1 /*
2  * Darkbot - Internet Relay Chat Help Robot, defines.h
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2000 Jason Hamilton <jason@darkbot.net>
5  * http://darkbot.net
6  *
7  * Join our mailing list! email darkbot-request@darkbot.net
8  * with a subject of "subscribe"
10  ,-----------------------------------------------------------------,
11  | Modify your darkbot settings by changing the values of the data |
12  | below. If you're not sure, leave the default settings alone :)  |
13  `-----------------------------------------------------------------' */
17 /* change the signal.h path below if it's not in the standard place */
18 #include <signal.h>
20 /* Modify the following defines if needed ------------------------- */
21 /* Please note that the below defines are the RECOMMENDED settings! */
22 /* So if you don't know if you should change something, leave it :) */
24 #define NEED_CLOCK_T OFF
25 /**
26  * If you have Mandrake, or are getting errors complaining
27  * about clock_t and CLOCKS_PER_SEC not being available,
28  * turn this option ON. This includes <time.h> in addition
29  * to <sys/time.h> and shuts it up.
30  */
32 #define NEED_LIBC5 OFF
33 /**
34  * If you have an OS like Linux, you -may- need this defined. You'll
35  * know if your shell requires this define because your bot will connect
36  * but not say anything :)
37  *
38  * Most BSD systems will not need this, but some Linux systems may
39  * require it. <green@crimea.edu>
40  *
41  * ALSO NOTE: If your bot seems to disconnect every 5 minutes, try
42  * turning off the CHECK_STONED code.
43  */
45 #define	SGI OFF
46 /**
47  * SGI boxes (ie; IRIX system) need this
48  * define to run. Added by fouton
49  * <c592030@everest.cclabs.missouri.edu>
50  */
52 #define	LANG 1
53 /**
54  * What language do you want your darkbot to
55  * speak in? Pick a number from below.
56  * -------------------------------------------
57  * 1 = ENGLISH	- play <jason@darkbot.net>
58  * 2 = FRENCH	- Inajira <inajira@videotron.ca>
59  *		EfX <michel.efx@globetrotter.net>
60  *		eCHaLoTTe <echalotte@cablevision.qc.ca>
61  * 3 = SPANISH  - speed1 <speed@eduredes.edu.do>
62  * 4 = DUTCH    - Asmodai <asmodai@wxs.nl>
63  * 5 = LATIN	- Otaku <otaku@unixgeek.ml.org>
64  * 6 = GREEK    - Chris_CY <chriscy@cylink.net>
65  * 7 = EBONICS  - rapsux <bitter@ici.net>
66  * 8 = PIG LATIN- Cloud <burtner@usa.net>
67  * 9 = RUSSIAN	- KOI8 encoding
68  * 10= RUSSIAN	- CP1251 encoding
69  *              - Oleg Drokin <green@ccssu.crimea.ua>
70  * 11= PORTUGUESE- Pincel <Pincel@darkbot.info>
71  * 12= GERMAN	- C.Hoegl@gmx.net & marc@reymann.net
72  * 13= ITALIAN  - daniele nicolucci <jollino@icemail.it>
73  * 14= CHINISE  - James <jamespower@263.net>
74  * 15= SWEDISH	- Ybznek <sunmo@seaside.se>
75  * 16= NORWEGIAN- [SoHo] <soho@int19h.com>
76  * 17= ROMANIAN - Radu <radu.negoescu@sante.univ-nantes.fr>
77  * -------------------------------------------------
78  * ? = Email me if you want to help add other langs!
79  * -------------------------------------------------
80  */
83 /**
84  * Enable this if you want to make your darkbot bloated
85  * with stuff like !KICK, !UP, !WACK, etc. Basically
86  * anything dealing with channel modes and kicking commands.
87  * This includes PERMBANS. On linux, without this, your
88  * darkbot bin will shrink from 82k to 78k in size.
