1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
3 /****************************************************************************/
4 /*                                                                          */
5 /* File:      ugio.c                                                        */
6 /*                                                                          */
7 /* Purpose:   ug's grid input/output                                        */
8 /*                                                                          */
9 /* Author:    Peter Bastian                                                 */
10 /*            Interdisziplinaeres Zentrum fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen   */
11 /*            Universitaet Heidelberg                                       */
12 /*            Im Neuenheimer Feld 368                                       */
13 /*            6900 Heidelberg                                               */
14 /* email:     ug@ica3.uni-stuttgart.de                                      */
15 /*                                                                          */
16 /* History:   29.01.92 begin, ug version 2.0                                */
17 /*                                                                          */
18 /* Remarks:                                                                 */
19 /*                                                                          */
20 /****************************************************************************/
22 #define EXTRACT_RULES           1       /* 1: use er.c, 0: use old version			*/
24 /****************************************************************************/
25 /*                                                                          */
26 /* include files                                                            */
27 /*			  system include files											*/
28 /*			  application include files                                                                     */
29 /*																			*/
30 /****************************************************************************/
32 #include <config.h>
33 #include <cstdlib>
34 #include <cstdio>
35 #include <cstring>
36 #include <string>
37 #include <cmath>
38 #include <climits>
39 #include <ctime>
41 #include <dune/uggrid/parallel/ppif/ppifcontext.hh>
43 #include <dune/uggrid/low/architecture.h>
44 #include <dune/uggrid/low/bio.h>
45 #include <dune/uggrid/low/debug.h>
46 #include <dune/uggrid/low/fifo.h>
47 #include <dune/uggrid/low/fileopen.h>
48 #include <dune/uggrid/low/heaps.h>
49 #include <dune/uggrid/low/misc.h>
50 #include <dune/uggrid/low/ugstruct.h>
51 #include <dune/uggrid/low/ugtypes.h>
53 #include <dune/uggrid/ugdevices.h>
54 #ifdef ModelP
55 #include <dune/uggrid/parallel/dddif/parallel.h>
56 #endif
57 #include "gm.h"
58 #include "algebra.h"
59 #include "ugm.h"
60 #include "ugio.h"
61 #include "elements.h"
62 #include "shapes.h"
63 #include "rm.h"
64 #include "mgio.h"
65 #include "mgheapmgr.h"
67 /* include refine because of macros accessed  */
68 #include "refine.h"
69 #include "rm.h"
71 #include "er.h"
72 #include "cw.h"
77   using namespace PPIF;
79 /****************************************************************************/
80 /*																			*/
81 /* defines in the following order											*/
82 /*																			*/
83 /*		  compile time constants defining static data size (i.e. arrays)	*/
84 /*		  other constants													*/
85 /*		  macros															*/
86 /*																			*/
87 /****************************************************************************/
89 /* define LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM if each processor has a local (own) filesystem
90    #define LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM
91  */
93 /* define OPTIMIZED_IO to use optimized configuration */
94 #ifdef ModelP
95 #define OPTIMIZED_IO
96 #endif
98 #define BUFFERSIZE                              512     /* size of the general purpose text buff*/
100 #define HEADER_FMT               "# grid on level 0 for %s\n# saved %s\n# %s\n# %s\n"
101 #define BN_HEADER_FMT    "\n# boundary nodes\n"
102 #define BN_FMT               "bn %d"
103 #define IN_HEADER_FMT    "\n# inner nodes\n"
104 #define IN_FMT               "in "
105 #define IE_HEADER_FMT    "\n# elements\n"
106 #define IE_FMT               "ie "
107 #define EOL_FMT              ";\n"
108 #define EOF_FMT              "# end of file\n"
110 /* size of integer list storing processor-ids of copies of objects,sufficient at least for one cg_element or refinement */
111 #define ELEMPROCLISTSIZE        2000    /*  n_elem + n_edge + n_node														*/
112 /*  n_elem = 6+30 (6 h-ghosts, 30 v-ghosts)											*/
113 /*  n_edge = 12*30 (12 max_edges_of_elem) (30 probably 30 elements per edge)		*/
114 /*  n_node = 100*8 (8 max_node_of_elem) 100 probably elements per node)				*/
115 /*#define PROCLISTSIZE      (ELEMPROCLISTSIZE*MAX_SONS * 2) size not enough and change to static variable; Christian Wrobel 980128 */
116 #define PROCLISTSIZE_VALUE      (ELEMPROCLISTSIZE*MAX_SONS * MAX(13,(int)(2.0+log((double)procs))))
117 #define PROCLISTSIZE proc_list_size
119 /* orphan condition for elements */
120 #define EORPHAN(e)              (EFATHER(e)==NULL || THEFLAG(e))
122 /* define this for reconstruction of vertical node pointers */
123 #define __ConnectVerticalOverlap__
125 /****************************************************************************/
126 /*																			*/
127 /* data structures used in this source file (exported data structures are	*/
128 /*		  in the corresponding include file!)								*/
129 /*																			*/
130 /****************************************************************************/
132 /****************************************************************************/
133 /*																			*/
134 /* definition of exported global variables									*/
135 /*																			*/
136 /****************************************************************************/
138 /****************************************************************************/
139 /*																			*/
140 /* definition of variables global to this source file only (static!)		*/
141 /*																			*/
142 /****************************************************************************/
144 static INT gridpaths_set=false;
145 static MGIO_RR_RULE *rr_rules;
146 static INT rr_rule_offsets[TAGS];
147 static unsigned short *ProcList, *ActProcListPos;
148 static int foid,non;
149 static NODE **nid_n;                                            /* mapping: orphan-node-id  -->  orphan node */
150 static NODE **vid_n;                                            /* mapping: orphan-vertex-id  -->  lowest orphan node */
151 static INT nov;                                                         /* number of orphan vertices */
152 static ELEMENT **eid_e;
153 static int nparfiles;                                           /* nb of parallel files		*/
154 #ifdef  __MGIO_PE_INFO__
155 static int npe_info;                                            /* partitioning information? */
156 #endif
157 static int proc_list_size = -1;                         /* hold the computed value for PROCLISTSIZE; initialized with crazy dummy */
159 /****************************************************************************/
160 /*																			*/
161 /* forward declarations of functions used before they are defined			*/
162 /*																			*/
163 /****************************************************************************/
165 static INT WriteElementParInfo (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_PARINFO *pinfo);
168 /************************************************************************************/
169 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
170 /*    Enumeration of nodes from left to right corresponding to 0...n-1                          */
171 /*    ----------------------------------------------------------------				*/
172 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
173 /*                                         orphan nodes												*/
174 /*                                      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|							*/
175 /*   N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N                      */
176 /*  |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|             */
177 /*                      ghost nodes						  master nodes						*/
178 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
179 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
180 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
181 /*   Mapping should exist for all orphan nodes to vertices. 'foid' is id of first       */
182 /*   orphan node, 'non' number of orphan nodes. (MGIO_PAR) it looks (consequently): */
183 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
184 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
185 /*                                                                      orphan nodes								*/
186 /*                                                      |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|							*/
187 /*                                   N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N                      */
188 /*                                                          |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|            */
189 /*                                                                                        master nodes						*/
190 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
191 /*                                                                                                                                                              */
192 /************************************************************************************/
RenumberNodes(MULTIGRID * theMG,INT * foid,INT * non)194 static INT RenumberNodes (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT *foid, INT *non)
195 {
196   INT i,nid;
197   NODE *theNode;
199   nid=0;
200   if (theMG->ppifContext().procs() == 1)
201   {
202     /* ids for all nodes */
203     for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
204     {
205       ID(theNode) = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
206       nid = MAX(nid,ID(theNode));
207     }
208     nid++;
209     non[0] = nid;
210     for (i=1; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
211       for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
212         ID(theNode) = nid++;
213     foid[0] = 0;
214   }
215   else
216   {
217     /* ids for other nodes */
218     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
219       for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
220         if (GHOST(theNode) && !USED(theNode))
221           ID(theNode) = nid++;
222     foid[0] = nid;
224     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
225       for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
226         if (GHOST(theNode) && USED(theNode))
227           ID(theNode) = nid++;
229     /* ids for master nodes */
230     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
231       for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
232         if (MASTER(theNode) && USED(theNode))
233           ID(theNode) = nid++;
234     non[0] = nid-foid[0];
236     /* ids for master nodes */
237     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
238       for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
239         if (MASTER(theNode) && !USED(theNode))
240           ID(theNode) = nid++;
242   }
244   return (0);
245 }
SaveSurfaceGrid(MULTIGRID * theMG,FILE * stream)247 static INT SaveSurfaceGrid  (MULTIGRID *theMG, FILE *stream)
248 {
249   NODE *theNode;
250   ELEMENT *theElement;
251   VERTEX *theVertex;
252   DOUBLE *global;
253   char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
254   INT i,id,move,l,tl,part;
256   tl = CURRENTLEVEL(theMG);
257   for (l=0; l<= tl; l++)
258     for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l));
259          theElement != NULL; theElement = SUCCE(theElement))
260       if (NSONS(theElement) == 0)
261         for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
262           ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,i))) = 0;
264   /* find all boundary nodes witch are no corner nodes */
265   fprintf(stream,BN_HEADER_FMT);
266   id = 0;
267   for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0));
268        theNode!= NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode)) {
269     theVertex = MYVERTEX(theNode);
270     if (OBJT(theVertex) == IVOBJ)
271       continue;
272     if (BNDP_BndPDesc(V_BNDP(theVertex),&move,&part))
273       RETURN(1);
274     if (move == 0)
275       ID(theVertex) = id++;
276   }
277   for (l=0; l<= tl; l++)
278     for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l));
279          theElement != NULL; theElement = SUCCE(theElement))
280       if (NSONS(theElement) == 0)
281         for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++) {
282           theVertex = MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,i));
283           if (OBJT(theVertex) == IVOBJ)
284             continue;
285           /* skip corner points */
286           if (BNDP_BndPDesc(V_BNDP(theVertex),&move,&part))
287             RETURN(1);
288           if (move == 0)
289             continue;
290           if (ID(theVertex) > 0)
291             continue;
292           ID(theVertex) = id++;
293           if (BNDP_SaveInsertedBndP(V_BNDP(theVertex),
294                                     buffer,BUFFERSIZE))
295             RETURN(1);
296           fprintf(stream,"%s",buffer);
297           fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
298         }
299   /* find all inner nodes */
300   fprintf(stream,IN_HEADER_FMT);
301   for (l=0; l<= tl; l++)
302     for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l));
303          theElement != NULL; theElement = SUCCE(theElement))
304       if (NSONS(theElement) == 0)
305         for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++) {
306           theVertex = MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,i));
307           if (OBJT(theVertex) == BVOBJ)
308             continue;
309           if (ID(theVertex) > 0)
310             continue;
311           global = CVECT(theVertex);
312           fprintf(stream,IN_FMT);
313           for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)
314             fprintf(stream," %f",global[i]);
315           fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
316           ID(theVertex) = id++;
317         }
319   /* elements */
320   fprintf(stream,IE_HEADER_FMT);
321   for (l=0; l<= tl; l++)
322     for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,l));
323          theElement != NULL; theElement = SUCCE(theElement))
324       if (NSONS(theElement) == 0) {
325         fprintf(stream,IE_FMT);
326         for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
327           fprintf(stream," %d",ID(MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,i))));
328         fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
329       }
331   /* trailer */
332   fprintf(stream,EOF_FMT);
333   fclose(stream);
334   return(GM_OK);
335 }
SaveMultiGrid_SCR(MULTIGRID * theMG,const char * name,const char * comment)337 static INT SaveMultiGrid_SCR (MULTIGRID *theMG, const char *name, const char *comment)
338 {
339   FILE *stream;
340   GRID *theGrid;
341   NODE *theNode;
342   ELEMENT *theElement;
343   VERTEX *theVertex;
344   DOUBLE *global;
345   time_t Time;
346   const char *fmt;
347   char buffer[BUFFERSIZE];
348   BVP_DESC theBVPDesc;
349   INT i,id,move,part;
351   if (gridpaths_set)
352     /* this way grids are stored to path[0] */
353     stream = FileOpenUsingSearchPaths(name,"w","gridpaths");
354   else
355     stream = fileopen(name,"w");
356   if (stream==NULL)
357   {
358     PrintErrorMessage('E',"SaveMultiGrid","cannot open file");
360   }
362   /* get BVPDesc */
363   if (BVP_SetBVPDesc(MG_BVP(theMG),&theBVPDesc))
364     RETURN (GM_ERROR);
366   /* get time */
367   fmt = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y";
368   time(&Time);
369   strftime(buffer,BUFFERSIZE,fmt,localtime(&Time));
371   /* write header */
372   fprintf(stream,HEADER_FMT,BVPD_NAME(&theBVPDesc),buffer,name,comment);
374   if (TOPLEVEL(theMG) > 0)
375     return(SaveSurfaceGrid(theMG,stream));
377   theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0);
379   /* find all boundary nodes witch are no corner nodes */
380   fprintf(stream,BN_HEADER_FMT);
381   id = 0;
382   for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!= NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
383   {
384     theVertex = MYVERTEX(theNode);
385     if (OBJT(theVertex) == IVOBJ)
386       continue;
387     if (BNDP_BndPDesc(V_BNDP(theVertex),&move,&part))
388       RETURN(1);
389     if (move == 0)
390       ID(theNode) = id++;
391   }
392   for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!= NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
393   {
394     theVertex = MYVERTEX(theNode);
395     if (OBJT(theVertex) == IVOBJ)
396       continue;
397     /* skip corner points */
398     if (BNDP_BndPDesc(V_BNDP(theVertex),&move,&part))
399       RETURN(1);
400     if (move == 0)
401       continue;
402     if (BNDP_SaveInsertedBndP(V_BNDP(theVertex),buffer,BUFFERSIZE))
403       RETURN(1);
404     fprintf(stream,"%s",buffer);
405     fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
406     ID(theNode) = id++;
407   }
408   /* find all inner nodes */
409   fprintf(stream,IN_HEADER_FMT);
410   for (theNode=FIRSTNODE(theGrid); theNode!= NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
411   {
412     theVertex = MYVERTEX(theNode);
413     if (OBJT(theVertex) == BVOBJ)
414       continue;
415     global = CVECT(theVertex);
416     fprintf(stream,IN_FMT);
417     for (i=0; i<DIM; i++)
418       fprintf(stream," %f",global[i]);
419     fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
420     ID(theNode) = id++;
421   }
422   if (id != NN(theGrid))
423     RETURN(1);
425   /* elements */
426   fprintf(stream,IE_HEADER_FMT);
427   for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!= NULL;
428        theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
429   {
430     fprintf(stream,IE_FMT);
431     for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
432       fprintf(stream," %d",ID(CORNER(theElement,i)));
433     fprintf(stream,EOL_FMT);
434   }
436   /* trailer */
437   fprintf(stream,EOF_FMT);
438   fclose(stream);
439   return(GM_OK);
440 }
MarkAsOrphan(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement)442 static void MarkAsOrphan( GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement)
443 {
444   ELEMENT *succe          = SUCCE(theElement);
445   ELEMENT *theFather      = EFATHER(theElement);
447   assert(EGHOST(theElement) || LEVEL(theElement)==0);
449   if (theFather != NULL)
450   {
451     int index = PRIO2INDEX(EPRIO(theElement));
452     ELEMENT *Next = NULL;
453     ASSERT(index!=-1 && index<2);
455     /* this is an orphan */
456     SETTHEFLAG(theElement,1);
457     if (0)
458     {
459       if (SON(theFather,index) == theElement)
460       {
461         if (succe != NULL)
462         {
463           if (EFATHER(succe)==theFather)
464             if (EPRIO(succe) == EPRIO(theElement))
465             {
466               Next = succe;
467             }
468         }
469         SET_SON(theFather,index,Next);
470       }
472       SETNSONS(theFather,NSONS(theFather)-1);
473       SET_EFATHER(theElement,NULL);
474       GRID_UNLINK_ELEMENT(theGrid,theElement);
475       GRID_LINK_ELEMENT(theGrid,theElement,EPRIO(theElement));
476     }
477     PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons(): new orphan elem=" EID_FMTX "\n",
478                      EID_PRTX(theElement)));
479   }
480 }
OrphanCons(MULTIGRID * theMG)481 static INT OrphanCons(MULTIGRID *theMG)
482 {
483   INT i,j,error,orphan;
484   GRID    *theGrid;
485   ELEMENT *theElement, *el_father, *nb_el, *nb_el_father;
486   NODE    *theNode,*FatherNode;
487   EDGE    *theEdge;
489         #if defined(ModelP) && defined(__ConnectVerticalOverlap__)
490   if (ConnectVerticalOverlap(theMG)) assert(0);
491         #endif
493   error = 0;
494   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
495   {
496     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i);
497     for (theElement=PFIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
498     {
499       SETTHEFLAG(theElement,0);
500       orphan = 0;
501       for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
502       {
503         theNode = CORNER(theElement,j);
504         switch (NTYPE(theNode))
505         {
506         case (CORNER_NODE) :
507           FatherNode = (NODE *)NFATHER(theNode);
508           if (FatherNode == NULL)
509           {
510             if (EGHOST(theElement)) orphan = 1;
511             else if (LEVEL(theElement) != 0)
512             {
513               error++;
514               PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons(): ERROR: elem=" EID_FMTX " cornernode=" ID_FMTX " is orphannode\n",
515                                EID_PRTX(theElement),ID_PRTX(theNode)));
516             }
517           }
518           else
519             assert (SONNODE(FatherNode) == theNode);
520           break;
521         case (MID_NODE) :
522           theEdge = (EDGE *)NFATHER(theNode);
523           if (theEdge == NULL)
524           {
525             if (EGHOST(theElement)) orphan = 1;
526             else if (LEVEL(theElement) != 0)
527             {
528               error++;
529               PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons(): ERROR: elem=" EID_FMTX " midnode=" ID_FMTX " is orphannode\n",
530                                EID_PRTX(theElement),ID_PRTX(theNode)));
531             }
532           }
533           else
534             assert (MIDNODE(theEdge) == theNode);
535           break;
536         default :
537           break;
538         }
539       }
541       /* there exists a second case in which an artificial orphanisation is necessary:
542          if we have 2 neigboring elements, whose fathers are different and are neighbors
543          but have no neighbor-pointers to each other (for examples if both fathers are
544          ghosts since 2 ghosts do not have to have neighbor-pointers to each other).
