long ks, long frows, long lrows, long redflag, \
159 			 long eterm, long *P, long *rp, FiniteField *d, \
160 			 mpz_t mp_a, mpz_t mp_p)
161 {
162   long i, j, r1, r2, r, ri, mm, inv;
163   FiniteField a;
164   Double *A1;
165   Double t, b;
167   if (m1 == m2)
168     {
169       for (i = k+1; i <= n; i++) { if (*(A+(i-1)*m+m1-1) != 0) { break; } }
170       if ((i > n) && (eterm == 0)) { return 0; }
171       else if ((i > n) && (eterm == 1))
172 	{
173 	  *d = 0;
174 	  return 0;
175 	}
176       if (i > k+1)
177 	cblas_dswap(m-m1+1, A+k*m+m1-1, 1, A+(i-1)*m+m1-1, 1);
178       if (k-ks > 0)
179 	cblas_dswap(k-ks, A+k*m, 1, A+(i-1)*m, 1);
180       P[k+1] = i;
181       mpz_set_d(mp_a, *(A+m*k+m1-1));
182       inv = mpz_invert(mp_a, mp_a, mp_p);
184       /* mp_a is not relatively prime with modulus */
185       if (!inv) { iml_fatal("in RowEchelonTransform: modulus is composite"); }
186       a = mpz_get_ui(mp_a);
187       b = fmod(*(A+k*m+m1-1), p);
188       if (b < 0) { b = p+b; }
189       if ((frows == 1) && (redflag == 1))
190 	{
191 	  for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
192 	    *(A+(j-1)*m+k-ks) = *(A+(j-1)*m+m1-1)*(p-a);
193 	  Dmod(p, A+k-ks, n, 1, m);
194 	  *(A+k*m+k-ks) = a;
195 	}
196       else
197 	{
198 	  if (k+2 <= n)
199 	    {
200 	      for (j = k+2; j <= n; j++)
201 		*(A+(j-1)*m+k-ks) = *(A+(j-1)*m+m1-1)*(p-a);
202 	      Dmod(p, A+(k+1)*m+k-ks, n-k-1, 1, m);
203 	    }
204 	  if (k > 0)
205 	    {
206 	      for (j = 1; j <= k; j++)
207 		*(A+(j-1)*m+k-ks) = 0;
208 	    }
209 	  *(A+k*m+k-ks) = 1;
210 	}
211       ++rp[0];
212       *d = fmod( (*d)*b, p);
213       ri = rp[0];
214       rp[ri] = m1;
215       return 1;
216     }
217   /* Recursively solve the first subproblem */
218   mm = m1+(long)((m2-m1)/2);
219   r1 = RowEchelonTransform_rec(p, A, n, m, m1, mm, k, ks, frows, 1, redflag,\
220 			       eterm, P, rp, d, mp_a, mp_p);
221   if ((eterm == 1) && (r1 < mm-m1+1))
222     {
223       *d = 0;
224       return 0;
225     }
226   /* If r1=0 then don't need to construct second subproblem */
227   if (r1 > 0)
228     {
229       /* Compute U1.A2 by submatrix multiply */
230       if (k+r1 < n)
231 	{
232 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, n-k-r1, \
233 		      m2-mm, r1, 1.0, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, m, A+k*m+mm, m, \
234 		      1.0, A+(k+r1)*m+mm, m);
235 	  Dmod(p, A+(k+r1)*m+mm, n-k-r1, m2-mm, m);
236 	}
237       if ((frows == 1) && (redflag == 1))
238 	{
239 	  if (k > 0)
240 	    {
241 	      cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, k, \
242 			  m2-mm, r1, 1.0, A+k-ks, m, A+k*m+mm, m, 1.0, \
243 			  A+mm, m);
244 	      Dmod(p, A+mm, k, m2-mm, m);
245 	    }
246 	  A1 = XMALLOC(Double, r1*(m2-mm));
247 	  DCopy(r1, m2-mm, A+k*m+mm, m, A1, m2-mm);
248 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, r1, m2-mm, \
249 		      r1, 1.0, A+k*m+k-ks, m, A1, m2-mm, 0.0, A+k*m+mm, m);
250 	  XFREE(A1);
251 	  Dmod(p, A+k*m+mm, r1, m2-mm, m);
252 	}
253     }
254   /* Recursively solve the second subproblem */
255   r2 = RowEchelonTransform_rec(p, A, n, m, mm+1, m2, k+r1, ks, frows, lrows, \
256 			       redflag, eterm, P, rp, d, mp_a, mp_p);
257   r = r1+r2;
258   if ((eterm == 1) && (r < m2-m1+1))
259     {
260       *d = 0;
261       return 0;
262     }
263   /* Only need to combine when both subproblems nontrivial */
264   if ((r2 > 0) && (r1 > 0))
265     {
266       if ((k+r+1 <= n) && (lrows == 1))
267 	{
268 	  /* Bottom block of U */
269 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, n-k-r, \
270 		      r1, r-r1, 1.0, A+(k+r)*m+k-ks+r1, m, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, \
271 		      m, 1.0, A+(k+r)*m+k-ks, m);
