1 /*=========================================================================
2  *
3  *  Copyright Insight Software Consortium
4  *
5  *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  *
9  *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
10  *
11  *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  *  limitations under the License.
16  *
17  *=========================================================================*/
18 #ifndef itkNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter_h
19 #define itkNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter_h
21 #include "itkNarrowBandImageFilterBase.h"
22 #include "itkSegmentationLevelSetFunction.h"
23 #include "itkFastChamferDistanceImageFilter.h"
24 #include "itkIsoContourDistanceImageFilter.h"
25 #include "itkMath.h"
27 namespace itk
28 {
29 /**
30  *
31  * \class NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter
32  *
33  * \brief A base class which defines the API for implementing a special class of
34  * image segmentation filters using level set methods.
35  *
36  * \par OVERVIEW
37  * This object defines the framework for a class of segmentation filters which
38  * use level set methods.  These filters work by constructing a "feature image"
39  * onto which the evolving level set locks as it moves.  In the feature image,
40  * values that are close to zero are associated with object boundaries.  An
41  * original (or preprocessed) image is given to the filter as the feature image
42  * and a seed for the level set is given as the input of the filter.  The seed is
43  * converted into a level set embedding which propagates according to the features
44  * calculated from the original image.
45  *
47  * There are two required and two optional template parameter for these
48  * filters. Of the optional parameters, the last, TOutputImage, should not be
49  * changed from its default.  It is only there to instantiate the parent class
50  * correctly.
51  *
52  * TInputImage is the image type of the initial model you will input to the
53  * filter using SetInput() or SetInitialImage().
54  *
55  * TFeatureImage is the image type of the image from which the filter will
56  * calculate the speed term for segmentation (see INPUTS).
57  *
58  * TOutputPixelType is the data type used for the output image phi, the implicit
59  * level set image.  This should really only ever be set as float (default) or
60  * double.
61  *
62  * \par INPUTS
63  * The input to any subclass of this filter is the seed image for the initial
64  * level set embedding.  As with other subclasses of the
65  * SparseLevelSetImageFilter, the type of the input image is is not important.
66  * The (RequestedRegion) size of the seed image must, however, match the
67  * (RequestedRegion) size of the feature image.
68  *
69  * You must identify the initial front (surface) in the input image.  You do
70  * this by specifying its isovalue through the method SetIsoSurfaceValue(float
71  * f).  The algorithm will then initialize its solution using the front represented by
72  * value f.  Note that the front is always represented by isosurface zero in
73  * the output and not the isosurface you specified for the input.  This is
74  * because, for simplicity, the filter will shift your input image so that the
75  * active front has zero values.
76  *
77  * \par
78  * Depending on the particular application and filter that you are using, the
79  * feature image should be preprocessed with some type of noise reduction
80  * filtering.  The feature image input can be of any type, but it will be cast
81  * to floating point before calculations are done.
82  *
83  * \par OUTPUTS
84  * The output of any subclass of this filter is a level set embedding as
85  * described in SparseFieldLevelSetImageFilter.  The zero crossings of the output
86  * image give the pixels closest to the level set boundary.  By ITK convention,
87  * NEGATIVE values are pixels INSIDE the segmented region and POSITIVE values are
88  * pixels OUTSIDE the segmented region.
89  *
90  * \par PARAMETERS
91  * The MaximumRMSChange parameter is used to determine when the solution has
92  * converged.  A lower value will result in a tighter-fitting solution, but
93  * will require more computations.  Too low a value could put the solver into
94  * an infinite loop unless a reasonable NumberOfIterations parameter is set.
95  * Values should always be greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0.
96  *
97  * \par
98  * The NumberOfIterations parameter can be used to halt the solution after a
99  * specified number of iterations, overriding the MaximumRMSChange halting
100  * criteria.
101  *
102  * \par
103  * The standard convention for ITK level-set segmentation filters is that
104  * POSITIVE propagation (speed) and advection terms cause the surface to EXPAND
105  * while negative terms cause the surface to CONTRACT.  When the
106  * ReverseExpansionDirection parameter is set to TRUE (on), it tells the
107  * function object to reverse the standard ITK convention so that NEGATIVE
108  * terms cause EXPANSION and positive terms cause CONTRACTION.