545          In this situation the 2 children will not get their neighbor-pointers to
546          each other, which is an serious error if a child is a master (masters must
547          have always pointers to all neighbors).
549          The idea to solve this problem is: orphanise suitable elements explicitley
550          to force as well the storage of the necessary information as the correct
551          reconstruction while loading.
553          TODO: solve the following listed drawbacks. Christian Wrobel 980313.
555          //The old idea was:
556          //    A preliminary proceeding to do this is: orphanise both children. This increases
557          //    the number of orphans more than necessary, but it is safe.
558          //But this is impossible if a child is a master element (masters are not allowed to be
559          //orpahns).
560          //The new idea:
562          Orphanise fathers if they are VGhosts or VHGhosts. This situation is handled already
563          correctly.
565          In contradiction the requirement to the fathers may be too weak. The faulty
566          situation could perhaps be: also for the fathers holds the same case as for
567          the current children (they have no neighboriung pointers to each other) and
568          thus we rely us for clearing an uncertain case on the already cleared same
569          case for the fathers. This would be perhaps correct if we reconstruct the
570          grid level-wise and ensure the consistancy for this level before proceeding
571          to the next one; but this is not done in ug.
572        */
573       if( !orphan && EMASTER(theElement) )                   /* only a master element must know its neighbors */
574       {
575         el_father = EFATHER(theElement);
576         if( el_father != NULL )
577         {
578           if( EMASTER(el_father) )
579           {
580             /* the father will know all his neighbors because he is a master.
581                Will this be true in all situations??? Refer to the above TODO. */
582           }
583           else
584           {
585             ASSERT(EVGHOST(el_father));                                         /* it is impossible that a master el has a HGHOST-father,
586                                                                                                            must be V[H]GHOST */
588             for( j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++ )
589             {
590               nb_el = NBELEM(theElement,j);
591               if (nb_el == NULL)
592                 continue;
593               nb_el_father = EFATHER(nb_el);
594               if( nb_el_father == el_father )
595                 continue;                                                 /* the elements have the same father; thus they know
596                                                                                      each other and can set their neighbor-pointers */
598               if( nb_el_father==NULL )
599               {
600                 /* the neighbor nb_el will be orphanised because of father==NULL
601                    and theElement will know an orphan-neighbor */
602               }
603               else if(EMASTER(nb_el_father))
604               {
605                 /* the nb-father will know all his neighbors because he is a master.
606                    Will this be true in all situations??? Refer to the above TODO. */
607               }
608               else
609               {
610                 /* the fathers will perhaps have no neighbor-pointers because they
611                    are both ghosts (for which neighbor-pointers isn't mandatory).
612                    Orphanise the V[H]Ghost-father to force saving the necessary
613                    information. Pure HGhost fathers aren't orphanized. */
614                 PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons(): orphanize father " EID_FMTX " of element " EID_FMTX "\n", EID_PRTX(el_father), EID_PRTX(theElement)));
615                 PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons(): orphanize father " EID_FMTX " of neighbor element " EID_FMTX "\n", EID_PRTX(nb_el_father), EID_PRTX(nb_el)));
616                 MarkAsOrphan(theGrid,el_father);
617                 /*if(EVGHOST(nb_el_father)) HGHOST-fathers must be orphanized too! */
618                 MarkAsOrphan(theGrid,nb_el_father);
619               }
621             }
622             /* no need for additional artificial orphanisation */
623           }
624         }
625         else
626         {
627           /* el_father==NULL thus will be treated automatically as orphan
628              by the following code */
629         }
630       }
631       else
632       {
633         /* the element is already orphanised */
634       }
636       if (orphan)
637         MarkAsOrphan(theGrid,theElement);
638     }
639   }
641   return(error);
642 }
644 /****************************************************************************/
645 /** \brief Recalculate ids in the current order
647    \param theMG - structure to renumber
649    This function recalculates ids in the current order.
651    \return 0 if ok
652  */
653 /****************************************************************************/
RenumberMultiGrid(MULTIGRID * theMG,INT * nboe,INT * nioe,INT * nbov,INT * niov,NODE *** vid_n,INT * foid,INT * non,INT MarkKey)655 INT NS_DIM_PREFIX RenumberMultiGrid (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT *nboe, INT *nioe, INT *nbov, INT *niov, NODE ***vid_n, INT *foid, INT *non, INT MarkKey)
656 {
657   NODE *theNode;
658   ELEMENT *theElement;
659   INT i,n_ioe,n_boe,vid,n_iov,n_bov,eid,lfoid,lnon,j;
661   /* if called from shell, call OrphanCons first */
662   if (nboe==NULL && nioe==NULL && nbov==NULL && niov==NULL && vid_n==NULL && foid==NULL && non==NULL) {
663     i=OrphanCons(theMG);
664     if (i!=0) REP_ERR_RETURN (1);
665   }
667   /* init used-flags */
668   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
669     for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
670     {
671       SETUSED(theNode,0);
672       SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),0);
673       SETTHEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode),0);
674     }
676   /* renumber elements and set orphan-flags for nodes and vertices */
677   eid=n_ioe=n_boe=0;
678   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
679     for (theElement=PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
680       if (EFATHER(theElement)==NULL || THEFLAG(theElement)==1)
681       {
682         ID(theElement) = eid++;
683         if (OBJT(theElement)==BEOBJ) n_boe++;
684         else n_ioe++;
685         for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
686         {
687           SETUSED(CORNER(theElement,j),1);
688           SETUSED(MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,j)),1);
689         }
690                                 #ifdef ModelP
691         assert(i==0 || EGHOST(theElement));
692                                 #endif
693       }
695   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
696     for (theElement=PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
697       if (EFATHER(theElement)!=NULL && THEFLAG(theElement)==0)
698         ID(theElement) = eid++;
699   if (nboe!=NULL) *nboe = n_boe;
700   if (nioe!=NULL) *nioe = n_ioe;
702   /* renumber vertices */
703   vid=n_iov=n_bov=0;
704   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
705     for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
706       if (THEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode))==0 && USED(MYVERTEX(theNode)) && OBJT(MYVERTEX(theNode))==BVOBJ)
707       {
708         ID(MYVERTEX(theNode)) = vid++;
709         n_bov++;
710         SETTHEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
711       }
712   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
713     for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
714       if (THEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode))==0 && USED(MYVERTEX(theNode)) && OBJT(MYVERTEX(theNode))==IVOBJ)
715       {
716         ID(MYVERTEX(theNode)) = vid++;
717         n_iov++;
718         SETTHEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
719       }
720   if (vid_n!=NULL)
721   {
722     *vid_n = (NODE**)GetTmpMem(MGHEAP(theMG),(n_iov+n_bov)*sizeof(NODE*),MarkKey);
723     for (i=0; i<n_iov+n_bov; i++) (*vid_n)[i] = NULL;
724     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
725       for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
726         if (USED(theNode))
727         {
728           assert(ID(MYVERTEX(theNode))<n_iov+n_bov);
729           if ((*vid_n)[ID(MYVERTEX(theNode))]!=NULL) continue;
730           (*vid_n)[ID(MYVERTEX(theNode))] = theNode;
731         }
732     IFDEBUG(gm,4)
733     for (i=0; i<n_iov+n_bov; i++)
734       assert((*vid_n)[i] != NULL);
735     ENDDEBUG
736   }
737   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)                                            /* not neccessary for i/o */
738     for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
739       if (THEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode))==0 && !USED(MYVERTEX(theNode)))
740       {
741         ID(MYVERTEX(theNode)) = vid++;
742         SETTHEFLAG(MYVERTEX(theNode),1);
743       }
744   if (nbov!=NULL) *nbov = n_bov;
745   if (niov!=NULL) *niov = n_iov;
747   /* renumber nodes */
748   if (RenumberNodes(theMG,&lfoid,&lnon)) return (1);
749   if (foid!=NULL) *foid = lfoid;
750   if (non!=NULL) *non = lnon;
752   return (0);
753 }
Write_RefRules(MULTIGRID * theMG,INT * RefRuleOffset,INT MarkKey)756 static INT Write_RefRules (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT *RefRuleOffset, INT MarkKey)
757 {
758   MGIO_RR_GENERAL rr_general;
759   INT i,j,k,t,nRules;
760   HEAP *theHeap;
761   MGIO_RR_RULE *Refrule;
762   REFRULE * ug_refrule;
763   struct mgio_sondata *sonData;
765   /* init */
766   if (theMG==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
767   theHeap = MGHEAP(theMG);
769   /* write refrules general */
770   nRules = 0; RefRuleOffset[0] = 0;
771   for (i=0; i<TAGS; i++)
772   {
773     nRules += MaxRules[i];
774     if (i>0) RefRuleOffset[i] = RefRuleOffset[i-1] +  MaxRules[i-1];
775     rr_general.RefRuleOffset[i] = RefRuleOffset[i];
776   }
777   rr_general.nRules = nRules;
778   if (Write_RR_General(&rr_general)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
780   /* write refrules */
781   rr_rules = Refrule = (MGIO_RR_RULE *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,nRules*sizeof(MGIO_RR_RULE),MarkKey);
782   if (Refrule==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for refrules\n",(int)nRules*sizeof(MGIO_RR_RULE)); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
783   for (t=0; t<TAGS; t++)
784   {
785     ug_refrule = RefRules[t];
786     for (i=0; i<MaxRules[t]; i++)
787     {
788       Refrule->rclass = ug_refrule->rclass;
789       Refrule->nsons = ug_refrule->nsons;
790       for (j=0; j<MGIO_MAX_NEW_CORNERS; j++)
791         Refrule->pattern[j] = ug_refrule->pattern[j];
792       for (j=0; j<MGIO_MAX_NEW_CORNERS; j++)
793       {
794         Refrule->sonandnode[j][0] = ug_refrule->sonandnode[j][0];
795         Refrule->sonandnode[j][1] = ug_refrule->sonandnode[j][1];
796       }
797       for (j=0; j<Refrule->nsons; j++)
798       {
799         sonData = &(Refrule->sons[j]);
800         sonData->tag = ug_refrule->sons[j].tag;
801         for (k=0; k<MGIO_MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM; k++)
802           sonData->corners[k] = ug_refrule->sons[j].corners[k];
803         for (k=0; k<MGIO_MAX_SIDES_OF_ELEM; k++)
804           sonData->nb[k] = ug_refrule->sons[j].nb[k];
805         sonData->path = ug_refrule->sons[j].path;
806       }
807       Refrule++;
808       ug_refrule++;
809     }
810   }
811   if (Write_RR_Rules(nRules,rr_rules)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
813   return (0);
814 }
815 #endif
SetRefinement(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,NODE ** NodeContext,ELEMENT * SonList[MAX_SONS],INT nmax,MGIO_REFINEMENT * refinement,INT * RefRuleOffset)817 static INT SetRefinement (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement,
818                           NODE **NodeContext, ELEMENT *SonList[MAX_SONS],
819                           INT nmax, MGIO_REFINEMENT *refinement,
820                           INT *RefRuleOffset)
821 {
822   MGIO_RR_RULE *theRule;
823   INT i,j,n,sonRefined,sonex,nex;
824   /* ELEMENT *SonSonList[MAX_SONS]; */
826   refinement->refclass = REFINECLASS(theElement);
827   refinement->refrule = REFINE(theElement) + RefRuleOffset[TAG(theElement)];
828   theRule = rr_rules + rr_rule_offsets[TAG(theElement)] + REFINE(theElement);
830   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
831   {
832     nex=0;
833     for (i=0; i<nmax; i++)
834       if (SonList[i] != NULL)
835         for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_TAG(theRule->sons[i].tag); j++)
836           nex |= (1<<theRule->sons[i].corners[j]);
837   }
838   else
839     nex     = ~0;
841   /* store new corner ids */
842   n=0;
843   for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
844     if (NodeContext[i]!=NULL && ((nex>>i)&0x1))
845       refinement->newcornerid[n++] = ID(NodeContext[i]);
846   i = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+CENTER_NODE_INDEX(theElement);
847   if (NodeContext[i]!=NULL && ((nex>>i)&0x1))
848     refinement->newcornerid[n++] = ID(NodeContext[i]);
849   refinement->nnewcorners = n;
851   /* sons are refined ? */
852   sonRefined=sonex=refinement->nbid_ex=0;
853   for (i=0,n=0; i<nmax; i++)
854   {
855     if (SonList[i]==NULL) continue;
857     /*
858             GetAllSons(SonList[i],SonSonList);
860             refined = 0;
861             for (j=0; SonSonList[j]!=NULL; j++)
862                     if (!EORPHAN(SonSonList[j]))	refined = 1;
863             if (REFINE(SonList[i])!=NO_REFINEMENT && refined)		sonRefined |= (1<<i);
864      */
866     if (REFINE(SonList[i])!=NO_REFINEMENT) sonRefined |= (1<<i);
867     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
868     {
869       sonex |= (1<<i);
870       if (WriteElementParInfo(theGrid,SonList[i],&refinement->pinfo[i]))
871         REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
872       for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(SonList[i]); j++)
873         if (NBELEM(SonList[i],j)!=NULL && EORPHAN(NBELEM(SonList[i],j)))
874         {
875           refinement->nbid_ex |= (1<<i);
876           refinement->nbid[i][j] = ID(NBELEM(SonList[i],j));
877         }
878         else
879           refinement->nbid[i][j] = -1;
880     }
881   }
882   refinement->sonref = sonRefined;
883   if (MGIO_PARFILE) refinement->sonex = sonex;
885 #ifdef  __MGIO_PE_INFO__
886   if (npe_info > 1)
887   {
888     int i;
890     if (nmax == theRule->nsons)
891       refinement->pe_info = 0;
892     else
893       refinement->pe_info = 1;
895     for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
896     {
897       if (i<nmax && SonList[i]!=NULL)
898       {
899         refinement->pes[i] = PARTITION(SonList[i]);
900         if (!EMASTER(SonList[i])) refinement->pe_info = 1;
901       }
902       else
903       {
904         refinement->pe_info = 1;
905         refinement->pes[i] = -1;
907       }
908     }
909   }
910   else
911   {
912     refinement->pe_info = 0;
913   }
914 #endif
916   /* not movable at the moment */
917   refinement->nmoved = 0;
919   /* write orphan-sonsonson-node info */
920   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
921   {
922     refinement->orphanid_ex = n = 0;
923     for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
924     {
925       if (NodeContext[i]!=NULL && ((nex>>i)&0x1))
926       {
927         if (ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))<nov
