1 // Created on: 1999-09-10
2 // Created by: Andrey BETENEV
3 // Copyright (c) 1999-1999 Matra Datavision
4 // Copyright (c) 1999-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
5 //
6 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
10 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
11 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
12 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
13 //
14 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
15 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
18 #include <APIHeaderSection_MakeHeader.hxx>
19 #include <gp_Pnt.hxx>
20 #include <Interface_EntityIterator.hxx>
21 #include <Interface_Graph.hxx>
22 #include <Interface_InterfaceModel.hxx>
23 #include <Interface_Static.hxx>
24 #include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
25 #include <StepBasic_MeasureValueMember.hxx>
26 #include <STEPConstruct.hxx>
27 #include <STEPConstruct_Styles.hxx>
28 #include <StepData_StepModel.hxx>
29 #include <StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationItem.hxx>
30 #include <StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem.hxx>
31 #include <StepRepr_ItemDefinedTransformation.hxx>
32 #include <StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape.hxx>
33 #include <StepRepr_Representation.hxx>
34 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationContext.hxx>
35 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationItem.hxx>
36 #include <StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation.hxx>
37 #include <StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationship.hxx>
38 #include <StepRepr_Transformation.hxx>
39 #include <StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation.hxx>
40 #include <StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation.hxx>
41 #include <StepShape_ShapeRepresentation.hxx>
42 #include <StepVisual_Colour.hxx>
43 #include <StepVisual_ColourRgb.hxx>
44 #include <StepVisual_CurveStyle.hxx>
45 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingModel.hxx>
46 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour.hxx>
47 #include <StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont.hxx>
48 #include <StepVisual_FillAreaStyle.hxx>
49 #include <StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour.hxx>
50 #include <StepVisual_FillStyleSelect.hxx>
51 #include <StepVisual_HArray1OfFillStyleSelect.hxx>
52 #include <StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleAssignment.hxx>
53 #include <StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleSelect.hxx>
54 #include <StepVisual_HArray1OfSurfaceStyleElementSelect.hxx>
55 #include <StepVisual_Invisibility.hxx>
56 #include <StepVisual_InvisibleItem.hxx>
57 #include <StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation.hxx>
58 #include <StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem.hxx>
59 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedColour.hxx>
60 #include <StepVisual_PreDefinedItem.hxx>
61 #include <StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment.hxx>
62 #include <StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext.hxx>
63 #include <StepVisual_PresentationStyleSelect.hxx>
64 #include <StepVisual_StyledItem.hxx>
65 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle.hxx>
66 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleBoundary.hxx>
67 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleElementSelect.hxx>
68 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea.hxx>
69 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRendering.hxx>
70 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRenderingWithProperties.hxx>
71 #include <StepVisual_RenderingPropertiesSelect.hxx>
72 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleTransparent.hxx>
73 #include <StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage.hxx>
74 #include <TCollection_HAsciiString.hxx>
75 #include <TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient.hxx>
76 #include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
77 #include <Transfer_Binder.hxx>
78 #include <TransferBRep.hxx>
79 #include <TransferBRep_ShapeMapper.hxx>
80 #include <XSControl_TransferReader.hxx>
81 #include <XSControl_TransferWriter.hxx>
82 #include <XSControl_WorkSession.hxx>
84 //=======================================================================
85 //function : STEPConstruct_Styles
86 //purpose  :
87 //=======================================================================
STEPConstruct_Styles()88 STEPConstruct_Styles::STEPConstruct_Styles ()
89 {
90 }
93 //=======================================================================
94 //function : STEPConstruct_Styles
95 //purpose  :
96 //=======================================================================
