1 /*
2  *  cAnalyzeGenotype.cc
3  *  Avida
4  *
5  *  Called "analyze_genotype.cc" prior to 12/2/05.
6  *  Copyright 1999-2011 Michigan State University. All rights reserved.
7  *  Copyright 1993-2003 California Institute of Technology.
8  *
9  *
10  *  This file is part of Avida.
11  *
12  *  Avida is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
13  *  as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  *  Avida is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  *  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Avida.
19  *  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20  *
21  */
23 #include "cAnalyzeGenotype.h"
25 #include "avida/core/WorldDriver.h"
27 #include "cAvidaContext.h"
28 #include "cCPUTestInfo.h"
29 #include "cHardwareBase.h"
30 #include "cHardwareManager.h"
31 #include "cInstSet.h"
32 #include "cOrganism.h"
33 #include "cPhenotype.h"
34 #include "cPhenPlastGenotype.h"
35 #include "cPlasticPhenotype.h"
36 #include "cTestCPU.h"
37 #include "cEnvironment.h"
38 #include "cHardwareManager.h"
39 #include "cWorld.h"
41 #include "tArray.h"
42 #include "tAutoRelease.h"
43 #include "tDataCommandManager.h"
44 #include "tDMSingleton.h"
47 #include <cmath>
48 using namespace std;
49 using namespace Avida;
cAnalyzeGenotype(cWorld * world,const Genome & genome)52 cAnalyzeGenotype::cAnalyzeGenotype(cWorld* world, const Genome& genome)
53 : m_world(world)
54 , m_genome(genome)
55 , name("")
56 , m_cpu_test_info()
57 , m_data(new sGenotypeDatastore)
58 , aligned_sequence("")
59 , tag("")
60 , viable(false)
61 , id_num(-1)
62 , parent_id(-1)
63 , parent2_id(-1)
64 , num_cpus(0)
65 , total_cpus(0)
66 , update_born(0)
67 , update_dead(0)
68 , depth(0)
69 , length(0)
70 , copy_length(0)
71 , exe_length(0)
72 , merit(0.0)
73 , gest_time(INT_MAX)
74 , fitness(0.0)
75 , errors(0)
76 , inst_executed_counts(0)
77 , task_counts(0)
78 , task_qualities(0)
79 , internal_task_counts(0)
80 , internal_task_qualities(0)
81 , rbins_total(0)
82 , rbins_avail(0)
83 , collect_spec_counts(0)
84 , m_mating_type(MATING_TYPE_JUVENILE)
85 , m_mate_preference(MATE_PREFERENCE_RANDOM)
86 , m_mating_display_a(0)
87 , m_mating_display_b(0)
88 , fitness_ratio(0.0)
89 , efficiency_ratio(0.0)
90 , comp_merit_ratio(0.0)
91 , parent_dist(0)
92 , ancestor_dist(0)
93 , parent_muts("")
94 , knockout_stats(NULL)
95 , m_land(NULL)
96 , m_phenplast_stats(NULL)
97 {
99 }
cAnalyzeGenotype(const cAnalyzeGenotype & _gen)101 cAnalyzeGenotype::cAnalyzeGenotype(const cAnalyzeGenotype& _gen)
102 : m_world(_gen.m_world)
103 , m_genome(_gen.m_genome)
104 , name(_gen.name)
105 , m_cpu_test_info(_gen.m_cpu_test_info)
106 , m_data(_gen.m_data)
107 , aligned_sequence(_gen.aligned_sequence)
108 , tag(_gen.tag)
109 , viable(_gen.viable)
110 , id_num(_gen.id_num)
111 , parent_id(_gen.parent_id)
112 , parent2_id(_gen.parent2_id)
113 , num_cpus(_gen.num_cpus)
114 , total_cpus(_gen.total_cpus)
115 , update_born(_gen.update_born)
116 , update_dead(_gen.update_dead)
117 , depth(_gen.depth)
118 , length(_gen.length)
119 , copy_length(_gen.copy_length)
120 , exe_length(_gen.exe_length)
121 , merit(_gen.merit)
122 , gest_time(_gen.gest_time)
123 , fitness(_gen.fitness)
124 , errors(_gen.errors)
125 , inst_executed_counts(_gen.inst_executed_counts)
126 , task_counts(_gen.task_counts)
127 , task_qualities(_gen.task_qualities)
128 , internal_task_counts(_gen.internal_task_counts)
129 , internal_task_qualities(_gen.internal_task_qualities)
130 , rbins_total(_gen.rbins_total)
131 , rbins_avail(_gen.rbins_avail)
132 , collect_spec_counts(_gen.collect_spec_counts)
133 , m_mating_type(_gen.m_mating_type)
134 , m_mate_preference(_gen.m_mate_preference)
135 , m_mating_display_a(_gen.m_mating_display_a)
136 , m_mating_display_b(_gen.m_mating_display_b)
137 , fitness_ratio(_gen.fitness_ratio)
138 , efficiency_ratio(_gen.efficiency_ratio)
139 , comp_merit_ratio(_gen.comp_merit_ratio)
140 , parent_dist(_gen.parent_dist)
141 , ancestor_dist(_gen.ancestor_dist)
142 , parent_muts(_gen.parent_muts)
143 , knockout_stats(NULL)
144 , m_land(NULL)
145 , m_phenplast_stats(NULL)
146 {
147   if (_gen.knockout_stats != NULL) {
148     knockout_stats = new cAnalyzeKnockouts;
149     *knockout_stats = *(_gen.knockout_stats);
150   }
151   if (_gen.m_phenplast_stats != NULL)
152     m_phenplast_stats = new cPhenPlastSummary(*_gen.m_phenplast_stats);
153 }
~cAnalyzeGenotype()155 cAnalyzeGenotype::~cAnalyzeGenotype()
156 {
157   if (knockout_stats != NULL) delete knockout_stats;
158   if (m_phenplast_stats != NULL) delete m_phenplast_stats;
159   Unlink();
160 }
Initialize()163 void cAnalyzeGenotype::Initialize()
164 {
165   tDMSingleton<tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype> >::Initialize(&cAnalyzeGenotype::buildDataCommandManager);
166 }
buildDataCommandManager()169 tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype>* cAnalyzeGenotype::buildDataCommandManager()
170 {
171   tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype>* dcm = new tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype>;
173   // A basic macro to link a keyword to a description and Get and Set methods in cAnalyzeGenotype.
