1 //
2 //  SHCalc.cpp
3 //  pb_solvers_code
4 //
5 //  Created by David Brookes on 9/25/15.
6 //  Copyright © 2015 David Brookes. All rights reserved.
7 //
9 #include "SHCalc.h"
SHCalcConstants(const int N)11 SHCalcConstants::SHCalcConstants(const int N)
12 :numVals_(N), legConsts1_(N, N), legConsts2_(N, N),
13 shConsts_(N, N), dubFac_(N)
14 {
15   vector<double> temp;
16   temp.reserve(2 * numVals_);
17   temp.push_back(1.0);
18   int i, n, m;
19   for (i = 1; i < 2 * numVals_; i++)
20   {
21     temp.push_back(temp[i-1] * sqrt(i));
22   }
24   for (n = 0; n < numVals_; n++)
25   {
26     for (m = 0; m <= n; m++)
27     {
28       if ((n-m) != 0 )
29       {
30         legConsts1_.set_val(n, m, (2*n-1) / (double) (n-m));
31         legConsts2_.set_val(n, m, (n+m-1) / (double) (n-m));
32       }
33       else
34       {
35         legConsts1_.set_val(n, m, 0.0);
36         legConsts2_.set_val(n, m, 0.0);
37       }
38       shConsts_.set_val(n, m, temp[n-m] / temp[n+m]);
39     }
40   }
42   dubFac_[0] = 1.0;
43   dubFac_[1] = 1.0;
44   for (i = 2; i < numVals_; i++)
45   {
46     dubFac_[i] = dubFac_[i-1] * (2*i - 1);
47   }
49 }
SHCalc(const int num_vals,shared_ptr<SHCalcConstants> _consts)51 SHCalc::SHCalc(const int num_vals, shared_ptr<SHCalcConstants> _consts)
52 :numVals_(num_vals), P_( num_vals, num_vals), _consts_(_consts),
53 Y_( num_vals, num_vals)
54 {
55   assert (_consts_->get_n() == numVals_);
56 }
58 /*
60  Calculate the Legendre polynomial for the input theta using the
61  recursion functions for the polynomials, which are as follows:
62  Pl,l (x) = (-1)^l * (2l-1)!! * (1-x^2)^(l/2)                          (1)
63  Pl,l+1 (x) = x * (2l+1) * Pl,l(x)                                     (2)
64  Pl,m (x) = x * (2l-1)/(l-m) * Pl-1,m(x) - (l+m-1)/(l-m) * Pl-2,m(x)   (3)
66  This sets the member P_ to the results
67  */
calc_legendre(const double theta)68 void SHCalc::calc_legendre(const double theta)
69 {
70   double x = cos(theta);
71   P_.set_val(0, 0, 1.0);  // base value for recursion
72   P_.set_val(1, 0, x);
74   int l, m;
75   double val = 0.0;
76   for (l = 0; l < numVals_; l++)
77   {
78     for (m = 0; m <= l; m++)
79     {
80       if ((l == 0 && m == 0) || (l == 1 && m == 0)) continue; //skip base values
81       else if (l == m)
82       {
83         double dblL = (double) l;
84         val = pow(-1.0, dblL) * _consts_->get_dub_fac_val(l)
85         * pow(1.0-x*x, dblL/2.0);  // (1) in doc string
86       }
87       else if (m == l + 1)
88       {
89         val = x * (2*l + 1) * P_(l, l);  // (2)
90       }
91       else if (m < l)
92       {
93         val = _consts_->get_leg_consts1_val(l, m) * x * P_(l-1, m);  // (3)
94         val -= _consts_->get_leg_consts2_val(l, m) * P_(l-2, m);  // (3)
95       }
96       P_.set_val(l, m, val);
97     }
98   }
99 }
102 /*
103  Return the results of the legendre calculation for an n, m.
104  */
get_legendre_result(int n,int m)105 double SHCalc::get_legendre_result( int n, int m )
106 {
107   return P_( n, m);
108 }
110 /*
111  Calculate the spherical harmonics according to the equation:
113  Y_(n,m)(theta, phi) = (-1)^m * sqrt((n-m)! / (n + m)!)
114  * P_(n,m)(cos(theta)) * exp(i*m*phi)
115  where P_(n, m) are the associated Legendre polynomials.
117  */
calc_sh(const double theta,const double phi)118 void SHCalc::calc_sh(const double theta, const double phi)
119 {
120   calc_legendre(theta);  // first calculate legendre
121   cmplx iu (0, 1.0);  // complex unit
122   int n, m;
123   cmplx val, mcomp;
124   double shc;  // constant value
125   for (n = 0; n < numVals_; n++)
126   {
127     for (m = 0; m < numVals_; m++)
128     {
129       shc = _consts_->get_sh_consts_val(n, m);
130       double dblM = (double) m;
131       mcomp = complex<double> (dblM, 0.0);
132       val = pow(-1.0, dblM) * shc * P_(n, m) * exp(iu * mcomp * phi);
133       Y_.set_val(n, m, val);
134     }
135   }
137 }
139 /*
140  Return the results of the spherical harmonic calculation for an n, m.
141  If m is negative, then we return the complex conjugate of the calculated
142  value for the positive value of m
143  */
get_result(const int n,const int m)144 cmplx SHCalc::get_result(const int n, const int m)
145 {
146   if (m < 0)
147   {
148     return conj(Y_(n, -m));  // complex conjugate
149   }
150   else
151   {
152     return Y_(n, m);
153   }
154 }
calc_and_add(Pt p,shared_ptr<SHCalc> sh)158 void PreCalcSH::calc_and_add(Pt p, shared_ptr<SHCalc> sh)
159 {
160     sh->calc_sh(p.theta(), p.phi());
161     map_[p] =  sh->get_full_result();
162 }
get_sh(Pt p,int n,int m)164 cmplx PreCalcSH::get_sh(Pt p, int n, int m)
165 {
166   if (m < 0) return conj(map_[p](n, -m));  // complex conjugate
167   else return map_[p](n, m);
168 }