1 /*
2  *  (c) 2004 Iowa State University
3  *      see the LICENSE file in the top level directory
4  */
6 /*������������������������������������������������
7 	InputData.h
9 	Class definitions for the various input
10 	group classes.
12 	Brett Bode - 6-96
13 	Converted all InputFileData calls to BufferFile calls
14 	and removed definitions of InputFileData - 8-97
15   ������������������������������������������������*/
17 #ifndef __INPUTDATA__
18 #define __INPUTDATA__
20 #ifndef __BFILE__
21 #include "BFiles.h"
22 #endif
23 #ifndef __MyTypes__
24 #include "MyTypes.h"
25 #endif
27 #define kConRunMenu				1
28 #define kConSCFMenu				2
29 #define kConMP2Check			4
30 #define kConSCFIterEdit			5
31 #define kConExeTypeMenu			7
32 #define kConLocalMenu			8
33 #define kConChargeEdit			10
34 #define kConMultEdit			12
35 #define kConCIPopup				13
36 #define kConGray1				14
37 #define kConGray2				15
38 #define kConGray3				16
39 #define kConDFTRadio			17
40 #define kConCCPopup				18
41 #define kConGray4				19
43 #define kGuessGuessMenu			2
44 #define kGuessPrintGuess		3
45 #define kGuessNOrbText			4
46 #define kGuessNumOrbs			5
47 #define kGuessRotateOrbs		6
48 #define kGuessOrbSetPopup		7
49 //#define kGuessEigenVecsRadio	7
50 //#define kGuessNatOrbRadio		8
51 //#define kGuessLMORadio			9
52 //#define kGuessHandRadio			10
53 //#define kGuessGray				11
54 //#define kGuessVecText			12
56 #define kHessAnalyticRadio		2
57 #define kHessNumericRadio		3
58 #define kHessMethodGray			4
59 #define kHess2DiffCheck			6
60 #define kHessPurifyCheck		7
61 #define kHessPrintIntFCCheck	8
62 #define kHessVibAnalCheck		9
63 #define kHessDisplacementSize	10
64 #define kHessScaleEdit			11
66 #define kStPtnStepEdit			2
67 #define kStPtOptTolEdit			3
68 #define kStPtMethodCntrl		4
69 #define kStPtInitStepEdit		5
70 #define kStPtMinStepEdit		6
71 #define kStPtMaxStepEdit		7
72 #define kStPtJumpEdit			8
73 #define kStPtHessUpEdit			9
74 #define kStPtModeEdit			10
75 #define kStPtStatPtCheck		11
76 #define kStPtUpStepCheck		12
77 #define kStPtHessGuess			13
78 #define kStPtHessRead			14
79 #define kStPtHessCalc			15
80 #define kStPtPrintOrbs			16
81 #define kStPtGray				25
83 #define kDFTMethodPopup			1
84 #define kDFTGridFuncPopup		2
85 #define kDFTGridFreeFuncPopup	4
87 /** enum for the set of GAMESS run types. */
88 enum TypeOfRun {
89 	InvalidRunType=0,
90 	Energy=1,
91 	GradientRun=2,
92 	HessianRun,
93 	OptimizeRun=4,
94 	TrudgeRun,
95 	SadPointRun,
96 	MinEnergyCrossing,
97 	IRCRun,
98 	MolDynamics,
99 	GradExtrRun,
100 	DRCRun,
101 	SurfaceRun,
102 	G3MP2,
103 	PropRun,
104 	MorokumaRun,
105 	TransitnRun,
106 	SpinOrbitRun,
107 	FFieldRun,
108 	TDHFRun,
109 	TDHFXRun,
110 	GLOBOPRun,
111 	VSCFRun,
112 	OptFMORun,
113 	RamanRun,
114 	NMRRun,
115 	MakeEFPRun,
116 	FreeStateFMORun,
118 	NumGAMESSRunTypes
119 };
121 enum GAMESS_SCFType {
122 	GAMESS_Invalid_SCFType=-1,
123 	GAMESSDefaultSCFType=0,
131 	NumGAMESSSCFTypes
132 };
134 enum CCRunType {
135 	CC_None=0,
136 	CC_LCCD,
137 	CC_CCD,
138 	CC_CCSD,
139 	CC_CCSDT,
140 	CC_RCC,
141 	CC_CRCC,
142 	CC_CRCCL,
144 	CC_CRCCQ,
146 	CC_CREOM,
148 	CC_IP_EOM2,
149 	CC_IP_EOM3A,
150 	CC_EA_EOM2,
151 	CC_EA_EOM3A,
153 	NumCCTypes
154 };
156 enum CIRunType {
157 	CI_None=0,
158 	CI_GUGA,
159 	CI_ALDET,
160 	CI_ORMAS,
161 	CI_CIS,
162 	CI_FSOCI,
163 	CI_GENCI,
165 	NumCITypes
166 };
168 typedef class InputData	InputData;
170 enum FriendType {
171 	Friend_invalid=-1,
172 	Friend_None=0,
173 	Friend_HONDO,
174 	Friend_MELDF,
175 	Friend_GAMESSUK,
176 	Friend_GAUSSIAN,
177 	Friend_ALL,
179 	NumFriendTypes
180 };
182 enum GAMESS_Localization {
183 	Invalid_Localization=-1,
184 	GAMESS_No_Localization=0,
185 	GAMESS_BOYS_Localization,
186 	GAMESS_RUEDNBRG_Localization,
187 	GAMESS_POP_Localization,
188 	GAMESS_SVD_Localization,
190 	NumGAMESSLocalizations
191 };
193 class ControlGroup {
194 	private:
195 		char		*ExeType;
196 		GAMESS_SCFType	SCFType;
197 		short		MPLevelCIType;	//first 4 bits = MP level, 2nd 4 bits CI Type
198 		TypeOfRun	RunType;
199 		short		MaxIt;
200 		short		Charge;
201 		short		Multiplicity;
202 		GAMESS_Localization	Local;
203 		FriendType	Friend;
204 		short		NPrint;
205 		short		ITol;
206 		short		ICut;
207 		CCRunType	CCType;
208 		char		Options;		//1 bit for several options
209 			//bit 1		MolPlot;
210 			//bit 2		PlotOrb;
211 			//bit 3		AIMPAC;
212 			//bit 4		RPAC;
213 			//bit 5		DFT active;
214 			//bit 6		Spherical Harmonic flag;
215 			//bit 7		NormF;
216 			//bit 8		NormP;
217 	public:		//Public data access functions
219 		GAMESS_SCFType SetSCFType(const char *SCFText);
GetSCFTypeText(void)220 		const char * GetSCFTypeText(void) const {return GAMESSSCFTypeToText(SCFType);};
221 		static const char * GAMESSSCFTypeToText(GAMESS_SCFType t);
GetSCFType(void)222 		inline GAMESS_SCFType GetSCFType(void) const {return SCFType;};
223 		long SetMPLevel(short NewMPLevel);
224 		short GetMPLevel(void) const;
225 		CIRunType GetCIType(void) const;
226 		CIRunType GetCIType(char * outText) const;
227 		const char * GetCIType(const CIRunType &) const;
228 		CIRunType SetCIType(CIRunType NewVal);
229 		CIRunType SetCIType(const char * CIText);
230 		TypeOfRun SetRunType(const TypeOfRun & NewRunType);
231 		TypeOfRun SetRunType(const char *RunText);
232 		/** Routine to convert the TypeOfRun enum into a char string containing
233 		 the standard GAMESS Run type.