STEPConstruct_Styles(const Handle (XSControl_WorkSession)& WS)98 STEPConstruct_Styles::STEPConstruct_Styles (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) &WS)
99      : STEPConstruct_Tool ( WS )
100 {
101 }
104 //=======================================================================
105 //function : Init
106 //purpose  :
107 //=======================================================================
Init(const Handle (XSControl_WorkSession)& WS)109 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::Init (const Handle(XSControl_WorkSession) &WS)
110 {
111   myMapOfStyles.Clear();
112   myStyles.Clear();
113   myPSA.Clear();
114   return SetWS ( WS );
115 }
118 //=======================================================================
119 //function : NbStyles
120 //purpose  :
121 //=======================================================================
NbStyles() const123 Standard_Integer STEPConstruct_Styles::NbStyles () const
124 {
125   return myStyles.Extent();
126 }
129 //=======================================================================
130 //function : Style
131 //purpose  :
132 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)134 Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) STEPConstruct_Styles::Style (const Standard_Integer i) const
135 {
136   return Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)::DownCast ( myStyles.FindKey(i) );
137 }
140 //=======================================================================
141 //function : ClearStyles
142 //purpose  :
143 //=======================================================================
ClearStyles()145 void STEPConstruct_Styles::ClearStyles ()
146 {
147   myStyles.Clear();
148   myPSA.Clear();
149 }
152 //=======================================================================
153 //function : AddStyle
154 //purpose  :
155 //=======================================================================
AddStyle(const Handle (StepVisual_StyledItem)& style)157 void STEPConstruct_Styles::AddStyle (const Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) &style)
158 {
159   myStyles.Add ( style );
160 }
163 //=======================================================================
164 //function : AddStyle
165 //purpose  :
166 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)168 Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) STEPConstruct_Styles::AddStyle (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) &item,
169 							      const Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) &PSA,
170 							      const Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) &Override)
171 {
172   Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) Style;
174   Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleAssignment) Styles =
175     new StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleAssignment ( 1, 1 );
176   Styles->SetValue ( 1, PSA );
178   if ( Override.IsNull() ) {
179     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) StyName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "color" );
180     Style = new StepVisual_StyledItem;
181     Style->Init ( StyName, Styles, item );
182   }
183   else {
184     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) StyName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "overriding color" );
185     Handle(StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem) OStyle = new StepVisual_OverRidingStyledItem;
186     OStyle->Init ( StyName, Styles, item, Override );
187     Style = OStyle;
188   }
190   myStyles.Add ( Style );
191   // for future using
192   myPSA.Append( PSA );
194   return Style;
195 }
198 //=======================================================================
199 //function : AddStyle
200 //purpose  :
201 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)203 Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) STEPConstruct_Styles::AddStyle (const TopoDS_Shape &Shape,
204 							      const Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) &PSA,
205 							      const Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) &Override)
206 {
207   Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) item = STEPConstruct::FindEntity ( FinderProcess(), Shape );
208   Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) Style;
209   if ( ! item.IsNull() ) Style = AddStyle ( item, PSA, Override );
210   return Style;
211 }
214 //=======================================================================
215 //function : CreateMDGPR
216 //purpose  :
217 //=======================================================================
CreateMDGPR(const Handle (StepRepr_RepresentationContext)& Context,Handle (StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation)& Repr)219 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::CreateMDGPR (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationContext) &Context,