928             && LEVEL(NodeContext[i])<LEVEL(vid_n[ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))]))
929         {
930           /* TODO remove the next assert; Christian Wrobel 980127
931              it seems that the assert fails for valid load balancings
932              consider the following situation:
934              level 3:     |ooo*                     * is orphan node
935              level 2:         &------|              & is corner node and i points to it; thus i<=CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement) is valid
936              level 1:         |-------------|
937              level 0: |---------------------|       this is also an orphan element but this doesn't influence the current case
938            */
939           /*assert(i>=CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)); */
941           refinement->orphanid[n] = ID(vid_n[ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))]);
942           refinement->orphanid_ex = 1;
943         }
944         else
945         {
946           refinement->orphanid[n] = -1;
947         }
948         n++;
949       }
950     }
951     i = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+CENTER_NODE_INDEX(theElement);
952     if (NodeContext[i]!=NULL && ((nex>>i)&0x1))
953     {
954       if (ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))<nov
955           && LEVEL(NodeContext[i])<LEVEL(vid_n[ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))]))
956       {
957         refinement->orphanid[n++] = ID(vid_n[ID(MYVERTEX(NodeContext[i]))]);
958         refinement->orphanid_ex = 1;
959       }
960       else
961       {
962         refinement->orphanid[n++] = -1;
963       }
964     }
965   }
967 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
968   /* write mykey */
969   refinement->mykey = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)theElement);
971   /* write myfatherkey */
972   if ( THEFLAG(theElement) )
973     refinement->myfatherkey = -1;               /* orphan element has no father */
974   else
975     refinement->myfatherkey = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)EFATHER(theElement));
977   /* write nbkey[] */
978   for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
979     refinement->nbkey[j] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)NBELEM(theElement,j));
981   n=0;
983   refinement->mycorners = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement);
985   /* write mycornerkey[], mycornerfatherkey[] and mycornersonkey[] */
986   for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
987   {
988     refinement->mycornerkey[n] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)CORNER(theElement,i));
989     refinement->mycornerfatherkey[n] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)NFATHER(CORNER(theElement,i)));
990     refinement->mycornersonkey[n] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)SONNODE(CORNER(theElement,i)));
991     n++;
992   }
994   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
995   {
996     for (i=0; i<nmax; i++)
997     {
998       if ((sonex>>i)&1)
999       {                         /* son exists */
1000         refinement->sonskey[i] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)SonList[i]);
1001         for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(SonList[i]); j++)
1002           refinement->sonsnbkey[i][j] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)NBELEM(SonList[i],j));
1003       }
1004       else
1005         refinement->sonskey[i] = -1;
1006     }
1007   }
1008 #endif
1010   return (0);
1011 }
RemoveOrphanSons(ELEMENT ** SonList,INT * nmax)1013 static INT RemoveOrphanSons (ELEMENT **SonList, INT *nmax)
1014 {
1015   INT i,max;
1017   if (nmax != NULL)
1018   {
1019     for (max=0,i=0; i<*nmax; i++)
1020     {
1021       if (SonList[i]!=NULL)
1022       {
1023         if (THEFLAG(SonList[i]))
1024           SonList[i] = NULL;
1025         else
1026           max = i+1;
1027       }
1028     }
1029     *nmax = max;
1030   }
1031   else
1032   {
1033     for (i=0; SonList[i]!=NULL; i++)
1034       if (SonList[i]!=NULL && THEFLAG(SonList[i])) SonList[i] = NULL;
1035     for (max=0,i=0; i<MAX_SONS; i++)
1036       if (SonList[i]!=NULL)
1037       {
1038         if (max<i) SonList[max] = SonList[i];
1039         max++;
1040       }
1041   }
1043   return(0);
1044 }
SetHierRefinement(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_REFINEMENT * refinement,INT * RefRuleOffset)1046 static INT SetHierRefinement (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_REFINEMENT *refinement, INT *RefRuleOffset)
1047 {
1048   INT i,nmax;
1049   ELEMENT *theSon;
1050   ELEMENT *SonList[MAX_SONS];
1052   MGIO_RR_RULE *theRule;
1054   /*PRINTDEBUG(gm,0,("SetHierRefinement(): level=%d elem=" EID_FMTX "\n",LEVEL(theGrid),EID_PRTX(theElement)));*/
1056   /* sequential part */
1057   if (REFINE(theElement)==NO_REFINEMENT) return (0);
1058   if (GetNodeContext(theElement,NodeContext)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1059   theRule = rr_rules + rr_rule_offsets[TAG(theElement)] + REFINE(theElement);
1060   if (GetOrderedSons(theElement,theRule,NodeContext,SonList,&nmax)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1061   if (RemoveOrphanSons(SonList,&nmax)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1062   if (SetRefinement (theGrid,theElement,NodeContext,SonList,nmax,refinement,RefRuleOffset)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1063   if (Write_Refinement (refinement,rr_rules)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1065   /* recursive call */
1066   for (i=0; i<nmax; i++)
1067   {
1068     theSon = SonList[i];
1069     if (theSon==NULL) continue;
1070     if (REFINE(theSon)!=NO_REFINEMENT)
1071       if (SetHierRefinement(theGrid,theSon,refinement,RefRuleOffset))
1072         REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1073   }
1075   return (0);
1076 }
nRefinements(ELEMENT * theElement,INT * n)1078 static INT nRefinements (ELEMENT *theElement, INT *n)
1079 {
1080   INT i,nmax;
1081   ELEMENT *theSon;
1082   ELEMENT *SonList[MAX_SONS];
1084   MGIO_RR_RULE *theRule;
1086   if (REFINE(theElement)==NO_REFINEMENT) return (0);
1087   if (GetNodeContext(theElement,NodeContext)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1088   theRule = rr_rules + rr_rule_offsets[TAG(theElement)] + REFINE(theElement);
1089   if (GetOrderedSons(theElement,theRule,NodeContext,SonList,&nmax)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1090   if (RemoveOrphanSons(SonList,&nmax)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1091   (*n)++;
1092   for (i=0; i<nmax; i++)
1093   {
1094     theSon = SonList[i];
1095     if (theSon==NULL) continue;
1096     if (REFINE(theSon)!=NO_REFINEMENT)
1097       if (nRefinements(theSon,n)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1098   }
1100   return (0);
1101 }
WriteCG_Vertices(MULTIGRID * theMG,INT MarkKey)1103 static INT WriteCG_Vertices (MULTIGRID *theMG, INT MarkKey)
1104 {
1105   INT i,j,n;
1106   MGIO_CG_POINT *cg_point,*cgp;
1107   HEAP *theHeap;
1108   VERTEX *theVertex;
1110   theHeap = MGHEAP(theMG);
1111   n = nov*(MGIO_CG_POINT_SIZE);
1112   cg_point = (MGIO_CG_POINT *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,n,MarkKey);
1113   if (cg_point==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for cg_points\n",(int)n); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1114   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
1115     for (theVertex=PFIRSTVERTEX(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theVertex!=NULL; theVertex=SUCCV(theVertex))
1116       if (ID(theVertex)<nov)
1117       {
1118         assert(USED(theVertex));
1119         cgp = MGIO_CG_POINT_PS(cg_point,ID(theVertex));
1120         for (j=0; j<MGIO_DIM; j++)
1121           cgp->position[j] = CVECT(theVertex)[j];
1122         if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1123         {
1124           cgp->level = LEVEL(theVertex);
1125           cgp->prio = 0;
1126         }
1127       }
1129   if (Write_CG_Points((int)nov,cg_point)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1131   return (0);
1132 }
1134 #ifdef ModelP
WriteElementParInfo(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_PARINFO * pinfo)1135 static INT WriteElementParInfo (GRID *theGrid,
1136                                 ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_PARINFO *pinfo)
1137 {
1138   INT i,j,k,s,n_max;
1139   int *pl;
1140   NODE *theNode;
1141   VERTEX *theVertex;
1142   EDGE *theEdge;
1143 #ifdef ModelP
1144   auto& dddContext = theGrid->dddContext();
1145 #endif
1147   memset(pinfo,0,sizeof(MGIO_PARINFO));
1149   n_max = PROCLISTSIZE-(ActProcListPos-ProcList);
1151   s=0;
1152   pinfo->prio_elem = EPRIO(theElement);
1153   pinfo->ncopies_elem = ENCOPIES(dddContext, theElement);
1154   if (n_max<pinfo->ncopies_elem)
1155   {
1156     PrintErrorMessage('E',"WriteElementParInfo","increase PROCLISTSIZE in gm/ugio.c\n");
1157     REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1158   }
1159   if (pinfo->ncopies_elem>0)
1160   {
1161     pl = EPROCLIST(dddContext, theElement);
1162     for (i=0,j=2; i<pinfo->ncopies_elem; i++,j+=2)
1163       ActProcListPos[s++] = pl[j];
1164   }
1165   pinfo->e_ident = EGID(theElement);
1166   for (k=0; k<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); k++)
1167   {
1168     theNode = CORNER(theElement,k);
1169     pinfo->prio_node[k] = PRIO(theNode);
1170     pinfo->ncopies_node[k] = NCOPIES(dddContext, theNode);
1171     if (n_max<pinfo->ncopies_node[k]+s)
1172     {
1173       PrintErrorMessage('E',"WriteElementParInfo","increase PROCLISTSIZE in gm/ugio.c\n");
1174       REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1175     }
1176     if (pinfo->ncopies_node[k]>0)
1177     {
1178       pl = PROCLIST(dddContext, theNode);
1179       for (i=0,j=2; i<pinfo->ncopies_node[k]; i++,j+=2)
1180         ActProcListPos[s++] = pl[j];
1181     }
1182     pinfo->n_ident[k] = GID(theNode);
1183   }
1184   for (k=0; k<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); k++)
1185   {
1186     theVertex = MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,k));
1187     pinfo->prio_vertex[k] = VXPRIO(theVertex);
1188     pinfo->ncopies_vertex[k] = VXNCOPIES(dddContext, theVertex);
1189     if (n_max<pinfo->ncopies_vertex[k]+s)
1190     {
1191       PrintErrorMessage('E',"WriteElementParInfo","increase PROCLISTSIZE in gm/ugio.c\n");
1192       REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1193     }
1194     if (pinfo->ncopies_vertex[k]>0)
1195     {
1196       pl = VXPROCLIST(dddContext, theVertex);
1197       for (i=0,j=2; i<pinfo->ncopies_vertex[k]; i++,j+=2)
1198         ActProcListPos[s++] = pl[j];
1199     }
1200     pinfo->v_ident[k] = VXGID(theVertex);
1201   }
1203 #ifdef __TWODIM__
1204   if (VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_GRID(theGrid,EDGEVEC))
1205   {
1206     VECTOR *v;
1207     for (k=0; k<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); k++) {
1208       theEdge=GetEdge(CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,k,0)),
1209                       CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,k,1)));
1210       v = EDVECTOR(theEdge);
1211       pinfo->prio_edge[k] = PRIO(v);
1212       pinfo->ncopies_edge[k] = NCOPIES(dddContext, v);
1213       if (n_max<pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]+s)
1214       {
1215         PrintErrorMessage('E',"WriteElementParInfo","increase PROCLISTSIZE in gm/ugio.c\n");
1216         REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1217       }
1218       pinfo->ed_ident[k] = GID(v);
1219       if (pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]>0) {
1220         pl = PROCLIST(dddContext, v);
1221         for (i=0,j=2; i<pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]; i++,j+=2)
1222           ActProcListPos[s++] = pl[j];
1223       }
1224     }
1225   }
1226 #endif
1228 #ifdef __THREEDIM__
1229   for (k=0; k<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); k++)
1230   {
1231     theEdge = GetEdge(CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,k,0)),
1232                       CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,k,1)));
1233     pinfo->prio_edge[k] = PRIO(theEdge);
1234     pinfo->ncopies_edge[k] = NCOPIES(dddContext, theEdge);
1235     if (n_max<pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]+s)
1236     {
1237       PrintErrorMessage('E',"WriteElementParInfo","increase PROCLISTSIZE in gm/ugio.c\n");
1238       REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1239     }
1240     if (pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]>0) {
1241       pl = PROCLIST(dddContext, theEdge);
1242       for (i=0,j=2; i<pinfo->ncopies_edge[k]; i++,j+=2)
1243         ActProcListPos[s++] = pl[j];
1244     }
1245     pinfo->ed_ident[k] = GID(theEdge);
1246   }
1247 #endif
1249   if (s>0) pinfo->proclist = ActProcListPos;
1250   else pinfo->proclist = NULL;
1251   ActProcListPos += s;
1253   return (0);
1254 }
1255 #else
WriteElementParInfo(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_PARINFO * pinfo)1256 static INT WriteElementParInfo (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_PARINFO *pinfo)
1257 {
1258   REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1259 }
1260 #endif
SaveMultiGrid_SPF(MULTIGRID * theMG,const char * name,const char * type,const char * comment,INT autosave,INT rename)1262 static INT SaveMultiGrid_SPF (MULTIGRID *theMG, const char *name, const char *type, const char *comment, INT autosave, INT rename)
1263 {
1264   GRID *theGrid;
1265   NODE *theNode;
1266   EDGE *theEdge;
1267   ELEMENT *theElement;
1268   HEAP *theHeap;
1269   MGIO_MG_GENERAL mg_general;
1270   BVP *theBVP;
1271   BVP_DESC theBVPDesc;
1272   MGIO_GE_GENERAL ge_general;
1273   MGIO_GE_ELEMENT ge_element[TAGS];
1274   MGIO_CG_GENERAL cg_general;
1275   MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *cg_element,*cge;
1276   MGIO_REFINEMENT *refinement;
1277   MGIO_BD_GENERAL bd_general;
1278   MGIO_PARINFO cg_pinfo;
1279   INT i,j,k,niv,nbv,nie,nbe,n,nref,hr_max,mode,level,id,foid,non,tl,saved;
1280   int *vidlist;
1281   char *p,*f,*s,*l;
1282   BNDP **BndPList;
1283   char filename[NAMESIZE];
1284   char buf[64],itype[10];
1285   int lastnumber;
1286   INT MarkKey;
1287 #ifdef ModelP
1288   int error;
1289         #ifdef STAT_OUT
1290   DOUBLE ugio_begin,ugio_end;
1291         #endif
1292 #endif
1295         #ifdef STAT_OUT
1296   ugio_begin = CURRENT_TIME;
1297 #endif
1299   /* check */
1300   if (theMG==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1301   if (!MG_COARSE_FIXED(theMG))
1302   {
1303     PrintErrorMessage('E',"SaveMultiGrid_SPF","coarse grid not fixed\n");
1304     REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1305   }
1307   const auto& procs = theMG->ppifContext().procs();
1309   theHeap = MGHEAP(theMG);
1310   MarkTmpMem(theHeap,&MarkKey);
1312   /* something to do ? */
1313   saved = MG_SAVED(theMG);
1314 #ifdef ModelP
1315   saved = UG_GlobalMinINT(theMG->ppifContext(), saved);
1316   proc_list_size = PROCLISTSIZE_VALUE;
1317 #endif
1318   if (saved)
1319   {
1320     UserWriteF("WARNING: multigrid already saved as %s\n",MG_FILENAME(theMG));
1321   }
1322   /* open file */
1323   nparfiles = procs;
1324   if (autosave)
1325   {
1326     if (name==NULL)
1327     {
1328       if (type!=NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1329       strcpy(filename,MG_FILENAME(theMG));
1330       f = strtok(filename,".");       if (f==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1331       s = strtok(NULL,".");           if (s==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1332       l = strtok(NULL,".");           if (l==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1333       l = strtok(NULL,".");           if (l==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1334       l = strtok(NULL,".");           if (l==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1335       strtok(l,"/");