174 #define ADD_GDATA(TYPE, KEYWORD, DESC, GET, SET, COMP, NSTR, HSTR)                                \
175 {                                                                                               \
176 cString nstr_str(#NSTR), hstr_str(#HSTR);                                                     \
177 cString null_str = "0";                                                                       \
178 if (nstr_str != "0") null_str = NSTR;                                                         \
179 cString html_str = "align=center";                                                            \
180 if (hstr_str != "0") html_str = HSTR;                                                         \
181 \
182 dcm->Add(KEYWORD, new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, TYPE>                              \
183 (KEYWORD, DESC, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GET, &cAnalyzeGenotype::SET, COMP, null_str, html_str)); \
184 }
186   // To add a new keyword connected to a stat in cAnalyzeGenotype, you need to connect all of the pieces here.
187   // The ADD_GDATA macro takes eight arguments:
188   //  type              : The type of the variables being linked in.
189   //  keyword           : The short word used to reference this variable from analyze mode.
190   //  description       : A slightly fuller description of what this variable is; used in data legends.
191   //  "get" accessor    : The accessor method to retrieve the value of this variable from cAnalyzeGenotype
192   //  "set" accessor    : The method to set this variable in cAnalyzeGenotype (use SetNULL if none exists).
193   //  comparison method : A method that will take two genotypes and compare this value bewtween them (or CompareNULL)
194   //  null keyword      : A string to represent what should be printed if this stat is zero. (0 for default)
195   //  html flags        : A string to be included in the <td> when stat is printed in HTML table (0 for "align=center")
197   // As a reminder about the compare types:
198   //   FLEX_COMPARE_NONE   = 0  -- No comparisons should be done at all.
199   //   FLEX_COMPARE_DIFF   = 1  -- Only track if a stat has changed, don't worry about direction.
200   //   FLEX_COMPARE_MAX    = 2  -- Color higher values as beneficial, lower as harmful.
201   //   FLEX_COMPARE_MIN    = 3  -- Color lower values as beneficial, higher as harmful.
202   //   FLEX_COMPARE_DIFF2  = 4  -- Same as FLEX_COMPARE_DIFF, but 0 indicates trait is off.
203   //   FLEX_COMPARE_MAX2   = 5  -- Same as FLEX_COMPARE_MAX, and 0 indicates trait is off.
204   //   FLEX_COMPARE_MIN2   = 6  -- Same as FLEX_COMPARE_MIN, BUT 0 still indicates off.
206   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "name",         "Genotype Name",                 GetName,           SetName,       0, 0, 0);
207   ADD_GDATA(bool (),           "viable",       "Is Viable (0/1)",               GetViable,         SetViable,     5, 0, 0);
208   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "id",           "Genotype ID",                   GetID,             SetID,         0, 0, 0);
209   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "src",          "Genotype Source",               GetSource,         SetSource,     0, 0, 0);
210   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "src_args",     "Genotype Source Arguments",     GetSourceArgs,     SetSourceArgs, 0, "(none)", 0);
211   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "tag",          "Genotype Tag",                  GetTag,            SetTag,        0, "(none)","");
212   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "parents",      "Parent String",                 GetParents,        SetParents,    0, "(none)", 0);
213   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "parent_id",    "Parent ID",                     GetParentID,       SetParentID,   0, 0, 0);
214   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "parent2_id",   "Second Parent ID (sexual orgs)",GetParent2ID,      SetParent2ID,  0, 0, 0);
215   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "parent_dist",  "Parent Distance",               GetParentDist,     SetParentDist, 0, 0, 0);
216   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "ancestor_dist","Ancestor Distance",             GetAncestorDist,   SetAncestorDist, 0, 0, 0);
217   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "lineage",      "Unique Lineage Label",          GetLineageLabel,   SetLineageLabel, 0, 0, 0);
218   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "num_cpus",     "Number of CPUs",                GetNumCPUs,        SetNumCPUs,    0, 0, 0);
219   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "total_cpus",   "Total CPUs Ever",               GetTotalCPUs,      SetTotalCPUs,  0, 0, 0);
220   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "num_units",    "Number of CPUs",                GetNumCPUs,        SetNumCPUs,    0, 0, 0);
221   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "total_units",  "Total CPUs Ever",               GetTotalCPUs,      SetTotalCPUs,  0, 0, 0);
222   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "length",       "Genome Length",                 GetLength,         SetLength,     4, 0, 0);
223   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "copy_length",  "Copied Length",                 GetCopyLength,     SetCopyLength, 0, 0, 0);
224   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "exe_length",   "Executed Length",               GetExeLength,      SetExeLength,  0, 0, 0);
225   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "merit",        "Merit",                         GetMerit,          SetMerit,      5, 0, 0);
226   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "comp_merit",   "Computational Merit",           GetCompMerit,      SetNULL,       5, 0, 0);