109  *
110  * This parameter can be safely changed as appropriate for a particular
111  * application or data set to achieve the desired behavior.
112  *
113  * \par
114  * The FeatureScaling parameter controls the magnitude of the features calculated
115  * for use in the level set propagation and advection speeds.  This value simply
116  * sets both parameters to equal values at once.  Some filters may only use on of
117  * these two terms and this method is a generic way to set either or both without
118  * having to know which is in use.
119  *
120  * \par
121  * The CurvatureScaling parameter controls the magnitude of the curvature values
122  * which are calculated on the evolving isophote.  This is important in
123  * controlling the relative effect of curvature in the calculation.  Default
124  * value is 1.0.  Higher values relative to the other level set equation terms
125  * (propagation and advection) will give a smoother result.
126  *
127  * \par
128  * The PropagationScaling parameter controls the scaling of the scalar
129  * propagation (speed) term relative to other terms in the level set
130  * equation. Setting this value will  override any value already set by
131  * FeatureScaling.
132  *
133  * \par
134  * The AdvectionScaling parameter controls the scaling of the vector
135  * advection field term relative to other terms in the level set
136  * equation. Setting this value will  override any value already set by
137  * FeatureScaling.
138  *
139  * \par
140  *  See LevelSetFunction for more information.
141  * \ingroup ITKLevelSets
142  */
143 template< typename TInputImage,
144           typename TFeatureImage,
145           typename TOutputPixelType = float,
146           typename TOutputImage = Image< TOutputPixelType,
147                                       TInputImage::ImageDimension > >
148 class ITK_TEMPLATE_EXPORT NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter:
149   public NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, TOutputImage >
150 {
151 public:
152   ITK_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter);
154   /** Standard class type aliases */
155   using Self = NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter;
156   using Superclass = NarrowBandImageFilterBase< TInputImage, TOutputImage >;
157   using Pointer = SmartPointer< Self >;
158   using ConstPointer = SmartPointer< const Self >;
160   /** Inherited type alias from the superclass. */
161   using ValueType = typename Superclass::ValueType;
162   using IndexType = typename Superclass::IndexType;
163   using TimeStepType = typename Superclass::TimeStepType;
164   using InputImageType = typename Superclass::InputImageType;
166   /** Local image type alias */
167   using OutputImageType = TOutputImage;
168   using FeatureImageType = TFeatureImage;
170   /** The generic level set function type */
171   using SegmentationFunctionType =
172       SegmentationLevelSetFunction< OutputImageType, FeatureImageType >;
174   /** The type used for the advection field */
175   using VectorImageType = typename SegmentationFunctionType::VectorImageType;
177   /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
178   itkTypeMacro(NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter, NarrowBandImageFilterBase);
180   /** Set/Get the feature image to be used for speed function of the level set
181    *  equation.  Equivalent to calling Set/GetInput(1, ..) */
SetFeatureImage(const FeatureImageType * f)182   virtual void SetFeatureImage(const FeatureImageType *f)
183   {
184     this->ProcessObject::SetNthInput( 1, const_cast< FeatureImageType * >( f ) );
185     m_SegmentationFunction->SetFeatureImage(f);
186   }
GetFeatureImage()188   virtual FeatureImageType * GetFeatureImage()
189   {
190     return ( static_cast< FeatureImageType * >( this->ProcessObject::GetInput(1) ) );
191   }
193   /** Set/Get the initial level set model.  Equivalent to calling SetInput(..)