1336       if (sscanf(s,"%d",&lastnumber)!=1) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1337       if (lastnumber<0) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1338       lastnumber++;
1339       strcpy(itype,l);
1340       sprintf(buf,".%06d",lastnumber);
1341       strcat(filename,buf);
1342     }
1343     else
1344     {
1345       if (type==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1346       strcpy(itype,type);
1347       if (name==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1348       strcpy(filename,name);
1349       strcat(filename,".000000");
1350     }
1351   }
1352   else
1353   {
1354     if (type==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1355     strcpy(itype,type);
1356     if (name==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1357     strcpy(filename,name);
1358   }
1359   if (strcmp(itype,"asc")==0) mode = BIO_ASCII;
1360   else if (strcmp(itype,"bin")==0) mode = BIO_BIN;
1361   else REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1362   sprintf(buf,".ug.mg.");
1363   strcat(filename,buf);
1364   strcat(filename,itype);
1365 #ifdef ModelP
1366   error = 0;
1367         #ifndef LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM
1368   if (theMG->ppifContext().isMaster())
1369         #endif
1370   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1371     if (MGIO_dircreate(filename,(int)rename))
1372       error = -1;
1373         #ifdef LOCAL_FILE_SYSTEM
1374   error = UG_GlobalMinINT(theMG->ppifContext(), error);
1375         #endif
1376   Broadcast(theMG->ppifContext(), &error,sizeof(int));
1377   if (error == -1)
1378   {
1379     UserWriteF("SaveMultiGrid_SPF(): error during file/directory creation\n");
1380     REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1381   }
1382   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1383   {
1384     sprintf(buf,"/mg.%04d",(int)theMG->ppifContext().me());
1385     strcat(filename,buf);
1386   }
1387 #endif
1388   if (Write_OpenMGFile (filename,(int)rename)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1390   /* write general information */
1391   theBVP = MG_BVP(theMG);
1392   if (BVP_SetBVPDesc(theBVP,&theBVPDesc)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1393   mg_general.mode                 = mode;
1394   mg_general.dim                  = DIM;
1395   Broadcast(theMG->ppifContext(), &MG_MAGIC_COOKIE(theMG),sizeof(INT));
1396   mg_general.magic_cookie = MG_MAGIC_COOKIE(theMG);
1397   mg_general.heapsize             = MGHEAP(theMG)->size/KBYTE;
1398   mg_general.nLevel               = TOPLEVEL(theMG) + 1;
1399   mg_general.nNode = mg_general.nPoint = mg_general.nElement = 0;
1400   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
1401   {
1402     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i);
1403     mg_general.nNode                += NN(theGrid);
1404     mg_general.nPoint               += NV(theGrid);
1405     mg_general.nElement             += NT(theGrid);
1406   }
1407   strcpy(mg_general.version,MGIO_VERSION);
1408   p = GetStringVar (":IDENTIFICATION");
1409   if (p!=NULL) strcpy(mg_general.ident,p);
1410   else strcpy(mg_general.ident,"---");
1411   strcpy(mg_general.DomainName,BVPD_NAME(&theBVPDesc));
1412   strcpy(mg_general.MultiGridName,MGNAME(theMG));
1413   std::string formatName = "DuneFormat" + std::to_string( DIM ) + "d";
1414   strcpy(mg_general.Formatname,formatName.c_str());
1415   mg_general.VectorTypes  = 0;
1417   /* parallel part */
1418   mg_general.nparfiles = nparfiles;
1419   mg_general.me = theMG->ppifContext().me();
1420 #ifdef __MGIO_PE_INFO__
1421   mg_general.npe_info = nparfiles;
1422   npe_info = mg_general.npe_info;
1423 #endif
1426   if (Write_MG_General(&mg_general)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1428   /* write information about general elements */
1429   ge_general.nGenElement = TAGS;
1430   if (Write_GE_General(&ge_general)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1431   for (i=0; i<TAGS; i++)
1432   {
1433     ge_element[i].tag = i;
1434     if (element_descriptors[i]!=NULL)
1435     {
1436       ge_element[i].nCorner = element_descriptors[i]->corners_of_elem;
1437       ge_element[i].nEdge = element_descriptors[i]->edges_of_elem;
1438       ge_element[i].nSide = element_descriptors[i]->sides_of_elem;
1439       for (j=0; j<MGIO_MAX_EDGES_OF_ELEM; j++)
1440       {
1441         ge_element[i].CornerOfEdge[j][0] = element_descriptors[i]->corner_of_edge[j][0];
1442         ge_element[i].CornerOfEdge[j][1] = element_descriptors[i]->corner_of_edge[j][1];
1443       }
1444       for (j=0; j<MGIO_MAX_SIDES_OF_ELEM; j++)
1445         for (k=0; k<MGIO_MAX_CORNERS_OF_SIDE; k++)
1446           ge_element[i].CornerOfSide[j][k] = element_descriptors[i]->corner_of_side[j][k];
1447     }
1448     else
1449     {
1450       ge_element[i].nCorner = 0;
1451       ge_element[i].nEdge = 0;
1452       ge_element[i].nSide = 0;
1453     }
1454   }
1455   if (Write_GE_Elements(TAGS,ge_element)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1457   /* write information about refrules used */
1458   /* TODO (HRR 971209): drop old call of Write_RefRules */
1459     #if EXTRACT_RULES
1460   if (NEW_Write_RefRules(theMG,rr_rule_offsets,MarkKey,&rr_rules)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1461         #else
1462   if (Write_RefRules(theMG,rr_rule_offsets,MarkKey)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1463         #endif
1465   i = OrphanCons(theMG);
1466   if (i)
1467   {
1468     PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("OrphanCons() returned %d errors\n",i));
1469     fflush(stdout);
1470     assert(0);
1471   }
1473   /* renumber objects */
1474   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1475   {
1476     if (RenumberMultiGrid (theMG,&nbe,&nie,&nbv,&niv,&vid_n,&foid,&non,MarkKey)) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot renumber multigrid\n"); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1477   }
1478   else
1479   {
1480     if (RenumberMultiGrid (theMG,&nbe,&nie,&nbv,&niv,NULL,&foid,&non,MarkKey)) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot renumber multigrid\n"); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1481   }
1482   nov = nbv+niv;
1484   /* write general information about coarse grid */
1485   theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0);
1486   cg_general.nPoint = nbv+niv;
1487   cg_general.nBndPoint = nbv;
1488   cg_general.nInnerPoint = niv;
1489   cg_general.nElement = nbe+nie;
1490   cg_general.nBndElement = nbe;
1491   cg_general.nInnerElement = nie;
1492   if (Write_CG_General(&cg_general)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1494 #ifdef ModelP
1495   /* this proc has no elements */
1496   if (cg_general.nElement == 0)
1497   {
1498     /* release tmp mem */
1499     ReleaseTmpMem(theHeap,MarkKey);
1501     /* close file */
1502     if (CloseMGFile ()) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1504     /* saved */
1505     MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
1506     strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
1508     return(0);
1509   }
1510 #endif
1512   /* write coarse grid points */
1513   if (WriteCG_Vertices(theMG,MarkKey)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1515   /* write mapping: node-id --> vertex-id for orphan-nodes, if(MGIO_PARFILE) */
1516   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1517   {
1518     vidlist = (int*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,(2+non)*sizeof(int),MarkKey);
1519     vidlist[0] = non;
1520     vidlist[1] = foid;
1521     for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
1522       for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
1523         if (USED(theNode))
1524           vidlist[ID(theNode)+2-foid] = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
1525     if (Bio_Write_mint((int)(2+non),vidlist)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1526   }
1528   /* write orphan elements */
1529   n = cg_general.nElement; hr_max=0;
1530   cg_element = (MGIO_CG_ELEMENT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,n*MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_SIZE,MarkKey);
1531   if (cg_element==NULL)   {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for cg_elements\n",(int)n*MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_SIZE); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1532   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1533   {
1534     ActProcListPos = ProcList = (unsigned short*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short),MarkKey);
1535     if (ProcList==NULL)     {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for ProcList\n",(int)PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short)); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1536   }
1537   else
1538     ActProcListPos = ProcList = NULL;
1539   id=i=0;
1540   for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); level++)
1541     for (theElement = PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,level)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
1542     {
1543       /* entry in cg_element-list */
1544       cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,i);
1546       /* only orphan elements */
1547       if (!EORPHAN(theElement)) continue;
1548       assert(id==ID(theElement));
1549       assert(id<n);
1550       PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("write orphan element " EID_FMTX "\n", EID_PRTX(theElement)));
1552       if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1553       {
1554         /* parallel part */
1555         cge->level = LEVEL(theElement);
1556       }
1558       /* --- */
1559       cge->ge = TAG(theElement);
1560       nref=0;
1561       if (nRefinements (theElement,&nref)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1562       hr_max = MAX(hr_max,nref);
1563       cge->nref = nref;
1564       for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1565         cge->cornerid[j] = ID(CORNER(theElement,j));
1566       for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1567         if (NBELEM(theElement,j)!=NULL)
1568           cge->nbid[j] = ID(NBELEM(theElement,j));
1569         else
1570           cge->nbid[j] = -1;
1571       cge->se_on_bnd = 0;
1572       if (OBJT(theElement)==BEOBJ)
1573         for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1574           if (SIDE_ON_BND(theElement,j))
1575             cge->se_on_bnd |= (1<<j);
1576       for (j=0; j<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1577       {
1578         theEdge=GetEdge(CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,0),CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,1));
1579         assert(theEdge!=NULL);
1580         if (EDSUBDOM(theEdge)==0)
1581           cge->se_on_bnd |= (1<<(SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+j));
1582       }
1583       cge->subdomain = SUBDOMAIN(theElement);
1584 #ifdef  __MGIO_PE_INFO__
1585       cge->pe = PARTITION(theElement);
1586 #endif
1589 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
1590       /* write debug extension */
1591       cge->mykey = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)theElement);
1592       for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1593         cge->nodekey[j] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)CORNER(theElement,j));
1594       for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1595         cge->neighborkey[j] = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)NBELEM(theElement,j));
1596 #endif
1598       /* increment counters */
1599       i++; id++;                                                                                                        /* id this is the id of theElement, according to RenumberElements (ugm.c) */
1600     }
1601   if (Write_CG_Elements((int)i,cg_element)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1603   /* write general bnd information */
1604   if (Bio_Jump_From ()) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1605   bd_general.nBndP = nbv;
1606   if (Write_BD_General (&bd_general)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1608   /* write bnd information */
1609   if (nbv > 0) {
1610     BndPList = (BNDP**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,nbv*sizeof(BNDP*),MarkKey);
1611     if (BndPList==NULL) {
1612       UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for BndPList\n",
1613                  (int)nbv*sizeof(BNDP*));
1614       REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1615     }
1616     if (procs>1) i=TOPLEVEL(theMG);
1617     else i=0;
1618     for (level=0; level<=i; level++)
1619       for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,level)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
1620         if (USED(MYVERTEX(theNode)) && OBJT(MYVERTEX(theNode))==BVOBJ) {
1621           /* see ugm.c: RenumberVertices */
1622           id = ID(MYVERTEX(theNode));
1623           if (id<0 || id>=nbv) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1624           BndPList[id] = V_BNDP(MYVERTEX(theNode));
1625           SETUSED(MYVERTEX(theNode),0);
1626         }
1627     if (Write_PBndDesc (nbv,BndPList)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1628   }
1629   if (Bio_Jump_To ()) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1631   /* write parinfo of coarse-grid */
1632   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
1633   {
1634     cg_pinfo.proclist = ProcList;
1635     for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); level++)
1636       for (theElement = PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,level)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
1637         if (EORPHAN(theElement))
1638         {
1639           if (WriteElementParInfo(theGrid, theElement,&cg_pinfo)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1640           if (Write_pinfo (TAG(theElement),&cg_pinfo)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1641         }
1642   }
1644   /* save refinement */
1645   refinement = (MGIO_REFINEMENT *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,MGIO_REFINEMENT_SIZE,MarkKey);                      /* size according to procs==1 or procs>1 (see mgio.h) */
1646   if (refinement==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %ld bytes for refinement\n",(long)hr_max*MGIO_REFINEMENT_SIZE); REP_ERR_RETURN(1);}
1647   if (procs>1) tl=TOPLEVEL(theMG);
1648   else tl=0;
1650   id=0;
1651   for (level=0; level<=tl; level++) {
1652     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,level);
1653     for (theElement = PFIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
1654          theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement)) {
1655       if (!EORPHAN(theElement)) continue;
1656       assert(id==ID(theElement));
1657       if (REFINE(theElement)!=NO_REFINEMENT)
1658         /* write refinement only if it is neccessary */
1659         if(SetHierRefinement(theGrid,theElement,refinement,rr_rule_offsets))
1660           REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1661       id++;
1662     }
1663   }
1665   /* release tmp mem */
1666   ReleaseTmpMem(theHeap,MarkKey);
1668   /* close file */
1669   if (CloseMGFile ()) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1671   /* saved */
1672   MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
1673   strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
1675         #if EXTRACT_RULES
1676   ResetRefineTagsBeyondRuleManager(theMG);
1677         #endif
1679         #ifdef STAT_OUT
1680   ugio_end = CURRENT_TIME;
1682   UserWriteF("UGIO: t_iosave=%.2lf\n", ugio_end-ugio_begin);
1683         #endif
1685   return (0);
1686 }
1688 /****************************************************************************/
