1 /********************************************************************\
2  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or    *
3  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as   *
4  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of   *
5  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.              *
6  *                                                                  *
7  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  *
8  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   *
10  * GNU General Public License for more details.                     *
11  *                                                                  *
12  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*
13  * along with this program; if not, contact:                        *
14  *                                                                  *
15  * Free Software Foundation           Voice:  +1-617-542-5942       *
16  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor    Fax:    +1-617-542-2652       *
17  * Boston, MA  02110-1301,  USA       gnu@gnu.org                   *
18  *                                                                  *
19 \********************************************************************/
20 /** @addtogroup Engine
21     @{ */
22 /** @addtogroup Transaction Transaction, Split
23     A good overview of transactions, splits and accounts can be
24     found in the texinfo documentation, together with an overview of
25     how to use this API.
27     @{ */
28 /** @file Split.h
29     @brief API for Transactions and Splits (journal entries)
30     @author Copyright (C) 1997 Robin D. Clark
31     @author Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Linas Vepstas <linas@linas.org>
32 */
34 #ifndef XACC_SPLIT_H
35 #define XACC_SPLIT_H
37 typedef struct _SplitClass SplitClass;
39 #include <time.h>
41 #include "gnc-commodity.h"
42 #include "gnc-engine.h"
44 #ifdef __cplusplus
45 extern "C" {
46 #endif
48 /* --- type macros --- */
49 #define GNC_TYPE_SPLIT            (gnc_split_get_type ())
50 #define GNC_SPLIT(o)              \
52 #define GNC_SPLIT_CLASS(k)        \
53      (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((k), GNC_TYPE_SPLIT, SplitClass))
54 #define GNC_IS_SPLIT(o)           \
56 #define GNC_IS_SPLIT_CLASS(k)     \
58 #define GNC_SPLIT_GET_CLASS(o)    \
60 GType gnc_split_get_type(void);
63 /** @name Split Reconciled field values
65     If you change these
66     be sure to change gnc-ui-util.c:gnc_get_reconciled_str() and
67     associated functions
69 @{
70 */
71 #define CREC 'c'              /**< The Split has been cleared    */
72 #define YREC 'y'              /**< The Split has been reconciled */
73 #define FREC 'f'              /**< frozen into accounting period */
74 #define NREC 'n'              /**< not reconciled or cleared     */
75 #define VREC 'v'              /**< split is void                 */
76 /** @} */
78 /* Convert the amount/value of the Split for viewing in the account --
79  * in particular we want to convert the Split to be in to_commodity.
80  * Returns the amount.
81  */
82 gnc_numeric xaccSplitConvertAmount (const Split *split, const Account * account);
84 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------
85  * Splits
86  *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
88 /** @name Split general getters/setters
89 @{
90 */
92 /** Constructor. */
93 Split       * xaccMallocSplit (QofBook *book);
95 /* Reinit a previously malloc'd split. Split remains in the book it
96    was already in, and the QofInstance portions also remain unchanged.
97    It's basically the data elements that are reverted to default
98    values. */
99 void xaccSplitReinit(Split * split);
101 /** Destructor.
102  *
103  * The xaccSplitDestroy() method will update its parent account and
104  * transaction in a consistent manner, resulting in the complete
105  * unlinking of the split, and the freeing of its associated memory.
106  * The goal of this routine is to perform the removal and destruction
107  * of the split in an atomic fashion, with no chance of accidentally
108  * leaving the accounting structure out-of-balance or otherwise
109  * inconsistent.
110  *
111  * If the deletion of the split leaves the transaction with no splits,
112  * then the transaction will be marked for deletion. (It will not be
113  * deleted until the xaccTransCommitEdit() routine is called.)
114  *
115  * @return TRUE upon successful deletion of the split. FALSE when
116  * the parenting Transaction is a read-only one.
117  */
118 gboolean      xaccSplitDestroy (Split *split);
120 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
121 /** This is really a helper for xaccTransCopyOnto. It doesn't reparent
122  *   the 'to' split to from's transaction, because xaccTransCopyOnto is
123  *   responsible for parenting the split to the correct transaction.
124  *   Also, from's parent transaction may not even be a valid
125  *   transaction, so this function may not modify anything about 'from'
126  *   or from's transaction.
