1 /**
2  * @file client.h
3  * @author Joe Wingbermuehle
4  * @date 2004-2007
5  *
6  * @brief Client window functions.
7  *
8  */
10 #ifndef CLIENT_H
11 #define CLIENT_H
13 #include "main.h"
14 #include "border.h"
15 #include "hint.h"
17 struct TimeType;
19 /** Window border flags.
20  * We use an unsigned short for storing these, so we get at least 16
21  * on reasonable architectures.
22  */
23 typedef unsigned short BorderFlags;
24 #define BORDER_NONE        0
25 #define BORDER_OUTLINE     (1 << 0)    /**< Window has a border. */
26 #define BORDER_TITLE       (1 << 1)    /**< Window has a title bar. */
27 #define BORDER_MIN         (1 << 2)    /**< Window supports minimize. */
28 #define BORDER_MAX         (1 << 3)    /**< Window supports maximize. */
29 #define BORDER_CLOSE       (1 << 4)    /**< Window supports close. */
30 #define BORDER_RESIZE      (1 << 5)    /**< Window supports resizing. */
31 #define BORDER_MOVE        (1 << 6)    /**< Window supports moving. */
32 #define BORDER_MAX_V       (1 << 7)    /**< Maximize vertically. */
33 #define BORDER_MAX_H       (1 << 8)    /**< Maximize horizontally. */
34 #define BORDER_SHADE       (1 << 9)    /**< Allow shading. */
35 #define BORDER_CONSTRAIN   (1 << 10)   /**< Constrain to the screen. */
36 #define BORDER_FULLSCREEN  (1 << 11)   /**< Allow fullscreen. */
38 /** The default border flags. */
39 #define BORDER_DEFAULT (   \
40         BORDER_OUTLINE     \
41       | BORDER_TITLE       \
42       | BORDER_MIN         \
43       | BORDER_MAX         \
44       | BORDER_CLOSE       \
45       | BORDER_RESIZE      \
46       | BORDER_MOVE        \
47       | BORDER_MAX_V       \
48       | BORDER_MAX_H       \
49       | BORDER_SHADE       \
52 /** Window status flags.
53  * We use an unsigned int for storing these, so we get 32 on
54  * reasonable architectures.
55  */
56 typedef unsigned int StatusFlags;
57 #define STAT_NONE       0
58 #define STAT_ACTIVE     (1 << 0)    /**< Has focus. */
59 #define STAT_MAPPED     (1 << 1)    /**< Shown (on some desktop). */
60 #define STAT_HIDDEN     (1 << 2)    /**< Not on the current desktop. */
61 #define STAT_STICKY     (1 << 3)    /**< This client is on all desktops. */
62 #define STAT_NOLIST     (1 << 4)    /**< Skip this client in the task list. */
63 #define STAT_MINIMIZED  (1 << 5)    /**< Minimized. */
64 #define STAT_SHADED     (1 << 6)    /**< Shaded. */
65 #define STAT_WMDIALOG   (1 << 7)    /**< This is a JWM dialog window. */
66 #define STAT_PIGNORE    (1 << 8)    /**< Ignore the program-position. */
67 #define STAT_SDESKTOP   (1 << 9)    /**< Minimized to show desktop. */
68 #define STAT_FULLSCREEN (1 << 10)   /**< Full screen. */
69 #define STAT_OPACITY    (1 << 11)   /**< Fixed opacity. */
70 #define STAT_NOFOCUS    (1 << 12)   /**< Don't focus on map. */
71 #define STAT_CANFOCUS   (1 << 13)   /**< Client accepts input focus. */
72 #define STAT_DELETE     (1 << 14)   /**< Client accepts WM_DELETE. */
73 #define STAT_TAKEFOCUS  (1 << 15)   /**< Client uses WM_TAKE_FOCUS. */
74 #define STAT_URGENT     (1 << 16)   /**< Urgency hint is set. */
75 #define STAT_NOTURGENT  (1 << 17)   /**< Ignore the urgency hint. */
76 #define STAT_CENTERED   (1 << 18)   /**< Use centered window placement. */
77 #define STAT_TILED      (1 << 19)   /**< Use tiled window placement. */
78 #define STAT_IIGNORE    (1 << 20)   /**< Ignore increment when maximized. */
79 #define STAT_NOPAGER    (1 << 21)   /**< Don't show in pager. */
80 #define STAT_SHAPED     (1 << 22)   /**< This window is shaped. */
81 #define STAT_FLASH      (1 << 23)   /**< Flashing for urgency. */
82 #define STAT_DRAG       (1 << 24)   /**< Pass mouse events to JWM. */
83 #define STAT_ILIST      (1 << 25)   /**< Ignore program-specified list. */
84 #define STAT_IPAGER     (1 << 26)   /**< Ignore program-specified pager. */
85 #define STAT_FIXED      (1 << 27)   /**< Keep on the specified desktop. */
86 #define STAT_AEROSNAP   (1 << 28)   /**< Enable Aero Snap. */
87 #define STAT_NODRAG     (1 << 29)   /**< Disable mod1+drag/resize. */
88 #define STAT_POSITION   (1 << 30)   /**< Config-specified position. */
90 /** Maximization flags. */
91 typedef unsigned char MaxFlags;
92 #define MAX_NONE     0           /**< Don't maximize. */
93 #define MAX_HORIZ    (1 << 0)    /**< Horizontal maximization. */