220                                                     Handle(StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation)& Repr)
221 {
222   if ( myStyles.Extent() <1 ) return Standard_False;
225   Handle(StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem) elems =
226     new StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem ( 1, myStyles.Extent() );
227   for ( Standard_Integer i=1; i <= myStyles.Extent(); i++ )
228     elems->SetValue ( i, Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem)::DownCast ( myStyles.FindKey(i) ) );
229   // create new MDGPR
230   Repr = new StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation;
231   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) ReprName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
232   Repr->Init ( ReprName, elems, Context );
234   // record Repr in order to have it written to the file
235 //   Model()->AddWithRefs ( Repr ); add into the model upper
237   // for AP203, add subschema name
238   if ( Interface_Static::IVal("write.step.schema") ==3 ) {
239     APIHeaderSection_MakeHeader mkHdr ( Handle(StepData_StepModel)::DownCast ( Model() ) );
240     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) subSchema =
241       new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "SHAPE_APPEARANCE_LAYER_MIM" );
242     mkHdr.AddSchemaIdentifier ( subSchema );
243   }
245   return Standard_True;
246 }
249 //=======================================================================
250 //function : CreateNAUOSRD
251 //purpose  :
252 //=======================================================================
CreateNAUOSRD(const Handle (StepRepr_RepresentationContext)& Context,const Handle (StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation)& CDSR,const Handle (StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape)& initPDS)254 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::CreateNAUOSRD (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationContext) &Context,
255                                                       const Handle(StepShape_ContextDependentShapeRepresentation)& CDSR,
256                                                       const Handle(StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape)& initPDS)
257 {
258   Handle(StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation) aSDR =
259     new StepShape_ShapeDefinitionRepresentation;
260   Handle(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation) aSR =
261     new StepShape_ShapeRepresentation;
262   Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) ReprName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
263   // element for axis 2 placement
264   Handle(StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem) elems =
265     new StepRepr_HArray1OfRepresentationItem ( 1, 1 );
266   // get PDS
267   Handle(StepRepr_ProductDefinitionShape) aPDS;
268   if ( initPDS.IsNull() )
269     aPDS = CDSR->RepresentedProductRelation();
270   else
271     aPDS = initPDS; // for SHUO
272   Handle(StepRepr_ShapeRepresentationRelationship) aRepRelationShip = CDSR->RepresentationRelation();
273   Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation) aRRwTRSF =
274     Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationRelationshipWithTransformation)::DownCast(aRepRelationShip);
275   StepRepr_Transformation SetReprTRSF;
276   if (!aRRwTRSF.IsNull())
277     SetReprTRSF = aRRwTRSF->TransformationOperator();
278   else
279     return Standard_False;
280   // take Item defined transformation
281   Handle(StepRepr_ItemDefinedTransformation) anItDT = SetReprTRSF.ItemDefinedTransformation();
282   elems->SetValue( 1, anItDT->TransformItem2() );
283   // init Shape representation.
284   aSR->Init ( ReprName, elems, Context );
285   // register reference between PresentationStyleByContext and ShapeRepresentation
286   for (Standard_Integer psbci = 1; psbci <= myPSA.Length(); psbci++) {
287     Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext) PSA =
288       Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext)::DownCast(myPSA.Value(psbci));
289     if (PSA.IsNull())
290       continue;
291     // register the reference
292     StepVisual_StyleContextSelect aStyleCntxSlct;
293     aStyleCntxSlct.SetValue( aSR );
294     PSA->SetStyleContext( aStyleCntxSlct );
295   }
297   StepRepr_RepresentedDefinition aPDSselect;
298   aPDSselect.SetValue(aPDS);
299   aSDR->Init( aPDSselect, aSR );
300   Model()->AddWithRefs ( aSDR );
302   return Standard_True;
303 }
306 //=======================================================================
307 //function : FindContext
308 //purpose  :