272 	  Dmod(p, A+(k+r)*m+k-ks, n-k-r, r1, m);
273 	}
274       if (frows == 1)
275 	{
276 	  if (redflag == 1)
277 	    i = 1;
278 	  else
279 	    i = k+1;
281 	  /* Rows i..k of top block of U plus first r1 rows of middle block */
282 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, k+r1-i+1, \
283 		      r1, r-r1, 1.0, A+(i-1)*m+k-ks+r1, m, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, \
284 		      m, 1.0, A+(i-1)*m+k-ks, m);
285 	  Dmod(p, A+(i-1)*m+k-ks, k+r1-i+1, r1, m);
287 	  /* Last r2 rows of middle block */
288 	  A1 = XMALLOC(Double, r1*(r-r1));
289 	  DCopy(r-r1, r1, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, m, A1, r1);
290 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, r-r1, r1, \
291 		      r-r1, 1.0, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks+r1, m, A1, r1, \
292 		      0.0, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, m);
293 	  XFREE(A1);
294 	  Dmod(p, A+(k+r1)*m+k-ks, r-r1, r1, m);
295 	}
296     }
297   return r;
298 }
302 /*
303  * Calling Sequence:
304  *   Adj <-- mAdjoint(p, A, n)
305  *
306  * Summary:
307  *   Compute the adjoint of a mod p square matrix
308  *
309  * Description:
310  *   Given a n x n mod p matrix A, the function computes adjoint of A. Input
311  *   A is not modified upon completion.
312  *
313  * Input:
314  *   p: FiniteField, prime modulus
315  *      if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no error
316  *      message is returned
317  *   A: 1-dim Double array length n*n, representation of a n x n mod p matrix.
318  *      The entries of A are casted from integers
319  *   n: long, dimension of A
320  *
321  * Return:
322  *   1-dim Double matrix length n*n, repesentation of a n x n mod p matrix,
323  *   adjoint of A
324  *
325  * Precondition:
326  *   n*(p-1)^2 <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991
327  *
328  */
330 Double *
mAdjoint(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n)331 mAdjoint (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n)
332 {
333   long i, j, k, r, count=0;
334   long *P, *rp;
335   FiniteField det, d[1];
336   Double p1, *B, *C;
338   p1 = (Double)p;
339   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
340   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
341   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
342   d[0] = 1;
343   B = XMALLOC(Double, n*n);
344   DCopy(n, n, A, n, B, n);
345   RowEchelonTransform(p, B, n, n, 1, 1, 1, 0, P, rp, d);
346   det = d[0];
347   r = rp[0];
348   if (r < n-1)
349     {
350       for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { B[i] = 0; }
351       { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
352       return B;
353     }
354   if (r == n)
355     {
356       for (i = r; i > 0; i--)
357 	{
358 	  if (P[i] != i)
359 	    {
360 	      ++count;
361 	      cblas_dswap(n, B+i-1, n, B+P[i]-1, n);
362 	    }
363 	}
364       if (count % 2 == 0)
365 	for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { B[i] = fmod(det*B[i], p1); }
366       else
367 	for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { B[i] = fmod((p-det)*B[i], p1); }
368       { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
369       return B;
370     }
371   else
372     {
373       if (n == 1)
374 	{
375 	  B[0] = 1;
376 	  { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
377 	  return B;
378 	}
379       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { B[i*n+n-1] = 0; }
380       B[(n-1)*n+(n-1)] = 1;
381       for (i = r; i > 0; i--)
382 	{
383 	  if (P[i] != i)
384 	    {
385 	      ++count;
386 	      cblas_dswap(n, B+i-1, n, B+P[i]-1, n);
387 	    }
388 	}
389       for (j = 1; j < r+1; j++) { if (j != rp[j]) { break; } }