234 		 @param r The TypeOfRun identifier
235 		 */
236 		static const char * GetGAMESSRunText(const TypeOfRun & r);
GetRunType(void)237 		inline TypeOfRun GetRunType(void) const {return RunType;};
238 		short GetExeType(void);
239 		short GetExeType(Str255 ExeText);
240 		short SetExeType(const char *ExeText);
241 		short SetExeType(short NewType);
242 		short SetMaxIt(short NumIt);
GetMaxIt(void)243 		inline short GetMaxIt(void) {return MaxIt;};
244 		short SetCharge(short charge);
GetCharge(void)245 		inline short GetCharge(void) {return Charge;};
246 		short SetMultiplicity(short NewMult);
GetMultiplicity(void)247 		inline short GetMultiplicity(void) {return Multiplicity;};
248 		GAMESS_Localization SetLocal(const char *LocalText);
249 		GAMESS_Localization SetLocal(GAMESS_Localization NewLocal);
GetLocal(void)250 		inline GAMESS_Localization GetLocal(void) const {return Local;};
251 		static const char * GAMESSLocalizationToText(GAMESS_Localization t);
GetLocalText(void)252 		const char * GetLocalText(void) const {return GAMESSLocalizationToText(Local);};
253 		FriendType SetFriend(const char *FriendText);
254 		FriendType SetFriend(FriendType NewFriend);
255 		static const char * GetFriendText(FriendType f);
256 		static FriendType TextToFriend(const char * c);
GetFriend(void)257 		inline FriendType GetFriend(void) const {return Friend;};
GetFriendText(void)258 		inline const char * GetFriendText(void) const {return GetFriendText(Friend);};
259 		bool SetMolPlot(bool State);
GetMolPlot(void)260 		inline bool GetMolPlot(void) const {return ((Options & 1)?true:false);};
261 		bool SetPlotOrb(bool State);
GetPlotOrb(void)262 		inline bool GetPlotOrb(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<1))?true:false);};
263 		bool SetAIMPAC(bool State);
GetAIMPAC(void)264 		inline bool GetAIMPAC(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<2))?true:false);};
265 		bool SetRPAC(bool State);
GetRPAC(void)266 		inline bool GetRPAC(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<3))?true:false);};
267 		bool UseDFT(bool state);
268 		bool UseDFT(void) const;
269 		bool UseSphericalHarmonics(bool State);
UseSphericalHarmonics(void)270 		inline bool UseSphericalHarmonics(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<5))?true:false);};
271 		bool SetNormF(bool State);
GetNormF(void)272 		inline bool GetNormF(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<6))?true:false);};
273 		bool SetNormP(bool State);
GetNormP(void)274 		inline bool GetNormP(void) const {return ((Options & (1<<7))?true:false);};
275 		CCRunType GetCCType(void) const;
276 		static const char * GetGAMESSCCType(const CCRunType & );
277 		CCRunType SetCCType(CCRunType n);
278 		CCRunType SetCCType(const char * n);
279 				//other member functions
280 		ControlGroup(void);
281 		ControlGroup(ControlGroup *Copy);
282 		~ControlGroup(void);
283 		void InitControlPaneData(void);
284 		void InitProgPaneData(void);
285 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData, long NumElectrons);
286 		void RevertControlPane(ControlGroup *OrgData);
287 		void RevertProgPane(ControlGroup *OrgData);
288 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
289 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
290 };
292 enum MemoryUnit {
293 	wordsUnit=1,
294 	bytesUnit,
295 	megaWordsUnit,
296 	megaBytesUnit,
297 	gigaWordsUnit,
298 	gigaBytesUnit,
300 	NumberMemoryUnits
301 };
302 const char * MemoryUnitToText(const MemoryUnit & mu);
303 bool TextToMemoryUnit(const char * t, MemoryUnit & mu);
305 enum TimeUnit {
306 	secondUnit=1,
307 	minuteUnit,
308 	hourUnit,
309 	dayUnit,
310 	weekUnit,
311 	yearUnit,
312 	milleniaUnit,
314 	NumberTimeUnits
315 };
316 const char * TimeUnitToText(const TimeUnit & tu);
317 bool TextToTimeUnit(const char * t, TimeUnit & tu);
319 class SystemGroup {
320 	private:
321 		long		TimeLimit; //This is always stored as minutes
322 		double		Memory; //Always stored as words
323 		double		MemDDI;	//stored as megawords
324 		char		KDiag;
325 		TimeUnit	TimeUnits;
326 		MemoryUnit	MemUnits;
327 		MemoryUnit	MemDDIUnits;
328 		char		Flags;		//One bit flags
329 			//bit 1		CoreFlag;
330 			//bit 2		BalanceType; set to true for LOOP
331 			//bit 3		XDR;
332 			//bit 4		PARALL;
333 	public:
GetTimeLimit(void)334 		inline long GetTimeLimit(void) const {return TimeLimit;};
335 		long SetTimeLimit(long NewTime);
GetTimeUnits(void)336 		inline TimeUnit GetTimeUnits(void) const {return TimeUnits;};
337 		TimeUnit SetTimeUnits(TimeUnit NewUnits);
338 		float GetConvertedTime(void) const;
339 		long SetConvertedTime(float NewTime);
GetMemory(void)340 		inline double GetMemory(void) const {return Memory;};
341 		double SetMemory(double NewMemory);
GetMemUnits(void)342 		inline MemoryUnit GetMemUnits(void) const {return MemUnits;};
343 		MemoryUnit SetMemUnits(MemoryUnit NewUnits);
344 		double GetConvertedMem(void) const;
345 		double SetConvertedMem(double NewMem);
GetMemDDIUnits(void)346 		inline MemoryUnit GetMemDDIUnits(void) const {return MemDDIUnits;};
GetMemDDI(void)347 		inline double GetMemDDI(void) const {return MemDDI;};
348 		double SetMemDDI(double NewMemDDI);
349 		double GetConvertedMemDDI(void) const;
350 		double SetConvertedMemDDI(double NewMem);
351 		MemoryUnit SetMemDDIUnits(MemoryUnit NewUnits);
GetDiag(void)352 		inline char GetDiag(void) const {return KDiag;};
353 		char SetDiag(char NewMethod);
GetCoreFlag(void)354 		bool GetCoreFlag(void) const {return ((Flags & 1)?true:false);};
355 		bool SetCoreFlag(bool State);
GetBalanceType(void)356 		bool GetBalanceType(void) const {return ((Flags & 2)?true:false);};
357 		bool SetBalanceType(bool Type);
GetXDR(void)358 		bool GetXDR(void) const {return ((Flags & 4)?true:false);};