227   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "comp_merit_ratio", "Computational Merit Ratio", GetCompMeritRatio, SetNULL,       5, 0, 0);
228   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "gest_time",    "Gestation Time",                GetGestTime,       SetGestTime,   6, "Inf", 0);
229   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "efficiency",   "Rep. Efficiency",               GetEfficiency,     SetNULL,       5, 0, 0);
230   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "efficiency_ratio", "Rep. Efficiency Ratio",     GetEfficiencyRatio,SetNULL,       5, 0, 0);
231   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "fitness",      "Fitness",                       GetFitness,        SetFitness,    5, 0, 0);
232   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "div_type",     "Divide Type",                   GetDivType,        SetDivType,    0, 0, 0);
233   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "mate_id",      "Mate Selection ID Number",      GetMateID,         SetMateID,     0, 0, 0);
234   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "fitness_ratio","Fitness Ratio",                 GetFitnessRatio,   SetNULL,       5, 0, 0);
235   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "update_born",  "Update Born",                   GetUpdateBorn,     SetUpdateBorn, 0, 0, 0);
236   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "gen_born",     "Update Born",                   GetUpdateBorn,     SetUpdateBorn, 0, 0, 0);
237   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "update_dead",  "Update Dead",                   GetUpdateDead,     SetUpdateDead, 0, 0, 0);
238   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "update_deactivated",  "Update Dead",            GetUpdateDead,     SetUpdateDead, 0, 0, 0);
239   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "depth",        "Tree Depth",                    GetDepth,          SetDepth,      0, 0, 0);
240   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "cells",        "Cells",                         GetCells,          SetCells,      0, 0, 0);
241   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "gest_offset",  "Gest Offsets",                  GetGestOffsets,    SetGestOffsets, 0, 0, 0);
242   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "frac_dead",    "Fraction Mutations Lethal",     GetFracDead,       SetNULL,       0, 0, 0);
243   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "frac_neg",     "Fraction Mutations Detrimental",GetFracNeg,        SetNULL,       0, 0, 0);
244   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "frac_neut",    "Fraction Mutations Neutral",    GetFracNeut,       SetNULL,       0, 0, 0);
245   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "frac_pos",     "Fraction Mutations Beneficial", GetFracPos,        SetNULL,       0, 0, 0);
246   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "complexity",   "Basic Complexity (beneficial muts are neutral)", GetComplexity, SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
247   ADD_GDATA(double (),         "land_fitness", "Average Lanscape Fitness",      GetLandscapeFitness, SetNULL,     0, 0, 0);
249   ADD_GDATA(int(),             "mating_type", "Mating type (-1 = juvenile; 0 = female; 1 = male)", GetMatingType, SetMatingType, 0, 0, 0);
250   ADD_GDATA(int(),             "mate_preference", "Mate preference", GetMatePreference, SetMatePreference, 0, 0, 0);
251   ADD_GDATA(int(),             "mating_display_a", "Mating display A", GetMatingDisplayA, SetMatingDisplayA, 0, 0, 0);
252   ADD_GDATA(int(),             "mating_display_b", "Mating display B", GetMatingDisplayB, SetMatingDisplayB, 0, 0, 0);
254   ADD_GDATA(int (),    "num_phen",           "Number of Plastic Phenotypes",          GetNumPhenotypes,          SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
255   ADD_GDATA(int (),    "num_trials",         "Number of Recalculation Trials",        GetNumTrials,              SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
256   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_entropy",       "Phenotpyic Entropy",                    GetPhenotypicEntropy,      SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
257   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_max_fitness",   "Phen Plast Maximum Fitness",            GetMaximumFitness,         SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
258   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_max_fit_freq",  "Phen Plast Maximum Fitness Frequency",  GetMaximumFitnessFrequency,SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
259   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_min_fitness",   "Phen Plast Minimum Fitness",            GetMinimumFitness,         SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
260   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_min_freq",      "Phen Plast Minimum Fitness Frequency",  GetMinimumFitnessFrequency,SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
261   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_avg_fitness",   "Phen Plast Wtd Avg Fitness",            GetAverageFitness,         SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
262   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_likely_freq",   "Freq of Most Likely Phenotype",         GetLikelyFrequency,        SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
263   ADD_GDATA(double (), "phen_likely_fitness","Fitness of Most Likely Phenotype",      GetLikelyFitness,          SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
264   ADD_GDATA(double (), "prob_viable",        "Probability Viable",                    GetViableProbability,      SetNULL, 0, 0, 0);
267   // @JEB There is a difference between these two. parent_muts is based on an alignment. mut_steps is based on recorded mutations during run.