89  */
92 /**
93  * Answer questions that match a topic
94  * without addressing the bot (recommended)
95  */
98 /**
99  * Sometimes morons like to /notice flood channels.
100  * This define will make the bot kick those people
101  * when they do a channel notice. */
103 /**
104  * If you want to take it a step further, you can also
105  * have the bot ban the user@host too. */
106 #define	BAN_BY_HOST OFF
107 /**
108  * Finally, we can ban by *@host. This requires the
109  * above two to be turned on.
110  */
112 #define STATUS OFF
113 /**
114  * Parse luser data? May cause SIG_SEGV on
115  * some ircd's (ie; non ircu) Basically all this does
116  * is display network info like opers, servers, avg #
117  * of users on the servers, etc.
118  */
120 #define DISPLAY_SYNC OFF
121 /**
122  * When bot joins a channel, sometimes it's hard
123  * to tell when it's "synced" and is no longer processing
124  * stuff -- this tells the channel the bot has finished
125  * syncing. For example, if you try to login while it's
126  * still syncing, it may just ignore your login request
127  * until it sees you in the channel.
128  */
131 /**
132  * will complain in the chan that the bot is deoped in.
133  */
135 #define	DEFAULT_UMODE "+i-ds"
136 /**
137  * What user modes do you want for darkbot?
138  */
140 #define	HELP_GREET OFF
141 /**
142  * Give user's who join a NOTICE with info on how to use the darkbot?
143  * I don't bother with this anymore since my bot knows how to respond
144  * to most general questions users ask. If your bot is new and doesn't
145  * know much, then you may want to have it tell people how to use it.
146  */
148 #define	JOIN_GREET ON
149 /**
150  * Have the bot do auto-greets for users in the userlist?
151  */
153 #define	CTCP ON
154 /**
155  * Reply to CTCP's? (PING/VERSION). */
157 #define VERSION_REPLY "Hi, I'm a Darkbot. Download me from http://darkbot.net"
158 /**
159  * This is the text the bot will reply when versioned. Change it
160  * to whatever you want.
161  */
163 #define	CHECK_STONED ON
164 /**
165  * Check if servers are not responding, is so
166  * connect to next server in list. (recommended)
167  * Some linux systems have problems with this.
168  * You'll know if you're one of them if your bot
169  * disconnects every 5 minutes.
170  */
172 #define KICK_ON_BAN OFF
173 /**
174  * Kick people out when they are banned?
175  */
177 #define	DO_WHOIS OFF
178 /**
179  * Want to be alerted when a user who joins
180  * is in "questionable" other channels? This
181  * option only works on Undernet - since the
182  * NOTICE sent uses /notice @#chan
183  */
185 #define LASTCOMM_TIME 5
186 /**
187  * LASTCOMM_TIME is the length of time (in seconds)
188  * that your bot will not reply to a topic already
189  * asked. Thus if someone asked your bot about "mirc"
190  * that question could not be asked again in the
191  * same format for N seconds (or till the question
192  * is out of buffer). This prevents the bot from
193  * falling prey to users who like to repeat.
194  */
196 #define SLASTCOMM_TIME 60
197 /**
198  * This is the length of time to NOT allow someone
199  * to be recounted when they rejoin your channels,
200  * which tends to clutter up everyone's screen with
201  * the setinfo. This basically keeps track of who
202  * joined in the last ___ seconds, and does not do
203  * their setinfo during that amount of time.
204  */
206 /**
207  * BELOW is the output timers. Darkbot does not
208  * output text without first putting it into a
209  * que list. If the bot has several lines of text
210  * waiting to be sent, it starts to delay longer
211  * and longer between output, so it can't flood
212  * itself off of IRC. Explanation:
213  *
214  * If text in que is < OUTPUT1_COUNT, output it.