390       C = XMALLOC(Double, n);
391       cblas_dgemv(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, n, n, 1.0, B, n, \
392 		  A+j-1, n, 0.0, C, 1);
393       Dmod(p, C, 1, n, 1);
394       for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { C[i] = fmod((p-1)*C[i], p1); }
395       for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) { for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { B[i*n+k] = 0; } }
396       cblas_dger(CblasRowMajor, n-1, n, 1.0, C, 1, B+(n-1)*n, 1, B, n);
397       Dmod(p, B, n-1, n, n);
398       for (i = n-2; i > j-2; i--)
399 	{
400 	  ++count;
401 	  cblas_dswap(n, B+i*n, 1, B+(i+1)*n, 1);
402 	}
403       if (count % 2 == 0)
404 	for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { B[i] = fmod(det*B[i], p1); }
405       else
406 	for (i = 0; i < n*n; i++) { B[i] = fmod((p-det)*B[i], p1); }
407       { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); XFREE(C); }
408       return B;
409     }
410 }
415 /*
416  * Calling Sequence:
417  *   r/-1 <-- mBasis(p, A, n, m, basis, nullsp, B, N)
418  *
419  * Summary:
420  *   Compute a basis for the rowspace and/or a basis for the left nullspace
421  *   of a mod p matrix
422  *
423  * Description:
424  *   Given a n x m mod p matrix A, the function computes a basis for the
425  *   rowspace B and/or a basis for the left nullspace N of A. Row vectors in
426  *   the r x m matrix B consist of basis of A, where r is the rank of A in
427  *   Z/pZ. If r is zero, then B will be NULL. Row vectors in the n-r x n
428  *   matrix N consist of the left nullspace of A. N will be NULL if A is full
429  *   rank.
430  *
431  *   The pointers are passed into argument lists to store the computed basis
432  *   and nullspace. Upon completion, the rank r will be returned. The
433  *   parameters basis and nullsp control whether to compute basis and/or
434  *   nullspace. If set basis and nullsp in the way that both basis and
435  *   nullspace will not be computed, an error message will be printed and
436  *   instead of rank r, -1 will be returned.
437  *
438  * Input:
439  *        p: FiniteField, prime modulus
440  *           if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no
441  *           error message is returned
442  *        A: 1-dim Double array length n*m, representation of a n x m mod p
443  *           matrix. The entries of A are casted from integers
444  *        n: long, row dimension of A
445  *        m: long, column dimension of A
446  *    basis: 1/0, flag to indicate whether to compute basis for rowspace or
447  *           not
448  *         - basis = 1, compute the basis
449  *         - basis = 0, not compute the basis
450  *   nullsp: 1/0, flag to indicate whether to compute basis for left nullspace
451  *           or not
452  *         - nullsp = 1, compute the nullspace
453  *         - nullsp = 0, not compute the nullspace
454  *
455  * Output:
456  *   B: pointer to (Double *), if basis = 1, *B will be a 1-dim r*m Double
457  *      array, representing the r x m basis matrix. If basis = 1 and r = 0,
458  *      *B = NULL
459  *
460  *   N: pointer to (Double *), if nullsp = 1, *N will be a 1-dim (n-r)*n Double
461  *      array, representing the n-r x n nullspace matrix. If nullsp = 1 and
462  *      r = n, *N = NULL.
463  *
464  * Return:
465  *   - if basis and/or nullsp are set to be 1, then return the rank r of A
466  *   - if both basis and nullsp are set to be 0, then return -1
467  *
468  * Precondition:
469  *   n*(p-1)^2 <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991
470  *
471  * Note:
472  *   - In case basis = 0, nullsp = 1, A will be destroyed inplace. Otherwise,
473  *     A will not be changed.
