1 /*  objsset.h
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  objsset.h
27 *
28 * Author:  James Ostell
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 4/1/91
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.9 $
33 *
34 * File Description:  Object manager interface for module NCBI-Seqset
35 *
36 * Modifications:
37 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 * Date	   Name        Description of modification
39 * -------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
40 *
41 * ==========================================================================
42 */
44 #ifndef _NCBI_Seqset_
45 #define _NCBI_Seqset_
47 #ifndef _ASNTOOL_
48 #include <asn.h>
49 #endif
50 #ifndef _NCBI_General_
51 #include <objgen.h>
52 #endif
53 #ifndef _NCBI_Seq_
54 #include <objseq.h>
55 #endif
57 #undef NLM_EXTERN
58 #ifdef NLM_IMPORT
60 #else
61 #define NLM_EXTERN extern
62 #endif
64 #ifdef __cplusplus
65 extern "C" {
66 #endif
68 /*****************************************************************************
69 *
70 *   loader
71 *
72 *****************************************************************************/
73 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqSetAsnLoad PROTO((void));
75 /*****************************************************************************
76 *
77 *   internal structures for NCBI-Seqset objects
78 *
79 *****************************************************************************/
80 /*****************************************************************************
81 *
82 *   BioseqSet - a collection of sequences
83 *
84 *****************************************************************************/
85 typedef struct seqset {
86     ObjectIdPtr id;
87     DbtagPtr coll;
88     Int2 level;            /* set to INT2_MIN (ncbilcl.h) for not used */
89     Uint1 _class;
90     CharPtr release;
91     DatePtr date;
92     ValNodePtr descr;
93     SeqEntryPtr seq_set;
94     SeqAnnotPtr annot;
95 	GatherIndex idx;        /* internal gather/objmgr tracking fields */
96 	SeqEntryPtr seqentry;   /* internal seqentry that points to this bioseqset */
97 } BioseqSet, PNTR BioseqSetPtr;
99 NLM_EXTERN BioseqSetPtr LIBCALL BioseqSetNew PROTO((void));
100 NLM_EXTERN Boolean      LIBCALL BioseqSetAsnWrite PROTO((BioseqSetPtr bsp, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
101 NLM_EXTERN BioseqSetPtr LIBCALL BioseqSetAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
102 NLM_EXTERN BioseqSetPtr LIBCALL BioseqSetFree PROTO((BioseqSetPtr bsp));
103 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL BioseqSetLabel PROTO((BioseqSetPtr bssp, CharPtr buffer, Int2 buflen, Uint1 content));
105 /*****************************************************************************
106 *
107 *   defines for BioseqSet._class
108         not-set (0) ,
109         nuc-prot (1) ,              -- nuc acid and coded proteins
110         segset (2) ,                -- segmented sequence + parts
111         conset (3) ,                -- constructed sequence + parts
112         parts (4) ,                 -- parts for 2 or 3
113         gibb (5) ,                  -- geninfo backbone
114         gi (6) ,                    -- geninfo
115         genbank (7) ,               -- converted genbank
116         pir (8) ,                   -- converted pir
117         pub-set (9) ,               -- all the seqs from a single publication
118         equiv (10) ,                -- a set of equivalent maps or seqs
119         swissprot (11) ,            -- converted SWISSPROT
120         pdb-entry (12) ,            -- a complete PDB entry
121         mut-set (13) ,              -- set of mutations
122         pop-set (14) ,              -- population study
123         phy-set (15) ,              -- phylogenetic study
124         eco-set (16) ,              -- ecological sample study
125         gen-prod-set (17) ,         -- genomic products, chrom+mRNa+protein
126         wgs-set (18) ,              -- whole genome shotgun project
127         named-annot (19) ,          -- named annotation set
128         named-annot-prod (20) ,     -- with instantiated mRNA+protein
129         read-set (21) ,             -- set from a single read
130         paired-end-reads (22) ,     -- paired sequences within a read-set
131         small-genome-set (23) ,     -- viral segments or mitochondrial minicircles
132         other (255) } DEFAULT not-set ,
134 *
135 ******************************************************************************/
136 #define BioseqseqSet_class_not_set 0
137 #define BioseqseqSet_class_nuc_prot 1
138 #define BioseqseqSet_class_segset 2
139 #define BioseqseqSet_class_conset 3