215  * If text in que is > OUTPUT1_COUNT, delay
216  * OUTPUT1_DELAY seconds. If que is > OUTPUT2_COUNT,
217  * delay OUTPUT2_DELAY seconds. If number of text
218  * in que is higher than OUTPUT_PURGE_COUNT, then
219  * just delete all unneeded output (ie; any text
220  * and notices, but leaving in stuff like kicks
221  * and modes) The defaults below are recommended,
222  * as the bot isn't going to flood off. If you are
223  * having the bot delete output messages and you'd
224  * like to increase the que, update the
225  * OUTPUT_PURGE_COUNT to a larger number. Just keep
226  * in mind if someone floods your bot with a lot of
227  * VERSION requests, the bot will sit there outputting
228  * a lot of version replies instead of deleting them,
229  * causing it to act as if it's just sitting there not
230  * doing anything when you ask it something in your
231  * channel.
232  */
233 #define OUTPUT1_COUNT 4
234 #define OUTPUT1_DELAY 1
235 #define OUTPUT2_COUNT 6
236 #define OUTPUT2_DELAY 2
237 /**
238  * If still < OUTPUT_PURGE_COUNT and > OUTPUT2_COUNT
239  * then delay OUTPUT3_DELAY secs
240  */
241 #define OUTPUT3_DELAY 3
242 /**
243  * When all else fails... if more than OUTPUT_PURGE_COUNT
244  * delete them all! No use in making the bot output slowly
245  * over a long period of time... imagine if you set this to
246  * 50, and had an OUTPUT3_DELAY of 3 secs.. thats 50*3 secs
247  * till the bot is ready to output any new data to you!
248  */
249 #define OUTPUT_PURGE_COUNT 7
252 /**
253  * Allow the raw topics to use MODE? This is not
254  * recommended because level 1 users can add topics
255  * such as "MODE C~ +o N~" and thus get ops, this is
256  * not a recommended define, but is here just in case
257  * some of you have special needs for the MODE. Please
258  * keep in mind you can do BANS without this define by
259  * using the raw topics -BAN and -TEMPBAN (ban for 60 secs).
260  */
262 #define LOG_PRIVMSG ON
263 /**
264  * Do you want to log all privmsg's to your
265  * darkbot? (will be saved to logs/ dir)
266  */
268 #define DISALLOW_COUNT
269 /**
270  * Your darkbot tell you (at startup) what the latest version of
271  * darkbot is. If you DO NOT WANT THIS, then define this. We recommend
272  * keeping this defined.
273  */
275 /*
276  * The following should remain defined, however you can change them to
277  * whatever you want, to customize your darkbot - They are less important
278  * than the above defines, so generally speaking, there isn't a NEED to
279  * mess with them.
280  */
282 #define	COMPLAIN_REASON	"grrr, kick me again and I'm going to..."
283 #define	DONT_THINK_SO	"I don't think so."
284 #define	WHUT		"hmmm?"
285 #define	DONNO_Q		"*shrug*"
286 #define	FLOOD_REASON	"Don't flood!"
287 #define	DEFAULT_KICK	"Requested!"
288 #define	CANT_FIND	"Was unable to find"	/* ... */
289 #define	NO_TOPIC	"Sorry, I don't have any entry for"	/* ... */
290 #define	EXISTING_ENTRY	"Sorry, there is an existing entry under keyword"
291 #define	NO_ENTRY	"I was unable to find entry:"
292 #define	TRY_FIND	"What am I trying to find"
293 #define	WAKEUP_ACTION	"\1ACTION wakes up from a snooze..\1"
294 #define	GOSLEEP_ACTION	"\1ACTION falls asleep... ZzzZZzzZZzz\1"
295 #if BITCH_ABOUT_DEOP == 1
296 #define BITCH_DEOP_REASON "grr, someone op me!"