309 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationContext)311 Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationContext) STEPConstruct_Styles::FindContext (const TopoDS_Shape &Shape) const
312 {
313   // find context of items
314   Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationContext) Context;
315   Handle(TransferBRep_ShapeMapper) mapper = TransferBRep::ShapeMapper ( FinderProcess(), Shape );
316   Handle(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation) sr;
317   if ( FinderProcess()->FindTypedTransient (mapper,STANDARD_TYPE(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation), sr) ) {
318 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
319 //    std::cout << "Context of " << Shape.TShape()->DynamicType()->Name() << ": SR found: " << sr->DynamicType()->Name() << std::endl;
320 #endif
321     Context = sr->ContextOfItems();
322   }
323   else {
324     Handle(StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationItem) item;
325     if ( FinderProcess()->FindTypedTransient (mapper,STANDARD_TYPE(StepGeom_GeometricRepresentationItem), item) ) {
326 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
327 //      std::cout << "Context of " << Shape.TShape()->DynamicType()->Name() << ": GeomRepItem found: " << item->DynamicType()->Name() << std::endl;
328 #endif
329       Interface_EntityIterator subs = Graph().Sharings(item);
330       for (subs.Start(); Context.IsNull() && subs.More(); subs.Next()) {
331 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
332 //	std::cout << "Parsing back refs: found " << subs.Value()->DynamicType()->Name() << std::endl;
333 #endif
334 	if ( ! subs.Value()->IsKind(STANDARD_TYPE(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation)) ) continue;
335 	sr = Handle(StepShape_ShapeRepresentation)::DownCast ( subs.Value() );
336 	Context = sr->ContextOfItems();
337       }
338     }
339   }
340 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
341   if ( Context.IsNull() ) {
342     std::cout << Shape.TShape()->DynamicType()->Name() << ": Cannot find context" << std::endl;
343   }
344 #endif
346   return Context;
347 }
350 //=======================================================================
351 //function : LoadStyles
352 //purpose  :
353 //=======================================================================
LoadStyles()355 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::LoadStyles ()
356 {
357   myStyles.Clear();
358   myPSA.Clear();
360   // find all MDGPRs and DMs and collect all defined styles in myStyles
361   Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) model = Model();
362   Standard_Integer nb = model->NbEntities();
363   Handle(Standard_Type) tMDGPR = STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_MechanicalDesignGeometricPresentationRepresentation);
364   Handle(Standard_Type) tDM = STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_DraughtingModel);
365   Handle(Standard_Type) tSI = STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_StyledItem);
366   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nb; i ++)
367   {
368     Handle(Standard_Transient) enti = model->Value(i);
369     if ( enti->DynamicType() == tMDGPR || enti->DynamicType() == tDM )
370     {
371       Handle(StepRepr_Representation) container = Handle(StepRepr_Representation)::DownCast ( enti );
373       Standard_Integer nbi = container->NbItems();
374       for ( Standard_Integer j=1; j <= nbi; j++ )
375       {
376         Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) style =
377           Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)::DownCast ( container->ItemsValue(j) );
378         if ( style.IsNull() ) continue;
379         myStyles.Add ( style );
380       }
381     }
382     else if (enti->DynamicType() == tSI)
383     {
384       Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) aStyledItem = Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem)::DownCast (enti);
385       if (!myStyles.Contains (aStyledItem))
386       {
387         myStyles.Add (aStyledItem);
388       }
389     }
390   }
391   return !myStyles.IsEmpty();
392 }
395 //=======================================================================
396 //function : LoadInvisStyles
397 //purpose  :
398 //=======================================================================
LoadInvisStyles(Handle (TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theInvStyles) const400 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::LoadInvisStyles (Handle(TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient)& theInvStyles) const
401 {
402   Handle(Interface_InterfaceModel) model = Model();
403   Standard_Integer nb = model->NbEntities();
404   Handle(Standard_Type) tInvisibility = STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_Invisibility);