94 #define MAX_VERT     (1 << 1)    /**< Vertical maximization. */
95 #define MAX_LEFT     (1 << 2)    /**< Maximize on left. */
96 #define MAX_RIGHT    (1 << 3)    /**< Maximize on right. */
97 #define MAX_TOP      (1 << 4)    /**< Maximize on top. */
98 #define MAX_BOTTOM   (1 << 5)    /**< Maximize on bottom. */
100 /** Colormap window linked list. */
101 typedef struct ColormapNode {
102    Window window;             /**< A window containing a colormap. */
103    struct ColormapNode *next; /**< Next value in the linked list. */
104 } ColormapNode;
106 /** The aspect ratio of a window. */
107 typedef struct AspectRatio {
108    int minx;   /**< The x component of the minimum aspect ratio. */
109    int miny;   /**< The y component of the minimum aspect ratio. */
110    int maxx;   /**< The x component of the maximum aspect ratio. */
111    int maxy;   /**< The y component of the maximum aspect ratio. */
112 } AspectRatio;
114 /** Struture to store information about a client window. */
115 typedef struct ClientNode {
117    Window window;             /**< The client window. */
118    Window parent;             /**< The frame window. */
120    Window owner;              /**< The owner window (for transients). */
122    int x, y;                  /**< The location of the window. */
123    int width;                 /**< The width of the window. */
124    int height;                /**< The height of the window. */
125    int oldx;                  /**< The old x coordinate (for maximize). */
126    int oldy;                  /**< The old y coordinate (for maximize). */
127    int oldWidth;              /**< The old width (for maximize). */
128    int oldHeight;             /**< The old height (for maximize). */
130    long sizeFlags;            /**< Size flags from XGetWMNormalHints. */
131    int baseWidth;             /**< Base width for resizing. */
132    int baseHeight;            /**< Base height for resizing. */
133    int minWidth;              /**< Minimum width of this window. */
134    int minHeight;             /**< Minimum height of this window. */
135    int maxWidth;              /**< Maximum width of this window. */
136    int maxHeight;             /**< Maximum height of this window. */
137    int xinc;                  /**< Resize x increment. */
138    int yinc;                  /**< Resize y increment. */
139    AspectRatio aspect;        /**< Aspect ratio. */
140    int gravity;               /**< Gravity for reparenting. */
142    Colormap cmap;             /**< This window's colormap. */
143    ColormapNode *colormaps;   /**< Colormaps assigned to this window. */
145    char *name;                /**< Name of this window for display. */
146    char *instanceName;        /**< Name of this window for properties. */
147    char *className;           /**< Name of the window class. */
149    ClientState state;         /**< Window state. */
151    BorderActionType borderAction;
153    struct IconNode *icon;     /**< Icon assigned to this window. */
155    /** Callback to stop move/resize. */
156    void (*controller)(int wasDestroyed);
158    struct ClientNode *prev;   /**< The previous client in this layer. */
159    struct ClientNode *next;   /**< The next client in this layer. */
161 } ClientNode;
163 /** The number of clients (maintained in client.c). */
164 extern unsigned int clientCount;
166 /** Find a client by window or parent window.
167  * @param w The window.
168  * @return The client (NULL if not found).
169  */
170 ClientNode *FindClient(Window w);
172 /** Find a client by window.
173  * @param w The window.
174  * @return The client (NULL if not found).
175  */
176 ClientNode *FindClientByWindow(Window w);
178 /** Find a client by its parent window.
179  * @param p The parent window.
180  * @return The client (NULL if not found).
181  */
182 ClientNode *FindClientByParent(Window p);
184 /** Get the active client.
185  * @return The active client (NULL if no client is active).
186  */
187 ClientNode *GetActiveClient(void);
189 /*@{*/
190 #define InitializeClients()   (void)(0)
191 void StartupClients(void);
192 void ShutdownClients(void);
193 #define DestroyClients()      (void)(0)
194 /*@}*/
196 /** Add a window to management.
197  * @param w The client window.
198  * @param alreadyMapped 1 if the window is mapped, 0 if not.