268   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "parent_muts", "Mutations from Parent", GetParentMuts,   SetParentMuts, 0, "(none)", "");
269   ADD_GDATA(const cString (), "mut_steps", "Mutation Steps from Parent", GetMutSteps,   SetMutSteps,   0, "", "");
271   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "task_order", "Task Performance Order",  GetTaskOrder,    SetTaskOrder,  0, "(none)", "");
272   ADD_GDATA(int (),            "hw_type",    "Hardware Type",           GetHWType,       SetHWType,   0, "(N/A)", "");
273   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "inst_set",   "Instruction Set",         GetInstSet,      SetInstSet,   0, "(N/A)", "");
274   ADD_GDATA(cString (),        "sequence",   "Genome Sequence",         GetSequence,     SetSequence,   0, "(N/A)", "");
275   ADD_GDATA(const cString& (), "alignment",  "Aligned Sequence",        GetAlignedSequence, SetAlignedSequence, 0, "(N/A)", "");
277   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "executed_flags", "Executed Flags",             GetExecutedFlags, SetNULL, 0, "(N/A)", "");
278   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "alignment_executed_flags", "Alignment Executed Flags", GetAlignmentExecutedFlags, SetNULL, 0, "(N/A)", "");
279   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "task_list", "List of all tasks performed",     GetTaskList,     SetNULL, 0, "(N/A)", "");
281   // @TODO - the following were link.tasksites and html.sequence, respectively.  The period character is now separated as
282   //         an argument passed into the function, thus they are matched as the component before the period.  For now
283   //         I have simply removed the argument part, since there are not any existing name clashes.  However,  in future
284   //         versions we should rename these.
285   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "link", "Phenotype Map",              GetMapLink,      SetNULL, 0, 0,       0);
286   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "html",  "Genome Sequence",            GetHTMLSequence, SetNULL, 0, "(N/A)", "");
288   // coarse-grained task stats
289   ADD_GDATA(int (), 		"total_task_count","# Different Tasks", 		GetTotalTaskCount, SetNULL, 1, 0, 0);
290   ADD_GDATA(int (), 		"total_task_performance_count", "Total Tasks Performed",	GetTotalTaskPerformanceCount, SetNULL, 1, 0, 0);
293   dcm->Add("task", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, int (int, const cStringList&)>
294            ("task", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescTask, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetTaskCount, 5));
295   dcm->Add("task_quality", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, double (int)>
296            ("task_quality", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescTask, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetTaskQuality, 5));
297   dcm->Add("env_input", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, int (int)>
298            ("env_input", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescEnvInput, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetEnvInput));
299   dcm->Add("inst", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, int (int)>
300            ("inst", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescInstExe, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetInstExecutedCount));
301   dcm->Add("r_tot", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, double (int)>
302            ("r_tot", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescRTot, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetRBinTotal));
303   dcm->Add("r_avail", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, double (int)>
304            ("r_avail", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescRAvail, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetRBinAvail));
305   dcm->Add("prob_task", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, double (int)>
306            ("prob_task", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescTaskProb, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetTaskProbability, 5));
307   dcm->Add("r_spec", new tDataEntryOfType<cAnalyzeGenotype, int (int)>
308            ("r_spec", &cAnalyzeGenotype::DescRSpec, &cAnalyzeGenotype::GetRSpec));
311   // The remaining values should actually go in a separate list called
312   // "population_data_list", but for the moment we're going to put them
313   // here so that we only need to worry about a single system to load and
314   // save genotype information.
315   ADD_GDATA(int (),     "update",       "Update Output",                   GetUpdateDead, SetUpdateDead, 0, 0, 0);
316   ADD_GDATA(int (),     "dom_num_cpus", "Number of Dominant Organisms",    GetNumCPUs,    SetNumCPUs,    0, 0, 0);
317   ADD_GDATA(int (),     "dom_depth",    "Tree Depth of Dominant Genotype", GetDepth,      SetDepth,      0, 0, 0);
318   ADD_GDATA(int (),     "dom_id",       "Dominant Genotype ID",            GetID,         SetID,         0, 0, 0);
319   ADD_GDATA(cString (), "dom_sequence", "Dominant Genotype Sequence",      GetSequence,   SetSequence,   0, "(N/A)", "");
322   return dcm;
323 #undef ADD_GDATA
324 }
GetDataCommandManager()326 tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype>& cAnalyzeGenotype::GetDataCommandManager()
327 {
328   return tDMSingleton<tDataCommandManager<cAnalyzeGenotype> >::GetInstance();
329 }
DescTask(int task_id) const332 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::DescTask(int task_id) const
333 {
334   if (task_id > m_world->GetEnvironment().GetNumTasks()) return "";
335   return m_world->GetEnvironment().GetTask(task_id).GetDesc();
336 }
DescTaskProb(int task_id) const338 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::DescTaskProb(int task_id) const
339 {
340   if (task_id > m_world->GetEnvironment().GetNumTasks()) return "";
341   return DescTask(task_id) + " (Probability)";
342 }
~sGenotypeDatastore()345 cAnalyzeGenotype::sGenotypeDatastore::~sGenotypeDatastore()
346 {
347   for (tArrayMap<int, cGenotypeData*>::iterator it = dmap.begin(); it != dmap.end(); it++) delete it->Value();
348 }
SetGenotypeData(int data_id,cGenotypeData * data)350 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetGenotypeData(int data_id, cGenotypeData* data)
351 {
352   m_data->rwlock.WriteLock();
353   m_data->dmap.Set(data_id, data);
354   m_data->rwlock.WriteUnlock();
355 }
CalcMaxGestation() const358 int cAnalyzeGenotype::CalcMaxGestation() const
359 {
360   return m_world->GetConfig().TEST_CPU_TIME_MOD.Get() * m_genome.GetSize();
361 }
CalcKnockouts(bool check_pairs,bool check_chart) const363 void cAnalyzeGenotype::CalcKnockouts(bool check_pairs, bool check_chart) const
364 {
365   if (knockout_stats == NULL) {
366     // We've never called this before -- setup the stats.