359 		bool SetXDR(bool State);
GetParallel(void)360 		inline bool GetParallel(void) const {return ((Flags & 8)?true:false);};
361 		bool SetParallel(bool State);
362 				//other member functions
363 		SystemGroup(void);
364 		SystemGroup(SystemGroup *Copy);
365 		void InitData(void);
366 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File);
367 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
368 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
369 		void ReadSystemOptions(BufferFile * Buffer);
370 };
371 enum GAMESS_BasisSet {
372 	GAMESS_BS_None=0,
376 	GAMESS_BS_N21,
377 	GAMESS_BS_N31,
378 	GAMESS_BS_N311,
413 	GAMESS_BS_BC,	//Old basis name - appears to be rolled into DZ basis today
414 	NumGAMESSBasisSetsItem
415 };
416 enum GAMESS_BS_Polarization {
417 	GAMESS_BS_Pople_Polar=-2,	//old one, should not be output
418 	GAMESS_BS_Invalid_Polar=-1,
419 	GAMESS_BS_No_Polarization=0,
420 	GAMESS_BS_Common_Polar,
421 	GAMESS_BS_PopN31_Polar,
422 	GAMESS_BS_PopN311_Polar,
423 	GAMESS_BS_Dunning_Polar,
424 	GAMESS_BS_Huzinaga_Polar,
425 	GAMESS_BS_Hondo7_Polar,
427 	NumGAMESSBSPolarItems
428 };
429 enum GAMESS_BS_ECPotential {
430 	GAMESS_BS_Invalid_ECP=-1,
431 	GAMESS_BS_ECP_None=0,
432 	GAMESS_BS_ECP_Read,
438 };
439 class BasisGroup {
440 	private:
441 		float		Split2[2];
442 		float		Split3[3];
443 		short		Basis;
444 		short		NumGauss;
445 		short		NumHeavyFuncs;	//8 bits for #D funcs, 8 bits for # f funcs
446 		short		NumPFuncs;
447 		GAMESS_BS_Polarization		Polar;
448 		short		ECPPotential;	//Potential type for ECP calculations (in $CONTRL)
449 		char		Flags;		//boolean type options
450 			//bit 1		DiffuseSP;
451 			//bit 2		DiffuseS;
452 			//bit 3		disables builtin basis types based on current atom set
453 	public:		//Member functions
454 		short SetBasis(const char *text);
455 		short SetBasis(short NewBasis);
456 		const char * GetBasisText(void) const;
457 		short GetBasis(void) const;
458 		static const char * GAMESSBasisSetToText(GAMESS_BasisSet bs);
459 		short SetNumGauss(short NewNumGauss);
460 		short GetNumGauss(void) const;
461 		short SetNumDFuncs(short NewNum);
462 		short GetNumDFuncs(void) const;
463 		short SetNumFFuncs(short NewNum);
464 		short GetNumFFuncs(void) const;
465 		short SetNumPFuncs(short NewNum);
466 		short GetNumPFuncs(void) const;
467 		short SetDiffuseSP(bool state);
GetDiffuseSP(void)468 		bool GetDiffuseSP(void) const {return ((Flags&1)?true:false);};
469 		short SetDiffuseS(bool state);
GetDiffuseS(void)470 		bool GetDiffuseS(void) const {return ((Flags&2)?true:false);};
471 		GAMESS_BS_Polarization SetPolar(GAMESS_BS_Polarization NewPolar);
472 		GAMESS_BS_Polarization SetPolar(const char *text);
473 		static const char * PolarToText(GAMESS_BS_Polarization p);
GetPolarText(void)474 		inline const char * GetPolarText(void) const {return PolarToText(Polar);};
GetPolar(void)475 		inline GAMESS_BS_Polarization GetPolar(void) const {return Polar;};
476 		static const char * GAMESSECPToText(GAMESS_BS_ECPotential p);
477 		short GetECPPotential(void) const;
478 		const char * GetECPPotentialText(void) const;
479 		GAMESS_BS_ECPotential SetECPPotential(const char * ECPText);
480 		short SetECPPotential(short NewType);
CheckBasis(void)481 		inline bool CheckBasis(void) const {return ((Flags & 4)?true:false);};
CheckBasis(bool state)482 		inline void CheckBasis(bool state) {Flags = (Flags& 0xFB) + (state?4:0);};
483 				//other member functions
484 		BasisGroup(void);
485 		BasisGroup(BasisGroup *Copy);
486 		void InitData(void);
487 		long WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, MoleculeData * lData);
488 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
489 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
490 };
492 enum CoordinateType {
493 	invalidCoordinateType=0,
494 	UniqueCoordType,
495 	HINTCoordType,
496 	CartesianCoordType,
497 	ZMTCoordType,
498 	ZMTMPCCoordType,
500 	NumberCoordinateTypes
501 };
502 class DataGroup {
503 	private:
504 		char		*Title;
505 		short		Coord;
506 		short		NumZVar;
507 		char		PointGroup;
508 		char		PGroupOrder;
509 		char		Options;
510 			//bit 1 units
511 			//bit 2 NoSym
512 	public:		//data access functions
513 		short SetPointGroup(GAMESSPointGroup NewPGroup);
514 		short SetPointGroup(char *GroupText);
515 		static const char * GetGAMESSPointGroupText(GAMESSPointGroup p);
GetPointGroupText(void)516 		const char * GetPointGroupText(void) const {return GetGAMESSPointGroupText((GAMESSPointGroup) PointGroup);};
GetPointGroup(void)517 		inline GAMESSPointGroup GetPointGroup(void) const {return (GAMESSPointGroup)PointGroup;};
518 		short SetPointGroupOrder(short NewOrder);
GetPointGroupOrder(void)519 		inline short GetPointGroupOrder(void) const {return PGroupOrder;};
520 		short SetTitle(const char *NewTitle, long length=-1);
521 		const char * GetTitle(void) const;
522 		CoordinateType GetCoordType(void) const;
523 		static const char * GetCoordTypeText(CoordinateType t);
GetCoordText(void)524 		const char * GetCoordText(void) const {return GetCoordTypeText((CoordinateType) Coord);};
525 		CoordinateType SetCoordType(const char *CoordText);
526 		CoordinateType SetCoordType(CoordinateType NewType);
GetUnits(void)527 		bool GetUnits(void) const {return ((Options&1)?true:false);};
528 		/** Set the units for the coordinates (true for bohr, false for angstrom).
529 		 * @param unitFlag Flag to indicate units
530 		 */
531 		bool SetUnits(bool unitFlag);
532 		/** Set the units for the coordinates (bohr or angs (angstroms)).
533 		 * The return value is 0 for angstroms, 1 for bohr, -1 indicates invalid text.
534 		 * @param unitText A null-terminated string to parse.