127  */
128 void xaccSplitCopyOnto(const Split *from_split, Split *to_split);
129 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
131 /** Returns the book of this split, i.e. the entity where this split
132  * is stored. */
133 QofBook *   xaccSplitGetBook (const Split *split);
135 /** Returns the account of this split, which was set through
136  * xaccAccountInsertSplit(). */
137 Account *     xaccSplitGetAccount (const Split *split);
138 void xaccSplitSetAccount (Split *s, Account *acc);
140 /** Returns the parent transaction of the split. */
141 Transaction * xaccSplitGetParent (const Split *split);
142 void xaccSplitSetParent (Split *split, Transaction *trans);
144 /** Returns the pointer to the debited/credited Lot where this split
145  * belongs to, or NULL if it doesn't belong to any. */
146 GNCLot *      xaccSplitGetLot (const Split *split);
148 /** Assigns the split to a specific Lot */
149 void xaccSplitSetLot(Split* split, GNCLot* lot);
151 /** The memo is an arbitrary string associated with a split.  It is
152  * intended to hold a short (zero to forty character) string that is
153  * displayed by the GUI along with this split.  Users typically type
154  * in free form text from the GUI.  */
155 void          xaccSplitSetMemo (Split *split, const char *memo);
157 /** Returns the memo string. */
158 const char *  xaccSplitGetMemo (const Split *split);
160 /** The Action is an arbitrary user-assigned string.
161  * The action field is an arbitrary user-assigned value.
162  * It is meant to be a very short (one to ten character) string that
163  * signifies the "type" of this split, such as e.g. Buy, Sell, Div,
164  * Withdraw, Deposit, ATM, Check, etc. The idea is that this field
165  * can be used to create custom reports or graphs of data. Note that the
166  * business features auto-fill this value, but doesn't depend on it. Rather than use
167  * this function directly, see 'gnc_set_num_action' in
168  * engine/engine-helpers.c & .h which takes a user-set book option for selecting
169  * the source for the num-cell (the transaction-number or the split-action field)
170  * in registers/reports into account automatically */
171 void          xaccSplitSetAction (Split *split, const char *action);
173 /** Returns the action string. Rather than use this function directly, see
174  * 'gnc_get_num_action' and 'gnc_get_action_num'in
175  * engine/engine-helpers.c & .h which takes a user-set book option for selecting
176  * the source for the num-cell (the transaction-number or the split-action field)
177  * in registers/reports into account automatically */
178 const char *  xaccSplitGetAction (const Split *split);
179 /** @} */
181 /** @name Split Date getters/setters
182 @{
183 */
184 /** Set the reconcile flag. The Reconcile flag is a single char, whose
185  * values are typically are 'n', 'y', 'c'.  In Transaction.h, macros
186  * are defined for typical values (e.g. CREC, YREC). */
187 void          xaccSplitSetReconcile (Split *split, char reconciled_flag);
188 /** Returns the value of the reconcile flag. */
189 char          xaccSplitGetReconcile (const Split *split);
191 /** Set the date on which this split was reconciled by specifying the
192  * time as time64. */
193 void          xaccSplitSetDateReconciledSecs (Split *split, time64 time);
195 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
196 /** Retrieve the date when the Split was reconciled. */
197 time64        xaccSplitGetDateReconciled (const Split *split);
198 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
200 /** @} */
203 /** @name Split amount getters/setters
204  *
205  * 'value' vs. 'amount' of a Split: The 'value' is the amount of the
206  * _transaction_ balancing commodity (i.e. currency) involved,
207  * 'amount' is the amount of the _account's_ commodity involved.
208 @{
209 */
211 /** The xaccSplitSetAmount() method sets the amount in the account's
212  * commodity that the split should have.
213  *
214  * The following four setter functions set the prices and amounts.
215  * All of the routines always maintain balance: that is, invoking any
216  * of them will cause other splits in the transaction to be modified
217  * so that the net value of the transaction is zero.
218  *
219  * IMPORTANT: The split should be parented by an account before
220  * any of these routines are invoked!  This is because the actual
221  * setting of amounts/values requires SCU settings from the account.
222  * If these are not available, then amounts/values will be set to
223  * -1/0, which is an invalid value.  I believe this order dependency
224  * is a bug, but I'm too lazy to find, fix & test at the moment ...
225  *
226  * @note If you use this on a newly created transaction, make sure
227  * that the 'value' is also set so that it doesn't remain zero.
228  */
229 void         xaccSplitSetAmount (Split *split, gnc_numeric amount);
231 /** Returns the amount of the split in the account's commodity.