367     knockout_stats = new cAnalyzeKnockouts;
368   }
369   else if (check_pairs == true && knockout_stats->has_pair_info == false) {
370     // We don't have the pair stats we need -- keep going.
371     knockout_stats->Reset();
372   }
373   else if (check_chart == true && knockout_stats->has_chart_info == false) {
374     // We don't have the phyenotype chart we need -- keep going.
375     knockout_stats->Reset();
376   }
377   else {
378     // We already have all the info we need -- just quit.
379     return;
380   }
382   cAvidaContext& ctx = m_world->GetDefaultContext();
384   cTestCPU* testcpu = m_world->GetHardwareManager().CreateTestCPU(ctx);
386   // Calculate the base fitness for the genotype we're working with...
387   // (This may not have been run already, and cost negligiably more time
388   // considering the number of knockouts we need to do.
389   cAnalyzeGenotype base_genotype(m_world, m_genome);
390   base_genotype.Recalculate(ctx);
391   double base_fitness = base_genotype.GetFitness();
392   const tArray<int> base_task_counts( base_genotype.GetTaskCounts() );
394   // If the base fitness is 0, the organism is dead and has no complexity.
395   if (base_fitness == 0.0) {
396     knockout_stats->neut_count = length;
397     delete testcpu;
398     return;
399   }
401   Genome mod_genome(m_genome);
403   // Setup a NULL instruction needed for testing
404   const cInstruction null_inst = m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(mod_genome.GetInstSet()).ActivateNullInst();
406   // If we are keeping track of the specific effects on tasks from the
407   // knockouts, setup the matrix.
408   if (check_chart == true) {
409     knockout_stats->task_counts.Resize(length);
410     knockout_stats->has_chart_info = true;
411   }
413   // Loop through all the lines of code, testing the removal of each.
414   // -2=lethal, -1=detrimental, 0=neutral, 1=beneficial
415   tArray<int> ko_effect(length);
416   for (int line_num = 0; line_num < length; line_num++) {
417     // Save a copy of the current instruction and replace it with "NULL"
418     int cur_inst = mod_genome.GetSequence()[line_num].GetOp();
419     mod_genome.GetSequence()[line_num] = null_inst;
420     cAnalyzeGenotype ko_genotype(m_world, mod_genome);
421     ko_genotype.Recalculate(ctx);
422     if (check_chart == true) {
423       const tArray<int> ko_task_counts( ko_genotype.GetTaskCounts() );
424       knockout_stats->task_counts[line_num] = ko_task_counts;
425     }
427     double ko_fitness = ko_genotype.GetFitness();
428     if (ko_fitness == 0.0) {
429       knockout_stats->dead_count++;
430       ko_effect[line_num] = -2;
431     } else if (ko_fitness < base_fitness) {
432       knockout_stats->neg_count++;
433       ko_effect[line_num] = -1;
434     } else if (ko_fitness == base_fitness) {
435       knockout_stats->neut_count++;
436       ko_effect[line_num] = 0;
437     } else if (ko_fitness > base_fitness) {
438       knockout_stats->pos_count++;
439       ko_effect[line_num] = 1;
440     } else {
441       m_world->GetDriver().RaiseException("internal: illegal state in CalcKnockouts()");
442     }
444     // Reset the mod_genome back to the original sequence.
445     mod_genome.GetSequence()[line_num].SetOp(cur_inst);
446   }
448   // Only continue from here if we are looking at all pairs of knockouts
449   // as well.
450   if (check_pairs == false) {
451     delete testcpu;
452     return;
453   }
455   tArray<int> ko_pair_effect(ko_effect);
456   for (int line1 = 0; line1 < length; line1++) {
457     // If this line has already been changed, keep going...
458     if (ko_effect[line1] != ko_pair_effect[line1]) continue;
460     // Loop through all possibilities for the next line.
461     for (int line2 = line1+1; line2 < length; line2++) {
462       // If this line has already been changed, keep going...
463       if (ko_effect[line2] != ko_pair_effect[line2]) continue;
465       // If the two lines are of different types (one is information and the
466       // other is not) then we're not interested in testing this combination
467       // since any possible result is reasonable.
468       if ((ko_effect[line1] < 0 && ko_effect[line2] >= 0) ||
469           (ko_effect[line1] >= 0 && ko_effect[line2] < 0)) {
470         continue;
471       }
473       // Calculate the fitness for this pair of knockouts to determine if its
474       // something other than what we expected.