535 		 */
536 		int SetUnits(const char * unitText);
537 		bool SetUseSym(bool State);
GetUseSym(void)538 		bool GetUseSym(void) const {return ((Options&2)?true:false);};
GetNumZVar(void)539 		short GetNumZVar(void) const {return NumZVar;};
540 		short SetNumZVar(short NewNum);
541 				//other member functions
542 		DataGroup(void);
543 		DataGroup(DataGroup *Copy);
544 		~DataGroup(void);
545 		void InitData(void);
546 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, MoleculeData * MainData, WinPrefs * Prefs, long BasisTest);
547 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
548 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
549 };
550 typedef enum EFRAG_PolMethods {
551 	invalidPolMethod=0,
552 	FRGSCF_PolMethod,
553 	SCF_PolMethod,
555 	NumEFragPolMethods
556 } EFRAG_PolMethods;
557 typedef enum EFRAG_PositionTypes {
558 	invalidEFragPositionType=0,
559 	Optimize_Position,
560 	Fixed_Position,
561 	EFOPT_Position,
563 	NumEFragPositionTypes
564 } EFRAG_PositionTypes;
566 /// EffectiveFragmentsGroup stores the options for the EFRAG group, but not the actual fragments
567 class EffectiveFragmentsGroup {
568 	private:
569 		long MaxBasisFuncs;	///< MXBF - max number of basis functions in any of the EFP2 potentials
570 		long MaxMOs;		///< MXMO - Max number of MOs in any EFP2's PROJECTION section
571 		long NumBufferMOs;	///< NBUFFMO - First n orbs in the MO matrix belong to the QM/MM buffer - see $MOFRZ
572 		char flags;			///< Set of bits to handle the 3 text fields
573 							// bit 1 is 0 for Cartesian coordinates, 1 for internal coordinates
574 	public:
575 			/** Constructor. Sets normal default values.
576 			 */
EffectiveFragmentsGroup(void)577 		EffectiveFragmentsGroup(void) {flags=0; MaxBasisFuncs = MaxMOs = NumBufferMOs = -1;};
578 			/** = operator to copy one instance to another.
579 			 */
580 		const EffectiveFragmentsGroup & operator=(const EffectiveFragmentsGroup & other) {flags=other.flags; MaxBasisFuncs=other.MaxBasisFuncs; MaxMOs=other.MaxMOs; NumBufferMOs=other.NumBufferMOs; return *this;};
UseCartesianCoordinates(void)581 		bool UseCartesianCoordinates(void) const {return !(flags & 1);};
UseCartesianCoordinates(bool v)582 		void UseCartesianCoordinates(bool v) {flags = (flags & 0xFE) + (v ? 1 : 0);};
UseInternalCoordinates(void)583 		bool UseInternalCoordinates(void) const {return (flags & 1);};
UseInternalCoordinates(bool v)584 		void UseInternalCoordinates(bool v) {flags = (flags & 0xFE) + (v ? 0 : 1);};
585 			/** Set the coordinates type from the text string.
586 			 * @param v The string containing a valid COORD= value (CART or INT).
587 			 */
588 		bool SetCoordinatesType(const char * v);
GetGAMESSCoordText(void)589 		const char * GetGAMESSCoordText(void) const {return ConvertCoordToText(UseInternalCoordinates()?1:0);};
590 		static const char * ConvertCoordToText(int v);
591 		static const char * ConvertPolMethodToText(EFRAG_PolMethods v);
592 		static const char * ConvertPositionMethodToText(EFRAG_PositionTypes v);
593 		bool SetPolMethod(const char * v);
PolMethodIsDefault(void)594 		bool PolMethodIsDefault(void) const {return ((flags & 2)?false:true);};
PolMethodIsDefault(bool v)595 		void PolMethodIsDefault(bool v) {flags = (flags & 0xFD) + (v ? 2 : 0);};
PolMethod(void)596 		EFRAG_PolMethods PolMethod(void) const {return ((flags & 4)?SCF_PolMethod:FRGSCF_PolMethod);};
PolMethod(EFRAG_PolMethods v)597 		void PolMethod(EFRAG_PolMethods v) {flags = (flags & 0xFB) + ((v==SCF_PolMethod) ? 4 : 0); PolMethodIsDefault(false);};
PositionIsDefault(void)598 		bool PositionIsDefault(void) const {return ((flags & 8)?false:true);};
PositionIsDefault(bool v)599 		void PositionIsDefault(bool v) {flags = (flags & 0xF7) + (v ? 8 : 0);};
600 		bool SetPositionType(const char * v);
PositionMethod(void)601 		EFRAG_PositionTypes PositionMethod(void) const {return (EFRAG_PositionTypes)(((flags & 48)>>4)+1);};
PositionMethod(EFRAG_PositionTypes v)602 		void PositionMethod(EFRAG_PositionTypes v) {flags = (flags & 0xCF) + (((char)v-1)<<4);PositionIsDefault(false);};
GetMaxMOs(void)603 		long GetMaxMOs(void) const {return MaxMOs;};
SetMaxMOs(long v)604 		void SetMaxMOs(long v) {MaxMOs = v;};
GetNumBufferMOs(void)605 		long GetNumBufferMOs(void) const {return NumBufferMOs;};
SetNumBufferMOs(long v)606 		void SetNumBufferMOs(long v) {NumBufferMOs = v;};
GetMaxBasisFunctions(void)607 		long GetMaxBasisFunctions(void) const {return MaxBasisFuncs;};
SetMaxBasisFunctions(long v)608 		void SetMaxBasisFunctions(long v) {MaxBasisFuncs = v;};
609 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
610 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
611 };
613 typedef enum TypeOfGuess {
614 	invalidGuessType=0,
615 	HUCKELGuessType=1,
616 	HCOREGuessType,
617 	MOREADGuessType,
618 	MOSAVEDGuessType,
619 	SkipGuessType,
621 	NumberGuessTypes
622 } TypeOfGuess;
623 class GuessGroup {
624 	private:
625 		float		MOTolZ;
626 		float		MOTolEquil;
627 		long		*IOrder;
628 		long		*JOrder;
629 		long		NumOrbs;
630 		short		VecSource;
631 		short		GuessType;
632 		char		Options;
633 			//bit 1 Print initial guess PRTMO
634 			//bit 2 reordering switch
635 			//bit 3 orbital mixing switch
636 	public:		//data access functions
GetGuess(void)637 		inline short GetGuess(void) const {return GuessType;};
638 		const char * GetGuessText(void) const;
639 		short SetGuess(const char *GuessText);
SetGuess(short NewGuess)640 		inline short SetGuess(short NewGuess) {if ((NewGuess<0)||(NewGuess>=NumberGuessTypes)) return -1; GuessType = NewGuess; return GetGuess();};
GetVecSource(void)641 		inline short GetVecSource(void) const {return VecSource;};
SetVecSource(short NewVal)642 		inline void SetVecSource(short NewVal) {if (NewVal>0) VecSource = NewVal;};
GetNumOrbs(void)643 		inline long GetNumOrbs(void) const {return NumOrbs;};
SetNumOrbs(long NewNum)644 		inline long SetNumOrbs(long NewNum) {if (NewNum >= 0) NumOrbs = NewNum; return NumOrbs;};
GetPrintMO(void)645 		inline bool GetPrintMO(void) const {return (Options & 1);};
SetPrintMO(bool State)646 		inline void SetPrintMO(bool State) {Options = (Options & 0xFE) + (State ? 1 : 0);};
GetNOrder(void)647 		inline bool GetNOrder(void) const {return ((Options & 2)?true:false);};
SetNOrder(bool State)648 		inline void SetNOrder(bool State) {Options = (Options & 0xFD) + (State ? 2 : 0);};
GetMix(void)649 		inline bool GetMix(void) const {return ((Options & 4)?true:false);};
SetMix(bool State)650 		inline void SetMix(bool State) {Options = (Options & 0xFB) + (State ? 4 : 0);};
651 		static const char * ConvertGuessType(const int & type);
652 				//other member functions
653 		GuessGroup(void);
654 		GuessGroup(GuessGroup *Copy);
655 	//	~GuessGroup(void);	//not needed until iorder and jorder are used
656 		void InitData(void);
657 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData, MoleculeData * orbdata);
658 		void WriteVecGroup(BufferFile *File, MoleculeData * lData);
659 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
660 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
661 };
662 class SCFGroup {
663 	private:
664 		float	SOGTolerance;		//SOSCF threshold
665 		float	EnErrThresh;		//DIIS error threshold
666 		float	DEMCutoff;			//DEM limit
667 		float	DampCutoff;			//Damping limit
668 		long	GVBNumCoreOrbs;		///< GVB NCO - Number Core Orbitals
669 		long	GVBNumOpenShells;	///< GVB NSETO - Number of open shells
670 		long	GVBNumPairs;		///< GVP NPAIR - Number of overlapping orbital pairs
671 		std::vector<long> GVBOpenShellDeg;	///< GVB NO - Array of shell degeneracies (NSETO shells)
672 		std::vector<long> NPREOVector;	///< NPREO orbital/energy printout options
673 		short	ConvCriteria;		//Convergance cutoff 10^(-n)
674 		short	MaxDIISEq;			//Max size of the DIIS linear equations
675 		short	MVOCharge;			//Modified Virtual Orbital Charge
676 		char	Punch;				//Orbital printout flags
677 		char	Options1;			//Main option flags
678 					//bit 1 Direct SCF
679 					//bit 2 Fock matrix diff
680 					//bit 3 UHF natural orbitals
681 		char	ConverganceFlags;	//flags for each converger
682 					// 1 extrapolation
683 					// 2 damping
684 					// 3 level shifting
685 					// 4 restriction
686 					// 5 DIIS
687 					// 6 Second order SCF
688 					// 7 direct energy min.