474  *   - Space of B and/or N will be allocated in the function
475  *
476  */
478 long
mBasis(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n,const long m,const long basis,const long nullsp,Double ** B,Double ** N)479 mBasis (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n, const long m, \
480 	const long basis, const long nullsp, Double **B, Double **N)
481 {
482   long i, r;
483   long *P, *rp;
484   FiniteField d[1];
485   Double *A1, *B1, *N1, *U;
487   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
488   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
489   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
490   d[0] = 1;
491   if ((basis == 1) && (nullsp == 1))
492     {
493       A1 = XMALLOC(Double, n*m);
494       DCopy(n, m, A, m, A1, m);
495       RowEchelonTransform(p, A1, n, m, 1, 1, 1, 0, P, rp, d);
496       r = rp[0];
497       U = XCALLOC(Double, n*n);
498       for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { U[i*n+i] = 1; }
499       if (r != 0) { DCopy(n, r, A1, m, U, n); }
500       for (i = r; i > 0; i--)
501 	{ if (P[i] != i) { cblas_dswap(n, U+i-1, n, U+P[i]-1, n); } }
502       if (r == 0) { *B = NULL; }
503       else
504 	{
505 	  *B = XMALLOC(Double, r*m);
506 	  cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, r, m, n, \
507 		      1.0, U, n, A, m, 0.0, *B, m);
508 	  Dmod(p, *B, r, m, m);
509 	}
510       if (r ==n) { *N = NULL; }
511       else
512 	{
513 	  *N = XMALLOC(Double, (n-r)*n);
514 	  DCopy(n-r, n, U+r*n, n, *N, n);;
515 	}
516       { XFREE(A1); XFREE(U); XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
517       return r;
518     }
519   else if ((basis == 1) && (nullsp == 0))
520     {
521       A1 = XMALLOC(Double, n*m);
522       DCopy(n, m, A, m, A1, m);
523       RowEchelonTransform(p, A1, n, m, 1, 0, 1, 0, P, rp, d);
524       r = rp[0];
525       if (r == 0)
526 	{
527 	  *B = NULL;
528 	  { XFREE(A1); XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
529 	  return r;
530 	}
531       U = XCALLOC(Double, r*n);
532       DCopy(r, r, A1, m, U, n);
533       for (i = r; i > 0; i--)
534 	{ if (P[i] != i) { cblas_dswap(r, U+i-1, n, U+P[i]-1, n); } }
535       *B = XMALLOC(Double, r*m);
536       cblas_dgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, r, m, n, \
537 		  1.0, U, n, A, m, 0.0, *B, m);
538       Dmod(p, *B, r, m, m);
539       { XFREE(A1); XFREE(U); XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
540       return r;
541     }
542   else if ((basis == 0) && (nullsp == 1))
543     {
544       RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, m, 0, 1, 1, 0, P, rp, d);
545       r = rp[0];
546       if (r == n)
547 	{
548 	  *N = NULL;
549 	  { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
550 	  return r;
551 	}
552       *N = XCALLOC(Double, (n-r)*n);
553       if (r != 0) { DCopy(n-r, r, A+r*m, m, *N, n); }
554       for (i = 0; i < n-r; i++) { (*N)[i*n+r+i] = 1; }
555       for (i = r; i > 0; i--)
556 	{ if (P[i] != i) { cblas_dswap(n-r, *N+i-1, n, *N+P[i]-1, n); } }
557       { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
558       return r;
559     }
560   else
561     {
562       iml_error("In mBasis, both basis and nullsp are zero.");
563       return -1;
564     }
565 }
569 /*
570  * Calling Sequence:
571  *   det <-- mDeterminant(p, A, n)
572  *
573  * Summary:
574  *   Compute the determinant of a square mod p matrix
575  *
576  * Input:
577  *   p: FiniteField, prime modulus
578  *      if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no error
579  *      message is returned
580  *   A: 1-dim Double array length n*n, representation of a n x n mod p matrix.
581  *      The entries of A are casted from integers
582  *   n: long, dimension of A
583  *
584  * Output:
585  *   det(A) mod p, the determinant of square matrix A
586  *
587  * Precondition:
588  *   ceil(n/2)*(p-1)^2+(p-1) <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991 (n >= 2)
589  *
590  * Note:
591  *   A is destroyed inplace
592  *
593  */
594 long
mDeterminant(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n)595 mDeterminant (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n)
596 {
597   long i, count=0;
598   long *P, *rp;
599   FiniteField det, d[1];
601   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
602   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
603   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
604   d[0] = 1;
605   RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, n, 0, 0, 0, 1, P, rp, d);
606   det = d[0];
607   if (det != 0)
608     {
609       for (i = 1; i < n+1; i++)	{ if (P[i] != i) { ++count; } }
610       if (count % 2 == 0)
611 	{
612 	  { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
613 	  return det;
614 	}
615       else
616 	{
617 	  { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
618 	  return p-det;
619 	}
620     }
621   { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
622   return det;
623 }
626 /*
627  * Calling Sequence:
628  *   1/0 <-- mInverse(p, A, n)
629  *
630  * Summary:
631  *   Certified compute the inverse of a mod p matrix inplace
632  *
633  * Description:
634  *   Given a n x n mod p matrix A, the function computes A^(-1) mod p
635  *   inplace in case A is a nonsingular matrix in Z/Zp. If the inverse does
636  *   not exist, the function returns 0.