476       int cur_inst1 = mod_genome.GetSequence()[line1].GetOp();
477       int cur_inst2 = mod_genome.GetSequence()[line2].GetOp();
478       mod_genome.GetSequence()[line1] = null_inst;
479       mod_genome.GetSequence()[line2] = null_inst;
480       cAnalyzeGenotype ko_genotype(m_world, mod_genome);
481       ko_genotype.Recalculate(ctx);
483       double ko_fitness = ko_genotype.GetFitness();
485       // If the individual knockouts are both harmful, but in combination
486       // they are neutral or even beneficial, they should not count as
487       // information.
488       if (ko_fitness >= base_fitness &&
489           ko_effect[line1] < 0 && ko_effect[line2] < 0) {
490         ko_pair_effect[line1] = 0;
491         ko_pair_effect[line2] = 0;
492       }
494       // If the individual knockouts are both neutral (or beneficial?),
495       // but in combination they are harmful, they are likely redundant
496       // to each other.  For now, count them both as information.
497       if (ko_fitness < base_fitness &&
498           ko_effect[line1] >= 0 && ko_effect[line2] >= 0) {
499         ko_pair_effect[line1] = -1;
500         ko_pair_effect[line2] = -1;
501       }
503       // Reset the mod_genome back to the original sequence.
504       mod_genome.GetSequence()[line1].SetOp(cur_inst1);
505       mod_genome.GetSequence()[line2].SetOp(cur_inst2);
506     }
507   }
509   for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
510     if (ko_pair_effect[i] == -2) knockout_stats->pair_dead_count++;
511     else if (ko_pair_effect[i] == -1) knockout_stats->pair_neg_count++;
512     else if (ko_pair_effect[i] == 0) knockout_stats->pair_neut_count++;
513     else if (ko_pair_effect[i] == 1) knockout_stats->pair_pos_count++;
514   }
516   knockout_stats->has_pair_info = true;
517   delete testcpu;
518 }
CheckLand() const520 void cAnalyzeGenotype::CheckLand() const
521 {
522   if (m_land == NULL) {
523     m_land = new cLandscape(m_world, m_genome);
524     m_land->SetCPUTestInfo(m_cpu_test_info);
525     m_land->SetDistance(1);
526     m_land->Process(m_world->GetDefaultContext());
527   }
528 }
CheckPhenPlast() const530 void cAnalyzeGenotype::CheckPhenPlast() const
531 {
532   // Implicit genotype recalculation if required
533   if (m_phenplast_stats == NULL) {
534     cCPUTestInfo test_info;
536     cPhenPlastGenotype pp(m_genome, 1000, test_info, m_world, m_world->GetDefaultContext());
537     m_phenplast_stats = new cPhenPlastSummary(pp);
538   }
539 }
CalcLandscape(cAvidaContext & ctx)543 void cAnalyzeGenotype::CalcLandscape(cAvidaContext& ctx)
544 {
545   if (m_land == NULL) m_land = new cLandscape(m_world, m_genome);
546   m_land->SetCPUTestInfo(m_cpu_test_info);
547   m_land->SetDistance(1);
548   m_land->Process(ctx);
549 }
Recalculate(cAvidaContext & ctx,cCPUTestInfo * test_info,cAnalyzeGenotype * parent_genotype,int num_trials)552 void cAnalyzeGenotype::Recalculate(cAvidaContext& ctx, cCPUTestInfo* test_info, cAnalyzeGenotype* parent_genotype, int num_trials)
553 {
554   // Allocate our own test info if it wasn't provided
555   tAutoRelease<cCPUTestInfo> local_test_info;
556   if (!test_info)
557   {
558     test_info = new cCPUTestInfo();
559     local_test_info.Set(test_info);
560   }
562   // Handling recalculation here
563   cPhenPlastGenotype recalc_data(m_genome, num_trials, *test_info, m_world, ctx);
565   // The most likely phenotype will be assigned to the phenotype stats
566   const cPlasticPhenotype* likely_phenotype = recalc_data.GetMostLikelyPhenotype();
568   viable                = likely_phenotype->IsViable();
569   m_env_inputs          = likely_phenotype->GetEnvInputs();
570   executed_flags        = likely_phenotype->GetExecutedFlags();
571   inst_executed_counts  = likely_phenotype->GetLastInstCount();
572   length                = likely_phenotype->GetGenomeLength();
573   copy_length           = likely_phenotype->GetCopiedSize();
574   exe_length            = likely_phenotype->GetExecutedSize();
575   merit                 = likely_phenotype->GetMerit().GetDouble();
576   gest_time             = likely_phenotype->GetGestationTime();
577   fitness               = likely_phenotype->GetFitness();
578   errors                = likely_phenotype->GetLastNumErrors();
579   div_type              = likely_phenotype->GetDivType();
580   mate_id               = likely_phenotype->MateSelectID();
581   task_counts           = likely_phenotype->GetLastTaskCount();
582   task_qualities        = likely_phenotype->GetLastTaskQuality();
583   internal_task_counts  = likely_phenotype->GetLastInternalTaskCount();
584   internal_task_qualities = likely_phenotype->GetLastInternalTaskQuality();
585   rbins_total           = likely_phenotype->GetLastRBinsTotal();
586   rbins_avail           = likely_phenotype->GetLastRBinsAvail();
587   collect_spec_counts   = likely_phenotype->GetLastCollectSpecCounts();
588   m_mating_type 		= likely_phenotype->GetMatingType(); //@CHC
589   m_mate_preference     = likely_phenotype->GetMatePreference(); //@CHC
590   m_mating_display_a    = likely_phenotype->GetCurMatingDisplayA();
591   m_mating_display_b    = likely_phenotype->GetCurMatingDisplayB();
594   // Setup a new parent stats if we have a parent to work with.