405   // search for invisibility
406   for (Standard_Integer i = 1; i <= nb; i ++) {
407     Handle(Standard_Transient) enti = model->Value(i);
408     if ( enti->DynamicType() != tInvisibility )
409       continue;
410     // search for styled items
411     Handle(StepVisual_Invisibility) container = Handle(StepVisual_Invisibility)::DownCast ( enti );
412     Standard_Integer nbi = container->NbInvisibleItems();
413     for ( Standard_Integer j=1; j <= nbi; j++ ) {
414       StepVisual_InvisibleItem anInvItem = container->InvisibleItemsValue(j);
415       Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) style = anInvItem.StyledItem();
416       if ( style.IsNull() )
417         continue;
418       // collect the invisible styled items
419       if ( theInvStyles.IsNull() )
420         theInvStyles = new TColStd_HSequenceOfTransient;
421       theInvStyles->Append( style );
422     }
423   }
424   return ( !theInvStyles.IsNull() && (theInvStyles->Length() > 0) );
425 }
428 //=======================================================================
429 //function : MakeColorPSA
430 //purpose  :
431 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment)433 Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) STEPConstruct_Styles::MakeColorPSA (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) &/*item*/,
434 										   const Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &SurfCol,
435 										   const Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &CurveCol,
436                                                                                    const Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &RenderCol,
437                                                                                    const Standard_Real RenderTransp,
438                                                                                    const Standard_Boolean isForNAUO) const
439 {
440   Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) PSA;
441   TColStd_SequenceOfTransient items;
443   // surface color
444   if ( ! SurfCol.IsNull() ) {
445     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) FASCName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
446     Handle(StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour) FASC = new StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour;
447     FASC->Init ( FASCName, SurfCol );
449     StepVisual_FillStyleSelect FSS;
450     FSS.SetValue ( FASC );
452     Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfFillStyleSelect) FASSs = new StepVisual_HArray1OfFillStyleSelect ( 1, 1 );
453     FASSs->SetValue ( 1, FSS );
455     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) FASName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
456     Handle(StepVisual_FillAreaStyle) FAS = new StepVisual_FillAreaStyle;
457     FAS->Init ( FASName, FASSs );
459     Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea) SSFA = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea;
460     SSFA->Init ( FAS );
462     StepVisual_SurfaceStyleElementSelect SES;
463     SES.SetValue ( SSFA );
465     Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfSurfaceStyleElementSelect) SSESs;
466     if (RenderTransp == 0.0) {
467       SSESs = new StepVisual_HArray1OfSurfaceStyleElementSelect ( 1, 1 );
468     } else {
469         Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleTransparent) SST = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleTransparent;
470         SST->Init(RenderTransp);
471         StepVisual_RenderingPropertiesSelect RPS;
472         RPS.SetValue(SST);
473         Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfRenderingPropertiesSelect) HARP = new
474                StepVisual_HArray1OfRenderingPropertiesSelect (1, 1);
475         HARP->SetValue(1, RPS);
476         Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRenderingWithProperties) SSRWP = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRenderingWithProperties;
478         SSRWP->Init(StepVisual_ssmNormalShading, RenderCol, HARP);
480         StepVisual_SurfaceStyleElementSelect SESR;
481         SESR.SetValue (SSRWP);
483         SSESs = new StepVisual_HArray1OfSurfaceStyleElementSelect ( 1, 2 );
484         SSESs->SetValue ( 2, SESR );
485     }
486     SSESs->SetValue ( 1, SES );
488     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) SSSName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
489     Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle) SSS = new StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle;
490     SSS->Init ( SSSName, SSESs );
492     Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage) SSU = new StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage;