1689 /** \brief Save complete multigrid structure in a text file
1691    \param theMG - pointer to multigrid
1692    \param name - name of the text file
1693    \param comment - to be included at beginning of file
1695    This function saves the grid on level 0 to a text file.
1696    The text file can be used in a script to load the grid.
1698    \return <ul>
1699    <li> 0 if ok </li>
1700    <li> >0 if error occured </li>
1701    </ul>
1702  */
1703 /****************************************************************************/
SaveMultiGrid(MULTIGRID * theMG,const char * name,const char * type,const char * comment,INT autosave,INT rename)1705 INT NS_DIM_PREFIX SaveMultiGrid (MULTIGRID *theMG, const char *name, const char *type, const char *comment, INT autosave, INT rename)
1706 {
1707   /* check name convention */
1708   if (name==NULL || strcmp(name+strlen(name)-4,".scr")!=0)
1709   {
1710     if (SaveMultiGrid_SPF (theMG,name,type,comment,autosave,rename)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1711   }
1712   else
1713   {
1714     if (SaveMultiGrid_SCR (theMG,name,comment)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
1715   }
1716   return (0);
1717 }
Evaluate_pinfo(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_PARINFO * pinfo)1719 static INT Evaluate_pinfo (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_PARINFO *pinfo)
1720 {
1721   INT i,j,s,prio,where,oldwhere;
1722   INT evec,nvec,edvec,svec;
1723   GRID            *vgrid;
1724   ELEMENT         *theFather,*After,*Next,*Succe;
1725   NODE            *theNode;
1726   VERTEX          *theVertex;
1727   VECTOR          *theVector;
1728   EDGE            *theEdge;
1730 #ifdef ModelP
1731   auto& dddContext = theGrid->dddContext();
1732 #endif
1734   evec = VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_MG(MYMG(theGrid),ELEMVEC);
1735   nvec = VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_MG(MYMG(theGrid),NODEVEC);
1736   edvec = VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_MG(MYMG(theGrid),EDGEVEC);
1737 #ifdef __THREEDIM__
1738   svec = VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_MG(MYMG(theGrid),SIDEVEC);
1739 #else
1740   svec = 0;
1741 #endif
1742   /* this function does not support side vectors                        */
1743   /* proclist and identificator need to be stored for each  side vector */
1744   if (svec) assert(0);
1746   theFather = EFATHER(theElement);
1747   s = 0;
1748   if ((prio = pinfo->prio_elem) != PrioMaster)
1749   {
1750     oldwhere = PRIO2INDEX(EPRIO(theElement));
1751     Succe = SUCCE(theElement);
1752     GRID_UNLINK_ELEMENT(theGrid,theElement);
1753     SETEPRIO(dddContext, theElement,prio);
1754     if (theFather != NULL)
1755     {
1756       if (theElement == SON(theFather,oldwhere))
1757       {
1758         Next = NULL;
1759         if (Succe != NULL)
1760           if (EFATHER(Succe)==theFather && PRIO2INDEX(EPRIO(Succe))==oldwhere)
1761             Next = Succe;
1762         SET_SON(theFather,oldwhere,Next);
1763       }
1764       where = PRIO2INDEX(prio);
1765       After = SON(theFather,where);
1766       if (After == NULL) SET_SON(theFather,where,theElement);
1767       GRID_LINKX_ELEMENT(theGrid,theElement,prio,After);
1768     }
1769     else
1770       GRID_LINK_ELEMENT(theGrid,theElement,prio);
1771     if (evec)
1772     {
1773       theVector = EVECTOR(theElement);
1774       GRID_UNLINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector);
1775       SETPRIO(dddContext, EVECTOR(theElement),prio);
1776       GRID_LINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector,prio);
1777     }
1778   }
1779   for (i=0; i<pinfo->ncopies_elem; i++)
1780   {
1781     DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDRE(theElement),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->e_ident);
1782     if (evec)
1783       DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(EVECTOR(theElement)),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->e_ident);
1784     s++;
1785   }
1787   for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1788   {
1789     theNode = CORNER(theElement,j);
1790     if (USED(theNode) == 0)
1791     {
1792       if ((prio = pinfo->prio_node[j]) != PrioMaster)
1793       {
1794         GRID_UNLINK_NODE(theGrid,theNode);
1795         SETPRIO(dddContext, theNode,prio);
1796         GRID_LINK_NODE(theGrid,theNode,prio);
1797         if (nvec)
1798         {
1799           theVector = NVECTOR(theNode);
1800           GRID_UNLINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector);
1801           SETPRIO(dddContext, NVECTOR(theNode),prio);
1802           GRID_LINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector,prio);
1803         }
1804       }
1805       PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("Evaluate-pinfo():nid=%d prio=%d\n",ID(theNode),prio);fflush(stdout));
1806       for (i=0; i<pinfo->ncopies_node[j]; i++)
1807       {
1808         DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(theNode),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->n_ident[j]);
1809         if (nvec)
1810           DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(NVECTOR(theNode)),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->n_ident[j]);
1811         s++;
1812       }
1813       SETUSED(theNode,1);
1814     }
1815     else
1816       s += pinfo->ncopies_node[j];
1817   }
1818   for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1819   {
1820     theVertex = MYVERTEX(CORNER(theElement,j));
1821     if (USED(theVertex) == 0)
1822     {
1823       vgrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(MYMG(theGrid),LEVEL(theVertex));
1824       if ((prio = pinfo->prio_vertex[j]) != PrioMaster)
1825       {
1826         GRID_UNLINK_VERTEX(vgrid,theVertex);
1827         SETVXPRIO(dddContext, theVertex,prio);
1828         GRID_LINK_VERTEX(vgrid,theVertex,prio);
1829       }
1830       PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("Evaluate-pinfo():vid=%d prio=%d\n",ID(theVertex),prio);fflush(stdout));
1831       for (i=0; i<pinfo->ncopies_vertex[j]; i++)
1832       {
1833         DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDRV(theVertex),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->v_ident[j]);
1834         s++;
1835       }
1836       SETUSED(theVertex,1);
1837     }
1838     else
1839       s += pinfo->ncopies_vertex[j];
1840   }
1842 #ifdef __TWODIM__
1843   if (edvec) {
1844     for (j=0; j<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++) {
1845       theEdge=GetEdge(CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,j,0)),
1846                       CORNER(theElement,CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,j,1)));
1847       if (USED(theEdge) == 0) {
1848         theVector = EDVECTOR(theEdge);
1849         if ((prio = pinfo->prio_edge[j]) != PrioMaster) {
1850           GRID_UNLINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector);
1851           SETPRIO(dddContext, theVector,prio);
1852           GRID_LINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector,prio);
1853         }
1854         for (i=0; i<pinfo->ncopies_edge[j]; i++) {
1855           DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(theVector),
1856                              pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->ed_ident[j]);
1857           s++;
1858         }
1859         SETUSED(theEdge,1);
1860       }
1861       else
1862         s += pinfo->ncopies_edge[j];
1863     }
1864   }
1865 #endif
1867 #if (MGIO_DIM==3)
1868   for (j=0; j<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
1869   {
1870     theEdge = GetEdge(CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,0),
1871                       CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,1));
1872     if (USED(theEdge) == 0)
1873     {
1874       if ((prio = pinfo->prio_edge[j]) != PrioMaster)
1875       {
1876         SETPRIO(dddContext, theEdge,prio);
1877         if (edvec)
1878         {
1879           theVector = EDVECTOR(theEdge);
1880           GRID_UNLINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector);
1881           SETPRIO(dddContext, EDVECTOR(theEdge),prio);
1882           GRID_LINK_VECTOR(theGrid,theVector,prio);
1883         }
1884       }
1885       for (i=0; i<pinfo->ncopies_edge[j]; i++)
1886       {
1887         DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(theEdge),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->ed_ident[j]);
1888         if (edvec)
1889           DDD_IdentifyNumber(dddContext, PARHDR(EDVECTOR(theEdge)),pinfo->proclist[s],pinfo->ed_ident[j]);
1890         s++;
1891       }
1892       SETUSED(theEdge,1);
1893     }
1894     else
1895       s += pinfo->ncopies_edge[j];
1896   }
1897 #endif
1899   return(0);
1900 }
1902 #ifdef ModelP
Gather_RefineInfo(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)1903 static int Gather_RefineInfo (DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
1904 {
1905   ELEMENT *theElement = (ELEMENT *)obj;
1907   ((int *)data)[0] = REFINECLASS(theElement);
1908   ((int *)data)[1] = REFINE(theElement);
1909   ((int *)data)[2] = MARKCLASS(theElement);
1910   ((int *)data)[3] = MARK(theElement);
1912   return(GM_OK);
1913 }
Scatter_RefineInfo(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)1915 static int Scatter_RefineInfo (DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
1916 {
1917   ELEMENT *theElement = (ELEMENT *)obj;
1919   SETREFINECLASS(theElement,((int *)data)[0]);
1920   SETREFINE(theElement,((int *)data)[1]);
1921   SETMARKCLASS(theElement,((int *)data)[2]);
1922   SETMARK(theElement,((int *)data)[3]);
1924   return(GM_OK);
1925 }
SpreadRefineInfo(GRID * theGrid)1927 static INT SpreadRefineInfo(GRID *theGrid)
1928 {
1929   auto& context = theGrid->dddContext();
1930   const auto& dddctrl = ddd_ctrl(context);
1932   DDD_IFAOneway(context,
1933                 dddctrl.ElementIF,GRID_ATTR(theGrid),IF_FORWARD,4*sizeof(INT),
1934                 Gather_RefineInfo,Scatter_RefineInfo);
1935   return(GM_OK);
1936 }
Gather_NodeType(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)1938 static int Gather_NodeType (DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
1939 {
1940   NODE *theNode = (NODE *)obj;
1942   ((int *)data)[0] = NTYPE(theNode);
1944   return(GM_OK);
1945 }
Scatter_NodeType(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)1947 static int Scatter_NodeType (DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
1948 {
1949   NODE *theNode = (NODE *)obj;
1951   SETNTYPE(theNode,((int *)data)[0]);
1953   return(GM_OK);
1954 }
SpreadGridNodeTypes(GRID * theGrid)1956 static INT SpreadGridNodeTypes(GRID *theGrid)
1957 {
1958   auto& context = theGrid->dddContext();
1959   const auto& dddctrl = ddd_ctrl(context);
1961   DDD_IFAOneway(context,
1962                 dddctrl.NodeIF,GRID_ATTR(theGrid),IF_FORWARD,sizeof(INT),
1963                 Gather_NodeType,Scatter_NodeType);
1964   return(GM_OK);
1965 }
1966 #endif
IO_GridCons(MULTIGRID * theMG)1968 static INT IO_GridCons(MULTIGRID *theMG)
1969 {
1970   INT i;
1971   int     *proclist;
1972   GRID    *theGrid;
1973   ELEMENT *theElement;
1974   VECTOR  *theVector;
1975 #ifdef ModelP
1976   auto& dddContext = theMG->dddContext();
1977 #endif
1978   [[maybe_unused]] const auto& me = theMG->ppifContext().me();
1980   for (i=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i>=0; i--)         /* propagate information top-down */
1981   {
1982     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i);
1983     for (theElement=PFIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
1984     {
1985       proclist = EPROCLIST(dddContext, theElement);
1986       while (proclist[0] != -1)
1987       {
1988         if (EMASTERPRIO(proclist[1])) PARTITION(theElement) = proclist[0];
1989         proclist += 2;
1990       }
1991       ASSERT((PARTITION(theElement)==me && EMASTER(theElement))
1992              || (PARTITION(theElement)!=me && !EMASTER(theElement)));
1993     }
1994     for (theVector=PFIRSTVECTOR(theGrid); theVector!=NULL; theVector=SUCCVC(theVector))
1995       if (!MASTER(theVector))
1996         DisposeConnectionFromVector(theGrid,theVector);
1998 #ifdef ModelP
1999     /* spread element refine info */
2000     if (SpreadRefineInfo(theGrid) != GM_OK) RETURN(GM_FATAL);
2002     /* spread nodetypes from master to its copies */
2003     if (SpreadGridNodeTypes(theGrid) != GM_OK) RETURN(GM_FATAL);
2005     /* repair parallel information */
2006 #ifndef OPTIMIZED_IO
2007     ConstructConsistentGrid(theGrid);
2008 #endif
2009 #endif
2010   }
2011 #ifdef ModelP
2012 #ifdef OPTIMIZED_IO
2013   ConstructConsistentMultiGrid(theMG);
2014 #endif
2015 #endif
2017   return(GM_OK);
2018 }
2021 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
CheckNeighborElement(ELEMENT * theElement,INT nb_nr,INT expected_nb_key,const char * messagePrefix)2022 static void CheckNeighborElement( ELEMENT *theElement, INT nb_nr, INT expected_nb_key, const char *messagePrefix )
2023 /* Checks wheather the relation between an element and a given neighbor is ok.
2024    If an error is detected, the program stopps with 'assert'.
2025  */
2026 {
2027   INT k, key;
2028   ELEMENT *nb_back, *nb_element;
2030   nb_element = NBELEM(theElement,nb_nr);
2032   if (nb_element!=NULL)
2033   {
2034     key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)nb_element);
2035     if (key!=expected_nb_key)
2036     {
2037       if ( EGHOST(theElement) && EGHOST(nb_element) )
2038       {                         /* if both elements are ghosts, then the neighbor-pointers are
2039                                    optionally; but if there is one pointer then also the
2040                                    other must exist.
2041                                    if at save time none of this pointers have existed,
2042                                    at load time they may exist and it is ok.
2043                                  */
2045         if ( expected_nb_key == -1 )
2046         {                               /* at save time there were no neighbor pointers
2047                                            ( i.e. expected_nb_key == -1 ), but now.
2048                                            ensure that the pointers are symmetric.
2049                                          */
2051           /* search for the neighbor pointer from nb_element
2052              back to theElement */
2053           nb_back = NULL;
2054           for (k=0; k<SIDES_OF_ELEM(nb_element); k++)
2055             if (NBELEM(nb_element,k)==theElement)
2056             {
2057               nb_back = theElement;
2058               break;
2059             }
2061           if ( nb_back != theElement )
2062           {
2063             printf(" %s neighbor relation unsymmetric, element: " EID_FMTX "has neighbor[%d]: " EID_FMTX " but not vice versa (this pointer has not been in the coarse grid at save time, but it's ok)\n",
2064                    messagePrefix,EID_PRTX(theElement),nb_nr,EID_PRTX(nb_element));
2065             assert(0);
2066           }
2067           else
2068           {                                     /* else the neighbor pointer relation is symmetric and hence ok */
2069             return;
2070           }
2071         }
2072         else                         /* it is an error because there are 2 valid (!=-1) but different keys */
2073         {
2074           printf(" %s neighbor relation with different keys for ghosts, element: " EID_FMTX "has neighbor[%d]: " EID_FMTX "\n",
2075                  messagePrefix,EID_PRTX(theElement),nb_nr,EID_PRTX(nb_element));
2076           assert(0);
2077         }
2078       }
2079       else
2080       {
2081         /* else it is an error because at least one of the 2 considered elements
2082            is a master and masters must always have pointers to its
2083            existing neighbors. Thus especially it can't be, that at
2084            save time expected_nb_key==-1 has held and a key difference
2085            is in this case always an error.
2086          */
2087         printf(" %s neighbor relation with different keys for master/ghost, element: " EID_FMTX "has neighbor[%d]: " EID_FMTX ":expected key %d does not match\n",
2088                messagePrefix,EID_PRTX(theElement),nb_nr,EID_PRTX(nb_element),expected_nb_key);
2089         assert(0);
2090       }
2091     }
2092   }
2093   /* you cannot expect that the neighbors are already existing
2094       else
2095       {
2096               if ( expected_nb_key!=-1 && must_exist )
2097               {
2098                       printf(" %s neighbor relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", neighbor %d doesn't exist but key %d expected\n",messagePrefix,EID_PRTX(theElement),nb_nr,ref->mykey);
2099                       assert(0);
2100               }
2101       }
2102    */
2103 }
CheckLocalElementKeys(ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_REFINEMENT * ref,INT must_exist)2105 static INT CheckLocalElementKeys (ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_REFINEMENT *ref, INT must_exist)
2106 /* check as many consistencies as possible. Various keys (for neibhbours,
2107    sons, ...) are stored in the debug mode and are now compared to the
2108    existing objects in the memory.
2109    if must_exist == true all sons must exist. */
2110 {
2111   INT i, j, k, key, nmax;
2112   NODE *corner_node;
2113   ELEMENT *SonList[MAX_SONS], *nb_element, *nb_back;
2115   /* check consistency of element key */
2116   key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)theElement);
2117   if (key!=ref->mykey)
2118   {
2119     printf(" IO_Loc: element key, element: " EID_FMTX ": exp.key %d does not match\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),ref->mykey);
2120     assert(0);
2121   }
2123   /* check consistency of father element key;
2124      the check is ok also for orphan elements (they have fatherkey -1) */
2125   key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)EFATHER(theElement));
2126   if (key!=ref->myfatherkey)
2127   {
2128     printf(" IO_Loc: father element key, element: " EID_FMTX ", father element: " EID_FMTX ": exp.key %d does not match\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),EID_PRTX(EFATHER(theElement)),ref->mykey);
2129     assert(0);
2130   }
2132   /* check corners */
2133   if (CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)!=ref->mycorners)
2134   {
2135     printf(" IO_Loc: number of corners, element: " EID_FMTX ": exp.key %d does not matchas %d corners but expected %dh\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement),ref->mycorners);
2136     assert(0);
2137   }
2138   for (j=0; j<ref->mycorners; j++)
2139   {
2140     corner_node = CORNER(theElement,j);
2141     if (corner_node!=NULL)
2142     {
2143       if (ref->mycornerkey[j] != KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)corner_node))
2144       {
2145         printf(" IO_Loc: corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner %d: " ID_FMTX " :exp.key %d does not match\n",
2146                EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ref->mycornerkey[j]);
2147         assert(0);
2148       }
2150       /* check father corner */
2151       if (NFATHER(corner_node)!=NULL)
2152       {
2153         if ( ref->mycornerfatherkey[j] != KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)NFATHER(corner_node)) )
2154         {
2155           if ( ref->mycornerfatherkey[j] != -1 )
2156           {
2157             printf(" IO_Loc: father corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d]: " ID_FMTX " fathercorner: " ID_FMTX ":exp.key %d does not match\n",
2158                    EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ID_PRTX(NFATHER(corner_node)),ref->mycornerfatherkey[j]);
2159             assert(0);
2160           }
2161           else
2162           {
2163             IFDEBUG(gm,1)
2164             printf(" IO_Loc NOTE: father corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d]: " ID_FMTX " fathercorner: " ID_FMTX " wasn't here at save time\n",
2165                    EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ID_PRTX(NFATHER(corner_node)));
2166             ENDDEBUG
2167           }
2168         }
2169       }
2170       else
2171       {
2172         if ( ref->mycornerfatherkey[j]!=-1 )
2173         {
2174           if ( !EORPHAN(theElement) )
2175           {
2176             printf(" IO_Loc: father corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX " corner %d doesn't exist but key %d expected\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ref->mycornerfatherkey[j]);
2177             assert(0);
2178           }
2179           /* else for orphan element: at save time there was a father-corner. Such father-corner pointers are
2180              reconstructed not from the orphan element itself, but from the father-corner which is
2181              located in a neighbor element-tree; and since it is possible, that this neighbor element-tree
2182              is not already constructed and the father-corner pointer is still missing. It's OK.