595   if (parent_genotype != NULL) {
596     fitness_ratio = GetFitness() / parent_genotype->GetFitness();
597     efficiency_ratio = GetEfficiency() / parent_genotype->GetEfficiency();
598     comp_merit_ratio = GetCompMerit() / parent_genotype->GetCompMerit();
599     parent_dist = cStringUtil::EditDistance(m_genome.GetSequence().AsString(), parent_genotype->GetGenome().GetSequence().AsString(), parent_muts);
601     ancestor_dist = parent_genotype->GetAncestorDist() + parent_dist;
602   }
604   // Summarize plasticity information if multiple recalculations performed
605   if (num_trials > 1){
606     if (m_phenplast_stats != NULL)
607       delete m_phenplast_stats;
608     m_phenplast_stats = new cPhenPlastSummary(recalc_data);
609   }
610 }
PrintTasks(ofstream & fp,int min_task,int max_task)613 void cAnalyzeGenotype::PrintTasks(ofstream& fp, int min_task, int max_task)
614 {
615   if (max_task == -1) max_task = task_counts.GetSize();
617   for (int i = min_task; i < max_task; i++) {
618     fp << task_counts[i] << " ";
619   }
620 }
PrintTasksQuality(ofstream & fp,int min_task,int max_task)622 void cAnalyzeGenotype::PrintTasksQuality(ofstream& fp, int min_task, int max_task)
623 {
624   if (max_task == -1) max_task = task_counts.GetSize();
626   for (int i = min_task; i < max_task; i++) {
627     fp << task_qualities[i] << " ";
628   }
629 }
PrintInternalTasks(ofstream & fp,int min_task,int max_task)631 void cAnalyzeGenotype::PrintInternalTasks(ofstream& fp, int min_task, int max_task)
632 {
633   if (max_task == -1) max_task = internal_task_counts.GetSize();
635   for (int i = min_task; i < max_task; i++) {
636     fp << internal_task_counts[i] << " ";
637   }
638 }
PrintInternalTasksQuality(ofstream & fp,int min_task,int max_task)640 void cAnalyzeGenotype::PrintInternalTasksQuality(ofstream& fp, int min_task, int max_task)
641 {
642   if (max_task == -1) max_task = internal_task_counts.GetSize();
644   for (int i = min_task; i < max_task; i++) {
645     fp << internal_task_qualities[i] << " ";
646   }
647 }
SetParents(const cString & parent_str)649 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetParents(const cString& parent_str)
650 {
651   cString lps(parent_str);
652   if (lps.GetSize()) parent_id = lps.Pop(',').AsInt();
653   if (lps.GetSize()) parent2_id = lps.Pop(',').AsInt();
654 }
SetParentID(int _parent_id)656 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetParentID(int _parent_id)
657 {
658   parent_id = _parent_id;
659   if (parent_id >= 0) {
660     if (parent2_id >= 0) {
661       m_parent_str = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d,%d", parent_id, parent2_id);
662     } else {
663       m_parent_str = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d", parent_id);
664     }
665   } else {
666     m_parent_str = "";
667   }
668 }
SetParent2ID(int _parent2_id)670 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetParent2ID(int _parent2_id)
671 {
672   parent2_id = _parent2_id;
673   if (parent_id >= 0) {
674     if (parent2_id >= 0) {
675       m_parent_str = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d,%d", parent_id, parent2_id);
676     } else {
677       m_parent_str = cStringUtil::Stringf("%d", parent_id);
678     }
679   } else {
680     m_parent_str = "";
681   }
682 }
SetHWType(int hw_type)684 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetHWType(int hw_type)
685 {
686   m_genome.SetHardwareType(hw_type);
687 }
SetInstSet(const cString & inst_set)689 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetInstSet(const cString& inst_set)
690 {
691   m_genome.SetInstSet(inst_set);
692 }
SetSequence(cString _sequence)694 void cAnalyzeGenotype::SetSequence(cString _sequence)
695 {
696   Sequence new_genome(_sequence);
697   m_genome.SetSequence(new_genome);
698 }
GetAlignmentExecutedFlags() const701 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::GetAlignmentExecutedFlags() const
702 {
703   // Make this on the fly from executed flags
704   // and the genome sequence, inserting gaps...
705   cString aligned_executed_flags = GetExecutedFlags();
706   cString aligned_seq = GetAlignedSequence();
708   for (int i=0; i<aligned_seq.GetSize(); i++)
709   {
710     if (aligned_seq[i] == '_') aligned_executed_flags.Insert("_", i);
711   }
713   return aligned_executed_flags;
714 }
GetInstExecutedCount(int _inst_num) const716 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetInstExecutedCount(int _inst_num) const
717 {
718   if(_inst_num < inst_executed_counts.GetSize() && _inst_num > 0)
719   { return inst_executed_counts[_inst_num]; }
721   // If the instruction is not valid, clearly it has never been executed!