637  *
638  *   A will be destroyed at the end in both cases. If the inverse exists, A is
639  *   inplaced by its inverse. Otherwise, the inplaced A is not the inverse.
640  *
641  * Input:
642  *   p: FiniteField, prime modulus
643  *      if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no error
644  *      message is returned
645  *   A: 1-dim Double array length n*n, representation of a n x n mod p matrix.
646  *      The entries of A are casted from integers
647  *   n: long, dimension of A
648  *
649  * Return:
650  *   - 1, if A^(-1) mod p exists
651  *   - 0, if A^(-1) mod p does not exist
652  *
653  * Precondition:
654  *   ceil(n/2)*(p-1)^2+(p-1) <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991 (n >= 2)
655  *
656  * Note:
657  *   A is destroyed inplace
658  *
659  */
661 long
mInverse(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n)662 mInverse (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n)
663 {
664   long i;
665   long *P, *rp;
666   FiniteField d[1];
668   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
669   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
670   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
671   d[0] = 1;
672   RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, n, 1, 1, 1, 0, P, rp, d);
673   if (rp[0] == n)
674     {
675       for (i = n; i > 0; i--)
676 	if (P[i] != i)
677 	  cblas_dswap(n, A+i-1, n, A+P[i]-1, n);
678       { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
679       return 1;
680     }
681   { XFREE(P);  XFREE(rp); }
682   return 0;
683 }
688 /*
689  * Calling Sequence:
690  *   r <-- mRank(p, A, n, m)
691  *
692  * Summary:
693  *   Compute the rank of a mod p matrix
694  *
695  * Input:
696  *   p: FiniteField, prime modulus
697  *      if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no
698  *      error message is returned
699  *   A: 1-dim Double array length n*m, representation of a n x m mod p
700  *      matrix. The entries of A are casted from integers
701  *   n: long, row dimension of A
702  *   m: long, column dimension of A
703  *
704  * Return:
705  *   r: long, rank of matrix A
706  *
707  * Precondition:
708  *   ceil(n/2)*(p-1)^2+(p-1) <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991 (n >= 2)
709  *
710  * Note:
711  *   A is destroyed inplace
712  *
713  */
715 long
mRank(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n,const long m)716 mRank (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n, const long m)
717 {
718   long i, r;
719   long *P, *rp;
720   FiniteField d[1];
722   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
723   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
724   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
725   d[0] = 1;
726   RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, m, 0, 0, 0, 0, P, rp, d);
727   r = rp[0];
728   { XFREE(P); XFREE(rp); }
729   return r;
730 }
735 /*
736  * Calling Sequence:
737  *   rp <-- mRankProfile(p, A, n, m)
738  *
739  * Summary:
740  *   Compute the rank profile of a mod p matrix
741  *
742  * Input:
743  *   p: FiniteField, prime modulus
744  *      if p is a composite number, the routine will still work if no
745  *      error message is returned
746  *   A: 1-dim Double array length n*m, representation of a n x m mod p
747  *      matrix. The entries of A are casted from integers
748  *   n: long, row dimension of A
749  *   m: long, column dimension of A
750  *
751  * Return:
752  *   rp: 1-dim long array length n+1, where
753  *     - rp[0] is the rank of matrix A
754  *     - rp[1..r] is the rank profile of matrix A
755  *
756  * Precondition:
757  *   ceil(n/2)*(p-1)^2+(p-1) <= 2^53-1 = 9007199254740991 (n >= 2)
758  *
759  * Note:
760  *   A is destroyed inplace
761  *
762  */
764 long *
mRankProfile(const FiniteField p,Double * A,const long n,const long m)765 mRankProfile (const FiniteField p, Double *A, const long n, const long m)
766 {
767   long i;
768   long *P, *rp;
769   FiniteField d[1];
771   P = XMALLOC(long, n+1);
772   for (i = 0; i < n+1; i++) { P[i] = i; }
773   rp = XCALLOC(long, n+1);
774   d[0] = 1;
775   RowEchelonTransform(p, A, n, m, 0, 0, 0, 0, P, rp, d);
776   XFREE(P);
777   return rp;
778 }