232  *   Note that for cap-gains splits, this is slaved to the transaction
233  *   that is causing the gains to occur.
234  */
235 gnc_numeric   xaccSplitGetAmount (const Split * split);
237 /** The xaccSplitSetValue() method sets the value of this split in the
238  * transaction's commodity.
239  *
240  * @note If you use this on a newly created transaction, make sure
241  * that the 'amount' is also set so that it doesn't remain zero.
242  */
243 void         xaccSplitSetValue (Split *split, gnc_numeric value);
245 /** Returns the value of this split in the transaction's commodity.
246  *   Note that for cap-gains splits, this is slaved to the transaction
247  *   that is causing the gains to occur.
248 */
249 gnc_numeric   xaccSplitGetValue (const Split * split);
251 /** The xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount() method will simultaneously
252  * update the share price and the number of shares. This is a utility
253  * routine that is equivalent to a xaccSplitSetSharePrice() followed
254  * by and xaccSplitSetAmount(), except that it incurs the processing
255  * overhead of balancing only once, instead of twice. */
256 void         xaccSplitSetSharePriceAndAmount (Split *split,
257         gnc_numeric price,
258         gnc_numeric amount);
260 /** Returns the price of the split, that is, the value divided by the
261  * amount. If the amount is zero, returns a gnc_numeric of value
262  * one. */
263 gnc_numeric   xaccSplitGetSharePrice (const Split * split);
265 /** Depending on the base_currency, set either the value or the amount
266  * of this split or both: If the base_currency is the transaction's
267  * commodity, set the value.  If it is the account's commodity, set the
268  * amount. If both, set both.
269  *
270  * @note <b>WATCH OUT:</b> When using this function and the
271  * transaction's and account's commodities are different, the amount
272  * or the value will be left as zero. This might screw up the
273  * multi-currency handling code in the register. So please think twice
274  * whether you need this function -- using xaccSplitSetValue()
275  * together with xaccSplitSetAmount() is definitely the better and
276  * safer solution!
277  */
278 void         xaccSplitSetBaseValue (Split *split, gnc_numeric value,
279                                     const gnc_commodity * base_currency);
281 /** Depending on the base_currency, return either the value or the
282  * amount of this split: If the base_curreny is the transaction's
283  * commodity, return the value. If it is the account's commodity,
284  * return the amount. If it is neither print a warning message and
285  * return gnc_numeric_zero().
286  */
287 gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetBaseValue (const Split *split,
288                                    const gnc_commodity * base_currency);
290 /** Returns the running balance up to and including the indicated split.
291  * The balance is the currency-denominated balance.  For accounts
292  * with non-unit share prices, it is correctly adjusted for
293  * share prices.
294  *
295  * Returns the running balance up to & including the indicated split.
296  */
297 gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetBalance (const Split *split);
299 /**
300  * The noclosing-balance is the currency-denominated balance of all
301  * transactions except 'closing' transactions. It is correctly
302  * adjusted for price fluctuations.
303  *
304  * Returns the running balance up to & including the indicated split.
305  */
306 gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetNoclosingBalance (const Split *split);
308 /**
309  * The cleared-balance is the currency-denominated balance
310  * of all transactions that have been marked as cleared or reconciled.
311  * It is correctly adjusted for price fluctuations.
312  *
313  * Returns the running balance up to & including the indicated split.
314  */
315 gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetClearedBalance (const Split *split);
317 /**
318  * Returns the reconciled-balance of this split. The
319  * reconciled-balance is the currency-denominated balance of all
320  * transactions that have been marked as reconciled.
321  *
322  * Returns the running balance up to & including the indicated split.
323  */
324 gnc_numeric xaccSplitGetReconciledBalance (const Split *split);
326 /** @} */
328 /** @name Split utility functions
329 @{
330 */
332 /** Equality.
333  *
334  * @param sa First split to compare
335  * @param sb Second split to compare
336  *
337  * @param check_guids If TRUE, try a guid_equal() on the GUIDs of both
338  * splits if their pointers are not equal in the first place.
339  *
340  * @param check_balances If TRUE, compare balances between the two
341  * splits.  Balances are recalculated whenever a split is added or
342  * removed from an account, so YMMV on whether this should be set.
343  *
344  * @param check_txn_splits If the pointers are not equal, but
345  * everything else so far is equal (including memo, amount, value,
346  * kvp), then, when comparing the parenting transactions with
347  * xaccTransEqual(), set its argument check_splits to be TRUE.