2183            */
2184         }
2185       }
2187       /* check son corner */
2188       if (SONNODE(corner_node)!=NULL)
2189       {
2190         if ( ref->mycornersonkey[j] != KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)SONNODE(corner_node)) )
2191         {
2192           if ( ref->mycornersonkey[j] != -1 )
2193           {
2194             printf(" IO_Loc: son corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d]: " ID_FMTX " soncorner: " ID_FMTX ":exp.key %d does not match\n",
2195                    EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ID_PRTX(SONNODE(corner_node)),ref->mycornersonkey[j]);
2196             assert(0);
2197           }
2198           else
2199           {
2200             IFDEBUG(gm,1)
2201             printf(" IO_Loc NOTE: son corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d]: " ID_FMTX " soncorner: " ID_FMTX " wasn't here at save time\n",
2202                    EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ID_PRTX(SONNODE(corner_node)));
2203             ENDDEBUG
2204           }
2206         }
2207       }
2208       /* you cannot expect that the sonnodes are already existing
2209          else
2210          {
2211               if ( ref->mycornersonkey[j]!=-1 && must_exist)
2212               {
2213                       printf(" IO_Loc: son corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d] " ID_FMTX ": son corner doesn't exist but key %d expected\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(corner_node),ref->mycornersonkey[j]);
2214                       assert(0);
2215               }
2216          }
2217        */
2218     }
2219     else
2220     {
2221       if ( ref->mycornerkey[j]!=-1 )
2222       {
2223         printf(" IO_Loc: corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner %d doesn't exist but key %d expected\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ref->mycornerkey[j]);
2224         assert(0);
2225       }
2226     }
2228   }
2230   /* check nbkey[] */
2231   for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
2232     CheckNeighborElement( theElement, j, ref->nbkey[j], "IO_Loc:" );
2234   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2235   {
2237     MGIO_RR_RULE *theRule;
2239     if (GetNodeContext(theElement,NodeContext)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2240     theRule = rr_rules + rr_rule_offsets[TAG(theElement)] + REFINE(theElement);
2241     if (GetOrderedSons(theElement,theRule,NodeContext,SonList,&nmax)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2243     /* check the sons */
2244     for (i=0; i<nmax; i++)
2245     {
2246       if ( SonList[i]==NULL )
2247       {
2248         if (!must_exist)
2249           continue;
2251         if (((1<<i) & ref->sonex)!=0)
2252         {
2253           printf(" IO_Loc: sonlist relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", son %d doesn't exist but sonex 0x%x set\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),i,ref->sonex);
2254           assert(0);
2255         }
2256         if ( ref->sonskey[i] != -1 )
2257         {
2258           printf(" IO_Loc: sonlist relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", son %d doesn't exist but key %d expected\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),i,ref->sonskey[i]);
2259           assert(0);
2260         }
2261         continue;
2262       }
2264       if (((1<<i) & ref->sonex)==0)
2265       {
2266         /* son exists, but is not set in sonex */
2267         /* TODO: check whether SonList[i] is really a (orphan) coarse grid element */
2268         continue;
2269       }
2272       /* check consistency of son element key */
2273       key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)SonList[i]);
2274       if (key!=ref->sonskey[i])
2275       {
2276         printf(" IO_Loc: son element key, element: " EID_FMTX ", son[%d] " EID_FMTX ": exp.key %d does not match\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),i,EID_PRTX(SonList[i]),ref->sonskey[i]);
2277         assert(0);
2278       }
2280       for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(SonList[i]); j++)
2281         CheckNeighborElement( SonList[i], j, ref->sonsnbkey[i][j], "IO_Loc: son" );
2282     }
2283   }
2285   return (0);
2286 }
2287 #endif
InsertLocalTree(GRID * theGrid,ELEMENT * theElement,MGIO_REFINEMENT * ref,int * RefRuleOffset)2290 static INT InsertLocalTree (GRID *theGrid, ELEMENT *theElement, MGIO_REFINEMENT *ref, int *RefRuleOffset)
2291 {
2292   INT i,j,k,r_index,nedge,type,sonRefined,n0,n1,Sons_of_Side,SonSides[MAX_SONS],offset;
2293   ELEMENT *theSonElem[MAX_SONS];
2294   ELEMENT *theSonList[MAX_SONS];
2295   VERTEX *theVertex;
2297   NODE *SonNodeList[MAX_CORNERS_OF_ELEM];
2298   GRID *upGrid;
2299   EDGE *theEdge;
2300   MGIO_RR_RULE *theRule;
2301   struct mgio_sondata *SonData;
2302   INT nbside,nex;
2303 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
2304   MGIO_REFINEMENT ref_copy;
2305 #endif
2307   /* read refinement */
2308   if (Read_Refinement(ref,rr_rules)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2309 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
2310   ref_copy = *ref;      /* copy the read ref. into local buffer for subsequent checks */
2311 #endif
2313   /*PRINTDEBUG(gm,0,("InsertLocalTree(): level=%d elem=" EID_FMTX " REFINECLASS %d\n",LEVEL(theGrid),EID_PRTX(theElement),ref->refclass));*/
2315   /* init */
2316   if (ref->refrule==-1) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2317   SETREFINE(theElement,ref->refrule-RefRuleOffset[TAG(theElement)]);
2318   SETREFINECLASS(theElement,ref->refclass);
2319   SETMARK(theElement,ref->refrule-RefRuleOffset[TAG(theElement)]);
2320   SETMARKCLASS(theElement,ref->refclass);
2321   theRule = rr_rules+ref->refrule;
2322   upGrid = UPGRID(theGrid);
2324   /* insert nodes */
2325   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2326   {
2327     nex=0;
2328     for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2329       if ((ref->sonex>>i)&1)
2330         for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_TAG(theRule->sons[i].tag); j++)
2331           nex |= (1<<theRule->sons[i].corners[j]);
2332   }
2333   r_index = 0;
2334   for (i=0; i<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
2335   {
2336     if (MGIO_PARFILE && !((nex>>i)&1))
2337     {
2338       NodeList[i] = NULL;
2339       continue;
2340     }
2341     NodeList[i] = SONNODE(CORNER(theElement,i));
2342     if (NodeList[i]==NULL)
2343     {
2344       if (ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid>=0 && ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid<non)
2345       {
2346         NodeList[i] = nid_n[ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid];
2347         assert(NodeList[i]!=NULL);
2348         assert(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2349         SONNODE(CORNER(theElement,i)) = NodeList[i];
2350         SETNFATHER(NodeList[i],(GEOM_OBJECT *)CORNER(theElement,i));
2351       }
2352       else
2353       {
2354         NodeList[i] = CreateSonNode(upGrid,CORNER(theElement,i));
2355         if (NodeList[i]==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2356         ID(NodeList[i]) = ref->newcornerid[r_index];
2357       }
2358     }
2359     else
2360     {
2361       ASSERT(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2362     }
2363     SETNTYPE(NodeList[i],CORNER_NODE);
2364     r_index++;
2365   }
2366   offset = i;
2368   nedge = EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement);
2369   for (; i<nedge+offset; i++)
2370   {
2371     theVertex = NULL;
2372     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2373     {
2374       if (!((nex>>i)&1))
2375       {
2376         NodeList[i] = NULL;
2377         continue;
2378       }
2379       else if (ref->orphanid_ex==1)
2380       {
2381         if (ref->orphanid[r_index]>=0)
2382         {
2383           assert(ref->orphanid[r_index]>=foid && ref->orphanid[r_index]<non+foid);
2384           theVertex = MYVERTEX(nid_n[ref->orphanid[r_index]-foid]);
2385         }
2386       }
2387     }
2388     if (theRule->pattern[i-offset]!=1)
2389     {
2390       NodeList[i] = NULL;
2391       continue;
2392     }
2393     n0 = CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,i-offset,0);
2394     n1 = CORNER_OF_EDGE(theElement,i-offset,1);
2395     theEdge = GetEdge(CORNER(theElement,n0),CORNER(theElement,n1));
2396     if (theEdge==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2397     NodeList[i] = MIDNODE(theEdge);
2398     if (NodeList[i]==NULL)
2399     {
2400       if (ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid>=0 && ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid<non)
2401       {
2402         NodeList[i] = nid_n[ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid];
2403         assert(NodeList[i]!=NULL);
2404         assert(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2405         MIDNODE(theEdge) = NodeList[i];
2406         SETNFATHER(NodeList[i],(GEOM_OBJECT *)theEdge);
2407       }
2408       else
2409       {
2410         NodeList[i] = CreateMidNode(upGrid,theElement,theVertex,i-offset);
2411         if (NodeList[i]==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2412         ID(NodeList[i]) = ref->newcornerid[r_index];
2413       }
2414     }
2415     else
2416     {
2417       ASSERT(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2418     }
2419     SETNTYPE(NodeList[i],MID_NODE);
2420     r_index++;
2421   }
2422   offset = i;
2424 #ifdef __THREEDIM__
2425   for (; i<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+offset; i++)
2426   {
2427     if (theRule->pattern[i-CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)]!=1)
2428     {
2429       NodeList[i] = NULL;
2430       continue;
2431     }
2432     theVertex = NULL;
2433     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2434     {
2435       if (!((nex>>i)&1))
2436       {
2437         NodeList[i] = NULL;
2438         continue;
2439       }
2440       else if (ref->orphanid_ex==1)
2441       {
2442         if (ref->orphanid[r_index]>=0)
2443         {
2444           assert(ref->orphanid[r_index]>=foid && ref->orphanid[r_index]<non+foid);
2445           theVertex = MYVERTEX(nid_n[ref->orphanid[r_index]-foid]);
2446         }
2447       }
2448     }
2449     if (ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid>=0 && ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid<non)
2450     {
2451       NodeList[i] = nid_n[ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid];
2452       assert(NodeList[i]!=NULL);
2453       assert(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2454     }
2455     else
2456       NodeList[i] = GetSideNode(theElement,i-offset);
2457     if (NodeList[i]==NULL)
2458     {
2459       NodeList[i] = CreateSideNode(upGrid,theElement,theVertex,i-offset);
2460       if (NodeList[i]==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2461       ID(NodeList[i]) = ref->newcornerid[r_index];
2462     }
2463     else
2464       SETONNBSIDE(MYVERTEX(NodeList[i]),i-offset);
2465     SETNTYPE(NodeList[i],SIDE_NODE);
2466     r_index++;
2467   }
2468   offset = i;
2469 #endif
2471   i = CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+CENTER_NODE_INDEX(theElement);       /* using consistency within rm.c (id of CenterNode in SonData corresponds to CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement)+CENTER_NODE_INDEX(theElement)) */
2472   if (theRule->pattern[CENTER_NODE_INDEX(theElement)]==1 && (!MGIO_PARFILE || ((nex>>(i))&1)))
2473   {
2474     theVertex = NULL;
2475     if (MGIO_PARFILE && ref->orphanid_ex==1 && ref->orphanid[r_index]>=0)
2476     {
2477       assert(ref->orphanid[r_index]>=foid && ref->orphanid[r_index]<non+foid);
2478       theVertex = MYVERTEX(nid_n[ref->orphanid[r_index]-foid]);
2479     }
2480     if (ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid>=0 && ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid<non)
2481     {
2482       NodeList[i] = nid_n[ref->newcornerid[r_index]-foid];
2483       assert(NodeList[i]!=NULL);
2484       assert(ID(NodeList[i]) == ref->newcornerid[r_index]);
2485     }
2486     else {
2487       if (theVertex != NULL)                                                    /* NEU Ch. Wieners */
2488         /* if (!VXGHOST(theVertex)) */		/* NEU Ch. Wieners */
2489         VFATHER(theVertex) = theElement;                                        /* NEU Ch. Wieners */
2490       NodeList[i] = CreateCenterNode(upGrid,theElement,theVertex);
2491     }
2492     if (NodeList[i]==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2493     SETNTYPE(NodeList[i],CENTER_NODE);
2494     ID(NodeList[i]) = ref->newcornerid[r_index++];
2495   }
2496   else
2497     NodeList[i] = NULL;
2499   /* insert elements */
2500   for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2501   {
2502     if (MGIO_PARFILE && !((ref->sonex>>i)&1))
2503     {
2504       theSonList[i] = NULL;
2505       continue;
2506     }
2507     SonData = theRule->sons+i;
2508     type = IEOBJ;
2509     if (OBJT(theElement)==BEOBJ)
2510       for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_TAG(SonData->tag); j++)
2511         if (SonData->nb[j]>=MGIO_FATHER_SIDE_OFFSET && SIDE_ON_BND(theElement,SonData->nb[j]-MGIO_FATHER_SIDE_OFFSET))
2512         {
2513           type = BEOBJ;
2514           break;
2515         }
2516     for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_TAG(SonData->tag); j++)
2517       SonNodeList[j] = NodeList[SonData->corners[j]];
2518     theSonList[i] = CreateElement(upGrid,SonData->tag,type,SonNodeList,theElement,1);
2519     if (theSonList[i]==NULL) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2520     SETECLASS(theSonList[i],ref->refclass);
2521     SETSUBDOMAIN(theSonList[i],SUBDOMAIN(theElement));
2522   }
2524   /* identify objects */
2525   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2526     for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2527     {
2528       if (theSonList[i] != NULL)
2529         Evaluate_pinfo(upGrid,theSonList[i],ref->pinfo+i);
2530     }
2532   /* set neighbor relation between sons */
2533   for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2534   {
2535     if (MGIO_PARFILE && !((ref->sonex>>i)&1)) continue;
2536     SonData = theRule->sons+i;
2537     for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_TAG(SonData->tag); j++)
2538       if (SonData->nb[j]<MGIO_FATHER_SIDE_OFFSET && (!MGIO_PARFILE || ((ref->sonex>>(SonData->nb[j]))&1)))
2539         SET_NBELEM(theSonList[i],j,theSonList[SonData->nb[j]]);
2540       else
2541         SET_NBELEM(theSonList[i],j,NULL);
2542   }
2544   /* connect to neighbors */
2545   for (i=0; i<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); i++)
2546   {
2547     for (k=0,j=0; j<theRule->nsons; j++)
2548     {
2549       if (!MGIO_PARFILE || ((ref->sonex>>j)&1))
2550         theSonElem[k++] = theSonList[j];
2551     }
2552     theSonElem[k] = NULL;
2553     if (Get_Sons_of_ElementSide (theElement,i,&Sons_of_Side,theSonElem,SonSides,0,1)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2555     if (Connect_Sons_of_ElementSide(UPGRID(theGrid),theElement,i,Sons_of_Side,theSonElem,SonSides,1)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2556   }
2558   /* connect to orphan-neighbors */
2559   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2560     for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2561       if (((ref->sonex>>i)&1) && ((ref->nbid_ex>>i)&1))
2562       {
2563         SonData = theRule->sons+i;
2564         for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_TAG(SonData->tag); j++)
2565           if (ref->nbid[i][j]>=0)
2566           {
2567             SET_NBELEM(theSonList[i],j,eid_e[ref->nbid[i][j]]);
2568             GetNbSideByNodes(eid_e[ref->nbid[i][j]],&nbside,theSonList[i],j);
2569             SET_NBELEM(eid_e[ref->nbid[i][j]],nbside,theSonList[i]);
2570           }
2571       }
2573 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
2574   if (CheckLocalElementKeys(theElement, &ref_copy, false)==0)
2575   {
2576     PRINTDEBUG(gm,4,("InsertLocalTree: preliminary CheckLocalElementKeys ok.\n"));
2577   }
2578   else
2579   {
2580     PrintErrorMessage('E',"InsertLocalTree","preliminary CheckLocalElementKeys failed\n");
2581   }
2582 #endif
2584   /* jump to the sons ? */
2585   sonRefined = ref->sonref;
2587   /* call recursively */
2588   for (i=0; i<theRule->nsons; i++)
2589   {
2590     if (sonRefined & (1<<i))
2591     {
2592       if (InsertLocalTree (upGrid,theSonList[i],ref,RefRuleOffset)) REP_ERR_RETURN(1);
2593     }
2594     else if (theSonList[i] != NULL)
2595     {
2596       SETREFINE(theSonList[i],NO_REFINEMENT);
2597     }
2599 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
2600     if (CheckLocalElementKeys(theElement, &ref_copy, true)==0)
2601     {
2602       PRINTDEBUG(gm,4,("InsertLocalTree: after son %d intermediate CheckLocalElementKeys ok.\n",i));
2603     }
2604     else
2605     {
2606       PrintErrorMessage('E',"InsertLocalTree","intermediate CheckLocalElementKeys failed\n");
2607     }
2608 #endif
2609   }
2611 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
2612   if (CheckLocalElementKeys(theElement, &ref_copy, true)==0)
2613   {
2614     PRINTDEBUG(gm,4,("InsertLocalTree: final CheckLocalElementKeys ok.\n"));
2615   }
2616   else
2617   {
2618     PrintErrorMessage('E',"InsertLocalTree","final CheckLocalElementKeys failed\n");
2619   }
2620 #endif
2622   return (0);
2623 }
2625 #ifdef ModelP
Gather_EClasses(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)2626 static int Gather_EClasses (DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
2627 {
2628   ELEMENT *p;
2629   int *d;
2631   p  = (ELEMENT *)obj;
2632   d  = (int *)data;
2633   *d = ECLASS(p);
2635   return (0);
2636 }
Scatter_EClasses(DDD::DDDContext &,DDD_OBJ obj,void * data)2638 static int Scatter_EClasses(DDD::DDDContext&, DDD_OBJ obj, void *data)
2639 {
2640   ELEMENT *p;
2641   int *d;
2643   p = (ELEMENT *)obj;
2644   d = (int *)data;
2645   SETECLASS(p,*d);
2647   return (0);
2648 }
CommunicateEClasses(MULTIGRID * theMG)2650 void CommunicateEClasses (MULTIGRID *theMG)
2651 {
2652   auto& context = theMG->dddContext();
2653   const auto& dddctrl = ddd_ctrl(context);
2655   DDD_IFOneway(context,
2656                dddctrl.ElementVHIF,IF_FORWARD,sizeof(int),
2657                Gather_EClasses, Scatter_EClasses);
2658   return;
2659 }
2660 #endif
2662 #if (MGIO_DEBUG>0)
CheckCGKeys(INT ne,ELEMENT ** eid_e,MGIO_CG_ELEMENT * cg_elem)2663 static INT CheckCGKeys (INT ne, ELEMENT** eid_e, MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *cg_elem)
2664 {
2665   INT i,j,k,key;
2666   MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *cge;
2667   ELEMENT *theElement, *nb_element, *nb_back;
2669   for (i=0; i<ne; i++)
2670   {
2671     cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_elem,i);
2672     theElement = eid_e[i];
2674     /* check consistency of keys */
2675     key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)theElement);
2676     if (key!=-1 && key!=cge->mykey)
2677     {
2678       printf(" IO_CG: element key, element: " EID_FMTX ": exp.key %d does not match\n",EID_PRTX(theElement),cge->mykey);
2679       assert(0);
2680     }
2682     key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)EFATHER(theElement));
2683     if (key!=-1)
2684     {
2685       printf(" IO_CG: father relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", father: " EID_FMTX " ; but no father expected because element is orphan\n",
2686              EID_PRTX(theElement),EID_PRTX(EFATHER(theElement)));
2688       assert(0);
2689     }
2691     for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
2692     {
2693       key = KeyForObject((KEY_OBJECT *)CORNER(theElement,j));
2694       if (key!=-1 && key!=cge->nodekey[j])
2695       {
2696         printf(" IO_CG: corner relation, element: " EID_FMTX ", corner[%d]: " ID_FMTX " :exp.key %d does not match\n",
2697                EID_PRTX(theElement),j,ID_PRTX(CORNER(theElement,j)),cge->nodekey[j]);
2698         assert(0);
2699       }
2700     }
2702     for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
2703       CheckNeighborElement( theElement, j, cge->neighborkey[j], "IO_CG:" );
2704   }
2706   return (0);
2707 }
2708 #else
CheckCGKeys(INT ne,ELEMENT ** eid_e,MGIO_CG_ELEMENT * cg_elem)2709 static INT CheckCGKeys (INT ne, ELEMENT** eid_e, MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *cg_elem)
2710 {
2711   return (0);
2712 }
2713 #endif
2715 /****************************************************************************/
2716 /** \brief  Load complete multigrid structure from a text file
2718    \param MultigridName - Name of the new 'MULTIGRID' structure in memory.