140 #define BioseqseqSet_class_parts 4
141 #define BioseqseqSet_class_gibb 5
142 #define BioseqseqSet_class_gi 6
143 #define BioseqseqSet_class_genbank 7
144 #define BioseqseqSet_class_pir 8
145 #define BioseqseqSet_class_pub_set 9
146 #define BioseqseqSet_class_equiv 10
147 #define BioseqseqSet_class_swissprot 11
148 #define BioseqseqSet_class_pdb_entry 12
149 #define BioseqseqSet_class_mut_set 13
150 #define BioseqseqSet_class_pop_set 14
151 #define BioseqseqSet_class_phy_set 15
152 #define BioseqseqSet_class_eco_set 16
153 #define BioseqseqSet_class_gen_prod_set 17
154 #define BioseqseqSet_class_wgs_set 18
155 #define BioseqseqSet_class_named_annot 19
156 #define BioseqseqSet_class_named_annot_prod 20
157 #define BioseqseqSet_class_read_set 21
158 #define BioseqseqSet_class_paired_end_reads 22
159 #define BioseqseqSet_class_small_genome_set 23
161 /* for temporary internal use to prevent automatic freeing */
162 #define BioseqseqSet_class_empty_set 254
164 #define BioseqseqSet_class_other 255
166 /*****************************************************************************
167 *
168 *   BioseqSetFreeComponents(bsp, parts)
169 *       Frees associated data of a BioseqSet
170 *   	if (parts == FALSE)
171 *   	      Calls SeqEntryFreeComponents() for seq-set
172 *       else
173 *             Calls SeqEntryFree()
174 *   	Does not free the BioseqSet itself
175 *   	Called by BioseqSetFree
176 *       Used by SeqMgr for caching out
177 *
178 *****************************************************************************/
179 NLM_EXTERN BioseqSetPtr LIBCALL BioseqSetFreeComponents PROTO((BioseqSetPtr bsp, Boolean parts));
181 /*****************************************************************************
182 *
183 *   SeqEntry - implemented as an ValNode
184 *     choice:
185 *       1 = Bioseq
186 *       2 = Bioseq-set
187 *
188 *****************************************************************************/
190 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryNew PROTO((void));
191 NLM_EXTERN Boolean     LIBCALL SeqEntryAsnWrite PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
192 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryAsnRead PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp));
193 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryFree PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep));
194 NLM_EXTERN Int2 LIBCALL SeqEntryLabel PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep, CharPtr buffer, Int2 buflen, Uint1 content));
196 /*****************************************************************************
197 *
198 *   SeqEntryFreeComponents(sep)
199 *       Frees components of elements associated with SeqEntry
200 *   	used by SeqMgr for caching out
201 *
202 *****************************************************************************/
203 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryFreeComponents PROTO((SeqEntryPtr sep));
205 /*****************************************************************************
206 *
207 *   Options for SeqEntryAsnRead()
208 *
209 *****************************************************************************/
210 NLM_EXTERN SeqEntryPtr LIBCALL SeqEntryAsnGet PROTO((AsnIoPtr aip, AsnTypePtr atp, SeqIdPtr sip, Int2 retcode));
212 #define SEQENTRY_OPTION_MAX_COMPLEX 1   /* option type to use with OP_NCBIOBJSSET */
214     /* values for retcode, implemented with AsnIoOptions */
215 #define SEQENTRY_READ_BIOSEQ 1    /* read only Bioseq identified by sip */
216 #define SEQENTRY_READ_SEG_SET 2   /* read any seg-set it may be part of */
217 #define SEQENTRY_READ_NUC_PROT 3   /* read any nuc-prot set it may be in */
218 #define SEQENTRY_READ_PUB_SET 4    /* read pub-set it may be part of */
220 typedef struct objsset_option {
221 	SeqIdPtr sip;              /* seq-id to find */
222 	Int2 retcode;              /* type of set/seq to return */
223 	Boolean in_right_set;
224 	Uint1 working_on_set;      /* 2, if in first set of retcode type */
225 	                           /* 1, if found Bioseq, but not right set */
226 	                           /* 0, if Bioseq not yet found */
227 } Op_objsset, PNTR Op_objssetPtr;
230 #define IS_Bioseq(a) ((a)->choice == 1)
231 #define IS_Bioseq_set(a)  ((a)->choice == 2)
233 /*****************************************************************************
234 *
235 *   loader for ObjSeqSet and Sequence Codes
236 *
237 *****************************************************************************/
238 NLM_EXTERN Boolean LIBCALL SeqEntryLoad PROTO((void));
241 #ifdef __cplusplus
242 }
243 #endif
245 #undef NLM_EXTERN
246 #ifdef NLM_EXPORT
248 #else
249 #define NLM_EXTERN
250 #endif
252 #endif