493     SSU->Init ( StepVisual_ssBoth, SSS );
495     items.Append ( SSU );
496   }
498   // curve color
499   if ( ! CurveCol.IsNull() ) {
500     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) fontName = new TCollection_HAsciiString("continuous");
501     Handle(StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont) SDPDCF = new StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont;
502     SDPDCF->Init(fontName);
504     Handle(StepBasic_MeasureValueMember) Val = new StepBasic_MeasureValueMember;
505     Val->SetReal ( 0.1 );
506     Val->SetName ( "POSITIVE_LENGTH_MEASURE");
508     StepVisual_CurveStyleFontSelect SCSFS;
509     SCSFS.SetValue(SDPDCF);
511     StepBasic_SizeSelect SSSelect;
512     SSSelect.SetValue(Val);
514     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) SCSName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
515     Handle(StepVisual_CurveStyle) SCS = new StepVisual_CurveStyle;
516     SCS->Init(SCSName,SCSFS,SSSelect,CurveCol);
518     items.Append ( SCS );
519   }
521   if ( items.Length() <1 ) {
522 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
523     std::cout << "Error: no color is supplied" << std::endl;
524 #endif
525     return PSA;
526   }
528   // general part
529   Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleSelect) PSSs =
530     new StepVisual_HArray1OfPresentationStyleSelect ( 1, items.Length() );
531   for ( Standard_Integer i=1; i <= items.Length(); i++ ) {
532     StepVisual_PresentationStyleSelect PSS;
533     PSS.SetValue ( items.Value(i) );
534     PSSs->SetValue ( i, PSS );
535   }
536   if (!isForNAUO)
537     PSA = new StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment;
538   else
539     PSA = new StepVisual_PresentationStyleByContext;
540   PSA->Init ( PSSs );
542   return PSA;
543 }
546 //=======================================================================
547 //function : GetColorPSA
548 //purpose  :
549 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment)551 Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) STEPConstruct_Styles::GetColorPSA (const Handle(StepRepr_RepresentationItem) &item,
552 										  const Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &Col)
553 {
554   // if this color already was processed, just use the same PSA, else create new and add it to map
555   Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) PSA;
556   if ( myMapOfStyles.Contains(Col) ) {
557     PSA = Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment)::
558       DownCast(myMapOfStyles.FindFromKey(Col));
559   }
560   else {
561     PSA = MakeColorPSA ( item, Col, Col, Col, 0.0 );
562     myMapOfStyles.Add(Col,PSA);
563   }
564   return PSA;
565 }
568 //=======================================================================
569 //function : GetColors
570 //purpose  :
571 //=======================================================================
GetColors(const Handle (StepVisual_StyledItem)& style,Handle (StepVisual_Colour)& SurfCol,Handle (StepVisual_Colour)& BoundCol,Handle (StepVisual_Colour)& CurveCol,Handle (StepVisual_Colour)& RenderCol,Standard_Real & RenderTransp,Standard_Boolean & IsComponent) const573 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::GetColors (const Handle(StepVisual_StyledItem) &style,
574 						  Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &SurfCol,
575 						  Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &BoundCol,
576 						  Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &CurveCol,
577                                                   Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &RenderCol,
578                                                   Standard_Real& RenderTransp,
579                                                   Standard_Boolean& IsComponent) const
580 {
581   SurfCol.Nullify();
582   BoundCol.Nullify();
583   CurveCol.Nullify();
584   RenderCol.Nullify();
586   // parse on styles
587   for(Standard_Integer j=1; j<=style->NbStyles(); j++ ) {
588     Handle(StepVisual_PresentationStyleAssignment) PSA = style->StylesValue ( j );
589     if(PSA.IsNull() || PSA->Styles().IsNull()) continue;
590     IsComponent = Standard_True;
592     for(Standard_Integer k=1; k<=PSA->NbStyles(); k++ ) {
593       StepVisual_PresentationStyleSelect PSS = PSA->StylesValue(k);
595       // try surface_style_usage
596       Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleUsage) SSU = PSS.SurfaceStyleUsage();
597       if( !SSU.IsNull() ) {
598 	Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceSideStyle) SSS = SSU->Style();
599 	for(Standard_Integer l=1; l<=SSS->NbStyles(); l++ ) {
600 	  StepVisual_SurfaceStyleElementSelect SSES = SSS->StylesValue(l);
601 	  // try fill color