689 	public:	//member functions
GetDirectSCF(void)690 		bool GetDirectSCF(void) const {return ((Options1 & 1)?true:false);};
691 		bool SetDirectSCF(bool State);
GetFockDiff(void)692 		bool GetFockDiff(void) const {return ((Options1 & 2)?true:false);};
693 		bool SetFockDiff(bool State);
GetUHFNO(void)694 		bool GetUHFNO(void) const {return ((Options1 & 4)?true:false);};
695 		bool SetUHFNO(bool State);
GetExtrapolation(void)696 		bool GetExtrapolation(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 1)?true:false);};
SetExtrapolation(bool State)697 		void SetExtrapolation(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xFE) + (State ? 1 : 0);};
GetDamp(void)698 		bool GetDamp(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 2)?true:false);};
SetDamp(bool State)699 		void SetDamp(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xFD) + (State ? 2 : 0);};
GetShift(void)700 		bool GetShift(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 4)?true:false);};
SetShift(bool State)701 		void SetShift(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xFB) + (State ? 4 : 0);};
GetRestriction(void)702 		bool GetRestriction(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 8)?true:false);};
SetRestriction(bool State)703 		void SetRestriction(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xF7) + (State ? 8 : 0);};
GetDIIS(void)704 		bool GetDIIS(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 16)?true:false);};
SetDIIS(bool State)705 		void SetDIIS(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xEF) + (State ? 16 : 0);};
GetSOSCF(void)706 		bool GetSOSCF(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 32)?true:false);};
SetSOSCF(bool State)707 		void SetSOSCF(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xDF) + (State ? 32 : 0);};
GetDEM(void)708 		bool GetDEM(void) const {return ((ConverganceFlags & 64)?true:false);};
SetDEM(bool State)709 		void SetDEM(bool State) {ConverganceFlags = (ConverganceFlags & 0xBF) + (State ? 64 : 0);};
GetConvergance(void)710 		short GetConvergance(void) const {return ConvCriteria;};
711 		short SetConvergance(short NewConv);
GetGVBNumCoreOrbs(void)712 		long GetGVBNumCoreOrbs(void) const {return GVBNumCoreOrbs;};
SetGVBNumCoreOrbs(const long & nco)713 		void SetGVBNumCoreOrbs(const long & nco) {GVBNumCoreOrbs = nco;};
GetGVBNumOpenShells(void)714 		long GetGVBNumOpenShells(void) const {return GVBNumOpenShells;};
715 		void SetGVBNumOpenShells(const long & no);
GetGVBNumPairs(void)716 		long GetGVBNumPairs(void) const {return GVBNumPairs;};
SetGVBNumPairs(const long & npairs)717 		void SetGVBNumPairs(const long & npairs) {GVBNumPairs = npairs;};
GetGVBOpenShellDeg(void)718 		std::vector<long> & GetGVBOpenShellDeg(void) {return GVBOpenShellDeg;};
ClearGVBOpenShellDeg(void)719 		void ClearGVBOpenShellDeg(void) {GVBOpenShellDeg.clear();};
720 		void SetGVBNODegValue(int index, long value);
AddGVBOpenShellDeg(const long & d)721 		void AddGVBOpenShellDeg(const long & d) {GVBOpenShellDeg.push_back(d);};
GetGVBOpenShellDeg(const long & d)722 		long GetGVBOpenShellDeg(const long & d) {return ((d<GVBOpenShellDeg.size())?GVBOpenShellDeg[d]:0);};
723 			/// ClearNPREOArry zeros out the array
ClearNPREOArray(void)724 		void ClearNPREOArray(void) {NPREOVector.clear();};
725 			/// Add a value to the end of the NPREO array
AddNPREOValue(const long & d)726 		void AddNPREOValue(const long & d) {NPREOVector.push_back(d);};
727 		SCFGroup(void);
728 		SCFGroup(SCFGroup *Copy);
729 		void InitData(void);
730 			//no destructor for now
731 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData);
732 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
733 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
734 };
735 class MP2Group {
736 	private:
737 		double		CutOff;	//double needed to hold very small cutoffs
738 		long		NumCoreElectrons;
739 		long		Memory;
740 		char		Method;
741 		char		AOInts;
742 		char		LMOMP2;
743 		bool		MP2Prop;
744 	public:
745 		MP2Group(void);
746 		MP2Group(MP2Group *Copy);
747 		void InitData(void);
GetIntCutoff(void)749 		inline double GetIntCutoff(void) const {return CutOff;};
750 		double SetIntCutoff(double NewCutOff);
GetNumCoreElectrons(void)751 		inline long GetNumCoreElectrons(void) const {return NumCoreElectrons;};
752 		long SetNumCoreElectrons(long NewNum);
GetMemory(void)753 		inline long GetMemory(void) const {return Memory;};
754 		long SetMemory(long NewMem);
GetMethod(void)755 		inline char GetMethod(void) const {return Method;};
756 		char SetMethod(char NewMethod);
GetAOIntMethod(void)757 		inline char GetAOIntMethod(void) const {return AOInts;};
758 		const char * GetAOIntMethodText(void) const;
759 		char SetAOIntMethod(char NewMethod);
760 		void SetAOIntMethod(const char * t);
761 		bool GetLMOMP2(void) const;
762 		bool SetLMOMP2(bool State);
GetMP2Prop(void)763 		bool GetMP2Prop(void) const {return MP2Prop;};
SetMP2Prop(bool state)764 		void SetMP2Prop(bool state) {MP2Prop = state;};
766 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData);
767 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
768 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
769 };
770 class HessianGroup {
771 	private:
772 		float	DisplacementSize;
773 		float	FrequencyScaleFactor;
774 		long	BitOptions;	//Bit 1: method
775 							//Bit 2: double difference
776 							//Bit 3: purify
777 							//Bit 4: print internal FC's
778 							//Bit 5: vibrational analysis
779 	public:
HessianGroup(void)780 		HessianGroup(void) {InitData();};
HessianGroup(HessianGroup * Copy)781 		HessianGroup(HessianGroup *Copy) {*this = *Copy;};
782 		void InitData(void);
GetDisplacementSize(void)784 		inline float GetDisplacementSize(void) const {return DisplacementSize;};