722   return 0;
723 }
DescInstExe(int _inst_id) const725 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::DescInstExe(int _inst_id) const
726 {
727   if(_inst_id > inst_executed_counts.GetSize() || _inst_id < 0) return "";
729   cString desc("# Times ");
730   desc += m_world->GetHardwareManager().GetInstSet(m_genome.GetInstSet()).GetName(_inst_id);
731   desc += " Executed";
732   return desc;
733 }
GetKO_DeadCount() const735 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_DeadCount() const
736 {
737   CalcKnockouts(false);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
738   return knockout_stats->dead_count;
739 }
GetKO_NegCount() const741 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_NegCount() const
742 {
743   CalcKnockouts(false);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
744   return knockout_stats->neg_count;
745 }
GetKO_NeutCount() const747 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_NeutCount() const
748 {
749   CalcKnockouts(false);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
750   return knockout_stats->neut_count;
751 }
GetKO_PosCount() const753 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_PosCount() const
754 {
755   CalcKnockouts(false);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
756   return knockout_stats->pos_count;
757 }
GetKO_Complexity() const759 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_Complexity() const
760 {
761   CalcKnockouts(false);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
762   return knockout_stats->dead_count + knockout_stats->neg_count;
763 }
GetKOPair_DeadCount() const765 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKOPair_DeadCount() const
766 {
767   CalcKnockouts(true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
768   return knockout_stats->pair_dead_count;
769 }
GetKOPair_NegCount() const771 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKOPair_NegCount() const
772 {
773   CalcKnockouts(true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
774   return knockout_stats->pair_neg_count;
775 }
GetKOPair_NeutCount() const777 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKOPair_NeutCount() const
778 {
779   CalcKnockouts(true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
780   return knockout_stats->pair_neut_count;
781 }
GetKOPair_PosCount() const783 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKOPair_PosCount() const
784 {
785   CalcKnockouts(true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
786   return knockout_stats->pair_pos_count;
787 }
GetKOPair_Complexity() const789 int cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKOPair_Complexity() const
790 {
791   CalcKnockouts(true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
792   return knockout_stats->pair_dead_count + knockout_stats->pair_neg_count;
793 }
GetKO_TaskCounts() const795 const tArray< tArray<int> > & cAnalyzeGenotype::GetKO_TaskCounts() const
796 {
797   CalcKnockouts(false, true);  // Make sure knockouts are calculated
798   return knockout_stats->task_counts;
799 }
GetTaskList() const801 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::GetTaskList() const
802 {
803   const int num_tasks = task_counts.GetSize();
804   cString out_string(num_tasks);
806   for (int i = 0; i < num_tasks; i++) {
807     const int cur_count = task_counts[i];
808     if (cur_count < 10) {
809       out_string[i] = '0' + cur_count;
810     }
811     else if (cur_count < 30) {
812       out_string[i] = 'X';
813     }
814     else if (cur_count < 80) {
815       out_string[i] = 'L';
816     }
817     else if (cur_count < 300) {
818       out_string[i] = 'C';
819     }
820     else if (cur_count < 800) {
821       out_string[i] = 'D';
822     }
823     else if (cur_count < 3000) {
824       out_string[i] = 'M';
825     }
826     else {
827       out_string[i] = '+';
828     }
829   }
831   return out_string;
832 }
GetHTMLSequence() const835 cString cAnalyzeGenotype::GetHTMLSequence() const
836 {
837   cString text_genome = m_genome.GetSequence().AsString();
838   cString html_code("<tt>");
840   cString diff_info = parent_muts;
841   char mut_type = 'N';
842   int mut_pos = -1;
844   cString cur_mut = diff_info.Pop(',');
845   if (cur_mut != "") {
846     mut_type = cur_mut[0];
847     cur_mut.ClipFront(1); cur_mut.ClipEnd(1);
848     mut_pos = cur_mut.AsInt();
849   }
851   int ins_count = 0;
852   for (int i = 0; i < m_genome.GetSize(); i++) {
853     char symbol = text_genome[i];
854     if (i != mut_pos) html_code += symbol;
855     else {
856       // Figure out the information for the type of mutation we had...
857       cString color;
858       if (mut_type == 'M') {
859         color = "#FF0000";
860       } else if (mut_type == 'I') {
861         color = "#00FF00";
862         ins_count++;
863       } else { // if (mut_type == 'D') {
864         color = "#0000FF";
865         symbol = '*';
866         i--;  // Rewind - we didn't read the handle character yet!
867       }
869       // Move on to the next mutation...
870       cur_mut = diff_info.Pop(',');
871       if (cur_mut != "") {
872         mut_type = cur_mut[0];
873         cur_mut.ClipFront(1); cur_mut.ClipEnd(1);
874         mut_pos = cur_mut.AsInt();
875         if (mut_type == 'D') mut_pos += ins_count;
876       } else mut_pos = -1;
878       // Tack on the current symbol...
879       cString symbol_string;
880       symbol_string.Set("<b><font color=\"%s\">%c</font></b>", static_cast<const char*>(color), symbol);
881       html_code += symbol_string;
882     }
883   }
885   html_code += "</tt>";
887   return html_code;
888 }