602 	  Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleFillArea) SSFA = SSES.SurfaceStyleFillArea();
603 	  if ( !SSFA.IsNull() ) {
604 	    Handle(StepVisual_FillAreaStyle) FAS = SSFA->FillArea();
605       if (FAS.IsNull())
606         continue;
607 	    for ( Standard_Integer m=1; m <= FAS->NbFillStyles(); m++ ) {
608 	      StepVisual_FillStyleSelect FSS = FAS->FillStylesValue ( m );
609 	      Handle(StepVisual_FillAreaStyleColour) FASC = FSS.FillAreaStyleColour();
610 	      if ( SurfCol.IsNull() || SSU->Side() != StepVisual_ssNegative ) //abv 30 Mar 00: trj3_s1-pe.stp
611 		SurfCol = FASC->FillColour();
612 	    }
613 	    continue;
614 	  }
615 	  // try boundary color
616 	  Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleBoundary) SSB = SSES.SurfaceStyleBoundary();
617 	  if(!SSB.IsNull()) {
618 	    Handle(StepVisual_CurveStyle) CS = SSB->StyleOfBoundary();
619 	    if ( ! CS.IsNull() ) BoundCol = CS->CurveColour();
620 	    continue;
621 	  }
622       // try rendering color and transparency
623       Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRendering) SSR = SSES.SurfaceStyleRendering();
624       if (!SSR.IsNull()) {
625           RenderCol = SSR->SurfaceColour();
626           RenderTransp = 0.0;
627           Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRenderingWithProperties) SSRWP =
628               Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleRenderingWithProperties)::DownCast(SSR);
629           if (!SSRWP.IsNull()) {
630               Handle(StepVisual_HArray1OfRenderingPropertiesSelect) HARP = SSRWP->Properties();
631               if (!HARP.IsNull())
632               {
633                   for (Standard_Integer aPropIndex = 1; aPropIndex <= HARP->Length(); ++aPropIndex) {
634                       Handle(StepVisual_SurfaceStyleTransparent) SST = HARP->Value(aPropIndex).SurfaceStyleTransparent();
635                       if (!SST.IsNull()) {
636                           RenderTransp = SST->Transparency();
637                       }
638                   }
639                }
640           }
641       }
643 	}
644 	continue;
645       }
647       // try curve_style
648       Handle(StepVisual_CurveStyle) CS = PSS.CurveStyle();
649       if ( ! CS.IsNull() ) CurveCol = CS->CurveColour();
650     }
651   }
652   return ! SurfCol.IsNull() || ! BoundCol.IsNull() || ! CurveCol.IsNull() || ! RenderCol.IsNull();
653 }
656 //=======================================================================
657 //function : EncodeColor
658 //purpose  :
659 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_Colour)661 Handle(StepVisual_Colour) STEPConstruct_Styles::EncodeColor(const Quantity_Color &C)
662 {
663   // detect if color corresponds to one of pre-defined colors
664   Standard_CString cName = 0;
665   if      ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN) )    cName = "green";
666   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED) )      cName = "red";
667   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLUE1) )    cName = "blue";
668   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW) )   cName = "yellow";
669   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_MAGENTA1) ) cName = "magenta";
670   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_CYAN1) )    cName = "cyan";
671   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLACK) )    cName = "black";
672   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_WHITE) )    cName = "white";
674   if ( cName ) {
675     Handle(StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour) ColPr = new StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour;
676     Handle(StepVisual_PreDefinedItem) preDef = new StepVisual_PreDefinedItem;
677     preDef->Init(new TCollection_HAsciiString(cName));
678     ColPr->SetPreDefinedItem(preDef);
679     return ColPr;
680   }
681   else {
682     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) ColName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
683     Handle(StepVisual_ColourRgb) ColRGB = new StepVisual_ColourRgb;
684     NCollection_Vec3<Standard_Real> aColor_sRGB;
685     C.Values (aColor_sRGB.r(), aColor_sRGB.g(), aColor_sRGB.b(), Quantity_TOC_sRGB);
686     ColRGB->Init ( ColName, aColor_sRGB.r(), aColor_sRGB.g(), aColor_sRGB.b() );
687     return ColRGB;
688   }
689 }
692 //=======================================================================
693 //function : EncodeColor
694 //purpose  :
695 //=======================================================================
Handle(StepVisual_Colour)697 Handle(StepVisual_Colour) STEPConstruct_Styles::EncodeColor
698        (const Quantity_Color &C,
699         STEPConstruct_DataMapOfAsciiStringTransient &DPDCs,
700         STEPConstruct_DataMapOfPointTransient &ColRGBs)
701 {