SetDisplacementSize(float NewVal)785 		inline float SetDisplacementSize(float NewVal) {if (NewVal > 0.0) DisplacementSize = NewVal; return DisplacementSize;};
GetFreqScale(void)786 		inline float GetFreqScale(void) const {return FrequencyScaleFactor;};
SetFreqScale(float NewVal)787 		inline float SetFreqScale(float NewVal) {if (NewVal > 0.0) FrequencyScaleFactor = NewVal; return FrequencyScaleFactor;};
GetAnalyticMethod(void)788 		inline bool GetAnalyticMethod(void) const {return (BitOptions & 1);};
SetAnalyticMethod(bool NewVal)789 		inline void SetAnalyticMethod(bool NewVal) {if (BitOptions & 1) BitOptions--; if (NewVal) {BitOptions++; if (BitOptions & 32) BitOptions -= 32;}};
GetDoubleDiff(void)790 		inline bool GetDoubleDiff(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 2)?true:false);};
SetDoubleDiff(bool NewVal)791 		inline void SetDoubleDiff(bool NewVal) {if (BitOptions & 2) BitOptions-=2; if (NewVal) BitOptions += 2;};
GetPurify(void)792 		inline bool GetPurify(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 4)?true:false);};
SetPurify(bool NewVal)793 		inline void SetPurify(bool NewVal) {if (BitOptions & 4) BitOptions -= 4; if (NewVal) BitOptions += 4;};
GetPrintFC(void)794 		inline bool GetPrintFC(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 8)?true:false);};
SetPrintFC(bool NewVal)795 		inline void SetPrintFC(bool NewVal) {if (BitOptions & 8) BitOptions -= 8; if (NewVal) BitOptions += 8;};
GetVibAnalysis(void)796 		inline bool GetVibAnalysis(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 16)?true:false);};
SetVibAnalysis(bool NewVal)797 		inline void SetVibAnalysis(bool NewVal) {if (BitOptions & 16) BitOptions -= 16; if (NewVal) BitOptions += 16;};
799 		/**
800 		 * Analyze the provided set of input parameters to determine if the run will involve the
801 		 * computation of a hessian, thus making this group needed.
802 		 * @param IData Pointer to the set of input data to analyze.
803 		 */
804 		static bool IsHessianGroupNeeded(const InputData * IData);
805 		/**
806 		 * Analyze the provided set of input parameters to determine if GAMESS can compute
807 		 * the 2nd derivative of the energy analytically.
808 		 * @param IData Pointer to the set of input data to analyze.
809 		 */
810 		static bool IsAnalyticHessianPossible(const InputData * IData);
812 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData);
813 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
814 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
815 };
816 enum DFTFunctionalsGrid {
817 	invalidDFTGrid=0,
818 	DFT_Grid_Slater,
819 	DFT_Grid_Becke,
820 	DFT_Grid_GILL,
821 	DFT_Grid_OPTX,
822 	DFT_Grid_PW91X,
823 	DFT_Grid_PBEX,
824 	DFT_Grid_VWN,
825 	DFT_Grid_VWN1,
826 	DFT_Grid_PZ81,
827 	DFT_Grid_P86,
828 	DFT_Grid_LYP,
829 	DFT_Grid_PW91C,
830 	DFT_Grid_PBEC,
831 	DFT_Grid_OP,
832 	DFT_Grid_SVWN,
833 	DFT_Grid_BLYP,
834 	DFT_Grid_BOP,
835 	DFT_Grid_BP86,
836 	DFT_Grid_GVWN,
837 	DFT_Grid_GPW91,
838 	DFT_Grid_PBEVWN,
839 	DFT_Grid_PBEOP,
840 	DFT_Grid_OLYP,
841 	DFT_Grid_PW91,
842 	DFT_Grid_PBE,
843 	DFT_Grid_revPBE,
844 	DFT_Grid_RPBE,
845 	DFT_Grid_PBEsol,
846 	DFT_Grid_EDF1,
847 	DFT_Grid_HCTH93,
848 	DFT_Grid_HCTH120,
849 	DFT_Grid_HCTH147,
850 	DFT_Grid_HCTH407,
851 	DFT_Grid_SOGGA,
852 	DFT_Grid_MOHLYP,
853 	DFT_Grid_B97_D,
854 	DFT_Grid_BHHLYP,
855 	DFT_Grid_B3PW91,
856 	DFT_Grid_B3LYP,
857 	DFT_Grid_B3LYP1,
858 	DFT_Grid_B97,
859 	DFT_Grid_B97_1,
860 	DFT_Grid_B97_2,
861 	DFT_Grid_B97_3,
862 	DFT_Grid_B97_K,
863 	DFT_Grid_B98,
864 	DFT_Grid_PBE0,
865 	DFT_Grid_X3LYP,
866 	DFT_Grid_CAMB3LYP,
867 	DFT_Grid_wB97,
868 	DFT_Grid_wB97X,
869 	DFT_Grid_wB97X_D,
870 	DFT_Grid_B2PLYP,
871 	DFT_Grid_xB97X_2,
872 	DFT_Grid_xB97X_2L,
873 	DFT_Grid_VS98,
874 	DFT_Grid_PKZB,
875 	DFT_Grid_tHCTH,
876 	DFT_Grid_tHCTHhyb,
877 	DFT_Grid_BMK,
878 	DFT_Grid_TPSS,
879 	DFT_Grid_TPSSh,
880 	DFT_Grid_TPSSm,
881 	DFT_Grid_revTPSS,
882 	DFT_Grid_M05,
883 	DFT_Grid_M05_2X,
884 	DFT_Grid_M06,
885 	DFT_Grid_M06_L,
886 	DFT_Grid_M06_2X,
887 	DFT_Grid_M06_HF,
888 	DFT_Grid_M08_HX,
889 	DFT_Grid_M08_SO,
891 	NumberGRIDDFTFuncs
892 };
893 enum DFTFunctionalsGridFree {
894 	invalidDFTGridFreeType=0,
895 	DFT_GridFree_XALPHA,
896 	DFT_GridFree_Slater,
897 	DFT_GridFree_Becke,
898 	DFT_GridFree_Depristo,
899 	DFT_GridFree_CAMA,
900 	DFT_GridFree_HALF,
901 	DFT_GridFree_VWN,
902 	DFT_GridFree_PWLOC,
903 	DFT_GridFree_LYP,
904 	DFT_GridFree_BVWN,
905 	DFT_GridFree_BLYP,
906 	DFT_GridFree_BPWLOC,
907 	DFT_GridFree_B3LYP,
908 	DFT_GridFree_CAMB,
909 	DFT_GridFree_XVWN,
910 	DFT_GridFree_XPWLOC,
911 	DFT_GridFree_SVWN,
912 	DFT_GridFree_SPWLOC,
913 	DFT_GridFree_WIGNER,
914 	DFT_GridFree_WS,
915 	DFT_GridFree_WIGEXP,
917 	NumberDFTGridFreeFuncs
918 };
919 class DFTGroup {
920 	private:
921 		float	GridSwitch;
922 		float	Threshold;
923 		short	Functional;
924 //		short	NumRadialGrids;
925 //		short	NumThetaGrids;
926 //		short	NumPhiGrids;
927 //		short	NumRadialGridsInit;
928 //		short	NumThetaGridsInit;
929 //		short	NumPhiGridsInit;
930 		char	BitFlags;
931 	public:
DFTGroup(void)932 		DFTGroup(void) {InitData();};
DFTGroup(DFTGroup * Copy)933 		DFTGroup(DFTGroup *Copy) {*this = *Copy;};
934 		const DFTGroup & operator=(const DFTGroup & other) {
935 			BitFlags=other.BitFlags;
936 			GridSwitch=other.GridSwitch; Threshold=other.Threshold; Functional=other.Functional;
937 //			NumRadialGrids=other.NumRadialGrids; NumThetaGrids=other.NumThetaGrids;
938 //			NumPhiGrids=other.NumPhiGrids; NumRadialGridsInit=other.NumRadialGridsInit;
939 //			NumThetaGridsInit=other.NumThetaGridsInit; NumPhiGridsInit=other.NumPhiGridsInit;
940 			return *this;};
941 		void InitData(void);
MethodGrid(void)943 		bool MethodGrid(void) const {return ((BitFlags & 1) != 0);};