2719    \param FileName - Name of the file to be read.
2720    \param BVPName - `Name` of the BVP used for the 'MULTIGRID'.
2721    \param format - `Name` of the 'FORMAT' to be used for the 'MULTIGRID'.
2722    \param heapSize - Size of the heap in bytes that will be allocated for the 'MULTIGRID'.
2724    This function can read grid files produced with the 'SaveMultiGrid' function.
2726    \return
2727    NULL if an error occured else a pointer to new 'MULTIGRID'
2728  */
2729 /****************************************************************************/
LoadMultiGrid(const char * MultigridName,const char * name,const char * type,const char * BVPName,const char * format,unsigned long heapSize,INT force,INT optimizedIE,INT autosave,std::shared_ptr<PPIF::PPIFContext> ppifContext)2732 MULTIGRID * NS_DIM_PREFIX LoadMultiGrid (const char *MultigridName,
2733                                          const char *name,
2734                                          const char *type,
2735                                          const char *BVPName,
2736                                          const char *format,
2737                                          unsigned long heapSize,
2738                                          INT force,
2739                                          INT optimizedIE,
2740                                          INT autosave,
2741                                          std::shared_ptr<PPIF::PPIFContext> ppifContext)
2742 /* Documentation of the intended program flow resp. communication requirements.
2743    Functions introducing a global communication (all processors without any exception)
2744    are:
2745         UG_GlobalMin* and DDD_XferBegin/End
2746    the corresponding topics in the following lists are preceeded by "#"
2747    The sequence of main topics is:
2748                 read coarse grid data
2749                 CreateMultiGrid
2750                 DisposeGrid(grid_on_level_0)	(caution: for gridlevels>0 DisposeTopLevel is called which involves UG_GlobalMinINT)
2751                 create all grid levels
2752                 insert coarse mesh
2754    #CreateAlgebra				(incl. DDD_IF* and
2755                                                    SetSurfaceClasses incl. UG_GlobalMinINT)
2756                 PrepareAlgebraModification
2758                 DDD_IdentifyBegin
2759                         read parinfo of coarse-grid
2760                         read refinements and build local tree (fine grid)
2761                 DDD_IdentifyEnd
2763                 repair inconsistencies:
2764                         CommunicateEClasses		(incl. DDD_IF*)
2765    #IO_GridCons				(incl. ConstructConsistentGrid
2766                                                    incl. DDD_IF* and DDD_XferBegin/End )
2767                         Propagate*VectorClasses (incl. DDD_IF*)
2768                         PrepareAlgebraModification
2769    #SetSurfaceClasses		(incl. UG_GlobalMinINT)
2771         if you must/will leave this sequence premature ENSURE THE COMMUNICATION PATTERN!!!
2772         i.e. do all global communications as dummies and
2773                 all element orientated communication (like DDD_IF*) if there exist elements
2774  */
2775 {
2776   MULTIGRID *theMG;
2777   GRID *theGrid;
2778   ELEMENT *theElement,*ENext;
2779   NODE *theNode;
2780   EDGE *theEdge;
2781   VECTOR *theVector;
2782   HEAP *theHeap;
2783   MGIO_MG_GENERAL mg_general;
2784   MGIO_GE_GENERAL ge_general;
2785   MGIO_GE_ELEMENT ge_element[TAGS];
2786   MGIO_RR_GENERAL rr_general;
2787   MGIO_CG_GENERAL cg_general;
2788   MGIO_CG_POINT *cg_point,*cgp;
2789   MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *cg_element,*cge;
2790   MGIO_BD_GENERAL bd_general;
2791   MGIO_PARINFO cg_pinfo;
2792   MGIO_REFINEMENT *refinement;
2793   BNDP **BndPList;
2794   DOUBLE *Positions;
2795   BVP *theBVP;
2796   BVP_DESC theBVPDesc;
2797   MESH theMesh;
2798   char FormatName[NAMESIZE], BndValName[NAMESIZE], MGName[NAMESIZE], filename[NAMESIZE];
2799   INT i,j,*Element_corner_uniq_subdom, *Ecusdp[2],**Enusdp[2],**Ecidusdp[2],
2800   **Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom,*Element_corner_ids,max,**Element_nb_uniq_subdom,
2801   *Element_nb_ids,level;
2802   INT *Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom,*ESoBusdp[2];
2803   char buf[64],itype[10];
2804   int *vidlist;
2805   INT MarkKey;
2806 #ifdef __THREEDIM__
2807   ELEMENT *theNeighbor;
2808   INT k;
2809 #endif
2810         #ifdef STAT_OUT
2811   DOUBLE ugio_begin, ugio_end;
2813   ugio_begin = CURRENT_TIME;
2814         #endif
2816   if (not ppifContext)
2817     ppifContext = std::make_shared<PPIF::PPIFContext>();
2819   const auto& me = ppifContext->me();
2820   const auto& procs = ppifContext->procs();
2822   if (autosave)
2823   {
2824     if (name==NULL)
2825     {
2826       return (NULL);
2827     }
2828     else
2829     {
2830       if (type==NULL) return (NULL);
2831       strcpy(itype,type);
2832       if (name==NULL) return (NULL);
2833       strcpy(filename,name);
2834       strcat(filename,".000000");
2835     }
2836   }
2837   else
2838   {
2839     if (type==NULL) return (NULL);
2840     strcpy(itype,type);
2841     if (name==NULL) return (NULL);
2842     strcpy(filename,name);
2843   }
2844   sprintf(buf,".ug.mg.");
2845   strcat(filename,buf);
2846   strcat(filename,itype);
2848 #ifdef ModelP
2849   proc_list_size = PROCLISTSIZE_VALUE;
2850   if (ppifContext->isMaster())
2851   {
2852 #endif
2853   nparfiles = 1;
2854   if (MGIO_filetype(filename) == FT_DIR)
2855   {
2856     sprintf(buf,"/mg.%04d",(int)me);
2857     strcat(filename,buf);
2858     if (Read_OpenMGFile (filename))                 {nparfiles = -1;}
2859     else
2860     if (Read_MG_General(&mg_general))
2861     {
2862       CloseMGFile ();
2863       nparfiles = -1;
2864 #ifdef ModelP
2865       assert(0);
2866 #endif
2867     }
2869     nparfiles = mg_general.nparfiles;
2870     if (mg_general.nparfiles>procs)                 {UserWrite("ERROR: too many processors needed\n");CloseMGFile (); nparfiles = -1;}
2871     assert(mg_general.me == me);
2873   }
2874   else if(MGIO_filetype(filename) == FT_FILE)
2875   {
2876     if (Read_OpenMGFile (filename))                 {nparfiles = -1;}
2877     else
2878     if (Read_MG_General(&mg_general))
2879     {
2880       CloseMGFile ();
2881       nparfiles = -1;
2882 #ifdef ModelP
2883       assert(0);
2884 #endif
2885     }
2886   }
2887   else
2888     nparfiles = -1;
2889 #ifdef ModelP
2890   Broadcast(*ppifContext, &nparfiles,sizeof(int));
2891 }
2892 else
2893 {
2894   sprintf(buf,"/mg.%04d",(int)me);                      /* Also me>=nparfiles needs its filename to be stored in the multigrid */
2895   strcat(filename,buf);
2896   Broadcast(*ppifContext, &nparfiles,sizeof(int));
2897   if (me < nparfiles)
2898   {
2899     if (Read_OpenMGFile (filename))                 {nparfiles = -1;}
2900     else
2901     if (Read_MG_General(&mg_general))       {CloseMGFile (); nparfiles = -1;}
2903   }
2904 }
2905 nparfiles = UG_GlobalMinINT(*ppifContext, nparfiles);
2906 #endif
2907   if (nparfiles == -1)
2908   {
2909     UserWriteF("ERROR in LoadMultiGrid: could not open file %s.\n", filename );
2910     return(NULL);
2911   }
2913   if (procs>nparfiles)
2914   {
2915     Broadcast(*ppifContext, &mg_general,sizeof(MGIO_MG_GENERAL));
2916     if (me < nparfiles)
2917       mg_general.me = me;
2918   }
2919   if (mg_general.dim!=DIM) {
2920     UserWrite("ERROR: wrong dimension\n");
2921     CloseMGFile ();
2922     return (NULL);
2923   }
2924   if (strcmp(mg_general.version,MGIO_VERSION)!=0 && force==0) {
2925     UserWrite("ERROR: wrong version\n");
2926     CloseMGFile ();
2927     return (NULL);
2928   }
2929   /* BVP and format */
2930   if (BVPName==NULL) strcpy(BndValName,mg_general.DomainName);
2931   else strcpy(BndValName,BVPName);
2932   if (MultigridName==NULL) strcpy(MGName,mg_general.MultiGridName);
2933   else strcpy(MGName,MultigridName);
2934   if (format==NULL) strcpy(FormatName,mg_general.Formatname);
2935   else strcpy(FormatName,format);
2936   if (heapSize==0) heapSize = mg_general.heapsize * KBYTE;
2938   /* create a virginenal multigrid on the BVP */
2939   theMG = CreateMultiGrid(MGName,BndValName,FormatName,true,false, ppifContext);
2940   if (theMG==NULL) {
2941     UserWrite("ERROR(ugio): cannot create multigrid\n");
2942     CloseMGFile ();
2943     return (NULL);
2944   }
2945   MG_MAGIC_COOKIE(theMG) = mg_general.magic_cookie;
2947   if (me >= nparfiles)
2948   {
2949     /* in this case no CloseMGFile() may be used because no Read_OpenMGFile() was executed */
2951     if (DisposeGrid(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0)))        {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2953     for (i=0; i<mg_general.nLevel; i++)
2954       if (CreateNewLevel(theMG)==NULL)              {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2956     /* no coarse mesh */
2958     if (CreateAlgebra (theMG))                                      {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2959     if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2960     if (PrepareAlgebraModification(theMG))          {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2962         #ifdef ModelP
2963     if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2965     DDD_IdentifyBegin(theMG->dddContext());
2966     /* no elements to insert */
2967     if (MGCreateConnection(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2968     DDD_IdentifyEnd(theMG->dddContext());
2970     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
2971     {
2972       /* replaced by IO_GridCons because of uniformity; Christian Wrobel 980311. TODO remove:
2973          for (i=0; i<mg_general.nLevel; i++)
2974           ConstructConsistentGrid(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i));
2975        */
2976       if (IO_GridCons(theMG))                                 {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2977     }
2978                 #endif
2980     if (SetSurfaceClasses (theMG))                          {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2982     /* saved */
2983     MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
2984     strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
2986     return (theMG);
2988   }             /* else if (me < nparfiles) */
2989   theHeap = MGHEAP(theMG);
2990   MarkKey = MG_MARK_KEY(theMG);
2991   if (DisposeGrid(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0)))                {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2992   if (CreateNewLevel(theMG)==NULL)                              {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2993   theHeap = MGHEAP(theMG);
2994   theBVP = MG_BVP(theMG);
2995   if (theBVP==NULL)                                                               {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2996   if (BVP_SetBVPDesc(theBVP,&theBVPDesc))                 {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
2998   /* read general element information */
2999   if (Read_GE_General(&ge_general))                               {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3000   if (Read_GE_Elements(TAGS,ge_element))                  {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3002   /* read refrule information */
3003   if (Read_RR_General(&rr_general))                           {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3004   rr_rules = (MGIO_RR_RULE *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,rr_general.nRules*sizeof(MGIO_RR_RULE),MarkKey);
3005   if (rr_rules==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for rr_rules\n",(int)rr_general.nRules*sizeof(MGIO_RR_RULE)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3006   if (Read_RR_Rules(rr_general.nRules,rr_rules))  {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3008   /* read general information about coarse grid */
3009   if (Read_CG_General(&cg_general))                               {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3011 #ifdef ModelP
3012   /* this proc has no elements */
3013   if (cg_general.nElement == 0)
3014   {             /* no elements for me; may skip element orientated communication routines */
3016     ReleaseTmpMem(theHeap,MarkKey);
3018     /* no coarse mesh */
3020     /* replaced by IO_GridCons because of uniformity; Christian Wrobel 980311. TODO remove:
3021        ConstructConsistentGrid(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0));
3022      */
3023     /* create levels */
3024     for (i=1; i<mg_general.nLevel; i++)
3025     {
3026       if (CreateNewLevel(theMG)==NULL)              {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3027       /* replaced by IO_GridCons because of uniformity; Christian Wrobel 980311. TODO remove:
3028          ConstructConsistentGrid(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i));
3029        */
3030     }
3032     if (CreateAlgebra (theMG))                                      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3033     if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3034     if (PrepareAlgebraModification(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3036                 #ifdef ModelP
3037     if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3038                 #endif
3040     DDD_IdentifyBegin(theMG->dddContext());
3041     /* no elements to insert */
3042     if (MGCreateConnection(theMG))                         {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3043     DDD_IdentifyEnd(theMG->dddContext());
3045     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3046       if (IO_GridCons(theMG))                                 {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3049     if (SetSurfaceClasses (theMG))                          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3051     if (CloseMGFile ())                                             {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3053     /* saved */
3054     MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
3055     strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
3057     return (theMG);
3058   }
3059 #endif
3061   /* read coarse grid points and elements */
3062   cg_point = (MGIO_CG_POINT *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nPoint*sizeof(MGIO_CG_POINT),MarkKey);
3063   if (cg_point==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for cg_points\n",(int)cg_general.nPoint*sizeof(MGIO_CG_POINT)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3064   if (Read_CG_Points(cg_general.nPoint,cg_point)) {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3066   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3067   {
3068     /* read mapping: node-id --> vertex-id for orphan-nodes */
3069     if (Bio_Read_mint(1,&non))                                      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3070     if (Bio_Read_mint(1,&foid))                             {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3071     vidlist = (int*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,non*sizeof(int),MarkKey);
3072     if (Bio_Read_mint(non,vidlist))                         {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3073 #ifdef Debug
3074     for (i=0; i<non; i++) PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("LoadMG(): vidList[%d]=%d\n",i,vidlist[i]));
3075 #endif
3076   }
3077   else
3078   {
3079     foid = 0;
3080     non = cg_general.nPoint;
3081   }
3083   cg_element = (MGIO_CG_ELEMENT *)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(MGIO_CG_ELEMENT),MarkKey);
3084   if (cg_element==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for cg_elements\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(MGIO_CG_ELEMENT)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3085   if (Read_CG_Elements(cg_general.nElement,cg_element)) {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3087   /* read general bnd information */
3088   if (Bio_Jump (0))                                                               {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3089   if (Read_BD_General (&bd_general))                              {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3091   /* read bnd points */
3092   if (bd_general.nBndP > 0) {
3093     BndPList = (BNDP**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,bd_general.nBndP*sizeof(BNDP*),MarkKey);
3094     if (BndPList==NULL) {
3095       UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for BndPList\n",
3096                  (int)bd_general.nBndP*sizeof(BNDP*));
3097       CloseMGFile ();
3098       DisposeMultiGrid(theMG);
3099       return (NULL);
3100     }
3101     if (Read_PBndDesc (theBVP,theHeap,bd_general.nBndP,BndPList)) {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3102   }
3104   /* create and insert coarse mesh: prepare */
3105   theMesh.nBndP = cg_general.nBndPoint;
3106   theMesh.theBndPs = BndPList;
3107   theMesh.nInnP = cg_general.nInnerPoint;
3108   if (cg_general.nInnerPoint>0)
3109   {
3110     theMesh.Position = (DOUBLE**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nInnerPoint*sizeof(DOUBLE*),MarkKey);
3111     if (theMesh.Position==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for theMesh.Position\n",(int)cg_general.nInnerPoint*sizeof(DOUBLE*)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3112     Positions = (DOUBLE*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,MGIO_DIM*cg_general.nInnerPoint*sizeof(DOUBLE),MarkKey);
3113     if (Positions==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Positions\n",(int)MGIO_DIM*cg_general.nInnerPoint*sizeof(DOUBLE)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3114   }
3115   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3116   {
3117     theMesh.VertexLevel = (char*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,(cg_general.nBndPoint+cg_general.nInnerPoint)*sizeof(char),MarkKey);
3118     if (theMesh.VertexLevel==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for VertexLevel\n",(int)(cg_general.nBndPoint+cg_general.nInnerPoint)*sizeof(char)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3119   }
3120   else
3121     theMesh.VertexLevel = NULL;
3122   theMesh.nSubDomains = theBVPDesc.nSubDomains;