702   // detect if color corresponds to one of pre-defined colors
703   Standard_CString cName = 0;
704   if      ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_GREEN) )    cName = "green";
705   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_RED) )      cName = "red";
706   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLUE1) )    cName = "blue";
707   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_YELLOW) )   cName = "yellow";
708   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_MAGENTA1) ) cName = "magenta";
709   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_CYAN1) )    cName = "cyan";
710   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_BLACK) )    cName = "black";
711   else if ( C == Quantity_Color(Quantity_NOC_WHITE) )    cName = "white";
713   if ( cName ) {
714     Handle(StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour) ColPr;
715     TCollection_AsciiString aName(cName);
716     if(DPDCs.IsBound(aName)) {
717       ColPr = Handle(StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour)::DownCast(DPDCs.Find(aName));
718       if(!ColPr.IsNull()) return ColPr;
719     }
720     ColPr = new StepVisual_DraughtingPreDefinedColour;
721     Handle(StepVisual_PreDefinedItem) preDef = new StepVisual_PreDefinedItem;
722     preDef->Init(new TCollection_HAsciiString(cName));
723     ColPr->SetPreDefinedItem(preDef);
724     DPDCs.Bind(aName,ColPr);
725     return ColPr;
726   }
727   else {
728     Handle(StepVisual_ColourRgb) ColRGB;
729     gp_Pnt P;
730     C.Values (P.ChangeCoord().ChangeData()[0],
731               P.ChangeCoord().ChangeData()[1],
732               P.ChangeCoord().ChangeData()[2],
733               Quantity_TOC_sRGB);
734     if(ColRGBs.IsBound(P)) {
735       ColRGB = Handle(StepVisual_ColourRgb)::DownCast(ColRGBs.Find(P));
736       if(!ColRGB.IsNull()) return ColRGB;
737     }
738     Handle(TCollection_HAsciiString) ColName = new TCollection_HAsciiString ( "" );
739     ColRGB = new StepVisual_ColourRgb;
740     ColRGB->Init ( ColName, P.Coord (1), P.Coord (2), P.Coord (3) );
741     ColRGBs.Bind(P,ColRGB);
742     return ColRGB;
743   }
744 }
747 //=======================================================================
748 //function : DecodeColor
749 //purpose  :
750 //=======================================================================
DecodeColor(const Handle (StepVisual_Colour)& Colour,Quantity_Color & Col)752 Standard_Boolean STEPConstruct_Styles::DecodeColor (const Handle(StepVisual_Colour) &Colour, Quantity_Color &Col)
753 {
754   if ( Colour->IsKind (STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_ColourRgb)) ) {
755     Handle(StepVisual_ColourRgb) rgb = Handle(StepVisual_ColourRgb)::DownCast ( Colour );
756     if( rgb->Red()>1. || rgb->Green()>1. || rgb->Blue()>1. ) {
757       Standard_Real norm = rgb->Red();
758       if(norm<rgb->Green()) norm = rgb->Green();
759       if(norm<rgb->Blue()) norm = rgb->Blue();
760       Col.SetValues(rgb->Red()/norm, rgb->Green()/norm,
761                     rgb->Blue()/norm, Quantity_TOC_sRGB);
762     }
763     else
764       Col.SetValues(rgb->Red(), rgb->Green(), rgb->Blue(), Quantity_TOC_sRGB);
765     return Standard_True;
766   }
767   else if ( Colour->IsKind (STANDARD_TYPE(StepVisual_PreDefinedColour)) ) {
768     Handle(StepVisual_PreDefinedColour) pdc =
769       Handle(StepVisual_PreDefinedColour)::DownCast ( Colour );
770     Handle(StepVisual_PreDefinedItem) pdi = pdc->GetPreDefinedItem();
771     const TCollection_AsciiString name = pdi->Name()->String();
772     if      ( name.IsEqual ( "red"     ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_RED );
773     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "green"   ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_GREEN );
774     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "blue"    ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_BLUE1 );
775     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "yellow"  ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_YELLOW );
776     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "magenta" ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_MAGENTA1 );
777     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "cyan"    ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_CYAN1 );
778     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "black"   ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_BLACK );
779     else if ( name.IsEqual ( "white"   ) ) Col.SetValues ( Quantity_NOC_WHITE );
780     else {
781 #ifdef OCCT_DEBUG
782       std::cout << "Error: color name \"" << name << "\" is not recognized" << std::endl;
783 #endif
784       return Standard_False;
785     }
786     return Standard_True;
787   }
788   return Standard_False;
789 }