199  * @param notOwner 1 if JWM doesn't own this window, 0 if JWM is the owner.
200  * @return The client window data.
201  */
202 ClientNode *AddClientWindow(Window w, char alreadyMapped, char notOwner);
204 /** Remove a client from management.
205  * @param np The client to remove.
206  */
207 void RemoveClient(ClientNode *np);
209 /** Minimize a client.
210  * @param np The client to minimize.
211  * @param lower Set to lower the client in the stacking order.
212  */
213 void MinimizeClient(ClientNode *np, char lower);
215 /** Shade a client.
216  * @param np The client to shade.
217  */
218 void ShadeClient(ClientNode *np);
220 /** Unshade a client.
221  * @param np The client to unshade.
222  */
223 void UnshadeClient(ClientNode *np);
225 /** Set a client's status to withdrawn.
226  * A withdrawn client is a client that is not visible in any way to the
227  * user. This may be a window that an application keeps around so that
228  * it can be reused at a later time.
229  * @param np The client whose status to change.
230  */
231 void SetClientWithdrawn(ClientNode *np);
233 /** Restore a client from minimized state.
234  * @param np The client to restore.
235  * @param raise 1 to raise the client, 0 to leave stacking unchanged.
236  */
237 void RestoreClient(ClientNode *np, char raise);
239 /** Maximize a client.
240  * @param np The client to maximize (NULL is allowed).
241  * @param flags The type of maximization to perform.
242  */
243 void MaximizeClient(ClientNode *np, MaxFlags flags);
245 /** Maximize a client using the default maximize settings.
246  * @param np The client to maximize.
247  */
248 void MaximizeClientDefault(ClientNode *np);
250 /** Set the full screen status of a client.
251  * @param np The client.
252  * @param fullScreen 1 to make full screen, 0 to make not full screen.
253  */
254 void SetClientFullScreen(ClientNode *np, char fullScreen);
256 /** Set the keyboard focus to a client.
257  * @param np The client to focus.
258  */
259 void FocusClient(ClientNode *np);
261 /** Set the keyboard focus back to the active client. */
262 void RefocusClient(void);
264 /** Tell a client to exit.
265  * @param np The client to delete.
266  */
267 void DeleteClient(ClientNode *np);
269 /** Force a client to exit.
270  * @param np The client to kill.
271  */
272 void KillClient(ClientNode *np);
274 /** Raise a client to the top of its layer.
275  * @param np The client to raise.
276  */
277 void RaiseClient(ClientNode *np);
279 /** Restack a client.
280  * @param np The client to restack.
281  * @param above A reference window (or None).
282  * @param detail The stack mode (Above, Below, etc).
283  */
284 void RestackClient(ClientNode *np, Window above, int detail);
286 /** Restack the clients.
287  * This is used when a client is mapped so that the stacking order
288  * remains consistent.
289  */
290 void RestackClients(void);
292 /** Set the layer of a client.
293  * @param np The client whose layer to set.
294  * @param layer the layer to assign to the client.
295  */
296 void SetClientLayer(ClientNode *np, unsigned int layer);
298 /** Set the desktop for a client.
299  * @param np The client.
300  * @param desktop The desktop to be assigned to the client.
301  */
302 void SetClientDesktop(ClientNode *np, unsigned int desktop);
304 /** Set the sticky status of a client.
305  * A sticky client will appear on all desktops.
306  * @param np The client.
307  * @param isSticky 1 to make the client sticky, 0 to make it not sticky.
308  */
309 void SetClientSticky(ClientNode *np, char isSticky);
311 /** Hide a client.
312  * This is used for changing desktops.
313  * @param np The client to hide.
314  */
315 void HideClient(ClientNode *np);
317 /** Show a client.
318  * This is used for changing desktops.
319  * @param np The client to show.
320  */
321 void ShowClient(ClientNode *np);
323 /** Update a client's colormap.
324  * @param np The client.
325  */
326 void UpdateClientColormap(ClientNode *np);
328 /** Reparent a client.
329  * This will create a window for a frame (or destroy it) depending on
330  * whether a client needs a frame.
331  * @param np The client.
332  */
333 void ReparentClient(ClientNode *np);
335 /** Send a configure event to a client.
336  * This will send updated location and size information to a client.
337  * @param np The client to get the event.
338  */
339 void SendConfigureEvent(ClientNode *np);
341 /** Send a message to a client.
342  * @param w The client window.
343  * @param type The type of message to send.
344  * @param message The message to send.
345  */
346 void SendClientMessage(Window w, AtomType type, AtomType message);
348 /** Update callback for clients with the urgency hint set. */
349 void SignalUrgent(const struct TimeType *now, int x, int y, Window w,
350                   void *data);
352 #endif /* CLIENT_H */