297 #endif
299 #define	SORT
300 /**
301  * Sort your info2.db on startup? Will take
302  * forever if u have a large db
303  */
305 #undef  LOG_ADD_DELETES
306 /** Do you want to log who adds/deletes
307  * topics? log saved to logs/add_delete.log
308  */
310 #undef	FIND_DUPS
311 /**
313  * When user's do the INFO command, and at
314  * startup, do you want to find and remove
315  * duplicates database entries?
316  */
318 #undef	SAVE_DUPS
319 /** When duplicate topics are found, do you
320  * want to save them? (in case some topics
321  * are accidently deleted)
322  */
324 #define	MAX_LASTSEEN	604800
325 /**
326  * Max length to keep a lastseen (default is
327  * one week (in seconds))
328  */
330 #define	SEEN_REPLY	"in the last week."
331 /**
332  * if you change the above
333  * time (MAX_LASTSEEN) from a
334  * week, be sure to update
335  * the SEEN_REPLY to the
336  * respective time length
337  */
339 #define	DO_MATH_STUFF
340 /**
341  * Do you want your bot to do math commands?
342  * This _MAY_ cause probs on some boxes, but
343  * so far worked fine on all I've seen.
344  */
346 #define	FLOOD_KICK
347 /**
348  * Define this if you want your darkbot to
349  * KICK out the people who flood it. NOTE: This
350  * means flooding your BOT, not your CHANNEL. If you
351  * don't define this, it will just ignore the user
352  */
354 #define	REQ_ACCESS_ADD
355 /**
356  * Require access to add help topics?
357  */
359 #define	REQ_ACCESS_DEL
360 /**
361  * Require access to delete help topics?
362  */
364 #define	RAND_STUFF_TIME	3600
365 /**
366  * Time in seconds to randomly do something
367  * from dat/random.ini (default is 1 hour)
368  */
370 #define	RAND_LEVEL 2
371 /**
372  * Level at which user's can on-line add new
373  * randomstuff topics, this also is the level at which
374  * users will be able to add RDB topics
375  */
377 #define	RANDOM_STUFF
378 /**
379  * Will read from a random line in
380  * dat/randomstuff.ini and say something
381  * random in the home channel. ALSO if
382  * nothing is said in darkbot's home channel
383  * it will say a randomstuff every RAND_IDLE
384  * as long as no one says anything..
385  */
387 #define RAND_IDLE	1800
388 /**
389  * Time in secs to say something in home chan
390  * when no one says anything (this overrides
391  * the RAND_STUFF_TIME counter (default is 10
392  * min)
393  */
395 #undef	ANTI_IDLE
396 /**
397  * Want your darkbot to always have less than
398  * 10 min idle? This isn't usually needed since
399  * darkbots tend to talk a lot.
400  */
402 #define	SLEEP_LEVEL	3
403 /**
404  * Level at which user's can make darkbot
405  * shut up (aka hush) This is useful for help
406  * channels when they want darkbot to quit
407  * talking while they address something
408  * important in the chan
409  */
411 #define	SLEEP_TIME	400
412 /**
413  * How many seconds to sleep for?
414  */
416 #define	AUTOTOPIC_TIME	1800
417 /**
418  * Autotopic time in seconds - default
419  * is 30 min
420  */
422 #define	MAX_DATA_SIZE	400
423 /**
424  * The max size your database topics will be
425  * This will be useful to people loading
426  * their database into ram - if your data is
427  * all less than 400 chars, then you can save
428  * some ram.... Longer allows you to do more
429  * with PIPE topics (see README for 4f3)
430  */
432 #define	MAX_TOPIC_SIZE	50
433 /**
434  * Max topic length
435  */
437 #define	VERB
438 /**
439  * Print out extra details while starting up?