348  */
349 gboolean xaccSplitEqual(const Split *sa, const Split *sb,
350                         gboolean check_guids,
351                         gboolean check_balances,
352                         gboolean check_txn_splits);
354 /** The xaccSplitLookup() subroutine will return the
355  *    split associated with the given id, or NULL
356  *    if there is no such split. */
357 Split      * xaccSplitLookup (const GncGUID *guid, QofBook *book);
358 #define      xaccSplitLookupDirect(g,b) xaccSplitLookup(&(g),b)
360 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
361 /* Get a GList of unique transactions containing the given list of Splits. */
362 GList *xaccSplitListGetUniqueTransactionsReversed (const GList *splits);
363 GList *xaccSplitListGetUniqueTransactions(const GList *splits);
364 /*################## Added for Reg2 #################*/
365 /** Add a peer split to this split's lot-split list.
366  * @param other_split: The split whose guid to add
367  * @param timestamp: The time to be recorded for the split.
368  */
369 void xaccSplitAddPeerSplit (Split *split, const Split *other_split,
370                             const time64 timestamp);
371 /** Does this split have peers?
372  */
373 gboolean xaccSplitHasPeers (const Split *split);
374 /** Report if a split is a peer of this one.
375  * @param other_split: The split to test for being a peer of this one.
376  * @return: True if other_split is registered as a peer of this one.
377  */
378 gboolean xaccSplitIsPeerSplit (const Split *split, const Split *other_split);
379 /** Remove a peer split from this split's lot-split list.
380  * @param other_split: The split whose guid to remove
381  */
382 void xaccSplitRemovePeerSplit (Split *split, const Split *other_split);
384 /** Merge the other_split's peer splits into split's peers.
385  * @param other_split: The split donating the peer splits.
386  */
387 void xaccSplitMergePeerSplits (Split *split, const Split *other_split);
389 /**
390  * The xaccSplitGetOtherSplit() is a convenience routine that returns
391  *    the other of a pair of splits.  If there are more than two
392  *    splits, it returns NULL.
393  */
394 Split * xaccSplitGetOtherSplit (const Split *split);
396 /** The xaccIsPeerSplit() is a convenience routine that returns TRUE
397  * (a non-zero value) if the two splits share a common parent
398  * transaction, else it returns FALSE (zero).
399  *
400 gboolean xaccIsPeerSplit (const Split *split_1, const Split *split_2);
401 */
402 /** Returns the split type, which is either the string "normal", or
403  * "stock-split" for a split from a stock split (pun intended? :-).  */
404 const char *xaccSplitGetType(const Split *s);
406 /** Mark a split to be of type stock split - after this, you shouldn't
407    modify the value anymore, just the amount. */
408 void xaccSplitMakeStockSplit(Split *s);
410 /**
411  * The xaccSplitOrder(sa,sb) method is useful for sorting.
412  *    if sa and sb have different transactions, return their xaccTransOrder
413  *    return a negative value if split sa has a smaller currency-value than sb,
414  *    return a positive value if split sa has a larger currency-value than sb,
415  *    return a negative value if split sa has a smaller share-price than sb,
416  *    return a positive value if split sa has a larger share-price than sb,
417  *    then compares memo and action using the strcmp()
418  *    c-library routine, returning  what strcmp would return.
419  *    Then it compares the reconciled flags, then the reconciled dates,
420  *    Finally, it returns zero if all of the above match.
421  */
422 gint xaccSplitOrder (const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
423 gint xaccSplitOrderDateOnly (const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
426 /*
427  * These functions compare two splits by different criteria.
428  *
429  * These functions were added because converting strings to guile
430  * for comparisons in the transaction report is terribly inefficient.
431  * More may be added here in future if it turns out that other types
432  * of comparisons also induces guile slowdowns.