SetMethodGrid(bool state)944 		void SetMethodGrid(bool state) {BitFlags = (BitFlags & 0xE) + (state ? 1 : 0);};
GetAuxFunctions(void)945 		bool GetAuxFunctions(void) const {return ((BitFlags & 2) != 0);};
SetAuxFunctions(bool state)946 		void SetAuxFunctions(bool state) {BitFlags = (BitFlags & 0xD) + (state ? 2 : 0);};
GetThree(void)947 		bool GetThree(void) const {return ((BitFlags & 4) != 0);};
SetThree(bool state)948 		void SetThree(bool state) {BitFlags = (BitFlags & 0xB) + (state ? 4 : 0);};
GetFunctional(void)949 		inline short GetFunctional(void) const {return Functional;};
950 		const char * GetFunctionalText(void) const;
951 		short SetFunctional(short newvalue);
952 		/**
953 		 * Set the functional based on a text string containing a valid GAMESS DFTTYP.
954 		 * @param GAMESS_DFT_Type char * with a valid GAMESS DFTTYP string.
955 		 */
956 		short SetFunctional(const char * GAMESS_DFT_Type);
957 		static const char * GetDFTGridFuncText(DFTFunctionalsGrid d);
958 		static const char * GetDFTGridFreeFuncText(DFTFunctionalsGridFree d);
960 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData);
961 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
962 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
963 };
964 enum OptMethod {
965 	invalidOptMethodType=0,
966 	StatPt_OptMethod_NR,
967 	StatPt_OptMethod_RFO,
968 	StatPt_OptMethod_QA,
969 	StatPt_OptMethod_Schlegel,
970 	StatPt_OptMethod_ConOpt,
972 	NumberStatPtOptMethods
973 };
974 enum HessUpdateMethod {
975 	invalidHessUpdateMethodType=0,
976 	StatPt_HessUpdateMethod_Guess,
977 	StatPt_HessUpdateMethod_Read,
978 	StatPt_HessUpdateMethod_Calc,
980 	NumberStatPtHessUpdateMethods
981 };
982 /**
983  * Stationary Point related options. Container for options related to searching for a
984  * minima or transition state (OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT).
985  */
986 class StatPtGroup {
987 	private:
988 		float		OptConvergance;
989 		float		InitTrustRadius;
990 		float		MaxTrustRadius;
991 		float		MinTrustRadius;
992 		float		StatJumpSize;
993 		long		ModeFollow;
994 		/**
995 		 * bitfield for a group of true/false flags. The bits include:
996 		 * 1: radius update; 2: Stat. Pt.; 3-5 Hess method; 6: print orbs every iter.
997 		 * 7: Hessian at stationary point
998 		 */
999 		long		BitOptions;
1000 		short		method;
1001 		short		MaxSteps;
1002 		short		nRecalcHess;
1003 	public:
StatPtGroup(void)1004 		StatPtGroup(void) {InitData();};
StatPtGroup(StatPtGroup * Copy)1005 		StatPtGroup(StatPtGroup *Copy) {*this = *Copy;};
1006 		void InitData(void);
GetOptConvergance(void)1008 		inline float GetOptConvergance(void) const {return OptConvergance;};
SetOptConvergance(float NewVal)1009 		inline void SetOptConvergance(float NewVal) {if (NewVal>0.0) OptConvergance = NewVal;};
GetInitRadius(void)1010 		inline float GetInitRadius(void) const {return InitTrustRadius;};
SetInitRadius(float NewVal)1011 		inline void SetInitRadius(float NewVal) {if (NewVal>0.0) InitTrustRadius = NewVal;};
GetMaxRadius(void)1012 		inline float GetMaxRadius(void) const {return MaxTrustRadius;};
SetMaxRadius(float NewVal)1013 		inline void SetMaxRadius(float NewVal) {if (NewVal>0.0) MaxTrustRadius = NewVal;};
GetMinRadius(void)1014 		inline float GetMinRadius(void) const {return MinTrustRadius;};
SetMinRadius(float NewVal)1015 		inline void SetMinRadius(float NewVal) {if (NewVal>0.0) MinTrustRadius = NewVal;};
GetStatJump(void)1016 		inline float GetStatJump(void) const {return StatJumpSize;};
SetStatJump(float NewVal)1017 		inline void SetStatJump(float NewVal) {if (NewVal>0.0) StatJumpSize = NewVal;};
GetModeFollow(void)1018 		inline long GetModeFollow(void) const {return ModeFollow;};
SetModeFollow(long NewVal)1019 		inline void SetModeFollow(long NewVal) {if (NewVal>0) ModeFollow = 1;};
1020 		static const char * GetMethodText(OptMethod d);
GetMethod(void)1021 		inline short GetMethod(void) const {return method;};
SetMethod(short NewVal)1022 		inline void SetMethod(short NewVal) {if ((NewVal>0)&&(NewVal<=NumberStatPtOptMethods)) method = NewVal;};
1023 		bool SetMethod(const char * text);
GetMaxSteps(void)1024 		inline short GetMaxSteps(void) const {return MaxSteps;};
SetMaxSteps(short NewVal)1025 		inline void SetMaxSteps(short NewVal) {if (NewVal>0) MaxSteps = NewVal;};
GetHessRecalcInterval(void)1026 		inline short GetHessRecalcInterval(void) const {return nRecalcHess;};
SetHessRecalcInterval(short NewVal)1027 		inline void SetHessRecalcInterval(short NewVal) {if (NewVal>=0) nRecalcHess = NewVal;};
GetRadiusUpdate(void)1028 		inline bool GetRadiusUpdate(void) const {return (BitOptions & 1);};
SetRadiusUpdate(bool NewVal)1029 		inline void SetRadiusUpdate(bool NewVal) {BitOptions = (BitOptions & 0xFE) + (NewVal ? 1 : 0);};
GetStatPoint(void)1030 		inline bool GetStatPoint(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 2) != 0);};
SetStatPoint(bool NewVal)1031 		inline void SetStatPoint(bool NewVal) {BitOptions = (BitOptions & 0xFD) + (NewVal ? 2 : 0);};
GetHessMethod(void)1032 		inline short GetHessMethod(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 28) >> 2);};
SetHessMethod(short NewVal)1033 		inline void SetHessMethod(short NewVal) {if ((NewVal>=1)&&(NewVal<=3)) BitOptions = (BitOptions & 0xE3) + (NewVal << 2);};
1034 		bool SetHessMethod(const char * text);
1035 		static const char * GetHessUpdateMethodText(HessUpdateMethod d);
AlwaysPrintOrbs(void)1036 		inline bool AlwaysPrintOrbs(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 32) != 0);};
SetAlwaysPrintOrbs(bool NewVal)1037 		inline void SetAlwaysPrintOrbs(bool NewVal) {BitOptions = (BitOptions & 0xDF) + (NewVal ? 32 : 0);};
1038 		/**
1039 		 * Indicates whether a hessian will be computed on the final optimized structure.