194       */
SetInitialImage(InputImageType * f)195   virtual void SetInitialImage(InputImageType *f)
196   {
197     this->SetInput(f);
198   }
GetSpeedImage()200   virtual const typename SegmentationFunctionType::ImageType * GetSpeedImage() const
201   { return m_SegmentationFunction->GetSpeedImage(); }
GetAdvectionImage()203   virtual const typename SegmentationFunctionType::VectorImageType * GetAdvectionImage() const
204   { return m_SegmentationFunction->GetAdvectionImage(); }
207    * the speed function direction, effectively changing inside feature values to
208    * outside feature values and vice versa. */
SetUseNegativeFeaturesOn()209   void SetUseNegativeFeaturesOn()
210   {
211     itkWarningMacro(
212       << "SetUseNegativeFeaturesOn has been deprecated.  Please use ReverseExpansionDirectionOn() instead");
213     this->ReverseExpansionDirectionOn();
214   }
SetUseNegativeFeaturesOff()216   void SetUseNegativeFeaturesOff()
217   {
218     itkWarningMacro(
219       << "SetUseNegativeFeaturesOff has been deprecated.  Please use ReverseExpansionDirectionOff() instead");
220     this->ReverseExpansionDirectionOff();
221   }
223   /** Set/Get the value of the UseNegativeFeatures flag.  This method is
224    * deprecated.  Use Set/Get ReverseExpansionDirection instead. */
SetUseNegativeFeatures(bool u)225   void SetUseNegativeFeatures(bool u)
226   {
227     itkWarningMacro(<< "SetUseNegativeFeatures has been deprecated.  Please use SetReverseExpansionDirection instead");
228     if ( u == true )
229       {
230       this->SetReverseExpansionDirection(false);
231       }
232     else
233       {
234       this->SetReverseExpansionDirection(true);
235       }
236   }
GetUseNegativeFeatures()238   bool GetUseNegativeFeatures() const
239   {
240     itkWarningMacro(<< "GetUseNegativeFeatures has been deprecated.  Please use GetReverseExpansionDirection() instead");
241     if ( this->GetReverseExpansionDirection() == false )
242       {
243       return true;
244       }
245     else
246       {
247       return false;
248       }
249   }
251   /** Turn On/Off the flag which determines whether Positive or Negative speed
252    * terms will cause surface expansion.  If set to TRUE then negative speed
253    * terms will cause the surface to expand and positive speed terms will cause
254    * the surface to contract.  If set to FALSE (default) then positive speed terms will
255    * cause the surface to expand and negative speed terms will cause the
256    * surface to contract.  This method can be safely used to reverse the
257    * expansion/contraction as appropriate to a particular application or data
258    * set. */
259   itkSetMacro(ReverseExpansionDirection, bool);
260   itkGetConstMacro(ReverseExpansionDirection, bool);
261   itkBooleanMacro(ReverseExpansionDirection);
263   /** Combined scaling of the propagation and advection speed
264       terms. You should use either this -or- Get/SetPropagationScaling and
265       Get/SetAdvectionScaling (if appropriate).  See subclasses for details
266       on when and whether to set these parameters. */
SetFeatureScaling(ValueType v)267   void SetFeatureScaling(ValueType v)
268   {
269     if ( v != m_SegmentationFunction->GetPropagationWeight() )
270       {
271       this->SetPropagationScaling(v);
272       }
273     if ( v != m_SegmentationFunction->GetAdvectionWeight() )
274       {
275       this->SetAdvectionScaling(v);
276       }
277   }
279   /** Set/Get the scaling of the propagation speed.  Setting the FeatureScaling
280       parameter overrides any previous values set for PropagationScaling. */
SetPropagationScaling(ValueType v)281   void SetPropagationScaling(ValueType v)
282   {
283     if ( Math::NotExactlyEquals(v, m_SegmentationFunction->GetPropagationWeight()) )
284       {
285       m_SegmentationFunction->SetPropagationWeight(v);
286       }
287   }
GetPropagationScaling()289   ValueType GetPropagationScaling() const
290   {
291     return m_SegmentationFunction->GetPropagationWeight();
292   }
294   /** Set/Get the scaling of the advection field.  Setting the FeatureScaling
295       parameter will override any existing value for AdvectionScaling. */
SetAdvectionScaling(ValueType v)296   void SetAdvectionScaling(ValueType v)