433  */
435 /** Compare two splits by full name of account. Returns similar to
436  * strcmp. */
437 int xaccSplitCompareAccountFullNames(const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
438 /** Compare two splits by code of account. Returns similar to
439  * strcmp. */
440 int xaccSplitCompareAccountCodes(const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
441 /** Compare two splits by full name of the other account. Returns
442  * similar to strcmp. This function attempts to find the split on the
443  * other side of a transaction and compare on it. */
444 int xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountFullNames(const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
445 /** Compare two splits by code of the other account. Returns similar
446  * to strcmp. This function attempts to find the split on the
447  * other side of a transaction and compare on it. */
448 int xaccSplitCompareOtherAccountCodes(const Split *sa, const Split *sb);
451 /**
452  * These functions take a split, get the corresponding split on the
453  * "other side" of the transaction, and extract either the name or code
454  * of that split, reverting to returning a constant "Split" if the
455  * transaction has more than one split on the "other side".  These
456  * were added for the transaction report, and is in C because the code
457  * was already written in C for the above functions and duplication
458  * is silly.
459  *
460  * Note that this will only return a real value in case of a
461  * two-split transaction as that is the only situation in which
462  * a reliable value can be returned. In other situations
463  * "-- Split Transaction --" will be returned as Account Name
464  * or "Split" for Account Code.
465  */
467 char * xaccSplitGetCorrAccountFullName(const Split *sa);
468 /** document me */
469 const char * xaccSplitGetCorrAccountName(const Split *sa);
470 /** document me */
471 const char * xaccSplitGetCorrAccountCode(const Split *sa);
474 void xaccSplitDump (const Split *split, const char *tag);
475 #endif
477 /** @} */
481 /** @name Split deprecated functions
482 @{
483 */
485 /** @deprecated The xaccSplitSetSharePrice() method sets the price of the
486  * split. DEPRECATED - set the value and amount instead. */
487 void         xaccSplitSetSharePrice (Split *split, gnc_numeric price);
489 /** @} */
492 /********************************************************************\
493  * Miscellaneous utility routines.
494 \********************************************************************/
497 /** @name Split voiding
498 @{
499 */
501 /** Returns the original pre-void amount of a split.
502  *
503  *  @param split The split in question.
504  *
505  *  @return A gnc_numeric containing the original value of this split.
506  *  Returns a gnc_numeric of zero upon error.
507  */
508 gnc_numeric xaccSplitVoidFormerAmount(const Split *split);
510 /** Returns the original pre-void value of a split.
511  *
512  *  @param split The split in question.
513  *
514  *  @return A gnc_numeric containing the original amount of this split.
515  *  Returns a gnc_numeric of zero upon error.
516  */
517 gnc_numeric xaccSplitVoidFormerValue(const Split *split);
519 /** @} */
521 /** @name Split Parameter names
523  * Note, if you want to get the equivalent of "ACCT_MATCH_ALL" you
524  * need to create a search on the following parameter list:
526  * this, you might want to use the ACCOUNT_MATCH_ALL_TYPE as the
527  * override so the gnome-search dialog displays the right type.
528  @{
529 */
530 #define SPLIT_DATE_RECONCILED	"date-reconciled"
531 #define SPLIT_BALANCE		"balance"
532 #define SPLIT_CLEARED_BALANCE	"cleared-balance"
533 #define SPLIT_RECONCILED_BALANCE	"reconciled-balance"
534 #define SPLIT_MEMO		"memo"
535 #define SPLIT_ACTION		"action"
536 #define SPLIT_RECONCILE		"reconcile-flag"
537 #define SPLIT_AMOUNT		"amount"
538 #define SPLIT_SHARE_PRICE	"share-price"
539 #define SPLIT_VALUE		"value"
540 #define SPLIT_TYPE		"type"
541 #define SPLIT_VOIDED_AMOUNT	"voided-amount"
542 #define SPLIT_VOIDED_VALUE	"voided-value"
543 #define SPLIT_LOT		"lot"
544 #define SPLIT_TRANS		"trans"
545 #define SPLIT_ACCOUNT		"account"
546 #define SPLIT_ACCOUNT_GUID	"account-guid" /**< for guid_match_all */
547 /* used for SORTING ONLY */
548 #define SPLIT_ACCT_FULLNAME	"acct-fullname"
549 #define SPLIT_CORR_ACCT_NAME	"corr-acct-fullname"
550 #define SPLIT_CORR_ACCT_CODE	"corr-acct-code"
551 /** @} */
553 /** \deprecated */
554 #define xaccSplitGetGUID(X)      qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))
555 /** \deprecated */
556 #define xaccSplitReturnGUID(X) (X ? *(qof_entity_get_guid(QOF_INSTANCE(X))) : *(guid_null()))
558 #ifdef __cplusplus
559 } /* extern "C" */
560 #endif
562 #endif /* XACC_SPLIT_H */
563 /** @} */
564 /** @} */