440  */
442 /* Below are variables for the data replys */
443 #define myVariables "data variables are: N~ (Nick), C~ (Chan), T~ \
444 (Time/date) B~ (Botnick), Q~ (Question asked), R~ (random nick), !~ \
445 (command char), S~ (current Server), P~ (current port) V~ (botVer), W~ \
446 (db WWW site), H~ (u@h), t~ (unixtime), BAN (sets a ban), TEMPBAN (bans \
447 for 60 sec)"
449 #define mySetinfo "My !setinfo variables are: ^ nick, % Number of joins, & \
450 Channel, $ user@host. Example: !setinfo ^ has joined & % times!!  (also, if \
451 you make the first char of your SETINFO a \"+\" the setinfo will be shown \
452 as an ACTION)"
454 #define	L100(s,a,b,c,d,e,f) S("NOTICE %s :I can be triggered by various \
455 forms of speech, all which must be addressed to me, in one of the \
456 following formats:  %s %s %s or even %s .... In my database, you can \
457 find a topic by saying my nick, <topic> .  eg; \37%s nuke\37  ..... \
458 to do a search on a word, or partial text, just type:  <mynick>, search \
459 <text>   ... eg; \37%s search nuke\37\n",s,a,b,c,d,e,f)
461 #define	L101(a,b,c,d) S("NOTICE %s :I can also be triggered with even more \
462 human formats: \37%s who is bill gates?\37  .. You can also phrase it \
463 in a question: \37%s where is msie?\37 ...For more info \
464 about me, visit http://darkbot.net\n",a,b,c,d)
466 #define	L102(a,b,c,d) S("NOTICE %s :Welcome to %s, %s. Before \
467 asking your question, type %cHELP for a list of help topics.\n", a,b,c,d)
471 /* ################################################## */
472 /* ---- Don't change anything else below! ----------- */
473 /* ################################################## */
474 #define	fr		3	/* these two are the # of lines per secs */
475 #define	ft		3
476 #define	AIL		1
477 #define	WSEC 		10
478 #define	USEC 		0
479 #define	RECHECK 	45
480 #define DBTIMERS_PATH	"timers"
481 #define	LOG_DIR		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/logs/"
482 #define	SEEN_FILE	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/seen.db"
483 #define	URL2		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/info2.db"
484 #define	BACKUP_DUP	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/backup_dups.db"
485 #define	ADD_DELETES	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/logs/add_delete.log"
486 #define	TMP_URL		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/.info.tmp"
487 #define	TMP_FILE	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/.file.tmp"
488 #define	AUTOTOPIC_F     "/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/autotopic.ini"
489 #define	HELPER_LIST	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/userlist.db"
490 #define	PERFORM		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/perform.ini"
491 #define	DEOP		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/deop.ini"
492 #define	RAND_SAY	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/random.ini"
493 #define	RAND_FILE	"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/randomstuff.ini"
494 #define	SERVERS		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/servers.ini"
495 #define	PERMBAN		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/permbans.db"
496 #define	SETUP		"/usr/local/etc/darkbot/dat/setup.ini"
497 #define	MAX_SEARCH_LENGTH	350
498 /* -------------------------------------------------- */
500 #include "langs/lang.h"
501 #include <ctype.h>
502 #include <stdio.h>
503 #if     NEED_CLOCK_T == ON
504 #include <time.h>
505 #endif
506 #include <sys/time.h>
507 #include <sys/types.h>
508 #include <sys/socket.h>
509 #include <sys/resource.h>
510 #include <string.h>
511 #include <unistd.h>
512 #include <stdarg.h>
513 #include <errno.h>
514 #include <stdlib.h>
515 #include <netdb.h>
516 #include <netinet/in.h>
517 #include <arpa/inet.h>
518 #include <assert.h>
519 #ifdef	WIN32
520 #include <windows.h>
521 #endif
522 #include <signal.h>
523 #include <dirent.h>
524 #include <sys/stat.h>
526 #define db_sleep(x) usleep(x*1000)
528 #ifndef __cplusplus
529 typedef enum
530 { false, true }
531 bool;
532 #endif
534 #ifdef WIN32
535 typedef unsigned int size_t;
536 #endif