1040 		 */
GetHessEndFlag(void)1041 		inline bool GetHessEndFlag(void) const {return ((BitOptions & 64) != 0);};
1042 		/**
1043 		 * Set the value of the flag to compute a hessian on the optimized structure.
1044 		 * @param newValue bool value indicating whether to compute or not.
1045 		 */
SetHessFlag(bool newValue)1046 		inline void SetHessFlag(bool newValue) {BitOptions = (BitOptions & 0xBF) + (newValue ? 64 : 0);};
1048 		/**
1049 		 * Output the group options in GAMESS input format.
1050 		 * @param File The output buffer.
1051 		 * @param IData Pointer to the main input data class.
1052 		 */
1053 		void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, InputData *IData);
1054 		/**
1055 		 Output the group to CML suitable for reading by the ReadXML routine.
1056 		 @param parent the parent XML tag to append this group to
1057 		 */
1058 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent) const;
1059 		/**
1060 		 Load this groups non-default settings from CML.
1061 		 @param parent the parent XML tag to append this group from
1062 		 */
1063 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent);
1064 };
1066 /**
1067  * Fragment Molecular Orbital primary option group.
1068  * There are a few basic options, but many of the options are arrays based either on the
1069  * number of fragments or the number of atoms.
1070  */
1071 class FMOGroup {
1072 private:
1073 	long	NumberFragments;	///< the number of fragments in which to divide up the system
1074 	bool	Active;				///< Flag to turn FMO off or on
1075 	bool	OutputStyle;		///< Flag indicating how the INDAT array will be written
1076 public:
FMOGroup(void)1077 	FMOGroup(void) {InitData();};
1078 	const FMOGroup & operator=(const FMOGroup & other) {Active=other.Active; NumberFragments=other.NumberFragments; return *this;};
InitData(void)1079 	void InitData(void) {Active=false; NumberFragments=1; OutputStyle=false;};
IsFMOActive(void)1081 	inline bool IsFMOActive(void) const {return Active;};
FMOActive(bool newState)1082 	void FMOActive(bool newState) {Active = newState;};
GetNumberFragments(void)1083 	inline long GetNumberFragments(void) const {return NumberFragments;};
SetNumberFragments(const long & num)1084 	void SetNumberFragments(const long & num) {NumberFragments = num;};
1085 		/** If true output INDAT as the atom list for each fragment, else atom ordered list */
UseFragmentINDAT(void)1086 	inline bool UseFragmentINDAT(void) const {return OutputStyle;};
UseFragmentINDAT(bool choice)1087 	void UseFragmentINDAT(bool choice) {OutputStyle = choice;};	///< Pass true for INDAT ordered by fragment
1089 	/**
1090 	 * Output the group options in GAMESS input format.
1091 	 * @param File The output buffer.
1092 	 * @param MainData Pointer to the main data class.
1093 	 */
1094 	void WriteToFile(BufferFile *File, MoleculeData * MainData);
1095 	/**
1096 	 * Output the group to CML suitable for reading by the ReadXML routine.
1097 	 * @param parent the parent XML tag to append this group to
1098 	 * @param MainData Pointer to the main data class.
1099 	 */
1100 	void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent, MoleculeData * MainData) const;
1101 	/**
1102 	 * Load this groups non-default settings from CML.
1103 	 * @param parent the parent XML tag to append this group from
1104 	 * @param MainData Pointer to the main data class.
1105 	 */
1106 	void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent, MoleculeData * MainData);
1108 };
1110 class MolDisplayWin;
1112 class InputData {
1113 	public:
1114 		ControlGroup	*Control;
1115 		SystemGroup		*System;
1116 		BasisGroup		*Basis;
1117 		DataGroup		*Data;
1118 		GuessGroup		*Guess;
1119 		SCFGroup		*SCF;
1120 		MP2Group		*MP2;
1121 		HessianGroup	*Hessian;
1122 		StatPtGroup		*StatPt;
1123 		DFTGroup		DFT;
1124 		EffectiveFragmentsGroup	EFP;
1125 		FMOGroup		FMO;
1126 			//member functions
1127 		InputData(void);
1128 		InputData(InputData *Copy);
1129 		~InputData(void);
1130 		/** Output a GAMESS input file after prompting the user for the name of the output file.
1131 		 * The return value is negative for a user cancel, 0 for failure, positive for success.
1132 		 * @param lData The main molecule data record
1133 		 * @param owner The main document window
1134 		 */
1135 		long WriteInputFile(MoleculeData * lData, MolDisplayWin * owner);
1136 		/** Output a GAMESS input file to a temporary file and open a window to allowing editing of that file.
1137 		 * The user can then save to a file name of their choice or discard.
1138 		 * The data in this window is independent of the originating document when this call returns.
1139 		 * The return value is negative for a user cancel, 0 for failure, positive for success.
1140 		 * @param lData The main molecule data record
1141 		 * @param owner The main document window
1142 		 */
1143 		long WriteEditInputFile(MoleculeData * lData, MolDisplayWin * owner);
1145 		//! Write out an input file for another program (GAMESS etc)
1146 		long WriteInputFile(const wxString &filePath, MoleculeData * lData, MolDisplayWin * owner);
1147 		void WriteXML(XMLElement * parent, MoleculeData * p) const;
1148 		void ReadXML(XMLElement * parent, MoleculeData * p);
1149 };
1151 #endif