1 /* $Id: stsutil.h,v 6.0 1997/08/25 18:54:52 madden Exp $
2 * ===========================================================================
3 *
4 *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
5 *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
6 *
7 *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
8 *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
9 *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
10 *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
11 *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
12 *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
13 *
14 *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
15 *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
16 *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
17 *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
18 *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
19 *  warranties of performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular
20 *  purpose.
21 *
22 *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
23 *
24 * ===========================================================================
25 *
26 * File Name:  $RCSfile: stsutil.h,v $
27 *
28 * Author:  Sergei Shavirin
29 *
30 * Version Creation Date: 12/18/1996
31 *
32 * $Revision: 6.0 $
33 *
34 * File Description:  Header file for NCBI STS Search Tool utilities
35 *
36 * $Log: stsutil.h,v $
37 * Revision 6.0  1997/08/25 18:54:52  madden
38 * Revision changed to 6.0
39 *
40 * Revision 1.2  1997/05/23 15:23:22  shavirin
41 * STS library on this step was made independent from little/big
42 * endian and memory mapping
43 *
44  * Revision 1.1  1996/12/18  20:53:38  shavirin
45  * Initial revision
46  *
47 *
48 * ==========================================================================
49 */
51 #ifndef _STSUTILH_
52 #define _STSUTILH_ stsutil
54 /****************************************************************************/
56 /****************************************************************************/
58 typedef struct StsResult {
59   Int4      id_sts;       /* STS database reference ID number        */
60   Int4      gi;           /* GI currently is not available           */
61   CharPtr   acc;          /* GenBank Accession number                */
62   Int4      pos;          /* Start position of STS in query sequence */
63   CharPtr   sts_name;     /* STS name from STS database              */
64   Int4      real_len;     /* Amplicon length detected in search      */
65   Int4      exp_len;      /* Amplicon length, that was expected      */
66   CharPtr   org;          /* Organism STS belong to                  */
67   CharPtr   chrom;        /* Chromosom ( may be few )                */
68   CharPtr   pr1;          /* First STS primer                        */
69   CharPtr   pr2;          /* Second STS primer                       */
70   CharPtr   sequence;     /* Piece of query sequence containing STS  */
71   Int4      start;        /* Start of STS in returned piece          */
72   struct StsResult *next; /* Pointer to the next Result structure    */
73 } StsResult, PNTR StsResultPtr;
75 typedef struct STSOrg {
76   Int4 id;              /* Organism id number (used only in this search) */
77   Int4 num;             /* Number of entries in STS dump file            */
78   CharPtr string;       /* Organism name as a string                     */
79 } STSOrg, PNTR STSOrgPtr;
81 typedef struct STSDbNames {
82   CharPtr sts_db_name;       /* Override default STS database name      */
83   CharPtr sts_map_name;      /* Override default STS map file name      */
84   CharPtr sts_org_name;      /* Override default STS organism list name */
85 } STSDbNames, PNTR STSDbNamesPtr;
87 typedef struct STSData {
88     CharPtr sts_db_name;      /* STS database filename */
89     CharPtr sts_org_name;     /* Organism index name */
90     CharPtr sts_map_name;     /* Formatted STS search file */
91     Int4 margin;
92     CharPtr MMAddress;        /* address of MM hash file */
93     Nlm_MemMapPtr mmp;        /* Memory mapping pointer  */
94     STSOrgPtr PNTR OrgTable; /* Pointer to organism table */
95     FILE *fd_stsdb;           /* File with STS db information */
96 } STSData, PNTR STSDataPtr;
98 #define MAXORGNUM 50  /* Maximum number of organisms to be initialized */
100 /****************************************************************************/
102 /****************************************************************************/
104 #ifdef __cplusplus
105 extern "C" {
106 #endif
108 /* -------------------------  STSSearch  ---------------------------
109    Purpose:      To search given string in IUPACna encoding for
110                  STS primer pairs.
112    Parameters:   query      - Input IUPACna string
113                  organism   - index of organism in STS search database
114                               0 will search all organisms
115                  result     - returned STSResult structure of found STS
116                               if result == NULL no hits found
117    Returns:      FALSE returned in case of fatal error
118    NOTE:         First check for returned TRUE if search was correct
119                  then check if result not == NULL. Result is linked list,
120                  so few entries may be returned at once.
121   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
122 Boolean STSSearch(CharPtr query,
123                   Int4 organism,
124                   StsResultPtr PNTR result
125                   );
126 Boolean STSSearch_r(STSDataPtr sts_data,
127                     CharPtr query, Int4 organism,
128                     StsResultPtr PNTR result_out);
130 /* -----------------------  InitSTSSearch  --------------------------
131    Purpose:      All main structures, tables and memory mappings
132                  will be initiated. To override default filenames of
133                  main STS Search files use non-NULL parameter
134    Parameters:   Structure, that contains filenames of 3 main files
135                  used in search - override default names.
136    Returns:      Number of STS in initialised database of -1 if
137                  error.
138    NOTE:         Default filenames will be set to centralized place
139                  accessible via NFS. To speed up initialization
140                  reccommended to copy these files on local computer
141                  and initialise "db_name" structure.
142   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
143 Int4 InitSTSSearch(STSDbNamesPtr db_names);
144 Int4 InitSTSSearch_r(STSDbNamesPtr db_name, STSDataPtr PNTR data_out);
146 /* -----------------------  FiniSTSSearch  -------------------------
147    Purpose:     Terminate memory mapping, deallocate structures and
148                 close opened files.
149    Parameters:  None
150    Returns:     FALSE if error, TRUE mean success
151    NOTE:
152   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
153 Boolean FiniSTSSearch(void);
156 /* -----------------------  STSGetOrgTable  -------------------------
157    Purpose:      To return pointer to OrgTable used in STS Search
158                  if It was not yet initialised filename will be used
159                  to initialize it NULL initialize default filename
161    Parameters:   none
163    Returns:      Pointer to global Orgtable (non-reentrant)
164   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
165 STSOrgPtr PNTR STSGetOrgTable(void);
168 /* ----------------------  STSGetOrganismIndex  ---------------------
169    Purpose:      To return organism index by organism name
170    Parameters:   Organism name
171    Returns:      Index in OrgTable
172    NOTE:         OrgTable will be initialized with default filename
173                  if it was not done before
174   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
175 Int4 STSGetOrganismIndex(STSDataPtr sts_data, CharPtr name);
178 /* ----------------------  STSGetOrganismName  ----------------------
179    Purpose:       To return Organism name by index
180    Parameters:    Inderx in STS Search OrgTable
181    Returns:       Pointer to organism name
182    NOTE:          OrgTable will be initialized with default filename
183                   if it was not done before
184   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
185 CharPtr STSGetOrganismName(STSDataPtr sts_data, Int4 id);
187 /* -------------------------  STSResultNew  -------------------------
188    Purpose:      To allocate space for Result structure
189    Parameters:   None
190    Returns:     Pointer to allocated STSResult structure
191    NOTE:
192   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
193 StsResultPtr StsResultNew(void);
196 /* -------------------------  STSResultFree  ------------------------
197    Purpose:      To deallocate result structure
198    Parameters:   STSResult structure
199    Returns:      None
200    NOTE:
201   ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
202 void StsResultFree(StsResultPtr result);
203 void STSDataFree(STSDataPtr sts_data);
206 #ifdef __cplusplus
207 }
208 #endif
211 #endif