1 // This file is part of Golly.
2 // See docs/License.html for the copyright notice.
4 #ifndef _WXRENDER_H_
5 #define _WXRENDER_H_
7 // Routines and data for rendering the viewport window:
9 void DestroyDrawingData();
10 // Call this when the main window is destroyed.
12 void DrawView(int tileindex);
13 // Draw the current pattern, grid lines, selection, etc.
14 // The given tile index is only used when drawing tiled layers.
16 void DrawOneIcon(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, wxBitmap* icon,
17                  unsigned char deadr, unsigned char deadg, unsigned char deadb,
18                  unsigned char liver, unsigned char liveg, unsigned char liveb,
19                  bool multicolor);
20 // Draw the given icon using the given dead cell and live cell colors.
21 // This routine does not use OpenGL -- it's for drawing icons outside the
22 // viewport (eg. in the edit bar).
24 class Layer;
26 void InitPaste(Layer* pastelayer, wxRect& bbox);
27 // Initialize some globals used to draw the pattern stored in pastelayer.
28 // The given bounding box is not necessarily the *minimal* bounding box because
29 // the paste pattern might have blank borders (in fact it could be empty).
31 void CreateTranslucentControls();
32 // Create the bitmap for translucent controls and set controlswd and
33 // controlsht.  Must be called BEFORE the viewport window is created.
35 extern int controlswd;      // width of translucent controls
36 extern int controlsht;      // height of translucent controls
38 // control ids must match button order in controls bitmap
39 typedef enum {
40     NO_CONTROL = 0,         // no current control (must be first)
41     STEP1_CONTROL,          // set step exponent to zero (ie. step by 1)
42     SLOWER_CONTROL,         // decrease step exponent
43     FASTER_CONTROL,         // increase step exponent
44     FIT_CONTROL,            // fit entire pattern in viewport
45     ZOOMIN_CONTROL,         // zoom in
46     ZOOMOUT_CONTROL,        // zoom out
47     NW_CONTROL,             // pan north west
48     UP_CONTROL,             // pan up
49     NE_CONTROL,             // pan north east
50     LEFT_CONTROL,           // pan left
51     MIDDLE_CONTROL,         // pan to 0,0
52     RIGHT_CONTROL,          // pan right
53     SW_CONTROL,             // pan south west
54     DOWN_CONTROL,           // pan down
55     SE_CONTROL              // pan south east
56 } control_id;
58 extern control_id currcontrol;   // currently clicked control
60 control_id WhichControl(int x, int y);
61 // Return the control at the given location in the controls bitmap.
63 #endif