3123   theMesh.nElements = (INT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,(theMesh.nSubDomains+1)*sizeof(INT),MarkKey);
3124   if (theMesh.nElements==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for theMesh.nElements\n",(int)(theMesh.nSubDomains+1)*sizeof(INT)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3125   theMesh.ElementLevel = (char**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,(theMesh.nSubDomains+1)*sizeof(char*),MarkKey);
3126   if (theMesh.ElementLevel==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for theMesh.ElementLevel\n",(int)(theMesh.nSubDomains+1)*sizeof(char*)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3127   for (i=0; i<=theMesh.nSubDomains; i++)
3128   {
3129     theMesh.nElements[i] = 0;
3130     theMesh.ElementLevel[i] = NULL;
3131   }
3132   theMesh.nElements[1] = cg_general.nElement;
3133   theMesh.ElementLevel[1] = (char*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(char),MarkKey);
3134   if (theMesh.ElementLevel[1]==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for theMesh.ElementLevel[1]\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(char)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3135   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nInnerPoint; i++)
3136     theMesh.Position[i] = Positions+MGIO_DIM*i;
3137   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nInnerPoint; i++)
3138   {
3139     cgp = MGIO_CG_POINT_PS(cg_point,cg_general.nBndPoint+i);
3140     for (j=0; j<MGIO_DIM; j++)
3141       theMesh.Position[i][j] = cgp->position[j];
3142   }
3143   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3144     for (i=0; i<cg_general.nBndPoint+cg_general.nInnerPoint; i++)
3145     {
3146       cgp = MGIO_CG_POINT_PS(cg_point,i);
3147       theMesh.VertexLevel[i] = cgp->level;
3148     }
3150   /* nb of corners of elements */
3151   Element_corner_uniq_subdom  = (INT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT),MarkKey);
3152   if (Element_corner_uniq_subdom==NULL)
3153   {
3154     UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_corner_uniq_subdom\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT));
3155     CloseMGFile ();
3156     DisposeMultiGrid(theMG);
3157     return (NULL);
3158   }
3159   Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom  = (INT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT),MarkKey);
3160   if (Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom==NULL)
3161   {
3162     UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT));
3163     CloseMGFile ();
3164     DisposeMultiGrid(theMG);
3165     return (NULL);
3166   }
3167   max = 0;
3168   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nElement; i++)
3169   {
3170     cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,i);
3171     Element_corner_uniq_subdom[i] = ge_element[cge->ge].nCorner;
3172     max = MAX(max,ge_element[cge->ge].nCorner);
3173     max = MAX(max,ge_element[cge->ge].nSide);
3174     if (MGIO_PARFILE) theMesh.ElementLevel[1][i] = cge->level;
3175     else theMesh.ElementLevel[1][i] = 0;
3176     Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom[i] = cge->se_on_bnd;
3177   }
3178   Ecusdp[1] = Element_corner_uniq_subdom;
3179   theMesh.Element_corners = Ecusdp;
3180   ESoBusdp[1] = Element_SideOnBnd_uniq_subdom;
3181   theMesh.ElemSideOnBnd = ESoBusdp;
3183   /* corners ids of elements */
3184   Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom  = (INT**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT*),MarkKey);
3185   if (Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT*)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3186   Element_corner_ids  = (INT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,max*cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT),MarkKey);
3187   if (Element_corner_ids==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_corner_ids\n",(int)max*cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3188   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nElement; i++)
3189     Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom[i] = Element_corner_ids+max*i;
3190   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nElement; i++)
3191   {
3192     cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,i);
3193     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3194       for (j=0; j<Element_corner_uniq_subdom[i]; j++)
3195       {
3196         Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom[i][j] = vidlist[cge->cornerid[j]-foid];
3197         PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("LoadMultiGrid(): cg_elem=%d  cg_nid[%d]=%d foid=%d\n",i,j,cge->cornerid[j],foid));
3198       }
3199     else
3200       for (j=0; j<Element_corner_uniq_subdom[i]; j++)
3201         Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom[i][j] = cge->cornerid[j];
3202   }
3203   Ecidusdp[1] = Element_corner_ids_uniq_subdom;
3204   theMesh.Element_corner_ids = Ecidusdp;
3206   /* nb of elements */
3207   Element_nb_uniq_subdom  = (INT**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT*),MarkKey);
3208   if (Element_nb_uniq_subdom==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_nb_uniq_subdom\n",(int)cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT*)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3209   Element_nb_ids  = (INT*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,max*cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT),MarkKey);
3210   if (Element_nb_ids==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for Element_nb_ids\n",(int)max*cg_general.nElement*sizeof(INT)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3211   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nElement; i++)
3212     Element_nb_uniq_subdom[i] = Element_nb_ids+max*i;
3213   for (i=0; i<cg_general.nElement; i++)
3214   {
3215     cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,i);
3216     for (j=0; j<ge_element[cge->ge].nSide; j++)
3217       Element_nb_uniq_subdom[i][j] = cge->nbid[j];
3218   }
3219   Enusdp[1] = Element_nb_uniq_subdom;
3220   theMesh.nbElements = Enusdp;
3222   /* create levels */
3223   for (i=1; i<mg_general.nLevel; i++)
3224     if (CreateNewLevel(theMG)==NULL)                      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3226   /* insert coarse mesh */
3227   if (InsertMesh(theMG,&theMesh))                                 {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3228   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
3229     for (theElement = PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3230     {
3231       cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,ID(theElement));
3232       SETREFINE(theElement,0);
3233       SETREFINECLASS(theElement,NO_CLASS);
3234       SETMARK(theElement,0);
3235       SETMARKCLASS(theElement,NO_CLASS);
3236       SETSUBDOMAIN(theElement,cge->subdomain);
3237       for (j=0; j<CORNERS_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
3238       {
3239         theNode = CORNER(theElement,j);
3240         if (OBJT(MYVERTEX(theNode))==BVOBJ) SETNSUBDOM(theNode,0);
3241         else SETNSUBDOM(theNode,cge->subdomain);
3242         ID(CORNER(theElement,j)) = cge->cornerid[j];
3243       }
3244       for (j=0; j<EDGES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
3245       {
3246         theEdge=GetEdge(CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,0),CORNER_OF_EDGE_PTR(theElement,j,1));
3247         ASSERT(theEdge!=NULL);
3248         if ((cge->se_on_bnd & (1<<(SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement)+j))))
3249           SETEDSUBDOM(theEdge,0);
3250         else
3251           SETEDSUBDOM(theEdge,cge->subdomain);
3252       }
3253     }
3255   /* now CreateAlgebra  is necessary to have the coarse grid nodevectors for DDD identification in Evaluate_pinfo */
3256   if (CreateAlgebra (theMG))                                      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3257   if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3258   if (PrepareAlgebraModification(theMG))          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3259         #ifdef ModelP
3260   if (DisposeBottomHeapTmpMemory(theMG))      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3261         #endif
3265   ClearMultiGridUsedFlags(theMG,0,TOPLEVEL(theMG),i);
3267   /* open identification context */
3268   DDD_IdentifyBegin(theMG->dddContext());
3270   /* read parinfo of coarse-grid */
3271   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3272   {
3273     ActProcListPos = ProcList = (unsigned short*)GetTmpMem(theHeap,PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short),MarkKey);
3274     if (ProcList==NULL)     {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for ProcList\n",(int)PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3276     cg_pinfo.proclist = ProcList;
3277     for (level=0; level<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); level++)
3278     {
3279       theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,level);
3280       for (theElement = PFIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=ENext)
3281       {
3282         /* store succe because Evaluate_pinfo() relinks the element list */
3283         ENext = SUCCE(theElement);
3284         cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,ID(theElement));
3285         if (Read_pinfo (TAG(theElement),&cg_pinfo))     {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3286         if (Evaluate_pinfo(theGrid,theElement,&cg_pinfo))       {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3287         PRINTDEBUG(gm,1,("read orphan element " EID_FMTX "\n", EID_PRTX(theElement)));
3288       }
3289     }
3290   }
3292   /* are we ready ? */
3293   if (mg_general.nLevel==1)
3294   {             /* if we are here now, all other processors (wich haven't returned yet) are here TOO
3295                    because mg_general.nLevel is a global quantity. */
3297     /* no fine grid elements */
3298     if (MGCreateConnection(theMG))                         {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3300     /* close identification context */
3301     DDD_IdentifyEnd(theMG->dddContext());
3303     /* repair inconsistencies */
3304     if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3305       if (IO_GridCons(theMG))                                 {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3307     for (theVector=PFIRSTVECTOR(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0));
3308          theVector!=NULL; theVector=SUCCVC(theVector)) {
3309       SETVCLASS(theVector,3);
3310       SETVNCLASS(theVector,0);
3311       SETNEW_DEFECT(theVector,1);
3312       SETFINE_GRID_DOF(theVector,1);
3313     }
3315     if (SetSurfaceClasses (theMG))                          {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3317     ReleaseTmpMem(theHeap,MarkKey);
3318     if (CloseMGFile ())                                             {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3320     /* saved */
3321     MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
3322     strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
3324     return (theMG);
3325   }
3327   /* list: node-id --> node */
3328   nid_n = (NODE**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,non*sizeof(NODE*),MarkKey);
3329   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
3330     for (theNode=PFIRSTNODE(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theNode!=NULL; theNode=SUCCN(theNode))
3331     {
3332       assert(ID(theNode)-foid<non);
3333       nid_n[ID(theNode)-foid] = theNode;
3334     }
3336   /* list: elem-id --> elem */
3337   eid_e = (ELEMENT**)GetTmpMem(theHeap,cg_general.nElement*sizeof(ELEMENT*),MarkKey);
3338   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
3339     for (theElement=PFIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3340     {
3341       assert(ID(theElement)>=0);
3342       assert(ID(theElement)<cg_general.nElement);
3343       eid_e[ID(theElement)] = theElement;
3344     }
3346   if (CheckCGKeys(cg_general.nElement, eid_e, cg_element)==0)
3347   {
3348     PRINTDEBUG(gm,4,("CheckCGKeys ok.\n"));
3349   }
3350   else
3351   {
3352     PrintErrorMessage('E',"LoadMultiGrid","CheckCGKeys failed\n");
3353   }
3355   /* read hierarchical elements */
3356   refinement = (MGIO_REFINEMENT*)malloc(MGIO_REFINEMENT_SIZE);
3357   if (refinement==NULL) {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for refinement\n",(int)MGIO_REFINEMENT_SIZE); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3358   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3359   {
3360     ProcList = (unsigned short*)malloc(PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short));
3361     if (ProcList==NULL)     {UserWriteF("ERROR: cannot allocate %d bytes for ProcList\n",(int)PROCLISTSIZE*sizeof(unsigned short)); CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3362     for (i=0; i<MAX_SONS; i++) refinement->pinfo[i].proclist = ProcList+i*ELEMPROCLISTSIZE;
3363   }
3364   for (j=0; j<cg_general.nElement; j++)
3365   {
3366     theElement = eid_e[j];
3367     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,LEVEL(theElement));
3368     cge = MGIO_CG_ELEMENT_PS(cg_element,j);
3369     if (cge->nref==0)
3370     {
3371       SETREFINE(theElement,NO_REFINEMENT);
3372       SETREFINECLASS(theElement,NO_CLASS);
3373       SETMARK(theElement,NO_REFINEMENT);
3374       SETMARKCLASS(theElement,NO_CLASS);
3375       if (LEVEL(theElement)==0) SETECLASS(theElement,RED_CLASS);
3376 #ifdef ModelP
3377       else assert(EGHOST(theElement));                          /* masters elements must have a father or be on level 0*/
3378 #else
3379       else assert(0);                           /* all orphans must be on level 0 in sequential mode */
3380 #endif
3381       continue;
3382     }
3383     if (InsertLocalTree(theGrid,theElement,refinement,rr_general.RefRuleOffset)) {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3384   }
3386   /* close identification context */
3387 #ifdef OPTIMIZED_IO
3388   DDD_SetOption(theMG->dddContext(), OPT_IF_CREATE_EXPLICIT,OPT_ON);
3389 #endif
3390   DDD_IdentifyEnd(theMG->dddContext());
3391 #ifdef OPTIMIZED_IO
3392   DDD_SetOption(theMG->dddContext(), OPT_IF_CREATE_EXPLICIT,OPT_OFF);
3393 #endif
3395   /* repair inconsistencies */
3396   if (MGIO_PARFILE)
3397   {
3398 #ifdef ModelP
3399     CommunicateEClasses(theMG);
3400 #endif
3401     if (IO_GridCons(theMG))                                         {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3402   }
3404   /* postprocess */
3405   for (i=0; i<TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
3406     for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i)); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3407     {
3408       SETMARK(theElement,0);
3409       SETMARKCLASS(theElement,NO_CLASS);
3410       SETEBUILDCON(theElement,1);
3411     }
3412   for (i=0; i<=TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++)
3413   {
3414     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i);
3416 #ifdef __THREEDIM__
3417     if (VEC_DEF_IN_OBJ_OF_MG(MYMG(theGrid),SIDEVEC))
3418       for (theElement = FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid); theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3419         for (j=0; j<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theElement); j++)
3420         {
3421           theNeighbor = NBELEM(theElement,j);
3422           if (theNeighbor==NULL) continue;
3423           for (k=0; k<SIDES_OF_ELEM(theNeighbor); k++)
3424             if (NBELEM(theNeighbor,k)==theElement)
3425               break;
3426           if (k==SIDES_OF_ELEM(theNeighbor))      {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3427           if (DisposeDoubledSideVector (theGrid,theElement,j,theNeighbor,k)) {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3428         }
3429 #endif
3430   }
3431   if (MGCreateConnection(theMG))                                  {CloseMGFile (); DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3432   theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,0);
3433   ClearNextNodeClasses(theGrid);
3434   for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
3435        theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3436     if (REFINECLASS(theElement)>=GREEN_CLASS)
3437       SeedNextNodeClasses(theElement);
3438   PropagateNextNodeClasses(theGrid);
3439   for (i=1; i<TOPLEVEL(theMG); i++) {
3440     theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,i);
3441     ClearNodeClasses(theGrid);
3442     ClearNextNodeClasses(theGrid);
3443     for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
3444          theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement)) {
3445       if (ECLASS(theElement)>=GREEN_CLASS)
3446         SeedNodeClasses(theElement);
3447       if (REFINECLASS(theElement)>=GREEN_CLASS)
3448         SeedNextNodeClasses(theElement);
3449     }
3450     PropagateNodeClasses(theGrid);
3451     PropagateNextNodeClasses(theGrid);
3452   }
3453   theGrid = GRID_ON_LEVEL(theMG,TOPLEVEL(theMG));
3454   ClearNodeClasses(theGrid);
3455   ClearNextNodeClasses(theGrid);
3456   for (theElement=FIRSTELEMENT(theGrid);
3457        theElement!=NULL; theElement=SUCCE(theElement))
3458     if (ECLASS(theElement)>=GREEN_CLASS)
3459       SeedNodeClasses(theElement);
3460   PropagateNodeClasses(theGrid);
3461   if (PrepareAlgebraModification(theMG))                  {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3463   /* set DOFs on vectors */
3464   if (SetSurfaceClasses (theMG))                                  {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3466   /* close file */
3467   ReleaseTmpMem(theHeap,MarkKey);
3468   if (CloseMGFile ())                                                     {DisposeMultiGrid(theMG); return (NULL);}
3471   /* saved */
3472   MG_SAVED(theMG) = 1;
3473   strcpy(MG_FILENAME(theMG),filename);
3475         #if EXTRACT_RULES
3476   ResetRefineTagsBeyondRuleManager(theMG);
3477         #endif
3479   return (theMG);
3480 }
InitUgio()3482 INT NS_DIM_PREFIX InitUgio ()
3483 {
3484   /* read gridpaths from defaults file (iff) */
3485   gridpaths_set = false;
3486   if (ReadSearchingPaths("defaults","gridpaths")==0)
3487     gridpaths_set = true;
3489   if (MGIO_Init ()) return(1);
3491   return (0);
3492 }