297   {
298     if ( Math::NotExactlyEquals(v, m_SegmentationFunction->GetAdvectionWeight()) )
299       {
300       m_SegmentationFunction->SetAdvectionWeight(v);
301       }
302   }
GetAdvectionScaling()304   ValueType GetAdvectionScaling() const
305   {
306     return m_SegmentationFunction->GetAdvectionWeight();
307   }
309   /** Set/Get the scaling of the curvature. Use this parameter to increase the
310     *  influence of curvature on the movement of the surface.  Higher
311     *  values relative to Advection and Propagation values will give
312     *  smoother surfaces. */
SetCurvatureScaling(ValueType v)313   void SetCurvatureScaling(ValueType v)
314   {
315     if ( Math::NotExactlyEquals(v, m_SegmentationFunction->GetCurvatureWeight()) )
316       {
317       m_SegmentationFunction->SetCurvatureWeight(v);
318       }
319   }
GetCurvatureScaling()321   ValueType GetCurvatureScaling() const
322   {
323     return m_SegmentationFunction->GetCurvatureWeight();
324   }
326   /** Set the segmentation function.  In general, this should only be called by a subclass
327    *  of this object. It is made public to allow itk::Command objects access. */
328   virtual void SetSegmentationFunction(SegmentationFunctionType *s);
GetSegmentationFunction()330   virtual SegmentationFunctionType * GetSegmentationFunction()
331   { return m_SegmentationFunction; }
333   /** Set/Get the maximum number of iterations allowed for the solver.  This
334    *  prevents infinite loops if a solution "bounces". */
SetMaximumIterations(unsigned int i)335   void SetMaximumIterations(unsigned int i)
336   {
337     itkWarningMacro("SetMaximumIterations is deprecated.  Please use SetNumberOfIterations instead.");
338     this->SetNumberOfIterations(i);
339   }
GetMaximumIterations()341   unsigned int GetMaximumIterations()
342   {
343     itkWarningMacro("GetMaximumIterations is deprecated. Please use GetNumberOfIterations instead.");
344     return this->GetNumberOfIterations();
345   }
SetMaximumRMSError(const double)347   void SetMaximumRMSError(const double) override
348   {
349     itkWarningMacro(
350       "The current implmentation of this solver does not compute maximum RMS change. The maximum RMS error value will not be set or used.");
351   }
354   // Begin concept checking
355   itkConceptMacro( OutputHasNumericTraitsCheck,
356                    ( Concept::HasNumericTraits< typename TOutputImage::PixelType > ) );
357   // End concept checking
358 #endif
360 protected:
361   ~NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter() override = default;
362   NarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter();
364   void PrintSelf(std::ostream & os, Indent indent) const override;
367   /** Overrides parent implementation */
InitializeIteration()368   void InitializeIteration() override
369   {
370     Superclass::InitializeIteration();
371     // Estimate the progress of the filter
372     this->UpdateProgress( (float)( (float)this->GetElapsedIterations()
373                                 / (float)this->GetNumberOfIterations() ) );
374   }
376   /** Tells the solver how to reinitialize the narrowband when the reinitialization
377     * criterion meets */
379   void CreateNarrowBand() override;
381   /** Overridden from ProcessObject to set certain values before starting the
382    * finite difference solver and then create an appropriate output */
383   void GenerateData() override;
385   /** Flag which sets the inward/outward direction of propagation speed. See
386       SetReverseExpansionDirection for more information. */
387   bool m_ReverseExpansionDirection;
389   /** Reinitialization filters **/
390   /** Internal filter types used for reinitialization */
391   using IsoFilterType =
392       IsoContourDistanceImageFilter< OutputImageType, OutputImageType >;
393   using ChamferFilterType =
394       FastChamferDistanceImageFilter< OutputImageType, OutputImageType >;
396   typename IsoFilterType::Pointer m_IsoFilter;
398   typename ChamferFilterType::Pointer m_ChamferFilter;
400 private:
401   SegmentationFunctionType *m_SegmentationFunction;
402 };
403 } // end namespace itk
406 #include "itkNarrowBandLevelSetImageFilter.hxx"
407 #endif
409 #endif